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LingQ Mini Stories, 5 - Jōhannī et Clārae multa pēnsa perficienda sunt

Jōhannēs discipulus est scholae secundāriae.

Multa pēnsa domestica sunt eī perficienda.

Clāra est discipula ūniversitātis.

Etiam Clārae multa pēnsa perficienda sunt.

Pēnsa nōn placent Jōhannī.

Eī placet computātōriō lūdere.

Clārae placent legere et scrībere.

Cotīdiē pēnsa perficit.

Clāra est soror Jōhannis major.

Semper facit ut Jōhannēs pēnsa domestica sua perficiat.

Haec est eadem fābula ā Jōhanne nārrāta.

Ego sum discipulus scholae secundāriae.

Multa pēnsa domestica sunt mihi perficienda.

Clāra est discipula ūniversitātis.

Etiam Clārae multa pēnsa perficienda sunt.

Pēnsa mihi nōn placent.

Mihi placet computātōriō lūdere.

Clārae placent legere et scrībere.

Cotīdiē pēnsa perficit.

Clāra est soror mea major.

Semper facit ut pēnsa domestica mea perficiam.


1) Jōhannēs est discipulus scholae secundāriae. Estne Jōhannēs discipulus scholae secundāriae? Ita, Jōhannēs est discipulus scholae secundāriae.

2) Multa pēnsa domestica sunt Jōhannī perficienda. Suntne multa pēnsa domestica Jōhannī perficienda? Ita, multa pēnsa domestica sunt Jōhannī perficienda.

3) Clāra est discipula ūniversitātis. Estne Clāra discipula scholae secundāriae? Immō, Clāra nōn est discipula scholae secundāriae. Est discipula ūniversitātis.

4) Jōhannī placet computātōriō lūdere. Placetne Jōhannī computātōriō lūdere? Ita, Jōhannī placet computātōriō lūdere.

5) Clārae placent legere et scrībere. Placetne Clārae pelliculās cīnēmatographicās spectāre? Nōn, Clārae placent legere et scrībere.

6) Cotīdiē Clāra pēnsa perficit. Cotīdiēne Clāra pēnsa perficit? Ita, cotīdiē Clāra pēnsa perficit.

7) Clāra est soror Jōhannis major. Suntne Jōhannēs Clāraque cognātī? Ita, Jōhannēs Clāraque cognātī sunt. Clāra est soror Jōhannis major.

8) Clāra cotīdiē facit ut Jōhannēs pēnsa domestica sua perficiat. Facitne Clāra ut Jōhannēs pēnsa domestica sua perficiat? Ita, Clāra cotīdiē facit ut Jōhannēs pēnsa domestica sua perficiat.

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Jōhannēs discipulus est scholae secundāriae. John|student|"is"|secondary school|secondary school John|student||of the school|secondary Jōhannēs ist Gymnasiast. Jōhannēs is a high school student. ヨハネスは高校生です。

Multa pēnsa domestica sunt eī perficienda. ||||to him|to be completed many burdens|tasks|household tasks|are|"to him"|to be completed |tareas domésticas|||| |zadania domowe||||do wykonania Er hat viele Hausarbeiten zu erledigen. There are many household chores to be completed by him. 彼にはやらなければならない家事がたくさんあります。 Ему предстоит выполнить много домашних дел.

Clāra est discipula ūniversitātis. Clear|||university Clara||student|of the university Clara ist Studentin. Clara is a university student. クララは大学生です。

Etiam Clārae multa pēnsa perficienda sunt. "Even"|Clear|many|tasks|to be completed|are needed |famous|||| Nawet||||| Auch Clara hat viel zu tun. Clara also has a lot of work to do. クララにもやるべきことはたくさんある。

Pēnsa nōn placent Jōhannī. Assignments|not|please him|to John |||to John pēnsa nōn please Jōhannī ペンサノン、ヨハニーをお願いします。 Пенса, пожалуйста, Джоханни.

Eī placet computātōriō lūdere. he|"likes"|computer game|"to play" ||the computer|to play ||komputerowe|grać w gry komputerowe Er spielt gern mit dem Computer. he likes to play with the computer.

Clārae placent legere et scrībere. |like|to read||to write ||reading||writing Clare likes to read and write.

Cotīdiē pēnsa perficit. "Every day"|tasks|completes |the weight|completes the task |tareas diarias|Completa Jeden Tag vervollständigt er die Pēnsa. He completes the daily pēnsa. 彼は毎日ペンサを完成させます。

Clāra est soror Jōhannis major. Clara||sister|John|elder |||John's|older Clara ist Johannes‘ ältere Schwester. Clara is Johannes' older sister. クララはヨハネスの姉です。 Клара — старшая сестра Йоханнеса.

Semper facit ut Jōhannēs pēnsa domestica sua perficiat. "Always"|"makes sure"|so that|John|expenses|domestic|his own tasks|"completes" |makes|so that||||his|he may complete |hace que|para que||||| Er lässt Jōhannēs immer seine Hausarbeiten erledigen. he always makes Johannes complete his household chores. 彼はいつもヨハネスに家事を完了させます。 Он всегда заставляет Йоханнеса выполнять домашние дела.

Haec est eadem fābula ā Jōhanne nārrāta. "This"|is|the same|story|by|by John|told ||the same|||John| ||la misma|||| ||ta sama|||| This is the same fable as told by Johannes. これはヨハネスが語った寓話と同じです。

Ego sum discipulus scholae secundāriae. ||student|of the secondary school|secondary school Ich bin ein Gymnasiast. I am a high school student. 私は高校生です。

Multa pēnsa domestica sunt mihi perficienda. |||||to be completed Ich habe viele Hausarbeiten zu erledigen. I have many household chores to complete.

Clāra est discipula ūniversitātis. Clara||student| Clara is a university student.

Etiam Clārae multa pēnsa perficienda sunt. "Also"|famous|many|tasks|to be completed| ||||to be completed| Clara also has a lot of work to do.

Pēnsa mihi nōn placent. pencils|"to me"||please I don't like pēnsa.

Mihi placet computātōriō lūdere. to me||the computer|to play I like to play with the computer. 私はコンピューターで遊ぶのが好きです。

Clārae placent legere et scrībere. Clara likes|like|to read||writing Clare likes to read and write.

Cotīdiē pēnsa perficit. daily|the weight|completes the tasks He completes the daily pēnsa.

Clāra est soror mea major. Clara||||older ||sister|| Clara is my older sister.

Semper facit ut pēnsa domestica mea perficiam. Always|makes|"that"|chores|household|my|I will complete ||||||I complete Er lässt mich immer meine Hausaufgaben erledigen. He always makes me do my homework.

Quaestiōnēs. Questions Questions.

1) Jōhannēs est discipulus scholae secundāriae. John|is|student|| 1) Jōhannēs is a high school student. Estne Jōhannēs discipulus scholae secundāriae? Is|||| Is Jōhannēs a high school student? Ita, Jōhannēs est discipulus scholae secundāriae. so, Jōhannēs is a high school student.

2) Multa pēnsa domestica sunt Jōhannī perficienda. Many|tasks|domestic matters||to John|to be completed 2) there are many household chores to be carried out by Jōhannī. Suntne multa pēnsa domestica Jōhannī perficienda? Are there||||John| Are there many household chores for John to complete? Ita, multa pēnsa domestica sunt Jōhannī perficienda. Thus|||||| Thus, there are many household chores to be completed by John.

3) Clāra est discipula ūniversitātis. 3) Clara is a university student. Estne Clāra discipula scholae secundāriae? is Clara a high school student? Immō, Clāra nōn est discipula scholae secundāriae. "On the contrary"|||||| Indeed|||||| En absoluto|||||| No, Clára is not a high school student. Est discipula ūniversitātis. she is a student at the university.

4) Jōhannī placet computātōriō lūdere. ||computer| 4) Jōhannī likes to play with computers. Placetne Jōhannī computātōriō lūdere? Does it please||| do you like to play Jōhannī computātōriō? Ita, Jōhannī placet computātōriō lūdere. ||pleases||to play so, Jōhannī likes to play computātōriō.

5) Clārae placent legere et scrībere. ||reading||writing 5) Clare likes to read and write. Placetne Clārae pelliculās cīnēmatographicās spectāre? |Clara|films|cinematic|to watch ||the movies|cinematic|to watch does Clara like to watch movies? Nōn, Clārae placent legere et scrībere. No, Clara likes to read and write.

6) Cotīdiē Clāra pēnsa perficit. Every day||weights|completes 6) Jeden Tag führt Clara die Pēnsa durch. 6) Every day Clāra performs the pēnsa. Cotīdiēne Clāra pēnsa perficit? every day||| daily||| Does Clāra perform the pēnsa daily? Ita, cotīdiē Clāra pēnsa perficit. |||weights|completes thus, every day Clāra completes the pēnsa.

7) Clāra est soror Jōhannis major. ||sister|John| ||||starsza 7) Clāra is John's older sister. Suntne Jōhannēs Clāraque cognātī? ||and Clara|relatives ||Clara|relatives Are Johannes and Clara cousins? Ita, Jōhannēs Clāraque cognātī sunt. ||and Clara|relatives| Thus, John and Clara are cousins. Clāra est soror Jōhannis major. ||||elder Clara ist Johannes‘ ältere Schwester. Clara is Johannes' older sister.

8) Clāra cotīdiē facit ut Jōhannēs pēnsa domestica sua perficiat. |every day|makes|||||his own|he may complete Клара|||||||| 8) Clára makes every day that Jōhannēs completes his household chores. Facitne Clāra ut Jōhannēs pēnsa domestica sua perficiat? does it make||||||| Does it||||||| does Clāra make Jōhannēs do his household chores? Ita, Clāra cotīdiē facit ut Jōhannēs pēnsa domestica sua perficiat. Thus||||||||| Thus, Clára makes every day that Jōhannēs completes his household chores.