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Latin Odyssey, Revenimus ad Aeoliam

Revenimus ad Aeoliam

dies novem atque noctes novem navigabamus; decimo iam patriam conspeximus. etiam homines conspiciebamus. tum dormivi: magnopere fessus eram quod diu navem solus gubernabam.

comites inter se dicebant: “quid est in utre?” - “Aeolus multum argentum et aurum Ulixi dedit!” - “nos quoque iter longum fecimus, argentum tamen non habemus!” - “quantum argentum est in utre?”

tandem comites utrem soluerunt itaque venti effugerunt et tempestas comites rapuit ab patria. igitur iterum ad insulam Aeoli advenimus.

Aeolus attonitus erat. “Ulixes,” inquit, “cur ibi ades?”

miser respondi, “comites infidi et somnus fatalis me fefellerunt. da mihi auxilium, amice, quod facile est tibi.”

Aeolus respondit, “Ulixes, infelix es quod di te oderunt! statim ab insula mea discede!”

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Revenimus ad Aeoliam "We returned to Aeolia"||Aeolia Back to winds エオリアに戻ります

dies novem atque noctes novem navigabamus; decimo iam patriam conspeximus. "days"|"Nine"|"and"|nights|nine|We were sailing|tenth day|already|our homeland|we caught sight nine days and nine nights, and we continued our voyage; Now, we have witnessed the fourteenth country. 私たちは九日九晩航海しました。すでに10回目で私たちはこの国を見た。 etiam homines conspiciebamus. "also"||"we saw" We were also seeing men. 男性も見かけました。 tum dormivi: magnopere fessus eram quod diu navem solus gubernabam. "then"|"I slept then."|very much|very tired|"I was"|because|for a long time|the ship|alone|I was steering Then I slept: I was greatly tired because I had been steering the ship alone for a long time. それから寝ました。長い間一人で船を操縦していたので、とても疲れていました。

comites inter se dicebant: “quid est in utre?” - “Aeolus multum argentum et aurum Ulixi dedit!” - “nos quoque iter longum fecimus, argentum tamen non habemus!” - “quantum argentum est in utre?” companions|among themselves|among themselves|They were saying|what|||"in the bag"|Aeolus|a lot of|silver|and|gold|to Ulysses|gave|we too|also|journey|long journey|we have made|silver|"however" or "nevertheless"||"we have not"|"How much"|silver||| The companions were saying among themselves: 'What is in the sack?' - 'Aeolus gave much silver and gold to Ulysses!' - 'We too have made a long journey, however we do not have silver!' - 'How much silver is in the sack?' 仲間たちは互いに言いました、「瓶の中には何が入っているの?」 - 「アイオロスはオデュッセウスに多くの銀と金を与えました!」 「私たちも長い旅をしたのに、お金がないんです!」 - 「瓶の中にはどれくらいの銀が入っていますか?」

tandem comites utrem soluerunt itaque venti effugerunt et tempestas comites rapuit ab patria. "at last"|companions|the bag|"released"|and thus|winds|escaped||storm or weather|companions|"carried away"|from|homeland |||||vientos|escaparon||||||patria At last, the companions released the bottle, and thus the winds fled, and the storm seized the companions away from their homeland. ついに伯爵が瓶を緩めると、風は去り、嵐が伯爵を国から運び去りました。 igitur iterum ad insulam Aeoli advenimus. therefore|"again"|to the|island|Aeolus's|"we arrived" Therefore, we arrived again at the island of Aeolus. こうして私たちは再びアイオロス島に到着した。

Aeolus attonitus erat. Aeolus was|"Aeolus was astonished."| Aeolus was astonished. アイオロスは驚いた。 “Ulixes,” inquit, “cur ibi ades?” |he/she says|"why"|"there"|"are you here" "Ulysses," said he, "why are you there?" 「ユリシーズ、なぜそこにいるの?」と彼は言った。

miser respondi, “comites infidi et somnus fatalis me fefellerunt. wretched|I replied||"unfaithful companions"||fatal sleep|"deadly"||"deceived me" I answered miserably, "The treacherous companions and the fatal sleep have afflicted me." 私は惨めに答えました、「危険な仲間と致命的な眠りが私を苦しめました。」 da mihi auxilium, amice, quod facile est tibi.” "give"||"help"|friend|that|easy for you||you give me help, my friend, that is easy for you." 助けてください、友よ、それはあなたにとって簡単なことです。」

Aeolus respondit, “Ulixes, infelix es quod di te oderunt! ||Ulysses|unlucky|are|that|the gods||"they hate" ||Ulises|||||| Aeolus replied, “Odysseus, you are unfortunate because the gods hate you! アイオロスは答えた、「オデュッセウス、あなたは神々に嫌われているから不幸なのです!」 statim ab insula mea discede!” "at once"||island|"my"|"Leave" Get off my island at once!” すぐに島から出て行け!」