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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 111

話 說 曹丕 啊 就 派 使者 去 約 孫權 , 要 一齊 出兵 去 攻打 蜀國 。 孫權 揸 唔 定 主意 , 就 召陸遜 嚟 征求 佢 嘅 意見 。 陸遜 話 : 曹丕 坐鎮 中原 , 一時間 係 消滅 佢 唔 到 嘅 。 而且 , 呢 次 如果 唔 應承 佢 呢 , 就 必定 變成 仇敵 嘅 喇 。 睇 嚟 , 魏國 同 我 哋 東吳 , 都 冇 一個 人 係 諸葛亮 嘅 敵手 。 所以 而家 唯有 勉強 應承 佢 先 , 要 啲 軍隊 作好 準備 , 然後 就 探聽 嗰 四路 兵 嘅 勝負 情形 。 如果 嗰 四路 兵 都 得勝 , 兩 川 嘅 局勢 危急 , 諸葛亮 顧得頭 嚟 顧 唔 得 尾 嘞 , 噉 主上 就 出兵 呼應 去 攻打 成都 , 呢 個 乃 係 上策 。 若果 四路 兵 都 失敗 , 就 另作 計較 啦 。 誒 , 噉 樣 做 確係 保險 喎 。 孫權 聽陸 遜 嘅 , 就 通知 魏國 使者 , 藉口 軍用物資 就 未曾 準備 好 , 等 準備 妥當 喇 就 出兵 啦 。 使者 得到 答覆 就 辭別 孫權 返扯 嘞 。 跟 住 , 孫權 就 派 人 去 探聽 四路 兵馬 嘅 消息 。 哈 , 原來 西番 兵去 到 西平 關 , 一 見到 馬超 唔 打 就 撤退 喇 。 南蠻 孟獲 呢 起兵 去 攻打 益州 等等 四個 郡 , 都 畀 魏 延用 疑兵 計 殺退 咗 。 上 庸 孟 達 嘅 軍隊 呢 , 行到 半路 , 孟達 忽然 得 咗 病 , 於是 就 冇 再 去 攻打 漢中 嘞 。 曹 真 嘅 兵馬 去 打 陽平關 啦 , 點知 趙子龍 守住 各處 險要 嘅 關口 , 果然 係 一夫當關 , 萬夫莫開 啊 。 曹真 就 唯有 將軍 隊 駐 扎 喺 斜谷 道 , 因為 冇 辦法 取勝 啊 , 結果 只好 收兵 返扯 。 孫權派 人 摸清楚 呢 個 情形 , 就 同 啲 大臣 話 喇 : 啊 , 陸遜 真 係 算得準 㗎 。 孤王 呢 次 如果 輕舉妄動 , 又 會同 西蜀 結落 冤仇 㗎 喇 。 咁 啱 呢 一日 , 話 西 蜀 派 嚟 嘅 使者 鄧芝 到 嘞 。 張昭話 喇 : 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 , 呢 個 又 係 諸葛亮 退兵之計 , 派 鄧芝 嚟 做 說客 喇 。 孫權 問 嘞 : 噉 點 對待 佢 好 呢 ? 張昭話 : 噉 啦 陛下 , 喺 宮殿 前 便 , 擺 一個 大鼎 , 放滿 幾百斤 油 , 用炭 嚟 燒 滾 佢 。 又 挑選 身材高大 雄壯 嘅 武士 一千 人 , 個個 都 手執 大刀 , 由 皇宮 門口 一直 排 到 大殿 。 然後 就 叫 鄧芝入 嚟 , 未 等 佢 開口 , 就 用 酈食其 說 齊 嘅 故事 警告 佢 , 睇 下 佢 點樣 嚟 對答 啦 。 唔 知 陛下 認為 噉 好 唔 好 呢 ? 好極 喇 , 就 係 噉 做 啦 。 各位 , 酈食其 說齊 係 點樣 一 回事 呢 ? 係 噉 嘅 。 即 係 喺 楚漢相爭 嘅 時候 啊 , 酈食其 係 劉邦 部下 嘅 一名 謀士 。 佢 係 作 為 劉邦 嘅 使者 就 去 勸說 齊王田 廣 , 歸順 漢王 劉邦 。 齊王 信 佢 嘅 說話 , 就 解除 咗 戰備 , 哈哈 , 點知 劉邦 嘅 大將 韓信 啊 乘機 襲擊 齊国 。 齊王 認為 酈食其 出賣 佢 , 就 夾生 將 佢 用 滾水 熠死 。 張 昭 嘅 意見 呢 , 就 係 勸 孫權 用油 鑊 嚟 嚇鄧芝 。 孫權 同意 喇 , 就 下令 準備 好油鼎 , 派 咗 武士 排列 喺 兩旁 , 人人 都 手執 兵器 擺 好個 格局 , 然後 就 召 鄧芝 上 殿 。 鄧芝 扶正 下頂 帽 , 整理 下 衣服 , 齊齊整整 大大方方 行入 宮殿 。 行到 宮殿 門口 , 咦 喂 , 只見 兩邊 兩便 啊 排列 住 武士 嘅 , 威風凜凜 , 個個 都 手執 兵器 。 有 啲 係 揸 鋼刀 有 啲 係 揸 大 斧 , 長 戟 短劍 乜 都 有 , 一直 排列 上 金鑾寶 殿 。 要 上 殿 呀 , 就要 喺 呢 條 由 武士 夾住 嘅 巷 中間 行 。 嘩 啲 刀槍劍戟 射過 嚟 嗰 啲 光 映 埋 塊 面 處 呀 , 嘿好 寒 㗎 ! 但 係 鄧芝 完全 明白 孫權 嘅 意思 , 佢 一 啲 都 唔 怕 , 昂 昂然 , 一步 一步 噉 行 , 定到極 啊 。 行到 金殿 前 便 , 又 見 個 鼎 鑊 裏頭 啲 油 啊 燒到 滾 晒 。 左右 兩排 啲 武士 個個 都 碌 到 雙眼 呀 銅鈴 咁 大 , 盯 實 佢 。 鄧芝 只 係 微微 笑 , 當睇 戲 咁 睇 。 侍臣將 鄧芝 帶到 金殿 門口 , 嗰 處 呢 仲 落 咗 一道 珠簾 嘅 。 鄧芝 企定 , 對住 上面 深深 作 咗 個 揖 就算 喇 。 哈 豈有此理 喎 ! 孫權 叫 人 捲起 道 珠簾 , 喝 鄧芝話 : 你 點解 唔 叩頭 ! 上 國 天使 , 唔 跪小邦 之主 啊 。 哼哼 , 你 自己 都 要 諗 真下 , 想 花言巧語 , 學 酈食其 遊說 齊國 係 嘛 ? 你 快 啲 跳 落個 油 鑊 處 啦 ! 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 人人 都 話 吳王 賢德 , 誰知 道 竟然 害怕 一個 書生 。 孤王 使 乜 怕 你 呢 個 傢伙 啊 ! 既然 唔 怕 我 鄧伯苗 , 又 使 乜 擔心 我 嚟 說 你 哋 呢 ? 你 係 想 嚟 為 諸葛亮 講 說話 , 要 說服 孤王同 魏國 絕交 , 同 蜀國 和 好 咋 嘛 , 係 唔 係 ? 我 鄧伯苗 乃 係 西 蜀 一個 書生 , 今日 特意 為 咗 吳國 嘅 利害 而 嚟 嘅 , 點知 大王 竟然 排列 武士 擺起 鼎 鑊 嚟 針對 一個 使者 , 大王 嘅 度量 未免 太小 喇 。 嘩 句句 說話 都 係 詞鋒 犀利 , 講到 孫權 都 唔 好意思 嘞 。 就 吩咐 啲 武士 撤走 , 請 鄧芝入 嚟 宮殿 , 擺個 座位 請 佢 坐落 , 然後 就 問 佢 : 吳 魏 嘅 利害關係 如何 呢 ? 請 先生 指教 。 請問 大王 , 係 想 同 蜀國 和 好 呢 ? 定 係 同 魏國 和 好 呢 ? 孤王 正 係 想 同 蜀 主講 和 , 但 係 又 怕 蜀 主 年紀 輕 見識 淺 , 唔 能夠 全始全終 啫 。 大王 , 你 係 當代 嘅 英豪 , 諸葛亮 亦 係 一時 之 俊傑 。 蜀國 有 山川 之險 , 吳國 有 三 江之固 。 若果 兩 國 聯合 起 嚟 結成 唇齒 之邦 , 進 可以 並吞 天下 , 退 可以 鼎足而立 。 如果 大王 今日 向 魏國 俯首稱臣 , 噉 魏國 必定 要 大王 去 朝拜 佢 。 而且 亦 會 提出 要求 , 要 大王 嘅 太子 去 魏國 做 侍臣 , 作為 人質 。 若果 唔 依從 呢 , 佢 就 會 興兵 嚟 進攻 。 到 嗰 陣 時 , 蜀國 亦 會 出師 順流而下 。 噉 樣 一 嚟 , 江南 嘅 地方 就 再 唔 係 大王 㗎 喇 。 好 嘞 , 如果 大王 以為 鄙人 嘅 說話 講得 唔 啱 , 鄙人 今日 就 死 喺 大王 面前 , 免致 落得 一個 花言巧語 嘅 壞名聲 啊 。 鄧芝 講完 , 一手 擸 起 袍 腳 , 噔 噔 噔 行出 金殿 , 向 住 油 鑊 就 想 跳 落 去 咯 喎 。 孫權 急忙 叫 人 制止 佢 , 然後 請 佢 入 去 後 殿 , 呢 次 就 唔 同 喇 , 將 佢 當作 上賓 噉 嚟 款待 喇 。 孫權 同 鄧芝話 : 剛才 先生 嘅 說話 好合 孤 王 嘅 心意 。 孤王 而家 想 同蜀主 聯合 , 先生 肯 唔 肯為 孤王 促成 呢 件 事 呢 ? 先頭 要 殺 微臣 嘅 係 大王 , 而家 想 用 微臣 嘅 亦 係 大王 。 大王 你 自己 都 仲 係 猶疑 不定 , 又點 能夠 取信於人 呢 ? 孤王 已經 落 咗 決心 , 先生 你 唔 使 懷疑 嘞 。 於是 孫權 就 留 鄧芝 住 喺 賓館 。 第 日 , 孫權 召集 一班 大臣 嚟 對 佢 哋 話 : 孤王 掌握 江南 八十一 州 , 仲有 荊襄 大片 嘅 土地 , 哈哈 反而 , 唔 及 西 蜀 呢 啲 咁 偏僻 嘅 地方 啊 。 西蜀 有個 鄧芝 , 處處 維護 佢 哋 主公 嘅 尊嚴 。 我 哋 吳國 就 搵 唔 到 一個 人去 西 蜀 , 為 孤王 表達 和 好 之意 啊 。 孫權 說話 講完 , 有 個人 啊 出班 啟奏 話 喇 : 臣 願意 出使 蜀國 。 大家 一睇 , 原來 係 中郎將 姓張 名溫 , 字惠恕 啊 。 孫權 話 喇 : 就 係 怕 張卿 你 去 到 西 蜀 , 見到 諸葛亮 嘅 時候 , 唔 能夠 充分 表達 孤 王 嘅 意思 噃。 孔明亦 係 人唧 , 微臣 又 使 乜 怕 佢 呢 ? 好 ! 孫權 高興 嘞 , 重重 咁 賞賜 張溫 , 派 佢 做 使者 , 同 鄧芝 一齊 去 成都 , 向 蜀國 表示 和 好 嘞 。 而家 講下 孔明 , 佢 自從 派 咗 鄧芝 去 東吳 之後 啊 , 佢 又 對 後主 劉禪 話 喇 : 鄧芝 呢 趟 去 東吳 , 必定 成功 嘅 。 東吳 一定 會派 人 嚟 答禮 㗎 。 到 時 陛下 應該 以禮相待 , 等 使者 返去 東吳 嘅 時候 , 就 可以 將蜀 吳 嘅 友好 同盟 定落 嚟 嘞 。 我 哋 同 吳國和 好 , 魏國 必定 唔 敢 嚟 攻打 我 哋 㗎 喇 。 吳魏 都 唔 嚟 侵犯 , 臣 就 帶兵 南征 去 平定 南蠻 , 然後 就 去 消滅 魏國 。 魏國 消滅 咗 喇 , 東吳 亦 唔 能夠 存在 得 好 耐 㗎 喇 , 噉 就 可以 統一天下 啦 。 對於 孔明 呢 個 咁 宏大 嘅 計劃 啊 , 劉禪 啊 梗 係 同意 㗎 啦 。 等到 東吳 張溫 , 同 鄧芝 嚟 成都 答禮 嗰 日 , 劉禪 登殿 , 文武百官 喺 丹墀 排班 侍候 。 劉禪 傳旨 叫 鄧芝 張溫 上 殿 。 張溫 好 得意 啊 , 昂 昂然 噉 就 嚟 喇 , 見 咗 劉禪 行過禮 。 劉禪 叫 侍臣 捧 個 錦墩 嚟 , 叫 張溫 坐 喺 金殿 嘅 左手 便 , 又 吩咐 設御宴 嚟 款待 佢 。 呢 名為 御宴 就 實際上 呢 , 後主 就 冇 陪 佢 飲 嘅 , 表示 下 禮貌 就 係 喇 。 噉 啊 宴會 完 之後 啊 , 文武百官 一齊 送 張溫 去 賓館 休息 , 呢 啲 就 不在話下 喇 。 第 日 , 孔明 設宴招待 張溫 。 酒過三巡 , 孔明 對張 溫話 : 先帝 在 生 嘅 時候 , 同 東吳 關係 唔 好 。 而家 先帝 已經 去世 喇 , 當今 主 上 非常 之 敬重 吳王 。 希望 消除 舊怨 , 以後 永遠 和 好 , 同心協力 去 對付 魏國 。 希望 大夫 將呢 個 意思 好好 啟奏 吳王 啊 。 張溫 啊 應承 。 飲到 半 醉 嘅 時候 , 張溫 談笑風生 , 啊 有 啲 傲慢 嘅 神氣 嘞 喎 。 第二日 , 張溫 要 返 東吳 嘞 , 劉禪 送 咗 好多 禮物 過 佢 。 而且 喺 城南 嘅 郵亭 嗰 處 啊 , 大排 筵席 , 叫 文武百官 出席 送行 。 喺 宴會 上 孔明 啊 態度 殷勤 , 不歇 咁 向 張溫 敬酒 。 正飲 得 開心 , 突然 間 有 個人 帶住 啲 醉意 入到 嚟 , 氣勢 昂然 噉 深深 作 咗 個 揖 就 入席 坐落 。 哈哈 張溫 好 奇怪 啦 , 乜 嚟 個 噉 人 呢 喂 ? 就問 孔明 呢 個 係 邊個 嘞 喎 。 孔明 話 : 佢 姓 秦 名 宓 , 現時 係 益州 學士 啊 。 張溫 笑 喇 : 嘿嘿 , 嘿嘿嘿 嘿嘿 , 名為 學士 , 唔 知個 肚裏 便 有 冇 學事 呢 嚱? 秦宓 好 嚴肅 噉 話 : 我 哋 蜀國 三尺 小童 , 尚且 個個 上學 讀書 , 何況 我 呢 ? 噉 請 先生 講下 , 你 學過 啲 咩 嘢 呢 ? 上 至 天文 , 下 至 地理 , 三教九流 諸子百家 , 無所不通 ; 古今 興廢 聖賢 經傳 , 無所 不覽 啊 。 嘿嘿 , 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 , 先生 既然 咁 大 口氣 , 我 想 請問 下 關於 天 嘅 事情 , 天有 冇 頭呢 ? 有頭 。 頭在 何方 啊 ? 頭 喺 西方 。 詩經 話 : 乃眷 西顧 。 由此可知 , 頭 喺 西方 。 天有 耳 嘛 ? 有 , 天處 高 而 聽 卑 。 詩經 話 : 鶴鳴九皋 , 聲聞 於 天 。 如果 冇 耳點 聽得見 呢 ? 天有 腳 嘛 ? 有腳 。 詩經 話 : 天步 艱難 。 冇 腳 又 點行 呢 ? 天有 冇 姓 呢 ? 點會 冇 姓 啊 。 姓 乜嘢 ? 姓劉 。 點 知道 㗎 ? 天子 姓劉 , 故此 知道 天 係 姓 劉 嘅 。 太陽 係 唔 係 生於 東方 啊 ? 雖然 係 生於 東方 , 不過 係 沒 於 西方 。 嘩 ! 當時 秦宓 咯咯 聲 對答如流 , 大家 都 服 晒 佢 。 張溫 冇 聲出 。 噉 秦宓 就 問返 轉頭 咯 喎 , 佢 話 : 先生 係 東吳 名士 , 剛才 既然 以 天 嘅 事情 下 問 , 噉 關於 天 嘅 道理 , 先生 必定 係 非常 明 瞭 嘅 咯 。 古時候 , 混沌 既分 , 陰陽 剖判 。 輕清者 上浮 而 為 天 , 重濁者 下 凝而為 地 。 及至 共工 氏 戰敗 用 個頭 嚟 撞 不周 山 , 就 將撐 天 嘅 大柱 撞斷 , 大地 嘅 一角 亦 撞 崩 咗 。 於是 天 嘅 西北方 傾 跌落 嚟 , 地 嘅 東南角 陷 咗 落 去 。 請問 先生 , 天 既然 輕清 而 上浮 , 何以 佢 嘅 西北方 又 會 傾 跌落 嚟 呢 ? 又 唔 知 喺 輕 清 之外 啊 , 仲有 啲 乜嘢 呢 ? 請 先生 指教 。 幾句 說話 問到 張溫 冇 說話 對答 , 就 唯有 起身 認輸 嘞 , 佢 話 : 想 唔 到 西 蜀 出 咁 多 俊傑 人才 , 啱 先 聽 先生 嘅 議論 , 使 我 頓開茅塞 啊 ! 孔明 怕 張溫 唔 好意思 , 就講 幾句 好話 幫 佢 解圍 。 孔明 話 : 酒席 之間 互相 問難 辯論 , 都 係 開下 玩笑 嘅 啫 。 先生 深明 安邦定國 嘅 道理 , 至於 呢 啲 玩笑 說話 又 何必 在意 呢 , 哈哈哈 哈哈 。 張溫 再三 表示 佩服 啊 。 孔明 再次 派 鄧芝 去 東吳 答禮 , 所以 今日 啊 就 同 張溫 一齊 去 。 送別 嘅 宴會 一完 , 佢 兩個 辭別 咗 孔明同 文武百官 , 就 起程 嘞 。 噉 誒 當張 溫同 鄧芝 嚟 到 東吳 嘅 時候 , 孫權 召見 佢 哋 。 張溫 首先 向 孫權 稟奏 咗 出使 蜀國 嘅 經過 , 大 讚 咗 一番 劉禪 同 孔明 嘅 賢德 。 話 佢 哋 呀 , 確係 誠心 要求 結成 友好 同盟 嘅 , 所以 特意 再次 派遣 鄧 尚書 又 嚟 答禮 噉 。 孫權 非常 之 高興 , 舉行宴會 招待 鄧芝 。 飲飲 下酒 嘅 時候 , 孫權 問鄧芝 話 喇 : 將來 , 若果 吳蜀 兩國 同心協力 消滅 咗 魏國 , 天下太平 嘞 , 兩位 主公 平分 天下 嗰 陣 係 幾 咁 快樂 呢 嚱? 鄧芝 回答 話 喇 : 天無二日 , 民無二主 啊 。 如果 消滅 咗 魏國 之後 , 唔 知 天意 想將 天下 歸於 邊個 呢 ? 不過 無論如何 , 作為 一位 君主 就要 賢德 , 作為 臣子 就要 盡忠 , 噉 戰爭 先至 可以 停息 啊 。 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 先生 真 係 老實 到 噉 樣 㗎 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 孫權 於是 送 咗 豐厚 嘅 禮物 畀 鄧芝 , 然後 送 佢 返 去 蜀國 。 從此 之後 啊 , 吳蜀 兩國 就 和 好 返 嘞 。 噉 啊 呢 件 事 畀 魏國 嘅 間諜 探聽到 啊 , 就 立即 報告 上去 畀 曹丕 知 。 曹丕 就 可惱 嘢 啦 佢 話 吳 蜀 聯合 , 必定 係 想 嚟 侵犯 中原 嘅 , 不如 朕 打 佢 先 仲 好 啦 。 於是 就 召集 所有 嘅 文武 大臣 嚟 商量 起兵 攻打 吳國 。 喺 呢 個 時候 啊 , 大司馬 曹仁 、 太傅 賈詡 呢 都 已經 死 咗 嘞 。 侍中 辛毗出 班 啟奏話 : 我 哋 中原 地多 人少 , 要 出兵 打仗 冇 乜嘢 好處 。 當前 最好 就 係 養兵 屯田 十年 , 等到 足食足兵 , 然後 出師 去 攻打 吳蜀 , 噉 先至 可以 攻破 佢 哋 㗎 。 曹丕 唔 高興 嘞 佢 話 : 呢 啲 都 係 書生 不切實際 嘅 議論 。 而家 吳蜀 聯合 , 好 快 就 會 起兵 嚟 侵犯 喇 , 邊度 有 時間 等 你 十年 啦 。 就 立即 下令 起兵 去 攻打 吳國 喇 。 司馬懿 就 建議 話 喇 : 吳國 有 長江 天險 , 冇 船 就過 唔 去 嘅 。 陛下 必須 御駕親征 , 出動 大小 戰船 。 由 蔡水 、 穎 水 進入 淮河 , 奪取 壽春去 到 廣陵 , 渡過 江口 , 直取 南徐 , 呢 個 乃 係 上策 啊 。 曹丕聽 佢 嘅 , 於是 日夜 開工 做 咗 十隻 龍舟 。 每 隻 二十幾丈 長 , 可以 坐 得 二千 幾 人 嘅 。 另外 準備 好 戰船 , 大大小小 總共 三千 幾隻 。 噉 啊 喺 魏黃初 五年 啊 , 即 係 公元 二二 四年 , 八月 。 曹丕 任命 曹真 做 前部 ; 張 遼 、 張 郃 、 文聘 、 徐晃 等 人 做 大將 先行 ; 許褚 、 呂虔 做 中軍 護衛 ; 曹休 做合 後 ; 劉曄 、 蔣濟 做 參謀 官 。 噉 啊 點齊 前後 水陸 軍馬 三 十幾萬 , 擇日 出發 。 封司馬懿 做 尚書 僕射 , 留 喺 許昌 , 一切 國政 大事 全部 由 司馬懿 決定 喇 。 噉 孫權 一 聽講 曹丕 率領 水陸 大軍 卅 幾萬 , 嚟 進攻 江南 , 嘿驚 到 佢 不得了 , 立即 召集 文武 大臣 嚟 商量 。 顧雍 就 話 喇 : 而 家主 上 既然 同西 蜀 聯合 咯 , 就 可以 寫封信 畀 諸葛孔明 , 叫 佢 由 漢中 出兵 牽制 北魏 。 另一方面 , 主上 派 一位 大將 帶兵 去 南 徐駐 扎 抵抗 魏兵 啦 。 孫權 話 喇 : 噉 誒 除非 陸遜 去 啦 , 否則 冇 人 能夠 擔當 呢 個 咁 重 嘅 責任 嘅 。 顧雍話 : 陸遜 鎮守 荊州 , 唔 離得開 噃。 孤王 唔 係 唔 知道 啊 , 無奈 眼前 冇 一個 人 頂替 得 佢 呢 ! 孫權 說話 未 完 , 有 一個 人 喺 班 部 裏面 應聲 而 出話 : 臣 雖然 冇 才能 , 但 係 願意 統率 一支 軍隊 去 抵擋 魏兵 。 若果 曹丕 親自 渡過 江 嚟 , 臣必 定將 佢 生擒活捉 , 獻 於 殿下 。 若果 佢 唔 渡江 , 亦 要將 魏兵 斬殺 大半 , 使到 魏兵 唔 敢 正視 東吳 啊 ! 係 邊個 咁 夠威 啊 ? 係 徐盛 啊 ! 孫權 極之 歡喜 , 佢 話 : 好 ! 如果 得到 將軍 鎮守 江南 , 孤王 就 唔 使 擔心 喇 。 於是 就 封 徐盛 做 安東 將軍 , 統率 建業 、 南 徐 嘅 全部 軍馬 。 徐盛 謝過恩 , 接受 咗 命令 就 退出 去 。 即時 傳令 , 吩咐 添置 多 啲 兵器 旌旗 , 要 嚟 守衛 江岸 。 徐盛 部下 有名 將官 叫做 孫韶 , 佢 係 孫權 個 侄 , 現任 揚威 將軍 , 曾經 鎮守 過 廣陵郡 , 年少氣盛 極有 膽量 嘅 。 佢 今日 見到 徐盛 只 係 下令 防守 就 挺身而出 話 : 都督 , 今日 大王 將 咁 重 嘅 責任 , 委託 畀 你 , 就 係 要 擊敗 魏兵 生擒 曹丕 。 都督 點解 唔 早日 派遣 大軍 渡過 長江 , 喺 淮南 地區 迎擊 敵軍 ? 如果 喺 度 等待 曹丕 嘅 兵 到 呀 , 係 非常 被動 㗎 ! 徐盛話 喇 : 曹丕 嘅 兵力 強大 , 更 兼有 名將 做 先鋒 , 我軍 唔 應該 渡江 迎擊 。 等到 佢 哋 嘅 戰船 都 集結 喺 北岸 嘅 時候 , 我 自然 有 擊破 佢 哋 嘅 計策 。 都督 , 末將 手下 有 三千 人馬 , 更 兼 熟悉 廣陵 一帶 嘅 形勢 。 末將 自願 去 江北 , 同 曹丕 決一死戰 ! 如果 唔 贏 , 敢當 軍令 ! 徐盛 唔 同意 。 噉 啊 孫韶 堅持 話 要 去 , 徐盛 硬 係 唔 畀 。 孫韶 再三再四 點都 話 要 去 , 激到 徐盛 發火 喇 佢 話 : 你 噉 樣 不 聽 號令 , 我仲 點樣 指揮 ? 刀斧手 ! 有 ! 將孫韶 推出 去 , 斬 ! 係 ! 刀斧手 捉住 孫韶 , 拉 咗 佢 出去 轅門 外便 豎起 一面 黑旗 , 準備 行刑 嘞 。 嘩弊 咯 ! 孫 韶 嘅 部將 呀 飛馬 去 報告 孫權 。 孫權 一聽 , 嘿 ! 急忙 騎馬 就 跑 嚟 救命 。 好彩 嚟 得 快 , 孫權 馬 到 呀 刀斧手 正 係 想 行刑 。 孫權 大喝一聲 , 趕走 啲 刀斧手 , 就 救返 孫韶 。 孫韶 喊住 對 孫權 話 喇 : 臣 往年 喺 廣陵 , 熟悉 地勢 , 如果 唔 喺 嗰 處 同 曹丕 廝殺 呀 , 等 佢 過 咗 長江 , 我 哋 東吳 要 亡國 㗎 喇 陛下 ! 哎 , 你 唔 好講 咁 多 ! 孫權入 去 軍營 , 徐盛 迎接 咗 佢 入 去 中軍帳 , 就 對 孫權 稟奏 話 嘞 : 大王 任命 臣 做 都督 , 帶兵 抵抗 魏 軍 。 今日 , 揚威 將軍 孫韶 唔 遵守 軍法 , 罪該 問斬 ! 大王 點解 要 赦免 佢 呢 ? 孫韶恃住 血氣 之壯 , 佢 亦 一心 為國 , 誤犯 軍法 , 請 都督 寬恕 咗 佢 啦 。 陛下 , 法律 唔 係 臣 所定 立 嘅 , 亦 唔 係 大王 所定立 , 法律 乃 係 國家 嘅 常 刑 。 若果 因爲 同 佢 有 親 而 赦免 佢 , 以後 又 點樣 叫 大家 執行命令 呢 ? 係 嘅 , 孫韶犯 咗 軍法 , 本應 任憑 都督 你 處置 。 不過 , 唉 , 佢 本來 係 姓 俞 , 孤 王 嘅 先兄 非常 痛愛 佢 , 所以 賜 佢 姓 孫 , 對 我 亦 有過 唔 少 功績 。 今日 如果 殺 咗 佢 , 就 對 唔 住 先兄 咯 。 好 啦 , 睇 在 大王 嘅 面子 , 姑且 免 佢 死罪 啦 。 啊 噉 就 好 極喇好 極喇 ! 孫韶過 嚟 , 快 啲 拜謝 都督 不殺 之恩 ! 哼 ! 照 我 睇 呀 , 就 係 要 帶兵 去 攻 曹丕 , 我 死 都 唔 服 你 嘅 見識 㗎 喇 ! 嘩 嗨 , 當堂 激到 徐盛 面色 都 變晒 。 孫權 急急 喝住 孫韶 , 趕 佢 出去 , 然後 對 徐盛話 喇 : 都督 , 你 唔 好 計較 佢 。 就算 冇 咗 呢 個 細佬哥 對 我軍 又 有 乜嘢 損失 呢 ? 今後 唔 再 用 佢 就 係 喇 ! 孫權 講完 就 返 扯 。 當晚 , 徐盛 得到 報告 話 孫韶帶 住 本部 三千 精兵 , 偷偷 過 咗 江喇 噉 。 徐盛怕 孫韶有 咩 三長兩短 冬瓜 豆腐 啊 , 噉 喺 孫權 面子 上 唔 好 睇 吖 。 就 叫 丁奉 嚟 , 叫 佢 如此這般 , 帶 三千 兵 跟 住 渡江 去 接應 孫韶 。 話分 兩頭 , 而家 講下 魏主曹 丕 , 佢 坐 住 龍舟 就 嚟 到 廣陵 。 呢 個 時候 前鋒 曹真 啊 , 已經 率領 人馬 喺 長江 岸邊 駐扎 。 曹丕問 : 對岸 有 幾多 吳兵 啊 ? 曹真 回答 話 : 隔岸 遠遠 噉 望 過去 一個 人 都 唔 見 , 而且 亦 冇 旌旗 營寨 噃。 嘿 ! 呢 個實 係 詭計 嚟 。 朕 要 親自 去 睇 下 佢 嘅 虛實 。 於是 啊將 龍舟 啊 直 駛出 長江 , 泊 喺 岸邊 。 龍舟 就 好 架勢 㗎 , 豎起 龍鳳 日月 五色 旌旗 , 左右 白旄黃鉞 , 鐙 棒 戈矛 真 係 光彩耀目 呀 。 曹丕 啊 坐 正 喺 船頭 , 遠遠 噉 瞭望 大江 嘅 南岸 。 吖 確實 係 一個 人 都 唔 見 噃。 佢 擰 過頭 嚟 問下 劉曄同 蔣濟 : 你 哋 話 , 可 唔 可以 渡江 呢 ? 劉曄話 喇 : 陛下 , 兵法 虛虛實實 , 佢 哋 見到 大軍 壓境 , 點會 不作 準備 㗎 。 陛下 唔 好 輕舉妄動 啊 。 即管 再 等 三 幾日 , 睇 下 動靜 先 。 然後 派出 先鋒 部隊 渡江 去 試探 下 啦 。 冇 錯 , 你 所講 嘅 正 合 朕 嘅 心意 。 各位 , 要 知道 魏吳 交鋒 啊 誰 勝誰敗 , 且 聽 下回分解 。

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話 說 曹丕 啊 就 派 使者 去 約 孫權 , 要 一齊 出兵 去 攻打 蜀國 。 it is said|said|Cao Pi|ah|then|sent|messenger|to|negotiate|Sun Quan|wanted|together|deploy troops|to|attack|Shu kingdom It is said that Cao Pi sent envoys to negotiate with Sun Quan, asking to jointly mobilize troops to attack the Shu Kingdom. 孫權 揸 唔 定 主意 , 就 召陸遜 嚟 征求 佢 嘅 意見 。 Sun Quan|drive|not|definite|idea|then|summoned Lu Xun|to|seek|his|possessive particle|opinion Sun Quan was indecisive, so he summoned Lu Xun to seek his opinion. 陸遜 話 : 曹丕 坐鎮 中原 , 一時間 係 消滅 佢 唔 到 嘅 。 Lu Xun|said|Cao Pi|stationed|Central Plains|for the time being|was|eliminate|him|not|able|particle Lu Xun said: Cao Pi is stationed in the Central Plains, and for the time being, it is impossible to eliminate him. 而且 , 呢 次 如果 唔 應承 佢 呢 , 就 必定 變成 仇敵 嘅 喇 。 moreover|this|time|if|not|promise|he|this|then|definitely|become|enemy|possessive particle|final particle Moreover, if we do not agree to him this time, we will definitely become enemies. 睇 嚟 , 魏國 同 我 哋 東吳 , 都 冇 一個 人 係 諸葛亮 嘅 敵手 。 ||Wei state|and|||Eastern Wu|all|have not|a|person|is|Zhuge Liang|possessive particle|rival It seems that neither the Wei Kingdom nor our Eastern Wu has anyone who can match Zhuge Liang. 所以 而家 唯有 勉強 應承 佢 先 , 要 啲 軍隊 作好 準備 , 然後 就 探聽 嗰 四路 兵 嘅 勝負 情形 。 so|now|only|reluctantly|agree to|he|first|need|some|army|make good|preparations|then|just|inquire|that|four routes|troops|possessive particle|victory or defeat|situation So now we can only reluctantly agree to it first, and we need to prepare the troops well, then we will investigate the situation of the four armies' victories and defeats. 如果 嗰 四路 兵 都 得勝 , 兩 川 嘅 局勢 危急 , 諸葛亮 顧得頭 嚟 顧 唔 得 尾 嘞 , 噉 主上 就 出兵 呼應 去 攻打 成都 , 呢 個 乃 係 上策 。 if|that|four routes|troops|all|victorious|two|rivers|possessive particle|situation|critical|Zhuge Liang|can only consider the front|coming||||rear|particle indicating completed action|then|our lord|then|dispatch troops|respond|to|attack|Chengdu|this|particle indicating a measure|indeed|is|best strategy If all four armies are victorious, the situation in the two rivers will be critical, Zhuge Liang can only take care of the front and not the back, then the lord will send troops to respond and attack Chengdu, this is indeed the best strategy. 若果 四路 兵 都 失敗 , 就 另作 計較 啦 。 if|four routes|troops|all|fail|then|make another|calculation|particle If all four armies fail, then we will make other plans. 誒 , 噉 樣 做 確係 保險 喎 。 hey|like this|way|do|definitely|insurance|particle indicating realization Ah, doing it this way is indeed safer. 孫權 聽陸 遜 嘅 , 就 通知 魏國 使者 , 藉口 軍用物資 就 未曾 準備 好 , 等 準備 妥當 喇 就 出兵 啦 。 Sun Quan||Xun|possessive particle|then|notified|Wei|messenger|excuse|military supplies|then|not yet|prepared|well|wait|preparation|proper|particle indicating completion|then|deploy troops|particle indicating completion Sun Quan listened to Lu Xun and informed the Wei envoy, using the excuse that military supplies were not yet ready, and that they would send troops once everything was properly prepared. 使者 得到 答覆 就 辭別 孫權 返扯 嘞 。 the messenger|received|reply|then|bid farewell to|Sun Quan|return|past tense marker The messenger received a reply and then bid farewell to Sun Quan to return. 跟 住 , 孫權 就 派 人 去 探聽 四路 兵馬 嘅 消息 。 ||Sun Quan|then|sent|people|to|inquire|four directions|troops|possessive particle|news After that, Sun Quan sent people to gather information about the troops from all four directions. 哈 , 原來 西番 兵去 到 西平 關 , 一 見到 馬超 唔 打 就 撤退 喇 。 ha|originally|foreign soldiers|||||once|saw|Ma Chao|not|fight|then|retreated|particle indicating completed action Ha, it turns out that the Western barbarians retreated as soon as they saw Ma Chao at Xiping Pass without fighting. 南蠻 孟獲 呢 起兵 去 攻打 益州 等等 四個 郡 , 都 畀 魏 延用 疑兵 計 殺退 咗 。 Southern Barbarians|Meng Huo|this|raised troops|to|attack|Yizhou|and so on|four|counties|all|by|Wei||feigned troops|strategy|drove back|past tense marker The Southern barbarians led by Meng Huo attacked the four counties of Yizhou, but were repelled by Wei Yan using a feigned retreat. 上 庸 孟 達 嘅 軍隊 呢 , 行到 半路 , 孟達 忽然 得 咗 病 , 於是 就 冇 再 去 攻打 漢中 嘞 。 Shang|Yong|Meng|Da|possessive particle|army|question particle|walked to|halfway||suddenly|got|past tense marker|illness|so|then|did not|again|go|attack|Hanzhong|past action particle As for the army of Meng Da at Shangyong, they were halfway when Meng Da suddenly fell ill, so they did not continue to attack Hanzhong. 曹 真 嘅 兵馬 去 打 陽平關 啦 , 點知 趙子龍 守住 各處 險要 嘅 關口 , 果然 係 一夫當關 , 萬夫莫開 啊 。 Cao|Zhen|possessive particle|troops|go|attack|Yangping Pass|sentence-final particle|unexpectedly|Zhao Zilong|guarded|all places|strategic|possessive particle|passes|as expected|is|one man holds the pass|ten thousand men cannot open it|exclamatory particle Cao Zhen's army went to attack Yangping Pass, but Zhao Zilong was guarding the various strategic passes, truly a single man could hold the pass against thousands. 曹真 就 唯有 將軍 隊 駐 扎 喺 斜谷 道 , 因為 冇 辦法 取勝 啊 , 結果 只好 收兵 返扯 。 Cao Zhen|then|only|general|troops|stationed|set up|at|Xiegu|road|because|no|way|to win|ah|result|had no choice but to|withdraw troops|return Cao Zhen had no choice but to station his troops at Xiegu Road, as there was no way to achieve victory, and in the end, he could only withdraw his troops. 孫權派 人 摸清楚 呢 個 情形 , 就 同 啲 大臣 話 喇 : 啊 , 陸遜 真 係 算得準 㗎 。 |person|figured out|this|measure word|situation|then|with|plural marker|ministers|said|sentence-final particle|ah|Lu Xun|really|is|accurate|particle indicating certainty Sun Quan sent someone to understand the situation, and then told the ministers: Ah, Lu Xun really is quite accurate. 孤王 呢 次 如果 輕舉妄動 , 又 會同 西蜀 結落 冤仇 㗎 喇 。 the lonely king|this|time|if|acts rashly|again||Western Shu|settle|grudges|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action If I, the lonely king, act rashly this time, I will end up with enmity with the Western Shu. 咁 啱 呢 一日 , 話 西 蜀 派 嚟 嘅 使者 鄧芝 到 嘞 。 then|just|this|one day|said|||sent|here|possessive particle|messenger|Deng Zhi|arrived|past tense marker Coincidentally, on this day, the messenger from Western Shu, Deng Zhi, arrived. 張昭話 喇 : 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 , 呢 個 又 係 諸葛亮 退兵之計 , 派 鄧芝 嚟 做 說客 喇 。 Zhang Zhao said|particle indicating completed action|hehe||this|measure word|again|is|Zhuge Liang|strategy to retreat the troops|send|Deng Zhi|come|be|persuader|particle indicating completed action Zhang Zhao said: Hehe, hehe, this is also Zhuge Liang's strategy to retreat the troops, sending Deng Zhi to be the persuader. 孫權 問 嘞 : 噉 點 對待 佢 好 呢 ? Sun Quan|asked|particle indicating past action|then|how|treat|him|well|question particle Sun Quan asked: So how should we treat him? 張昭話 : 噉 啦 陛下 , 喺 宮殿 前 便 , 擺 一個 大鼎 , 放滿 幾百斤 油 , 用炭 嚟 燒 滾 佢 。 Zhang Zhao said|like this|particle indicating suggestion|Your Majesty|at|palace|in front of|then|place|a|large cauldron|filled with|several hundred pounds|oil||to|burn|boil|it Zhang Zhao said: Well, Your Majesty, in front of the palace, set up a large cauldron, filled with hundreds of pounds of oil, and use charcoal to boil it. 又 挑選 身材高大 雄壯 嘅 武士 一千 人 , 個個 都 手執 大刀 , 由 皇宮 門口 一直 排 到 大殿 。 again|select||strong|possessive particle|warriors|one thousand|people|everyone|all|holding|broadsword|from|palace|entrance|straight|lined up|to|main hall Then select a thousand tall and strong warriors, each wielding a large knife, lined up from the palace gate all the way to the main hall. 然後 就 叫 鄧芝入 嚟 , 未 等 佢 開口 , 就 用 酈食其 說 齊 嘅 故事 警告 佢 , 睇 下 佢 點樣 嚟 對答 啦 。 then|just|called||here|not yet|wait|he|spoke|then|used|Li Shiqi|said|Qi|possessive particle|story|warned|him|see|how|he|how|come|respond|particle Then call Deng Zhi in, and before he can speak, use the story of Li Shiqi to warn him, and see how he responds. 唔 知 陛下 認為 噉 好 唔 好 呢 ? not|know|Your Majesty|think|like this|good|not|good|question particle I don't know if Your Majesty thinks this is good or not? 好極 喇 , 就 係 噉 做 啦 。 extremely good|particle indicating completed action|just|is|like this|do|particle indicating suggestion or urging It's very good, just do it like this. 各位 , 酈食其 說齊 係 點樣 一 回事 呢 ? 係 噉 嘅 。 everyone|Li Shiqi||is|how|one|matter|question particle|is|like this|past action particle Everyone, what is the story of Li Shiqi? 即 係 喺 楚漢相爭 嘅 時候 啊 , 酈食其 係 劉邦 部下 嘅 一名 謀士 。 |is|||possessive particle||||||||a|strategist It was during the struggle between Chu and Han, Li Shiqi was a strategist under Liu Bang. 佢 係 作 為 劉邦 嘅 使者 就 去 勸說 齊王田 廣 , 歸順 漢王 劉邦 。 he|is|||Liu Bang|'s|messenger|then|went|to persuade||Guang|to submit|Han King|Liu Bang As Liu Bang's envoy, he went to persuade King Tian Guang of Qi to submit to Han King Liu Bang. 齊王 信 佢 嘅 說話 , 就 解除 咗 戰備 , 哈哈 , 點知 劉邦 嘅 大將 韓信 啊 乘機 襲擊 齊国 。 King of Qi|believed|he|possessive particle|words|then|lifted|past tense marker|military readiness|haha|unexpectedly|Liu Bang|possessive particle|general|Han Xin|ah|took the opportunity|attacked|Qi state King Qi trusted his words, so he lifted the state of war readiness. Haha, little did he know that Liu Bang's general Han Xin took the opportunity to attack the Qi state. 齊王 認為 酈食其 出賣 佢 , 就 夾生 將 佢 用 滾水 熠死 。 King of Qi|believed|Li Shiqi|betrayed|him|then|secretly|would|him|with|boiling water|scald to death King Qi believed that Li Shiqi betrayed him, so he cruelly boiled him to death. 張 昭 嘅 意見 呢 , 就 係 勸 孫權 用油 鑊 嚟 嚇鄧芝 。 Zhang|Zhao|possessive particle|opinion|question particle|then|is|advised|Sun Quan||pot|to| Zhang Zhao's opinion was to advise Sun Quan to use a pot of oil to scare off Deng Zhi. 孫權 同意 喇 , 就 下令 準備 好油鼎 , 派 咗 武士 排列 喺 兩旁 , 人人 都 手執 兵器 擺 好個 格局 , 然後 就 召 鄧芝 上 殿 。 Sun Quan|agreed|particle indicating completion|then|ordered|prepare||sent|past tense marker|warriors|arranged|at|both sides|everyone|all|holding|weapons|set|good|formation|then|then|summoned|Deng Zhi|to|the throne room Sun Quan agreed and ordered the preparation of the oil cauldron, sending warriors to line up on both sides, everyone holding weapons and forming a proper formation, then summoned Deng Zhi to the palace. 鄧芝 扶正 下頂 帽 , 整理 下 衣服 , 齊齊整整 大大方方 行入 宮殿 。 Tang Chi|adjust|on top|hat|tidy up|down|clothes|neat and tidy|confidently|walk into|palace Deng Zhi adjusted his hat, tidied his clothes, and walked into the palace in a neat and dignified manner. 行到 宮殿 門口 , 咦 喂 , 只見 兩邊 兩便 啊 排列 住 武士 嘅 , 威風凜凜 , 個個 都 手執 兵器 。 walk to|palace|entrance|eh|hey|only saw|both sides|two sides|ah|arranged|in|warriors|possessive particle|imposing|everyone|all|holding|weapons Walking to the palace entrance, hey, I saw two rows of warriors lined up on both sides, imposing and majestic, each holding a weapon. 有 啲 係 揸 鋼刀 有 啲 係 揸 大 斧 , 長 戟 短劍 乜 都 有 , 一直 排列 上 金鑾寶 殿 。 have|||||||||||||||||continuously|arranged|on|| Some wielded steel swords, some held large axes, there were long spears and short swords, everything was there, lined up all the way to the Golden Throne Hall. 要 上 殿 呀 , 就要 喺 呢 條 由 武士 夾住 嘅 巷 中間 行 。 want|go up|palace|particle|then must|at|this|measure word for long objects|by|warrior|pinched|possessive particle|alley|middle|walk To enter the hall, you have to walk in the middle of this path flanked by the warriors. 嘩 啲 刀槍劍戟 射過 嚟 嗰 啲 光 映 埋 塊 面 處 呀 , 嘿好 寒 㗎 ! wow|plural marker|weapons|shot|come|that|plural marker|light|reflect|onto|piece|face|area|sentence-final particle|very|cold|particle Wow, the light reflecting off those swords and spears shone on my face, it was really cold! 但 係 鄧芝 完全 明白 孫權 嘅 意思 , 佢 一 啲 都 唔 怕 , 昂 昂然 , 一步 一步 噉 行 , 定到極 啊 。 ||Deng Zhi|completely|understood|Sun Quan|possessive particle|meaning|he|one|a little|all|not|afraid|||one step|one step|like this|walk||particle But Deng Zhi completely understood Sun Quan's intention, he was not afraid at all, confidently, he walked step by step, steady as a rock. 行到 金殿 前 便 , 又 見 個 鼎 鑊 裏頭 啲 油 啊 燒到 滾 晒 。 walk to|Golden Pavilion|in front of|then|again|see|the|pot|wok|inside|some|oil|ah|burned to|boiling|completely As they walked to the Golden Hall, they saw the oil in the cauldron boiling. 左右 兩排 啲 武士 個個 都 碌 到 雙眼 呀 銅鈴 咁 大 , 盯 實 佢 。 left and right|two rows|particle indicating plural|warriors|everyone|all|||eyes|particle indicating exclamation|copper bell|so|big|||him The warriors on both sides had eyes as big as copper bells, staring intently at him. 鄧芝 只 係 微微 笑 , 當睇 戲 咁 睇 。 Tang Chi|only|is|slightly|smile|when watching|movie|so|watching Deng Zhi just smiled slightly, watching it as if it were a play. 侍臣將 鄧芝 帶到 金殿 門口 , 嗰 處 呢 仲 落 咗 一道 珠簾 嘅 。 |Tang Chi|brought to|Golden Hall|entrance|that|place|here|still|hanging|past tense marker|a|beaded curtain|possessive particle The attendants brought Deng Zhi to the entrance of the Golden Hall, where there was still a beaded curtain. 鄧芝 企定 , 對住 上面 深深 作 咗 個 揖 就算 喇 。 Tang Chi|stood firm|facing|above|deeply|performed|past tense marker|measure word|bow|even if|particle indicating completed action Deng Zhi stood firm and made a deep bow towards the top. 哈 豈有此理 喎 ! 孫權 叫 人 捲起 道 珠簾 , 喝 鄧芝話 : 你 點解 唔 叩頭 ! Ha|how can this be reasonable|particle indicating realization|Sun Quan|ordered|people|rolled up|the|bead curtain|shouted||you|why|not|kowtow Ha, how ridiculous! Sun Quan ordered people to roll up the pearl curtain and shouted at Deng Zhi: Why don't you bow down! 上 國 天使 , 唔 跪小邦 之主 啊 。 ascend|country|angel|not|||ah The heavenly messenger of the country does not kneel to the lord of a small state. 哼哼 , 你 自己 都 要 諗 真下 , 想 花言巧語 , 學 酈食其 遊說 齊國 係 嘛 ? humph|you|yourself|also|need to|think|seriously|want|sweet talk|learn|Li Shiqi|persuade|Qi state|is|question particle Hmph, you should think carefully yourself. Do you want to use flowery words and learn from Li Shiqi to persuade the State of Qi? 你 快 啲 跳 落個 油 鑊 處 啦 ! you|||jump||||place|particle indicating suggestion You better jump into the frying pan quickly! 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 人人 都 話 吳王 賢德 , 誰知 道 竟然 害怕 一個 書生 。 haha||||everyone|all|says|King Wu|virtuous|who would have known|Dao|unexpectedly|fears|a|scholar Hahaha, everyone says the King of Wu is virtuous, but who knew he was actually afraid of a scholar. 孤王 使 乜 怕 你 呢 個 傢伙 啊 ! lonely king|make|what|afraid|you|this|measure word|guy|ah The lonely king, what are you afraid of this guy for? 既然 唔 怕 我 鄧伯苗 , 又 使 乜 擔心 我 嚟 說 你 哋 呢 ? since|not|afraid|I|Deng Baimiao|again|need|what|worry|I|come|say|you|plural marker|question particle Since you are not afraid of me, Deng Bomi, why worry about me talking about you? 你 係 想 嚟 為 諸葛亮 講 說話 , 要 說服 孤王同 魏國 絕交 , 同 蜀國 和 好 咋 嘛 , 係 唔 係 ? you|are|want|to come|for|Zhuge Liang|to speak|words|must|persuade||Wei state|to sever relations|with|Shu state|||how|question particle|is|not|is You want to come and speak for Zhuge Liang, to persuade the lonely king to sever ties with Wei and befriend Shu, right? 我 鄧伯苗 乃 係 西 蜀 一個 書生 , 今日 特意 為 咗 吳國 嘅 利害 而 嚟 嘅 , 點知 大王 竟然 排列 武士 擺起 鼎 鑊 嚟 針對 一個 使者 , 大王 嘅 度量 未免 太小 喇 。 I|Deng Baimiao|am|is|Western|Shu|a|scholar|today|deliberately|for|past tense marker|Wu state|possessive particle|interests|and|come|past tense marker|unexpectedly|the king|actually|arranged|warriors|set up|cauldron|wok|come|targeting|a|messenger|the king|possessive particle|tolerance|cannot help but be||final particle I, Deng Bomi, am just a scholar from Western Shu, here today specifically for the interests of Wu, yet the king actually arranged warriors to set up a cauldron to target a messenger. The king's tolerance is rather small. 嘩 句句 說話 都 係 詞鋒 犀利 , 講到 孫權 都 唔 好意思 嘞 。 wow|every sentence|speech|all|is|wit|sharp|when it comes to|Sun Quan|all|not|embarrassed|particle indicating completed action Wow, every word is sharp and incisive, even Sun Quan would feel embarrassed. 就 吩咐 啲 武士 撤走 , 請 鄧芝入 嚟 宮殿 , 擺個 座位 請 佢 坐落 , 然後 就 問 佢 : then|instructed|plural marker|warriors|retreat|please||here|palace|set a|seat|please|he|sit down|then|then|ask|he Then I instructed the warriors to withdraw, invited Deng Zhi into the palace, arranged a seat for him to sit down, and then asked him: 吳 魏 嘅 利害關係 如何 呢 ? 請 先生 指教 。 Ng|Wai|possessive particle|interests and concerns|how|question particle|please|sir|advise What are the pros and cons of Wu and Wei? Please advise, sir. 請問 大王 , 係 想 同 蜀國 和 好 呢 ? 定 係 同 魏國 和 好 呢 ? may I ask|Your Majesty|is|wants|with|Shu Kingdom|||question particle|or|is|with|Wei Kingdom|||question particle May I ask, Your Majesty, do you wish to make peace with Shu? Or do you wish to make peace with Wei? 孤王 正 係 想 同 蜀 主講 和 , 但 係 又 怕 蜀 主 年紀 輕 見識 淺 , 唔 能夠 全始全終 啫 。 the lonely king|just|is|wants|with|Shu||peace|but|is|again|afraid|Shu|lord|age|young|knowledge|shallow|not|able to|completely|only I, the lonely king, indeed wish to discuss peace with the Shu lord, but I am also afraid that the Shu lord is young and inexperienced, and may not be able to see it through. 大王 , 你 係 當代 嘅 英豪 , 諸葛亮 亦 係 一時 之 俊傑 。 king|you|are|contemporary|possessive particle|hero|Zhuge Liang|also|are|one time|possessive particle|genius Your Majesty, you are a hero of this era, and Zhuge Liang is also a remarkable talent of his time. 蜀國 有 山川 之險 , 吳國 有 三 江之固 。 Shu State|has|mountains and rivers||Wu State|has|| The Shu Kingdom has the danger of mountains and rivers, while the Wu Kingdom has the strength of the three rivers. 若果 兩 國 聯合 起 嚟 結成 唇齒 之邦 , 進 可以 並吞 天下 , 退 可以 鼎足而立 。 if|two|countries|unite|rise|together|form|lips and teeth||advance|can|swallow up|the world|retreat|can|stand firm like a tripod If the two countries unite to form a close alliance, they can conquer the world together, and if they retreat, they can stand firm. 如果 大王 今日 向 魏國 俯首稱臣 , 噉 魏國 必定 要 大王 去 朝拜 佢 。 if|the Great King|today|towards|Wei State|bow in submission|then|Wei State|definitely|will|the Great King|go|worship|him If Your Majesty bows to the Wei Kingdom today, then the Wei Kingdom will definitely require Your Majesty to pay homage to them. 而且 亦 會 提出 要求 , 要 大王 嘅 太子 去 魏國 做 侍臣 , 作為 人質 。 moreover|also|will|propose|request|to require|the great king|possessive particle|prince|to go|Wei state|to be|servant|as|hostage Moreover, they will also make demands, requiring Your Majesty's crown prince to go to the Wei Kingdom as a servant, as a hostage. 若果 唔 依從 呢 , 佢 就 會 興兵 嚟 進攻 。 if|not|obey|this|he|then|will|raise troops|come|attack If you do not comply, they will raise an army to attack. 到 嗰 陣 時 , 蜀國 亦 會 出師 順流而下 。 arrive|that|time|moment|Shu Kingdom|also|will|deploy troops|go downstream At that time, the Shu Kingdom will also send troops downstream. 噉 樣 一 嚟 , 江南 嘅 地方 就 再 唔 係 大王 㗎 喇 。 like this|appearance|one|come|Jiangnan|possessive particle|place|then|again|not|is|big king|sentence-final particle|particle indicating change of state In that case, the Jiangnan region will no longer be under the control of the king. 好 嘞 , 如果 大王 以為 鄙人 嘅 說話 講得 唔 啱 , 鄙人 今日 就 死 喺 大王 面前 , 免致 落得 一個 花言巧語 嘅 壞名聲 啊 。 ||if|Your Majesty|thinks|I|possessive particle|words|spoken|not|correct||today|then|die|in|Your Majesty|presence|lest|be given|a|smooth-talking||bad reputation|ah Alright, if the king thinks that my words are incorrect, I will die in front of the king today, to avoid gaining a bad reputation for being a smooth talker. 鄧芝 講完 , 一手 擸 起 袍 腳 , 噔 噔 噔 行出 金殿 , 向 住 油 鑊 就 想 跳 落 去 咯 喎 。 Tang Chi|finished speaking|with one hand|||robe|foot||||walked out|Golden Hall|||||then|wanted|to jump|down|to|particle indicating realization|particle indicating suggestion After Deng Zhi finished speaking, he lifted his robe and walked out of the golden hall, intending to jump into the boiling oil. 孫權 急忙 叫 人 制止 佢 , 然後 請 佢 入 去 後 殿 , 呢 次 就 唔 同 喇 , 將 佢 當作 上賓 噉 嚟 款待 喇 。 Sun Quan|hurriedly|called|people|to stop|him|then|invited|him|to enter|to|rear|hall|this|time|then|not|the same|particle|to treat|him|as|honored guest|like this|to|entertain|particle Sun Quan hurriedly called for someone to stop him, and then invited him into the back hall. This time it was different; he treated him as a distinguished guest. 孫權 同 鄧芝話 : 剛才 先生 嘅 說話 好合 孤 王 嘅 心意 。 Sun Quan|with||just now|sir|possessive particle|words||I (referring to oneself as a ruler)|king|possessive particle|intentions Sun Quan said to Deng Zhi: Just now, what you said was very much in line with my thoughts. 孤王 而家 想 同蜀主 聯合 , 先生 肯 唔 肯為 孤王 促成 呢 件 事 呢 ? the lonely king|now|wants||to unite|sir|willing|not|willing to||facilitate|this|measure word for events|matter|question particle I now want to unite with the Lord of Shu, are you willing to help me facilitate this matter? 先頭 要 殺 微臣 嘅 係 大王 , 而家 想 用 微臣 嘅 亦 係 大王 。 first|to|kill|your humble servant|possessive particle|is|great king|now|wants|to use|||also|is|great king The one who wanted to kill me first was the king, and now the one who wants to use me is also the king. 大王 你 自己 都 仲 係 猶疑 不定 , 又點 能夠 取信於人 呢 ? Your Majesty|you|yourself|also|still|are|hesitant|indecisive||able to||question particle You yourself are still hesitant, how can you gain the trust of others? 孤王 已經 落 咗 決心 , 先生 你 唔 使 懷疑 嘞 。 the lonely king|already|made|past tense marker|decision|sir|you|not|need|doubt|past action marker I have already made up my mind, you don't need to doubt it. 於是 孫權 就 留 鄧芝 住 喺 賓館 。 then|Sun Quan|then|left|Deng Zhi|stay|at|hotel So, Sun Quan left Deng Zhi to stay at the inn. 第 日 , 孫權 召集 一班 大臣 嚟 對 佢 哋 話 : the|day|Sun Quan|summoned|a group of|ministers|to|to|him|they|said The next day, Sun Quan gathered a group of ministers to tell them: 孤王 掌握 江南 八十一 州 , 仲有 荊襄 大片 嘅 土地 , 哈哈 反而 , 唔 及 西 蜀 呢 啲 咁 偏僻 嘅 地方 啊 。 lonely king|controls|Jiangnan|eighty-one|prefectures|still has|Jingxiang|large area|possessive particle|land|haha|on the contrary|not|comparable to|||this|plural particle|so|remote|possessive particle|places|ah particle I, the king, control eighty-one states in Jiangnan, and also have a large area of land in Jingxiang. Haha, in contrast, it is not as remote as these places in Western Shu. 西蜀 有個 鄧芝 , 處處 維護 佢 哋 主公 嘅 尊嚴 。 Western Shu|there is|Deng Zhi|everywhere|upholds|he|they|lord|possessive particle|dignity In Western Shu, there is a Deng Zhi, who maintains the dignity of their lord everywhere. 我 哋 吳國 就 搵 唔 到 一個 人去 西 蜀 , 為 孤王 表達 和 好 之意 啊 。 ||Wu state|then|find|not|arrive|one||||for|King Gu|express||||ah particle Our Wu state cannot find a person to go to Western Shu to express goodwill on behalf of me, the king. 孫權 說話 講完 , 有 個人 啊 出班 啟奏 話 喇 : Sun Quan|speaking|finished|there is|a person|ah|stepped forward|reported|said|particle indicating completion Sun Quan finished speaking, and then someone stepped forward to report. 臣 願意 出使 蜀國 。 I|am willing|to be an envoy|Shu Kingdom I am willing to go on a mission to the Shu Kingdom. 大家 一睇 , 原來 係 中郎將 姓張 名溫 , 字惠恕 啊 。 everyone|at a glance|originally|is|middle-ranking general||||ah Everyone looked, and it turned out to be the Central General, surnamed Zhang, named Wen, courtesy name Huishu. 孫權 話 喇 : 就 係 怕 張卿 你 去 到 西 蜀 , 見到 諸葛亮 嘅 時候 , 唔 能夠 充分 表達 孤 王 嘅 意思 噃。 Sun Quan|said|particle indicating past action|just|is|afraid|Zhang Qing|you|go|to|||see|Zhuge Liang|possessive particle|time|not|able to|fully|express|||possessive particle|intention|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation Sun Quan said: I am just afraid that Zhang Qing, when you get to the West Shu and meet Zhuge Liang, will not be able to fully express the intentions of this king. 孔明亦 係 人唧 , 微臣 又 使 乜 怕 佢 呢 ? Kongming also|is|human|this humble minister|again|make|what|fear|him|question particle Kongming is also just a person, why should I be afraid of him? 好 ! 孫權 高興 嘞 , 重重 咁 賞賜 張溫 , 派 佢 做 使者 , 同 鄧芝 一齊 去 成都 , 向 蜀國 表示 和 好 嘞 。 good|Sun Quan|happy|past tense marker|generously|so|rewarded|Zhang Wen|sent|he|to be|messenger|together|Deng Zhi|together|to go|Chengdu|to|Shu Kingdom|show|||past tense marker Good! Sun Quan is very happy, and he rewards Zhang Wen generously, sending him as an envoy to go to Chengdu with Deng Zhi to express goodwill to the Shu Kingdom. 而家 講下 孔明 , 佢 自從 派 咗 鄧芝 去 東吳 之後 啊 , 佢 又 對 後主 劉禪 話 喇 : now|let's talk about|Kongming|he|since|sent|past tense marker|Deng Zhi|to|Eastern Wu|after|sentence-final particle|he|again|to|later ruler|Liu Shan|said|sentence-final particle Now let's talk about Kongming. Since he sent Deng Zhi to Eastern Wu, he has also told the later ruler Liu Shan: 鄧芝 呢 趟 去 東吳 , 必定 成功 嘅 。 Tang Chi|this|trip|to|Dongwu|definitely|succeed|particle indicating possession or modification Deng Zhi's trip to Eastern Wu will definitely be successful. 東吳 一定 會派 人 嚟 答禮 㗎 。 Dongwu|definitely||person|come|return the favor|sentence-final particle Eastern Wu will surely send someone to respond. 到 時 陛下 應該 以禮相待 , 等 使者 返去 東吳 嘅 時候 , 就 可以 將蜀 吳 嘅 友好 同盟 定落 嚟 嘞 。 arrive|time|Your Majesty|should|treat with respect|wait|messenger|return|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|time|then|can||Wu|possessive particle|friendly|alliance|settled|come|past tense particle At that time, Your Majesty should treat them with courtesy, so that when the envoy returns to Eastern Wu, the friendship and alliance between Shu and Wu can be established. 我 哋 同 吳國和 好 , 魏國 必定 唔 敢 嚟 攻打 我 哋 㗎 喇 。 ||with|||Wei state|definitely|not|dare|come|attack|||sentence-final particle|past action particle If we are on good terms with Wu, Wei will definitely not dare to attack us. 吳魏 都 唔 嚟 侵犯 , 臣 就 帶兵 南征 去 平定 南蠻 , 然後 就 去 消滅 魏國 。 Wu and Wei|both|not|come|invade|I (the minister)|then|lead troops|southern campaign|to|pacify|southern barbarians|afterwards|then|to|eliminate|Wei state If both Wu and Wei do not come to invade, I will lead the troops south to pacify the southern barbarians, and then go to eliminate Wei. 魏國 消滅 咗 喇 , 東吳 亦 唔 能夠 存在 得 好 耐 㗎 喇 , 噉 就 可以 統一天下 啦 。 Wei state|was destroyed|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|Eastern Wu|also|not|able to|exist|for|very|long|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle|then|then|can||sentence-final particle Once Wei is eliminated, Eastern Wu will also not be able to exist for long, and then we can unify the world. 對於 孔明 呢 個 咁 宏大 嘅 計劃 啊 , 劉禪 啊 梗 係 同意 㗎 啦 。 regarding|Zhuge Liang|this|measure word|so|grand|possessive particle|plan|sentence-final particle|Liu Shan|sentence-final particle|||agrees|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle Regarding this grand plan of Kongming, Liu Shan will definitely agree. 等到 東吳 張溫 , 同 鄧芝 嚟 成都 答禮 嗰 日 , 劉禪 登殿 , 文武百官 喺 丹墀 排班 侍候 。 when waiting for|Eastern Wu|Zhang Wen|together|Deng Zhi|to come|Chengdu|return the courtesy|that|day|Liu Shan|ascended the throne|civil and military officials|at|the red steps|arranged in order|to serve When Zhang Wen of Eastern Wu and Deng Zhi come to Chengdu to pay their respects, Liu Shan will ascend the throne, and the civil and military officials will be arranged in ranks to serve. 劉禪 傳旨 叫 鄧芝 張溫 上 殿 。 Liu Shan|issued an edict|ordered|Deng Zhi|Zhang Wen|to enter|the hall Liu Shan issued an order for Deng Zhi and Zhang Wen to come to the palace. 張溫 好 得意 啊 , 昂 昂然 噉 就 嚟 喇 , 見 咗 劉禪 行過禮 。 Cheung Wan|very|cute|particle|||like that|then|come|particle|saw|past tense marker|Liu Shan| Zhang Wen was very pleased and confidently approached, greeting Liu Shan as he passed. 劉禪 叫 侍臣 捧 個 錦墩 嚟 , 叫 張溫 坐 喺 金殿 嘅 左手 便 , 又 吩咐 設御宴 嚟 款待 佢 。 Liu Shan|ordered|servant|carry|a|brocade cushion|here|ordered|Zhang Wen|sit|at|Golden Hall|possessive particle|left|side|also|instructed||here|entertain|him Liu Shan instructed an attendant to bring a brocade cushion and asked Zhang Wen to sit on his left in the golden hall, and also ordered a royal banquet to entertain him. 呢 名為 御宴 就 實際上 呢 , 後主 就 冇 陪 佢 飲 嘅 , 表示 下 禮貌 就 係 喇 。 this|named|Imperial Banquet|then|actually|this|Emperor Hou|then|did not|accompany|him|drink|past tense particle|indicating|next|courtesy|then|is|particle indicating change of state This banquet was called a royal banquet, but in reality, the late emperor did not drink with him, which was just a show of courtesy. 噉 啊 宴會 完 之後 啊 , 文武百官 一齊 送 張溫 去 賓館 休息 , 呢 啲 就 不在話下 喇 。 like this|particle|banquet|finish|after|particle|civil and military officials|together|send|Zhang Wen|to|hotel|rest|||then|not to mention|particle After the banquet, all the civil and military officials accompanied Zhang Wen to the guesthouse to rest, which was quite normal. 第 日 , 孔明 設宴招待 張溫 。 the|day|Kongming||Zhang Wen On that day, Kongming hosted a banquet for Zhang Wen. 酒過三巡 , 孔明 對張 溫話 : |Kongming|| After three rounds of drinks, Kongming said to Zhang Wen: 先帝 在 生 嘅 時候 , 同 東吳 關係 唔 好 。 the late emperor|at|birth|possessive particle|time|with|Eastern Wu|relationship|not|good When the late emperor was alive, the relationship with Eastern Wu was not good. 而家 先帝 已經 去世 喇 , 當今 主 上 非常 之 敬重 吳王 。 now|late emperor|already|passed away|particle indicating completed action|current|ruler|honorific particle|very|possessive particle|respects|King Wu Now that the late emperor has passed away, the current ruler greatly respects the King of Wu. 希望 消除 舊怨 , 以後 永遠 和 好 , 同心協力 去 對付 魏國 。 hope|eliminate|old grievances|in the future|forever|||work together|to|deal with|Wei state I hope to eliminate old grievances and forever maintain peace, working together to deal with the Wei state. 希望 大夫 將呢 個 意思 好好 啟奏 吳王 啊 。 hope|doctor||measure word|meaning|well|inform|King Wu|particle I hope the doctor will convey this meaning well to King Wu. 張溫 啊 應承 。 Cheung Wan|ah|promised Zhang Wen agreed. 飲到 半 醉 嘅 時候 , 張溫 談笑風生 , 啊 有 啲 傲慢 嘅 神氣 嘞 喎 。 drink to|half|drunk|possessive particle|time|Cheung Man|talking and laughing happily|ah|has|a little|arrogant|possessive particle|demeanor|past action particle|sentence-final particle When he was half drunk, Zhang Wen was cheerful and had a somewhat arrogant demeanor. 第二日 , 張溫 要 返 東吳 嘞 , 劉禪 送 咗 好多 禮物 過 佢 。 the next day|Zhang Wen|needs to|return|Dongwu|past tense marker|Liu Shan|gave|past tense marker|many|gifts|to|him The next day, Zhang Wen was returning to Eastern Wu, and Liu Shan sent him many gifts. 而且 喺 城南 嘅 郵亭 嗰 處 啊 , 大排 筵席 , 叫 文武百官 出席 送行 。 moreover|at|South City|possessive particle|post office|that|place|particle|large|banquet|invite|civil and military officials|to attend|farewell Moreover, at the post station in the south of the city, a grand banquet was held, inviting all civil and military officials to attend the farewell. 喺 宴會 上 孔明 啊 態度 殷勤 , 不歇 咁 向 張溫 敬酒 。 at|banquet|on|Kongming|ah|attitude|attentive|without stopping|so|towards|Zhang Wen|toasting At the banquet, Kongming was very attentive, continuously toasting Zhang Wen. 正飲 得 開心 , 突然 間 有 個人 帶住 啲 醉意 入到 嚟 , 氣勢 昂然 噉 深深 作 咗 個 揖 就 入席 坐落 。 drinking happily|is|happy|suddenly|moment|there is|a person|bringing|some|drunkenness|in|come|momentum|proudly|like that|deeply|making|past tense marker|a|bow|then|taking a seat|sitting down Just as they were enjoying themselves, suddenly someone came in with a bit of drunkenness, confidently bowing deeply before taking a seat. 哈哈 張溫 好 奇怪 啦 , 乜 嚟 個 噉 人 呢 喂 ? 就問 孔明 呢 個 係 邊個 嘞 喎 。 haha|Zhang Wen|very|strange|particle|what|come|classifier|like this|person|question particle|hey||Kong Ming|this|classifier|is|who|particle|particle Haha, Zhang Wen found it strange, asking, 'Who is this person?' He then asked Kongming who this was. 孔明 話 : 佢 姓 秦 名 宓 , 現時 係 益州 學士 啊 。 Kongming|said|he|surname|Qin|given name|Mi|currently|is|Yizhou|scholar|particle Kongming replied: 'His surname is Qin, and his name is Mi. He is currently a scholar in Yizhou.' 張溫 笑 喇 : 嘿嘿 , 嘿嘿嘿 嘿嘿 , 名為 學士 , 唔 知個 肚裏 便 有 冇 學事 呢 嚱? Cheung Wan|laugh|particle|hehe|hehe|hehe|named|bachelor|not||inside|then|have|not have|academic matters|question particle|exclamation particle Zhang Wen laughed: 'Hehe, hehe, hehe, he is called a scholar, but I wonder if he has any knowledge in his belly?' 秦宓 好 嚴肅 噉 話 : 我 哋 蜀國 三尺 小童 , 尚且 個個 上學 讀書 , 何況 我 呢 ? Qin Fu|very|serious|like that|said|I|plural marker|Shu Kingdom|three feet|young child|still|everyone|go to school|study|let alone|I|question particle Qin Fu said seriously: "We, the children of Shu Kingdom, all go to school and study, so how can I not?" 噉 請 先生 講下 , 你 學過 啲 咩 嘢 呢 ? then|please|sir|say a bit|you|have learned|some|what|things|question particle Then please tell me, what have you learned? 上 至 天文 , 下 至 地理 , 三教九流 諸子百家 , 無所不通 ; up|to|astronomy|down|to|geography||various philosophers and schools of thought|all-encompassing From astronomy to geography, the three teachings and nine streams, all schools of thought, I am well-versed in everything; 古今 興廢 聖賢 經傳 , 無所 不覽 啊 。 past and present|rise and fall|sages and wise men|classics and commentaries|nowhere||ah the rise and fall of ancient and modern sages and classics, I have read them all. 嘿嘿 , 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 , 先生 既然 咁 大 口氣 , 我 想 請問 下 關於 天 嘅 事情 , 天有 冇 頭呢 ? hehe||||sir|since|so|big|attitude|I|want|to ask|a little|about|sky|possessive particle|matter|sky has|not have| Hehe, hehe hehe hehe, since you are so confident, I would like to ask about the heavens, does the sky have a beginning? 有頭 。 has a head There is a head. 頭在 何方 啊 ? |where|question particle Where is the head? 頭 喺 西方 。 head|is|west The head is in the west. 詩經 話 : 乃眷 西顧 。 由此可知 , 頭 喺 西方 。 Book of Songs|saying|is concerned|looking west||head|is|west The Book of Songs says: 'It is to the west that I look back.' From this, we can know that the head is in the west. 天有 耳 嘛 ? |ears|question particle Does heaven have ears? 有 , 天處 高 而 聽 卑 。 have|heaven|high|and|listen|low Yes, the heavens are high and listen to the low. 詩經 話 : 鶴鳴九皋 , 聲聞 於 天 。 Book of Songs|saying|||in|heaven The Book of Songs says: The crane calls in the nine marshes, its voice heard in the heavens. 如果 冇 耳點 聽得見 呢 ? if|don't have|hearing aid|can hear|question particle If there are no ears, how can it be heard? 天有 腳 嘛 ? |legs|question particle Does heaven have feet? 有腳 。 詩經 話 : 天步 艱難 。 冇 腳 又 點行 呢 ? have legs|Book of Songs|says|heavenly path|difficult|without|legs|again|how to walk|question particle It has feet. The Book of Songs says: The heavens walk with difficulty. How can it move without feet? 天有 冇 姓 呢 ? |no|surname|question particle Is there a surname in the sky? 點會 冇 姓 啊 。 how could|not have|surname|question particle How could there be no surname? 姓 乜嘢 ? surname|what What is the surname? 姓劉 。 The surname is Liu. 點 知道 㗎 ? how|to know|question particle How do you know? 天子 姓劉 , 故此 知道 天 係 姓 劉 嘅 。 Son of Heaven||therefore|knows|Heaven|is|surname|Liu|possessive particle The Son of Heaven has the surname Liu, so it is known that Heaven has the surname Liu. 太陽 係 唔 係 生於 東方 啊 ? sun|is|not|is|born in|the east|question particle Isn't the sun born in the east? 雖然 係 生於 東方 , 不過 係 沒 於 西方 。 although|is|born in|the East|but|is|not|in|the West Although it is born in the east, it is not in the west. 嘩 ! 當時 秦宓 咯咯 聲 對答如流 , 大家 都 服 晒 佢 。 wow|at that time|Qin Fu|giggling|sound|quick-witted|everyone|all|admire|completely|him Wow! At that time, Qin Mu was responding fluently, and everyone was impressed by him. 張溫 冇 聲出 。 Cheung Wan|has no|sound coming out Zhang Wen did not make a sound. 噉 秦宓 就 問返 轉頭 咯 喎 , 佢 話 : then|Qin Fu|then|asked back|later|particle indicating realization|particle indicating confirmation|he|said Then Qin Mu asked again, he said: 先生 係 東吳 名士 , 剛才 既然 以 天 嘅 事情 下 問 , 噉 關於 天 嘅 道理 , 先生 必定 係 非常 明 瞭 嘅 咯 。 sir|is|Dongwu|scholar|just now|since|by|heaven|possessive particle|matter|under|ask|then|regarding|heaven|possessive particle|principles|sir|certainly|is|very|||particle indicating certainty|final particle The gentleman is a renowned scholar of Eastern Wu, since he has just inquired about matters of heaven, the gentleman must certainly have a very clear understanding of the principles of heaven. 古時候 , 混沌 既分 , 陰陽 剖判 。 ancient times|chaos||yin and yang|distinction In ancient times, the chaos was divided, and yin and yang were distinguished. 輕清者 上浮 而 為 天 , 重濁者 下 凝而為 地 。 the light and clear ones|rise|and|become|heaven|the heavy and turbid ones|sink||earth The light and clear ones float up to become heaven, while the heavy and turbid ones sink down to become earth. 及至 共工 氏 戰敗 用 個頭 嚟 撞 不周 山 , 就 將撐 天 嘅 大柱 撞斷 , 大地 嘅 一角 亦 撞 崩 咗 。 until|Gonggong|clan|was defeated|using||to|crash|Buzhou|mountain|then||heaven|possessive particle|great pillar|broke|earth|possessive particle|one corner|also|crash|collapse|past tense marker When Gonggong was defeated, he used his head to ram into Mount Buzhou, breaking the great pillar that supports heaven, and a corner of the earth also collapsed. 於是 天 嘅 西北方 傾 跌落 嚟 , 地 嘅 東南角 陷 咗 落 去 。 then|sky|possessive particle|northwest|tilt|fall|come|ground|possessive particle|southeast corner|sink|past tense marker|down|go So the northwest of the sky is tilting down, while the southeast corner of the earth is sinking. 請問 先生 , 天 既然 輕清 而 上浮 , 何以 佢 嘅 西北方 又 會 傾 跌落 嚟 呢 ? may I ask|sir|sky|since|clear|and|rises|why|it|possessive particle|northwest|also|will|tilt|fall|come|question particle May I ask, sir, since the sky is light and floating, why is it that the northwest of it is tilting down? 又 唔 知 喺 輕 清 之外 啊 , 仲有 啲 乜嘢 呢 ? again|||at|||outside of|ah|still have|some|what|question particle And I wonder, besides being light, what else is there? 請 先生 指教 。 please|sir|advise Please enlighten me, sir. 幾句 說話 問到 張溫 冇 說話 對答 , 就 唯有 起身 認輸 嘞 , 佢 話 : a few sentences|conversation|asked|Cheung Man|no|conversation|response|then|only|to get up|to admit defeat|particle indicating completed action|he|said After a few questions, Zhang Wen had no response, so he could only stand up and admit defeat, saying: 想 唔 到 西 蜀 出 咁 多 俊傑 人才 , 啱 先 聽 先生 嘅 議論 , 使 我 頓開茅塞 啊 ! want|not|to arrive|west|shu|produce|so|many|outstanding|talents|just|first|heard|teacher|possessive particle|discussion|made|I|suddenly enlightened|ah I didn't expect that there would be so many talented individuals from the West Shu. Just now, listening to the gentleman's discussion, I suddenly had an epiphany! 孔明 怕 張溫 唔 好意思 , 就講 幾句 好話 幫 佢 解圍 。 Kongming|afraid|Zhang Wen|not|embarrassed||a few words|good words|help|him|get out of trouble Kongming was afraid that Zhang Wen would feel embarrassed, so he said a few good words to help him out. 孔明 話 : 酒席 之間 互相 問難 辯論 , 都 係 開下 玩笑 嘅 啫 。 Kongming|said|banquet|between|mutually|challenging questions|debate|all|is|having a little|joke|possessive particle|only Kongming said: During the banquet, it's just a bit of joking and debating with each other. 先生 深明 安邦定國 嘅 道理 , 至於 呢 啲 玩笑 說話 又 何必 在意 呢 , 哈哈哈 哈哈 。 sir|deeply understands|stabilizing the country and ensuring peace|possessive particle|reasoning|as for|this|plural marker|joke|remarks|again|why|care about|this|hahaha|ha The gentleman understands the principles of stabilizing the country, so why should we take these jokes seriously, hahaha. 張溫 再三 表示 佩服 啊 。 Cheung Man|repeatedly|expressed|admiration|ah Zhang Wen repeatedly expressed his admiration. 孔明 再次 派 鄧芝 去 東吳 答禮 , 所以 今日 啊 就 同 張溫 一齊 去 。 Zhuge Liang|again|send|Deng Zhi|to|Eastern Wu|return the gift|so|today|ah|then|together|Zhang Wen|at the same time|go Kongming sent Deng Zhi again to Eastern Wu to return the courtesy, so today he went together with Zhang Wen. 送別 嘅 宴會 一完 , 佢 兩個 辭別 咗 孔明同 文武百官 , 就 起程 嘞 。 farewell|possessive particle|banquet|once finished|they|the two|bid farewell|past tense marker||civil and military officials|then|set off|past action marker As soon as the farewell banquet was over, the two of them bid farewell to Kongming and the civil and military officials, and then set off. 噉 誒 當張 溫同 鄧芝 嚟 到 東吳 嘅 時候 , 孫權 召見 佢 哋 。 then|eh|||Deng Zhi|arrive|at|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|time|Sun Quan|summoned|they|plural marker When Zhang Wen and Deng Zhi arrived in Eastern Wu, Sun Quan summoned them. 張溫 首先 向 孫權 稟奏 咗 出使 蜀國 嘅 經過 , 大 讚 咗 一番 劉禪 同 孔明 嘅 賢德 。 Zhang Wen|first|to|Sun Quan|report|past tense marker|envoy|Shu Kingdom|possessive particle|process|greatly|praise|past tense marker|one round|Liu Shan|and|Kongming|possessive particle|virtuousness Zhang Wen first reported to Sun Quan about the mission to Shu, praising Liu Shan and Kongming's virtues. 話 佢 哋 呀 , 確係 誠心 要求 結成 友好 同盟 嘅 , 所以 特意 再次 派遣 鄧 尚書 又 嚟 答禮 噉 。 say|they|plural marker|sentence final particle|definitely|sincerely|request|form|friendly|alliance|possessive particle|so|deliberately|again|send|Deng|Secretary|again|come|return the favor|like this He said that they sincerely wanted to form a friendly alliance, so they specially sent Deng the Secretary again to return the courtesy. 孫權 非常 之 高興 , 舉行宴會 招待 鄧芝 。 Sun Quan|very|possessive particle|happy||entertain|Deng Zhi Sun Quan was very happy and held a banquet to entertain Deng Zhi. 飲飲 下酒 嘅 時候 , 孫權 問鄧芝 話 喇 : drinking|drinking with food|possessive particle|time|Sun Quan||words|particle indicating completed action While drinking and having a good time, Sun Quan asked Deng Zhi: 將來 , 若果 吳蜀 兩國 同心協力 消滅 咗 魏國 , 天下太平 嘞 , 兩位 主公 平分 天下 嗰 陣 係 幾 咁 快樂 呢 嚱? in the future|if|Wu and Shu|the two countries|work together|eliminate|past tense marker|Wei|the world is peaceful|past tense marker|the two|lords|divide equally|the world|that|time|is|how|so|happy|question particle|exclamation particle In the future, if the two countries of Wu and Shu work together to eliminate the Wei state, and the world is at peace, how happy would it be for the two lords to share the world? 鄧芝 回答 話 喇 : 天無二日 , 民無二主 啊 。 Tang Chi|replied|said|particle indicating completed action|||particle indicating exclamation Deng Zhi replied: There cannot be two suns in the sky, nor can there be two rulers among the people. 如果 消滅 咗 魏國 之後 , 唔 知 天意 想將 天下 歸於 邊個 呢 ? if|destroy|past tense marker|Wei state|after|not|know|heaven's will||the world|to belong to|whom|question particle If we eliminate the Wei state, who knows whose will the heavens want to bestow the world upon? 不過 無論如何 , 作為 一位 君主 就要 賢德 , 作為 臣子 就要 盡忠 , 噉 戰爭 先至 可以 停息 啊 。 however|no matter what|as|a|monarch|must|virtuous|as|subject|must|be loyal|then|war|only then|can|cease|ah However, regardless of the circumstances, as a monarch one must be virtuous, and as a subject one must be loyal, only then can the war come to an end. 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 先生 真 係 老實 到 噉 樣 㗎 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 hahaha|haha|haha|||||||||| Hahaha, the gentleman is really so honest like this, hahaha. 孫權 於是 送 咗 豐厚 嘅 禮物 畀 鄧芝 , 然後 送 佢 返 去 蜀國 。 Sun Quan|then|sent|past tense marker|generous|possessive particle|gift|to|Deng Zhi|afterwards|sent|him|return|to|Shu Kingdom Sun Quan then sent generous gifts to Deng Zhi, and then sent him back to Shu. 從此 之後 啊 , 吳蜀 兩國 就 和 好 返 嘞 。 from now on|after|ah|Wu and Shu|two countries|then|||back|past tense marker From then on, the two countries of Wu and Shu reconciled. 噉 啊 呢 件 事 畀 魏國 嘅 間諜 探聽到 啊 , 就 立即 報告 上去 畀 曹丕 知 。 then|particle|this|classifier for events|matter|by|Wei state|possessive particle|spy|overheard|particle|then|immediately|report|up|by|Cao Pi|informed This matter was overheard by spies from Wei, who immediately reported it to Cao Pi. 曹丕 就 可惱 嘢 啦 佢 話 吳 蜀 聯合 , 必定 係 想 嚟 侵犯 中原 嘅 , 不如 朕 打 佢 先 仲 好 啦 。 Cao Pi|then|annoying|thing|particle|he|said|Wu|Shu|alliance|definitely|is|wants|to come|invade|Central Plains|possessive particle|might as well|I (imperial pronoun)|fight|them|first|even|better|particle Cao Pi was quite annoyed and said that the alliance between Wu and Shu must be aimed at invading the Central Plains, so it would be better for me to attack them first. 於是 就 召集 所有 嘅 文武 大臣 嚟 商量 起兵 攻打 吳國 。 then|immediately|gathered|all|possessive particle|civil and military|ministers|to|discuss|raise troops|attack|Wu state So he summoned all the civil and military officials to discuss launching an attack on the state of Wu. 喺 呢 個 時候 啊 , 大司馬 曹仁 、 太傅 賈詡 呢 都 已經 死 咗 嘞 。 at|this|measure word|time|particle|Grand General|Cao Ren|Grand Tutor|Jia Xu|particle|all|already|died|past tense marker|particle At this time, the Grand General Cao Ren and the Grand Tutor Jia Xu had already died. 侍中 辛毗出 班 啟奏話 : 我 哋 中原 地多 人少 , 要 出兵 打仗 冇 乜嘢 好處 。 Imperial Attendant||group||I|plural marker|Central Plains|||need|to send troops|to fight|not have|any|benefits The Palace Attendant Xin Pi stood up and reported: We have a large area of land in the Central Plains but a small population, so there is not much benefit in sending troops to fight. 當前 最好 就 係 養兵 屯田 十年 , 等到 足食足兵 , 然後 出師 去 攻打 吳蜀 , 噉 先至 可以 攻破 佢 哋 㗎 。 currently|best|just|is|raising troops|farming|ten years|until|sufficient food and troops|then|deploy troops|to|attack|Wu and Shu|then|only then|can|defeat|them|plural marker|sentence final particle The best course of action right now is to train the army and cultivate the land for ten years, so that we have enough food and soldiers, and then we can launch an attack on Wu and Shu, which will allow us to defeat them. 曹丕 唔 高興 嘞 佢 話 : 呢 啲 都 係 書生 不切實際 嘅 議論 。 Cao Pi|not|happy|past tense marker|he|said|these|plural marker|all|are|scholar|unrealistic|possessive particle|arguments Cao Pi was not happy and said: These are all impractical discussions from scholars. 而家 吳蜀 聯合 , 好 快 就 會 起兵 嚟 侵犯 喇 , 邊度 有 時間 等 你 十年 啦 。 right now|Wu and Shu|are united|||then|will|raise troops|come|invade|particle indicating completed action|where|has|time|to wait|you|ten years|particle indicating finality Now that Wu and Shu have united, they will soon raise troops to invade, where would there be time to wait for you for ten years. 就 立即 下令 起兵 去 攻打 吳國 喇 。 then|immediately|ordered|to raise troops|to|attack|Wu state|particle So he immediately ordered to raise troops to attack the state of Wu. 司馬懿 就 建議 話 喇 : 吳國 有 長江 天險 , 冇 船 就過 唔 去 嘅 。 Sima Yi|then|suggested|said|particle indicating completed action|Wu state|has|Yangtze River|natural barrier|without|boats||not|go|particle indicating possession or emphasis Sima Yi suggested: The state of Wu has the natural barrier of the Yangtze River, and without boats, we cannot cross. 陛下 必須 御駕親征 , 出動 大小 戰船 。 Your Majesty|must|lead the troops personally|deploy|large and small|warships Your Majesty must personally lead the expedition and deploy both large and small warships. 由 蔡水 、 穎 水 進入 淮河 , 奪取 壽春去 到 廣陵 , 渡過 江口 , 直取 南徐 , 呢 個 乃 係 上策 啊 。 from|Cai Shui|||enter|Huai River|seize||to|Guangling|cross|river mouth|directly attack|Nanxu|this|classifier|indeed|is|best strategy|ah From Cai Shui and Ying Shui entering the Huai River, seizing Shouchun and heading to Guangling, crossing the river mouth, and directly targeting Nanjing, this is indeed the best strategy. 曹丕聽 佢 嘅 , 於是 日夜 開工 做 咗 十隻 龍舟 。 |he|possessive particle|so|day and night|started working|made|past tense marker||dragon boats Cao Pi listened to him, so he worked day and night to build ten dragon boats. 每 隻 二十幾丈 長 , 可以 坐 得 二千 幾 人 嘅 。 each|measure word for vehicles|over twenty zhang|long|can|sit|particle indicating possibility|two thousand|more than|people|possessive particle Each boat is over twenty zhang long and can accommodate over two thousand people. 另外 準備 好 戰船 , 大大小小 總共 三千 幾隻 。 additionally|prepare|ready|warships|all sizes|in total|three thousand|a few more In addition, he prepared warships, totaling over three thousand of various sizes. 噉 啊 喺 魏黃初 五年 啊 , 即 係 公元 二二 四年 , 八月 。 then|particle|at|Wei Huangchu||particle|||AD|twenty-two||August This was in the fifth year of Wei Huangchu, which is the year 224 AD, in August. 曹丕 任命 曹真 做 前部 ; 張 遼 、 張 郃 、 文聘 、 徐晃 等 人 做 大將 先行 ; 許褚 、 呂虔 做 中軍 護衛 ; 曹休 做合 後 ; 劉曄 、 蔣濟 做 參謀 官 。 Cao Pi|appointed|Cao Zhen|to be|front unit|||||Wen Pin|Xu Huang|etc|people|to be|general|vanguard|Xu Chu|Lu Qian|to be|central army|guards|Cao Xiu||rear|Liu Ye|Jiang Ji|to be|staff|officer Cao Pi appointed Cao Zhen as the front commander; Zhang Liao, Zhang He, Wen Pin, Xu Huang, and others as the main generals; Xu Chu and Lu Qian as the central army guards; Cao Xiu as the rear commander; Liu Ye and Jiang Ji as the staff officers. 噉 啊 點齊 前後 水陸 軍馬 三 十幾萬 , 擇日 出發 。 like this|ah|gather|before and after|land and water|troops and horses|three|over a hundred thousand|choose a day|depart So, they gathered over 300,000 troops and horses from both land and water, and chose a day to set off. 封司馬懿 做 尚書 僕射 , 留 喺 許昌 , 一切 國政 大事 全部 由 司馬懿 決定 喇 。 |serve as|Minister of Personnel|Deputy Minister|stay|in|Xuchang|all|state affairs|major matters|all|by|Sima Yi|decided|particle indicating completed action Sima Yi was appointed as the Minister of Personnel and stayed in Xuchang, with all major national affairs decided by Sima Yi. 噉 孫權 一 聽講 曹丕 率領 水陸 大軍 卅 幾萬 , 嚟 進攻 江南 , 嘿驚 到 佢 不得了 , 立即 召集 文武 大臣 嚟 商量 。 then|Sun Quan|one|heard|Cao Pi|leading|land and water|large army|thirty|tens of thousands|come|attack|Jiangnan|very scared|to|he|not good|immediately|summoned|civil and military|officials|to come|discuss When Sun Quan heard that Cao Pi was leading an army of over 300,000 to attack Jiangnan, he was extremely alarmed and immediately summoned his civil and military officials to discuss. 顧雍 就 話 喇 : 而 家主 上 既然 同西 蜀 聯合 咯 , 就 可以 寫封信 畀 諸葛孔明 , 叫 佢 由 漢中 出兵 牽制 北魏 。 Gu Yong|then|said|particle indicating completed action|and|head of the family|honorific title|since||Shu|allied|particle indicating completed action|then|can|write a letter|to|Zhuge Kongming|ask|him|from|Hanzhong|send troops|restrain|Northern Wei Gu Yong said: Since the lord has allied with the Western Shu, we can write a letter to Zhuge Kongming, asking him to send troops from Hanzhong to restrain the Northern Wei. 另一方面 , 主上 派 一位 大將 帶兵 去 南 徐駐 扎 抵抗 魏兵 啦 。 on the other hand|our lord|sent|one|general|led troops|to|South|Xu's garrison|Zha|resist|Wei troops|particle indicating completion or emphasis On the other hand, the lord sent a general to lead troops to South Xu to resist the Wei army. 孫權 話 喇 : 噉 誒 除非 陸遜 去 啦 , 否則 冇 人 能夠 擔當 呢 個 咁 重 嘅 責任 嘅 。 Sun Quan|said|particle indicating completion|like this|ah|unless|Lu Xun|go|particle indicating completion|otherwise|no|person|able to|take on|this|particle for counting|so|heavy|possessive particle|responsibility| Sun Quan said: "Unless Lu Xun goes, otherwise no one can take on such a heavy responsibility." 顧雍話 : 陸遜 鎮守 荊州 , 唔 離得開 噃。 Gu Yong said|Lu Xun|garrisoned|Jingzhou|not|able to leave|particle indicating certainty Gu Yong said: "Lu Xun is stationed in Jingzhou, he cannot leave." 孤王 唔 係 唔 知道 啊 , 無奈 眼前 冇 一個 人 頂替 得 佢 呢 ! lonely king|not|is|not|know|ah|helplessly|in front of|no|one|person|replace|able|him|question particle The lonely king is not unaware, but unfortunately there is no one available to replace him! 孫權 說話 未 完 , 有 一個 人 喺 班 部 裏面 應聲 而 出話 : Sun Quan|speaking|not|finished|there is|one|person|in|group|department|inside|in response|and|spoke Before Sun Quan finished speaking, someone in the group responded and said: 臣 雖然 冇 才能 , 但 係 願意 統率 一支 軍隊 去 抵擋 魏兵 。 I|although|have no|talent|||willing|to lead|a|army|to|resist|Wei soldiers Although I have no talent, I am willing to lead an army to resist the Wei soldiers. 若果 曹丕 親自 渡過 江 嚟 , 臣必 定將 佢 生擒活捉 , 獻 於 殿下 。 if|Cao Pi|personally|crossed|river|here|||him|capture alive|present|to|Your Highness If Cao Pi personally crosses the river, I will definitely capture him alive and present him to Your Majesty. 若果 佢 唔 渡江 , 亦 要將 魏兵 斬殺 大半 , 使到 魏兵 唔 敢 正視 東吳 啊 ! if|he|not|cross the river|also||Wei soldiers|slay|most|so that||not|dare|confront|Eastern Wu|ah If he does not cross the river, I will also kill most of the Wei soldiers, so that they will not dare to face Eastern Wu! 係 邊個 咁 夠威 啊 ? 係 徐盛 啊 ! is|who|so|impressive|particle|is|Xu Sheng|particle Who is so powerful? It is Xu Sheng! 孫權 極之 歡喜 , 佢 話 : 好 ! 如果 得到 將軍 鎮守 江南 , 孤王 就 唔 使 擔心 喇 。 Sun Quan|extremely|happy|he|said|good|if|obtains|general|stationed|Jiangnan|this king|then|||worry|particle indicating completed action Sun Quan was extremely pleased, and he said: Good! If we can have the general stationed in Jiangnan, I will not have to worry. 於是 就 封 徐盛 做 安東 將軍 , 統率 建業 、 南 徐 嘅 全部 軍馬 。 then|immediately|confer|Xu Sheng|made|Eastern Wu|general|command|Jianye|southern|Xu|possessive particle|all|cavalry So, Xu Sheng was appointed as the General of Andong, commanding all the troops and horses in Jianye and Nanzhou. 徐盛 謝過恩 , 接受 咗 命令 就 退出 去 。 Xu Sheng|thanked En|accepted|past tense marker|order|then|withdrew|go Xu Sheng thanked for the grace, accepted the order, and then withdrew. 即時 傳令 , 吩咐 添置 多 啲 兵器 旌旗 , 要 嚟 守衛 江岸 。 immediately|issue orders|instruct|procure|more|particle indicating quantity|weapons|banners|need|to come|defend|riverbank Immediately, he issued orders to procure more weapons and flags, to guard the riverbank. 徐盛 部下 有名 將官 叫做 孫韶 , 佢 係 孫權 個 侄 , 現任 揚威 將軍 , 曾經 鎮守 過 廣陵郡 , 年少氣盛 極有 膽量 嘅 。 Xu Sheng|subordinate|famous|general|called|Sun Shao|he|is|Sun Quan|possessive particle|nephew|currently serving|Yangwei|general|once|garrisoned|past tense marker|Guangling Commandery|young and arrogant|extremely|courage|possessive particle Xu Sheng had a famous subordinate named Sun Shao, who was Sun Quan's nephew, currently serving as the General of Yangwei, and had previously garrisoned Guangling County. He was young, ambitious, and very courageous. 佢 今日 見到 徐盛 只 係 下令 防守 就 挺身而出 話 : He|today|saw|Xu Sheng|only|was|giving orders|defense|then|stepped up|said Today, upon seeing Xu Sheng only ordering defense, he boldly stepped forward and said: 都督 , 今日 大王 將 咁 重 嘅 責任 , 委託 畀 你 , 就 係 要 擊敗 魏兵 生擒 曹丕 。 Commander|today|the Great King|will|so|heavy|possessive particle|responsibility|entrusted|to|you|just|is|need to|defeat|Wei soldiers|capture alive|Cao Pi Governor, today the king is entrusting you with such a heavy responsibility, which is to defeat the Wei troops and capture Cao Pi. 都督 點解 唔 早日 派遣 大軍 渡過 長江 , 喺 淮南 地區 迎擊 敵軍 ? Governor|why|not|earlier|send|large army|cross|Yangtze River|at|Huainan|region|counterattack|enemy army Why hasn't the governor sent the army across the Yangtze River early to confront the enemy in the Huainan region? 如果 喺 度 等待 曹丕 嘅 兵 到 呀 , 係 非常 被動 㗎 ! if|at|here|waiting|Cao Pi|possessive particle|troops|arrive|sentence-final particle|is|very|passive| If we wait here for Cao Pi's troops to arrive, it will be very passive! 徐盛話 喇 : 曹丕 嘅 兵力 強大 , 更 兼有 名將 做 先鋒 , 我軍 唔 應該 渡江 迎擊 。 Xu Sheng said|particle indicating finality|Cao Pi|possessive particle|military strength|strong|even|also has|famous general|as|vanguard|our army|not|should|cross the river|engage in battle Xu Sheng said: Cao Pi's forces are strong, and they also have famous generals as vanguards, so our army should not cross the river to confront them. 等到 佢 哋 嘅 戰船 都 集結 喺 北岸 嘅 時候 , 我 自然 有 擊破 佢 哋 嘅 計策 。 when|they|plural marker|possessive particle|warships|all|gathered|at|north shore|possessive particle|time|I|naturally|have|defeated|they|plural marker|possessive particle|strategy When their warships have gathered on the north bank, I will naturally have a strategy to defeat them. 都督 , 末將 手下 有 三千 人馬 , 更 兼 熟悉 廣陵 一帶 嘅 形勢 。 Governor|this humble general|under command|has|three thousand|troops|moreover|also|familiar with|Guangling|surrounding area|possessive particle|situation Governor, I have three thousand troops under my command, and I am also familiar with the terrain around Guangling. 末將 自願 去 江北 , 同 曹丕 決一死戰 ! I the general|voluntarily|go|Jiangbei|together|Cao Pi| I volunteer to go to the north of the river and fight to the death against Cao Pi! 如果 唔 贏 , 敢當 軍令 ! if|not|win|dare to take on|military order If we do not win, I will take full responsibility for the military orders! 徐盛 唔 同意 。 Xu Sheng|not|agree Xu Sheng does not agree. 噉 啊 孫韶 堅持 話 要 去 , 徐盛 硬 係 唔 畀 。 like that|ah|Sun Siu|insisted|said|to|go|Cheung Shing|stubbornly|is|not|allow However, Sun Shao insists on going, but Xu Sheng firmly refuses. 孫韶 再三再四 點都 話 要 去 , 激到 徐盛 發火 喇 佢 話 : Sun Shao|repeatedly|no matter what|said|want|to go|provoked|Xu Sheng|got angry|already|he|said Sun Shao repeatedly insisted on going, which made Xu Sheng furious and he said: 你 噉 樣 不 聽 號令 , 我仲 點樣 指揮 ? you|like this|appearance|not|listen|orders||how|command If you don't listen to orders like this, how can I command? 刀斧手 ! knife and axe wielder Executioner! 有 ! have Yes! 將孫韶 推出 去 , 斬 ! |to push out|away|to chop Push Sun Shao out and execute! 係 ! yes Yes! 刀斧手 捉住 孫韶 , 拉 咗 佢 出去 轅門 外便 豎起 一面 黑旗 , 準備 行刑 嘞 。 executioner|caught|Sun Shao|pulled|past tense marker|he|outside|the gate|outside|raised|a|black flag|prepared|execution|past tense marker The executioners captured Sun Shao, dragged him outside the gate, and raised a black flag, preparing to carry out the execution. 嘩弊 咯 ! 孫 韶 嘅 部將 呀 飛馬 去 報告 孫權 。 wow|particle indicating realization|Sun|Shao|possessive particle|general|particle indicating exclamation|Feima|to go|report|Sun Quan Oh no! Sun Shao's general, Feima, went to report to Sun Quan. 孫權 一聽 , 嘿 ! 急忙 騎馬 就 跑 嚟 救命 。 Sun Quan|upon hearing|hey|hurriedly|riding a horse|then|ran|here|to save As soon as Sun Quan heard this, he hurriedly rode his horse to come and save him. 好彩 嚟 得 快 , 孫權 馬 到 呀 刀斧手 正 係 想 行刑 。 fortunately|arrive|able|quickly|Sun Quan|horse|arrive|particle|executioner|just|is|want|carry out the execution Fortunately, he arrived quickly; just as Sun Quan got there, the executioners were about to carry out the execution. 孫權 大喝一聲 , 趕走 啲 刀斧手 , 就 救返 孫韶 。 Sun Quan|shouted loudly|drove away|the|assassins|then|rescued|Sun Shao Sun Quan shouted loudly, driving away the assassins, and then rescued Sun Shao. 孫韶 喊住 對 孫權 話 喇 : Sun Shao|shouting|to|Sun Quan|said|particle indicating completed action Sun Shao cried out to Sun Quan: 臣 往年 喺 廣陵 , 熟悉 地勢 , 如果 唔 喺 嗰 處 同 曹丕 廝殺 呀 , 等 佢 過 咗 長江 , 我 哋 東吳 要 亡國 㗎 喇 陛下 ! I|previous year|at|Guangling|familiar with|terrain|if|not|at|that|place|with|Cao Pi|fight to the death|particle|let|him|cross|past tense marker|Yangtze River|we|plural marker|Eastern Wu|will|perish|particle|particle|Your Majesty In the past, I was familiar with the terrain in Guangling. If I don't fight with Cao Pi there, and he crosses the Yangtze River, our Eastern Wu will be doomed, Your Majesty! 哎 , 你 唔 好講 咁 多 ! hey|you|||| Hey, don't say so much! 孫權入 去 軍營 , 徐盛 迎接 咗 佢 入 去 中軍帳 , 就 對 孫權 稟奏 話 嘞 : |to|barracks|Xu Sheng|welcomed|past tense marker|he|enter|to|central army tent|then|to|Sun Quan|report|said|past tense marker Sun Quan entered the military camp, and Xu Sheng welcomed him into the central army tent, then reported to Sun Quan: 大王 任命 臣 做 都督 , 帶兵 抵抗 魏 軍 。 the king|appointed|minister|to be|commander|lead troops|resist|Wei|army The king appoints me as the governor to lead the troops against the Wei army. 今日 , 揚威 將軍 孫韶 唔 遵守 軍法 , 罪該 問斬 ! today|General Yang Wei|general|Sun Shao|not|obey|military law|crime deserves|be executed Today, General Yangwei Sun Shao disobeyed military law, and the crime deserves execution! 大王 點解 要 赦免 佢 呢 ? the king|why|must|pardon|him|question particle Why does the king want to pardon him? 孫韶恃住 血氣 之壯 , 佢 亦 一心 為國 , 誤犯 軍法 , 請 都督 寬恕 咗 佢 啦 。 Sun Shao relies on|youthful vigor||he|also|wholeheartedly|for the country|mistakenly violated|military law|please|governor|forgive|past tense marker|him|sentence-final particle Sun Shao, relying on his youthful vigor, is also wholeheartedly serving the country. He mistakenly violated military law, please forgive him, governor. 陛下 , 法律 唔 係 臣 所定 立 嘅 , 亦 唔 係 大王 所定立 , 法律 乃 係 國家 嘅 常 刑 。 Your Majesty|law|not|is|I (the minister)|||possessive particle|also|not|is|the king|established|law|is|is|country|possessive particle|constant|punishment Your Majesty, the law is not established by me, nor is it established by the king; the law is the constant punishment of the state. 若果 因爲 同 佢 有 親 而 赦免 佢 , 以後 又 點樣 叫 大家 執行命令 呢 ? if|because|with|he|has|relationship|and|forgive|him|in the future|again|how|to tell|everyone||question particle If he is pardoned because he is related to him, how can we expect everyone to follow orders in the future? 係 嘅 , 孫韶犯 咗 軍法 , 本應 任憑 都督 你 處置 。 |||past tense marker|military law|should|at the discretion of|governor|you|handle Yes, Sun Shao has violated military law and should be dealt with by you, the governor. 不過 , 唉 , 佢 本來 係 姓 俞 , 孤 王 嘅 先兄 非常 痛愛 佢 , 所以 賜 佢 姓 孫 , 對 我 亦 有過 唔 少 功績 。 but|sigh|he|originally|is|surname|Yu|Gu|Wang|possessive particle|elder brother|very|doted on|him|so|bestowed|him|surname|Sun|towards|me|also|had|not|few|contributions However, sigh, he originally had the surname Yu, and the late king's elder brother was very fond of him, so he granted him the surname Sun, and he has also made quite a few contributions to me. 今日 如果 殺 咗 佢 , 就 對 唔 住 先兄 咯 。 today|if|kill|past tense marker|him|then||||elder brother|sentence-final particle If we kill him today, it would be disrespectful to the elder brother. 好 啦 , 睇 在 大王 嘅 面子 , 姑且 免 佢 死罪 啦 。 |sentence-final particle|||||||||| Alright, for the sake of the king's face, let's spare him from the death penalty for now. 啊 噉 就 好 極喇好 極喇 ! ah|like this|then|good||extremely Ah, that's great, really great! 孫韶過 嚟 , 快 啲 拜謝 都督 不殺 之恩 ! Sun Shaoguo|come|quickly|a little|thank|governor|not kill|grace Sun Shao, come here quickly and thank the governor for his mercy! 哼 ! 照 我 睇 呀 , 就 係 要 帶兵 去 攻 曹丕 , 我 死 都 唔 服 你 嘅 見識 㗎 喇 ! hum|according to|I|see|particle|just|is|need to|lead troops|to|attack|Cao Pi|I|die|also|not|convinced|your|possessive particle|insight|particle|particle Hmph! In my opinion, we should lead the troops to attack Cao Pi. I would rather die than accept your views! 嘩 嗨 , 當堂 激到 徐盛 面色 都 變晒 。 wow|hi|on the spot|excited|Xu Sheng|complexion|all|changed completely Wow, it was so intense that even Xu Sheng's expression changed. 孫權 急急 喝住 孫韶 , 趕 佢 出去 , 然後 對 徐盛話 喇 : Sun Quan|urgently|to stop|Sun Shao|to drive|him|outside|then|to||particle indicating completed action Sun Quan hurriedly stopped Sun Shao, drove him out, and then said to Xu Sheng: 都督 , 你 唔 好 計較 佢 。 Governor|you|||be so critical of|him Governor, don't hold it against him. 就算 冇 咗 呢 個 細佬哥 對 我軍 又 有 乜嘢 損失 呢 ? 今後 唔 再 用 佢 就 係 喇 ! even if|has no|past tense marker|this|measure word|younger brother|towards|our army|again|has|what|loss|this|in the future|not|again|use|him|then|is|sentence-final particle Even if we lose this little brother, what loss is there to our army? From now on, we just won't use him! 孫權 講完 就 返 扯 。 Sun Quan|finished speaking|then|return|to pull After Sun Quan finished speaking, he went back to his business. 當晚 , 徐盛 得到 報告 話 孫韶帶 住 本部 三千 精兵 , 偷偷 過 咗 江喇 噉 。 that night|Xu Sheng|received|report|said||stationed|headquarters|three thousand|elite soldiers|secretly|crossed|past tense marker|Jiangla|like that That night, Xu Sheng received a report that Sun Shao had brought three thousand elite troops to the headquarters and secretly crossed the river. 徐盛怕 孫韶有 咩 三長兩短 冬瓜 豆腐 啊 , 噉 喺 孫權 面子 上 唔 好 睇 吖 。 ||any|misfortune|winter melon|tofu|ah|then|at|Sun Quan|face|on|not|good|seen|ah Xu Sheng was worried that something might happen to Sun Shao, which would make Sun Quan look bad. 就 叫 丁奉 嚟 , 叫 佢 如此這般 , 帶 三千 兵 跟 住 渡江 去 接應 孫韶 。 then|call|Ding Feng|come|tell|him|like this|bring|three thousand|soldiers|follow|stay|cross the river|go|support|Sun Shao So call Ding Feng here, tell him to do this and that, and bring three thousand soldiers to cross the river to support Sun Shao. 話分 兩頭 , 而家 講下 魏主曹 丕 , 佢 坐 住 龍舟 就 嚟 到 廣陵 。 talk about|two ends|now|talk about|Wei Lord Cao|Pi|he|||dragon boat|then|||Guangling Now let's talk about the Wei ruler Cao Pi, who is sitting on the dragon boat and is about to arrive at Guangling. 呢 個 時候 前鋒 曹真 啊 , 已經 率領 人馬 喺 長江 岸邊 駐扎 。 this|measure word|time|forward|Cao Zhen|ah|already|led|troops|at|Yangtze River|riverside|stationed At this time, the vanguard Cao Zhen has already led his troops stationed on the banks of the Yangtze River. 曹丕問 : 對岸 有 幾多 吳兵 啊 ? |the opposite bank|has|how many|Wu soldiers|question particle Cao Pi asked: How many Wu soldiers are on the opposite bank? 曹真 回答 話 : 隔岸 遠遠 噉 望 過去 一個 人 都 唔 見 , 而且 亦 冇 旌旗 營寨 噃。 Cao Zhen|replied|saying|across the river|far away|like that|looking|past|one|person|at all|not|seen|moreover|also|have not|flags|camps|particle Cao Zhen replied: From the opposite bank, I can't see a single person, and there are no flags or camps either. 嘿 ! 呢 個實 係 詭計 嚟 。 hey|this||is|trick|come Hey! This is really a trick. 朕 要 親自 去 睇 下 佢 嘅 虛實 。 I|want|personally|go|see|a little|he|possessive particle|true intentions I want to personally see what the truth is. 於是 啊將 龍舟 啊 直 駛出 長江 , 泊 喺 岸邊 。 then||dragon boat|particle|straight|sail out|Yangtze River|dock|at|riverside So, the dragon boat sailed straight out of the Yangtze River and docked by the shore. 龍舟 就 好 架勢 㗎 , 豎起 龍鳳 日月 五色 旌旗 , 左右 白旄黃鉞 , 鐙 棒 戈矛 真 係 光彩耀目 呀 。 dragon boat|just|very|impressive|particle indicating certainty|raised|dragon and phoenix|sun and moon|five colors|flags|on the left and right||a type of weapon|stick|halberd|really|is|dazzling|particle indicating exclamation The dragon boat looks magnificent, with dragon and phoenix, sun and moon, and five-colored flags raised, along with white banners and yellow halberds on both sides, and the spears and halberds are truly dazzling. 曹丕 啊 坐 正 喺 船頭 , 遠遠 噉 瞭望 大江 嘅 南岸 。 Cao Pi|ah|sitting|just|at|bow of the boat|far away|like that|looking out|big river|possessive particle|south bank Cao Pi is sitting right at the bow of the boat, looking far at the southern bank of the river. 吖 確實 係 一個 人 都 唔 見 噃。 ah|indeed|is|one|person|all|not|see|particle Ah, indeed, there isn't a single person to be seen. 佢 擰 過頭 嚟 問下 劉曄同 蔣濟 : 你 哋 話 , 可 唔 可以 渡江 呢 ? He||over|come|ask||Jiang Ji|you|plural marker|said|can|not|can|cross the river|question particle He turned his head and asked Liu Ye and Jiang Ji: You guys say, is it possible to cross the river? 劉曄話 喇 : 陛下 , 兵法 虛虛實實 , 佢 哋 見到 大軍 壓境 , 點會 不作 準備 㗎 。 Liu Ye said|particle indicating finality|Your Majesty|military strategy|feints and real attacks|they|plural marker|seeing|large army|pressing on the borders|how could|not make|preparations|particle indicating certainty Liu Ye said: Your Majesty, military strategy is about deception; seeing the large army pressing in, how could they not prepare? 陛下 唔 好 輕舉妄動 啊 。 Your Majesty|not|very|act rashly|ah Your Majesty, please do not act rashly. 即管 再 等 三 幾日 , 睇 下 動靜 先 。 immediately|again|wait|three|few days|see|next|developments|first Let's wait for another three or four days to see what happens first. 然後 派出 先鋒 部隊 渡江 去 試探 下 啦 。 then|send|vanguard|troops|cross the river|to|probe|down|particle Then send out the vanguard troops to cross the river and test the waters. 冇 錯 , 你 所講 嘅 正 合 朕 嘅 心意 。 not|wrong|you|what you said|possessive particle|exactly|match|I (imperial pronoun)|possessive particle|intention That's right, what you said is exactly what I have in mind. 各位 , 要 知道 魏吳 交鋒 啊 誰 勝誰敗 , 且 聽 下回分解 。 everyone|must|know|Wei and Wu|confrontation|particle|who||and|listen| Everyone, to know who wins and who loses in the confrontation between Wei and Wu, let's wait for the next installment.

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