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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 052

而家 講下 孫權 啊 , 佢 有 個 細 佬 叫做 孫翊 , 孫翊 啊 做 丹陽 太守 嘅 。 孫翊 呢 個人 呀 性情 就 暴躁 , 加之 又 好 飲酒 , 一飲醉 咗 酒 呢 就將 啲 士卒 嚟 鞭打 , 確係 好 乞 人 憎 嘅 。 噉 啊 丹陽 有個 督將 叫做 媯覽 , 有個 郡 丞 呀 叫做 戴員 , 媯覽同 戴員 呢 兩個 人 呢 早就 想 殺 孫翊 㗎 喇 。 佢 哋 又 買通 咗 孫翊 一個 隨從人員 啊 叫做 邊洪 , 一齊 夾計 嚟 謀殺 孫翊 喎 。 有 一次 , 丹陽 郡 屬下 所有 嘅 將官 同 縣令 啊 , 都 嚟 到 丹陽 城 聚會 。 呢 一日 , 孫翊 啊 大排 筵席 設宴招待 呢 一班 文武 官員 。 孫翊有 個 老婆 叫做 徐氏 , 生 得 非常 之 美麗 嘅 而且 好 賢惠 , 仲好識 占卦 添 嘅 。 呢 一日 , 徐氏 占 咗 一卦 , 係 大 兇 , 於是 就 勸 孫翊就 唔 好 去 宴客 喇 噉 。 孫翊就 冇 聽 佢 講 , 照樣 同埋 大家 參加 宴會 。 到 咗 夜晚 散席 嘞 , 邊洪 啊 帶 住 把 刀 , 一直 跟 住 孫翊行 出 宴會 大廳 嘅 門口 , 就 掹 刀 嚟 殺死 咗 孫翊 。 嘿嘿 , 惡人 自有 惡人 磨 , 媯覽 、 戴員 呢 兩個 人 啊 , 即刻 就 捉住 邊洪 , 話 佢 係 謀害 主將 , 拉 佢 去 街市 殺頭 示眾 。 噉 啊 殺人滅口 之後 呢 , 呢 兩個 家伙 啊 乘機 搶 晒 孫翊 屋企 嗰 啲 家財 、 侍妾 、 歌女 等等 。 媯覽 見到 徐氏生 得 咁 靚唄 就 起 痰 嘞 。 佢 就 對 徐 氏 話 : 我同 你 丈夫 報 咗 仇 嘞 , 你 又 要 跟 我 啊 , 唔 肯 就 殺 咗 你 ! 徐氏話 喇 : 丈夫 剛剛 死 咗 無耐 , 咁 快 就 跟 咗 你 唔 好 嘅 , 不如 等到 月 尾 晦 日 , 祭完 先夫 除 咗 孝服 , 然後 同 將軍 你 成親 都 唔 遲 吖 。 呵呵 噉 亦 好 啊 , 媯覽 聽 佢 嘅 。 噉 啊 徐氏 氹 掂 咗 媯覽 , 就 暗中 請 咗 兩個 人返 到 屋企 。 邊 兩個 呢 ? 呢 兩個 人 啊 , 乃 係 孫翊 往日 嘅 心腹 軍官 , 名叫 孫高同 傅嬰 。 徐氏 請 咗 佢 哋 兩位 嚟 , 就 流住 眼淚 對 佢 哋 話 喇 : 先夫 在 生 嘅 時候 , 時常 都 講起 兩位 將軍 係 忠義 之 人 。 而家 , 媯覽 、 戴員 兩個 奸賊 , 謀殺 咗 我 嘅 夫君 , 只 係 歸罪於 邊洪 , 又將 我 嘅 家財 、 侍妾 、 歌女 等等 , 全部 搶去 分 咗 。 媯 覽 佢 , 佢 仲 想 強佔 我 嘅 身子 添 啊 。 我 已經 詐諦 應承 咗 佢 , 安 住 佢 嘅 心 先 㗎 喇 。 兩位 將軍 , 請 你 哋 派 人 盡快 去 報告 吳侯 ; 同時 , 請 你 哋 想 個 好 計策 嚟 殺 咗 呢 兩個 奸賊 。 如果 能夠 報仇雪恥 , 真 係 生死 銜恩咯 。 講完 , 徐氏 雙膝 跪 地連氣 叩 咗 兩個 頭 。 孫高 同傅 嬰啪聲 跪 低 , 亦 都 流住 眼淚 噉 話 : 我 哋 平日 都 深深 感激 府君 嘅 恩德 。 今日 所以 留條 命 喺 處 , 淨 係 為 咗 報仇 啫 。 而家 夫人 有 命令 嘞 , 我 哋 一定 誓死 效力 。 噉 佢 哋 辭別 咗 徐氏 夫人 啊 , 即刻 就 派 個 心腹 使者 , 秘密 噉 出發 去 報告 孫權 嘞 。 到 咗 月 尾 晦 日 , 徐氏 預先 請 孫高同 傅嬰 嚟 , 叫 佢 哋 埋伏 喺 密室 嘅 帷幕 裏 便 。 然後 呢 , 喺 大堂 祭奠 亡夫 孫翊 。 祭完 喇 , 除 咗 孝服 , 洗過 身 , 又 用 啲 香 呀 , 熏過 晒 全身 , 濃妝 艷 抹 , 着 起件 靚衫 , 談笑風生 。 媯覽 知道 咗 嗯 歡喜 咯 。 到 咗 夜晚 , 徐氏 叫 個 婢女 去 請 媯覽 嚟 屋企 。 喺 大堂 擺開 筵席 , 請 佢 嚟 飲酒 。 哦 飲 到 醉 昏昏 , 徐氏 就 請 媯覽入 去 密室 嘞 。 媯覽 高興 到 周身 都 鬆 晒 , 借住 啲 酒意 唔 係 入 去 咯 。 一入 到 去 , 徐氏 大 嗌 一聲 : 兩位 將軍 快 啲 出 嚟 ! 孫高同 傅嬰 兩個 揸 住 把 刀 應聲 而出 , 哎呀 媯覽 措手不及 , 畀 傅嬰 一刀 就 斬 到 喺 地 嚟 , 孫高 衝上去 再 加 一刀 , 當堂 攞 佢 條 大 命 。 徐氏定 一定 神 , 又 吩咐 人去 請戴 員 嚟 赴宴 。 戴員 一 嚟 到 , 就 請 佢 入 咗 去 大堂 , 亦 都 畀 孫高 、 傅嬰 兩位 將軍 殺 咗 。 跟 住 呢 , 就 派 人 去 殺 兩個 奸賊 嘅 家屬 同埋 佢 嘅 餘黨 嘞 。 報 咗 仇 喇 , 徐氏 就 再次 着 返 孝服 , 將媯 覽 、 戴員 兩個 家伙 嘅 首級 啊 , 擺 喺 孫 翊 嘅 靈位 前面 嚟 到 祭 佢 。 噉 啊過 咗 好幾日 之後 , 孫權 親自 帶領 兵馬 嚟 到 丹陽 , 見到 徐氏 已經 殺 咗 兩個 奸賊 喇 , 就 封孫高 、 傅嬰 做牙 門將 , 命令 佢 哋 鎮守 丹陽 , 然後 呢 就 接 咗 徐氏 返去 屋企 養老 。 呢 件 事 傳開 出去 呀 , 江東 啲 人 個個 都 稱讚 徐氏 確係 女中丈夫 啊 。 呢 噉 經過 咗 幾年 嘅 努力 啊 , 東吳 各地 嘅 山賊 呢 , 經已 全部 掃平 晒 。 喺 大江 之中 有 戰船 七千 幾隻 , 孫權 呢 就 任命 周瑜 做大 都督 , 總領 江東 嘅 水陸 兵馬 。 到 咗 建安 十二年 冬天 , 孫權 嘅 母親 吳太夫人 病危 , 臨終 嘅 時候 , 召 咗 周瑜 同張 昭 嚟 , 囑咐 佢 哋 話 : 我 , 本來 係 吳人 , 自細 就 死 咗 父母 , 就 同 我 細佬 吳景 , 搬 咗 嚟 越 呢 個 地方 。 後 嚟 , 嫁 咗 孫氏 , 生 咗 四個 仔 。 生大仔 阿 策 嗰 陣 呢 , 我 發夢 , 見到 個 月光 飛入 我 嘅 懷抱 。 後 嚟 , 生二仔 阿權 , 又 發夢個 日頭 , 飛入 懷抱 裏 便 。 占卦 先生 話 喎 , 話 , 發 夢見 到 日月 飛入 懷抱 嘅 呢 , 佢 嘅 仔 啊 , 就 必定 係 大 貴人 㗎 喇 噉 。 唉 ! 點知 , 阿策 就 不幸 早死 。 噉 就將 江東 嘅 基業 , 交 咗 畀 阿權 啦 。 而家 , 希望 你 哋 兩位 呀 , 同心協力 , 嚟 扶助 阿權 。 噉 我 死 咗 喇 , 都 安樂 喇 。 接 住 吳太夫人 呢 又 對 孫權 話 喇 : 你 啊 , 對待 子布 同公謹 啊 , 應該 好似 , 對待 師父 一樣 , 千祈 唔 好 怠慢 啊 吓 。 我 阿妹 , 同 我 一齊 嫁 畀 你 父親 , 佢 亦 係 你 母親 喇 。 我 死 咗 之後 , 你 要 侍奉 佢 , 好似 侍奉 我 噉 至 好 啊 。 仲有 啊 , 你 要 好好 噉 照顧 你 個妹 。 第 日 , 同 佢 搵 個 好 女婿 呀 , 啊 , 你 記住 喇 。 講完 , 吳太夫人 就 死 咗 咯 。 噉 孫權 啊 同 母親 大辦 喪事 , 噉 呢 啲 呢 就 不必 詳細 講喇 。 過 咗 年 , 即 係 建安 十三年 嘅 春天 , 孫權 同 大家 商量 要 去 攻打 黃 祖 。 張昭 就 勸 佢 話 喇 : 太夫人 逝世 未到 一周年 , 唔 好 動兵 啊 。 孫權 就 話 : 報仇雪恨 , 使 乜 等到 居喪 周年 之後 呢 ? 孫權 正在 猶豫未決 嘅 時候 , 把守 龍湫 口 嘅 平北 都尉 呂蒙 嚟 見 孫權 , 話 黃祖部 下 嘅 將領 甘寧 啊 嚟 投降 喇 噉 。 甘寧 啊 點解 會 嚟 投降 呢 ? 有段 古 嘅 。 原來 甘寧 啊 , 字興霸 , 係 巴 郡 臨江 人 。 佢 讀 過 下書 , 就 頗 有 學問 , 就 好 大力 嘅 噃, 平時 就 鍾 意 行俠仗義 。 佢 就 曾經 試過 搵 埋 一班 亡命之徒 , 闖蕩江湖 以 打劫 為生 。 佢 喺 條 腰 處 呢 , 掛住 個 銅鈴 , 啲 人 一 聽見 銅鈴 響 啊 嘿 知道 佢 嚟 喇 , 避 都 避 唔 切 嘅 。 佢 啊 仲 試 過 用 啲 西川 錦 啊 嚟 做 船帆 。 當時 啲 人 都 叫 佢 做 錦 帆 賊 啊 。 收尾 , 佢 又 悔悟 前非 嘞 , 洗手不干 , 帶 埋 嗰 班 手 下去 投奔 劉表 。 但 係 呢 佢 見到 劉表 個人 冇 乜作 為 嘅 , 就 想 轉過 嚟 要 投奔 東吳 嘞 , 點知 呀 畀 黃 祖 將 佢 留住 喺 夏 口 。 噉 啊 前次 東吳 進攻 黃 祖 , 黃 祖 啊 得到 甘寧 奮力 作戰 就 挽救 返夏口 。 本來 甘寧 立 咗 大功 啊 , 就 理應 得到 重賞 至 係 㗎 。 誰知 黃 祖 啊 仲 係 待 得 佢 好 薄 。 有位 都督 叫做 蘇飛 , 佢 又 好 賞識 甘寧 嘅 本事 , 曾經 屢次 向黃祖 啊 推薦 甘寧 。 哈 , 你 估黃祖點 話 呢 佢 話 : 甘寧 係 攔江 打劫 嘅 大 賊 呢 , 點 能夠 重用 㗎 ? 甘寧 知道 咗 就 梗 係 懷恨在心 定 㗎 啦 。 蘇飛 就 知道 甘寧 嘅 心事 , 有 一日 , 佢 喺 屋企 擺酒 嚟 請 甘寧 , 佢 對 甘寧 講 : 我 推薦 過 你好 多次 㗎 , 無奈 主公 總 係 唔 肯 重用 你 。 日子 呀 過得 飛快 呀 , 一 世人 有 得 幾耐 吖 。 你 仲 係 去 第處 罷啦 , 我保 你 去 做 邾 縣 嘅 長官 , 噉 以後 去 邊度 你 就 自己 諗 喇 。 就 係 因為 得到 蘇飛 幫忙 , 甘寧 就 離開 咗 夏口 。 佢 又 想 嚟 江東 投奔 孫權 。 但 係 呢 , 佢 以前 曾經 為 咗 救黃祖 射死 過凌操 。 所以 又 怕 孫權 記仇 就 唔 肯 收留 佢 。 就 搵 到 呂蒙 , 探聽 下 口氣 , 睇 下 嚟 得 唔 嚟 得 噉 。 呂蒙 啊 一 啖 應承 , 呢 一日 , 就 帶 佢 嚟 見 孫權 。 呂蒙 將 甘寧 嘅 情況 啊講 咗 畀 孫權 聽 之後 就 話 嘞 : 我 對 佢 講 , 我話 主公 求賢若渴 , 絕唔 會將 以前 嘅 事 記 喺 心 嚟 嘅 。 何況 當時 係 各為 其主 , 又 有 咩 好 仇恨 嘅 呢 噉 。 所以 , 甘寧 就 好 歡喜 噉 帶 埋 成班 人馬 , 過 咗 江 嚟 求見 主公 , 請 主公 定奪 啦 。 孫權 高興 到 不得了 , 佢 話 : 啊 我 得到 興霸 , 呢 次實 攻破 黃 祖喇 。 快 啲 請 佢 入 嚟 見面 , 快 啲 請 佢 入 嚟 ! 噉 呂蒙 就 帶 甘寧 嚟 到 拜見 孫權 嘞 。 行過禮 , 孫權 就 話 喇 : 興霸 你 嚟 我 呢 處 , 我 求之不得 , 點會話 記仇 呢 ? 請 你 唔 使 懷疑 。 係 嘞 , 點樣 先至 能夠 擊敗 黃 祖 呢 ? 請 你 指教 。 甘寧 話 : 將軍 , 而家 漢朝 嘅 政權 一日 弱過 一日 , 曹操 終歸 會 篡位 , 荊州 呢 啲 地方 , 曹操 必定會 嚟 爭 。 劉表 此人 毫無 遠見 , 佢 個 仔 又 唔 中 用 , 唔 能夠 繼承 佢 嘅 基業 。 所以 , 將軍 你 應該 及早 將 荊州 攞 到手 , 如果 一遲 , 曹操 就會 落手 先 㗎 喇 。 我 認為 將軍 目前 應該 首先 擊敗 黃 祖 。 而家 黃 祖年 老糊塗 , 一味 顧住 搜刮 錢財 , 搞 到 人心 怨恨 。 而且 軍隊 嘅 紀律 極差 , 作戰 用 嘅 船隻 兵器 陳舊 破壞 , 將軍 你 去 攻打 佢 必定 打贏 嘅 。 噉 擊破 咗 黃 祖 之後 , 就 向 西 挺進 , 據守 楚關 再 奪取 巴蜀 , 噉 就 霸業 可成 喇 將軍 。 孫權 聽 咗 甘寧 呢 一番 說話 非常高興 , 佢 話 : 你 所講 嘅 真 係 金石之言 啊 ! 於是 就 命令 周瑜 做大 都督 , 統率 水 陸軍 兵 ; 呂蒙 啊 做 前部 先鋒 ; 董襲 同 甘寧 做 副將 ; 孫權 自己 呢 , 率領 十萬 大軍 去 討伐 黃 祖 嘞 。 呢 頭黃祖 一 接到 孫權 大軍 嚟 攻打 嘅 消息 , 馬上 召開 緊急 軍事 會議 。 命令 蘇飛 做 大將 , 陳 就 、 鄧龍 做 先鋒 , 出盡 江夏 嘅 人馬 嚟 到 迎敵 。 陳 就 、 鄧龍 各人 率領 一隊 戰船 , 截住 沔口 。 戰船 上 便 呢 , 都 佈置 咗 千 幾張 強弓 硬 弩 。 又 用 啲 大纜 將 啲 戰船 固定 喺 水面 上面 嚟 。 好 喇 , 呢 便布 好防 , 嗰 便 東吳 嘅 兵馬 到 嘞 。 噉 啊 江夏 嘅 戰船 上 便 啊 , 一 擂響 戰鼓 , 就 猛 咁 射箭 , 射 到 東吳 啲 軍兵 啊 唔 敢 前進 , 就 逼 得 後退 咗 幾里 水路 。 甘寧 就 同 董襲 話 : 到 咗 噉 嘅 地步 , 唔 前進 唔 得 啊 。 就 挑選 咗 百 幾隻 小船 , 每 隻 小船 用 五十名 精兵 , 二十名 撐船 , 三十名 吖 着 住 鐵甲 , 手執 鋼刀 , 射 啲 箭過 嚟 呀 避 都 唔 避 , 就 噉 樣 一直 逼近 江夏 嘅 戰船 旁邊 。 用刀 斬斷 咗 啲 纜索 , 噉 嗰 啲 大 戰船 咪 打橫 晒 咯 。 甘寧 飛身 一跳 , 上 咗 戰船 , 斬 死 咗 鄧龍 。 陳 就 見到 唔 係 路 嘞 就 棄船 逃跑 嘞 喎 。 呂蒙 見到 啊 立即 跳落 隻 小船 , 親自 搖櫓 , 衝入 船隊 , 放火燒 船 。 陳 就 正話 想 上岸 , 呂蒙 就 唔 要命 咁 追到 嚟 嘞 , 當空 一刀 就 斬 死 咗 佢 。 噉 啊 及至 蘇飛帶 住 兵 由 岸上 趕 嚟 接應 嘅 時候 呢 , 東吳 所有 啲 將領 啊 亦 都 一齊 登陸 喇 。 嘩 , 真 係 勢不可當 啊 ! 黃 祖 嘅 軍隊 啊 輸到 零丁 賴敗 。 蘇飛 啊 落荒而走 啦 , 就 撞 正 東吳 嘅 大將 潘璋 , 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 就 畀 潘璋 生擒 咗 過去 , 押 佢 去 見 孫權 。 孫權 就 叫 人用 囚車 韞 起 佢 , 等 活捉 埋黃祖 喇 , 然後 一齊 處死 噉 。 初 戰大勝 嘞 , 孫權 指揮 三軍 啊 不分 日夜 噉 猛攻 夏口 。 黃 祖 喺 孫權 嘅 大軍 強攻 之下 , 兵敗將亡 , 知道 點都守 唔 住 㗎 嘞 , 就 放棄 江夏 , 向 住 荊州 撤退 嘞 噃。 甘寧 啊 摸准 晒 黃 祖 嘅 心 水 嘅 。 料定 佢 必定 趯 去 荊州 , 就 喺 東門外 便 啊 埋伏 定 人馬 等 佢 。 黃 祖帶 住 幾十個 馬 軍 衝出 咗 東門 。 正 喺 度 行 緊 , 忽然間 一聲 吶喊 , 甘寧 當頭 攔住 去路 。 黃 祖 見到 佢 就 話 喇 : 我 往日 待 你 都 唔 錯 吖 , 點解 今日 要 噉 樣 逼 我 呢 ? 呸 ! 我 以前 喺 江夏 嘅 時候 , 立 咗 咁 多 功勞 , 而 你 呢 , 一直 當我 係 劫 江賊 , 今日 你仲有 咩 嘢 好講 ! 黃 祖 知道 難免 一死 喇 , 但 係 有 得 博仲 係 想博 啊 。 佢 撥 轉馬 就 走 , 甘寧 衝開 啲 士卒 直追 過去 。 追 追下 , 聽見 背後 有 叫喊聲 , 又 有 幾個 人 騎 住 馬 追住 嚟 。 甘寧 望 真下 , 啊 , 原來 係 程普 。 甘寧 又 怕 程普 嚟 到 爭功 , 就 連忙 拈弓 搭 箭 , 一箭 就 射 中黃 祖個 背梅 。 黃 祖 當堂 翻身 舂 咗 落馬 , 甘寧 趕上去 一劍 割 咗 佢 個人 頭 。 收兵 之後 , 就 去 見 孫權 誒 獻 上黃 祖個 首級 。 孫權 即刻 叫 人 啊 用個 木盒 裝住 個人 頭 , 等到 返去 江東 嘅 時候 ,攞 嚟 祭奠 佢 死去 嘅 父親 孫堅 。 大家 都 會 記得 嘞 , 因為 當年 孫堅 同 劉表 打仗 啊 , 喺 峴 山中 咗 埋伏 , 畀 劉表 嘅 軍隊 呢 亂箭 射死 。 所以 今日 殺死 咗 黃 祖 , 就算 係 報 咗 一 啲 仇 嘞 。 噉 攻破 咗 江夏 , 孫權 就 重賞 三軍 , 升 甘寧 啊 做 都尉 。 孫權 又 搵 人 嚟 商量 , 準備 分 兵 鎮守 江夏 。 張昭 勸 佢 話 喇 : 江夏 係 一座 孤城 , 好 難守 嘅 , 不如 返去 江東 先 。 事關 劉表 知道 我 哋 殺 咗 黃 祖 , 必定 要 嚟 報仇 嘅 。 等 佢 嚟 嗰 陣 咯 , 我 哋 以逸待勞 , 實 打敗 佢 嘅 。 一 打敗 咗 劉表 就 趁勢 進攻 , 噉 荊州 、 襄陽 , 就 係 主公 你 㗎 啦 嘛 。 講得 有 道理 呀 吓 , 噉 孫權 就 聽 佢 講 , 放棄 江夏 , 班師 返去 江東 。 而家 講返 下 蘇飛 。 佢 啊 韞 喺 架 囚車 裏 便 嚟 吖 。 佢 就 偷偷 叫 人 去 搵 甘寧 求救 。 甘寧 話 : 就算 蘇飛 唔 出聲 啊 , 我 都 唔 會 忘記 佢 嘅 。 噉 啊當 大軍 返到 吳會 嘞 , 孫權 就 命令 要 殺 蘇飛 。 而且 要 將 佢 嘅 首級 同黃 祖 嘅 首級 啊 , 一齊 嚟 祭 父親 。 甘寧 就 去 見 孫權 , 同蘇飛 求情 。 佢 跪 喺 處 , 喊住 噉 哀求 孫權 話 : 將軍 , 當日 , 如果 唔 係 得到 蘇飛 嚟 救 我 , 我 早就 死 咗 咯 , 仲點 能夠 為 將軍 你 效力 呢 ? 而家 , 蘇飛 有罪 該 斬 , 我 乃 念 佢 往日 嘅 恩情 , 願意 納還 官爵 , 為 蘇飛 贖罪 呀 ! 孫權 話 喇 : 佢 既然 有恩 於 你 , 噉 , 我 就 為 你 而 赦免 佢 啦 。 不過 , 假如 佢 逃跑 咗 又點 呢 ? 將軍 , 蘇飛 得到 赦免 就 感恩戴德 不盡 喇 , 佢 仲 點 肯 逃走 呢 ? 如果 蘇飛 真 係 逃走 , 我 願意 將 自己 嘅 人頭 , 獻 於 將軍 腳下 ! 於是 孫權 就 赦免 咗 蘇飛 , 只 係 用 黃 祖個 首級 嚟 祭奠 佢 父親 唧 。 祭奠 完喇 , 舉行 盛大 嘅 宴會 為 文官 武將 慶功 。 正在 飲得 高興 嘅 時候 , 突然 間 , 喺 席 上 有 個人 啪 聲企 起身 放聲大哭 。 撲 咗 出 嚟 ,掹 出 把 寶劍 揸 住 喺 手 , 直取 甘寧 。 咦 乜 噉 搞 啊 喂 。 甘寧 即刻 起身 , 順手 舉張 椅 隔 住 佢 你 咪 逳 啊 。 孫權 吃 咗 一驚 , 定眼 一 睇 , 啊 ! 原來 嗰 個人 乃 係 凌統 。 為 因 甘寧 啊 喺 江夏 嘅 時候 , 射死 咗 佢 父親 凌操 。 今日 見到 面 嘞 , 所以 就 想 報仇 嘞 。 孫權 見到 噉 樣 , 就 連忙 勸住 凌統 對 佢 話 : 當日 興霸 射死 你 父親 , 嗰 陣 時 係 各 為 其 主 , 唔 到 佢 唔 盡力 嘅 。 而家 既然 係 一家人 喇 , 就 唔 好 再 算 啲 舊 仇 喇 , 萬事 都 睇 在 我 嘅 份 上 啦 。 凌統 喊住 叩頭 話 : 不共戴天 , 之仇 , 我 唔 報 唔 得 , 我 唔 報 唔 得 啊 ! 孫權 同埋 大家 都 再三 勸 佢 。 凌 統一 味碌 大 雙眼 , 惡狠狠 噉 望實 甘寧 。 孫權 諗 下 , 就 想 咗 個 辦法 。 當日 , 宴會 一完 啊 , 就 命令 甘寧 帶 咗 五千 兵 、 一百隻 戰船 去 鎮守 夏口 , 避開 凌統 。 甘寧 拜謝 過 孫權 就 帶兵 出發 嘞 。 之後 呢 , 孫權 又 加封 凌統 做 承烈 都尉 。 噉 凌統 啊 只有 將 仇恨 啊 放 喺 個 肚 嚟 , 就 噉 算數 係 喇 。 從此 之後 呢 , 東吳 就 用 極大 嘅 力量 啊 , 新造 咗 好多 戰船 , 分派 啲 軍隊 , 嚟 把守 長江 沿岸 。 孫權 又 命令 孫靜帶 一支 部隊 鎮守 吳會 。 佢 自己 呢 就 率領 大軍 , 駐 扎 喺 柴 桑 。 柴桑 就 喺 而 家 江西省 嘅 九江市 嘅 西南 便 。 周瑜 呢 , 就 日日 都 喺 鄱陽湖 訓練 水軍 就 準備 戰爭 。 話分 兩頭 , 而家 講下 劉備 。 劉備 就 派 咗 人 去 探聽 江東 消息 吖 。 知道 咗 東吳 啊 已經 打敗 咗 黃 祖 , 而且 殺 咗 佢 嘞 。 而家 東吳 嘅 大軍 , 正在 駐 扎 喺 柴 桑 嚟 。 劉備 就 請 孔明 嚟 研究 下 情況 。 正 喺 度 傾 緊 , 劉表 派 咗 個人 嚟 請 劉備 去 荊州 , 話 有 要 事 商量 噉 話 。 孔明 講 : 實 係 因為 江東 破 咗 黃 祖 , 所以 請 主公 你 去 商量 報仇 嘅 辦法 定 喇 。 等 我 同埋 主公 你 一齊 去 , 見機行事 , 自然 有 好 辦法 嘅 。 劉備 話 好 吖 , 就 留低 關羽 守 新野 , 叫 張飛 啊 帶 五百 人馬 跟 埋 一齊 去 荊州 。 噉 喺 路上 , 劉備 就問 孔明 嘞 : 去 見到 景升 , 該 點樣 對答 呢 吓 ? 關於 襄陽 嘅 事 , 首先 應該 感謝 佢 啊 。 誒 佢 如果 要 主公 你 去 攻打 江東 呢 , 千祈 唔 好 應承 。 就 係 話 要 返去 新野 整頓 軍馬 先 噉 就 得 嘞 。 噉 佢 哋 一路 呢 就 商量 好 晒 嘞 喎 。 去 到 荊州 , 喺 賓館 住落 , 就 留 張飛 喺 城外 駐兵 , 劉備 啊 同 孔明入 去 城裏 便 見 劉表 。 見 咗 面行 過禮 , 劉備 就 企 起身 , 首先 向 劉表 道歉 請罪 。 劉表 就 安慰 佢 話 : 誒 賢弟 受到 陷害 嘅 事 , 我 知道 晒 喇 。 當時 , 我 就 想 斬 咗 蔡 瑁 嘅 頭 , 獻 畀 賢弟 。 不過 大家 同 佢 求情 , 我 就 姑且 寬恕 咗 佢 啦 , 希望 賢弟 你 唔 好 怪罪 咯 。 兄長 , 呢 啲 都 唔 關 蔡將軍 事 , 睇 嚟 都 係 下 便 啲 人 嘅 所 為 而已 唔 。 誒 兄長 今日 叫 小弟 嚟 , 有 咩 嘢 事 呢 ? 而家 江夏 失手 , 黃 祖 遇害 , 故此 請 賢弟 嚟 一齊 商量 下 報復 嘅 辦法 啊 。 兄長 , 黃 祖 嘅 性情 暴躁 , 唔 識 用人 , 所以 招致 噉 嘅 大禍 。 而家 假如 要 興兵 南征 , 噉 萬一 曹操 由北 便 打 嚟 , 又 如何 應付 呢 ? 唉 ! 我而家 年老多病 , 唔 能夠 理事 咯 , 賢弟 你 要 嚟 幫下 我 至 得 啊 , 吓 。 誒 我 死 咗 之後 , 賢弟 你 就 係 荊州 之主 喇 。 哦 ! 兄長 點解 噉 講 啊 ? 諒 小弟 我點 敢 擔當 呢 個 重任 呢 ? 孔明 用 雙眼 望實 劉備 , 劉備 啊當 冇 睇 見 。 佢 對 劉表 話 喇 : 等 小弟 慢慢 諗 個 好 辦法 啦 。 講完 , 就 告辭 劉表 返去 賓館 。 一返 到 去 孔明 就 話 : 先頭 景升 想將 荊州 交 畀 主公 , 點解 主公 你 要 推 咗 佢 呢 ? 劉備 話 : 唉 ! 景升待 我恩禮 並重 , 我 又點 忍心 乘人之危 , 嚟 奪 咗 佢 荊州 吖 ? 哈哈 , 孔明 就 不禁 感 歎 起 嚟 話 喇 : 啊 ! 你 真 係 一位 仁慈 之主 呀 ! 佢 哋 正 喺 度 議論 緊 , 劉琦 公子 嚟 到 見 劉備 嘞 。 劉備 請 佢 入 嚟 , 劉琦 就 流住 眼淚 跪低 行禮 佢 話 : 繼母 不能 相容 , 小侄 嘅 性命 危在旦夕 , 希望 叔父 可憐 , 救下 我 啦 。 呢 啲 係 賢侄 嘅 家事 嚟 , 唔 使問 我 啊 。 孔明 聽見 劉備 噉 樣講 , 眯 眯 嘴 笑 喎 。 劉備 就問 孔明 有 咩 好計 呀 噉 。 孔明 話 : 呢 啲 係 家事 , 我 唔 敢 過問 。 過 咗 一陣 , 劉琦見 毫無結果 就 告辭 返扯 。 劉備 送 佢 出去 嘅 時候 , 細細 聲 噉 同 佢 話 : 聽日 , 我 叫 孔 明代 我 去 回拜 賢侄 。 到 時 , 你 就 如此 如此 , 佢 一定 會教 你 一條 妙計 嘅 。 多謝 叔父 , 多謝 叔父 。 劉琦 告辭 走 咗 嘞 。 第 日 , 劉備 話個 肚痛 , 唔 舒服 , 就 請 孔明 代表 佢 去 回拜 劉琦 。 孔明 應承 咗 就 去 啦 。 去 到劉 琦 嘅 住宅 , 劉琦 就 請 佢 一直 入到 去 後堂 坐落 , 飲過 茶 , 劉琦 就 對 孔明 話 喇 : 先生 , 我 嘅 繼母 對 我 不能 相容 啊 , 請 先生 教個 辦法 救下 我 啦 。 孔明 話 : 我 嚟 呢 處 作客 , 點敢 話 參與 人 哋 骨肉 間 嘅 事情 呢 ? 假如 洩 露出 去 , 就 為 害 不 淺 咯 。 講完 , 孔明 即刻 起身 告辭 嘞 。 劉琦 就 話 喇 : 先生 既然 光臨 咯 , 飲杯 薄酒 坐陣 添 啦 。 噉 劉琦 就 請 孔明入 去 密室 飲酒 。 飲 咗 幾杯 , 劉琦 又 話 喇 : 繼母 唔 容得 我 , 唔 該 先生 同 我 諗 個 辦法 救下 我 啦 。 唔 得 嘅 唔 得 嘅 , 呢 啲 辦法 我 唔 能夠 同 公子 諗 㗎 ! 孔明 講完 喇 , 又 要 告辭 扯 嘞 。 噉 啊 究竟 孔明 有 冇 教到 個 計仔 畀 劉琦 呢 ?

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而家 講下 孫權 啊 , 佢 有 個 細 佬 叫做 孫翊 , 孫翊 啊 做 丹陽 太守 嘅 。 now|let's talk about|Sun Quan|particle|he|has|measure word|small|son|named|Sun Yi|||is|Danyang|governor|possessive particle Now let's talk about Sun Quan. He has a son named Sun Yi, and Sun Yi is the governor of Danyang. 孫翊 呢 個人 呀 性情 就 暴躁 , 加之 又 好 飲酒 , 一飲醉 咗 酒 呢 就將 啲 士卒 嚟 鞭打 , 確係 好 乞 人 憎 嘅 。 Sun Yi|this|person|particle|temperament|just|irritable|in addition|also|very|drink alcohol|once he drinks||alcohol|this||plural marker|soldiers|come|whip|really|very||||particle Sun Yi is a hot-tempered person, and he also drinks a lot. When he gets drunk, he beats the soldiers, which is really detestable. 噉 啊 丹陽 有個 督將 叫做 媯覽 , 有個 郡 丞 呀 叫做 戴員 , 媯覽同 戴員 呢 兩個 人 呢 早就 想 殺 孫翊 㗎 喇 。 then|ah|Danyang|has a|general|named|Guo Lan|has a|county|magistrate|ah|named|Dai Yuan||Dai Yuan|these|two|people|particle|long ago|wanted|to kill|Sun Yi|particle|particle In Danyang, there is a commander named Xie Lan, and there is a county magistrate named Dai Yuan. Xie Lan and Dai Yuan have long wanted to kill Sun Yi. 佢 哋 又 買通 咗 孫翊 一個 隨從人員 啊 叫做 邊洪 , 一齊 夾計 嚟 謀殺 孫翊 喎 。 They|plural marker|again|bribed|past tense marker|Sun Yi|one|subordinate|sentence-final particle|named|Bian Hong|together|colluded|to|murder|Sun Yi|sentence-final particle They also bribed a subordinate of Sun Yi named Bian Hong, and together they plotted to murder Sun Yi. 有 一次 , 丹陽 郡 屬下 所有 嘅 將官 同 縣令 啊 , 都 嚟 到 丹陽 城 聚會 。 there is|one time|Danyang|county|subordinate|all|possessive particle|military officers|and|county magistrate|particle|all|come|to|Danyang|city|gathering Once, all the military officials and county magistrates under Danyang gathered in Danyang City for a meeting. 呢 一日 , 孫翊 啊 大排 筵席 設宴招待 呢 一班 文武 官員 。 this|day|Sun Yi|particle indicating exclamation|grand|banquet|hosted a feast for|this|a group of|civil and military|officials On this day, Sun Yi held a grand banquet to entertain a group of civil and military officials. 孫翊有 個 老婆 叫做 徐氏 , 生 得 非常 之 美麗 嘅 而且 好 賢惠 , 仲好識 占卦 添 嘅 。 |measure word for people|wife|called|Xu|born|to be|very|possessive particle|beautiful|particle indicating possession or description|and also|very|virtuous||divination|additional|particle indicating possession or description Sun Yi had a wife named Xu, who was extremely beautiful and very virtuous, and she was also good at fortune-telling. 呢 一日 , 徐氏 占 咗 一卦 , 係 大 兇 , 於是 就 勸 孫翊就 唔 好 去 宴客 喇 噉 。 this|one day|the Xu family|to divine|past tense marker|a divination|is|great|ominous|so|then|advised||||go|banquet|particle indicating completed action|like that On this day, Xu read a fortune and it was very ominous, so she advised Sun Yi not to attend the banquet. 孫翊就 冇 聽 佢 講 , 照樣 同埋 大家 參加 宴會 。 |didn't|hear|he|speak|still|and|everyone|attend|banquet Sun Yi did not listen to her and went to the banquet as planned. 到 咗 夜晚 散席 嘞 , 邊洪 啊 帶 住 把 刀 , 一直 跟 住 孫翊行 出 宴會 大廳 嘅 門口 , 就 掹 刀 嚟 殺死 咗 孫翊 。 arrive|past tense marker|night|end of the banquet|past action marker|Bian Hong|particle|carry|with|measure word for tools|knife|continuously|follow|with|Sun Yihang|exit|banquet|hall|possessive particle|entrance|then|pull|knife|to|kill|past tense marker|Sun Yi When the banquet ended at night, Bian Hong, armed with a knife, followed Sun Yi out of the banquet hall and killed him. 嘿嘿 , 惡人 自有 惡人 磨 , 媯覽 、 戴員 呢 兩個 人 啊 , 即刻 就 捉住 邊洪 , 話 佢 係 謀害 主將 , 拉 佢 去 街市 殺頭 示眾 。 hee hee|evil person|naturally has|||Guo Lan|Dai Yuan|these|two|people|ah|immediately|then|caught|Bin Hong|said|he|is|conspiracy to murder|commander|take|him|to|market|beheaded|displayed to the public Hehe, evil people have their own evil people to deal with. These two, Yao Lan and Dai Yuan, immediately caught Bian Hong, saying he conspired to harm the commander, and took him to the market to behead him as a public display. 噉 啊 殺人滅口 之後 呢 , 呢 兩個 家伙 啊 乘機 搶 晒 孫翊 屋企 嗰 啲 家財 、 侍妾 、 歌女 等等 。 then|particle|kill to silence|after|these||two|guys|particle|take the opportunity|rob|all|Sun Yi|home|that|plural particle|family property|concubine|singer|etc After killing him to silence him, these two guys took the opportunity to rob all the valuables, concubines, and singers from Sun Yi's house. 媯覽 見到 徐氏生 得 咁 靚唄 就 起 痰 嘞 。 looking at|saw|Xu's student|so|so|pretty|then|produce|phlegm|past tense particle Yao Lan saw that Xu Shi was so beautiful and got excited. 佢 就 對 徐 氏 話 : 我同 你 丈夫 報 咗 仇 嘞 , 你 又 要 跟 我 啊 , 唔 肯 就 殺 咗 你 ! He|then|to|Xu|surname|said||you|husband|take|past tense marker|revenge|completed action marker|you|again|want|to follow|I|ah|not|willing|then|kill|past tense marker|you He said to Xu Shi: I have avenged your husband, now you have to follow me, or I will kill you! 徐氏話 喇 : 丈夫 剛剛 死 咗 無耐 , 咁 快 就 跟 咗 你 唔 好 嘅 , 不如 等到 月 尾 晦 日 , 祭完 先夫 除 咗 孝服 , 然後 同 將軍 你 成親 都 唔 遲 吖 。 Xu's words|particle indicating finality|husband|just|died|past tense marker|not long|so|quickly|then|follow|past tense marker|you|not|good|particle indicating possession|might as well|wait until|month|end|||after the ritual offering|late husband|remove|past tense marker|mourning clothes|then|with|general|you|marry|also|not|late|particle indicating affirmation Xu Shi replied: My husband just died not long ago, it’s not good to follow you so quickly. How about waiting until the end of the month on the day of mourning, after I have honored my late husband and removed my mourning clothes, then I can marry you, General, it won't be too late. 呵呵 噉 亦 好 啊 , 媯覽 聽 佢 嘅 。 haha|then|also|good|particle|review|listen|he|possessive particle Hehe, that's good too, let’s listen to him. 噉 啊 徐氏 氹 掂 咗 媯覽 , 就 暗中 請 咗 兩個 人返 到 屋企 。 then|ah|Xu family|drive|good|past tense marker|sightseeing|then|secretly|invite|past tense marker|two||to|home So, Mr. Xu secretly invited two people back home. 邊 兩個 呢 ? 呢 兩個 人 啊 , 乃 係 孫翊 往日 嘅 心腹 軍官 , 名叫 孫高同 傅嬰 。 which|two|question particle|this|two|people|ah|is|is|Sun Yi|past|possessive particle|trusted|military officer|named|Sun Gaotong|Fu Ying Who are these two? These two people are Sun Yi's trusted military officers from the past, named Sun Gao and Fu Ying. 徐氏 請 咗 佢 哋 兩位 嚟 , 就 流住 眼淚 對 佢 哋 話 喇 : Mr Xu|invited|past tense marker|he|plural marker|two|come|then|flowing|tears|to|he|plural marker|said|sentence-final particle Mr. Xu invited these two gentlemen over and, with tears in his eyes, said to them: 先夫 在 生 嘅 時候 , 時常 都 講起 兩位 將軍 係 忠義 之 人 。 late husband|at|birth|possessive particle|time|often|also|mentioned|two|generals|are|loyalty and righteousness|possessive particle|people When my late husband was alive, he often mentioned that the two generals were loyal and righteous people. 而家 , 媯覽 、 戴員 兩個 奸賊 , 謀殺 咗 我 嘅 夫君 , 只 係 歸罪於 邊洪 , 又將 我 嘅 家財 、 侍妾 、 歌女 等等 , 全部 搶去 分 咗 。 now|Yuen Lam|Dai Yuen|two|scoundrels|murdered|past tense marker|my||husband|only|is|blamed on|Bin Hung||my||family wealth|concubine|singer|etc|all|robbed|divided|past tense marker Right now, the two scoundrels, Lai Lan and Dai Yuen, have murdered my husband, only to blame it on Bian Hong, and have robbed all my family assets, concubines, singers, and so on, dividing everything among themselves. 媯 覽 佢 , 佢 仲 想 強佔 我 嘅 身子 添 啊 。 I|see|he||still|wants|to take by force|me|possessive particle|body|additionally|sentence-final particle Lai Lan, he even wants to forcefully take my body too. 我 已經 詐諦 應承 咗 佢 , 安 住 佢 嘅 心 先 㗎 喇 。 I|already|realized|promised|past tense marker|him|||his||heart|first|sentence-final particle|past action particle I have already deceived him and assured him to calm his heart for now. 兩位 將軍 , 請 你 哋 派 人 盡快 去 報告 吳侯 ; 同時 , 請 你 哋 想 個 好 計策 嚟 殺 咗 呢 兩個 奸賊 。 two|generals|please|||send|person|as soon as possible|go|report|Lord Wu|at the same time|please|||think of|a|good|strategy|to|kill|past tense marker|these|two|traitors Gentlemen, please send someone to report to Lord Wu as soon as possible; at the same time, please come up with a good plan to kill these two scoundrels. 如果 能夠 報仇雪恥 , 真 係 生死 銜恩咯 。 if|can|take revenge and restore honor|really|is|life and death| If we can take revenge and clear our shame, it would truly be a matter of life and death. 講完 , 徐氏 雙膝 跪 地連氣 叩 咗 兩個 頭 。 finished speaking|Mr Xu|both knees|knelt||knocked|past tense marker|two|heads After speaking, Xu knelt on both knees and bowed twice. 孫高 同傅 嬰啪聲 跪 低 , 亦 都 流住 眼淚 噉 話 : Sun Gao||sound of a baby|kneel|down|||flowing|tears|like that|said Sun Gao and Fu Ying also knelt down with a loud sound, and they were in tears saying: 我 哋 平日 都 深深 感激 府君 嘅 恩德 。 ||usually|all|deeply|grateful|Lord|possessive particle|kindness We are deeply grateful for the grace of the Lord on ordinary days. 今日 所以 留條 命 喺 處 , 淨 係 為 咗 報仇 啫 。 today|that's why|leave a|life|at|place|only|is|for|past tense marker|revenge|only Today, we are only alive here to seek revenge. 而家 夫人 有 命令 嘞 , 我 哋 一定 誓死 效力 。 now|lady|has|order|past tense marker|I|plural marker|definitely|swear to die|serve Now that the lady has given an order, we will definitely vow to serve to the death. 噉 佢 哋 辭別 咗 徐氏 夫人 啊 , 即刻 就 派 個 心腹 使者 , 秘密 噉 出發 去 報告 孫權 嘞 。 then|they|plural marker|bid farewell|past tense marker|Xu family|Mrs|sentence-final particle|immediately|then|send|classifier|trusted|messenger|secretly|then|depart|to|report|Sun Quan|past tense marker So they bid farewell to Lady Xu, and immediately sent a trusted messenger to secretly report to Sun Quan. 到 咗 月 尾 晦 日 , 徐氏 預先 請 孫高同 傅嬰 嚟 , 叫 佢 哋 埋伏 喺 密室 嘅 帷幕 裏 便 。 arrive|past tense marker|month|end|||Xu family|in advance|invite||Fu Ying|come|tell|they|plural marker|ambush|at|secret room|possessive particle|curtain|inside|then By the end of the month on the last day, Xu had previously invited Sun Gao and Fu Ying to come, asking them to ambush behind the curtains in the secret chamber. 然後 呢 , 喺 大堂 祭奠 亡夫 孫翊 。 then|question particle|at|lobby|memorial service|deceased husband|Sun Yi Then, in the main hall, they held a memorial for the deceased Sun Yi. 祭完 喇 , 除 咗 孝服 , 洗過 身 , 又 用 啲 香 呀 , 熏過 晒 全身 , 濃妝 艷 抹 , 着 起件 靚衫 , 談笑風生 。 after the ritual|particle indicating completion|take off|past tense marker|mourning clothes|washed|body|again|use|some|incense|particle indicating exclamation|perfumed|completely|whole body|heavy makeup|bright|applied|wearing|putting on|nice shirt|chatting and laughing happily After the memorial, aside from wearing mourning clothes, they washed themselves, used some incense to scent their bodies, applied heavy makeup, and put on beautiful clothes, chatting and laughing. 媯覽 知道 咗 嗯 歡喜 咯 。 browsing|know|past tense marker|hmm|happy|sentence-final particle Gui Lan was pleased to know this. 到 咗 夜晚 , 徐氏 叫 個 婢女 去 請 媯覽 嚟 屋企 。 ||evening|Mr Xu|called|classifier for people|maid|to go|invite|Mr Gui|come|home It was night, and Xu asked a maid to invite Gui Lan to their home. 喺 大堂 擺開 筵席 , 請 佢 嚟 飲酒 。 at|lobby|set up|banquet|invite|him|to come|drink They set up a banquet in the hall and invited her to drink. 哦 飲 到 醉 昏昏 , 徐氏 就 請 媯覽入 去 密室 嘞 。 oh|drink|until|drunk|dazed|Mr Xu|then|invited||go|secret room|past tense particle After drinking to the point of being tipsy, Xu invited Gui Lan into the private room. 媯覽 高興 到 周身 都 鬆 晒 , 借住 啲 酒意 唔 係 入 去 咯 。 enjoying|happy|to|whole body|all|relaxed|completely|relying on|some|alcohol|not|is|in|go|particle indicating completed action Gui Lan was so happy that she felt completely relaxed, and with the help of the alcohol, she didn't hesitate to go in. 一入 到 去 , 徐氏 大 嗌 一聲 : 兩位 將軍 快 啲 出 嚟 ! |||Mr Xu|||loudly|the two|generals|||| As soon as they entered, Xu shouted loudly: "The two generals, come out quickly!" 孫高同 傅嬰 兩個 揸 住 把 刀 應聲 而出 , 哎呀 媯覽 措手不及 , 畀 傅嬰 一刀 就 斬 到 喺 地 嚟 , 孫高 衝上去 再 加 一刀 , 當堂 攞 佢 條 大 命 。 |Fu Ying|the two|wielding|holding|a|knife|in response||oh no|Gui Lan|caught off guard|by|Fu Ying|one slash|then|cut|to|at|ground|come|Sun Gao|rushed up|again|add|one slash|on the spot|took|his|a|big|life Sun Gao and Fu Ying both wielded their knives and struck without hesitation. Oh no, Guo Lan was caught off guard and was immediately slashed to the ground by Fu Ying. Sun Gao rushed up and delivered another blow, taking his life on the spot. 徐氏定 一定 神 , 又 吩咐 人去 請戴 員 嚟 赴宴 。 Xu family|definitely|deity|again|instructed|||member|to come|attend the banquet Xu Shi determinedly commanded someone to invite Dai Yuan to the banquet. 戴員 一 嚟 到 , 就 請 佢 入 咗 去 大堂 , 亦 都 畀 孫高 、 傅嬰 兩位 將軍 殺 咗 。 the attendant|one|come|arrived|then|invited|him|enter|past tense marker|to|lobby|also|all|by|Sun Gao|Fu Ying|two|generals|kill|past tense marker As soon as Dai Yuan arrived, he was invited into the main hall, where he was also killed by Generals Sun Gao and Fu Ying. 跟 住 呢 , 就 派 人 去 殺 兩個 奸賊 嘅 家屬 同埋 佢 嘅 餘黨 嘞 。 ||question particle|then|send|people|to|kill|two|thieves|possessive particle|family members|and|he|possessive particle|accomplices|sentence-final particle Following that, people were sent to kill the families of the two traitors and their remaining supporters. 報 咗 仇 喇 , 徐氏 就 再次 着 返 孝服 , 將媯 覽 、 戴員 兩個 家伙 嘅 首級 啊 , 擺 喺 孫 翊 嘅 靈位 前面 嚟 到 祭 佢 。 report|past tense marker|revenge|completed action particle|Xu family|then|again|wear|return|mourning clothes||Lan||two|guys|possessive particle|heads|exclamatory particle|place|at|Sun|Yi|possessive particle|spirit tablet|in front of|come|to|worship|him Having avenged the grudge, Xu Shi put on mourning clothes again and placed the heads of Guo Lan and Dai Yuan in front of Sun Yi's spirit tablet to pay respects. 噉 啊過 咗 好幾日 之後 , 孫權 親自 帶領 兵馬 嚟 到 丹陽 , 見到 徐氏 已經 殺 咗 兩個 奸賊 喇 , 就 封孫高 、 傅嬰 做牙 門將 , 命令 佢 哋 鎮守 丹陽 , 然後 呢 就 接 咗 徐氏 返去 屋企 養老 。 then|after|past tense marker|several days|later|Sun Quan|personally|led|troops|come|to|Danyang|saw|Xu family|already|killed|past tense marker|two|traitors|sentence-final particle|then||Fu Ying||gate general|ordered|they|plural marker|to garrison|Danyang|then|this|then|took|past tense marker|Xu family|back to|home|live out their old age After several days, Sun Quan personally led his troops to Danyang. Upon seeing that the Xu family had already killed two traitors, he appointed Sun Gao and Fu Ying as the gate generals, ordering them to guard Danyang. He then took Xu back home to enjoy her old age. 呢 件 事 傳開 出去 呀 , 江東 啲 人 個個 都 稱讚 徐氏 確係 女中丈夫 啊 。 this|classifier for events|matter|spread|outside|particle|Jiangdong|plural marker|people|everyone|all|praise|Xu family|really is|outstanding person among women|particle This matter spread, and everyone in Jiangdong praised Xu as indeed a woman of great virtue. 呢 噉 經過 咗 幾年 嘅 努力 啊 , 東吳 各地 嘅 山賊 呢 , 經已 全部 掃平 晒 。 this|like this|after|past tense marker|several years|possessive particle|effort|sentence-final particle|Eastern Wu|all places|possessive particle|bandits|this|already|all|eliminated|completely After several years of effort, all the mountain bandits in Eastern Wu had been completely eliminated. 喺 大江 之中 有 戰船 七千 幾隻 , 孫權 呢 就 任命 周瑜 做大 都督 , 總領 江東 嘅 水陸 兵馬 。 in|the Yangtze River|among|there are|warships|seven thousand|or so|Sun Quan|this|then|appointed|Zhou Yu||commander|overall commander|Jiangdong|possessive particle|water and land|troops In the Yangtze River, there were over seven thousand warships, and Sun Quan appointed Zhou Yu as the Grand General, overseeing the land and naval forces of Jiangdong. 到 咗 建安 十二年 冬天 , 孫權 嘅 母親 吳太夫人 病危 , 臨終 嘅 時候 , 召 咗 周瑜 同張 昭 嚟 , 囑咐 佢 哋 話 : arrive|past tense marker|Jian'an||winter|Sun Quan|possessive particle|mother|Lady Wu|critically ill|at the time of death|possessive particle|time|summon|past tense marker|Zhou Yu||Zhao|come|instructed|they|plural marker|to say By the winter of the twelfth year of Jian'an, Sun Quan's mother, Lady Wu, was critically ill. On her deathbed, she summoned Zhou Yu and Zhang Zhao, instructing them to say: 我 , 本來 係 吳人 , 自細 就 死 咗 父母 , 就 同 我 細佬 吳景 , 搬 咗 嚟 越 呢 個 地方 。 I|originally|am|a person from the Ng family|since I was young|then|died|past tense marker|parents|then|with|I|younger brother|Ng Jing|moved|past tense marker|to|Vietnam|this|classifier|place I was originally from Wu, and since I was young, my parents passed away, so I moved here to Vietnam with my younger brother Wu Jing. 後 嚟 , 嫁 咗 孫氏 , 生 咗 四個 仔 。 ||||Mr Sun|||four|sons Later, I married a Sun and had four sons. 生大仔 阿 策 嗰 陣 呢 , 我 發夢 , 見到 個 月光 飛入 我 嘅 懷抱 。 give birth to a son|a particle indicating a question|name|that|time|particle indicating a question|I|dreamt|saw|the|moonlight|flying into|my|possessive particle|embrace When I gave birth to my eldest son A Ce, I had a dream where I saw the moonlight flying into my arms. 後 嚟 , 生二仔 阿權 , 又 發夢個 日頭 , 飛入 懷抱 裏 便 。 |||Ah Kuen|again||daytime|flew into|embrace|inside|then Later, when I gave birth to my second son A Quan, I also had a dream where the sun flew into my arms. 占卦 先生 話 喎 , 話 , 發 夢見 到 日月 飛入 懷抱 嘅 呢 , 佢 嘅 仔 啊 , 就 必定 係 大 貴人 㗎 喇 噉 。 fortune telling|sir|said|particle indicating realization|said|to have|dream|arrive|sun and moon|flying into|embrace|possessive particle|question particle|he|possessive particle|son|particle indicating surprise|then|definitely|is|great|benefactor|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action|like that The fortune teller said that if you dream of the sun and moon flying into your arms, then your child will definitely be a great person. 唉 ! 點知 , 阿策 就 不幸 早死 。 sigh|unexpectedly|Ah Chit|then|unfortunately|died young Alas! Who would have thought that Ah Chek would unfortunately die young. 噉 就將 江東 嘅 基業 , 交 咗 畀 阿權 啦 。 then||Jiangdong|possessive particle|foundation|hand over|past tense marker|to|Ah Kuen|final particle So, the foundation of Jiangdong was handed over to Ah Kwan. 而家 , 希望 你 哋 兩位 呀 , 同心協力 , 嚟 扶助 阿權 。 now|hope|you|plural marker|both of you|particle|work together|come|assist|Ah Kuen Now, I hope both of you can work together to support Ah Kwan. 噉 我 死 咗 喇 , 都 安樂 喇 。 like this|I|die|past tense marker|completed action particle|also|peaceful|completed action particle If I die, I will be at peace. 接 住 吳太夫人 呢 又 對 孫權 話 喇 : pick up|continuous aspect particle|Mrs Wu|question particle|again|to|Sun Quan|said|completed action particle Then, Madam Wu also said to Sun Quan: 你 啊 , 對待 子布 同公謹 啊 , 應該 好似 , 對待 師父 一樣 , 千祈 唔 好 怠慢 啊 吓 。 you|particle|treat|Zibu||particle|should|like|treat|master|the same|absolutely|not|well|neglect|particle|particle You should treat your younger brother and sister with the same respect as you would treat your master, and definitely do not neglect them. 我 阿妹 , 同 我 一齊 嫁 畀 你 父親 , 佢 亦 係 你 母親 喇 。 I|younger sister|with|I|together|marry|to|your|father|she|also|is|your|mother|sentence-final particle My younger sister, along with me, married your father, and she is also your mother. 我 死 咗 之後 , 你 要 侍奉 佢 , 好似 侍奉 我 噉 至 好 啊 。 I|||after|you|must|serve|him|like|serve|me|like|||particle After I die, you must serve her just as you would serve me. 仲有 啊 , 你 要 好好 噉 照顧 你 個妹 。 also|ah|you|must|well|like this|take care of|your| Also, you need to take good care of your sister. 第 日 , 同 佢 搵 個 好 女婿 呀 , 啊 , 你 記住 喇 。 the|day|with|him|find|a|good|son-in-law|particle|particle|you|remember|particle In the future, find a good son-in-law for her, remember that. 講完 , 吳太夫人 就 死 咗 咯 。 after finishing speaking|Mrs Ng|then|||particle indicating completed action After speaking, Lady Wu passed away. 噉 孫權 啊 同 母親 大辦 喪事 , 噉 呢 啲 呢 就 不必 詳細 講喇 。 then|Sun Quan|ah|with|mother|grandly arranged|funeral|then|this|plural marker|this|then|not necessary|in detail|to talk about it So, Sun Quan and his mother held a grand funeral, and there is no need to go into detail about that. 過 咗 年 , 即 係 建安 十三年 嘅 春天 , 孫權 同 大家 商量 要 去 攻打 黃 祖 。 past|completed action particle|year|that is|is|Jian'an||possessive particle|spring|Sun Quan|with|everyone|discussed|want|to|attack|Huang|Zu A year later, in the spring of the thirteenth year of Jian'an, Sun Quan discussed with everyone about attacking Huang Zu. 張昭 就 勸 佢 話 喇 : 太夫人 逝世 未到 一周年 , 唔 好 動兵 啊 。 Zhang Zhao|then|advised|him|said|particle indicating completed action|the late wife|passed away|not yet reached|one year anniversary|||take military action|particle indicating exclamation Zhang Zhao advised him, saying: The matriarch has not yet been gone for a year, it is not good to mobilize troops. 孫權 就 話 : 報仇雪恨 , 使 乜 等到 居喪 周年 之後 呢 ? Sun Quan|then|said|avenge and settle old scores|why|what|wait until|mourning|anniversary|after|question particle Sun Quan replied: For revenge, why wait until the anniversary of mourning? 孫權 正在 猶豫未決 嘅 時候 , 把守 龍湫 口 嘅 平北 都尉 呂蒙 嚟 見 孫權 , 話 黃祖部 下 嘅 將領 甘寧 啊 嚟 投降 喇 噉 。 Sun Quan|is currently|hesitating|possessive particle|time||Longqiao|pass|possessive particle|Pingbei|commander|Lu Meng|came|to see|Sun Quan|said||under|possessive particle|general|Gan Ning|(exclamatory particle)|came|surrender|(particle indicating completed action)|like this Sun Quan was hesitating when Lü Meng, the Pingbei commander guarding Longqiao, came to see him and said that Gan Ning, a general under Huang Zu, was coming to surrender. 甘寧 啊 點解 會 嚟 投降 呢 ? 有段 古 嘅 。 Gan Ning|ah|why|would|come|surrender|question particle||ancient|possessive particle Why would Gan Ning come to surrender? There is a backstory. 原來 甘寧 啊 , 字興霸 , 係 巴 郡 臨江 人 。 it turns out|Gan Ning|ah||is|||Linjiang|person It turns out that Gan Ning, whose courtesy name was Xingba, was from Linjiang in Ba Commandery. 佢 讀 過 下書 , 就 頗 有 學問 , 就 好 大力 嘅 噃, 平時 就 鍾 意 行俠仗義 。 he|read|past tense marker||then|quite|has|knowledge|then|very|strong|possessive particle||usually|then|||being chivalrous He had read some books and was quite knowledgeable, and he was very strong, often enjoying acts of chivalry. 佢 就 曾經 試過 搵 埋 一班 亡命之徒 , 闖蕩江湖 以 打劫 為生 。 He|then|once|tried|to find|together|a group of|outlaws||by|robbery| He had once gathered a group of outlaws to roam the rivers and lakes, making a living by robbing. 佢 喺 條 腰 處 呢 , 掛住 個 銅鈴 , 啲 人 一 聽見 銅鈴 響 啊 嘿 知道 佢 嚟 喇 , 避 都 避 唔 切 嘅 。 He|at|measure word for long objects|waist|location|here|hanging|measure word for objects|bell|plural marker|people|one|hear|bell|sound|ah|hey|know|he|coming|particle indicating action completion|avoid|also||||particle indicating possession or emphasis He has a copper bell hanging at his waist, and when people hear the bell ringing, they know he is coming, and they can't avoid him. 佢 啊 仲 試 過 用 啲 西川 錦 啊 嚟 做 船帆 。 he|particle|still|||using|some|Xichuan|brocade|particle|to|make|sail He even tried using some Xichuan brocade to make sails. 當時 啲 人 都 叫 佢 做 錦 帆 賊 啊 。 at that time|plural marker|people|all|called|he|to be|||pirate|sentence-final particle At that time, people called him the brocade sail thief. 收尾 , 佢 又 悔悟 前非 嘞 , 洗手不干 , 帶 埋 嗰 班 手 下去 投奔 劉表 。 wrap up|he|again|realized|past mistakes|past tense marker|wash his hands of it|take|along|that|group|||defect to|Liu Biao In the end, he regretted his past misdeeds, washed his hands of it, and took his subordinates to seek refuge with Liu Biao. 但 係 呢 佢 見到 劉表 個人 冇 乜作 為 嘅 , 就 想 轉過 嚟 要 投奔 東吳 嘞 , 點知 呀 畀 黃 祖 將 佢 留住 喺 夏 口 。 ||this|he|saw|Liu Biao|person|not|||possessive particle|then|wanted|||to|seek refuge|Eastern Wu|particle indicating completed action|unexpectedly|particle indicating surprise|by|||to keep|him|to keep|at|| However, when he saw that Liu Biao was not very capable, he wanted to switch and seek refuge with Eastern Wu, but unexpectedly, he was kept by Huang Zu at Xiakou. 噉 啊 前次 東吳 進攻 黃 祖 , 黃 祖 啊 得到 甘寧 奮力 作戰 就 挽救 返夏口 。 then|particle|last time|Eastern Wu|attacked|||||||Gan Ning|desperately|fought|then|saved| So, last time when Dong Wu attacked Huang Zu, Huang Zu was saved by Gan Ning's hard work in battle, which helped to rescue Xia Kou. 本來 甘寧 立 咗 大功 啊 , 就 理應 得到 重賞 至 係 㗎 。 originally|Gan Ning|achieved|past tense marker|great merit|sentence-final particle|then|should|receive|heavy reward|only|is|sentence-final particle Originally, Gan Ning had made a great contribution, so he should have received a significant reward. 誰知 黃 祖 啊 仲 係 待 得 佢 好 薄 。 who knew|Wong|ancestor|ah|still|is|waiting|for|him|very|thin Who would have thought that Huang Zu still treated him very poorly. 有位 都督 叫做 蘇飛 , 佢 又 好 賞識 甘寧 嘅 本事 , 曾經 屢次 向黃祖 啊 推薦 甘寧 。 there is|governor|named|Su Fei|he|also|very|appreciates|Gan Ning|possessive particle|ability|once|repeatedly||ah|recommended|Gan Ning There was a general named Su Fei, who greatly appreciated Gan Ning's abilities and had repeatedly recommended him to Huang Zu. 哈 , 你 估黃祖點 話 呢 佢 話 : Ha|you||to say|this|he|said Ha, can you guess what Huang Zu said? He said: 甘寧 係 攔江 打劫 嘅 大 賊 呢 , 點 能夠 重用 㗎 ? Gan Ning|is|river crossing|robbery|possessive particle|big|thief|question particle|how|able to|reuse|particle indicating certainty Gan Ning is a notorious bandit who robs along the river, how can he be reused? 甘寧 知道 咗 就 梗 係 懷恨在心 定 㗎 啦 。 Gan Ning|knows|past tense marker|then|||harboring resentment|surely|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle Gan Ning must be harboring resentment after finding out. 蘇飛 就 知道 甘寧 嘅 心事 , 有 一日 , 佢 喺 屋企 擺酒 嚟 請 甘寧 , 佢 對 甘寧 講 : Su Fei|then|knew|Gan Ning|possessive particle|worries|there is|one day|he|at|home||come|invite|Gan Ning|he|to|Gan Ning|said Su Fei knows Gan Ning's thoughts, one day, he hosted a banquet at home to invite Gan Ning, and he said to Gan Ning: 我 推薦 過 你好 多次 㗎 , 無奈 主公 總 係 唔 肯 重用 你 。 I|recommend|past tense marker|you|many times|sentence-final particle|unfortunately|lord|always|is|not|willing|reuse|you I have recommended you many times, but unfortunately, the lord is always unwilling to reuse you. 日子 呀 過得 飛快 呀 , 一 世人 有 得 幾耐 吖 。 days|particle|live|very fast|particle|one|lifetime|has|get|how long|particle Time flies, how long does a person have in a lifetime? 你 仲 係 去 第處 罷啦 , 我保 你 去 做 邾 縣 嘅 長官 , 噉 以後 去 邊度 你 就 自己 諗 喇 。 you|still|are|go|where|stop it||you|go|be|Zhu|county|possessive particle|governor|then|in the future|go|where|you|then|yourself|think|final particle You should just go somewhere else, I guarantee you will become the governor of Zhuxian, then you can think for yourself where to go next. 就 係 因為 得到 蘇飛 幫忙 , 甘寧 就 離開 咗 夏口 。 then||||||||left|past tense marker|Xiakou It was because he received help from Su Fei that Gan Ning left Xiakou. 佢 又 想 嚟 江東 投奔 孫權 。 he|again|wants|to come|Jiangdong|seek refuge|Sun Quan He also wanted to go to Jiangdong to seek refuge with Sun Quan. 但 係 呢 , 佢 以前 曾經 為 咗 救黃祖 射死 過凌操 。 ||this|he|previously|once|for|past tense marker|save Wong Cho|shot dead| However, he had previously killed Ling Cao to save Huang Zu. 所以 又 怕 孫權 記仇 就 唔 肯 收留 佢 。 so|again|afraid|Sun Quan|hold a grudge|then|not|willing|take in|him So he was afraid that Sun Quan would hold a grudge and would not take him in. 就 搵 到 呂蒙 , 探聽 下 口氣 , 睇 下 嚟 得 唔 嚟 得 噉 。 then|||Lu Meng|inquire|about|tone|||||not|||like that So I found Lu Meng, to inquire about the situation and see if he could come. 呂蒙 啊 一 啖 應承 , 呢 一日 , 就 帶 佢 嚟 見 孫權 。 Lu Meng|ah|one|bite|promised|this|one day|then|brought|him|here|to meet|Sun Quan Lu Meng readily agreed, and on that day, he brought him to meet Sun Quan. 呂蒙 將 甘寧 嘅 情況 啊講 咗 畀 孫權 聽 之後 就 話 嘞 : Lu Meng|will|Gan Ning|possessive particle|situation||past tense marker|to|Sun Quan|heard|after|then|said|particle After Lu Meng explained Gan Ning's situation to Sun Quan, he said: 我 對 佢 講 , 我話 主公 求賢若渴 , 絕唔 會將 以前 嘅 事 記 喺 心 嚟 嘅 。 I|to|him|said|I said|Lord|eager to seek talent|absolutely not||past|possessive particle|matters|remember|in|heart|come|possessive particle I told him, I said that the lord is eager for talent and will definitely not hold past matters against him. 何況 當時 係 各為 其主 , 又 有 咩 好 仇恨 嘅 呢 噉 。 moreover|at that time|was|each for|their own interests|again|have|what|much|hatred|possessive particle|question particle|like this Moreover, at that time, everyone was serving their own lord, so what hatred could there be? 所以 , 甘寧 就 好 歡喜 噉 帶 埋 成班 人馬 , 過 咗 江 嚟 求見 主公 , 請 主公 定奪 啦 。 so|Gan Ning|then|very|happy|like this|bring|along|whole group|troops|cross|past tense marker|river|come|request an audience|lord|please|lord|make a decision|sentence-final particle So, Gan Ning happily brought along his group of people to cross the river to meet the lord, asking the lord to make a decision. 孫權 高興 到 不得了 , 佢 話 : 啊 我 得到 興霸 , 呢 次實 攻破 黃 祖喇 。 Sun Quan|happy|to|extremely|he|said|ah|I|obtained|Xingba|this||defeated|Huang|Zula Sun Quan was extremely happy, saying: "Ah, I have gained Xing Ba, this time I will definitely defeat Huang Zu!" 快 啲 請 佢 入 嚟 見面 , 快 啲 請 佢 入 嚟 ! ||please|he|||meet|||please|he|| Quickly invite him in to meet, quickly invite him in! 噉 呂蒙 就 帶 甘寧 嚟 到 拜見 孫權 嘞 。 then|Lu Meng|then|brought|Gan Ning|here|to|pay respects to|Sun Quan|past action particle Then Lu Meng brought Gan Ning to pay respects to Sun Quan. 行過禮 , 孫權 就 話 喇 : after exchanging greetings|Sun Quan|then|said|particle indicating completion or change of state After exchanging greetings, Sun Quan said: 興霸 你 嚟 我 呢 處 , 我 求之不得 , 點會話 記仇 呢 ? 請 你 唔 使 懷疑 。 Xing Ba|you|come|I|this|place|I|cannot ask for more|how could|hold a grudge|this|please|you|not|need|doubt Xing Ba, you come to me here, I have been longing for this, how could I hold a grudge? Please do not doubt. 係 嘞 , 點樣 先至 能夠 擊敗 黃 祖 呢 ? 請 你 指教 。 ||how|only then|able to|defeat|||question particle|please|you|advise Yes, how can we defeat Huang Zu? Please give me your advice. 甘寧 話 : Gan Ning|said Gan Ning said: 將軍 , 而家 漢朝 嘅 政權 一日 弱過 一日 , 曹操 終歸 會 篡位 , 荊州 呢 啲 地方 , 曹操 必定會 嚟 爭 。 general|now|Han Dynasty|possessive particle|regime|one day|weaker than|one day|Cao Cao|eventually|will|usurp the throne|Jingzhou|these|plural particle|regions|Cao Cao||come|fight General, the power of the Han Dynasty is weakening day by day, Cao Cao will eventually usurp the throne, and he will definitely come to fight for places like Jingzhou. 劉表 此人 毫無 遠見 , 佢 個 仔 又 唔 中 用 , 唔 能夠 繼承 佢 嘅 基業 。 Liu Biao|this person|without|foresight|he|possessive particle|son|also|not|capable|useful|not|able to|inherit|his|possessive particle|family business Liu Biao is a person with no foresight, and his son is useless, unable to inherit his legacy. 所以 , 將軍 你 應該 及早 將 荊州 攞 到手 , 如果 一遲 , 曹操 就會 落手 先 㗎 喇 。 so|general|you|should|as soon as possible|take|Jingzhou|get|in hand|if|one delay|Cao Cao|will|take action|first|particle|particle So, General, you should take Jingzhou as soon as possible. If you delay, Cao Cao will take action first. 我 認為 將軍 目前 應該 首先 擊敗 黃 祖 。 I|believe|general|currently|should|first|defeat|Huang|Zu I believe the General should first defeat Huang Zu. 而家 黃 祖年 老糊塗 , 一味 顧住 搜刮 錢財 , 搞 到 人心 怨恨 。 now|Wong|Chun-nin|is old and confused|only|focused on|extorting|wealth|||people's hearts|resentment Right now, Huang Zu is old and confused, only focused on extorting wealth, causing resentment among the people. 而且 軍隊 嘅 紀律 極差 , 作戰 用 嘅 船隻 兵器 陳舊 破壞 , 將軍 你 去 攻打 佢 必定 打贏 嘅 。 moreover|army|possessive particle|discipline|extremely poor|combat|used|possessive particle|ships|weapons|old|damaged|general|you|go|attack|him|definitely|win|possessive particle Moreover, the discipline of the army is extremely poor, and the ships and weapons used for battle are old and damaged. General, if you attack him, you will definitely win. 噉 擊破 咗 黃 祖 之後 , 就 向 西 挺進 , 據守 楚關 再 奪取 巴蜀 , 噉 就 霸業 可成 喇 將軍 。 then|defeat|past tense marker|Huang|Zu|after|then|towards|west|advance|garrison|Chuguan|again|capture|Bashu|then|then|hegemony||final particle|general After defeating Huang Zu, advance westward, secure Chuguan, and then take Bashu. This way, the foundation for your dominance can be established, General. 孫權 聽 咗 甘寧 呢 一番 說話 非常高興 , 佢 話 : Sun Quan|heard|past tense marker|Gan Ning|this|one round|speech||he|said Sun Quan was very pleased to hear Gan Ning's words. 你 所講 嘅 真 係 金石之言 啊 ! you|what you said|possessive particle|really|is|words of wisdom|sentence-final particle What you said is truly words of gold and stone! 於是 就 命令 周瑜 做大 都督 , 統率 水 陸軍 兵 ; then|immediately|ordered|Zhou Yu||commander|to command|naval|army|soldiers So he ordered Zhou Yu to be the Grand Commander, leading the naval and land forces; 呂蒙 啊 做 前部 先鋒 ; 董襲 同 甘寧 做 副將 ; Lu Meng|ah|be|front|vanguard|Dong Xi|and|Gan Ning|be|deputy general Lu Meng would be the vanguard; Dong Xi and Gan Ning would be the deputy generals; 孫權 自己 呢 , 率領 十萬 大軍 去 討伐 黃 祖 嘞 。 Sun Quan|himself|question particle|led|one hundred thousand|army|to|attack|Huang|Zu|past action particle As for Sun Quan himself, he led a hundred thousand troops to attack Huang Zu. 呢 頭黃祖 一 接到 孫權 大軍 嚟 攻打 嘅 消息 , 馬上 召開 緊急 軍事 會議 。 this||one|received|Sun Quan|large army|coming|attack|possessive particle|news|immediately|convened|emergency|military|meeting When Huang Zu received the news that Sun Quan's army was coming to attack, he immediately convened an emergency military meeting. 命令 蘇飛 做 大將 , 陳 就 、 鄧龍 做 先鋒 , 出盡 江夏 嘅 人馬 嚟 到 迎敵 。 order|Su Fei|to be|general|Chen|then|Deng Long|to be|vanguard|exhaustively deploy|Jiangxia|possessive particle|troops|come|arrive|to confront the enemy He ordered Su Fei to be the general, and Chen Jiu and Deng Long to be the vanguards, to mobilize all the troops from Jiangxia to confront the enemy. 陳 就 、 鄧龍 各人 率領 一隊 戰船 , 截住 沔口 。 Chan|then|Deng Long|each person|led|a team|warships|block|Miankou Chen Jiu and Deng Long each led a fleet of warships to block the entrance at Mian. 戰船 上 便 呢 , 都 佈置 咗 千 幾張 強弓 硬 弩 。 warship|on|then|question particle|all|arranged|past tense marker|thousand||strong bows|hard|crossbows On the warships, they had set up over a thousand strong bows and crossbows. 又 用 啲 大纜 將 啲 戰船 固定 喺 水面 上面 嚟 。 again|use|plural marker|big rope|to take|plural marker|warships|secure|at|water surface|on|come They also used large cables to secure the warships on the water surface. 好 喇 , 呢 便布 好防 , 嗰 便 東吳 嘅 兵馬 到 嘞 。 good|particle indicating completed action|this|cloth|very durable|that|cloth|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|soldiers and horses|arrive|particle indicating completed action Alright, this cloth is well-defended, and the troops from Eastern Wu are coming. 噉 啊 江夏 嘅 戰船 上 便 啊 , 一 擂響 戰鼓 , 就 猛 咁 射箭 , 射 到 東吳 啲 軍兵 啊 唔 敢 前進 , 就 逼 得 後退 咗 幾里 水路 。 like this|particle|Jiangxia|possessive particle|warship|on|then|particle|one|sounded|war drum|then|fiercely|so|shoot arrows|shoot|to|Eastern Wu|plural marker|soldiers|particle|not|dare|advance|then|||retreat|past tense marker|several miles|waterway So, on the warships of Jiangxia, as soon as the war drums sounded, they fiercely shot arrows, causing the soldiers of Eastern Wu to not dare to advance, forcing them to retreat several miles on the water. 甘寧 就 同 董襲 話 : Gan Ning|then|with|Dong Xi|said Gan Ning then said to Dong Xi: 到 咗 噉 嘅 地步 , 唔 前進 唔 得 啊 。 reach|past tense marker|like this|possessive particle|situation|not|progress|not|possible|sentence-final particle At this point, we cannot afford to not advance. 就 挑選 咗 百 幾隻 小船 , 每 隻 小船 用 五十名 精兵 , 二十名 撐船 , 三十名 吖 着 住 鐵甲 , 手執 鋼刀 , 射 啲 箭過 嚟 呀 避 都 唔 避 , 就 噉 樣 一直 逼近 江夏 嘅 戰船 旁邊 。 then|selected|past tense marker|hundred|more than a few|small boats|each|measure word for boats|small boat|used|fifty|elite soldiers|twenty|rowers|thirty|auxiliary particle|||armor|holding|steel sword|shoot|plural marker||come|particle|avoid|all|not|avoid|just|like this|manner|continuously|approaching|Jiangxia|possessive particle|warships|beside So they selected over a hundred small boats, with fifty elite soldiers on each boat, twenty for rowing, and thirty wearing armor, wielding steel knives, shooting arrows without even dodging, and they continued to approach the warships of Jiangxia. 用刀 斬斷 咗 啲 纜索 , 噉 嗰 啲 大 戰船 咪 打橫 晒 咯 。 with a knife|cut|past tense marker|plural marker|cables|then|those|plural marker|big|warships|should|move sideways|completely|sentence-final particle Used a knife to cut the cables, and then those big warships were all turned sideways. 甘寧 飛身 一跳 , 上 咗 戰船 , 斬 死 咗 鄧龍 。 Gan Ning|leaped|with one jump|boarded|past tense marker|warship|slashed|killed|past tense marker|Deng Long Gan Ning jumped onto the warship and killed Deng Long. 陳 就 見到 唔 係 路 嘞 就 棄船 逃跑 嘞 喎 。 Chan|then|saw|not|is|road|past tense marker|then|abandon ship|escape|past tense marker|sentence-final particle Chen saw that it was not a path and abandoned the ship to escape. 呂蒙 見到 啊 立即 跳落 隻 小船 , 親自 搖櫓 , 衝入 船隊 , 放火燒 船 。 Lu Meng|saw|ah|immediately|jumped into|a (measure word)|small boat|personally|rowed|charged into|fleet|set on fire|ship Lü Meng saw this and immediately jumped onto a small boat, personally rowing, charging into the fleet, and set the ships on fire. 陳 就 正話 想 上岸 , 呂蒙 就 唔 要命 咁 追到 嚟 嘞 , 當空 一刀 就 斬 死 咗 佢 。 Chen|then|was just saying|wanted|to go ashore|Lu Meng|then|not|life-threatening|so|chased|here|past tense particle||one strike|then|cut|kill|past tense particle|him Chen was just saying he wanted to go ashore, but Lü Meng chased after him recklessly and killed him with a single strike. 噉 啊 及至 蘇飛帶 住 兵 由 岸上 趕 嚟 接應 嘅 時候 呢 , 東吳 所有 啲 將領 啊 亦 都 一齊 登陸 喇 。 then|particle|by the time||carrying|troops|from|on land|rush|come|support|possessive particle|time|particle|Eastern Wu|all|particle|generals|particle|also|all|together|land|particle So, when Su Fei brought the troops to the shore to provide support, all the generals of Eastern Wu also landed together. 嘩 , 真 係 勢不可當 啊 ! wow|||unstoppable|ah Wow, it was truly unstoppable! 黃 祖 嘅 軍隊 啊 輸到 零丁 賴敗 。 Wong|ancestor|possessive particle|army|ah|lost to|Lingding|blame defeat Huang Zu's army was defeated to the point of complete collapse. 蘇飛 啊 落荒而走 啦 , 就 撞 正 東吳 嘅 大將 潘璋 , 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 就 畀 潘璋 生擒 咗 過去 , 押 佢 去 見 孫權 。 Su Fei|ah|fled in panic|particle indicating completed action|then|||Eastern Wu|possessive particle|general|Pan Zhang|fought|past tense marker|several|rounds|then|was|Pan Zhang|captured alive|past tense marker|taken away|escort|him|to|see|Sun Quan Su Fei fled in a panic and ran into Eastern Wu's general Pan Zhang. After a few rounds of fighting, he was captured by Pan Zhang and taken to meet Sun Quan. 孫權 就 叫 人用 囚車 韞 起 佢 , 等 活捉 埋黃祖 喇 , 然後 一齊 處死 噉 。 Sun Quan|then|ordered||prison cart|to carry|away|him|to wait|to capture alive||particle indicating completion|then|together|to execute|like that Sun Quan ordered people to use a prisoner cart to take him, waiting to capture Huang Zu alive as well, and then execute them together. 初 戰大勝 嘞 , 孫權 指揮 三軍 啊 不分 日夜 噉 猛攻 夏口 。 initial||past action marker|Sun Quan|commanded|three armies|sentence-final particle|without distinguishing|day and night|so|fierce attack|Xiakou The initial battle was a great victory, and Sun Quan commanded the army to launch a fierce attack on Xiakou day and night. 黃 祖 喺 孫權 嘅 大軍 強攻 之下 , 兵敗將亡 , 知道 點都守 唔 住 㗎 嘞 , 就 放棄 江夏 , 向 住 荊州 撤退 嘞 噃。 Huang|Zu|at|Sun Quan|possessive particle|large army|strong attack|under|defeat and destruction|knowing|||particle indicating direction||past action particle||||||||| Under the strong assault of Sun Quan's army, Huang Zu was defeated and knew he could not hold on, so he abandoned Jiangxia and retreated towards Jingzhou. 甘寧 啊 摸准 晒 黃 祖 嘅 心 水 嘅 。 Gan Ning|ah|to touch accurately|completely|Huang|ancestor|possessive particle|||possessive particle Gan Ning had accurately grasped Huang Zu's intentions. 料定 佢 必定 趯 去 荊州 , 就 喺 東門外 便 啊 埋伏 定 人馬 等 佢 。 certain|he|will definitely|run|to|Jingzhou|then|at|outside the east gate|just|particle|ambush|sure|troops|waiting|he He was certain that he would definitely flee to Jingzhou, so he ambushed troops outside the East Gate waiting for him. 黃 祖帶 住 幾十個 馬 軍 衝出 咗 東門 。 Wong|Choi|leading|several dozen|horses|soldiers|charged out|past tense marker|East Gate Huang Zu charged out of the East Gate with a few dozen cavalry. 正 喺 度 行 緊 , 忽然間 一聲 吶喊 , 甘寧 當頭 攔住 去路 。 just|at|here|walking|continuous action particle|suddenly|one sound|shout|Gan Ning|head-on|blocked|path Just walking here, suddenly there was a shout, and Gan Ning blocked the way. 黃 祖 見到 佢 就 話 喇 : 我 往日 待 你 都 唔 錯 吖 , 點解 今日 要 噉 樣 逼 我 呢 ? Wong|ancestor|saw|he|then|said|particle indicating completed action|I|past|treat|you|also|not|wrong|particle indicating affirmation|why|today|need to|like this|manner|force|me|question particle Huang Zu saw him and said: I treated you well in the past, why are you forcing me like this today? 呸 ! 我 以前 喺 江夏 嘅 時候 , 立 咗 咁 多 功勞 , 而 你 呢 , 一直 當我 係 劫 江賊 , 今日 你仲有 咩 嘢 好講 ! phew|I|before|at|Jiangxia|possessive particle|time|established|past tense marker|so|many|contributions|and|you|question particle|always||as|robbery|river bandit|today||what|thing| Pah! When I was in Jiangxia, I made so many contributions, and you always treated me like a bandit. What else do you have to say today! 黃 祖 知道 難免 一死 喇 , 但 係 有 得 博仲 係 想博 啊 。 Wong|ancestor|knows|inevitably|one death|particle indicating finality||is|||||wanting to gamble|particle indicating exclamation Huang Zu knew he was bound to die, but he still wanted to take a chance. 佢 撥 轉馬 就 走 , 甘寧 衝開 啲 士卒 直追 過去 。 He|pushed|horse|then|ran away|Gan Ning|charged through|the|soldiers|chased directly|past He turned his horse and ran, while Gan Ning charged through the soldiers and chased after him. 追 追下 , 聽見 背後 有 叫喊聲 , 又 有 幾個 人 騎 住 馬 追住 嚟 。 chase|continued chasing|heard|behind|there is|shouting|also|there are|a few|people|riding|holding|horse|chasing|coming While chasing, I heard shouting from behind, and there were a few people riding horses chasing after me. 甘寧 望 真下 , 啊 , 原來 係 程普 。 Gan Ning|to look|really|ah|originally|is|Cheng Pu Gan Ning looked back and saw that it was Cheng Pu. 甘寧 又 怕 程普 嚟 到 爭功 , 就 連忙 拈弓 搭 箭 , 一箭 就 射 中黃 祖個 背梅 。 Gan Ning|again|afraid|Cheng Pu|||competing for credit|then|hurriedly|drew his bow|||one arrow|then||||back Gan Ning was afraid that Cheng Pu would take credit, so he quickly drew his bow and shot an arrow, hitting Huang Zu in the back. 黃 祖 當堂 翻身 舂 咗 落馬 , 甘寧 趕上去 一劍 割 咗 佢 個人 頭 。 Huang|ancestor|on the spot|turned over|hit|past tense marker|off the horse|Gan Ning|caught up|one sword|cut|past tense marker|he|personal|head Huang Zu fell off his horse, and Gan Ning rushed up and cut off his head with a sword. 收兵 之後 , 就 去 見 孫權 誒 獻 上黃 祖個 首級 。 withdraw troops|after|then|go|meet|Sun Quan|ah|present|||head After the battle, he went to see Sun Quan to present Huang Zu's head. 孫權 即刻 叫 人 啊 用個 木盒 裝住 個人 頭 , 等到 返去 江東 嘅 時候 ,攞 嚟 祭奠 佢 死去 嘅 父親 孫堅 。 Sun Quan|immediately|call|someone|ah|use a|wooden box|to contain|his|head|when|return|Jiangdong|possessive particle|time|take|come|to pay respects to|his|deceased|possessive particle|father|Sun Jian Sun Quan immediately ordered someone to use a wooden box to contain his father's head, so that when they returned to Jiangdong, they could offer it as a sacrifice to his deceased father, Sun Jian. 大家 都 會 記得 嘞 , 因為 當年 孫堅 同 劉表 打仗 啊 , 喺 峴 山中 咗 埋伏 , 畀 劉表 嘅 軍隊 呢 亂箭 射死 。 everyone|all|will|remember|past tense marker|because|that year|Sun Jian|and|Liu Biao|fought|sentence-final particle|at|||past tense marker|ambush|by|Liu Biao|possessive particle|army|this|stray arrows|shot dead Everyone will remember, because back then, Sun Jian fought against Liu Biao, and was ambushed in Xieshan, where he was shot dead by Liu Biao's army with a rain of arrows. 所以 今日 殺死 咗 黃 祖 , 就算 係 報 咗 一 啲 仇 嘞 。 so|today|killed|past tense marker|Wong|ancestor|even if|is|avenge|past tense marker|one|some|enmity|sentence-final particle So today, killing Huang Zu is considered a form of revenge. 噉 攻破 咗 江夏 , 孫權 就 重賞 三軍 , 升 甘寧 啊 做 都尉 。 then|captured|past tense marker|Jiangxia|Sun Quan|then|heavily rewarded|three armies|promoted|Gan Ning|sentence final particle|made|commander After breaking through Jiangxia, Sun Quan rewarded the three armies generously and promoted Gan Ning to the position of Douwei. 孫權 又 搵 人 嚟 商量 , 準備 分 兵 鎮守 江夏 。 Sun Quan|again|find|people|to come|discuss|prepare|divide|troops|garrison|Jiangxia Sun Quan also sought people to discuss and prepare to divide the troops to guard Jiangxia. 張昭 勸 佢 話 喇 : 江夏 係 一座 孤城 , 好 難守 嘅 , 不如 返去 江東 先 。 Zhang Zhao|advised|him|said|particle indicating completed action|Jiangxia|is|a|lonely city|very|hard to defend|particle indicating possession|better not|return to|Jiangdong|first Zhang Zhao advised him, saying: Jiangxia is a lonely city, very difficult to defend, it would be better to return to Jiangdong first. 事關 劉表 知道 我 哋 殺 咗 黃 祖 , 必定 要 嚟 報仇 嘅 。 regarding|Liu Biao|knows|we|plural marker|kill|past tense marker|Huang|Zu|definitely|will|come|take revenge|sentence final particle The reason is that Liu Biao knows we killed Huang Zu, and he will definitely come for revenge. 等 佢 嚟 嗰 陣 咯 , 我 哋 以逸待勞 , 實 打敗 佢 嘅 。 wait|he|arrives|that|time|particle indicating certainty|we|plural marker|take advantage of the enemy's fatigue|really|defeat|him|particle indicating possession When he comes, we will wait for him and defeat him easily. 一 打敗 咗 劉表 就 趁勢 進攻 , 噉 荊州 、 襄陽 , 就 係 主公 你 㗎 啦 嘛 。 one|defeat|past tense marker|Liu Biao|then|take advantage of the situation|attack|like this|Jingzhou|Xiangyang|then|is|lord|you|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completion|particle indicating obviousness Once we defeat Liu Biao, we can take the opportunity to attack, then Jingzhou and Xiangyang will belong to you, my lord. 講得 有 道理 呀 吓 , 噉 孫權 就 聽 佢 講 , 放棄 江夏 , 班師 返去 江東 。 speaks|has|reason|particle|ah|then|Sun Quan|then|listened|he|spoke|gave up|Jiangxia|returned|back to|Jiangdong That makes sense, so Sun Quan listened to him and decided to abandon Jiangxia and return to Jiangdong. 而家 講返 下 蘇飛 。 now|talk about|next|Sophie Now, let's talk about Su Fei. 佢 啊 韞 喺 架 囚車 裏 便 嚟 吖 。 he|ah|hidden|at|measure word for vehicles|police van|inside|then|come|particle He is in the prison vehicle. 佢 就 偷偷 叫 人 去 搵 甘寧 求救 。 He|then|secretly|called|someone|to|find|Gan Ning|for help He secretly called someone to find Gan Ning for help. 甘寧 話 : 就算 蘇飛 唔 出聲 啊 , 我 都 唔 會 忘記 佢 嘅 。 Gan Ning|said|even if|Su Fei|not|speak|ah|I|also|not|will|forget|he|possessive particle Gan Ning said: Even if Su Fei doesn't speak, I will not forget him. 噉 啊當 大軍 返到 吳會 嘞 , 孫權 就 命令 要 殺 蘇飛 。 then|when|main army|returned to|Wu meeting|past tense marker|Sun Quan|then|ordered|to|kill|Su Fei So when the army returned to Wu, Sun Quan ordered to kill Su Fei. 而且 要 將 佢 嘅 首級 同黃 祖 嘅 首級 啊 , 一齊 嚟 祭 父親 。 moreover|need to|take|he|possessive particle|head||ancestor|possessive particle|head|particle|together|come|sacrifice|father Moreover, we need to bring his head along with Huang Zu's head to offer to our father. 甘寧 就 去 見 孫權 , 同蘇飛 求情 。 Gan Ning|then|go|see|Sun Quan||plead for mercy Gan Ning went to see Sun Quan and pleaded with Su Fei. 佢 跪 喺 處 , 喊住 噉 哀求 孫權 話 : He|kneels|at|place|crying|like this|begs|Sun Quan|said He knelt down and cried out to Sun Quan saying: 將軍 , 當日 , 如果 唔 係 得到 蘇飛 嚟 救 我 , 我 早就 死 咗 咯 , 仲點 能夠 為 將軍 你 效力 呢 ? general|that day|if|not|were|received|Sufei|come|save|me||long ago|||already||able to|for|general|you|serve|question particle General, if it weren't for Su Fei saving me that day, I would have died long ago. How could I serve you then? 而家 , 蘇飛 有罪 該 斬 , 我 乃 念 佢 往日 嘅 恩情 , 願意 納還 官爵 , 為 蘇飛 贖罪 呀 ! now|Su Fei|is guilty|should|be executed|I|only|remember|he|past|possessive particle|kindness|willing|to repay|official title|for|Su Fei|atone for his sins|sentence-final particle Now, Su Fei is guilty and should be executed, but I remember his past kindness and am willing to return his official rank to redeem him! 孫權 話 喇 : 佢 既然 有恩 於 你 , 噉 , 我 就 為 你 而 赦免 佢 啦 。 Sun Quan|said|particle indicating completed action|he|since|has favor|towards|you|then|I|just|for|you|and|pardon|him|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation Sun Quan said: Since he has shown you kindness, then I will pardon him for your sake. 不過 , 假如 佢 逃跑 咗 又點 呢 ? but|if|he|run away|past tense marker||question particle But what if he runs away? 將軍 , 蘇飛 得到 赦免 就 感恩戴德 不盡 喇 , 佢 仲 點 肯 逃走 呢 ? general|Su Fei|received|pardon|then|grateful|endlessly|particle indicating completion|he|still|how|willing|escape|question particle General, Su Fei will be eternally grateful for the pardon, how could he possibly run away? 如果 蘇飛 真 係 逃走 , 我 願意 將 自己 嘅 人頭 , 獻 於 將軍 腳下 ! if|Su Fei|really|is|escape|I|am willing|to offer|myself|possessive particle|head|to sacrifice|to|general|underfoot If Su Fei really does escape, I am willing to offer my own head at the general's feet! 於是 孫權 就 赦免 咗 蘇飛 , 只 係 用 黃 祖個 首級 嚟 祭奠 佢 父親 唧 。 then|Sun Quan|then|pardoned|past tense marker|Su Fei|only|was|used|Huang||head|to|sacrifice|his|father|Ji So Sun Quan pardoned Su Fei, but used Huang Zu's head to honor his father. 祭奠 完喇 , 舉行 盛大 嘅 宴會 為 文官 武將 慶功 。 memorial service|is over|hold|grand|possessive particle|banquet|for|civil officials|military generals|celebration of achievements The memorial is over, a grand banquet is held to celebrate the civil and military officials. 正在 飲得 高興 嘅 時候 , 突然 間 , 喺 席 上 有 個人 啪 聲企 起身 放聲大哭 。 currently|drinking|happy|possessive particle|time|suddenly|moment|at|seat|on|there is|a person|sound||up|cried loudly Just when everyone was drinking happily, suddenly, someone at the table stood up with a loud bang and started crying loudly. 撲 咗 出 嚟 ,掹 出 把 寶劍 揸 住 喺 手 , 直取 甘寧 。 pounced|past tense marker|out|came|pulled|out|measure word for tools|sword|held|continuously|at|hand|directly attacked|Gan Ning He rushed out, pulled out a sword and held it in his hand, directly targeting Gan Ning. 咦 乜 噉 搞 啊 喂 。 hey|what|like that|do|ah|hey Hey, what's going on? 甘寧 即刻 起身 , 順手 舉張 椅 隔 住 佢 你 咪 逳 啊 。 Gan Ning|immediately|get up|casually||chair|separate|to|him|you|don't|run away|particle Gan Ning immediately stood up, casually lifted a chair to block him, saying, 'You better not come over.' 孫權 吃 咗 一驚 , 定眼 一 睇 , 啊 ! 原來 嗰 個人 乃 係 凌統 。 Sun Quan|eat|past tense marker|a fright|steadying his gaze|one|look|ah|originally|that|person|actually|is|Ling Tong Sun Quan was startled, looked closely, and said, "Ah! It turns out that person is Ling Tong." 為 因 甘寧 啊 喺 江夏 嘅 時候 , 射死 咗 佢 父親 凌操 。 because|reason|Gan Ning|ah|at|Jiangxia|possessive particle|time|shot dead|past tense marker|his|father|Ling Chao This is because Gan Ning shot and killed his father, Ling Cao, while in Jiangxia. 今日 見到 面 嘞 , 所以 就 想 報仇 嘞 。 today|saw|face|past tense particle|so|then|want|revenge|past tense particle Now that I see him, I want to take revenge. 孫權 見到 噉 樣 , 就 連忙 勸住 凌統 對 佢 話 : Sun Quan|saw|like that|appearance|then|hurriedly|advised|Ling Tong|to|him|said Seeing this, Sun Quan quickly advised Ling Tong, saying to him: 當日 興霸 射死 你 父親 , 嗰 陣 時 係 各 為 其 主 , 唔 到 佢 唔 盡力 嘅 。 that day|Xing Ba|shot dead|your|father|that|time|time|was|each|for|his|own|not|until|he|not|tried hard|past tense particle On that day, Xing Ba shot and killed your father; at that time, it was each for their own lord, and he did not hold back. 而家 既然 係 一家人 喇 , 就 唔 好 再 算 啲 舊 仇 喇 , 萬事 都 睇 在 我 嘅 份 上 啦 。 now|since|is|family|particle indicating change|then|||again|count|plural marker|old|grudges||everything|all|look at|on|me|possessive particle|share|aspect|particle indicating suggestion Now that we are family, let's not hold onto old grudges anymore. Everything should be seen from my perspective. 凌統 喊住 叩頭 話 : 不共戴天 , 之仇 , 我 唔 報 唔 得 , 我 唔 報 唔 得 啊 ! Ling Tong|crying|kowtowing|said|irreconcilable||I|not|repay|not|able|I|not|repay|not|able|ah Ling Tong cried and knelt down, saying: "The enmity that cannot be shared under heaven, I cannot let it go, I cannot let it go!" 孫權 同埋 大家 都 再三 勸 佢 。 Sun Quan|and|everyone|all|repeatedly|advised|him Sun Quan and everyone else repeatedly advised him. 凌 統一 味碌 大 雙眼 , 惡狠狠 噉 望實 甘寧 。 Ling|unify|taste|big|eyes|fiercely|like that|stare at|Gan Ning Ling Tong glared fiercely with his big eyes, looking menacingly at Gan Ning. 孫權 諗 下 , 就 想 咗 個 辦法 。 Sun Quan|think|for a moment|then|thought|past tense marker|a|method Sun Quan thought for a moment and came up with a solution. 當日 , 宴會 一完 啊 , 就 命令 甘寧 帶 咗 五千 兵 、 一百隻 戰船 去 鎮守 夏口 , 避開 凌統 。 that day|banquet|once finished|ah|then|ordered|Gan Ning|to bring|past tense marker|five thousand|soldiers|one hundred|warships|to go|garrison|Xiakou|to avoid|Ling Tong On that day, as soon as the banquet was over, Sun Quan ordered Gan Ning to take five thousand soldiers and one hundred warships to guard Xiakou, to avoid Ling Tong. 甘寧 拜謝 過 孫權 就 帶兵 出發 嘞 。 Gan Ning|thanked|after|Sun Quan|then|led the troops|departed|past tense particle After thanking Sun Quan, Gan Ning set off with his troops. 之後 呢 , 孫權 又 加封 凌統 做 承烈 都尉 。 after|question particle|Sun Quan|again|promoted|Ling Tong|appointed|Chenglie|general Later, Sun Quan promoted Ling Tong to the position of Chenglie Duwei. 噉 凌統 啊 只有 將 仇恨 啊 放 喺 個 肚 嚟 , 就 噉 算數 係 喇 。 like this|Ling Tong|particle|only|put|hatred|particle|put|in|the|stomach|come|then|like this|make sense|is|particle So Ling Tong had to keep his hatred inside and just let it be. 從此 之後 呢 , 東吳 就 用 極大 嘅 力量 啊 , 新造 咗 好多 戰船 , 分派 啲 軍隊 , 嚟 把守 長江 沿岸 。 from now on|afterwards|question particle|Eastern Wu|then|used|extremely large|possessive particle|power|exclamatory particle|newly built|past tense marker|many|warships|dispatched|plural marker|troops|to|guard|Yangtze River|coastal area From then on, Eastern Wu used great effort to build many new warships and deployed troops to guard the banks of the Yangtze River. 孫權 又 命令 孫靜帶 一支 部隊 鎮守 吳會 。 Sun Quan|again|ordered||a|troop|to garrison|Wuhui Sun Quan also ordered Sun Jing to lead a troop to garrison Wu Hui. 佢 自己 呢 就 率領 大軍 , 駐 扎 喺 柴 桑 。 he|himself|particle indicating a change of state|then|leads|army|stationed|camped|at|Chai|Sang He himself led a large army, stationed at Chaisang. 柴桑 就 喺 而 家 江西省 嘅 九江市 嘅 西南 便 。 Chaisang|just|at|||Jiangxi Province|possessive particle|Jiujiang City|possessive particle|southwest|convenient Chaisang is located in the southwest of Jiujiang City in present-day Jiangxi Province. 周瑜 呢 , 就 日日 都 喺 鄱陽湖 訓練 水軍 就 準備 戰爭 。 Zhou Yu|question particle|then|every day|all|at|Poyang Lake|trains|navy|then|prepares|war Zhou Yu, on the other hand, trained the navy at Poyang Lake every day in preparation for war. 話分 兩頭 , 而家 講下 劉備 。 to talk about|two sides|now|let's talk about|Liu Bei To change the subject, let's talk about Liu Bei now. 劉備 就 派 咗 人 去 探聽 江東 消息 吖 。 Liu Bei|then|sent|past tense marker|person|to|inquire|Jiangdong|news|sentence-final particle Liu Bei sent someone to gather information about Jiangdong. 知道 咗 東吳 啊 已經 打敗 咗 黃 祖 , 而且 殺 咗 佢 嘞 。 know|past tense marker|Eastern Wu|particle|already|defeated|past tense marker|Huang|Zu|and also|killed|past tense marker|him|particle He learned that Eastern Wu had already defeated Huang Zu and killed him. 而家 東吳 嘅 大軍 , 正在 駐 扎 喺 柴 桑 嚟 。 right now|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|large army|currently|stationed|at|in|Chai|Sang|coming Currently, the Eastern Wu army is stationed at Chaisang. 劉備 就 請 孔明 嚟 研究 下 情況 。 Liu Bei|then|invited|Kongming|to come|study|a little|situation Liu Bei then invited Kongming to study the situation. 正 喺 度 傾 緊 , 劉表 派 咗 個人 嚟 請 劉備 去 荊州 , 話 有 要 事 商量 噉 話 。 right|at|place|talking|ongoing|Liu Biao|sent|past tense marker|a person|here|invite|Liu Bei|to go|Jingzhou|said|has|important|matter|discuss|like that|saying While they were discussing, Liu Biao sent someone to invite Liu Bei to Jingzhou, saying there was an important matter to discuss. 孔明 講 : 實 係 因為 江東 破 咗 黃 祖 , 所以 請 主公 你 去 商量 報仇 嘅 辦法 定 喇 。 Kongming|said|really|is|because|Jiangdong|defeated|past tense marker|Huang|Zu|so|please|lord|you|go|discuss|revenge|possessive particle|method|decide|final particle Kong Ming said: It is indeed because Jiangdong defeated Huang Zu, so I ask you, my lord, to discuss how to take revenge. 等 我 同埋 主公 你 一齊 去 , 見機行事 , 自然 有 好 辦法 嘅 。 wait|I|and|lord|you|together|go|act according to the situation|naturally|have|good|solution|particle indicating possession or modification Let me and you, my lord, go together, and act according to the situation; there will naturally be good methods. 劉備 話 好 吖 , 就 留低 關羽 守 新野 , 叫 張飛 啊 帶 五百 人馬 跟 埋 一齊 去 荊州 。 Liu Bei|said|okay|particle|then|leave behind|Guan Yu|guard|Xin Ye|called|Zhang Fei|particle|bring|five hundred|troops|follow|together|all|go|Jingzhou Liu Bei said okay, so he left Guan Yu to guard Xinye and asked Zhang Fei to take five hundred troops to go together to Jingzhou. 噉 喺 路上 , 劉備 就問 孔明 嘞 : 去 見到 景升 , 該 點樣 對答 呢 吓 ? then|at|on the road|Liu Bei||Kongming|particle indicating past action|to|see|Jiang Sheng|should|how|respond|question particle|particle indicating surprise On the way, Liu Bei asked Kong Ming: When we meet Jing Sheng, how should we respond? 關於 襄陽 嘅 事 , 首先 應該 感謝 佢 啊 。 regarding|Xiangyang|possessive particle|matter|first|should|thank|him/her|sentence-final particle Regarding the matter of Xiangyang, we should first thank him. 誒 佢 如果 要 主公 你 去 攻打 江東 呢 , 千祈 唔 好 應承 。 hey|he|if|wants|lord|you|to|attack|Jiangdong|question particle|definitely|not|should|promise Hey, if he wants you to attack Jiangdong, you must not agree. 就 係 話 要 返去 新野 整頓 軍馬 先 噉 就 得 嘞 。 just|||||||||||okay|past tense particle That means you need to go back to Xinye to organize the troops first. 噉 佢 哋 一路 呢 就 商量 好 晒 嘞 喎 。 then|they|plural marker|all the way|question particle|then|discuss|well|completely|past action marker|sentence-final particle So they have already discussed everything along the way. 去 到 荊州 , 喺 賓館 住落 , 就 留 張飛 喺 城外 駐兵 , 劉備 啊 同 孔明入 去 城裏 便 見 劉表 。 go|to|Jingzhou|at|hotel|stay|then|leave|Zhang Fei|at|outside the city|stationed troops|Liu Bei|ah|with||to|inside the city|then|see|Liu Biao When they arrived in Jingzhou, they stayed at an inn, leaving Zhang Fei stationed outside the city, while Liu Bei and Kongming entered the city to meet Liu Biao. 見 咗 面行 過禮 , 劉備 就 企 起身 , 首先 向 劉表 道歉 請罪 。 see|past tense marker|face-to-face|exchanged greetings|Liu Bei|then|stood|up|first|towards|Liu Biao|apologized|asked for forgiveness After meeting and exchanging greetings, Liu Bei stood up and first apologized to Liu Biao. 劉表 就 安慰 佢 話 : 誒 賢弟 受到 陷害 嘅 事 , 我 知道 晒 喇 。 Liu Biao|then|comforted|him|said|hey|virtuous younger brother|received|framing|possessive particle|matter|I|know|completely|past action particle Liu Biao comforted him, saying: "Hey, virtuous brother, I know all about the harm you've suffered." 當時 , 我 就 想 斬 咗 蔡 瑁 嘅 頭 , 獻 畀 賢弟 。 at that time|I|then|wanted|to cut off|past tense marker|||possessive particle|head|to present|to|virtuous younger brother At that time, I wanted to cut off Cai Mao's head and present it to you, virtuous brother. 不過 大家 同 佢 求情 , 我 就 姑且 寬恕 咗 佢 啦 , 希望 賢弟 你 唔 好 怪罪 咯 。 but|everyone|with|him|plead for leniency|I|then|for the time being|forgive|past tense marker|him|sentence-final particle|hope|virtuous younger brother|you|||blame|sentence-final particle However, everyone pleaded for him, so I temporarily forgave him. I hope you won't hold it against him. 兄長 , 呢 啲 都 唔 關 蔡將軍 事 , 睇 嚟 都 係 下 便 啲 人 嘅 所 為 而已 唔 。 elder brother||more||not|||||||||||||||| Brother, this has nothing to do with General Cai. It seems to be the doing of some lower-level people. 誒 兄長 今日 叫 小弟 嚟 , 有 咩 嘢 事 呢 ? hey|elder brother|today|called|younger brother|come|have|what|thing|matter|question particle Hey brother, you called me here today, what is the matter? 而家 江夏 失手 , 黃 祖 遇害 , 故此 請 賢弟 嚟 一齊 商量 下 報復 嘅 辦法 啊 。 now|Jiangxia|lost control|Huang|Zu|was killed|therefore|please|wise younger brother|come|together|discuss|next|revenge|possessive particle|method|ah particle Now that Jiangxia has fallen and Huang Zu has been killed, I ask you, my dear brother, to come and discuss how we can take revenge. 兄長 , 黃 祖 嘅 性情 暴躁 , 唔 識 用人 , 所以 招致 噉 嘅 大禍 。 elder brother|Wong|ancestor|possessive particle|temperament|irritable|not|knows|to use people|therefore|brought about|such|possessive particle|great disaster Brother, Huang Zu's temperament is violent, and he does not know how to use people, which is why such a great disaster has befallen him. 而家 假如 要 興兵 南征 , 噉 萬一 曹操 由北 便 打 嚟 , 又 如何 應付 呢 ? now|if|needs|raise troops|southern expedition|then|in case|Cao Cao||then|attack|come|again|how|deal with|question particle Now, if we were to raise troops to march south, what if Cao Cao attacks from the north? How should we respond? 唉 ! 我而家 年老多病 , 唔 能夠 理事 咯 , 賢弟 你 要 嚟 幫下 我 至 得 啊 , 吓 。 sigh||old and sick|not|able to|manage things|particle indicating finality|younger brother|you|need to|come|help|me|only|okay|particle indicating surprise|sound of surprise Alas! I am now old and frail, and I cannot manage affairs anymore. You need to come and help me. 誒 我 死 咗 之後 , 賢弟 你 就 係 荊州 之主 喇 。 hey|I|die|past tense marker|after|virtuous younger brother|you|then|are|Jingzhou|lord|sentence-final particle Ah, after I die, you will be the lord of Jingzhou. 哦 ! 兄長 點解 噉 講 啊 ? oh|elder brother|why|like that|say|question particle Oh! Brother, why do you say that? 諒 小弟 我點 敢 擔當 呢 個 重任 呢 ? understand|younger brother||dare|take on|this|measure word|heavy responsibility|this How could I, your younger brother, dare to take on such a heavy responsibility? 孔明 用 雙眼 望實 劉備 , 劉備 啊當 冇 睇 見 。 Zhuge Liang|use|both eyes|look at seriously|Liu Bei|||not|| Kongming looked closely at Liu Bei, but Liu Bei pretended not to see. 佢 對 劉表 話 喇 : 等 小弟 慢慢 諗 個 好 辦法 啦 。 he|to|Liu Biao|said|particle indicating completed action|wait|younger brother|slowly|think|the|good|method|particle indicating suggestion He said to Liu Biao: Let me think of a good solution slowly. 講完 , 就 告辭 劉表 返去 賓館 。 finished speaking|then|took his leave|Liu Biao|returned|hotel After saying that, he took his leave from Liu Biao and returned to the hotel. 一返 到 去 孔明 就 話 : 先頭 景升 想將 荊州 交 畀 主公 , 點解 主公 你 要 推 咗 佢 呢 ? as soon as|arrive|to|Kongming|then|said|earlier|Jing Sheng||Jingzhou|to hand over|to|Lord|why|Lord|you|had to|push away|past tense marker|him|question particle When Kongming returned, he said: "At first, Jing Sheng wanted to hand over Jingzhou to the lord, why did you, my lord, push him away?" 劉備 話 : 唉 ! 景升待 我恩禮 並重 , 我 又點 忍心 乘人之危 , 嚟 奪 咗 佢 荊州 吖 ? Liu Bei|said|sigh|||equally|I||heart to|take advantage of others' misfortune|come|seize|past tense marker|his|Jingzhou|question particle Liu Bei replied: "Alas! Jing Sheng has treated me with great kindness, how can I bear to take advantage of his misfortune and seize Jingzhou from him?" 哈哈 , 孔明 就 不禁 感 歎 起 嚟 話 喇 : 啊 ! 你 真 係 一位 仁慈 之主 呀 ! haha|Kongming|then|cannot help but|||||say|particle|ah|you|really|are|a|merciful||particle Haha, Kongming couldn't help but sigh and said: "Ah! You truly are a benevolent lord!" 佢 哋 正 喺 度 議論 緊 , 劉琦 公子 嚟 到 見 劉備 嘞 。 They|plural marker|currently|at|place|discussing|ongoing|Liu Qi|young master|come|arrive|see|Liu Bei|past tense marker While they were discussing, Young Master Liu Qi arrived to see Liu Bei. 劉備 請 佢 入 嚟 , 劉琦 就 流住 眼淚 跪低 行禮 佢 話 : Liu Bei|please|he|come|in|Liu Qi|then|flowing|tears|knelt down|bowed|he|said Liu Bei invited him in, and Liu Qi knelt down with tears in his eyes and said: 繼母 不能 相容 , 小侄 嘅 性命 危在旦夕 , 希望 叔父 可憐 , 救下 我 啦 。 stepmother|cannot|coexist|nephew|possessive particle|life|in imminent danger|hope|uncle|pity|save|me|sentence-final particle The stepmother cannot coexist, the life of my little nephew is in danger, I hope uncle can show mercy and save me. 呢 啲 係 賢侄 嘅 家事 嚟 , 唔 使問 我 啊 。 ||are|virtuous nephew|possessive particle|family matters|coming|||me|sentence-final particle This is my virtuous nephew's family matter, no need to ask me. 孔明 聽見 劉備 噉 樣講 , 眯 眯 嘴 笑 喎 。 Zhuge Liang|heard|Liu Bei|like that||||mouth|smile|particle indicating affirmation Kongming heard Liu Bei say this and smiled with a smirk. 劉備 就問 孔明 有 咩 好計 呀 噉 。 Liu Bei||Kongming|has|what|good plan|particle|like this Liu Bei then asked Kongming if he had any good plans. 孔明 話 : 呢 啲 係 家事 , 我 唔 敢 過問 。 Kongming|said|these|particle indicating plural|are|family matters|I|not|dare|to interfere Kongming said: This is a family matter, I dare not interfere. 過 咗 一陣 , 劉琦見 毫無結果 就 告辭 返扯 。 passed|past tense marker|a while|||then|took his leave|returned home After a while, Liu Qi saw that there was no result and took his leave to return. 劉備 送 佢 出去 嘅 時候 , 細細 聲 噉 同 佢 話 : Liu Bei|sent|him|outside|past tense marker|when|softly|voice|like that|to|him|said When Liu Bei sent him out, he quietly said to him: 聽日 , 我 叫 孔 明代 我 去 回拜 賢侄 。 tomorrow|I|will call|||I|go|return visit|virtuous nephew Tomorrow, I will ask Kong Ming to accompany me to pay a visit to my dear nephew. 到 時 , 你 就 如此 如此 , 佢 一定 會教 你 一條 妙計 嘅 。 when|time|you|then|like this|like this|he|definitely||you|one|clever plan|particle indicating possession or emphasis At that time, you just do this and that, and he will definitely teach you a clever plan. 多謝 叔父 , 多謝 叔父 。 thank you|uncle|| Thank you, uncle, thank you, uncle. 劉琦 告辭 走 咗 嘞 。 Liu Qi|farewell|leave|past tense marker|completed action marker Liu Qi has taken his leave. 第 日 , 劉備 話個 肚痛 , 唔 舒服 , 就 請 孔明 代表 佢 去 回拜 劉琦 。 the|day|Liu Bei||stomach pain|not||then|asked|Kongming|to represent|him|to go|return visit|Liu Qi The next day, Liu Bei said he had a stomach ache and wasn't feeling well, so he asked Kong Ming to represent him to pay a visit to Liu Qi. 孔明 應承 咗 就 去 啦 。 Kongming|agreed|past tense marker|then|go|sentence final particle Kong Ming agreed and went. 去 到劉 琦 嘅 住宅 , 劉琦 就 請 佢 一直 入到 去 後堂 坐落 , 飲過 茶 , 劉琦 就 對 孔明 話 喇 : go||Qi|possessive particle|residence|Liu Qi|then|invite|he|continuously|enter|to|back hall|sit down|after drinking|tea||then|to|Kongming|said|final particle When he arrived at Liu Qi's residence, Liu Qi invited him to go all the way into the back hall to sit down. After having some tea, Liu Qi said to Kong Ming: 先生 , 我 嘅 繼母 對 我 不能 相容 啊 , 請 先生 教個 辦法 救下 我 啦 。 sir|I|possessive particle|stepmother|towards|I|cannot|get along|sentence-final particle|please|sir|teach me a|method|help|me|sentence-final particle Sir, my stepmother cannot get along with me, please teach me a way to save myself. 孔明 話 : 我 嚟 呢 處 作客 , 點敢 話 參與 人 哋 骨肉 間 嘅 事情 呢 ? Kongming|said|I|come|this|place|as a guest|how dare|to say|participate|people|plural marker|family|among|possessive particle|matters|this Kong Ming said: Since I am here as a guest, how can I dare to participate in the matters of others' family? 假如 洩 露出 去 , 就 為 害 不 淺 咯 。 if|leak|exposed|out|then|be|harm|not|shallow|particle indicating realization or finality If it gets leaked, it would cause significant harm. 講完 , 孔明 即刻 起身 告辭 嘞 。 finished speaking|Kongming|immediately|stood up|took his leave|past tense particle After saying that, Kong Ming immediately stood up to take his leave. 劉琦 就 話 喇 : 先生 既然 光臨 咯 , 飲杯 薄酒 坐陣 添 啦 。 Liu Qi|then|said|particle indicating completed action|sir|since|presence|particle indicating realization|drink a cup of|light alcohol|take a seat|additional|particle indicating suggestion Liu Qi then said: Since you have honored us with your presence, please have a drink and stay a while. 噉 劉琦 就 請 孔明入 去 密室 飲酒 。 then|Liu Qi|then|invited||to go|secret room|drink alcohol So Liu Qi invited Kong Ming into the private room to drink. 飲 咗 幾杯 , 劉琦 又 話 喇 : drink|past tense marker|a few cups|Liu Qi|again|said|sentence-final particle After drinking a few cups, Liu Qi said again: 繼母 唔 容得 我 , 唔 該 先生 同 我 諗 個 辦法 救下 我 啦 。 stepmother|not|allow|me|||sir|with|me|think|the|solution|help|me|particle My stepmother won't allow me, please sir, think of a way to save me. 唔 得 嘅 唔 得 嘅 , 呢 啲 辦法 我 唔 能夠 同 公子 諗 㗎 ! not|||||||||||able to|with|young master|think|particle No way, no way, I can't think of these methods with the young master! 孔明 講完 喇 , 又 要 告辭 扯 嘞 。 Kongming|finished speaking|particle indicating completion|again|wants to|take his leave|chat|particle indicating action completion After Kong Ming finished speaking, he had to take his leave. 噉 啊 究竟 孔明 有 冇 教到 個 計仔 畀 劉琦 呢 ? like this|ah|after all|Kongming|has|has not|taught|the|plan|to|Liu Qi|question particle So, did Kong Ming teach Liu Qi any tricks?

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