كيف عرفتي إنه أخوكي عايش هون؟
How did you know your brother was living here?
واحد من أصحابي حكالي إنه عايش هون.
one|||told me|||
|||mondta nekem|||
One of my friends told me he was living here.
واحد من أصحابي حكالي وين ساكن.
|||told me||
One of my friends told me where he lived.
واحد من أصحابي أعطاني عنوانه.
|||gave me|his address
One of my friends gave me his address.
وين ساكنة؟
|she lives
Where are you living?
أنا ساكنة مع عيلتي في مدينة تانية.
|living||my family|||
I'm living with my family in another city.
البيت اللي عايشة فيه لأبوي.
the house||living||"my father's"
The house I'm in belongs to my father.
بالمناسبة، وين صفيتي سيارتك؟
By the way||parked my car|your car
By the way, where did you park your car?
صفيتها بالزاوية.
I described her|in the corner
sarkában|a sarokban
I parked it around the corner.
ما كان في مكان قريب أصفها.
||||near|describe it
There wasn't a close spot.
صفيتي على يمين الشارع ولا عاليسار؟
||right side|the street||on the left
||jobb|||bal oldalon
Did you park on the right side of the street or the left?
صفيت عاليسار قدّام المدرسة مباشرة.
I parked|on the left|in front of||directly
I parked on the left directly in front of the school.
صفيتيها جنب الشاحنه الكبيره؟
your car|next to|truck|big
a barátnőm|||
Did you park it next to the big truck?
آه، ليش بتسأل؟
||are you asking
Yeah, why are you asking?
ممنوع الوقوف هناك.
No parking allowed.|No parking|there
It's no parking there.
عم بصلحوا بالشارع.
|they are fixing|in the street
They're doing road repairs.
طيب رح أروح أشيلها.
||I will go|I'll go get it.
|||Elviszem őt
Okay, I'll go move it.
استناني لو سمحت.
Wait for me||
Várj rám||
Wait for me, please.
عندي كمان أسئلة.
I have a few more questions.