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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 035

話 說 顏良 啊 , 佢 係 畀 關公 斬 咗 吖 。 噉 佢 嘅 部下 嘅 敗軍 呢 , 就 逃命 返 河北 , 喺 半路 遇到 袁紹 , 就 報告 佢 聽 。 話 畀 一個 紅面 長 鬚 使 一把 大刀 嘅 勇 將 , 單人 匹馬 衝入 兵陣 斬 咗 顏良 , 所以 全軍 大敗 呀 噉 。 袁紹 驚 嘞 , 佢 問 : 此人 係 邊個 啊 ? 沮授 話 : 此人 必定 係 劉玄德 嘅 細 佬 關雲長 啊 ! 袁紹 噉 就 火起 喇 , 佢 指 住 劉備 話 : 你 細佬 殺死 咗 我 心愛 嘅 大將 。 你實 係 串通 埋 一齊 嘅 , 留 你 喺 處 仲 有 乜嘢 用 啊 ! 袁紹 即刻 嗌 刀斧手 推 劉備 出去 斬首 。 劉玄德 一 啲 都 唔 驚 喎 。 佢 從從容容 噉 對 袁紹 話 : 唔 通明 公只 係 聽 一面之詞 , 就將 往日 嘅 交情 付 之於 流水 咩 ? 我 自從 喺 徐州 失散 之後 , 二弟 雲長 都 唔 知 生死存亡 。 天下 間 , 相貌 相同 嘅 唔 少 , 唔 通紅 面 長 鬚 嘅 , 就 一定 係 關某 咩 ? 明公 你 仔細想 下 吖 。 袁紹 嗰 份 人 啊 係 冇 啲 主意 嘅 。 佢 聽 劉玄德 噉 樣一講 , 啊 係 吖 , 有 道理 喎 。 就 埋怨 沮授 嘞 : 嘿 ! 聽 咗 你 嘅 說話 , 爭 啲 使 到 我 誤殺 好人 喇 ! 於是 就 仍然 請 劉玄德 喺 中軍帳 坐落 。 共同 商量 啊 點樣 報顏良 被 殺 之 仇 嘞 。 喺 中軍帳 下 有 個人 行出 嚟 話 : 顏良同 我 好似 兄弟 一樣 , 而家 畀 曹賊 殺 咗 , 我 一定 要 為 佢 報仇雪恨 啊 ! 劉玄德 一睇 , 只見 佢 身長 八 呎 , 面似 山羊 , 乃 係 河北 名將 啊 叫做 文丑 。 袁紹 好 高興 噉 話 : 要 同顏良 報仇 , 真 係 非 你 唔 得 啊 ! 我交 十萬 雄兵 畀 你 , 馬上 渡過 黃河 , 追殺 曹賊 ! 沮授 話 嘞 : 主公 唔 好 啊 。 目前 我 哋 應該 駐 扎 喺 延津 , 再 分兵 守住 官渡 , 呢 個 乃 係 上策 。 如果 輕率 噉 渡過 黃河 , 假使 有 咩 變故 , 大家 都 有 去 冇 回頭 㗎 喇 。 袁紹 嬲 嘞 : 都 係 你 哋 遲緩 軍心 , 遷延時日 , 妨礙 大事 ! 兵貴神速 吖 嘛 , 你 哋 知 唔 知 呀 ? 幾句話 省到 沮 授面 都 懵 埋 , 佢 行 出 中軍帳 , 長 歎 一聲 話 : 唉 ! 好大喜功 , 冇 得 好 講咯 。 黃河 啊 ! 黃河 啊 ! 過就過 啦 。 從此 之後 , 沮授 就 話 有 病 , 唔 出 嚟 參加 商量 事情 嘞 。 劉備 呀 梗 係 主張 打 㗎 啦 。 佢 見 袁紹 已經 落 咗 決心 嘞 , 佢 就 話 : 我受 咗 明 公 嘅 大恩 , 無可 報答 。 我想 同文 將軍 一齊 出發 , 一來 , 聊以 報答 明 公 嘅 大恩大德 ; 二來 , 想 順便 探聽 一下 雲 長 嘅 確實 消息 啊 。 袁紹 好 高興 , 就 叫 文丑 同 劉玄德 啊 一齊 率領 前部 軍兵 。 哈哈 , 文丑 唔 肯 啊 , 佢 話 : 劉玄德 係 個 常敗 將軍 , 對 軍隊 唔 吉利 㗎 ! 既然 主公 要 佢 去 , 我分 三萬 兵 畀 佢 , 叫 佢 做 後軍 啦 ! 於是 文丑 啊 自己 帶領 七萬 軍馬 先行 , 叫 劉玄德 帶 三 萬軍 兵 啊 跟 尾 。 而家 再 講下 曹操 啊 。 佢 見 關雲長 斬 咗 顏良 , 就 更加 欽敬 。 寫 咗 一份 表章 啟奏 朝廷 , 封 關雲長 做 漢壽 亭 侯 , 鑄 咗 個 印送 畀 佢 。 呢 一日 , 探子 嚟 報告 話 袁紹 又 派 大將 文丑 , 渡過 黃河 , 已經 控制 住 延津 嘞 。 延津 係 古黃河 嘅 重要 渡口 , 即 係 而家 河南省 延津 啊 。 曹操 就 立即 派人將 啲 居民 ,冚𠾴唥 撤 咗 去 西河 , 然後 啊 親自 帶兵 去 迎戰 。 曹操 下令 , 以 後軍 作為 前軍 , 以 前軍 作為 後軍 , 糧草先行 , 軍兵 在 後 。 哈哈 , 奇怪 喇 , 噉 樣 行軍 從來未 見 過個 喎 。 呂虔 就問 : 糧草 在 先軍兵 在 後 , 係 咩 嘢 意思 呀 , 丞相 ? 哦 , 往日 行軍 , 糧草 在 後 , 好多 時 都 會 畀 敵軍 劫掠 嘅 。 所以 呢 次要 糧草 行先唧 。 噉 如果 喺 前面 遇着 敵軍 , 畀 敵軍 搶 咗 去 , 噉 如之奈何 啊 ? 等 敵軍 嚟 到 嘅 時候 再講 啦 ! 乜 曹丞相 咁 大意 嘅 , 等 敵軍 嚟 到 先至講 呀 , 嚟 唔 切 㗎 喇 嗰 陣 , 呂 虔個 心 諗 唔 通 嘞 。 曹操 命令 將 啲 糧食 、 輜重 , 沿住 黃河 岸邊 一直 運去 延津 。 呢 日 , 曹操 喺 後軍 嚟 。 聽見 前軍 嘈得 好 厲害 , 急急 派 人 去 睇 下 。 嗰 個人 返 嚟 報告 話 丞相 啊 , 河北 大將 文丑 嘅 兵馬 嚟 到 喇 。 我 哋 啲 軍兵 , 掉 晒 啲 糧草 四圍 咁 逃跑 , 後軍 又 離 得 遠 , 點算 好 啊 ? 曹操 四圍 望下 , 就 用條 馬鞭 指住 南 便 嘅 一座 山丘 話 : 去 嗰 度 暫時 避 一下 先 。 於是 就 帶 住 人馬 急急 奔 上個 山丘 。 上 到 去 嘞 , 曹操 竟然 叫 啲 士兵 啊 解開 盔甲 , 唞 一陣 先 , 又 冚𠾴唥 放 啲 馬 去 休息 嘞 。 好 快脆 , 文丑 嘅 軍 兵 攻 到 嚟 喇 。 嗰 班 將官 都 話 喇 : 啟 稟 丞相 , 敵兵 到 喇 , 快脆 收 啲 馬匹 返 嚟 , 撤退 返去 白馬 罷啦 。 荀 攸 急急 制止 佢 哋 話 : 噉 樣正 係 可以 誘敵 , 做 乜嘢 要 撤退 呢 ? 曹操 聽 荀 攸 噉 樣講 , 連忙 同 佢 打 咗 個 眼色 , 笑 住 噉 望 實 佢 。 哦 , 荀攸明 喇 , 就 唔 再 開口 嘞 。 文丑 嗰 支 軍隊 啊 , 已經 搶到 啲 糧草 啊 等等 , 跟 住 又 嚟 搶 馬 。 啲 軍士 發橫財 緊要 啊 冇 晒 秩序 , 都 不成 隊伍 啊 。 你 擁 我 , 我 擁 你 , 搞 到 亂糟糟 。 就 喺 呢 個 時候 , 曹操 命令 全軍 將士 , 一齊 由 山丘 衝落 去 , 發起 攻擊 。 噉 樣 一打 , 文丑 嘅 軍隊 就 更加 亂到 不堪 嘞 。 好 快脆 , 曹兵 包圍 過 嚟 , 文丑 啊 獨自 一個 奮力 戰鬥 。 嗰 啲 軍士 呢 就 互相 踐踏 。 文丑 點樣 制止 都 制止 唔 住 , 就 唯有 撥馬 跑 返回 頭 嘞 噃。 曹操 喺 山丘 上 便 , 指住 文丑 話 : 文丑 乃 係 河北 嘅 名將 啊 , 邊位 將軍 去 捉 佢 ! 張 遼 、 徐晃 一齊 飛馬 衝出去 , 大喝 話 : 文丑 你 咪 走 啊 ! 文丑 擰 轉頭 一睇 , 見到 兩員 大將 追上 嚟 , 就 放低 鐵槍 , 拈弓 搭 箭 , 對 正張 遼 就 射 呀 。 徐晃 見到 大聲 嗌 話 賊將 你 咪 放冷箭 啊 ! 說話 未 完 , 箭 已經 射到 嘞 。 張 遼 連忙 將 個頭 一耷低 , 啪 噉 一聲 , 已經 將 頭盔 上 便 嘅 紅纓 射 咗 去 。 張遼 避過 一箭 , 奮力 再 追 。 文丑 𠻘 噉 又 一箭射過 嚟 , 就射 正張 遼 隻 戰馬 嘅 面部 。 嗰 隻 馬 𠽤𡃈 噉 一下 跪低 前蹄 , 張遼 打個 冇 頭關 斗碌 咗 落地 。 文丑 勒轉 隻 馬 , 跑 返過 嚟 想 攞 張 遼大 命 啊 。 徐晃 急急 舞起 把 大 斧 , 截住 佢 嚟 廝殺 。 呢 個 時候 , 只見 文丑 後 便 大隊 軍馬 掩殺 過 嚟 。 徐晃 諗 住 打 唔 過喇 , 虛斬 一斧 撥馬 回頭 。 文丑 沿住 黃河 岸邊 就 窮追不捨 。 突然 間 , 只見 十多個 人 騎 住 快 馬 , 戰旗 翻飛 。 一員大將 啊 提刀 飛馬 帶頭 衝過 嚟 , 邊個 咁 夠威 啊 ? 關雲長 啊 ! 只見 佢 大喝一聲 : 賊將 你 咪 走 ! 關公 同 文丑 交馬 打 咗 唔 到 三個 回合 , 文丑 心怯 啊 , 撥轉 馬頭 兜住 河邊 走 。 關公 隻 馬 快 吖 嘛 , 好似 閃電 一樣 噉 啊 追上 文丑 啊 對 正後枕 , 一刀 劈 過去 , 將 文丑 斬 咗 落馬 。 好 嘩 ! 好 嘩 ! 曹操 喺 個 山頂 上 便 , 見到 關公 斬 咗 文丑 唄 , 即刻 就 指揮 人馬 掩殺 過去 。 嗰 班 河 北軍 呀 , 大半 跌晒落 水浸 死 , 糧草 馬匹 等等 呢 , 又 畀 曹操 呀 搶 返返 嚟 嘞 。 關公 帶 住 嗰 十多個 馬 軍 , 左衝右 突 , 正在 殺得 興起 。 劉玄德 啊 帶 住 三 萬軍 兵 隨後 嚟 到 。 前 便 嘅 哨 馬 探聽到 情況 , 就 報 畀 劉玄德 聽 , 話 : 呢 次 又 係 嗰 個 紅 面 長 鬚 嘅 大將 斬 咗 文丑 啊 。 劉玄德 連忙 策馬 趕上去 睇 , 隔住 河 對岸 , 只見 一簇 人馬 來往 如飛 。 一面 戰旗 上面 寫住 , 漢壽 亭 侯 關雲長 七個 大字 。 劉玄德 個心 謝天謝地 喇 , 哎呀 ! 原來 我 二弟 果然 喺 曹操 處 啊 ! 劉玄德 啊 正話 想 過去 同 佢 見面 , 收尾 畀 大隊 嘅 曹 兵 湧 過 嚟 , 就 唯有 收兵 返扯 啦 。 袁紹 帶兵 接應 嚟 到 官渡 , 安好 營寨 。 郭圖 、 審配 嚟 見 袁紹 話 嘞 : 主公 , 今次 又 係 關某 殺 咗 文丑 啊 , 劉備 仲詐作 唔 知 噃。 袁紹 嬲 到極 , 豈有此理 ! 你 個 大耳賊 , 竟然 膽敢 做 啲 噉 嘢 ! 冇 幾耐 , 劉玄德 嚟 嘞 。 袁紹 馬上 叫 人 拉 佢 出去 斬頭 。 劉玄德 話 : 我 有 咩 罪 呀 ? 你 有意 叫 你 細佬 又 殺死 我 一員大將 , 仲話 冇 罪 ? 等 我 講埋 呢 句 說話 先 , 明公 你 要 殺 就 殺 啦 。 曹操 素來 都 好 驟忌 我 嘅 , 而 家 佢 知道 我 喺 你 呢 處 , 怕 我 幫 你 , 故此 特登 使雲長 殺 咗 你 兩位 將官 , 知道 你 一定 嬲 嘅 。 呢 個 乃 係 借明公 你 嘅 手 嚟 殺 我 劉備 呀 , 請明 公諗下 吖 。 係 噃! 玄德 你 講得 啱 啊 。 嘿 ! 你 哋 啲 人 啦 , 爭 啲 搞 到 我 落得 個 殺害 好人 嘅 壞名聲 咯 ! 袁紹 喝退 啲 人 , 請 劉玄德 入 中軍帳 坐落 。 劉玄德 多謝 佢 話 : 好多 得 明公 寬大 之恩 , 沒 咩 報答 嘞 , 我 想 叫 個 心腹 人 , 帶封 密信 去 見 雲長 , 等 佢 知道 我 嘅 消息 。 佢 一 知道 咗 , 必定 立即 過 嚟 輔助 明公 , 共 誅 曹操 , 同時 為 顏良 、 文丑 報仇 , 明公 意下如何 呢 ? 噉 梗 係 好 啦 , 我 得到 雲長 呀 , 就 勝過 顏良 、 文丑 十倍 咯 。 於是 劉玄德 , 即 刻寫 好 封信 , 但 係 一時之間 未 搵 到 個 合適 嘅 人 送 去 。 呢 個 時候 , 袁紹 下令 部隊 撤退 去 武陽 , 連營 數十里 就 按兵不動 。 曹操 呢 , 就 派 夏侯惇 率領 一支 軍隊 , 守住 官渡 隘口 。 自己 呀 班師 返去 許昌 , 大宴 百官 就 慶賀 關雲長 立 咗 大功 。 噉 啊 飲 咗 幾杯酒 , 曹操 對 呂 虔話 嘞 : 嗰 次 我 以 糧草先行 , 係 引誘 敵人 嘅 計策 。 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 哈 當時 , 就 係 得 荀公達 一個 人摸 到 我 嘅 心 水 咋 。 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 丞相 用兵如神 , 天機 莫測 啊 ! 人人 都 非常 敬服 曹操 咯 。 正 喺 度 飲 得 高興 , 突然 有 報告 嚟 話 , 汝南 地區 有 黃巾 作反 。 首領 係 劉辟 、 龔都 , 係 非常 之 猖獗 。 曹洪 屢次 作戰 都 失利 , 請 曹操 派兵 去 援救 噉 。 關雲長 一聽 , 啱 嘞 , 佢 對 曹操 話 : 丞相 , 我願效 犬馬之勞 , 去 破 汝南 嘅 賊寇 。 你 剛剛 建立 咗 大功 , 都 未曾 好好 酬謝 , 點好 又 要 辛苦 關將軍 你 呀 。 我 如果 得閒 過頭 , 就 會 有 病 嘅 喇 。 請 丞相 准 我 再 去 一次 啦 。 好 , 好 ! 曹操 非常 欣賞 關雲長 呢種 態度 喎 。 點 五萬 兵 畀 佢 , 任命 于禁 、 樂進 做 副將 , 明日 就 出發 。 荀彧 啊 靜靜 噉 對 曹操 話 嘞 : 主公 呀 , 雲長 個 心 呀 , 成日 都 想 返去 劉備 嗰 便 㗎 。 佢 一 有 劉備 消息 就 走 㗎 嘞 , 唔 好 頻頻 噉 派 佢 出征 喎 。 係 呀 , 今 次 佢 再 打勝 咗 返 嚟 , 我以 後點 都 唔 叫 佢 再 去 打 㗎 喇 。 而家 講下 關雲長 , 佢 統率 兵馬 就 一路 行軍 , 就 嚟 到 汝南 嘞 , 就 安營 扎寨 。 當晚 , 啲 巡邏兵 捉 到 兩個 偵探 , 押 到 嚟 一 睇 , 其中 有 一個 原來 係 孫乾 。 關公 即刻 喝退 左右 啲 人 就 問孫乾話 : 嗰 日 失散 之後 , 一向 都 唔 知 你 嘅 蹤跡 , 點解 而家會 嚟 到 呢 處 呢 吓 ? 我 逃難 出 嚟 , 一路 漂泊 嚟 到 汝南 啊 , 多得 劉辟 收留 我 咋 。 係 咯 , 關將軍 , 你 點解 會 喺 曹操 處 呢 ? 甘夫人 、 糜夫人 都 好 吖 嘛 ? 於是 關公 就將 以上 嘅 事 , 詳詳細細 噉 同 孫乾講 咗 。 孫乾話 嘞 : 近日 , 聽聞 話 玄德公 喺 袁紹 嗰 處 , 我 想 去 投奔 佢 , 未有 機會 。 而家 , 劉辟 、 龔 都 佢 哋 兩個 已經 歸順 咗 袁紹 , 幫 袁紹 一齊 嚟 攻打 曹操 。 咁 好彩 得到 關將軍 嚟 到 , 因此 , 就 專登 叫 個 兵 仔 帶路 , 派 我 扮成 個 偵探 噉 樣 , 走 嚟 將呢 件 事報 畀 將軍 知道 。 聽日 , 劉辟 、 龔都同 將軍 你 對陣 交鋒 嘅 時候 , 佢 就 詐 作 打敗 。 噉 將軍 你 就 快 啲 帶 埋 兩位 夫人 投奔 去 袁紹處 , 同 玄德公 見面 啦 。 既然 兄長 喺 袁紹處 , 我 梗 係 有 咁 快 得 咁 快趕 去 嘞 。 不過 , 最弊 就 係 我 斬 咗 袁紹 兩員 大將 , 怕 事情 有變 噃。 噉 又 係 , 啊 , 關將軍 , 不如 等 我 去 袁紹 嗰 便 , 探聽 下 虛實 先 , 再 嚟 話 你 知 嘞 。 好 啦 , 只要 能夠 見 兄長 一面 , 我 萬死不辭 呀 。 呢 次 返到 許昌 , 我 就 離開 曹操 㗎 嘞 。 當晚 , 關公 就 秘密 噉 送 孫乾 走 咗 。 第 日 , 關公 帶兵 出戰 , 龔都 披掛 出陣 。 關公 喝 他 說 : 你們 為 甚麼 要 背叛 朝廷 呀 ? 龔都 就 回敬 關公 一句 : 你 背叛 咗 自己 嘅 主公 , 仲 反而 嚟 責備 我 ? 我點 為 之 背叛 自己 嘅 主公 啊 ? 劉玄德 喺 袁紹 嗰 處 , 你 呀 去 投靠 曹操 , 點解 吖 你 ? 關公 唔 同 佢 講 嘞 , 拍 馬舞刀 上前 要 打 。 龔都 唔 同 佢 交手 , 回馬 就 走 。 關公 又 猛追 上去 , 龔都 擰 轉頭 對 關公 話 : 故主 之恩 唔 好 忘記 呀 ! 關將軍 你 快 啲 帶兵 攻過 嚟 啦 , 我 讓 汝南 畀 你 。 關公 會意 嘞 , 即刻 指揮 軍隊 掩殺 過去 。 劉辟 、 龔都 兩個 呀 詐 諦 打敗仗 , 等 啲 兵 散開 晒 走 人 。 關雲長 噉 就 容容易易 奪取 咗 汝南 , 安定 民眾 之後 就 班師 返 許昌 。 曹操 為 咗 表示 敬重 關公 , 呢 日 誒 親自 出城 嚟 迎接 。 同時 呢 , 又 獎賞 慰勞 全軍 將士 , 大家 都 好 歡喜 啦 。 宴會 散 咗 席 之後 , 關雲長 返到 屋企 , 立即 去 內 門外 便 誒 參拜 兩位 嫂嫂 。 甘夫人 話 : 二叔 兩次 出征 , 知 唔 知道 皇叔 嘅 消息 啊 ? 未 呀 , 參見 完 , 關公 就 出返 去 。 兩位 夫人 傷心 到 不得了 , 喊起 上 嚟 話 : 睇 嚟 皇叔 冇 咗 嘅 咯 , 二叔 實 係 怕 我們 姊妹 煩惱 , 所以 揞 住 唔 講出 嚟 啫 。 有 一個 跟隨 關雲長 出征 嘅 老 軍 , 聽見 裏頭 喊 得 咁 淒涼 , 就 喺 門外 稟告 話 : 夫人 唔 好 喊 喇 , 主人 而 家 喺 河北 袁紹 嗰 處 嚟 呀 ! 夫人 就問 嘞 : 你 , 你 點知 㗎 ? 小人 跟隨 關將軍 出征 , 喺 打仗 嘅 時候 聽人 講 嘅 。 兩位 夫人 即刻 叫 人 去 嗌 關雲長 嚟 。 兩位 嫂嫂 , 叫 小弟 嚟 有 乜嘢 事 呀 ? 二叔 , 皇叔 一向 都 冇 對 唔 住 你 㗎 。 而家 , 你 得到 曹操 畀 你 咁 多 好處 , 你 就 一下 忘記 晒 往日 嘅 情義 咯 。 你 點解 唔 將 啲 實情 講 畀 我 聽 呢 ? 兩位 嫂嫂 噉 樣 責備 法好 嚴重 喇 , 關雲長 叩 個頭 話 : 兄長 確實 喺 河北 , 剛才 之所以 唔 敢講 畀 嫂嫂 知 , 係 怕 洩 漏出去 咋 。 去 搵 兄長 呢 件 事 , 只 能夠 慢慢 想 辦法 , 唔 急 得 㗎 。 雖然 係 唔 急 得 , 之二 叔要 着 緊 啲 至 好 啊 。 係 , 小弟 知道 嘞 。 關公 告辭 出返 去 。 佢 一直 都 喺 度 諗 啊 , 諗 點樣 走 人 , 搞 到 佢 坐立不安 。 噉 啊 關於 劉備 喺 河北 嘅 消息 呢 , 于禁 亦 知道 。 佢 講 咗 畀 曹操 聽 , 曹操 就 叫 張 遼 去 搵 關雲長 , 摸 一 摸 佢 嘅 心思 。 呢 一日 , 關公 喺 屋企 , 又 愁悶 又 無聊 。 張 遼 嚟 到 恭賀 佢 : 雲 長兄 , 聽講 你 喺 戰陣 之上 , 知道 咗 玄 德 嘅 音訊 喎 , 係 唔 係 呀 ? 恭喜 恭喜 呀 ! 係 , 雖然 喺 處 唧 , 但 係 一面 都 見 唔 到 , 有 咩 好 恭喜 呢 ? 係 喇 雲 長兄 , 你 同玄 德 嘅 交情 , 比起 小弟 同 兄長 你 嘅 交情 又點 呢 ? 我同 你 係 朋友 之交 , 我同 玄德 呢 , 係 朋友 而 又 係 兄弟 , 係 兄弟 , 同時 又 係 主臣 啊 , 點 能夠 相提並論 呢 ? 而家 玄 德 喺 河北 嚟 , 兄長 去 唔 去 跟 返 佢 呀 ? 我 已經 講過 㗎 喇 , 點都 唔 會 背叛 佢 。 文遠兄 , 你 一定 要 為 我 同 丞相 講下 至 好 啊 ! 張遼同 關雲長 坐 咗 陣添 , 就 告辭 嘞 。 佢 返 去 就 一五一十 講 畀 曹操 聽 , 曹操 話 : 呵呵 呵 , 我 自有辦法 留住 佢 嘅 ! 有 一日 , 有人 嚟 報告 關雲長 , 話 有 個 老朋友 嚟 到 探望 佢 噉 。 請到 入 嚟 一 睇 , 哦 ? 唔 識 嘅 。 關雲長 問 : 先生 係 邊位 呀 ? 我 係 袁紹 部下 , 南陽 陳 震 。 誒 呀 ! 關雲長 吃 咗 一驚 , 即刻 吩咐 左右 啲 人 出去 。 先生 , 你 嚟 呢 處 有 乜嘢 事 呢 ? 帶 咗 一封信 嚟 畀 將軍 。 關雲長 接過 陳 震交 畀 佢 嘅 信 一 睇 , 哦 , 原來 係 劉 玄德寫 畀 佢 嘅 。 封信 嘅 大意 話 : 我同 你 喺 桃園 結義 , 誓同生死 , 點解 而家 中途 變 咗 卦 呢 ? 如果 你 係 想 榮華富貴 嘅 , 我 願意 將 自己 嘅 人頭 獻 畀 你 , 等 你 攞 去 立功 啦 。 關雲長 一睇 完 封信 就 放聲 痛哭 。 啊 ! 我 並非 唔 想 去 搵 兄長 啊 , 我 係 唔 知道 佢 喺 邊 處 嚟 。 我點 肯為 咗 富貴 而 違背 以前 嘅 盟誓 呢 ? 陳 震話 : 玄德極 之 盼望 將軍 , 將軍 既然 係 唔 會 違背 盟誓 咯 , 噉 就要 快 啲 去 見 玄德咯 。 人生 天地 之間 , 要 有始有終 , 我 一來一去 都 要 明明白白 。 我而家 寫封信 , 請 先生 同 我 送 去 畀 兄長 先 。 等 我 辭別 咗 曹操 之後 , 就 立即 護送 兩位 嫂嫂 去 見 兄長 嘞 。 如果 曹操 唔 畀 你 走 , 噉 又點 ? 我 寧願 死 , 都 唔 肯 留 喺 呢 處 㗎 喇 。 噉 好 啦 , 請 將軍 你 快 啲 寫信 , 免致 劉使君 盼望 得 咁 辛苦 啊 。 關雲長 喇喇聲 寫 好 一封信 。 無非 係 講明 一下 情況 , 話 自己 牢牢 記住 往日 嘅 盟誓 。 而家 知道 兄長 嘅 下落 咯 , 立即 就 護送 兩位 嫂嫂 返 嚟 見 兄長 噉 。 陳 震 收起 封信 就 走 咗 咯 。 關雲長 入 去將 事情 講 咗 畀 兩位 嫂嫂 知 , 跟 住 , 立即 就 去 相府 辭別 曹操 。 曹操 啊 知道 佢 嘅 來意 喇 , 就 叫 人 喺 門口 掛起個 迴避 牌 , 即 係 話 唔 見客 。 關雲長 唯有 好 失望 噉 返 扯 啦 。 返到 屋企 , 就 叫 啲 往日 一直 跟開 自己 嘅 僕人 , 收拾 車馬 , 隨時 準備 出發 。 又 吩咐 啲 人 啊 , 將 所有 曹操 賞賜 嘅 物件 , 全部 留 低 喺 處 , 一件 都 唔 准 帶走 。 到 了 第日 , 關雲長 又 試去 相府 告辭 。 點知 去 到 一 睇 , 哈哈 , 門口 又 係 掛起個 迴避 牌 嘅 。 如是者 關雲長 連氣 去 咗 幾次 , 都 見 唔 到 曹操 。 噉 佢 又 走 去 張 遼 屋企 , 想 搵 佢 講 呢 件 事 啦 。 張 遼 啊 亦 都 藉口 話 有 病 唔 肯見 。 關雲長 諗 : 曹丞相 噉 係 唔 畀 我 去 嘅 意思 唧 。 我 一定 要 走 㗎 喇 , 你點 留 我 都 唔 得 㗎 喇 。 於是 , 關雲長 就 寫 咗 一封信 , 向 曹操 辭行 啊 。 大意 係 話 : 我 自從 年輕 嘅 時候 , 就 跟 從 皇叔 , 誓同生死 。 前次 下 邳 失手 個 時候 , 曾經 同 丞相 約定 三個 條件 , 丞相 已經 答應 過 。 而家 , 我 知道 皇叔 係 喺 袁紹 嗰 處 , 我 一定 要 遵守 往日 嘅 盟誓 去 追隨 佢 。 丞相 待 我 恩德 甚深 , 就 唯有 留待 以後 再 嚟 報答 喇 。 寫 完信 , 封好 咗 就 派 人 送 去 相府 。 呢 頭就將 咁 耐以 嚟 呀 , 曹操 送 嘅 金銀 寶物 全部 封存 喺 庫房 裏頭 。 將 漢壽 亭 侯個 大印 就 掛 喺 大堂 之上 , 呢 個 就 係 叫做 封金掛印 嘞 。 然後 , 請 兩位 夫人 上車 , 關公 騎上 赤兔馬 , 手提 青龍刀 , 率領 舊日 跟隨 嘅 人員 , 護送 車仗 呀 直出 北門 。 守門 官 攔住 佢 哋 , 關公 怒目 橫刀 大喝一聲 : 啊 ! 嚇 到 嗰 班 守門 官避 都 避 唔 切 嘞 。 出 咗 北門 , 關公 對 啲 隨行人員 話 : 你 哋 護送 車仗 行先 。 有人 嚟 追 由 我 去 抵擋 , 你 哋 千祈 唔 好 驚動 兩位 夫人 啊 。 噉 嗰 班 人 就 推 住 車 , 跟 住條 大路 快快 噉 行 嘞 。

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話 說 顏良 啊 , 佢 係 畀 關公 斬 咗 吖 。 say|said|Yan Liang|particle|he|is|by|Guan Gong|killed|past tense marker|particle It is said that Yan Liang was killed by Guan Gong. 噉 佢 嘅 部下 嘅 敗軍 呢 , 就 逃命 返 河北 , 喺 半路 遇到 袁紹 , 就 報告 佢 聽 。 then|he|possessive particle|subordinates|possessive particle|defeated army|question particle|then|flee for their lives|return|Hebei|at|halfway|encountered|Yuan Shao|then|reported|him|heard So, his defeated troops fled back to Hebei, and on the way, they encountered Yuan Shao and reported to him. 話 畀 一個 紅面 長 鬚 使 一把 大刀 嘅 勇 將 , 單人 匹馬 衝入 兵陣 斬 咗 顏良 , 所以 全軍 大敗 呀 噉 。 say|to|a|red-faced|long|beard|wielding|a|big sword|possessive particle|brave|general|single person|on horseback|charged into|enemy formation|killed|past tense marker|Yan Liang|so|entire army|suffered a great defeat|sentence-final particle|like this They said that a brave general with a red face and long beard wielding a big knife charged into the enemy ranks and killed Yan Liang, which led to the complete defeat of the army. 袁紹 驚 嘞 , 佢 問 : 此人 係 邊個 啊 ? Yuan Shao|surprised|past tense marker|he|asked|this person|is|who|question particle Yuan Shao was shocked and asked: Who is this person? 沮授 話 : 此人 必定 係 劉玄德 嘅 細 佬 關雲長 啊 ! Zhuge Liang|said|this person|definitely|is|Liu Xuande|possessive particle|younger|brother|Guan Yu|ah Ju Shou replied: This person must be Liu Xuande's little brother, Guan Yunchang! 袁紹 噉 就 火起 喇 , 佢 指 住 劉備 話 : 你 細佬 殺死 咗 我 心愛 嘅 大將 。 Yuan Shao|then|just|got angry|particle indicating completed action|he|||Liu Bei|said|you|younger brother|killed|past tense marker|I|beloved|possessive particle|general Yuan Shao was furious, pointing at Liu Bei and saying: "Your little brother killed my beloved general." 你實 係 串通 埋 一齊 嘅 , 留 你 喺 處 仲 有 乜嘢 用 啊 ! ||colluding|together|as one|particle indicating possession|keep|you|at|place|still|have|anything|use|particle indicating a question or exclamation You are really in collusion together, what use is there in keeping you here! 袁紹 即刻 嗌 刀斧手 推 劉備 出去 斬首 。 Yuan Shao|immediately|shout|executioner|push|Liu Bei|outside|beheaded Yuan Shao immediately ordered the executioners to take Liu Bei out and behead him. 劉玄德 一 啲 都 唔 驚 喎 。 Liu Xuande|one|a little|all|not|scared|sentence-final particle Liu Xuande was not scared at all. 佢 從從容容 噉 對 袁紹 話 : he|leisurely|like that|to|Yuan Shao|said He calmly said to Yuan Shao: 唔 通明 公只 係 聽 一面之詞 , 就將 往日 嘅 交情 付 之於 流水 咩 ? not|clear|he|is|listening|one-sided story||past|possessive particle|friendship|to put|in regard to|flowing water|question particle Is it right to just listen to one side of the story and disregard past friendships? 我 自從 喺 徐州 失散 之後 , 二弟 雲長 都 唔 知 生死存亡 。 I|since|at|Xuzhou|separated|after|second younger brother|Yun Chang|all|not|know|life or death Since I got separated in Xuzhou, I have no idea about the life or death of my second brother, Yun Chang. 天下 間 , 相貌 相同 嘅 唔 少 , 唔 通紅 面 長 鬚 嘅 , 就 一定 係 關某 咩 ? world|among|appearance|similar|possessive particle|not|few|||face|long|beard||then|definitely|is|someone named Kwan|question particle In this world, there are many people who look alike. Does having a red face and a long beard necessarily mean he is Guan? 明公 你 仔細想 下 吖 。 Sir Ming|you||a little|particle Sir, please think carefully. 袁紹 嗰 份 人 啊 係 冇 啲 主意 嘅 。 Yuan Shao|that|measure word for documents|person|ah|is|not have|some|ideas|possessive particle Yuan Shao's people are quite indecisive. 佢 聽 劉玄德 噉 樣一講 , 啊 係 吖 , 有 道理 喎 。 he|heard|Liu Xuande|like||ah|is|particle|has|reason|particle He listened to Liu Xuande and thought, ah, that's right, it makes sense. 就 埋怨 沮授 嘞 : 嘿 ! 聽 咗 你 嘅 說話 , 爭 啲 使 到 我 誤殺 好人 喇 ! then|blame|frustrated|particle indicating past action|hey|heard|past tense marker|you|possessive particle|words|almost|a little|cause|to|I|mistakenly kill|good person|particle indicating completed action Then he complained to Ruo Shou: Hey! After hearing your words, I almost ended up killing a good person! 於是 就 仍然 請 劉玄德 喺 中軍帳 坐落 。 then|immediately|still|invite|Liu Xuande|at|the central army tent|sit down So he still invited Liu Xuande to sit in the central army's tent. 共同 商量 啊 點樣 報顏良 被 殺 之 仇 嘞 。 together|discuss|ah|how|Bao Yanliang|was|killed|possessive particle|revenge|past action particle They discussed how to take revenge for the murder of Yan Liang. 喺 中軍帳 下 有 個人 行出 嚟 話 : at|the central army tent|under|there is|a person|walked out|here|said Someone came out from the central army's tent and said: 顏良同 我 好似 兄弟 一樣 , 而家 畀 曹賊 殺 咗 , 我 一定 要 為 佢 報仇雪恨 啊 ! |I|seem|brother|alike|now|by|Cao the bandit|killed|past tense marker|I|definitely|must|for|him|take revenge|exclamation particle Yan Liang and I are like brothers, and now he has been killed by the Cao thief. I must avenge him! 劉玄德 一睇 , 只見 佢 身長 八 呎 , 面似 山羊 , 乃 係 河北 名將 啊 叫做 文丑 。 Liu Xuande|at a glance|only saw|he|height|eight|feet|face resembling|goat|indeed|is|Hebei|famous general|ah|called|Wen Chou Liu Xuande looked and saw that he was eight feet tall, with a face like a goat; he was a famous general from Hebei named Wen Chou. 袁紹 好 高興 噉 話 : 要 同顏良 報仇 , 真 係 非 你 唔 得 啊 ! Yuan Shao|very|happy|then|said|want||take revenge|really|is|not|you|not|able|particle Yuan Shao happily said: To avenge Yan Liang, it really must be you! 我交 十萬 雄兵 畀 你 , 馬上 渡過 黃河 , 追殺 曹賊 ! |one hundred thousand|elite soldiers|to|you|immediately|cross|Yellow River|pursue and kill|enemy Cao I will give you a hundred thousand elite soldiers, and you will immediately cross the Yellow River to hunt down the Cao thief! 沮授 話 嘞 : 主公 唔 好 啊 。 Ju Shou|said|past tense marker|lord|not|good|sentence-final particle Ju Shou said: My lord, that's not good. 目前 我 哋 應該 駐 扎 喺 延津 , 再 分兵 守住 官渡 , 呢 個 乃 係 上策 。 currently|we|plural marker|should|stationed|set up|at|Yan Jin|again|divide troops|defend|Guandu|this|measure word|only|is|best strategy Currently, we should be stationed in Yanjin, and then split our forces to guard Guandu; this is the best strategy. 如果 輕率 噉 渡過 黃河 , 假使 有 咩 變故 , 大家 都 有 去 冇 回頭 㗎 喇 。 if|recklessly|like this|cross|Yellow River|suppose|has|what|mishap|everyone|all|have|go|no|turning back|particle|particle If we rashly cross the Yellow River, if anything goes wrong, there will be no turning back for everyone. 袁紹 嬲 嘞 : 都 係 你 哋 遲緩 軍心 , 遷延時日 , 妨礙 大事 ! 兵貴神速 吖 嘛 , 你 哋 知 唔 知 呀 ? Yuan Shao|angry|past tense particle|all|are|||slow|morale||hindering|important matters|speed is essential in military matters|particle|particle|||know|not|know|particle Yuan Shao was angry: It's all because you are delaying the morale of the troops, dragging out time, and hindering major matters! Speed is of the essence, don't you know? 幾句話 省到 沮 授面 都 懵 埋 , 佢 行 出 中軍帳 , 長 歎 一聲 話 : a few words|realized|dejected|face|all|confused|together|he|walked|out|the general's tent|long|sighed|one sound|said A few words left everyone dumbfounded; he walked out of the central army tent, sighed deeply and said: 唉 ! 好大喜功 , 冇 得 好 講咯 。 sigh|overly ambitious|not|able to|well|talk about it Alas! So eager for achievements, there's nothing good to say. 黃河 啊 ! 黃河 啊 ! 過就過 啦 。 Yellow River|ah|||just cross|particle indicating completion or affirmation Yellow River, ah! Yellow River, ah! Just let it pass. 從此 之後 , 沮授 就 話 有 病 , 唔 出 嚟 參加 商量 事情 嘞 。 from now on|after|the person named Ju|then|said|has|illness|not|||participate|discuss|matters|past tense marker From then on, Ju Shou said he was ill and wouldn't come out to participate in discussions. 劉備 呀 梗 係 主張 打 㗎 啦 。 Liu Bei|particle indicating affirmation|certainly|is|advocating|fighting|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating suggestion Liu Bei definitely advocated for fighting. 佢 見 袁紹 已經 落 咗 決心 嘞 , 佢 就 話 : he|saw|Yuan Shao|already|made|past tense marker|decision|sentence-final particle|he|then|said When he saw that Yuan Shao had already made up his mind, he said: 我受 咗 明 公 嘅 大恩 , 無可 報答 。 |past tense marker|Ming|Mr|possessive particle|great kindness|cannot|repay I have received great kindness from Lord Ming, and I have no way to repay it. 我想 同文 將軍 一齊 出發 , 一來 , 聊以 報答 明 公 嘅 大恩大德 ; 二來 , 想 順便 探聽 一下 雲 長 嘅 確實 消息 啊 。 |Tong Man|General|together|depart|first|just to|repay|Ming|Lord|possessive particle|great kindness and virtue|second|want|conveniently|inquire|a little|Yun|Chang|possessive particle|certain|news|ah I want to set off together with General Tongwen. Firstly, to repay the great kindness and virtue of Lord Ming; secondly, to conveniently inquire about the true news of General Yun. 袁紹 好 高興 , 就 叫 文丑 同 劉玄德 啊 一齊 率領 前部 軍兵 。 Yuan Shao|very|happy|then|called|Wen Chou|together|Liu Xuande|ah|all together|led|vanguard|troops Yuan Shao was very happy and called Wen Chou to lead the front troops together with Liu Xuande. 哈哈 , 文丑 唔 肯 啊 , 佢 話 : haha|ugly text|not|willing|ah|he|said Haha, Wen Chou was unwilling and said: 劉玄德 係 個 常敗 將軍 , 對 軍隊 唔 吉利 㗎 ! Liu Xuande|is|a|always losing|general|to|army|not|lucky|sentence-final particle Liu Xuande is a general who often loses; he is not lucky for the army! 既然 主公 要 佢 去 , 我分 三萬 兵 畀 佢 , 叫 佢 做 後軍 啦 ! since|lord|wants|he|to go||thirty thousand|soldiers|to him|he|order|him|to be|rear guard|particle indicating suggestion or command Since the lord wants him to go, I will give him thirty thousand troops and let him be the rear guard! 於是 文丑 啊 自己 帶領 七萬 軍馬 先行 , 叫 劉玄德 帶 三 萬軍 兵 啊 跟 尾 。 then|Wen Chou|ah|himself|led|seventy thousand|troops|advance first|instructed|Liu Xuande|to lead|three||soldiers|ah|| So, Wen Chou led 70,000 troops ahead, asking Liu Xuande to follow with 30,000 soldiers. 而家 再 講下 曹操 啊 。 now|again|talk about|Cao Cao|ah Now let's talk about Cao Cao. 佢 見 關雲長 斬 咗 顏良 , 就 更加 欽敬 。 he|saw|Guan Yu|killed|past tense marker|Yan Liang|then|even more|respectful He became even more respectful after Guan Yunchang killed Yan Liang. 寫 咗 一份 表章 啟奏 朝廷 , 封 關雲長 做 漢壽 亭 侯 , 鑄 咗 個 印送 畀 佢 。 write|past tense marker|a|official document|submit|imperial court|confer|Guan Yu|made|Han Shou|||cast|past tense marker|a||to|him He wrote a memorial to the court, appointing Guan Yunchang as the Marquis of Hanshou Pavilion, and cast a seal to send to him. 呢 一日 , 探子 嚟 報告 話 袁紹 又 派 大將 文丑 , 渡過 黃河 , 已經 控制 住 延津 嘞 。 this|day|scout|came|report|saying|Yuan Shao|again|sent|general|Wen Chou|crossed|Yellow River|already|||Yan Jin|past action particle On this day, scouts came to report that Yuan Shao had sent the general Wen Chou, who crossed the Yellow River and had already taken control of Yanjin. 延津 係 古黃河 嘅 重要 渡口 , 即 係 而家 河南省 延津 啊 。 Yanjin|is|ancient Yellow River|possessive particle|important|crossing point|that is|is|now|Henan Province|Yanjin|sentence-final particle Yanjin is an important crossing point of the ancient Yellow River, which is now Yanjin in Henan Province. 曹操 就 立即 派人將 啲 居民 ,冚𠾴唥 撤 咗 去 西河 , 然後 啊 親自 帶兵 去 迎戰 。 Cao Cao|then|immediately||the|residents|all|withdrew|past tense marker|to|Xihe|then|ah|personally|led troops|to|battle Cao Cao immediately sent people to evacuate the residents to Xihe, and then personally led his troops to confront the enemy. 曹操 下令 , 以 後軍 作為 前軍 , 以 前軍 作為 後軍 , 糧草先行 , 軍兵 在 後 。 Cao Cao|ordered|using|rear army|as|front army|||as|rear army||soldiers|in|rear Cao Cao ordered that the rear army be used as the front army, and the front army be used as the rear army, with supplies going first and troops following. 哈哈 , 奇怪 喇 , 噉 樣 行軍 從來未 見 過個 喎 。 haha|strange|particle|like this|appearance|marching||seen||particle Haha, it's strange, I've never seen an army march like this before. 呂虔 就問 : 糧草 在 先軍兵 在 後 , 係 咩 嘢 意思 呀 , 丞相 ? Lueh Chien||provisions|at|first military troops|at|behind|is|what|thing|meaning|question particle|Prime Minister Lü Qian asked: What does it mean for supplies to be in front and troops to be in the back, Prime Minister? 哦 , 往日 行軍 , 糧草 在 後 , 好多 時 都 會 畀 敵軍 劫掠 嘅 。 oh|in the past|marching|supplies|at|the rear|many|times|all|would|be|enemy forces|looted|particle indicating past action Oh, in the past during military campaigns, supplies were often behind, and many times they would be plundered by the enemy. 所以 呢 次要 糧草 行先唧 。 so|this||supplies| So this time we need to prioritize the supplies. 噉 如果 喺 前面 遇着 敵軍 , 畀 敵軍 搶 咗 去 , 噉 如之奈何 啊 ? then|if|at|in front|encounters|enemy|by|enemy|rob|past tense marker|away|then|what can be done|ah But if we encounter the enemy in front and they take our supplies, what can we do? 等 敵軍 嚟 到 嘅 時候 再講 啦 ! wait|enemy troops|||possessive particle|time||final particle We'll talk about it when the enemy arrives! 乜 曹丞相 咁 大意 嘅 , 等 敵軍 嚟 到 先至講 呀 , 嚟 唔 切 㗎 喇 嗰 陣 , 呂 虔個 心 諗 唔 通 嘞 。 what|Prime Minister Cao|so|roughly|particle indicating possession|wait|enemy army|come|arrive||particle||not|||||||||||through|particle indicating completed action Why is Prime Minister Cao so careless, saying we will talk when the enemy arrives? By then, it might be too late, and Lü Qian can't understand this. 曹操 命令 將 啲 糧食 、 輜重 , 沿住 黃河 岸邊 一直 運去 延津 。 Cao Cao|ordered|to transport|particle indicating possession|food supplies|military supplies|along|Yellow River|riverbank|continuously|transported to|Yan Jin Cao Cao ordered to transport the food and supplies along the banks of the Yellow River to Yanjin. 呢 日 , 曹操 喺 後軍 嚟 。 this|day|Cao Cao|at|rear army|comes On this day, Cao Cao was in the rear army. 聽見 前軍 嘈得 好 厲害 , 急急 派 人 去 睇 下 。 heard|front line|noisy|very|severe|urgently|send|person|to|| Hearing the front army making a lot of noise, he quickly sent someone to check it out. 嗰 個人 返 嚟 報告 話 丞相 啊 , 河北 大將 文丑 嘅 兵馬 嚟 到 喇 。 that|person|return|here|report|said|Prime Minister|ah|Hebei|general|Wen Chou|possessive particle|troops|||particle indicating completed action That person returned to report that the Prime Minister, the general Wen Chou from Hebei, has arrived. 我 哋 啲 軍兵 , 掉 晒 啲 糧草 四圍 咁 逃跑 , 後軍 又 離 得 遠 , 點算 好 啊 ? we|plural marker|possessive particle|soldiers|drop|all|plural marker|supplies|all around|so|run away|rear troops|also|leave|able|far|how to calculate|good|question particle Our troops have scattered and are fleeing all around, and the rear army is far away, what should we do? 曹操 四圍 望下 , 就 用條 馬鞭 指住 南 便 嘅 一座 山丘 話 : 去 嗰 度 暫時 避 一下 先 。 Cao Cao|all around|looked down|then|used a|riding whip|pointed at|south|then|possessive particle|a|hill|said|go|that|place|temporarily|avoid|a little|first Cao Cao looked around and pointed with his whip at a hill to the south, saying: Let's temporarily take shelter there. 於是 就 帶 住 人馬 急急 奔 上個 山丘 。 so|then|took|with|horses and men|hurriedly|ran|up the|hill So he hurriedly led his troops up the hill. 上 到 去 嘞 , 曹操 竟然 叫 啲 士兵 啊 解開 盔甲 , 唞 一陣 先 , 又 冚𠾴唥 放 啲 馬 去 休息 嘞 。 ||to|past tense particle||||||||||||||||||| Once they got there, Cao Cao surprisingly ordered the soldiers to take off their armor and rest for a while, and also let the horses go to rest. 好 快脆 , 文丑 嘅 軍 兵 攻 到 嚟 喇 。 very|quickly|a person's name|possessive particle|army|soldiers|attack|arrive|here|particle indicating completed action Very quickly, Wen Chou's troops attacked. 嗰 班 將官 都 話 喇 : 啟 稟 丞相 , 敵兵 到 喇 , 快脆 收 啲 馬匹 返 嚟 , 撤退 返去 白馬 罷啦 。 that|group|generals|all|said|particle indicating completed action|to inform|to report|Prime Minister|enemy soldiers|arrived|particle indicating completed action|quickly|retrieve|some|horses|return|here|retreat|return to|Baima| The officers all said: Report to the Prime Minister, the enemy troops have arrived, quickly bring the horses back and retreat to Baima. 荀 攸 急急 制止 佢 哋 話 : 噉 樣正 係 可以 誘敵 , 做 乜嘢 要 撤退 呢 ? Xun|You|urgently|stop|he|they|said|like this|appearance|is|can|lure the enemy|do|what|need to|retreat|question particle Xun You urgently stopped them, saying: "This is exactly how to lure the enemy, why do we need to retreat?" 曹操 聽 荀 攸 噉 樣講 , 連忙 同 佢 打 咗 個 眼色 , 笑 住 噉 望 實 佢 。 Cao Cao|heard|Xun|You|like||hurriedly|with|him|gave|past tense marker|a|glance|||like|looked|seriously|him Cao Cao heard Xun You say this and quickly exchanged glances with him, smiling as he looked at him. 哦 , 荀攸明 喇 , 就 唔 再 開口 嘞 。 oh|Xun Youming|particle indicating completed action|then|not|again|speak|particle indicating completed action Oh, Xun You understood, so he stopped speaking. 文丑 嗰 支 軍隊 啊 , 已經 搶到 啲 糧草 啊 等等 , 跟 住 又 嚟 搶 馬 。 the name of a person|that|measure word for troops|army|particle indicating exclamation|already|seized|some|food and fodder|particle indicating exclamation|etc|||again|come|seize|horses That army led by Wen Chou has already seized the supplies and so on, and now they are coming to steal the horses. 啲 軍士 發橫財 緊要 啊 冇 晒 秩序 , 都 不成 隊伍 啊 。 plural marker|soldiers|make easy money|important|sentence-final particle|not have|completely|order|all|not become|team|sentence-final particle The soldiers are making a fortune, it's crucial, and there is no order left, they can't form a unit. 你 擁 我 , 我 擁 你 , 搞 到 亂糟糟 。 you|hug|I||||||messy You hold me, I hold you, and it ends up in chaos. 就 喺 呢 個 時候 , 曹操 命令 全軍 將士 , 一齊 由 山丘 衝落 去 , 發起 攻擊 。 at|in|this|measure word|moment|Cao Cao|ordered|entire army|soldiers|together|from|hill|charge down|to|launch|attack At this moment, Cao Cao ordered all the soldiers to charge down from the hills and launch an attack. 噉 樣 一打 , 文丑 嘅 軍隊 就 更加 亂到 不堪 嘞 。 like this|appearance|one hit|Wen Chou|possessive particle|army|then|even more|chaotic to the point of|unbearable|past action particle With this kind of fighting, Wen Chou's army became even more chaotic. 好 快脆 , 曹兵 包圍 過 嚟 , 文丑 啊 獨自 一個 奮力 戰鬥 。 very|quickly|Cao's soldiers|surrounded|past|come|Wen Chou|ah|alone|one|desperately|fought Very quickly, Cao's soldiers surrounded them, and Wen Chou fought alone. 嗰 啲 軍士 呢 就 互相 踐踏 。 that|plural marker|soldiers|question particle|then|mutually|trample The soldiers trampled over each other. 文丑 點樣 制止 都 制止 唔 住 , 就 唯有 撥馬 跑 返回 頭 嘞 噃。 ugly writing|how|to stop|all|to stop|not|able to|then|only|spur the horse|run|return|head|past tense particle| Wen Chou couldn't be stopped no matter what, so he could only turn his horse around and run back. 曹操 喺 山丘 上 便 , 指住 文丑 話 : 文丑 乃 係 河北 嘅 名將 啊 , 邊位 將軍 去 捉 佢 ! Cao Cao|at|hill|on|then|pointing at|Wen Chou|said||is|indeed|Hebei|possessive particle|famous general|ah|which|general|to|capture|him Cao Cao, on the hill, pointed at Wen Chou and said: "Wen Chou is a famous general from Hebei, which general will go capture him!" 張 遼 、 徐晃 一齊 飛馬 衝出去 , 大喝 話 : 文丑 你 咪 走 啊 ! ||Xu Huang|together|flying horse|charge out|shouted|saying|Wen Chou|you|don't|run|particle Zhang Liao and Xu Huang both charged out on horseback, shouting: "Wen Chou, don't run away!" 文丑 擰 轉頭 一睇 , 見到 兩員 大將 追上 嚟 , 就 放低 鐵槍 , 拈弓 搭 箭 , 對 正張 遼 就 射 呀 。 Wen Chou|twisted|turned his head|with one glance|saw|two|great generals|catching up|coming|then|lowered|iron spear|drew his bow|nocked|arrow|||Liao|then|shot|particle Wen Chou turned his head to look and saw the two great generals chasing after him, so he dropped his iron spear, drew his bow, and aimed an arrow at Zhang Liao. 徐晃 見到 大聲 嗌 話 賊將 你 咪 放冷箭 啊 ! Xu Huang|saw|loudly|shout|say|sneaky general|you|don't|attack from behind|ah Xu Huang saw this and shouted loudly: "You treacherous general, don't shoot a sneak attack!" 說話 未 完 , 箭 已經 射到 嘞 。 speaking|not yet|finished|arrow|already|shot|past action particle Before the speech was finished, the arrow had already been shot. 張 遼 連忙 將 個頭 一耷低 , 啪 噉 一聲 , 已經 將 頭盔 上 便 嘅 紅纓 射 咗 去 。 Zhang|Liao|hurriedly|to lower|his head|lowered|with a sound|like that|one sound|already|to shoot|helmet|on|then|possessive particle|red tassel|shot|past tense marker|away Zhang Liao quickly lowered his head, and with a snap, shot the red tassel off his helmet. 張遼 避過 一箭 , 奮力 再 追 。 Zhang Liao|dodged|an arrow|with all his might|again|pursued Zhang Liao dodged an arrow and vigorously chased again. 文丑 𠻘 噉 又 一箭射過 嚟 , 就射 正張 遼 隻 戰馬 嘅 面部 。 Wen Chou|then|like this|again|an arrow shot over|here|||Liao|measure word for animals|war horse|possessive particle|face Wen Chou shot another arrow, hitting Zhang Liao's war horse in the face. 嗰 隻 馬 𠽤𡃈 噉 一下 跪低 前蹄 , 張遼 打個 冇 頭關 斗碌 咗 落地 。 that|measure word for animals|horse|suddenly|like this|in an instant|knelt down|front hoof|Zhang Liao||no|headbutt|rolling|past tense marker|to the ground The horse suddenly knelt down on its front legs, and Zhang Liao fell to the ground head over heels. 文丑 勒轉 隻 馬 , 跑 返過 嚟 想 攞 張 遼大 命 啊 。 the character Wen Chou|pulled the reins|measure word for animals|horse|ran|back|here|wanted|to take|measure word for flat objects|Liao Da|life|particle indicating exclamation or questioning Wen Chou turned his horse around, running back to try to take Zhang Liao's life. 徐晃 急急 舞起 把 大 斧 , 截住 佢 嚟 廝殺 。 Xu Huang|urgently|brandished|particle indicating action|big|axe|intercepted|him|coming|fight to the death Xu Huang hurriedly swung his big axe, blocking him to fight. 呢 個 時候 , 只見 文丑 後 便 大隊 軍馬 掩殺 過 嚟 。 this|measure word|time|only saw|Wen Chou|after|then|large group|war horses|charging|past|here At this moment, one could see a large group of cavalry following behind Wen Chou. 徐晃 諗 住 打 唔 過喇 , 虛斬 一斧 撥馬 回頭 。 Xu Huang|||hitting|not|able to pass|feigned slash|one axe||turn around Xu Huang thought he couldn't win, so he feigned a slash and turned his horse around. 文丑 沿住 黃河 岸邊 就 窮追不捨 。 Wen Chou|along|Yellow River|riverside|then|relentlessly pursued Wen Chou relentlessly pursued along the banks of the Yellow River. 突然 間 , 只見 十多個 人 騎 住 快 馬 , 戰旗 翻飛 。 suddenly|moment|only saw|more than ten|people|riding|on|fast|horses|battle flags|fluttering Suddenly, I saw more than ten people riding fast horses, with battle flags flying. 一員大將 啊 提刀 飛馬 帶頭 衝過 嚟 , 邊個 咁 夠威 啊 ? 關雲長 啊 ! a general|ah|wielding a sword|flying horse|leading|charging over|here|who|so|formidable|ah|Guan Yu|ah A general, wielding a sword, led the charge on horseback. Who could be so formidable? It's Guan Yu! 只見 佢 大喝一聲 : 賊將 你 咪 走 ! only saw|he|shouted loudly||you|don't|run away I saw him shout loudly: "Thief general, don't you dare run!" 關公 同 文丑 交馬 打 咗 唔 到 三個 回合 , 文丑 心怯 啊 , 撥轉 馬頭 兜住 河邊 走 。 Guan Gong|with|Wen Chou||fought|past tense marker|not|reach|three|rounds|Wen Chou|was timid|ah|turned|horse's head|circled|riverside|ran Guan Gong and Wen Chou exchanged blows on horseback, but after less than three rounds, Wen Chou, feeling scared, turned his horse around and fled towards the riverbank. 關公 隻 馬 快 吖 嘛 , 好似 閃電 一樣 噉 啊 追上 文丑 啊 對 正後枕 , 一刀 劈 過去 , 將 文丑 斬 咗 落馬 。 Guan Gong|measure word for animals|horse|fast|particle|particle|like|lightning|the same|in that way|particle|catch up with|Wen Chou||towards||one stroke|chop|past|to take|Wen Chou|kill|past tense marker|off the horse Guan Gong's horse was fast, like lightning, catching up to Wen Chou. He aimed for the back of his head and struck with a single blow, cutting Wen Chou down from his horse. 好 嘩 ! 好 嘩 ! good|wow|good|wow Wow! Wow! 曹操 喺 個 山頂 上 便 , 見到 關公 斬 咗 文丑 唄 , 即刻 就 指揮 人馬 掩殺 過去 。 Cao Cao|at|the|mountain top|on|then|saw|Guan Yu|killed|past tense marker|Wen Chou|particle indicating completion|immediately|then|commanded|troops|encircled and killed|over Cao Cao, on the mountaintop, saw Guan Gong behead Wen Chou, and immediately commanded his troops to launch an attack. 嗰 班 河 北軍 呀 , 大半 跌晒落 水浸 死 , 糧草 馬匹 等等 呢 , 又 畀 曹操 呀 搶 返返 嚟 嘞 。 that|group|river|northern army|particle|most|all fell into|drowned|dead|food and fodder|horses|etc|particle|again|by|Cao Cao|particle|robbed|back|here|particle That group of Hebei soldiers, most of them fell into the water and drowned, and their supplies and horses were also taken back by Cao Cao. 關公 帶 住 嗰 十多個 馬 軍 , 左衝右 突 , 正在 殺得 興起 。 Guan Gong|led|with|those|more than ten|horse|soldiers|||was|killing|excited Guan Gong, leading more than ten cavalry, was charging left and right, in the midst of a fierce battle. 劉玄德 啊 帶 住 三 萬軍 兵 隨後 嚟 到 。 Liu Xuande|ah|bring|with|30||soldiers|afterwards|come|arrive Liu Xuande brought thirty thousand soldiers following behind. 前 便 嘅 哨 馬 探聽到 情況 , 就 報 畀 劉玄德 聽 , 話 : 呢 次 又 係 嗰 個 紅 面 長 鬚 嘅 大將 斬 咗 文丑 啊 。 earlier|then|possessive particle|scout|horse|found out|situation|then|report|to|Liu Xuande|heard|said|this|time|again|is|that|classifier|red|faced|long|beard|possessive particle|general|killed|past tense marker|Wen Chou|ah The scout from before heard the situation and reported to Liu Xuande, saying: This time it was that red-faced, bearded general who killed Wen Chou. 劉玄德 連忙 策馬 趕上去 睇 , 隔住 河 對岸 , 只見 一簇 人馬 來往 如飛 。 Liu Xuande|hurriedly|spurred his horse|caught up|to see|separated by|river|opposite bank|only saw|a group of|people and horses|coming and going|like flying Liu Xuande hurriedly urged his horse to catch up and looked across the river, where he saw a cluster of people and horses moving swiftly. 一面 戰旗 上面 寫住 , 漢壽 亭 侯 關雲長 七個 大字 。 a|battle flag|on|written|Han Shou|Pavilion|Marquis|Guan Yun Chang|seven|large characters On one side of the battle flag, it was written in large characters: Han Shouting Marquis Guan Yunchang. 劉玄德 個心 謝天謝地 喇 , 哎呀 ! 原來 我 二弟 果然 喺 曹操 處 啊 ! Liu Xuande||thank heaven and earth|sentence-final particle|oh no|originally|I|second younger brother|as expected|at|Cao Cao|place|ah Liu Xuande's heart was filled with gratitude, oh! It turns out my second brother is indeed with Cao Cao! 劉玄德 啊 正話 想 過去 同 佢 見面 , 收尾 畀 大隊 嘅 曹 兵 湧 過 嚟 , 就 唯有 收兵 返扯 啦 。 Liu Xuande|ah|to be honest|wanted|to go|with|him|meet|retreat|by|army|possessive particle|Cao|soldiers|surge|over|here|then|had no choice but to|retreat|back to base|particle indicating completion or realization Just as Liu Xuande was thinking of going over to meet him, a large group of Cao's soldiers surged over, so he had no choice but to retreat. 袁紹 帶兵 接應 嚟 到 官渡 , 安好 營寨 。 Yuan Shao|lead troops|support|come|arrive|Guandu|secure|camp Yuan Shao brought troops to support at Guandu and set up camp. 郭圖 、 審配 嚟 見 袁紹 話 嘞 : Guo Tu|Shen Pei|came|to see|Yuan Shao|said|past tense marker Guo Tu and Shen Pei came to see Yuan Shao and said: 主公 , 今次 又 係 關某 殺 咗 文丑 啊 , 劉備 仲詐作 唔 知 噃。 Your Majesty|this time|again|is|Guan certain|killed|past tense marker|Wen Chou|ah|Liu Bei||not|know|particle "My lord, this time it was Guan Yu who killed Wen Chou, and Liu Bei is pretending not to know about it." 袁紹 嬲 到極 , 豈有此理 ! 你 個 大耳賊 , 竟然 膽敢 做 啲 噉 嘢 ! Yuan Shao|angry|to the extreme|how can this be reasonable|you|measure word|big-eared thief|unexpectedly|dare|do|some|such|things Yuan Shao was extremely angry, saying, "How outrageous! You big-eared thief, how dare you do such things!" 冇 幾耐 , 劉玄德 嚟 嘞 。 not|long|Liu Xuande|come|past tense marker Before long, Liu Xuande arrived. 袁紹 馬上 叫 人 拉 佢 出去 斬頭 。 Yuan Shao|immediately|to call|people|to pull|him|outside|beheaded Yuan Shao immediately ordered someone to take him out and behead him. 劉玄德 話 : 我 有 咩 罪 呀 ? Liu Xuande|said|I|have|what|crime|question particle Liu Xuande said: What crime have I committed? 你 有意 叫 你 細佬 又 殺死 我 一員大將 , 仲話 冇 罪 ? you|intentionally|to call|your|younger brother|again|killed|me|a key general|still saying|no|guilt You intentionally had your younger brother kill one of my generals, and you still say there is no crime? 等 我 講埋 呢 句 說話 先 , 明公 你 要 殺 就 殺 啦 。 wait|I|finish saying|this|sentence|speech|first|Ming Gong|you|want|kill|then|kill|particle Let me finish this sentence first, my lord, if you want to kill me, then go ahead. 曹操 素來 都 好 驟忌 我 嘅 , 而 家 佢 知道 我 喺 你 呢 處 , 怕 我 幫 你 , 故此 特登 使雲長 殺 咗 你 兩位 將官 , 知道 你 一定 嬲 嘅 。 Cao Cao|always|all|very|suspicious|I|possessive particle|||he|knows|I|at|you|this|place|afraid|I|help|you|therefore|deliberately|use Yun Chang|kill|past tense marker|you|two|generals|know|you|definitely|angry|possessive particle Cao Cao has always been very suspicious of me, and now that he knows I am here with you, he is afraid I will help you, so he deliberately had Yun Chang kill your two generals, knowing you would definitely be angry. 呢 個 乃 係 借明公 你 嘅 手 嚟 殺 我 劉備 呀 , 請明 公諗下 吖 。 this|measure word|is|is|borrowing from Ming|you|possessive particle|hand|to|kill|me|Liu Bei|sentence-final particle|||sentence-final particle This is borrowing your hand to kill me, Liu Bei, please think about it, Ming Gong. 係 噃! 玄德 你 講得 啱 啊 。 yes|particle|Xuande (a name)|you|speak|right|particle Yes! Xuan De, you are right. 嘿 ! 你 哋 啲 人 啦 , 爭 啲 搞 到 我 落得 個 殺害 好人 嘅 壞名聲 咯 ! hey|||possessive particle|people|sentence-final particle|||||me|have|a|murder|good person|possessive particle|bad reputation|sentence-final particle Hey! You people, almost got me a bad reputation for killing good people! 袁紹 喝退 啲 人 , 請 劉玄德 入 中軍帳 坐落 。 Yuan Shao|drive away|some|people|invite|Liu Xuande|enter|central army tent|sit down Yuan Shao, dismiss the people, please let Liu Xuan De sit in the central army tent. 劉玄德 多謝 佢 話 : 好多 得 明公 寬大 之恩 , 沒 咩 報答 嘞 , 我 想 叫 個 心腹 人 , 帶封 密信 去 見 雲長 , 等 佢 知道 我 嘅 消息 。 Liu Xuande|thank you|he|said|a lot|received|Lord Ming|magnanimous||no|anything|repayment|past action particle|I|want|to call|measure word for people|trusted aide|person||secret letter|to go|to meet|Yun Chang|to wait|he|to know|my|possessive particle|news Liu Xuan De thanked him and said: I have received much grace from Ming Gong, and I have nothing to repay. I want to send a trusted person to deliver a letter to Yun Chang, so he knows my news. 佢 一 知道 咗 , 必定 立即 過 嚟 輔助 明公 , 共 誅 曹操 , 同時 為 顏良 、 文丑 報仇 , 明公 意下如何 呢 ? he|once|knows|past tense marker|definitely|immediately|come|here|assist|Lord Ming|together|kill|Cao Cao|at the same time|for|Yan Liang|Wen Chou|take revenge|Lord Ming||question particle As soon as he knows, he will definitely come over to assist Lord Ming, to jointly kill Cao Cao, and at the same time avenge Yan Liang and Wen Chou. What does Lord Ming think? 噉 梗 係 好 啦 , 我 得到 雲長 呀 , 就 勝過 顏良 、 文丑 十倍 咯 。 like this|||||I|obtained|Yun Chang|particle|then|surpass|Yan Liang|Wen Chou|ten times|particle Of course that's great! With Yun Chang on my side, I am ten times stronger than Yan Liang and Wen Chou. 於是 劉玄德 , 即 刻寫 好 封信 , 但 係 一時之間 未 搵 到 個 合適 嘅 人 送 去 。 then|Liu Xuande|immediately||good||but|is|in a moment|not|find|to|measure word|suitable|possessive particle|person|deliver|to So Liu Xuande immediately wrote a letter, but at that moment he couldn't find a suitable person to deliver it. 呢 個 時候 , 袁紹 下令 部隊 撤退 去 武陽 , 連營 數十里 就 按兵不動 。 this|measure word|time|Yuan Shao|ordered|troops|retreat|to|Wuyang|camp|several dozen li|then|remained stationary At this time, Yuan Shao ordered the troops to retreat to Wuyang, and the camp remained motionless for several dozen miles. 曹操 呢 , 就 派 夏侯惇 率領 一支 軍隊 , 守住 官渡 隘口 。 Cao Cao|question particle|then|sent|Xiahou Dun|led|a|army|guarded|Guandu|pass As for Cao Cao, he sent Xiahou Dun to lead a troop to guard the Guandu pass. 自己 呀 班師 返去 許昌 , 大宴 百官 就 慶賀 關雲長 立 咗 大功 。 myself|particle indicating exclamation||return to|Xuchang|grand banquet|all officials|then|celebrate|Guan Yu|establish|past tense marker|great achievement So, the masters returned to Xuchang, and held a grand banquet to celebrate Guan Yu's great achievement. 噉 啊 飲 咗 幾杯酒 , 曹操 對 呂 虔話 嘞 : like this|ah|drink|past tense marker|a few glasses of wine|Cao Cao|to|||past tense marker After drinking a few cups of wine, Cao Cao said to Lu Qian: 嗰 次 我 以 糧草先行 , 係 引誘 敵人 嘅 計策 。 that|time|I|with||is|to lure|enemy|possessive particle|strategy That time, I led the supplies first, as a strategy to lure the enemy. 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 哈 當時 , 就 係 得 荀公達 一個 人摸 到 我 嘅 心 水 咋 。 hahaha||at that time|at that time|then|was|only|Xun Gongda|one|||my|possessive particle|||only Hahaha, at that time, only Xun Gongda understood my intentions. 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 hahaha|hahaha Hahahaha. 丞相 用兵如神 , 天機 莫測 啊 ! 人人 都 非常 敬服 曹操 咯 。 Prime Minister||heavenly secrets|unfathomable|ah|everyone|all|very|respectful|Cao Cao|particle indicating certainty The Prime Minister uses military strategy like a god, the heavenly secrets are unfathomable! Everyone greatly respects Cao Cao. 正 喺 度 飲 得 高興 , 突然 有 報告 嚟 話 , 汝南 地區 有 黃巾 作反 。 right now|at|place|drinking|very|happy|suddenly|there is|report|coming|saying|a place name|region|there are|Yellow Turban|rebellion Just when we were drinking happily, suddenly there was a report saying that there is a Yellow Turban rebellion in the Ruyin area. 首領 係 劉辟 、 龔都 , 係 非常 之 猖獗 。 leader|is|Liu Pi|Gong Du||very|possessive particle|rampant The leaders are Liu Bei and Gong Du, and they are extremely rampant. 曹洪 屢次 作戰 都 失利 , 請 曹操 派兵 去 援救 噉 。 Cao Hong|repeatedly|battle|all|suffered defeat|please|Cao Cao|send troops|to|rescue|like this Cao Hong has repeatedly suffered defeats in battle, asking Cao Cao to send troops for rescue. 關雲長 一聽 , 啱 嘞 , 佢 對 曹操 話 : 丞相 , 我願效 犬馬之勞 , 去 破 汝南 嘅 賊寇 。 Guan Yu|upon hearing|||he|to|Cao Cao|said|Prime Minister||my humble efforts|to|defeat|Runan|possessive particle|bandits When Guan Yunchang heard this, he agreed and said to Cao Cao: Prime Minister, I am willing to serve and help to defeat the bandits in Ruyin. 你 剛剛 建立 咗 大功 , 都 未曾 好好 酬謝 , 點好 又 要 辛苦 關將軍 你 呀 。 you|just|established|past tense marker|great achievement|already|not yet|properly|reward|how good|again|have to|hard work|General Kwan|you|sentence-final particle You just achieved a great feat, and haven't been properly rewarded yet, how can you make it hard for General Guan? 我 如果 得閒 過頭 , 就 會 有 病 嘅 喇 。 I|if|free|overwork|then|will|have|illness|possessive particle|completed action particle If I have time to go over, I will definitely fall ill. 請 丞相 准 我 再 去 一次 啦 。 please|Prime Minister|allow|I|again|go|one time|particle indicating suggestion or request Please allow me to go again, Prime Minister. 好 , 好 ! 曹操 非常 欣賞 關雲長 呢種 態度 喎 。 good|good|Cao Cao|very|appreciates|Guan Yu|this kind of|attitude|particle indicating affirmation Good, good! Cao Cao greatly appreciates Guan Yunchang's attitude. 點 五萬 兵 畀 佢 , 任命 于禁 、 樂進 做 副將 , 明日 就 出發 。 how|fifty thousand|soldiers|to give|him|appoint|Yu Jin|Le Jin|to be|deputy general|tomorrow|then|depart Give him fifty thousand troops, appoint Yu Jin and Le Jin as deputy generals, and we will set off tomorrow. 荀彧 啊 靜靜 噉 對 曹操 話 嘞 : 主公 呀 , 雲長 個 心 呀 , 成日 都 想 返去 劉備 嗰 便 㗎 。 Xun Yu|ah|quietly|like that|to|Cao Cao|said|past tense particle|lord|ah|Yun Chang|possessive particle|heart|ah|every day|all|wants|to return|Liu Bei|that|side|question particle Xun Yu quietly said to Cao Cao: "My lord, Guan Yu's heart always wants to return to Liu Bei's side." 佢 一 有 劉備 消息 就 走 㗎 嘞 , 唔 好 頻頻 噉 派 佢 出征 喎 。 he|as soon as|has|Liu Bei|news|then|leave|sentence-final particle|past action particle|not|very|frequently|like that|send|him|to battle|sentence-final particle As soon as he hears news of Liu Bei, he leaves, so we shouldn't frequently send him out to battle. 係 呀 , 今 次 佢 再 打勝 咗 返 嚟 , 我以 後點 都 唔 叫 佢 再 去 打 㗎 喇 。 ||||he|again|win|past tense marker|||||at all|not|let|him|again|go|fight|sentence final particle|past action particle Yes, even if he wins again this time, I won't let him go to fight anymore. 而家 講下 關雲長 , 佢 統率 兵馬 就 一路 行軍 , 就 嚟 到 汝南 嘞 , 就 安營 扎寨 。 now|talk about|Guan Yu|he|commanded|troops|then|all the way|marched|then|come|to|Ruyin|past tense particle|then|set up camp|build fortifications Now let's talk about Guan Yu, he led his troops and marched all the way to Runan, where he set up camp. 當晚 , 啲 巡邏兵 捉 到 兩個 偵探 , 押 到 嚟 一 睇 , 其中 有 一個 原來 係 孫乾 。 that night|plural marker|patrol officers|||two|detectives|||here|one|look|among them|there is|one|originally|was|Sun Kwan That night, the patrol soldiers caught two scouts and brought them in for a look, one of whom turned out to be Sun Qian. 關公 即刻 喝退 左右 啲 人 就 問孫乾話 : 嗰 日 失散 之後 , 一向 都 唔 知 你 嘅 蹤跡 , 點解 而家會 嚟 到 呢 處 呢 吓 ? Guan Gong|immediately|drive away|around|particle|people|then||that|day|separated|after|always|all|not|knew|you|possessive particle|whereabouts|why||come|to|this|place|particle|question particle Guan Gong immediately drove away the people around him and asked Sun Qian: After we got separated that day, I have not known your whereabouts at all. Why have you come to this place now? 我 逃難 出 嚟 , 一路 漂泊 嚟 到 汝南 啊 , 多得 劉辟 收留 我 咋 。 I|escape from war|come|here|all the way|drifting|||Runan|ah|thanks to|Liu Biq|took in|me|particle indicating a question or exclamation I escaped from the disaster and have been wandering until I reached Runan. It was thanks to Liu Bi that I was taken in. 係 咯 , 關將軍 , 你 點解 會 喺 曹操 處 呢 ? ||General Guan|you|why|would|at|Cao Cao|place|question particle Yes, General Guan, why are you with Cao Cao? 甘夫人 、 糜夫人 都 好 吖 嘛 ? Mrs Gan|Mrs Mi|both|good|question particle|question particle How are Lady Gan and Lady Mi? 於是 關公 就將 以上 嘅 事 , 詳詳細細 噉 同 孫乾講 咗 。 then|Guan Gong||above|possessive particle|matter|in great detail|like this|with||past tense marker So Guan Gong detailed the above matters to Sun Qian. 孫乾話 嘞 : 近日 , 聽聞 話 玄德公 喺 袁紹 嗰 處 , 我 想 去 投奔 佢 , 未有 機會 。 Sun Qian said|past tense marker|recently|heard|that|Lord Xuande|at|Yuan Shao|that|place|I|want|to go|join|him|not yet|opportunity Sun Qian said: Recently, I heard that Lord Xuande is at Yuan Shao's place, and I want to go and join him, but I haven't had the opportunity. 而家 , 劉辟 、 龔 都 佢 哋 兩個 已經 歸順 咗 袁紹 , 幫 袁紹 一齊 嚟 攻打 曹操 。 now|Liu Pi|Gong|both|they|plural marker|two|already|surrendered|past tense marker|Yuan Shao|help||together|come|attack|Cao Cao Now, Liu Bi and Gong have already surrendered to Yuan Shao, helping Yuan Shao to attack Cao Cao together. 咁 好彩 得到 關將軍 嚟 到 , 因此 , 就 專登 叫 個 兵 仔 帶路 , 派 我 扮成 個 偵探 噉 樣 , 走 嚟 將呢 件 事報 畀 將軍 知道 。 then|fortunately|got|General Kwan|here|||||||||||||||||||this|classifier for events||to|general|know Fortunately, General Guan has arrived, so I specifically asked a soldier to lead the way, and I was sent to disguise as a scout to report this matter to the general. 聽日 , 劉辟 、 龔都同 將軍 你 對陣 交鋒 嘅 時候 , 佢 就 詐 作 打敗 。 tomorrow|Liu Pi||general|you|face off|clash|possessive particle|time|he|then|||defeated Tomorrow, when Liu Bi and Gong confront you, general, they will pretend to be defeated. 噉 將軍 你 就 快 啲 帶 埋 兩位 夫人 投奔 去 袁紹處 , 同 玄德公 見面 啦 。 then|general|you|then|quickly|a bit|||two|wives|seek refuge|to|Yuan Shao's place|with|Lord Xuande|meet|particle indicating suggestion or completion So, general, you should quickly take both ladies and go to Yuan Shao's place to meet Lord Xuande. 既然 兄長 喺 袁紹處 , 我 梗 係 有 咁 快 得 咁 快趕 去 嘞 。 since|elder brother|at||I|||have|so|fast|able to|so|quickly rush|go|past tense particle Since my brother is at Yuan Shao's place, of course I have to rush there as quickly as possible. 不過 , 最弊 就 係 我 斬 咗 袁紹 兩員 大將 , 怕 事情 有變 噃。 however|worst|then|is|I|killed|past tense marker|Yuan Shao|two|generals|afraid|situation|will change|particle indicating uncertainty However, the worst part is that I killed two of Yuan Shao's generals, so I'm afraid things might change. 噉 又 係 , 啊 , 關將軍 , 不如 等 我 去 袁紹 嗰 便 , 探聽 下 虛實 先 , 再 嚟 話 你 知 嘞 。 then|again|is|ah|General Kwan|might as well|wait|I|go|Yuan Shao|that|side|inquire|about|true intentions|first|again|come|tell|you|know|particle indicating completed action That's true, ah, General Guan, why don't I go to Yuan Shao's place first to gather some information, and then I'll let you know. 好 啦 , 只要 能夠 見 兄長 一面 , 我 萬死不辭 呀 。 ||as long as|can|see|older brother|one time|I|would not hesitate to die a thousand deaths|particle Alright, as long as I can see my brother once, I would risk my life for it. 呢 次 返到 許昌 , 我 就 離開 曹操 㗎 嘞 。 this|time|return to|Xuchang|I|then|leave|Cao Cao|particle indicating certainty|past action particle This time when I return to Xuchang, I will leave Cao Cao. 當晚 , 關公 就 秘密 噉 送 孫乾 走 咗 。 that night|Guan Gong|then|secretly|like this|sent|Sun Qian|| That night, Guan Gong secretly sent Sun Qian away. 第 日 , 關公 帶兵 出戰 , 龔都 披掛 出陣 。 the|day|Guan Gong||to battle|Gong Du|donned armor|went to battle The next day, Guan Gong led his troops into battle, and Gong Du donned his armor to join the fight. 關公 喝 他 說 : 你們 為 甚麼 要 背叛 朝廷 呀 ? Guan Gong|shouted|he|said|you (plural)|for|what|want|betray|court|particle Guan Gong shouted at him: Why did you betray the court? 龔都 就 回敬 關公 一句 : 你 背叛 咗 自己 嘅 主公 , 仲 反而 嚟 責備 我 ? Gong Du|then|retorted|Guan Gong|one sentence|you|betrayed|past tense marker|your own|possessive particle|lord|still|on the contrary|come|blame|me Gong Du retorted: You have betrayed your own lord, yet you come to blame me? 我點 為 之 背叛 自己 嘅 主公 啊 ? |for|possessive particle|betray|myself|possessive particle|lord|question particle How can I be said to have betrayed my own lord? 劉玄德 喺 袁紹 嗰 處 , 你 呀 去 投靠 曹操 , 點解 吖 你 ? Liu Xuande|at|Yuan Shao|that|place|you|particle|go|defect to|Cao Cao|why|particle|you Liu Xuande is at Yuan Shao's place, and you went to ally with Cao Cao, why is that? 關公 唔 同 佢 講 嘞 , 拍 馬舞刀 上前 要 打 。 Guan Gong|not|with|him|talk|past tense marker|slap||step forward|wants|fight Guan Gong didn't talk to him, he drew his sword and charged forward to fight. 龔都 唔 同 佢 交手 , 回馬 就 走 。 Gong Du|not|with|him|fight|turn back|then|leave Gong Du didn't engage him, he turned his horse and ran away. 關公 又 猛追 上去 , 龔都 擰 轉頭 對 關公 話 : 故主 之恩 唔 好 忘記 呀 ! Guan Gong|again|fiercely chased|up|Gong Du||turned his head|to|Guan Gong|said|former master||not|well|forget|particle Guan Gong chased after him fiercely, and Gong Du turned his head and said to Guan Gong: 'Don't forget the kindness of the former lord!' 關將軍 你 快 啲 帶兵 攻過 嚟 啦 , 我 讓 汝南 畀 你 。 General Kwan|you|quickly|particle indicating degree|lead the troops|attack over|here|particle indicating suggestion|I|allow|a place|give|you General Guan, you should quickly bring your troops over, I will give you Ru Nan. 關公 會意 嘞 , 即刻 指揮 軍隊 掩殺 過去 。 Guan Gong|understood|past tense marker|immediately|commanded|army|ambushed|the enemy Guan Gong understood the situation and immediately commanded the army to ambush. 劉辟 、 龔都 兩個 呀 詐 諦 打敗仗 , 等 啲 兵 散開 晒 走 人 。 Liu Pi|Gong Du|both|particle|deceive|truly|lost battle|wait|some|soldiers|disperse|completely|run|away Liu Bi and Gong Du both pretended to be defeated, causing the soldiers to scatter and flee. 關雲長 噉 就 容容易易 奪取 咗 汝南 , 安定 民眾 之後 就 班師 返 許昌 。 Guan Yu|then|just|easily|capture|past tense marker|Ruyin|stabilize|people|after|then|withdraw|return|Xuchang Guan Yun Chang easily captured Ru Nan, stabilized the people, and then returned to Xu Chang. 曹操 為 咗 表示 敬重 關公 , 呢 日 誒 親自 出城 嚟 迎接 。 Cao Cao|for|past tense marker|to show|respect|Guan Gong|this|day|ah|personally|out of the city|to|welcome Cao Cao, to show his respect for Guan Gong, personally came out of the city to welcome him. 同時 呢 , 又 獎賞 慰勞 全軍 將士 , 大家 都 好 歡喜 啦 。 at the same time|particle indicating a question|also|reward|consolation|entire army|soldiers|everyone|all|very|happy|particle indicating a change of state At the same time, he rewarded and comforted all the soldiers, and everyone was very happy. 宴會 散 咗 席 之後 , 關雲長 返到 屋企 , 立即 去 內 門外 便 誒 參拜 兩位 嫂嫂 。 banquet|finished|past tense marker|table|after|Guan Yu|returned to|home|immediately|went|inner|outside the door|then|particle indicating realization|worshipped|two|sisters-in-law After the banquet was over, Guan Yunchang returned home and immediately went to the inner door to pay respects to his two sisters-in-law. 甘夫人 話 : 二叔 兩次 出征 , 知 唔 知道 皇叔 嘅 消息 啊 ? Lady Gam|said|Second Uncle|two times|went to war|know|not|knew|Imperial Uncle|possessive particle|news|question particle Madam Gan said: "Second Uncle, after two expeditions, do you know any news about the Imperial Uncle?" 未 呀 , 參見 完 , 關公 就 出返 去 。 not yet|particle|finish reading|complete|Guan Gong|then|go back|home Not yet, after paying my respects, Guan Gong went back out. 兩位 夫人 傷心 到 不得了 , 喊起 上 嚟 話 : two|ladies|sad|to|extremely|start crying|up|here|said The two ladies were heartbroken and started crying, saying: 睇 嚟 皇叔 冇 咗 嘅 咯 , 二叔 實 係 怕 我們 姊妹 煩惱 , 所以 揞 住 唔 講出 嚟 啫 。 see|coming|uncle|not have|past tense marker|possessive particle|sentence-final particle|second uncle|really|is|afraid|our|sisters|worry|so|hold|in|not|speak out|coming|only "It seems that the Imperial Uncle is gone. Second Uncle is really afraid that we sisters will worry, so he is keeping it to himself and not saying anything." 有 一個 跟隨 關雲長 出征 嘅 老 軍 , 聽見 裏頭 喊 得 咁 淒涼 , 就 喺 門外 稟告 話 : there is|a|following|Guan Yu|expedition|possessive particle|old|army|heard|inside|crying|to be|so|desolate|then|at|outside the door|report|said There was an old soldier following Guan Yun Chang on the expedition, who heard the cries inside were so mournful, that he reported outside saying: 夫人 唔 好 喊 喇 , 主人 而 家 喺 河北 袁紹 嗰 處 嚟 呀 ! madam|not|very|cry|particle indicating completed action|master|and|family|at|Hebei|Yuan Shao|that|place|come|particle indicating question or exclamation "Madam, don't cry anymore, the master is currently in Hebei with Yuan Shao!" 夫人 就問 嘞 : 你 , 你 點知 㗎 ? madam||particle indicating past action|you|you|how do you know|particle indicating a question The madam then asked: "How do you know that?" 小人 跟隨 關將軍 出征 , 喺 打仗 嘅 時候 聽人 講 嘅 。 the little man|follows|General Kwan|to battle|at|war|possessive particle|time||talk|past tense particle The humble one followed General Guan on the expedition and heard people talking about it during the battle. 兩位 夫人 即刻 叫 人 去 嗌 關雲長 嚟 。 two|ladies|immediately|call|someone|to go|shout|Guan Yun Chang|come The two madams immediately called for someone to summon Guan Yun Chang. 兩位 嫂嫂 , 叫 小弟 嚟 有 乜嘢 事 呀 ? two|sisters-in-law|call|younger brother|come|have|what|matter|question particle Two sisters-in-law, what is the matter that you called me for? 二叔 , 皇叔 一向 都 冇 對 唔 住 你 㗎 。 second uncle|imperial uncle|always|all|not have|treat|||you|sentence-final particle Second uncle, the emperor has never wronged you. 而家 , 你 得到 曹操 畀 你 咁 多 好處 , 你 就 一下 忘記 晒 往日 嘅 情義 咯 。 now|you|receive|Cao Cao|give|you|so|many|benefits|you|then|all of a sudden|forget|completely|past|possessive particle|loyalty|sentence-final particle Now, you have received so many benefits from Cao Cao, and you have completely forgotten the past loyalty. 你 點解 唔 將 啲 實情 講 畀 我 聽 呢 ? you|why|not|tell|the|truth|speak|to|me|hear|question particle Why don't you tell me the truth? 兩位 嫂嫂 噉 樣 責備 法好 嚴重 喇 , 關雲長 叩 個頭 話 : two|sisters-in-law|like this|appearance|blame|law|serious|particle|Guan Yu|knock||said The way the two sisters-in-law are scolding is quite serious, Guan Yu bowed his head and said: 兄長 確實 喺 河北 , 剛才 之所以 唔 敢講 畀 嫂嫂 知 , 係 怕 洩 漏出去 咋 。 elder brother|indeed|at|Hebei|just now|the reason why|not||to|sister-in-law|know|is|afraid|leak||particle indicating a slight complaint or regret The elder brother is indeed in Hebei. The reason I didn't dare to tell sister-in-law just now is that I was afraid it would leak out. 去 搵 兄長 呢 件 事 , 只 能夠 慢慢 想 辦法 , 唔 急 得 㗎 。 go|find|elder brother|this|classifier for events|matter|only|able to|slowly|think|solution|not|urgent|able|particle indicating certainty As for finding the elder brother, we can only think of a way slowly, there's no rush. 雖然 係 唔 急 得 , 之二 叔要 着 緊 啲 至 好 啊 。 although|is|not|urgent|okay|second||wear|tight|more|only|good|particle Although there's no rush, Uncle Er needs to be more attentive. 係 , 小弟 知道 嘞 。 yes|younger brother|knows|past tense marker Yes, I understand. 關公 告辭 出返 去 。 Guan Gong|farewell|return|go Guan Gong bids farewell and goes out. 佢 一直 都 喺 度 諗 啊 , 諗 點樣 走 人 , 搞 到 佢 坐立不安 。 he|continuously|also|at|place|thinking|ah|thinking|how|escape|responsibility|||him|restless He has been thinking about how to escape, making him restless. 噉 啊 關於 劉備 喺 河北 嘅 消息 呢 , 于禁 亦 知道 。 then|ah|regarding|Liu Bei|at|Hebei|possessive particle|news|question particle|Yu Jin|also|knows As for the news about Liu Bei in Hebei, Yu Jin also knew. 佢 講 咗 畀 曹操 聽 , 曹操 就 叫 張 遼 去 搵 關雲長 , 摸 一 摸 佢 嘅 心思 。 he|said|past tense marker|to|Cao Cao|heard||then|called|Zhang|Liao|to|find|Guan Yu|touch|one|touch|his|possessive particle|thoughts He told Cao Cao, who then sent Zhang Liao to find Guan Yun Chang and gauge his thoughts. 呢 一日 , 關公 喺 屋企 , 又 愁悶 又 無聊 。 this|one day|Guan Gong|at|home|again|worried|again|bored One day, Guan Gong was at home, feeling both troubled and bored. 張 遼 嚟 到 恭賀 佢 : 雲 長兄 , 聽講 你 喺 戰陣 之上 , 知道 咗 玄 德 嘅 音訊 喎 , 係 唔 係 呀 ? 恭喜 恭喜 呀 ! Zhang|Liao|come|arrive|congratulate|him|Yun|elder brother|heard|you|at|battlefield|on|know|past tense marker|Xuan|De|possessive particle|news|question particle|is|not|is|sentence-final particle|congratulations|congratulations|sentence-final particle Zhang Liao came to congratulate him: "Brother Yun, I heard that you learned about Xuan De's news on the battlefield, is that true? Congratulations!" 係 , 雖然 喺 處 唧 , 但 係 一面 都 見 唔 到 , 有 咩 好 恭喜 呢 ? yes|although|at|place|squeeze|but|is|one side|all|see|not|arrive|have|what|good|congratulations|question particle Yes, although I am in a difficult situation, I still can't see any reason to congratulate. 係 喇 雲 長兄 , 你 同玄 德 嘅 交情 , 比起 小弟 同 兄長 你 嘅 交情 又點 呢 ? is|particle|Yun|eldest brother|you||Teh|possessive particle|friendship|compared to|younger brother|with|elder brother|you|possessive particle|friendship||question particle Yes, Brother Yun, how does your friendship with Xuande compare to my friendship with you? 我同 你 係 朋友 之交 , 我同 玄德 呢 , 係 朋友 而 又 係 兄弟 , 係 兄弟 , 同時 又 係 主臣 啊 , 點 能夠 相提並論 呢 ? |you|am|friend|relationship||Xuande|question particle|am|friend|and|also|am|brother|am|brother|at the same time|also|am|lord and minister|exclamation particle|how|able to|be compared|question particle My relationship with you is that of friends, but with Xuande, we are not only friends but also brothers, and at the same time, he is my lord. How can they be compared? 而家 玄 德 喺 河北 嚟 , 兄長 去 唔 去 跟 返 佢 呀 ? now|||at|Hebei|come|elder brother|go|not|go|follow|return|he|question particle Now that Xuande is in Hebei, are you going to follow him? 我 已經 講過 㗎 喇 , 點都 唔 會 背叛 佢 。 I|already|have talked||particle indicating completed action||not|will|betray|him/her I have already said it, I will never betray him. 文遠兄 , 你 一定 要 為 我 同 丞相 講下 至 好 啊 ! Brother Wenyuan|you|must|need|for|me|with|Prime Minister|say a few words|||ah Brother Wen Yuan, you must speak to me and the Prime Minister about this! 張遼同 關雲長 坐 咗 陣添 , 就 告辭 嘞 。 |Guan Yu|sat|past tense marker|for a while|then|took his leave|past tense marker Zhang Liao and Guan Yu sat for a while, then took their leave. 佢 返 去 就 一五一十 講 畀 曹操 聽 , 曹操 話 : 呵呵 呵 , 我 自有辦法 留住 佢 嘅 ! he|return|to|then|in detail|tell|to|Cao Cao|hear|Cao Cao|said|haha|haha|I|have my own way|keep|him|possessive particle He went back and told Cao Cao everything, and Cao Cao said: "Haha, I have my own way to keep him!" 有 一日 , 有人 嚟 報告 關雲長 , 話 有 個 老朋友 嚟 到 探望 佢 噉 。 there is|one day|someone|came|report|Guan Yun Chang|said|there is|a|old friend|||visit|him|like that One day, someone came to report to Guan Yu that an old friend had come to visit him. 請到 入 嚟 一 睇 , 哦 ? 唔 識 嘅 。 please come to|enter|here|one|look|oh|not|know|particle When invited in to take a look, oh? I don't recognize him. 關雲長 問 : 先生 係 邊位 呀 ? Guan Yu|asked|sir|is|who|question particle Guan Yun Chang asked: Who are you, sir? 我 係 袁紹 部下 , 南陽 陳 震 。 I|am|Yuan Shao|subordinate|Nanyang|Chen|Zhen I am Chen Zhen from Yuan Shao's faction, from Nanyang. 誒 呀 ! 關雲長 吃 咗 一驚 , 即刻 吩咐 左右 啲 人 出去 。 ||Guan Yu|||a fright|immediately|instructed|his aides|plural marker|people|to go out Oh! Guan Yun Chang was startled and immediately instructed his men to go out. 先生 , 你 嚟 呢 處 有 乜嘢 事 呢 ? sir|you|come|this|place|have|what|matter|question particle Sir, what brings you here? 帶 咗 一封信 嚟 畀 將軍 。 bring|past tense marker|a letter|here|to|the general I brought a letter for the general. 關雲長 接過 陳 震交 畀 佢 嘅 信 一 睇 , 哦 , 原來 係 劉 玄德寫 畀 佢 嘅 。 Guan Yu|received|Chen|Zhenjiao|to|him|possessive particle|letter|one|read|oh|originally|is|Liu||to|him|possessive particle Guan Yunchang received the letter that Chen Zhen handed to him and took a look. Oh, it turned out to be written by Liu Xuande to him. 封信 嘅 大意 話 : 我同 你 喺 桃園 結義 , 誓同生死 , 點解 而家 中途 變 咗 卦 呢 ? the letter|possessive particle|main idea|says||you|at|Taoyuan|sworn brotherhood||why|now|midway|change|past tense marker|fate|question particle The main idea of the letter said: We swore brotherhood in the Peach Garden, vowing to live and die together. Why has it changed midway now? 如果 你 係 想 榮華富貴 嘅 , 我 願意 將 自己 嘅 人頭 獻 畀 你 , 等 你 攞 去 立功 啦 。 if|you|are|want|wealth and prosperity|possessive particle|I|willing|to give|myself|possessive particle|head|to offer|to|you|so that|you|take|to|achieve merit|sentence-final particle If you are seeking glory and wealth, I am willing to offer my own head to you, so you can take it to achieve merit. 關雲長 一睇 完 封信 就 放聲 痛哭 。 Guan Yu|at a glance|finished|sealed letter|then|aloud|wept bitterly After Guan Yunchang finished reading the letter, he burst into tears. 啊 ! 我 並非 唔 想 去 搵 兄長 啊 , 我 係 唔 知道 佢 喺 邊 處 嚟 。 ah|I|not|not|want|go|find|elder brother|ah|I|am|not|know|he|at|where|place|come Ah! It's not that I don't want to find my brother, it's that I don't know where he is. 我點 肯為 咗 富貴 而 違背 以前 嘅 盟誓 呢 ? |willing to|past tense marker|wealth and honor|and|betray|previous|possessive particle|oath|question particle How can I be willing to betray my previous oath for the sake of wealth and honor? 陳 震話 : 玄德極 之 盼望 將軍 , 將軍 既然 係 唔 會 違背 盟誓 咯 , 噉 就要 快 啲 去 見 玄德咯 。 Chan|said||possessive particle|hope|general||since|is|not|will|break|oath|sentence-final particle|then|must|quickly|more|go|meet|Xuande Chen Zhen said: Xuande is eagerly hoping for the general, since the general will not betray the oath, then we should hurry to meet Xuande. 人生 天地 之間 , 要 有始有終 , 我 一來一去 都 要 明明白白 。 life|heaven and earth|in between|must|have a beginning and an end|I|coming and going|all|must|clearly and distinctly In life, between heaven and earth, there must be a beginning and an end; I must be clear and straightforward in my comings and goings. 我而家 寫封信 , 請 先生 同 我 送 去 畀 兄長 先 。 ||please|sir|with|I|send|to|give|elder brother|first I am writing a letter now, asking the gentleman to help me deliver it to my elder brother first. 等 我 辭別 咗 曹操 之後 , 就 立即 護送 兩位 嫂嫂 去 見 兄長 嘞 。 wait|I|say goodbye|past tense marker|Cao Cao|after|then|immediately|escort|two|sisters-in-law|to go|see|elder brother|sentence-final particle After I bid farewell to Cao Cao, I will immediately escort the two sisters-in-law to meet my elder brother. 如果 曹操 唔 畀 你 走 , 噉 又點 ? if|Cao Cao|not|let|you|leave|then| What if Cao Cao doesn't let you go? 我 寧願 死 , 都 唔 肯 留 喺 呢 處 㗎 喇 。 I|would rather|die|still|not|willing|stay|at|this|place|sentence final particle|past action particle I would rather die than stay here. 噉 好 啦 , 請 將軍 你 快 啲 寫信 , 免致 劉使君 盼望 得 咁 辛苦 啊 。 like this|good|sentence-final particle|please|general|you|||write the letter|lest||hope|to get|so|hard|ah Alright then, please General, write the letter quickly, so that Liu Shijun won't have to wait so painfully. 關雲長 喇喇聲 寫 好 一封信 。 Guan Yu|sound of writing|write|a good| Guan Yunchang quickly wrote a letter. 無非 係 講明 一下 情況 , 話 自己 牢牢 記住 往日 嘅 盟誓 。 nothing more than|is|clarify|a little|situation|to say|oneself|firmly|remember|past|possessive particle|oath It was nothing more than explaining the situation and stating that he firmly remembered the oath from the past. 而家 知道 兄長 嘅 下落 咯 , 立即 就 護送 兩位 嫂嫂 返 嚟 見 兄長 噉 。 now|knows|elder brother|possessive particle|whereabouts|sentence-final particle|immediately|then|escort|two|sisters-in-law|return|here|see|elder brother|like this Now that we know the whereabouts of the elder brother, we will immediately escort the two sisters-in-law back to see him. 陳 震 收起 封信 就 走 咗 咯 。 Chan|Zhen|put away|envelope|then|left|past tense marker|sentence-final particle Chen Zhen put away the letter and left. 關雲長 入 去將 事情 講 咗 畀 兩位 嫂嫂 知 , 跟 住 , 立即 就 去 相府 辭別 曹操 。 Guan Yu|to||matter|tell|past tense marker|to|two|sisters-in-law|know|||immediately|then|go|the residence of the prime minister|bid farewell|Cao Cao Guan Yunchang went in to explain the situation to the two sisters-in-law, and then immediately went to the residence to bid farewell to Cao Cao. 曹操 啊 知道 佢 嘅 來意 喇 , 就 叫 人 喺 門口 掛起個 迴避 牌 , 即 係 話 唔 見客 。 Cao Cao|ah|knows|he|possessive particle|intention|past action particle|then|told|people|at|door||avoidance|sign|||saying|not|receiving guests Cao Cao, knowing his intention, instructed someone to hang a sign at the door saying 'No Visitors'. 關雲長 唯有 好 失望 噉 返 扯 啦 。 Guan Yu|only|very|disappointed|like this|return|pull|particle Guan Yunchang could only return disappointed. 返到 屋企 , 就 叫 啲 往日 一直 跟開 自己 嘅 僕人 , 收拾 車馬 , 隨時 準備 出發 。 return to|home|then|call|those|past|always|followed|himself|possessive particle|servant|prepare|carriage|anytime|ready|depart When I got home, I told the servants who had always followed me to prepare the carriage and be ready to set off at any time. 又 吩咐 啲 人 啊 , 將 所有 曹操 賞賜 嘅 物件 , 全部 留 低 喺 處 , 一件 都 唔 准 帶走 。 again|instructed|plural marker|people|sentence-final particle|to take|all|Cao Cao|rewards|possessive particle|items|all|leave|down|at|place||all|not|allowed|take away I also instructed the people to leave all the items that Cao Cao had awarded behind, and not to take a single one. 到 了 第日 , 關雲長 又 試去 相府 告辭 。 arrive|past tense marker|next day|Guan Yun Chang (a character's name)|again|tried to go|the prime minister's residence|take his leave The next day, Guan Yunchang tried to visit the governor's residence to say goodbye. 點知 去 到 一 睇 , 哈哈 , 門口 又 係 掛起個 迴避 牌 嘅 。 who would have thought|go|arrive|one|look|haha|door|again|is||avoidance|sign|particle But when he arrived, he saw that there was a notice at the entrance saying to avoid contact. 如是者 關雲長 連氣 去 咗 幾次 , 都 見 唔 到 曹操 。 in this way|Guan Yu|in one breath|go|past tense marker|several times|all|see|not|arrive|Cao Cao As a result, Guan Yunchang went several times in a row but still could not see Cao Cao. 噉 佢 又 走 去 張 遼 屋企 , 想 搵 佢 講 呢 件 事 啦 。 like this|he|again|walk|to|Zhang|Liao|home|wants|to find|him|to talk|this|matter|thing|particle So he went to Zhang Liao's house again, wanting to talk to him about this matter. 張 遼 啊 亦 都 藉口 話 有 病 唔 肯見 。 ||ah|also|all|excuse|said|have|illness|not|willing to meet Zhang Liao also made an excuse saying he was sick and didn't want to meet. 關雲長 諗 : 曹丞相 噉 係 唔 畀 我 去 嘅 意思 唧 。 Guan Yu|thought|Prime Minister Cao|like this|is|not|let|me|go|(possessive particle)|meaning|sigh Guan Yun Chang thought: This means that Prime Minister Cao is not allowing me to go. 我 一定 要 走 㗎 喇 , 你點 留 我 都 唔 得 㗎 喇 。 I|definitely|must|leave|sentence final particle|sentence final particle||keep|me|also|not|possible|sentence final particle|sentence final particle I definitely have to leave, no matter how you try to keep me, I can't stay. 於是 , 關雲長 就 寫 咗 一封信 , 向 曹操 辭行 啊 。 then|Guan Yu|then|wrote|past tense marker|a letter|to|Cao Cao|take his leave|ah So, Guan Yun Chang wrote a letter to bid farewell to Cao Cao. 大意 係 話 : 我 自從 年輕 嘅 時候 , 就 跟 從 皇叔 , 誓同生死 。 main idea|is|saying|I|since|young|possessive particle|time|then|follow|from|uncle| The main idea is: ever since I was young, I have sworn to follow the prince through life and death. 前次 下 邳 失手 個 時候 , 曾經 同 丞相 約定 三個 條件 , 丞相 已經 答應 過 。 last time|down|a place name|missed|a|time|once|with|prime minister|agreed upon|three|conditions|prime minister|already|promised|past tense marker Last time, when I failed in Xia Pi, I had made three conditions with the Prime Minister, and he had already agreed. 而家 , 我 知道 皇叔 係 喺 袁紹 嗰 處 , 我 一定 要 遵守 往日 嘅 盟誓 去 追隨 佢 。 now|I|know|uncle|is|at|Yuan Shao|that|place|I|definitely|must|abide by|past|possessive particle|oath|to|follow|him Now, I know that the prince is with Yuan Shao, and I must uphold my past oath to follow him. 丞相 待 我 恩德 甚深 , 就 唯有 留待 以後 再 嚟 報答 喇 。 Prime Minister|treats|me|kindness|very deep|then|only|leave until|future|again|come|repay|particle indicating completed action The Prime Minister has shown me great kindness, so I can only repay him later. 寫 完信 , 封好 咗 就 派 人 送 去 相府 。 write||seal|past tense marker|then|send|person|deliver|to|the residence of the official After finishing the letter, I sealed it and sent someone to deliver it to the Prime Minister's residence. 呢 頭就將 咁 耐以 嚟 呀 , 曹操 送 嘅 金銀 寶物 全部 封存 喺 庫房 裏頭 。 this||so|long|come|particle|Cao Cao|sent|possessive particle|gold and silver|treasures|all|stored|in|storeroom|inside This head has been like this for a long time, all the gold and silver treasures sent by Cao Cao are stored in the treasury. 將 漢壽 亭 侯個 大印 就 掛 喺 大堂 之上 , 呢 個 就 係 叫做 封金掛印 嘞 。 will|Han Shou|pavilion|Hou's|great seal|then|hang|at|hall|above|||just|is|called|sealing the great seal|particle indicating completed action The great seal of the Marquis of Hanshou is hung above the main hall, this is called sealing the gold and hanging the seal. 然後 , 請 兩位 夫人 上車 , 關公 騎上 赤兔馬 , 手提 青龍刀 , 率領 舊日 跟隨 嘅 人員 , 護送 車仗 呀 直出 北門 。 then|please|two|ladies|get in the car|Guan Gong||Red Hare horse|holding|Green Dragon saber|leading|former|followers|possessive particle|personnel|escorting|chariot|particle|directly out|North Gate Then, the two ladies were invited to get into the carriage, and Guan Gong rode on the Red Hare horse, holding the Qinglong knife, leading the old followers to escort the carriage directly out of the north gate. 守門 官 攔住 佢 哋 , 關公 怒目 橫刀 大喝一聲 : 啊 ! gatekeeper|official|blocking|he|plural marker|Guan Gong|glaring|with a horizontal sword|shouted loudly|ah The gatekeeper stopped them, and Guan Gong glared with anger and shouted loudly: Ah! 嚇 到 嗰 班 守門 官避 都 避 唔 切 嘞 。 scare|to|that|group|security||all||||past tense particle The group of gatekeepers were so frightened that they couldn't even avoid it. 出 咗 北門 , 關公 對 啲 隨行人員 話 : 你 哋 護送 車仗 行先 。 go out|past tense marker|North Gate|Guan Gong|to|plural marker|entourage|said|you|plural marker|escort|chariot|go ahead After exiting the North Gate, Guan Gong said to his entourage: "You all go ahead and escort the carriage." 有人 嚟 追 由 我 去 抵擋 , 你 哋 千祈 唔 好 驚動 兩位 夫人 啊 。 someone|come|chase|by|I|go|stop|you|plural marker|absolutely|not|well|disturb|two|ladies|particle If someone comes to chase after me, you must not alarm the two ladies. 噉 嗰 班 人 就 推 住 車 , 跟 住條 大路 快快 噉 行 嘞 。 like this|that|classifier for people|people|then|push|continuous aspect particle|car|follow||main road|quickly|like this|walk|past tense particle So that group of people pushed the carriage and quickly followed the main road.

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