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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 097

話 說 關雲長 聽費 詩話 , 劉備 已經 進位 漢中 王 嘞 , 噉 就問 封 佢 做 咩 嘢 官爵 咯 喎 。 費 詩話 喇 : 封 將軍 為 五虎上將 之首 啊 ! 邊 五虎將 啊 ? 就 係 , 關 、 張 、 趙 、 馬 、 黃 啦 嘛 。 嗯 ? 關 、 張 、 趙 、 馬 、 黃 ? 哼哼 ! 翼德 , 係 我 細佬 ; 子龍 一向 追隨 我 大哥 , 建立 功勳 , 亦 好似 我細 佬 一樣 嘞 ; 孟起 世代 名家 。 佢 哋 嘅 地位 同 我 一 拍 , 當然 可以 。 之 黃忠 , 係 個 乜嘢 人 啊 , 點 能夠 同 我 平起平坐 ! 大丈夫 , 唔 能夠 同 啲 老 卒 為伍 ! 我關 某 , 唔 接 呢 個 印 啊 ! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 關將軍 你 噉 就 錯 喇 。 何以見得 ? 從前 蕭何 、 曹參 , 同埋 高祖 一齊 奪取 天下 , 噉 佢 哋 之間 嘅 關係 夠 親密 嘞 啩。 而 韓信 呢 , 不過 係 楚國 逃亡 過 嚟 嘅 將領 啫 。 之 後來 高祖 封 佢 做 王 , 地位 就 高於 蕭何 、 曹參 嘞 。 但 係 從來 冇 聽過 蕭何 、 曹參爭過 爵位 喎 。 哈哈哈 , 雖然 , 今日 漢中 王封 咗 五虎將 啊 。 不過 漢中 王同 關將軍 你 有 兄弟 之義 , 手足之情 。 將軍 你 即 係 漢中 王 , 漢中 王 就 即 係 將軍 啫 , 點會 話 同 其他人 一樣 嘅 呢 ? 關將軍 , 你 身受 漢中 王 嘅 厚恩 , 應當 同 憂戚 共 禍福 呀 。 而 唔 應該 計較 官職 嘅 高低 嘅 , 請 將軍 三思 ! 哎呀呀 呀呀 ! 我關 某 不明 事理 , 唔 係 司馬 你 指教 幾乎 誤 咗 大事 啊 ! 關雲長 於是 心甘情願 跪低 接受 官印 。 喺 呢 個 時候 , 費詩 先 至 攞 出 劉備 嘅 命令 , 要 關雲長 帶兵 去 攻取 樊城 。 關雲長 接受 咗 命令 , 即時 就 派 傅士仁 、 糜芳 兩個 做 先鋒 , 噉 啊 帶 一隊 人馬 出去 荊州 城外 安營 駐扎 。 一便 呢 , 就 設宴款待 費詩 , 噉 啊 好 高興 飲酒 一直 飲到 夜晚 二 更 。 忽然間 衛士 走 嚟 報告 話 : 城外 嘅 兵營 火燭 啊 ! 關雲長 急忙 披掛 上 馬出城 去 睇 下 啦 啊 , 原來 係 傅士仁 同糜 芳 喺 度 飲酒 , 唔 小心 賴低 啲 火種 。 燒 咗 啲 火炮 , 兵 兵 轟轟 成個 兵營 都 震動 晒 。 關雲長 指揮 士兵 盡力 搶救 啦 , 一直 到 四 更 先 至 救 熄返 啲 火 , 但 係 呢 , 兵器 糧草 啊燒 清光 。 關雲長 好 嬲 啊 , 佢 返 到 入 城 , 召 傅士仁 同 糜芳 嚟 鬧 佢 話 : 我 任命 你 哋 兩個 做 先鋒 , 都 未曾 出師 , 就 先將 咁 多 兵器 糧草 燒 清光 , 火炮 又 打死 本部 嘅 軍人 。 噉 樣 誤事 嘅 要 你 兩個 有 乜 用 啊 ! 刀斧手 , 將 佢 兩個 推出 去 斬首 ! 且慢 , 且慢 ! 費詩 勸 佢 話 喇 : 關將軍 呀 , 未曾 出師 先 斬 大將 於 軍 不利 噃, 請 將軍 免 佢 哋 嘅 罪 啦 。 好 啦 , 如果 唔 係 睇 司馬 嘅 面子 , 我 非 斬 咗 你 哋 兩個 不可 ! 於是 關雲長 叫 人 將 佢 哋 兩個 啊 , 各打 四 十軍 棍 。 繳 咗 佢 哋 嘅 先鋒 印 , 叫 傅士仁 去 守 公安 , 糜芳 誒 守 南郡 。 同時 對 佢 哋 講 : 我 第日 得勝 返 嚟 嘅 時候 , 若果 見到 你 哋 有 咩 嘢 差錯 , 就 兩罪 俱罰 ! 出去 ! 係 。 佢 兩個 滿面 羞慚 噉 啊 走 咗 嘞 。 過 咗 兩日 , 費詩 辭別 關雲長 返去 成都 。 誒 各位 都 仲 記得 㗎 , 當年 關公 過五關斬六將 嘅 時候 呢 , 嗰 次 喺 滎陽 得到 胡 華 嘅 仔 胡 班 救 過 佢 吖 。 噉 啊 收尾 胡班 就 嚟 到 荊州 投奔 關公 , 關公 好 喜歡 佢 。 呢 次 呢 , 就 叫 胡班 跟隨 費詩返 成都 去 見 漢中 王 , 等 佢 得 返 個 一官半職 , 呢 啲 呢 就 唔 多 講喇吓 。 噉 啊 經過 咗 一番 準備 整頓 之後 啊 , 關雲長 任命 廖 化做 先鋒 , 關平 做 副將 , 自己 啊 總督 中軍 , 馬良 、 伊籍 做 參謀 , 點兵 出征 嘞 。 呢 一日 , 關雲長 祭 咗 帥 字 大旗 , 喺 中軍帳 外 就 瞌下 眼瞓 休息 。 忽然間 , 見到 有 隻 豬 喎 , 嘩 嗨 ! 好似 牛 咁 大隻 嘅 周身 黑色 。 諤 諤 聲 噉 撞入 嚟 , 就 撲 埋 嚟 關雲長 嘅 身邊 一 啖 就 及 住 佢 隻 腳 。 關雲長 梗 係 好 嬲 啦 , 急急 拔出 把 劍 嚟 斬 只豬 , 哈 一劍 斬落 去 , 瀡 噉 一聲 喎 。 噉 關公 扎醒 咗 嘞 , 原來 係 發 咗 個 夢 。 之醒 咗 呢 , 覺得 個 左腳 啊 隱隱作痛 嘅 , 個心 就 更加 奇 嘞 ,嗌 咗 關平 嚟 將個 夢 講 佢 聽 。 關平 話 嘞 : 豬亦有 龍象 啊 。 龍 黐 埋 隻 腳度 , 乃 係 飛騰 嘅 意思 噃, 係 好意 頭 嚟 㗎 阿爹 , 唔 使 顧慮 吖 。 收尾 關雲長 又 將個 夢講 畀 大家 聽 。 有 啲 人 呢 就 話 係 大吉大利 , 有 啲 人 又 話 係 不祥 噉 啊 , 總之 係 各有 各講 。 關雲長 話 喇 : 我關 某 都 就 快 六十歲 咯 , 就算 係 死 亦 冇 乜嘢 遺憾 咯 。 正 喺 度 講 緊 , 成都 有 使者 到 , 傳達 漢中 王 嘅 旨意 啊 , 任命 關雲長 做前 將軍 , 假節 鉞 , 總督 荊襄 九郡 。 所謂 節 , 就 係 符節 嘞 , 鉞 就 係 虎 鉞 , 都 係 一種 權力 嘅 象征 。 假節 鉞 呢 , 即 係 將節 鉞 嚟 到 授 畀 將帥 作為 加重 權力 嘅 表示 。 噉 關雲長 接受 咗 任命 , 噉 啊 大家 都 嚟 祝賀 佢 啦 , 大家 話 : 噉 可見 豬 龍 嘅 好 兆頭 喇 。 於是 關雲長 個心 啊 更加 坦然 , 一 啲 都 冇 到 顧慮 , 起兵 直奔 襄陽 嘞 。 當時 曹仁 正 喺 襄陽 坐鎮 。 呢 一日 , 聽見 話 關雲長 親自 帶兵 嚟 攻打 , 唔 少人 大吃一驚 , 想 堅守 唔 出去 打 。 嗰 個 副將 翟元 就 話 喇 : 魏王 正 係 命令 將軍 聯合 東吳 , 去 攻取 荊州 。 而 家 佢 自己 嚟 喇 , 係 嚟 送死 啫 , 點解 要 避 佢 啊 ? 參謀 滿寵 就 勸 佢 喇 : 關雲長 素來 有勇有謀 , 不可 輕敵 啊 , 堅守 先至 係 上策 啊 ! 猛將 夏侯 存 就 駁 佢 話 喇 : 哼 ! 呢 啲 係 書生之見 啫 , 開講 有話 水來土掩 兵來將擋 吖 嘛 , 我軍 以逸待勞 , 實贏 冇 輸 啊 ! 講得 好 ! 曹仁 聽 佢 意見 , 就 命令 滿寵 留 喺 處 守 樊城 , 就 親自 帶兵 去 迎戰 關雲長 嘞 。 關雲長 知道 曹兵 嚟 , 就 對 關平 、 廖化 交帶 咗 計策 , 吩咐 佢 哋 去 同 曹 兵 交鋒 。 呢 一日 , 兩陣 對圓 , 廖化 首先 出馬 挑戰 。 翟元 就 上前 迎敵 。 兩個 打 咗 冇 幾耐 , 廖化 詐敗 , 撥馬 就 走 。 翟元 一路 追殺 啊 , 噉 荊州 兵 後退 咗 二十里 。 第日 又 嚟 挑戰 。 呢 次 就 夏侯 存 、 翟元 一齊 出 嚟 迎敵 , 哈 荊州 兵 又 敗 噃, 噉 啊 曹 軍 又 追殺 二十幾 里 啦 。 正 係 追殺 得 過癮 痛快 嘅 時候 , 突然 間 , 背後 嘅 吶喊聲 鼓角 聲 呀 震天動地 噉 響起 嚟 。 曹仁 急忙 下令 叫 前軍 快 啲 轉頭 。 但 係 廖化 、 關平 已經 喺 後 便 殺 緊 嚟 嘞 。 曹兵 啊 當堂 亂成 一 嚿 僂 。 曹仁知 道 中計 喇 , 就 先抽 一支 軍隊 跟 住 佢 飛奔 返去 襄陽 。 點 知道 跑 到 離 城仲有 幾里 路個 地方 , 只見 前面 繡 旗 招展 , 關雲長 勒馬 橫刀 攔住 去路 嘩 哈哈 , 嚇到 曹仁 膽戰心驚 唔 敢 交鋒 啊 , 混 第二條 橫路 走 人 。 關雲長 冇 去 追 佢 。 過左陣 , 夏侯 存 軍隊 嚟 到 , 哈 佢 一 見 關雲長 就 火 遮眼 喎 , 躍馬 上前 要 同 關雲長 打過 噉 講嘿 真 係 , 綁 起 一隻 手 都 打贏 你 啦 。 一個 回合 咁 多唧 , 夏侯 存 就 成為 關公 刀下 之 鬼 咯 。 翟元 見到 咦 咪區 , 想 趯 喇 , 畀 關平 縱馬 趕上去 一刀 又 將 佢 劈 死 。 喎 嗬 殺 啊 噉 一輪 追擊 , 曹兵 有成 大半 都 唔 使 勞煩 人 哋 逳 手 啊 , 自己 跌 咗 落 襄江浸 死 嘞 。 曹仁 呢 , 就 被 逼 退守 樊城 。 關雲長 得 咗 襄陽 , 照例 安民 勞軍 啦 。 隨軍 司馬王甫 就 提醒 佢 話 喇 : 關將軍 你 一戰 而 攻取 襄陽 , 冇 錯 係 使 到 曹兵 膽寒 咯 。 但 係 , 東吳 呂蒙 嘅 兵馬 駐 扎 喺 陸 口 , 一直 都 虎視眈眈 , 想 吞併 荊州 嘅 。 倘若 佢 哋 向 荊州 突然襲擊 , 噉 如之奈何 呢 ? 冇 錯 , 我 亦 都諗過 嘞 , 王司馬 你 嚟 管 呢 件 事 啦 。 你 喺 江邊 一帶 , 每隔 二十里 或卅里 , 喺 啲 高坡 上 便 設立 一個 烽火台 , 每個 台派 五十 人 看守 。 若果 發現 吳兵 渡江 , 晚上 以 點火 日頭 就 舉煙 做 信號 , 到 時 , 我會 親自 去 迎擊 敵人 嘅 。 誒 仲有 啊 關將軍 , 糜芳同 傅士仁 , 佢 哋 去 把守 南郡 、 公安 兩個 咁 重要 嘅 隘口 , 怕 佢 哋 唔 得力 啊 。 必須 再 搵 一個 人 嚟 總督 荊州 至 好 。 我 已經 委派 咗 治 中 潘 濬 喺 度 助陣 把守 嘞 , 仲有 咩 嘢 擔心 呢 ? 唔 係 啊 關將軍 , 潘 濬 嘅 為 人 貪財 好利 , 妒忌心 又 重 , 呢 啲 人 不可 任用 啊 。 誒 不如 派軍 前 都督 糧料 官趙累 去 代 佢 罷 啦 , 趙 累 嘅 為 人 忠誠 廉直 , 如果 用 佢 呀 就 萬無一失 喇 。 嗯 , 潘 濬 嘅 為 人 我 啊 知道 嘅 , 而家 已經 委派 咗 咯 , 就 不必 更改 嘞 。 趙 累 現時 掌管 糧草 亦 係 極之 重要 嘅 事情 啊 。 你 唔 使 擔心 嘞 , 同 我 去 築 好 啲 烽火台 啦 。 遵令 , 卑職 告辭 。 王甫個 心好 唔 安樂 噉 啊 告辭 走 咗 。 關雲長 呢 就 命令 關平 啊 準備 船隻 , 要 渡過 襄江 去 攻打 樊城 。 而家 講下 曹仁 啊 佢 損失 咗 兩名 將官 , 就 退守 樊城 。 佢 就 同 滿 寵 話 喇 : 唉 , 當初 唔 聽 你 話 至 有 兵敗將亡 , 襄陽 失守 , 噉 , 如之奈何 呢 ? 滿寵話 喇 : 關雲長 係 一員 虎將 , 足智多謀 , 唔 好 輕易 同 佢 打 , 一 於 堅守 就 啱 喇 。 正 喺 度 講 緊 , 啲 人 嚟 報告 話 關雲長 大軍 渡江 , 嚟 攻打 樊城 喇 噉 。 曹仁 心慌意亂 啊 點算 好 呢 點算 好 呢 ? 滿寵話 喇 : 曹將軍 , 只 能夠 係 堅守 啊 ! 曹 仁 嘅 手下 有個 將官 叫做 呂常 , 佢 話 喇 : 請 將軍 畀 幾千 兵 我 , 等 我將 來犯之敵 擊敗 喺 襄 江 之內 啊 。 滿寵話 : 唔 好 去 呢 , 唔 好 去 呢 ! 呂常 發火 喇 : 哼 ! 照 你 哋 啲 文官 嘅 意思 , 一味 話 堅守 堅守 , 噉 點樣 趕走 敵人 呢 ? 兵法 有話 : 軍半渡 可擊 。 而家關 某 嘅 軍隊 半渡 襄江 , 噉 仲 唔 去 打 等 幾時 啊 ? 如果 兵臨城下 將至 壕邊 , 嗰 陣 就 難以 抵擋 㗎 喇 。 曹仁 畀 佢 講 掂 咗 , 即刻 撥 二千 兵 過 佢 , 叫 佢 出 城 迎戰 。 呂常 嚟 到 江口 , 只見 前面 繡 旗 招展 , 關雲長 橫刀 出馬 。 呂常正 係 想 上前 啊 , 點 知 佢 後 便 嗰 班 兵士 見到 關雲長 威風凜凜 , 未曾 打 就 趯 定 先 喇 。 嘩 , 激到 呂常 死死 下 , 搏命 咁 喝 都 喝 啲 士兵 唔 住 。 關雲長 大刀 一揮 , 兵馬 就 掩殺 過 嚟 。 殺到 曹兵 大敗 , 嗰 兩千 人馬 損失 咗 成 大半 。 呂常 丟盔棄甲 , 同埋 啲 殘軍敗將 趯 返入 樊城 。 呢 趟 曹仁真 係 慌 咯 , 急急 派 人 去 長安 告急 , 就 報告 曹操 聽話 關雲長 攻陷 襄陽 。 而家 圍攻 樊城 情況危急 , 請 魏王 火速 派遣 大軍 嚟 救 噉 。 曹操 派于 禁去 解圍 。 于 禁話 要 搵 多 個人 做 先鋒 。 曹操 問 啲 將官 邊個 敢 去 啦 。 龐德 精神抖擻 行 上前 嚟 話 : 小將 願效 犬馬之勞 , 生擒 關某 獻 於 麾下 ! 曹操 好 歡喜 啊 佢 話 : 關某 威震 華夏 未逢 敵手 , 呢 次 遇到 你 真 係 勁敵 喇 ! 於是 加封 于禁 做 征南 將軍 , 加封 龐德 做征 西 都 先鋒 , 噉 啊 點起 七支 大軍 , 開赴 樊城 。 呢 七支 大軍 都 係 北方 人 , 個個 身強體壯 認真 夠 威 嘅 。 當日 , 兩名 領軍 將校 一個 叫做 董衡 , 一個 叫做 董超 , 率領 各隊 頭目 , 嚟 到 參拜 主帥 于禁 。 董衡 話 喇 : 呢 次 將軍 率領 七支 大軍 去解 樊城 之圍 , 志在 必勝 , 卻 係 用 龐德 做 先鋒 , 噉 豈 唔 係 誤事 ? 點解 噉 講呢 ? 龐德 本來 係 馬超 手下 嘅 副將 , 因為 不得已 先至 投降 我 哋 嘅 。 而 家 佢 往日 嘅 主公 喺 西 蜀 , 位居 五虎上將 。 何況 佢 嘅 親 兄 龐 柔 , 亦 都 喺 西川 做官 嘅 。 今日 叫 佢 做 先鋒 , 豈 唔 係 潑油救火 ? 嗯 。 將軍 , 你 不如 稟明 魏王 另外 換 一個 人去 , 豈 唔 係 好 ? 好 , 于禁 漏夜 去 王府 稟告 曹操 。 啊 係 噃。 曹操 立即 叫 龐德 嚟 , 叫 佢 交還 先鋒 大印 。 嚇 到 龐德 大驚 喇 佢 話 : 末將 正 係 要 為 大王 出力 , 點解 唔 肯用 我 呢 ? 我 對 你 係 冇 懷疑 嘅 。 但 係 , 馬超 目前 喺 西川 , 你 大佬 龐柔亦 喺 西川 , 兩個 都 係 輔助 劉備 。 縱使 我 唔 疑心 你 啊 , 亦 難免 他人 會講 你 噃。 哎呀 大王 啊 , 末將 自從 喺 漢中 投降 大王 , 深感 大王 嘅 恩德 , 就算 係 肝腦塗地 都 不能 報答 , 點解 大王 會 疑心 我 呢 ? 往日 , 末 將 喺 故鄉 嘅 時候 , 同 大佬 一齊 住 。 嫂嫂 極 不 賢德 , 我 乘住 酒醉 殺 咗 佢 , 所以 , 我 大佬 嬲 到 我 入骨 啊 發誓 唔 肯見 我 , 兄弟 嘅 恩情 已經 斷絕 㗎 喇 。 馬超 係 我 往日 嘅 主公 , 之 佢 有勇無謀 , 至到 兵敗 地失 , 孤身 入川 。 今日 , 佢 同 我 各 為 其 主 , 舊時 嘅 恩義 早就 斷絕 。 大王 啊 你 待 我恩深 似海 , 末將 點會 懷有異 心 呢 ? 請 大王 明察 喇 ! 龐德 除 咗 頂帽 , 叩頭 叩到 落地 啊 扻 到 血流 滿面 。 曹操 扶 佢 起身 安慰 佢 話 : 孤王 一向 知道 你 係 個 忠義 之 人 , 我 講 嗰 啲 說話 , 係 安 大家 嘅 心 啫 。 你 要 努力 立功 , 啊 , 你 唔 辜負 孤王 , 孤王 亦 必定 唔 會 辜負 你 ! 龐德 拜謝 咗 曹操 就 返 屋企 , 叫 木工 師傅 同 佢 做 咗 一副 棺材 。 第 日 , 佢 擺酒 請齊 啲 親友 嚟 赴宴 。 嗰 副 棺材 就 擺正 喺 大廳 嚟 , 哈哈 , 呢 個 宴會 真 係 特別 喇 。 嗰 班 親戚朋友 都 畀 嗰 埲 棺材 嚇 咗 一 跳 噃, 哎呀 將軍 你 出師 , 點解 要用 呢 個 嗯 呢 個 不祥 之物 啊 吓 ? 龐德 舉起 杯酒 對 親友 話 : 我 身受 魏 王 嘅 深恩 厚德 , 誓要 以 死 嚟 報答 佢 。 而家 , 我 去 樊城 同關 某 決戰 。 我 若果 殺 佢 唔 到 , 必定會 畀 佢 嚟 殺 我 。 即使 唔 畀 佢 殺 到 , 我亦會 自殺 。 故此 , 我 預先 準備 定 呢 一副 棺材 , 嚟 表示 決 唔 會 空住 返 嚟 嘅 。 啊 大家 聽 咗 , 冇 個 唔 畀 佢 感動 。 龐德 又 叫 佢 個 妻子 李氏 同 佢 個 仔 龐 會 出 嚟 。 佢 對 佢 嘅 妻子 話 : 我而家 做 咗 先鋒 , 應該 效死疆場 。 我 如果 死 咗 , 你 要 好好 地養 大 我 個 仔 。 我個 仔生 得 相貌 奇異 , 長大成人 之後 , 必定 能夠 為 我 報仇 嘅 ! 龐德 嘅 妻子 哀哀 痛哭 , 送 丈夫 出征 , 龐德 啊 叫 佢 扶住 埲 棺材 行 啊 。 臨起 行 嘅 時候 , 龐德 對 佢 啲 部下 講 : 我 今日 去 同關 某 死戰 , 我 若果 畀 關某 殺死 , 你 哋 就將 我 嘅 屍體 放 喺 呢 副 棺材 處 ! 我 若果 殺 咗 關某 , 我 亦 攞 佢 個 首級 放 喺 棺材 裏 便 , 送返 嚟 獻 畀 魏王 ! 龐德 嗰 五百名 部下 都 齊聲 回答 話 : 將軍 係 咁 忠肝義膽 , 我 哋 勢必 竭力 相助 啊 ! 於是 龐德 就 帶隊 出發 嘞 。 有人 將呢 件 事 報告 畀 曹操 聽 , 曹操 好 高興 好 高興 啊 佢 話 : 龐德 係 咁 忠心 英勇 , 孤王仲使 乜 憂心 啊 ! 賈詡 提醒 曹操 噃 佢 話 : 龐德 恃 住 血氣之勇 , 想 同關 某決 死戰 啊 , 微臣 不能不 感到 憂慮 啊 。 嗯 , 講得 啱 ! 曹操 急忙 叫 人 傳達 一道 命令 去 告誡 龐德 , 話 佢 聽 : 關某 智勇雙全 , 切不可 輕敵 , 能 打則 打 , 不能 打 就 要緊 守 。 龐德 接到 曹操 呢 個 命令 之後 就 話 喇 : 大王 點解 要 咁 重視 關某 , 我 諗 住 呢 次 去 , 必定 要 挫一 挫關 某 三十年 來 嘅 聲價 至 得 ! 于 禁話 : 魏 王 嘅 說話 唔 好 唔 聽 啊 ! 龐德 奮發 精神 , 催促 軍隊 趕路 。 當 佢 個 先鋒 部隊 到達 樊城 嘅 時候 啊哈 , 佢 仲 叫 啲 士兵 鳴鑼 擊鼓 啊 耀武揚威 啊 。 而家 講下 關雲長 。 呢 一日 佢 得到 探馬 嘅 報告 , 話 曹操 派 咗 于 禁 做 主帥 , 率領 七支 精壯 軍隊 嚟 。 嗰 個 前部 先鋒 龐德 呢 就 喺 隊伍 前面 抬住 一 埲 棺材 , 講埋 啲 極 難聽 嘅 說話 , 誓要 同 將軍 你 決一死戰 噉 講 。 佢 哋 嘅 人馬 離開 樊城 只有 三十里 喇 。 關公 一聽 , 當堂 變 咗 面色 , 嬲 到 呀 , 嗰 五 柳 長 鬚 都 飛 起 嚟 啊 , 佢 話 : 天下英雄 聽 咗 我 個 名 , 冇 個 唔 怕 , 冇 個 唔 服 。 龐德 你 個 衰仔 , 竟然 膽敢 藐視 我 ? 關平 , 你 去 攻打 樊城 。 我要 親自 去 斬 咗 呢 個 傢伙 , 以雪 我 心頭 之恨 啊 ! 關平 話 喇 : 阿爹 , 你 不必 以 泰山 之重 , 去 同 頑石 爭 高低 㗎 , 等 孩兒 代替 阿爹 你 去 打 龐德 啦 。 噉 亦 好 , 你試 下去 打先 , 我 隨後 就 嚟 接應 。 孩兒 得 令 ! 關 平行 出 中軍帳 啊 提刀 上馬 , 帶兵 去 迎戰 龐德 。 噉 兩陣 對圓 , 魏 軍 嗰 便 一面 黑旗 上面 繡 住 南安 龐德 四個 大字 。 只見 龐德 青袍 銀甲 , 鋼刀 白馬 企 喺 陣前 。 喺 佢 嘅 背後 , 五百名 軍士 緊緊 跟隨 , 八個 步兵 抬住 一副 棺材 行出 嚟 。 關平 出馬 大罵 龐德 , 鬧 佢 係 背叛 主公 嘅 奸賊 。 龐德 問 佢 手下 啲 人 : 呢 個 係 邊個 ? 佢 就 係 關羽 嘅 義 子關平 吖 嘛 。 嘿 ! 關平 你 聽 住 ! 我 奉 咗 魏 王之命 , 嚟 攞 你 父親 嘅 人頭 ! 你 仲 係 個 鼻涕蟲 我 唔 殺 你 , 快 啲 去 叫 你 父親 出 嚟 ! 關平 畀 佢 氣死 嚟 啊 , 縱 馬舞刀 直取 龐德 。 龐德 橫刀 一 格 , 咣 , 嘿 ! 咣 咣 咣 , 兩個 大戰 三十個 回合 不分勝負 。 噉 雙方 就 各自 收兵 嘞 。 關雲長 知道 關平 唔 能夠 取勝 , 就 叫 廖化 去 攻打 樊城 , 自己 親自 嚟 迎戰 龐德 。 呢 一日 , 關雲長 橫刀 出馬 , 大聲 高叫 : 關雲長 在 此 ! 龐德 你 趁早 出 嚟 受 死 啊 ! 沊沊沊沊沊沊沊 鼓聲 一響 , 龐德 出馬 , 佢 話 : 我 奉 咗 魏王 命令 , 特登 嚟 攞 你 嘅 人頭 ! 怕 你 唔 信 , 已經 帶定 副 棺材 喺 處 嘞 。 你 如果 怕死 , 就 快快 投降 啦 ! 呸 ! 諒 你 一個 匹夫 , 有 乜嘢 咁 本事 ! 只 係 可惜 為 咗 要 斬 你 呢 個 鼠 賊 , 整污糟 我 嘅 青龍刀 啊 ! 關雲長 縱 馬舞刀 直取 龐德 。 龐德 舉刀 迎上去 。 哈 哎呀 ! 兩個 激戰 咗 百 幾個 回合 越 打越 精神 , 兩便 啲 兵卒 呀 睇 到 眼 定定 傻 晒 啊 。 魏 軍方 面怕 龐德 頂 唔 住 , 急急 鳴鑼 收兵 。 關平 亦 怕 佢 父親 年老 , 都 急忙 打鑼 嘞 。 於是 兩個 都 停手 回馬 。 龐德 返到 嚟 營寨 就 同 大家 話 喇 : 人人 都 話 關公 英雄 , 今日 , 我 先至信 喇 。 正 喺 度 講 緊 , 于禁 嚟 到 啊 佢 對 龐德 話 : 聽講 龐將軍 你 同 關公 交手 , 大戰 百多個 回合 , 佔 唔 到 上風 。 噉 就 不如 退兵 避一避 佢 好 噃。 于 將軍 , 魏王 任命 你 做 主帥 , 點解 咁 軟弱 呢 ? 我 聽 日 同關 某 決一死戰 , 誓 不 退避 啊 ! 啊 噉 好 吖 噉 好 吖 , 啊 。 于禁 唔 敢 攔阻 龐德 , 噉 就 走 咗 去 。 噉 啊 關雲長 回營 之後 呢 , 佢 亦 同 關平 話 喎 : 龐德 嘅 刀法 純熟 , 真 係 我 嘅 敵手 啊 。 阿爹 , 俗語 話 初生之犢 不怕 虎 。 縱使 阿爹 你 斬 咗 龐德 , 佢 不過 係 西疆 一名 小卒 咋 嘛 。 倘若 阿爹 有 咩 三長兩短 , 噉 就 反而 辜負 咗 伯父 嘅 重託 咯 。 哼 , 我 唔 殺 咗 佢 , 點平 得 我 心頭 之恨 啊 ! 我 已經 揸 定 主意 喇 , 唔 使 多講 ! 第 日 關雲長 同 龐德 又 嚟 第二次 交鋒 , 呢 次 都 唔 使講 咁 多 喇 一 出馬 就 打 。 打 咗 五廿 幾個 回合 , 龐德 撥 轉馬 拖刀 而 走 。 關雲長 咬住 尾追 上去 啊 。 關平 怕 佢 父親 吃虧 亦 跟 住 追上去 。 關雲長 一便 追 一 便 鬧 : 龐德 你 個 奸賊 , 想 使 拖 刀計 咋 嘛 , 我 使 怕 你 咩 ! 哈哈 , 龐德 冇 咁 簡單 喇 , 原來 佢 呢 個 拖 刀 姿勢 係 虛 嘅 。 佢 將 把 刀 喺 馬鞍 上面 掛住 , 靜靜 攞 出 張 弓 , 一搭上 箭 腰 一 扭 𠻘 噉 就 射過 嚟 。 究竟 關公 性命 如何 呢 ? 且 聽 下回分解 。

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話 說 關雲長 聽費 詩話 , 劉備 已經 進位 漢中 王 嘞 , 噉 就問 封 佢 做 咩 嘢 官爵 咯 喎 。 say|said|Guan Yu||poem|Liu Bei|already|advanced|Hanzhong|king|past tense particle|then||confer|him|do|what|thing|title|particle|particle It is said that Guan Yu heard Fei's words, and Liu Bei had already been appointed as the King of Hanzhong, so he asked what official title he was given. 費 詩話 喇 : 封 將軍 為 五虎上將 之首 啊 ! Fei|Shihua|particle|Feng|general|as|Five Tiger Generals||ah particle Fei said: 'He is appointed as the General, the leader of the Five Tiger Generals!' 邊 五虎將 啊 ? which|Five Tiger Generals|question particle Which Five Tiger Generals? 就 係 , 關 、 張 、 趙 、 馬 、 黃 啦 嘛 。 ||Kwan|Cheung|Chiu|Ma|Wong|particle|particle They are Guan, Zhang, Zhao, Ma, and Huang. 嗯 ? 關 、 張 、 趙 、 馬 、 黃 ? 哼哼 ! hmm|Kwan|Cheung|Chiu|Ma|Wong|hum Hmm? Guan, Zhang, Zhao, Ma, Huang? Hmph! 翼德 , 係 我 細佬 ; Yik Tak|is|I|younger brother Yide is my younger brother; 子龍 一向 追隨 我 大哥 , 建立 功勳 , 亦 好似 我細 佬 一樣 嘞 ; Zilong|always|followed|my|older brother|established|achievements|also|like||brother|same|particle indicating completed action Zilong has always followed my elder brother, establishing achievements, just like my younger brother; 孟起 世代 名家 。 Mengqi|generation|famous family Mengqi is from a renowned family. 佢 哋 嘅 地位 同 我 一 拍 , 當然 可以 。 they|plural marker|possessive particle|status|with|I|one|match|of course|can Their status is on par with mine, of course it can be. 之 黃忠 , 係 個 乜嘢 人 啊 , 點 能夠 同 我 平起平坐 ! possessive particle|Huang Zhong|is|classifier for people|what|person|particle indicating surprise|how|able to|with|I|be on equal footing As for Huang Zhong, what kind of person is he, how can he be on equal footing with me! 大丈夫 , 唔 能夠 同 啲 老 卒 為伍 ! 我關 某 , 唔 接 呢 個 印 啊 ! real man|not|able to|with|plural marker|old|soldiers|be in the same group||certain|not|accept|this|measure word|stamp|sentence final particle It's fine, I can't associate with those old soldiers! I'm concerned about this, I won't accept this seal! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 關將軍 你 噉 就 錯 喇 。 hahaha|haha||General Kwan|you|like this|then|wrong|particle indicating completed action Hahaha, General Guan, you're wrong. 何以見得 ? how can you say that How so? 從前 蕭何 、 曹參 , 同埋 高祖 一齊 奪取 天下 , 噉 佢 哋 之間 嘅 關係 夠 親密 嘞 啩。 once upon a time|Xiao He|Cao Can|and|Emperor Gaozu|together|seized|the world|then|they|plural marker|between|possessive particle|relationship|quite|close|past tense marker|particle indicating realization or confirmation In the past, Xiao He, Cao Shen, and Emperor Gao worked together to seize the world, their relationship was quite close. 而 韓信 呢 , 不過 係 楚國 逃亡 過 嚟 嘅 將領 啫 。 and|Han Xin|question particle|but|is|Chu State|fleeing|past|come|possessive particle|general|only And Han Xin, he was just a general who fled from the Chu state. 之 後來 高祖 封 佢 做 王 , 地位 就 高於 蕭何 、 曹參 嘞 。 this|later|Emperor Gaozu|enfeoffed|he|made|king|status|then|higher than|Xiao He|Cao Shen|particle indicating completed action Later, Emperor Gao conferred the title of king upon him, placing him in a position higher than Xiao He and Cao Can. 但 係 從來 冇 聽過 蕭何 、 曹參爭過 爵位 喎 。 ||ever|never|heard of|Xiao He||title|particle indicating certainty However, I have never heard of Xiao He and Cao Can competing for titles. 哈哈哈 , 雖然 , 今日 漢中 王封 咗 五虎將 啊 。 hahaha|although|today|Hanzhong||past tense marker|Five Tiger Generals|sentence-final particle Hahaha, although today the King of Hanzhong conferred titles on the Five Tiger Generals. 不過 漢中 王同 關將軍 你 有 兄弟 之義 , 手足之情 。 however|Hanzhong|||you|have|brotherly|| However, the King of Hanzhong and General Guan share a brotherly bond and deep friendship. 將軍 你 即 係 漢中 王 , 漢中 王 就 即 係 將軍 啫 , 點會 話 同 其他人 一樣 嘅 呢 ? general|you|just|are|Hanzhong|king|Hanzhong|king|then|just|are|general|only|how could|say|with|other people|the same|question particle|particle General, you are the King of Hanzhong, and the King of Hanzhong is you; how could it be said that he is the same as others? 關將軍 , 你 身受 漢中 王 嘅 厚恩 , 應當 同 憂戚 共 禍福 呀 。 General Kwan|you|have received|Han Zhong|King|possessive particle|great favor|should|together|joys and sorrows|share|misfortunes and blessings|sentence-final particle General Guan, you have received the great favor of the King of Hanzhong, and you should share both joys and sorrows. 而 唔 應該 計較 官職 嘅 高低 嘅 , 請 將軍 三思 ! and|not|should|compare|official position|possessive particle|high or low||please|general|think thrice You should not be concerned about the rank of your official position, please think carefully, General! 哎呀呀 呀呀 ! 我關 某 不明 事理 , 唔 係 司馬 你 指教 幾乎 誤 咗 大事 啊 ! oh no|ah||some|unclear|reasoning|not|is|Sima|you|guidance|almost|misled|past tense marker|major event|ah Oh dear! I, Guan, do not understand the situation, if it weren't for you, Sima, I would have almost made a big mistake! 關雲長 於是 心甘情願 跪低 接受 官印 。 Guan Yu|so|willingly|kneel down|accept|official seal Guan Yunchang then willingly knelt down to accept the official seal. 喺 呢 個 時候 , 費詩 先 至 攞 出 劉備 嘅 命令 , 要 關雲長 帶兵 去 攻取 樊城 。 at|this|measure word|time|Fei Shi|||||Liu Bei|possessive particle|order|must|Guan Yu|lead troops|to|capture|Fan City At this moment, Fei Shi then took out Liu Bei's order, instructing Guan Yunchang to lead troops to attack Fan City. 關雲長 接受 咗 命令 , 即時 就 派 傅士仁 、 糜芳 兩個 做 先鋒 , 噉 啊 帶 一隊 人馬 出去 荊州 城外 安營 駐扎 。 Guan Yu|accepted|past tense marker|order|immediately|then|sent|Fu Shiren|Mi Fang|two|act as|vanguards|then|ah|led|a group|troops|out|Jingzhou|outside the city|set up camp|stationed Guan Yunchang received the order and immediately sent Fu Shiren and Mi Fang as vanguards, leading a group of soldiers to set up camp outside Jingzhou city. 一便 呢 , 就 設宴款待 費詩 , 噉 啊 好 高興 飲酒 一直 飲到 夜晚 二 更 。 once|question particle|then|host a banquet|Fei Si|like that|ah|very|happy|drinking|continuously|drank until|night|| At the same time, a banquet was held to entertain Fei Shi, and they happily drank until late into the night. 忽然間 衛士 走 嚟 報告 話 : 城外 嘅 兵營 火燭 啊 ! suddenly|guard|ran|over|to report|said|outside the city|possessive particle|barracks|fire|exclamation particle Suddenly, a guard came to report: "There’s a fire in the barracks outside the city!" 關雲長 急忙 披掛 上 馬出城 去 睇 下 啦 啊 , 原來 係 傅士仁 同糜 芳 喺 度 飲酒 , 唔 小心 賴低 啲 火種 。 Guan Yu|hurriedly|put on armor|mount||go|see|down|particle|particle|originally|is|Fu Shiren|||at|particle|drinking|not|careful|drop|particle|fire starter Guan Yunchang hurriedly put on his armor and rode out of the city to check; it turned out that Fu Shiren and Mi Fang were drinking there and accidentally knocked over some embers. 燒 咗 啲 火炮 , 兵 兵 轟轟 成個 兵營 都 震動 晒 。 burn|past tense marker|plural marker|artillery|soldiers|||whole|barracks|all|shake|completely The fire burned the cannons, causing a loud explosion that shook the entire barracks. 關雲長 指揮 士兵 盡力 搶救 啦 , 一直 到 四 更 先 至 救 熄返 啲 火 , 但 係 呢 , 兵器 糧草 啊燒 清光 。 Guan Yu|commanded|soldiers|did their best|rescue|particle indicating completion|continuously|until|||||extinguish|put out|particle indicating plural|fire|||this|weapons|supplies||completely Guan Yunchang commanded the soldiers to do their best to rescue, and it wasn't until the fourth watch that they managed to extinguish the fire, but by then, the weapons and supplies had all been burned up. 關雲長 好 嬲 啊 , 佢 返 到 入 城 , 召 傅士仁 同 糜芳 嚟 鬧 佢 話 : Guan Yu|very|angry|particle|he|||into|city|summoned|Fu Shiren|and|Mi Fang|to come|scold|him|said Guan Yunchang was very angry. When he returned to the city, he summoned Fu Shiren and Mi Fang to scold them, saying: 我 任命 你 哋 兩個 做 先鋒 , 都 未曾 出師 , 就 先將 咁 多 兵器 糧草 燒 清光 , 火炮 又 打死 本部 嘅 軍人 。 I|appoint|you|plural marker|two|be|vanguard|all|not yet|go to war|then|first|||weapons|supplies|burn|completely|artillery|again|kill|headquarters|possessive particle|soldiers I appointed both of you as vanguards, and before even going into battle, you have already burned so many weapons and supplies, and the artillery has killed our own soldiers. 噉 樣 誤事 嘅 要 你 兩個 有 乜 用 啊 ! 刀斧手 , 將 佢 兩個 推出 去 斬首 ! like this|appearance|mess up|possessive particle|need|you|both of them|have|what|use|ah|executioner|will|he|both of them|push out|to|beheaded What use are you two if you make such mistakes! Executioners, take them out and behead them! 且慢 , 且慢 ! 費詩 勸 佢 話 喇 : 關將軍 呀 , 未曾 出師 先 斬 大將 於 軍 不利 噃, 請 將軍 免 佢 哋 嘅 罪 啦 。 wait a moment||Fei Shi|advised|he|said|particle indicating completed action|General Kwan|ah|not yet|deploy troops|first|kill|general|in|army|disadvantageous|particle indicating suggestion|please|general|forgive|them|plural marker|possessive particle|crime|particle indicating suggestion or request Wait, wait! Fei Shi advised him, saying: General Guan, beheading a general before going into battle is not beneficial to the army, please spare them from their punishment. 好 啦 , 如果 唔 係 睇 司馬 嘅 面子 , 我 非 斬 咗 你 哋 兩個 不可 ! ||if|||looking at|Sima|possessive particle|face|I|definitely|kill|past tense marker|||two|not possible Alright, if it weren't for Sima's face, I would have definitely executed both of you! 於是 關雲長 叫 人 將 佢 哋 兩個 啊 , 各打 四 十軍 棍 。 then|Guan Yu|called|people|to take|them|plural marker|two|ah||||sticks So, Guan Yunchang ordered people to take both of them and give them forty military strikes each. 繳 咗 佢 哋 嘅 先鋒 印 , 叫 傅士仁 去 守 公安 , 糜芳 誒 守 南郡 。 pay|past tense marker|they|plural marker|possessive particle|vanguard|seal|call|Fu Shih-jen|go|guard|public security|Mi Fang|particle indicating surprise or realization|guard|Nanjun He confiscated their vanguard seals and sent Fu Shiren to guard the public security, while Mi Fang was to guard Nanjun. 同時 對 佢 哋 講 : 我 第日 得勝 返 嚟 嘅 時候 , 若果 見到 你 哋 有 咩 嘢 差錯 , 就 兩罪 俱罰 ! 出去 ! at the same time|to|he|plural marker|said|I|the day after tomorrow|victorious|return|come|possessive particle|time|if|see|you|plural marker|have|any|thing|mistakes|then|both offenses|punished together|get out At the same time, he told them: When I return victorious in the future, if I see any mistakes from you, both of you will be punished! 係 。 佢 兩個 滿面 羞慚 噉 啊 走 咗 嘞 。 yes|he|both|full face|shame|like that|particle|run|past tense marker|particle Yes. The two of them left with their faces full of shame. 過 咗 兩日 , 費詩 辭別 關雲長 返去 成都 。 passed|past tense marker|two days|Fei Shi|bid farewell|Guan Yun Chang|returned|Chengdu After two days, Fei Shi bid farewell to Guan Yun Chang and returned to Chengdu. 誒 各位 都 仲 記得 㗎 , 當年 關公 過五關斬六將 嘅 時候 呢 , 嗰 次 喺 滎陽 得到 胡 華 嘅 仔 胡 班 救 過 佢 吖 。 hey|everyone|all|still|remember|question particle|back then|Guan Gong||possessive particle|time|particle indicating a question|that|time|at|Xingyang|received|Hu|Hua|possessive particle|son|Hu|Ban|saved|past|him|particle indicating affirmation Hey everyone still remembers, back in the day when Guan Gong passed through five passes and slayed six generals, it was at Xingyang that he was saved by Hu Ban, the son of Hu Hua. 噉 啊 收尾 胡班 就 嚟 到 荊州 投奔 關公 , 關公 好 喜歡 佢 。 then|ah|wrap up|Hu Ban|then|come|arrive|Jingzhou|seek refuge|Guan Gong||very|likes|him So, after that, Hu Ban came to Jingzhou to seek refuge with Guan Gong, who liked him very much. 呢 次 呢 , 就 叫 胡班 跟隨 費詩返 成都 去 見 漢中 王 , 等 佢 得 返 個 一官半職 , 呢 啲 呢 就 唔 多 講喇吓 。 this|time|this|then|to call|Hu Ban|to follow||Chengdu|to|to meet|Hanzhong|king|to wait|he|to obtain|to return|a|minor official position|these|things|this|then|not|much| This time, Hu Ban was asked to follow Fei Shi back to Chengdu to meet the King of Hanzhong, so that he could secure a minor official position; we won't talk much about these matters. 噉 啊 經過 咗 一番 準備 整頓 之後 啊 , 關雲長 任命 廖 化做 先鋒 , 關平 做 副將 , 自己 啊 總督 中軍 , 馬良 、 伊籍 做 參謀 , 點兵 出征 嘞 。 then|particle|after|past tense marker|a round of|preparation|organization|after|particle|Guan Yu|appointed|Liao||vanguard|Guan Ping|as|deputy general|himself|particle|commander|central army|Ma Liang|Yi Ji|as|strategist|mustering troops|expedition|past action marker After some preparations and arrangements, Guan Yun Chang appointed Liao Hua as the vanguard, Guan Ping as the deputy general, and himself as the commander of the central army, with Ma Liang and Yi Ji as advisors, to mobilize the troops for the expedition. 呢 一日 , 關雲長 祭 咗 帥 字 大旗 , 喺 中軍帳 外 就 瞌下 眼瞓 休息 。 this|day|Guan Yu|offered|past tense marker|handsome|character|great banner|at||outside|then|dozed off|sleepy|rest On this day, Guan Yunchang offered a sacrifice to the banner of the commander and took a nap outside the central army tent. 忽然間 , 見到 有 隻 豬 喎 , 嘩 嗨 ! 好似 牛 咁 大隻 嘅 周身 黑色 。 suddenly|saw|there is|measure word for animals|pig|particle indicating realization|wow|hi|looks like|cow|so|big|possessive particle|all over|black Suddenly, he saw a pig, wow! It was as big as a cow and completely black. 諤 諤 聲 噉 撞入 嚟 , 就 撲 埋 嚟 關雲長 嘅 身邊 一 啖 就 及 住 佢 隻 腳 。 murmuring|murmuring|sound|like that|crashed into|here|then|||here|Guan Yun Chang|possessive particle|beside|one|bite|then|caught|hold|him|measure word for animals|foot With a grunting sound, it charged in and bit Guan Yunchang's leg. 關雲長 梗 係 好 嬲 啦 , 急急 拔出 把 劍 嚟 斬 只豬 , 哈 一劍 斬落 去 , 瀡 噉 一聲 喎 。 Guan Yu|definitely|is|very|angry|particle|hurriedly|draw|measure word|sword|to|chop||with|one sword|chop down|away|sound of chopping|like that||particle Guan Yunchang was definitely very angry, so he quickly drew his sword to slash at the pig, and with one stroke, it made a loud sound. 噉 關公 扎醒 咗 嘞 , 原來 係 發 咗 個 夢 。 then|Guan Gong|woke up|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|originally|is|had|past tense marker|a|dream Thus, Guan Gong woke up; it turned out to be a dream. 之醒 咗 呢 , 覺得 個 左腳 啊 隱隱作痛 嘅 , 個心 就 更加 奇 嘞 ,嗌 咗 關平 嚟 將個 夢 講 佢 聽 。 woke up|past tense marker|this|felt|the|left foot|ah|dull pain|possessive particle|heart|then|even more|strange|particle indicating completed action|called|past tense marker|Kwan Ping|to come||dream|tell|him|listen After waking up, I felt a dull pain in my left foot, and my heart felt even stranger, so I called Guan Ping to tell him about the dream. 關平 話 嘞 : 豬亦有 龍象 啊 。 Guan Ping|said|past tense marker||dragon elephant|sentence-final particle Guan Ping said: Even pigs have dragons. 龍 黐 埋 隻 腳度 , 乃 係 飛騰 嘅 意思 噃, 係 好意 頭 嚟 㗎 阿爹 , 唔 使 顧慮 吖 。 dragon|stick|together|measure word for animals|feet|is|is|soaring|possessive particle|meaning|sentence-final particle|is|good intention|first|come|sentence-final particle|dad|not|need|worry|sentence-final particle The dragon sticking to the foot means soaring, it's a good omen, Dad, there's no need to worry. 收尾 關雲長 又 將個 夢講 畀 大家 聽 。 wrap up|Guan Yu|again|the||to|everyone|hear In the end, Guan Yun Chang also shared the dream with everyone. 有 啲 人 呢 就 話 係 大吉大利 , 有 啲 人 又 話 係 不祥 噉 啊 , 總之 係 各有 各講 。 there is|some|people|question particle|then|say|is|very auspicious|there are|some|people|also|say|is|inauspicious|like that|particle|in short|is|| Some people said it was very auspicious, while others said it was ominous, in short, everyone had their own opinions. 關雲長 話 喇 : 我關 某 都 就 快 六十歲 咯 , 就算 係 死 亦 冇 乜嘢 遺憾 咯 。 Guan Yu|said|particle indicating completed action||certain|already|just|nearly|sixty years old|particle indicating finality|even if|is|death|also|have not|anything|regret|particle indicating finality Guan Yunchang said: I Guan have almost reached sixty years old, even if I die, there is nothing to regret. 正 喺 度 講 緊 , 成都 有 使者 到 , 傳達 漢中 王 嘅 旨意 啊 , 任命 關雲長 做前 將軍 , 假節 鉞 , 總督 荊襄 九郡 。 just|at|here|||Chengdu|has|messenger|arrived|to convey|Hanzhong|king|possessive particle|imperial decree|ah|appoint|Guan Yu||general|honorary seal|battle axe|governor|Jingxiang|nine counties Just as we are talking, a messenger has arrived in Chengdu, conveying the will of the King of Han Zhong, appointing Guan Yunchang as the General of the Front, with the honorary seal and axe, overseeing the nine counties of Jingxiang. 所謂 節 , 就 係 符節 嘞 , 鉞 就 係 虎 鉞 , 都 係 一種 權力 嘅 象征 。 so-called|festival||are||||||||||a kind of|power|possessive particle|symbol The so-called seal refers to the symbol of authority, and the axe is the tiger axe, both are symbols of power. 假節 鉞 呢 , 即 係 將節 鉞 嚟 到 授 畀 將帥 作為 加重 權力 嘅 表示 。 false holiday|axe|this|||general|axe|||||general|as|increased|power|possessive particle|indication The honorary seal and axe mean that the seal and axe are given to generals as a sign of increased authority. 噉 關雲長 接受 咗 任命 , 噉 啊 大家 都 嚟 祝賀 佢 啦 , 大家 話 : 噉 可見 豬 龍 嘅 好 兆頭 喇 。 then|Guan Yu|accepted|past tense marker|appointment|then|ah|everyone|all|come|congratulate|him|sentence-final particle|everyone|said|then|it can be seen|pig|dragon|possessive particle|good|omen|sentence-final particle So Guan Yunchang accepted the appointment, and everyone came to congratulate him, saying: This shows a good omen for the pig and dragon. 於是 關雲長 個心 啊 更加 坦然 , 一 啲 都 冇 到 顧慮 , 起兵 直奔 襄陽 嘞 。 then|Guan Yu||ah|even more|at ease|one|particle indicating small amount|all|not have|to|worries|raise troops|head straight to|Xiangyang|past action particle As a result, Guan Yunchang's heart became even more at ease, without any concerns at all, and he raised his troops to march straight to Xiangyang. 當時 曹仁 正 喺 襄陽 坐鎮 。 at that time|Cao Ren|was|in|Xiangyang|stationed At that time, Cao Ren was stationed in Xiangyang. 呢 一日 , 聽見 話 關雲長 親自 帶兵 嚟 攻打 , 唔 少人 大吃一驚 , 想 堅守 唔 出去 打 。 this|one day|heard|that|Guan Yu|personally|leading troops|here|attack|not|few people|were greatly surprised|wanted|to hold their ground|not|go out|fight One day, upon hearing that Guan Yunchang was personally leading troops to attack, many were shocked and wanted to hold their ground and not go out to fight. 嗰 個 副將 翟元 就 話 喇 : 魏王 正 係 命令 將軍 聯合 東吳 , 去 攻取 荊州 。 that|measure word|deputy general|Zhai Yuan|then|said|particle indicating completed action|King Wei|just|is|ordered|general|to unite|Eastern Wu|to|conquer|Jingzhou The deputy general, Zhai Yuan, said: The Wei King has ordered the general to unite with Eastern Wu to attack Jingzhou. 而 家 佢 自己 嚟 喇 , 係 嚟 送死 啫 , 點解 要 避 佢 啊 ? and|family|he|by himself|come|past action particle|is|come|to die|only|why|need|avoid|him|question particle Now he has come himself, just to deliver his own death, why should we avoid him? 參謀 滿寵 就 勸 佢 喇 : 關雲長 素來 有勇有謀 , 不可 輕敵 啊 , 堅守 先至 係 上策 啊 ! strategist|Man Chong|then|advised|him|particle indicating completion|Guan Yu|always|both brave and wise|cannot|underestimate the enemy|particle for emphasis|hold firm|only then|is|best strategy|particle for emphasis The strategist Man Chong advised him: "Guan Yunchang has always been brave and resourceful, we must not underestimate him! Holding our ground is the best strategy!" 猛將 夏侯 存 就 駁 佢 話 喇 : 哼 ! 呢 啲 係 書生之見 啫 , 開講 有話 水來土掩 兵來將擋 吖 嘛 , 我軍 以逸待勞 , 實贏 冇 輸 啊 ! fierce general|Xiahou|Cun|then|refute|he|words|particle indicating completion|humph|this|plural marker|is|scholar's perspective|only|once the discussion starts||when water comes earth blocks|when soldiers come generals block|particle indicating affirmation|particle indicating obviousness|our army|waiting for the enemy in a relaxed state|actually winning|not|losing|particle indicating exclamation The fierce general Xiahou Dun countered him: "Hmph! This is just the view of a scholar. When it comes to battle, we say 'water comes, earth covers; soldiers come, generals block.' Our army will wait for the enemy to tire, we will definitely win!" 講得 好 ! 曹仁 聽 佢 意見 , 就 命令 滿寵 留 喺 處 守 樊城 , 就 親自 帶兵 去 迎戰 關雲長 嘞 。 well spoken|good|Cao Ren|heard|his|advice|then|ordered|Man Chong|to stay|at|place|guard|Fan City|then|personally|lead troops|to|engage in battle|Guan Yu|past action particle Well said! Cao Ren listened to his advice and ordered Man Chong to stay and defend Fan City, while he personally led the troops to confront Guan Yunchang. 關雲長 知道 曹兵 嚟 , 就 對 關平 、 廖化 交帶 咗 計策 , 吩咐 佢 哋 去 同 曹 兵 交鋒 。 Guan Yu|knew|Cao's troops|coming|then|to|Guan Ping|Liao Hua|entrusted|past tense marker|strategy|instructed|they|plural marker|to go|with|||engage in battle Guan Yunchang, knowing that Cao's troops were coming, instructed Guan Ping and Liao Hua on the strategy and ordered them to engage with Cao's soldiers. 呢 一日 , 兩陣 對圓 , 廖化 首先 出馬 挑戰 。 this|one day|two rounds|against the circle|Liao Hua|first|to appear|challenge On this day, the two armies faced off, and Liao Hua was the first to step forward to challenge. 翟元 就 上前 迎敵 。 Zhai Yuan|then|stepped forward|to confront the enemy Zhai Yuan stepped forward to confront the enemy. 兩個 打 咗 冇 幾耐 , 廖化 詐敗 , 撥馬 就 走 。 the two|fight|past tense marker|not|long|Liao Hua|feigned defeat|wave his horse|then|leave The two fought for a while, then Liao Hua feigned defeat and turned his horse to flee. 翟元 一路 追殺 啊 , 噉 荊州 兵 後退 咗 二十里 。 Zhai Yuan|all the way|chasing|ah|then|Jingzhou|soldiers|retreated|past tense marker|twenty li Zhai Yuan chased after him, causing the Jingzhou soldiers to retreat twenty miles. 第日 又 嚟 挑戰 。 next day|again|come|challenge The next day, they came to challenge again. 呢 次 就 夏侯 存 、 翟元 一齊 出 嚟 迎敵 , 哈 荊州 兵 又 敗 噃, 噉 啊 曹 軍 又 追殺 二十幾 里 啦 。 this|time|then|Xiahou|Cun|Zhai Yuan|together|go|come|to meet the enemy|ha|Jingzhou|soldiers|again|defeated||then|ah|Cao|army|again|pursued|over twenty|li|particle This time, Xiahou Cun and Zhai Yuan came out together to confront the enemy, and the Jingzhou soldiers were defeated again, leading to the Cao army chasing them for over twenty miles. 正 係 追殺 得 過癮 痛快 嘅 時候 , 突然 間 , 背後 嘅 吶喊聲 鼓角 聲 呀 震天動地 噉 響起 嚟 。 just|is|chase|to|enjoyable|exhilarating|possessive particle|moment|suddenly|in|behind|possessive particle|shouting|drum and horn|sound|particle|earth-shattering|like that|rang out|past tense particle Just when it was the most thrilling and exciting moment of the chase, suddenly, the shouts and the sound of horns from behind erupted like thunder. 曹仁 急忙 下令 叫 前軍 快 啲 轉頭 。 Cao Ren|hurriedly|ordered|to call|vanguard|quickly|particle indicating degree|to turn around Cao Ren hurriedly ordered the front troops to turn around quickly. 但 係 廖化 、 關平 已經 喺 後 便 殺 緊 嚟 嘞 。 ||Liao Hua|Guan Ping|already|at|rear|then|kill|continuous action particle|come|past action particle But Liao Hua and Guan Ping were already charging in from the rear. 曹兵 啊 當堂 亂成 一 嚿 僂 。 Cao Bing|ah|on the spot|in chaos|one|piece|hunchback Cao's soldiers were thrown into chaos right on the spot. 曹仁知 道 中計 喇 , 就 先抽 一支 軍隊 跟 住 佢 飛奔 返去 襄陽 。 Cao Renzhi|said|fell into the trap|particle indicating completion|then|first draw|one unit|army|||him|hurriedly|returned to|Xiangyang Cao Ren realized he had fallen into a trap, so he quickly pulled a unit of troops to follow him back to Xiangyang. 點 知道 跑 到 離 城仲有 幾里 路個 地方 , 只見 前面 繡 旗 招展 , 關雲長 勒馬 橫刀 攔住 去路 嘩 哈哈 , 嚇到 曹仁 膽戰心驚 唔 敢 交鋒 啊 , 混 第二條 橫路 走 人 。 how|to know|run|arrive|from||how many miles|road|place|only saw|ahead|embroidered|flag|fluttering|Guan Yu|reined in his horse|cross sword|blocked|way|wow|haha|scared|Cao Ren|trembling with fear|not|dare|clash|ah|mixed up|second|horizontal road|walk|people How to know how many miles away from the city, I only saw the embroidered flags waving in front, Guan Yu was blocking the way with his horse and sword, wow haha, it scared Cao Ren so much that he was trembling and didn't dare to engage, so he took another route. 關雲長 冇 去 追 佢 。 Guan Yu|did not|go|chase|him Guan Yu did not chase after him. 過左陣 , 夏侯 存 軍隊 嚟 到 , after a while|Xiahou|Cun|army|| After a while, Xiahou Dun's army arrived. 哈 佢 一 見 關雲長 就 火 遮眼 喎 , 躍馬 上前 要 同 關雲長 打過 噉 講嘿 真 係 , 綁 起 一隻 手 都 打贏 你 啦 。 ha|he|one|saw|Guan Yu|then|anger|blindfolded|particle indicating assertion|leaping on horseback|stepped forward|wanted|with||fight|like this|saying|really|is|tied|up|one|hand|all|win|you|particle indicating finality When he saw Guan Yu, he was furious, leaping forward on his horse wanting to fight Guan Yu, saying, 'Hey, really, I can win you even with one hand tied behind my back!' 一個 回合 咁 多唧 , 夏侯 存 就 成為 關公 刀下 之 鬼 咯 。 one|round|so|many|Xiahou|Cun|then|became|Guan Gong|under the sword|possessive particle|ghost|final particle In just one round, Xiahou Dun became a ghost under Guan Yu's blade. 翟元 見到 咦 咪區 , 想 趯 喇 , 畀 關平 縱馬 趕上去 一刀 又 將 佢 劈 死 。 Zhai Yuan|saw|eh|Mi District|wanted|to kick|particle indicating action completion|let|Guan Ping|ride fast|catch up|with one stroke|again|to|him|chop|dead Zhai Yuan saw the area and wanted to charge in, so he let Guan Ping ride his horse to catch up and struck him down with a single blow. 喎 嗬 殺 啊 噉 一輪 追擊 , 曹兵 有成 大半 都 唔 使 勞煩 人 哋 逳 手 啊 , 自己 跌 咗 落 襄江浸 死 嘞 。 oh|huh|kill|ah|like this|one round|chase|Cao soldiers|almost|more than half|all|not|need|trouble|people|them|escape|hand|ah|oneself|fell|past tense marker|into||die|past tense marker Wow, what a massacre! After a round of pursuit, more than half of Cao's soldiers didn't even need to worry about others escaping; they fell into the Xiang River and drowned. 曹仁 呢 , 就 被 逼 退守 樊城 。 Cao Ren|question particle|then|passive marker|forced|retreat to|Fan City Cao Ren, on the other hand, was forced to retreat and defend Fan City. 關雲長 得 咗 襄陽 , 照例 安民 勞軍 啦 。 Guan Yu|has|past tense marker|Xiangyang|as usual|pacify the people|reward the soldiers|sentence-final particle Guan Yun Chang, having taken Xiangyang, proceeded to stabilize the people and manage the troops as usual. 隨軍 司馬王甫 就 提醒 佢 話 喇 : 關將軍 你 一戰 而 攻取 襄陽 , 冇 錯 係 使 到 曹兵 膽寒 咯 。 accompanying the army||then|reminded|him|said|particle indicating completed action||you|in one battle|and|captured|Xiangyang|not|wrong|is|make|to|Cao's soldiers|fearful|particle indicating certainty The army's strategist Wang Fu reminded him, saying: 'General Guan, your single battle to capture Xiangyang has indeed frightened Cao's soldiers.' 但 係 , 東吳 呂蒙 嘅 兵馬 駐 扎 喺 陸 口 , 一直 都 虎視眈眈 , 想 吞併 荊州 嘅 。 ||Eastern Wu|Lu Meng|possessive particle|troops|stationed|set up|at|||always|all|covetously|wanted|to swallow up|Jingzhou|possessive particle However, the troops of Lu Meng from Eastern Wu are stationed at Lukou, always eyeing to swallow Jingzhou. 倘若 佢 哋 向 荊州 突然襲擊 , 噉 如之奈何 呢 ? if|they|plural marker|towards|Jingzhou||then|what to do|question particle If they suddenly attack Jingzhou, what should we do? 冇 錯 , 我 亦 都諗過 嘞 , 王司馬 你 嚟 管 呢 件 事 啦 。 not|wrong|I|also||past tense marker|Wang Sima|you|come|manage|this|measure word for events|matter|sentence-final particle That's right, I have thought about it too. Wang Sima, you take charge of this matter. 你 喺 江邊 一帶 , 每隔 二十里 或卅里 , 喺 啲 高坡 上 便 設立 一個 烽火台 , 每個 台派 五十 人 看守 。 you|at|riverside|area|every|twenty miles||at|plural marker|high hill|on|then|set up|one|beacon tower|each|tower sends|fifty|people|guards Along the river, every twenty or thirty miles, set up a beacon tower on the high slopes, with fifty men guarding each tower. 若果 發現 吳兵 渡江 , 晚上 以 點火 日頭 就 舉煙 做 信號 , 到 時 , 我會 親自 去 迎擊 敵人 嘅 。 if|discovers|Wu Bing|crosses the river|at night|using|fire|daytime|then|raise smoke|as|signal||||personally|go|counterattack|enemy|possessive particle If you discover Wu troops crossing the river, light a fire at night and raise smoke during the day as a signal. At that time, I will personally go to confront the enemy. 誒 仲有 啊 關將軍 , 糜芳同 傅士仁 , 佢 哋 去 把守 南郡 、 公安 兩個 咁 重要 嘅 隘口 , 怕 佢 哋 唔 得力 啊 。 hey|still have|particle|General Kwan||Fu Shiren|they|plural marker|go|guard|South County|Public Security|two|so|important|possessive particle|passes|afraid|they|plural marker|not|capable|particle Hey, there’s also General Guan, Mi Fang, and Fu Shiren. They are guarding the two important passes of Nanjun and Gong'an, and I'm worried they might not be effective. 必須 再 搵 一個 人 嚟 總督 荊州 至 好 。 must|again|find|one|person|come|governor|Jingzhou|to|good We must find another person to oversee Jingzhou, that would be best. 我 已經 委派 咗 治 中 潘 濬 喺 度 助陣 把守 嘞 , 仲有 咩 嘢 擔心 呢 ? I|already|assigned|past tense marker|Zhi|Zhong|Pan|Jun|at|place|assist|defend|past action marker|still have|what|thing|worry|question particle I have already appointed Zhi Zhong Pan Jun to assist in the defense here, what else is there to worry about? 唔 係 啊 關將軍 , 潘 濬 嘅 為 人 貪財 好利 , 妒忌心 又 重 , 呢 啲 人 不可 任用 啊 。 No, General Guan, Pan Jun is greedy for wealth and has a strong sense of jealousy. Such people should not be employed. 誒 不如 派軍 前 都督 糧料 官趙累 去 代 佢 罷 啦 , 趙 累 嘅 為 人 忠誠 廉直 , 如果 用 佢 呀 就 萬無一失 喇 。 hey|why not||previous|commander|supplies||go|replace|him|stop|particle|Zhao|Lei|possessive particle|as|person|loyal|honest|if|use|him|particle|then|absolutely safe|particle How about we send the military's supply officer Zhao Lei to replace him? Zhao Lei is loyal and honest, if we use him, it would be foolproof. 嗯 , 潘 濬 嘅 為 人 我 啊 知道 嘅 , 而家 已經 委派 咗 咯 , 就 不必 更改 嘞 。 hmm|Pan|Jun|possessive particle|for|person|I|ah|know|possessive particle|now|already|assigned|past tense marker|completed action particle|then|no need to|change|completed action particle Well, I know about Pan Jun's character, and now that he has already been appointed, there's no need to change it. 趙 累 現時 掌管 糧草 亦 係 極之 重要 嘅 事情 啊 。 Zhao|tired|currently|in charge of|supplies|also|is|extremely|important|possessive particle|matter|ah Zhao Lei currently managing the supplies is also extremely important. 你 唔 使 擔心 嘞 , 同 我 去 築 好 啲 烽火台 啦 。 you|not|need|worry|past tense particle|with|I|go|build|better|measure word for comparison|watchtower|sentence-final particle You don't need to worry, just come with me to build a better signal tower. 遵令 , 卑職 告辭 。 as ordered|humble position|take my leave Understood, I take my leave. 王甫個 心好 唔 安樂 噉 啊 告辭 走 咗 。 ||not|happy|like that|particle|farewell|leave|past tense marker Wang Fu seems very unsettled, so he took his leave. 關雲長 呢 就 命令 關平 啊 準備 船隻 , 要 渡過 襄江 去 攻打 樊城 。 Guan Yu|this|then|ordered|Guan Ping|ah|prepare|boat|must|cross|Xiang River|to|attack|Fan City Guan Yunchang then ordered Guan Ping to prepare the ships, as they needed to cross the Xiang River to attack Fan City. 而家 講下 曹仁 啊 佢 損失 咗 兩名 將官 , 就 退守 樊城 。 now|talk about|Cao Ren|ah|he|lost|past tense marker|two|officers|then|retreated to|Fancheng Now let's talk about Cao Ren, he has lost two officers and has retreated to Fan City. 佢 就 同 滿 寵 話 喇 : 唉 , 當初 唔 聽 你 話 至 有 兵敗將亡 , 襄陽 失守 , 噉 , 如之奈何 呢 ? he|then|with|Man|Chong|said|particle indicating completed action|sigh|at the beginning|not|listen|you|words|only then|had|total defeat|Xiangyang|lost|then|what to do|question particle He said to Man Chong: Sigh, I didn't listen to your advice at the beginning, which led to our defeat, and Xiangyang has fallen. What can we do now? 滿寵話 喇 : 關雲長 係 一員 虎將 , 足智多謀 , 唔 好 輕易 同 佢 打 , 一 於 堅守 就 啱 喇 。 Man Chong said|particle indicating completion|Guan Yun Chang|is|a|tiger general|very resourceful|||easily|with|him|fight|||hold the line|then|right|particle indicating completion Man Chong replied: Guan Yunchang is a fierce general, very resourceful, we shouldn't easily engage him in battle; we should just hold our ground. 正 喺 度 講 緊 , 啲 人 嚟 報告 話 關雲長 大軍 渡江 , 嚟 攻打 樊城 喇 噉 。 right|at|place|talking|ongoing|the|people|come|report|said|Guan Yu|large army|cross the river|come|attack|Fan City|particle indicating completed action|like this Just as they were talking, someone came to report that Guan Yunchang's army had crossed the river and was coming to attack Fan City. 曹仁 心慌意亂 啊 點算 好 呢 點算 好 呢 ? Cao Ren|flustered and confused|ah|what to do|good|question particle||| Cao Ren is feeling anxious and confused, what should I do? What should I do? 滿寵話 喇 : 曹將軍 , 只 能夠 係 堅守 啊 ! Man Chong said|particle indicating finality|General Cao|only|able to|to be|hold firm|particle indicating emphasis Man Chong said: General Cao, we can only hold our ground! 曹 仁 嘅 手下 有個 將官 叫做 呂常 , 佢 話 喇 : Cao|Ren|possessive particle|subordinate||general|named|Lue Chang|he|said|sentence-final particle Cao Ren's subordinate, a general named Lu Chang, said: 請 將軍 畀 幾千 兵 我 , 等 我將 來犯之敵 擊敗 喺 襄 江 之內 啊 。 please|general|give|several thousand|soldiers|I|so that||invading enemy|defeat|at|||within|ah Please give me a few thousand soldiers, so I can defeat the invading enemy within the Xiang River. 滿寵話 : 唔 好 去 呢 , 唔 好 去 呢 ! Man Chong said|not|good|go|here|not|good|go|here Man Chong said: Don't go, don't go! 呂常 發火 喇 : 哼 ! 照 你 哋 啲 文官 嘅 意思 , 一味 話 堅守 堅守 , 噉 點樣 趕走 敵人 呢 ? Lu Chang|angry|particle indicating completion|humph|according to|you|plural marker|possessive particle|civil officials|possessive particle|meaning|only|saying|hold fast|hold fast|then|how|drive away|enemy|question particle Lü Chang got angry: Hmph! According to your civil officials, all they say is to hold firm, but how can we drive away the enemy like that? 兵法 有話 : 軍半渡 可擊 。 而家關 某 嘅 軍隊 半渡 襄江 , 噉 仲 唔 去 打 等 幾時 啊 ? military strategy|has a saying||||a certain|possessive particle|troops|halfway across|Xiang River|then|still|not|go|fight|wait|how long|question particle The art of war says: An army can strike when halfway across. Now that Guan Shao's army is halfway across the Xiang River, when are we going to attack if not now? 如果 兵臨城下 將至 壕邊 , 嗰 陣 就 難以 抵擋 㗎 喇 。 if|enemy is at the gates|will soon|by the moat|that|moment|then|hard to|resist|particle|particle If the enemy is at the city walls and about to reach the trenches, it will be difficult to resist. 曹仁 畀 佢 講 掂 咗 , 即刻 撥 二千 兵 過 佢 , 叫 佢 出 城 迎戰 。 Cao Ren|to|him|say|handle|past tense marker|immediately|deploy|two thousand|soldiers|to|him|to call|him|out|city|to fight Cao Ren agreed with him and immediately dispatched two thousand soldiers to him, telling him to come out of the city and engage in battle. 呂常 嚟 到 江口 , 只見 前面 繡 旗 招展 , 關雲長 橫刀 出馬 。 Lǚ Cháng|arrived|at|Jiangkou|only saw|ahead|embroidered|flag|fluttering|Guan Yunzhang|with his sword drawn|came out to fight When Lü Chang arrived at the river mouth, he saw the embroidered flags waving in front, and Guan Yunchang charging out with his sword. 呂常正 係 想 上前 啊 , 點 知 佢 後 便 嗰 班 兵士 見到 關雲長 威風凜凜 , 未曾 打 就 趯 定 先 喇 。 Lyu Changzheng|is|wanted|to step forward|ah|||he|later|then|that|group|soldiers|saw|Guan Yunzhang|imposing|not yet|fight|then|kicked|down|first|particle Lü Chang Zheng wanted to step forward, but the soldiers behind him saw Guan Yun Chang's imposing presence and, without even fighting, they retreated first. 嘩 , 激到 呂常 死死 下 , 搏命 咁 喝 都 喝 啲 士兵 唔 住 。 wow|so excited|a person's name|desperately|particle indicating action|risking their life|so|drink|all|drink|particle indicating plural|soldiers|not|able to handle Wow, Lü Chang was so furious that he desperately shouted at the soldiers. 關雲長 大刀 一揮 , 兵馬 就 掩殺 過 嚟 。 Guan Yu|broadsword|with a single swing|soldiers and horses|then|ambush|pass|coming Guan Yun Chang swung his big sword, and the troops charged forward. 殺到 曹兵 大敗 , 嗰 兩千 人馬 損失 咗 成 大半 。 arrived|Cao's troops|suffered a great defeat|that|two thousand|soldiers and horses|loss|past tense marker|all|more than half They killed so many of Cao's soldiers that more than half of the two thousand troops were lost. 呂常 丟盔棄甲 , 同埋 啲 殘軍敗將 趯 返入 樊城 。 Lu Shang|abandon their armor and flee|and|the|defeated remnants of the army|rush|back into|Fan City Lü Chang threw away his helmet and armor, and along with the remnants of his defeated army, retreated back into Fan City. 呢 趟 曹仁真 係 慌 咯 , 急急 派 人 去 長安 告急 , 就 報告 曹操 聽話 關雲長 攻陷 襄陽 。 this|trip|Cao Ren|is|anxious|particle indicating realization|urgently|send|person|to|Chang'an|report the emergency|then|report|Cao Cao|obedient|Guan Yu|captured|Xiangyang This time, Cao Ren is really anxious. He urgently sent someone to Chang'an to report that Guan Yu has attacked and captured Xiangyang. 而家 圍攻 樊城 情況危急 , 請 魏王 火速 派遣 大軍 嚟 救 噉 。 right now|siege|Fan City||please|King Wei|urgently|dispatch|large army|come|rescue|like this The situation surrounding Fan City is critical right now, so please ask the Wei King to quickly send a large army for rescue. 曹操 派于 禁去 解圍 。 Cao Cao|||relieve the siege Cao Cao sent Yu Jin to break the siege. 于 禁話 要 搵 多 個人 做 先鋒 。 Yu|forbidden to speak|needs|find|more|person|to be|pioneer Yu Jin said he needs to find more people to be the vanguard. 曹操 問 啲 將官 邊個 敢 去 啦 。 Cao Cao|asked|particle indicating a question|general|who|dares|to go|particle indicating a suggestion or command Cao Cao asked the generals who dares to go. 龐德 精神抖擻 行 上前 嚟 話 : 小將 願效 犬馬之勞 , 生擒 關某 獻 於 麾下 ! Pang De|full of energy|to walk|step forward|came|said|young general|willing to serve|loyal service|capture alive|Guan|present|to|under your command Pang De, full of spirit, stepped forward and said: "The young general is willing to serve and capture Guan for you!" 曹操 好 歡喜 啊 佢 話 : 關某 威震 華夏 未逢 敵手 , 呢 次 遇到 你 真 係 勁敵 喇 ! Cao Cao|very|happy|ah|he|said|Guan某|威震|Huaxia|has not encountered|rival|this|time|encountered|you|really|are|strong rival|particle indicating completed action Cao Cao was very pleased and said: "Guan is a formidable opponent who has never met a rival in Huaxia, encountering you this time is truly a strong adversary!" 於是 加封 于禁 做 征南 將軍 , 加封 龐德 做征 西 都 先鋒 , 噉 啊 點起 七支 大軍 , 開赴 樊城 。 then|appointed|Yu Jin|made|Southern Expedition|general|appointed|Pang De|||capital|vanguard|then|ah|raised|seven|armies|marched towards|Fan City Thus, he promoted Yu Jin to General of the Southern Expedition and promoted Pang De to Vanguard of the Western Expedition, gathering seven large armies to head towards Fan City. 呢 七支 大軍 都 係 北方 人 , 個個 身強體壯 認真 夠 威 嘅 。 this|seven|armies|all|are|northern|people|each|strong and healthy|really|quite|intimidating|particle indicating possession or description These seven armies were all from the North, each one strong and robust, truly impressive. 當日 , 兩名 領軍 將校 一個 叫做 董衡 , 一個 叫做 董超 , 率領 各隊 頭目 , 嚟 到 參拜 主帥 于禁 。 that day|two|leading|officers|one|named|Dong Heng|one|named|Dong Chao|leading|each team|leader|come|to|pay respects|commander|Yu Jin On that day, two leading generals, one named Dong Heng and the other named Dong Chao, led their respective commanders to pay respects to the commander Yu Jin. 董衡 話 喇 : 呢 次 將軍 率領 七支 大軍 去解 樊城 之圍 , 志在 必勝 , 卻 係 用 龐德 做 先鋒 , 噉 豈 唔 係 誤事 ? Dong Heng|said|particle indicating finality|this|time|general|led|seven|armies||Fan City||intent on|certain victory|but|is|using|Pang De|as|vanguard|then|how|not|is|miscalculating the situation Dong Heng said: This time the general is leading seven large armies to break the siege of Fan City, aiming for certain victory, yet he is using Pang De as the vanguard. Isn't that a mistake? 點解 噉 講呢 ? why|like this|say this Why do you say that? 龐德 本來 係 馬超 手下 嘅 副將 , 因為 不得已 先至 投降 我 哋 嘅 。 Pang De|originally|was|Ma Chao|subordinate|possessive particle|deputy general|because|had no choice|only then|surrendered|we|plural marker|possessive particle Pang De was originally a deputy general under Ma Chao, and he only surrendered to us out of necessity. 而 家 佢 往日 嘅 主公 喺 西 蜀 , 位居 五虎上將 。 and|family|he|in the past|possessive particle|lord|at|||held the position of|Five Tiger Generals Now his former lord is in Western Shu, holding the position of one of the Five Tiger Generals. 何況 佢 嘅 親 兄 龐 柔 , 亦 都 喺 西川 做官 嘅 。 let alone|he|possessive particle|biological|older brother|Pang|Yau|also|all|at|Xichuan|be an official|past tense particle Moreover, his own brother, Pang Rou, is also an official in Xichuan. 今日 叫 佢 做 先鋒 , 豈 唔 係 潑油救火 ? today|to call|him|to be|pioneer|how|not|is| Today, calling him a pioneer, isn't that just pouring oil on the fire? 嗯 。 hmm Hmm. 將軍 , 你 不如 稟明 魏王 另外 換 一個 人去 , 豈 唔 係 好 ? General|you|might as well|report to|King Wei|another|replace|one||how|not|is|good General, why don't you report to King Wei and change to another person, wouldn't that be better? 好 , 于禁 漏夜 去 王府 稟告 曹操 。 good|Yu Jin|in the dead of night|went|Wang's residence|to report|Cao Cao Alright, Yu Jin will go to the Wangfu at night to report to Cao Cao. 啊 係 噃。 ah|is|right Ah, that's right. 曹操 立即 叫 龐德 嚟 , 叫 佢 交還 先鋒 大印 。 Cao Cao|immediately|called|Pang De|over|told|him|to return|vanguard|great seal Cao Cao immediately called for Pang De to come and asked him to return the Vanguard seal. 嚇 到 龐德 大驚 喇 佢 話 : 末將 正 係 要 為 大王 出力 , 點解 唔 肯用 我 呢 ? scare|to|Pang De|very surprised|particle indicating completed action|he|said|I the last general|just|am|want|for|the great king|exert effort|why|not||me|question particle Pang De was so shocked that he said: "I am indeed here to serve the king, why don't you want to use me?" 我 對 你 係 冇 懷疑 嘅 。 I|towards|you|am|no|doubt|particle indicating possession or affirmation I have no doubts about you. 但 係 , 馬超 目前 喺 西川 , 你 大佬 龐柔亦 喺 西川 , 兩個 都 係 輔助 劉備 。 |are|||||||||||||assisting|Liu Bei However, Ma Chao is currently in Xichuan, and your elder brother Pang Rou is also in Xichuan, both of whom are assisting Liu Bei. 縱使 我 唔 疑心 你 啊 , 亦 難免 他人 會講 你 噃。 even if|I|not|suspicious of|you|particle|also|hard to avoid|others||you|particle Even if I have no doubts about you, it is inevitable that others will talk about you. 哎呀 大王 啊 , 末將 自從 喺 漢中 投降 大王 , 深感 大王 嘅 恩德 , 就算 係 肝腦塗地 都 不能 報答 , 點解 大王 會 疑心 我 呢 ? oh no|great king|ah|I the last general|since|at|Han Zhong|surrendered|great king|||||||||||||would|suspect|me|question particle Oh, my lord, ever since I surrendered to you in Han Zhong, I have deeply felt your grace. Even if I were to sacrifice my life, I could not repay it. Why do you doubt me? 往日 , 末 將 喺 故鄉 嘅 時候 , 同 大佬 一齊 住 。 in the past|I|will|be at|hometown|possessive particle|time|with|older brother|together|live In the past, when I was in my hometown, I lived with my elder brother. 嫂嫂 極 不 賢德 , 我 乘住 酒醉 殺 咗 佢 , 所以 , 我 大佬 嬲 到 我 入骨 啊 發誓 唔 肯見 我 , 兄弟 嘅 恩情 已經 斷絕 㗎 喇 。 sister-in-law|extremely|not|virtuous|I|under the influence of|drunkenness|killed|past tense marker|him|so|I|older brother|angry|to the point of|I|to the bone|ah|swore|not|willing to see|I|brother|possessive particle|kindness|already|severed|sentence-final particle|particle indicating completed action My sister-in-law was extremely unvirtuous, and in a drunken rage, I killed her. As a result, my elder brother was so angry that he swore never to see me again, and the bond of brotherhood has already been severed. 馬超 係 我 往日 嘅 主公 , 之 佢 有勇無謀 , 至到 兵敗 地失 , 孤身 入川 。 Ma Chao|is|I|in the past|possessive particle|lord|but|he|brave but not wise|until|defeat in battle|loss of territory|alone|entered Sichuan Ma Chao was my former lord, and he was brave but lacked strategy. Until he was defeated and lost his territory, he entered Sichuan alone. 今日 , 佢 同 我 各 為 其 主 , 舊時 嘅 恩義 早就 斷絕 。 today|he|with|I|each|for|his|own|past|possessive particle|kindness and obligation|long ago|severed Today, he and I each serve our own lords, and the past bonds of loyalty have long been severed. 大王 啊 你 待 我恩深 似海 , 末將 點會 懷有異 心 呢 ? Your Majesty|ah|you|treat|||this humble general|how could|||question particle My lord, you have treated me with deep kindness like the sea, how could I possibly have any other thoughts? 請 大王 明察 喇 ! please|great king|see clearly|particle indicating a completed action Please, my lord, see clearly! 龐德 除 咗 頂帽 , 叩頭 叩到 落地 啊 扻 到 血流 滿面 。 Bond|take off|past tense marker|hat|kowtow|knock until|on the ground|particle|hit|until|blood flows|all over the face Pang De, besides wearing a hat, bowed down until his head touched the ground, causing blood to flow all over his face. 曹操 扶 佢 起身 安慰 佢 話 : 孤王 一向 知道 你 係 個 忠義 之 人 , 我 講 嗰 啲 說話 , 係 安 大家 嘅 心 啫 。 Cao Cao|help|him|get up|comfort|him|said|this lonely king|always|knew|you|are|a|loyal and righteous|of|person|I|said|those|plural marker|words|are|to calm|everyone|possessive particle|hearts|only Cao Cao helped him up and comforted him, saying: 'I have always known that you are a loyal and righteous person. What I said earlier was just to ease everyone's hearts.' 你 要 努力 立功 , 啊 , 你 唔 辜負 孤王 , 孤王 亦 必定 唔 會 辜負 你 ! you|must|work hard|achieve merit|ah|you|||||||||| You must strive to achieve merit, and do not let me down; I will certainly not let you down either! 龐德 拜謝 咗 曹操 就 返 屋企 , 叫 木工 師傅 同 佢 做 咗 一副 棺材 。 Pang De|thanked|past tense marker|Cao Cao|then|return|home|called|carpenter|master|with|him|made|past tense marker|a|coffin Pang De thanked Cao Cao and then went home, asking the carpenter to make a coffin for him. 第 日 , 佢 擺酒 請齊 啲 親友 嚟 赴宴 。 the|day|he|hold a banquet|invite all|plural marker|relatives and friends|come|attend the feast The next day, he held a banquet and invited all his relatives and friends. 嗰 副 棺材 就 擺正 喺 大廳 嚟 , 哈哈 , 呢 個 宴會 真 係 特別 喇 。 that|measure word for coffin|coffin|then|placed upright|at|hall|come|haha|this|measure word for events|banquet|really|is|special|particle indicating change of state The coffin was placed right in the hall, haha, this banquet is really special. 嗰 班 親戚朋友 都 畀 嗰 埲 棺材 嚇 咗 一 跳 噃, 哎呀 將軍 你 出師 , 點解 要用 呢 個 嗯 呢 個 不祥 之物 啊 吓 ? that|group|relatives and friends|all|by|that|coffin|coffin|scared|past tense marker|one|jump|particle|oh no|general|you|go to war|why||this|particle|um|this|particle|ominous||ah|scare Those relatives and friends were all startled by the coffin, saying, 'Oh dear General, why do you have to use this, um, this ominous object for your departure?' 龐德 舉起 杯酒 對 親友 話 : Pang De|raised|cup of wine|to|friends and family|said Pang De raised his cup and said to his friends: 我 身受 魏 王 嘅 深恩 厚德 , 誓要 以 死 嚟 報答 佢 。 I|have received|||possessive particle|deep kindness|great virtue|swear to|with|death|come|repay|him I have received deep grace and kindness from King Wei, and I swear to repay him with my death. 而家 , 我 去 樊城 同關 某 決戰 。 now|I|go|Fancheng||a certain|decisive battle Now, I am going to Fan City to fight a decisive battle with Guan. 我 若果 殺 佢 唔 到 , 必定會 畀 佢 嚟 殺 我 。 I|if|kill|he|not|able to||let|he|come|kill|me If I cannot kill him, I will definitely be killed by him. 即使 唔 畀 佢 殺 到 , 我亦會 自殺 。 even if|not|let|he||||commit suicide Even if he cannot kill me, I will commit suicide. 故此 , 我 預先 準備 定 呢 一副 棺材 , 嚟 表示 決 唔 會 空住 返 嚟 嘅 。 therefore|I|in advance|prepared|fixed|this|a pair of|coffin|to|indicate|definitely|not|will|return|come|back|particle Therefore, I have prepared this coffin in advance to show that I will definitely not return. 啊 大家 聽 咗 , 冇 個 唔 畀 佢 感動 。 ah|everyone|heard|past tense marker|not|classifier|not|let|him|moved Ah, everyone has heard it, and no one is not moved. 龐德 又 叫 佢 個 妻子 李氏 同 佢 個 仔 龐 會 出 嚟 。 Pang De|again|called|he|possessive particle|wife|Li|with|his|possessive particle|son|Pang|will|come out|here Bond also asked his wife, Mrs. Lee, and his son, Bond, to come out. 佢 對 佢 嘅 妻子 話 : 我而家 做 咗 先鋒 , 應該 效死疆場 。 He|to|him|possessive particle|wife|said||become|past tense marker|vanguard|should| He said to his wife: I have now become a pioneer, and I should die on the battlefield. 我 如果 死 咗 , 你 要 好好 地養 大 我 個 仔 。 I|if|die|past tense marker|you|must|well||grow up|my|measure word|son If I die, you must take good care of our son. 我個 仔生 得 相貌 奇異 , 長大成人 之後 , 必定 能夠 為 我 報仇 嘅 ! ||has|appearance|strange||after|definitely|able to|for|me|take revenge|particle indicating possession or emphasis My son has an unusual appearance, and when he grows up, he will definitely be able to avenge me! 龐德 嘅 妻子 哀哀 痛哭 , 送 丈夫 出征 , 龐德 啊 叫 佢 扶住 埲 棺材 行 啊 。 Pang De|possessive particle|wife|sorrowfully|wept|send|husband|to war|Pang De|sentence-final particle|told|her|to support|coffin|coffin|walk|sentence-final particle Bond's wife cried sorrowfully, sending her husband off to battle, and Bond asked her to support the coffin as they walked. 臨起 行 嘅 時候 , 龐德 對 佢 啲 部下 講 : suddenly|leave|possessive particle|time|Bond|to|he|plural marker|subordinates|said As they were about to leave, Bond said to his subordinates: 我 今日 去 同關 某 死戰 , 我 若果 畀 關某 殺死 , 你 哋 就將 我 嘅 屍體 放 喺 呢 副 棺材 處 ! I|today|go|with Kwan|a certain|death match|I|if|by|Kwan|kill|you|plural marker||my|possessive particle|corpse|put|at|this|measure word for coffin|coffin|place "Today I am going to fight against Guan. If I am killed by Guan, you will place my body in this coffin!" 我 若果 殺 咗 關某 , 我 亦 攞 佢 個 首級 放 喺 棺材 裏 便 , 送返 嚟 獻 畀 魏王 ! I|if|kill|past tense marker|Guan|I|also|take|his|possessive particle|head|put|in|coffin|inside|then|send back|here|present|to|King Wei "If I kill Guan, I will also take his head and place it in the coffin, to be sent back as an offering to King Wei!" 龐德 嗰 五百名 部下 都 齊聲 回答 話 : Pang De|that|500|subordinates|all|in unison|answered|saying All five hundred of Bond's subordinates replied in unison: 將軍 係 咁 忠肝義膽 , 我 哋 勢必 竭力 相助 啊 ! the general|is|so|loyal and righteous|I|we|surely|with all our strength|assist|particle The general is so loyal and righteous, we must do our utmost to assist him! 於是 龐德 就 帶隊 出發 嘞 。 then|Bond|then|led the team|departed|past tense marker So, Pang De set off with his team. 有人 將呢 件 事 報告 畀 曹操 聽 , 曹操 好 高興 好 高興 啊 佢 話 : someone||measure word for events|matter|report|to|Cao Cao|hear|Cao Cao|very|happy|very|happy|ah|he|said Someone reported this matter to Cao Cao, and Cao Cao was very happy, he said: 龐德 係 咁 忠心 英勇 , 孤王仲使 乜 憂心 啊 ! Bond|is|so|loyal|brave||what|worry|particle Pang De is so loyal and brave, why should I worry! 賈詡 提醒 曹操 噃 佢 話 : 龐德 恃 住 血氣之勇 , 想 同關 某決 死戰 啊 , 微臣 不能不 感到 憂慮 啊 。 Jia Xu|reminded|Cao Cao|particle indicating a suggestion|he|said|Pang De|relying on|on|youthful vigor|wanted|||to the death|particle indicating exclamation|humble servant|cannot help but|feel|worried|particle indicating exclamation Jia Xu reminded Cao Cao, saying: Pang De relies on his youthful bravery and wants to fight to the death with Guan Yu, I cannot help but feel worried. 嗯 , 講得 啱 ! hmm|spoke|right Hmm, that's right! 曹操 急忙 叫 人 傳達 一道 命令 去 告誡 龐德 , 話 佢 聽 : Cao Cao|hurriedly|called|someone|to deliver|a|order|to|warn|Pang De|words|he|would listen Cao Cao hurriedly ordered someone to convey a message to Pang De, saying to him: 關某 智勇雙全 , 切不可 輕敵 , 能 打則 打 , 不能 打 就 要緊 守 。 someone named Kwan|both intelligent and brave|absolutely must not|underestimate the enemy|can|if fighting is possible|fight|cannot|fight|then|must|defend Guan is both wise and brave, so do not underestimate him. If we can fight, we fight; if we cannot fight, we must defend firmly. 龐德 接到 曹操 呢 個 命令 之後 就 話 喇 : Pang De|received|Cao Cao|this|measure word|order|after|then|said|particle After receiving Cao Cao's order, Pang De said: 大王 點解 要 咁 重視 關某 , 我 諗 住 呢 次 去 , 必定 要 挫一 挫關 某 三十年 來 嘅 聲價 至 得 ! Your Majesty|why|must|so|value|Guan|I|||||go|definitely|must|||certain|thirty years|in|possessive particle|reputation|only|acceptable My lord, why do you place such importance on Guan? I plan to go this time and definitely want to suppress Guan's reputation that he has built over the past thirty years! 于 禁話 : 魏 王 嘅 說話 唔 好 唔 聽 啊 ! at|forbidden to speak|Wei|King|possessive particle|words|not|good|not|listen|ah Yu Jin said: The words of the Wei King should not be ignored! 龐德 奮發 精神 , 催促 軍隊 趕路 。 Pang De|vigorous|spirit|urged|army|to march quickly Pang De was invigorated and urged the troops to hurry. 當 佢 個 先鋒 部隊 到達 樊城 嘅 時候 啊哈 , 佢 仲 叫 啲 士兵 鳴鑼 擊鼓 啊 耀武揚威 啊 。 when|he|(possessive particle)|vanguard|troops|arrived|Fancheng|(possessive particle)|time|ahha|he|still|ordered|(plural marker)|soldiers|to sound the gong|to beat the drum|(exclamation particle)|to flaunt one's power| When his vanguard troops arrived at Fan City, he even ordered the soldiers to beat drums and gongs to show off. 而家 講下 關雲長 。 now|let's talk about|Guan Yu Now let's talk about Guan Yunchang. 呢 一日 佢 得到 探馬 嘅 報告 , 話 曹操 派 咗 于 禁 做 主帥 , 率領 七支 精壯 軍隊 嚟 。 this|one day|he|received|scout|possessive particle|report|said|Cao Cao|sent|past tense marker|Yu|Jin|to be|commander|leading||elite|troops|coming On this day, he received a report from a scout, saying that Cao Cao had sent Yu Jin to be the commander, leading seven elite armies. 嗰 個 前部 先鋒 龐德 呢 就 喺 隊伍 前面 抬住 一 埲 棺材 , 講埋 啲 極 難聽 嘅 說話 , 誓要 同 將軍 你 決一死戰 噉 講 。 that|measure word|front|vanguard|Pang De|particle indicating a question|then|at|team|in front|carrying|one|measure word for coffin|coffin|saying|particle indicating plural|extremely|offensive|possessive particle|words|swore to|with|general|you||like that|said That front-line vanguard, Pang De, was holding a coffin in front of the team, saying some extremely harsh words, swearing to fight you to the death, General. 佢 哋 嘅 人馬 離開 樊城 只有 三十里 喇 。 They|plural marker|possessive particle|cavalry|left|Fancheng|only|thirty li|sentence-final particle Their troops have only left Fan City for thirty miles. 關公 一聽 , 當堂 變 咗 面色 , 嬲 到 呀 , 嗰 五 柳 長 鬚 都 飛 起 嚟 啊 , 佢 話 : Guan Gong|upon hearing|in the hall|changed|past tense marker|complexion|angry|to|exclamation particle|that|||long|beard|all|||up|exclamation particle|he|said When Guan Gong heard this, his expression changed instantly, he was furious, and his five long beards stood up in anger, he said: 天下英雄 聽 咗 我 個 名 , 冇 個 唔 怕 , 冇 個 唔 服 。 |hear|past tense marker|my|measure word|name|not have|measure word|not|afraid|not have|measure word|not|submit All the heroes in the world have heard my name, and there is not a single one who is not afraid, not a single one who does not submit. 龐德 你 個 衰仔 , 竟然 膽敢 藐視 我 ? Pang De|you|possessive particle|little brat|unexpectedly|dare|despise|me Pang De, you little brat, how dare you look down on me? 關平 , 你 去 攻打 樊城 。 Guan Ping|you|go|attack|Fan City Guan Ping, you go attack Fan City. 我要 親自 去 斬 咗 呢 個 傢伙 , 以雪 我 心頭 之恨 啊 ! I want|personally|to|kill|past tense marker|this|measure word|guy|to avenge|my|heart||exclamation particle I want to personally behead this guy to avenge my grievances! 關平 話 喇 : 阿爹 , 你 不必 以 泰山 之重 , 去 同 頑石 爭 高低 㗎 , 等 孩兒 代替 阿爹 你 去 打 龐德 啦 。 Guan Ping|said|particle indicating completion|father|you|need not|with|Mount Tai||to|with|stubborn rock|argue|superiority|particle indicating suggestion|let|child|replace|father|you|to|fight|Pang De|particle indicating suggestion Guan Ping said: Father, you don't need to weigh yourself against a stubborn rock like Mount Tai, let me take your place and fight against Pang De. 噉 亦 好 , 你試 下去 打先 , 我 隨後 就 嚟 接應 。 like that|also|good||go||I|afterwards|then|come|pick up That's fine, you try to fight first, I will come to support you afterwards. 孩兒 得 令 ! 關 平行 出 中軍帳 啊 提刀 上馬 , 帶兵 去 迎戰 龐德 。 child|must|order|Guan|parallel|exit|central army tent|ah|drawing sword|mounting horse|leading troops|to|engage in battle|Pang De The child obeys the order! Guan Ping walked out of the central army tent, drew his sword, mounted his horse, and led the troops to confront Pang De. 噉 兩陣 對圓 , 魏 軍 嗰 便 一面 黑旗 上面 繡 住 南安 龐德 四個 大字 。 then|two rounds|against the circle|Wei|army|that|then|one|black flag|on it|embroidered|with|Nan'an|Pang De|four|large characters In the two formations facing each other, the Wei army had a black flag with the four big characters 'Nanan Pangde' embroidered on it. 只見 龐德 青袍 銀甲 , 鋼刀 白馬 企 喺 陣前 。 only saw|Pang De|green robe|silver armor|steel sword|white horse|standing|at|the front of the formation Pangde was seen in a green robe and silver armor, standing in front of the formation with a steel sword and a white horse. 喺 佢 嘅 背後 , 五百名 軍士 緊緊 跟隨 , 八個 步兵 抬住 一副 棺材 行出 嚟 。 at|he|possessive particle|behind|five hundred|soldiers|closely|followed|eight|infantrymen|carried|a|coffin|walked out|here Behind him, five hundred soldiers closely followed, while eight infantrymen carried a coffin out. 關平 出馬 大罵 龐德 , 鬧 佢 係 背叛 主公 嘅 奸賊 。 Guan Ping|to go into battle|to scold severely|Pang De|to accuse|he|is|betrayal|lord|possessive particle|traitor Guan Ping rode out and scolded Pangde, accusing him of being a traitor who betrayed his lord. 龐德 問 佢 手下 啲 人 : 呢 個 係 邊個 ? Bond|asked|he|subordinates|plural marker|people|||is|who Pangde asked his subordinates: Who is this? 佢 就 係 關羽 嘅 義 子關平 吖 嘛 。 he|just|is|Guan Yu|possessive particle|righteous||sentence-final particle|question particle He is Guan Yu's adopted son, Guan Ping. 嘿 ! 關平 你 聽 住 ! 我 奉 咗 魏 王之命 , 嚟 攞 你 父親 嘅 人頭 ! hey|Guan Ping|you|||I|carry out|past tense marker|||come|take|your|father|possessive particle|head Hey! Guan Ping, listen up! I come on the orders of the Wei King to take your father's head! 你 仲 係 個 鼻涕蟲 我 唔 殺 你 , 快 啲 去 叫 你 父親 出 嚟 ! you|still|are|a|slug|I|not|kill|you|quickly|more|go|call|your|father|come|out You're still a snot-nosed brat, if I don't kill you, hurry up and call your father out! 關平 畀 佢 氣死 嚟 啊 , 縱 馬舞刀 直取 龐德 。 Guan Ping|let|him|die of anger|come|particle|let||directly attack|Pang De Guan Ping was so enraged that he charged at Pang De with his horse and drew his sword. 龐德 橫刀 一 格 , 咣 , 嘿 ! 咣 咣 咣 , 兩個 大戰 三十個 回合 不分勝負 。 Bond|with a knife|one|strike|clang|hey|clang|clang|clang|the two|fought|thirty|rounds| Pang De met him with his sword, clang! Hey! Clang clang clang, the two fought for thirty rounds without a clear winner. 噉 雙方 就 各自 收兵 嘞 。 then|both sides|will|each|withdraw troops|past tense particle Then both sides withdrew their troops. 關雲長 知道 關平 唔 能夠 取勝 , 就 叫 廖化 去 攻打 樊城 , 自己 親自 嚟 迎戰 龐德 。 Guan Yu|knows|Guan Ping|not|able to|win|then|called|Liao Hua|to|attack|Fan City|himself|personally|come|face battle|Pang De Guan Yunzhang knew that Guan Ping could not win, so he sent Liao Hua to attack Fan City, while he personally went to face Pang De. 呢 一日 , 關雲長 橫刀 出馬 , 大聲 高叫 : this|one day|Guan Yu|with his sword drawn|rode out|loudly|shouted On this day, Guan Yunzhang took up his sword and shouted loudly: 關雲長 在 此 ! 龐德 你 趁早 出 嚟 受 死 啊 ! Guan Yu|is|here|Pang De|you|quickly|come|out|receive|death|ah Guan Yunzhang is here! Pang De, come out and face your death! 沊沊沊沊沊沊沊 鼓聲 一響 , 龐德 出馬 , 佢 話 : sound of drums|drum sound|once it sounds|Pang De|comes out|he|said As the drums sounded, Pang De came out and said: 我 奉 咗 魏王 命令 , 特登 嚟 攞 你 嘅 人頭 ! I|carry out|past tense marker|King Wei|order|specially|come|take|your|possessive particle|head I have received an order from King Wei, specifically to come and take your head! 怕 你 唔 信 , 已經 帶定 副 棺材 喺 處 嘞 。 afraid|you|not|believe|already|prepared|measure word for coffin|coffin|at|place|past tense marker In case you don't believe it, I have already brought a coffin with me. 你 如果 怕死 , 就 快快 投降 啦 ! you|if|are afraid of dying|then|quickly|surrender|sentence-final particle If you are afraid of death, then quickly surrender! 呸 ! 諒 你 一個 匹夫 , 有 乜嘢 咁 本事 ! phew|believe|you|a|commoner|have|what|so|ability Pah! I doubt that a mere commoner like you has any real ability! 只 係 可惜 為 咗 要 斬 你 呢 個 鼠 賊 , 整污糟 我 嘅 青龍刀 啊 ! ||unfortunately|for|past tense marker|want|kill|you|this|measure word|||dirty|my|possessive particle|Qinglong sword|exclamation particle It's just a pity that in order to behead you, this rat, I have to dirty my Qinglong knife! 關雲長 縱 馬舞刀 直取 龐德 。 Guan Yu|to ride||directly attacking|Pang De Guan Yunchang rode his horse and danced with his sword, directly charging at Pang De. 龐德 舉刀 迎上去 。 Pang De|raised his knife|charged forward Pang De raised his sword to meet him. 哈 哎呀 ! 兩個 激戰 咗 百 幾個 回合 越 打越 精神 , 兩便 啲 兵卒 呀 睇 到 眼 定定 傻 晒 啊 。 ha|oh no|the two|fought fiercely|past tense marker|hundred|several|rounds|the more||spirited|both|plural marker|soldiers|sentence-final particle|see|to|eyes|fixedly|foolish|completely|ah Ha, oh no! The two of them fought fiercely for over a hundred rounds, getting more and more spirited, while the soldiers on both sides watched with wide eyes, completely dumbfounded. 魏 軍方 面怕 龐德 頂 唔 住 , 急急 鳴鑼 收兵 。 Wei|military|afraid of|Pang De|withstand|not|able to|urgently|sound the gong|retreat The Wei army was afraid that Pang De couldn't hold on, so they hurriedly sounded the gong to retreat. 關平 亦 怕 佢 父親 年老 , 都 急忙 打鑼 嘞 。 Kwan Ping|also|afraid|his|father|old|all|hurriedly|beat the drum|past tense marker Guan Ping was also worried about his father's age, so he quickly sounded the gong as well. 於是 兩個 都 停手 回馬 。 so|both|all|stopped|turned back So both of them stopped and turned back. 龐德 返到 嚟 營寨 就 同 大家 話 喇 : 人人 都 話 關公 英雄 , 今日 , 我 先至信 喇 。 Pang De|returned|to|camp|then|with|everyone|said|particle|everyone|all|said|Guan Gong|hero|today|I||particle When Bond returned to the camp, he told everyone: Everyone says Guan Gong is a hero, today, I finally believe it. 正 喺 度 講 緊 , 于禁 嚟 到 啊 佢 對 龐德 話 : just|at|place|talking|continuous aspect particle|Yu Jin|come|arrive|ah|he|to|Pang De|said Just as he was speaking, Yu Jin arrived and said to Bond: 聽講 龐將軍 你 同 關公 交手 , 大戰 百多個 回合 , 佔 唔 到 上風 。 I heard|General Pang|you|with|Guan Gong|fought|fierce battle|over a hundred|rounds|gain|not|achieve|upper hand I heard that General Bond, you fought with Guan Gong, battling over a hundred rounds, and couldn't gain the upper hand. 噉 就 不如 退兵 避一避 佢 好 噃。 then|just|might as well|retreat|avoid for a while|he|good|particle indicating suggestion Then it would be better to retreat and avoid him. 于 將軍 , 魏王 任命 你 做 主帥 , 點解 咁 軟弱 呢 ? at|General|King Wei|appointed|you|be|commander|why|so|weak|question particle General Yu, why are you so weak when the King of Wei has appointed you as the commander? 我 聽 日 同關 某 決一死戰 , 誓 不 退避 啊 ! I|heard|day||a certain|fight to the death|swear|not|retreat|ah I swore to fight to the death with Guan Shao the other day, and I will not retreat! 啊 噉 好 吖 噉 好 吖 , 啊 。 ah|like that|good|particle|like that|good|particle|ah Ah, that's good, that's good, ah. 于禁 唔 敢 攔阻 龐德 , 噉 就 走 咗 去 。 Yu Jin|not|dare|block|Pang De|then|just|||go Yu Jin did not dare to stop Pang De, so he just left. 噉 啊 關雲長 回營 之後 呢 , 佢 亦 同 關平 話 喎 : then|particle|Guan Yu|return to camp|after|particle|he|also|with|Guan Ping|said|particle After Guan Yun Chang returned to the camp, he also spoke to Guan Ping: 龐德 嘅 刀法 純熟 , 真 係 我 嘅 敵手 啊 。 Pang De|possessive particle|swordsmanship|proficient|really|is|I|possessive particle|rival|sentence-final particle Bond's swordsmanship is superb, truly my rival. 阿爹 , 俗語 話 初生之犢 不怕 虎 。 dad|proverb|says|newborn calf|not afraid|tiger Dad, as the saying goes, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. 縱使 阿爹 你 斬 咗 龐德 , 佢 不過 係 西疆 一名 小卒 咋 嘛 。 even if|dad|you|kill|past tense marker|Pang De|he|but|is|Xijiang|a|pawn|only|question particle Even if you, Dad, kill Bond, he is just a small pawn in the West. 倘若 阿爹 有 咩 三長兩短 , 噉 就 反而 辜負 咗 伯父 嘅 重託 咯 。 if|dad|has|any|misfortune|then|just|instead|let down|past tense marker|uncle|possessive particle|heavy trust|sentence-final particle If anything happens to you, Dad, it would betray Uncle's trust. 哼 , 我 唔 殺 咗 佢 , 點平 得 我 心頭 之恨 啊 ! hum|I|not|kill|past tense marker|he|how to settle|get|my|heart||exclamatory particle Hmph, if I don't kill him, how can I ease the hatred in my heart! 我 已經 揸 定 主意 喇 , 唔 使 多講 ! I|already|drive|firm|decision|particle indicating completed action|not|need|talk more I have already made up my mind, no need to say more! 第 日 關雲長 同 龐德 又 嚟 第二次 交鋒 , 呢 次 都 唔 使講 咁 多 喇 一 出馬 就 打 。 the|day|Guan Yu|and|Pang De|again|come|second|confrontation|this|time|all|not||so|much|particle indicating completed action|one|to take the field|then|fight The next day, Guan Yu and Pang De will have their second confrontation, and this time there's no need to talk so much, just charge in and fight. 打 咗 五廿 幾個 回合 , 龐德 撥 轉馬 拖刀 而 走 。 fight|past tense marker|25|several|rounds|Bond|deflect|turn around|draw his weapon|and|leave After fighting for over twenty rounds, Pang De turned his horse and fled with his sword. 關雲長 咬住 尾追 上去 啊 。 Guan Yu|biting|tailing|going up|ah Guan Yu bit his lip and chased after him. 關平 怕 佢 父親 吃虧 亦 跟 住 追上去 。 Kwan Ping|afraid|he|father|suffer loss|also|||chased after Guan Ping, fearing that his father would suffer losses, also followed closely behind. 關雲長 一便 追 一 便 鬧 : 龐德 你 個 奸賊 , 想 使 拖 刀計 咋 嘛 , 我 使 怕 你 咩 ! Guan Yu|one time|chase|one|time|scold|Pang De|you|possessive particle|traitor|want|use|draw|knife trick|how|particle|I|use|afraid|you|question particle Guan Yun Chang chased and shouted: Pang De, you scoundrel, trying to use a knife trick, am I afraid of you! 哈哈 , 龐德 冇 咁 簡單 喇 , 原來 佢 呢 個 拖 刀 姿勢 係 虛 嘅 。 haha|Bond|not|so|simple|particle indicating change of state|originally|he|this|measure word|||posture|is|fake|particle indicating possession Haha, Pang De is not that simple, it turns out that his knife-dragging posture is a bluff. 佢 將 把 刀 喺 馬鞍 上面 掛住 , 靜靜 攞 出 張 弓 , 一搭上 箭 腰 一 扭 𠻘 噉 就 射過 嚟 。 He|will|measure word for tools|knife|at|saddle|on|hanging|quietly|take|out|measure word for flat objects|bow|once fitted|arrow|waist|one|twist|suddenly|like that|then|shot over|here He hung the knife on the saddle, quietly took out a bow, and with a twist of his waist, shot an arrow. 究竟 關公 性命 如何 呢 ? 且 聽 下回分解 。 exactly|Guan Gong|life|how|question particle|and|listen| What will happen to Guan Gong's life? Let's listen to the next part.

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