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Evangelium secundum Ioannem, Caput 02

Caput 02

1 Et die tertio nuptiæ factæ sunt in Cana Galilææ, et erat mater Jesu ibi.

2 Vocatus est autem et Jesus, et discipuli ejus, ad nuptias. 3 Et deficiente vino, dicit mater Jesu ad eum : Vinum non habent. 4 Et dicit ei Jesus : Quid mihi et tibi est, mulier ? nondum venit hora mea. 5 Dicit mater ejus ministris : Quodcumque dixerit vobis, facite. 6 Erant autem ibi lapideæ hydriæ sex positæ secundum purificationem Judæorum, capientes singulæ metretas binas vel ternas. 7 Dicit eis Jesus : Implete hydrias aqua. Et impleverunt eas usque ad summum. 8 Et dicit eis Jesus : Haurite nunc, et ferte architriclino. Et tulerunt. 9 Ut autem gustavit architriclinus aquam vinum factam, et non sciebat unde esset, ministri autem sciebant, qui haurierant aquam : vocat sponsum architriclinus, 10 et dicit ei : Omnis homo primum bonum vinum ponit et cum inebriati fuerint, tunc id, quod deterius est. Tu servasti bonum vinum usque adhuc. 11 Hoc fecit initium signorum Jesus in Cana Galilææ ; et manifestavit gloriam suam, et crediderunt in eum discipuli ejus. 12 Post hoc descendit Capharnaum ipse, et mater ejus, et fratres ejus, et discipuli ejus : et ibi manserunt non multis diebus.

13 Et prope erat Pascha Judæorum, et ascendit Jesus Jerosolymam :14 et invenit in templo vendentes boves, et oves, et columbas, et numularios sedentes.15 Et cum fecisset quasi flagellum de funiculis, omnes ejecit de templo, oves quoque, et boves, et numulariorum effudit æs, et mensas subvertit.16 Et his qui columbas vendebant, dixit : Auferte ista hinc, et nolite facere domum patris mei, domum negotiationis.17 Recordati sunt vero discipuli ejus quia scriptum est : Zelus domus tuæ comedit me.18 Responderunt ergo Judæi, et dixerunt ei : Quod signum ostendis nobis, quia hæc facis ?19 Respondit Jesus, et dixit eis : Solvite templum hoc, et in tribus diebus excitabo illud.20 Dixerunt ergo Judæi : Quadraginta et sex annis ædificatum est templum hoc, et tu in tribus diebus excitabis illud ?21 Ille autem dicebat de templo corporis sui.22 Cum ergo resurrexisset a mortuis, recordati sunt discipuli ejus, quia hoc dicebat, et crediderunt scripturæ et sermoni quem dixit Jesus.23 Cum autem esset Jerosolymis in Pascha in die festo, multi crediderunt in nomine ejus, videntes signa ejus, quæ faciebat.24 Ipse autem Jesus non credebat semetipsum eis, eo quod ipse nosset omnes,25 et quia opus ei non erat ut quis testimonium perhiberet de homine : ipse enim sciebat quid esset in homine.

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Caput 02 Kapitel 02 Chapter 02 capitulo 02 Chapitre 02 Capítulo 02 Розділ 02

1 Et die tertio nuptiæ factæ sunt in Cana Galilææ, et erat mater Jesu ibi. ||third|wedding feast||||Cana|Galilee||||| ||terceiro dia|||||||||||lá 1 And on the third day the wedding took place in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. 1 А на третий день была свадьба в Кане Галилейской, и Мать Иисуса была там.

2 Vocatus est autem et Jesus, et discipuli ejus, ad nuptias. Called|is|but|||||||wedding ||no entanto||||||| 2 Now both Jesus and his disciples were called to the wedding. 2 И Иисуса, и учеников Его позвали на свадьбу. 3 Et deficiente vino, dicit mater Jesu ad eum : Vinum non habent. |running out||||"of Jesus"|||wine||they have |acabando-se||||||||| 3 And when the wine was lacking, the mother of Jesus said to him: They have no wine. 3 И когда вина закончилось, мать Иисуса сказала ему: нет у них вина. 4 Et dicit ei Jesus : Quid mihi et tibi est, mulier ? |||||||||woman 4 And Jesus said to her: What is that to me and to you, woman? 4 И сказал ей Иисус: что мне и тебе, женщина? nondum venit hora mea. "not yet"||"hour" or "time"| Ainda não||| My hour has not yet come. Мой час еще не пришел. 5 Dicit mater ejus ministris : Quodcumque dixerit vobis, facite. |mother||"to the servants"|"Whatever"|"he tells you"|"to you all"|"Do it." 5 His mother says to the servants: Whatever he tells you, do. 5 Мать его говорит слугам: все, что он вам скажет, делайте. 6 Erant autem ibi lapideæ hydriæ sex positæ secundum purificationem Judæorum, capientes singulæ metretas binas vel ternas. |||stone water jars|water jars||placed|according to|purification of Jews|of the Jews|holding|each containing|measures|two each|or three|three each |||pedra|jarros de pedra||||||"contendo"||20 a 30 galões|duas||duas ou três 6 Now there were six stone cisterns placed there according to the purification of the Jews, each holding two or three gallons. Vi erano là sei giare di pietra per la purificazione dei Giudei, contenenti ciascuna due o tre barili. 6 Там было шесть каменных водоемов, поставленных для очищения Иудейского, вместимостью по два или по три галлона каждый. 7 Dicit eis Jesus : Implete hydrias aqua. |||Fill|water jars| ||||jarras| 7 Jesus said to them: Fill the jars with water. 7 Иисус сказал им: Наполните кувшины водой. Et impleverunt eas usque ad summum. |filled them|||| And they filled them to the brim. И наполнили их до краев. 8 Et dicit eis Jesus : Haurite nunc, et ferte architriclino. ||"to them"||"Draw"|||"carry to"|head steward ||||Tirai agora|||levem ao responsável|mestre de cerimônias 8 And Jesus said to them: Draw now, and bring it to the waiter. 8 И сказал им Иисус: нарисуйте и принесите официанту. Et tulerunt. |"And they brought." |E levaram. And they took it. И они взяли это. 9 Ut autem gustavit architriclinus aquam vinum factam, et non sciebat unde esset, ministri autem sciebant, qui haurierant aquam : vocat sponsum architriclinus, 10 et dicit ei : Omnis homo primum bonum vinum ponit et cum inebriati fuerint, tunc id, quod deterius est. As||"tasted"|head waiter|||made wine||||||the servants||"knew"||"had drawn"|||bridegroom|Head steward|||||||||puts||when|"were drunk"|they have been|then|that which||worse quality wine| ||"provou"|||||||não sabia de onde|||||||||||||||||||||||embriagados foram|||||pior qualidade| 9 When the head steward had tasted the water that had been made wine, and did not know where it came from, but the servants who had drawn the water knew: the head steward calls the bridegroom, 10 and says to him: Every man serves the good wine first, and when people have drunk freely, then the poorer wine; but you have kept the good wine until now. and said to him, "Everyone serves good wine first, and then when people have drunk freely, an inferior one; /e gli disse: "Tutti servono da principio il vino buono e, quando sono un pò brilli, quello meno buono; 9 И когда прислужник вкусил воды, превращенной в вино, и не знал, откуда оно взялось, но слуги знали, кто почерпнул воду, то прислужник зовёт жениха, 10 и говорит ему: каждый человек прежде подаёт хорошее вино , а когда пьяны, то еще хуже. Tu servasti bonum vinum usque adhuc. |"have kept"||||still |guardaste|||| You have kept the good wine until now. Ты сохранил хорошее вино до сих пор. 11 Hoc fecit initium signorum Jesus in Cana Galilææ ; et manifestavit gloriam suam, et crediderunt in eum discipuli ejus. ||beginning|"of signs"||||||||||believed in him|||| |||sinais de Jesus|||||||||||||| 11 This, the first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested his glory; and his disciples believed in him. 11 Вот что сделал Иисус в начале знамений в Кане Галилейской; и он явил свою славу, и ученики его уверовали в него. 12 Post hoc descendit Capharnaum ipse, et mater ejus, et fratres ejus, et discipuli ejus : et ibi manserunt non multis diebus. ||he descended|||||||||||||||not|| ||||||||||||||||permaneceram||| 12 After this he went down to Capernaum, and his mother, and his brothers, and his disciples: and they remained there not many days. 12 После сего пошел Он в Капернаум и Матерь Его, и братья Его и ученики Его, и пробыли там не много дней.

13 Et prope erat Pascha Judæorum, et ascendit Jesus Jerosolymam :14 et invenit in templo vendentes boves, et oves, et columbas, et numularios sedentes.15 Et cum fecisset quasi flagellum de funiculis, omnes ejecit de templo, oves quoque, et boves, et numulariorum effudit æs, et mensas subvertit.16 Et his qui columbas vendebant, dixit : Auferte ista hinc, et nolite facere domum patris mei, domum negotiationis.17 Recordati sunt vero discipuli ejus quia scriptum est : Zelus domus tuæ comedit me.18 Responderunt ergo Judæi, et dixerunt ei : Quod signum ostendis nobis, quia hæc facis ?19 Respondit Jesus, et dixit eis : Solvite templum hoc, et in tribus diebus excitabo illud.20 Dixerunt ergo Judæi : Quadraginta et sex annis ædificatum est templum hoc, et tu in tribus diebus excitabis illud ?21 Ille autem dicebat de templo corporis sui.22 Cum ergo resurrexisset a mortuis, recordati sunt discipuli ejus, quia hoc dicebat, et crediderunt scripturæ et sermoni quem dixit Jesus.23 Cum autem esset Jerosolymis in Pascha in die festo, multi crediderunt in nomine ejus, videntes signa ejus, quæ faciebat.24 Ipse autem Jesus non credebat semetipsum eis, eo quod ipse nosset omnes,25 et quia opus ei non erat ut quis testimonium perhiberet de homine : ipse enim sciebat quid esset in homine. |"near" or "close to"||Passover|||||||||temple|selling|oxen||||||Money changers||||had done||"whip"||"of cords"|"all people"|||||||||"Money changers"|"poured out"|"æs" translates to "money" in this context.|||overturned||these|||"were selling"||"Take these things"|"These things"|"hinc" translates to "from here" in English.||do not|to do|||||"Of business"|"Remembered"||||||||Zeal|House||"consumes me"||||||||"What"||"you show"||||||||||Destroy this|||||three||"I will raise"|that||||Forty-six years||||"Built"|||||||||"Raise it up"|||||||||||"had risen"||||||||||||the scripture||"sermon"||||||||||||||||||||||did|||||"Did not trust"|himself|||||"he knew"|||||||||||"bear witness"||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||"Numularios" pode ser traduzido como "cambistas" no contexto fornecido.|"sentados"|||tinha feito||chicote de cordas||cordas|||||||||||derramou||||"Subvertit" pode ser traduzido como "virou" ou "derrubou" no contexto fornecido.|||||||"Tirem isso daqui"||||||||||||||||||||||"Comedit" pode ser traduzido como "consumiu" ou "devorou". No contexto da frase "Zelus domus tuæ comedit me", a tradução seria "consumiu-me" ou "devorou-me".||||||||||||||||||||"Destruam"|||||||"Ressuscitarei"||||||||||||||||||"Excitabo" pode ser traduzido como "levantarei" ou "reconstruirei" no contexto fornecido.|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||"a si mesmo"||||||||||||||||testemunhasse||||"pois"|||"Estava"|| 13 And the Passover of the Jews was near, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.14 And he found in the temple those who sold oxen, and sheep, and doves, and the moneychangers, sitting and he poured out the money of the money, and overturned the tables. Then the Jews said to him, "What sign do you show us that you do these things?" 19 Jesus answered and said to them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. will you raise it up in three days?21 And he spoke of the temple of his body. At the passover, on the feast day, many believed in his name, seeing the signs which he did.24 But Jesus himself did not believe them, because he himself knew them all,25 and because he had no need for anyone to testify about the man. for he knew what was in man. 13 Приближалась Пасха Иудейская, и взошел Иисус в Иерусалим: 14 и нашел в храме продающих волов, и овец, и голубей, и торговцев деньгами, и рассыпал деньги на кассиров, и опрокинул столы. 16 И сказал он продающим голубей: унесите их отсюда и не делайте дома отца моего домом торговли. Тогда Иудеи сказали ему: какое знамение ты покажешь нам, потому что ты делаешь это? 19 Иисус сказал им в ответ: Разрушьте этот храм, и в три дня Я воздвигну его. 20 Тогда иудеи сказали: Этот храм строился сорок шесть лет, воздвигнете ли вы его в три дня? И сказал он о храме тела своего на празднике: многие уверовали во имя его, видя знамения его, которые он творил.