(442) The prayer of fear - YouTube
the|prayer|of|fear prayer|
(442) Das Gebet der Angst – YouTube
(442) The prayer of fear - YouTube
كان بودي أن تمكثوا حتى تخف حرارة الجو قليلا
|I would like||stay|||heat||
I wish you would stay until the temperature drops a little
الطريق شاق وأمامنا سفر طويل
|difficult|and ahead of us|journey|
It's a rough road and we have a long journey ahead of us
يجب أن نجتاز الجبل قبل حلول الليل
||we must cross|||the arrival of|
We have to get past the mountain before the night falls
لأن لا يخرج علينا قطاع الطرق
to avoid bandits coming at us
من أمثال أبي رهبة ورجاله
|||Rahba|and his men
for instance (Abi Rahba) and his men.
لقد صلينا الظهر منذ قليل
We've prayed Al Zuhr prayer not so long ago
وهناك متسع من الوقت قبل حلول الليل
|ample time||||the arrival of|
and there is plenty of time before the night falls
يجب أن نأخذ حذرنا حفاظا على أرواحنا وأموالنا
|||our caution|preserving||our lives|and our money
We must be careful to protect ourselves, our money
وعلى هذه السيارات المحملة بتجارتنا من التمر
and our business: these date-loaded cars.
إن شاء الله سوف نصل بالسلامة
We'll arrive safely, God willing
هيا بنا يا رجال
Let's go men!
أين عمر وخالد؟
Where are Umar and Khalid?
نعم أنا هنا يا أبي
Yes! I'm here, dad
وأنا أيضا يا عمَّاه
I am here to, Uncle
يا شيخ راجح، السلام عليكم- وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته-
-Peace be upon you Shaikh Rajih! -Allah's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you!
أُذِّن للعصر منذ ساعة
the call to prayer|for the afternoon prayer||
It has already been an hour since the call to Asr prayer
ولم نُصلِّه
|we pray
and we haven't prayed it yet!
إن شاء الله نصله في أقرب مصلى مُصلَّى يقابلنا
|||reach||||prayer place|faces us
God willing, we'll pray it at the nearest place of prayer
المهم أن نجتاز منطقة الجبل
the important thing||we pass through|area|
We need to focus on crossing this mountainous terrain safely
وقطاع الطرق بسلم يا إخوتي
bandits||is safe||my brothers
without running into the bandits
الله وحده الحافظ والمنجي
God|||the savior
Allah alone is the Protector and Savior
قل لي ماذا حدث
Tell me what happened
سقطت صخرة على السيارة
A rock has fallen on the car,
ويبدو أن بعض الأسلاك قد احترق
and it seems that some wires are burnt.
وفُصلت الكهرباء عن السيارة كلها
was disconnected||from||
The car's electrical system has completely shut down
كم من الوقت يلزمك لإصلاح العطل؟
|||you need|repair|malfunction
How much time do you need to fix this [electrical] fault?
هذا يتوقف على مدى التلف الذي أصابها
|depends||extent|the damage||it affected her
It depends on how much damage it has received
المهم أن نجد أسلاكا لاستبدال الأسلاك التالفة
|||wires|for replacing||damaged
Most importantly, we need to find wires to substitute the damaged ones
معي بعض الأسلاك الاحتياطية
I have some spare wires
اسمعني جيدًا أظن أننا على بعد خطوات من وكر أبي رهبة ورجاله
listen to me|||||distance|steps||lair|||
Listen to me well! I think we're just steps away from the hideout of Abi Rahba
من قطاع الطرق
and his bandits
ما إن يقترب الليل
As soon as night approaches
حتى ينحدر أبو رهبة ورجاله من الجبل كالمغول
|descends|Abu|||||like the Mongols
(Abu Rahba) and his men descend the mountain like Mongols
فيسرق ويقتل ولايرحم أحدًا
he steals|and kills|and does not spare|anyone
He ruthlessly robs and kills people sparing no one
أنا خائف يا أبي
I'm scared, dad!
لا، لاتخف يا بني
|don't be afraid||my son
No, don't be afraid, Son!
وادعو الله أن يصرف عنا السوء
I call upon|||avert from us||
Supplicate to Allah to avert this evil
ليتسلح كل منا بأي شيء يجده
let each of us arm|||any||he finds
Arm yourselves with whatever you can find
وكونوا مستعدين
and be|ready
and be prepared
فقد يغافلنا في أية لحظة يا رجال
|sneaks up on us|||moment||
As he may take us by surprise at any time, men
!حسنا أنا لدي سلاحي
|||my weapon
Alright! I have got my weapon
لقد انشغلنا بهمنا ونسينا أننا لم نصل العصر بعد
|we got busy|our concern|and we forgot||not|||
We've been occupied with our problems and forgot that we haven't prayed Asr prayer yet
أرى أن يصلي كل منا منفردًا حتى نتطيع حماية أنفسنا، أليس كذلك؟
I think everyone should pray alone so that we can protect ourselves, shouldn't we?
لا يا أخي
No, there's no need to do this, brother
بل لابد لنا من صلاة الجماعة
We must pray in congregation
كيف نصلي جماعة ونحن في هذا الحال من الخوف على أرواحنا
How can we pray in congregation when we fear for our lives
وأموالنا من قطاع الطرق؟
||the sector of|
and our money from the bandits?!
في مثل حالنا يشرع لنا أن نصلي صلاة الخوف
|||it is prescribed|||||
In our situation, we're enjoined to pray the prayer of fear
وما هي صلاة الخوف يا عماه؟
What is the fear prayer, uncle?
هي صلاة أي فرض من الصلوات الخمس
|||obligation||the prayers|
It is a prayer of any obligation from the five prayers.
ولكن في حالة الحرب أو في الأوقات التي يخشى المسلمون على أنفسهم
But it is in times of war or at times when Muslims fear for their safety.
من العدو المتربص
|the enemy|lurking enemy
from a lurking enemy.
وهي تقصر وتؤدى بطريقة معينة
|shortens|is performed||
It is shortened and performed in a certain manner
كما سيتضح لنا
|will be clear|
that we'll know later.
وهل ورد ذكر صلاة الخوف في القرآن الكريم؟
Is the prayer of fear mentioned in the Noble Qur'an?
صلاة الخوف ثابتة في القرآن وفي السنة أيضا
The prayer of fear is established in the Qur'an as well as the Sunnah
قال الله تعالى مخاطبا الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم والمؤمنين
||the Exalted|addressing|the Messenger|||||and the believers
Allah -Exalted He be- addressed the messenger -PBUH- and the believers and said:
وَإِذَا ضَرَبْتُمْ فِي الْأَرْضِ"
and when|you strike||
"And when you strike in the earth,
فَلَيْسَ عَلَيْكُمْ جُنَاحٌ أَن تَقْصُرُوا مِنَ الصَّلَاةِ
then there is no fault in you that you shorten the prayer
إنْ خِفْتُمْ أَن يَفْتِنَكُمُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا
|fear||tempt you||
in case you fear that the ones who have disbelieved may make an attempt on you;
إِنَّ الْكَافِرِينَ كَانُوا لَكُمْ عَدُوًّا مُّبِينًا
|the disbelievers|||an enemy|clear
(Literally) surely the disbelievers have been for you an evident enemy."
وقال مخاطبا رسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم
He said addressing his messenger -PBUH-
ومبينا له طريقة من طرق أداء صلاة الخوف
and explaining|||||performance||
demonstrating to him one of the manner of performing the prayer of fear:
وَإِذَا كُنتَ فِيهِمْ فَأَقَمْتَ لَهُمُ الصَّلَاةَ
|you are||you establish|for them|
"And when you are among them and lead them in prayer,
فَلْتَقُمْ طَائِفَةٌ مِّنْهُم مَّعَكَ
let them rise|a group|of them|
let a group of them stand [in prayer] with you
وَلْيَأْخُذُوا أَسْلِحَتَهُمْ
and let them take|their weapons
and let them carry their arms.
فَإِذَا سَجَدُوا فَلْيَكُونُوا مِن وَرَائِكُمْ
And when they have prostrated, let them be [in position] behind you
وَلْتَأْتِ طَائِفَةٌ أُخْرَىٰ لَمْ يُصَلُّوا
and let (it) come|a group||have not|they prayed
have the other group come forward which has not [yet] prayed
فَلْيُصَلُّوا مَعَكَ
|with you
and let them pray with you,
وَلْيَأْخُذُوا حِذْرَهُمْ وَأَسْلِحَتَهُمْ
|caution|and their weapons
taking precaution and carrying their arms.
وَدَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا لَوْ تَغْفُلُونَ عَنْ أَسْلِحَتِكُمْ
wished||||you were heedless|about|your weapons
Those who disbelieve wish that you would neglect your weapons
your possessions
and your baggage
فَيَمِيلُونَ عَلَيْكُم مَّيْلَةً وَاحِدَةً
||a tilt|
so they could come down upon you in one [single] attack.
وَلَا جُنَاحَ عَلَيْكُمْ إِن كَانَ بِكُمْ أَذًى مِّن مَّطَرٍ أَوْ كُنتُم مَّرْضَىٰ
|sin||||with you|harm||rain|||sick
But there is no blame upon you, if you are troubled by rain or are ill,
أَن تَضَعُوا أَسْلِحَتَكُمْ
|put down|your weapons
for putting down your arms,
وَخُذُوا حِذْرَكُمْ
and take|Your caution
but take precaution.
إِنَّ اللَّهَ أَعَدَّ لِلْكَافِرِينَ عَذَابًا مُّهِينًا
Indeed, Allah has prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment."
ما معنى "ضربتم في الأرض"؟
What does "when you strike in the earth" mean?
معناها سرتم والمراد سافرتم
|You traveled|and the intention|
It means "when you walk in the earth" but the intended meaning here is "when you travel"
كما هو حالنا الآن
as in our current situation
وما معنى "تقصروا"؟
||you shorten
What does shorten prayer mean?
معناها تنقصوا ويكون ذلك في الصلاة الرباعية
||||||the four (units)
It means to cut it short and this is specific to four-Rak'ah prayers
وتُصلَّى ركعتين فقط
is prayed|two rak'ahs|
and it is shortened to only two rak'ahs
وقصر الصلاة المفروضة في السفر وفي الحرب
and shorten||obligatory||||
Shortening of obligatory prayers during travel and at the time of war
وقت تربص الأعداء
|the waiting time|the enemies
when enemies are lurking
تيسير من الله تعالى لعباده المؤمنين
Facilitation|||the Exalted|to His servants|
is facilitation from Allah -exalted He be- to his faithful slaves
ولكن لماذا شُرعت صلاة الخوف؟
||was legislated||
Why did Allah ordain the prayer of fear?
صح عن سبب تشريع الخوف
It is proven that that the reason the prayer of fear was ordained
أن الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم
that the Messenger -PBUH-
كان مع أصحابه بمكان يُسمى عُصفان
|||in a place|called|Ushfan
was accompanied by his companions in an area called "Usfan"
فاستقبلهم المشركون
So the polytheists welcomed them|the polytheists
They were received by the polytheists
وكان قائدهم "خالد بن الوليد" قبل أن يسلم
|their leader||||||convert to Islam
whose leader was "Khalid Ibn Al Waleed" before he became a Muslim
وكان المشركون بين القبلة والمسلمين
|||the qibla|and the Muslims
The polytheists were standing between the Qiblah and Muslims
فصلى بهم الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم الظهر
The Messenger -PBUH- led the companions in Zuhr prayer.
فلما رأى المشركون ذلك
When the polytheists saw this
ندموا ندما شديدا
They regretted|regret|
they felt deep regret
لماذا ندموا؟
Why did they feel regret?
لأنهم لم يغافلوا المسلمين وهم ساجدون ويقتلوهم
||sneak up on||||
Because they didn't make an attempt on the Muslims and kill them during their (sujud) prostration
وقال بعضهم
Some of them said:
لقد كان المسلمون على حال
"The Muslims were in a [vulnerable] state
تمكننا من النيل منهم واستئصالهم
We were able||getting||and their eradication
We could have reached and eliminated them
وهم واضعون أسلحتهم ومنشغلون بالصلاة
||their weapons|preoccupied with|
when they had put their weapons away during prayer."
فقال آخر
Another man said:
ستأتي عليهم بعد قليل صلاة هي أحب إليهم من أبنائهم وأنفسهم
will come|||||||to them||their children|themselves
"There will come a prayer that is dearer to them than their children and themselves."
فنزل جبريل عليه السلام بالآيات التي تشرع صلاة الخوف بين وقت الظهر والعصر
So Gabriel -PBUH- descended between Zuhr and Asr with the verses that ordains the prayer of fear
فلما حضرت صلاة العصر
When Asr prayer came
أمر الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم أصحابه
The Messenger -PBUH- ordered his companions
أن يصطفوا خلفه صفين
|line up|behind him|two rows
to stand behind him in two rows
لأداء صلاة الخوف
to perform||
to perform the prayer of fear
كما وردت في الآيات السابقة
as mentioned in the earlier verses.
هل صلاة الخوف خاصة بالرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم؟
||||the Messenger||||
Is the prayer of fear exclusive to the Messenger -PBUH-?
جمهور العلماء يرون أن صلاة الخوف جائزة بعد الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم
the majority of||see||||permissible||||||
The majority of scholars say that the prayer of fear is permissible after the death of the Messenger -PBUH-
مادام أن هناك ما يتستدعيها من وجود العدو المتربص في الحرب والسفر
as long as||||that requires||||lurking|||
as long as there is a lurking enemy either in a war or while traveling
ولكن كيف تؤدى صلاة الخوف؟
||is performed||
But how is the prayer of fear performed?
هناك عدة صفات وردت عن الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم لصلاة الخوف
There are several ways reported on how the Messenger -PBUH- performed the prayer of fear
أن يكون العدو في غير جهة القبلة
Like when the enemy is in a direction other than that of the Qiblah
فيصلي الإمام بطائفة من الطائفتين ركعة
||with a group||two groups|rak'ah
The Imam should lead one of the two groups in the performance of one rak'ah
والطائفة الثانية تقف في مواجهة العدو
while the second group stands facing the enemy.
ثم تنصرف الطائفة الأولى لتقف في مواجهة العدو
|will depart|||||confrontation|
Then the first group leaves to face the enemy
وتأتي الطائفة الثانية فيصلي بهم الإمام ركعة
and comes|||||imam|
and the second group comes to pray one rak'ah with the Imam
ثم يسلم الإمام
Then the Imam finishes the prayer with tasleem
وتكمل الطائفة الثانية الركعة الثانية
|||the prayer|
while the second group proceeds with the second rak'ah
ثم تذهب لتقف في مواجهة العدو
||to stand|||
After that, it goes and faces the enemy
بينما تأتي الطائفة الأولى لتكمل ركعتها الثانية
||||to complete||
while the first group comes and proceeds with the second rak'ah
ثم تسلم
then finishes the prayer with tasleem
وهذه موافقة لظاهر الآيات
||apparent meaning|
This manner corresponds to the literal meaning of the verses
والطريقة الثانية
The second manner is
فهي أن يصلي الإمام بطائفة ركعتين متواصلتين
when the Imam leads a group for two uninterrupted rak'ahs
and he submits
and finishes the prayer with tasleem.
ثم تتأخر هذه الطائفة لتقف في مواجهة العدو
This group then stands behind facing the enemy
بينما تأتي الطائفة الثانية
while the second group comes
فيصلي بهم الإمام ركعتين متواصلتين
and prays behind the the Imam two uninterrupted rak'ahs
that he finishes with tasleem
فتكون للإمام أربع ركعات ولكل طائفة ركعتان
that makes it four rak'ahs for the Imam and two for each group
فتكون الركعتان الأوليان للإمام فرضًا
||first two||obligation
The first two rak'ah being his (fard) obligatory prayer
والركعتان الأخريان له نافلة
|the other two||supererogatory prayer
and the second two rak'ahs being his (nafl) voluntary prayer
والثالثة أن يكون العدو في جهة القبلة
The third manner is when the enemy is in the direction of the Qiblah
فيصلي الإمام بالطائفتين جميعا
||both groups|
The Imam leads both groups in prayer
مع اشتراكهم في الحراسة
|their participation||guarding
Both groups share in guarding
ومتابعتهم له في جميع أركان الصلاة
and their following||||parts|
and they follow the Imam in all the actions that he performs in prayer
إلا السجود
|the prostration
except for prostration.
فتسجد معه طائفة وتنتظر الأخرى حتى تفرغ الطائفة الأولى
One group prostrates with him while the second one waits until the first one finishes
ثم تسجد
|you prostrate
to prostrate
وإذا فرغوا من الركعة الأولى تقدمت الطائفة المتأخرة
|finished||||||the delayed group
After finishing the first rak'ah, the group standing behind steps forward
مكان الطائفة المتقدمة
||the advanced group
in place of the group in the front
وتأخرت المتقدمة
was delayed|the advanced
and the group in the front moves back
وهناك طرق أخرى
There are other manners
ولكن أرى أن نصلي حتى لا تفوتنا الصلاة
||||||we miss|
but I think we should pray so that we don't miss the prayer
نعم، هيا بنا
Yes, let's do it!
الله أكبر الله أكبر
Allah is greater (x2)