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The Discovery of New Worlds, 43. Magellan's Great Plan

43. Magellan's Great Plan

"They were the first that ever burst Into that silent sea. " —COLERIDGE. Before relating how Magellan started off on his voyage round the world, let us turn back for a moment and see how former discoverers had prepared the way for this wonderful voyage.

It was just one hundred years since Prince Henry of Portugal had set up his watch-tower on the bleak southern coast of Spain, despatching ship after ship to explore the western coast of Africa. Forty-six years later the equator was passed; another forty years and Bartholomew Diaz had sighted the mysterious Cape at the south of Africa, which was discovered by Vasco da Gama eleven years later on his way to India.

So much for the Portuguese voyages to the East.

Meanwhile Columbus was sailing to the West in the service of Spain, discovering islands off the coast of North America, to be followed by Cabot to Newfoundland, Cabral to Brazil, and Amerigo Vespucci to the mouth of the great river La Plata, to the south of Brazil. All these explorers had touched the coast of America at different points, fondly dreaming that it was the coast of Asia.

Other ideas were, as we have seen, slowly taking shape, when Balboa discovered the great sea on the far side of America, thus enlarging the geography of the world.

There was a young Portuguese sailor called Magellan. He had sailed with Albuquerque in the expedition to Goa, after which he had accompanied him to the islands beyond India, now known as the East Indies, in the first European ships which had ventured beyond Ceylon.

Here is a story told of Magellan, which shows him to be made of the stern stuff of heroes. While the ships were preparing to take in a cargo of pepper and ginger from the city of Malacca, the king was plotting for their destruction. The commander of the expedition was sitting on the quarterdeck of his flag-ship, deep in a game of chess, which the dark faces of the natives watched intently. No one suspected them of treason. Ashore, the houses rose one above another on the hillside, while the tall tower of the citadel glistened in the September sunshine.

From time to time the natives on the shore and on board glanced to the top of the tower, expecting every moment to see the puff of smoke which would tell them to fall upon the foreigners and put them to death. But the secret had just leaked out. Information reached the nearest ships, and suddenly the Portuguese sailors began chasing the natives from their decks. Magellan sprang into a boat, and made for the flag-ship, shouting "Treason! treason!" He was just in time to save the chess-loving commander.

Meanwhile one Serrano, in charge of the cargo, was being pursued by the light skiffs of the Malay natives. He was struggling against fearful odds, when Magellan rowed up and joined battle with such strength and fury that he saved Serrano. The European guns soon did the rest, and the Malays attacked no more. This was the beginning of a devoted friendship between Magellan and Serrano, out of which grew perhaps the most wonderful voyage ever related in history.

Soon after this Magellan returned to Portugal. For seven long years and more he had fought with wind and wave,—he had suffered the hardships which belonged to the life of a sailor in those early days of navigation. He was longing to be off again, to explore farther among those islands beyond India. Dreams of finding his way to them by sailing westwards past the New World of Columbus never left him. There must be some strait through which he could reach the Indian Ocean and the Spice Islands, as some of these East India islands were called.

He laid his plan before the King of Portugal, but he refused to listen or help. Magellan then asked whether he might go and lay his scheme before some other master.

"You can do as you please," answered the king. Upon this Magellan desired to kiss his hand at parting, but the king would not offer it.

As Columbus, Cabot, and Vespucci had done before him, Magellan now passed from Portugal into Spain. He soon found favour in the eyes of Charles V., the boy-king of Spain, who ordered an expedition to be fitted out under his command. Away into the great South Sea, discovered so lately by Balboa, Magellan was to sail. His scheme was not unlike that of Columbus: his dream was to be realised yet more fully than that of the famous discoverer of America.

"Sail to the West and the East will be found. "

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43. Magellan's Great Plan 43. El Gran Plan de Magallanes 43. Il grande piano di Magellano 43.マゼランの偉大なる計画 43. O grande plano de Magalhães 43. Великий план Магеллана 43.麦哲伦的伟大计划

"They were the first that ever burst Into that silent sea. "Furono i primi a irrompere in quel mare silenzioso. " —COLERIDGE. Before relating how Magellan started off on his voyage round the world, let us turn back for a moment and see how former discoverers had prepared the way for this wonderful voyage. Prima di raccontare come Magellano partì per il suo viaggio intorno al mondo, torniamo per un attimo indietro e vediamo come i precedenti scopritori avevano preparato la strada per questo meraviglioso viaggio.

It was just one hundred years since Prince Henry of Portugal had set up his watch-tower on the bleak southern coast of Spain, despatching ship after ship to explore the western coast of Africa. ||||||||||||||||||||||||sending out|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||despachando barcos|||||||||| Il y a tout juste cent ans, le prince Henri de Portugal avait installé sa tour de guet sur la morne côte sud de l'Espagne, envoyant navire après navire explorer la côte occidentale de l'Afrique. Erano passati solo cento anni da quando il principe Enrico del Portogallo aveva posto la sua torre di guardia sulla desolata costa meridionale della Spagna, inviando una nave dopo l'altra a esplorare la costa occidentale dell'Africa. Forty-six years later the equator was passed; another forty years and Bartholomew Diaz had sighted the mysterious Cape at the south of Africa, which was discovered by Vasco da Gama eleven years later on his way to India. |||||||||||||||avistó||||||||||||||||||||||| Quarante-six ans plus tard, l'équateur est franchi ; quarante ans plus tard, Bartholomé Diaz aperçoit le mystérieux Cap au sud de l'Afrique, qui sera découvert onze ans plus tard par Vasco de Gama, en route vers l'Inde.

So much for the Portuguese voyages to the East. Voilà pour les voyages portugais vers l'Orient. Questo per quanto riguarda i viaggi portoghesi in Oriente.

Meanwhile Columbus was sailing to the West in the service of Spain, discovering islands off the coast of North America, to be followed by Cabot to Newfoundland, Cabral to Brazil, and Amerigo Vespucci to the mouth of the great river La Plata, to the south of Brazil. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||Terranova|Cabral|||||Vespucci|||||||||||||| Pendant ce temps, Christophe Colomb naviguait vers l'ouest au service de l'Espagne, découvrant des îles au large des côtes de l'Amérique du Nord, suivi par Cabot à Terre-Neuve, Cabral au Brésil et Amerigo Vespucci à l'embouchure du grand fleuve La Plata, au sud du Brésil. All these explorers had touched the coast of America at different points, fondly dreaming that it was the coast of Asia. ||||||||||||with hope|||||||| ||||||||||||con cariño||||||||

Other ideas were, as we have seen, slowly taking shape, when Balboa discovered the great sea on the far side of America, thus enlarging the geography of the world. |||||||||||||||||||||||ampliando||||| D'autres idées se dessinent peu à peu, comme nous l'avons vu, lorsque Balboa découvre la grande mer à l'autre bout de l'Amérique, élargissant ainsi la géographie du monde.

There was a young Portuguese sailor called Magellan. He had sailed with Albuquerque in the expedition to Goa, after which he had accompanied him to the islands beyond India, now known as the East Indies, in the first European ships which had ventured beyond Ceylon. |||||||||Goa|||||||||||||||||||||||||||Ceilán Il avait navigué avec Albuquerque lors de l'expédition vers Goa, puis l'avait accompagné vers les îles au-delà de l'Inde, aujourd'hui connues sous le nom d'Indes orientales, à bord des premiers navires européens qui s'étaient aventurés au-delà de Ceylan.

Here is a story told of Magellan, which shows him to be made of the stern stuff of heroes. ||||||Magallanes|||||||||||| Voici une histoire racontée à propos de Magellan, qui montre qu'il était fait de l'étoffe sévère des héros. Qui viene raccontata una storia di Magellano, che mostra come egli fosse fatto della stoffa severa degli eroi. While the ships were preparing to take in a cargo of pepper and ginger from the city of Malacca, the king was plotting for their destruction. ||||||||||||||||||||||tramando su destrucción||| Alors que les navires s'apprêtent à recevoir une cargaison de poivre et de gingembre en provenance de la ville de Malacca, le roi complote leur destruction. Mentre le navi si preparavano a trasportare un carico di pepe e zenzero dalla città di Malacca, il re tramava per la loro distruzione. The commander of the expedition was sitting on the quarterdeck of his flag-ship, deep in a game of chess, which the dark faces of the natives watched intently. |||||||||upper ship deck|||||||||||||||||||with great focus |||||||||puente de mando|||||||||||||||||||con atención Le commandant de l'expédition est assis sur le pont arrière de son navire amiral, plongé dans une partie d'échecs que les visages sombres des indigènes observent attentivement. Il comandante della spedizione era seduto sul cassero della sua nave ammiraglia, impegnato in una partita a scacchi che i volti scuri degli indigeni osservavano con attenzione. No one suspected them of treason. Nessuno li sospettava di tradimento. Ashore, the houses rose one above another on the hillside, while the tall tower of the citadel glistened in the September sunshine. |||||||||slope of hill||||||||shone brightly|||| en la costa|||||||||ladera de la col|||||||||||| À terre, les maisons s'élèvent les unes au-dessus des autres sur le flanc de la colline, tandis que la haute tour de la citadelle scintille sous le soleil de septembre. A terra, le case si ergevano una sopra l'altra sul fianco della collina, mentre l'alta torre della cittadella scintillava sotto il sole di settembre.

From time to time the natives on the shore and on board glanced to the top of the tower, expecting every moment to see the puff of smoke which would tell them to fall upon the foreigners and put them to death. De temps en temps, les indigènes, sur le rivage et à bord, jetaient un coup d'œil vers le sommet de la tour, s'attendant à chaque instant à voir le souffle de fumée qui leur dirait de tomber sur les étrangers et de les mettre à mort. Di tanto in tanto gli indigeni a terra e a bordo guardavano verso la cima della torre, aspettandosi ogni momento di vedere lo sbuffo di fumo che avrebbe detto loro di piombare sugli stranieri e metterli a morte. But the secret had just leaked out. Mais le secret vient d'être éventé. Information reached the nearest ships, and suddenly the Portuguese sailors began chasing the natives from their decks. ||||||||||||||||cubiertas L'information parvient aux navires les plus proches et, soudain, les marins portugais se mettent à chasser les indigènes depuis leur pont. Magellan sprang into a boat, and made for the flag-ship, shouting "Treason! Magellan s'élance dans une barque et se dirige vers le navire amiral en criant "Trahison ! treason!" He was just in time to save the chess-loving commander. Il arrive juste à temps pour sauver le commandant amateur d'échecs.

Meanwhile one Serrano, in charge of the cargo, was being pursued by the light skiffs of the Malay natives. ||||||||||||||small boats|||| ||Serrano||||||||||||botes ligeros|||| Pendant ce temps, un certain Serrano, chargé de la cargaison, est poursuivi par les yoles légères des indigènes malais. Nel frattempo un certo Serrano, responsabile del carico, era inseguito dai leggeri skiff degli indigeni malesi. He was struggling against fearful odds, when Magellan rowed up and joined battle with such strength and fury that he saved Serrano. ||||||||remó||||||||||||| Il luttait contre des adversaires redoutables, lorsque Magellan a ramé et s'est engagé dans la bataille avec une telle force et une telle fureur qu'il a sauvé Serrano. Stava lottando contro avversari spaventosi, quando Magellano si avvicinò e si unì alla battaglia con tale forza e furia da salvare Serrano. The European guns soon did the rest, and the Malays attacked no more. Les canons européens firent bientôt le reste et les Malais n'attaquèrent plus. This was the beginning of a devoted friendship between Magellan and Serrano, out of which grew perhaps the most wonderful voyage ever related in history. C'est le début d'une amitié dévouée entre Magellan et Serrano, qui donnera naissance au voyage peut-être le plus merveilleux jamais raconté dans l'histoire.

Soon after this Magellan returned to Portugal. Peu après, Magellan retourne au Portugal. For seven long years and more he had fought with wind and wave,—he had suffered the hardships which belonged to the life of a sailor in those early days of navigation. Pendant sept longues années et plus, il avait lutté contre le vent et les vagues, il avait subi les épreuves qui faisaient partie de la vie d'un marin à l'époque des débuts de la navigation. He was longing to be off again, to explore farther among those islands beyond India. Il a hâte de repartir, d'explorer plus avant ces îles au-delà de l'Inde. Aveva voglia di ripartire, di esplorare più a fondo quelle isole oltre l'India. Dreams of finding his way to them by sailing westwards past the New World of Columbus never left him. Le rêve de les retrouver en naviguant vers l'ouest, au-delà du Nouveau Monde de Christophe Colomb, ne l'a jamais quitté. There must be some strait through which he could reach the Indian Ocean and the Spice Islands, as some of these East India islands were called. Il doit y avoir un détroit par lequel il peut atteindre l'océan Indien et les îles aux épices, comme on appelle certaines de ces îles des Indes orientales.

He laid his plan before the King of Portugal, but he refused to listen or help. Il présente son plan au roi du Portugal, mais celui-ci refuse de l'écouter et de l'aider. Magellan then asked whether he might go and lay his scheme before some other master.

"You can do as you please," answered the king. Upon this Magellan desired to kiss his hand at parting, but the king would not offer it. Sur ce, Magellan voulut lui baiser la main au moment de se séparer, mais le roi ne voulut pas la lui offrir.

As Columbus, Cabot, and Vespucci had done before him, Magellan now passed from Portugal into Spain. Comme Colomb, Cabot et Vespucci l'avaient fait avant lui, Magellan passe du Portugal à l'Espagne. He soon found favour in the eyes of Charles V., the boy-king of Spain, who ordered an expedition to be fitted out under his command. Il trouve rapidement grâce aux yeux de Charles Quint, le petit roi d'Espagne, qui ordonne qu'une expédition soit organisée sous son commandement. Away into the great South Sea, discovered so lately by Balboa, Magellan was to sail. Magellan va naviguer dans la grande mer du Sud, découverte si récemment par Balboa. His scheme was not unlike that of Columbus: his dream was to be realised yet more fully than that of the famous discoverer of America. Son projet n'était pas sans rappeler celui de Christophe Colomb : son rêve devait se réaliser plus complètement que celui du célèbre découvreur de l'Amérique. Il suo progetto non era dissimile da quello di Colombo: il suo sogno doveva realizzarsi ancora più pienamente di quello del famoso scopritore dell'America.

"Sail to the West and the East will be found. " "Naviguez vers l'Ouest et vous trouverez l'Est. "