Bevor Will Smith berühmt wurde… | KURZBIOGRAPHIE
Before Will Smith got famous… | SHORT BIOGRAPHY
Antes de que Will Smith se hiciera famoso... | BREVE BIOGRAFÍA
Avant que Will Smith ne devienne célèbre... | BROSSE BIOGRAPHIE
Prima che Will Smith diventasse famoso... | BREVE BIOGRAFIA
Voordat Will Smith beroemd werd... | BRIEVE BIOGRAFIE
Zanim Will Smith stał się sławny... | KRÓTKA BIOGRAFIA
Antes de Will Smith se tornar famoso... | BREVE BIOGRAFIA
До того, как Уилл Смит стал знаменитым... | КРАТКАЯ БИОГРАФИЯ
Innan Will Smith blev känd ... | KORT BIOGRAFI
Will Smith ünlü olmadan önce... | KISA BİYOGRAFİ
До того, як Вілл Сміт став відомим... | КОРОТКА БІОГРАФІЯ
kann man Will Smith gar nicht mehr entkommen.
there's no escaping Will Smith.
já não se pode escapar ao Will Smith.
Er gilt inzwischen als feste Größe
It is valid now
Atualmente, considera-se que
unter den Influencer-Persönlichkeiten,
as a constant among influencer personalities,
como um elemento permanente entre as personalidades influentes,
die sich sonst auf den Plattformen tummeln.
||||||se divierten
who otherwise cavort on the platforms.
que, de outra forma, se divertem nas plataformas.
Doch was viele,
But what many
Mas o que muitos,
vor allem junge Leute gar nicht mehr auf dem Schirm haben:
young people in particular are no longer on their radar:
especialmente os jovens, já não estão no seu radar:
Will Smith kann auf eine lange und vielseitige Karriere
Will Smith can look back on a long and varied career
Will Smith tem uma longa e variada carreira.
in der Öffentlichkeit zurückblicken,
look back in public
à vista do público,
die weit vor der Zeit von Likes und Subscribern begann.
that began well before the time of likes and subscribers.
que começou muito antes do tempo dos gostos e dos subscritores.
Also: Wie fing alles an?
So: how did it all start?
Então, como é que tudo começou?
Womit feierte Will seine ersten Erfolge?
How did Will celebrate his first successes?
Como é que o Will celebrou os seus primeiros êxitos?
Und wie genau gelang ihm der große internationale Durchbruch?
And how exactly did he achieve his big international breakthrough?
E como é que ele conseguiu, exatamente, a sua grande revelação internacional?
Untertitel: ARD Text im Auftrag von Funk (2020)
Subtitle: ARD text commissioned by Funk (2020)
Legendas: texto ARD encomendado por Funk (2020)
Will Smith wurde am 25. September 1968
Will Smith was born on September 25, 1968
Will Smith nasceu em 25 de setembro de 1968
an der Ostküste der USA geboren.
||Costa Este|||
was born on the east coast of the USA.
nasceu na costa leste dos EUA.
Sein Vater war Air-Force-Veteran
His father was an Air Force veteran
und arbeitete zu der Zeit als Ingenieur für Kältetechnik.
||||||||refrigeration technology
||||||||tecnología de refrigeración
and was working as a refrigeration engineer at the time.
e, na altura, trabalhava como engenheiro na área da tecnologia de refrigeração.
Als eines von 4 Kindern musste Will schon früh mit anpacken,
As one of 4 children, Will had to lend a hand from an early age,
Sendo um de 4 filhos, Will teve de dar uma mãozinha desde muito cedo,
wurde diszipliniert erzogen
was raised in a disciplined manner
foi educado de forma disciplinada
und im Gegenzug für seine Anstrengungen geschätzt.
and appreciated in return for his efforts.
e apreciado em troca dos seus esforços.
So lernte er schon in jungen Jahren
Aprendeu desde muito jovem
den Wert von harter Arbeit zu würdigen.
to appreciate the value of hard work.
reconhecer o valor do trabalho árduo.
Dass Wissen das Elixier für die Lösung aller Probleme war,
That knowledge was the elixir for solving all problems,
Esse conhecimento era o elixir para resolver todos os problemas,
brachte ihm seine Mutter bei, die als Lehrerin arbeitete.
taught him by his mother, who worked as a teacher.
foi-lhe ensinada pela sua mãe, que era professora.
Beide Elternteile
Both parents
Ambos os pais
hatten somit einen wichtigen Einfluss auf seine Entwicklung,
thus had an important influence on its development,
teve assim uma influência importante no seu desenvolvimento,
trennten sich jedoch, als Will gerade einmal 13 Jahre alt war.
however, they split when Will was just 13 years old.
No entanto, separaram-se quando Will tinha apenas 13 anos de idade.
Ein paar Jahre später
Alguns anos mais tarde
lernte er dann auf einer Party in der Nachbarschaft
he then learned at a party in the neighborhood
que conheceu numa festa no bairro
zufällig DJ Jazzy Jeff kennen.
happen to know DJ Jazzy Jeff.
conheceu o DJ Jazzy Jeff por acaso.
Der wartete vergebens auf seinen Frontmann
He waited in vain for his frontman
Esperou em vão pelo seu líder
und benötigte dringend einen rappenden Ersatz.
and urgently needed a rapping replacement.
e precisava urgentemente de um substituto para o rap.
Da ihn der Hip-Hop der achtziger Jahre prägte,
Since he was influenced by hip-hop in the 1980s,
Desde que o hip-hop dos anos oitenta o moldou,
sprang Will spontan ein und legte direkt los.
Will jumped in spontaneously and started right away.
O Will entrou espontaneamente em ação e começou logo a trabalhar.
Er genoss die Zeit im Rampenlicht und unterhielt die Menge.
|||||rampa de luz||entretuvo||
He enjoyed the time in the spotlight and entertained the crowd.
Aproveitou o seu tempo na ribalta e divertiu a multidão.
DJ Jazzy Jeff bemerkte schnell, dass der charismatische Will
DJ Jazzy Jeff quickly noticed that the charismatic Will
O DJ Jazzy Jeff apercebeu-se rapidamente de que o carismático Will
ein überraschendes Talent fürs Rappen hatte.
had a surprising talent for rapping.
Praktisch, dass Jeff auch als Produzent unterwegs war.
It's handy that Jeff was also on the road as a producer.
Convenientemente, Jeff também estava na estrada como produtor.
So gründeten die beiden direkt ihre eigene Band:
So the two immediately founded their own band:
Assim, os dois formaram imediatamente a sua própria banda:
"DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince".
"Prince" weil das übrigens damals schon Wills Spitzname war,
"Prince" because that was Will's nickname back then, by the way,
"Príncipe" porque era a alcunha do Will na altura,
als jemand, der es irgendwie immer geschafft hatte,
as someone who somehow always managed
como alguém que, de alguma forma, sempre tinha conseguido,
sich aus Ärger herauszuhalten und genau dafür bekannt war.
|||to stay out|||||
|||mantenerse al margen|||||
staying out of trouble and was known for doing just that.
para não se meter em sarilhos e era conhecido exatamente por isso.
Das junge Duo nahm fortan an diversen Events teil,
From then on, the young duo took part in various events,
A partir daí, a jovem dupla participou em vários eventos,
veröffentlichte Singles, gewann DJ-Wettbewerbe
released singles, won DJ competitions
lançou singles, ganhou concursos de DJ
und konnte kleinere Labels auf sich aufmerksam machen.
and was able to attract the attention of smaller labels.
e conseguiu atrair a atenção de marcas mais pequenas.
Mit der Veröffentlichung ihres zweiten Albums
With the release of their second album
Com o lançamento do seu segundo álbum
gelang ihnen aber völlig überraschend ein kleiner Erfolg,
but surprisingly they had a small success,
No entanto, obtiveram um pequeno e surpreendente sucesso,
der in die Geschichte einging.
who went down in history.
que entrou para a história.
Sollte es für Will also tatsächlich so problemlos bergauf gehen?
So should it really be that easy for Will to go uphill?
Será que as coisas estão a correr tão bem para Will?
Schließlich war er nicht mal 18 Jahre alt
After all, he wasn't even 18 years old
Afinal de contas, ele nem sequer tinha 18 anos
und seinen Highschool-Abschluss
and his high school graduation
e o seu diploma do liceu
hatte er auch noch nicht in der Tasche,
he didn't have it in his pocket yet,
que também ainda não tinha no bolso,
als er zum Chart-Rapper in den USA wurde.
when he became a chart rapper in the US.
quando se tornou um rapper de sucesso nos EUA.
Nach außen verhielt er sich trotzdem recht vorbildlich,
||se comportaba|||||ejemplarmente
Outwardly, however, he behaved in an exemplary manner,
No entanto, comportou-se exteriormente de forma exemplar,
denn Will vermied es, in seinen Songs zu fluchen.
because Will avoided swearing in his songs.
porque o Will evitava dizer palavrões nas suas canções.
So waren die Texte stets familienfreundlich,
The texts were always family-friendly,
Os textos foram sempre familiares,
humorvoll geschrieben
written with humor
escrito com humor
und machten einen weiten Bogen um Gewaltdelikte oder Drogenexzesse.
||||arc||violent crimes||
||||||delitos violentos||excesos de drogas
and gave a wide berth to violent crime or drug excesses.
e não se preocupou com as infracções violentas ou os excessos de droga.
Also das Gegenteil von dem, was in der Rap-Szene sonst üblich war.
So the opposite of what was usual in the rap scene.
Por outras palavras, o oposto do que era habitual na cena rap.
Durch ein paar Veröffentlichungen
Through a few publications
Através de algumas publicações
bekamen sie sogar Grammy-Auszeichnungen.
they even got Grammy awards.
até receberam prémios Grammy.
Für die beiden jungen, frischgebackenen Stars
||||freshly baked|
||||recién horneados|
For the two young, newly crowned stars
Para as duas jovens estrelas recém-formadas
lief es also so richtig gut.
so it went really well.
as coisas correram muito bem.
Vielleicht zu gut, und das zu plötzlich.
Maybe too well, and too suddenly.
Talvez demasiado bom e demasiado repentino.
Denn Will fühlte sich unbesiegbar
Because Will felt invincible
Porque o Will sentia-se invencível
und genoss sein Leben in vollen Zügen.
and enjoyed life to the fullest.
e desfrutou plenamente da sua vida.
In kürzester Zeit dürfte er, eigener Aussagen nach,
In a very short time he should, according to his own statements,
Em muito pouco tempo, segundo as suas próprias declarações, deverá fazê-lo,
ein paar Millionen Dollar verprasst haben.
squandered a few million dollars.
esbanjaram alguns milhões de dólares.
Gerade als er etwas über 19 Jahre alt war, passierte allerdings das,
Just when he was just over 19 years old, however, this happened
No entanto, quando tinha pouco mais de 19 anos, aconteceu o seguinte,
was passieren musste.
what had to happen.
o que tinha de acontecer.
Das amerikanische Finanzamt klingelte an seiner Tür
The American tax office rang at his door
O fisco americano tocou-lhe à campainha
und verlangte seine Einkommensteuer in Höhe von 2,8 Mio. Dollar.
|||impuesto sobre la renta|||||
and claimed his income tax of $2.8 million.
e exigiu o seu imposto sobre o rendimento no valor de 2,8 milhões de dólares.
Wie viele Leute vor ihm, die schnell und plötzlich reich wurden,
Like many people before him who got rich quick and suddenly,
Como muitas pessoas antes dele que enriqueceram rapidamente e de repente,
hatte Will wohl ebenfalls ausgeblendet,
had probably also hidden Will,
provavelmente também tinha apagado o Will,
dass er einen großen Teil
that he is a big part
que ele é uma grande parte
seiner Einnahmen an den Staat abzugeben hatte.
had to hand over its income to the state.
das suas receitas para o Estado.
Da er komplett im Verzug war,
Since he was completely behind schedule,
Porque ele estava completamente atrasado,
nahmen die Beamten seinen Besitz direkt in Beschlag.
the officials confiscated his property directly.
os agentes apoderaram-se imediatamente dos seus bens.
Von seinem Vermögen
From his fortune
Dos seus activos
blieben angeblich nur noch 30.000 Dollar übrig.
reportedly only $30,000 left.
alegadamente só restavam 30.000 dólares.
Alles war weg, quasi wieder auf 0.
Everything was gone, basically back to 0.
Tudo desapareceu, praticamente voltou ao 0.
Er erzählte später, dass es wirklich hart war,
He later said it was really hard
Disse-me mais tarde que era muito difícil,
berühmt zu sein und mit dem Bus fahren zu müssen.
being famous and having to ride the bus.
ser famoso e ter de viajar de autocarro.
Sollte er jetzt einfach aufgeben
Should he just give up now?
Deverá ele desistir agora?
und sich schon wieder aus der Öffentlichkeit zurückziehen?
|||||||povući se
and withdraw from the public again?
e retirar-se de novo do olhar do público?
Für Will war das keine Option.
That wasn't an option for Will.
Stattdessen ging er weiter zusammen mit Jazzy Jeff
Instead, he went on with Jazzy Jeff
Em vez disso, continuou a trabalhar com Jazzy Jeff
in den USA auf Promo-Tour,
für aktuelle Songs und ihr nächstes Album.
for current songs and their next album.
para as canções actuais e o próximo álbum.
Hinter den Kulissen einer Late-Night-Show
Behind the scenes of a late night show
Nos bastidores de um programa noturno
knüpfte er dabei zufällig einen interessanten Kontakt.
he accidentally made an interesting contact.
fez um contacto interessante por acaso.
Der Produzent Benny Medina
The producer Benny Medina
suchte nämlich einen Schauspieler für eine Serie,
was looking for an actor for a series
estava à procura de um ator para uma série,
die in den Grundzügen auf seinem Leben beruhte.
|||osnovnim crtama||||temeljio
|||basic features||||was based
|||lineamientos||||se basaba
which was essentially based on his life.
que se baseia essencialmente na sua vida.
Ihm kam die spontane Idee, dass Will doch die Rolle übernehmen konnte.
He had the spontaneous idea that Will could take on the role after all.
Teve a ideia espontânea de que Will poderia, afinal, assumir o papel.
"Ja, cool, ich bin aber kein Schauspieler",
"Yeah, cool, but I'm not an actor",
dachte sich Will.
thought Will.
Will pensou para si próprio.
Das fragte ihn Benny.
Benny asked him that.
O Benny perguntou-lhe isso.
Da Will nichts zu verlieren hatte
Because Will had nothing to lose
und Quincy Jones unter anderem der Produzent von Musiker-Legenden
and Quincy Jones, among others, the producer of Musician Legends
e Quincy Jones, entre outros, o produtor de lendas da música
wie Frank Sinatra oder Michael Jackson war,
like Frank Sinatra or Michael Jackson was,
nahm er das Angebot eines unverbindlichen Kennenlernens an.
|||||non-binding|getting to know|
|||||sin compromiso|conocer|
he accepted the offer of a non-binding meeting.
aceitou a proposta de uma reunião introdutória sem compromisso.
Kurz darauf trafen sie sich also im Haus von Quincy Jones.
So they met shortly after at Quincy Jones' house.
Pouco tempo depois, encontraram-se em casa de Quincy Jones.
Vor Ort waren hochrangige Personen aus der Branche,
|||visoki zvaničnici||||
On site were high-ranking people from the industry,
Estiveram presentes pessoas de alto nível do sector,
wie der damalige Senderchef, einige Politiker und weitere Schauspieler.
|||šef stanice|||||
|||head of the broadcaster|||||
|||jefe de la emisora|||||
like the head of the station at the time, some politicians and other actors.
como o diretor da estação na altura, alguns políticos e outros actores.
Plötzlich übergab Quincy Will das Drehbuch und bat ihn spontan,
Suddenly Quincy gave Will the script and spontaneously asked him to
De repente, Quincy entregou o guião a Will e perguntou-lhe espontaneamente,
einen Ausschnitt vorzusprechen.
||izvestiti o
to audition an excerpt.
para recitar um excerto.
Doch das war nicht das, womit Will je gerechnet hatte.
But that wasn't what Will had ever expected.
Mas isto não era o que Will estava à espera.
Er wollte nicht einfach so vorsprechen.
He didn't want to just audition like that.
Ele não queria fazer uma audição sem mais nem menos.
Auch wenn er gerne im Mittelpunkt stand,
Even if he likes to be the center of attention
Mesmo que ele gostasse de ser o centro das atenções,
er hatte noch keinerlei Schauspielerfahrung
||||experiencia actoral
he had no acting experience
não tinha qualquer experiência de representação
und bat Quincy deshalb um etwas mehr Vorbereitungszeit.
so asked Quincy for a little more preparation time.
e, por isso, pediu a Quincy um pouco mais de tempo de preparação.
Aber der spielte nur mit Wills Unsicherheit.
But he was just playing with Will's insecurity.
Mas ele estava apenas a brincar com a insegurança do Will.
So erklärt er ihm, was passieren würde,
So he explains to him what would happen,
Por isso, explica-lhe o que iria acontecer,
wenn er diese Chance nicht spontan wahrnähme.
||||||were to take
if he does not spontaneously seize this opportunity.
se ele não aproveitasse espontaneamente esta oportunidade.
Schließlich befanden sich gerade alle Verantwortlichen des Senders
|se encontraban|||||del|canal
After all, all those responsible for the station were there
Afinal de contas, todos os responsáveis pela estação estavam atualmente
mit ihm in einem Raum.
with him in a room.
num quarto com ele.
Es könnte Wochen dauern, bis es einen neuen Termin gab.
It could be weeks before a new appointment was made.
Podia demorar semanas até haver uma nova marcação.
Er könnte sich also so lange vorbereiten und hoffen,
So he could prepare himself for so long and hope
Para se poder preparar durante tanto tempo e ter esperança,
dass er bald noch mal
that he will be back soon
que em breve
die Möglichkeit zum Vorsprechen haben würde
would have the opportunity to audition
oder sich kurz 10 Min. zurückziehen, sein Schicksal in die Hand nehmen
or withdraw for a short 10 minutes and take your destiny into your own hands
ou retirar-se durante 10 minutos, tomar o seu destino nas suas próprias mãos
und sein Leben womöglich für immer verändern.
and possibly change his life forever.
e possivelmente mudar a sua vida para sempre.
Wie man sich bereits denken kann,
As you can already imagine
Como podem imaginar,
verlief dieses spontane Casting großartig.
se desarrolló|||casting|
this impromptu casting went great.
este casting espontâneo correu lindamente.
Alle waren begeistert und organisierten sofort die Verträge.
Everyone was enthusiastic and immediately organized the contracts.
Todos ficaram entusiasmados e organizaram imediatamente os contratos.
3 Wochen später stand Will dann auf dem Set von "Der Prinz von Bel-Air"
3 weeks later Will was on the set of "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"
und hatte dort seine erste echte Schauspiel-Erfahrung.
and had his first real acting experience there.
e teve aí a sua primeira experiência real de representação.
Trotzdem gewann er später mehrere Awards
Nevertheless, he later won several awards
No entanto, mais tarde, ganhou vários prémios
und wurde sogar für den Emmy und die Golden Globe nominiert.
and was even nominated for an Emmy and a Golden Globe.
Vor allem in den USA war er nun ein Star.
Especially in the USA he was now a star.
Will fragte sich direkt, ob er da noch eins draufsetzen konnte.
Will immediately wondered if he could top that.
Will pensou imediatamente se poderia fazer melhor.
Würde er auch das Zeug zum internationalen Superstar haben?
Would he also have what it takes to become an international superstar?
Der Rapper fand nämlich so großen Gefallen am Schauspielern,
The rapper was so fond of acting that
O rapper gostava mesmo de atuar,
dass er sich mit seinem Manager beriet und analysierte,
||||||se consultó||analizó
that he consulted and analyzed with his manager,
welche Filme in der Vergangenheit die erfolgreichsten waren
which films have been the most successful in the past
und welche es in der Zukunft wohl sein werden.
and which ones will probably be in the future.
e quais serão provavelmente no futuro.
Auf ähnliche Weise
In a similar way
Da mesma forma
saß er auch mal mit ein paar erfolgreichen Kollegen zusammen
he also sat with a few successful colleagues
uma vez sentou-se com alguns colegas de sucesso
und bat um einen Rat
and asked for advice
e pediu conselhos
für außergewöhnlichen Erfolg vor der Kamera.
for extraordinary success in front of the camera.
Schwarzenegger sagte ihm, dass seine Filme überall bekannt sein müssten,
Schwarzenegger told him that his films should be known everywhere
Schwarzenegger disse-lhe que os seus filmes deviam ser conhecidos em todo o lado,
nicht nur in Amerika.
not only in America.
V. a. sollte er aber für seine Fans und die Menschen vor Ort da sein.
V. a. but he should be there for his fans and the local people.
Diesen Rat scheint sich Will bis heute zu Herzen genommen
Will seems to have taken that advice to heart to this day
und in Zeiten von Social Media inzwischen perfektioniert zu haben.
and to have perfected it in the age of social media.
Eine seiner international bedeutendsten Rollen
|||más importantes|
One of his internationally most important roles
sollte die des Mike Lowry in der Filmreihe "Bad Boys" werden.
|||||||film series|||
|||Mike|Lowry|||saga de películas|||
should be that of Mike Lowry in the "Bad Boys" film series.
2020 kam der dritte Teil in die Kinos.
The third part was released in cinemas in 2020.
Ob der Film sich lohnt,
Is the movie worth it?
beantworten euch die Jungs von "Cinema Strikes Back".
the guys from "Cinema Strikes Back" answer you.
Und ein weiteres interessantes Video ist hier ebenfalls verlinkt.
And another interesting video is also linked here.
Bis zur nächsten Inspiration. Der Biograph.