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Storybooks Canada Cantonese, 點解 河馬 冇 毛

點解 河馬 冇 毛

有 一日 ,兔仔 喺 河邊 散 吓 步。

河馬 咁啱 都 喺度 ,一路 行 行 吓 ,一路 搵 啲 好味 嘅 野草 嚟 食。

河馬 冇 見到 兔仔 ,一 唔 小心 就 踩 親 兔仔 隻 腳。 兔仔 鬧 住 河馬 大嗌:「衰 河馬! 你 冇 見到 你 踩親 我 隻 腳 咩?

河馬 急 住 同 兔仔 道歉 :「真係 唔好意思 ,老友! 我 睇 唔到 你! 請 原諒 我 啦! 」兔仔 唔 肯 聽 河馬 解釋 ,好 嬲 噉 鬧 河馬 :「你 肯定 係 有心 踩親 我 㗎! 總有 一日 你 會 受到 懲罰!

兔仔 去 搵 火 ,就 對 火 話 :「趁 河馬 出水 嚟 食草 嘅 時候 ,向 佢 放 把 火 啦。 佢 竟然 夠膽 踩 我 隻 腳。」 火 回答 佢 話 :「冇 問題 ,老友記! 我 即刻 去 照 你 講 嘅 做。」

過 咗 陣 ,河馬 正 喺 離 河岸 好 遠 嘅 地方 食草。 「哄 」嘅 一 聲 ,火 突然間 燒 起上嚟 ,燒 到 河馬 身上。

河馬 大 嗌,急住 向 河邊 走 去 ,但 係 佢 嘅 毛 已經 燒到 冇 晒。 河馬 好 傷心 噉 話 :「我 嘅 毛 全部 被 火燒 晒! 你 燒晒 我 啲 毛! 全部 唔見咗! 我 好 靚 嘅 毛!

河馬 嘅 毛 燒 咗 ,兔仔 就 好 高興。 直到 今日 ,河馬 都 唔敢 離 河岸 太 遠 ,因為 佢 驚 又 要 被 火燒 啦。

點解 河馬 冇 毛 |Hippo|| Warum Nilpferde keine Haare haben Why hippos have no hair 点解河马冇毛

有 一日 ,兔仔 喺 河邊 散 吓 步。 |one day||||take a walk|| One day, the rabbit was walking by the river.

河馬 咁啱 都 喺度 ,一路 行 行 吓 ,一路 搵 啲 好味 嘅 野草 嚟 食。 |just so happened||||||||||||tasty wild grass|| The hippopotamus is still there now, walking all the way, hunting for some delicious weeds to eat.

河馬 冇 見到 兔仔 ,一 唔 小心 就 踩 親 兔仔 隻 腳。 ||see||||careful|||||| The hippo did not see the rabbit and stepped on the rabbit's foot when he was not careful. 兔仔 鬧 住 河馬 大嗌:「衰 河馬! |yelling at||||"bad"| The rabbit caught the hippo and quarrelled: "Damn, hippo! 你 冇 見到 你 踩親 我 隻 腳 咩? ||||stepped on|||foot| Did you see that you stepped on my foot? "

河馬 急 住 同 兔仔 道歉 :「真係 唔好意思 ,老友! |urgent|to|||apologize to||| Hippo apologized to Rabbit: "I'm sorry, old friend! 我 睇 唔到 你! I can't see you! 請 原諒 我 啦! |forgive|| Please forgive me! 」兔仔 唔 肯 聽 河馬 解釋 ,好 嬲 噉 鬧 河馬 :「你 肯定 係 有心 踩親 我 㗎! |||||||angry|like that|scold|||||||| "The rabbit refused to listen to Hippo's explanation and got mad at him: "You must be trying to step on me! 總有 一日 你 會 受到 懲罰! "One day"|||will|| One day you will be punished! "

兔仔 去 搵 火 ,就 對 火 話 :「趁 河馬 出水 嚟 食草 嘅 時候 ,向 佢 放 把 火 啦。 ||||||||||leave water|||||towards||||| The rabbit went to find a fire and said to the fire, "When the hippo comes out of the water to eat grass, put a fire on it. 佢 竟然 夠膽 踩 我 隻 腳。」 |actually|dare to|||| She had the guts to step on my foot." 火 回答 佢 話 :「冇 問題 ,老友記! ||||||"old friend" Fire replied to her, "No problem, old friend! 我 即刻 去 照 你 講 嘅 做。」 |||||||action I'm going to do what you said right now.

過 咗 陣 ,河馬 正 喺 離 河岸 好 遠 嘅 地方 食草。 |||||||riverbank||||| After a while, the hippo was grazing at a place far from the river bank. 「哄 」嘅 一 聲 ,火 突然間 燒 起上嚟 ,燒 到 河馬 身上。 "Whoosh"|||||||"up"|||| "The fire suddenly burst into flames and reached the hippopotamus.

河馬 大 嗌,急住 向 河邊 走 去 ,但 係 佢 嘅 毛 已經 燒到 冇 晒。 |||in a hurry|towards||||||||||burned off|| The hippopotamus quarrelled and rushed to the river, but his fur was already burnt to nothing. 河馬 好 傷心 噉 話 :「我 嘅 毛 全部 被 火燒 晒! ||||||||||burned by fire| The hippopotamus was so sad: "My fur is all on fire! 你 燒晒 我 啲 毛! |burned all||| You burned my hair! 全部 唔見咗! |All gone! All of them are not seen! 我 好 靚 嘅 毛! I'm so pretty!

河馬 嘅 毛 燒 咗 ,兔仔 就 好 高興。 The hippo's fur is burnt and the rabbit is so happy. 直到 今日 ,河馬 都 唔敢 離 河岸 太 遠 ,因為 佢 驚 又 要 被 火燒 啦。 ||||dare not|||||||||||| To this day, hippos dare not stray too far from the riverbank because they are afraid they will be burned again.