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Gospel of Luke, Luc 03

Luc 03

3 1 Anno autem quintodecimo imperii Tiberii Cæsaris, procurante Pontio Pilato Judæam, tetrarcha autem Galilææ Herode, Philippo autem fratre ejus tetrarcha Iturææ, et Trachonitidis regionis, et Lysania Abilinæ tetrarcha, 2 sub principibus sacerdotum Anna et Caipha : factum est verbum Domini super Joannem, Zachariæ filium, in deserto. 3 Et venit in omnem regionem Jordanis, prædicans baptismum pœnitentiæ in remissionem peccatorum, 4 sicut scriptum est in libro sermonum Isaiæ prophetæ :

Vox clamantis in deserto :

Parate viam Domini ; rectas facite semitas ejus :

5 omnis vallis implebitur,

et omnis mons, et collis humiliabitur :

et erunt prava in directa, et aspera in vias planas :

6 et videbit omnis caro salutare Dei.

7 Dicebat ergo ad turbas quæ exibant ut baptizarentur ab ipso : Genimina viperarum, quis ostendit vobis fugere a ventura ira ? 8 Facite ergo fructus dignos pœnitentiæ, et ne cœperitis dicere : Patrem habemus Abraham. Dico enim vobis quia potens est Deus de lapidibus istis suscitare filios Abrahæ. 9 Jam enim securis ad radicem arborum posita est. Omnis ergo arbor non faciens fructum bonum, excidetur, et in ignem mittetur. 10 Et interrogabant eum turbæ, dicentes : Quid ergo faciemus ? 11 Respondens autem dicebat illis : Qui habet duas tunicas, det non habenti : et qui habet escas, similiter faciat. 12 Venerunt autem et publicani ut baptizarentur, et dixerunt ad illum : Magister, quid faciemus ? 13 At ille dixit ad eos : Nihil amplius, quam quod constitutum est vobis, faciatis. 14 Interrogabant autem eum et milites, dicentes : Quid faciemus et nos ? Et ait illis : Neminem concutiatis, neque calumniam faciatis : et contenti estote stipendiis vestris. 15 Existimante autem populo, et cogitantibus omnibus in cordibus suis de Joanne, ne forte ipse esset Christus, 16 respondit Joannes, dicens omnibus : Ego quidem aqua baptizo vos : veniet autem fortior me, cujus non sum dignus solvere corrigiam calceamentorum ejus : ipse vos baptizabit in Spiritu Sancto et igni : 17 cujus ventilabrum in manu ejus, et purgabit aream suam, et congregabit triticum in horreum suum, paleas autem comburet igni inextinguibili. 18 Multa quidem et alia exhortans evangelizabat populo.

19 Herodes autem tetrarcha cum corriperetur ab illo de Herodiade uxore fratris sui, et de omnibus malis quæ fecit Herodes, 20 adjecit et hoc super omnia, et inclusit Joannem in carcere.

21 Factum est autem cum baptizaretur omnis populus, et Jesu baptizato, et orante, apertum est cælum : 22 et descendit Spiritus Sanctus corporali specie sicut columba in ipsum : et vox de cælo facta est : Tu es filius meus dilectus, in te complacui mihi. 23 Et ipse Jesus erat incipiens quasi annorum triginta, ut putabatur, filius Joseph, qui fuit Heli, qui fuit Mathat, 24 qui fuit Levi, qui fuit Melchi, qui fuit Janne, qui fuit Joseph, 25 qui fuit Mathathiæ, qui fuit Amos, qui fuit Nahum, qui fuit Hesli, qui fuit Nagge, 26 qui fuit Mahath, qui fuit Mathathiæ, qui fuit Semei, qui fuit Joseph, qui fuit Juda, 27 qui fuit Joanna, qui fuit Resa, qui fuit Zorobabel, qui fuit Salathiel, qui fuit Neri, 28 qui fuit Melchi, qui fuit Addi, qui fuit Cosan, qui fuit Elmadan, qui fuit Her, 29 qui fuit Jesu, qui fuit Eliezer, qui fuit Jorim, qui fuit Mathat, qui fuit Levi, 30 qui fuit Simeon, qui fuit Juda, qui fuit Joseph, qui fuit Jona, qui fuit Eliakim, 31 qui fuit Melea, qui fuit Menna, qui fuit Mathatha, qui fuit Natham, qui fuit David, 32 qui fuit Jesse, qui fuit Obed, qui fuit Booz, qui fuit Salmon, qui fuit Naasson, 33 qui fuit Aminadab, qui fuit Aram, qui fuit Esron, qui fuit Phares, qui fuit Judæ, 34 qui fuit Jacob, qui fuit Isaac, qui fuit Abrahæ, qui fuit Thare, qui fuit Nachor, 35 qui fuit Sarug, qui fuit Ragau, qui fuit Phaleg, qui fuit Heber, qui fuit Sale, 36 qui fuit Cainan, qui fuit Arphaxad, qui fuit Sem, qui fuit Noë, qui fuit Lamech, 37 qui fuit Methusale, qui fuit Henoch, qui fuit Jared, qui fuit Malaleel, qui fuit Cainan, 38 qui fuit Henos, qui fuit Seth, qui fuit Adam, qui fuit Dei.

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Luc 03 Lukas 03 Luke 03 Lucas 03 ルーク03 Lucas 03

3 1 Anno autem quintodecimo imperii Tiberii Cæsaris, procurante Pontio Pilato Judæam, tetrarcha autem Galilææ Herode, Philippo autem fratre ejus tetrarcha Iturææ, et Trachonitidis regionis, et Lysania Abilinæ tetrarcha, 2 sub principibus sacerdotum Anna et Caipha : factum est verbum Domini super Joannem, Zachariæ filium, in deserto. "In the year"|however|fifteenth|"of the empire"|of Tiberius|Caesar's|"under the administration"|Pontius Pilate|Pontius Pilate|Judea|"Tetrarch"||of Galilee|Herod|Philip, his brother|however|"his brother"|his|tetrarch|Ituraea|"and"|of Trachonitis region|region||Lysanias of Abilene|of Abilene|tetrarch|under the leaders|chief priests|"of the priests"|Anna||Caiaphas|was|was|word|of the Lord|upon|John|of Zachariah|son|in|in the desert ||第15|||||ポンティウス|||||||フィリッポ|||||イテュレーア|||||リサニア|||||||||||||||||| |porém||||||||||||||porém||||||||||||||||||aconteceu||||||||| 3 1 In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate procuring Judea, Herod tetrarch of Galilee, and Philip his brother tetrarch of Iturae, and of the region of Trachonitis, and Lysania tetrarch of Abilene, 2 under the chief priests Annas and Caiaphas: the word of the Lord came upon John. son of Zacharias, in the wilderness. 3 1 それはティベリウス・カエサルの治世の第15年、ポンティウス・ピラトがユダヤを統治し、ガリラヤの四分の一をヘロデが、そして彼の兄弟フィリッポがイテュリアとトラコニティス地方の四分の一を、ライサニアがアビリーヌの四分の一を統治しているとき、2 大祭司アンナとカイアファの下で、神の言葉が荒野でザカリアの子ヨハネの上にあった。 3 Et venit in omnem regionem Jordanis, prædicans baptismum pœnitentiæ in remissionem peccatorum, 4 sicut scriptum est in libro sermonum Isaiæ prophetæ : And|came||"the whole"|region|"of the Jordan"|"preaching"|baptism|"of repentance"|for|remission of|of sins|"as"|it is written||"in"|"in the book"|"of the words"|Isaiah's|prophet of Isaiah ||||||宣べ伝えた||悔い改め||赦し||||||||| 3 And he came into all the region of the Jordan, preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins, 4 as it is written in the book of the words of the prophet Isaiah: 3 そして彼はヨルダン川の全地域に来て、罪の赦しのための悔い改めのバプテスマを宣べ伝え、4 それはイザヤの書に書かれているように:

Vox clamantis in deserto : the voice|"of one crying"|| |叫ぶ者の|| The voice of one crying in the wilderness : 荒野で叫ぶ者の声:

Parate viam Domini ; rectas facite semitas ejus : Prepare|||straight paths|"make" or "make straight"|paths| |||まっすぐな||| Prepare the way of the Lord; make straight his paths: 主の道を整えよ。彼の小道を真っ直ぐにせよ。

5 omnis vallis implebitur, |valley|"will be filled" ||満たされる ||será preenchida 5 every valley will be filled, すべての谷は満たされ、

et omnis mons, et collis humiliabitur : ||mountain||hill or mound|"shall be humbled" ||||丘| |||||será humilhado and every mountain and hill shall be humbled: すべての山と丘は低くされる。

et erunt prava in directa, et aspera in vias planas : |"will be"|crooked things||straight paths||rough places|||smooth paths ||曲がった||||粗い||| and they will be crooked in the straight, and rough in the straight ways: そして不正は正しいものになり、厳しいものは平坦な道になる。

6 et videbit omnis caro salutare Dei. |"shall see"||flesh|| |見るだろう|||| |verá||carne|salvação| 6 and all flesh will see God's salvation. そして全ての肉は神の救いを見るだろう。

7 Dicebat ergo ad turbas quæ exibant ut baptizarentur ab ipso : Genimina viperarum, quis ostendit vobis fugere a ventura ira ? He said|therefore||crowds|"who" or "which"|were going out||"be baptized"||him|Brood of vipers|"of vipers"|"who"|"showed" or "has shown"|"to you all"|"to flee"||coming|coming wrath |||||||洗礼を受ける||||||||||| |||||||||||das víboras||||||| 7 Then he said to the multitudes who were coming out to be baptized by him: Gentiles of vipers, who has shown you to flee from the wrath to come? だから彼は出て行く群衆に言った。彼らが彼から洗礼を受けるように:毒蛇の子供たちよ、誰があなたたちに来るべき怒りから逃げるように示したのか? 8 Facite ergo fructus dignos pœnitentiæ, et ne cœperitis dicere : Patrem habemus Abraham. Make|||worthy of repentance|repentance|||"begin to say"|to say||"we have"| |||ふさわしい||||始める|||| 8 Therefore produce fruits worthy of repentance, and do not begin to say: We have Abraham as our father. だから、悔い改めにふさわしい実を結びなさい。そして、『私たちはアブラハムを父と呼んでいるのだ』と言い始めてはいけません。 Dico enim vobis quia potens est Deus de lapidibus istis suscitare filios Abrahæ. "I say"|"For"|"to you all"|"that" or "because"|"able"||||"from these stones"|"these" or "these stones"|"raise up"|sons|of Abraham |||||||||これらの石|||アブラハム For I say to you that God is able to raise up the children of Abraham from these stones. 実に、私はあなたたちに言います。神はこれらの石からアブラハムの子供たちを起こすことができるのです。 9 Jam enim securis ad radicem arborum posita est. "Now"|"For"|axe||"the root"|"of the trees"|"laid down"| ||斧||根||| 9 For the ax has already been laid at the root of the trees. すでに斧が木の根元に置かれています。 Omnis ergo arbor non faciens fructum bonum, excidetur, et in ignem mittetur. Every|therefore|tree||"producing"|fruit|good fruit|"will be cut down"|||"into the fire"|"will be thrown" |||||||切り倒される||||投げ込まれる |||||||||||será lançada Therefore, every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. したがって、良い実を結ばないすべての木は切り倒され、火に投げ込まれる。 10 Et interrogabant eum turbæ, dicentes : Quid ergo faciemus ? |"were asking"|him|the crowds|"saying" or "asking"|what|"then" or "therefore"|we shall do |||||||私たちは何をすればいいですか 10 And the crowds questioned him, saying: What shall we do then? 10 すると群衆が彼に尋ねた、言った:では、私たちは何をすればよいのですか? 11 Respondens autem dicebat illis : Qui habet duas tunicas, det non habenti : et qui habet escas, similiter faciat. Responding||"was saying"|||"has"|"two"|tunics|"let him give"|not|"not having"|||has|food or provisions|"likewise do"|"let him do" ||||||||||持っていない人に|||||同様に| ||||||||||||||alimentos|| 11 He answereth and saith unto them, He that has two body-coats, let him impart to him having none, and he who has food, let him do likewise. 11 彼が答えて言った:二つの服を持っている者は持っていない者に与え、食べ物を持っている者も同様にしなさい。 12 Venerunt autem et publicani ut baptizarentur, et dixerunt ad illum : Magister, quid faciemus ? They came|||tax collectors||they might be baptized||they said|to||Teacher|"What shall we do?"|"shall we do" |||徴税人|||||||||しますか 12 And the publicans also came to be baptized, and said to him: Master, what shall we do? 12 しかし、彼らはまた公人たちが洗礼を受けるために来て、彼に言った。先生、私たちは何をすればよいでしょうか? 13 At ille dixit ad eos : Nihil amplius, quam quod constitutum est vobis, faciatis. But he said|"he" or "that man"||||Nothing more required|"any more"|"than what"|"what"|"appointed" or "assigned"|"is"|"for you"|"you do" |||||||||決まっている||| |||||Nada|mais|do que||o que foi decidido||a vocês|fazeis 13 And he said to them: Do nothing more than what is required by law. 13 すると彼は彼らに言った。あなたたちに定められたこと以上のことはしないようにしなさい。 14 Interrogabant autem eum et milites, dicentes : Quid faciemus et nos ? They were asking||him||the soldiers|"saying"|What shall we|"shall we do"||we 尋ねていた|||||||する|| 14 And the soldiers also questioned him, saying: What shall we also do? 14 ところが兵士たちも彼に尋ねて言った。私たちは何をすればよいでしょうか? Et ait illis : Neminem concutiatis, neque calumniam faciatis : et contenti estote stipendiis vestris. and|he said to them|to them|No one|"Extort money"|nor|"False accusation"|do (or make)||"be content with"|"Be content with"|your wages|"your wages" ||||叩く|||||||給料| |||ninguém|não perturbem||calúnia|falsifiquem||satisfeitos|estejam contentes|salários|seus He said, no one, neither accuse anyone, and be satisfied with your wages. 彼は彼らに言った : 誰も振るわせるな、また中傷をするな : あなたたちの報酬に満足していなさい。 15 Existimante autem populo, et cogitantibus omnibus in cordibus suis de Joanne, ne forte ipse esset Christus, 16 respondit Joannes, dicens omnibus : Ego quidem aqua baptizo vos : veniet autem fortior me, cujus non sum dignus solvere corrigiam calceamentorum ejus : ipse vos baptizabit in Spiritu Sancto et igni : 17 cujus ventilabrum in manu ejus, et purgabit aream suam, et congregabit triticum in horreum suum, paleas autem comburet igni inextinguibili. "Thinking"|however|the people||"thinking" or "pondering"|all||hearts|||John|"lest perhaps"|"perhaps"|"he himself"|was|Christ|"answered"||saying|||indeed||"Baptize"|"you" or "you all"|"will come"||"Stronger" or "more powerful"||"of whom"|||worthy of untying|"to untie"|"shoe's strap"|"of his sandals"||He himself|you|"Will baptize"|||||fire|of whom|winnowing fan||In this context, "manu" translates to "his hand."|"his" or "of him"||"will cleanse"|"threshing floor"|||"will gather"|wheat||granary||chaff||"will burn"|fire|unquenchable fire 存在している|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||desatar|correia||||||||||||pá de ventilação|||||limpará|||||trigo||armazém|||||| 15 And when the people were present, and they were all thinking in their hearts about John, lest perhaps he should be the Christ, 16 John answered, saying to them all: I indeed baptize you with water; in the Holy Spirit and fire: 17 whose fan is in his hand, and he will clear his field and gather the wheat into his barn, but he will burn the chaff with unquenchable fire. しかし、民衆が思い、心の中で皆がヨハネについて考えていたので、もしかしたら彼がキリストかもしれないと思い、ヨハネは皆に言った : 私は本当にあなたたちを水で洗礼を授けます : より強い者が私の後に来ます。私は彼の靴のひもを解くに値しません : その方はあなたたちを聖霊と火で洗礼を授けます : 彼の手にはふるいがあり、彼は自分の穀場を清め、穀物を倉に集め、殻は消えない火で焼き払います。 18 Multa quidem et alia exhortans evangelizabat populo. "Many things"|indeed||other things|"urging"|"was preaching"|the people |||||福音を伝えていた| |de fato||outras||| 18 Indeed, exhorting many and other things, he preached the gospel to the people. 確かに多くの他のことを励ましながら、彼は民に福音を伝えました。

19 Herodes autem tetrarcha cum corriperetur ab illo de Herodiade uxore fratris sui, et de omnibus malis quæ fecit Herodes, 20 adjecit et hoc super omnia, et inclusit Joannem in carcere. Herod the tetrarch|but|tetrarch||"was reproved"|by|him||Herodias|wife|brother's|||about||"evils" or "wicked deeds"|which|"he did"||"added also this"||this|above|above all||imprisoned|||"in prison" |||||||||||||||||||adicionou||||||||| 19 And when Herod the tetrarch was rebuked by him for Herodias, his brother's wife, and for all the evils that Herod had done, 20 he added this above all, and shut John up in prison.

21 Factum est autem cum baptizaretur omnis populus, et Jesu baptizato, et orante, apertum est cælum : 22 et descendit Spiritus Sanctus corporali specie sicut columba in ipsum : et vox de cælo facta est : Tu es filius meus dilectus, in te complacui mihi. made||||"was baptized"||people|||"having been baptized"||"praying"|"was opened"|"was opened"|Heaven opened|||||"bodily form"|"form"|"like a dove"|dove|upon|"upon him"|and|voice||"heaven" or "the sky"||"was opened"|||||"beloved"|||"I am pleased"|to me aconteceu||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||me agradou| 21 And it came to pass when all the people were baptized, and when Jesus was baptized and praying, heaven was opened: 22 and the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon him: and a voice came from heaven: Thou art my beloved Son, in thee I am well pleased. 23 Et ipse Jesus erat incipiens quasi annorum triginta, ut putabatur, filius Joseph, qui fuit Heli, qui fuit Mathat, 24 qui fuit Levi, qui fuit Melchi, qui fuit Janne, qui fuit Joseph, 25 qui fuit Mathathiæ, qui fuit Amos, qui fuit Nahum, qui fuit Hesli, qui fuit Nagge, 26 qui fuit Mahath, qui fuit Mathathiæ, qui fuit Semei, qui fuit Joseph, qui fuit Juda, 27 qui fuit Joanna, qui fuit Resa, qui fuit Zorobabel, qui fuit Salathiel, qui fuit Neri, 28 qui fuit Melchi, qui fuit Addi, qui fuit Cosan, qui fuit Elmadan, qui fuit Her, 29 qui fuit Jesu, qui fuit Eliezer, qui fuit Jorim, qui fuit Mathat, qui fuit Levi, 30 qui fuit Simeon, qui fuit Juda, qui fuit Joseph, qui fuit Jona, qui fuit Eliakim, 31 qui fuit Melea, qui fuit Menna, qui fuit Mathatha, qui fuit Natham, qui fuit David, 32 qui fuit Jesse, qui fuit Obed, qui fuit Booz, qui fuit Salmon, qui fuit Naasson, 33 qui fuit Aminadab, qui fuit Aram, qui fuit Esron, qui fuit Phares, qui fuit Judæ, 34 qui fuit Jacob, qui fuit Isaac, qui fuit Abrahæ, qui fuit Thare, qui fuit Nachor, 35 qui fuit Sarug, qui fuit Ragau, qui fuit Phaleg, qui fuit Heber, qui fuit Sale, 36 qui fuit Cainan, qui fuit Arphaxad, qui fuit Sem, qui fuit Noë, qui fuit Lamech, 37 qui fuit Methusale, qui fuit Henoch, qui fuit Jared, qui fuit Malaleel, qui fuit Cainan, 38 qui fuit Henos, qui fuit Seth, qui fuit Adam, qui fuit Dei. |"he himself"|||"beginning"|"about"|"of years"|Thirty years old||"was thought"||Joseph|who|was|Heli|||Mathat: son of Levi|||Levi|||Melchi: of Melchi||was|Janne: of Jannai||||||Mathathias|||Amos||was|Nahum|||Hesli: son of Nagge|||Nagge: son of Mahath|||Mahath||||||Semei: Shemei|||||||||Joanan|||Resa: son of Zorobabel|||Zerubbabel|||Salathiel: Shealtiel|||Neri|||Melchi|||Addi, son of|||Cosan, who was|||Elmadan, who was|||Her||||||Eliezer|||Jorim, son of Matthat||||||||||||||||||Jonah|||Eliakim|||Melea|"who was"||Menna, son of|||Mathatha: son of Nathan|||Nathan||||||Jesse|||Obed, who was|||Boaz|||Salmon|||son of Amminadab|||Aminadab: son of Aram|||Aram, son of Hezron|||Hezron|||Phares: Perez|||of Judah||||||Isaac, who was||||||Thare: Terah|||Nachor, son of Terah|||Sarug, who was|||Ragau: Reu|||Peleg|||Eber|||Sale: son of Arphaxad|||Cainan, who was|||Arphaxad, son of Shem|||Shem|||Noah|||Lamech|||Methuselah|||Enoch|||Jared|||Malaleel, son of Cainan||||||Enos|||Seth, who was|||Adam, who was||| |||||||||se acreditava||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 23 And Jesus was about thirty years old, that I thought, of Joseph, which was the Heli, 24, of Levi, of Melchi, of Janna, of Joseph, 25 of Mattathias, of Amos, the son of Nahum, of Esli, who was 26 Maath, of Mattathias, of Semei, of Joseph, who was of 27 of Joannes, of Resa, of Zorobabel, who was the son, Neri, 28 Melchi, of Addi, who Cosam, Elmadam, Er, 29, of Jesus, of Eliezer, who Jorim, Heli, who was of 30 Simeon , of Judas, of Joseph, of Jonan, who was 31 Melea, of Menan, who Mattatha, Nathan, who was of 32 of Jesse, of Obed, of Boaz , of Salmon, son of Nahshon, 33 Aminadab, of Aram, of Esrom, of Phares, of Judah, 34 and Jacob, Isaac, f And Abraham, of Terah, who was 35, which was lived Reu, Peleg, of Eber, of Sala, 36 Cainan, Arphaxad, Shem, son of Noah, Lamech, 37 Methuselah, Enoch, Jared, who lived Cainan, 38 Enos, of Seth, of Adam, of God.