4.4 – The Battle of Stiklestad
4.4 – Die Schlacht von Stiklestad
4.4 – La batalla de Stiklestad
4.4 – La bataille de Stiklestad
4.4 – De slag om Stiklestad
4.4 – Bitwa pod Stiklestad
4.4 – A Batalha de Stiklestad
4.4 – Битва при Стиклестаде
4.4 – Битва при Стіклестаді
4.4 – The Battle of Stiklestad
Slaget på Stiklestad I de to forrige episodene snakka vi om vikingtida, både i Norge og vikingene utenfor Norge.
The Battle|at|Stiklestad|In|the|two|previous|episodes|talked|we|about|the Viking Age|both|in|Norway|and|the Vikings|outside|Norway
Die Schlacht von Stiklestad In den beiden vorherigen Episoden haben wir über die Wikingerzeit gesprochen, sowohl in Norwegen als auch über die Wikinger außerhalb Norwegens.
The Battle of Stiklestad In the previous two episodes, we talked about the Viking Age, both in Norway and the Vikings outside of Norway.
I denne episoden skal vi gå litt framover.
In|this|episode|shall|we|go|a little|forward
In this episode, we will move a little forward.
I denne episoden skal vi fokusere på avslutningen av vikingtida.
In|this|episode|shall|we|focus|on|the ending|of|the Viking Age
In dieser Folge konzentrieren wir uns auf das Ende der Wikingerzeit.
In this episode, we will focus on the end of the Viking Age.
Vikingtida slutta da Norge blei et kristent land som resten av Europa.
The Viking Age|ended|when|Norway|became|a|Christian|country|like|the rest|of|Europe
Die Wikingerzeit endete, als Norwegen wie der Rest Europas ein christliches Land wurde.
The Viking Age ended when Norway became a Christian country like the rest of Europe.
Slaget på Stiklestad var en viktig hendelse i kristninga av Norge.
The Battle|at|Stiklestad|was|an|important|event|in|the Christianization|of|Norway
The Battle of Stiklestad was an important event in the Christianization of Norway.
Kristendommen begynte å virkelig spre seg i Norge på 1000-tallet.
Christianity|began|to|truly|spread|itself|in|Norway|in|the 11th century
Christianity began to really spread in Norway in the 11th century.
En av hovedpersonene i kristninga av Norge var Olav II Haraldsson.
One|of|the main characters|in|the Christianization|of|Norway|was|Olav|II|Haraldsson
One of the key figures in the Christianization of Norway was Olav II Haraldsson.
Olav Haraldsson var en av de viktigste personene i den tidlige kristningen av Norge.
Olaf|Haraldsson|was|one|of|the|most important|people|in|the|early|Christianization|of|Norway
Olav Haraldsson was one of the most important figures in the early Christianization of Norway.
Han er i dag bedre kjent som Olav den hellige.
He is today better known as Olaf the Holy.
Han var konge av Norge fra 1015 til 1028.
He was king of Norway from 1015 to 1028.
Olav den hellige gjorde kristendommen til Norges offisielle religion i 1020.
Olaf the Holy made Christianity the official religion of Norway in 1020.
Hvorfor ønska en norsk konge å innføre kristendommen i Norge?
Why did a Norwegian king want to introduce Christianity in Norway?
På 1000-tallet var det fremdeles mange i Norge som trodde på de norrøne gudene.
In|the 11th century|was|it|still|many|in|Norway|who|believed|in|the|Norse|gods
In the 1000s, there were still many in Norway who believed in the Norse gods.
Den norrøne religionen levde fremdeles.
The Norse religion was still alive.
En grunn til at de norske kongene ønska å kristne Norge var at kristendommen kunne brukes til å sentralisere makta rundt kongen.
A|reason|for|that|the|Norwegian|kings|wanted|to|Christianize|Norway|was|that|Christianity|could|be used|to||centralize|power|around|the king
Ein Grund, warum die norwegischen Könige Norwegen christianisieren wollten, war, dass das Christentum genutzt werden konnte, um die Macht rund um den König zu zentralisieren.
One reason the Norwegian kings wanted to Christianize Norway was that Christianity could be used to centralize power around the king.
Kristendommen kunne brukes av kongen til å øke makta si.
Christianity|could|be used|by|the king|to||increase|power|his
Das Christentum könnte vom König genutzt werden, um seine Macht zu vergrößern.
Christianity could be used by the king to increase his power.
For eksempel kunne kongen bruke kristendommen til å minke den religiøse rollen til de lokale høvdingene.
For|example|could|the king|use|Christianity|to||diminish|the|religious|role|of|the|local|chieftains
Beispielsweise könnte der König das Christentum nutzen, um die religiöse Rolle der örtlichen Häuptlinge zu schwächen.
Наприклад, король міг використовувати християнство, щоб применшити релігійну роль місцевих вождів.
For example, the king could use Christianity to diminish the religious role of the local chieftains.
De lokale høvdingene ville da få mindre makt.
Die örtlichen Häuptlinge hätten dann weniger Macht.
The local chieftains would then have less power.
I tillegg kunne kristendommen være en måte å knytte Norge nærmere sammen.
Darüber hinaus könnte das Christentum eine Möglichkeit sein, Norwegen enger miteinander zu verbinden.
In addition, Christianity could be a way to bring Norway closer together.
Kristninga av Norge var altså en viktig del av samlinga av Norge til én politisk enhet.
the Christianization|of|Norway|was|thus|an|important|part|of|unification|of|Norway|into|one|political|entity
Die Christianisierung Norwegens war somit ein wichtiger Teil der Vereinigung Norwegens zu einer politischen Einheit.
The Christianization of Norway was thus an important part of the unification of Norway into one political entity.
Kongen kom til å samarbeide tett med kirka.
The king|would come|to|to|cooperate|closely|with|the church
The king came to collaborate closely with the church.
Kirka og kongen i Norge kom til å samarbeide slik at kongen beskytta kirka, mens kirka legitimerte kongens makt.
The church|and|the king|in|Norway|came|to|to|cooperate|such|that|the king|protected|the church|while|the church|legitimized|the king’s|power
Die Kirche und der König in Norwegen arbeiteten zusammen, so dass der König die Kirche schützte, während die Kirche die Macht des Königs legitimierte.
The church and the king in Norway came to cooperate in such a way that the king protected the church, while the church legitimized the king's power.
Olav Haraldsson var en av de viktigste i å spre kristendommen i Norge.
Olav|Haraldsson|was|one|of|the|most important|in|to|spread|Christianity|in|Norway
Olav Haraldsson was one of the most important figures in spreading Christianity in Norway.
Han gjorde kristendommen til offisiell religion i Norge i 1020.
He made Christianity the official religion in Norway in 1020.
I tillegg brukte han vold og makt til å kristne Norge.
He|in addition|used|he|violence|and|power|to|to|Christianize|Norway
In addition, he used violence and power to Christianize Norway.
Han tvang høvdinger til å skifte religion.
He|forced|chieftains|to|(infinitive marker)|change|religion
Він змусив вождів змінити релігію.
He forced chieftains to change their religion.
Slaget på Stiklestad blir ofte kalt et vendepunkt i norsk historie.
The Battle|at|Stiklestad|is|often|called|a|turning point|in|Norwegian|history
The Battle of Stiklestad is often called a turning point in Norwegian history.
Etter slaget blei Norge et kristent land.
After|the battle|became|Norway|a|Christian|land
After the battle, Norway became a Christian country.
Dette er derimot en ganske kraftig forenkling.
Allerdings handelt es sich hierbei um eine recht drastische Vereinfachung.
Однак це досить кардинальне спрощення.
This is, however, quite a significant simplification.
Kanskje er slaget som myte viktigere enn det faktiske historiske slaget.
Maybe|is|battle|that|myth|more important|than|the|actual|historical|battle
Vielleicht ist die Schlacht als Mythos wichtiger als die tatsächliche historische Schlacht.
Perhaps the battle as a myth is more important than the actual historical battle.
Stiklestad ligger i Trøndelag, midt i Norge.
Stiklestad|is located|in|Trøndelag|mid|in|Norway
Stiklestad is located in Trøndelag, in the middle of Norway.
Det ligger litt nord for Trondheim i dag.
It|is located|a little|north|of|Trondheim|in|today
It is situated a little north of Trondheim today.
Her kjempa en hær leda av Olav Haraldsson mot en bondehær leda av kjente høvdinger og stormenn som Tore Hund og Kalv Arnesson.
Here|fought|a|army|led|by|Olav|Haraldsson|against|a|peasant army|led|by|known|chieftains|and|nobles|such as|Tore|Hund|and|Kalv|Arnesson
Hier kämpfte eine von Olav Haraldsson angeführte Armee gegen eine Bauernarmee unter der Führung bekannter Häuptlinge und großer Männer wie Tore Hund und Kalv Arnesson.
Here, an army led by Olav Haraldsson fought against a peasant army led by well-known chieftains and nobles such as Tore Hund and Kalv Arnesson.
Ifølge Snorre Sturlasson, som skreiv 200 år etter Stiklestad, så bestod bondehæren av 7000 menn, mens Olav Haraldssons hær bare bestod av 3600.
According to|Snorre|Sturlasson|who|wrote|years|after|Stiklestad|then|consisted|the peasant army|of|men|while|Olav|Haraldsson's|army|only|consisted|of
Laut Snorre Sturlasson, der 200 Jahre nach Stiklestad schrieb, bestand die Bauernarmee aus 7.000 Mann, während Olav Haraldssons Armee nur aus 3.600 Mann bestand.
За словами Снорре Стурлассона, який писав через 200 років після Стіклестада, селянська армія складалася з 7000 чоловік, тоді як армія Олава Харальдссона складалася лише з 3600.
According to Snorre Sturlasson, who wrote 200 years after Stiklestad, the peasant army consisted of 7000 men, while Olav Haraldsson's army only consisted of 3600.
Historikere i dag tror ikke på disse tallene.
Historians today do not believe these numbers.
Historikere i dag tror disse tallene er altfor høye.
Historians|in|today|believe|these|numbers|are|far too|high
Historians today think these numbers are far too high.
Sannsynligvis bestod de to hærene av noen hundre mann, ikke tusener.
Probably|consisted|the|two|armies|of|a few|hundred|men|not|thousands
Most likely, the two armies consisted of a few hundred men, not thousands.
I norsk historie har slaget ofte blitt framstilt som et slag mellom kristendommen, representert av Olav Haraldsson, mot den norrøne religionen, representert av bondehæren og høvdingene.
In|Norwegian|history|has|the battle|often|been|portrayed|as|a|battle|between|Christianity|represented|by|Olav|Haraldsson|against|the|Norse|religion|represented|by|the peasant army|and|the chieftains
In der norwegischen Geschichte wurde die Schlacht oft als Kampf zwischen dem Christentum, vertreten durch Olav Haraldsson, und der nordischen Religion, vertreten durch die Bauernarmee und die Häuptlinge, dargestellt.
У норвезькій історії битва часто зображується як битва між християнством, представленим Олавом Гаральдссоном, проти скандинавської релігії, представленої селянською армією, і вождями.
In Norwegian history, the battle has often been portrayed as a battle between Christianity, represented by Olav Haraldsson, against the Norse religion, represented by the peasant army and the chieftains.
Likevel var det sannsynligvis både kristne og hedninger på begge sider av slaget.
Nevertheless|was|it|probably|both|Christians|and|pagans|on|both|sides|of|the battle
Nevertheless, there were probably both Christians and pagans on both sides of the battle.
Begge hærer hadde nok kristne og hedninger.
Both armies likely had Christians and pagans.
Slaget handla egentlig mer om politikk enn religion.
The battle|was about|actually|more|about|politics|than|religion
The battle was actually more about politics than religion.
Hva skjedde på Stiklestad i 1030?
What happened at Stiklestad in 1030?
Vi vet egentlig ikke så veldig mye om selve slaget, utenom at det var et slag der.
We don't really know very much about the battle itself, other than that there was a battle there.
Det vi vet er at bondehæren vant slaget mot Olav Haraldsson.
What|we|know|is|that|peasant army|won|battle|against|Olav|Haraldsson
Was wir wissen ist, dass die Bauernarmee die Schlacht gegen Olav Haraldsson gewonnen hat.
Що ми знаємо, так це те, що селянська армія виграла битву проти Олава Гаральдссона.
What we know is that the peasant army won the battle against Olav Haraldsson.
I tillegg blei Olav Haraldsson drept.
In addition, Olav Haraldsson was killed.
Det som skjedde etter slaget og måten Olav Haraldsson blei brukt på var langt viktigere enn selve slaget på Stiklestad i 1030.
What|that|happened|after|the battle|and|the way|Olav|Haraldsson|was|used|in|was|far|more important|than|the actual|battle|at|Stiklestad|in
Was nach der Schlacht geschah und wie Olav Haraldsson eingesetzt wurde, war weitaus wichtiger als die tatsächliche Schlacht bei Stiklestad im Jahr 1030.
Те, що сталося після битви, і те, як використовувався Олав Гаральдссон, було набагато важливіше, ніж фактична битва під Стіклестадом у 1030 році.
战斗结束后发生的事情以及奥拉夫·哈拉尔森的使用方式远比 1030 年斯蒂克莱斯塔德的实际战斗重要。
What happened after the battle and the way Olav Haraldsson was used was far more important than the battle of Stiklestad in 1030.
Liket av Olav blei frakta til Nidaros etter slaget.
The body|of|Olav|was|transported|to|Nidaros|after|the battle
The body of Olav was transported to Nidaros after the battle.
Nidaros var navnet på byen som heter Trondheim i dag.
Nidaros|was|name|of|the city|that|is called|Trondheim|in|today
Nidaros was the name of the city that is called Trondheim today.
Olav blei erklært til helgen og fikk navnet Olav den hellige.
Olav|was|declared|as|saint|and|received|the name|Olav|the|holy
Olav wurde zum Heiligen erklärt und erhielt den Namen Olav der Heilige.
Olav was declared a saint and received the name Olav the Holy.
Senere blei det bygd en katedral der Olav blei gravlagt.
Later, a cathedral was built where Olav was buried.
Der de gravla Olav i Trondheim står i dag Nidarosdomen, en stor og vakker katedral.
There|they|buried|Olav|in|Trondheim|stands|in|today|Nidaros Cathedral|a|large|and|beautiful|cathedral
An der Stelle, an der Olav in Trondheim begraben wurde, steht heute der Nidarosdom, eine große und wunderschöne Kathedrale.
Where they buried Olav in Trondheim today stands Nidaros Cathedral, a large and beautiful cathedral.
Olav den hellige som martyr var et viktig symbol for de norske kongene og for kirka i Norge.
Der heilige Olav war als Märtyrer ein wichtiges Symbol für die norwegischen Könige und für die Kirche in Norwegen.
Olav the Holy as a martyr was an important symbol for the Norwegian kings and for the church in Norway.
At Olav blei drept var kanskje det viktigste som skjedde på Stiklestad i 1030.
When|Olav|was|killed|was|perhaps|the|most important|that|happened|at|Stiklestad|in
That Olav was killed was perhaps the most important event at Stiklestad in 1030.
I dag er slaget sannsynligvis det mest kjente slaget i norsk historie, selv om slaget i seg selv ikke var så veldig viktig.
Heute ist die Schlacht wahrscheinlich die berühmteste Schlacht in der norwegischen Geschichte, auch wenn die Schlacht selbst nicht sehr wichtig war.
Today, the battle is probably the most famous battle in Norwegian history, even though the battle itself was not very important.
Slaget var altså viktigere som myte og som symbol enn i sin politiske betydning.
The battle|was|therefore|more important|as|myth|and|as|symbol|than|in|its|political|significance
Таким чином, битва була важливішою як міф і як символ, ніж через її політичне значення.
The battle was therefore more important as a myth and as a symbol than in its political significance.
Forrige – Previous
Utenfor – Outside of
Outside of||
Outside of
Resten av – The rest of
The rest|of||the rest|
The rest of
Slag – Battle
Å spre seg – To be spread
Verbreiten – Verbreiten
To be spread
Hovedperson – Protagonist
Å innføre – To introduce/to establish
To|introduce/to establish||introduce||establish
To introduce/to establish
Fremdeles – Still
Makt – Power
Å minke – To reduce
To reduce
Høvding – Chieftain
Å knytte sammen – To connect
To connect
Sammarbeide – To cooperate
To cooperate||
Cooperate – To cooperate
Å legitimere – To legitimize
Legitimize – To legitimize
Å spre – To spread
Spread – To spread
Vold – Violence
Violence – Violence
Å skifte – To change
Change – To change
Vendepunkt – Turning point
Turning point|Turning|
Turning point
Forenkling – Simplification
Myte – Myth
Hær – Army
Bondehær – Peasant army
Peasant army|Peasant|
Peasant army
Ifølge – According to
According to||
According to
Å bestå av – To consist of
To consist of
Altfor – Way too
Way too||too
Way too
Å framstille som – To portray as
Darstellen als – Sich darstellen als
To portray as
Hedning – Pagan
Å handle om – To be about
To be about
Utenom at – Except that
Except that
Selve slaget – The battle itself
The battle itself
Lik – Corpse
Å erklære – To declare
To declare
Gravlagt – Buried
Buried – Gravlagt
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