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It`s Okay To Be Smart, The Unexpected Measure that Makes the Modern World Tick (1)

The Unexpected Measure that Makes the Modern World Tick (1)

- 354 years ago, John Wilkins,

a bishop and founder of the Royal Society

published a 638 page essay

laying out a scheme for a universal global language,

a common tongue to be used among scholars, philosophers,

and governments for the sharing of knowledge.

Buried among a handful of pages in that essay

is another idea,

one that would end up changing the world forever.

A standard and universal system of measurement

based on the natural world.

And at the base of that system of measurement

would not be a rod of particular length, or a mass of metal,

instead it'd be based on time.

Today, other than a handful of notable exceptions,

(clears throat)

the modern world relies on a shared system of measurement

much like what Wilkins first proposed, the metric system.

But at its root there's always been a problem,

a measurement system tied to physical objects

will only ever be as precise as those physical objects.

So, in 2019, the base units

that make up the foundation of the metric or SI system

were redefined to no longer rely

on imperfect human artifacts.

Now, they're defined by natural mathematical constants

that never change.

This standard system of measurement

is the foundation of modern science and society,

but for any of it to work,

there's still one unit we must physically measure,

one unit to rule them all, the second.

So, who decides what a second is?

These are the things that keep me up at night.

(upbeat music)

Hey smart people, Joe here.

And this is the US Naval Observatory in Washington DC.

This is one of the best rooms I've ever been in in my life.

(inhaling) I wish you could smell this,

it just smells like knowledge and important stuff.

- Yeah, yeah.

- That is Geoff, and inside of the building there,

you will find, I kid you not,

what are probably the most precise measuring devices

ever built by human hands, and they are clocks,

very, very fancy clocks.

It's also where the Vice President lives,

that's her helicopter taking off while we were filming.

You're right, I do take that for granted.

- Yeah.

- Helicopter time.


- [Geoff] I'd love to wait for that.

I always tell people that of all the things in nature

that we can measure, the one that we can measure

with the highest precision

is the one that we know intrinsically the least about.

- Time. - Time.

I cannot tell you what time is,

but I can tell you exactly what time it is.

This is where time more or less begins.

So, let's look over here.

- We're at the beginning of time, right here,

is that what you're saying?

- We're at the beginning of time, right.

- Cell phone networks, the internet, power grids,

financial transactions, air travel,

the very fact that some server somewhere

is letting you load this video right now,

none of it would be possible without machines like these.

And what those machines do

is figure out exactly how long a second is.

So, how do we do that?

Okay, so let's lay this out for a second.

See what I did there?

Prepare for a bit of massively oversimplified history.

Since humans became humans,

our species has marked the passage of time

using various cycles,

the Earth's orbit and the seasons,

the rising and setting sun, even tides.

For most of our history these worked well enough,

but as everyday life changed

we needed to divide and measure time

in smaller and smaller slices.

The ancient Egyptians were the first

to slice up the night and day,

into smaller parts called hours,

And the Greeks were like "Hey, can we borrow that?"

Then, bam, there's 24 hours in a day.

Fast-forward to around 1,000 years ago,

and since people were using round things

to keep track of time,

astronomers were all about this weird base-60 number system

from the Babylonians.

(dramatical music)

It's actually pretty genius,

because you can easily divide anything with 60 units

into one, two, three, four, five, or six parts.

Anyway, the first recorded person

to subdivide time into 60 parts

was an Iranian astronomer named al-Biruni,

and later European astronomers

put some Latin on those base-60 slices.

The first small part they called the minute,

and the second small part they called the second.

That's literally where the word comes from.

But normal everyday people didn't have any use

for minutes or seconds until 100s of years later.

The first clock with good enough mechanics

to even count seconds was made by Christiaan Huygens,

using a pendulum just under a meter long

that swung once a second.

Apologies to the Dutch for my pronunciation of that name.

- Christiaan Huygens.

- This evolution from planetary cycles to ticking machines

established the divisions of time we still use today,

24 equal hours divided into 60 equal minutes,

sliced into 60 equal seconds, the fundamental unit of time,

1/86,400th of an Earth rotation long.

This clean and simple mathematical definition

has just one problem,

Earth is a terrible thing to base time on.

Over long time scales,

Earth's rotation is actually slowing down.

A year in the Devonian period was 400 days long,

a day only lasted 22 hours,

and even on a day-to-day basis

Earth slows down and speeds up because of other planets,

the moon, how mass moves around inside the planet,

all kinds of things.

So, history had invented this basic unit of time

based on a fraction of a day,

and then scientists came along

with all this new, precise mathematical astronomy,

and realized that definition stunk.

So, by the early 20th century,

science decided to find a more precise way

to measure seconds,

they tried using the stars,

they tried basing it on the year,

but what they eventually settled on was atoms.

Okay, atomic clocks sound really complicated.

- Caesium beam frequency standard,

external oscillator generates a microwave frequency

and induce those atoms to go into resonance,

oscillating at that frequency for equal flux of atoms

in the two hyperfine states.

- And they kinda are, actually,

but here's the most important thing

you need to understand about clocks,

except for sundials and hourglasses,

every single clock does the same thing.

It has something inside that wobbles at a very precise rate,

all any clock does is count up those wobbles

and convert them into a unit that we actually understand.

A pendulum makes one beat per second,

a quartz crystal and a $5 digital watch

beats 32,768 times per second,

atomic clocks wobble billions of times per second.

The most widely used atomic clocks use cesium atoms.

When microwave radiation is humming

at the exact right frequency,

it does something special to cesium atoms.

So, you turn the dial on your little radiation machine

until you hit the sweet spot

that excites the cesium atoms,

then you count 9,192,631,770 wobbles of that radiation.

They took this old unit of time,

based on something that might change every day

and changed its definition

using something that never changes, physics.

- Since 1967, the second has been defined

as the interval of 9,192,631,770 hyperfine transitions

of the valence electron in a undisturbed cesium-133 atom.

Now, I will be brutally honest

and tell you when I started working here,

I thought a second was one Mississippi,

and for the most part it still works that way.

- The most precise atomic clocks today

can accurately measure a second

to more than 15 decimal places,

and what makes them so precise

is they tick 9 billion-something times per second.

Today's best atomic clocks won't loose a second

in something like 300 Million years,

which means if aliens had come down

and dropped one on Pangaea,

it would still be accurate to within a second today,

as long as some clumsy T-Rex

didn't trip over the power cord or something.

The second as currently defined

is the most precise measurement of the universe

we've ever accomplished,

but as science continues to advance

the definition of a second

may have to become even more precise to keep up.

- The technology is getting to the point now

where that microwave frequency isn't precise enough

for the applications that require precise time,

so we are now working to develop

optical frequency standards.

- [Joe] It would be-- - Optical frequency is

five orders of magnitude higher, so--

- Five more decimal places of precision

on what a second is.

- Right. - Where modern atomic clocks

use long-wavelength microwave radiation,

the next generation of atomic clocks

will measure atomic changes

based on visible light frequencies,

filling in even more decimal places of precision

for what a second is.

But even though cesium atoms do the same physics

everywhere in the universe,

atomic clocks are imperfect things built by people,

environmental conditions, relativity, magnetic fields,

a bunch of things can make two atomic clocks disagree

by minuscule fractions of a second.

- What we do here at the Naval Observatory,

there's an old saying that a person with one clock

knows what time it is, a person with two is never sure.

Here at this facility,

we operate about a 100 atomic frequency standards.

All the information of each of those clocks

comes up here where we have a computer system

that analyzes the whole ensemble of clocks,

about every 100 seconds.

The output of this then goes into

this rack of equipment over here,

where it generates a one pulse per second tick, if you will.

- In fact, because we can measure seconds

more precisely than anything else in the universe,

since 2019, the basic units for length,

mass, electrical current, temperature, light intensity,

are all now fundamentally based on the second.

Atomic time almost works too well

because it keeps time better than the planet itself,

so we have to constantly correct atomic time

to stay in line with messy old Earth.

That basically happens like this,

at midnight on January one, 1958

two clocks were both set to 00:00:00.

One clock marks each day by measuring Earth's rotation

with respect to the distant stars,

and counts off 86,400 Earth seconds between each rotation.

The other clock ticks off

86,400 precise atomic seconds every day.

But because Earth's rotation speeds up and slows down,

the first clock's seconds aren't always the same,

and these two clocks eventually get out of sync,

so every so often atomic time

counts off one extra second at the end of a day

to bring Earth rotation time and atomic time back in sync.

That's a leap second.

Since 1972, 27 leap seconds have been added

to keep Earth in sync with the more precise atomic wobbles.

(upbeat music)

It isn't the numbers on a clock

that keep our society functioning on time,

measuring the basic unit of time is far more critical,

the hidden anchor at the foundation of modern life.

Every financial transaction, every cellphone call,

every Netflix show or YouTube video you watch,

scientific observations, an Uber driver picking you up,

the power grid staying on.

There are billions of things on this planet, maybe more,

that have to know exactly what a second is in order to work.

And that comes from rooms full of servers like this.

- Network time protocol

is the time backbone for the internet,

and that's distributed by this rack of equipment

that's in here, that says network time protocol.

- So, the internet--

- The internet-- - ... gets its time--

- Gets its time from here. - ... from there.

There are other servers like these

at the National Institute of Standards and Technology

in Colorado.

Altogether these respond to millions of requests

every second, sending back tiny packets of data

containing official certified time.

And if you watched my previous video

you Know that every time you use GPS,

you're actually measuring time.

One of the primary missions of the Naval Observatory

is to tell GPS satellites exactly what time it is,

and if those time signals are off

by even a millionth of a second,

your GPS position could be off by hundreds of meters.

The second is not a fundamental bit of the universe,

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The Unexpected Measure that Makes the Modern World Tick (1) ||||||||работать исправно De onverwachte maatregel die de moderne wereld doet tikken (1)

- 354 years ago, John Wilkins, |||Wilkins |||Джон Уіл

a bishop and founder of the Royal Society |єпископ||||||

published a 638 page essay |||essay

laying out a scheme for a universal global language,

a common tongue to be used among scholars, philosophers,

and governments for the sharing of knowledge.

Buried among a handful of pages in that essay

is another idea,

one that would end up changing the world forever. |||up|up||||

A standard and universal system of measurement

based on the natural world.

And at the base of that system of measurement

would not be a rod of particular length, or a mass of metal,

instead it'd be based on time.

Today, other than a handful of notable exceptions,

(clears throat)

the modern world relies on a shared system of measurement

much like what Wilkins first proposed, the metric system.

But at its root there's always been a problem,

a measurement system tied to physical objects

will only ever be as precise as those physical objects.

So, in 2019, the base units

that make up the foundation of the metric or SI system |||||||||Міжнародна система|

were redefined to no longer rely |переопределены, чтобы не||||

on imperfect human artifacts. |imperfect||

Now, they're defined by natural mathematical constants ||||||константи

that never change.

This standard system of measurement

is the foundation of modern science and society,

but for any of it to work,

there's still one unit we must physically measure,

one unit to rule them all, the second.

So, who decides what a second is?

These are the things that keep me up at night.

(upbeat music)

Hey smart people, Joe here.

And this is the US Naval Observatory in Washington DC. |||||Військово-м||||

This is one of the best rooms I've ever been in in my life.

(inhaling) I wish you could smell this, вдихаючи||||||

it just smells like knowledge and important stuff.

- Yeah, yeah.

- That is Geoff, and inside of the building there,

you will find, I kid you not,

what are probably the most precise measuring devices

ever built by human hands, and they are clocks,

very, very fancy clocks.

It's also where the Vice President lives,

that's her helicopter taking off while we were filming.

You're right, I do take that for granted.

- Yeah.

- Helicopter time.

(claps) аплодисменти

- [Geoff] I'd love to wait for that.

I always tell people that of all the things in nature

that we can measure, the one that we can measure

with the highest precision

is the one that we know intrinsically the least about.

- Time. - Time.

I cannot tell you what time is,

but I can tell you exactly what time it is.

This is where time more or less begins.

So, let's look over here.

- We're at the beginning of time, right here,

is that what you're saying?

- We're at the beginning of time, right.

- Cell phone networks, the internet, power grids,

financial transactions, air travel,

the very fact that some server somewhere

is letting you load this video right now,

none of it would be possible without machines like these.

And what those machines do

is figure out exactly how long a second is.

So, how do we do that?

Okay, so let's lay this out for a second.

See what I did there?

Prepare for a bit of massively oversimplified history. ||||||надмірно сп|

Since humans became humans,

our species has marked the passage of time

using various cycles,

the Earth's orbit and the seasons,

the rising and setting sun, even tides. ||||||припливи

For most of our history these worked well enough,

but as everyday life changed

we needed to divide and measure time

in smaller and smaller slices.

The ancient Egyptians were the first

to slice up the night and day,

into smaller parts called hours,

And the Greeks were like "Hey, can we borrow that?"

Then, bam, there's 24 hours in a day.

Fast-forward to around 1,000 years ago,

and since people were using round things

to keep track of time,

astronomers were all about this weird base-60 number system

from the Babylonians.

(dramatical music) драматична|

It's actually pretty genius,

because you can easily divide anything with 60 units

into one, two, three, four, five, or six parts.

Anyway, the first recorded person

to subdivide time into 60 parts

was an Iranian astronomer named al-Biruni, |||||аль|аль-Біруні

and later European astronomers

put some Latin on those base-60 slices.

The first small part they called the minute,

and the second small part they called the second.

That's literally where the word comes from.

But normal everyday people didn't have any use

for minutes or seconds until 100s of years later.

The first clock with good enough mechanics

to even count seconds was made by Christiaan Huygens, |||||||Крістіан|Гюйгенс

using a pendulum just under a meter long

that swung once a second.

Apologies to the Dutch for my pronunciation of that name. Вибачення||||||вимова|||

- Christiaan Huygens.

- This evolution from planetary cycles to ticking machines

established the divisions of time we still use today,

24 equal hours divided into 60 equal minutes,

sliced into 60 equal seconds, the fundamental unit of time,

1/86,400th of an Earth rotation long.

This clean and simple mathematical definition

has just one problem,

Earth is a terrible thing to base time on.

Over long time scales,

Earth's rotation is actually slowing down.

A year in the Devonian period was 400 days long,

a day only lasted 22 hours,

and even on a day-to-day basis

Earth slows down and speeds up because of other planets,

the moon, how mass moves around inside the planet,

all kinds of things.

So, history had invented this basic unit of time

based on a fraction of a day,

and then scientists came along

with all this new, precise mathematical astronomy,

and realized that definition stunk.

So, by the early 20th century,

science decided to find a more precise way

to measure seconds,

they tried using the stars,

they tried basing it on the year, ||основуючи||||

but what they eventually settled on was atoms.

Okay, atomic clocks sound really complicated.

- Caesium beam frequency standard, Цезий||| Цезій|||

external oscillator generates a microwave frequency |осцилятор|||мікрохвиль|

and induce those atoms to go into resonance,

oscillating at that frequency for equal flux of atoms колеблющийся|||||||| ||||||потік||

in the two hyperfine states. |||гіперфінних|

- And they kinda are, actually,

but here's the most important thing

you need to understand about clocks,

except for sundials and hourglasses, ||сонячні годин||пісочні год

every single clock does the same thing.

It has something inside that wobbles at a very precise rate,

all any clock does is count up those wobbles

and convert them into a unit that we actually understand.

A pendulum makes one beat per second,

a quartz crystal and a $5 digital watch

beats 32,768 times per second,

atomic clocks wobble billions of times per second. ||коливаються|||||

The most widely used atomic clocks use cesium atoms.

When microwave radiation is humming ||радіація||гудіння

at the exact right frequency,

it does something special to cesium atoms.

So, you turn the dial on your little radiation machine ||||ручку|||||

until you hit the sweet spot

that excites the cesium atoms, |збуджує|||

then you count 9,192,631,770 wobbles of that radiation.

They took this old unit of time,

based on something that might change every day

and changed its definition

using something that never changes, physics.

- Since 1967, the second has been defined

as the interval of 9,192,631,770 hyperfine transitions

of the valence electron in a undisturbed cesium-133 atom. ||||||undisturbed|| ||валентний||||недоторканий||

Now, I will be brutally honest

and tell you when I started working here,

I thought a second was one Mississippi, ||||||Міссісіп

and for the most part it still works that way.

- The most precise atomic clocks today

can accurately measure a second

to more than 15 decimal places,

and what makes them so precise

is they tick 9 billion-something times per second.

Today's best atomic clocks won't loose a second

in something like 300 Million years,

which means if aliens had come down

and dropped one on Pangaea, ||||Пангея

it would still be accurate to within a second today,

as long as some clumsy T-Rex ||||незграбний||

didn't trip over the power cord or something.

The second as currently defined

is the most precise measurement of the universe

we've ever accomplished,

but as science continues to advance

the definition of a second

may have to become even more precise to keep up.

- The technology is getting to the point now

where that microwave frequency isn't precise enough

for the applications that require precise time,

so we are now working to develop

optical frequency standards.

- [Joe] It would be-- - Optical frequency is

five orders of magnitude higher, so-- |||порядок величины||

- Five more decimal places of precision

on what a second is.

- Right. - Where modern atomic clocks

use long-wavelength microwave radiation,

the next generation of atomic clocks

will measure atomic changes

based on visible light frequencies, ||||частотах

filling in even more decimal places of precision

for what a second is.

But even though cesium atoms do the same physics

everywhere in the universe,

atomic clocks are imperfect things built by people,

environmental conditions, relativity, magnetic fields,

a bunch of things can make two atomic clocks disagree

by minuscule fractions of a second. |мізерні част||||

- What we do here at the Naval Observatory,

there's an old saying that a person with one clock

knows what time it is, a person with two is never sure.

Here at this facility,

we operate about a 100 atomic frequency standards.

All the information of each of those clocks

comes up here where we have a computer system

that analyzes the whole ensemble of clocks, ||||ансамбль годин||

about every 100 seconds.

The output of this then goes into |выходной сигнал|||||

this rack of equipment over here, |стійка||обладнання||

where it generates a one pulse per second tick, if you will. |||||імпульс||||||

- In fact, because we can measure seconds

more precisely than anything else in the universe,

since 2019, the basic units for length,

mass, electrical current, temperature, light intensity,

are all now fundamentally based on the second. |||фундаментально||||

Atomic time almost works too well

because it keeps time better than the planet itself,

so we have to constantly correct atomic time

to stay in line with messy old Earth.

That basically happens like this,

at midnight on January one, 1958

two clocks were both set to 00:00:00.

One clock marks each day by measuring Earth's rotation

with respect to the distant stars,

and counts off 86,400 Earth seconds between each rotation.

The other clock ticks off

86,400 precise atomic seconds every day.

But because Earth's rotation speeds up and slows down,

the first clock's seconds aren't always the same, ||годинника|||||

and these two clocks eventually get out of sync,

so every so often atomic time

counts off one extra second at the end of a day

to bring Earth rotation time and atomic time back in sync.

That's a leap second.

Since 1972, 27 leap seconds have been added

to keep Earth in sync with the more precise atomic wobbles.

(upbeat music)

It isn't the numbers on a clock

that keep our society functioning on time,

measuring the basic unit of time is far more critical,

the hidden anchor at the foundation of modern life. ||якір||||||

Every financial transaction, every cellphone call, ||финансовая операция||| ||||телефонний дзв|

every Netflix show or YouTube video you watch,

scientific observations, an Uber driver picking you up,

the power grid staying on.

There are billions of things on this planet, maybe more,

that have to know exactly what a second is in order to work.

And that comes from rooms full of servers like this.

- Network time protocol

is the time backbone for the internet,

and that's distributed by this rack of equipment

that's in here, that says network time protocol.

- So, the internet--

- The internet-- - ... gets its time--

- Gets its time from here. - ... from there.

There are other servers like these

at the National Institute of Standards and Technology

in Colorado.

Altogether these respond to millions of requests

every second, sending back tiny packets of data

containing official certified time.

And if you watched my previous video

you Know that every time you use GPS,

you're actually measuring time.

One of the primary missions of the Naval Observatory

is to tell GPS satellites exactly what time it is,

and if those time signals are off

by even a millionth of a second,

your GPS position could be off by hundreds of meters.

The second is not a fundamental bit of the universe,