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Peaceful Warrior, 7. Peaceful Warrior

7. Peaceful Warrior


Hot damn! I wish you could've been there. You would've loved it! I used your trick.

I used your mind trick and it worked. It totally worked. I was awesome.

It's not a trick. Yeah, well, whatever it is, I used it.

I took out the trash, and I mean Trev?

Trev's the one guy I'm always going up against. You should have seen me. I demolished the guy.

You know, I wasn't worried about what did happen, or what might happen, what could happen. I just got up there and I cleared my mind.

And I was flawless.

Listen, I'm jumping in with both feet. All right?

Whatever you tell me to do, I'm gonna do. No beer, no meat, no girls, no problem.

How long did you stay that way, clear and flawless?

"I demolished that guy. You should have seen me. " You're in the past. Gloating.

You're not in the now, living. You haven't learned anything. Go home. Training's over for tonight. Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

Go home, I said.

7. Peaceful Warrior


Hot damn! I wish you could've been there. You would've loved it! I used your trick.

I used your mind trick and it worked. It totally worked. I was awesome.

It's not a trick. Yeah, well, whatever it is, I used it.

I took out the trash, and I mean Trev?

Trev's the one guy I'm always going up against. You should have seen me. I demolished the guy.

You know, I wasn't worried about what did happen, or what might happen, what could happen. I just got up there and I cleared my mind.

And I was flawless.

Listen, I'm jumping in with both feet. All right?

Whatever you tell me to do, I'm gonna do. No beer, no meat, no girls, no problem.

How long did you stay that way, clear and flawless?

"I demolished that guy. You should have seen me. " You're in the past. Gloating.

You're not in the now, living. You haven't learned anything. Go home. Training's over for tonight. Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

Go home, I said.