Mislim, da bi danes lahko deževalo, ker so na nebu temni oblaki.
I think|that|would|today|might|rain|because|there are|in|sky|dark|clouds
I think it might rain today because there are dark clouds in the sky.
Tudi če ne bo deževalo, bom dežnik raje vzela s seboj, ker sem bila včeraj premočena.
Even|if|not|will|rain|I will|umbrella|rather|take|with|me|because|I was|was|yesterday|soaked
Even if it doesn't rain, I'd better take my umbrella with me because I was soaked yesterday.
Včasih se odločim, da ne bom vzela dežnika.
Sometimes|myself|decide|that|not|I will|take|umbrella
Včasih pa ga preprosto pozabim vzeti s seboj.
Sometimes|but|it|simply|forget|to take|with|me
Pogosto se obotavljam, da bi vzela dežnik, ko bi ga morala.
I often hesitate to take an umbrella when I should.
Ker ga pogosto nekje pozabim, ko ga vzamem s seboj.
Because|it|often|somewhere|I forget|when|it|I take|with|me
Because I often forget it somewhere when I take it with me.
Kakorkoli, zdi se mi, da kadar dežnika ne vzamem, dežuje in sem pogosto vsa premočena.
Anyway|seems|to me|to me|that|whenever|umbrella|not||it rains|and|I am|often|all|soaked
Anyway, it seems that when I don't take an umbrella, it rains and I often get soaked.
Na primer, včeraj sem mislila, da ne bo deževalo, čeprav je bila napovedana 20-odstotna možnost padavin.
For example, yesterday I thought it would not rain, even though the forecast was for a 20% chance of precipitation.
Od doma sem, upajoč na najboljše, odšla brez dežnika.
From|home|I|hoping|for|the best|left|without|umbrella
I left home without an umbrella, hoping for the best.
Ker nikoli ne veš, je na koncu deževalo in bila sem cela premočena.
Because|never|not|know|it|at|the end|rained|and|I was|I|completely|soaked
Because you never know, it ended up raining and I was soaking wet.
Morala bom biti bolj previdna.
I will have to|be|more|careful|careful
I will have to be more careful.
Pri jemanju dežnika in skrbi, da ga bom prinesla domov, bom morala biti bolj previdna.
When|taking|umbrella|and|worrying|that|it|I will|bring|home|I will|have to|be|more|careful
I will have to be more careful when taking the umbrella and worrying about bringing it home.
Življenje je polno težkih odločitev.
Life|is|full of|difficult|decisions
Life is full of difficult choices.
Sedaj pa ista zgodba, povedana na drugačen način.
Nada je prejšnji ponedeljek mislila, da bo deževalo, ker so bili na nebu temni oblaki.
Last Monday, Nada thought it was going to rain because there were dark clouds in the sky.
Čeprav še ni začelo deževati, je menila, da bi bilo bolje, da dežnik vzame s seboj, saj je bila že prejšnji dan povsem premočena.
Although|not yet|has|started|to rain|she|thought|that|would|be|better|to|umbrella|takes|with|herself|since|she|was|already|previous|day|completely|soaked
Although it hadn't started raining yet, she thought it would be better to take an umbrella with her, as she had been soaked the previous day.
Res je, da se pogosto odloči, da ne bo vzela dežnika ali pa ga preprosto pozabi vzeti s seboj.
It is true|is|that|herself|often|decides|to|not|will|taken|umbrella|or|but|it|simply|forgets|to take|with|self
It's true that she often chooses not to take an umbrella or simply forgets to take one.
Poleg tega se pogosto obotavlja, da bi ga vzela s seboj, ko bi ga morala.
In addition||herself|often|hesitates|to|would|him|take|with|||||have to
Moreover, she often hesitates to take it with her when she should.
To je zato, ker ve, da ga, ko ga vzame s seboj, pogosto nekje pozabi.
It|is|that's why|because|he knows|that|him|when|he|takes|with|him|often|somewhere|forgets
That's because she knows that when she takes it with her, she often forgets it somewhere.
Kakorkoli, zdi se ji, da kadar dežnika ne vzame, dežuje in je vsa premočena.
Anyway|seems|to her|to her|that|whenever|umbrella|not|takes|it rains|and|she is|all|soaked
Anyway, it seems that when she doesn't take her umbrella, it rains and she gets soaked.
Na primer, pred nekaj dnevi je mislila, da ne bo deževalo, čeprav je bila napovedana 20-odstotna možnost padavin.
For|example|ago|a few|days|she|thought|that|not|will|rain|although|it|was|forecasted||chance|precipitation
Od doma je upajoč na najboljše odšla brez dežnika.
From|home|she|hoping|for|the best|left|without|umbrella
She left home without an umbrella, hoping for the best.
Nato je deževalo in bila je vsa premočena.
Rekla si je, da bo morala biti bolj previdna.
She said|to herself|past tense marker|that|will|have to|be|more|careful
Pri jemanju dežnika in skrbi, da ga ne pozabi ter ga prinese domov, bo morala biti bolj previdna.
When|taking|umbrella|and|worrying|that|it|not|forgets|and|it|brings|home|will|have to|be|more|careful
She will need to be more careful when taking her umbrella, making sure she doesn't forget it and bringing it home.
Življenje je polno težkih odločitev.
Life|is|full of|difficult|decisions
la vida||||
Life is full of difficult choices.
Ena: Mislim, da bi danes lahko deževalo, ker so na nebu temni oblaki.
One|I think|that|would|today|might|rain|because|there are|in|sky|dark|clouds
Zakaj mislim, da bi lahko deževalo?
Why|I think|that|could|possibly|rain
Why do I think it might rain?
Misliš, da bi lahko deževalo, ker so na nebu temni oblaki.
Do you think|that|could|rain|rain|because|there are|in|sky|dark|clouds
You think it might rain because there are dark clouds in the sky.
Dva: Bolje, da vzamem dežnik s seboj, saj sem se včeraj vsa zmočila.
Two|Better|to|take|umbrella|with|me|because|I|myself|yesterday|completely|got wet
Zakaj bi morala vzeti dežnik?
Why|should|I (female)|take|umbrella
Dežnik bi morala vzeti, ker si bila včeraj čisto premočena.
You should have brought an umbrella because you were soaking wet yesterday.
Tri: Pogosto se obotavljam, da bi vzela dežnik s seboj, ko bi ga morala.
Three: I often hesitate to take an umbrella with me when I should.
Ali vedno vzamem dežnik s seboj?
Do|always|I take|umbrella|with|me
Ne, včasih se obotavljaš, da bi dežnik vzela s seboj.
Štiri: To je zato, ker vem, da dežnik pogosto nekje pozabim.
Four|This|is|that's why|because|I know|that|umbrella|often|somewhere|I forget
Kaj pogosto počnem s svojim dežnikom?
Dežnik pogosto nekje pozabim.
Umbrella|often|somewhere|I forget
Pet: Nadi se je zdelo, da je vsakič, ko ni vzela dežnika, deževalo, ona pa je bila čisto premočena.
Pet|Nadi|herself|was|seemed|that|it|every time|when|not|took|umbrella|rained|she|but|was|been|completely|soaked
Pet: It seemed to Nadi that every time she didn't take an umbrella, it rained, and she was drenched.
Kaj bi se zgodilo z Nado, če bi deževalo?
What|would|reflexive pronoun|happen|with|Nada|if|would|rained
Bila bi čisto premočena.
I would be|conditional particle|completely|soaked
She would be soaked through.
Šest: Na primer, pred kratkim je mislila, da ne bo deževalo, čeprav je bila napovedana 20-odstotna verjetnost dežja.
Kakšen odstotek verjetnosti dežja je bil napovedan?
Napovedali so, da je verjetnost dežja 20-odstotna.
They forecasted|(past tense auxiliary verb)|that|is|probability|rain|
Sedem: Mislila je, da bo morala biti bolj pozorna.
Seven|She thought|was|that|will|have to|be|more|attentive
Seven: She thought she would have to pay more attention.
Kaj bo morala početi Nada?
Morala bo biti bolj pozorna.
She must|will|be|more|attentive
Osem: Pri jemanju dežnika s seboj bo morala biti bolj pozorna.
Eight|When|taking|umbrella|with|herself|will|have to|be|more|careful
Eight: She will need to be more careful when taking her umbrella with her.
Na kaj bo Nada morala biti bolj pozorna?
Bolj bo morala biti pozorna, da bo vzela dežnik.
More|will|have to|be|careful|that|will|take|umbrella
She will have to be more careful to take an umbrella.