你 微笑 时 很 美 EP30
You're Beautiful When You Smile EP30
接下来 我们 将 对阵 ZGDX 战队
Next, we'll be going against Team ZGDX.
期待 再 一次 将 他们 打爆
We look forward to defeating them again.
其实 说句 实在话
To be honest,
半决赛 里 的 所有 对手
among all the opponents in the semi-finals,
我们 只 担心 ZGDX
ZGDX is our only concern.
ZGDX 不会 在
ZGDX will not
同一个 地方 跌倒 两次
fall at the same place twice.
我们 是 冠军
We're the winner.
我 也 没有 想到
I never expect
我们 战队 能够 很 幸运地 进入 四强
our team to be lucky enough to enter the semi-finals.
我 觉得
I think
一定 是 童谣 小姐姐 为 我 祈祷
it must be Smiling's prayers.
童谣 小姐姐
我们 一起 在 总决赛 相遇 吧
Let's meet in the Grand Finals.
漂亮 啊 来 明神
Nice. Here you go, God Ming.
来 小胖
Here you go, Fatty.
All the best!
Lao Mao.
老 K
Lu Yue.
来 小姐姐 的
Here. For Missy.
然后 诚哥 的
Then, Brother Cheng.
总决赛 加油
All the best in the Grand Finals.
看 什么 呢
What are you looking at?
之前 YQCB 赢 了 FNC
On the day when YQCB defeated FNC
拿到 全国 总决赛 门票 那天
and got through to the National Grand Finals,
隔壁 战队 老板 就 站 在 门口
the boss from the other team was standing at the door
手上 拿 着 一大 沓 红包
with a big stack of red packets in his hands.
队员 们 一个 一个 下车 领 红包
Their teammates were given red packets as they got down from the car.
红包 还 很 厚
The red packets were thick too.
而 我们
But for us...
并 没有
There isn't any.
凭 什么
同样 是 进 了 总决赛
We got into the Grand Finals too.
为什么 隔壁 就 能 拿 红包
Why did the other team get red packets,
而 我们 只有 糖 和 贺卡
but we're only getting sweets and cards?
连 一餐 好吃 的 都 没有
We don't even get a decent meal.
我 不 平衡
I don't think it's fair.
我 觉得 自己 遭受 了 歧视
I think I've been discriminated against.
期中考试 考 全班 第二
Getting second in your midterms
现在 期末考试
while trying to get first
争一保二 比较 稀罕 呢
in the final exam
还是 一直 以来 全班 倒数
and getting last in your midterms
现在 也争 一保二 比较 稀罕
while trying to get a top spot now. Which is a rarer occurrence?
我们 进入 全国 总决赛
Going through to the National Grand Finals
是 达到 了 我们 以往 的 基准线
is meeting our usual standard,
所以 有 什么 好 奖励 的
so there's nothing to be rewarded for.
奖 你 个 糖
Here's candy for you.
诚哥 那 什么
Brother Cheng. Well...
我 有事 跟 你 说
I have something to tell you.
怎么 了
What is it?
陆思诚 你 没有 心
Lu Si Cheng, you're heartless!
老 K 你 这 又 买 了 什么 东西 啊
K, what did you buy again?
面膜 啊 小迷糊
Facial mask. MIHOO.
老 K 你 发 什么 神经
Are you crazy?
你 喊 谁 小迷糊 呢
Who are you calling MIHOO?
刚 打 完 比赛
You got closer after the competition
你们 俩 的 关系
to the point
就 亲密 到 给 对方 起 爱称 了
Shut up.
这 是 我 新 买 的 小迷糊 面膜
This is a MIHOO mask that I just bought.
每天 熬夜 训练
Staying up late for training every night
皮肤 都 要 干到 爆炸
makes my skin very dry.
这 小迷糊 面膜 补水 效果 挺 好 的
The hydrating effect of this MIHOO mask is pretty good.
那 我 也 补补 水
I'll get myself hydrated too.
吃 那么 多
You're eating so much.
好 好吃
It's delicious.
要 试试 吗
Do you want to try?
这个 好用 吗
Is this good?
你 到底 是 在 喊 面膜 还是 在 喊 我 啊
Are you saying the name of the mask or are you calling me that?
老猫 的 反射弧 可以 绕 地球 三圈 了
Lao Mao's reaction is so slow.
你 也 闭嘴
You should keep your mouth shut too.
我们 今天 打 完 这场 比赛 以后
After our game today,
接下来 要 迎接 总决赛 了
we're about to enter the Grand Finals.
但 我 还是 想 提醒 一下 大家
I would like to remind everyone.
YQCB 已经 不是 曾经 的 保级 队 了
YQCB is no longer the team that fights to survive relegation.
他 击败 了 FNC
They defeated FNC
跟 我们 一起 进入 总决赛
and progressed to the Grand Finals with us.
言归正传 闲话少说 啊
Coming back to what's important.
从 即刻起
From now on
到 总决赛 开赛 之前
until the Grand Finals,
我们 整个 基地
our entire base
都 要 进行 封闭式 训练
will go through closed training.
怎么 个 封闭式 训练
What kind of closed training?
难道 俱乐部
going to pay for everything for us?
是 要 彻底 包养 我们 了 吗
具体 封闭 的 程度 呢
The details of how the closed training will be
就是 要 像 防 特务 一样 防 着 对面
are about the same as guarding a spy.
For example,
不能 和 隔壁 那个 白富 美 老板娘
you can't eat, shop, or talk to
吃饭 逛街 私下 闲聊
the lady boss next door.
不许 和 隔壁 的 前 队友 现 对手
You are not allowed to discuss strategies with the excuse of capturing dolls
以 抓 娃娃 的 旗号 讨论 战术
with your ex-teammate and current opponent next to you.
当然 了
Of course.
大饼 小葱 也 要 禁足
Da Bing and Little Shallot have to be grounded too.
不能 和 隔壁 中单 的 猫 瞎 互动
They are not allowed to interact with the cats that belong to the Mid next door.
难不成 还 能 在 猫 背上 画 地图 啊
Are you going to draw a map on the cats too?
你 怎么 不 干脆
Why don't you just
直接 建 一个 水泥墙 呢
build a wall?
要 厚实 防窃听 的 那种
The kind that is thick and prevents eavesdropping.
糊 水泥墙
Build a wall?
那 还 不如 直接 糊在 我方 中单 门口
Might as well build it at our Mid's door.
为啥 呀
糊中单 门口
If you build at Mid's door,
那 童谣 怎么 出来 啊
how would Tong Yao come out?
小瑞 啊
Xiao Rui.
我方 上单 这 脑子
Regarding our Top,
要 不 咱们 考虑 给 他 找个 替补
why don't we consider finding a replacement?
不用 不用 我 可以 啊
It's all right. I can do it.
反正 我哥 也 不会 让 我 打中 单
My brother won't let me play Mid anyway.
附议 闭嘴
-Agreed. -Shut up.
Shut up.
走 吧
Let's go.
在 我们 正式 进入 封闭式 训练 之前
Before we begin our closed training,
请 你们 吃 一顿 大餐
I'll treat you all to a good meal.
诚哥 万岁
Long Live Brother Cheng!
一说 这个 我 就 来劲
I'm all motivated when you talk about this.
走 吧 小迷糊 走 吧
Let's go. You silly, Let's go.
吃 大餐 别 这样 喊 我
-A good meal. -Don't call me that!
走走 走 好 快快 快
-Let's go! Hurry! -All right.
来来来 喝喝 喝
Come on. Let's drink.
那 不是 DQ.Five 吗
Isn't that DQ.Five?
他们 怎么 了
What happened to them?
他们 宵禁 没 了
Is their curfew over?
他们 降级 了
They were demoted.
你们 在 八强 比赛 的 时候
When you were in the quarter-final,
他们 还 在 打 升降级
they were still in relegation.
没有 人 关注
No one followed.
所以 也 没有 话题
So no one talked about it.
他们 保级 赛输 了
Did they lose at the relegation?
降级 了
They got demoted?
要 打 席位 赛 了
They'll have to play the qualifier?
下个 赛季 决战 ! 平安 京 职业联赛
Next season's OPL
十二支 战队 里面 没有 DQ.Five 了
won't have DQ.Five among the 12 teams anymore?
他 就是 灵猫
He's Civet.
我 知道
I know.
他 是 DQ.Five 战队 队长 兼 辅助
He is the leader and Support of DQ.Five.
是 个 老 选手 了
He's a senior player.
你们 千万 悠着点
Take it easy, you guys.
别 给 我 搞 事 啊
Don't create any trouble.
This year...
今年 别搞 事
Better not create any trouble this year.
好好 打 全国 总决赛
Play the National Grand Finals well.
等 拿 了 世界 赛 门票 以后
Once you've qualified for the World Championships,
在 全世界 面前
make us
替 我们 决战 ! 平安 京 职业联赛
OPL proud
争点 光
in front of the world.
兄弟 们
不能 像 去年 一样 给 你们 顶上 了
I can't substitute you like last year.
我 真的 很 喜欢 打 职业
I really like being a professional gamer.
很 喜欢 和 队友 并肩作战 的 感觉
I really like playing side-by-side with my teammates.
纵使 有 很多 遗憾
Even though I have many regrets,
但 我 还是 很 开心
I'm still very happy.
现在 我 的 这 条路 走 到头 了
My career is at its end now.
但 我 知道
But I know
会 有人 继续 走 下去
there will be others who would continue this journey
并且 走 得 更 远
and make it even further ahead.
希望 你们 是 那群 幸运 的 人
I hope all of you are the lucky ones.
走 了
I'm leaving.
我 去 送 一下 他们
I'll send them off.
慢慢 喝 啊
Enjoy your drinks.
他 刚才 说 顶上去
What did he mean just now when he said
是 什么 意思 啊
之前 我们 ZGDX 战队
When ZGDX was absent
意外 缺席 全国 总决赛 的 时候
from the National Grand Finals,
顶替 我们 进入 世界 总决赛 的 队伍
the team that substituted us in the World Championships
就是 DQ.Five 战队
was DQ.Five.
老板 结账
Bill, please.
没想到 许泰伦 走 了 以后
Unexpectedly, after Xu Tai Lun left,
他们 再次 失去 了 核心
they lost their Carry again.
全国 联赛 后半程 一把 没赢
They lost the second half of the National Championship,
直接 以 联赛 垫底 成绩
causing them to be demoted to the qualifying round
降级 掉入 席位 赛
when they came in last place.
可以 说 是
Their fans went from
粉丝 充满 了 希望 到 绝望
being hopeful to being utterly disappointed,
那 仿佛 温水 煮 青蛙 的 过程
just like the Boiling Frog analogy.
有 多么 地 难熬
It was a dreadful process.
A farewell dinner.
就 这么 解散 了
Did they disband just like that?
一支 队伍
to play with its original members
但凡 掉入 席位 赛
还 想 靠 原来 的 阵容 打 回来
with the same formation
是 根本 不 可能 的
after losing at the qualifiers.
毕竟 职业联赛 是 个 现实 的 圈子
After all, the professional league is a realistic game.
队伍 降级 之后
After being the team is being demoted,
那些 打得 好 的 队员
those players who played well
会 被 其他 新 的 俱乐部 买 走
will be bought over by other new clubs
然后 继续 进入
and continue to
决战 ! 平安 京 职业联赛
to play the OPL.
别的 战队 为 其 效力
那些 打 得 不好 的 队员
Those players who didn't play well
只能 自己 找 下家
will have to look for new clubs on their own.
那些 掉入 席位 赛 的 战队
The teams who got relegated
are just
就是 一个 空壳
an empty shell, to put it bluntly.
是 啊
而且 五个 人 齐心协力
Moreover, something magical like
从 席位 赛 回到
having all five players
决战 ! 平安 京 职业联赛
working hard
这种 梦幻 的 事
to promote the team back to OPL
连爽文 小说 都 不屑于 去 写
wouldn't even be portrayed by novels.
对 DQ.Five 战队 的 人 来说
他们 这个 队伍
this team has already
确实 是 在 保级 失败 的 那一刻
就 宣布 就 地 解散 了
the moment they've been relegated.
今后 还 能 不能 像 从前 那样
Whether or not they could sit together in a game
大家 一起 坐下 来 打 比赛
eat and chat
吃饭 唠嗑
like how they used to
真的 要 看 缘分
really depends on fate.
所以 啊 言归正传
So, coming back to the topic,
我们 还是 珍惜 在 一起 的 时光 吧
let's just appreciate the time we have together.
好险 啊
Thank goodness.
我们 战队
Our team
曾经 差一点 就 吃 了 散伙饭
almost had our farewell dinner.
散伙饭 我 可 不想 吃
I don't want to have a farewell dinner,
但是 你 做 的 土豆 牛肉 咖喱饭
but I would like to have another bowl of your
我 倒 是 可以 再 来 一碗
Curry Beef Potato Rice.
我 也 想 吃 我 也 想 吃
-I want to eat too. -I want to try too.
我 也 想 吃
I want to eat too.
我 也 想 吃
-I want to eat too. -I want to eat too.
我 也 想 吃 我 也 想 吃
而且 是 碗底 藏肉 的 那种
It must also be the one with meat at the bottom of the bowl.
等 打 完 YQCB
All right.
本胖爷 就 满足 你们 的 要求
I will satisfy your cravings.
现在 让 我们 先 干杯
Cheers, everyone.
来 干杯
Come on. Cheers.
身披 荆棘 脚踏 炙沙
With thorns on our back and sand beneath our feet,
we will never give up!
绝望 啊
就 像是 被 下 了 死亡 通知书 的
(It's just like being certified)
慢性 死亡
(of a slow death.)
怎么 能 不 绝望
(How can it be possible to not be disappointed?)
但是 如今
(But right now,)
也 算 终于 能够 得到 片刻 的 宁静
(it's also about time to finally get some peace)
是 时候 该 好好 休息 一下 了
(and get some good rest.)
无论是 于 我们
(Whether it is for us...)
还是 你们 这些 可爱 的 粉丝
(or our cute fans like you.)
DQ.Five 战队
(Team DQ.Five.)
你 曾 拥有 光辉 荣耀
(You've had your glory.)
你们 去 哪 我们 去 哪
(Wherever you all go, we will go with you.)
去 席位 赛 不 可怕
(It's not scary to be in the qualifiers.)
我们 陪 着 你
(We are with you.)
猫神 啊
(God Mao,)
我们 还 能 不能 再 看到 那年 春季 赛
(can we still see the smile you had)
满脸 笑容 举起 春季 赛 奖杯 的 你
(when you lifted the trophy at the Spring Playoffs?)
失望 之后 我 也 不 知道 该 怎么办 了
(After feeling disappointed, I don't know what to do too.)
从未 这么 喜欢 过 一支 队伍
(I've never liked a team so much before.)
我 以后 大概 再也不会 看
(I don't think I'll be watching)
决战 ! 平安 京 职业联赛 了
(OPL anymore.)
真的 感觉 好累 啊
(I feel exhausted.)
为什么 要 喜欢 电竞 呢
(Why do I like E-sports?)
其实 有时候 总是 劝 自己
(Sometimes I tell myself,)
喜欢 一下 韩国 TAT 战队 啊
(how nice would it be)
喜欢 一下 ZGDX 战队 啊
(to like TAT from Korea,)
那多 好 啊
(to like ZGDX.)
他们 总能 赢 比赛
(They always win in competitions.)
当 他们 的 粉丝 该 有 多 开心
(It would be a great joy to be their fan.)
说 了 无数遍
(I've said that so many times,)
结果 还是 屁 颠颠 地
(but I'll still go back to)
跑 来看 你们 比赛
(watch your games.)
粉丝 确实 很 失望 输 了 绝望
(Fans were indeed disappointed when you lost,)
然后 又 乐观 地
(but I will be optimistic)
觉得 你们 下次 还 能 再赢
蠢得 要死
(So foolish.)
能 怎么办 呢
(But what is there to do?)
我 也 很 绝望 啊
(I feel disappointed too.)
挣脱 不 开
(Can't escape.)
逃离 不了
(Can't leave.)
不在 巅峰 时 慕名而来
(Not attracted by its fame,)
不在 低谷 时弃 之 而 去
(not leaving at its low.)
Brother Cheng!
[Lao Mao Raging Storm] Brother Cheng!
[CAT Lao Mao Fans Club] Brother Cheng!
Brother Cheng!
Brother Cheng!
我们 会 成为 你 的 英雄
♪We will be your hero♪
谁 为 你 到来
♪The people who came for you♪
就 当为 朝圣 而 来
♪Treat it as if a show of respect♪
所谓 对手 不过 心 作怪
♪Your true opponent is yourself♪
没有 什么
♪There's nothing♪
Brother Cheng.
你 猜 我 在 想 什么
Guess what am I thinking?
第一次 见到 你 的 时候
When I first saw you,
也 是 这样 的 情形
it was also like this.
那 时候 只能 远远地 看着 你
I could only look at you from afar at that time.
然而 现在
But now,
我能 和 你们 站 到 一起 了
I can stand with all of you.
嘴角 闪过 的 姿态
♪A solid attitude♪
但 很 可爱
But it's really cute.
我 喜欢
I like it.
我们 会 成为 你 的 英雄
♪We will be your hero♪
这 都 是 粉丝 送 的 吗
Are all of these from our fans?
太 好吃 了 也
They are so delicious.
你 少 吃 点 啊
Eat less.
大家 放松 心态
Relax, everyone.
既然 我们 来到 了 总决赛
Since we've made it to the Grand Finals,
就 证明 我们 是 有 这个 实力 的
it means we're capable.
之后 不要 那么 紧张
And don't be so nervous.
既然 来 了 上海
Since we're here in Shanghai,
我 给 大家 放一 下午 假
I'll give everyone a day off
好好 地 嗨 一下
to enjoy ourselves.
嗨 什么 呀
How are we going to enjoy this time?
来 这种 网红 旅游 城市 打卡
It's better to play Onmyoji Arena the whole day
还 不如 平安 京 战场 一日游 呢
than visiting tourist cities like this.
来 都 来 了 就 去 玩玩 呗
We're already here, just have fun.
就是 啊
What if you get back
万一 你 回 了 家
人家 问 你
and people ask you
去 上海 吃 什么 好吃 的 了
"What have you eaten in Shanghai?"
你 一 拍 大腿 说
and you say,
住 在 酒店 里 打游戏 真爽
"It's so fun to play games in the hotel."
多 尴尬 呀
How awkward will that be?
一会儿 想 去 哪里 呀
Where do you want to go later?
都 可以
你 去 哪儿 我 就 去 哪儿
可是 我 没有 什么 想 买 的
But I don't have anything that I want to buy.
一个 人形 提款机 站 你 旁边
There's a human ATM next to you,
你 跟 我 说 这些
yet you're telling me this?
你 觉得 我 是 看 上 你 的 钱 了 吗
Do you think I'm after your money?
你 是 看 上 我 的 钱 了 吗
Are you after my money?
好 了 大哥
All right, please.
你 有 什么 毛病 啊
What is wrong with you?
这么 想 给 我 花钱
Why do you want to spend money on me?
喜欢 一个 人
When you like someone,
就 想 使劲 给 她 花钱
you want to spend money on her.
有 十块 花 九块 五
If I have 10 yuan, I'll spend 9.5
剩下 五毛 留着 买 馒头
and keep the change to buy bread
因为 怕 她 饿 着
because she might be hungry.
酸 啊 酸
Sour. It's sour.
我 给 你 当 了 两三年 的 辅助
I've been your Support for the past two to three years.
让 了 无数 的 人头
I gave so many kills to you.
我 要求 也 不 高
I'm not asking for much.
你 就 把 我 购物车 里 的
Just pay for the new DW watch
DW 新款 的 手表 给 我结 了 就 行
in my cart.
你们 看看 你们 看看
Look at this.
就 这款
This design.
大气 优雅
符合 我 的 气质 吧
Just like my style, right?
不 符合
Not at all.
你 就 这点 出息 啊
That's all you can do?
你们 不吃 了
Aren't you all eating?
不吃 我 就 都 吃 了 啊
If you're not, I'm going to finish it.
吃 吃 吃
别吃坏 了 啊
Don't overdo it.
小胖 你 真是 海量 啊
Fatty, you eat a lot.
喂 今阳
Hello, Jin Yang.
我们 正 商量 着
We were just discussing
要 不要 上海 一日游 呢
whether to have a one-day trip here in Shanghai.
怎么 了
Isn't your birthday today?
你 今天 不是 过生日 吗
你 打算 怎么 过 啊
What do you plan to do?
这是 头一回 我们 两个 人
This is the first time we could meet
不在 深圳 还 能 聚在一起
even if we're not in Shenzhen.
我 觉得 还 挺 值得纪念 一下 的
I think it's worth celebrating.
今年 送 你 什么 呢
What should I give you this year?
包 鞋
Bags? Shoes?
项链 首饰
Necklace? Jewelery?
Wedding dress?
Forget it.
首饰 和 婚纱 还是 让 你 男人 送 吧
It's better to have your man buy you jewelery and a wedding dress.
不是 我酸 啊
I'm not being salty,
他 可比 我 还有 钱
but he's richer than I am.
你 一句 话 要 过生日
As long as you say you want a birthday celebration,
他 能 把 东方明珠 买下来
he could even buy you the Oriental Pearl
改名 叫 祝 我 老婆 生日快乐 塔
and change its name to "Happy Birthday to My Wife Tower".
你 可 千万别 告诉 他 今天 是 我 生日
Don't tell him it's my birthday today.
如果 他 真 买 了 什么 大件
If he really bought me something big,
把 我 剁成 块 按斤 卖 我 也 还 不起
I wouldn't be able to repay him even if I'm sold in pieces.
你 剁 开 了 可 不如 整个 值钱 姑娘
You're not worth as much in pieces though, Miss.
我 也 想 有 个 男朋友
I want to have a boyfriend
能 送 我个 贵到 让 我 觉得
who could buy me an expensive gift
把 自己 卖 了 都还不 起 的 礼物
that I can't even afford to pay back even if I sold myself.
你 今天 是 怎么 了
What's wrong with you today?
怎么 总提 我 生日 这茬 啊
Why are you going on and on about my birthday?
这 不是 你 亲爱 的 妈妈 吗
It's all because of your dearest mother.
她 刚才 给 我 打电话 了
She gave me a call just now
跟 我 说 这 是 你
and told me it's your first time
第一次 一个 人 过生日
spending your birthday alone
让 我 好好 陪 你 过
and I should accompany you.
她 是 我 妈 还是 你 妈
Is she your mother or my mother?
这种 事情 不会 直接 跟 我 说 吗
Can't she just tell me herself?
她 不好意思 跟 你 说 呗
She's embarrassed to tell you herself.
Yang Yang.
阿姨 跟 你 说
Auntie is telling you.
我 知道 你们 现在
I know young people like you
年轻人 过生日 都 讲究 浪漫
all about being romantic for birthday celebrations,
特别 是 童谣 她 现在 还有 了 男朋友
especially now that Tong Yao has a boyfriend.
她 这个 男朋友 还 挺 好 的
Her boyfriend is quite decent.
长得帅 又 有 文化
Handsome and well-educated.
所以 也 不是 不行
So it's not really a problem.
就是 阿姨 要 拜托 你
Auntie would really like you
多 提醒 一下 童谣
to remind Tong Yao.
女孩子 嘛 注意 点
Girls have to be extra careful
一定 要 注意 保护措施
when it comes to protection.
我 给 你 翻译 一下 啊
Let me interpret it for you.
你 妈 我 啊 还 年轻
As your mother, I'm still young
暂时 不想 抱 外孙
and I don't want a grandchild yet.
好 了 好 了
All right.
我 先 挂 了
I'm hanging up.
怎么 了 脸 这么 红
What happened? You are blushing.
我妈 夸 你 长得 好看
My mother said you look handsome.
我 去
Oh my.
不是 吧
No way.
小胖 一个 人 把 这些 全吃 了
Fatty ate all of these by himself?
一个 蟹粉 小笼包 都 没 给 我 留
He didn't even save me a crab roe soup dumpling.
就 这点
Just these much
还 不够 小胖 塞牙缝 的 呢
is not even enough for Fatty.
是 呀
That's right.
these Shanghai crab roe soup dumplings are pretty delicious.
这 上海 蟹粉 小笼包 确实 挺好吃 的
没事 吧
Are you all right?
没有 没有 没有
I'm fine.
吃 吃 坏 了
Did you have a bad stomach?
我 去 看看
I'll take a look.
没事 吧
Are you all right?
Brother Cheng.
我 有事
I'm not all right.
It's taking so long.
医生 他 没事 吧
Doctor, is he all right?
没什么 大事
It's nothing serious.
急性 肠胃炎
Acute gastroenteritis
现在 还 有点 发烧
and a slight fever too.
不过 你们 可以 放心
But don't worry.
他 年轻 身体素质 还 行
He is young and his body is doing fine.
输 输液
he can be discharged tomorrow.
明天 就 可以 出院 了
That's great.
你 怎么样 了
How are you?
好多 了
I'm feeling much better.
你们 啊 你们
All of you.
你们 就 存心 搞 我
You did this on purpose.
每次 一到 重要 比赛 的 时候
Every time there is an important competition,
你们 不 搞 点 花式 作 妖
all of you will have some tricks
你们 就 不 痛快
or feel uncomfortable.
你们 是不是 嫌 我 命长
Do you want me to die soon?
明天 的 比赛
For tomorrow's game,
我 躺 着 也 要 打 完
I'll play it even if I'm lying down.
算 你 有点 良心
Luckily, you still have your conscience.
我 饿 了
I'm hungry.
想 吃 饼干
I want some biscuits.
你 再 给 我 说 一次
Say that again.
该 吐 的 我 都 已经 吐 完 了
I've vomited everything.
就 这么 发展 下去
If this continues,
没等我 病好 先 饿死 了
I'll be starving before I get better.
你们 剩下 的 比赛
You can only have
就 只能 带 着 童谣
a disabled player, Tong Yao,
这个 手残 辅助 给 你们 打 了 我
to play Support for you.
就 问 你们 怕不怕
I'll see if you'd like that.
我 就 吃 口 饼干 行不行
Can I just have some biscuits, please?
吃 饼干 又 不 犯法
Eating biscuits isn't a crime.
谁给我 买包 饼干 啊
Can someone buy me a packet of biscuits?
你 帮 我 买袋 饼干 吧
Buy me a packet of biscuits, will you?
我 不 康复 不 出院
If I don't recover and get discharged,
你 就要 给 诚哥 当 辅助
you'll have to be Brother Cheng's Support.
你 想想 以前 你 辅助 的 时候 多惨
Think about how miserable you were when you were a Support.
你 想 说 什么
What are you trying to say?
要 不 还是 给 小胖 买包 饼干 吧
Why don't we just get Fatty a packet of biscuits?
他 饿成 这样
He's starving.
我 心疼
I pity him.
你 干吗
What are you doing?
钱包 没带
I didn't bring my wallet
手机 也 没电 了
and my phone is dead.
买 饼干 总 不能 刷卡 吧
I can't be using my card to buy a packet of biscuits.
等 着 马上 就 回来 了
Wait here. He'll be back soon.
还 笑
Still dare to laugh?
别凶 我
When you're mad, I'll feel pain again.
一凶 我 又 疼 了
你好 多少钱
Excuse me, how much is this?
你好 请稍等
Hello. One moment, please.
生日 准备 怎么 过 啊
(What do you plan on doing for your birthday?)
要 不要 一起 啊
(Do you want to hang out?)
不过 了
我 现在 还 在 医院 呢
(I'm still at the hospital.)
过 毛线 生日 啊
(What birthday celebration can I have?)
(Happy birthday.)
挺 快乐 的
(I'm quite happy.)
么 么 哒 老妈
(Love you, Mom.)
许个 愿 吧
(Let's make a wish.)
祝 你 生日快乐
Happy birthday to you.
祝 你 生日快乐
Happy birthday to you.
祝 你 生日快乐
Happy birthday to you.
祝 你 生日快乐
Happy birthday to you.
祝 你 生日快乐
Happy birthday to you.
祝 你 生日快乐
Happy birthday to you.
祝 你 生日快乐
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday!
你 怎么 知道 的
How do you know?
刚才 拿 你 钱包 的 时候
When I took your wallet just now,
手贱 想 看 你 的 身份证 丑照
I wanted to take a look at your ugly identification card.
还好 我 跑得快
Thankfully, I ran really fast,
要不然 商场 都 关门 了
or the stores would be close by then.
生日快乐 啊 电竞 花木兰
Happy birthday, Mulan of the E-sports!
你们 俩 腻歪 够 了 吗
Are you both done being sweet?
我们 几个 真的 是 有点 饿 了
We are actually a little hungry.
能 吃 蛋糕 了 吗
Can we eat the cake?
其实 我 都 不 打算 过生日 了
Actually, I wasn't planning on celebrating my birthday.
快要 比赛 了
The league is near.
过 不过 都 差不多
It's not any different to celebrate it.
就算 要 打 比赛
Even if the competition is coming,
生日 也 要 过 啊
a birthday celebration is a must.
快快 快 赶紧 许个 愿
Quick. Make a wish.
对 来 许个 愿
Yes. Come on. Make a wish.
微笑 项链
Smiley necklace.
今年 买 项链
A necklace this year
明年 买 钻戒
and a diamond ring next year
附赠 结婚证 一张
that comes with a marriage certificate.
好看 吗
It is.
你 戴 什么 都 好看
You look good in everything.
浪漫 呢
That's romantic.
等等 等
我 的 病房 不 应该 多 关注 一下 我 吗
This is my ward. Shouldn't you pay more attention to me?
那 没 办法
No way.
今晚 的 主角 注定 是 属于 双 C 的
The star of the night is meant to be Double C.
对 了
Oh, right.
今天 啊 我 也 给 大家 准备 了 礼物
I've prepared a gift for everyone today.
平日 里 呢
我 作为 大家 的 大管家
时时刻刻 关心 着 你们
who takes care of all of you at all times.
赛场 上 我 没有 办法
I can't help you
替 你们 披荆斩棘
in the game,
但是 我 可以 做好 一切 后勤工作
but I can manage everything else.
所以 啊
为了 保证 你们 后面 一切顺利
to make sure that everything goes smoothly,
所有 的 霉运 厄运
to chase away
统统 都 离 你们 远去
all of the bad luck,
我 特意 派 人 帮 你们 请 了
I ordered this for all of you.
一个 衣食住行 喜怒哀乐
An amulet
全方位 三百六十度
that covers all your needs,
无 死角 的 护身符
joys, and sorrows.
来 一人 一个
Here. Take one each.
确保 你们 在 总决赛 的 赛场 上
It will help all of you to shine
in the Grand Finals.
谢 了
Thank you.
Not bad.
你们 这是 什么 表情 啊
What's with your expression?
你们 自己 想想 嘛
Think about it yourself.
这个 联赛 一路 走来
Along the journey of this Championship,
你们 伤 的 伤 病 的 病
there were injuries and illnesses.
这个 东西 呢
If you believe in this,
你们 就 信则 有
then it works.
不信 呢 你们 就 当个 护身符
If you don't, just have it with you as an amulet
纪念品 什么 的
or some souvenir.
戴 在 身上 呗 又 不 掉 块 肉 对 吧
There's no harm carrying this around, right?
对 了
Oh, right.
这 可不是 俱乐部 对 你们 没有 信心 啊
This is not because the club has no faith in you.
我 是 已经 立誓 了
I've already taken an oath
要 捧 回 总决赛 的 冠军 奖杯
to bring back the trophy of the Championship
冲向 世界 赛
and get into the World Championship.
否则 我 就
Otherwise, I will...
他 可 舍不得
I don't think he would.
就算 是 大巴 司机
Even if he has to be a bus driver,
也 要 跟着 我们
是 吧
你 这
不过 跟 大家 说句 心里话 啊
But I'll say something from the bottom of my heart.
不管 这次 结果 如何
No matter what happens in the end,
我 永远 支持 大家
I will always support everyone.
不管 发生 什么 事
No matter what happens,
卖 我 我来 扛
sell me off. I will bear the consequences.
行 吧 给 我 一个 吧
All right. Give me one.
我 也 要 许个 愿
I want to make a wish too.
我 看 那些 网红主播
The online streamers did say
说 这 东西 挺灵 的
this thing works.
真的 有用吗
Does it really work?
你 想许 什么 愿望
Whatever wishes that you have,
我 都 帮 你 实现
I will make them come true.
诚哥 我 也 有 个 愿望
Brother Cheng, I have a wish too.
我 还有 愿望 呢
I have a wish too.
You think it'll work?
我 说 双 C 啊
Hey, Double C.
你们 俩 这样 不太好 吧
I don't think it's good for both of you to act like that.
虽然 我 让 大家 放松 心态
Although I'm trying to make everyone feel at ease,
但 你们 也 不至于 这样 吧
you don't have to be like that.
我们 现在 的 首要 目标
Our main goal now is to
可是 拿 全国 总冠军 啊
win the National Championship.
对 二位 的 路 还 长
-Yes. -Both of you have a long way to go.
拜托 各位 稍微 虔诚 一点
Please be a little more sincere.
我 真的 不想 去 做 大巴 司机
I don't want to be a bus driver.
我 的 愿望 呢
My dream is
就是 能够 打败 YQCB
to defeat YQCB,
拿下 全国冠军
get the World Championship title,
冲向 世界
and go international.
是 的
没 了
Is that all?
为了 庆祝 一下
To celebrate this,
我们 去 吃 点 肉 怎么样
let's have some meat, shall we?
好 主意 你 还 吃
Fatty, why don't you be more reliable?
小胖 你 还 不 老实 点
接下来 的 不仅仅 是 全国 总决赛
What's coming next is not just the National Championship.
是 光和影 的 终极 对决
It's also a battle between light and shadow.
你 啊 出院 以后 要 好好 训练
You have to train well after being discharged.
练好 了 呢
If you train well,
请 你 吃 蟹黄 面
I'll treat you to some crab noodles.
练 不好 呢 茶 都 没 的 喝
If you don't, don't even think about tea.
可以 呀
你们 两个 人 一个 甜枣 一个 巴掌
One of you here is the good guy and the other is the bad guy.
配合 挺 默契 呀
That's working well.
这个 啊 叫 用心良苦
We mean well.
God Ming.
你许 的 什么 愿
What did you wish for?
还 能 是 什么 呢
What else could it be?
肯定 是 我们 顺利 拿下 YQCB 呗
It would definitely be defeating YQCB.
还有 一句
One more.
ZGDX 不会 在 赛场 上 消失
ZGDX will not disappear from the game.
哥 你 怎么 又 旧事重提 啊
Brother, why are you bringing up an old story?
明神 你 也 信 这个
God Ming. Do you believe in that too?
人 吧
As humans,
有 的 时候 确实 需要 一些 运气
sometimes we really do need a bit of luck.
你们 已经 证明 了 自己
All of you have proved yourself
是 世界 上 最 顶尖 的 职业 选手
as the top professional gamers in the world.
剩下 的 就 像 小瑞说 的 一样
The rest is just as Xiao Rui says,
我们 还 需要 一点点 的 运气
we need a little bit of luck.
只要 我们 一直 在 一起
As long as we stay together,
我们 所有 的 愿望 都 一定 会 实现 的
all of our wishes will come true.
对 对 来
-Yes. -Yes. Come on.
All the best!
All the best!
All the best!
这个 人 啊
likes to hide here.
就 喜欢 躲 在 这儿
所以 到时候
咱们 打 的 时候 一定 得 小心
we have to play with caution.
而且 这 几个 式 神
Moreover, I trained these few Shikigamis
我 都 是 看 童谣 视频 练 的
from watching Tong Yao's videos.
教皇 回来 了
Hierophant is back.
教皇 今天 怎么 抓 了 这么 多 娃娃
Why did Hierophant have that many dolls today?
Does that represent
代表 了 他 内心 的 紧张 程度 啊
how anxious he is?
这么 多
That's a lot.
是 要 总决赛 的 时候 送给 粉丝 吗
Is he giving them out to the fans during the Grand Finals?
我们 刚刚 研究 了
We studied
ZGDX 所有 全国 赛 的 比赛
all of ZGDX's games in the Nationals.
总结 了 他们 双 C 的 习惯
We concluded the habit of their Double C.
你 要 不要 来看 一下
Do you want to take a look?
他 怎么 了 怎么 了
-What happened to him? -What happened?
打 回来 状态 就 不 太 对 啊
He didn't feel right as soon as he came back.
是 啊 闷闷不乐 的
Yes. He seems moody.
他 是 遇到 什么 事 了 吗
Did he encounter anything?
我 哪 知道 啊 不 知道
-How would I know? -I don't know.
Liang Sheng.
我 手心 出汗
My palms are sweating.
心跳 有点 快
My heartbeat is fast.
我 这 是 怎么 了
What's happening to me?
很 正常
It's normal.
你 喝 一个 可乐
Have some coke
压 压惊 吧
to calm yourself down.
我 打 比赛 前
I've never been nervous
从来 都 不会 紧张 的
before any games.
你 想想
Think about this.
这 马上 就是 全国 总决赛 了
This would be the National Grand Finals soon.
还是 你 和 陆思诚 的 终极 对决
it's a battle between you and Lu Si Cheng.
我 觉得 吧
I think
你 紧张 点 是 应该 的
you should be feeling a little nervous.
我 今年 已经 二十六岁 了
I'm already 26 years old this year.
所以 呢
来 中国 前
before I came to China,
我 并 没有 把 它
I did not
当成 一个 真正 的 战场
consider it as an actual battlefield.
我 只是 想
I only wanted
让 我 的 职业生涯 最后 一段
my career as a gamer to be more comfortable
过得 舒服 一点
towards the end.
然后 呢
Then what?
不 知道
I don't know.
可能 是 没想到 会
Maybe I never thought that
这么 艰难 吧
it would be this difficult.
你们 让 我
You all made me...
那句话 怎么 说来 着
What was it?
你们 让 我 大开眼界
All of you broadened my horizon.
有时候 大开眼界
Sometimes, an eye-opener...
夸 咱们 呢
He's complimenting us.
有些 决策 我 可能 是 为了
Some strategies were just used
来 打败 陆思诚 而已
to beat Chessman,
但 你们 依然 会 对 我
but all of you would still...
你们 依然 会 对 我
All of you would still...
绝对 信任
Absolute trust you.
就是 这个
That's it.
那 肯定 的
That's for sure.
你 本来 打得 就 很 好 啊
You were playing well all the time.
没错 啊 哥
That's right.
That's why
你们 让 我 觉得
you all made me feel
我们 有 机会 走向 更 高级别 舞台
that we had an opportunity to move on to the next level.
虽然 咱们 只是 保级 队
We may just be a relegation team,
但 咱们 一路 走来
but on our journey
走 到 全国 总决赛
to the National Grand Finals,
没什么 事是 不 可能 的
nothing is impossible.
对 为了 梦想
Yes. For our dream.
我要 跟 你 一起 走 到 世界 赛
I want to go with you to the World Championships.
In that case,
咱们 先 拿下 全国 第一
let's get the National Championship!
来 好
-Here! -Okay!
一群 菜皮
Worthless weaklings!
干吗 你们 好好 来
What's wrong with all of you? Do it nicely.
再 来 一遍 啊
Three, two, one.
一起 称霸
Seek hegemony!
加油 加油 加油
-All the best! -All the best!
All the best!
加油 加油
-All the best! -All the best!
想 好 还有 什么 愿望 了 吗
Have you thought about your wishes?
世界 和平
World peace.
要 不要 这么 土 啊
What a cliche.
希望 我们 能 拿 冠军
I hope we can win the championship.
没 了
That's all?
不仅 是 全国 总冠军
Not only a national champion,
还要 是 世界冠军
but it also has to be the world champion.
就 这些 啊
That's all?
你 是 真 不 打算 告诉 我 了
You really don't plan to tell me?
愿望 说 出来 就 不灵 了
Wishes won't come true if you reveal them.
我 不 相信
I don't believe that.
除了 我 自己 以外
I am the only one
谁 能 掌控 我 的 命运
who can possibly control my destiny.
我们 的 未来 只 属于 你 和 我 的
Our future belongs to you and me.
那 你 呢
What about you?
如果 真的 要 问 我许 什么 愿望 的话
If you really ask me what I wished for,
我 希望
I wish that
我能 一辈子 守护 在 你 身边
I could be by your side for the rest of my life.
你 只会 想要 看 更 多
♪You'll be asking for more♪
我们 热爱 自带 的 锋芒
♪We love to shine brightly♪
年轻 的 脸庞 极度 渴望
♪Young faces are desperate♪
你 知道 我们 不会 放弃
♪You know we won't give up♪
不过 在 迎难而上
♪But in the face of adversity♪
我们 选择 自带 的 锋芒
♪We choose to shine brightly♪
未来 的 模样 莫名 开创
♪The future looks inexplicable♪
你 知道 我们 不会 放弃
♪You know we won't give up♪
决战 在 星空 之上
♪With our battle on the stars♪
迎着 风 带 着 各自 炙热 的 倔强
[OPL Onmyoji Arena Pro League] ♪Standing in the wind with burning determination♪
ZGDX 已经 全员 就位
All of the ZGDX members are in position.
你们好 了 我们 可以 随时 开始
Once you're okay, we could start anytime.
这边 我来 负责
I'll take charge here.
好 收到
Sure. Copy that.
要 站 起来 要 站 起来
♪Gotta get up gotta stand up♪
不要 害怕 把握 机会
♪Don't be afraid to take a chance♪
最好 清醒 一些
♪Better wake up you know what's up♪
我 好 紧张 啊
I feel really nervous.
紧张 什么 啊
What is there to be nervous about?
您 今天 出 门前
You looked into the mirror
不才照 了 一千多遍 镜子 吗
a thousand times before you left today.
还 紧张
How are you still nervous?
你别 欺负 我 啊
Don't bully me.
我 没见 过 大 世面
I've never been to a big scene.
习惯 一下
Get used to it.
你 可是 要 跟 我 一起
You are the one
去 征服 世界舞台 的
to conquer the world's stage with me.
请 双方 队员 登场
Let's invite the players from both teams on stage.
我们 热爱 自带 的 锋芒
♪We love to shine brightly♪
Let's go!
极度 渴望
你 知道 我们 不会 放弃
♪You know we won't give up♪
女士们 先生 们
(Ladies and gentlemen.)
欢迎 来到 二零二零
(Welcome to the live)
决战 ! 平安 京 职业联赛
(Onmyoji Arena Pro League 2020)
全国 总决赛 的 现场
(National Grand Finals.)
今天 可谓 是 强强 对决
(Today, we are going to have the battle of the strongest.)
光与影 的 狭路相逢
(The encounter between light and shadow.)
(Both ZGDX and YQCB)
这 两支 相爱 相杀 的 超强 战队
(have a love-hate relationship.)
到底 哪支 战队 能 获胜 呢
(Who will be the winner?)
让 我们 拭目以待 吧
(Let's look forward to it!)
ZGDX 是 一支 星光 闪耀 的 战队
(ZGDX is a star-studded team,)
是 一支 身披 荆棘 脚踏 炙沙 的 战队
(a team with thorns on their back and sand beneath the feet,)
是 一支 曾 在 巅峰 时 遭遇 坎坷
(a team that had a rough time at their peak)
最终 重新 上 了 巅峰
(finally coming back in the game.)
攀登 的 战队
(A team that climbs.)
YQCB 则 是 一支
(YQCB is a dark horse)
曾 沦落 到 保级 的 黑马 战队
(that was in relegation.)
随着 教皇 的 到来
(With Hierophant joining the team,)
潜力 被 激发 的 YQCB
(YQCB, who had their potential unleashed)
一路 高歌猛进
(has been advancing triumphantly)
最终 来到 了 全国 总决赛 的 舞台 上
(to the National Grand Finals)
角逐 决战 ! 平安 京 职业联赛 的
(to battle for the highest title)
最高 荣誉
(of OPL!)
好 现场 的 观众 朋友 们
(All right. Ladies and gentlemen,)
让 我们 一起 倒数
(let us countdown)
欢迎 他们 的 到来 吧
(to welcome them.)
(At this very moment,)
我 宣布
(I announce)
二零二零 的 年终 盛典
(the final event of 2020,)
最后 的 战役
(the final battle)
自此 拉开帷幕
(begins right now.)