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There was a time in the youth of the world when Goods and Ills entered equally into the concerns of men, so that the Goods did not prevail to make them altogether blessed, nor the Ills to make them wholly miserable. But owing to the foolishness of mankind the Ills multiplied greatly in number and increased in strength, until it seemed as though they would deprive the Goods of all share in human affairs, and banish them from the earth. The latter, therefore, betook themselves to heaven and complained to Jupiter of the treatment they had received, at the same time praying him to grant them protection from the Ills, and to advise them concerning the manner of their intercourse with men. Jupiter granted their request for protection, and decreed that for the future they should not go among men openly in a body, and so be liable to attack from the hostile Ills, but singly and unobserved, and at infrequent and unexpected intervals. Hence it is that the earth is full of Ills, for they come and go as they please and are never far away; while Goods, alas! come one by one only, and have to travel all the way from heaven, so that they are very seldom seen.

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There was a time in the youth of the world when Goods and Ills entered equally into the concerns of men, so that the Goods did not prevail to make them altogether blessed, nor the Ills to make them wholly miserable. 世の中の若者には、善と悪が男性の関心事に平等に参入した時代がありました。 But owing to the foolishness of mankind the Ills multiplied greatly in number and increased in strength, until it seemed as though they would deprive the Goods of all share in human affairs, and banish them from the earth. The latter, therefore, betook themselves to heaven and complained to Jupiter of the treatment they had received, at the same time praying him to grant them protection from the Ills, and to advise them concerning the manner of their intercourse with men. したがって、後者は天国に身を置き、彼らが受けた治療を木星に訴え、同時に彼を病気からの保護を与え、男性との性交の仕方について彼らに助言するように彼に祈った。 Jupiter granted their request for protection, and decreed that for the future they should not go among men openly in a body, and so be liable to attack from the hostile Ills, but singly and unobserved, and at infrequent and unexpected intervals. 木星は保護の要求を認め、将来のために人の中で身体の中で公然と行くべきではなく、したがって敵対的な病気から攻撃される傾向がありますが、単独で観察されず、まれで予期しない間隔で。 Hence it is that the earth is full of Ills, for they come and go as they please and are never far away; while Goods, alas! それゆえ、地球は病気に満ちているということです。品物、悲しいかな! come one by one only, and have to travel all the way from heaven, so that they are very seldom seen. 一人ずつ来て、天国からずっと旅しなければならないので、めったに見られません。