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Hercules (Fabulae Faciles), Hercules III: FF 22-26

Hercules III: FF 22-26

22. Labor Secundus: Hydra

Paulo post iussus est ab Eurystheo Hydram necare. Hoc autem monstrum erat cui novem erant capita. Hercules igitur cum amico Iolao profectus est ad paludem Lernaeam, in qua Hydra habitabat. Mox monstrum invenit, et quamquam res erat magni periculi, collum eius sinistra prehendit. Tum dextra capita novem abscidere coepit; quotiens tamen hoc fecerat, nova capita exoriebantur. Diu frustra laborabat; tandem hoc conatu destitit. Deinde arbores succidere et ignem accendere constituit. Hoc celeriter fecit, et postquam ligna ignem comprehenderunt, face ardente colla adussit, unde capita exoriebantur. Nec tamen sine magno labore haec fecit; venit enim auxilio Hydrae cancer ingens, qui, dum Hercules capita abscidit, crura eius mordebat. Postquam monstrum tali modo interfecit, sagittas suas sanguine eius imbuit, itaque mortiferas reddidit.

23. Labor Tertius: Cervus

Postquam Eurystheo caedes Hydrae nuntiata est, magnus timor animum eius occupavit. Iussit igitur Herculem cervum quendam ad se referre; noluit enim virum tantae audaciae in urbe retinere. Hic autem cervus, cuius cornua aurea fuisse traduntur, incredibili fuit celeritate. Hercules igitur primo vestigiis eum in silva persequebatur; deinde ubi cervum ipsum vidit, omnibus viribus currere coepit. Usque ad vesperum currebat, neque nocturnum tempus sibi ad quietem relinquebat, frustra tamen; nullo enim modo cervum consequi poterat. Tandem postquam totum annum cucurrerat (ita traditur), cervum cursu exanimatum cepit, et vivum ad Eurystheum rettulit.

24. Labor Quartus: Aper Erymanthius

Tum vero iussus est Hercules aprum quendam capere qui illo tempore agros Erymanthios vastabat et incolas huius regionis magnopere terrebat. Hercules rem suscepit et in Arcadiam profectus est. Postquam in silvam paulum progressus est, apro occurrit. Ille autem simul atque Herculem vidit, statim refugit; et timore perterritus in altam fossam se proiecit. Hercules igitur laqueum quem attulerat iniecit, et summa cum difficultate aprum e fossa extraxit. Ille etsi fortiter repugnabat, nullo modo se liberare potuit; et ab Hercule ad Eurystheum vivus relatus est.

25. Hercules ad Centaurorum Speluncam it

De quarto labore, quem supra narravimus, haec etiam traduntur. Hercules dum iter in Arcadiam facit, ad eam regionem venit quam centauri incolebant. Cum nox iam appeteret, ad speluncam devertit in qua centaurus quidam, nomine Pholus, habitabat.

Ille Herculem benigne excepit et cenam paravit. At Hercules postquam cenavit, vinum a Pholo postulavit. Erat autem in spelunca magna amphora vino optimo repleta, quam centauri ibi deposuerant. Pholus igitur hoc vinum dare nolebat, quod reliquos centauros timebat; nullum tamen vinum praeter hoc in spelunca habebat. "Hoc vinum," inquit, "mihi commissum est. Si igitur hoc dabo, centauri me interficient." Hercules tamen eum inrisit, et ipse poculum vini de amphora hausit.

26. Pugna cum Centauris

Simul atque amphora aperta est, odor iucundissimus undique diffusus est; vinum enim suavissimum erat. Centauri notum odorem senserunt et omnes ad locum convenerunt.

Ubi ad speluncam pervenerunt, magnopere irati erant quod Herculem bibentem viderunt. Tum arma rapuerunt et Pholum interficere volebant. Hercules tamen in aditu speluncae constitit et impetum eorum fortissime sustinebat. Faces ardentis in eos coniecit; multos etiam sagittis suis vulneravit. Hae autem sagittae eaedem erant quae sanguine Hydrae olim imbutae erant. Omnes igitur quos ille sagittis vulneraverat veneno statim absumpti sunt; reliqui autem ubi hoc viderunt, terga verterunt et fuga salutem petierunt.

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Hercules III: FF 22-26 Herkules III: FF 22-26 Hercules III: FF 22-26 Hercule III : FF 22-26 Hercules III: FF 22-26

22\\. Labor Secundus: Hydra ||Hydra ||ヒドラ 第二の労働: ヒュドラ

Paulo post iussus est ab Eurystheo Hydram necare. Paul||having been ordered|||Eurystheus|the Hydra| ||||||ヒドラ| A little later he was ordered by Eurystheus to kill the Hydra. パウロはエウリステオに命じられてヒュドラを殺すことになった。 Hoc autem monstrum erat cui novem erant capita. ||||||there were|heads However, this monster had nine heads. この怪物には九つの頭があった。 Hercules igitur cum amico Iolao profectus est ad paludem Lernaeam, in qua Hydra habitabat. ||with||Iolaus|set out|||swamp|Lernaean|||| ||||||||沼||||| Therefore, Hercules set out with his friend Iolaus to the Lernaean swamp, where the Hydra lived. ヘラクレスは友人イオラオと共に、ヒドラが住んでいるレルナの沼地に向かいました。 Mox monstrum invenit, et quamquam res erat magni periculi, collum eius sinistra prehendit. |||||it||||||with his left hand|he seized Soon it found the monster, and although the matter was of great danger, it seized its neck with the left hand. まもなく彼はその怪物を見つけましたが、それは大いなる危険を伴うものでした。それでも彼は左手で怪物の首を掴みました。 Tum dextra capita novem abscidere coepit; quotiens tamen hoc fecerat, nova capita exoriebantur. ||||to cut off||whenever|however|this||new||were rising ||||切る|||||||| Then it began to cut off nine heads with the right hand; however, every time it did this, new heads would arise. それから右手で9つの頭を切り始めました。しかし、彼がこれをする度に新しい頭が生えてきました。 Diu frustra laborabat; tandem hoc conatu destitit. ||was working|||effort|he ceased ||働いていた|||| For a long time it worked in vain; finally, it desisted from this attempt. 長い間無駄に働いていたが、とうとうこの努力をやめた。 Deinde arbores succidere et ignem accendere constituit. then||cut down||fire|to light|he decided ||伐る|||つける| Then he decided to cut down the trees and light a fire. 次に、木を切り倒し、火を起こすことに決めた。 Hoc celeriter fecit, et postquam ligna ignem comprehenderunt, face ardente colla adussit, unde capita exoriebantur. |||||wood|fire|understood||burning|necks|burned necks|||were rising |||||||燃えた||||||| He did this quickly, and after the wood caught fire, he singed the necks with a burning torch, from which the heads were emerging. 彼はこれを速やかに行い、薪が火を得た後、燃えている松明で首を焼き、そこから頭が生じた。 Nec tamen sine magno labore haec fecit; venit enim auxilio Hydrae cancer ingens, qui, dum Hercules capita abscidit, crura eius mordebat. nor|nevertheless||great|effort|this|did|came|for|to the aid||crab|huge|||||he cut off||of it|was biting ||||||||||ヒドラ||巨大な|||||切り落とす||| However, he did this not without great labor; for the huge crab of Hydra came to help, which, while Hercules was cutting off the heads, was biting at his legs. しかし、彼は大きな努力なしにはこれを行わなかった。なぜなら、ヘラクレスが首を切り取っている間、巨大な蟹が彼を助けに来て、彼の脚を噛んでいたからである。 Postquam monstrum tali modo interfecit, sagittas suas sanguine eius imbuit, itaque mortiferas reddidit. after|the monster||way|||his|blood||dipped|and so|deadly|made deadly |||||矢||||染み込ませた||致命的な|返した After the monster killed in this manner, he soaked his arrows in its blood, and thus made them deadly. 怪物をこのように殺した後、彼は矢をその血で染め、それによって致命的なものにした。

23\\. 23\. 23\ Labor Tertius: Cervus ||deer ||シカ Third Labor: The Deer

Postquam Eurystheo caedes Hydrae nuntiata est, magnus timor animum eius occupavit. ||slaughter||||great||mind||seized ||殺害|||||||| After the slaughter of the Hydra was reported to Eurystheus, a great fear seized his mind. エウリュステウスにヒュドラの殺害が報告された後、彼の心に大きな恐怖が襲いかかった。 Iussit igitur Herculem cervum quendam ad se referre; noluit enim virum tantae audaciae in urbe retinere. he ordered|therefore||deer|||him||he did not want|for|man|||||to keep Therefore, he ordered Hercules to bring a certain deer to him; for he did not want a man of such boldness to remain in the city. したがって、彼はヘラクレスにある鹿を持ち帰るよう命じた。彼はそのような大胆な男を都市に留めておきたくなかったのだ。 Hic autem cervus, cuius cornua aurea fuisse traduntur, incredibili fuit celeritate. here|but|deer|whose||golden|were||incredible|was|speed ||||||||信じられない||速さ However, this deer, of which it is said to have had golden horns, was of incredible speed. しかし、その鹿は金色の角を持つとされ、信じられないほどの速さを持っていた。 Hercules igitur primo vestigiis eum in silva persequebatur; deinde ubi cervum ipsum vidit, omnibus viribus currere coepit. |||tracks||||was pursuing|then||deer|it|saw|with all|strengths|to run|he began |||||||追いかけていた||||||||| Therefore, Hercules first pursued him in the woods; then when he saw the stag itself, he began to run with all his strength. したがって、ヘラクレスは最初に森の中で彼を追いかけた。そして、彼自身が鹿を見たとき、全力で走り始めた。 Usque ad vesperum currebat, neque nocturnum tempus sibi ad quietem relinquebat, frustra tamen; nullo enim modo cervum consequi poterat. ||evening||nor||time|to himself|for|rest|was leaving|in vain|yet|in no way|for||deer|| He ran until evening, nor did he leave the night for rest, however in vain; for in no way could he catch the stag. 夕方まで走り続け、夜の時間を休息のために残しておくことはなく、しかし無駄に。なぜなら、どんな方法でも鹿を追いつくことができなかったからだ。 Tandem postquam totum annum cucurrerat (ita traditur), cervum cursu exanimatum cepit, et vivum ad Eurystheum rettulit. |after||year||so||deer|||||||Eurystheus|he brought back |||||||||気絶した|||||| Finally, after he had run for a whole year (as it is said), he captured the stag, exhausted from the chase, and brought it alive to Eurystheus. 最終的に、彼は一年間走り続けた後(そう伝えられている)、鹿を疲れ果てさせて捕まえ、生け捕りにしてエウリュステウスのもとに持ち帰った。

24\\. Labor Quartus: Aper Erymanthius |Fourth|the Boar|Erymanthian |クァルトゥス|| Labor Quartus: The Erymanthian Boar 労働第4: エリマンソスの猪

Tum vero iussus est Hercules aprum quendam capere qui illo tempore agros Erymanthios vastabat et incolas huius regionis magnopere terrebat. then|then|ordered||Hercules|boar|a certain||who||time|the fields|Erymanthian|was ravaging||||of the region|greatly|was terrifying Then indeed Hercules was ordered to capture a certain boar that at that time was ravaging the Erymanthian fields and greatly terrifying the inhabitants of this region. その時、ヘラクレスはエリマンソスの土地を荒らし、この地域の住民を非常に恐れさせていたある猪を捕まえるよう命じられました。 Hercules rem suscepit et in Arcadiam profectus est. |||||Arcadia|| |||||アルカディア|| Hercules undertook the task and set out for Arcadia. ヘラクレスはその任務を引き受け、アルカディアに向かいました。 Postquam in silvam paulum progressus est, apro occurrit. after|in|||advanced||boar|he encountered After he had advanced a little into the forest, he encountered a boar. 彼が森に少し進んだところで、猪に出会った。 Ille autem simul atque Herculem vidit, statim refugit; et timore perterritus in altam fossam se proiecit. he|but|as soon as|as soon as|Hercules|saw|immediately|fled|and|fear|terrified|||ditch|himself|threw himself However, as soon as he saw Hercules, he immediately fled; and terrified with fear, he threw himself into a deep ditch. しかし彼はヘラクレスを見た途端、すぐに逃げ出した。そして、恐怖におびえて深い溝に身を投げた。 Hercules igitur laqueum quem attulerat iniecit, et summa cum difficultate aprum e fossa extraxit. Hercules|therefore|noose||had brought|||summa|with||boar|||pulled out |||||投げかけた|||||||| Therefore, Hercules cast the noose he had brought, and with great difficulty, he pulled the boar out of the ditch. したがって、ヘラクレスは持っていた罠を使い、一生懸命の努力で猪を溝から引きずり出した。 Ille etsi fortiter repugnabat, nullo modo se liberare potuit; et ab Hercule ad Eurystheum vivus relatus est. he|even if|||in no way|way|himself|to free|he was able|and||Hercules||Eurystheus|alive|he was brought back| |||抵抗していた||||||||||||| Although he resisted strongly, he could in no way free himself; and he was brought alive by Hercules to Eurystheus. 彼は必死に抵抗しましたが、何とか自分を解放することはできませんでした。そして、彼はヘラクレスによって生きたままエウリュステウスのもとに運ばれました。

25\\. 25. 25\\. Hercules ad Centaurorum Speluncam it |||cave| ||ケンタウロスの|| Hercules goes to the Cave of the Centaurs. ヘラクレスはケンタウロスの洞窟に向かう。

De quarto labore, quem supra narravimus, haec etiam traduntur. ||||above|we narrated|these|also|are handed down |||||語った||| About the fourth labor, which we have narrated above, these things are also related. 私たちが上に述べた第4の労働について、これらもまた伝えられています。 Hercules dum iter in Arcadiam facit, ad eam regionem venit quam centauri incolebant. While Hercules is making his journey to Arcadia, he comes to that region which the centaurs inhabited. ヘラクレスがアルカディアへの旅をしているとき、ケンタウルスが住んでいた地域に来ました。 Cum nox iam appeteret, ad speluncam devertit in qua centaurus quidam, nomine Pholus, habitabat. |night|already|was approaching|||turned aside|||centaur|||| |||||||||ケンタウロス|||| As night was already approaching, he turned aside to a cave in which a certain centaur, named Pholus, lived. 夜がすでに近づいていたので、彼はケンタウルスの一人、名前をフォルスといいます、が住んでいた洞窟に立ち寄りました。

Ille Herculem benigne excepit et cenam paravit. ||kindly|welcomed||dinner|prepared He kindly welcomed Hercules and prepared dinner. 彼はヘラクレスを親切に迎え、夕食を準備した。 At Hercules postquam cenavit, vinum a Pholo postulavit. ||after||wine|||asked But after Hercules had dinner, he demanded wine from Pholus. しかしヘラクレスは食事を終えた後、フォロスにワインを求めた。 Erat autem in spelunca magna amphora vino optimo repleta, quam centauri ibi deposuerant. was|however|in||large||wine||filled full|which|the centaurs|there|had placed ||||||||満たされている|||| There was, however, in the cave a large jar filled with excellent wine, which the centaurs had deposited there. そこには大きな洞窟に最高のワインでいっぱいのアンフォラがあり、ケンタウロスたちがそこに置いていた。 Pholus igitur hoc vinum dare nolebat, quod reliquos centauros timebat; nullum tamen vinum praeter hoc in spelunca habebat. |therefore|this|wine|||which|the remaining|centaurs||||wine|||||he had ||||||||ケンタウロス||||||||| Pholus therefore did not want to give this wine, because he was afraid of the other centaurs; nevertheless, he had no other wine in the cave. したがって、フォルスは他のケンタウロスを恐れてこのワインを与えたくなかった。しかし、彼はこの洞窟にこのワイン以外は何も持っていなかった。 "Hoc vinum," inquit, "mihi commissum est. ||||entrusted| ||||委ねられた| "This wine," he said, "has been entrusted to me. "このワインは、私に委ねられたものです。" Si igitur hoc dabo, centauri me interficient." ||||||will kill ||||||殺す Therefore, if I give this, the centaurs will kill me." したがって、これを与えれば、ケンタウロスたちに私を殺されるだろう。 Hercules tamen eum inrisit, et ipse poculum vini de amphora hausit. |nevertheless|him|mocked||he|||||drank |||笑った|そして|彼自身||||| Hercules, however, mocked him, and himself drank from the wine cup out of the amphora. それでもヘラクレスは彼を嘲笑し、自ら壺からワインの杯を飲んだ。

26\\. 26. 26\。 Pugna cum Centauris battle||the Centaurs ||ケンタウロス The Battle with the Centaurs ケンタウロスとの戦い

Simul atque amphora aperta est, odor iucundissimus undique diffusus est; vinum enim suavissimum erat. as soon as|as soon as|amphora|opened|is||most pleasant|from all sides||was|wine|for|sweetest wine|was ||||||||||||最も甘美な| As soon as the jar was opened, a very pleasant scent spread out from all sides; for the wine was very sweet. 壺が開けられた途端、心地よい香りが四方に広がった。なぜなら、ワインは非常に甘美だったからだ。 Centauri notum odorem senserunt et omnes ad locum convenerunt. |||they sensed|and|all|to the||gathered The centaurs sensed the familiar smell and all gathered at the place. ケンタウロスたちはその香りを感じ取り、皆がその場所に集まった。

Ubi ad speluncam pervenerunt, magnopere irati erant quod Herculem bibentem viderunt. ||||greatly|||||drinking|they saw |||||||||飲んでいる| When they arrived at the cave, they were very angry because they saw Hercules drinking. 彼らが洞窟に到着すると、ハーキュリーズが飲んでいるのを見て大いに怒った。 Tum arma rapuerunt et Pholum interficere volebant. |weapons|||||they wanted ||奪った||フォルム|| Then they seized their weapons and wanted to kill Pholus. 彼らは武器を奪い、フォルムを殺そうとした。 Hercules tamen in aditu speluncae constitit et impetum eorum fortissime sustinebat. |nevertheless||entrance|cave||and|the attack|of them||was withstanding |||||立ち止まった||||| However, Hercules stood at the entrance of the cave and bravely withstood their attack. しかしヘラクレスは洞窟の入り口に立ち、彼らの攻撃を非常に勇敢に耐えていました。 Faces ardentis in eos coniecit; multos etiam sagittis suis vulneravit. he threw|||them|he threw|many|also|arrows|his|he wounded 顔||||||||| He hurled burning torches at them; he also wounded many with his arrows. 彼は燃える火の矛を彼らに投げつけ、多くを矢で傷つけました。 Hae autem sagittae eaedem erant quae sanguine Hydrae olim imbutae erant. |but||the same|were|which|blood|of the Hydra|once|imbued|were ||矢|||||||| These arrows, however, were the same ones that had once been soaked in the blood of the Hydra. しかし、これらの矢はかつてヒドラの血に染まっていたものであった。 Omnes igitur quos ille sagittis vulneraverat veneno statim absumpti sunt; reliqui autem ubi hoc viderunt, terga verterunt et fuga salutem petierunt. all|therefore|whom|he|arrows|had wounded||immediately|taken away|were|||||||turned||||sought |||||傷つけていた|||||||||||背を向けた|||| Therefore, all those whom he had wounded with his arrows were immediately consumed by the poison; the others, however, when they saw this, turned their backs and sought safety in flight. したがって、彼が矢で傷つけた全ての者は、毒によって即座に消滅した。しかし、残りの者たちはこれを見て、背を向けて逃げて安全を求めた。