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Ulixes (Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles), Ulixes 13 (Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles)

Ulixes 13 (Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles)

Novem dies secundissimo vento cursum tenuerunt, iamque in conspectum patriae suae venerant, cum Ulixes lassitudine confectus (ipse enim gubernabat) ad quietem capiendam recubuit. At socii, qui iam dudum mirabantur quid in illo sacco inclusum esset, cum ducem somno oppressum viderent, tantam occasionem non omittendam arbitrati sunt; credebant enim aurum et argentum ibi esse celata. Itaque spe lucri adducti saccum sine mora solverunt, quo facto venti "velut agmine facto qua data porta ruunt, et terras turbine perflant." Hic tanta tempestas subito coorta est ut illi cursum tenere non possent sed in eandem partem unde erant profecti referrentur. Ulixes e somno excitatus quo in loco res esset statim intellexit; saccum solutum, Ithacam post tergum relictam vidit. Tum vero ira vehementer exarsit sociosque obiurgabat quod cupiditate pecuniae adducti spem patriae videndae proiecissent.

Ulixes 13 (Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles) Ulysses 13 (Ritchie's Easy Stories)

Novem dies secundissimo vento cursum tenuerunt, iamque in conspectum patriae suae venerant, cum Ulixes lassitudine confectus (ipse enim gubernabat) ad quietem capiendam recubuit. ||very favorable||||"and now"||||"his own"||||exhaustion||||was steering|||to take rest|lay down to rest ||||||そしてすでに||視界に|||到着していた|||疲労|疲れ果てた|||||休息|休息を取るため|横たわった They kept their course for nine days with the most favorable wind, and had already come within sight of their country, when Ulysses, worn out by fatigue (for he himself was driving), leaned back to take a rest. 九日間、順風で進み続け、すでに自国の視界に入った時、疲れ果てたユリシーズ(彼自身が操船していた)は休むために横になった。 At socii, qui iam dudum mirabantur quid in illo sacco inclusum esset, cum ducem somno oppressum viderent, tantam occasionem non omittendam arbitrati sunt; credebant enim aurum et argentum ibi esse celata. ||||"a long time"||||||enclosed|||the leader||"overcome by sleep"||||||"thought" or "considered"||||gold and silver|||||hidden there ||||長い間||||||閉じ込められたもの|||指導者||||||||||信じていた|||||||隠された But the allies, who had long ago wondered what was enclosed in that sack, when they saw the duke oppressed by sleep, thought that such an opportunity should not be overlooked; for they believed that the gold and silver were concealed there. しかし、久しぶりに何がその袋の中に入っているのか不思議に思っていた仲間たちは、リーダーが眠りに落ちたのを見て、この大チャンスを逃すべきではないと判断した。彼らはその袋の中に金や銀が隠されていると信じていた。 Itaque spe lucri adducti saccum sine mora solverunt, quo facto venti "velut agmine facto qua data porta ruunt, et terras turbine perflant." ||"of profit"|"led by"||||||||"like" or "as if"|"in a line"|||||rush through openings|||whirlwind|"blow through" |||利益に引かれて|||||その結果||||隊列を組んで|||||突進する|||竜巻|吹き抜ける そして利益の可能性に誘われて、彼らはただちにその袋を解き、その結果、「まるで軍勢が作られたかのように、開かれた門から殺到し、突風で大地を吹き抜ける」風が吹いた。 Hic tanta tempestas subito coorta est ut illi cursum tenere non possent sed in eandem partem unde erant profecti referrentur. ||||"had arisen suddenly"||||||||||the same part||||"had set out"|"were carried back" ||||||||||||||||<もといた場所から>||出発した|戻された 突然、非常な嵐が起こったため、彼らは進路を保つことができず、出発点と同じ方向に引き返すしかなかった。 Ulixes e somno excitatus quo in loco res esset statim intellexit; saccum solutum, Ithacam post tergum relictam vidit. |||||||||||||||"behind him"|left behind| ||||||||||||||||置き去りにされた| ウリクセスは目を覚まし、状況をすぐに理解した。背後にアイテーカを残して、解かれた袋を見た。 Tum vero ira vehementer exarsit sociosque obiurgabat quod cupiditate pecuniae adducti spem patriae videndae proiecissent. ||||"blazed up"|and the allies|"was scolding"||desire for money||led by desire|||"of seeing"|"had thrown away" ||||激怒した||||||誘惑された||||捨てた そして、激しい怒りがわき起こり、金銭の欲望のために祖国を見る希望を捨てた仲間たちを非難した。