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01.Speaking, 75.Party Clean Up

75.Party Clean Up

Todd just had a party and he talks with Meg about all the things he needs to clean up in the house.

Meg: Hey, Todd. Are you busy today?

Todd: Yeah. I am so busy. Last night, I had a party and now my house is so dirty, and I need to clean my house.

Meg: Wow. Where will you start cleaning?

Todd: Well, everywhere in the house is dirty, so the kitchen is very dirty. The living room is dirty. But I think, first, I'll do the kitchen. I have to throw away all the old food. We have lots of trash from the party. And then I have to wipe the counters. We have food all over the counters. And then of course, I have to wash the dishes and put everything away.

Meg: Wow. It sounds like it was quite a party.

Todd: Yeah, it was. Well, we ordered pizza but also everybody brought food. And so, we had lots of food and everybody left their dishes and pots at my house after they went home. So I have everyone's dishes, and pots and plastic containers. So I feel I should clean everything and then give it back to everybody.

Meg: Hmm, that sounds like a good idea. Did anyone drop any food on the floor?

Todd: Yeah. Actually, they dropped food everywhere. So I have to vacuum the carpet in the living room and I need to mop the kitchen floor. So I think I need about three hours just to clean the entire house.

Meg: Oh, three hours? Can I help you clean?

Todd: Well, actually yeah, if you can, I really need help. But if you can just collect the trash. I have some trash bags and go around and collect all the plastic cups. There are many plastic cups, and collect pizza boxes and maybe get the old food and throw away the old food, that would be great.

Meg: Sure. I can collect the cups and throw away the old food. Is there anything else you need me to do?

Todd: Well yeah, actually. If you have time, can you go to the store and buy some cleaning supplies? I need dish soap to wash the dishes, and I need window cleaner to clean the windows.

Meg: But window cleaner? Why the windows?

Todd: Well, it was a very crazy party, and you don't want to know.

75.Party Clean Up 75.Fiesta Limpieza 75.パーティー・クリーンアップ 75\. Прибирання вечірки

Todd just had a party and he talks with Meg about all the things he needs to clean up in the house. У Тодда щойно була вечірка, і він розмовляє з Мег про все, що йому потрібно прибрати в будинку.

Meg: Hey, Todd. Are you busy today? Sind Sie heute beschäftigt?

Todd: Yeah. I am so busy. Last night, I had a party and now my house is so dirty, and I need to clean my house.

Meg: Wow. Where will you start cleaning?

Todd: Well, everywhere in the house is dirty, so the kitchen is very dirty. The living room is dirty. But I think, first, I'll do the kitchen. I have to throw away all the old food. We have lots of trash from the party. And then I have to wipe the counters. |||||clean off|| We have food all over the counters. And then of course, I have to wash the dishes and put everything away.

Meg: Wow. It sounds like it was quite a party.

Todd: Yeah, it was. Well, we ordered pizza but also everybody brought food. And so, we had lots of food and everybody left their dishes and pots at my house after they went home. So I have everyone's dishes, and pots and plastic containers. ||||||cooking vessels||| So I feel I should clean everything and then give it back to everybody. Поэтому я чувствую, что должен все почистить, а затем вернуть всем.

Meg: Hmm, that sounds like a good idea. Did anyone drop any food on the floor?

Todd: Yeah. Actually, they dropped food everywhere. So I have to vacuum the carpet in the living room and I need to mop the kitchen floor. So I think I need about three hours just to clean the entire house.

Meg: Oh, three hours? Can I help you clean?

Todd: Well, actually yeah, if you can, I really need help. But if you can just collect the trash. I have some trash bags and go around and collect all the plastic cups. There are many plastic cups, and collect pizza boxes and maybe get the old food and throw away the old food, that would be great.

Meg: Sure. I can collect the cups and throw away the old food. Is there anything else you need me to do?

Todd: Well yeah, actually. If you have time, can you go to the store and buy some cleaning supplies? I need dish soap to wash the dishes, and I need window cleaner to clean the windows.

Meg: But window cleaner? Why the windows?

Todd: Well, it was a very crazy party, and you don't want to know.