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LingQ Mini Stories, 9 - Andrēās et ejus amīca

Andrēās amīcam novam habet.

nōmen amīcae novae Sāra est.

Andrēās Sārae cēnam coquere vult.

ad macellum it.

Andrēās corbem et plaustrum sūmit.

praeter trānsitum holerum ambulat.

piscēs in congelātōriō intuētur.

prope mēnsam acētāriōrum stat.

postrēmō ā macellō discēdit.

Andrēās domum redit et pittam arcessit.

haec est eadem fābula ab Andrēā nārrāta.

novam amīcam habeō.

nōmen eī Sāra est.

Sārae cēnam coquere volō.

ad macellum eō.

corbem et plaustrum sūmō.

praeter trānsitum holerum ambulō.

piscēs in congelātōriō intueor.

prope mēnsam acētāriōrum stō.

postrēmō ā macellō discēdō.

domum redeō et pittam arcessō.


1) Andrēās habet novam amīcam, nōmine ‘Sāra'. habetne Andrēās novam amīcam? habet, Andrēās habet novam amīcam. nōmen eī est Sāra.

2) Andrēās Sārae cēnam coquere vult. vultne Andrēās prandium Sārae coquere? nōn vult, Andrēās nōn prandium Sārae coquere vult. cēnam illī coquere vult.

3) Andrēās ad macellum it cibum ēmptum. itne Andrēās ad macellum? it, Andrēās it ad macellum cibum ēmptum.

4) Andrēās praeter trānsitum holerum ambulat. emitne Andrēās holera? nōn, Andrēās nōn emit holera. praeter trānsitum holerum ambulat.

5) intuētur piscēs in congelātōriō sed nūllum emit. intuēturne piscēs? intuētur, Andrēās intuētur piscēs in congelātōriō, sed nūllum emit.

6) postrēmō discēdit ā macellō et domum it. manetne Andrēās in macellō? nōn manet, postrēmō Andrēās ā macellō discēdit et domum redit.

7) Andrēās pittam arcessit. coquitne Andrēās cēnam? nōn coquit, Andrēās nōn coquit cēnam. pittam arcessit.

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Andrēās amīcam novam habet. ||новую| Andreas|friend|new|has Andrew has a new girlfriend.

nōmen amīcae novae Sāra est. the name|of the friend|new|Sara|is The new girlfriend's name is Sarah.

Andrēās Sārae cēnam coquere vult. Andreas|Sarah|dinner|to cook|wants Andrēās möchte für Sarah das Abendessen kochen. Andrēās wants to cook Sāra's dinner.

ad macellum it. |к рынку| to|market|goes He goes to the supermarket. Он идет в супермаркет.

Andrēās corbem et plaustrum sūmit. |||тележку|берет Andreas|the crow|and|the cart|takes Andrew nimmt den Korb und den Wagen. Andrew takes the basket and the cart. Андрей берет корзину и тележку.

praeter trānsitum holerum ambulat. ||овощей| past|the crossing|of the vegetables|walks Er geht am Durchgang vorbei. He walks past the passageway. Il passe devant le passage. Он проходит мимо прохода.

piscēs in congelātōriō intuētur. |||наблюдают fish|in|freezer|looks at Fisch im Gefrierschrank. fish in the freezer.

prope mēnsam acētāriōrum stat. near|table|of the scribes|stands er steht am Tisch des Acetarius. He stands near the table of the acetarius. il se tient près de la table de l'acetarius. он стоит возле стола ацетария.

postrēmō ā macellō discēdit. ||рынок| finally|from|market|he/she/it departs Schließlich ging er zur Metzgerei. at last he left for the butcher's shop. наконец он пошел в мясную лавку.

Andrēās domum redit et pittam arcessit. |||||приносит Andreas|home|returns|and|pie|fetches Andrēās kehrt nach Hause zurück und holt ein Pint. Andrēās returns home and fetches a pint. Andrēās rentre chez lui et va chercher une pinte. Андреас возвращается домой и приносит пинту пива.

haec est eadem fābula ab Andrēā nārrāta. |||||Андрея| this|is|same|story|by|Andrew|told This is the same fable told by Andrew.

novam amīcam habeō. new|friend|I have I have a new girlfriend.

nōmen eī Sāra est. name|to him/her|Sara|is her name is Sara.

Sārae cēnam coquere volō. to Sarah|dinner|to cook|I want I want to cook dinner for Sarah.

ad macellum eō. to|market|I go to the grocery store à l'épicerie

corbem et plaustrum sūmō. basket|and|cart|I take I took the basket and the cart. J'ai pris le panier et la charrette.

praeter trānsitum holerum ambulō. past|crossing|of the vegetables|I walk zusätzlich zum Durchgehen durch die Straßen in addition to passing through the streets en plus de passer dans les rues

piscēs in congelātōriō intueor. fish|in|freezer|I look at I look at the fish in the freezer. Je regarde le poisson dans le congélateur.

prope mēnsam acētāriōrum stō. near|table|of the scribes|I stand Stehen Sie neben dem Tisch des Acetarius. stand near the table of the acetarius. se tenir près de la table de l'acetarius.

postrēmō ā macellō discēdō. finally|from|market|I depart I finally left for the butcher. Je suis finalement parti chez le boucher.

domum redeō et pittam arcessō. home|I return|and|pizza|I fetch Ich kehrte nach Hause zurück und brachte das Bier mit. I returned home and brought the pint. Je suis rentré chez moi et j'ai apporté la pinte.

Quaestiōnēs. Questions Questions.

1) Andrēās habet novam amīcam, nōmine ‘Sāra'. Andreas|has|new|girlfriend|named|Sara 1) Andrēās hat eine neue Freundin namens „Sāra“. 1) Andrēās has a new girlfriend, named 'Sāra'. habetne Andrēās novam amīcam? does (he) have|Andreas|new|girlfriend does Andrew have a new girlfriend? habet, Andrēās habet novam amīcam. has|Andreas|has|new|girlfriend Andrēās has a new girlfriend. nōmen eī est Sāra. name|her|is|Sara His name is Sarah.

2) Andrēās Sārae cēnam coquere vult. Andreas|of Sara|dinner|to cook|wants 2) Andrēās wants to cook Sāra's dinner. vultne Andrēās prandium Sārae coquere? does (he) want|Andrew|lunch|of Sarah|to cook does Andrēās want to cook Sāra's dinner? nōn vult, Andrēās nōn prandium Sārae coquere vult. not|wants|Andreas|not|lunch|of Sarah|to cook|wants He doesn't want to, Andrēās doesn't want to cook Sāra's dinner. cēnam illī coquere vult. dinner|to him|to cook|wants He wants to cook dinner there.

3) Andrēās ad macellum it cibum ēmptum. Andreas|to|market|goes|food|bought 3) Andrew ging zum Supermarkt, um Lebensmittel zu kaufen. 3) Andrew went to the grocery store to buy food. itne Andrēās ad macellum? how many|Andrews|to|market Ist Andrew zum Lebensmittelladen gegangen? Did Andrew go to the grocery store? it, Andrēās it ad macellum cibum ēmptum. he|Andreas|he|to|market|food|bought Andrew went to the grocery store to buy food.

4) Andrēās praeter trānsitum holerum ambulat. Andreas|past|crossing|of the vegetables|walks 4) Andrēās geht am Durchgang vorbei. 4) Andrēās walks past the passageway. emitne Andrēās holera? does emit|Andreas|cholera Hat Andréas eine Tasche gekauft? Did Andrēās buy a bag? nōn, Andrēās nōn emit holera. no|Andreas|does not|buy|vegetables No, Andrēās did not buy vegetables. praeter trānsitum holerum ambulat. past|the crossing|of the vegetables|walks He walks past the passageway.

5) intuētur piscēs in congelātōriō sed nūllum emit. he/she/it looks at|fish|in|freezer|but|no|buys 5) Er schaut sich den Fisch im Gefrierschrank an, kauft aber keinen. 5) He looks at the fish in the freezer but buys none. intuēturne piscēs? do you see|fish Wirst du dir den Fisch ansehen? will you look at the fish? intuētur, Andrēās intuētur piscēs in congelātōriō, sed nūllum emit. he sees|Andreas|sees|fish|in|freezer|but|no|buys Andrew looked at the fish in the freezer, but he didn't buy any.

6) postrēmō discēdit ā macellō et domum it. finally|he/she departs|from|the market|and|home|he/she goes 6) Schließlich verließ er den Metzger und ging nach Hause. 6) Finally he left the butcher and went home. manetne Andrēās in macellō? does he stay|Andreas|in|the market Does Andrew remain in the butcher's shop? nōn manet, postrēmō Andrēās ā macellō discēdit et domum redit. not|stays|finally|Andreas|from|market|departs|and|home|returns Er bleibt nicht und schließlich verlässt Andrew die Metzgerei und kehrt nach Hause zurück. He does not stay, and finally Andrew leaves the butcher's shop and returns home.

7) Andrēās pittam arcessit. Andreas|the pie|calls 7) Andrēās brachte das Pint. 7) Andrēās brought the pint. coquitne Andrēās cēnam? does (he) cook|Andreas|dinner Kocht Andrew das Abendessen? Is Andrew cooking dinner? nōn coquit, Andrēās nōn coquit cēnam. does not|cook|Andreas|does not|cook|dinner er kocht nicht, Andrēās kocht kein Abendessen. he doesn't cook, Andrēās doesn't cook dinner. pittam arcessit. he/she/it summons the pit|he/she/it summons Er holte ein Pint. he fetched a pint.