지하철서 아시아계 폭행‥말리는 학생에도 발길질 (2021.11.20/뉴스데스크/MBC) - YouTube
on the subway|Asian|assault|trying to stop|to the student|kicking|||
Uomo asiatico aggredito in metropolitana, preso a calci anche quando uno studente cerca di fermarlo (2021.11.20/Newsdesk/MBC) - YouTube
Assault on Asian individuals in the subway... Kicking at students who tried to intervene (2021.11.20/News Desk/MBC) - YouTube
-(앵커) 미국 필라델피아에서 10대아시아계 청소년들이 흑인 여학생들에게 집단 폭행을 당했습니다.
anchor|United States|in Philadelphia|Asian teenagers|youth|Black|female students|group|assault|were subjected to
-(Anchor) In Philadelphia, USA, Asian teenagers were collectively assaulted by Black female students.
코로나19가 유행한 이후 아시아인을 향한 증오 범죄가 계속 늘고 있는데요.
||pandemic|after|towards Asians|directed at|hate|crimes|continuously|increasing|is
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, hate crimes against Asians have continued to rise.
뚜렷한 해결책은 없는 상황입니다.
clear|solution|not having|situation
There are currently no clear solutions.
남효정 기자의 보도입니다.
Nam Hyo-jeong|reporter's|report
This is a report by reporter Nam Hyo-jung.
-(기자) 지난 17일 미국 필라델피아의 지하철 안.
reporter|last|17th|United States|of Philadelphia|subway|inside
-(Reporter) On the 17th, inside the subway in Philadelphia, USA.
흑인 여학생 4명이 좌석에 앉아 있는 아시아계 남학생들에게 욕설을 퍼붓더니
black|female student|4|at the seat|sitting|who are|Asian|to the male students|insults|were hurling
Four Black female students started hurling insults at Asian male students sitting in their seats.
주먹으로 때리기시작합니다.
with a fist|starts hitting
Then they began to hit them with their fists.
이를 보다 못한 한 아시아계 여학생이 그만하라고 말리자
this|seeing|unable to|one|Asian|female student|to stop|advised
Seeing this, an Asian female student intervened and told them to stop.
이번에는 이 여학생을 구석으로 몰고 가 폭행하기 시작합니다.
this time|this|female student|to the corner|driving|to|assault|begins
This time, they cornered this female student and started to assault her.
-꺼져!-(기자) 분을 이기지 못 했는지 급기야는 여학생을 내동댕이치고
get lost|reporter|anger|overcome|not|was able to|eventually|female student|throwing
-Get lost!-(Reporter) Unable to control their anger, they ended up throwing a female student.
무차별 발길질을 해댑니다.
indiscriminate|kicking|is doing
They indiscriminately kicked her.
폭행을 당한 피해자와 가해자 모두 10대 중, 고등학생들.
the assault|that was|victim|perpetrator|both|teenagers|middle|high school students
Both the victim and the perpetrator are teenagers, high school students.
경찰은 가해자 중 한 명은 피해 학생의에어팟을 훔치려고 한 혐의도 확인됐다며
the police|perpetrator|among|one|person|victim|student's AirPods|trying to steal|to|charge|was confirmed
The police confirmed that one of the perpetrators was also suspected of trying to steal the victim's AirPods.
인종 차별, 폭행 혐의와 함께 가중 처벌할 계획이라고 밝혔습니다.
race|discrimination|assault|with charges|together|aggravated|punishment|plan to|revealed
They stated that they plan to impose harsher penalties along with charges of racial discrimination and assault.
-(in English) "아직 아이들이잖아요. 심지어 그 아이는 흑인의 목숨도 소중하다는 인권 운동을 지지했어요. 저는 그들에게 아시아인들의 목숨도 소중하다는 걸 말하고 싶습니다."
||still|they are children|even|that|child|black person's|life also|is precious|human rights|movement|supported|I|to them|Asian people's|life also|is precious|thing|telling|want to
-(in English) "They are still children. That child even supported the human rights movement that values Black lives. I want to tell them that Asian lives matter too."
-(기자) 코로나19 대유행 이후 미국 내 아시아인에 대한 증오 범죄는 계속 늘어나고 있습니다.
(reporter)|COVID-19|pandemic|after|||to Asians|regarding|hate|crimes|continuously|increasing|are
-(Reporter) Since the COVID-19 pandemic, hate crimes against Asians in the United States have continued to rise.
지난 5월 샌프란시스코의 한 버스 정류장에서는
last|May|of San Francisco|a|bus|at the bus stop
Last May, at a bus stop in San Francisco,
50대 남성이 아시아계 60대 여성 등 2명에게 흉기를 휘둘러 중상을 입혔고
50s|man|Asian|60s|woman|etc|to 2 people|with a weapon|swung|serious injury|inflicted
a man in his 50s attacked two people, including a woman in her 60s of Asian descent, with a weapon, seriously injuring them,
지난 3월 애틀란타에서는 한인 여성 4명이 20대 백인 남성이 쏜 총에 맞아
last|March|in Atlanta|Korean|women|4|in their 20s|white|man|shot|with a gun|was hit
and last March in Atlanta, four Korean women were shot by a man in his 20s.
숨지는 사건이 발생하기도 했습니다.
There have been incidents resulting in deaths.
미연방수사국 FBI는 아시아인을 향한 증오 범죄가 2019년 150여 건에서
Federal Bureau of Investigation|FBI|towards Asians|directed at|hate|crimes|in 2019|over 150|cases
The FBI reported that hate crimes against Asians increased from over 150 cases in 2019 to over 270 cases last year, a 73% increase.
지난해 270여 건으로 73% 증가했다고 밝혔습니다.
last year|about 270|cases|increased|reported
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, hate crimes based on race have been on the rise.
코로나19 발생 이후 인종 혐오 범죄가 늘어나면서
President Biden even signed the Anti-Asian Hate Crime Bill last May.
바이든 대통령은 지난 5월 아시아계 증오 범죄 방지법에 서명까지했지만
Biden|president|last|May|Asian|hate|crime|prevention law|even signed
President Biden even signed the Asian Hate Crimes Prevention Act in May.
여전히 뚜렷한 해결책은 없는 상황입니다.
still|clear|solution|not having|situation
There is still no clear solution.
MBC 뉴스 남효정입니다.
MBC|news|is Nam Hyo-jeong
This is Nam Hyo-jung from MBC News.
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