Her er Amazons 5 værste sager
Hier sind die 5 schlimmsten Fälle von Amazon
Here are Amazon's 5 worst cases
Amazon, et af verdens mest værdifulde selskaber -
Amazon, one of the world's most valuable companies
- har en markedsværdi på 10.000 mia kr. -
||market value|||
- has a market capitalization of DKK 10,000 billion.
- og er ejet af verdens rigeste mand, Jeff Bezos.
- and is owned by the world's richest man, Jeff Bezos.
Selvom det er en god forretning for Bezos og en fest for forbrugere -
"Even though"|||||good business deal|||||||consumers
While it's good business for Bezos and a feast for consumers
- trækker firmaet et spor af skandaler bag sig.
leaves|the company||||scandals||
- the company leaves a trail of scandals behind it.
De har fået kritik for deres forretningsmetoder -
||||||business practices
They have been criticized for their business practices
- og flere steder har ansatte protesteret mod arbejdsforholdene.
- and in several locations, employees have protested against working conditions.
Amazon tager førstepladsen på "The Evil List".
||first place|||The Evil List|The Evil List
Amazon takes first place on "The Evil List".
Listen er en oversigt over de tech-selskaber, der gør mest skade.
The list is an overview of the tech companies that do the most damage.
Nu er Amazon i Sverige, og det forventes, at de kommer til Danmark -
|||||||"is expected"|||||
Amazon is now in Sweden and is expected to come to Denmark
- i første halvdel af 2021.
||first half|
- in the first half of 2021.
Derfor har vi kigget på deres fem værste sager.
|||looked at|||||
That's why we've taken a look at their five worst cases.
Dethar sendt os det her lange svar.
sent us||||||
It sent us this long response.
I 2019 afdækkede Bloomberg, at Amazon har lyttet til Alexa-enheder.
|revealed|Bloomberg||||listened to||Alexa devices|devices
In 2019, Bloomberg uncovered that Amazon has been listening to Alexa devices.
Alexa er Amazons assistent, som lytter efter kommandoen "Alexa".
Alexa is Amazon's assistant that listens for the command "Alexa".
Amazon har et globalt lytteteam ansat -
||||listening team|employed
Amazon has a global listening team in place
- til at lytte og transskribere nogle af optagelserne.
||||transcribe|some of||
- to listen and transcribe some of the recordings.
Samme forklaring brugte Google, da Google Home-enheden var i stormvejr.
||||||Home device|the device|||"storm"
Google used the same explanation when the Google Home device was in turmoil.
En Amazon-chef har fortalt, at han slukker sin højttaler -
||Amazon executive|||||turns off||speaker
An Amazon manager has said that he turns off his speaker
- når han vil tale privat.
- when he wants to talk privately.
Amazon svarer, at privatliv er vigtigt og prioriteret.
Amazon responds that privacy is important and prioritized.
Kun 1 % af optagelserne bliver aflyttet for at forbedre Alexa.
||||listened to|||improve|
Only 1% of recordings are tapped to improve Alexa.
Efter at have betalt 0 dollars i selskabsskat i 2017 og 2018 -
||||||corporate tax||
After paying 0 dollars in corporate income tax in 2017 and 2018
- betalte Amazon i 2019 162 mio. dollars i skat.
- Amazon paid 162 million dollars in taxes in 2019.
Det svarer til en procent på 1,2 %. Selskabsskatten i USA er 21 %.
||||||Corporate tax rate|||
This equates to a rate of 1.2%. The corporate tax rate in the US is 21%.
På grund af skatterabatter og skattely lå Amazon markant under.
|||tax breaks||tax havens||||
Due to tax rebates and tax havens, Amazon was significantly underperforming.
I 2017 fik Amazon en EU-milliardbøde for en ulovlig skatteaftale med Luxembourg.
|||||billion-euro fine||||tax agreement||Luxembourg
In 2017, Amazon was fined billions of euros by the EU for an illegal tax agreement with Luxembourg.
Amazon siger, de betaler den skat, de skal, er uenige -
Amazon says they pay the taxes they should, disagree
- og mener ikke, de har fået særbehandling.
||||||special treatment
- and don't believe they have received preferential treatment.
I 2019 foregik 37 % af al internethandel i USA på Amazon.
||||online shopping||||
In 2019, 37% of all online shopping in the US was done on Amazon.
Pga. størrelsen beskyldes de for at have monopol -
Due to their size, they are accused of having a monopoly -
- kontrollere priser og mase konkurrenter.
- control prices and squash competitors.
Amazon har fjernet konkurrenters produkter fra platformen.
|||competitors'|products||the platform
Amazon has removed competitors' products from the platform.
De har tidligere fjernet Apple TV, Chromecast og Google Home.
They have previously removed Apple TV, Chromecast and Google Home.
I 2018 beskrev NY Times styringen af kunder mod Amazons egne produkter.
|||NY Times|steering||||||products
In 2018, the NY Times described the steering of customers towards Amazon's own products.
Amazon svarer, at de udgør en mindre del af detailhandlen.
|"responds"|||constitute|||||retail market
Amazon responds that they are a small part of the retail industry.
De gør opmærksom på, at man i dag både kan købe Chromecast og Apple TV.
|draw attention|point out||||"nowadays"||||buy||||
They point out that today you can buy both Chromecast and Apple TV.
Virksomheder som Apple og Huawei har fået kritik for arbejdsforholdene.
Companies||||Huawei|||||working conditions
Companies like Apple and Huawei have been criticized for working conditions.
Det har Amazon heller ikke undgået.
Amazon hasn't avoided this either.
I 2019 modtog en fagforening i USA 600 anmeldelser om Amazons lagre.
|||labor union|||complaints|||warehouses
In 2019, a union in the US received 600 complaints about Amazon's warehouses.
Andre beskrev gravide, der måtte stå op i timevis af frygt for fyring.
|described|pregnant women||had to||||hours||fear of dismissal||being fired
Others described pregnant women having to stand up for hours for fear of being fired.
Et lager i New York havde i 2018 flere arbejdsskader -
|warehouse|||||||workplace injuries
A warehouse in New York had more workplace injuries in 2018
- end savværker og støberier i samme periode.
- than sawmills and foundries in the same period.
Amazon svarer, de har forventninger til præstationer -
||||||performance levels
Amazon says they have performance expectations
- og tilbyder coaching, så medarbejdere kan forbedre sig.
- and offers coaching to help employees improve.
De har investeret over en milliard dollars i 2020 på sikkerheden.
They have invested over a billion dollars in 2020 on security.
I 2019 afdækkede DR, at børnelegetøj fra Amazon udgør en kvælningsrisiko -
|"revealed"|||children's toys|||||choking hazard
In 2019, DR revealed that children's toys from Amazon pose a choking hazard.
- og er giftige.
||and are toxic
- and are toxic.
De ser også giftige ud!
They look poisonous too!
Efter Miljøstyrelsens henvendelse blev salget stoppet -
|Environmental Agency's|||the sale|stopped
After a request from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency, sales were stopped.
- men DR kunne købe seks ud af ti produkter efterfølgende.
- but DR was able to purchase six out of ten products afterwards.
Det er et problem, når man tror, produkterne er væk.
|||||||the products||gone
It's a problem when you think the products are gone.
"Nu kan vi handle igen." Det kan man ikke.
"Now we can trade again." You can't.
Amazon skriver, at de har sikkerhed som topprioritet, og produkter skal overholde reglerne.
|||||||top priority||||comply with|
Amazon states that security is a top priority and products must comply with regulations.
De har investerer 400 mio. dollars i at sikre, at de overholder reglerne.
||have invested||||||||comply with|
They have invested 400 million dollars to ensure they are compliant.
Vi har lagt de fulde svar klar, og der kan I også finde anklagerne.
|||||||||||||the accusations
We've posted the full answers and you can also find the charges there.
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