Irish Revel (2)
Irisches Gelage (2)
Irish Revel (2)
شادی ایرلندی (2)
Fête irlandaise (2)
アイリッシュ レベル (2)
아이리쉬 레벨 (2)
Irish Revel (2)
Revelação Irlandesa (2)
Irish Revel (2)
Ірландський Ревель (2)
爱尔兰狂欢 (2)
愛爾蘭狂歡 (2)
In the upstairs room of the hotel the men were taking off their jackets and sitting down to eat.
The girls had carried the goose up from the kitchen, and it lay in the center of the table.
Mrs Rodgers had closed the public bar, and now she was cutting meat off the goose and putting it onto plates.
She kept Mary busy, serving the potatoes and passing the food around.
Sie hielt Mary auf Trab, servierte die Kartoffeln und reichte das Essen herum.
Mr Brogan, as chief guest, was served first, with the best cuts of goose.
Mary was surprised that people in towns seemed so coarse.
|||||||||grova, oslipade
When one of the men, Hickey, tried to take her hand, she did not smile at all.
She wished she were at home.
She knew what her family were doing there - the boys learning their lessons, her mother baking bread, her father rolling cigarettes and talking to himself.
In another hour they'd say their prayers and go up to bed.
The routine of their lives never changed.
The fresh bread was always cool by morning.
O'Toole, the young man who worked at the factory, had bright green eyes and hair so blond it was almost white.
'No one's offered me any food yet,' he said.
Bisher hat mir niemand etwas zu essen angeboten", sagte er.
'A nice way to behave.'
Eine nette Art, sich zu benehmen.
'Ett trevligt sätt att bete sig.'
'Oh God, Mary, haven't you given Mr O'Toole anything to eat yet?'
'Oh Gott, Mary, hast du Mr. O'Toole noch nichts zu essen gegeben?'
'Åh Gud, Mary, har du inte gett Mr O'Toole något att äta ännu?'
Mrs Rodgers said, and she gave Mary a push to hurry her up.
sagte Frau Rodgers und gab Mary einen Schubs, damit sie sich beeilte.
Mrs Rodgers sade, och hon gav Mary ett knuff för att få henne att skynda sig.
Mary gave him a large plateful, and he thanked her, saying they'd dance later.
|||||plate of food||||||||
|||||tallrik full||||||||
Mary gab ihm einen großen Teller, und er bedankte sich bei ihr und sagte, sie würden später tanzen.
To him she was far prettier than those good-for-nothing town girls - she was tall and thin like himself.
Für ihn war sie viel hübscher als diese Taugenichtse aus der Stadt - sie war groß und schlank wie er selbst.
För honom var hon mycket vackrare än de värdelösa stadstjejerna - hon var lång och smal som han själv.
And he liked a simple-minded girl with long hair.
Und er mochte ein einfältiges Mädchen mit langen Haaren.
Och han gillade en simpel tjej med långt hår.
Maybe later on he'd persuade her to go into another room, and they'd have sex.
Kanske senare skulle han övertala henne att gå in i ett annat rum, och de skulle ha sex.
She had lovely eyes when you looked into them, brown and deep.
The fifth woman at the party was Crystal, the local hairdresser, who had bright red hair, and who did not like the undercooked goose.
パーティーの 5 人目の女性は、地元の美容師であるクリスタルでした。彼女は真っ赤な髪をしていて、調理が不十分なガチョウが好きではありませんでした。
She and Mrs Rodgers were talking together when Brogan unexpectedly began to sing.
'Let the man sing, can't you,' O'Toole said to Doris and Eithne, who were giggling over a private joke.
Mary felt cold in her thin dress.
There hadn't been a fire in that room for years, and the air had not warmed up yet.
'Would any of the ladies care to sing?'
'Skulle någon av damerna vilja sjunga?'
asked O'Toole, when Brogan finished.
frågade O'Toole när Brogan var klar.
'I'm sure you can sing,' he said to Mary.
'Jag är säker på att du kan sjunga,' sa han till Mary.
'Where she comes from, they can only just talk,' Doris said.
'Var hon kommer ifrån kan de bara prata', sa Doris.
Mary blushed.
Mary blev röd i ansiktet.
She said nothing, but she felt angry.
Hon sa ingenting, men hon kände sig arg.
Her family ate with a knife and fork, she thought proudly, and had a cloth on the kitchen table, not a plastic one like this, and kept a tin of coffee in the cupboard in case strangers came to the door.
Hennes familj åt med kniv och gaffel, tänkte hon stolt, och hade en duk på köksbordet, inte en plastduk som denna, och förvarade en burk kaffe i skåpet ifall främlingar kom till dörren.
'Christ, boys, we forgot the soup!'
Herregud, grabbar, vi glömde soppan!
Mrs Rodgers said suddenly, and hurried out with Doris to fetch it from the kitchen.
Mrs Rodgers sade plötsligt och skyndade ut med Doris för att hämta den från köket.
After the soup, O'Toole poured out four glasses of whiskey, making sure that the level in each glass was the same.
スープの後、オトゥールはウィスキーを 4 杯注ぎ、それぞれのグラスの量が同じであることを確認しました。
There were bottles of beer as well.
The ladies had gin and orange.
'Orange for me,' said Mary, but when her back was turned, O'Toole put gin in her orange.
They all raised their glasses and drank to Brogan's future.
Long John Salmon, the fourth man at the party, asked Brogan about his plans, and Brogan began to talk about the things he wanted to do to his house and garden.
||Lång John Salmon||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
'Come on, someone, tell us a joke,' said Hickey after a while.
He was bored with gardening talk.
Han var uttråkad av trädgårdssnack.
'I'll tell you a joke,' said Long John Salmon.
'Jag ska berätta ett skämt,' sa Long John Salmon.
'Is it a funny joke?'
'Är det ett roligt skämt?'
Brogan asked.
'It's about my brother Patrick,' Long John Salmon said.
'Not that old thing again,' said Hickey and O'Toole, together.
'Oh, let him tell it,' said Mrs Rodgers, who had never heard it.
Long John Salmon told a story about his brother, who died, but came back a month later as a ghost, walking through walls and around the yard.
'Ah God, let's have a bit of music,' said Hickey, who had heard that story nine or ten times.
It had neither a beginning, a middle, nor an end.
Det hade varken en början, ett mitt eller ett slut.
They put a record on, and O'Toole asked Mary to dance.
De satte på en skiva, och O'Toole bad Mary att dansa.
Brogan and Mrs Rodgers were dancing too, and Crystal said that she'd dance if anyone asked her.
Brogan と Mrs Rodgers も踊っていて、Crystal は誰かに頼まれたら踊ると言いました。
Brogan och fru Rodgers dansade också, och Crystal sa att hon skulle dansa om någon bad henne.
Mary felt strange - her head was going round and round, and in her stomach there was a nice feeling that made her want to lie back and stretch her legs.
メアリーは不思議に思いました - 彼女の頭はぐるぐる回っていました、そして彼女の胃の中には彼女が横になって足を伸ばしたくなるような心地よい気持ちがありました.
A new feeling that frightened her.
O'Toole danced her right out of the room and into the cold passage beyond, where he kissed her clumsily.
Inside the room, Crystal had begun to cry, sitting at the table with her head on her arms.
Gin and orange always made her cry.
'Hickey, there is no happiness in life,' she cried bitterly.
'What happiness?'
said Hickey, who was full of drink.
Doris and Eithne sat on either side of Long John Salmon, talking sweetly to him.
He was a strange man, but he owned a large fruit farm and he was still single.
Brogan, breathless from dancing, was now sitting down, with Mrs Rodgers sitting on his knees.
The record finished, and Mary ran in from the dark passage, away from O'Toole, who followed her in, laughing.
O'Toole was the first to cause trouble.
O'Toole war der erste, der Ärger machte.
O'Toole var den första att orsaka problem.
He became offended when Mrs Rodgers prevented him from telling a rude joke.
Er war beleidigt, als Frau Rodgers ihn daran hinderte, einen unhöflichen Witz zu erzählen.
Han blev förolämpad när fru Rodgers hindrade honom från att berätta ett elakt skämt.
'Think of the girls,' Mrs Rodgers said.
'Tänk på flickorna,' sa fru Rodgers.
O'Toole said nastily.
sagte O'Toole boshaft.
He picked up the bottle of cream and poured it over the few remaining bits of goose.
Er nahm die Flasche mit der Sahne und goss sie über die wenigen verbliebenen Gänsestücke.
Han plockade upp flaskan med grädde och hällde den över de få återstående bitarna av gås.
'Christ, man!'
'Herregud, mannen!'
Hickey said, taking the bottle of cream away.
Hickey sa och tog bort flaskan med grädde.
Mrs Rodgers said it was time everyone went to bed, as the party seemed to be over.
All the guests were staying the night at the hotel.
The four girls were going to share one room.
In the bedroom, Mary sighed.
I sovrummet suckade Mary.
Before they could go to bed, they had to move the heavy furniture back to the sitting room.
Innan de kunde gå till sängs, var de tvungna att flytta tillbaka de tunga möblerna till vardagsrummet.
She could hear O'Toole shouting and singing in another room.
Hon kunde höra O'Toole skrika och sjunga i ett annat rum.
There had been gin in her orange, she knew now, because she could smell it on her breath.
She had broken her promise to her mother; it would bring her bad luck.
'Ah girls, girls,' O'Toole said, pushing their bedroom door open.
'Where's my lovely Mary?
Come out here with me, Mary!'
'Go to bed, you're tired,' Mary said.
He caught her hand and started trying to drag her out of the room.
She let out a cry.
'I'll throw this flowerpot at you if you don't leave the girl alone,' Eithne called out.
'Stupid cows, the lot of you!'
'Stupid cows, the lot of you!'
said O'Toole, but he dropped Mary's hand and took a step backwards.
sa O'Toole, men han släppte Marys hand och tog ett steg bakåt.
The girls rushed to shut the door and push a heavy chest against it, to keep him out.
Flickorna rusade för att stänga dörren och skuffa en tung kista mot den, för att hålla honom ute.
They all got into the one big bed, two at the top and two at the bottom.
彼らは全員、上に 2 つ、下に 2 つ、1 つの大きなベッドに乗り込みました。
Mary was glad to have the other girls with her.
'I was at a party.
Now I know what parties are like,' she said to herself, as she tried to force herself to sleep.
She heard a sound of water running, but it did not seem to be raining outside.
At sunrise she woke up.
She had to get home in time for milking, so she put on her dress and shoes and went downstairs.
There was a strong smell of beer.
Someone, probably O'Toole, had turned on the taps in the bar, and beer had flowed out of the bar and into the kitchen.
Jemand, wahrscheinlich O'Toole, hatte die Hähne in der Bar aufgedreht, und das Bier war aus der Bar in die Küche geflossen.
Mrs Rodgers would kill somebody.
Mary picked her way carefully across the room to the door.
Mary ging vorsichtig durch den Raum zur Tür.
She left without even making a cup of tea.
Sie ging, ohne sich auch nur eine Tasse Tee zu machen.
She found her bicycle, but the front tyre was flat, so she walked rapidly, pushing the bicycle.
Sie fand ihr Fahrrad, aber der Vorderreifen war platt, also ging sie schnell weiter und schob das Fahrrad.
The frost lay on the sleeping windows and roofs.
Der Frost lag auf den schlafenden Fenstern und Dächern.
It had magically made the dirty streets look white and clean.
Sie hatte die schmutzigen Straßen auf magische Weise weiß und sauber aussehen lassen.
She did not feel tired, but simply pleased to be outside, as she breathed in the beauty of the morning.
|||||||||||||andades in||||||
Sie fühlte sich nicht müde, sondern einfach nur froh, draußen zu sein und die Schönheit des Morgens einzuatmen.
Mrs Rodgers woke at eight and got out of Brogan's warm bed.
Frau Rodgers wachte um acht Uhr auf und stieg aus dem warmen Bett von Brogan.
She smelt disaster instantly, and ran to call the others.
Sie roch sofort das Unheil und rannte los, um die anderen zu rufen.
Hon kände omedelbart lukten av katastrof och sprang för att kalla på de andra.
The girls were made to get up and help clean the floors.
Flickorna tvingades stiga upp och hjälpa till att städa golven.
Hickey, who had by then come downstairs, said what a shame it was to waste good drink.
Hickey, der inzwischen nach unten gekommen war, sagte, wie schade es sei, ein gutes Getränk zu verschwenden.
Hickey, som då hade kommit ner, sa hur synd det var att slösa bort god dryck.
O'Toole, the guilty one, had left early.
O'Toole, der Schuldige, war früher gegangen.
'And where's the girl in the black dress?'
Hickey asked.
'She ran off, before we were up,' Doris said.
They all agreed that Mary was useless and should never have been asked.
Sie waren sich alle einig, dass Maria nutzlos war und nie hätte gefragt werden dürfen.
De var alla överens om att Mary var värdelös och aldrig borde ha blivit tillfrågad.
'And she was the one who encouraged O'Toole, and then disappointed him, so he got angry,' added Doris.
Und sie war diejenige, die O'Toole ermutigte und ihn dann enttäuschte, so dass er wütend wurde", fügte Doris hinzu.
'Och det var hon som uppmuntrade O'Toole, och sedan besvikelse honom, så han blev arg,' tillade Doris.
'I suppose she's home by now,' Hickey said.
Ich nehme an, sie ist jetzt zu Hause", sagte Hickey.
'Jag antar att hon är hemma nu,' sa Hickey.
Mary was half a mile from home, sitting on the grass.
Mary saß eine halbe Meile von zu Hause entfernt im Gras.
メアリーは家から 0.5 マイル離れた芝生の上に座っていました。
If only I had a boy, someone to love, something to hold onto, she thought, as she broke some ice with her shoe and watched the crazy pattern it made.
Wenn ich doch nur einen Jungen hätte, jemanden, den ich lieben könnte, etwas, woran ich mich festhalten könnte, dachte sie, während sie mit ihrem Schuh etwas Eis brach und das verrückte Muster beobachtete, das dabei entstand.
The poor birds could get no food, as the ground was frozen hard.
Die armen Vögel konnten keine Nahrung finden, da der Boden hart gefroren war.
There was frost all over Ireland, frost on the stony fields, and on all the ugliness of the world.
Überall in Irland herrschte Frost, Frost auf den steinigen Feldern und auf der ganzen Hässlichkeit der Welt.
Walking again, she wondered if and what she would tell her mother and her brothers, and if all parties were as bad.
Als sie wieder zu Fuß ging, fragte sie sich, ob und was sie ihrer Mutter und ihren Brüdern sagen würde und ob alle Parteien so schlimm waren.
She was at the top of the hill now, and could see her own house, like a little white box at the end of the world, waiting to receive her.
Sie war nun auf der Spitze des Hügels und konnte ihr eigenes Haus sehen, das wie ein kleiner weißer Kasten am Ende der Welt auf sie wartete.