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Isn't it amazing how the radio has survived? It's been around for maybe a hundred years and is still going strong. I don't think it'll ever disappear. We all listen to the radio at some point in our week. Even with all our new technology, the radio is still an important way of getting music, news and information. I remember my first radio. Forty years ago now. It looks pretty much the same as today's radios. I used to listen to soccer matches on Saturdays. I still do that. I also loved breakfast radio. I love my iPod but when I'm driving, I turn on the car radio. I like the mix of chat, jokes and songs, except I don't always like the songs, the jokes or the chat. And some radio presenters are really annoying.


Isn't it amazing how the radio has survived? ラジオがどのように生き延びたのか、驚くことではありませんか? It's been around for maybe a hundred years and is still going strong. I don't think it'll ever disappear. We all listen to the radio at some point in our week. Even with all our new technology, the radio is still an important way of getting music, news and information. I remember my first radio. Forty years ago now. It looks pretty much the same as today's radios. I used to listen to soccer matches on Saturdays. I still do that. I also loved breakfast radio. I love my iPod but when I'm driving, I turn on the car radio. I like the mix of chat, jokes and songs, except I don't always like the songs, the jokes or the chat. And some radio presenters are really annoying.