De programmate nucleari concordia
Agreement on the nuclear program
16.02.2007, klo 13.14
16.02.2007, at 13:14
In consultationibus multilateralibus, quae Pekini de programmate nucleari Coreae Septentrionalis fiebant, concordia constituta est.
In|consultations|multilateral|which|in Beijing|about|program|nuclear|of Korea|North|were held|agreement|established|is
In the multilateral consultations that took place in Beijing regarding the nuclear program of North Korea, an agreement was reached.
Summa rerum haec est: Coreani Septentrionales principale reactorium nucleare intra duos menses claudent et a nationibus peregrinis magnam copiam petrolei aliudque auxilium oeconomicum accipient.
The sum|of things|this|is|Koreans|Northern|main|reactor|nuclear|within|two|months|will close|and|by|nations|foreign||supply|of oil|and other|assistance|economic|will receive
The main point is this: North Koreans will close their main nuclear reactor within two months and will receive a large supply of oil and other economic assistance from foreign nations.
Praeterea Americani Coream Septentrionalem ex indice terrarum terrorismo faventium tollent.
Furthermore|Americans|Korea|North|from|list|countries|terrorism|supporting|will remove
Furthermore, the Americans will remove North Korea from the list of state sponsors of terrorism.
(Tuomo Pekkanen)
(Tuomo Pekkanen)
Putin in tertium praesidentatum rogatus
Putin asked for a third presidential term.
16.02.2007, klo 13.13
16.02.2007, at 13:13
In colloquio interrogatorio canalis televisifici Al-Jazeera Vladimir Putin narravit moderatores civitatum Arabicarum et quosdam duces terrarum Europaearum se rogavisse, ut unum adhuc praesidentatum susciperet.
In|the interview|questioning|channel|television|||Vladimir|Putin|narrated|moderators|of the Arab|Arab|and|some|leaders|of the European|European|himself|had asked|to|one|still|presidency|would undertake
In an interview with the television channel Al-Jazeera, Vladimir Putin stated that the leaders of Arab states and some leaders of European countries had asked him to take on the presidency again.
Accuratius autem non aperuit, qui aut quibus ex terris illi duces Europaei essent, qui id in colloquiis privatis petivissent.
More accurately|however|not|revealed|who|or|from whom|from|lands|those|leaders|European|were|who|that|in|conversations|private|had requested
However, he did not specify who or from which countries those European leaders were who had made that request in private conversations.
(Tuomo Pekkanen)
(Tuomo Pekkanen)
Nigricolor in USA candidatus praesidentatus
A Black man is a candidate for the presidency in the USA.
16.02.2007, klo 13.08
February 16, 2007, at 1:08 PM.
Iam quadraginta anni acti sunt ex quo homines nigricolores segregatione phyletica finita in USA iura civilia acceperunt, sed nunc primum fieri potest, ut vir nigricolor praesidens Americanorum designetur.
Already|forty|years|passed|are|from|which|people|black|segregation|racial|ended|in|USA|rights|civil|received|but|now|for the first time|to happen|it is possible|that|man|black|president|of Americans|be elected
It has been forty years since Black people in the USA received civil rights after the end of racial segregation, but now for the first time it is possible for a Black man to be nominated as president of the United States.
Ille est Barack Obama, senator democrata Illinoisianus, qui quidem hucusque breve tempus in politica operatus est.
He|is|Barack|Obama|senator|democratic|from Illinois|who|indeed|up to now|short|time|in|politics|worked|has
He is Barack Obama, a Democratic senator from Illinois, who has indeed worked in politics for a short time so far.
Acerrima autem competitrix eius est Hillary Clinton, femina omnibus notissima, quae hoc tempore plures apud democratas quam Obama fautores habet.
fiercest|however|rival|his|is|Hillary|Clinton|woman|all|most well-known|who|this|time|more|among|Democrats|than|Obama|supporters|has
However, her fiercest competitor is Hillary Clinton, a woman very well known to all, who currently has more supporters among Democrats than Obama.
Razismus, suspiciones moresque veteres profundissimas apud Americanos radices usque habent et multi sunt, qui de praesidente nigricolore ne cogitare quidem possunt.
Racism|suspicions|and customs|ancient|profoundest|among|Americans|roots|even|have|and|many|are|who|about|president|black|not|to think|even|can
Racism, suspicions, and deeply rooted old customs still have deep roots among Americans, and there are many who cannot even think of a Black president.
(Tuomo Pekkanen)
(Tuomo Pekkanen)
Novus praesidens Turkmeniae
New|president|of Turkmenistan
The new president of Turkmenistan
16.02.2007, klo 13.07
16.02.2007, at 13:07
Saparamurat Nijazov, praesidens Turkmeniae licentiosus et superbus, qui Turkmenos viginti annos sub iugo tenuerat, mense Decembri mortuus est.
Saparamurat|Nijazov|president|of Turkmenistan|licentious|and|arrogant|who|Turkmen|twenty|years|under|yoke|had held|in the month of|December|died|is
Saparamurat Nijazov, the licentious and arrogant president of Turkmenistan, who had held the Turkmen people under his yoke for twenty years, died in December.
Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedov, praesidens ad interim nominatus, comitiis habitis successor dictatoris a populo creatus est.
Gurbanguly|Berdimuhammedov|president|ad|interim|appointed|elections|having been held|successor|dictator|by|people|created|was
Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedov, appointed interim president, was elected by the people as the successor to the dictator after elections were held.
Nijazov sibi statuas aureas ponendas curaverat et vitam civium multis modis restrinxerat.
Nijazov|for himself|statues|golden|to be placed|had arranged|and|life|of the citizens|many|ways|
Nijazov had arranged for golden statues of himself to be erected and had restricted the lives of citizens in many ways.
Saltationem scaenicam, dramata melica, musicam taeniis discisve impressam in televisione et radiophonia transmittere aut in nuptiis aliisve celebrationibus praesentare vetuerat, omnia viridaria publica et multas bibliothecas clauserat.
Dance|theatrical|dramas|musical|music|tapes|discs|recorded|in||and|radio|to transmit|or|in|weddings|or other|celebrations|to present|had prohibited|all|parks|public|and|many|libraries|had closed
It had prohibited the transmission of theatrical dance, musical dramas, music recorded on tapes or discs on television and radio, or presenting it at weddings or other celebrations, and had closed all public gardens and many libraries.
Illo praesidente iuvenibus non licuit longam barbam longosque capillos habere.
That|president|to the youths|not|was allowed|long|beard|and long|hair|to have
Under that president, young people were not allowed to have long beards and long hair.
Tyranno mortuo cives vitae condiciones liberiores exspectant.
The tyrant|having died|citizens|of life|conditions|more free|expect
With the tyrant dead, citizens expect more liberated conditions of life.
(Tuomo Pekkanen)
(Tuomo Pekkanen)
In Lusitania de abortu suffragium
In Lusitania, a vote on abortion.
16.02.2007, klo 13.06
16.02.2007, at 13:06.
Portugalienses, olim Lusitani dicti, de abortu lege permittendo suffragium populi habuerunt.
Portuguese|once|Lusitanians|called|about|abortion|law|permitting|vote|of the people|had
The Portuguese, formerly called Lusitanians, held a referendum on allowing abortion by law.
Maior pars suffragantium novam legem probavit, qua abortus primis decem graviditatis septimanis permitteretur.
The majority|part|of voters|new|law|approved|by which|abortion|within the first|ten|pregnancy|weeks|would be permitted
The majority of voters approved a new law that would permit abortion within the first ten weeks of pregnancy.
Suffragium autem non obligat, quia minus quam dimidium ex ius suffragii habentibus ad urnas venit.
The vote|however|not|obligates|because|less|than|half|of|right|to vote|having|to|the polls|came
However, the vote is not binding, because less than half of those entitled to vote went to the polls.
Ex his sexaginta fere centesimae (59,3%) novam legem sustinuerunt, circiter quadraginta centesimae (40,7%) mutationem noluerunt.
Of|these|sixty|about|percent|new|law|supported|around|forty|percent|change|did not want
Of these, nearly sixty percent (59.3%) supported the new law, while about forty percent (40.7%) opposed the change.
Nihilo minus minister primarius Jose Socrates, cuius factio socialistica maiorem in parlamento partem delegatorum habet, affirmavit novam legem perlatum iri.
no|less|minister|prime|Jose|Socrates|whose|party|socialist|greater|in|parliament|part|of delegates|has|affirmed|new|law|passed|would be
Nevertheless, Prime Minister Jose Socrates, whose socialist party holds a majority in parliament, stated that the new law would be passed.
Ex lege vetere abortus in rarissimis tantum casibus permittitur.
From|law|old|abortion|in|very rare|only|cases|is permitted
Under the old law, abortion is permitted only in very rare cases.
(Tuomo Pekkanen)
(Tuomo Pekkanen)
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