Alhemičar 3. Prvi Dio (Long)
The Alchemist|First|Part|(Long)
Der Alchemist 3. Teil Eins (lang)
El Alquimista 3. Primera parte (Larga)
L'Alchimista 3. Prima parte (lunga)
Alchemik 3. Część pierwsza (długa)
O Alquimista 3. Parte Um (Longa)
Алхимик 3. Часть первая (длинная)
The Alchemist 3. Part One (Long)
Prvi dio
Part one
Mladić se zvao Santiago.
The young man|himself|was called|Santiago
The young man's name was Santiago.
Počela je da pada noć, kada je sa svojim stadom stigao do jedne stare napuštene crkve.
It started|was|to|fall|night|when|he|with|his|flock|arrived|at|one|old|abandoned|church
è iniziata|||padare||||||||||||
Night began to fall as he arrived with his flock at an old abandoned church.
Njen krov se odavno obrušio, a jedna ogromna egipatska smokva izrasla je na mjestu gdje je nekada bila crkvena riznica.
Her|roof|reflexive pronoun|long ago|collapsed|and|one|huge|Egyptian|fig tree|grew|has|at|the place|where|was|once|been|church|treasury
il suo|tetto||da tempo|è crollato||||egiziana|fichi|è cresciuta||||||||parrocchiale|tesoreria
Its roof had long collapsed, and a huge Egyptian fig tree had grown where the church's treasury once stood.
Odlučio je, da tu provede noć.
hat entschieden|||||
He decided|(past tense marker)|to|here|spend|night
He decided to spend the night there.
Utjerao je sve ovce kroz ruševna vrata, a zatim je naslonio nekoliko dasaka kako mu ovce ne bi pobjegle tokom noći.
He herded|(past tense marker)|all|sheep|through|broken|gates|and|then|(past tense marker)|leaned|several|boards|so that|to him|sheep|not|would|escape|during|night
ha scacciato|||pecore|attraverso||||||||||||||||
He herded all the sheep through the crumbling door, and then leaned a few boards so that his sheep wouldn't escape during the night.
Nije bilo vukova u tom kraju, ali ponekad se dešavalo da mu tokom noći neka od životinja pobjegne, i on bi onda proveo čitav naredni dan tražeći zalutalu ovcu.
It was not|there|wolves|in|that||but|sometimes|(reflexive particle)|happened|that|to him|during|night|some|of|animals|escapes|and|he|would|then|spent|whole|next|day|searching for|lost|sheep
||lupi|||||||succedeva||||||||scappa||||allora|ha trascorso|||||smarrita|pecora
There were no wolves in that area, but sometimes it happened that one of the animals would escape during the night, and he would then spend the entire next day searching for the lost sheep.
Na tle je prostroo svojo grtač i legao, dok mu je knjiga koju je upravo pročitao poslužila kao uzglavlje.
On|ground|past tense auxiliary verb|spread||mat|and|lay|while|to him|past tense auxiliary verb|book|which|past tense auxiliary verb|just|read|served|as|headrest
He spread out his blanket on the ground and lay down, using the book he had just read as a pillow.
Prisjetio se, prije nego što će zaspati, da bi trebalo da počne da čita deblje knjige, duže bi trajelo čitanje, a i noću bi mu bolje poslužile kao uzglavlje.
He remembered|himself|before|than|that|he will|fall asleep|that|he would|should|to||to|read|thicker|books|longer|would||reading|and|also|at night|would|him|better|served|as|headrest
He remembered, before falling asleep, that he should start reading thicker books; it would take longer to read, and they would serve him better as a pillow at night.
Još uvijek je bilo mračno kada se probudio.
still|always|was|it|dark|when|himself|woke up
It was still dark when he woke up.
Pogledao je naviše i vidio svjetlost zvijezda kroz polusrušeni krov.
He looked|(past tense marker)|upward|and|saw|the light|of the stars|through|partially destroyed|roof
He looked up and saw the light of the stars through the partially collapsed roof.
— Htio sam da spavam malo duže, pomisli on.
wanted|I|to|sleep|a little|longer|he thought|he
— I wanted to sleep a little longer, he thought.
Ponovo je usnio isti san kao prošle nedjelje i opet se probudio prije njegovog kraja.
Again|(past tense verb to be)|dreamed|same|dream|as|last|week|and|again|(reflexive pronoun)|woke up|before|its|end
He dreamt the same dream as last week again and woke up before it ended.
Ustao je i popio gutlja i vina, zatim je uzao štap i počao da budi ovce koje su još spavale.
He got up|(past tense marker)|and|drank|sip|of|wine|then|(past tense marker)|took|stick|and|began|to|wake|sheep|that|(past tense marker)|still|slept
He got up and took a sip of wine, then he picked up his stick and started to wake the sheep that were still sleeping.
Već je bio primjetio da bi većina ovaca počela da se budi čim bi se on probudio, kao da je postojala neka tajanstvena energia koja je povezivala njegov život sa životima tih ovaca s kojima je već dvije godine lutao zemljom u potrazi za vodom i hranom.
already|was|he|noticed|that|would|majority|sheep|began|to|themselves|wake|as soon as|would|themselves|he|woke|as|that|was|existed|some|mysterious|energy|which|was|connecting|his|life|with|lives|those|sheep|with|whom|he|already||years|wandered|the earth|in|search|for|water|and|food
He had already noticed that most of the sheep would start to wake up as soon as he did, as if there was some mysterious energy connecting his life with the lives of those sheep with whom he had been wandering the earth for two years in search of water and food.
— Toliko su se već navikle na mene da poznaju moj raspored, reče on tiho.
So much|they|reflexive pronoun|already|have gotten used|to|me|that|know|my|schedule|he said|he|quietly
— They have gotten so used to me that they know my schedule, he said quietly.
Onda se malo zamisli i dođe do zaključka da bi moglo da bude i suprotno da je upravo on taj koji se navikao na njihovu satnicu.
Then|reflexive pronoun|a little|thinks|and|comes|to|conclusion|that|would|could|to|be|and|opposite|that|is|just|he|the one|who|reflexive pronoun|got used|to|their|schedule
Then he thought for a moment and came to the conclusion that it could also be the opposite, that it was actually he who had gotten used to their timetable.
Ipak bilo je još nekih ovaca koji su se duže budile.
However|there were|was|more|some|sheep|who|were|themselves|longer|waking up
However, there were still some sheep that woke up later.
Mladić je uz pomoć štapa budio jednu po jednu, dozivajući ih po imenu.
The young man|was|with|the help|of a stick|waking|one|by|one|calling|them|by|name
The young man used his staff to wake them one by one, calling them by name.
Uvijek je vjerovao da su ovce u stanju da razumiju to što im on govori.
Always|(is)|believed|that|(are)|sheep|in|able|to|understand|that|what|to them|he|says
He always believed that sheep are capable of understanding what he tells them.
Zbog toga ima običaj da im ponekad čita dijelove knjiga koje su ga najviše impresionirali,
Because|of that|he has|habit|to|them|sometimes|reads|parts|of the book|which|were|him|most|
Because of this, he has a habit of sometimes reading them parts of books that impressed him the most,
ili im je pričao o usamljenosti i radosti jednog pastira u polju,
or|to them|he|told|about|loneliness|and|joy|one|shepherd|in|the field
or he would tell them about the loneliness and joy of a shepherd in the field,
ili je naglas komentarisao najnovije dogodovštine u gradovima kroz koje su obično prolazili.
or|he|aloud|commented|latest|adventures|in|the cities|through|which|they|usually|passed
or he would loudly comment on the latest events in the towns they usually passed through.
Posljednja dva dana, međutim, najradije je pričao o jednoj temi.
Last|two|days|however|most gladly|he|talked|about|one|topic
However, for the last two days, he preferred to talk about one topic.
O djevojci, kćerci jednog trgovca, koja je živjela u gradu u koji je trebalo da stignu za četiri dana.
About a girl, the daughter of a merchant, who lived in a city they were supposed to reach in four days.
Samo je jednom bio tamo, prethodne godine.
He had only been there once, the previous year.
Trgovac je imao radnju s tekstilom i uvijek je volio da lično prisustuje šišanju ovaca da bi izbjegao bilo kakvu prevar.
The merchant|was|had|store|with|textiles|and|always|was|liked|to|personally||shearing|of sheep|to|would|avoid|any|kind of|deception
The merchant had a textile shop and always liked to personally attend the shearing of sheep to avoid any fraud.
Neki prijatelj mu je pokazao tu radnju i pastir je tamo odjerao svoje ovce.
Some|friend|to him|(past tense marker)|showed|that|store|and|shepherd|(past tense marker)|there|sheared|his|sheep
A friend showed him that shop and the shepherd sheared his sheep there.
— Htio bih da prodam nešto vune, rekao je trgovcu.
I wanted|would|to|sell|something|wool|he said|(past tense marker)|to the merchant
— I would like to sell some wool, he said to the merchant.
Trgovčeva radnja je bila puna i on zamoli mladića da ga sačeka do večeri.
The merchant's|shop|was|full|full|and|he|asked|the young man|to|him|wait|until|evening
The merchant's shop was full and he asked the young man to wait for him until evening.
Sjeo je ispred radnje i izvadio knjigu iz bisaga.
He sat|(past tense marker)|in front of|the store|and|took out|the book|from|the satchel
He sat in front of the shop and took a book out of his satchel.
— Nisam znala da i pastiri umiju da čitaju knjige, reče jedan ženski glas pored njega.
I didn't|know|that|and|shepherds|can|to|read|books|said|one|female|voice|next to|him
— I didn't know that shepherds can read books too, said a female voice next to him.
Bila je to tipična andalužlanka crne glatke kose i očiju koje su ovlaž podsjećale na nekadašnje mavarske osvajače.
It was|(past tense verb to be)|that|typical|Andalusian woman|black|smooth|hair|and|eyes|which|(past tense verb to be)|slightly|reminded|of|former|Moorish|conquerors
She was a typical Andalusian woman with black smooth hair and eyes that slightly reminded of the former Moorish conquerors.
— To je zato što se od ovaca više može naučiti nego iz knjiga, odgovori mladić.
It|is|that's why|that|reflexive pronoun|from|sheep|more|can|be learned|than|from|books|answered|young man
— That's because you can learn more from sheep than from books, replied the young man.
Proveli su u razgovoru više od dva sata.
They spent|(past tense auxiliary verb)|in|conversation|more|than|two|hours
They spent more than two hours in conversation.
Ona mu je ispričala da je trgovčevak čerka i osvrćući se na život u svom mjestu zaključila da su u njemu
She|to him|past tense marker|told|that|is|merchant's|daughter|and|looking back|reflexive pronoun|at|life|in|her|place|concluded|that|are|in|it
She told him that she is the merchant's daughter and reflecting on life in her place concluded that in it
svi dani jednaki kao jaje jajetu.
all|days|equal|as|egg|to the egg
all days are the same as an egg to an egg.
Pastir joj je pričao o poljima Andaluzije, o najnovim dogodovštinama u gradovima kroz koje je prošao.
The shepherd|to her|was|telling|about|the fields|of Andalusia|about|latest|adventures|in|the cities|through|which|he|passed
The shepherd told her about the fields of Andalusia, about the latest adventures in the cities he passed through.
Bio je zadovoljan što ne mora da priča samo s ovcama.
He was|is|satisfied|that|not|has to|to|talk||with|sheep
He was happy that he didn't have to talk only to sheep.
— Kako si naučio da čitaš?
— How did you learn to read?
— upitala je djevojka u jednom trenutku.
asked|(past tense marker)|girl|in|one|moment
— the girl asked at one point.
— Kao i svi drugi, odgovori mladić, u školi.
Like|and|all|others|answered|young man|in|school
— Like everyone else, the young man replied, in school.
— A kad već znaš da čitaš, zašto si samo pastir?
And|when|already|you know|that|you read|why|are|just|a shepherd
— And since you already know how to read, why are you just a shepherd?
Mladić je naveo nekakav izgovor kako bi izbjegao odgovor na to pitanje.
The young man|(is)|gave|some kind of|excuse|how|(would)|avoid|answer|to|that|question
The young man gave some excuse to avoid answering that question.
Bio je siguran da ga djevojka nikada ne bi razumjela.
He was|is|sure|that|him|girl|never|not|would|understand
He was sure that the girl would never understand him.
Nastavio je da priča svoje priče o putovanjima, a sitne mavarske oči svaki čas su se širile i skupljale od čuđanja i iznenađenja.
He continued|(past tense marker)|to|tell|his|stories|about|travels|and|small|Moorish|eyes|every|moment|were|(reflexive pronoun)|widening|and|narrowing|from|wonder|and|surprise
He continued to tell his stories about travels, and the small Moorish eyes widened and narrowed with wonder and surprise every moment.
Kako je vrijeme prolazilo, mladić je dobijao želju da se ovaj dan nikada ne završi,
As|was|time|passed|young man|he|gained|desire|to|himself|this|day|never|not|ends
As time passed, the young man began to wish that this day would never end,
da djevojčin otac dugo bude zauzet i da mu naloži da ga čeka bar još tri dan.
that|girl's|father|long|be|busy|and|to|him|order|to|him|wait|at least|another|three|days
that the girl's father would be busy for a long time and that he would be told to wait at least three more days.
Primjetio je kako je počeo da osjeća nešto što nikada ranije nije osjetio,
He noticed|(past tense verb marker)|how|(past tense verb marker)|started|to|feel|something|that|never|before|(negative past tense verb marker)|felt
He noticed that he had started to feel something he had never felt before,
a to je želja da se zauvijek nastani u jednom istom mjestu.
and that is the desire to settle forever in one place.
S crnokosom djevojkom dani nikada ne bi bili naliki jedan drugom.
With the dark-haired girl, the days would never be alike.
Ali trgovac je najzad stigao i naložio mu da ošiša četiri ovce.
But|merchant|(past tense verb to be)|finally|arrived|and|ordered|him|to|shear|four|sheep
But the merchant finally arrived and ordered him to shear four sheep.
Pošto mu je pošteno platio, zamoli ga da je do godine ponovo dođe.
Since|to him|he|fairly|paid|ask|him|to|she|by|next year|again|comes
After he paid him fairly, he asked him to come back next year.
Sada je preostalo još samo četiri dana do ponovnog dolaska u isto mjesto.
Now there are only four days left until the return to the same place.
Bio je uzbuđen i u isto vrijeme nesiguran.
He was|(verb to be)|excited|and|at|same|time|insecure
He was excited and at the same time insecure.
Možda ga je djevojka već zaboravila?
Maybe the girl has already forgotten him?
Tuda su prolazili mnogi pastiri da bi prodali vunu.
Through there|were|passing|many|shepherds|to|would|sell|wool
Many shepherds were passing by to sell wool.
— Nije važno, reče mladić svojim ovcama.
It is not|important|said|young man|his|sheep
— It doesn't matter, said the young man to his sheep.
I ja poznajem druge djevojke u drugim gradovima.
I also know other girls in other cities.
Ali u dubini duše znao je da je važno.
But deep down he knew it was important.
I da ne samo pastiri, nego i mornari i putujući trgovci uvijek znaju da postoji neki grad u kome ima nekoga koje je u stanju da ih natjera,
And|that|not|only|shepherds|but|and|sailors|and|traveling|merchants|always|know|that|there is|some|city|in|whom|there is|someone|who|is|in|a position|to|them|force
And that not only shepherds, but also sailors and traveling merchants always know that there is some city where there is someone who can make them,
da zaborave na radost slobodnog putovanja po svijetu.
to|forget|about|joy|free|travel|around|the world
forget the joy of free travel around the world.
Počelo je da sviće kada je pastir usmjerio svoje ovce u pravcu sunca.
It started|(past tense verb marker)|to|dawn|when|(past tense verb marker)|shepherd|directed|his|sheep|in|direction|of the sun
It began to dawn when the shepherd directed his sheep towards the sun.
— One nikad nemaju potrebu da donose odluke, pomisli on.
They|never|have|need|to|make|decisions|he thinks|he
— They never have to make decisions, he thought.
Možda zbog toga i ostaju uvijek uz mene.
Maybe|because|that|and|they stay|always|by|me
Maybe that's why they always stay with me.
Ovce su jedino osjećale potrebu za vodom i hranom.
The sheep|were|only|felt|need|for|water|and|food
The sheep only felt the need for water and food.
Dokle god on bude poznavao najbolje ispaše u Andaluziji, ovce će ostati njegove prijateljice.
As long as|long|he|will be|known|best|pastures|in|Andalusia|sheep|will|remain|his|friends
As long as he knows the best pastures in Andalusia, the sheep will remain his friends.
Mada su im svi dani bili isti, s dugim časovima koji su se vukli između izlaska i zalaska sunca.
Although|they|to them|all|days|were|the same|with|long|classes|which|were|reflexive pronoun|dragged|between|sunrise|and|sunset|
Even though all their days were the same, with long hours dragging between sunrise and sunset.
Mada one nikada nisu pročitale ni jednu jedinu knjigu tokom svojih kratkih života,
Although|they|never|have not|read|not|a single|single|book|during|their|short|lives
Even though they never read a single book during their short lives,
i mada ne poznaju ljudski govor kojim su se prepričavale posljednje novosti po selima,
and|although|not|recognize|human|speech|by which|were|reflexive pronoun|retold|latest|news|in|villages
and although they did not understand the human speech in which the latest news was recounted in the villages,
bile su zadovoljne vodom i hranom i to im je bilo dovoljno.
were|(plural verb to be)|satisfied|with water|and|with food|and|that|to them|(singular verb to be)|was|enough
they were satisfied with water and food, and that was enough for them.
Za uzvrat, one su štedro nudile svoju vunu, svoje društvo i, s vremena na vreme, svoje meso.
In return, they generously offered their wool, their company, and, from time to time, their meat.
Ako bih se danas pretvorio u čudovište i rješio da ih ubijam jednu po jednu,
If|I would|reflexive particle|today|turned|into|monster|and|decided|to|them|kill|one|by|one
If I were to turn into a monster today and decided to kill them one by one,
one bi to primijetile tek kada bi skoro cijelo stado bilo poklano, pomisli Mladić.
they would only notice it when almost the entire flock had been slaughtered, thought the Young Man.
To je zato što imaju povjerenja u mene i zaboravile su da se oslanjaju na sobstveni instinkt,
It|is|that's|because|they have|trust|in|me|and|they forgot|they|to|themselves|rely|on|their own|instinct
This is because they trust me and have forgotten to rely on their own instinct,
i to samo zato što ih vodim do hrane i ispaše.
and|that|only|because|that|them|I lead|to|food|and|pasture
and that is only because I lead them to food and pasture.
Mladić je počeo da se čudi sobstvenim mislima.
The young man|(he)|started|to|himself|wonder|his own|thoughts
The young man began to wonder about his own thoughts.
Možda je crkva s tom egipatskom smokvom koja raste u njoj ukleta.
Perhaps the church with that Egyptian fig growing in it is cursed.
Navela ga je da po drugi put sanja jedan isti san,
She urged|him|past tense marker|to|for|second|time|dream|one|same|dream
It made him dream the same dream for the second time,
a počinjao je da osjeća i bes prema svojim uvijek vjernim drugama.
and|he started|past tense marker|to|feel|and|anger|towards|his|always|faithful|friends
and he began to feel anger towards his always loyal companions.
Popio je ono malo vina što mu je ostalo poslije sinoćnje večere i čvršće se zamotao u ogrtač.
He drank|past tense marker|that|little|wine|that|to him|past tense marker|remained|after|last night's|dinner|and|more tightly|reflexive pronoun|wrapped|in|bathrobe
He drank the little wine that was left after last night's dinner and wrapped himself more tightly in his robe.
Znao je da će kroz nekoliko sati, kada sunce odskoči,
He knew|(past tense marker)|that|will|in|several|hours|when|sun|rises
He knew that in a few hours, when the sun bounced up,
vrućina postati tako jaka da neće biti u stanju da vodi ovce preko polja.
heat|will become|so|strong|that|will not|be|in|condition|to|lead|sheep|across|the field
the heat would become so strong that he would not be able to lead the sheep across the fields.
Bio je to ljetni čas kada je čitava Španija spavala.
It was|(past tense verb to be)|that|summer|hour|when|(past tense verb to be)|whole|Spain|slept
It was a summer hour when all of Spain was sleeping.
Vrućina je trajala do noći, a sve to vrijeme on je morao da vuče na leđima svoj ogrtač.
The heat|was|lasted|until|night|and|all|that|time|he|was|had to|to|carry|on|his back|his|cloak
The heat lasted until night, and all that time he had to carry his cloak on his back.
Međutim, kad god bi pomislio da se požali na teret,
However, whenever he thought about complaining about the burden,
uvijek bi se sjetio da zahvaljujući njemu nije imao prilike da osjeti jutarnju hladnoću.
always|would|himself|remembered|that|thanks to|him|not|had|opportunity|to|feel|morning|cold
he would always remember that thanks to it he didn't have the chance to feel the morning cold.
Moramo se uvijek čuvati da nas vrijeme ne iznenadi, pomisli on osjetivši se zahvalnim zbog težine ogrtača.
We must|ourselves|always|be careful|that|us|time|not|surprises|he thought|he|feeling|himself|grateful|for|weight|cloak
We must always be careful not to let the weather surprise us, he thought, feeling grateful for the weight of the cloak.
Ogrtač je imao svrhu, a mladić takođe.
The cloak|was|had|purpose|and|the young man|also
The cloak had a purpose, and so did the young man.
Hodajući dvije godine visoravnima Andaluzie, već je na pamet znao imena svih gradova toga kraja,
Walking|two|years|plateaus|of Andalusia|already|he|by|heart|knew|names|all|cities|of that|region
Walking for two years across the plateaus of Andalusia, he already knew by heart the names of all the towns in that region,
a veliki smisao njegovog života bio je putovanje.
and|great|meaning|of his|life|was|the|travel
and the great meaning of his life was travel.
Ovoga puta namjeravao je da djevojci objasni zašto jedan običan pastir umeje da čita.
This|time|intended|was|to|the girl|explain|why|one|ordinary|shepherd|knows|to|read
This time he intended to explain to the girl why an ordinary shepherd knows how to read.
Do šestneste godine bio je u jednom sjemeništu.
By|sixteenth|year|he was|(auxiliary verb)|in|one|seminary
Until the age of sixteen, he was in a seminary.
Njegovi roditelji su željeli da postane sveštenik, čime bi se ponosila jedna obična seoska porodica,
His|parents|were|wanted|to|become|priest|by which|would|themselves|be proud|one|ordinary|rural|family
His parents wanted him to become a priest, which would make an ordinary rural family proud,
koja je radila samo da bi imala hrane i vode, kao i njegove ovce.
who|was|worked|only|in order to|subjunctive particle|had|food|and|water|like|and|his|sheep
who worked only to have food and water, as well as his sheep.
Učio je latinski, španski i teologiju.
He studied|(past tense marker)|Latin|Spanish|and|theology
He studied Latin, Spanish, and theology.
Ali još od malena sanjao je da upozna svijet i to je za njega bilo mnogo značajnije od upoznavanja Boga ili ljudskih grijehova.
But|still|since|childhood|dreamed|he|to|explore|world|and|that|was|for|him|was|much|more significant|than|knowing|God|or|human|sins
But ever since he was little, he dreamed of seeing the world, and that was much more significant to him than knowing God or human sins.
Jednog popodneva, kada je bio u posjeti porodici, sakupio je hrabrost i saopštio svome ocu da ne želi da bude sveštenik, želio je da putuje.
One afternoon, when he was visiting family, he gathered the courage and told his father that he did not want to be a priest, he wanted to travel.
Ljudi iz čitavog svijeta su već prošli kroz ovo selo, vsine, reče otac.
People from all over the world have already passed through this village, he said.
Dolaze u potrazi za novim stvarima, ali ostaju isti, odlaze do brijega da upoznaju zamak i zaključuju da je prošlost bila bolja od sadašnjosti.
They come|in|search|for|new|things|but|they remain|the same|They go|to|the hill|to|they get to know||and|they conclude|that|was|the past|better|better|than|the present
They come in search of new things, but they remain the same, they go to the shore to meet the castle and conclude that the past was better than the present.
Imaju plavu kosu ili tamnu put, ali isti su kao i ljudi iz našeg sela.
They have|blue|hair|or|dark|skin|but|same|are|like|and|people|from|our|village
They have blue hair or dark skin, but they are the same as the people from our village.
Ali ja ne poznajem zamkove u zemljama odakle su oni, odvrati dječak.
But|I|not|know|castles|in|the countries|from where|are|they|replied|boy
But I don't know the castles in the countries they come from, the boy replied.
Ti ljudi, kada upoznaju naša polja i naše žene, kažu da bi voljeli da ovdje žive za uvijek, nastavio je otac.
Those|people|when|they get to know|our|fields|and|our|women|they say|that|would|like|to|here|live|for|ever|continued|he|father
These people, when they meet our fields and our women, say they would love to live here forever, the father continued.
Hoću da upoznam žene iz zemalja odakle oni dolaze, reče dječak, jer oni nikada ne ostaju ovdje.
I want|to|meet|women|from|countries|where|they|come|said|boy|because|they|never|not|stay|here
I want to meet the women from the countries they come from, said the boy, because they never stay here.
Ti ljudi su puni para, reče još otac.
Those|people|are|full|of money|said|again|father
Those people are full of money, the father said.
U našem kraju samo pastiri putuju.
In our area, only shepherds travel.
Onda ću biti pastir.
Then|I will|be|shepherd
Then I will be a shepherd.
Otac više ništa nije rekao.
The father|anymore|nothing|did not|say
The father said nothing more.
Narednog dana dao mu je kesu s tri stara španska zlatnika.
Next|day|he gave|to him|(past tense marker)|bag|with|three|old|Spanish|gold coins
The next day, he gave him a bag with three old Spanish gold coins.
Ovo sam jednog dana našao u polju.
This|I|one|day|found|in|the field
I found this one day in the field.
Namjeravao sam da ih dam crkvi, kao tvoj dar.
I intended|(past tense verb marker)|to|them|give|to the church|as|your|gift
I intended to give them to the church, as your gift.
Kupi se vi stado i hodaj svijetom sve dok ne naučiš da je naš zamak najznačajniji i da su naše žene najljepše.
Buy|reflexive pronoun|you (plural)|herd|and|walk|the world|as long as|until|not|you learn|that|is|our|castle|most significant|and|that|are|our|women|most beautiful
Gather your flock and walk the world until you learn that our castle is the most significant and that our women are the most beautiful.
Dao mu je blagoslov.
He gave|him|was|blessing
He gave him his blessing.
I u očevim očima on je pročitao želju za putovanjem po svijetu.
And|in|father's|eyes|he|was|read|desire|for|travel|around|the world
And in his father's eyes, he read the desire to travel the world.
Želju koja je još živjela, uprkos tome što je on decenijama pokušavao da je zatrpa vodom, hranom i nastojanjima da svake noći spava na isto mjestu.
The desire|which|was|still|alive|despite|that|what|he|he|for decades|tried|to|it|bury|with water|with food|and|efforts|to|every|night|sleep|in|the same|place
A desire that still lived, despite the fact that he had been trying to bury it for decades with water, food, and efforts to sleep in the same place every night.
Obzor je se zarumenjalo, a zatim se pojavilo sunce.
horizon|was|reflexive particle|turned red|and|then|reflexive particle|appeared|sun
The horizon turned pink, and then the sun appeared.
Mladić se sjetio razgovora s otcem i osjetio je neku radost.
The young man|himself|remembered|conversation|with|father|and|felt|he|some|joy
The young man remembered the conversation with his father and felt a certain joy.
Već je upoznao mnoge zamkova i mnoge žene, ali nijedna nije bila ni blizu onoj s kojom će se sresti kroz dva dana.
Already|has|met|many|castles|and|many|women|but|none|was|been|nor|close|to the one|||will|himself|meet|in|two|days
He had already met many castles and many women, but none were even close to the one he would meet in two days.
Imao je ogrtač, knjigu koju je bogao da zamjeni za novu i stado ovaca.
He had|past tense marker|robe|book|which|past tense marker||to|exchange|for|new|and|herd|of sheep
He had a cloak, a book that he could exchange for a new one, and a flock of sheep.
Ali najvažnije je bilo međutim to što je putujući svakog dana ispunjavao svoj životni san.
But|most important|was|it|however|that|what|was|traveling|every|day|fulfilled|his|life|dream
But the most important thing was that by traveling every day, he was fulfilling his life dream.
Kada se zasiti polja Andaluzie, moći će da proda ovca i da postane mornar.
When|(reflexive pronoun)|satisfies|fields|of Andalusia|will be able|(future tense marker)|to|sell|sheep|and|to|become|sailor
When he gets tired of the fields of Andalusia, he will be able to sell the sheep and become a sailor.
A kada se zasiti mora, tada će već poznavati mnoge gradove, mnoge žene, mnoge prilike da bude srećan.
And|when|reflexive pronoun|becomes satiated|sea|then|will|already|know|many|cities|many|women|many|opportunities|to|be|happy
And when he gets tired of the sea, he will already know many cities, many women, and many opportunities to be happy.
Ne znam kako to traže boga u sjemeništu.
I don't know how they seek God in the seminary.
Pomisli gledajući u sunce koje se rađa.
Think|looking|at|sun|which|(reflexive particle)|rises
Think while looking at the sun that is rising.
Kad god je mogao, nastojao je da prođe drugim putem.
Whenever he could, he tried to take a different path.
Nikada ranije nije bio u ovoj crkvi, mada je tuda već toliko puta prošao.
Never|before|has not|been|in|this|church|although|he|through there|already|so|times|passed
He had never been to this church before, even though he had passed by it so many times.
Svijet je bio veliki, neiscrpan i kad bi pustio ovce da ga samo malo vode, otkrio bi još mnogo interesantnih stvari.
The world|was|big|large|inexhaustible|and|when|would|let|sheep|to|it|only|a little|lead|would discover|would|many||interesting|things
The world was vast, inexhaustible, and if he let the sheep lead him just a little, he would discover many more interesting things.
Problem je u tome što one nisu svjesne da svaki dan idu novim putem.
The problem|is|in|that|that|they|are not|aware|that|every|day|go|new|path
The problem is that they are not aware that they are taking a new path every day.
Ne primjećuju da su ispaše drugačije i da se godišnja doba smjenjuju, jer su samo obuzete vodom i hranom.
They do not|notice|that|are|pastures|different|and|that|are|seasonal|periods|change|because|are|only|preoccupied|with water|and|with food
They do not notice that the pastures are different and that the seasons change, as they are only preoccupied with water and food.
Možda je to slučaj i sa svima nama, pomisli pastir.
Maybe this is the case with all of us, thought the shepherd.
Isti je slučaj i sa mnom, jer otkako sam upoznao Trgovčevu kćerku, ne mislim na druge žene.
The same|is|case|and|with|me|because|since|I|met|Trgovac's|daughter|not|I think|about|other|women
The same is true for me, as ever since I met the merchant's daughter, I do not think about other women.
Pogledao je prema nebu i procijenio da će stići u tarifu prije ručka.
He looked|(past tense marker)|towards|the sky|and|estimated|that|will||in|the fare|before|lunch
He looked up at the sky and estimated that he would arrive at the tariff before lunch.
Tamo bi mogao da zamjeni svoju knjigu za jednu još deblju, da napuni miješinu vinom, obrije se i ošiša.
There|would|be able|to|exchange|his|book|for|one|even|thicker|to|fill|jug|with wine|shave|himself|and|cut his hair
There he could exchange his book for an even thicker one, fill his flask with wine, shave, and get a haircut.
Morao je da se spremi za susret s djevojkom, ne želeći ni da pomisli na mogućnost da je drugi pastir stigao prije njega sviše ovaca da bi je zaprosio.
He had to|(past tense verb auxiliary)|to|himself||for|meeting|with|girl|not|wanting|nor|to|think|on|possibility|that|(past tense verb auxiliary)|another|shepherd|arrived|before|him|more|sheep|to|(conditional verb auxiliary)|(past tense verb auxiliary)|proposed
He had to prepare for the meeting with the girl, not wanting to even think about the possibility that another shepherd had arrived before him with more sheep to propose to her.
Upravo mogućnost da se ostvari jedan san život čini zanimljivim, pomislio je ponovo gledajući u nebo i ubrzavajući korak.
just|possibility|to|reflexive pronoun|achieve|one|dream|life|makes|interesting|he thought|was|again|looking|at|sky|and|quickening|step
It is precisely the possibility of realizing a dream that makes life interesting, he thought again, looking at the sky and quickening his pace.
Upravo se prisjetio da u tarifi živi jedna stara žena koja je umijela da tumači snove, a on je i te noći ponovo sanjao isti san.
Just|reflexive particle|remembered|that|in|neighborhood|lives|one|old|woman|who|was|able|to|interpret|dreams|and|he|was|also|that|night|again|dreamed|same|dream
He just remembered that in the neighborhood lived an old woman who could interpret dreams, and he had dreamed the same dream again that night.
Starica je odvela mladića do jedne sobe u dnu kuće, odvojene od trpezarije zavijesom od raznobojnih traka.
The old woman|(past tense verb to be)|led|the young man|to|one|room|in|the end|of the house|separated|from|dining room|curtain|of|multicolored|ribbons
The old woman led the young man to a room at the back of the house, separated from the dining room by a curtain of colorful ribbons.
Unutra se nalazio jedan sto, jedna slika svetog Isusovog srca i dvije stolice.
Inside|reflexive particle|was|one|table|one|picture|holy|Jesus'|heart|and|two|chairs
Inside there was a table, a picture of the sacred heart of Jesus, and two chairs.
Starica je sjela i rekla i njemu da sjedne, zatim je mladića uzela za ruke i počela tiho da se moli.
The old woman|(past tense verb to be)|sat down|and|said|and|to him|to|sit|then|(past tense verb to be)|the young man|took|by|hands|and|began|quietly|to|herself|pray
The old woman sat down and told him to sit as well, then she took the young man by the hands and began to pray quietly.
Izgledalo je kao da se moli na ciganskom.
It looked|was|like|that|himself|prays|in|Romani
It seemed like she was praying in Romani.
Mladić je veće ranije sretao mnoge cigane na svom putu.
The young man|(past tense verb to be)|already|earlier|had met|many|Roma|on|his|path
The young man had encountered many Roma on his journey before.
Oni su putovali, ali nisu imali ovce.
They|were|traveling|but|did not|have|sheep
They were traveling, but they did not have sheep.
Neki su tvrdili da cigani žive samo zato da bi nekog prevarili.
Some|(verb to be)|claimed|that|gypsies|live|only|so|to|(conditional particle)|someone|deceived
Some claimed that Roma live only to deceive someone.
Takođe se pričalo da imaju ugovor s džavolom i da kradu djecu da bi im služila kao robovi u njihovim tajanstvenim čergama.
Also|(reflexive particle)|was said|that|they have|contract|with|the devil|and|that|they steal|children|to|would|them|serve|as|slaves|in|their|mysterious|camps
It was also said that they have a contract with the devil and that they steal children to serve as slaves in their mysterious camps.
Kada je bio mali, mladić je uvijek umirao od straha da ga ne ukradu cigani.
When|was|little|boy|young man|he|always|died|from|fear|that|him|not|steal|gypsies
When he was little, the young man was always terrified of being kidnapped by gypsies.
I taj stari strah se vratio dok ga je starica,
And|that|old|fear|reflexive particle|returned|while|him|was|old woman
And that old fear returned while the old woman,
Držala za ruke.
Held his hands.
Ali tu je slika svetog Jesosovog srca, pomisli on, nastojeći da izgleda što smirenije.
But|here|is|picture|holy|Jesus'|heart|he thought|he|trying|to|appear|as|calmly
But there is the image of the sacred heart of Jesus, he thought, trying to look as calm as possible.
Nije želio da ruke počnu da mu drhte i da starica osjeti njegov strah.
He did not|want|to|hands|start|to|his|tremble|and|to|old woman|feel|his|fear
He didn't want his hands to start trembling and for the old woman to sense his fear.
U sebi je izgovarao očenaš.
In|himself|was|reciting|Our Father
He was silently reciting the Our Father.
— Baš interesantno, reče starica, neskidajući oči sa mladićevih ruku.
really|interesting|said|old woman|not taking|eyes|off|young man's|hands
— How interesting, said the old woman, not taking her eyes off the young man's hands.
I ponovo ućuta.
I|again|fell silent
And she fell silent again.
Mladić je postajao nervozan.
The young man|was|becoming|nervous
The young man was becoming nervous.
Ruke su nehotice počele da mu se tresu i stara je to primijetila.
The hands|were|involuntarily|started|to|to him|himself|tremble|and|the old woman|she|that|noticed
His hands started to tremble involuntarily and the old woman noticed it.
Naglo je istrgao ruke.
Suddenly|he|pulled out|hands
He suddenly jerked his hands away.
— Nisam došao ovdje da mi gledate u dlan, reče.
I did not|come|here|to|me|look|at|palm|he said
— I didn't come here for you to look at my palm, he said.
Već sekajući što je uopšte i kročio u tu kuću.
Already|thinking|why|he|at all|and|stepped|into|that|house
Already regretting that he even stepped into that house.
Za trenutak je pomislio da bi bilo bolje da plati posjetu i ode ne saznavši ništa.
For|a moment|he|thought|that|would|be|better|to|pay|visit|and|he left|not|having learned|anything
For a moment he thought it would be better to pay for the visit and leave without finding out anything.
I suviše važnosti je pridavao tom snu koji se ponavljao.
He|too|importance|was|giving|that|dream|which|reflexive pronoun|repeated
He attached too much importance to that recurring dream.
— Htio si da nešto saznaš o snovima, odgovori starica.
You wanted|are|to|something|learn|about|dreams|answered|the old woman
— You wanted to learn something about dreams, the old woman replied.
A snovi su boži je govor.
And dreams are God's speech.
Kada on govori jezikom ovoga svijeta, ja to mogu da protumačim.
When|he|speaks|in the language|of this|world|I|that|can|to|interpret
When he speaks the language of this world, I can interpret it.
Ali ako govori jezikom tvoje duše, onda samo ti možeš da razumiješ.
But|if|speaks|in the language|your|soul|then|only|you|can|to|understand
But if he speaks the language of your soul, then only you can understand.
A ovu posjetu ćeš platiti u svakom slučaju.
And|this|visit|you will|pay|in|every|case
And you will pay for this visit in any case.
— Opet neki trik, pomisli mladić.
Again|some|trick|thinks|young man
— Another trick, the young man thinks.
Ipak je rješio da rizikuje.
Still, he decided to take the risk.
Pastiri se uvijek izlažu u riziku zbog vukova ili zbog suše,
The shepherds|themselves|always|expose|to|risk|due to|wolves|or|due to|drought
Shepherds always expose themselves to risk because of wolves or drought,
a upravo je zbog toga pastirski život uzbudljiv.
and that is precisely why the shepherd's life is exciting.
— Usnio sam isti san dva puta uza stopce, reče.
I dreamed|(past tense marker)|same|dream|two|times|with|feet|he said
— I had the same dream twice in a row, he said.
Sanjao sam kako se nalazim na jednom pašnjaku sa svojim ovcama
I dreamed|I|how|myself|find|in|one|pasture|with|my|sheep
I dreamed that I was in a meadow with my sheep
i kako se iznena da pojavljuje jedno dijete i počinje s njima da se igra.
and|how|reflexive pronoun|surprised|that|appears|one|child|and|starts|with|them|to|reflexive pronoun|plays
and suddenly a child appeared and started playing with them.
Ne volim kad mi se neko miješa s ovcama, one se boje nepoznatih.
I|like|when|to me|themselves|someone|interferes|with|sheep|they|themselves|are afraid|of strangers
I don't like it when someone interferes with my sheep, they are afraid of strangers.
Ali djeca umiju sa životinjama uvijek i one ih se nikad ne plaše.
|i bambini|||animali||||||||
But children always know how to be with animals and they are never afraid of them.
Ne znam zašto, ne znam otkud životinje znaju kog su ljudi uzrasta.
I don't|know|why|||where from|animals|know|which|are|people|age
|||||da dove|||di chi|||età
I don't know why, I don't know how animals know what age people are.
— Vrati se svome snu, reče starica.
Return|reflexive pronoun|to your|dream|said|old woman
— Return to your dream, said the old woman.
Ostavila sam šerpu na vatri, osim toga imaš malo para
I left|(past tense marker)|pot|on|fire|besides|that|you have|little|money
ho lasciato||pentola||fuoco|||||
I left the pot on the fire, besides that you have a little money
i ne mogu ti pokloniti sve svoje vrijeme.
and I can't give you all my time.
Dijete je još neko vrijeme nastavilo da se igra s ovcama,
The child|was|for a while|some|time|continued|to|itself|play|with|the sheep
|||||ha continuato|||||
The child continued to play with the sheep for a while longer,
produži mladić, pomalo se snebivajući.
the young man continued|young man|somewhat|himself|blushing
the young man continued, somewhat hesitantly.
A onda me je iznena da zgrabilo za ruke i odvelo do egipatskih piramida.
||||||ha afferrato||||portato||egiziane|piramidi
And then I was surprised to be grabbed by the hands and taken to the Egyptian pyramids.
Mladić je malo pričakao da bi provjerio da li starica zna šta su egipatske piramide.
The young man|was|a little|hesitated|to|in order to|check|||the old woman|knows|what|are|Egyptian|pyramids
The young man paused a bit to check if the old woman knew what the Egyptian pyramids were.
Ali starica je i dalje čutala.
But|old woman|is|and|still|remained silent
|||||stava zitta
But the old woman remained silent.
Onda, pored egipatskih piramida, ove dvije posljednje riječi,
Then|next to|Egyptian|pyramids|these|two|last|words
Then, next to the Egyptian pyramids, these last two words,
mladić je polako izgovorio kako bi ih starica što bolje čula.
the young man|was|slowly|pronounced|how|would|them|the old woman|as|better|heard
|||ha detto|||||||
the young man slowly spoke so that the old woman could hear him better.
Dijete mi je reklo, ako dođeš do ovde,
The child|to me|has|said|if|you come|to|here
My child told me, if you come here,
pronaći ćeš skriveno blago.
you will find hidden treasure.
I u trenutku kada bi krenulo da mi pokaže tačno mjesto gdje se blago nalazi,
And|in|moment|when|would|start|to|me|show|exact|place|where|reflexive particle|treasure|is located
And at the moment when he would start to show me the exact place where the treasure is located,
ja bih se probudio.
I|would|reflexive pronoun|wake up
I would wake up.
I tako oba puta.
And so both times.
Starica je neko vrijeme čutala.
The old woman|was|some|time|silent
The old woman was silent for a while.
Zatim je ponovo uzela mladića za ruke i počela pomno da ih proučava.
Then|(past tense marker)|again|took|the young man|by|hands|and|began|closely|to|them|study
Then she took the young man by the hands again and began to examine them closely.
Ovog puta ti ništa neću naplatiti, preče starica.
This|time|to you|nothing|I will not|charge|said|old woman
|||||farò pagare|prima|
This time I won't charge you anything, said the old woman.
Ali hoću deseti dio blaga ukoliko ga nađeš.
But|I want|tenth|part|treasure|if|it|you find
But I want a tenth of the treasure if you find it.
Mladić se nasmija od sreće.
The young man|himself|smiled|from|happiness
||ha sorriso||felicità
The young man smiled with happiness.
Znači, uštedjeće ono malo novca što ima,
So|he will save|that|little|money|that|he has
That means he will save the little money he has,
zahvaljujući snu u kome je riječ o skrivenom blagu.
thanks to|dream|in|which|is|word|about|hidden|treasure
thanks to the dream in which there is talk of hidden treasure.
Starica je sigurno ciganka, a cigani su budale.
The old woman|is|surely|a Romani woman|and|Roma|are|fools
The old woman is surely a gypsy, and gypsies are fools.
Protumači mi onda taj san, zatraži mladić.
Interpret|to me|then|that|dream|asked|young man
Then interpret that dream for me, the young man requested.
Prvo se zakuni.
First, swear an oath.
Znači, da ćeš mi dati deseti dio blaga za ono što ću ti reći.
So|that|you will|to me|give|tenth|part|of the treasure|for|what|that|I will|to you|tell
It means that you will give me a tenth of the treasure for what I will tell you.
Mladić se zakleo.
The young man|himself|swore
||è giurato
The young man swore.
Starica je zahtjevala da zakletvu ponovi okrenut slici svetog Isusovog srca.
The old woman|was|demanded|that|oath|repeat|turned|towards the picture|holy|Jesus's|heart
The old woman demanded that he repeat the oath facing the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
To je san koji pripada govoru ovoga svijeta, reče ona.
It|is|dream|that|belongs to|speech|of this|world|said|she
That is a dream that belongs to the speech of this world, she said.
Mogu da ga protumačim, mada je to veoma teško.
I can|to|him|interpret|although|it is|that|very|difficult
I can interpret it, although it is very difficult.
Zbog toga smatram da imam pravo na udio u onome što budeš pronašao.
Because|of that|I believe|that|I have|right|to|share|in|that|what|you will|found
For that reason, I believe I have a right to a share in whatever you find.
A tumačenje je sljedeće.
And|interpretation|is|the following
And the interpretation is as follows.
Treba da odeš do egipatskih piramida.
You need|to|go|to|Egyptian|pyramids
You need to go to the Egyptian pyramids.
Nikada za njih nisam čula, ali ako ti je to pokazalo jedno dijete, to znači da one postoje.
Never|for|them|I have not|heard|but|if|you|it|that|showed|one|child|that|means|that|they|exist
I have never heard of them, but if a child showed you that, it means they exist.
Tamo ćeš pronaći blago i postaćeš bogat.
There|you will|find|treasure|and|you will become|rich
There you will find treasure and you will become rich.
Mladić se iznenadio, a zatim razljutio.
The young man|himself|was surprised|and|then|got angry
The young man was surprised, and then he got angry.
Zbog ovoga nije morao ni da dolazi do Starice.
Because|of this|he didn't|have to|even|to|come|to|Starica
Because of this, he didn't even have to go to the Old Woman.
Ipak prisjetio se da neće morati ništa da joj plati.
However|he remembered|himself|that|will not|have to|anything|to|her|pay
Still, he remembered that he wouldn't have to pay her anything.
Zbog ovog nije trebalo da gubim vrijeme, reče on.
Because|this|not|should|to|waste|time|he said|he
Because of this, I shouldn't have wasted time, he said.
Zato sam ti i kazala da je tvoj san težak.
That's why|I|to|and|told|that|is|your|dream|hard
That's why I told you that your dream is difficult.
Jednostavne stvari su i najneobičnije, i samo mudraci uspjevaju da ih sagledaju.
Simple|things|are|and|the most unusual|and|only|the wise|succeed|to|them|perceive
Simple things are also the most unusual, and only the wise manage to see them.
Pošto nisam učena, moram da znam i druge vještine, kao što je gledanje u dlan.
Since|I am not|educated|I must|to|know|and|other|skills|such as|as|is|reading|in|palm
Since I am not educated, I have to know other skills, such as palm reading.
A kako da stignem do Egipta?
And|how|to|I arrive|to|Egypt
And how do I get to Egypt?
Ja samo tumačim snove.
I only interpret dreams.
Ne umijem da ih pretvorim u stvarnost, zbog toga moram da živim od onoga što mi pruže mojeg čerke.
I|can|to|them|turn|into|reality|because of|that|I must|to|live|from|what|that|to me|provide|my|daughter
I can't turn them into reality, that's why I have to live off what my daughter provides me.
A šta ako ne stignem do Egipta?
And what if I don't make it to Egypt?
Onda ću ja ostati bez nagrade.
Then|I will|I|remain|without|reward
Then I will be left without a reward.
Neće mi to biti prvi put.
It won't|to me|that|be|first|time
It won't be the first time for me.
I starica više nije rekla ništa.
The|old woman|anymore|did not|said|anything
And the old woman didn't say anything more.
Zamolila je mladića da ode, jer je s njim već iz dan gubila.
She asked|(past tense marker)|the young man|to|leave|because|(past tense marker)|with|him|already|from|day|was losing
She asked the young man to leave, as she had already lost a day with him.
Mladić je izašao razočaran i rješen da više nikada ne povjeruje u snove.
The young man|was|left|disappointed|and|determined|to|ever|never|not|believes|in|dreams
The young man left disappointed and determined never to believe in dreams again.
Sjetio se da ima još što šta da posvršava.
He remembered|himself|that|has|more|what|things|to|finish
He remembered that he still had some things to finish.
Otišao je do magaze da nabavi nešto hrane,
He went|(past tense marker)|to|the store|to|buy|some|food
He went to the store to get some food,
zamijenio je svoju knjigu za jednu deblju
he exchanged|(past tense marker)|his|book|for|one|thicker
he exchanged his book for a thicker one
i sjeo na jednu klupu na trgu da bi probao novo vino koji je kupio.
I|sat|on|one|bench|in|the square|to|would|try|new|wine|which|he|bought
and sat on a bench in the square to try the new wine he had bought.
Bila je vrućina, a vino nekim nedokučivim čudom uspjevalo je da ga malo razhladi.
It was|past tense verb to be|heat|but|wine|some|incomprehensible|miracle|managed|past tense verb to be|to|him|a little|cool down
It was hot, and the wine, by some inexplicable miracle, managed to cool him down a bit.
Ovce su ostale na ulazu u grad u toru jednog od njegovih novih prijatelja.
The sheep|were|left|at|the entrance|in|the city|in|the truck|one|of|his|new|friends
The sheep stayed at the entrance to the city in the pen of one of his new friends.
Imao je mnogo poznanika u tom kraju.
He had|(past tense marker)|many|acquaintances|in|that|
He had many acquaintances in that area.
I, zbog toga je i volio da putuje.
And that's why he loved to travel.
Čovjek neprestano stiče nove prijatelje, a nije prinuđen da bude s njima iz dana u dan.
The man|constantly|gains|new|friends|but|is not|forced|to|be|with|them|from|day|in|day
A person constantly makes new friends, and is not forced to be with them day after day.
Kada vidjamo stalno ista lica, a to se uvijek događalo u sjemeništu,
When|we see|constantly|same|faces|but|that|(reflexive particle)|always|happened|in|the seminary
When we constantly see the same faces, and that always happened in the seminary,
na kraju ona postaju dio našega života.
in the end they become a part of our lives.
A kada postanu dio našega života, onda žele i da nam ga izmijene.
And|when|become|part|our|life|then|they want|and|to|us|it|change
And when they become a part of our lives, then they want to change it.
I ako ne bude po njihovom, nije im pravo.
And|if|not|it will be|according to|their way|is not|to them|fair
And if it doesn't go their way, they are not happy.
Jer svaki čovjek ima tačnu predstavu kako bi trebalo da živimo svoj život.
Because every person has a precise idea of how we should live our lives.
A nikad nemaju pojma kako treba da prožive sobstveni život.
And|never|they have||how|should|to|live|their own|life
And they never have a clue how they should live their own lives.
Kao i ona starica koja nije umjela da pretvara snove u stvarnost.
Like|and|that|old woman|who|did not|know|to|turn|dreams|into|reality
Like that old woman who couldn't turn dreams into reality.
Rješio je da još malo sačeka da se sunce približi smiraju, pa da onda potjera ovce u polj.
He decided|(past tense marker)|to|a little more|a little|wait|to|(reflexive pronoun)|sun|approaches|sunset|and then|to|then|drive|sheep|into|field
He decided to wait a little longer for the sun to approach the horizon, and then to drive the sheep into the field.
Uskoro će se ponovo sresti s trgovćevom kčerkom.
Soon|will|each other|again|meet|with|merchant's|daughter
Soon he will meet again with the merchant's daughter.
Počeo je da čita knjigu koju je dobio od paroha Tarife.
He started|(past tense marker)|to|read|the book|which|(past tense marker)|received|from|the parish priest|Tarifa
He started reading the book he received from the parish priest Tarifa.
Bila je to debela knjiga u kojoj se već na prvoj stranici govorilo o nekoj sahrani.
It was|(past tense verb to be)|that|thick|book|in|which|(reflexive pronoun)|already|on|first|page|was spoken|about|some|funeral
It was a thick book that mentioned a funeral on the first page.
Osim toga imena ličnosti bila sustrahovito zamršena.
Moreover, the names of the characters were terrifyingly convoluted.
Pomislio je, ako jednog dana bude pisao knjigu, postepeno ću uvoditi likove u priču kako čitaoci ne bi bili prinuđeni da odjednom pamte mnogo imena.
He thought|past tense marker|if|one|day|he will be|writing|book|gradually|I will|introduce|characters|into|story|so that|readers|not|would|be|forced|to|at once|remember|many|names
He thought, if one day he writes a book, he will gradually introduce characters into the story so that readers are not forced to remember many names at once.
Kada je uspio da se usred sredi na čitanje, a tekst je bio lijep jer je govorio o sahrani po snijegu, što mu je davalo neki osjećaj hladnoće pod ogromnom vrelinom sunca.
When|he|succeeded|to|himself|in the middle of|concentrate|on|reading|and|text|was|beautiful|nice|because|it|spoke|about|funeral|in|snow|which|to him|was|giving|some|feeling|coldness|under|enormous|heat|sun
When he managed to concentrate on reading, the text was beautiful because it spoke of a burial in the snow, which gave him a sense of coldness under the immense heat of the sun.
Jedan starac sjede do njega i započe razgovor.
An|old man|sat|next to|him|and|started|conversation
An old man sat next to him and started a conversation.
Šta oni to rade, upita starac pokazujući prema ljudima na trgu.
What|they|that|doing|asked|old man|pointing|towards|people|on|the square
What are they doing, the old man asked, pointing towards the people in the square.
Gledaju svoja posla, suvo odgovori mladić i nastavi da se pravi da je zadubljeno čitanje.
They watch|their|business|dryly|answered|young man|and|continued|to|himself|pretends|to|be|deeply|reading
They are minding their own business, the young man replied dryly and continued to pretend to be engrossed in reading.
U stvari, razmišljao je kako će šišati ovce u prisustvu trgovčeve k čerke i kako će se ona uvjeriti da je on u stanju da obavlja zanimljive poslove.
In|fact|he thought|was|how|will|shear|sheep|in|presence|of the merchant|to|daughter|and|how|will|herself||convince|that|he||in|condition|to|perform|interesting|jobs
In fact, he was thinking about how he would shear sheep in the presence of the merchant's daughter and how she would be convinced that he was capable of doing interesting jobs.
Tu scenu je zamišljao već mnogo puta.
He had imagined that scene many times.
Svaki put je djevojka bila zadivljena njegovim objašnjenjem da ovce treba da se šišaju od repa prema glavi.
Every|time|was|girl|amazed|by|his|explanation|that|sheep|should|to|reflexive particle|be sheared|from|tail|towards|head
Every time, the girl was amazed by his explanation that sheep should be sheared from the tail to the head.
Takođe je pokušavao da se sjeti nekih lijepih priča koje će joj pričati dok šiša ovce.
Also|was|trying|to|himself|remember|some|nice|stories|that|will|to her|tell|while|she shears|sheep
He also tried to remember some nice stories that he would tell her while shearing the sheep.
Većinu tih priča pročitao je u knjigama, ali će ih joj ispričati kao da je lično doživio.
Most|those|stories|read|he|in|books|but|will|them|to her|tell|as|if|he|personally|experienced
Most of those stories he had read in books, but he would tell them to her as if he had experienced them personally.
Ona to nikad neće otkriti jer nije umjela da čita.
She would never find out because she didn't know how to read.
Starac je međutim bio uporan.
The old man|was|however|was|persistent
The old man, however, was persistent.
Rekao je kako je umoran, kako je žedan i zatražio je gutlja vina od mladića.
He said|is|that|is|||he|||||sip|of wine|from|the young man
He said he was tired, that he was thirsty, and asked the young man for a sip of wine.
Mladić mu je pružio mijašinu u nadje da će se starac smiriti.
The young man|to him|(past tense verb marker)|offered|a cigarette|in|hope|that|will|(reflexive pronoun)|old man|calm down
The young man offered him a drink in hopes that the old man would calm down.
Ali starac je htio da razgovara po svaku cijenu.
But|old man|was|wanted|to|talk|at|every|price
But the old man wanted to talk at all costs.
Upitao je mladića kakvu knjigu čita.
He asked|(past tense marker)|the young man|what kind of|book|he reads
He asked the young man what book he was reading.
Ovaj pomisli da bude grub i da ode na drugu klupu, ali od oce naučio da treba poštovati starije.
This one thinks to be rude and to move to another bench, but he learned from his father that he should respect the elders.
Tako je pružio knjigu starcu i to iz dva razloga.
Thus|he|offered|the book|to the old man|and|that|for|two|reasons
So he offered the book to the old man for two reasons.
Prvo, zato što nije umio da izgovori naslov, a drugo, ukoliko se ispostavi da starac ne umije da čita, sam će se premestiti na drugu klupu da bi izbjegao poniženje.
First|because|that|did not|knew|to|pronounce|title|and|second|if|reflexive pronoun|turns out|that|old man|not|knows|to|read|he himself|will|reflexive pronoun|move|to|another|bench|to|would|avoid|humiliation
First, because he couldn't pronounce the title, and second, if it turns out that the old man can't read, he will move to another bench himself to avoid humiliation.
Ha, reče starac razgledajući knjigu sa svih strana kao da je riječ o nekom čudnom predmetu.
Ha|said|old man|examining|book|from|all|sides|as|if|it is|word|about|some|strange|object
Ha, said the old man, examining the book from all sides as if it were some strange object.
Knjiga je značajna, ali je mnogo dosadna.
The book|is|significant|but|is|very|boring
The book is significant, but it is very boring.
Mladić se iznenadio.
The young man|himself|was surprised
The young man was surprised.
Starac ne samo da je umio da čita, nego je već pročitao tu knjigu.
The old man|not|only|to|was|able|to|read|but|he|already|read|that|book
The old man not only knew how to read, but he had already read that book.
A ako je knjiga dosadna, kako je on tvrdio, imao je još vremena da je zamijeni za neku drugu.
And if the book is boring, as he claimed, he still had time to replace it with another one.
To je knjiga koja govori o nečemu što skoro sve knjige govore, nastavi starac.
It|is|book|that|speaks|about|something|that|almost|all|books|speak|continued|old man
This is a book that talks about something that almost all books talk about, the old man continued.
Govore o nesposobnosti ljudi da odaberu sobstvenu sudbinu.
They speak|about|inability|people|to|choose|their own|destiny
They talk about people's inability to choose their own destiny.
A na kraju, uspjeva čitaoca da natjera da povjeruje u najveću laž na svijetu.
And|at|the end|succeeds|reader|to|force|to|believe|in|greatest|lie|on|world
And in the end, it manages to make the reader believe in the greatest lie in the world.
A koja je to najveća laž na svijetu?
And|which|is|that|biggest|lie|in|the world
And what is that greatest lie in the world?
upita iznenađeno Mladić.
asked|surprised|the young man
asked the Young Man, surprised.
Evo ovako.
Here|like this
Here it is.
U određenom trenutku našeg postojanja gubimo kontrolu nad sobstvenim životom i prepuštamo se sudbini.
At|certain|momentu|of our|existence|we lose|control|over|own|life|and|we surrender|ourselves|to fate
At a certain moment of our existence, we lose control over our own life and surrender to fate.
Eto, to je ta najveća laž na svijetu.
Here|that|is|that|biggest|lie|in|the world
Well, that is the biggest lie in the world.
Meni se to nije desilo, reče Mladić.
to me|reflexive particle|that|did not|happen|said|Mladić
That didn't happen to me, said Mladić.
Željeli su da postanem sveštenik, a ja sam riješio da budem pastir.
They wanted|(past tense auxiliary verb)|to|become|priest|but|I|(past tense auxiliary verb)|decided|to|be|shepherd
They wanted me to become a priest, but I decided to be a shepherd.
To je već bolje, reče starac.
It|is|already|better|said|old man
That's already better, said the old man.
Zato što voliš da putuješ.
Because|that|you love|to|travel
Because you love to travel.
Pogodio je šta mislim, primjeti Mladić.
He guessed|is|what|I think|noticed|Mladić
He guessed what I was thinking, noted Mladić.
Starac je umeđu vremenu prelistavao debelu knjigu ne pokazujući ni najmanju namjeru da mu je vrati.
The old man|was|in the meantime|time|flipping through|thick|book|not|showing|any|slightest|intention|to|him|it|return
In the meantime, the old man was flipping through a thick book, showing no intention of returning it to him.
Mladić je primjetio da je starac čudno obučen.
The young man|was|noticed|that|was|old man|strangely|dressed
Mladić noticed that the old man was dressed strangely.
Kao da je bio arapin što u ovom kraju nije bila rijetkost.
As if he were an Arab, which was not uncommon in this area.
Afrika se nalazi na svega nekoliko sati od tarife.
Africa|reflexive pronoun|is located|at|only|a few|hours|from|tariff
Africa is just a few hours away from the tariff.
Trebalo je samo lađom preći nevelik more uz
It was necessary|(past tense verb marker)|only|by boat|to cross|not very large|sea|along
It only took a boat to cross the small sea.
U gradu su se često pojavljivali arapi kupujući raznu robu i izgovarajući čudne molitve više puta na dan.
In|the city|they|reflexive particle|often|appeared|Arabs|buying|various|goods|and|reciting|strange|prayers|more|times|per|day
In the city, Arabs often appeared, buying various goods and reciting strange prayers multiple times a day.
— Odakle ste?
— Where are you from?
— upita.
— he asked.
— Od svuda.
— From everywhere.
— Niko ne može biti od svuda, reče Mladić.
Nobody|not|can|be|from|everywhere|said|Young Man
— No one can be from everywhere, said the Young Man.
Ja sam pastir i nađem se na mnogo mjesta, ali potičem iz jednog jedinog mjesta, iz jednog grada na domak jednog starog zamka.
I am a shepherd and I find myself in many places, but I come from one single place, from a town near an old castle.
Tamo sam se rodio.
There|I|reflexive pronoun|was born
That is where I was born.
— Onda možemo reći da sam se ja rodio u salemu.
Then|we can|say|that|I|reflexive pronoun|I|was born|in|Salem
— Then we can say that I was born in Salem.
Mladić nije znao gdje se nalazi salem, ali ga je bilo stid da pita.
The young man|did not|know|where|himself|is located|the mosque|but|him|was|it|ashamed|to|ask
The Young Man did not know where Salem was, but he was too embarrassed to ask.
Ostalo je još neko vrijeme gledajući prema trgu.
It remained|is|some|some|time|looking|towards|the square
There was still some time left looking towards the square.
Svijet je išao tamo amo i svi su izgledali veoma zauzeti.
The world|was|going|there|here|and|everyone|were|looked|very|busy
The world was going back and forth and everyone looked very busy.
— A kakav je salem?
And|what kind of|is|greeting
— And what is the greeting like?
— upita Mladić pokušavajući da pronađe neku nit.
— asked the Young Man trying to find some thread.
— Kakav je uvijek i bio.
What kind of|is|always|and|was
— It's always been the same.
Ovo mu još uvijek ništa nije govorilo, jedino je znao da se salem ne nalazi u Andaluziji, u protivnom već bi ga upoznao.
This|to him|still|always|nothing|had not|spoken|only|he|knew|that|reflexive pronoun|Salem|not|is located|in|Andalusia|in|otherwise|already|would|him|recognized
This still meant nothing to him; he only knew that the salem was not located in Andalusia, otherwise he would have already met it.
— Šta vi radite u salemu?
— What are you doing in salem?
— bio je uporan.
— he was persistent.
— Šta ja radim u salemu?
— What am I doing in salem?
— starac se prvi put slatko nasmija.
the old man|himself|first|time|sweetly|smiled
— the old man smiled sweetly for the first time.
— E pa ja sam kralj salema.
Well|then|I|am|king|of Salem
— Well, I am the king of Salem.
— Ljudi sva šta izvaljuju, pomisli Mladić.
— People say all sorts of things, thought Mladić.
Ponekad je bolje ostati sa ovcama koje čute i samo traže hranu i vodu.
Sometimes|is|better|to stay|with|sheep|that|are silent|and|only|ask for|food|and|water
Sometimes it's better to stay with the sheep that are silent and only seek food and water.
Možda bolje biti s knjigama koje pričaju nevirovatne priče, ali samo u trenucima kada ljudi žele da ih čuju.
Maybe|better|to be|with|books|that|tell|unbelievable|stories|but|only|in|moments|when|people|want|to|them|hear
Maybe it's better to be with books that tell incredible stories, but only at moments when people want to hear them.
Ali kad se razgovara s ljudima oni ponekad tako nešto izjave da prosto više ne znamo kako da nastavimo razgovor.
But|when|reflexive pronoun|talks|with|people|they|sometimes|such|something|say|that|simply|anymore|not|we know|how|to|continue|conversation
But when talking to people, they sometimes make statements that leave us not knowing how to continue the conversation.
— Moje ime je Melkisedek — reče starac.
My|name|is|Melchizedek|said|old man
— My name is Melchizedek — said the old man.
— Koliko imaš ovaca?
How much|do you have|sheep
— How many sheep do you have?
— dovoljno, odgovori Mladić.
— Enough, replied the Young Man.
Starac je i suviše zabadao nos u njegov život.
The old man|is|and|too|poked|nose|into|his|life
The old man was too much poking his nose into his life.
Dakle imamo problem.
So|we have|problem
So we have a problem.
Ne mogu ti pomoći sve dok budeš smatrao da imaš dovoljno ovaca.
I|can|you||as long as|you|will|considered|that|have|enough|sheep
I can't help you as long as you think you have enough sheep.
Mladić se naljuti.
The young man|himself|got angry
The young man got angry.
Nije tražio pomoć.
He didn't|ask for|help
He didn't ask for help.
Upravo je starac bio taj koji je tražio vino, knjigu i razgovor.
just|was|old man|be|the one|who|was|asked for|wine|book|and|conversation
It was the old man who asked for wine, a book, and conversation.
— Vratite mi knjigu — reče.
Return|me|book|he said
— Give me back the book — he said.
— Moram da idem po svoje ovce i da nastavim put.
I must|to|go|for|my|sheep|and|to|continue|journey
— I have to go get my sheep and continue on my way.
— Daj mi deseti dio od svog stada — reče starac.
Give|me|tenth|part|of|your|flock|said|old man
— Give me the tenth part of your flock — said the old man.
— A ja ću te naučiti kako da stigneš do skrivenoga blaga.
— And I will teach you how to reach the hidden treasure.
Dječak se ponovo sjeti svoga sna i iznena da mu puče pred očima.
The boy|himself|again|remembered|his|dream|and|surprise|that|to him|burst|before|eyes
The boy remembered his dream again and was surprised that it burst before his eyes.
Starica mu nije ništa naplatila, ali starac koji je možda njen muž,
The old woman|to him|did not|anything|charge|but|the old man|who|is|maybe|her|husband
The old woman didn't charge him anything, but the old man who might be her husband,
pokušava da od njega izvuče mnogo više novca u zamjenu za nepostojeće obavještenje.
he tries to extract much more money from him in exchange for a non-existent notification.
Mora da je i starac bio ciganin.
must|to|be|also|old man|was|gypsy
The old man must have been a gypsy too.
Prije nego što mladić išta prozbori, starac se saže, uze jedan oblutak i poče njime da piše po pješčanom tlu trga.
Before|than|that|young man|anything|speaks|old man|himself|bent down|took|one|pebble|and|began|with it|to|write|on|sandy|ground|square
Before the young man says anything, the old man bends down, picks up a pebble, and starts writing on the sandy ground of the square.
U trenutku kada se sagnuo, nešto je tako snažno zasijalo s njegovih grudi da je skoro zaslijepilo mladića.
In|moment|when|reflexive pronoun|bent down|something|was|so|strongly|shone|from|his|chest|that|was|almost|blinded|the young man
At the moment he bent down, something shone so brightly from his chest that it almost blinded the young man.
Ali starac je taj sjaj pokretom i suviše hitrim za svoje godine brzo zaklonio ogrtačem.
But|old man|is|that|shine|with a movement|and|too|quick|for|his|years|quickly|covered|with a cloak
But the old man quickly covered that shine with a movement too swift for his age, hiding it with his cloak.
Mladićeve oči su se oporavile od bljeska i on je uspio da razazna šta je to starac napisao.
The young man's|eyes|were|themselves|recovered|from|glare|and|he|was|able|to|discern|what|was|that|old man|wrote
The young man's eyes recovered from the flash and he managed to discern what the old man had written.
Na pjesku trga ovog malog grada pročitao je imena svog oca i svoje majke.
On the sand of the square of this small town, he read the names of his father and mother.
Pročitao je priču o svom životu sve do sadašnjeg trenutka.
He read|(past tense marker)|the story|about|his|life|all|up to|present|moment
He read the story of his life up to the present moment.
Dječačke nestašluke, hladne noći u sjemeništu.
Childish mischief, cold nights in the seminary.
Pročitao je i ime trgopćeve kćerke koje je inače nije znao.
He read|(past tense marker)|and|the name|of the merchant|daughter|which|(past tense marker)|otherwise|(negation)|knew
He also read the name of the merchant's daughter, whom he otherwise did not know.
Pročitao je o takvim stvarima koje nikada nikome ne bi ispričao kao što je onaj dan kada je ukrao očevu pušku da bi lovio jelene ili o svom prvom i usamljeničkom seksualnom iskustvu.
He read|(past tense marker)|about|such|things|that|never|to anyone|not|would|told|like|as|(past tense marker)|that|day|when|(past tense marker)|stole|father's|gun|in order to|would|hunt|deer|or|about|his|first|and|lonely|sexual|experience
He read about such things that he would never tell anyone, like the day he stole his father's gun to hunt deer or about his first and lonely sexual experience.
Ja sam kralj salema, rekao je starac.
I|am|king|of Salem|said|he|old man
I am the king of Salem, the old man said.
Zašto jedan kralj razgovara sa običnim pastirom, upita mladić postiđen i zadivljen.
Why|one|king|talks|with|ordinary|shepherd|asked|young man|embarrassed|and|amazed
Why does a king talk to a common shepherd, the young man asked, embarrassed and amazed.
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