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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 058

各位 , 呢 一回 啊 , 講 嘅 係 諸葛亮 舌戰 群儒 。 話 說 孔明 就 嚟 到 江東 吖 , 佢 喺 見 孫權 之前 呢 , 江東 已經 擺開陣勢 。 一大 班 謀士 啊 要 同 孔明 辯論 。 張昭 就 開頭 炮 , 譏諷 話 劉備 啊 得到 孔明 出 嚟 幫助 佢 之後 啊 , 本來 係 想 奪取 荊州 、 襄陽 嘅 。 點知 呢 兩 笪 地方 , 反而 畀 曹操 奪 咗 去 , 噉 你點 解釋 啊 噉 。 於是 孔明 就 回答 佢 話 喇 : 照 我 睇 , 將漢 上 嗰 一帶 地方 攞 到手 真 係 易如反掌 。 不過 我 哋 主公 劉豫州 , 素 來講 仁義 , 唔 肯 奪取 同宗 兄弟 嘅 基業 , 所以 點都 唔 肯 要 嗰 啲 地方 。 收尾 劉琮 呢 個 細佬哥 , 聽 咗 人 哋 嘅 壞話 , 偷偷 噉 投 咗 降 , 噉 曹操 先至 得 咁 猖獗 咋 嘛 。 而家 , 我 哋 主公 喺 江夏 駐兵 , 係 另 有 英明 嘅 計劃 , 平常人 係 睇 唔 出 嘅 。 哦 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 照 噉 講 , 先生 你 嘅 說話 同 行動 係 互相 違背 嘅 咯 喎 。 先生 , 你將 自己 比做 管仲 同樂 毅 吖 。 管仲 輔助 桓公 , 使到 桓公 能夠 喺 諸侯 當中 做 咗 霸主 。 普天之下 , 人人 都 要 聽 佢 嘅 說話 。 樂毅 呢 , 佢 輔助 本來 係 弱小 嘅 燕國 , 一下 就 攻下 咗 齊國 七 十幾座 城池 。 好似 呢 兩位 , 噉 就 真真正正 係 濟世之才 喇 。 而 先生 你 呢 , 當初 住 喺 草廬 之中 , 得閒 冇 事 吟風弄月 , 享下 清福 。 而家 , 跟隨 咗 劉豫州 就 應當 為 老百姓 做 啲 好事 , 興利除害 , 平定 啲 亂賊 至 係 吖 。 劉豫州 未得 先生 嚟 之前 , 尚且 能夠 縱橫 於 天下 , 割據 城池 。 而家 , 請到 先生 嚟 喇 , 人人 都 寄予 極大 嘅 希望 , 連 三歲 嘅 細 佬 哥 , 都 話 呢 次 係 猛虎 生翼 , 漢家 天下 一定 可以 復興 , 曹操 就 快要 覆滅 喇 噉 。 所以 , 不論 係 朝廷 嘅 舊臣 、 山林 嘅 隱士 , 都 衷心 盼望 認為 呢 次 總能 夠 撥開 雲霧 , 重見 陽光 。 將 百姓 喺 水深火熱 之中 , 拯救 出 嚟 , 使到 天下太平 嘞 。 但 係 , 點解 呢 ? 先生 你 自從 幫 咗 劉豫州 之後 , 一 遇到 曹操 嘅 兵馬 , 就 棄甲 拋槍 , 望風而逃 。 上 不能 保護 百姓 嚟 報答 劉表 , 下 不能 輔助 孤兒 守衛 疆土 。 喪失 咗 新野 , 逃跑 去 樊城 , 喺 當陽 大敗 , 趯 到 去夏 口 , 搞 到 幾乎 無容身之地 。 照 噉 樣 睇 嚟 , 劉豫州 請 咗 先生 嚟 幫 佢 之後 , 反而 唔 及 當初 喇 喎 。 唔 通 管仲 、 樂毅 , 就 係 噉 樣 嘅 ? 哈哈哈哈 , 我 嘅 說話 講得 好 率直 , 請 先生 唔 好 見怪 。 張昭 啊 認真 唔 客氣 啊 , 呢 番 說話 講得 又 尖酸 又 刻薄 。 孔明 沉住氣 聽 佢 講 , 等 佢 講完 喇 , 孔明 滋滋 悠悠 笑 住 噉 話 : 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 係 嘅 係 嘅 , 噉 啊 難怪 嘅 。 大鵬鳥 一飛 萬里 , 佢 嘅 志向 , 啲 雀 仔 又 點會 知道 呢 ? 我 哋 不妨 打個 比喻 , 好似 一個 得 咗 重病 嘅 人 , 就 應當 畀 啲 稀粥 嚟 餵 佢 , 開 啲 溫和 個 藥 佢 食 ; 等到 佢 嘅 臟腑 調和 喇 , 身體 亦 好 返 一 啲 嘞 , 然後 就 用 啲 肉食 嚟 補養 下 , 再落 啲 猛藥 嚟 醫 佢 。 噉 樣 , 先至 能夠 除 咗 病根 保全 性命 吖 嘛 。 如果 唔 係 唔 等 佢 氣脈 緩和 , 一 開始 就 用 猛藥 , 想 噉 樣 嚟 醫好 病 , 難咯 。 我 哋 主公 劉豫州 , 當初 喺 汝南 打 咗 敗仗 , 投奔 劉表 。 當時 , 兵卒 唔 夠 一千 , 將領 亦 只 有關 、 張 、 趙雲 而已 唧 。 呢種 情形 , 就 正如 病勢 沉重 到極點 。 新野縣 , 係 個 山區 偏僻 嘅 小 地方 , 人丁 稀少 , 糧食 有限 。 豫州 不過 係 暫時 喺 度 立住 腳先 , 唔 通真 係 想 喺 度過 一世 咩 ? 即使 係 噉 樣 , 兵馬 不足 , 城池 唔 堅固 , 士兵 又 缺乏 訓練 , 糧食 呢 , 有 一日 冇 一日 。 就 喺 噉 嘅 情形 之下 , 喺 博望坡 用 火燒 , 喺 白河 用 水浸 , 殺到 夏侯惇 同 曹 仁 佢 哋 心驚膽裂 。 哈哈哈 , 我 睇 , 請 管仲 、 樂毅 嚟 指揮 , 亦 不過 係 如此而已 。 至於 劉琮 投降 曹操 , 事前 豫州 實在 唔 知道 。 佢 更 唔 肯 趁 亂 將 同宗 兄弟 嘅 基業 搶過 嚟 。 呢種 品德 真 係 大仁大義 啊 ! 喺 當陽 呢 一仗 , 冇 錯 係 打敗 嘞 , 點解 呢 ? 皆 因為 劉豫州 唔 捨得 拋棄 嗰 幾十萬 跟 住 佢 身邊 嘅 老百姓 。 一日 , 只 能夠 行 十幾 里路 , 都 唔 諗 住 去 奪取 江陵 咯 。 甘心情願 打敗仗 , 都 唔 願 掉 低 啲 百姓 , 噉 樣 嘅 行 為 , 亦 係 大仁大義 啊 ! 寡不敵眾 , 勝負 乃 係 兵 家常事 。 想當初 , 高祖 皇帝 屢屢 畀 項羽 打敗 , 而 最後 , 垓下 一戰 就 成功 。 呢 啲 , 唔 係 韓信 嘅 計謀 叻 咩 ? 韓信 輔助 高祖 咁 耐 , 亦 冇 話 場場 仗 都 打贏 㗎 。 國家 嘅 大事 , 社稷 嘅 安危 , 全 靠 佢 執掌 。 佢 唔 似 得 嗰 啲 人 , 只 係 誇誇其談 , 空有 一個 好 名聲 。 從早到晚 講起 大話 嚟 , 冇 人 及 得 佢 , 之一 到 緊要關頭 , 就 樣樣 唔 得 。 噉 樣 嘅 人 , 盞 畀 人 恥笑 啫 。 孔明 呢 一番 說話 , 講到 張昭 誒 都 冇 得 誒 。 大家 靜晒 , 靜 咗 冇 幾耐 , 有 個人 忽然 大聲 噉 問 嘞 : 當前 曹 公 嘅 人馬 足足有 成 一百萬 之多 , 將官 亦 有 幾千名 , 如龍似虎 , 要 掃平 江夏 , 先生 你 睇 點算 好 呢 ? 孔明 一望 , 呢 個人 原來 係 虞 翻 。 孔明 就 話 : 曹操 嗰 啲 人馬 , 有 啲 係 收編 袁紹 嘅 殘兵 敗 卒 , 有 啲 , 係 由 劉表 嗰 度 劫 嚟 嘅 烏合 之眾 。 噉 樣 嘅 人馬 , 就算 有 幾百萬 亦 唔 使 怕 佢 嘅 。 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 。 喺 當陽 打 咗 敗仗 , 喺 夏 口 走投無路 , 只有 求救 於 人 , 仲 嘴硬 話 唔 使 怕 添 , 真 係 大言不慚 啊 你 。 虞 先生 , 劉豫州 以 幾千名 仁義之師 , 又點 能夠 敵得過 曹操 成 百萬 嘅 殘暴 軍隊 ? 暫時 退守 夏口 , 係 為 咗 等待 時機 。 但 係 , 今日 江東 兵 精糧足 , 而且 有 長江 天險 , 有 啲 人 , 不顧 天下 恥笑 , 反而 仲要 勸 自己 嘅 主公 向 曹操 奸賊 , 屈膝投降 。 根據 噉 樣 嚟 睇 , 劉豫州 確確實實 , 係 唔 怕 曹操 奸賊 嘅 英雄 啊 。 虞 翻擘 大個 口 , 冇 說話 講 嘞 。 呢 個 時候 , 又 有 個人 問 嘞 : 孔明 先生 , 你 係 想學 蘇秦 、 張儀 , 走 嚟 遊說 東吳 係 嘛 ? 孔明 一睇 , 呢 個 原來 係 步騭 。 孔明 就 話 : 先生 , 你將 蘇秦 、 張儀 , 當成 係 個 辯士 , 淨 係 得 把 口 。 你 都 唔 知道 蘇秦 、 張儀 呀 , 亦 係 位 豪傑 嚟 啊 。 蘇秦 做過 六國 嘅 宰相 , 張儀 亦 兩次 揸 過 秦國 宰相 嘅 大印 。 佢 哋 兩位 都 係 有 治理 國家 嘅 能力 , 係 有 本事 , 決 唔 係 嗰 啲 欺軟怕硬 , 懼刀 避 劍 嘅 人 啊 。 諸君 一 聽見 曹操 嗰 啲 愛 嚟 嚇人 嘅 大話 , 即刻 就 怕 晒 , 要 請求 投降 嘞 , 噉 仲有面 去 笑 蘇秦 、 張儀 ? 步騭 當堂 冇 聲出 。 忽然間 , 又 有 個人 問 嘞 : 呢 個人 , 叫做 薛綜 , 別字 敬文 。 佢 話 : 孔明 , 你 話 曹操 係 個 乜嘢 人 啊 ? 孔明 回答 話 嘞 : 曹操 乃 係 漢朝 嘅 賊 臣 , 又 何必 問呢 ? 哦 ? 先生 你 噉 講就錯 咯 。 漢朝 傳到 今日 幾百年 喇 , 佢 嘅 天數 都 就 快 完咯 。 目前 , 曹公 已經 得 咗 天下 嘅 三分之二 , 人心 歸服 啊 。 而 劉豫州 呢 , 不識 天時 , 仲夾 硬 要 同 佢 嚟 爭 。 唔 客氣 講句 , 就 好似 攞 雞蛋 嚟 碰 石頭 , 點 能夠 唔 打敗仗 㗎 。 孔明 即 刻板 起塊面 大聲 噉 話 : 薛敬文 ! 你 點解 會 講出 呢 啲 無父無君 無恥 嘅 說話 嚟 啊 ? 一個 人 , 生於 天地 之間 , 應該 以 忠孝 為 立身 之 本 。 你 是 漢朝 嘅 臣子 , 見到 啲 反叛 朝廷 嘅 人 , 就 應該 同心合力 去 殺 咗 佢 , 呢 啲 乃 係 為 臣 之 道 。 曹操 嘅 祖宗 , 世世代代 食 漢朝 嘅 俸祿 。 曹操 佢 不但 唔 報效 朝廷 , 個心 反而 想 住 篡位 作反 。 呢 啲 噉 嘅 人 天下 都 痛恨 佢 , 而 你 竟然 話 佢 係 天命 所歸 , 真 係 無父無君 之人 啊 ! 同 你 冇 乜嘢 好 講 嘅 , 請 你 唔 好 開口 喇 。 哎呀 , 搞 到 薛綜 滿面 羞慚 , 一個 字 都 噏 唔 出 嘞 。 薛綜 講輸 咗 , 又 有 個人 接住 出 嚟 問 噃, 佢 話 : 曹操 雖然 係 脅 天子 以令 諸侯 , 作威作福 , 不過 佢 到底 係 大 功臣 相國 曹 參 嘅 後代 噃。 劉豫州 話 就 話 係 中山 靖 王 嘅 後裔 , 之 無可 稽考 吖 。 明明 係 織席 賣 草鞋 嘅 小販 啫 , 邊度 係 曹操 嘅 對手 啊 ? 孔明 睇 下 呢 個講 說話 嘅 人 , 原來 係 陸績 。 陸績 啊 , 有段 古仔 , 佢 喺 六歲 嘅 時候 呢 , 有 一次 佢 喺 袁 術 屋企 作客 。 就 見到 有 啲 招待 客人 嘅 柑 好 靚 , 佢 攞 起 咗 三個 收埋 喺 身邊 。 臨走 嘅 時候 唔 小心 , 跌 咗 出 嚟 。 袁術 就 問 佢 攞 啲 柑 做 咩 嘢 啊 噉 。 佢 就 回答 話 : 要 帶 返去 孝敬 老母 嘅 噉 。 呢 件 事 後來 一 傳出 嚟 就 成為 美談 嘞 。 孔明 見到 係 陸績 唄 , 就 不禁 笑 起 上 嚟 話 : 哦 , 先生 , 就 係 喺 袁 術 屋企 收埋 幾個 甜柑 嘅 六 郎 係 嘛 ? 哈哈哈 , 請 你 好好 坐 嚮 處 , 聽 我講 啦 。 曹操 既然 係 曹 相國 嘅 後代 , 噉 樣 , 曹家 世世代代 , 都 應該 係 漢朝 嘅 臣子 咯 。 但 係 佢 而 家 噉 樣 專權 暴虐 , 都 唔 將 皇帝 放在 眼 內 , 其實 , 佢 不但 係 睇 唔 起 皇帝 , 而且 亦 係 蔑視 自己 嘅 祖先 喇 。 所以 , 曹操 不僅 係 漢朝 嘅 賊 臣 , 而且 亦 係 曹 家 嘅 不肖子孫 ! 劉豫州 呢 , 係 堂堂 嘅 皇室 後代 。 當今 嘅 皇上 都 查過 族譜 , 承認 佢 係 皇叔 , 賜 咗 爵位 , 點解 話 無可 稽考 呢 ? 至於 講到 出身 , 高祖 只不過 係 個 亭長 , 終歸 佢 得到 天下 , 織席 賣 草鞋 又 有 咩 可恥 嘅 呢 ? 你 呢 種細佬哥 見識 , 冇 資格 同 有 學問 嘅 人 傾談 啊 。 陸績 冇 說話 好講 喇 。 有 一個 謀士 叫做 嚴峻 , 佢 接 住 就 話 嘞 : 孔明 所講 啲 說話 都 係 強詞奪理 嘅 , 都 唔 係 正經 嘅 道理 , 唔 使 再 講落 去 喇 。 我 只 係 想 請問 一下 孔明 , 你 研究 嘅 係 邊 一家 嘅 經典 呢 嚱? 咬文嚼字 尋章摘句 , 呢 啲 都 係 學究 先生 做 嘅 事 , 係 唔 能夠 興邦 定國 。 請 睇 一下 , 古時候 嘅 伊 尹 、 姜子牙 、 張良 、 陳 平 呢 啲 大人物 , 佢 哋 都 有 扭轉乾坤 , 治理 天下 嘅 奇才 , 之 冇 聽 過 佢 哋 研究 過邊 一家 嘅 經典 。 唔 通 , 佢 哋 學 似 嗰 啲 書生 只 係 識得 舞文弄墨 咩 ? 哈 , 嚴峻 啊 本來 想 考下 諸葛亮 嘅 學問 嘅 , 點知 畀 諸葛亮 反 轉頭 譏笑 佢 係 讀 死 書 , 搞 到 佢 垂頭喪氣 , 無可 對答 嘞 。 之有 個 謀士 唔 忿氣 啊 , 佢 接 住 啱 先 嘅 話頭 大聲 噉 話 : 先生 , 你 只 係 鍾 意 高談闊論 唧 , 未必 有 真才實學 。 恐怕 啲 讀書人 見到 你 噉 樣 呀 都 會 笑 你 啊 。 孔明 一睇 , 呢 個 係 程德樞 。 孔明 就 回答 佢 話 : 同樣 係 讀書人 , 不過 有 君子 小人 之別 。 君子 嘅 讀書人 呢 , 都 係 忠君愛國 , 守正惡 邪 , 務必 使 自己 能為 當代 做 啲 好事 而名 留 後世 。 至於 小人 嘅 讀書人 呢 , 只 係 會 啲 雕蟲小技 咬文嚼字 , 寫文章 下筆千言 , 但 係 個 心裏 便 一 啲 主意 都 冇 。 就 好似 當年 嘅 楊 雄 噉 , 文章 寫得 極好 喇 , 但 係 竟然 去 為 王莽 做事 , 到頭來 , 落得 個 跳樓 而 死 。 嘿嘿 , 呢 啲 就 係 小人 嘅 讀書人 嘞 , 即使 一日 能夠 寫 一萬 字 嘅 文章 , 又 有 乜嘢 用處 呢 ? 程德樞答 唔 出 嘞 。 大家 見到 孔明 對答如流 , 詞風 犀利 啊 , 個個 都 面 懵懵 嘞 喎 。 沉默 咗 一陣 , 張溫同 駱統 兩個 人 諗 到 個 題目 , 正話 要 提出 嚟 想 拗贏 孔明 。 呢 個 時候 , 有 個人 喺 外 便 行 入 嚟 大聲 噉 話 : 孔明 係 當代 嘅 奇才 , 各位 唔 停 嘴 噉 嚟 盤問 佢 , 拗東 拗西 , 太過 唔 客氣 嘞 , 呢 啲 唔 係 敬客 之禮 啊 。 當前 , 曹操 大軍 壓境 , 唔 去 想 辦法 嚟 對付 敵人 , 淨 係 喺 處 鬥嘴 有 乜 用 呢 ? 呢 個 係 邊個 啊 ? 原來 係 零陵 人 , 姓黃 名蓋字 公覆 , 而家 , 係 東吳 嘅 糧 官 。 黃 蓋 當時 行過 嚟 對 孔明 話 : 先生 , 開講 有話 多言 獲利 , 不如 默而 無言 啊 。 先生 點解 唔 將 啲 好 意見 對 我 哋 主公 講 , 反而 喺 呢 度 同 啲 人 辯論 呢 ? 孔明 就 話 嘞 : 在座 諸君 不識 世務 , 一味 咁 搵 啲 事 嚟 質問 我 , 我 唔 回答 又 唔 得 啫 。 黃 蓋 同 魯肅 唔 畀 啲 人 繼續 同 孔明 辯駁 嘞 , 就 帶 孔明 去 見 孫權 。 行到 中門 , 咁 啱 又 遇見 諸葛瑾 。 孔明 對 阿哥 行個禮 , 諸葛瑾 就 話 喇 : 賢弟 嚟 到 江東 , 點解 唔 嚟 見 下 我 啊 ? 我 係 劉豫州 派 嚟 嘅 , 理應 係 先公後私 , 公事 未 做 完 , 所以 唔 敢 先 做 啲 私事 。 冇 嚟 見 兄長 你 , 請 兄長 你 原諒 。 噉 , 賢弟 你 見過 吳侯之 後 , 就 嚟 我 屋企 傾下 偈 啦 。 講完 , 諸葛瑾 就 自己 行 咗 去 。 魯肅 硬 係 怕 孔明 講 說話 唔 小心 , 嚇親 孫權 。 所以 而 家 佢 又 囑咐 孔明 話 嘞 : 剛才 對 你 講 嗰 啲 說話 , 你 要 記住 至 好 啊 ! 孔明 就 一味 岌頭 應承 。 噉 魯肅 一直 將 孔明 啊 , 帶到 去 大堂 上 便 , 孫權 行落 嚟 台階 迎接 , 好好 禮啊 。 孔明 拜見 過 孫權 , 孫權 請 孔明 坐落 。 文武 大臣 就 分成 兩行 喺 旁邊 企 喺 處 。 魯肅 呢 , 就 企 喺 孔明 嘅 側 跟 , 聽 住 佢 講 嘢 。 孔明 首先 代表 劉備 , 向 孫權 致意 問候 。 講完 喇 , 就 打量 咗 孫權 一眼 。 只見 佢 生 得 一表堂堂 , 十分 威武 , 藍色 嘅 眼珠 , 紫色 嘅 鬍鬚 , 好 有 氣魄 。 孔明 個心 諗 : 孫權 此人 相貌 非凡 啊 , 睇 嚟 , 只 能夠 用 反話 嚟 激 佢 , 正面 講 係 冇 用 嘅 。 好 , 等 佢 問 我 嘅 時候 , 一 於 用 說話 嚟 激 佢 就 係 嘞 。 獻過 茶 之後 , 孫權 就 對 孔明 話 嘞 : 時常 都 聽 魯子敬 提及 足下 嘅 才能 , 今日 有幸 得以 見面 , 請 先生 你 多多指教 。 不敢 , 不敢 , 我 才疏學淺 , 恐怕 唔 能夠 使 將軍 滿意 啊 。 足下 最近 喺 新野 , 幫助 劉豫州 同 曹操 決戰 , 一定 好 了解 曹 兵 嘅 虛實 喇 。 劉豫州 兵微將寡 , 更 兼 新野 城又細 , 糧草 又 缺乏 , 點 能夠 同 曹操 對敵 吖 。 曹兵 總共 有 幾多 人 啊 ? 馬 、 步 、 水軍 大約 有百零萬 啦 。 誒 , 怕 係 呃 人 咋 啩? 唔 係 呃 人 㗎 。 曹操 喺 兗州 嘅 時候 , 已經 有 二十萬 青州 兵 。 掃平 咗 袁紹 之後 又 得 咗 五六十萬 。 喺 中原 新新招 咗 三四十萬 。 而家 , 又 得 咗 荊州 嘅 二三十萬 人馬 。 根據 噉 樣計起 上 嚟 , 都 不下 一百五十萬 啊 。 我 講話 一百萬 , 係 怕 嚇親 江東 嘅 人士 啫 。 魯肅 啊 , 點都 冇 諗 到 孔明 會 爆 啲 噉 嘅 說話 出 嚟 。 佢 企 喺 旁邊 聽到 , 哎呀 , 面都青 埋 。 猛 咁 同 孔明 打 眼色 , 喂 , 乜 噉 講法 㗎 你 ? 哈 , 孔明 就 一味 詐諦 睇 唔 見 喎 。 孫權 又問 嘞 : 曹操 部下 嘅 戰將 有 幾多 人 呢 ? 多咯 , 足智多謀 之士 , 能征慣戰 之將 , 何止 一兩千 人 啊 。 噉 , 曹操 而家 掃平 咗 荊襄 一帶 , 仲有 咩 嘢 遠大 嘅 打算 呢 ? 曹操 而家 沿住 長江 安營 扎寨 , 準備 截 。 佢 , 噉 唔 係 想 嚟 打 江東 , 又 想 去 打邊 處 啊 ? 嗯 , 如果 曹操 确有 吞并 江东 的 意思 , 我们 打 好 还是 不 打 好 , 请 足下 帮 我 揸 个 主意 啦 。 我 有 一句 说话 , 就是 怕 将军 不肯 听唧 。 请 先生 你 指教 。 前 一个 时期 以来 , 天下大乱 。 所以 将军 在 江东 起兵 , 刘豫州 就 在 江南 招兵买马 , 要 同 曹操 争夺 天下 。 曹操 东征西讨 , 给 他 平定 的 地方 不少 啊 。 最近 , 又 夺取 了 荆州 , 威震 海内 。 纵使 是 英雄 , 亦 无用武之地 了 。 故此 刘豫州 要 趯 了 去夏 口 。 我 啊 好 希望 将军 认真 地 考虑 下 自己 的 实力 。 若果 認為 依靠 吳越 呢 個 地方 嘅 兵力 , 就 能夠 同 中原 相 對抗 嘅 話 , 噉 就 應該 早日 同 曹操 斷絕關係 。 若果 估計 做 唔 到 呢 , 噉 啊 仲 係 聽從 各位 謀士 嘅 意見 , 投降 曹操 好 咯 。 孔明 呢 番 說話 嚟 得 十分 突然 , 孫權 聽 咗 都 未 嚟 得 及 反應 唧 , 孔明 接住 又 講落 去 : 將軍 , 你 而家 外表 上 係 服從 曹操 , 但 係 個 肚裏 便 又 另有打算 。 事到臨頭 形勢 緊急 咯 都 仲 未有 決斷 , 眼睇 住 大禍 就 嚟 喇 。 孫權 反問 一句 嘞 : 照 你 噉 講 , 噉 劉豫州 又 點解 唔 投降 曹操 呢 ? 古時候 , 田橫 不過 係 一名 壯士 , 尚且 大義凜然 , 唔 肯 投降 敵人 。 何況 劉豫州 係 皇帝 嘅 親屬 , 英才 蓋世 人人 仰慕 。 事業 唔 成功 , 乃 係 天意 , 佢 又 點 能夠 屈服 喺 別人 嘅 手下 ? 哼 ! 孫權 一聽 孔明 噉 樣講 , 即刻 變 咗 面色 , 衫袖 一拂 , 企 起身 行 咗 入 去 後堂 。 旁邊 嗰 班 文武 官員 見到 呀 都 笑 住 擰 擰頭 , 紛紛 噉 散 咗 去 。 魯肅 就 責怪 孔明 喇 , 佢 話 : 哎 , 先生 , 你 點解 講埋 啲 噉 嘅 說話 㗎 ? 好 在 我 主公 寬宏大量 , 冇 當面 發作 責罵 你 咋 。 先生 你講 呢 啲 說話 , 未免太 過 藐視 我 主公 喇 。 孔明 昂起 頭 哈哈大笑 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 點解 氣量 咁 小 啊 ? 哈哈哈 , 我 自有 擊敗 曹操 嘅 計策 , 佢 唔 問 我 , 所以 我 就 唔 講 。 吓 ? 如果 你 真 係 有 好 嘅 計策 , 我 就 去 請 主公 嚟 向 你 請教 。 曹操 嗰 百萬 大軍 , 喺 我 嘅 眼 內 不過 係 一堆 蟻唧 , 我 一 舉手 , 就要 將 佢 哋 𢱕 成 粉末 。 好 啊 , 噉 請 先生 等一等 。 魯肅 喇喇聲 入 去 後堂 見 孫權 , 孫權 仲 喺 度 嬲 緊 啊 。 佢 一 見 魯肅入 嚟 就 對 佢 話 嘞 : 孔明 欺人太甚 啊 ! 係 , 臣 亦 都 係 噉 樣 指責 佢 , 但 係 佢 反而 笑 主公 你 氣量 太小 噃。 擊敗 曹操 嘅 計策 , 孔明 係 有 㗎 , 之 佢 唔 肯 輕易 講 , 主公 你 點解 唔 去問 下 佢 呢 ? 孫權 一聽 唔 嬲 喇 , 唔 止 唔 嬲 啊 仲 歡喜 上 嚟 添 。 吓 ? 原來 孔明 係 有 好 嘅 計謀 , 收埋 喺 個 肚 處 唔 出 聲 , 故意 用 說話 嚟 激 我 咋 ? 唉 , 我 一時 淺見 , 爭 啲 誤 咗 大事 添 。 講完 , 孫權 就 同 魯肅 啊 行返 出去 大堂 , 再 請 孔明 傾過 嘞 。 孫權 見到 孔明 , 即刻 向 佢 道歉 : 剛才 多多 得罪 , 請 先生 唔 好 見怪 ! 孔明亦 都 向 孫權 道歉 話 喇 : 先頭 言語 冒犯 , 請 將軍 恕罪 啊 。 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 先生 請 ! 孫權 啊 噉 啊 請 孔明入 去 後堂 , 擺酒 嚟 款待 佢 , 準備 再 詳詳細細 聽下 孔明 有 咩 嘢 好 嘅 計策 。

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各位 , 呢 一回 啊 , 講 嘅 係 諸葛亮 舌戰 群儒 。 everyone|this|time|particle|talk|possessive particle|is|Zhuge Liang|debate|group of scholars Everyone, this time, we are talking about Zhuge Liang's debate with the scholars. 話 說 孔明 就 嚟 到 江東 吖 , 佢 喺 見 孫權 之前 呢 , 江東 已經 擺開陣勢 。 it is said|to say|Kongming|then|come|to|Jiangdong|particle|he|at|meeting|Sun Quan|before|particle|Jiangdong|already| It is said that Kongming was about to arrive in Jiangdong, and before he met Sun Quan, Jiangdong had already set up its defenses. 一大 班 謀士 啊 要 同 孔明 辯論 。 ||strategists|ah|want|with|Kongming|debate A large group of strategists wanted to debate with Kongming. 張昭 就 開頭 炮 , 譏諷 話 劉備 啊 得到 孔明 出 嚟 幫助 佢 之後 啊 , 本來 係 想 奪取 荊州 、 襄陽 嘅 。 Zhang Zhao|then|at first|fire|mocking|said|Liu Bei|ah|getting|Kongming|out|here|help|him|after|ah|originally|was|wanted|to seize|Jingzhou|Xiangyang|possessive particle Zhang Zhao was the first to fire, mocking that after Liu Bei got Kongming to help him, he originally intended to seize Jingzhou and Xiangyang. 點知 呢 兩 笪 地方 , 反而 畀 曹操 奪 咗 去 , 噉 你點 解釋 啊 噉 。 who would have known|this|two|bad|places|instead|by|Cao Cao|to take|past tense marker|away|then||explain|ah|then But unexpectedly, these two places were instead taken by Cao Cao, so how do you explain that? 於是 孔明 就 回答 佢 話 喇 : then|Kongming|then|answered|he|said|particle indicating completed action So Kongming replied to him saying: 照 我 睇 , 將漢 上 嗰 一帶 地方 攞 到手 真 係 易如反掌 。 according to|I|see||on|that|area|place|get|in hand|really|is|as easy as turning over one's hand In my opinion, taking control of the area around Han is truly as easy as turning over a hand. 不過 我 哋 主公 劉豫州 , 素 來講 仁義 , 唔 肯 奪取 同宗 兄弟 嘅 基業 , 所以 點都 唔 肯 要 嗰 啲 地方 。 but|we|plural marker|lord|Liu Yuzhou|always|in terms of|benevolence and righteousness|not|willing|to seize|of the same clan|brothers|possessive particle|family business|so|no matter what|not|willing|to take|that|plural marker|land However, our lord Liu Yuzhou has always spoken of benevolence and righteousness, and is unwilling to seize the foundation of his own kin, so he absolutely does not want those territories. 收尾 劉琮 呢 個 細佬哥 , 聽 咗 人 哋 嘅 壞話 , 偷偷 噉 投 咗 降 , 噉 曹操 先至 得 咁 猖獗 咋 嘛 。 finishing|Liu Cong|this|measure word for people|younger brother|heard|past tense marker|people|plural marker|possessive particle|bad words|secretly|like that|cast|past tense marker|surrender|like that|Cao Cao|only then|able to|so|rampant|only|question particle As for Liu Cong, this younger brother, after hearing bad words from others, secretly surrendered, which is why Cao Cao has become so rampant. 而家 , 我 哋 主公 喺 江夏 駐兵 , 係 另 有 英明 嘅 計劃 , 平常人 係 睇 唔 出 嘅 。 now|I|we|lord|at|Jiangxia|stationed troops|is|another|have|brilliant|possessive particle|plan|ordinary people|are|see|not|out|particle indicating past action Right now, our lord is stationed in Jiangxia, with another brilliant plan that ordinary people cannot see. 哦 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 照 噉 講 , 先生 你 嘅 說話 同 行動 係 互相 違背 嘅 咯 喎 。 oh|hahaha|ha|according to|like that|saying|sir|you|possessive particle|speech|and|actions|are|mutually|contradictory|particle indicating state|final particle|final particle Oh? Hahaha, haha, if that's the case, sir, your words and actions are contradictory. 先生 , 你將 自己 比做 管仲 同樂 毅 吖 。 sir||yourself|compare to|Guan Zhong|Tong Le|Yi|particle Sir, you compare yourself to Guan Zhong and Le Yi. 管仲 輔助 桓公 , 使到 桓公 能夠 喺 諸侯 當中 做 咗 霸主 。 Guan Zhong|assisted|Duke Huan|enabling|Duke Huan|able|in|feudal lords|among|become|past tense marker|hegemon Guan Zhong assisted Duke Huan, enabling him to become the hegemon among the feudal lords. 普天之下 , 人人 都 要 聽 佢 嘅 說話 。 under heaven|everyone|all|must|listen|he|possessive particle|words Under heaven, everyone had to listen to his words. 樂毅 呢 , 佢 輔助 本來 係 弱小 嘅 燕國 , 一下 就 攻下 咗 齊國 七 十幾座 城池 。 Lè Yì|this|he|assisted|originally|was|weak|possessive particle|State of Yan|in one go|then|conquered|past tense marker|State of Qi|||cities As for Le Yi, he assisted the originally weak Yan state and quickly conquered over seventy cities in the Qi state. 好似 呢 兩位 , 噉 就 真真正正 係 濟世之才 喇 。 like|these|two people|then|just|truly|are|talented individuals who benefit society|particle indicating completion or change of state These two are truly talented individuals who can benefit the world. 而 先生 你 呢 , 當初 住 喺 草廬 之中 , 得閒 冇 事 吟風弄月 , 享下 清福 。 and|sir|you|question particle|at that time|lived|in|thatched cottage|among|when free|no|things|enjoying the beauty of nature|enjoying|peaceful life As for you, sir, back when you were living in the thatched cottage, you had the leisure to enjoy the beauty of nature and live a comfortable life. 而家 , 跟隨 咗 劉豫州 就 應當 為 老百姓 做 啲 好事 , 興利除害 , 平定 啲 亂賊 至 係 吖 。 now|follow|past tense marker|Liu Yuzhou|then|should|for|common people|do|some|good deeds|promote benefits and eliminate harm|pacify|some|bandits|only|is|sentence-final particle Now, following Liu Yuzhou, you should do good for the common people, promote benefits and eliminate harm, and pacify the bandits. 劉豫州 未得 先生 嚟 之前 , 尚且 能夠 縱橫 於 天下 , 割據 城池 。 Liu Yuzhou|not yet|Mr|come|before|still|able to|move freely|in|the world|divide and rule|cities Before you came, Liu Yuzhou was still able to maneuver across the land and control cities. 而家 , 請到 先生 嚟 喇 , 人人 都 寄予 極大 嘅 希望 , 連 三歲 嘅 細 佬 哥 , 都 話 呢 次 係 猛虎 生翼 , 漢家 天下 一定 可以 復興 , 曹操 就 快要 覆滅 喇 噉 。 now|has invited|sir|to come|particle indicating completed action|everyone|all|to place|great|possessive particle|hope|even|three years old|possessive particle||||also|said|this|time|is|fierce tiger|gaining wings|Han family|world|definitely|can|revival|Cao Cao|then|soon|destruction|particle indicating completed action|like that Now that you are here, everyone has great expectations, even a three-year-old boy says this time is like a tiger gaining wings, and the Han dynasty will surely be revived, and Cao Cao will soon be defeated. 所以 , 不論 係 朝廷 嘅 舊臣 、 山林 嘅 隱士 , 都 衷心 盼望 認為 呢 次 總能 夠 撥開 雲霧 , 重見 陽光 。 so|regardless of|is|court|possessive particle|old ministers|mountains and forests||hermits|all|sincerely|hope|believe|this|time|always able|sufficiently|clear away|clouds and mist|see again|sunlight Therefore, whether it is the old ministers of the court or the hermits of the mountains, they all sincerely hope that this time they can clear the clouds and see the sunlight again. 將 百姓 喺 水深火熱 之中 , 拯救 出 嚟 , 使到 天下太平 嘞 。 to bring|common people|in|deep water and hot fire (extreme difficulties)|within|to save|out|come|to make|peace under heaven|past tense marker To rescue the people from their suffering and bring peace to the world. 但 係 , 點解 呢 ? ||why|question particle But why? 先生 你 自從 幫 咗 劉豫州 之後 , 一 遇到 曹操 嘅 兵馬 , 就 棄甲 拋槍 , 望風而逃 。 sir|you|since|helped|past tense marker|Liu Yuzhou|after|every|encountering|Cao Cao|possessive particle|troops|then|discarded armor|threw away his spear|fled in panic Sir, ever since you helped Liu Yuzhou, whenever you encounter Cao Cao's troops, you abandon your armor and weapons and flee. 上 不能 保護 百姓 嚟 報答 劉表 , 下 不能 輔助 孤兒 守衛 疆土 。 above|cannot|protect|common people|in order to|repay|Liu Biao|below|cannot|assist|orphans|defend|territory You cannot protect the people to repay Liu Biao, nor can you assist the orphans in defending the territory. 喪失 咗 新野 , 逃跑 去 樊城 , 喺 當陽 大敗 , 趯 到 去夏 口 , 搞 到 幾乎 無容身之地 。 lost|past tense marker|new territory|escape|to|Fan City|at|Dongyang|suffered a great defeat|fled|to|||||almost| Lost something new, fled to Fan City, suffered a great defeat in Dongyang, and ended up in Xia Kou, almost with nowhere to stand. 照 噉 樣 睇 嚟 , 劉豫州 請 咗 先生 嚟 幫 佢 之後 , 反而 唔 及 當初 喇 喎 。 according to|like this|appearance|see|come|Liu Yuzhou|invited|past tense marker|Mr||help|him|after|on the contrary|not|catch up|initially|particle indicating change of state|particle indicating confirmation From this perspective, after Liu Yuzhou invited the gentleman to help him, it seems he is not as good as before. 唔 通 管仲 、 樂毅 , 就 係 噉 樣 嘅 ? not|understand|Guan Zhong|Yue Yi|then|is|like|this|particle indicating a question Could it be that Guan Zhong and Le Yi were like this? 哈哈哈哈 , 我 嘅 說話 講得 好 率直 , 請 先生 唔 好 見怪 。 hahaha|I|possessive particle|speech|speak|very|straightforward|please|sir|not|very|take offense Hahaha, I speak very frankly, please don't take offense, sir. 張昭 啊 認真 唔 客氣 啊 , 呢 番 說話 講得 又 尖酸 又 刻薄 。 Cheung Chiu|ah|serious|not|polite|ah|this|time|speech|said|both|sarcastic|and|mean Zhang Zhao, you are really not polite, this time your words are sharp and bitter. 孔明 沉住氣 聽 佢 講 , 等 佢 講完 喇 , 孔明 滋滋 悠悠 笑 住 噉 話 : Kongming|calm down|listen|he|speak|wait|he|finished speaking|particle indicating completion|Kongming|||||like that|said Kong Ming remained calm and listened to him speak, waiting for him to finish. Then, Kong Ming chuckled and said: 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 係 嘅 係 嘅 , 噉 啊 難怪 嘅 。 hahaha||yes|particle indicating possession or affirmation|||then|ah|no wonder| Hahaha, yes, yes, that's why. 大鵬鳥 一飛 萬里 , 佢 嘅 志向 , 啲 雀 仔 又 點會 知道 呢 ? the Roc|one flight|ten thousand miles|it|possessive particle|ambition|plural marker|||again|how could|know|this The great roc flies thousands of miles; how could those little birds understand his ambitions? 我 哋 不妨 打個 比喻 , 好似 一個 得 咗 重病 嘅 人 , 就 應當 畀 啲 稀粥 嚟 餵 佢 , 開 啲 溫和 個 藥 佢 食 ; we|plural marker|might as well|make a|metaphor|like|a|||serious illness|possessive particle|person|then|should|give|some|thin rice porridge|to|feed|him|prescribe|some|mild|measure word|medicine|him|eat Let's make an analogy: it's like a person who has fallen seriously ill; they should be fed some thin porridge and given some mild medicine to take; 等到 佢 嘅 臟腑 調和 喇 , 身體 亦 好 返 一 啲 嘞 , 然後 就 用 啲 肉食 嚟 補養 下 , 再落 啲 猛藥 嚟 醫 佢 。 wait until|he|possessive particle|internal organs|harmonized|completed action particle|body|also|well|return|a|little|past action particle|then|just|use|some|meat|to|nourish|a little||some|strong medicine|to|treat|him once their organs are balanced and their body is feeling a bit better, then they can be nourished with some meat and given stronger medicine to heal them. 噉 樣 , 先至 能夠 除 咗 病根 保全 性命 吖 嘛 。 like this|way|only then|able to|remove|past tense marker|root of the illness|preserve|life|sentence-final particle|particle indicating obviousness In this way, only then can we eliminate the root of the disease and preserve life. 如果 唔 係 唔 等 佢 氣脈 緩和 , 一 開始 就 用 猛藥 , 想 噉 樣 嚟 醫好 病 , 難咯 。 if|not|is|not|wait|he|energy flow|calms down|one|start|then|use|strong medicine|want|like this|way|to|cure|illness|difficult If we don't wait for his energy to stabilize and immediately use strong medicine, it will be difficult to cure the illness. 我 哋 主公 劉豫州 , 當初 喺 汝南 打 咗 敗仗 , 投奔 劉表 。 I|plural marker|lord|Liu Yuzhou|at that time|at|Runan|fought|past tense marker|losing battle|defected to|Liu Biao Our lord Liu Yuzhou, initially suffered a defeat in Runan and sought refuge with Liu Biao. 當時 , 兵卒 唔 夠 一千 , 將領 亦 只 有關 、 張 、 趙雲 而已 唧 。 at that time|soldiers|not|enough|one thousand|generals|also|only||Zhang|Zhao Yun|and no more|(a sound of discontent or frustration) At that time, there were less than a thousand soldiers, and the only generals were Guan, Zhang, and Zhao Yun. 呢種 情形 , 就 正如 病勢 沉重 到極點 。 this kind of|situation|just|just like|illness|severe| This situation is just like a disease that has reached a critical point. 新野縣 , 係 個 山區 偏僻 嘅 小 地方 , 人丁 稀少 , 糧食 有限 。 Xinye County|is|a|mountainous area|remote|possessive particle|small|place|population|sparse|food|limited Xinye County is a small, remote place in the mountains, with a sparse population and limited food. 豫州 不過 係 暫時 喺 度 立住 腳先 , 唔 通真 係 想 喺 度過 一世 咩 ? Yuzhou|but|is|temporarily|at|here|stand||||is|want|at||whole life|question particle Yuzhou is just a temporary foothold; do you really think you can spend your whole life here? 即使 係 噉 樣 , 兵馬 不足 , 城池 唔 堅固 , 士兵 又 缺乏 訓練 , 糧食 呢 , 有 一日 冇 一日 。 even if|is|like this|situation|troops|insufficient|city|not|strong|soldiers|also|lack|training|food|question particle|has|one day|without|one day Even so, the troops are insufficient, the city walls are not strong, the soldiers lack training, and food is scarce, with each day being worse than the last. 就 喺 噉 嘅 情形 之下 , 喺 博望坡 用 火燒 , 喺 白河 用 水浸 , 殺到 夏侯惇 同 曹 仁 佢 哋 心驚膽裂 。 just|at|like this|possessive particle|situation|under|||use|fire attack||||water attack|killed until|Xiahou Dun|and|||they|plural particle|terrified In such a situation, using fire at Bowang Slope and water at Baihe, we scared the wits out of Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren. 哈哈哈 , 我 睇 , 請 管仲 、 樂毅 嚟 指揮 , 亦 不過 係 如此而已 。 hahaha|I|see|please|Guan Zhong|Yue Yi|come|command|also|just|is|only like this Hahaha, I think even if we invite Guan Zhong and Le Yi to command, it would only be like this. 至於 劉琮 投降 曹操 , 事前 豫州 實在 唔 知道 。 as for|Liu Cong|surrender|Cao Cao|beforehand|Yuzhou|really|not|knew As for Liu Cong's surrender to Cao Cao, the situation in Yuzhou really did not know beforehand. 佢 更 唔 肯 趁 亂 將 同宗 兄弟 嘅 基業 搶過 嚟 。 He|even|not|willing|take advantage of|chaos|take|same clan|brother|possessive particle|family business|snatch over|come He also refused to take advantage of the chaos to seize the family business of his relatives. 呢種 品德 真 係 大仁大義 啊 ! this kind of|virtue|really|is|great benevolence and righteousness|ah This kind of character is truly great righteousness! 喺 當陽 呢 一仗 , 冇 錯 係 打敗 嘞 , 點解 呢 ? in|Dongyang|this|battle|not|wrong|was|defeated|past tense marker|why|this In the battle at Dangyang, it was indeed a defeat, but why? 皆 因為 劉豫州 唔 捨得 拋棄 嗰 幾十萬 跟 住 佢 身邊 嘅 老百姓 。 all|because|Liu Yuzhou|not|willing to|abandon|that|hundreds of thousands|follow|living|him|around|possessive particle|common people It is all because Liu Yuzhou could not bear to abandon the hundreds of thousands of common people who followed him. 一日 , 只 能夠 行 十幾 里路 , 都 唔 諗 住 去 奪取 江陵 咯 。 one day|only|can|walk|more than ten|miles|all|not|think|to|go|capture|Jiangling|particle indicating finality In a day, we can only walk a dozen miles, so there's no thought of capturing Jiangling. 甘心情願 打敗仗 , 都 唔 願 掉 低 啲 百姓 , 噉 樣 嘅 行 為 , 亦 係 大仁大義 啊 ! willingly|lose a battle|all|not|willing|||particle indicating plural|common people|||possessive particle|||||great benevolence and righteousness|particle indicating exclamation Willing to suffer defeat, but unwilling to abandon the common people, this kind of behavior is also great benevolence and righteousness! 寡不敵眾 , 勝負 乃 係 兵 家常事 。 |victory and defeat|is|is|military|common affair Being outnumbered, victory and defeat are common occurrences in warfare. 想當初 , 高祖 皇帝 屢屢 畀 項羽 打敗 , 而 最後 , 垓下 一戰 就 成功 。 back then|Emperor Gaozu|emperor|repeatedly|by|Xiang Yu|defeated|and|finally|at Gaixia|one battle|then|succeeded In the past, Emperor Gaozu was repeatedly defeated by Xiang Yu, but in the end, he succeeded in the battle at Gaixia. 呢 啲 , 唔 係 韓信 嘅 計謀 叻 咩 ? ||||Han Xin|possessive particle|strategy|clever|question particle Isn't this the clever strategy of Han Xin? 韓信 輔助 高祖 咁 耐 , 亦 冇 話 場場 仗 都 打贏 㗎 。 Han Xin|assisted|Gaozu|so|long|also|not|saying|every|battle|all|won|question particle Han Xin assisted Emperor Gaozu for so long, yet he didn't win every battle. 國家 嘅 大事 , 社稷 嘅 安危 , 全 靠 佢 執掌 。 country|possessive particle|major affairs|state|possessive particle|safety and danger|completely|rely on|he|governs The major affairs of the state and the safety of the nation all depend on his leadership. 佢 唔 似 得 嗰 啲 人 , 只 係 誇誇其談 , 空有 一個 好 名聲 。 he|not|resembles|like|those|plural marker|people|only|is|boastful|only has|one|good|reputation He is not like those people who just boast and have a good reputation without substance. 從早到晚 講起 大話 嚟 , 冇 人 及 得 佢 , 之一 到 緊要關頭 , 就 樣樣 唔 得 。 from morning to night|speaking of|big talk|coming|no|one|can|achieve|he|one of|reaching|critical moment|then|everything|not|achievable From morning till night, he talks big, and no one can match him, but when it comes to critical moments, he is useless. 噉 樣 嘅 人 , 盞 畀 人 恥笑 啫 。 like this|appearance|possessive particle|person|lamp|by|people|ridicule|only Such a person is just a laughingstock. 孔明 呢 一番 說話 , 講到 張昭 誒 都 冇 得 誒 。 Kongming|this|one round of|conversation|when it comes to|Zhang Zhao|particle indicating surprise or realization|all|not have|able|particle indicating surprise or realization Kongming's words were so impressive that even Zhang Zhao couldn't compare. 大家 靜晒 , 靜 咗 冇 幾耐 , 有 個人 忽然 大聲 噉 問 嘞 : everyone|completely quiet|quiet|past tense marker|not|long|there was|person|suddenly|loudly|like that|asked|past tense marker Everyone was silent, and after a short while, someone suddenly asked loudly: 當前 曹 公 嘅 人馬 足足有 成 一百萬 之多 , 將官 亦 有 幾千名 , 如龍似虎 , 要 掃平 江夏 , 先生 你 睇 點算 好 呢 ? currently|Cao|Gong|possessive particle|cavalry||a total of|one million|at least|officers|also|have|several thousand|as fierce as dragons and tigers|need to|eliminate|Jiangxia|sir|you|see|how to calculate|good|question particle Currently, Cao Gong's forces number over a million, with several thousand officials. They are fierce and ready to sweep through Jiangxia. Sir, what do you think we should do? 孔明 一望 , 呢 個人 原來 係 虞 翻 。 Kongming|at a glance|this|person|originally|is|Yu|Fan Kongming looked and realized that this person was Yu Fan. 孔明 就 話 : 曹操 嗰 啲 人馬 , 有 啲 係 收編 袁紹 嘅 殘兵 敗 卒 , 有 啲 , 係 由 劉表 嗰 度 劫 嚟 嘅 烏合 之眾 。 Kongming|then|said|Cao Cao|that|plural marker|troops|have|some|are|recruited|Yuan Shao|possessive particle|remnants of soldiers|defeated|soldiers|have|some|are|from|Liu Biao|that|place|robbed|come|possessive particle|| Kongming replied: Cao Cao's forces include some remnants of Yuan Shao's defeated troops, and some are a ragtag group that was plundered from Liu Biao. 噉 樣 嘅 人馬 , 就算 有 幾百萬 亦 唔 使 怕 佢 嘅 。 like this|appearance|possessive particle|person|even if|has|several million|also|not|need|fear|him|possessive particle With people like that, even if there are millions, there's no need to be afraid of them. 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 。 hee hee|hee hee|hee hee Hehe hehe hehe. 喺 當陽 打 咗 敗仗 , 喺 夏 口 走投無路 , 只有 求救 於 人 , 仲 嘴硬 話 唔 使 怕 添 , 真 係 大言不慚 啊 你 。 at|Dongyang|fought|past tense marker|defeat|at|||in a desperate situation|only|asking for help|from|people|still|stubborn|saying|not|need|afraid|additional particle|really|is|shamelessly boasting|ah|you After losing the battle at Dongyang, and being in a desperate situation at Xiakou, the only option is to seek help from others, yet you still stubbornly say there's nothing to fear, truly shameless of you. 虞 先生 , 劉豫州 以 幾千名 仁義之師 , 又點 能夠 敵得過 曹操 成 百萬 嘅 殘暴 軍隊 ? Mr Yu|sir|Liu Yuzhou|with|several thousand|righteous army||able to|defeat|Cao Cao|over|one million|possessive particle|brutal|army Mr. Yu, how can Liu Yuzhou with a few thousand righteous troops possibly compete against Cao Cao's hundreds of thousands of brutal army? 暫時 退守 夏口 , 係 為 咗 等待 時機 。 temporarily|retreat to|Xiakou|is|for|past tense marker|waiting|opportunity Temporarily retreating to Xiakou is to wait for the right opportunity. 但 係 , 今日 江東 兵 精糧足 , 而且 有 長江 天險 , 有 啲 人 , 不顧 天下 恥笑 , 反而 仲要 勸 自己 嘅 主公 向 曹操 奸賊 , 屈膝投降 。 ||today|Jiangdong|soldiers|well-supplied|moreover|has|Yangtze River|natural barrier|||people|disregarding|the world|ridicule|instead|still want to|persuade|himself|possessive particle|lord|towards|Cao Cao|treacherous bandit| However, today the troops in Jiangdong are well-equipped and have the natural defense of the Yangtze River. Some people, disregarding the world's ridicule, still want to persuade their lord to kneel and surrender to the treacherous Cao Cao. 根據 噉 樣 嚟 睇 , 劉豫州 確確實實 , 係 唔 怕 曹操 奸賊 嘅 英雄 啊 。 according to|like this|appearance|come|see|Liu Yuzhou|truly|is|not|afraid|Cao Cao|treacherous villain|possessive particle|hero|ah particle From this perspective, Liu Yuzhou is indeed a hero who is not afraid of the treacherous Cao Cao. 虞 翻擘 大個 口 , 冇 說話 講 嘞 。 Yu|to open wide|big|mouth|not|talking|to say|past tense particle Yu Fan opened his mouth wide, but had nothing to say. 呢 個 時候 , 又 有 個人 問 嘞 : this|measure word|time|again|has|person|asked|past tense marker At this moment, someone asked: 孔明 先生 , 你 係 想學 蘇秦 、 張儀 , 走 嚟 遊說 東吳 係 嘛 ? Kongming|Mr|you|are|want to learn|Su Qin|Zhang Yi|to go|to come|to persuade|Eastern Wu|is|question particle Mr. Kongming, do you want to learn from Su Qin and Zhang Yi, and come to persuade Eastern Wu? 孔明 一睇 , 呢 個 原來 係 步騭 。 Kongming|at a glance|this|measure word|originally|is|Bu Zhi Kong Ming took a look and said, this is actually Bu Zhi. 孔明 就 話 : 先生 , 你將 蘇秦 、 張儀 , 當成 係 個 辯士 , 淨 係 得 把 口 。 Kongming|then|said|sir||Su Qin|Zhang Yi|as|is|a|debater|only|is|have|a|mouth Kong Ming then said: Sir, you regard Su Qin and Zhang Yi as mere debaters, just people with a mouth. 你 都 唔 知道 蘇秦 、 張儀 呀 , 亦 係 位 豪傑 嚟 啊 。 you|also|not|know|Su Qin|Zhang Yi|particle|also|is|a|hero|come|particle You don't even know that Su Qin and Zhang Yi are also great heroes. 蘇秦 做過 六國 嘅 宰相 , 張儀 亦 兩次 揸 過 秦國 宰相 嘅 大印 。 Su Qin|served as|Six Kingdoms|possessive particle|chancellor|Zhang Yi|also|twice|held|past tense marker|Qin State|chancellor|possessive particle|great seal Su Qin served as the prime minister of the Six States, and Zhang Yi also held the prime minister's seal of the Qin State twice. 佢 哋 兩位 都 係 有 治理 國家 嘅 能力 , 係 有 本事 , 決 唔 係 嗰 啲 欺軟怕硬 , 懼刀 避 劍 嘅 人 啊 。 they|plural marker|two people|all|are|have|governing|country|possessive particle|ability|are||||||those|plural marker|bully the weak and fear the strong||avoid|sword|possessive particle|people|sentence-final particle Both of them have the ability to govern a country; they are capable individuals, definitely not those who are afraid of the strong and bully the weak, or who fear knives and avoid swords. 諸君 一 聽見 曹操 嗰 啲 愛 嚟 嚇人 嘅 大話 , 即刻 就 怕 晒 , 要 請求 投降 嘞 , 噉 仲有面 去 笑 蘇秦 、 張儀 ? gentlemen|one|heard|Cao Cao|that|plural marker|love|coming|frightening|possessive particle|big talk|immediately|then|afraid|completely|had to|request|surrender|past tense marker|then||to|laugh|Su Qin|Zhang Yi Everyone, as soon as they heard Cao Cao's terrifying boasts, immediately got scared and wanted to surrender. How could they still have the face to laugh at Su Qin and Zhang Yi? 步騭 當堂 冇 聲出 。 walking pace|on the spot|no|sound Bu Zhi remained silent in the hall. 忽然間 , 又 有 個人 問 嘞 : suddenly|again|has|someone|asked|past tense marker Suddenly, someone asked: 呢 個人 , 叫做 薛綜 , 別字 敬文 。 this|person|is called|Xue Zong|courtesy name|Jingwen This person is called Xue Zong, courtesy name Jingwen. 佢 話 : 孔明 , 你 話 曹操 係 個 乜嘢 人 啊 ? he|said|Kongming|you|said|Cao Cao|is|a|what|person|question particle He said: Kongming, what do you think of Cao Cao as a person? 孔明 回答 話 嘞 : 曹操 乃 係 漢朝 嘅 賊 臣 , 又 何必 問呢 ? Kongming|replied|saying|past tense marker|Cao Cao|is|is|Han Dynasty|possessive particle|traitor|minister|again|why| Kongming replied: Cao Cao is a traitor of the Han dynasty, so why ask about him? 哦 ? 先生 你 噉 講就錯 咯 。 oh|sir|you|like that||particle indicating realization or conclusion Oh? Sir, what you said is wrong. 漢朝 傳到 今日 幾百年 喇 , 佢 嘅 天數 都 就 快 完咯 。 Han Dynasty|lasted until|today|several hundred years|already|it|possessive particle|lifespan|also|just|soon|finished The Han dynasty has lasted for hundreds of years until today, its time is almost up. 目前 , 曹公 已經 得 咗 天下 嘅 三分之二 , 人心 歸服 啊 。 currently|Cao Gong|already|obtained|past tense marker|the world|possessive particle|two-thirds|people's hearts|submission|sentence-final particle Currently, Cao Gong has already gained two-thirds of the world, and people's hearts are with him. 而 劉豫州 呢 , 不識 天時 , 仲夾 硬 要 同 佢 嚟 爭 。 and|Liu Yuzhou|question particle|does not understand|timing||stubbornly|wants|with|him|to come|compete As for Liu Yuzhou, he does not recognize the right timing and still stubbornly wants to compete with him. 唔 客氣 講句 , 就 好似 攞 雞蛋 嚟 碰 石頭 , 點 能夠 唔 打敗仗 㗎 。 not|polite|to say something|then|just like|take|egg|to|hit|stone|how|able to|not|lose a battle|question particle Well, to put it bluntly, it's like taking an egg to hit a rock; how can you not lose a battle? 孔明 即 刻板 起塊面 大聲 噉 話 : Kongming|immediately|rigid|with a straight face|loudly|like that|said Kong Ming immediately put on a stern face and said loudly: 薛敬文 ! 你 點解 會 講出 呢 啲 無父無君 無恥 嘅 說話 嚟 啊 ? Sit King Man|you|why|would|say out|||without father and ruler|shameless|possessive particle|words|come|ah Xue Jingwen! Why do you speak such shameless words without a father or a ruler? 一個 人 , 生於 天地 之間 , 應該 以 忠孝 為 立身 之 本 。 a|person|born in|heaven and earth|between|should|take|loyalty and filial piety|as|establishing oneself|of|foundation A person, born between heaven and earth, should take loyalty and filial piety as the foundation of their existence. 你 是 漢朝 嘅 臣子 , 見到 啲 反叛 朝廷 嘅 人 , 就 應該 同心合力 去 殺 咗 佢 , 呢 啲 乃 係 為 臣 之 道 。 you|are|Han Dynasty|possessive particle|subject|see|plural marker|rebel|court|possessive particle|people|then|should|work together|to|kill|past tense marker|them|this|plural marker|only|is|for|subject|possessive particle|way You are a subject of the Han dynasty; when you see those who rebel against the court, you should unite and eliminate them. This is the way of a subject. 曹操 嘅 祖宗 , 世世代代 食 漢朝 嘅 俸祿 。 Cao Cao|possessive particle|ancestors|generation after generation|eat|Han Dynasty|possessive particle|salary Cao Cao's ancestors have been receiving salaries from the Han dynasty for generations. 曹操 佢 不但 唔 報效 朝廷 , 個心 反而 想 住 篡位 作反 。 Cao Cao|he|not only|not|serve|imperial court|his heart|on the contrary|wants|to|usurp the throne|rebel Cao Cao not only did not serve the court, but instead, his heart was set on usurping the throne and rebelling. 呢 啲 噉 嘅 人 天下 都 痛恨 佢 , 而 你 竟然 話 佢 係 天命 所歸 , 真 係 無父無君 之人 啊 ! ||like this|possessive particle|people|the world|all|hate|him|and|you|actually|say|he|is|divine mandate|rightful|really|is|without father and ruler||exclamatory particle People like this are hated by everyone in the world, and you actually say he is destined by heaven, truly a person without father or ruler! 同 你 冇 乜嘢 好 講 嘅 , 請 你 唔 好 開口 喇 。 with|you|have not|anything|very|talk|particle|please|you|not|very|speak|particle There's nothing much to discuss with you, please don't speak. 哎呀 , 搞 到 薛綜 滿面 羞慚 , 一個 字 都 噏 唔 出 嘞 。 oh no|||Xue Zong|full face|shame|one|word|at all||||past tense particle Ah, this has made Xue Zong feel so ashamed that he can't say a word. 薛綜 講輸 咗 , 又 有 個人 接住 出 嚟 問 噃, 佢 話 : Sit Chung|admitted defeat|past tense marker|again|there is|a person|immediately|out|come|ask|particle|he|said Xue Zong said he lost, and then someone came out to ask, he said: 曹操 雖然 係 脅 天子 以令 諸侯 , 作威作福 , 不過 佢 到底 係 大 功臣 相國 曹 參 嘅 後代 噃。 Cao Cao|although|is|to threaten|emperor||feudal lords|to act tyrannically|however|he|after all|is|great|meritous minister|chancellor|Cao|Can|possessive particle|descendant|sentence-final particle Although Cao Cao threatened the emperor to command the lords, and acted with power and authority, he is still a descendant of the great minister Xiangguo Cao Can. 劉豫州 話 就 話 係 中山 靖 王 嘅 後裔 , 之 無可 稽考 吖 。 Liu Yuzhou|said|then|said|is|Zhongshan|Jing|Wang|possessive particle|descendant|particle indicating possession|cannot|verified|particle indicating affirmation Liu Yuzhou said he is a descendant of the Jing King of Zhongshan, but this cannot be verified. 明明 係 織席 賣 草鞋 嘅 小販 啫 , 邊度 係 曹操 嘅 對手 啊 ? obviously|is|weaving mats|selling|straw sandals|possessive particle|vendor|only|where|is|Cao Cao|possessive particle|rival|question particle Clearly, he is just a vendor selling mats and straw sandals, how could he be Cao Cao's opponent? 孔明 睇 下 呢 個講 說話 嘅 人 , 原來 係 陸績 。 Kongming|look|at|this||speech|possessive particle|person|originally|is|Lu Ji Kongming looked at the person speaking, and it turned out to be Lu Ji. 陸績 啊 , 有段 古仔 , 佢 喺 六歲 嘅 時候 呢 , 有 一次 佢 喺 袁 術 屋企 作客 。 Lu Ji|ah|has a|story|he|at|six years old|possessive particle|time|particle indicating past action|has|one time|he|at|Yuan|Shu|home|visiting Lu Ji, there is a story about him. When he was six years old, he was visiting at Yuan Shu's house. 就 見到 有 啲 招待 客人 嘅 柑 好 靚 , 佢 攞 起 咗 三個 收埋 喺 身邊 。 then|saw|there is|some|entertaining|guests|possessive particle|oranges|very|beautiful|he|||past tense marker|three|hiding|at|his side He saw some beautiful oranges for entertaining guests, and he took three to keep by his side. 臨走 嘅 時候 唔 小心 , 跌 咗 出 嚟 。 when leaving|possessive particle|time|not|careful|fall|past tense marker|out|come When he was about to leave, he accidentally dropped them. 袁術 就 問 佢 攞 啲 柑 做 咩 嘢 啊 噉 。 Yuan Shu|then|asked|he|take|some|oranges|do|what|thing|particle|like that Yuan Shu asked him what he was doing with the oranges. 佢 就 回答 話 : 要 帶 返去 孝敬 老母 嘅 噉 。 he|then|answered|said|must|bring|back|support|mother|possessive particle|like that He replied that he wanted to take them back to honor his mother. 呢 件 事 後來 一 傳出 嚟 就 成為 美談 嘞 。 this|classifier for events|matter|later|one|spread|out|then|became|good story|past tense particle This matter later became a beautiful story once it was spread. 孔明 見到 係 陸績 唄 , 就 不禁 笑 起 上 嚟 話 : Kongming|saw|is|Lu Ji|particle indicating suggestion|then|couldn't help but|||||said Kongming saw it was Lu Ji, and couldn't help but laugh and say: 哦 , 先生 , 就 係 喺 袁 術 屋企 收埋 幾個 甜柑 嘅 六 郎 係 嘛 ? oh|sir||is||||||||||||question particle Oh, sir, is it the Liu Lang who hid a few sweet oranges at Yuan Shu's house? 哈哈哈 , 請 你 好好 坐 嚮 處 , 聽 我講 啦 。 hahaha|please|you|properly|sit|||listen||sentence-final particle Hahaha, please sit down properly there and listen to me. 曹操 既然 係 曹 相國 嘅 後代 , 噉 樣 , 曹家 世世代代 , 都 應該 係 漢朝 嘅 臣子 咯 。 Cao Cao|since|is|Cao|Prime Minister|possessive particle|descendant|then|like this|Cao family|generation after generation|all|should|be|Han Dynasty|possessive particle|subjects|final particle Since Cao Cao is a descendant of Cao Xiangguo, then the Cao family should have been subjects of the Han dynasty for generations. 但 係 佢 而 家 噉 樣 專權 暴虐 , 都 唔 將 皇帝 放在 眼 內 , 其實 , 佢 不但 係 睇 唔 起 皇帝 , 而且 亦 係 蔑視 自己 嘅 祖先 喇 。 |is|||||||||||emperor|||||||is||||||||despising|himself|possessive particle|ancestors|sentence-final particle But now, with such tyranny and abuse of power, he does not even regard the emperor, in fact, he not only looks down on the emperor but also despises his own ancestors. 所以 , 曹操 不僅 係 漢朝 嘅 賊 臣 , 而且 亦 係 曹 家 嘅 不肖子孫 ! so|Cao Cao|not only|is|Han Dynasty|possessive particle|treacherous|minister|moreover|also|is|||possessive particle| Therefore, Cao Cao is not only a traitorous minister of the Han dynasty, but also a disreputable descendant of the Cao family! 劉豫州 呢 , 係 堂堂 嘅 皇室 後代 。 Liu Yuzhou|this|is|dignified|possessive particle|royal|descendant Liu Yuzhou, on the other hand, is a dignified royal descendant. 當今 嘅 皇上 都 查過 族譜 , 承認 佢 係 皇叔 , 賜 咗 爵位 , 點解 話 無可 稽考 呢 ? current|possessive particle|emperor|also|has checked|family tree|acknowledged|he|is|imperial uncle|bestowed|past tense marker|title|why|say|cannot|questioned|question particle The current emperor has checked the family tree and acknowledged him as a royal uncle, granting him a title, so why is it said to be unverifiable? 至於 講到 出身 , 高祖 只不過 係 個 亭長 , 終歸 佢 得到 天下 , 織席 賣 草鞋 又 有 咩 可恥 嘅 呢 ? as for|talking about|background|Gaozu|only|was|a|minor official|ultimately|he|obtained|the world|weaving mats|selling|straw sandals|again|has|what|shameful|possessive particle|question particle As for his origins, Gaozu was merely a pavilion chief; after all, he gained the world, so what is shameful about weaving mats and selling straw sandals? 你 呢 種細佬哥 見識 , 冇 資格 同 有 學問 嘅 人 傾談 啊 。 you|question particle||knowledge|not have|qualification|with|have|education|possessive particle|person|talk|final particle You, this kind of little brother, have no qualifications to talk to knowledgeable people. 陸績 冇 說話 好講 喇 。 Luk Chik|not|speaking|easy to talk to|particle indicating change or completion Lu Ji has nothing more to say. 有 一個 謀士 叫做 嚴峻 , 佢 接 住 就 話 嘞 : there is|a|strategist|called|Yan Jun|he|received|continuous aspect particle|then|said|past tense particle There is a strategist named Yan Jun, who then said: 孔明 所講 啲 說話 都 係 強詞奪理 嘅 , 都 唔 係 正經 嘅 道理 , 唔 使 再 講落 去 喇 。 Kongming|what he said|particle indicating plural|words|all|are|unreasonable arguments|particle indicating possession||not|are|serious|particle indicating possession|reasoning|||again|||particle indicating completed action What Kong Ming said is all just sophistry, not serious reasoning, so there's no need to continue. 我 只 係 想 請問 一下 孔明 , 你 研究 嘅 係 邊 一家 嘅 經典 呢 嚱? I||is|||||||possessive particle|||||classics|question particle|particle indicating surprise or realization I just want to ask Kong Ming, which school's classics are you studying? 咬文嚼字 尋章摘句 , 呢 啲 都 係 學究 先生 做 嘅 事 , 係 唔 能夠 興邦 定國 。 nitpicking|quoting out of context|these|plural marker|all|are|pedantic|sir|do|possessive particle|things|are|not|able to|promote the nation|stabilize the country Quibbling over words and picking phrases, these are things that scholars do, and they cannot establish a nation. 請 睇 一下 , 古時候 嘅 伊 尹 、 姜子牙 、 張良 、 陳 平 呢 啲 大人物 , 佢 哋 都 有 扭轉乾坤 , 治理 天下 嘅 奇才 , 之 冇 聽 過 佢 哋 研究 過邊 一家 嘅 經典 。 please|look|briefly|ancient times|possessive particle|||Jiang Ziya|Zhang Liang|||this|plural particle|great figures|they|plural marker|all|have|turn the world upside down|govern|the world|possessive particle|genius|particle indicating possession|not|||they||study|which|school|possessive particle|classics Please take a look at the great figures of ancient times like Yi Yin, Jiang Ziya, Zhang Liang, and Chen Ping; they were all talented individuals who could turn the world upside down and govern the realm, yet I have never heard of them studying any particular classics. 唔 通 , 佢 哋 學 似 嗰 啲 書生 只 係 識得 舞文弄墨 咩 ? ||||study|like|||scholars|only|are|know|to show off one's literary skills|question particle Could it be that they learned like those bookish scholars who only know how to play with words? 哈 , 嚴峻 啊 本來 想 考下 諸葛亮 嘅 學問 嘅 , 點知 畀 諸葛亮 反 轉頭 譏笑 佢 係 讀 死 書 , 搞 到 佢 垂頭喪氣 , 無可 對答 嘞 。 ha|severe|ah|originally|wanted|test|Zhuge Liang|possessive particle|knowledge||unexpectedly|by||||mocked|he|is|studying|dead|books|||him|dejected|no|response|past tense particle Ha, Yan Jun originally wanted to test Zhuge Liang's knowledge, but unexpectedly, Zhuge Liang turned around and mocked him for reading dead books, leaving him dejected and speechless. 之有 個 謀士 唔 忿氣 啊 , 佢 接 住 啱 先 嘅 話頭 大聲 噉 話 : only have|measure word for people|strategist|not|angry|particle|he|||right|first|possessive particle|topic|loudly|like that|said Then a strategist, not angry, loudly continued the previous statement: 先生 , 你 只 係 鍾 意 高談闊論 唧 , 未必 有 真才實學 。 Sir|you|||||talking big|nonsense|not necessarily|have|true ability and knowledge Sir, you only like to talk grandly, but you may not have real talent and knowledge. 恐怕 啲 讀書人 見到 你 噉 樣 呀 都 會 笑 你 啊 。 I'm afraid|particle indicating plural|educated person|sees|you|like that|appearance|particle for emphasis|all|will|laugh|you|particle for emphasis I'm afraid that scholars who see you like this will laugh at you. 孔明 一睇 , 呢 個 係 程德樞 。 Kongming|at a glance|this|measure word|is|Cheng Dechu Kongming took a look and said, this is Cheng Dechu. 孔明 就 回答 佢 話 : 同樣 係 讀書人 , 不過 有 君子 小人 之別 。 Kongming|then|answered|he|said|similarly|is|scholar|but|has|gentleman|petty person| Kongming then replied to him, saying: We are both scholars, but there is a difference between a gentleman and a petty person. 君子 嘅 讀書人 呢 , 都 係 忠君愛國 , 守正惡 邪 , 務必 使 自己 能為 當代 做 啲 好事 而名 留 後世 。 gentleman|possessive particle|scholar|question particle|all|are|loyal to the monarch and patriotic|||must|make|oneself|able to|contemporary society|do|some|good deeds||leave|future generations A gentleman scholar is loyal to the country, upholds righteousness and opposes evil, and must ensure that he can do good deeds for his time and leave a name for future generations. 至於 小人 嘅 讀書人 呢 , 只 係 會 啲 雕蟲小技 咬文嚼字 , 寫文章 下筆千言 , 但 係 個 心裏 便 一 啲 主意 都 冇 。 as for|petty person|possessive particle|scholar|question particle|only|is|can|some|trivial skills|nitpicking|writing articles||||the|in their heart|then|one|a little|ideas|all|have not As for the petty scholars, they only know a few trivial skills, nitpicking words, and can write thousands of words in an article, but in their hearts, they have no ideas at all. 就 好似 當年 嘅 楊 雄 噉 , 文章 寫得 極好 喇 , 但 係 竟然 去 為 王莽 做事 , 到頭來 , 落得 個 跳樓 而 死 。 just|like|in those years|possessive particle|Yang|Xiong|like|article|written|extremely well|particle indicating completed action|but|is|unexpectedly|go|for|Wang Mang|work|in the end|ended up with|classifier|jumping off a building|and|die It's just like Yang Xiong back in the day, who wrote extremely well, but ended up working for Wang Mang, and in the end, met his demise by jumping off a building. 嘿嘿 , 呢 啲 就 係 小人 嘅 讀書人 嘞 , 即使 一日 能夠 寫 一萬 字 嘅 文章 , 又 有 乜嘢 用處 呢 ? hee hee|question particle|||||||||||||||||||| Hehe, these are the petty scholars. Even if they can write ten thousand words in a day, what use is that? 程德樞答 唔 出 嘞 。 |no|come|past tense particle Cheng Dechu couldn't answer. 大家 見到 孔明 對答如流 , 詞風 犀利 啊 , 個個 都 面 懵懵 嘞 喎 。 everyone|saw|Kongming|replied fluently|style of speech|sharp|ah|everyone|all|face|confused|past tense marker|sentence-final particle Everyone saw how Kongming responded fluently, with sharp words, leaving everyone dumbfounded. 沉默 咗 一陣 , 張溫同 駱統 兩個 人 諗 到 個 題目 , 正話 要 提出 嚟 想 拗贏 孔明 。 silence|past tense marker|for a moment||Luo Tong|two|people|think|to|the|topic|just saying|want|to propose|to come|to|outsmart|Kongming After a moment of silence, Zhang Wen and Luo Tong thought about the topic, and were just about to propose it to try to outsmart Kongming. 呢 個 時候 , 有 個人 喺 外 便 行 入 嚟 大聲 噉 話 : 孔明 係 當代 嘅 奇才 , 各位 唔 停 嘴 噉 嚟 盤問 佢 , 拗東 拗西 , 太過 唔 客氣 嘞 , 呢 啲 唔 係 敬客 之禮 啊 。 this|measure word|time|there is|person|at|||walking|in|come|loudly|like that|said|Kongming|is|contemporary|possessive particle|genius|everyone|not|stop|mouth|like that|come|interrogating|him|||too|not|polite|particle indicating completed action|||not|are|hospitality||ah particle At this moment, someone walked in from outside and loudly said: Kongming is a genius of our time, everyone should stop questioning him, arguing back and forth, it's too rude, this is not the way to treat a guest. 當前 , 曹操 大軍 壓境 , 唔 去 想 辦法 嚟 對付 敵人 , 淨 係 喺 處 鬥嘴 有 乜 用 呢 ? currently|Cao Cao|army|pressing on the borders|not|go|think|method|come|deal with|enemy|only|is|at|place|arguing|have|what|use|question particle Right now, Cao Cao's army is pressing down, what use is it to just argue here instead of thinking of ways to deal with the enemy? 呢 個 係 邊個 啊 ? 原來 係 零陵 人 , 姓黃 名蓋字 公覆 , 而家 , 係 東吳 嘅 糧 官 。 this|measure word|is|who|question particle|originally|is|Lingling|person|||Gongfu|now|is|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|grain|official Who is this? It turns out to be a person from Lingling, surnamed Huang, named Gai, courtesy name Gongfu, and now he is the grain officer of Eastern Wu. 黃 蓋 當時 行過 嚟 對 孔明 話 : 先生 , 開講 有話 多言 獲利 , 不如 默而 無言 啊 。 Huang|Gai|at that time|walked past|here|to|Kongming|said|sir|when speaking|if there are words|saying too much|profit|it's better not to|||ah Huang Gai walked over to Kongming and said: Sir, it is said that speaking more brings profit, but it is better to remain silent. 先生 點解 唔 將 啲 好 意見 對 我 哋 主公 講 , 反而 喺 呢 度 同 啲 人 辯論 呢 ? sir|why|not|to bring|plural marker|good|suggestions|to|us|plural marker|master|say|instead|at|this|place|with|plural marker|people|debate|this Sir, why don't you convey the good suggestions to our lord, instead of debating with these people here? 孔明 就 話 嘞 : 在座 諸君 不識 世務 , 一味 咁 搵 啲 事 嚟 質問 我 , 我 唔 回答 又 唔 得 啫 。 Kongming|then|said|past tense particle|present|everyone|do not understand|worldly affairs|only|like this|finding|some|things|to|question|me|I|not|answer|again|not|okay|only Kongming replied: "Ladies and gentlemen, you do not understand the affairs of the world, and keep asking me questions. If I don't answer, that won't do either." 黃 蓋 同 魯肅 唔 畀 啲 人 繼續 同 孔明 辯駁 嘞 , 就 帶 孔明 去 見 孫權 。 Huang|Gai|and|Lu Su|not|allow|some|people|continue|with|Kongming|argue|past tense particle|then|take|Kongming|to|see|Sun Quan Huang Gai and Lu Su did not allow the people to continue debating with Kongming, and took him to meet Sun Quan. 行到 中門 , 咁 啱 又 遇見 諸葛瑾 。 walk to|middle gate|so|just|again|encountered|Zhuge Jin On the way to the main gate, they happened to encounter Zhuge Jin. 孔明 對 阿哥 行個禮 , 諸葛瑾 就 話 喇 : 賢弟 嚟 到 江東 , 點解 唔 嚟 見 下 我 啊 ? Zhuge Liang|to|elder brother|pay respects|Zhuge Jin|then|said|particle indicating completion|virtuous younger brother|come||||||||me|particle indicating question Kongming greeted his brother, and Zhuge Jin said: "Brother, since you have come to Jiangdong, why didn't you come to see me?" 我 係 劉豫州 派 嚟 嘅 , 理應 係 先公後私 , 公事 未 做 完 , 所以 唔 敢 先 做 啲 私事 。 I|am|Liu Yuzhou|sent|here|possessive particle|should|be|public before private|work|not|finished|complete|so|not|dare|first|do|some|personal matters I am Liu Yuzhou sent here, and I should prioritize public matters over private ones. Since the official business is not finished, I dare not attend to personal matters first. 冇 嚟 見 兄長 你 , 請 兄長 你 原諒 。 not|come|see|elder brother|you|please|||forgive I haven't come to see you, elder brother, please forgive me. 噉 , 賢弟 你 見過 吳侯之 後 , 就 嚟 我 屋企 傾下 偈 啦 。 then|younger brother|you|have seen|Mr Ng|after|then|come|my|home|chat|conversation|particle So, younger brother, after you meet with Wu Hou, come to my house to chat. 講完 , 諸葛瑾 就 自己 行 咗 去 。 finished speaking|Zhuge Jin|then|by himself|walk|past tense marker|go After speaking, Zhuge Jin just left on his own. 魯肅 硬 係 怕 孔明 講 說話 唔 小心 , 嚇親 孫權 。 Lu Su|stubborn|is|afraid|Kongming|to speak|words|not|careful|frightened|Sun Quan Lu Su was really afraid that Kongming would speak carelessly and scare Sun Quan. 所以 而 家 佢 又 囑咐 孔明 話 嘞 : 剛才 對 你 講 嗰 啲 說話 , 你 要 記住 至 好 啊 ! so|and|family|he|again|reminded|Kong Ming|said|past tense marker|just now|to|you|said|that|plural marker|words|you|must|remember|||sentence-final particle So then, he instructed Kongming, saying: Just now, what I told you, you must remember it well! 孔明 就 一味 岌頭 應承 。 Zhuge Liang|then|blindly|crisis|promised Kongming just kept nodding in agreement. 噉 魯肅 一直 將 孔明 啊 , 帶到 去 大堂 上 便 , 孫權 行落 嚟 台階 迎接 , 好好 禮啊 。 then|Lu Su|continuously|bring|Kongming|ah|brought to|to|hall|on|then|Sun Quan|walked down|here|steps|to greet|properly|with respect Then, Lu Su led Kongming to the main hall, where Sun Quan came down the steps to greet him with great courtesy. 孔明 拜見 過 孫權 , 孫權 請 孔明 坐落 。 Kongming|met|previously|Sun Quan||invited||to sit down After Kongming paid his respects to Sun Quan, Sun Quan invited Kongming to take a seat. 文武 大臣 就 分成 兩行 喺 旁邊 企 喺 處 。 civil and military|ministers|then|divided into|two rows|at|beside|stand|at|place The civil and military officials stood in two rows beside them. 魯肅 呢 , 就 企 喺 孔明 嘅 側 跟 , 聽 住 佢 講 嘢 。 Lu Su|this|then|stand|at|Kongming|possessive particle|side|following|listening|continuous aspect particle|he|speaking|words Lu Su stood beside Kongming, listening to him speak. 孔明 首先 代表 劉備 , 向 孫權 致意 問候 。 Zhuge Liang|first|represents|Liu Bei|to|Sun Quan|pay respects|greetings Kongming first represented Liu Bei to send greetings to Sun Quan. 講完 喇 , 就 打量 咗 孫權 一眼 。 finished speaking|particle indicating completion|then|looked at|past tense marker|Sun Quan|a glance After speaking, he took a glance at Sun Quan. 只見 佢 生 得 一表堂堂 , 十分 威武 , 藍色 嘅 眼珠 , 紫色 嘅 鬍鬚 , 好 有 氣魄 。 only saw|he|||very impressive|very|majestic|blue|possessive particle|eyeball|purple||beard|very|has|spirit He saw that Sun Quan was quite impressive, very majestic, with blue eyes and a purple beard, exuding a strong presence. 孔明 個心 諗 : 孫權 此人 相貌 非凡 啊 , 睇 嚟 , 只 能夠 用 反話 嚟 激 佢 , 正面 講 係 冇 用 嘅 。 Kongming||thought|Sun Quan||appearance|extraordinary|ah|look|come|only|able to|use|sarcasm|come|provoke|him|direct|talk|is|not|useful|particle Kongming thought to himself: This Sun Quan has an extraordinary appearance; it seems that I can only provoke him with sarcasm, as speaking directly won't work. 好 , 等 佢 問 我 嘅 時候 , 一 於 用 說話 嚟 激 佢 就 係 嘞 。 good|wait|he|asks|me|possessive particle|time|one|at|use|speaking|to|provoke|him|then|is|particle indicating completed action Okay, when he asks me, I will just use words to provoke him. 獻過 茶 之後 , 孫權 就 對 孔明 話 嘞 : offered|tea|after|Sun Quan|then|to|Kongming|said|past action particle After serving tea, Sun Quan said to Kong Ming: 時常 都 聽 魯子敬 提及 足下 嘅 才能 , 今日 有幸 得以 見面 , 請 先生 你 多多指教 。 often|all|hear|Lu Zijing|mention|you|possessive particle|talent|today|fortunate|able to|meet|please|sir|you|give me much guidance I often hear Lu Zijing mention your talents, and I am fortunate to meet you today. Please give me your guidance. 不敢 , 不敢 , 我 才疏學淺 , 恐怕 唔 能夠 使 將軍 滿意 啊 。 I dare not|I dare not|I|lacking in talent and knowledge|I'm afraid|not|able to|make|general|satisfied|ah I dare not, I dare not. My knowledge is shallow, and I fear I cannot satisfy the general. 足下 最近 喺 新野 , 幫助 劉豫州 同 曹操 決戰 , 一定 好 了解 曹 兵 嘅 虛實 喇 。 you|recently|at|Xinye|help|Liu Yuzhou|with|Cao Cao|decisive battle|must|very|understand|Cao|army|possessive particle|strengths and weaknesses|sentence-final particle You have recently been in Xinye, helping Liu Yuzhou in the decisive battle against Cao Cao, so you must have a good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of Cao's troops. 劉豫州 兵微將寡 , 更 兼 新野 城又細 , 糧草 又 缺乏 , 點 能夠 同 曹操 對敵 吖 。 Liu Yuzhou|few soldiers and weak generals|even|in addition|Xinye||food and supplies|again|lacking|how|able to|with|Cao Cao|fight against|particle Liu Yuzhou has few soldiers and a small army, plus the new wild city is also small, and there is a lack of food and supplies, how can he possibly confront Cao Cao? 曹兵 總共 有 幾多 人 啊 ? Cao Bing|in total|has|how many|people|question particle How many soldiers does Cao have in total? 馬 、 步 、 水軍 大約 有百零萬 啦 。 cavalry|infantry|navy|approximately||sentence-final particle The cavalry, infantry, and navy are about a million. 誒 , 怕 係 呃 人 咋 啩? hey|afraid|is|cheat|people|particle|question particle Eh, are you sure that's not an exaggeration? 唔 係 呃 人 㗎 。 not|is|to deceive|people|particle indicating certainty It's not an exaggeration. 曹操 喺 兗州 嘅 時候 , 已經 有 二十萬 青州 兵 。 Cao Cao|at|Yan Province|possessive particle|time|already|had|200000|Qing Province|soldiers Cao Cao had already gathered 200,000 Qingzhou troops when he was in Yanzhou. 掃平 咗 袁紹 之後 又 得 咗 五六十萬 。 eliminate|past tense marker|Yuan Shao|after|again|gained|past tense marker|five to six hundred thousand After defeating Yuan Shao, he gained another 500,000 to 600,000. 喺 中原 新新招 咗 三四十萬 。 at|Central Plains|Xin Xin Zhao|past tense marker|300000 to 400000 In the Central Plains, he recruited another 300,000 to 400,000. 而家 , 又 得 咗 荊州 嘅 二三十萬 人馬 。 now|again|||Jingzhou|possessive particle|two to three hundred thousand|troops Now, he has also gained 200,000 to 300,000 troops from Jingzhou. 根據 噉 樣計起 上 嚟 , 都 不下 一百五十萬 啊 。 according to|like that|calculating this way|up|here|all|not less than|one million five hundred thousand|ah Based on this calculation, it amounts to at least 1.5 million. 我 講話 一百萬 , 係 怕 嚇親 江東 嘅 人士 啫 。 I|to say|one million|am|afraid|to scare|Jiangdong|possessive particle|people|only I said one million, just to scare the people of Jiangdong. 魯肅 啊 , 點都 冇 諗 到 孔明 會 爆 啲 噉 嘅 說話 出 嚟 。 Lu Su|ah|no matter how|not|||Kongming|would|say|such|like|possessive particle|words|come|out Lu Su, I never thought Kongming would say something like that. 佢 企 喺 旁邊 聽到 , 哎呀 , 面都青 埋 。 he|stands|at|beside|heard|oh no||completely He stood beside and heard it, oh dear, his face turned pale. 猛 咁 同 孔明 打 眼色 , 喂 , 乜 噉 講法 㗎 你 ? fiercely|so|with|Kong Ming|give|eye signal|hey|what|like that|way of speaking|question particle|you He kept giving Kongming a look, hey, what kind of talk is that? 哈 , 孔明 就 一味 詐諦 睇 唔 見 喎 。 ha|Kongming|then|persistently|trick|see|not|visible|particle indicating realization Ha, Kongming just pretended not to see. 孫權 又問 嘞 : 曹操 部下 嘅 戰將 有 幾多 人 呢 ? Sun Quan||question particle|Cao Cao|subordinates|possessive particle|generals|have|how many|people|question particle Sun Quan asked: How many warriors does Cao Cao have under his command? 多咯 , 足智多謀 之士 , 能征慣戰 之將 , 何止 一兩千 人 啊 。 more|resourceful and wise|person|skilled in warfare||not just|one or two thousand|people|ah Many, there are plenty of wise and resourceful individuals, and seasoned generals, not just one or two thousand. 噉 , 曹操 而家 掃平 咗 荊襄 一帶 , 仲有 咩 嘢 遠大 嘅 打算 呢 ? then|Cao Cao|now|has pacified|past tense marker|Jingxiang|area|still have|what|thing|grand|possessive particle|plans|question particle So, what grand plans does Cao Cao have now that he has pacified the Jingxiang area? 曹操 而家 沿住 長江 安營 扎寨 , 準備 截 。 Cao Cao|now|along|Yangtze River|set up camp|build fortifications|preparing|intercept Cao Cao is currently setting up camp along the Yangtze River, preparing to intercept. 佢 , 噉 唔 係 想 嚟 打 江東 , 又 想 去 打邊 處 啊 ? he|then|not|is|wants|come|fight|Jiangdong|also|wants|go|fight elsewhere|place|question particle Is he not planning to attack Jiangdong, or where else does he want to go? 嗯 , 如果 曹操 确有 吞并 江东 的 意思 , 我们 打 好 还是 不 打 好 , 请 足下 帮 我 揸 个 主意 啦 。 hmm|if|Cao Cao|truly has|annexation|Jiangdong|possessive particle|intention|we|||or|not|||please|your honor|help|I|give|a|suggestion|particle indicating a request or suggestion Hmm, if Cao Cao really intends to swallow up Jiangdong, should we fight or not? Please give me your advice. 我 有 一句 说话 , 就是 怕 将军 不肯 听唧 。 I|have|one sentence|saying|that is|afraid|general|unwilling|to listen I have one thing to say, which is that I'm afraid the general won't be willing to listen. 请 先生 你 指教 。 please|sir|you|instruct Please, sir, give me your guidance. 前 一个 时期 以来 , 天下大乱 。 before|one|period|since| In the past period, the world has been in chaos. 所以 将军 在 江东 起兵 , 刘豫州 就 在 江南 招兵买马 , 要 同 曹操 争夺 天下 。 so|general|at|Jiangdong|raised troops|Liu Yuzhou|then|at|Jiangnan|recruited soldiers and bought horses|wanted|to|Cao Cao|compete for|the world So the general raised troops in Jiangdong, while Liu Yuzhou was recruiting soldiers in Jiangnan, wanting to compete with Cao Cao for the world. 曹操 东征西讨 , 给 他 平定 的 地方 不少 啊 。 Cao Cao||gave|him|pacified|possessive particle|territories|quite a few|ah Cao Cao campaigned east and west, and he has pacified quite a few places. 最近 , 又 夺取 了 荆州 , 威震 海内 。 recently|again|captured|past tense marker|Jingzhou|intimidating|within the seas Recently, he also seized Jingzhou, shaking the world. 纵使 是 英雄 , 亦 无用武之地 了 。 even if|is|hero|also||past tense marker Even if he is a hero, there is no place for him to showcase his skills. 故此 刘豫州 要 趯 了 去夏 口 。 therefore|Liu Yuzhou|needs to|leave|past tense marker|| Therefore, Liu Yuzhou wants to take the summer mouth. 我 啊 好 希望 将军 认真 地 考虑 下 自己 的 实力 。 I|ah|really|hope|general|seriously|adverbial particle|consider|lower|oneself|possessive particle|strength I really hope the general seriously considers his own strength. 若果 認為 依靠 吳越 呢 個 地方 嘅 兵力 , 就 能夠 同 中原 相 對抗 嘅 話 , 噉 就 應該 早日 同 曹操 斷絕關係 。 if|think|relying on|Wu and Yue|this|measure word|region|possessive particle|military strength|then|able to|with|Central Plains|mutually|resist|particle indicating past action|statement|then|then|should|as soon as possible|with|Cao Cao| If you think that relying on the military strength of Wu and Yue can confront the Central Plains, then you should cut ties with Cao Cao as soon as possible. 若果 估計 做 唔 到 呢 , 噉 啊 仲 係 聽從 各位 謀士 嘅 意見 , 投降 曹操 好 咯 。 if|estimate|do|not|achieve|question particle|then|ah|still|is|following|everyone|strategist|possessive particle|opinion|surrender|Cao Cao|good|particle indicating finality If you estimate that this cannot be done, then it would be better to listen to the opinions of the advisors and surrender to Cao Cao. 孔明 呢 番 說話 嚟 得 十分 突然 , 孫權 聽 咗 都 未 嚟 得 及 反應 唧 , 孔明 接住 又 講落 去 : Kongming|this|time|conversation|come|able|very|suddenly|Sun Quan|hear|past tense marker|also|not yet|come|able|and|reaction|to interject||continue|again|| Kongming's words came quite suddenly, and Sun Quan didn't have time to react. Kongming continued to speak: 將軍 , 你 而家 外表 上 係 服從 曹操 , 但 係 個 肚裏 便 又 另有打算 。 General|you|right now|outwardly|in|are|obeying|Cao Cao|but|are|the|inside|then|again| General, on the surface you are obeying Cao Cao, but inside you have other plans. 事到臨頭 形勢 緊急 咯 都 仲 未有 決斷 , 眼睇 住 大禍 就 嚟 喇 。 when the matter is urgent|situation|urgent|already|still|yet|not have|decision|watching|continuously|disaster|just|coming|particle indicating action completion At this critical moment, the situation is urgent, and you still haven't made a decision, while disaster is imminent. 孫權 反問 一句 嘞 : 照 你 噉 講 , 噉 劉豫州 又 點解 唔 投降 曹操 呢 ? Sun Quan|retorted|with a question|particle indicating past action|according to|you|like that|say|then|Liu Yuanzhou|again|why|not|surrender|Cao Cao|question particle Sun Quan retorted: "According to your reasoning, why didn't Liu Yuzhou surrender to Cao Cao?" 古時候 , 田橫 不過 係 一名 壯士 , 尚且 大義凜然 , 唔 肯 投降 敵人 。 in ancient times|Tian Heng|only|was|a|warrior|still|full of righteousness|not|willing|to surrender|enemy In ancient times, Tian Heng was just a brave man, yet he stood firm in righteousness and refused to surrender to the enemy. 何況 劉豫州 係 皇帝 嘅 親屬 , 英才 蓋世 人人 仰慕 。 let alone|Liu Yuzhou|is|emperor|possessive particle|relative|talented person|unparalleled|everyone|admires Moreover, Liu Yuzhou is a relative of the emperor, a talented individual admired by all. 事業 唔 成功 , 乃 係 天意 , 佢 又 點 能夠 屈服 喺 別人 嘅 手下 ? career|not|successful|only|is|fate|he|again|how|able to|yield|in|others|possessive particle|underlings If his career did not succeed, it was fate; how could he submit to someone else's command? 哼 ! 孫權 一聽 孔明 噉 樣講 , 即刻 變 咗 面色 , 衫袖 一拂 , 企 起身 行 咗 入 去 後堂 。 hum|Sun Quan|upon hearing|Kongming|like that||immediately|changed|past tense marker|expression|sleeves|with a flick|stood|up|walked|past tense marker|in|to|back hall Hmph! As soon as Sun Quan heard Kong Ming say this, his expression immediately changed, he flicked his sleeves, stood up, and walked into the back hall. 旁邊 嗰 班 文武 官員 見到 呀 都 笑 住 擰 擰頭 , 紛紛 噉 散 咗 去 。 next to|that|group|civil and military|officials|saw|particle|all|||||one after another|like that|||away The officials next to us saw it and all smiled and shook their heads, then they scattered. 魯肅 就 責怪 孔明 喇 , 佢 話 : Lu Su|then|blame|Kongming|particle indicating completed action|he|said Lu Su then blamed Kongming, saying, 哎 , 先生 , 你 點解 講埋 啲 噉 嘅 說話 㗎 ? hey|sir|you|why|say all|those|like that|possessive particle|words|question particle "Hey, sir, why do you say such things?" 好 在 我 主公 寬宏大量 , 冇 當面 發作 責罵 你 咋 。 good|at|I|lord|magnanimous|not|in person|act out|scold|you|why "Fortunately, my lord is magnanimous and did not reprimand you in person." 先生 你講 呢 啲 說話 , 未免太 過 藐視 我 主公 喇 。 sir||this|particle indicating plural|words||overly|disrespect|my|lord|particle indicating completion or change of state "Sir, what you said is rather disrespectful to my lord." 孔明 昂起 頭 哈哈大笑 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 點解 氣量 咁 小 啊 ? Kongming|raise|head|laugh heartily|hahaha||why|tolerance|so|small|question particle Kong Ming raised his head and laughed heartily, ha ha ha ha ha, why is your temperament so small? 哈哈哈 , 我 自有 擊敗 曹操 嘅 計策 , 佢 唔 問 我 , 所以 我 就 唔 講 。 hahaha|I|have my own|defeat|Cao Cao|possessive particle|strategy|he|not|ask|me|so|I|then|not|say Ha ha ha, I have my own strategy to defeat Cao Cao, he didn't ask me, so I won't say. 吓 ? 如果 你 真 係 有 好 嘅 計策 , 我 就 去 請 主公 嚟 向 你 請教 。 huh|if|you|||have|good|possessive particle|strategy|I|then|go|invite|lord|come|towards|you|ask for advice Huh? If you really have a good strategy, I will go invite the lord to consult with you. 曹操 嗰 百萬 大軍 , 喺 我 嘅 眼 內 不過 係 一堆 蟻唧 , 我 一 舉手 , 就要 將 佢 哋 𢱕 成 粉末 。 Cao Cao|that|million|army|in|I|possessive particle|eye|inside|only|is|a pile of|ants|I|one|raise my hand|will|make|they|plural particle|crush|into|powder Cao Cao's million-strong army is just a pile of ants in my eyes, with a wave of my hand, I can turn them to dust. 好 啊 , 噉 請 先生 等一等 。 ||then|please|sir|wait a moment Alright, then please wait a moment, sir. 魯肅 喇喇聲 入 去 後堂 見 孫權 , 孫權 仲 喺 度 嬲 緊 啊 。 Lu Su|sound of footsteps|enter|go|back hall|see|Sun Quan|Sun Quan|still|at|here|angry|currently|sentence-final particle Lu Su entered the back hall with a loud noise and saw Sun Quan, who was still angry. 佢 一 見 魯肅入 嚟 就 對 佢 話 嘞 : he|one|saw||here|then|to|him|said|past tense particle As soon as he saw Lu Su come in, he said to him: 孔明 欺人太甚 啊 ! Kongming|bully others too much|ah Kong Ming is being too much! 係 , 臣 亦 都 係 噉 樣 指責 佢 , 但 係 佢 反而 笑 主公 你 氣量 太小 噃。 yes|your servant|also|all|is|such|manner|blame|him|but|is|he|on the contrary|laughed|lord|you|tolerance||particle Yes, I also criticized him like that, but he just laughed and said, 'Lord, you have too small a temperament.' 擊敗 曹操 嘅 計策 , 孔明 係 有 㗎 , 之 佢 唔 肯 輕易 講 , 主公 你 點解 唔 去問 下 佢 呢 ? defeat|Cao Cao|possessive particle|strategy|Kongming|is|have|particle indicating certainty|but|he|not|willing|easily|tell|lord|you|why|not||a particle indicating a suggestion|he|question particle There are strategies to defeat Cao Cao, Kong Ming has them, but he is unwilling to speak easily. Why don't you ask him? 孫權 一聽 唔 嬲 喇 , 唔 止 唔 嬲 啊 仲 歡喜 上 嚟 添 。 Sun Quan|upon hearing|not|angry|particle indicating completed action|not|stop|not|angry|particle for emphasis|still|happy|come|here|also Sun Quan, upon hearing this, was not angry anymore; not only was he not angry, but he was also happy about it. 吓 ? 原來 孔明 係 有 好 嘅 計謀 , 收埋 喺 個 肚 處 唔 出 聲 , 故意 用 說話 嚟 激 我 咋 ? huh|it turns out|Kongming|is|has|good|possessive particle|strategy|hidden|in|the|belly|area|not|out|sound|intentionally|using|words|to|provoke|me|particle indicating realization Huh? So it turns out Kongming has a good strategy, hiding it in his belly without saying a word, deliberately using words to provoke me? 唉 , 我 一時 淺見 , 爭 啲 誤 咗 大事 添 。 sigh|I|at that moment|shallow insight|||||important matter|additionally Sigh, I was short-sighted for a moment and almost made a big mistake. 講完 , 孫權 就 同 魯肅 啊 行返 出去 大堂 , 再 請 孔明 傾過 嘞 。 finished speaking|Sun Quan|then|with|Lu Su|particle|walked back|outside|main hall|again|invite|Kongming|to discuss|past tense particle After speaking, Sun Quan walked out of the hall with Lu Su and invited Kongming to discuss again. 孫權 見到 孔明 , 即刻 向 佢 道歉 : 剛才 多多 得罪 , 請 先生 唔 好 見怪 ! Sun Quan|saw|Kongming|immediately|to|him|apologized|just now|very much|offended|please|sir|||hold it against (me) When Sun Quan saw Kongming, he immediately apologized to him: I was very rude just now, please don't take it to heart! 孔明亦 都 向 孫權 道歉 話 喇 : 先頭 言語 冒犯 , 請 將軍 恕罪 啊 。 |all|towards|Sun Quan|apologize|said|particle indicating completed action|earlier|words|offense|please|general|forgive|particle indicating exclamation Kong Ming also apologized to Sun Quan, saying: "I apologize for my earlier offensive words, please forgive me, General." 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 先生 請 ! hahaha||sir|please Hahaha, please, sir! 孫權 啊 噉 啊 請 孔明入 去 後堂 , 擺酒 嚟 款待 佢 , 準備 再 詳詳細細 聽下 孔明 有 咩 嘢 好 嘅 計策 。 Sun Quan|ah|like this|ah|please||go|back hall|set up a banquet|come|entertain|him|prepare|again|in detail|listen to|Kongming|has|what|thing|good|possessive particle|strategy Sun Quan then invited Kong Ming into the back hall, set up a banquet to entertain him, and prepared to listen in detail to what good strategies Kong Ming had.

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