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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 028

曹操 攻破 下 邳 , 捉 到 呂布 。 呂布 表示 願意 投降 , 就 幫助 曹操 平定 天下 。 曹操 征求 劉備 嘅 意見 啦 , 問 佢 好 唔 好 啊 噉 。 劉備 話 : 明公 , 你 唔 記得 丁原 、 董卓 嘅 事 咩 ? 呂布 一聽 , 嘿 ! 乜 你 劉備 噉 講 㗎 ? 先頭 仲岌頭 岌腦 應承 救 我 添 , 哼 ! 佢 話 : 呢 個 大耳佬 最 冇 信義 嘅 。 曹操 叫 刀斧手 拉 呂布 落樓 勒死 佢 。 呂布 捩 轉頭 望住 劉備 話 : 大耳佬 , 唔 記得 轅門 射 戟 嗰 陣 呀 ? 正 喺 呢 個 時候 , 忽然 聽見 有 個人 大聲 話 呂布 啊 ! 死就死 啦 嘛 , 有 乜嘢 好怕 呢 ! 大家 一睇 , 原來 刀斧手 擁住 張 遼 嚟 到 嘞 。 曹操 命令 將 呂布 勒死 , 然後 斬首 立即 行刑 ! 殺 咗 呂布 之後 , 曹操 指住 張 遼話 : 呢 個人 , 好 面熟 啊 ! 張遼話 : 我 哋 喺 濮陽 城 曾經 見過面 , 你 唔 記得 喇 ? 啊 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 原來 你 都 記得 吓 。 不過 真 係 可惜 啊 。 可惜 乜嘢 ? 可惜 當日 啲 火 唔 夠大 , 冇 燒死 你 呢 個 害國 奸賊 ! 啊 ! 呸 ! 敗軍之將 , 仲 膽敢 侮辱 我 ? 曹操 拔出 寶劍 , 要 親手 嚟 殺 張 遼 。 張遼驚 都 唔 驚下 , 伸 長條 頸 等 佢 殺 。 曹操 一舉 起 把 劍 : 我 斬 咗 你 ! 丞相 唔 好 啊 ! 劉備 一步 上前 就 摱 住 曹操 嘅 手臂 。 關雲長 嚗 聲 跪 喺 曹操 嘅 面前 , 劉備 話 : 好似 佢 噉 嘅 人 , 一片丹心 , 應該 留用 啊 ! 丞相 。 關雲長 亦 都 話 嘞 : 我 一向 知道 文遠 係 個 忠義 之 人 , 我願用 自己 嘅 性命 嚟 擔保 佢 。 呵 呵呵哈 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 曹操 哈哈大笑 , 掉 低 把 劍 : 呵呵 , 我 亦 知道 文遠 係 個 忠義 嘅 人 , 我 特登 同 佢 開 個 玩笑 唧 。 曹操 親自 同張 遼 解開 啲 繩 , 除 咗 自己 件 袍 畀 佢 着 , 請 佢 坐 喺 上位 。 唉 , 人生 呀 , 至 緊要 係 有 個 知己 啫 。 張 遼 畀 曹操 嘅 誠意 感動 咗 , 投降 嘞 。 曹操 任命 佢 做 中郎將 , 賜 關內 侯 呢 個 爵位 畀 佢 , 叫 佢 去 招安 臧霸 。 臧霸 聽聞 呂布 已經 死 咗 嘞 , 張 遼 又 已經 投降 , 所以 呢 亦 都 帶齊 本部 個 軍兵 投降 。 曹操 亦 重重 噉 賞賜 佢 。 跟 住 臧霸 呢 又 去 招安 孫觀 、 吳敦 、 尹禮 三個 將領 嚟 到 投降 , 就 唯獨 昌 豨 一個 人 就 唔 肯 歸順 。 曹操 封 臧霸 做 琅 琊 相 。 孫 觀 佢 哋 每人 都 升 咗 官 , 安排 佢 哋 負責 守衛 青州 、 徐州 沿海 嘅 地區 。 呂布 嘅 妻 、 妾 同埋 個 女 呢 就 送 去 許都 嚟 到 住 。 然後 呢 大大 噉 犒勞 三軍 , 拔寨 班師 嘞 。 當 大軍 路過 徐州 嘅 時候 , 嘩 嗨 啲 老百姓 呀 , 燒住 香 , 攔住 條路 , 請求 留低 劉備 喺 度 做 州長 啊 唔 放 佢 走 喎 。 曹操 話 嘞 : 劉使君 立 咗 好 大 嘅 功勞 , 等到 朝見 過 皇上 , 封 咗 官爵 之後 , 再 返 嚟 都 未 遲 吖 。 老百姓 好 歡喜 , 猛 咁 叩頭 。 曹操 叫 車騎 將軍 車胄 , 暫時 管理 住 徐州 。 噉 曹操 率領 大軍 返到 許昌 之後 呢 , 對 參加 出征 嘅 人員 啊 都 有 封有賞 。 就 安排 劉備 喺 相府 附近 一座 住宅 裏 便 住 落 。 第 日 , 漢獻帝 臨朝 嘞 。 曹操 上 咗 份 表章 , 向 皇上 稟奏 劉備 嘅 軍功 , 同時 呢 帶 劉備 嚟 到 朝見 皇帝 。 呢 一日 , 劉備 穿 住 朝服 , 齊齊整整 喺 丹墀 之下 , 即 係 皇帝 殿前 便 嘅 油 咗 紅色 嘅 石階 , 三跪九叩 就 拜見 皇帝 。 獻帝 叫 佢 行 上 嚟 金殿 就 問 佢 : 卿 家 嘅 祖先 係 邊個 啊 ? 臣 乃 中山 靖 王 嘅 後代 , 孝景 皇帝 閣下 玄孫 , 劉雄 之孫 , 劉弘之 子 呀 。 於是 獻帝 就 叫 人 攞 皇家 嘅 族譜 出 嚟 查下 , 吖 , 果然 查到 喎 。 噉 啊 就 喺 金殿 上當 眾 嚟 宣讀 。 咦 ? 皇帝 嘅 族譜 呀 , 點 㗎 ? 未 聽過 喎 。 嗱, 噉 啊 聽 住 喇 啊 。 孝景 皇帝 生 十四 子 , 第七 子 乃 中山 靖 王劉勝 。 勝生 陸城亭 侯 劉貞 。 貞生沛侯 劉昂 。 昂生 漳侯 劉祿 。 祿生 沂水 侯 劉戀 。 戀生 欽陽侯 劉英 。 英生 安國 侯 劉建 。 建 生廣陵 侯 劉哀 。 哀 生膠 水侯 劉憲 。 憲生 祖邑侯 劉舒 。 舒生 祁陽 侯 劉誼 。 誼 生 原澤侯 劉必 。 必 生潁川 侯 劉達 。 達生 豐靈侯 劉不疑 。 不疑 生濟川侯 劉惠 。 惠生 東郡 范令 劉雄 。 雄生 劉弘 。 弘不仕 。 劉備乃 劉弘之 子 也 。 獻帝 排 一排 世譜 , 嗬 嗬 , 原來 劉玄德 係 阿叔 嚟 噃。 嘩 , 獻帝 高興 到 不得了 , 就 請 劉玄德 去 偏殿 , 以 叔侄 之禮 嚟 相見 。 獻帝 個心 諗 : 而家 曹操 把持 大權 , 一切 國家 大事 , 都 唔 由 得 朕 作主 嘅 。 今日 有 呢 個 咁 英雄 嘅 叔父 , 朕 有人 幫手 咯 。 於是 獻帝 就 封 劉玄德 做 左 將軍 、 宜城亭 侯 。 跟 住 , 仲 設宴 嚟 款待 , 宴會 完 咗 之後 , 劉玄德 先至 謝恩 出朝 。 噉 從此 之後 呢 , 人人 都 稱呼 劉備 做 劉皇叔 嘞 。 曹操 返到 相府 之後 , 荀彧 等等 一班 謀士 就 嚟 見 佢 話 : 今日 天子 認 咗 劉備 做 阿叔 , 恐怕 對明公 你 冇 乜 益處 噃。 曹操 話 嘞 : 噉 好 啊 。 劉備 既然 係 皇叔 咯 , 我用 天子 嘅 名義 嚟 命令 佢 , 佢 啊 更加 不敢 不服 。 嚱 況且 , 我 將 佢 留 喺 許都 , 名義 上 雖然 係 接近 天子 啊 , 實質 係 喺 我 嘅 掌握 之內 。 我 怕 佢 乜嘢 呢 吓 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 唉 ! 而家 我 所 憂慮 嘅 呢 , 就 係 太尉楊 彪 啊 。 佢 同 袁 術 係 親戚 , 如果 佢 做 袁 術 、 袁紹 嘅 內應 , 噉 就 為 害 不 淺 咯 。 嗯 , 應該 即刻 剷除 咗 佢 先 。 曹操 諗 得到 就 做 得到 , 過 咗 冇 幾耐 , 曹操 暗中 使人 誣告 楊彪 。 說 楊彪 私通 袁術 , 就 捉 咗 佢 , 韞 咗 入監 。 同時 呢 , 叫 滿寵 嚟 審問 佢 , 定 佢 嘅 罪 。 當時 北海 太守 孔融 就 喺 許都 嚟 , 知道 咗 呢 件 事 就 走 嚟 勸 曹操 話 喇 : 楊公 四世 清德 , 點 能夠 因為 袁 術 嘅 事 就 加 罪 於 佢 呢 ? 曹操 話 : 哦 , 呢 啲 係 主 上 嘅 意思 啫 。 皇上 要 殺 一個 大臣 , 都 係 要 聽 丞相 你 嘅 意見 嘅 。 曹操 本來 想詐 唔 知 嘅 , 誰知 畀 孔融 將 咗 這一 軍 , 冇 辦法 喇 , 就 不便 殺 楊彪 啦 。 就罷 咗 佢 嘅 官 , 趕 咗 佢 返鄉 算數 。 有 一個 議郎 叫做 趙 彥 噃, 佢 見到 曹操 咁 專橫 , 就 呈 咗 份 奏章 畀 皇帝 , 彈劾 曹操 。 話 曹操 未 得到 聖旨 就 擅自 監禁 大臣 , 有罪 。 曹操 嬲 到極 , 即刻 拉趙彥 嚟 殺 咗 佢 。 嘩 , 嚇 到 文武百官 呀 個個 都 震 晒 。 曹操 嘅 勢力 夠晒 大咯 。 有 一日 , 程昱 就 走 嚟 對 曹操 話 嘞 : 而家 , 明 公 嘅 威名 越 嚟 越盛 嘞 , 點解 唔 趁 住 呢 個 時候 , 建立 王霸之 業 , 將個 帝位 奪過 嚟 呢 ? 嗯 ? 嗯 , 皇上 得力 嘅 親信 大臣 仲 係 唔 少 㗎 , 唔 能夠 隨便 動手 啊 。 誒 , 好 , 等 我 請 皇上 去 郊外 打獵 , 睇 下 動靜 先 。 過 咗 幾日 , 曹操 吩咐 啲 人 , 挑選 一批 靚馬 、 猛鷹 、 靈敏 嘅 獵狗 , 準備 定 弓箭 等等 。 同時 呢 喺 城外 集合 好 兵馬 , 然後 就 去 請 皇帝 去 郊外 打獵 嘞 。 獻帝 話 : 打獵 呀 , 呢 啲 , 怕 唔 係 正經事 嚟 噃。 主 上 , 古時 嘅 帝王 , 春夏秋冬 , 四季 都 去 郊外 打獵 , 向 天下 顯示 自己 嘅 武功 。 當今 四海 紛亂 , 正 係 應當 藉 打獵 呢 個 機會 嚟 講求 一下 武功 啦 嘛 。 獻帝 唔 敢 唔 聽 曹操 話 , 去 就 去 啦 。 隨即 騎上 逍遙 馬 , 帶住 寶 雕弓 、 金 鈚 箭 , 擺架 出城 嘞 。 皇帝 去 打獵 唄 , 劉備 就 同埋 關羽 、 張飛 , 每人 都 彎弓 插箭 , 身上 穿 上護 心甲 , 手執 兵器 , 帶住 幾十個 馬 軍 , 就 跟隨 御駕 出 咗 許昌 城 。 曹操 嗰 日 , 騎 一匹 爪 黃 飛電馬 , 率領 十 萬軍 兵 , 同 天子 就 嚟 到 許田 , 就 開始 打獵 啦 。 當時 , 啲 軍士 就 圍住 晒 打獵 嘅 場地 周圍 二百 幾里 。 曹操 同 皇帝 騎住 馬 一 拍行 。 皇帝 呀 , 只 係 行前 曹操 一個 馬頭 位 咋 。 喺 背後 跟 住 嘅 , 都 係 曹操 嘅 心腹 、 將校 。 至於 嗰 啲 文武百官 , 只 係 喺 遠遠 嘅 地方 跟 住 , 有 邊個 敢 行近 埋 嚟 吖 。 當 獻帝 啊 跑 住 馬 嚟 到許 田 嘅 時候 , 劉備 喺 路邊 向 獻帝 行禮 請安 。 獻帝 話 : 朕 而家 好 想 睇 下 皇叔 打獵 喎 。 臣 領旨 。 劉備 接受 咗 皇帝 嘅 的 命令 , 上 咗 馬 , 忽然 喺 啲 草堆 裏頭 啊 , 趕 一隻 兔子 出 嚟 。 劉備 𠻘 噉 一箭 射過去 , 吖 , 射中 咗 。 獻帝 就 喝彩 叫好 。 大家 又 一路 轉過 咗 一個 山坡 。 啊 嗨 , 有 隻 大 鹿 喺 啲 簕 林 畀 人 趕 咗 出 嚟 噃。 獻帝 就 連氣射 咗 三箭 都 冇 射中 , 就 擰 轉頭 對 曹操 話 嘞 : 卿家 你 射 啦 。 曹操 就 噉 攞 咗 獻帝 用 緊 嘅 寶 雕弓 、 金 鈚 箭 , 開滿 弓 一射 , 正 正 射中 隻 鹿 背 。 嗰 隻 鹿 一下 就 碌 低 喺 草地上 嚟 。 嗰 班 官員 將校 見到 鹿背 插住 嗰 支 金 鈚 箭 , 都 話 係 皇帝 射中 嘅 , 就 踴躍 歡呼 , 向 住 獻帝 就 大呼 萬歲 嘞 喎 。 點知 曹操 一拍 隻 馬 , 直行 上 嚟 , 企 正 喺 獻帝 嘅 前面 , 接受 大家 嘅 歡呼 祝賀 噃。 嘩 , 乜 噉 都 有 嘅 ? 人人 都 驚到 變晒 面色 。 關雲長 係 喺 劉備 背後 嚟 嘅 , 見到 曹操 噉 樣 , 當堂 嬲 到 佢 豎起 臥蠶眉 , 瞪 大 丹鳳眼 , 提刀 拍馬 就 想 衝出去 , 想 去 殺 曹操 嘞 。 劉備 一見 , 慌忙 又 眨眼 又 耍 手 制止 關雲長 . 關公 見到 大哥 噉 樣唄 , 就 唔 敢 逳 嘞 . 劉備 撳住 關公 之後 , 就 對 曹操 互一互個 身 , 祝賀 佢 話 : 丞相 神射 世間 少見 啊 . 曹操 笑 住 話 嘞 : 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 呢 啲 係 托 天子 洪福 啫 . 講完 就 勒 轉馬 , 向 獻帝 賀喜 . 但 係 呢 , 並 冇 將寶 雕弓 還返 畀 獻帝 , 竟然 自己 就 噉 掛 喺 身 嚟 . 打 完獵 , 就 喺 許 田 舉行宴會 , 散 咗 席 呢 就 擺架 返去 許都 嘞 , 噉 各人 亦 都 各自 返去 休息 . 關雲長 忍 唔 住問 劉備 : 曹操 奸賊 欺君 妄上 , 我 正 係 想 去 殺 咗 佢 為 國 除害 嘅 嘞 , 兄長 為 咩 事 制止 我 呢 ? 唉 , 投鼠忌器 啊 . 曹操 同 皇上 僅僅 係 距離 一個 馬頭 咁 遠 。 佢 嗰 班 心腹 死黨 , 擁住 晒 喺 周圍 。 二弟 你 如果 因為 一時 嘅 嬲 怒 , 輕舉妄動 , 聽下 殺 佢 唔 到 , 傷害 咗 皇上 , 噉 罪過 就 反而 喺 我們 處 嚟 喇 。 不過 今日 唔 殺 咗 呢 個 奸賊 , 日後 必 成 禍患 啊 。 二弟 , 呢 件 事 你 要 守 秘密 , 唔 好 隨便 講啊 。 係 。 劉備 呢 份 人 呀 確係 穩陣 㗎 。 而家 講下 獻帝 , 佢 打 完 獵 返 去 皇宮 , 對住 伏皇后 就 喊 起 上 嚟 話 : 唉 ! 朕 自從 登位 以來 , 奸雄 並起 。 最先 就 受 董卓 害 , 後 嚟 , 又 到 李 傕 、 郭汜 作亂 。 唉 , 常人 未 受過 嘅 苦處 , 我同 你 都 受過 咯 。 收尾 得到 曹操 , 初時 仲以 為 佢 係 個 社稷 之臣 , 忠君 保國 吖 。 點 知道 佢 把持 大權 , 專橫跋扈 , 作威作福 。 唉 , 朕 每次 見到 佢 嘅 時候 , 背脊 真 係 好似 畀 針 㓤 噉 㗎 。 唉 , 唉 你 都 仲 未知 , 今日 去 打獵 , 百官 同 軍士 向 朕 歡呼 祝賀 。 佢 竟然 用個 身 擋住 我 , 自己 去 接受 歡呼 祝賀 喎 。 哎呀 , 真 係 無禮 到極 , 無禮 到極 啊 ! 朕 睇 佢 , 好 快 就 會 搞 陰謀 㗎 嘞 。 我 哋 夫婦 , 都 唔 知 死 喺 邊 處 嚟 啊 ! 伏皇后 話 : 陛下 , 噉 唔 通 滿朝公 卿 大臣 , 個個 都 係 食 漢朝 嘅 俸祿 , 竟然 冇 一個 人 能夠 救 國難 咩 ? 皇后 嘅 說話 都 仲 未曾 講完 , 有 個人 喺 外 便 行 入 嚟 話 : 皇上 同 皇后 唔 使 憂心 , 我 舉薦 一個 人 , 可以 為國 除害 啊 。 入 嚟 呢 個人 係 邊個 呢 ? 原來 係 伏皇后 嘅 父親 , 伏 完 啊 。 獻帝 抹 乾 眼淚 就 問 佢 話 : 國丈 , 你 亦 知道 曹操 奸賊 嗰 種 專橫 法 咩 ? 喺 許 田 射獵 嘅 事 , 邊個 唔 見 呢 ? 但 係 成個 朝廷 之上 , 唔 係 曹操 嘅 宗族 , 就 係 佢 嘅 部下 咯 。 所以 如果 唔 係 皇親國戚 , 仲有 邊個 肯 盡忠 殺賊 啊 ? 老臣 冇 權 , 就 難以 做 呢 啲 事 咯 。 我 舉薦 一個 人 , 車騎 將軍 國舅 董承 , 可以信賴 得 過 嘅 。 係 啊 , 董國舅 多次 為 國難 奔忙 , 朕 一向 都 知道 嘅 。 噉 啊 召 佢 入 嚟 皇宮 , 一齊 商量 呢 件 大事 啦 。 唔 得 啊 ! 陛下 嘅 左右 , 都 係 操 賊 嘅 心腹 。 事情 如果 一洩漏 咗 出去 , 大禍臨頭 㗎 。 然則 , 點算 好 呢 ? 誒 , 老臣 有個 辦法 。 嗱, 陛下 你 做 一件 衣服 ,攞 一條 玉帶 , 秘密 噉 賞賜 畀 董承 。 噉 陛下 你 寫 好 一張 詔書 , 塞 喺 條 玉帶 嘅 襯底 裏 便 嚟 , 噉 叫 佢 返 到 屋企 , 先至 睇 呢 一張 詔書 。 噉 佢 就 可以 晝夜 策劃 , 神不知鬼不覺 吖 嘛 。 係 啊 , 國丈 呢 個 辦法 好 啊 。 噉 伏 完 告辭 走 咗 之後 , 獻帝 就 咬 穿 隻 手指 , 滴 啲 血出 嚟 , 用血 嚟 寫 好 一張 秘密 詔書 。 靜靜 啊 叫 伏皇后 , 將 詔書 收埋 喺 條 玉帶 嘅 紫 錦 襯 帶 裏 便 , 聯返 好 佢 。 第 日 , 獻帝 着 起件 錦袍 , 攬 起 呢條 玉帶 , 吩咐 太監 啊 召 董承入 宮 。 董承 嚟 到 叩見 過 獻帝 , 獻帝 就 話 嘞 : 尋晚 , 朕 同 皇后 講起 往日 喺 霸 河 受到 嘅 苦處 , 諗 起 國舅 嘅 咁 大 功勞 , 故此 特意 叫 你 入宮 嚟 慰勞 一下 。 感謝 陛下 隆恩 , 願 陛下 永享 太平 。 你 跟 我 嚟 啦 。 獻帝 帶住 董承行 出 咗 金殿 , 去 到 太廟 一轉 , 又行 咗 上 功臣 閣 裏 便 。 獻帝 裝 咗 香 , 行過禮 , 就 帶 董承睇 啲 畫像 。 正當中 畫 嘅 係 漢高祖 , 獻帝 問董 承 : 我 哋 高祖 皇帝 , 喺 邊 處 出生 , 點樣 創業 嘅 呢 ? 哎呀 , 陛下 同臣 開玩笑 啫 。 聖 祖 嘅 事 點 會 唔 知 呢 ? 高 皇帝 出生 係 泗 上 亭長 , 提 三尺 劍 , 斬蛇 起義 , 縱橫 四海 , 三載 亡 秦 , 五年 滅楚 , 於是 就 得到 天下 , 建立 咗 萬世 嘅 基業 嘞 。 唉 , 祖宗 咁 英雄 , 子孫 咁 懦弱 , 真 係 可嘆 啊 ! 跟 住 , 獻帝 就 指住 漢高祖 畫像 旁邊 , 一左一右 嗰 兩個 大臣 畫像 對 董承話 : 呢 兩個 人 , 係 唔 係 留 侯張良 、 酇 侯 蕭何 呢 ? 係 啊 陛下 。 高祖 開基創業 , 實在 係 全 靠 佢 兩個 嘅 力量 咋 。 呢 個 時候 獻帝 睇 見 跟 住 嚟 嘅 人 企 得 比 較遠 , 就 靜靜 對 董承話 : 卿家 , 亦 應當 好似 呢 兩個 人 噉 , 企 喺 朕 嘅 旁邊 啊 ! 哎 , 臣並 無 半點 功勞 , 點 當得起 呢 ? 卿 家 喺 長安 救駕 嘅 功勞 , 朕 一陣 都 冇 忘記 過 。 冇 咩 好 賞賜 畀 你 嘞 , 欸 , 卿家 你 就 着 咗 朕 呢 件 袍 , 攬 咗 朕 呢條 玉帶 , 噉 就 好似 經常 喺 朕 嘅 身邊 一樣 。 謝主 隆恩 ! 董承 跪 低 叩頭 謝恩 。 獻帝 就 除 咗 件 錦袍 同 玉帶 , 賜 咗 畀 董承 , 就 細細 聲 對 佢 話 : 卿家 返到 屋企 , 仔細 啲 睇 下 , 唔 好 辜負 朕 嘅 心意 啊 。 董承 會意 嘞 , 辭別 咗 獻帝 落樓 行出 功臣 閣 。 曹操 監視 獻帝 嘅 行動 呀 好 嚴密 嘅 。 獻帝 呢 頭同 董承上 咗 功臣 閣唧 , 嗰 頭 就 有人 去 報告 曹操 喇 。 曹操 一 得到 消息 , 即刻 入朝 嚟 睇 下 咩 事 , 董承 離開 咗 功臣 閣 , 啱 啱 行過 皇宮 門口 就 撞 正 曹操 嚟 。 一時 急切 之間 , 搵 唔 到 地方 嚟 躲避 吖 , 就 唯有 企 喺 路邊 , 等 曹操 嚟 到 嘞 就 對 佢 行 個 禮 。 曹操 話 : 國舅 去 邊處 嚟 啊 ? 剛才 得到 天子 宣召 , 賜 咗 錦袍 玉帶 畀 下官 。 哦 ? 為 咩 嘢 事 呢 ? 皇上 話 諗 起 下官 往日 喺 長安 救駕 有功 , 所以 賞賜 下官 唧 。 嗯 , 除條 玉帶 畀 我 睇 下 。 董承個 心 啊 知道 條 玉帶 裏 便 必定會 有 秘密 嘅 詔書 嘅 , 怕 畀 曹操 睇 穿 咗 唔 得 了 。 所以 遲遲疑疑 就 唔 願 除條 玉帶 畀 曹操 睇 。 曹操 見到 董承 噉 嘅 神情 就 喝 一聲 話 : 快 啲 除落 嚟 ! 嘿 , 噉 啊點 都 好 啦 。 董承除 咗 條 玉帶 交 畀 曹操 。 曹操 左 睇 右 睇 , 睇 咗 好 耐 。 哈哈哈哈 , 啊 , 條 玉帶 真 係 靚 啊 。 誒 唔 該 國舅 除 埋件 錦袍 畀 我 睇 下 。 董承個 心好 驚 , 唔 敢 唔 除 呀 , 喇喇聲 除 咗 件 錦袍 , 雙手 捧住 獻 畀 曹操 。 曹操 好 鬼馬 嘅 , 佢 親手 搦 起件 錦袍 , 對住 日光 映住 嚟 仔仔細細 噉 睇 。 睇 完 就 着 起 佢 , 攬 埋條 玉帶 , 對 佢 左右 嗰 班 隨員 話 : 長短 點啊 ? 合 唔 合身 啊 ? 合 , 真 係 好似 度住 身 嚟 做 嘅 噉 啊 , 丞相 。 係 咩 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 國舅 , 呢 件 錦袍 同 玉帶 , 你 就 轉賜 畀 我 呢 , 好 唔 好 啊 ? 誒 , 誒 呢 啲 係 皇恩 所賜 , 唔 敢 轉贈 , 等 下官 另外 做過 一件 再 奉獻 畀 丞相 啦 。 嗯 ? 國舅 受 咗 錦袍 玉帶 , 莫非 其中 有 乜嘢 圖謀 , 係 嘛 ! 下官 點敢 呢 , 丞相 如果 要 嘞 , 就 請 丞相 留 低 佢 啦 。 真 嘅 ? 真 嘅 。 呵呵哈 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 呢 啲 係 皇上 賜 畀 國舅 嘅 , 我點 會 話 搶 咗 你 嘅 呢 ? 同 你 講下 笑 啫 。 於是 曹操 除低 錦袍 同 玉帶 , 還返 畀 董承 。 好彩 冇 事 啊 ! 董承抹 咗 一額 冷汗 , 辭別 咗 曹操 返 屋企 。 當晚 , 董承 獨自 一個 人 坐 喺 書房 嚟 , 將件 錦袍 翻來覆去 左 睇 右 睇 , 之 睇 極都 冇 發現 乜嘢 噃。 佢 諗 : 皇 上將 錦袍 玉帶 賜 畀 我 , 叫 我 仔細 啲 睇 下 , 必定 唔 會 係 隨便 一句 說話 , 實 係 有 特別 嘅 意思 嘅 。 之而家 乜嘢 蹤跡 都 冇 嘅 噃, 又 點解 呢 ? 跟手 , 董承 又 攞 條 玉帶 嚟 睇 。 呢條 玉帶 , 乃 係 白玉 玲瓏 , 雕刻 成 小龍 穿花 , 背後 用 紫錦 嚟 到 做 襯底 嘅 , 針線 細密 , 齊齊整整 亦 冇 乜嘢 㗎 。 哈 , 點解 呢 嚱? 董承個 心好 思疑 , 將條 玉帶 放 喺 張 枱 上 便 , 反反覆覆 噉 樣 搵 嚟 搵 去 , 搵 咗 好 耐 都 搵 唔 到 喎 。

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曹操 攻破 下 邳 , 捉 到 呂布 。 Cao Cao|attacked and captured|||||Lu Bu Cao Cao captured Lü Bu after breaking through Xiapi. 呂布 表示 願意 投降 , 就 幫助 曹操 平定 天下 。 Lu Bu|expressed|willing to|surrender|then|help|Cao Cao|pacify|the world Lü Bu expressed his willingness to surrender and help Cao Cao pacify the world. 曹操 征求 劉備 嘅 意見 啦 , 問 佢 好 唔 好 啊 噉 。 Cao Cao|sought|Liu Bei|possessive particle|opinion|sentence-final particle|asked|he|good|not|good|ah|like this Cao Cao sought Liu Bei's opinion, asking if it was a good idea. 劉備 話 : Liu Bei|said Liu Bei said: 明公 , 你 唔 記得 丁原 、 董卓 嘅 事 咩 ? Your Excellency|you|not|remember|Ding Yuan|Dong Zhuo|possessive particle|matter|question particle My lord, don't you remember the matters of Ding Yuan and Dong Zhuo? 呂布 一聽 , 嘿 ! 乜 你 劉備 噉 講 㗎 ? Lu Bu|upon hearing|hey|what|you|Liu Bei|like that|said|question particle Lü Bu heard and said, "Hey! What are you Liu Bei talking about?" 先頭 仲岌頭 岌腦 應承 救 我 添 , 哼 ! 佢 話 : 呢 個 大耳佬 最 冇 信義 嘅 。 first|still in a hurry|anxious|promised|save|me|additional particle|humph|he|said|this|classifier|big-eared guy|most|without|integrity|possessive particle At first, he was all nervous and promised to save me, huh! He said: This big-eared guy has the least loyalty. 曹操 叫 刀斧手 拉 呂布 落樓 勒死 佢 。 Cao Cao|called|executioner|pulled|Lu Bu|down the stairs|strangled|him Cao Cao ordered the executioners to drag Lü Bu down the stairs and strangle him. 呂布 捩 轉頭 望住 劉備 話 : 大耳佬 , 唔 記得 轅門 射 戟 嗰 陣 呀 ? Lu Bu|twist|turn his head|looking at|Liu Bei|said|big-eared guy|not|remember|the gate of the cart|shot|spear|that|time|question particle Lü Bu turned his head to look at Liu Bei and said: Big-eared guy, don't you remember when you shot the spear at the gate? 正 喺 呢 個 時候 , 忽然 聽見 有 個人 大聲 話 呂布 啊 ! 死就死 啦 嘛 , 有 乜嘢 好怕 呢 ! just|at|this|measure word|moment|suddenly|heard|there is|person|loudly|say|Lü Bu|ah|if die then die|particle indicating finality|particle indicating obviousness|have|what|afraid|this Just at that moment, suddenly someone shouted loudly, "Lü Bu! If you're going to die, then just die! What is there to be afraid of!" 大家 一睇 , 原來 刀斧手 擁住 張 遼 嚟 到 嘞 。 everyone|at a glance|it turns out|the executioner|holding|Zhang|Liao|||past tense particle Everyone took a look, and it turned out that the axe wielder was holding Zhang Liao. 曹操 命令 將 呂布 勒死 , 然後 斬首 立即 行刑 ! Cao Cao|ordered|to|Lu Bu|strangle|then|beheaded|immediately|executed Cao Cao ordered to strangle Lü Bu to death, and then behead him immediately! 殺 咗 呂布 之後 , 曹操 指住 張 遼話 : kill|past tense marker|Lu Bu|after|Cao Cao|pointed at|Zhang| After killing Lü Bu, Cao Cao pointed at Zhang Liao and said: 呢 個人 , 好 面熟 啊 ! this|person|very|familiar|particle This person looks very familiar! 張遼話 : 我 哋 喺 濮陽 城 曾經 見過面 , 你 唔 記得 喇 ? Zhang Liao said|I|we|at|Puyang|city|once|met|you|not|remember|particle indicating past action Zhang Liao said: We met in Puyang City before, don't you remember? 啊 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 原來 你 都 記得 吓 。 ah|hahaha|ha|actually|you|also|remember|surprised particle Ah? Hahaha, I didn't know you remembered. 不過 真 係 可惜 啊 。 but|really|is|a pity|ah But it's really a pity. 可惜 乜嘢 ? what a pity|what What a pity? 可惜 當日 啲 火 唔 夠大 , 冇 燒死 你 呢 個 害國 奸賊 ! unfortunately|that day|plural marker|fire|not||did not|burn to death|you|this|classifier|traitor to the country|scoundrel It's a pity that the fire wasn't big enough that day, didn't burn you, this traitor! 啊 ! 呸 ! 敗軍之將 , 仲 膽敢 侮辱 我 ? ah|pui|defeated general|still|dare|insult|me Ah! Pah! A defeated general, still has the audacity to insult me? 曹操 拔出 寶劍 , 要 親手 嚟 殺 張 遼 。 Cao Cao|drew|sword|wanted|personally|to|kill|Zhang|Liao Cao Cao drew his sword, wanting to personally kill Zhang Liao. 張遼驚 都 唔 驚下 , 伸 長條 頸 等 佢 殺 。 Zhang Liao|all|not|scared|stretch|long|neck|wait|he|kill Zhang Liao was not even scared, stretching out his neck waiting for him to strike. 曹操 一舉 起 把 劍 : 我 斬 咗 你 ! Cao Cao|in one move|raised|(measure word for tools)|sword|I|chop|past tense marker|you Cao Cao raised the sword: I will cut you down! 丞相 唔 好 啊 ! Prime Minister|not|good|ah Prime Minister, don't! 劉備 一步 上前 就 摱 住 曹操 嘅 手臂 。 Liu Bei|one step|stepped forward|then|||Cao Cao|possessive particle|arm Liu Bei stepped forward and grabbed Cao Cao's arm. 關雲長 嚗 聲 跪 喺 曹操 嘅 面前 , 劉備 話 : 好似 佢 噉 嘅 人 , 一片丹心 , 應該 留用 啊 ! 丞相 。 Guan Yu|sound|voice|kneel|at|Cao Cao|possessive particle|in front of|Liu Bei|said|like|him|such|possessive particle|person||should|be retained|ah|Prime Minister Guan Yunchang knelt in front of Cao Cao, and Liu Bei said: A person like him, with a loyal heart, should be retained! Chancellor. 關雲長 亦 都 話 嘞 : 我 一向 知道 文遠 係 個 忠義 之 人 , 我願用 自己 嘅 性命 嚟 擔保 佢 。 Guan Yu|also|all|said|past tense marker|I|always|knew|Wen Yuan|is|a|loyal and righteous|possessive particle|person||my own|possessive particle|life|to|guarantee|him Guan Yunchang also said: I have always known that Wen Yuan is a person of loyalty and righteousness, and I am willing to use my own life to guarantee him. 呵 呵呵哈 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 ha|haha|hahahaha|hahah|hahah Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. 曹操 哈哈大笑 , 掉 低 把 劍 : 呵呵 , 我 亦 知道 文遠 係 個 忠義 嘅 人 , 我 特登 同 佢 開 個 玩笑 唧 。 Cao Cao|laughed heartily|||measure word for objects|sword|hehe|I|also|know|Wen Yuan|is|measure word for people|loyal and righteous|possessive particle|person|I|deliberately|with|he|make|measure word for|joke|just kidding Cao Cao laughed heartily, dropped his sword: Ha ha, I also know that Wen Yuan is a loyal person, I was just joking with him. 曹操 親自 同張 遼 解開 啲 繩 , 除 咗 自己 件 袍 畀 佢 着 , 請 佢 坐 喺 上位 。 Cao Cao|personally||Liao|untie|plural marker|ropes|take off|past tense marker|himself|measure word for clothing|robe|give|him|wear|invite|him|sit|at|upper seat Cao Cao personally untied the ropes from Zhang Liao, took off his own robe and gave it to him to wear, and invited him to sit in the honored position. 唉 , 人生 呀 , 至 緊要 係 有 個 知己 啫 。 sigh|life|particle|||is|have|a|confidant|only Ah, life, the most important thing is to have a confidant. 張 遼 畀 曹操 嘅 誠意 感動 咗 , 投降 嘞 。 ||by|Cao Cao|possessive particle|sincerity|moved|past tense marker|surrender|past tense marker Zhang Liao was moved by Cao Cao's sincerity and surrendered. 曹操 任命 佢 做 中郎將 , 賜 關內 侯 呢 個 爵位 畀 佢 , 叫 佢 去 招安 臧霸 。 Cao Cao|appointed|him|to be|Zhonglangjiang|bestowed|within Guanzhong|marquis|this|classifier for people|title|to|him|||to go|pacify|Zang Ba Cao Cao appointed him as the General of the Central Army and granted him the title of Marquis within the Pass, asking him to pacify Zang Ba. 臧霸 聽聞 呂布 已經 死 咗 嘞 , 張 遼 又 已經 投降 , 所以 呢 亦 都 帶齊 本部 個 軍兵 投降 。 Zang Ba|heard|Lu Bu|already|die|past tense marker|sentence final particle|Zhang|Liao|again|already|surrendered|so|this|also|all|brought along|main unit|measure word|soldiers|surrender Upon hearing that Lü Bu was already dead and that Zhang Liao had surrendered, Zang Ba also brought his troops to surrender. 曹操 亦 重重 噉 賞賜 佢 。 Cao Cao|also|heavily|like that|reward|him Cao Cao rewarded him heavily. 跟 住 臧霸 呢 又 去 招安 孫觀 、 吳敦 、 尹禮 三個 將領 嚟 到 投降 , 就 唯獨 昌 豨 一個 人 就 唔 肯 歸順 。 ||Zang Ba|particle indicating a question|again|go|surrender|Sun Quan|Wu Dun|Yin Li|three|generals|come|to|surrender|then|only|||one|person|then|not|willing|submit Following that, Zang Ba went to persuade the three generals Sun Guan, Wu Dun, and Yin Li to surrender, but only Chang Xi refused to submit. 曹操 封 臧霸 做 琅 琊 相 。 Cao Cao|appointed|Zang Ba|to be|||governor Cao Cao appointed Zang Ba as the Prefect of Langya. 孫 觀 佢 哋 每人 都 升 咗 官 , 安排 佢 哋 負責 守衛 青州 、 徐州 沿海 嘅 地區 。 Sun|Kwan|he|plural marker|each person|all|promoted|past tense marker|official|arranged|he|plural marker|responsible for|guarding|Qingzhou|Xuzhou|coastal|possessive particle|area Sun Guan and the others were all promoted and assigned to guard the coastal areas of Qingzhou and Xuzhou. 呂布 嘅 妻 、 妾 同埋 個 女 呢 就 送 去 許都 嚟 到 住 。 Lu Bu|possessive particle|wife|concubine|and|classifier|daughter|question particle|then|send|to|Xuchang|||live Lü Bu's wife, concubines, and daughter were sent to Xudu to live. 然後 呢 大大 噉 犒勞 三軍 , 拔寨 班師 嘞 。 then|question particle|greatly|like this|reward|three armies|withdraw from the camp|return to the base|past action particle Then, a grand reward was given to the three armies, and they withdrew from the camp. 當 大軍 路過 徐州 嘅 時候 , 嘩 嗨 啲 老百姓 呀 , 燒住 香 , 攔住 條路 , 請求 留低 劉備 喺 度 做 州長 啊 唔 放 佢 走 喎 。 when|the army|passed through|Xuzhou|possessive particle|time|wow|hey|plural marker|common people|particle|burning|incense|blocking||requested|to stay|Liu Bei|at|place|to be|governor|particle|not|let|him|go|particle When the army passed through Xuzhou, wow, the common people were burning incense, blocking the road, and requesting to keep Liu Bei there as the governor, not letting him leave. 曹操 話 嘞 : 劉使君 立 咗 好 大 嘅 功勞 , 等到 朝見 過 皇上 , 封 咗 官爵 之後 , 再 返 嚟 都 未 遲 吖 。 Cao Cao|said|past tense marker|Liu Shijun|establish|past tense marker|very|great|possessive particle|merit|when|audience|past tense marker|Emperor|confer|past tense marker|official title|after|again|return|come|all|not|late|final particle Cao Cao said: Liu Shijun has made a great contribution, after meeting the emperor and being granted an official title, it won't be too late to return. 老百姓 好 歡喜 , 猛 咁 叩頭 。 common people|very|happy|vigorously|so|bowing The common people were very happy and bowed down vigorously. 曹操 叫 車騎 將軍 車胄 , 暫時 管理 住 徐州 。 Cao Cao|called|cavalry|general|armor|temporarily|managed|residing|Xuzhou Cao Cao appointed General Che Zhou to temporarily manage Xuzhou. 噉 曹操 率領 大軍 返到 許昌 之後 呢 , 對 參加 出征 嘅 人員 啊 都 有 封有賞 。 then|Cao Cao|led|large army|returned to|Xuchang|after|particle indicating a question|towards|participating|expedition|possessive particle|personnel|particle indicating exclamation|all|have| After Cao Cao led the army back to Xuchang, he rewarded those who participated in the expedition. 就 安排 劉備 喺 相府 附近 一座 住宅 裏 便 住 落 。 then|arrange|Liu Bei|at|the government office|near|a|residence|inside|then|live|down Arrange for Liu Bei to live in a residence near the governor's office. 第 日 , 漢獻帝 臨朝 嘞 。 the|day|Emperor Xian of Han|preside over court|past tense marker The next day, Emperor Xian of Han held court. 曹操 上 咗 份 表章 , 向 皇上 稟奏 劉備 嘅 軍功 , 同時 呢 帶 劉備 嚟 到 朝見 皇帝 。 Cao Cao|submitted|past tense marker|measure word for documents|memorial|towards|Emperor|report|Liu Bei|possessive particle|military achievements|at the same time|this|brought|Liu Bei|come|to|audience|Emperor Cao Cao submitted a memorial, reporting Liu Bei's military achievements to the emperor, and also brought Liu Bei to meet the emperor. 呢 一日 , 劉備 穿 住 朝服 , 齊齊整整 喺 丹墀 之下 , 即 係 皇帝 殿前 便 嘅 油 咗 紅色 嘅 石階 , 三跪九叩 就 拜見 皇帝 。 this|one day|Liu Bei|wear|past tense marker|court attire|neatly|at|the hall of audience|under|||emperor|in front of the palace|then|possessive particle|oiled|past tense marker|red|possessive particle|stone steps|three kneels and nine knocks|then|pay respects to|emperor On that day, Liu Bei was dressed in court attire, neatly arranged, and at the red stone steps in front of the emperor's hall, he knelt three times and bowed nine times to pay his respects to the emperor. 獻帝 叫 佢 行 上 嚟 金殿 就 問 佢 : 卿 家 嘅 祖先 係 邊個 啊 ? Xian Di|called|him|walk|up|come|Golden Hall|then|asked|him|you|family|possessive particle|ancestor|is|who|question particle Emperor Xian asked him to come up to the golden hall and inquired: "Who is your ancestor?" 臣 乃 中山 靖 王 嘅 後代 , 孝景 皇帝 閣下 玄孫 , 劉雄 之孫 , 劉弘之 子 呀 。 I|am|Zhongshan|||possessive particle|descendant|Emperor Xiaojing|emperor|your honor|great-grandson|Liu Xiong|||son|sentence-final particle I am a descendant of King Jing of Zhongshan, a great-grandson of Emperor Xiaojing, the grandson of Liu Xiong, and the son of Liu Hong. 於是 獻帝 就 叫 人 攞 皇家 嘅 族譜 出 嚟 查下 , 吖 , 果然 查到 喎 。 then|Emperor Xian|then|ordered|someone|take|royal|possessive particle|family tree|out|come|check|ah|indeed|found|particle indicating realization So, Emperor Xian ordered someone to take out the royal family tree to check, and indeed, it was found. 噉 啊 就 喺 金殿 上當 眾 嚟 宣讀 。 then|ah|just|at|Golden Hall||everyone|come|read aloud Then, it was read aloud in front of everyone in the Golden Hall. 咦 ? 皇帝 嘅 族譜 呀 , 點 㗎 ? 未 聽過 喎 。 eh|emperor|possessive particle|family tree|question particle|how|past tense particle|not yet|heard of|particle indicating realization Oh? The emperor's family tree? What is it like? I've never heard of it. 嗱, 噉 啊 聽 住 喇 啊 。 well|like that|particle|listen|for now|particle|particle Well, listen carefully. 孝景 皇帝 生 十四 子 , 第七 子 乃 中山 靖 王劉勝 。 Emperor Jing of Han|emperor|was born|fourteenth|son|seventh|son|was|Zhongshan|peaceful| Emperor Xiaojing had fourteen sons, the seventh son was Liu Sheng, the King of Zhongshan. 勝生 陸城亭 侯 劉貞 。 Shengsheng|Luk Ching Ting|Hau|Liu Zheng Sheng had a son, Liu Zheng, who was the Marquis of Luxing. 貞生沛侯 劉昂 。 Liu Ang the Marquis of Pei Sheng|Liu Ang Zheng had a son, Liu Ang, who was the Marquis of Pei. 昂生 漳侯 劉祿 。 Ang Sang|Zhang Hou|Liu Lu Ang had a son, Liu Lu, who was the Marquis of Zhang. 祿生 沂水 侯 劉戀 。 Lu Sheng|Yishui|Hou|Liu Lian Lu had a son, Liu Lian, who was the Marquis of Yishui. 戀生 欽陽侯 劉英 。 Lian Sheng|Marquis of Qinyang|Liu Ying Liu Ying, the Marquis of Qinyang, was born. 英生 安國 侯 劉建 。 Yingsheng|Anguo|Hou|Liu Jian Liu Jian, the Marquis of Anguo, was born. 建 生廣陵 侯 劉哀 。 Jian||Marquis| Liu Ai, the Marquis of Guangling, was born. 哀 生膠 水侯 劉憲 。 mourn|raw rubber|water level|Liu Xian Liu Xian, the Marquis of Jiaoshui, was born. 憲生 祖邑侯 劉舒 。 Hsien-Sheng|Zuyihou|Liu Shu Liu Shu, the Marquis of Zuyin, was born. 舒生 祁陽 侯 劉誼 。 Shusheng|Qiyang|Hou|Liu Yi Shu Sheng Qi Yang Hou Liu Yi. 誼 生 原澤侯 劉必 。 friendship|life|Yuanzhe Hou|Liu Bi Yi Sheng Yuan Ze Hou Liu Bi. 必 生潁川 侯 劉達 。 must|Sheng Yingchuan|Hou|Liu Da Bi Sheng Ying Chuan Hou Liu Da. 達生 豐靈侯 劉不疑 。 Da Sheng|Feng Ling Hou|Liu Bu Yi Da Sheng Feng Ling Hou Liu Bu Yi. 不疑 生濟川侯 劉惠 。 without doubt|Shengji Chuanhou|Liu Hui Bu Yi Sheng Ji Chuan Hou Liu Hui. 惠生 東郡 范令 劉雄 。 Huisheng|Dongjun|Fanling|Liu Xiong Hui Sheng, East District, Fan Ling, Liu Xiong. 雄生 劉弘 。 Xiung Sang|Liu Hong Xiong Sheng, Liu Hong. 弘不仕 。 Hong did not hold office. 劉備乃 劉弘之 子 也 。 |Liu Hongzhi|son|also Liu Bei is the son of Liu Hong. 獻帝 排 一排 世譜 , 嗬 嗬 , 原來 劉玄德 係 阿叔 嚟 噃。 Xian Di|arrange|a row|family tree|||originally|Liu Xuande|is|uncle|come| Emperor Xian arranged a family tree, ha ha, it turns out Liu Xuande is an uncle. 嘩 , 獻帝 高興 到 不得了 , 就 請 劉玄德 去 偏殿 , 以 叔侄 之禮 嚟 相見 。 wow|Emperor Xian|happy|to|extremely|then|invited|Liu Xuande|to|side hall|using|uncle and nephew||to|meet Wow, Emperor Xian was so happy that he invited Liu Xuande to the side hall to meet as uncle and nephew. 獻帝 個心 諗 : 而家 曹操 把持 大權 , 一切 國家 大事 , 都 唔 由 得 朕 作主 嘅 。 Emperor Xian||thought|now|Cao Cao|holds|great power|everything|country|major affairs|all|not|||I (imperial pronoun)|make decisions|past tense particle Emperor Xian thought: Now that Cao Cao holds the great power, all the major affairs of the state are not under my control. 今日 有 呢 個 咁 英雄 嘅 叔父 , 朕 有人 幫手 咯 。 today|has|this|measure word|so|heroic|possessive particle|uncle|I (royal)|someone|to help|sentence-final particle Today, with such a heroic uncle, I have someone to help me. 於是 獻帝 就 封 劉玄德 做 左 將軍 、 宜城亭 侯 。 then|Emperor Xian|then|enfeoffed|Liu Xuande|made|left|general|Yicheng|marquis So Emperor Xian appointed Liu Xuande as General and Marquis of Yicheng. 跟 住 , 仲 設宴 嚟 款待 , 宴會 完 咗 之後 , 劉玄德 先至 謝恩 出朝 。 ||still|hosting a banquet|to|entertain|banquet|finished|past tense marker|after|Liu Xuande|only then|express gratitude|attend court Then, he held a banquet to entertain him, and after the banquet was over, Liu Xuande thanked him and left the court. 噉 從此 之後 呢 , 人人 都 稱呼 劉備 做 劉皇叔 嘞 。 then|from now on|after|question particle|everyone|all|calls|Liu Bei|as|Liu Huangshu|past action particle From then on, everyone referred to Liu Bei as Liu Huang Shu. 曹操 返到 相府 之後 , 荀彧 等等 一班 謀士 就 嚟 見 佢 話 : Cao Cao|returned to|the prime minister's residence|after|Xun Yu|and others|a group of|strategists|then|came|to see|him|said After Cao Cao returned to the government office, Xun Yu and a group of strategists came to see him and said: 今日 天子 認 咗 劉備 做 阿叔 , 恐怕 對明公 你 冇 乜 益處 噃。 today|the Son of Heaven|to recognize|past tense marker|Liu Bei|to be|uncle|I fear||you|have not|any|benefit|sentence-final particle Today, the Emperor has recognized Liu Bei as an uncle, which may not be beneficial for you, my lord. 曹操 話 嘞 : 噉 好 啊 。 劉備 既然 係 皇叔 咯 , 我用 天子 嘅 名義 嚟 命令 佢 , 佢 啊 更加 不敢 不服 。 Cao Cao|said|past tense marker|like that|good|sentence-final particle|Liu Bei|since|is|imperial uncle|sentence-final particle||emperor|possessive particle|name|to|command|he||sentence-final particle|even more|dare not|disobey Cao Cao replied: That's fine. Since Liu Bei is the Emperor's uncle, I will use the Emperor's name to command him, and he will dare not disobey. 嚱 況且 , 我 將 佢 留 喺 許都 , 名義 上 雖然 係 接近 天子 啊 , 實質 係 喺 我 嘅 掌握 之內 。 ah|moreover|I|will|he|leave|in|Xudu|nominally|on|although|is|close to|emperor|ah|actually|is|in|my|possessive particle|control|within Moreover, I will keep him in Xuchang; although in name he is close to the Emperor, in reality, he is under my control. 我 怕 佢 乜嘢 呢 吓 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 I|afraid|he|what|question particle|surprised sound|hahaha|hahaha What am I afraid of? Hahahaha hahahaha. 唉 ! 而家 我 所 憂慮 嘅 呢 , 就 係 太尉楊 彪 啊 。 sigh|now|I|all|worry|possessive particle|this|just|is||Biao|ah Sigh! What I'm worried about now is General Yang Biao. 佢 同 袁 術 係 親戚 , 如果 佢 做 袁 術 、 袁紹 嘅 內應 , 噉 就 為 害 不 淺 咯 。 he|with|Yuan|Shu|is|relative|if||acts as|||||insider|then|just|for|harm|not|shallow|particle He is related to Yuan Shu. If he acts as an insider for Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao, it would be quite harmful. 嗯 , 應該 即刻 剷除 咗 佢 先 。 hmm|should|immediately|eliminate|past tense marker|he|first Hmm, he should be eliminated immediately. 曹操 諗 得到 就 做 得到 , 過 咗 冇 幾耐 , 曹操 暗中 使人 誣告 楊彪 。 Cao Cao|thought|get|then|do|get|after|past tense marker|not|long|Cao Cao|secretly|hired someone|frame|Yang Biao Cao Cao thinks of something and then does it. Not long after, Cao Cao secretly sent someone to accuse Yang Biao. 說 楊彪 私通 袁術 , 就 捉 咗 佢 , 韞 咗 入監 。 said|Yang Biao|colluded|Yuan Shu|then|arrested|past tense marker|him|imprisoned|past tense marker| It was said that Yang Biao had an affair with Yuan Shu, so he was captured and thrown into prison. 同時 呢 , 叫 滿寵 嚟 審問 佢 , 定 佢 嘅 罪 。 at the same time|particle indicating a question|call|Man Chong|come|interrogate|him|determine|his||crime At the same time, he called for Man Chong to interrogate him and determine his guilt. 當時 北海 太守 孔融 就 喺 許都 嚟 , 知道 咗 呢 件 事 就 走 嚟 勸 曹操 話 喇 : at that time|Beihai|governor|Kong Rong|then|at|Xudu|came|knew|past tense marker|this|measure word for events|matter|then|hurriedly|came|to advise|Cao Cao|said|sentence-final particle At that time, the governor of Beihai, Kong Rong, was in Xudu. Upon learning of this matter, he rushed to persuade Cao Cao, saying: 楊公 四世 清德 , 點 能夠 因為 袁 術 嘅 事 就 加 罪 於 佢 呢 ? Mr Yang|fourth generation|Qingde|how|able to|because of|Yuan|Shuj|possessive particle|matter|then|add|blame|to|him|question particle "Lord Yang has a long-standing reputation for integrity; how can he be punished because of Yuan Shu's actions?" 曹操 話 : 哦 , 呢 啲 係 主 上 嘅 意思 啫 。 Cao Cao|said|oh|||are|||possessive particle|meaning|only Cao Cao replied, "Oh, this is just the will of the Emperor." 皇上 要 殺 一個 大臣 , 都 係 要 聽 丞相 你 嘅 意見 嘅 。 the emperor|wants|to kill|one|minister|also|is|needs|to listen|prime minister|you|possessive particle|opinion|possessive particle The Emperor must listen to the Prime Minister's opinion even when wanting to kill a minister. 曹操 本來 想詐 唔 知 嘅 , 誰知 畀 孔融 將 咗 這一 軍 , 冇 辦法 喇 , 就 不便 殺 楊彪 啦 。 Cao Cao|originally||not|know|possessive particle|unexpectedly|by|Kong Rong|to take|past tense marker|this|army|not|solution|final particle|then|inconvenient|kill|Yang Biao|final particle Cao Cao originally wanted to pretend he didn't know, but unexpectedly, Kong Rong exposed this army, leaving him no choice but to refrain from killing Yang Biao. 就罷 咗 佢 嘅 官 , 趕 咗 佢 返鄉 算數 。 just let it be|past tense marker|he|possessive particle|official|to drive away||he|return to his hometown|count as So he dismissed him from his position and sent him back to his hometown. 有 一個 議郎 叫做 趙 彥 噃, 佢 見到 曹操 咁 專橫 , 就 呈 咗 份 奏章 畀 皇帝 , 彈劾 曹操 。 there is|a|official|named|Zhao|Yan|particle|he|saw|Cao Cao|so|tyrannical|then|presented|past tense marker|a|memorial|to|emperor|impeach|Cao Cao There was a councilor named Zhao Yan, who, seeing Cao Cao's tyranny, submitted a memorial to the Emperor to impeach Cao Cao. 話 曹操 未 得到 聖旨 就 擅自 監禁 大臣 , 有罪 。 says|Cao Cao|not|received|imperial edict|then|arbitrarily|imprisoned|minister|guilty He stated that Cao Cao had imprisoned ministers without receiving the imperial decree, which was a crime. 曹操 嬲 到極 , 即刻 拉趙彥 嚟 殺 咗 佢 。 Cao Cao|angry|to the extreme|immediately||come|kill|past tense marker|he Cao Cao was extremely angry and immediately had Zhao Yan killed. 嘩 , 嚇 到 文武百官 呀 個個 都 震 晒 。 wow|scared|to|civil and military officials|particle|everyone|all|shocked|completely Wow, the civil and military officials were all scared and trembling. 曹操 嘅 勢力 夠晒 大咯 。 Cao Cao|possessive particle|power|more than enough|big Cao Cao's power is already very great. 有 一日 , 程昱 就 走 嚟 對 曹操 話 嘞 : there is|one day|Cheng Yu|then|walked|over|to|Cao Cao|said|past tense particle One day, Cheng Yu came to Cao Cao and said: 而家 , 明 公 嘅 威名 越 嚟 越盛 嘞 , 點解 唔 趁 住 呢 個 時候 , 建立 王霸之 業 , 將個 帝位 奪過 嚟 呢 ? now|Ming|duke|possessive particle|reputation|more|come|more prosperous|past tense particle|why|not|||this|||||||||| Now, the reputation of the Ming Duke is growing stronger and stronger. Why not take this opportunity to establish a hegemony and seize the imperial throne? 嗯 ? hmm Hmm? 嗯 , 皇上 得力 嘅 親信 大臣 仲 係 唔 少 㗎 , 唔 能夠 隨便 動手 啊 。 hmm|the emperor|capable|possessive particle|trusted|minister|still|is|not|few|question particle|not|able to|casually|take action|ah Hmm, the emperor has quite a few capable and trusted ministers, so we can't act rashly. 誒 , 好 , 等 我 請 皇上 去 郊外 打獵 , 睇 下 動靜 先 。 hey|good|wait|I|invite|the emperor|go|countryside|hunting|see|what|activity|first Ah, okay, let me invite the emperor to go hunting in the countryside and see how things go. 過 咗 幾日 , 曹操 吩咐 啲 人 , 挑選 一批 靚馬 、 猛鷹 、 靈敏 嘅 獵狗 , 準備 定 弓箭 等等 。 passed|past tense marker|several days|Cao Cao|instructed|plural marker|people|to select|a batch|fine horses|fierce eagles|agile|possessive particle|hunting dogs|to prepare|to set|bows and arrows|etc A few days later, Cao Cao instructed his men to select a batch of fine horses, fierce eagles, and agile hunting dogs, and to prepare bows and arrows, etc. 同時 呢 喺 城外 集合 好 兵馬 , 然後 就 去 請 皇帝 去 郊外 打獵 嘞 。 at the same time|this|at|outside the city|gather|good|soldiers and horses|then|then|go|invite|emperor|to|countryside|hunt|past action particle At the same time, gather the troops outside the city, and then go invite the emperor to go hunting in the countryside. 獻帝 話 : 打獵 呀 , 呢 啲 , 怕 唔 係 正經事 嚟 噃。 Xian Di|said|hunting|particle|these|plural particle|afraid|not|is|serious matter|come|particle Emperor Xian said: Hunting, huh? These things, aren't they just trivial matters? 主 上 , 古時 嘅 帝王 , 春夏秋冬 , 四季 都 去 郊外 打獵 , 向 天下 顯示 自己 嘅 武功 。 lord|above|ancient times|possessive particle|emperor|spring summer autumn winter|four seasons|all|go|countryside|hunting|towards|the world|show|himself|possessive particle|martial arts skills Your Majesty, in ancient times, emperors would go hunting in the countryside during spring, summer, autumn, and winter, showcasing their martial prowess to the world. 當今 四海 紛亂 , 正 係 應當 藉 打獵 呢 個 機會 嚟 講求 一下 武功 啦 嘛 。 today|the world|in chaos|just|is|should|by|hunting|this|measure word|opportunity|to|test|a little|martial arts|particle|particle In today's chaotic world, it is indeed appropriate to take this opportunity to demonstrate some martial skills through hunting. 獻帝 唔 敢 唔 聽 曹操 話 , 去 就 去 啦 。 Emperor Xian|not|dare|not|listen|Cao Cao|words|leave|then|leave|particle indicating completion Emperor Xian dared not ignore Cao Cao's words, so he went. 隨即 騎上 逍遙 馬 , 帶住 寶 雕弓 、 金 鈚 箭 , 擺架 出城 嘞 。 immediately|rode on|carefree|horse|carrying|precious|carved bow|gold|feathered|arrow|set off|out of the city|past tense marker He immediately mounted his carefree horse, took his precious carved bow and golden arrows, and set off out of the city. 皇帝 去 打獵 唄 , 劉備 就 同埋 關羽 、 張飛 , 每人 都 彎弓 插箭 , 身上 穿 上護 心甲 , 手執 兵器 , 帶住 幾十個 馬 軍 , 就 跟隨 御駕 出 咗 許昌 城 。 emperor|go|hunting|particle indicating suggestion|Liu Bei|then|and|Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|each person|all|draw the bow|nock the arrow|on their body|wear|||holding|weapons|bringing|dozens of|horses|soldiers|then|follow|imperial carriage|exit|past tense marker|Xuchang|city The emperor went hunting, and Liu Bei along with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, each bent their bows and nocked arrows, wearing armor and holding weapons, accompanied by dozens of cavalry, followed the imperial carriage out of Xuchang city. 曹操 嗰 日 , 騎 一匹 爪 黃 飛電馬 , 率領 十 萬軍 兵 , 同 天子 就 嚟 到 許田 , 就 開始 打獵 啦 。 Cao Cao|that|day|rode|one|claw|yellow|swift horse|led|ten||soldiers|together|emperor|then|came|to|Xutian|then|started|hunting|particle indicating completed action On that day, Cao Cao rode a swift yellow horse, leading an army of one hundred thousand soldiers, and arrived at Xutian with the emperor to begin the hunt. 當時 , 啲 軍士 就 圍住 晒 打獵 嘅 場地 周圍 二百 幾里 。 at that time|the|soldiers|then|surrounded|completely|hunting|possessive particle|area|around|two hundred|miles At that time, the soldiers surrounded the hunting grounds for over two hundred miles. 曹操 同 皇帝 騎住 馬 一 拍行 。 Cao Cao|with|Emperor|riding|horse|one|whip Cao Cao and the emperor rode their horses side by side. 皇帝 呀 , 只 係 行前 曹操 一個 馬頭 位 咋 。 emperor|particle indicating surprise|||in front of|Cao Cao|one|horse head|position|particle indicating a question The emperor was only a horse's head ahead of Cao Cao. 喺 背後 跟 住 嘅 , 都 係 曹操 嘅 心腹 、 將校 。 at|behind||continuous aspect particle|possessive particle|all|are|Cao Cao|possessive particle|trusted subordinate|military officers Behind him, there were also Cao Cao's trusted aides and generals. 至於 嗰 啲 文武百官 , 只 係 喺 遠遠 嘅 地方 跟 住 , 有 邊個 敢 行近 埋 嚟 吖 。 as for|that|plural marker|civil and military officials|||at|far|possessive particle|place|||there is|anyone|dares|approach|||sentence-final particle As for the civil and military officials, they were only following from a distance; who would dare to come closer? 當 獻帝 啊 跑 住 馬 嚟 到許 田 嘅 時候 , 劉備 喺 路邊 向 獻帝 行禮 請安 。 when|Emperor Xian|ah|ran|riding|horse|came||Tian|possessive particle|time|Liu Bei|at|roadside|towards||paid respects|greeted When Emperor Xian was riding his horse to Xutian, Liu Bei was on the roadside bowing to Emperor Xian to pay his respects. 獻帝 話 : 朕 而家 好 想 睇 下 皇叔 打獵 喎 。 Emperor Xian|said|I|right now|very|want|to see|how|Uncle Huang|hunting|sentence-final particle Emperor Xian said: "I really want to see my uncle hunting now." 臣 領旨 。 I (the subject referring to a subordinate)|receive the imperial decree The minister acknowledges the order. 劉備 接受 咗 皇帝 嘅 的 命令 , 上 咗 馬 , 忽然 喺 啲 草堆 裏頭 啊 , 趕 一隻 兔子 出 嚟 。 Liu Bei|accepted|past tense marker|emperor|possessive particle|particle indicating action|order|got on|past tense marker|horse|suddenly|at|plural marker|grass pile|inside|particle indicating surprise|chased|a|rabbit|out|came Liu Bei accepted the emperor's order, mounted his horse, and suddenly, from the grass, a rabbit was driven out. 劉備 𠻘 噉 一箭 射過去 , 吖 , 射中 咗 。 Liu Bei|then|like this|one arrow|shot over|ah|hit|past tense marker Liu Bei shot an arrow over, and, ah, it hit. 獻帝 就 喝彩 叫好 。 Emperor Xian|then|cheer|applaud The emperor cheered and applauded. 大家 又 一路 轉過 咗 一個 山坡 。 everyone|again|all the way|turned|past tense marker|a|hillside Everyone then turned around a hillside. 啊 嗨 , 有 隻 大 鹿 喺 啲 簕 林 畀 人 趕 咗 出 嚟 噃。 ah|hi|there is|measure word for animals|big|deer|at|plural marker|sugarcane|forest|by|people|chased|past tense marker|out|come|sentence-final particle Ah, there was a big deer driven out from the thicket. 獻帝 就 連氣射 咗 三箭 都 冇 射中 , 就 擰 轉頭 對 曹操 話 嘞 : 卿家 你 射 啦 。 Xian Di|then|continuous shooting|past tense marker|three arrows|all|did not|hit|then|||to|Cao Cao|said|past tense marker|your family|you|shoot|sentence-final particle Emperor Xian shot three arrows in a row but missed, then turned to Cao Cao and said: 'You shoot now.' 曹操 就 噉 攞 咗 獻帝 用 緊 嘅 寶 雕弓 、 金 鈚 箭 , 開滿 弓 一射 , 正 正 射中 隻 鹿 背 。 Cao Cao|then|like this|took|past tense marker|Emperor Xian|||possessive particle|precious|carved bow|gold|feather|arrow|fully drawn|bow|one shot|||hit|measure word for animals|deer|back Cao Cao then took the precious carved bow and golden-tipped arrows that Emperor Xian was using, fully drew the bow, and shot, hitting the deer right in the back. 嗰 隻 鹿 一下 就 碌 低 喺 草地上 嚟 。 that|measure word for animals|deer|suddenly|then|roll|down|at|on the grass|came The deer immediately fell down onto the grass. 嗰 班 官員 將校 見到 鹿背 插住 嗰 支 金 鈚 箭 , 都 話 係 皇帝 射中 嘅 , 就 踴躍 歡呼 , 向 住 獻帝 就 大呼 萬歲 嘞 喎 。 that|group|officials|military officers|saw|deer back|inserted|that|measure word for arrows|gold|feather|arrow|all|said|is|emperor|hit|possessive particle|then|enthusiastically|cheered|towards|particle indicating direction|Emperor Xian|then||long live|past action particle|particle indicating realization or confirmation The officials and soldiers saw the golden-tipped arrow stuck in the deer's back and all said it was the emperor who hit it, cheering enthusiastically and shouting long live the emperor. 點知 曹操 一拍 隻 馬 , 直行 上 嚟 , 企 正 喺 獻帝 嘅 前面 , 接受 大家 嘅 歡呼 祝賀 噃。 who would have thought|Cao Cao|with a pat|one|horse|walked straight|||stood|right|at|Emperor Xian|possessive particle|in front|accepted|everyone|possessive particle|cheers|congratulations|particle indicating affirmation Unexpectedly, Cao Cao spurred his horse and rode straight up, standing right in front of Emperor Xian, accepting everyone's cheers and congratulations. 嘩 , 乜 噉 都 有 嘅 ? 人人 都 驚到 變晒 面色 。 wow|what|like this|all|have|particle indicating possession|everyone|all|scared to|completely changed|complexion Wow, is there really such a thing? Everyone is so scared that their faces have changed. 關雲長 係 喺 劉備 背後 嚟 嘅 , 見到 曹操 噉 樣 , 當堂 嬲 到 佢 豎起 臥蠶眉 , 瞪 大 丹鳳眼 , 提刀 拍馬 就 想 衝出去 , 想 去 殺 曹操 嘞 。 Guan Yu|is|at|Liu Bei|behind|come|particle indicating possession|saw|Cao Cao|that|manner|on the spot|angry|to|he|raised|worm eyebrow|stared|big|phoenix eyes|drew his sword|spurred his horse|then|wanted|to charge out|wanted|to|kill|Cao Cao|particle indicating completed action Guan Yu is behind Liu Bei. Seeing Cao Cao like this, he was so angry that he raised his eyebrows and widened his eyes, ready to charge out with his sword to kill Cao Cao. 劉備 一見 , 慌忙 又 眨眼 又 耍 手 制止 關雲長 . Liu Bei|at first glance|hurriedly|again|blinked|again|playfully|hand|stopped|Guan Yu Liu Bei, upon seeing this, hurriedly blinked and gestured to stop Guan Yu. 關公 見到 大哥 噉 樣唄 , 就 唔 敢 逳 嘞 . Guan Gong|saw|elder brother|like this|appearance|then|not|dare|run away|past tense particle Seeing his big brother like this, Guan Yu didn't dare to act. 劉備 撳住 關公 之後 , 就 對 曹操 互一互個 身 , 祝賀 佢 話 : 丞相 神射 世間 少見 啊 . Liu Bei|holding down|Guan Yu|after|then|towards|Cao Cao|each other|body|congratulated|he|said|Prime Minister|sharpshooter|in the world|rare|ah After holding Guan Yu back, Liu Bei turned to Cao Cao and congratulated him, saying: 'Prime Minister, your archery is rarely seen in the world.' 曹操 笑 住 話 嘞 : 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 呢 啲 係 托 天子 洪福 啫 . Cao Cao|laughed|while|said|past tense marker|hahaha||||are|relying on|emperor|great fortune|only Cao Cao laughed and said: Hahaha, these are just blessings from the Son of Heaven. 講完 就 勒 轉馬 , 向 獻帝 賀喜 . finish speaking|then|quickly|turn the horse|towards|Emperor Xian|congratulate After saying that, he turned his horse and went to congratulate Emperor Xian. 但 係 呢 , 並 冇 將寶 雕弓 還返 畀 獻帝 , 竟然 自己 就 噉 掛 喺 身 嚟 . ||||||carved bow|return|to|Emperor Xian|unexpectedly|himself|just|like that|hang|on|body|come However, he did not return the precious carved bow to Emperor Xian, but instead kept it for himself. 打 完獵 , 就 喺 許 田 舉行宴會 , 散 咗 席 呢 就 擺架 返去 許都 嘞 , 噉 各人 亦 都 各自 返去 休息 . ||then|at||||||the banquet|particle indicating past action|then|arrange|to return|Xu Du|particle indicating completed action|then|everyone|||each|return|rest After the hunt, a banquet was held at Xu Tian, and after the feast, everyone returned to Xu Du, each going back to rest. 關雲長 忍 唔 住問 劉備 : 曹操 奸賊 欺君 妄上 , 我 正 係 想 去 殺 咗 佢 為 國 除害 嘅 嘞 , 兄長 為 咩 事 制止 我 呢 ? Guan Yu|can't|||Liu Bei|Cao Cao|treacherous bandit|deceive the emperor|presumptuously invade|I|just|am|want|to|||him|for|country|eliminate harm|particle indicating past action|particle indicating completed action|elder brother|for|what|reason|stop|I|question particle Guan Yunchang couldn't help but ask Liu Bei: Cao Cao is a treacherous villain who deceives the emperor; I really want to kill him to eliminate the threat to the country. Why are you stopping me, brother? 唉 , 投鼠忌器 啊 . sigh|be afraid of damaging the tool while trying to catch a rat|ah Sigh, it's a case of being cautious about the consequences. 曹操 同 皇上 僅僅 係 距離 一個 馬頭 咁 遠 。 Cao Cao|with|the Emperor|only|is|distance|one|horse's head|so|far Cao Cao is only a horse's head away from the Emperor. 佢 嗰 班 心腹 死黨 , 擁住 晒 喺 周圍 。 he|that|group|close friends|best buddies|surrounded by|all|at|around His close confidants are all around him. 二弟 你 如果 因為 一時 嘅 嬲 怒 , 輕舉妄動 , 聽下 殺 佢 唔 到 , 傷害 咗 皇上 , 噉 罪過 就 反而 喺 我們 處 嚟 喇 。 second younger brother|you|if|because|momentary|possessive particle|angry|anger|act rashly|listen to|kill|him|not|able to|harm|past tense marker|emperor|then|sin|just|instead|at|us|place|come|final particle Second brother, if you act rashly out of anger and end up harming the Emperor, the blame will fall on us instead. 不過 今日 唔 殺 咗 呢 個 奸賊 , 日後 必 成 禍患 啊 。 however|today|not|kill|past tense marker|this|measure word|scoundrel|in the future|surely|become|disaster|sentence-final particle However, if we don't kill this traitor today, he will definitely become a future threat. 二弟 , 呢 件 事 你 要 守 秘密 , 唔 好 隨便 講啊 。 second younger brother|this|measure word for events|matter|you|must|keep|secret|||casually|talk Second brother, you need to keep this matter a secret, don't talk about it casually. 係 。 yes Yes. 劉備 呢 份 人 呀 確係 穩陣 㗎 。 Liu Bei|this|measure word for people|person|sentence-final particle|definitely|reliable|sentence-final particle Liu Bei is indeed a reliable person. 而家 講下 獻帝 , 佢 打 完 獵 返 去 皇宮 , 對住 伏皇后 就 喊 起 上 嚟 話 : now|let's talk about|Emperor Xian|he|hunt|finished|hunting|return|to|palace|facing|Empress Fu|then|cried|up|start|to|say Now let's talk about Emperor Xian, after he finished hunting and returned to the palace, he faced Empress Fu and exclaimed: 唉 ! 朕 自從 登位 以來 , 奸雄 並起 。 sigh|I (imperial pronoun)|since|ascension to the throne|since|treacherous heroes|have risen together Sigh! Since I ascended the throne, the tyrants have risen. 最先 就 受 董卓 害 , 後 嚟 , 又 到 李 傕 、 郭汜 作亂 。 first|then|suffered|Dong Zhuo|harm|||again|came|||Guo Si|rebelled First, I was harmed by Dong Zhuo, and later, there were also rebellions by Li Jue and Guo Si. 唉 , 常人 未 受過 嘅 苦處 , 我同 你 都 受過 咯 。 sigh|ordinary person|not|experienced|possessive particle|suffering||you|both|experienced|past tense particle Alas, the suffering that ordinary people have not experienced, both you and I have gone through. 收尾 得到 曹操 , 初時 仲以 為 佢 係 個 社稷 之臣 , 忠君 保國 吖 。 wrap up|got|Cao Cao|at first|||he|was|a|state||loyal to the emperor|protect the country|particle In the end, it was Cao Cao who took over, and at first, I thought he was a minister loyal to the state, serving the emperor and protecting the country. 點 知道 佢 把持 大權 , 專橫跋扈 , 作威作福 。 how|to know|he|holds|great power|tyrannical|oppressing others Little did I know that he held great power, was tyrannical and overbearing, and acted with authority. 唉 , 朕 每次 見到 佢 嘅 時候 , 背脊 真 係 好似 畀 針 㓤 噉 㗎 。 sigh|I (imperial pronoun)|every time|see|he|possessive particle|time|back|really|is|like|get|needle|poked|like|sentence-final particle Alas, every time I see him, my back really feels like it's being pricked by needles. 唉 , 唉 你 都 仲 未知 , 今日 去 打獵 , 百官 同 軍士 向 朕 歡呼 祝賀 。 sigh||you|also|still||today|go|hunting|all officials|together|soldiers|towards|I (royal we)|cheer|congratulate Sigh, sigh, you still don't know, today when I went hunting, all the officials and soldiers cheered and congratulated me. 佢 竟然 用個 身 擋住 我 , 自己 去 接受 歡呼 祝賀 喎 。 he|actually||body|blocked|me|himself|went|to receive|cheering|congratulations|(sentence-final particle) He actually used his body to block me and went to receive the cheers and congratulations himself. 哎呀 , 真 係 無禮 到極 , 無禮 到極 啊 ! oh no|||rude|to the extreme|||ah Oh dear, this is really extremely rude, extremely rude! 朕 睇 佢 , 好 快 就 會 搞 陰謀 㗎 嘞 。 I|see|he|very|soon|then|will|carry out|conspiracy|sentence-final particle|past action particle I see him, he will soon be plotting something. 我 哋 夫婦 , 都 唔 知 死 喺 邊 處 嚟 啊 ! ||couple|both|||die|at|||come|sentence-final particle As for us as a couple, we don't even know where we will die! 伏皇后 話 : 陛下 , 噉 唔 通 滿朝公 卿 大臣 , 個個 都 係 食 漢朝 嘅 俸祿 , 竟然 冇 一個 人 能夠 救 國難 咩 ? Empress Fok|said|Your Majesty|then||||||everyone|all|are|eating|Han Dynasty|possessive particle|salary|unexpectedly|not|one|person|able to|save|national crisis|question particle Empress Fu said: Your Majesty, is it possible that all the officials in the court, every single one of them, are receiving salaries from the Han Dynasty, and not a single person can save the country from its troubles? 皇后 嘅 說話 都 仲 未曾 講完 , 有 個人 喺 外 便 行 入 嚟 話 : queen|possessive particle|speech|also|still|not yet|finished|there is|person|at|outside|then|walk|in|come|said Before the Empress could finish her words, someone walked in from outside and said: 皇上 同 皇后 唔 使 憂心 , 我 舉薦 一個 人 , 可以 為國 除害 啊 。 Emperor|and|Empress|not|make|worry|I|recommend|one|person|can|for the country|eliminate threats|ah The Emperor and Empress need not worry, I recommend a person who can eliminate the threats to the country. 入 嚟 呢 個人 係 邊個 呢 ? 原來 係 伏皇后 嘅 父親 , 伏 完 啊 。 come|here|this|person|is|who|this|originally|is|Fok Wong Hau|possessive particle|father|Fok|finished|sentence-final particle Who is this person that came in? It turns out to be Empress Fu's father, Fu Wan. 獻帝 抹 乾 眼淚 就 問 佢 話 : Emperor Xian|wipe|dry|tears|then|asked|him|said Emperor Xian wiped his tears and asked him: 國丈 , 你 亦 知道 曹操 奸賊 嗰 種 專橫 法 咩 ? father-in-law|you|also|know|Cao Cao|treacherous bandit|that|kind|tyranny|method|question particle Lord, do you also know about Cao Cao's treacherous and tyrannical methods? 喺 許 田 射獵 嘅 事 , 邊個 唔 見 呢 ? at|Hsu|Tian|hunting|possessive particle|matter|who|not|see|question particle Who doesn't know about the hunting incident at Xu Tian? 但 係 成個 朝廷 之上 , 唔 係 曹操 嘅 宗族 , 就 係 佢 嘅 部下 咯 。 |is|||||||possessive particle||||||subordinates|sentence-final particle But in the entire court, if it's not Cao Cao's clan, then it's his subordinates. 所以 如果 唔 係 皇親國戚 , 仲有 邊個 肯 盡忠 殺賊 啊 ? so|if|not|is|royal relatives|still have|who|willing|loyal|kill the bandits|question particle So if it's not the royal family, who else would be willing to loyally kill the traitors? 老臣 冇 權 , 就 難以 做 呢 啲 事 咯 。 old minister|has no|power|then|difficult to|do|||things|particle indicating finality The old ministers have no power, making it difficult to do these things. 我 舉薦 一個 人 , 車騎 將軍 國舅 董承 , 可以信賴 得 過 嘅 。 I|recommend|one|person|Cheh Keih|general|imperial uncle|Dong Cheng||||particle I recommend a person, General Cheh Chi, Duke Dong Cheng, who can be trusted. 係 啊 , 董國舅 多次 為 國難 奔忙 , 朕 一向 都 知道 嘅 。 ||Dong Guojiao|many times|for|national crisis|busy|I (imperial pronoun)|always|all|knew|particle indicating past action Yes, Duke Dong has worked hard for the country's troubles many times, I have always known that. 噉 啊 召 佢 入 嚟 皇宮 , 一齊 商量 呢 件 大事 啦 。 then|particle|summon|him|into|come|palace|together|discuss|this|classifier for events|important matter|particle Then let's summon him to the palace to discuss this important matter together. 唔 得 啊 ! No way! 陛下 嘅 左右 , 都 係 操 賊 嘅 心腹 。 Your Majesty|possessive particle|aides|all|are|to control|thief|possessive particle|trusted aides Your Majesty's surroundings are all trusted aides of the thieves. 事情 如果 一洩漏 咗 出去 , 大禍臨頭 㗎 。 thing|if|it leaks|past tense marker|outside|great disaster will come|sentence-final particle If this matter leaks out, it will be a disaster. 然則 , 點算 好 呢 ? then|how to calculate|well|question particle So, what should we do? 誒 , 老臣 有個 辦法 。 hey|old minister||method Ah, the old minister has a plan. 嗱, 陛下 你 做 一件 衣服 ,攞 一條 玉帶 , 秘密 噉 賞賜 畀 董承 。 well|Your Majesty|you|make|a|robe|take|a|jade belt|secretly|like this|reward|to|Dong Cheng Look, Your Majesty, you make a piece of clothing, take a jade belt, and secretly bestow it to Dong Cheng. 噉 陛下 你 寫 好 一張 詔書 , 塞 喺 條 玉帶 嘅 襯底 裏 便 嚟 , 噉 叫 佢 返 到 屋企 , 先至 睇 呢 一張 詔書 。 then|Your Majesty|you|write|well|a|decree|put|in|the|jade belt|possessive particle|inner pocket|inside|then|come|then|tell|him|return|to|home|only then|read|this|a|decree Then Your Majesty writes a decree, puts it inside the lining of the jade belt, and tells him to go home and only then look at this decree. 噉 佢 就 可以 晝夜 策劃 , 神不知鬼不覺 吖 嘛 。 then|he|then|can|day and night|plan|without anyone knowing|particle|particle So he can plan day and night, without anyone knowing. 係 啊 , 國丈 呢 個 辦法 好 啊 。 ||father-in-law|this|measure word|method|good| Yes, this method of the national uncle is good. 噉 伏 完 告辭 走 咗 之後 , 獻帝 就 咬 穿 隻 手指 , 滴 啲 血出 嚟 , 用血 嚟 寫 好 一張 秘密 詔書 。 then|ambush|finished|farewell|leave|past tense marker|after|Emperor Xian|then|bit|through|measure word for animals|finger|drop|a little||come||to|write|good|a|secret|edict After Fu finished his farewell and left, Emperor Xian bit through his finger, letting some blood out, and used the blood to write a secret edict. 靜靜 啊 叫 伏皇后 , 將 詔書 收埋 喺 條 玉帶 嘅 紫 錦 襯 帶 裏 便 , 聯返 好 佢 。 quietly|ah|called|Empress Fok|will|edict|hide|in|the|jade belt|possessive particle|purple|brocade|inner|belt|inside|then|contact|well|her Quietly, he called for Empress Fu, and had her hide the edict in the purple brocade lining of the jade belt. 第 日 , 獻帝 着 起件 錦袍 , 攬 起 呢條 玉帶 , 吩咐 太監 啊 召 董承入 宮 。 the|day|Emperor Xian|put on|a piece of|brocade robe|took|up|this|jade belt|ordered|eunuch|ah|summon||palace The next day, Emperor Xian put on a brocade robe, took the jade belt, and instructed the eunuch to summon Dong Cheng into the palace. 董承 嚟 到 叩見 過 獻帝 , 獻帝 就 話 嘞 : Dong Cheng|come|arrived|pay respects|previously|Emperor Xian||then|said|past tense marker Dong Cheng came to pay his respects to Emperor Xian, and Emperor Xian said: 尋晚 , 朕 同 皇后 講起 往日 喺 霸 河 受到 嘅 苦處 , 諗 起 國舅 嘅 咁 大 功勞 , 故此 特意 叫 你 入宮 嚟 慰勞 一下 。 last night|I (the emperor)|with|empress|talked about|past|at|||received|possessive particle|hardships|||uncle by marriage|possessive particle|so|great|contribution|therefore|intentionally|called|you|into the palace|to come|reward|a little Last night, I spoke with the Empress about the hardships we faced in the past at the Ba River, and I thought of the great contributions of the national uncle, so I specially called you into the palace to reward you. 感謝 陛下 隆恩 , 願 陛下 永享 太平 。 thank you|Your Majesty|great kindness|may||forever enjoy|peace Thank you, Your Majesty, for your great kindness. May Your Majesty enjoy everlasting peace. 你 跟 我 嚟 啦 。 you|follow|me|come|particle indicating suggestion or urging Come with me. 獻帝 帶住 董承行 出 咗 金殿 , 去 到 太廟 一轉 , 又行 咗 上 功臣 閣 裏 便 。 Emperor Xian|led|Dong Cheng|exit|past tense marker|Golden Hall|go|arrive|Grand Ancestral Temple|a turn||past tense marker|up|merit subjects|pavilion|inside|then Emperor Xian took Dong Cheng out of the Golden Hall, made a turn at the Grand Ancestral Temple, and then went up to the Meritorious Officials Pavilion. 獻帝 裝 咗 香 , 行過禮 , 就 帶 董承睇 啲 畫像 。 Emperor Xian|put|past tense marker|incense||then|brought||plural marker|portraits Emperor Xian offered incense, performed a ritual, and then took Dong Cheng to see the portraits. 正當中 畫 嘅 係 漢高祖 , 獻帝 問董 承 : in the center|painting|possessive particle|is|Emperor Gaozu of Han|Emperor Xian||Cheng In the center of the painting is Emperor Gaozu of Han, and Emperor Xian asked Dong Cheng: 我 哋 高祖 皇帝 , 喺 邊 處 出生 , 點樣 創業 嘅 呢 ? ||Gaozu|emperor|at|||born|how|established his dynasty|past tense particle|question particle Where was our Emperor Gaozu born, and how did he establish his empire? 哎呀 , 陛下 同臣 開玩笑 啫 。 oh no|Your Majesty||joking|only Oh, Your Majesty is just joking with the minister. 聖 祖 嘅 事 點 會 唔 知 呢 ? holy|ancestor|possessive particle|matter|how|can|not|know|question particle How could I not know about the Holy Ancestor's matters? 高 皇帝 出生 係 泗 上 亭長 , 提 三尺 劍 , 斬蛇 起義 , 縱橫 四海 , 三載 亡 秦 , 五年 滅楚 , 於是 就 得到 天下 , 建立 咗 萬世 嘅 基業 嘞 。 Gao|Emperor|was born|at|Si|Shang|chief of police|wielding|three-foot|sword||uprising|traversing|the four seas|three years|destroyed|Qin|five years||then|then|obtained|the world|established|past tense marker|ten thousand generations|possessive particle|foundation of the empire|completed action particle Emperor Gao was born as a magistrate in Sishang, wielding a three-foot sword, leading a rebellion against the serpent, traversing the seas, overthrowing Qin in three years, and destroying Chu in five years. Thus, he gained the world and established a foundation for ten thousand generations. 唉 , 祖宗 咁 英雄 , 子孫 咁 懦弱 , 真 係 可嘆 啊 ! sigh|ancestors|so|heroic|descendants|so|weak|||lamentable|ah Alas, such a heroic ancestor, such weak descendants, it is truly lamentable! 跟 住 , 獻帝 就 指住 漢高祖 畫像 旁邊 , 一左一右 嗰 兩個 大臣 畫像 對 董承話 : ||Emperor Xian|then|pointing at|Emperor Gaozu of Han|portrait|next to|one on the left and one on the right|those|two|ministers|portraits|to| Then, Emperor Xian pointed to the portrait of Emperor Gaozu of Han, and beside it, the portraits of two ministers, and said to Dong Cheng: 呢 兩個 人 , 係 唔 係 留 侯張良 、 酇 侯 蕭何 呢 ? this|two|people|are|not|are|Liu||Zou|Hou|Xiao He|this Aren't these two people, Marquis Liu Zhangliang and Marquis Xiao He? 係 啊 陛下 。 高祖 開基創業 , 實在 係 全 靠 佢 兩個 嘅 力量 咋 。 is|||||||completely|rely on|their|two|possessive particle|strength|only Yes, Your Majesty. Emperor Gaozu's foundation and enterprise were indeed entirely reliant on the strength of these two. 呢 個 時候 獻帝 睇 見 跟 住 嚟 嘅 人 企 得 比 較遠 , 就 靜靜 對 董承話 : this|measure word|time|Emperor Xian|to see|to see|||coming|possessive particle|person|to stand|to be|comparatively|farther|then|quietly|to| At this moment, the Emperor Xian saw that the people following him were standing relatively far away, so he quietly said to Dong Cheng: 卿家 , 亦 應當 好似 呢 兩個 人 噉 , 企 喺 朕 嘅 旁邊 啊 ! your family|also|should|be like|these|two|people|like|stand|at|I|possessive particle|beside|sentence-final particle "You should also stand next to me like these two people!" 哎 , 臣並 無 半點 功勞 , 點 當得起 呢 ? sigh||have no|slightest|merit|how|can be worthy of|question particle "Ah, I have no merit at all, how can I deserve this?" 卿 家 喺 長安 救駕 嘅 功勞 , 朕 一陣 都 冇 忘記 過 。 you|family|at|Chang'an|rescue|possessive particle|merit|I (imperial pronoun)|a moment|all|not|forget|past tense particle "Your contributions in rescuing the Emperor in Chang'an, I have not forgotten at all." 冇 咩 好 賞賜 畀 你 嘞 , 欸 , 卿家 你 就 着 咗 朕 呢 件 袍 , 攬 咗 朕 呢條 玉帶 , 噉 就 好似 經常 喺 朕 嘅 身邊 一樣 。 not have|what|good|reward|to|you|past tense particle|eh|your family|you|then|wear|past tense particle|I (imperial pronoun)|this|measure word for clothing|robe|hold|past tense particle|I (imperial pronoun)|this|jade belt|then|just|seems|always|at|I (imperial pronoun)|possessive particle|side|the same "There is nothing much to reward you with, eh, you just put on this robe of mine and take this jade belt of mine, then it will be as if you are always by my side." 謝主 隆恩 ! thank you Lord|abundant grace Thank you, Your Majesty! 董承 跪 低 叩頭 謝恩 。 Dong Cheng|kneel|lower|knock head|thank for grace Dong Cheng knelt down and bowed his head in gratitude. 獻帝 就 除 咗 件 錦袍 同 玉帶 , 賜 咗 畀 董承 , 就 細細 聲 對 佢 話 : Emperor Xian|then|took away|past tense marker|measure word for clothing|brocade robe|and|jade belt|bestowed|past tense marker|to|Dong Cheng|then|softly|voice|to|him|said The Emperor Xian then removed a brocade robe and jade belt, and bestowed them upon Dong Cheng, quietly saying to him: 卿家 返到 屋企 , 仔細 啲 睇 下 , 唔 好 辜負 朕 嘅 心意 啊 。 your family|return to|home|carefully|a bit|look|down|||disappoint|I (imperial pronoun)|possessive particle|intentions|ah When you return home, take a closer look, and do not let down my intentions. 董承 會意 嘞 , 辭別 咗 獻帝 落樓 行出 功臣 閣 。 Dong Cheng|understood|past tense marker|bid farewell|past tense marker|Emperor Xian|down the stairs|walked out|merit subjects|hall Dong Cheng understood, bid farewell to Emperor Xian, and walked out of the Hall of Meritorious Officials. 曹操 監視 獻帝 嘅 行動 呀 好 嚴密 嘅 。 Cao Cao|monitor|Emperor Xian|possessive particle|actions|sentence-final particle|very|strict| Cao Cao is closely monitoring the actions of Emperor Xian. 獻帝 呢 頭同 董承上 咗 功臣 閣唧 , 嗰 頭 就 有人 去 報告 曹操 喇 。 Emperor Xian|this|||past tense marker|meritocratic minister|cabinet|that|matter|then|someone|to go|report|Cao Cao|sentence-final particle Emperor Xian is discussing with the loyal ministers, and someone has reported this to Cao Cao. 曹操 一 得到 消息 , 即刻 入朝 嚟 睇 下 咩 事 , Cao Cao|once|received|news|immediately|enter the court|come|see|what|what|matter As soon as Cao Cao received the news, he immediately entered the court to see what was going on. 董承 離開 咗 功臣 閣 , 啱 啱 行過 皇宮 門口 就 撞 正 曹操 嚟 。 Dong Cheng|left|past tense marker|merit subject|pavilion|||walked past|imperial palace|gate|then|||Cao Cao|coming Dong Cheng left the loyal ministers' hall and just as he was passing by the palace gate, he ran into Cao Cao. 一時 急切 之間 , 搵 唔 到 地方 嚟 躲避 吖 , 就 唯有 企 喺 路邊 , 等 曹操 嚟 到 嘞 就 對 佢 行 個 禮 。 at that moment|urgent|in between|find|not|arrive|place|come|hide|particle|then|only|stand|at|roadside|wait|Cao Cao|arrive|at|particle|then|to|him|perform|a|bow In a moment of urgency, he couldn't find a place to hide, so he could only stand by the roadside and greet Cao Cao as he approached. 曹操 話 : 國舅 去 邊處 嚟 啊 ? Cao Cao|said|imperial uncle|go|where|come|question particle Cao Cao said: Where did the national uncle come from? 剛才 得到 天子 宣召 , 賜 咗 錦袍 玉帶 畀 下官 。 just now|received|Son of Heaven|imperial summons|bestowed|past tense marker|brocade robe|jade belt|to|this official Just now I received a summons from the Emperor, and he bestowed a brocade robe and a jade belt to me. 哦 ? 為 咩 嘢 事 呢 ? oh|||||question particle Oh? What is this about? 皇上 話 諗 起 下官 往日 喺 長安 救駕 有功 , 所以 賞賜 下官 唧 。 the Emperor|said|thought|of|this official|in the past|at|Chang'an|rescue|had merit|therefore|rewarded|this official|a type of reward or gift The Emperor said he remembered my past contributions in rescuing him in Chang'an, so he rewarded me. 嗯 , 除條 玉帶 畀 我 睇 下 。 hmm||jade belt|give|me|see|a particle indicating a request for action Hmm, let me see the jade belt. 董承個 心 啊 知道 條 玉帶 裏 便 必定會 有 秘密 嘅 詔書 嘅 , 怕 畀 曹操 睇 穿 咗 唔 得 了 。 |heart|ah|knows|measure word for long objects|jade belt|inside|then|will definitely|have|secret|possessive particle|edict|possessive particle|afraid|by|Cao Cao|see|through|past tense marker|not|able|completed action particle Dong Cheng's heart knows that there must be a secret edict within the jade belt, and he is afraid that Cao Cao will see through it. 所以 遲遲疑疑 就 唔 願 除條 玉帶 畀 曹操 睇 。 so|hesitating|then|not|willing||jade belt|give|Cao Cao|see So he hesitates and is unwilling to remove the jade belt for Cao Cao to see. 曹操 見到 董承 噉 嘅 神情 就 喝 一聲 話 : 快 啲 除落 嚟 ! Cao Cao|saw|Dong Cheng|like that|possessive particle|expression|then|shouted|one time|word|||come down|here Cao Cao, seeing Dong Cheng's expression, shouted: Hurry up and take it off! 嘿 , 噉 啊點 都 好 啦 。 hey|then|what about|all|good|particle Hey, well, whatever. 董承除 咗 條 玉帶 交 畀 曹操 。 Dong Cheng|past tense marker|measure word for long objects|jade belt|to hand over|to|Cao Cao Dong Cheng removed the jade belt and handed it to Cao Cao. 曹操 左 睇 右 睇 , 睇 咗 好 耐 。 Cao Cao|left|looked|right|looked||past tense marker|very|long Cao Cao looked left and right, and stared for a long time. 哈哈哈哈 , 啊 , 條 玉帶 真 係 靚 啊 。 hahaha|ah|classifier for long objects|jade belt|||beautiful|ah Hahaha, ah, the jade belt is really beautiful. 誒 唔 該 國舅 除 埋件 錦袍 畀 我 睇 下 。 hey|um|that|uncle|take off|the whole thing|robe|give|me|see|a bit Hey, please take off the brocade robe for me to have a look. 董承個 心好 驚 , 唔 敢 唔 除 呀 , 喇喇聲 除 咗 件 錦袍 , 雙手 捧住 獻 畀 曹操 。 ||scared|not|dare|not|remove|sentence-final particle|sound of rustling|remove|past tense marker|measure word for clothing|brocade robe|both hands|holding up|present|to|Cao Cao Dong Cheng was very scared and didn't dare to not take it off, so he quickly took off the brocade robe and held it with both hands to present it to Cao Cao. 曹操 好 鬼馬 嘅 , 佢 親手 搦 起件 錦袍 , 對住 日光 映住 嚟 仔仔細細 噉 睇 。 Cao Cao|very|witty|possessive particle|he|personally|took|off|brocade robe|facing|sunlight|reflecting|coming|very carefully|like this|looked Cao Cao was very mischievous; he personally picked up the brocade robe and examined it carefully under the sunlight. 睇 完 就 着 起 佢 , 攬 埋條 玉帶 , 對 佢 左右 嗰 班 隨員 話 : watch|finish|then|put|away|him|grab||jade belt|to|him|around|that|measure word for groups|attendants|said After looking at it, he put it on, wrapped the jade belt around him, and said to the attendants around him: 長短 點啊 ? 合 唔 合身 啊 ? length|how|||suitable|question particle How's the length? Does it fit well? 合 , 真 係 好似 度住 身 嚟 做 嘅 噉 啊 , 丞相 。 match|||seems|measuring|body|come|do|possessive particle|like that|ah|Prime Minister It fits, it really seems like it was tailored to my size, Prime Minister. 係 咩 ? is|what Is that so? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 國舅 , 呢 件 錦袍 同 玉帶 , 你 就 轉賜 畀 我 呢 , 好 唔 好 啊 ? hahaha||uncle|this|measure word for clothing|brocade robe|and|jade belt|you|then|transfer|to|me|this||||question particle Hahaha, Country Uncle, can you give me this brocade robe and jade belt? Is that okay? 誒 , 誒 呢 啲 係 皇恩 所賜 , 唔 敢 轉贈 , 等 下官 另外 做過 一件 再 奉獻 畀 丞相 啦 。 hey||||are|imperial grace|bestowed|not|dare|to give away|let|this humble official|separately|do|one thing|again|offer|to|prime minister|particle Eh, these are bestowed by the Emperor, I dare not pass them on, let me prepare another gift to present to the Prime Minister. 嗯 ? hmm Hmm? 國舅 受 咗 錦袍 玉帶 , 莫非 其中 有 乜嘢 圖謀 , 係 嘛 ! the prince's uncle|received|past tense marker|brocade robe|jade belt|could it be that|among them|has|any|ulterior motive|is|question particle The royal uncle received a brocade robe and a jade belt, could there be some scheme behind it? 下官 點敢 呢 , 丞相 如果 要 嘞 , 就 請 丞相 留 低 佢 啦 。 I|how dare|question particle|Prime Minister|if|wants|past action particle|then|please|Prime Minister|||him|final particle How could I dare? If the Prime Minister wants it, please let the Prime Minister keep it. 真 嘅 ? Really? 真 嘅 。 really|possessive particle Really. 呵呵哈 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 hee hee ha|ha ha ha ha ha ha|ha ha ha ha ha ha|ha ha ha Hehe haha hahaha hahaha. 呢 啲 係 皇上 賜 畀 國舅 嘅 , 我點 會 話 搶 咗 你 嘅 呢 ? 同 你 講下 笑 啫 。 question particle|||||||||||||you|||||have a little|laugh|just These are given by the emperor to the national uncle, how could I say I snatched them from you? Just joking with you. 於是 曹操 除低 錦袍 同 玉帶 , 還返 畀 董承 。 then|Cao Cao|removed|brocade robe|and|jade belt|returned|to|Dong Cheng So Cao Cao took off the brocade robe and jade belt and returned them to Dong Cheng. 好彩 冇 事 啊 ! 董承抹 咗 一額 冷汗 , 辭別 咗 曹操 返 屋企 。 fortunately|no|problem|particle||past tense marker|a forehead|cold sweat|bid farewell|past tense marker|Cao Cao|return|home Fortunately, nothing happened! Dong Cheng wiped off a cold sweat and said goodbye to Cao Cao to go home. 當晚 , 董承 獨自 一個 人 坐 喺 書房 嚟 , 將件 錦袍 翻來覆去 左 睇 右 睇 , 之 睇 極都 冇 發現 乜嘢 噃。 that night|Dong Cheng|alone|||sat|in|study|came|the|brocade robe|turned over and over|left|looked|right|looked|it|looked||not|discovered|anything|particle indicating finality or emphasis That night, Dong Cheng sat alone in the study, turning the brocade robe over and over, looking at it from left to right, but he found nothing unusual. 佢 諗 : 皇 上將 錦袍 玉帶 賜 畀 我 , 叫 我 仔細 啲 睇 下 , 必定 唔 會 係 隨便 一句 說話 , 實 係 有 特別 嘅 意思 嘅 。 he|thought|||brocade robe|jade belt|bestow|to|me|told||carefully|more|look|at|definitely|not|will|be|casual|one sentence|remark|really|is|have|special|possessive particle|meaning|possessive particle He thought: The Emperor bestowed the brocade robe and jade belt upon me, asking me to examine it carefully; it must not be just a casual remark, it definitely has a special meaning. 之而家 乜嘢 蹤跡 都 冇 嘅 噃, 又 點解 呢 ? so now|what|trace|all|not have|particle|right|again|why|question particle But now there are no traces at all, why is that? 跟手 , 董承 又 攞 條 玉帶 嚟 睇 。 immediately|Dong Cheng|again|took|measure word for long objects|jade belt|here|to see Then, Dong Cheng took the jade belt to look at it again. 呢條 玉帶 , 乃 係 白玉 玲瓏 , 雕刻 成 小龍 穿花 , 背後 用 紫錦 嚟 到 做 襯底 嘅 , 針線 細密 , 齊齊整整 亦 冇 乜嘢 㗎 。 this|jade belt|||white jade|exquisite|carved|into|small dragon|wearing flowers|behind|using|purple brocade|||make|lining|possessive particle|stitching|fine|neat and tidy|also|have not|anything|question particle This jade belt is made of white jade, exquisitely carved with a small dragon entwined with flowers, and the back is lined with purple brocade, with fine stitching, neat and tidy, and there is nothing unusual about it. 哈 , 點解 呢 嚱? ha|why|this|question particle Ha, why is that? 董承個 心好 思疑 , 將條 玉帶 放 喺 張 枱 上 便 , 反反覆覆 噉 樣 搵 嚟 搵 去 , 搵 咗 好 耐 都 搵 唔 到 喎 。 ||suspicious||jade belt|to place|at|measure word for flat objects|table|on|then|repeatedly|like this|manner|to find|coming|to find|going|to find|past tense marker|very|long|all|to find|not|reach|sentence-final particle Dong Cheng's heart is very suspicious, placing the jade belt on the table, repeatedly searching back and forth, searching for a long time but still can't find it.

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