시간이 참 빨라요. 어느새 우리가 만난 지 1년이 다 됐네요.time||fast|before I knew it||||||
Time flies. In no time, it's been almost one year since we met.
벌써 그렇게 됐군요. 여기에 와서 많은 것을 배웠어요.
It's been this long already. I've learned a lot here.
언제 귀국하세요?|are you returning home
When are you returning to your country?
조금 더 여기에 있을 계획이에요. 회사 사정도 있고요.||||I plan||circumstances|
I am planning to stay here a little longer. There is also a company situation.
웨이 씨가 만약 한국에 오지 않았다면 어땠을까요?||||||would it have been
What would have happened if you didn't come to Korea?
아마 결혼을 했을 거예요. 부모님이 많이 바라셨거든요.||||||wished for
Maybe I would have gotten married. My parents really wanted me to get married.