66 – Norges nasjonaldag: 17. mai
Norway's|national day|May
66 – Norwegens Nationalfeiertag: 17. Mai
66 – Día Nacional de Noruega: 17 de mayo
66 – Fête nationale de la Norvège : 17 mai
66 – Nationale feestdag van Noorwegen: 17 mei
66 – Święto Narodowe Norwegii: 17 maja
66 – Dia Nacional da Noruega: 17 de maio
66 — Национальный день Норвегии: 17 мая.
66 – Національний день Норвегії: 17 травня
66 – Norway's National Day: May 17
Gratulerer med dagen!
Congratulations|on|your birthday
Happy Constitution Day!
I dag er det 17. mai, Norges nasjonaldag.
Today|is|it|17th|May|Norway|national day
Today is May 17, Norway's National Day.
Eller, det er det i hvert fall om du hører på denne episoden når den kommer ut.
Or, at least it is if you're listening to this episode when it comes out.
I dag skal vi snakke mer om hvorfor vi feirer 17. mai i Norge og hvordan man feier dagen.
Today we will talk more about why we celebrate May 17th in Norway and how we celebrate the day.
La oss begynne!
Let's get started!
Hvorfor feirer vi 17. mai?
Why|do we celebrate|we|May
Why do we celebrate May 17th?
17\. mai er grunnlovsdagen i Norge.
May 17|is|Constitution Day|in|Norway
May 17th is the Constitution Day in Norway.
Det er vår nasjonaldag.
It|is|our|national day
It is our national day.
Hver 17. mai samles vi nordmenn ute i gatene for å feire landet vårt.
Every|May|gather|we|Norwegians|outside|in|the streets|to|(infinitive marker)|celebrate|the country|our
Every May 17th, we Norwegians gather in the streets to celebrate our country.
Nasjonaldagen står mye sterkere i Norge enn i våre naboland Sverige og Danmark.
National Day|stands|much|stronger|in|Norway|than|in|our|neighboring countries|Sweden|and|Denmark
The national day is much stronger in Norway than in our neighboring countries Sweden and Denmark.
Det kan nok være fordi Norge først blei selvstendig i 1814, og vi blei egentlig ikke fullstendig selvstendige før i 1905.
This may be because Norway first became independent in 1814, and we didn't actually become fully independent until 1905.
Først var vi i en 400år lang union med Danmark, før vi i 1814 blei tvunget inn i en union med Sverige.
First, we were in a 400-year-long union with Denmark, before we were forced into a union with Sweden in 1814.
Det at Norge er et ganske ungt land, gjør at vi også har større behov for å feire nasjonaldagen.
The|that|Norway|is|a|quite|young|country|makes|that|we|also|have|greater|need|to||celebrate|the national day
The fact that Norway is a relatively young country means that we also have a greater need to celebrate our national day.
Men hva var det som skjedde den 17. mai 1814 som gjør at vi i Norge feirer nasjonaldagen akkurat da?
But|what|was|it|that|happened|the|May|that|makes|that|we|in|Norway|celebrate|the national day|exactly|then
But what happened on May 17, 1814, that makes us in Norway celebrate our national day exactly then?
Før vi ser på 17. mai 1814, må vi ha litt kontekst.
Before|we|look|at|May|must|we|have|a little|context
Before we look at May 17, 1814, we need some context.
Hva skjedde i denne perioden?
What happened during this period?
Vel, først og fremst, Norge var i en union med Danmark.
Well, first and foremost, Norway was in a union with Denmark.
Norge blei styrt fra Danmark i denne perioden.
Norway was governed from Denmark during this period.
Det hadde landet vårt blitt siden middelalderen.
It|had|country|our|become|since|the Middle Ages
That is how our country had been since the Middle Ages.
Unionen var tett, og det var få nordmenn som ønska å bryte med Danmark.
The Union|was|close|and|it|was|few|Norwegians|who|wished|to|break|with|Denmark
The union was close, and there were few Norwegians who wanted to break with Denmark.
Det var ikke mange nordmenn som ville at Norge skulle bli et selvstendig land.
Not many Norwegians wanted Norway to become an independent country.
Likevel var også dette en periode da nasjonalismen vokste i mange land i Europa.
Nevertheless, this was also a period when nationalism grew in many countries in Europe.
Dette gjaldt også for Norge.
This also applied to Norway.
Nordmenn blei mer og mer tydelige på at de kom fra Norge, ikke Danmark, og at Norge og Danmark var ulike.
Norwegians became more and more clear that they came from Norway, not Denmark, and that Norway and Denmark were different.
Likevel var det få nordmenn som ønska et selvstendig og fritt Norge.
However, there were few Norwegians who wanted an independent and free Norway.
Men hvorfor var det akkurat dette som skjedde i 1814?
But why was it exactly this that happened in 1814?
Vel, det har med utenrikssituasjonen i Europa i denne perioden å gjøre.
||||la situation extérieure|||||||
Well|it|has|to do with|foreign policy situation|in|Europe|in|this|period|to|do
Well, it has to do with the foreign situation in Europe during this period.
Napoleon og den franske hæren marsjerte mot Russland i 1812.
Napoleon and the French army marched towards Russia in 1812.
Danmark-Norge hadde tidligere blitt tvungen til å velge side i konflikten i Europa, og Danmark-Norge var derfor alliert med Frankrike i 1812.
||had|previously|been|forced|to||choose|side|in|the conflict|in|Europe|and|||was|therefore|allied|with|France|in
Denmark-Norway had previously been forced to choose sides in the conflict in Europe, and Denmark-Norway was therefore allied with France in 1812.
Sverige, derimot, var på den andre siden av konflikten.
Sweden|on the other hand|was|on|the|other|side|of|the conflict
Sweden, on the other hand, was on the other side of the conflict.
De gikk inn på den russiske og britiske sida av konflikten imot at de skulle få Norge.
They|went|in|to|the|Russian|and|British|side|of|the conflict|against|that|they|would|get|Norway
They joined the Russian and British side of the conflict in exchange for getting Norway.
Sverige blei altså lovt Norge dersom de hjalp med å beseire Napoleon.
Sweden was promised to Norway if they helped defeat Napoleon.
Dette skjedde i 1813 da Napoleon og hans hær flykta fra Russland.
This happened in 1813 when Napoleon and his army fled from Russia.
De var slått og det var bare et tidsspørsmål før Napoleon ville tape alt.
They|were|defeated|and|it|was|only|a|matter of time|before|Napoleon|would|lose|everything
They were defeated and it was only a matter of time before Napoleon would lose everything.
Den danske kongen innså at han hadde tapt.
The Danish king realized that he had lost.
I januar 1814 signerte han Kieltraktaten.
In|January|signed|he|the Treaty of Kiel
In January 1814, he signed the Treaty of Kiel.
Kieltraktaten sa at Norge skulle overføres fra Danmark til Sverige.
the Kiel Treaty|said|that|Norway|would|be transferred|from|Denmark|to|Sweden
The Treaty of Kiel stated that Norway would be transferred from Denmark to Sweden.
Akkurat da dette skjedde, var Christian Fredrik stattholder av Norge.
At the time this happened, Christian Frederik was the viceroy of Norway.
Christian Fredrik var den danske kronprinsen og han leda Norge i konflikten.
Christian|Frederick|was|the|Danish|crown prince|and|he|led|Norway|in|the conflict
Christian Fredrik war der dänische Kronprinz und führte Norwegen in den Konflikt.
Christian Frederik was the Danish crown prince and he led Norway in the conflict.
Christian Fredrik bestemte seg for å ikke adlyde faren sin, kongen av Danmark.
Christian|Frederik|decided|himself|to|(infinitive marker)|not|obey|father|his|king|of|Denmark
Christian Fredrik decided not to obey his father, the king of Denmark.
Han bestemte seg for å samle de viktigste personene i Norge til et møte på Eidsvoll for å bestemme hva som skulle skje videre.
He|decided|himself|to|infinitive marker|gather|the|most important|people|in|Norway|for|a|meeting|at|Eidsvoll|to|infinitive marker|determine|what|that|would|happen|next
He decided to gather the most important people in Norway for a meeting in Eidsvoll to determine what would happen next.
Christian Fredrik var bare 27 år gammel i 1814, men han var en stødig og klar leder for Norge i denne perioden.
Christian Fredrik was only 27 years old in 1814, but he was a steady and clear leader for Norway during this period.
Han var imot Kielfreden og det var også de ledende nordmennene.
He|was|against|Treaty of Kiel|and|it|was|also|the|leading|Norwegians
He was against the Treaty of Kiel, and so were the leading Norwegians.
Vi ønska ikke å bli en del av Sverige.
We did not want to become a part of Sweden.
I april 1814 samla Christian Fredrik og 112 representanter fra rundt omkring i Norge seg på Eidsvoll, et sted et stykke nord for Oslo.
In April 1814, Christian Frederik and 112 representatives from around Norway gathered at Eidsvoll, a place a bit north of Oslo.
Hvorfor tillot Sverige dette?
|a permis||
Why did Sweden allow this?
Hvorfor gjorde ikke Sverige noe for å stoppe Norge og Christian Fredrik?
Why did Sweden not do anything to stop Norway and Christian Frederik?
Vel, Sverige var opptatt med avslutningen av krigen mot Napoleon i Europa og fredsoppgjøret etterpå.
Well|Sweden|was|occupied|with|the conclusion|of|war|against|Napoleon|in|Europe|and|the peace settlement|afterwards
Well, Sweden was busy with the conclusion of the war against Napoleon in Europe and the peace settlement afterwards.
De hadde ikke tid til å sende tropper til Norge.
They|had|not|time|to|infinitive marker|send|troops|to|Norway
They did not have time to send troops to Norway.
Dette gjorde at Christian Fredrik fikk tid til å samle folk på Eidsvoll våren 1814.
This allowed Christian Frederik time to gather people at Eidsvoll in the spring of 1814.
I løpet av en måned hadde mennene på Eidsvoll laga en egen grunnlov for Norge.
In|course|of|a|month|had|the men|at|Eidsvoll|made|a|separate|constitution|for|Norway
Within a month, the men at Eidsvoll had created their own constitution for Norway.
De blei enige om grunnloven den 16. mai og skreiv under på den 17. mai 1814.
They|became|agreed|on|the constitution|the|of May|and|wrote|signed|on|the|of May
They agreed on the constitution on May 16 and signed it on May 17, 1814.
Norge var dermed et selvstendig land og Christian Fredrik blei utnevnt som konge av dette selvstendige Norge.
Norway was thus an independent country and Christian Frederik was appointed as king of this independent Norway.
Etter en 400 år lang union med Danmark var endelig Norge fri.
After a 400-year-long union with Denmark, Norway was finally free.
Og denne friheten varte i hele tre måneder.
|||a duré||||
And|this|freedom|lasted|for|a full|three|months
And this freedom lasted for a full three months.
Sommeren 1814 kom de svenske troppene tilbake fra Europa og gikk til angrep på Norge.
The summer|came|the|Swedish|troops|back|from|Europe|and|went|to|attack|on|Norway
In the summer of 1814, the Swedish troops returned from Europe and attacked Norway.
Norge hadde ikke sjans og ble tvunget til å gå inn i en ny union, denne gangen med Sverige.
Norway had no chance and was forced to enter a new union, this time with Sweden.
Men, vi fikk beholde grunnloven som blei laga den 17. mai 1814.
But|we|got|to keep|the constitution|which|was|created|on|May
However, we were able to keep the constitution that was created on May 17, 1814.
Dette er grunnen til at vi feirer 17. mai.
This is why we celebrate May 17.
Vi feirer den norske grunnloven.
We celebrate the Norwegian Constitution.
Det er den samme grunnloven som vi har nå i dag, men med noen endringer.
It is the same constitution that we have today, but with some changes.
Den norske grunnloven av 1814 var en av de mest liberale i verden da den blei laga.
The|Norwegian|constitution|of|was|one|of|the|most|liberal|in|the world|when|it|was|made
The Norwegian Constitution of 1814 was one of the most liberal in the world when it was created.
Mellom 40 og 45% av alle menn i Norge kunne stemme i 1814.
Between 40 and 45% of all men in Norway could vote in 1814.
Det var ingen andre land i Europa som hadde så brei stemmerett som Norge.
In keinem anderen Land Europas gab es ein so breites Wahlrecht wie in Norwegen.
There were no other countries in Europe that had as broad suffrage as Norway.
Grunnloven vår av 1814 var Norges første skritt mot det demokratiet vi har i dag i Norge.
Our Constitution of 1814 was Norway's first step towards the democracy we have today in Norway.
Det er dette vi feirer 17. mai.
This is what we celebrate on May 17.
Vi feirer friheten og vi feirer demokratiet.
We celebrate freedom and we celebrate democracy.
Dette synes jeg er verdier som er verdt å feire.
I think these are values worth celebrating.
Historien til 17. mai feiringa De første 17. mai feiringene skjedde på 1820-tallet.
The history|of|May|celebration|The|first|May|celebrations|occurred|in|the 1820s
The history of the 17th of May celebrations The first 17th of May celebrations took place in the 1820s.
I 1824, 10-års jubileet for grunnloven, var det mange i Oslo som samla seg for å feire grunnloven.
In 1824, the 10th anniversary of the constitution, many gathered in Oslo to celebrate the constitution.
I begynnelsen var feiringa av 17. mai knytta til en klar anti-svensk holdning.
In|the beginning|was|the celebration|of|May|tied|to|a|clear|||attitude
In the beginning, the celebration of the 17th of May was associated with a clear anti-Swedish sentiment.
Å feire 17. mai var en måte å vise avstand mot unionen med Sverige på.
Celebrating May 17th was a way to show distance from the union with Sweden.
Dette gjorde at den svenske kongen, Karl Johan, prøvde å stoppe 17. mai feiringa i Norge, og mange blei arresterte.
This caused the Swedish king, Charles John, to try to stop the May 17th celebrations in Norway, and many were arrested.
Men han klarte ikke å stoppe feiringen av 17. mai.
But|he|managed|not|to|stop|the celebration|of|May
But he could not stop the celebration of May 17th.
I 1836 feira Stortinget, parlamentet i Norge, 17. mai.
I|celebrated|the Storting|the parliament|in|Norway|May
In 1836, the Storting, the parliament of Norway, celebrated May 17th.
Det var nå 17. mai blei den offisielle nasjonaldagen i Norge.
It|was|now|May 17|became|the|official|national day|in|Norway
It was now May 17 that became the official national day in Norway.
Siden den gang har feiringa av nasjonaldagen utvikla seg mye.
Since|the|last time|has|celebration|of|national day|developed|itself|a lot
Since then, the celebration of the national day has developed a lot.
Henrik Wergeland, en av Norges viktigste forfattere på 1800-tallet, var en viktig person i å utvikle nasjonaldagen.
Henrik|Wergeland|one|of|Norway|most important|authors|in|the 19th century|was|a|important|person|in|to|develop|national day
Henrik Wergeland, one of Norway's most important authors in the 19th century, was an important person in developing the national day.
Han laga taler og dikt for 17. mai som gjorde det til en skikkelig nasjonaldag rundt omkring i Norge.
He|made|speeches|and|poems|for|May|that|made|it|into|a|real|national day|around|everywhere|in|Norway
He created speeches and poems for May 17 that made it a proper national day all around Norway.
Seinere tok Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson over rollen til Wergeland.
Later, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson took over the role of Wergeland.
Bjørnson er også en av de viktigste og mest kjente forfatterne fra 1800-tallet.
Bjørnson|is|also|one|of|the|most important|and|most|known|authors|from|19th century
Bjørnson is also one of the most important and well-known authors from the 19th century.
Han tok initiativ til det første barnetoget på 17. mai i 1870.
He|took|initiative|to|the|first|children's parade|on|May|in
He initiated the first children's parade on May 17th in 1870.
Barnetog er et tog av barn som går i prosesjon med musikk, sang og flagg.
The children's parade|is|a|parade|of|children|that|walk|in|procession|with|music|singing|and|flags
A children's parade is a procession of children with music, singing, and flags.
Dette spredde seg så til hele Norge.
This spread to the whole of Norway.
Skoler i hele Norge begynte å arrangere barnetog.
Schools|in|all|Norway|began|to|organize|children's parade
Schools all over Norway began to organize children's parades.
I Oslo har det vært tradisjon for at barnetogene går forbi slottet.
In|Oslo|has|it|been|tradition|for|that|children's parades|pass|by|the castle
In Oslo, it has been a tradition for the children's parades to pass by the palace.
De marsjerer forbi slottet mens kongefamilien vinker til dem fra balkongen.
They|march|past|the castle|while|the royal family|waves|to|them|from|the balcony
They march past the palace while the royal family waves to them from the balcony.
Dette har vært en tradisjon siden 1906.
This has been a tradition since 1906.
Da begynte kongefamilien skikken med å stå på balkongen og vinke til barnetogene som går forbi.
Then|began|the royal family|tradition|of|to|stand|on|the balcony|and|wave|to|children's parades|that|go|by
That year, the royal family started the custom of standing on the balcony and waving to the children's parades that pass by.
Under andre verdenskrig da Norge var okkupert av Tyskland, altså 1940 til 1945, var det forbudt å gå i 17. mai tog.
During|second|world war|when|Norway|was|occupied|by|Germany|that is|to|was|it|forbidden|to|walk|in|May|parade
During World War II, when Norway was occupied by Germany, from 1940 to 1945, it was forbidden to participate in the May 17th parade.
17\. mai er en feiring av demokratiet og demokratiske retter.
May 17|is|a|celebration|of|democracy|and|democratic|rights
May 17th is a celebration of democracy and democratic rights.
Dette kunne ikke Nazi-Tyskland godta.
Nazi Germany could not accept this.
Det var derfor forbudt å gå i 17. mai tog i Norge under krigen, men det var mange som arrangerte uoffisielle 17. mai tog rundt omkring i landet.
It|was|therefore|forbidden|to|walk|in|May|parade|in|Norway|during|the war|but|it|was|many|who|organized|unofficial|May|parades|around|around|in|the country
That is why it was forbidden to participate in the May 17th parade in Norway during the war, but many organized unofficial May 17th parades around the country.
For eksempel var det mange som gjorde det på gårder rundt omkring i Norge.
For example, many did this on farms around Norway.
Det var også forbudt å bruke det norske flagget på klærne.
It|was|also|forbidden|to|use|the|Norwegian|flag|on|the clothes
It was also forbidden to use the Norwegian flag on clothing.
Dette gjorde at det norske flagget blei et sterkt symbol for frigjøringen den 8. mai 1945.
This made the Norwegian flag a strong symbol for liberation on May 8, 1945.
I dag er 17. mai en svært viktig dag i Norge.
Today, May 17 is a very important day in Norway.
Den blei feira rundt omkring i landet av alle nordmenn.
It|was|celebrated|around|throughout|in|the country|by|all|Norwegians
It is celebrated all over the country by all Norwegians.
Nordmenn i utlandet feirer også dagen, og det finnes norske 17. mai tog rundt omkring i verden der det bor nordmenn.
Norwegians|in|abroad|celebrate|||and|it|exists|Norwegian|May|parades|around|around|in|the world|where|it|lives|Norwegians
Norwegians abroad also celebrate the day, and there are Norwegian May 17 parades around the world where Norwegians live.
Da vi bodde i Thailand, da jeg var barn, pleide vi å samles på den norske ambassaden i Bangkok for å feire dagen.
When we lived in Thailand, when I was a child, we used to gather at the Norwegian embassy in Bangkok to celebrate the day.
Da kledde vi oss i bunad og festklær og gjorde det samme som vi ville gjort i Norge: Vi gikk i tog, spilte musikk, spiste mat og hadde leker.
Then|dressed|we|ourselves|in|traditional dress|and|festive clothes|and|did|it|same|as|we|would|done|in|Norway|We|walked|in|parade|played|music|ate|food|and|had|games
Then we dressed in traditional costumes and festive clothes and did the same things we would have done in Norway: We paraded, played music, ate food, and had games.
I 2020 blei det en litt annerledes 17. mai feiring, og det blir det i år også.
In|became|it|a|little|different|May 17|celebration|and|it|will be|it|this|year|also
In 2020, the 17th of May celebration was a bit different, and it will be the same this year.
Koronapandemien gjør at vi ikke kan samles slik vi pleier å gjøre denne dagen.
The coronavirus pandemic|makes|that|we|not|can|gather|like|we|usually|to|do|this|day
The coronavirus pandemic means that we cannot gather as we usually do on this day.
Vi kan ikke gå i tog eller samles like mange som det kanskje er vanlig på denne dagen.
We cannot march in a parade or gather as many people as is perhaps usual on this day.
I 2022 tror jeg vi kommer til å gå tilbake til en vanlig 17. mai feiring igjen.
I|believe|I|we|will|to|(infinitive marker)|walk|back|to|a|normal|17th of May|celebration|again
In 2022, I believe we will return to a normal May 17th celebration again.
Hvordan feires 17. mai?
How|is celebrated|May
How is May 17th celebrated?
17\. mai blir ofte kalt for barnas dag.
|||||der Kinder|
May 17th|is|often|called|for|children's|day
May 17th is often called Children's Day.
Barn er veldig viktige i feiringa av 17. mai.
Children|are|very|important|in|the celebration|of|May
Children are very important in the celebration of May 17.
Jeg husker at jeg selv som barn gleda meg til 17. mai.
I remember that I myself, as a child, looked forward to May 17.
Det var kanskje den nest beste dagen i året, bare slått av julaften.
It|was|maybe|the|second|best|day|in|year|only|surpassed|by|Christmas Eve
It was perhaps the second best day of the year, only surpassed by Christmas Eve.
Det var så utrolig mye kjekt som skjedde og jeg elska det som barn.
So many fun things happened, and I loved it as a child.
Jeg skal ta dere med på hvordan jeg pleide å feire 17. mai som barn der jeg vokste opp i Norge.
I|will|take|you (plural)|along|on|how|I|used|to|celebrate|May|as|child|where|I|grew|up|in|Norway
I will take you through how I used to celebrate May 17th as a child where I grew up in Norway.
Det første som skjedde, var å ta på seg de fineste klærne man har.
The first thing that happened was putting on the finest clothes you have.
17\. mai er en festdag, og om du har bunad, så bruker du den.
May 17|is|a|festive day|and|if|you|have|traditional dress|then|wear|you|it
May 17th is a festive day, and if you have a traditional costume, you wear it.
Etterpå reiste vi til torget hjemme i bygda.
Afterwards|we traveled|we|to|the market|home|in|the village
Afterwards, we went to the square back home in the village.
Her samles barnehager og skoler for å gå i barnetoget.
Here|gather|kindergartens|and|schools|to|to|walk|in|the children's parade
Here, kindergartens and schools gather to participate in the children's parade.
Fremst gikk det et korps og spilte musikk mens vi som gikk på skolen gikk bak og vifta med flagg og sang.
At the front|walked|it|a|band|and|played|music|while|we|who|walked|to|school|walked|behind|and|waved|with|flags|and|sang
Vor allem ging ein Korps und spielte Musik, während wir, die zur Schule gingen, hinterhergingen und Fahnen schwenkten und sangen.
At the front, a band played music while we, the school children, walked behind waving flags and singing.
Vi gikk en runde i bygda mens folk samla seg for å se på oss.
|||||le village|||||||||
We|walked|a|lap|in|the village|while|people|gathered|themselves|to|see||at|us
We walked a round in the village while people gathered to watch us.
Alle har med seg norske flagg og står og vifter med dem.
Everyone brought Norwegian flags and stood waving them.
Det er en veldig koselig tradisjon, og det er barna som er i fokus.
It|is|a|very|cozy|tradition|and|it|is|the children|who|are|in|focus
It is a very cozy tradition, and the children are the focus.
Sangene vi sang var enten ulike nasjonalsanger eller skolesanger.
The songs|we|sang|were|either|different|national anthems|or|school songs
The songs we sang were either various national anthems or school songs.
Vi hadde også egne 17. mai rop.
We|had|also|own|May 17|shouts
We also had our own 17th of May cheers.
Det var veldig stemning husker jeg.
It|was|very|atmosphere|I remember|I
It was a very festive atmosphere, I remember.
Etter å ha gått i barnetoget, samla bygda seg ved idrettssenteret.
||||||||||dem Sportzentrum
After|to|have|walked|in|the children's parade|gathered|the village|itself|by|the sports center
After participating in the children's parade, the village gathered at the sports center.
Da er det vanlig at folk tar med seg stoler og hygger seg.
|||||||||Stühle||gemütlich zusammensitzen|
It is common for people to bring chairs and enjoy themselves.
Rundt omkring er det mulig å kjøpe ulik type lett mat.
Around, it is possible to buy various types of light food.
Det er vanlig å spise enkel mat som pølser eller lapskaus, en slags stuing med potet og grønnsaker.
Es ist üblich, einfache Speisen wie Würstchen oder Eintopf, eine Art Eintopf mit Kartoffeln und Gemüse, zu essen.
It is common to eat simple food like sausages or lapskaus, a type of stew with potatoes and vegetables.
I tillegg er det vanlig å spise mye iskrem.
I|addition|is|it|common|to|eat|a lot|ice cream
In addition, it is common to eat a lot of ice cream.
Mens de voksne sitter og snakker sammen, løper barna rundt og leker.
While|the|adults|sit|and|talk|together|run|the children|around|and|play
While the adults sit and talk, the children run around and play.
På 17. mai er det vanlig å arrangere leker for barna.
On|May|is|it|common|to|arrange|games|for|the children
On May 17th, it is common to organize games for the children.
For eksempel kan dette være å løpe med ett egg i ei skei eller hoppe om kapp med en potetsekk.
||||||||||||Löffel||||um die Wette|||Sackhüpfen
For|example|can|this|be|to|run|with|one|egg|in|a|spoon|or|jump|in|race|with|a|potato sack
Das kann zum Beispiel das Laufen mit einem Ei im Löffel oder das Springen in einem Rennen mit einem Kartoffelsack sein.
For example, this can be running with an egg in a spoon or hopping in a sack race.
På ettermiddagen var det folketoget.
||||das Volkstog
In|the afternoon|was|it|the parade
In the afternoon, there was the people's parade.
På bygda jeg bodde i, hadde vi to tog.
In|the village|I|lived|in|had|we|two|trains
In the village I lived in, we had two parades.
På morgenen var det barnetoget med skoler og barnehager.
In|the morning|was|it|children's parade|with|schools|and|kindergartens
In the morning, there was the children's parade with schools and kindergartens.
Seinere på dagen var det folketog.
Later|in|the day|was|it|parade
Later in the day, there was the people's parade.
Mange steder i Norge har de bare ett tog, men der jeg kommer fra hadde vi to.
Many places in Norway only have one train, but where I come from we had two.
I folketoget var det vanlig at idrettslag, fritidslag og folk med kule biler gikk i. Resten av bygda så på.
In|the parade|was|it|common|for|sports teams|leisure clubs|and|people|with|cool|cars|walked|in|The rest|of|the village|watched|at
Während der Prozession war es üblich, dass Sportmannschaften, Freizeitmannschaften und Leute mit coolen Autos hineingingen. Der Rest des Dorfes schaute zu.
In the people's parade, it was common for sports teams, leisure clubs, and people with cool cars to participate. The rest of the village watched.
Siste del av dagen pleide vi å samles med storfamilien for å spise middag og dessert.
Last|part|of|day|used|we|to|gather|with|extended family|to|to|eat|dinner|and|dessert
The last part of the day we usually gathered with the extended family to have dinner and dessert.
Vi barna pleide å gå ut og leke dersom det var fint vær.
We|the children|used|to|go|outside|and|play|if|it|was|nice|weather
We children used to go outside and play if the weather was nice.
17\. mai været kan jo være alt mulig i Norge.
May|weather|can|after all|be|anything|possible|in|Norway
May 17th weather can be anything in Norway.
Alt fra sol og 20 grader til 5 grader og regn.
Everything from sunshine and 20 degrees to 5 degrees and rain.
Det varierer mye fra år til år, så det vil også spille litt inn på hvordan dagen blir.
It|varies|much|from|year|to|year|so|it|will|also|play|a little|in|on|how|day|will be
It varies a lot from year to year, so that will also affect how the day turns out.
Det er én ting til jeg må nevne før vi avslutter.
There is one more thing I need to mention before we finish.
die Russen
the students celebrating graduation
The Russ.
Når norske videregåendeelever skal feire at de er ferdige med 13 år med skole, så feirer de med fest og gøy i første del av mai.
When|Norwegian|high school students|will|celebrate|that|they|are|finished|with|years|of|school|then|celebrate|they|with|party|and|fun|in|first|part|of|May
When Norwegian high school students celebrate that they have finished 13 years of school, they celebrate with parties and fun in the first part of May.
17\. mai er høydepunktet av russefeiringa.
||||der Abiball
May|is|the highlight|of|the graduation celebration
May 17th is the highlight of the Russ celebration.
Da går russen rundt og deler ut russekort til barna, som ofte samler på disse kortene, og de lager støy og stemning.
Then|goes|the graduating students|around|and|distributes|out|graduation cards|to|the children|who|often|collect|on|these|cards|and|they|create|noise|and|atmosphere
|||||||||||||||||||du bruit||
On that day, the Russ go around handing out Russ cards to the children, who often collect these cards, and they make noise and create a festive atmosphere.
Det er en sterk tradisjon for at russen går i tog på 17. mai.
It|is|a|strong|tradition|for|that|the students|walk|in|parade|on|May
There is a strong tradition for the students to march on May 17.
Vi får ta mer om russefeiringa i Norge i en egen episode.
We|will|discuss|more|about|the graduation celebration|in|Norway|in|a|separate|episode
We will cover more about the student celebration in Norway in a separate episode.
Så da gjenstår det bare igjen å ønske dere en riktig god 17. mai.
So all that remains is to wish you a very happy May 17.
Hipp, hipp hurra!
Hip hip hurra!
Hip, hip hooray!
I dag skal vi feire Norge.
Today we will celebrate Norway.
Gratulerer med dagen!
Congratulations|on|your birthday
Happy Constitution Day!
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