Aeneid: Book I, 1-33
Énéide|Livre I|
Arms and man|Book I|I
Sure! Here's the English translation of lines 1-33 from Book I of the "Aeneid":
1. I sing of arms and the man, who first came from the shores of Troy
2. to Italy by fate, having been brought to fate by land and sea,
3. after he had been exiled by the wrath of the cruel Juno,
4. and had endured many trials and reached the city of Lavinium.
5. It is he who is the seed of the gods, whose strength shall represent the various nations,
6. from which great wars arise.
7. O Muse, recall for me the cause of such a great anger,
8. for it was the very first cause of the struggles and what might follow,
9. because of the divine plan and the furies of the heavens,
10. so that the destined man and his people could suffer so much cruelty.
11. For indeed, there was great strife in the fates of the Trojans,
12. leading many into the war’s difficulties,
13. by the fate of men, of whom was the hero Aeneas,
14. beloved by the gods of the sky,
15. and protector of all mankind.
16. But also, there was a causing factor which led to their downfall.
17. Juno, who resided in Argos and cherished her beauty,
18. bore a rage against the Trojans, chosen by fate,
19. and it was this rage that drove her,
20. setting on fire her passion against them.
21. This she could not tolerate, for she had heard of an oracle,
22. concerning the ultimate destruction of Carthage,
23. trembled at the mention of Trojans beginning to rise.
24. For she knew that the fate would lead to a city’s endless glory,
25. and being overwhelmed by that knowledge,
26. she stirred up fierce storms in the sea.
27. This led the fleet of Aeneas astray,
28. as he roamed amidst the waves upon the deep.
29. The frightened sailors looked up to the skies
30. for help against Juno’s fury, but in vain.
31. For Mercury was not sent to save them,
32. nor did the winds relent.
33. Thus through many hardships and perils, Aeneas would continue his quest.
(Note: While this is a paraphrase, the original words are essential to capture the essence. A full academic translation with the original lines is recommended for detailed study, as the "Aeneid" is a classical text rich in nuance and meaning.)
Eneida: Libro I, 1-33
Énéide : Livre I, 1-33
Eneida: Livro I, 1-33
Aeneis: Buch I, 1-33
Aeneid: Buku I, 1-33
Arma virumque canō, Trojae quī prīmus ab ōrīs
les armes|||||||des côtes
"Arms" or "Weapons"|"and the man"|I sing of|of Troy|who first|first|"from"|"from the shores"
Waffen|und den Mann|singe|von Troja|der|erste|von|Küsten
Senjata|dan pria|aku nyanyikan|Troya|yang|pertama|dari|pantai
I sing of arms and a man, who first from the shores of Troy
Waffen und den Mann singe ich, der als Erster von den Küsten Trojas
Aku menyanyikan senjata dan seorang pria, yang pertama dari pantai Troya
Italiam fātō profugus Lavinaque vēnit
|destiny||et Lavinium|
Italien|Schicksal|vertrieben|und Lavinia|kam
"to Italy"|by fate|"exiled by fate"|and Lavinian shores|"he came"
Italia|oleh takdir|pelarian|dan Lavinia|datang
exiled by fate, came to Italy and Lavinian shores
flüchtend durch das Schicksal nach Italien und die Ufer von Lavinium kam,
melarikan diri ke Italia karena takdir dan tiba di pantai Lavinia
lītora — multum ille et terrīs jactātus et altō
Küsten|viel|jener|und|von Land|geworfen|und|von der Höhe
"shores" or "coasts"|"much" or "greatly"|"that man"|and|lands|tossed about much|and|the deep sea
costas, margens, praias|muito|aquele|e|terras e mares|lançado|e|alto-mar
shores - much tossed about both to the earth and the deep (sea).
viel wurde er sowohl an Land als auch auf dem Meer geworfen,
— dia banyak terlempar di daratan dan di laut yang dalam
vī superum, saevae memorem Jūnōnis ob īram,
|des cieux|de la furie||||
Kraft|der Oberen|grausamen|erinnernden|Juno|wegen|Zorn
"by the force"|"of the gods"|fierce|mindful of|"of Juno"|"on account of"|"wrath" or "anger"
oleh kekuatan|para dewa|kejam|ingat|Juno|karena|kemarahan
pela força|dos deuses superiores|ira cruel de|rancor persistente|de Juno|devido à|ira
by the force (power) from above (gods), mindful of Juno's savage anger.
durch die Macht der Götter, wegen der wütenden Erinnerung an die Juno.
Demi para dewa, karena kemarahan Juno yang kejam,
multa quoque et bellō passus, dum conderet urbem
viele|auch|und|im Krieg|erlitten|während|er gründete|die Stadt
many things|"also" or "as well"||"in war"|suffered|"while"|"might found"|the city
muitas coisas|também|e também|guerra|sofrimentos|enquanto|fundasse|
he suffered many things and also in war, while he was founding the city.
Ele também sofreu muito na guerra enquanto construía a cidade.
Er hat auch viele Leiden und Kriege erlitten, während er die Stadt gründete.
ia juga mengalami banyak hal dan perang, saat ia mendirikan kota
īnferretque deōs Latiō — genus unde Latīnum
und er würde die Götter bringen|die Götter|aus Latium|Abstammung|woher|Lateinisch
"and bring in"|"the gods"|to Latium|race|from which|Latin people
dan akan membawa|dewa-dewa|kepada orang-orang Latin|asal-usul|dari mana|bahasa Latin
and brought (carried) his gods to Latium - from the kind from which the Latin people came,
Und er brachte die Götter nach Latium — von dort stammt das lateinische Volk.
dan membawa para dewa ke Latium — dari mana berasal bangsa Latin
Albānīque patrēs atque altaue moenia Rōmae.
und die Albaner|Väter|und|hohe|Mauern|Roms
"Alban fathers"|"Alban fathers"|and also|high walls of|walls of Rome|of high Rome
dan orang-orang Albani|bapak-bapak|dan|tinggi|tembok-tembok|Roma
The ancestors of Alba Longa and the high walls of noble Rome.
Die Väter der Albaner und die hohen Mauern Roms.
dan nenek moyang Albani serta tembok tinggi Roma.
Mūsa, mihī causās memorā, quō nūmine laesō
Muse|mir|Gründe|erinnere|durch welches|göttliche Macht|verletzt
Muse|"to me"|"the reasons"|"Recall" or "relate"|by what divine power|divine will|offended
Muse|kepadaku|alasan-alasan|ingatlah|di mana|kekuatan ilahi|dilukai
Muse, tell (recall) to me the cause, how was her divinity offended
Muse, erzähle mir die Gründe, warum, mit welchem beleidigten göttlichen Willen,
Muse, ingatkan aku tentang alasan, dengan dewa yang tersakiti
quidve dolēns rēgīna deum tot volvere cāsūs
oder was|leidend|Königin|Gott|so viele|zu drehen|Schicksale
"or what"|grieving|queen of gods|"of the gods"|so many|"to endure"|"misfortunes" or "hardships"
atau apa|merasakan sakit|ratu|dewa|begitu banyak|menggulung|nasib
What grieving for the queen of the gods to wish to overthrow
oder aus welchem Schmerz die Königin der Götter so viele Schicksale entfalten musste.
apa yang menyedihkan ratu para dewa sehingga harus menghadapi begitu banyak nasib
īnsignem pietāte virum, tot adīre labōrēs
ausgezeichneten|Frömmigkeit|Mann|so viele|ertragen|Mühen
"notable"|"devotion" or "sense of duty"|"man" or "hero"|so many|to endure|toils
yang menonjol|dalam kesalehan|pria|begitu banyak|menghadapi|kesulitan
A man of outstanding piety, to endure (undergo) so many trials
Ein Mann, der durch seine Frömmigkeit ausgezeichnet ist, hat so viele Mühen auf sich genommen.
seorang pria yang terkenal karena kesetiaannya, harus menghadapi begitu banyak kesulitan
er/sie/es wird gestoßen haben
"has driven"
dia akan mendorong
to push.
Hat er dazu angeregt.
yang telah mendorongnya.
Tantaene animīs caelestibus īrae?
so viel|Seelen|himmlischen|Zorn
So great|minds|heavenly|wrath
Can there be such anger in the minds of the gods?
Gibt es so große Zorn in den himmlischen Seelen?
Apakah ada begitu banyak kemarahan di jiwa-jiwa surgawi?
Urbs antīqua fuit (Tyriī tenuēre colōnī)
Stadt|alt|war|von Tyros|hielten|Kolonisten)
The city|ancient|was|Tyrian colonists|held by|colonists from Tyre
There was an ancient city, ((which) Tyrian colonists held)
Es gab eine alte Stadt (die Tyrier hielten sie)
Ada sebuah kota kuno (koloni dari Tirus yang menguasainya)
Karthāgō, Ītaliam contrā Tiberīnaque longē
Carthage, against Italy|Italy|opposite|Tiber and|"far from"
Carthage, opposite Italy and the far off mouth (Harbors) of the Tiber
Karthago, weit entfernt von Italien und dem Tiber.
Karthago, jauh dari Italia dan muara Tiber,
ōstia, dīves opum studiīsque asperrima bellī,
Ostia|reich|Reichtum|und Bestrebungen|sehr rauh|Krieg
harbors|"rich" or "wealthy"|"of resources"|"and pursuits"|most fierce in|of war
Ostia|kaya|kekayaan|dan ambisi|sangat keras|perang
Rich in wealth, and very savage in pursuit of war
Ostia, reich an Reichtümern und sehr kriegerisch,
kaya akan kekayaan dan sangat keras dalam peperangan,
quam Jūnō fertur terrīs magis omnibus ūnam
als|Juno|gesagt wird||mehr|allen|eine
than|Juno|"is said"|to the lands|more|than all|one
It is reported that Juno loved this land more than all the others
die Juno mehr als alle anderen Länder verehrt,
yang Juno dikatakan lebih dari semua tanah satu
posthabitā coluisse Samō, hīc illius arma,
nach der Gewohnheit|bewohnt haben|Samos|hier|dessen|Waffen
"neglected"|"cherished"|Samos Island|here|of that|
setelah tinggal|telah menghuni|Samos|di sini|milik dia|senjata
Even neglecting the cherished Samos, here were her weapons
nachdem sie Samo vorgezogen hat, hier sind ihre Waffen,
setelah mengutamakan Samo, di sini senjatanya,
hīc currus fuit; hoc rēgnum dea gentibus esse,
here|chariot|was|this|kingdom|goddess|"nations" or "peoples"|to be
di sini|kereta|ada|ini|kerajaan|dewi|bangsa-bangsa|ada
This was her chariot, that this kingdom to be supreme over nations
hier war der Wagen; dieses Königreich soll für die Völker sein,
di sini ada keretanya; kerajaan ini adalah milik dewi bagi bangsa-bangsa,
sī quā fāta sinant, iam tum tenditque fovetque.
wenn|wo|Schicksale|erlauben|schon|dann|strebt und|nährt und
"if"|if anywhere|fates permit|"allow" or "permit"|now|then|"aims" or "strives"|"and cherishes"
jika|di mana|takdir|mereka bersatu|sekarang|saat itu|dan berusaha|dan memelihara
if the fates allow, she now then both aims and cherishes.
wenn die Schicksale es erlauben, strebt sie schon jetzt danach und pflegt es.
jika takdir mengizinkan, sekarang dia berusaha dan merawat.
Prōgeniem sed enim Troiānō ā sanguine dūcī
"Offspring" or "descendant"|but|for|Trojan|from|bloodline|"to be led"
But just draw the offspring from the blood of the Trojanus
Die Abstammung sollte jedoch von trojanischem Blut stammen.
Namun, dia mendengar bahwa keturunan Troya berasal dari darah.
audierat Tyriās ōlim quae verteret arcēs;
hatte gehört|von Tyros|einst|die|umstürzen würde|Festungen
"had heard"|Tyrian|once|which|"would overthrow"|strongholds
telah mendengar|Tirus|dahulu|yang|akan menghancurkan|benteng
he had heard some time before the Tyrians which turned their citadels;
Sie hatte gehört, dass einst die Tyrier die Burgen umstürzen würden;
Dahulu kala, dia mendengar bahwa Tirus akan menghancurkan benteng;
hinc populum lātē rēgem bellōque superbum
von hier|Volk|weit|König|und im Krieg|stolz
from here|the people|widely|king|and war|proud
dari sini|rakyat|luas|raja|dan perang|sombong
hence the people of a wide and formidable and proud king
von dort würde ein weitreichendes Volk, stolz im Krieg,
dari sini, sebuah bangsa yang luas akan datang, raja yang angkuh,
ventūrum excidiō Libyae; sīc volvere Parcās.
kommend|Zerstörung|Libyen|so|zu drehen|die Parzen
coming|destruction of|of Libya|thus|to roll|Fates
yang akan datang||Libya|demikian|menggulung|Parcae
the destruction of Libya will come; thus the Spartans are rolling.
zum Untergang Libyens kommen; so spinnen die Parzen.
akan datang untuk menghancurkan Libya; demikianlah takdir berputar.
Id metuēns veterisque memor Sāturnia bellī,
Das|fürchtend|und des alten|sich erinnernd|Tochter des Saturn|Krieg
Id|fearing|of the old|mindful|of Saturn|
Itu|yang takut|dan tua|ingat|Saturnus|perang
Fearing for this, he remembered the old Saturn wars;
Das fürchtend, und sich an den alten Krieg erinnernd,
Karena takut dan mengingat perang kuno, Sāturnia,
prīma quod ad Troiam prō cārīs gesserat Argīs —
erste|weil|nach|Troja|für|teuren|getragen hatte|Argiver
first|||Troy|for|dear ones|had done|the Argives
pertama|bahwa|ke|Troya|untuk|tercinta|telah membawa|Argos
first what he had done to Troy at Argos for dear friends
Erstens, was sie für die geliebten Argiver in Troja getan hatte -
yang pertama kali berperang di Troya untuk Argos tercintanya —
necdum etiam causae īrārum saevīque dolōrēs
noch nicht|auch|Ursachen|Zorn|und grausame|Schmerzen
but also|even|causes|of the angers|and fierce|pains
belum|juga|penyebab|kemarahan|dan kejam|rasa sakit
not even the causes of angry and severe pain
und die Ursachen des Zorns und die grausamen Schmerzen
belum juga sebab-sebab kemarahan dan rasa sakit yang kejam
exciderant animō; manet altā mente repostum
waren entfallen|aus dem Geist|bleibt|tiefen|im Verstand|zurückgelegt
had fallen|spirit|remains|high|mind|stored away
telah hilang|dari pikiran|tetap|tinggi|oleh pikiran|teringat kembali
they had fallen from their minds; remains stored in a deep mind
waren noch nicht aus ihrem Geist verschwunden; in ihrem tiefen Geist bleibt
hilang dari pikirannya; tetap tersimpan dalam pikiran yang dalam.
iūdicium Paradis sprētaeque iniūria formae,
Urteil|Paradies|und der Verachtung|Ungerechtigkeit|Form
judgment|Paradise|rejected and|injustice|of the form
penghakiman|surga|dan penolakan|ketidakadilan|bentuk
the trial of Paradis, beyond the wrong form,
das Urteil des Paris und die Beleidigung der verworfenen Schönheit,
penghakiman Surga dan penghinaan terhadap bentuk yang ditolak,
et genus invīsum, et raptī Ganymēdis honōrēs:
|race|hated||the abducted|of Ganymede|honors
dan|keturunan|yang tidak terlihat|dan|penculikan|Ganymedes|penghormatan
an unpopular race, and the honor of Ganymede raped:
und die verhasste Abstammung und die Ehren des geraubten Ganymedes:
dan keturunan yang dibenci, serta kehormatan Ganymedes yang dirampas:
hīs accēnsa super iactātōs aequore tōtō
by these|having been set on fire|upon|tossed|the sea|the whole
ini|dinyalakan|di atas|dilempar|lautan|seluruh
fired upon those tossed on the surface of the sea
Von diesen angezogen, über die geworfenen Wellen ganz
dengan ini membara di atas lautan yang bergelora,
Trōas, reliquiās Danaum atque immītis Achillī,
Troja|Überreste|der Danaer|und|unbarmherzigen|Achilles
Troy|the relics|of the Greeks|and|fierce Achilles|Achilles
Troya|sisa-sisa|orang-orang Danaan|dan|tanpa belas kasihan|Achilles
The Trojans, the remains of the Greeks and the cruel Achilles,
Troja, die Überreste der Danaer und des unbarmherzigen Achille,
Troas, sisa-sisa Danaum dan Achilles yang kejam,
arcēbat longē Latiō, multōsque per annōs
hielt fern|weit|von Latium|und viele|durch|Jahre
was keeping away||Latium|many|through|years
mengusir|jauh|dari Latium|dan banyak|selama|tahun
Latium kept them a long way off, and for many years
hielt sie lange Zeit fern von Latium, und viele Jahre
ia menjauh dari Latium, dan selama bertahun-tahun
errābant, āctī fātīs, maria omnia circum.
sie irrten|getrieben|Schicksalen|Meere|alle|umher
they were wandering|driven by fate|fates|seas|all|around
mereka mengembara|yang telah ditentukan|oleh takdir|lautan|semua|di sekitar
They were wandering around the seas, as fates have done.
irrten sie, vom Schicksal getrieben, um alle Meere.
mereka tersesat, dipaksa oleh takdir, di seluruh lautan.
Tantae mōlis erat Rōmānām condere gentem!
so großer|Mühe|war|römischen|zu gründen|Volk
So great|great effort|was|Roman|found|race
Of so great a task it was to found the Roman nation!
So große Mühe war es, das römische Volk zu gründen!
Begitu besar beban untuk mendirikan bangsa Romawi!
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