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Cantonese without toil, 第 四十一 堂

第 四十一 堂

睇 電視

你 尋晚 有冇 睇 電視 呀 ?

冇 呀 。 有 乜嘢 好睇 呀 ?

尋晚 星仔 做戲 真係 好笑 。

點解 咁 好笑 呀 ?

佢 學 發仔 講嘢 , 又 扮 芳姐 唱歌 , 你 話 好 唔 好笑 喇 ?

練習 一 翻譯

星仔 咁 乖 , 你 要 學 佢 呀 。

芳姐 今日 頭痛 , 冇 返工 。

呢個 禮拜日 記得 睇 電視 呀 。

嗰個 外國人 識 講 廣東話 做戲 㗎 。

佢 男友 發 咗 , 尋日 又 送 嘢 畀 佢 喇 。

第 四十一 堂 |Lesson 41| Lesson 41 Lección 41 Leçon 41 レッスン 41 Урок 41 第四十一堂

睇 電視 |Watch TV Watch TV

你 尋晚 有冇 睇 電視 呀 ? |last night|||television| Did you watch TV last night?

冇 呀 。 No. 有 乜嘢 好睇 呀 ? ||good to watch| What's good to watch?

尋晚 星仔 做戲 真係 好笑 。 |Stephen Chow|acting|really|very funny The actor last night was really funny.

點解 咁 好笑 呀 ? ||funny| Why was it so funny?

佢 學 發仔 講嘢 , 又 扮 芳姐 唱歌 , 你 話 好 唔 好笑 喇 ? |to study|Fat Chai|talking|also|pretend to be|Sister Fong|singing||say|||| He imitated the way people talk and pretended to be a singer. What do you think? Was it funny or not?

練習 一 翻譯 Practice translation||Translation Practice translation.

星仔 咁 乖 , 你 要 學 佢 呀 。 Star kid||well-behaved||should|learn from|him| The actor is so talented. You should learn from him.

芳姐 今日 頭痛 , 冇 返工 。 Sister Fong|||| The singer has a headache today, so she didn't go to work.

呢個 禮拜日 記得 睇 電視 呀 。 this|Sunday|remember|watch on|TV| Remember to watch TV this Sunday.

嗰個 外國人 識 講 廣東話 做戲 㗎 。 that|foreigner|can speak|speak|Cantonese|acting|you know That foreigner who knows how to speak Cantonese acts in the movie.

佢 男友 發 咗 , 尋日 又 送 嘢 畀 佢 喇 。 ||got rich|has||again||||| Her boyfriend apologized, and yesterday he gave her a gift again.