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I've never understood bullying.

Why do people have to make the life of another person so miserable? Why do they think they have the right to punch and kick someone they think is weaker than them. I was bullied when I was a child. It was a living hell. I was really afraid to go to school, for many, many years. I knew I was not safe during break times. It was always a group of bullies that got me in the corridors, or on the playing fields. They made me hate school. I know they also changed me for life. I have no confidence now. I'm 32 years old but I'm afraid to speak up for myself. The school bullies took away my belief in myself. They didn't know that they would scar me for life. The physical scars have gone but not the emotional ones.


I’ve never understood bullying.

Why do people have to make the life of another person so miserable? Why do they think they have the right to punch and kick someone they think is weaker than them. なぜ彼らは自分よりも弱いと思う人をpunchったり蹴ったりする権利があると思うのでしょうか。 I was bullied when I was a child. It was a living hell. I was really afraid to go to school, for many, many years. I knew I was not safe during break times. It was always a group of bullies that got me in the corridors, or on the playing fields. They made me hate school. I know they also changed me for life. I have no confidence now. I’m 32 years old but I’m afraid to speak up for myself. 私は32歳ですが、自分で話すのが怖いです。 The school bullies took away my belief in myself. 学校のいじめっ子は自分自身に対する私の信念を奪いました。 They didn’t know that they would scar me for life. 彼らは私が生涯私を怖がらせることを知りませんでした。 The physical scars have gone but not the emotional ones.