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The Making of Modern Ukraine, Class 7. Rise of Muscovite Power (3)

Class 7. Rise of Muscovite Power (3)

every now and again, making attacks,

or as allies in wars or whatever.

But these are fairly durable entities.

And we have to understand Moscow

and not just as a post Rus' entity,

but also as one of these post Mongol entities,

along with the Nogai Horde, along with the Kazan Khanate,

along with the Crimean Khanate.

And by the way, for us, the Crimean Khanate

is the most important because the Crimean Khanate

is the one that controls Crimea,

and then much of the north coast of the Black Sea,

what's now the south of Ukraine.

So we have to imagine the Mongols establishing a state,

which over time fragments into a number

of different entities, of which one is Moscow.

Of which one is Moscow.

Now, how is Moscow different?

Moscow is different in religion.

It's not Pagan as the Mongols are,

to use the term of abuse that the Christians use.

And Moscow doesn't convert to Islam.

This is important too.

The rest of these entities convert to Islam.

So, but Moscow doesn't, Moscow is Orthodox.

Moscow's Orthodox, but it's Orthodox

in an interesting way, right?

It's Orthodox in a place, mark this for the future.

It's Orthodox in a place

where there's no other way of being Christian.

This is really important, I mean,

I think right down to the present moment.

There's no other way of being Christian.

If you're Christian, you're Orthodox, that's it.

Whereas west of this, in Kyiv and in the rest of Europe,

there are going to be lots of other ways of being Christian.

And even if you are Orthodox,

in what's now Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Lithuania,

you're going to be in a series of encounters

with other sorts of Christians over the next few centuries.

In Moscow, this is not true.

Orthodoxy is Christianity, Christianity is Orthodoxy.

And this is all, and related to this, also to mark,

there isn't any theology.

There isn't any disputation about religion in Moscow.

In points further west there is going to be,

the Orthodox are going to take part

in all of the interesting conversations

around Reformation, Counter-Reformation, all of that.

That's not going to be happening in Moscow until much later,

when Moscow and Kyiv come into contact for the first time,

which is not for centuries.

It's not for centuries, it's not in this lecture,

it's in the 17th century, okay.

So we're in Mongol Rus'.

Mongol Rus' is the northeast.

It's the district which I mentioned last time, Suzdal.

And then Suzdal, surrounding territories,

the northeast of what had been Rus'.

And the way that the political system is set up by this,

is set up in this Northeastern Rus', this Mongol Rus',

is really a kind of fresh start,

in the sense that the Mongols have come and destroyed.

Okay, good, that's true for everyone.

Then there's the Black Death, it's a bit of a mess.

There's really no one around to write.

And in addition to that, a new principle

of political succession is set up.

The principle of political succession in the old Rus',

the one based in Kyiv was admittedly very messy

and to the point of incomprehensibility,

but it had something to do with the ruler and his sons.

That's about as much as we can say.

And that's by the way, not so unusual in Europe.

This whole idea that it was the eldest son,

and it was all very simple.

That usually covers over a whole bunch

of illegitimacy and bloodshed, but you know, okay.

So illegitimacy and bloodshed gets a lot of nods.

I just wanna record that for the camera.

All right, so focus.

So in Northeastern Rus', in and around Suzdal,

there's a new succession principle which is,

how well can you collect taxes for the Mongol overlord?

That's the new principle of power.

So the Mongols accept that there's something called Rus'.

They have no trouble with that,

but who is the Grand Prince of Rus'?

The Grand Prince of Rus' is

the person who can collect the tribute.

So that is a new principle of rule.

That is new compared to Kyiv obviously,

where if you were in Kyiv,

you were the one taking the tribute, right?

And by the way, this is a really fundamental thing

about political power.

If you want to figure out who is actually in charge,

who is paying tribute to whom?

Because everyone says, "I'm the king and the tsar,

and all the galaxies," and so on, right?

That's very easy.

Having stationary, okay, they didn't have stationary yet,

but having a list of titles is very easy, right?

But what really matters is, are you paying the tribute,

or is someone paying the tribute to you?

So the rulers of Muscovy had titles, right?

They were the Grand Princes of Moscow,

which sounds great and certainly had its pluses.

But they were paying tribute to the Mongols,

and they were the Grand Princes of Moscow

because they could pay tribute to the Mongols.

The Mongols chose the man who could collect the tribute.

And so that's a different principle of succession.

The people who ran Mongol Rus' were princes of,

they were princes who were descended from the old Rus'.

Not in any particular distinction,

but they were of the blood,

but they were only the Grand Princes of Rus'

because they were the ones who could collect the taxes.

And then the other way that this is a fresh start

is that the whole system is based in a new city,

which is Moscow.

So Moscow existed as some kind of fort or something

in the 12th century, but Moscow had no princely line.

Moscow is not a district in old Rus'.

Nobody goes to Moscow to rule anything, right?

It's not one of these districts Suzdal or like Chernihiv,

where you go and you rule.

It's not a district at all.

It's no place, it's nowhere.

Moscow becomes a town, becomes a meaningful place

with a princely line after the Mongol destruction of Kyiv,

and because it's a Prince of Moscow

who's able to collect the tribute.

It was also, well, there's also some marriage involved.

In 1317, Yuri, who was a Prince of Moscow,

married the sister of the Khan of the Golden Horde, right?

As one does, you know, in situations like this, right?

So he also marries into power, and at that point,

power passed durably from a more important

bigger city called Tver to Moscow.

And from that point, Moscow is gonna be

the center of this entity.

And it's gonna be the Princes of Moscow

who eventually remember, it takes them a while,

but who eventually remember to say,

"We are the rulers of all of Rus'."

The first one, by the way to, as far as we know,

who says that he's the ruler of all Rus'

was Vasily I, who ruled from 1389 to 1399.

And the evidence we have is there's a coin

where he appears, and he says, "I am the ruler of all Rus'."

On the other side of that coin, it says,

"Long live Sultan Tokhtamysh",

which reminds you of what the actual political order is.

He's the ruler of all of Rus', terrific.

But what he means by all of Rus' is the bit of Rus'

that is under the control of the Golden Horde, right?

That's under the control of the Mongols.

Now all of this, the Mongol connection is very important

because when the Mongol connection is broken,

the basic state form remains.

There's no clear moment in the history of Muscovy

where you can say, "Okay, the Mongols were here,

they were doing everything,

and then they got on their little horses and left."

That's not how it worked at all.

The way that it worked was that

somewhere in the middle of the 15th century,

Moscow stops paying tribute.

But they don't change at that point,

they just stop paying tribute.

It's the same entity, okay?

So have a state which is in some way post Rus'.

Religion, princely family, language, all of that.

But it's also in many ways a new start,

a new start under the Mongols.

So it's post post Rus', I would say, and it's post Mongol.

Let me say a word now about the system,

because the system is incredibly interesting.

First of all, and to give credit where credit is due,

the Muscovites knew how to fight.

And the reason they knew how to fight

was that they fought with,

and then eventually against the Mongols.

So the Mongol cavalry techniques,

which the Mongols brought with them to Europe

and which no one could withstand,

were then learned by the Muscovites, because of course,

the Muscovites were part of the same state.

They were fighting on the same side.

So they were very good at war.

And the way that they set up their armies in five parts

has everything to do with the way

that the Mongols set set up their armies.

So that's very important to know.

The Muscovites knew how to fight,

that is part of their heritage.

The heritage that they don't have is all

the legal bureaucratic heritage of Kyiv,

which we've talked about earlier.

They're free and clear of that.

For better or worse, they're free and clear of that.

It's rather the Lithuanians who pick up that heritage,

which means that the legal tradition

in Mongol Rus' is very simple.

It starts from the idea that the tsar owns everything,

which is convenient.

I mean, it's very convenient if you're the tsar.

And okay, and when I say all this,

don't overdo it, but do record this and think about it

when you're thinking about the history of Russia,

the centuries, as centuries pass.

So all the property belongs to the tsar, the ruler.

You can't really own land.

You can own land conditionally.

If I'm the tsar, I'm gonna be the tsar,

'cause I'm the one who's talking.

You can own land conditionally

until I say that you don't anymore, right?

So land ownership can be broken at any time.

You own land practically, in exchange

for service to me, the tsar.

So everyone who owns land by definition

is a servant of the tsar,

and almost always that's military service.

So this is the way the army is set up.

You get to control land, but in return,

you serve in the army.

That is the fundamental deal.

You control land in exchange for military service,

and I can break that at any point.

So you're the fighting class,

but you're not exactly a nobility

in the sense of West European nobilities.

There is no legal list, there's no register,

there's no patent of nobility.

There's no beautiful piece of paper

which you can produce and say,

"I have a better Latin script than you," or whatever.

You're not really nobles in the sense

of being a legal estate.

You're really nobles it more or less at my at my pleasure.

So there aren't property rights,

and there aren't really feudal rights either.

There's this deal, which is a very effective deal.

It works very well, a fighting class

in exchange for control of land.

And of course it works very well,

so long as we're getting more land all the time.

And that's part of the magic of the system.

We are going to be getting more land all the time

for at least a couple of centuries.

The state is going to grow spectacularly,

first west into Europe,

then south into formerly Muslim territories,

and then west all the way to the Pacific Ocean

in just a couple of centuries, okay.

This is basically an agrarian country though.

So part of this system is serfdom.

So you are off fighting wars, but you have a land manager

and you have serfs on your territory.

The Russian peasants live in communes.

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Class 7. Rise of Muscovite Power (3) Klasse 7. Aufstieg der Moskauer Macht (3) Clase 7. Auge del poder moscovita (3) Classe 7. Montée en puissance des Moscovites (3) Klas 7. Opkomst van de Moskovische macht (3) Klasa 7. Wzrost potęgi Moskwy (3) Aula 7. Ascensão do poder moscovita (3) Занятие 7. Подъем московитской власти (3) Урок 7. Піднесення Московської держави (3) 第七課:莫斯科勢力的崛起(3)

every now and again, making attacks, час від часу здійснюючи напади,

or as allies in wars or whatever. ||partners|||| або як союзники у війнах чи ще якось.

But these are fairly durable entities. ||||long-lasting|

And we have to understand Moscow І ми повинні розуміти Москву

and not just as a post Rus' entity, і не лише як пост-руське утворення,

but also as one of these post Mongol entities,

along with the Nogai Horde, along with the Kazan Khanate, |||||together|||| разом з Ногайською Ордою, разом з Казанським ханством,

along with the Crimean Khanate. avec|||| разом з Кримським ханством.

And by the way, for us, the Crimean Khanate

is the most important because the Crimean Khanate

is the one that controls Crimea, це той, хто контролює Крим,

and then much of the north coast of the Black Sea, а потім більшу частину північного узбережжя Чорного моря,

what's now the south of Ukraine.

So we have to imagine the Mongols establishing a state, Тож ми повинні уявити, як монголи створюють державу,

which over time fragments into a number |||in Fragmente||| |||breaks down||| який з часом розпадається на число

of different entities, of which one is Moscow.

Of which one is Moscow.

Now, how is Moscow different? А чим відрізняється Москва?

Moscow is different in religion.

It's not Pagan as the Mongols are,

to use the term of abuse that the Christians use. чтобы использовать термин, которым пользуются христиане. використовувати термін зловживання, який використовують християни.

And Moscow doesn't convert to Islam. |||se convertit|| І Москва не приймає іслам.

This is important too.

The rest of these entities convert to Islam. Решта цих утворень приймають іслам.

So, but Moscow doesn't, Moscow is Orthodox.

Moscow's Orthodox, but it's Orthodox

in an interesting way, right?

It's Orthodox in a place, mark this for the future. У місці православне, позначте це на майбутнє.

It's Orthodox in a place

where there's no other way of being Christian. де немає іншого способу бути християнином.

This is really important, I mean,

I think right down to the present moment. Думаю, аж до теперішнього моменту.

There's no other way of being Christian.

If you're Christian, you're Orthodox, that's it.

Whereas west of this, in Kyiv and in the rest of Europe, тогда как||||||||||| Тоді як на захід від цього, в Києві та в решті Європи,

there are going to be lots of other ways of being Christian. буде багато інших способів бути християнином.

And even if you are Orthodox,

in what's now Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Lithuania,

you're going to be in a series of encounters ви будете в серії зустрічей

with other sorts of Christians over the next few centuries. з іншими християнами протягом наступних кількох століть.

In Moscow, this is not true.

Orthodoxy is Christianity, Christianity is Orthodoxy.

And this is all, and related to this, also to mark, І це все, і пов'язане з цим, також відзначити,

there isn't any theology. немає ніякого богослов'я.

There isn't any disputation about religion in Moscow. |||debate||||

In points further west there is going to be, |further west||||||| В пунктах, расположенных дальше на запад, будет, У пунктах далі на захід буде,

the Orthodox are going to take part православні збираються брати участь

in all of the interesting conversations у всіх цікавих розмовах

around Reformation, Counter-Reformation, all of that. навколо Реформації, Контрреформації, всього цього.

That's not going to be happening in Moscow until much later, Це станеться в Москві набагато пізніше,

when Moscow and Kyiv come into contact for the first time, коли Москва і Київ вперше зіткнуться,

which is not for centuries. якого не на століття.

It's not for centuries, it's not in this lecture,

it's in the 17th century, okay. це в 17 столітті, гаразд.

So we're in Mongol Rus'.

Mongol Rus' is the northeast.

It's the district which I mentioned last time, Suzdal. Це район, про який я згадував минулого разу, Суздаль.

And then Suzdal, surrounding territories,

the northeast of what had been Rus'. північний схід від колишньої Русі.

And the way that the political system is set up by this, І те, як політична система створена цим,

is set up in this Northeastern Rus', this Mongol Rus',

is really a kind of fresh start, це дійсно свого роду новий початок,

in the sense that the Mongols have come and destroyed.

Okay, good, that's true for everyone.

Then there's the Black Death, it's a bit of a mess. |||schwarze||||||| Потім є Чорна Смерть, це трохи безлад.

There's really no one around to write. There's really no one around to write. Насправді немає кому писати.

And in addition to that, a new principle І на додаток до цього, новий принцип

of political succession is set up. ||succession||| устанавливается порядок политической преемственности. політичної спадкоємності.

The principle of political succession in the old Rus',

the one based in Kyiv was admittedly very messy ||||||признаюсь|| той, що базувався в Києві, був дуже безладним

and to the point of incomprehensibility, |||||непонятности |||||Unverständlichkeit |||||impossible to understand і до незрозумілості,

but it had something to do with the ruler and his sons. але це мало відношення до правителя та його синів.

That's about as much as we can say. Це приблизно стільки, скільки ми можемо сказати.

And that's by the way, not so unusual in Europe.

This whole idea that it was the eldest son, Вся ця ідея, що це був старший син,

and it was all very simple.

That usually covers over a whole bunch Зазвичай це охоплює цілу групу

of illegitimacy and bloodshed, but you know, okay. |||de sang versé|||| |Illegitimität||Blutvergießen|||| |illegitimate status||violence or killing||||

So illegitimacy and bloodshed gets a lot of nods. ||||||||d'approbations |||violence||||| ||||||||aprovações Тож нелегітимність і кровопролиття отримують багато кивок.

I just wanna record that for the camera. Я просто хочу записати це на камеру.

All right, so focus.

So in Northeastern Rus', in and around Suzdal,

there's a new succession principle which is, |||inheritance rule|||

how well can you collect taxes for the Mongol overlord? |||||||||Herrscher |||||||||ruler |||||||||suserano як добре ви можете збирати податки для монгольського владики?

That's the new principle of power.

So the Mongols accept that there's something called Rus'.

They have no trouble with that,

but who is the Grand Prince of Rus'? але хто великий князь Русі?

The Grand Prince of Rus' is

the person who can collect the tribute. ||||||tribut

So that is a new principle of rule.

That is new compared to Kyiv obviously, ||||||clearly Це, очевидно, нове порівняно з Києвом,

where if you were in Kyiv,

you were the one taking the tribute, right?

And by the way, this is a really fundamental thing

about political power.

If you want to figure out who is actually in charge, Якщо ви хочете зрозуміти, хто насправді головний,

who is paying tribute to whom? |||honoring someone||

Because everyone says, "I'm the king and the tsar,

and all the galaxies," and so on, right? і всі галактики" і так далі, чи не так?

That's very easy.

Having stationary, okay, they didn't have stationary yet, |Schreibwaren|||||| |writing materials|||||| ||||||papelaria| У них еще не было канцелярских принадлежностей, Стаціонарні комп'ютери, так, у них ще не було стаціонарних комп'ютерів,

but having a list of titles is very easy, right?

But what really matters is, are you paying the tribute, |||||are||||payment owed

or is someone paying the tribute to you? ||someone paying tribute|||payment of respect||you (singular)

So the rulers of Muscovy had titles, right? ||||Moscow principality|||

They were the Grand Princes of Moscow,

which sounds great and certainly had its pluses. |||und||||Vorteile |||||||advantages |||||||vantagens

But they were paying tribute to the Mongols, Але вони платили данину монголам,

and they were the Grand Princes of Moscow

because they could pay tribute to the Mongols.

The Mongols chose the man who could collect the tribute.

And so that's a different principle of succession.

The people who ran Mongol Rus' were princes of, Люди, які керували Монгольською Руссю, були князями,

they were princes who were descended from the old Rus'. |||||происходили|||| |||||descendants of|||| Это были князья, происходившие из древней Руси.

Not in any particular distinction, ||||specific category Нічим особливим не вирізняється,

but they were of the blood, але вони були крові,

but they were only the Grand Princes of Rus' але вони були лише великими князями руськими

because they were the ones who could collect the taxes.

And then the other way that this is a fresh start

is that the whole system is based in a new city, полягає в тому, що вся система базується в новому місті,

which is Moscow.

So Moscow existed as some kind of fort or something |||||||Festung||

in the 12th century, but Moscow had no princely line. ||||||||fürstlichen| ||||||||noble lineage| ||||||||princeza| у 12 столітті, але в Москві не було князівського роду.

Moscow is not a district in old Rus'.

Nobody goes to Moscow to rule anything, right?

It's not one of these districts Suzdal or like Chernihiv,

where you go and you rule.

It's not a district at all.

It's no place, it's nowhere.

Moscow becomes a town, becomes a meaningful place Москва стає містом, стає осмисленим місцем

with a princely line after the Mongol destruction of Kyiv, з княжою лінією після монгольського зруйнування Києва,

and because it's a Prince of Moscow

who's able to collect the tribute.

It was also, well, there's also some marriage involved. Це було також, ну, там також було трохи шлюбу.

In 1317, Yuri, who was a Prince of Moscow,

married the sister of the Khan of the Golden Horde, right?

As one does, you know, in situations like this, right? Як це робиться, знаєте, у таких ситуаціях, чи не так?

So he also marries into power, and at that point,

power passed durably from a more important ||permanently|||| влада надовго перейшла від більш важливого

bigger city called Tver to Moscow.

And from that point, Moscow is gonna be

the center of this entity. ||||organization

And it's gonna be the Princes of Moscow

who eventually remember, it takes them a while,

but who eventually remember to say, але хто зрештою згадає сказати,

"We are the rulers of all of Rus'."

The first one, by the way to, as far as we know, Перший, до речі, наскільки ми знаємо,

who says that he's the ruler of all Rus'

was Vasily I, who ruled from 1389 to 1399. був Василь I, який правив з 1389 по 1399 рік.

And the evidence we have is there's a coin І ми маємо докази того, що є монета

where he appears, and he says, "I am the ruler of all Rus'."

On the other side of that coin, it says, ||Conversely||||coin||

"Long live Sultan Tokhtamysh", "Хай живе султан Тохтамиш",

which reminds you of what the actual political order is. що нагадує вам про те, яким є справжній політичний порядок.

He's the ruler of all of Rus', terrific. |||||||потрясающий |||||||großartig Він правитель всієї Русі, приголомшливий.

But what he means by all of Rus' is the bit of Rus' Але те, що він має на увазі під усією Руссю, це частина Русі

that is under the control of the Golden Horde, right?

That's under the control of the Mongols.

Now all of this, the Mongol connection is very important

because when the Mongol connection is broken,

the basic state form remains. основна державна форма залишається.

There's no clear moment in the history of Muscovy

where you can say, "Okay, the Mongols were here,

they were doing everything,

and then they got on their little horses and left." а потім сіли на своїх конячок і поїхали».

That's not how it worked at all.

The way that it worked was that

somewhere in the middle of the 15th century,

Moscow stops paying tribute. Moscow ceases tribute|||tribute

But they don't change at that point, Але вони не змінюються в цей момент,

they just stop paying tribute.

It's the same entity, okay? Це той самий суб'єкт, ясно?

So have a state which is in some way post Rus'. Так само, як і держава, яка певним чином є пост-руською.

Religion, princely family, language, all of that.

But it's also in many ways a new start,

a new start under the Mongols.

So it's post post Rus', I would say, and it's post Mongol.

Let me say a word now about the system,

because the system is incredibly interesting. ||||extremely|

First of all, and to give credit where credit is due, Zuerst|||und||||||| Перш за все, і дати кредит там, де він належить,

the Muscovites knew how to fight. |Moskauer||||

And the reason they knew how to fight

was that they fought with,

and then eventually against the Mongols. а потім, зрештою, проти монголів.

So the Mongol cavalry techniques, |||Reitertruppen| |||mounted troops| Отже, монгольські кавалерійські прийоми,

which the Mongols brought with them to Europe

and which no one could withstand, |||||resist endure oppose |||||suportar і якому ніхто не зміг протистояти,

were then learned by the Muscovites, because of course, були потім вивчені московитами, бо, звісно ж, московити,

the Muscovites were part of the same state.

They were fighting on the same side.

So they were very good at war. |||||in|

And the way that they set up their armies in five parts І те, як вони розбили свої армії на п'ять частин

has everything to do with the way має все, що стосується шляху

that the Mongols set set up their armies. що монголи створили свої війська.

So that's very important to know.

The Muscovites knew how to fight,

that is part of their heritage.

The heritage that they don't have is all Спадщина, якої вони не мають, - це все

the legal bureaucratic heritage of Kyiv, ||bürokratische||| правову бюрократичну спадщину Києва,

which we've talked about earlier.

They're free and clear of that.

For better or worse, they're free and clear of that. Für||||||||| Добре це чи погано, але вони вільні від цього.

It's rather the Lithuanians who pick up that heritage, Скоріше литовці переймають цю спадщину,

which means that the legal tradition що означає, що правова традиція

in Mongol Rus' is very simple.

It starts from the idea that the tsar owns everything,

which is convenient. ||удобно що дуже зручно.

I mean, it's very convenient if you're the tsar. Я маю на увазі, що це дуже зручно, якщо ти цар.

And okay, and when I say all this,

don't overdo it, but do record this and think about it |übertreibe||||||||| |don't go too far||||||||| не перестарайтеся, але запишіть це і подумайте про це

when you're thinking about the history of Russia,

the centuries, as centuries pass.

So all the property belongs to the tsar, the ruler.

You can't really own land. Ти не можеш насправді володіти землею.

You can own land conditionally. ||||unter bestimmten Bedingungen ||||with restrictions Ви можете володіти землею умовно.

If I'm the tsar, I'm gonna be the tsar,

'cause I'm the one who's talking.

You can own land conditionally ||||under certain conditions

until I say that you don't anymore, right?

So land ownership can be broken at any time. Тож право власності на землю можна будь-коли розірвати.

You own land practically, in exchange |||praktisch gesehen|| ||||in the context| Ви володієте землею практично, в обмін

for service to me, the tsar.

So everyone who owns land by definition

is a servant of the tsar, ||Diener des Z|||

and almost always that's military service. і майже завжди це військова служба.

So this is the way the army is set up. Так влаштована армія.

You get to control land, but in return, ||||||in exchange for| Ви отримуєте контроль над землею, але натомість,

you serve in the army.

That is the fundamental deal. Це фундаментальна угода.

You control land in exchange for military service,

and I can break that at any point.

So you're the fighting class,

but you're not exactly a nobility |||||noblesse |||||aristocracy але ти не зовсім шляхта

in the sense of West European nobilities. ||||||Adel

There is no legal list, there's no register,

there's no patent of nobility. ||noble title||

There's no beautiful piece of paper

which you can produce and say,

"I have a better Latin script than you," or whatever. «У мене латиниця краща, ніж у вас», або що завгодно.

You're not really nobles in the sense Ви насправді не дворяни в цьому сенсі

of being a legal estate. ||einer|rechtlichen| бути юридичною власністю.

You're really nobles it more or less at my at my pleasure. Ви справді дворяни, це більш-менш на моє бажання.

So there aren't property rights, Отже, немає прав власності,

and there aren't really feudal rights either. ||||féodaux|| |da||||| і насправді феодальних прав також немає.

There's this deal, which is a very effective deal.

It works very well, a fighting class

in exchange for control of land.

And of course it works very well,

so long as we're getting more land all the time.

And that's part of the magic of the system. І це частина магії системи.

We are going to be getting more land all the time Ми будемо постійно отримувати більше землі

for at least a couple of centuries. щонайменше пару століть.

The state is going to grow spectacularly, ||||||remarkably fast Держава збирається зростати вражаючими темпами,

first west into Europe,

then south into formerly Muslim territories, потім на південь, на колишні мусульманські території,

and then west all the way to the Pacific Ocean а потім на захід аж до Тихого океану

in just a couple of centuries, okay. in||||||

This is basically an agrarian country though. ||||agrarisch|| ||||farming|| Але в основному це аграрна країна.

So part of this system is serfdom. ||||||крепостное право ||||||la servitude ||||||feudal labor system ||||||servidão ||||||Leibeigenschaft ||||||niewolnictwo chłopskie Тож частиною цієї системи є кріпацтво.

So you are off fighting wars, but you have a land manager Отже, ви не воюєте, але у вас є землевпорядник

and you have serfs on your territory. |||Leibeigenen||| |||peasants or laborers||| а на вашій території є кріпаки.

The Russian peasants live in communes. |||||Gemeinschaften |||||collective farms Російські селяни живуть общинами.