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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 072

話 說 吳國太 啊 , 聽講 孫權 已經 將個妹 , 許配 咗 劉備 , 劉備 已經 過江 招親 喇 噉 。 嘿 嬲 起 上 嚟 就 叫 孫權入 嚟 鬧 佢 : 你 , 你 , 你 氣死我 喇 你 。 母親 , 你 為 咩 嘢 咁 嬲 啊 ? 哎 你 簡直 都當 我 唔 係 嘢 嘅 咯 。 我家 姐 臨終 嘅 時候 , 點樣 吩咐 你 㗎 吓 ? 哎呀 母親 啊 , 有 咩 說話 請 你 直白 講 , 何苦 噉 樣 呢 ? 哎 , 男大當婚 , 女大當嫁 , 呢 個 乃 係 古今 嘅 常理 。 我 係 你 嘅 母親 , 呢 啲 事 , 就 應當 稟告 我知 至 係 㗎 嘛 。 我 嚟 問你 嘞 , 你 要 招 劉玄德 做 妹婿 , 點解 要 瞞住 我 ? 吓 , 個 女 係 我 嘅 ! 吓 ? 母親 你 聽 邊個 講 㗎 ? 哼 ! 若要人不知 , 除非 己莫為 。 滿城 百姓 , 邊個 唔 知 吖 ? 你 仲 係 瞞住 我 ? 喬國老 話 喇 : 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 老夫 都 已經 知道 咗 幾日 喇 , 今日 專誠 嚟 賀喜 啊 , 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 孫權 冇 辦法 喇 , 就 唯有 講明 講白 係 啦 。 母親 , 你 既然 聽到 喇 , 孩兒 就 唔 敢 隱瞞 嘞 。 呢 件 事 係 噉 嘅 , 事關 劉備 借 咗 荊州 , 幾次 催 佢 交還 都 唔 肯 。 所以 , 周瑜 就定 咗 呢 條計 , 氹 劉備 過江 招親 , 乘機 將 佢 韞 起 嚟 , 要 佢 將 荊州 嚟 換 。 如果 唔 肯 呢 , 就 斬 咗 劉備 先 。 呢 個 係 計謀 嚟 , 並非 真 係 要將 阿妹 嫁 畀 佢 㗎 。 呸 ! 我 罵聲 你 個 周瑜 , 你 個 冇 用 嘅 蠢材 ! 枉 你 做 個 六 郡 八十一 州 嘅 大 都督 , 啊 , 噉 都 諗 唔 到 一條 計策 去 攞 荊州 。 居然 要將 我個 女 去 氹 人 , 使 美人計 。 哎呀 , 講出 嚟 呀 , 都 嫌 講污糟 我 把 口 啊 。 你 哋 殺 咗 劉備 , 噉 我 個 女 豈 唔 係 變成 望門寡 , 第日仲 點樣 嫁人 呢 ? 唉 , 噉 就 害 咗 我 個 女 一世 嘅 嘞 噃, 你 哋 做得好 事 啊 , 你 哋 做得好 事 啊 ! 喬國老 亦 都 話 : 又 係 嘅 , 乜嘢 計唔 用 得 , 偏偏 要 用 美人計 啊 ! 就算 係 得到 荊州 啊 , 都 會 畀 天下 之 人 恥笑 喇 , 呢 啲 事點 做 得 㗎 ? 唔 得 嘅 ! 吳國太 不停 口 咁 鬧 周瑜 。 孫權 企 喺 處 , 耷 低頭 , 一句 說話 都 唔 敢講 。 喬國老 就 勸 佢 哋 話 喇 : 國太 你 唔 好 嬲 喇 。 事情 已經 到 咗 噉 嘅 地步 咯 , 誒 劉皇叔 乃 係 漢室 宗親 , 噉 不如 真 係 招 咗 佢 做 女婿 , 就 免得 出醜 啦 。 孫權 話 : 佢 哋 年紀 怕 唔 相當 喎 。 誒 , 劉皇叔 乃 係 當代 豪傑 , 招到 呢 個 女婿 , 亦 唔 會配 唔 上 令妹 吖 。 配 唔 上 嘅 。 配得 上 。 吳國太 話 嘞 : 你 哋 兩個 都 不必 爭論 嘞 。 我 啊 唔 識 劉皇叔 嘅 , 聽日 , 就 約 佢 喺 甘露寺 見 下面 , 等 我 睇 下鐘 唔 鐘意 先 。 喬國老 話 喇 : 如果 鐘意 呢 ? 我 就 招 佢 做 女婿 , 將個 女 嫁 畀 佢 。 孫權 問喇 : 如果 母親 唔 鐘意 呢 ? 噉 就 任由 你 哋 點做 都 好 係 啦 。 謹 遵 母親 之命 , 孩兒 告辭 嘞 。 孫權 係 個 孝順 仔 , 見 母親 噉 樣講 呢 應承 落 嚟 。 佢 出 到 去 即刻 就 叫 呂范 嚟 。 吩咐 佢 聽 日 喺 甘露寺 嘅 方丈 , 方丈 即 係 , 寺院 裏 便 接待 貴客 嘅 地方 , 喺 甘露寺 嘅 方丈 啊 舉行宴會 。 國太要 見 劉備 噉 , 同時 呢將 先頭 個 事講 畀 佢 聽 。 呂范 就 說 喇 : 啊 , 不如 噉 啦 , 主公 你 叫 賈華帶 住 三百名 刀斧手 , 埋伏 喺 兩 便 走廊 。 如果 國太見 咗 面 唔 鐘意 咯 , 一聲 號令 , 立 即將 佢 捉住 , 噉 好 唔 好 吖 ? 呢 個 辦法 好 ! 於是 孫權 又 使 人 去 叫 賈華 嚟 , 吩咐 佢 做好 準備 。 聽日 , 就 係 睇 住國 太 嘅 面色 行事 嘞 。 呢 , 孔明 第一個 錦囊妙計 , 就 係 叫 劉備 一到 南 徐 就 去 拜見 喬國老 , 真 係 冇 錯 嘅 喎 。 喬國老 佢 告辭 咗 吳國太 返去 屋企 , 即刻 就 派 個 親信 去 通水 畀 劉備知 。 當然 , 說話 就 唔 能夠 講得 太白 嘞 。 就 係 話 , 聽日 吳侯 、 國太 親自 要 見 皇叔 , 千祈千祈 要 在意 啊 噉 。 噉 啊 得 㗎 啦 , 劉備 醒水 嘞 。 佢 就 同 孫 乾 、 趙雲 商量 。 趙雲 話 : 宴無好 宴 , 會無好 會 。 聽日 , 甘露寺 嘅 宴會 實 係 凶多吉少 。 等 我 帶齊 五百名 士兵 , 跟 住 主公 去 啦 。 第 日 , 吳國太 、 喬國老 呀 最先 嚟 到 甘露寺 嘅 方丈 。 坐落 之後 , 孫權 帶住 一班 謀士 亦 都 嚟 到 。 佈置 好 喇 , 然後 就 叫 呂范去 賓館 請 劉備 嚟 。 劉備 佢 啊 得到 喬國老 通水 吖 , 亦 作好 充分 嘅 準備 嘞 。 佢 呢 , 裏 便 着 住 一件 軟甲 , 外便 着 住件 錦袍 , 帶齊 五百名 士兵 啊 跟 尾 。 嚟 到 甘露寺 大門口 就 落 咗 馬 , 孫權 就 喺 門口 迎接 佢 。 孫權 同 劉備 呢 一次 啊 , 乃 係 第一次 會面 , 啊 。 當時 劉備 係 四十八歲 , 孫權 呢 , 廿 七歲 唧 。 噉 孫權 見到 劉備 儀表非凡 , 個心 啊 有 啲 畏懼 啊 。 兩個 人見 咗 面 , 彼此 行過禮 , 互相 問候 , 然後 呢 就 入 去 方丈 見國 太 。 國太一 見到 劉備 呀 , 哎呀 , 歡喜 到 佢 乜嘢 噉 。 即刻 就 對 喬國老 話 喇 : 真 係 我 嘅 好 女婿 啊 , 好 女婿 啊 ! 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 俗語 都 有 話 喇 : 外母 见 女婿 就 口水 滴滴 渧 啊 , 哈哈 , 睇 嚟 真 係 古今 一理 㗎 吓 。 喬國老 亦 讚不絕口 啊 : 國太 , 你 睇 下 , 玄德 呀 龍眉鳳目 , 兩 耳垂 肩 , 手長 過膝 , 乃 係 大富大貴 , 帝王之相 啊 ! 更 兼 佢 嘅 仁德 布 於 天下 , 國太 你 得到 呢 位 佳婿 , 可喜可賀 , 可喜可賀 啊 , 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 劉備 拜謝 過國 太 , 就 埋席 開始 宴會 。 過 咗 一陣 , 趙雲帶 住劍入 到 嚟 , 就 企 喺 劉備 側跟 。 國太 只 係 聽過 呢 個 名 就 未 見過 趙雲 嘅 , 佢 問 劉備 話 嘞 : 呢 位 將軍 係 邊個 啊 ? 佢 就 係 常山 趙子龍 啊 。 啊 , 喺 當陽 長 坂抱 阿斗 嘅 就 係 佢 係 嘛 ? 冇 錯 嘞 。 真真 係 英雄 啊 ! 老身 要敬 趙 將軍 一 杯酒 。 多謝 國太 ! 趙雲 接過 酒 , 一飲而盡 , 然後 , 佢 細細 聲 對 劉備 話 嘞 : 主公 , 啱 先 我 喺 外邊 走廊 巡視 咗 一下 , 發現 房間 裏 便 有 刀斧手 埋伏 喺 處 , 必定 係 冇 好意 。 主公 , 你講 畀 國太聽 。 哦 ? 劉備 立即 起身 離席 , 去 到 國太 面前 跪 低 喺 地 , 流住 眼淚 噉 話 。 哈哈 , 劉備 啲 眼淚 真 係 嚟 得 快 㗎 吓 。 國太 , 如果 想 殺 我 劉備 , 就 請 你 殺 係 啦 。 吳國太 奇怪 嘞 : 點解 你 噉 講 啊 ? 走廊 外便 , 已經 埋伏 咗 刀斧手 , 唔 係 要 殺 我 劉備 啊 殺 邊個 呢 ? 吳國太 發火 咯 , 佢 鬧 孫權 啊 : 玄德 今日 既然 做 咗 我 嘅 女婿 , 即 係 我 嘅 兒女 , 為 咩 嘢 事要 埋伏 啲 刀斧手 喺 外 便 啊 , 吓 ? 你講 啦 , 為 咩 嘢 事 ! 孩兒 唔 知道 噃。 你 唔 知 邊個 知 啊 ? 誒 , 要 問下 呂范至 得 。 叫 呂范入 嚟 。 叫 咗 呂范 嚟 , 吳國太 就 問 佢 : 呂范 , 喺 外 便 埋伏 啲 刀斧手 , 係 唔 係 你 出 嘅 主意 啊 ? 啟 稟 國 太 , 呢 啲 , 唔 關我 事 嘅 , 誒 要 問賈華 , 至 知道 。 吳國太 叫 咗 賈華 嚟 , 鬧 到 佢 呀 一 罰 出世 , 二罰 涅槃 。 賈華 當然 啊 唔 敢 爆煲 啦 就 唯有 一個 人吞晒 , 佢 死 唔 開口 。 吳國太 火起 嘞 , 喝令 斬 咗 佢 。 唔 得 了 嘅 咯 喎 要 斬 人 就 , 劉備 開聲 求情 嘞 : 國太 , 如果 斬 咗 大將 於 親事 唔 吉利 啊 ; 而且 , 噉 樣 我 亦 好 難 喺 你 老人家 嘅 身邊 企得 住 啊 。 噉 嘛 , 好 啦 , 睇 在 賢婿 面上 , 我 就 饒恕 佢 咗 啦 。 賈華 , 仲 唔 過 嚟 多謝 皇叔 ? 多謝 皇叔 ! 出去 ! 係 。 哎呀 , 賈華 走 都 走 唔 切 喇 。 嗰 班 刀斧手 就 唔 在 講咯 , 抱頭鼠竄 , 有 咁 快 時 趯 咁 快 啊 。 飲 咗 一輪 酒 , 劉備 出去 更衣 之後 , 就 行到 大殿 前 便 , 見到 空地 嗰 處 呢 有 一塊 大石頭 。 劉備 叫 隨從 畀 把 劍 佢 , 佢 昂起 頭 , 個 心 喺 度 禱告 上天 啊 : 如果 我 劉備 能夠 返回 荊州 , 完成 王霸之 業 , 一劍 , 將 塊石 斬為 兩段 ; 如果 死 喺 呢 處 , 劍 就 斬石 唔 開 。 禱告 完 , 手起 劍 落 , 撐 ! 火星 綻起 嚟 , 塊 石頭 分為 兩段 ! 孫權 喺 後 便 見到 嘞 , 就 行過 嚟 問 劉備 嘞 : 玄德公 , 點解 咁 嬲 嚿 石頭 啊 ? 哦 , 我 已經 年 近 五十 , 都 未 能夠 為 國家 剿除 賊黨 , 個心 , 時時 都 自己 怨恨 自己 啊 。 今日 承蒙 國太招 咗 做 女婿 , 乃 係 我 平生 嘅 際遇 。 哈哈 , 啱 先 我 向 天問 卦 , 如果 能夠 破 曹興漢 , 就 斬斷 塊石 啦 噉 , 哈 , 果然 斬斷 咗 喇 。 孫權 諗 嘞 : 莫非 劉備 佢 講 大話 呃 我 ? 孫權 亦 掹 出 把 劍 嚟 對 劉備 話 : 等 我 亦 都 向 天問 卦 至 得 , 如果 破得 曹賊 , 亦 斬斷 呢 塊石 啦 。 孫權 把 口 係 噉 講呀 , 之個 心 呢 , 就 暗暗 禱告 話 嘞 : 如果 我 再 攞 到 荊州 , 興旺 東吳 , 就 斬 開 塊石 做 兩邊 ! 孫權 手起 劍 落 , 塊 大石 亦 斬 開 咗 。 嗱 各位 , 到 而家 , 呢 嚿 有 十字 紋 嘅 恨 石 仲 喺 度 㗎 。 呢 仲有 詩為 證 噃: 寶劍 落時 山石 斷 , 金環響 處 火光 生 。 兩朝 旺氣 皆 天數 , 從此 乾坤 鼎足 成 。 係 喇 各位 , 呢 處 我 又 插 一句 , 甘露寺 呢 , 就 確係 有 呢 間 寺 嘅 , 就 喺 而 家 江蘇省 鎮江市 北固山 上 。 呢 間 寺 經歷 過 咁 多 朝代 啊 , 又 毀壞 過好 多次 , 又 重建 過好 多次 啲 古蹟 啊 噉 而家 仲 喺 唔 喺 處 呢 噉 ? 我 啊 未 去過 就 唔 知 啦 , 噉 有 邊位 去過 嘅 , 誒 就 唔 該講 我 聽 喇 吓 。 噉 啊 劉備 同 孫權 掉 低 把 劍 , 大家 拖住 手 重新 入席 , 又 飲 咗 幾 巡酒 。 孫乾同 劉備 打個 眼色 , 劉備 會意 , 就 向 孫權 告辭 話 : 我 不勝酒力 , 再 唔 飲 得 喇 , 告辭 嘞 。 於是 孫權 就 送 劉備 出到 寺 門外 便 , 兩個 人 一 拍 噉 企響 處 , 欣賞 下 江山 美景 。 劉備 好 高興 噉 話 : 啊 ! 呢 度 真 係 天下第一 江山 啊 ! 呢 , 到 而家 甘露寺 有個 碑 , 上 便仲刻 住 天下第一 江山 噉 嘅 字句 嘅 。 當 佢 哋 兩個 人 喺 度 欣賞 景致 嘅 時候 , 江風 浩蕩 , 白浪滔天 。 只見 喺 波濤 之上 有 隻 小船 , 喺 江面 上 行駛 , 就 好似 喺 平地 行路 一樣 噉 。 劉備 就 感 歎 一聲 話 : 啊 , 南方人 駛船 , 北方 人 騎馬 真 係 冇 錯 㗎 。 孫權 聽 佢 噉 講 個 心 就 諗 嘞 : 劉備 噉 樣 講法 , 即 係 笑 我 唔 騎慣馬唧 。 於是 佢 就 叫 隨從 牽 隻 馬過 嚟 , 啪 聲 , 飛身 上馬 ,𡃈𡃈 聲 跑 咗 落山 , 跟 住 又 加 兩 鞭 跑 返上 嶺 。 笑 住 對 劉備 話 : 哈哈哈 , 南方人 唔 識 騎馬 咩 吓 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 劉備 聽 咗 , 冇 出聲 , 佢 擸 起 件 袍 跳 上 馬背 飛跑 落山 , 跟 住 又 飛跑 返上 嚟 。 兩個 人 喺 山坡 之上 勒馬 企定 , 揸 住 支 馬鞭 , 拂下 拂下 放聲 大笑 喎 。 到 而家 , 呢 個 山坡 就 叫做 駐馬坡 。 當日 , 兩個 人 就 一 拍 噉 騎馬 返城 。 南 徐城 啲 老百姓 見到 , 人人 都 高興 啊 。 噉 高興 咩 呢 ? 無 他 嘅 , 孫權 同 劉備 如果 聯合 起 嚟 呀 , 噉 東南 呢 一 便 嘅 地方 就 總會 太平 啲 , 日子 就 好過 啦 嘛 。 噉 啊 劉備 返到 賓館 , 就 同孫乾 商量 。 孫乾話 : 主公 , 你 去 求 喬國老 啦 , 叫 佢 幫 你 講 下 早日 完婚 就 免生 變故 啊 。 劉備 聽 佢 話 , 第日 就 再次 去 求見 喬國老 。 國老 請 佢 入 去 , 行過 禮飲過 茶 , 劉備 就 𠼮 佢 話 喇 : 東吳 有 好多 人 都 係 想害 我 嘅 , 我 恐怕 喺 呢 處 住 唔 耐 啊 。 玄德 , 你 寬心 啦 , 我同 你講 畀 國太聽 , 請 佢 嚟 維護 你 。 噉 啊 多謝 國老 嘞 。 劉備 拜謝 過國 老 就 返 賓館 。 果然 喬國老 就 去 見 吳國太 , 話 劉備 怕 畀 人 謀害 , 急住 要 返 扯 喎 噉 。 國太好 嬲 啊 , 佢 話 : 我 嘅 女婿 , 邊個 敢 害 佢 啊 ? 即時 就 請 劉備 搬入 去府 裏 便 嘅 書房 暫住 , 擇吉 成婚 。 劉備 搬入 去 住 之後 呢 , 又 自己 去 見國 太 , 佢 話 : 小婿 雖然 入 咗 嚟 住唧 , 至怕 趙雲 佢 哋 喺 外 便 唔 方便 啊 , 啲 軍士 又 冇 人 約束 。 吳國太 話 搬 晒 入 嚟 啦 , 唔 好 住 喺 賓館 咯 免生 是非 啊 噉 , 嗨 係 噉 就 妥當 晒 喇 。 過 咗 幾日 , 大排 筵席 , 孫夫人 同 劉備 結婚 嘞 喎 。 飲 呢 餐 喜酒 呀 梗 係 高興 熱鬧 到 極定 啦 。 到 晚頭 黑 , 啲 賓客 散晒 喇 , 兩行 紅燈 , 接引 劉備 呢 個 新郎 哥入 洞房 。 一入 到 去 新房 , 喺 燈光 之下 , 只見 擺滿 刀槍 。 所有 嘅 婢女 個個 都 配劍掛 刀 企 喺 兩 便 。 當堂 嚇 到 劉備 魂不附體 啊 , 哎呀 , 乜 噉 樣 洞房 法 嘅 咩 ? 管家婆 見到 劉備 慌成 噉 樣 就 安慰 佢 話 喇 : 貴人 唔 使 驚 㗎 , 夫人 呀 自細 就 鐘意 練習 武功 。 平常 , 時時 都 叫 啲 婢女 擊劍 嚟 玩 下 嘅 , 所以 先至 到處 係 刀槍 咋 嘛 , 唔 使 驚 㗎 吓 。 哎呀 呢 啲 , 都 唔 應該 係 夫 人學 嘅 嘢 咯 , 我 見到 都 覺得 心寒 啊 , 誒 叫 人 攞 開 佢 先 啦 。 哦 , 噉 好 啦 , 等 我 去 同 夫人 講啦 。 管家婆 就 去 稟告 孫夫人 話 : 啟 稟 夫人 , 房間 裏 便 擺滿 咁 多 兵器 , 貴人 見到 呀 個 心好 唔 安樂 喎 , 好 唔 好 攞 走 啲 兵器 啊 ? 孫夫人 笑 嘞 : 打仗 打 咗 成半 世人 咯 , 乜仲怕 兵器 嘅 咩 ? 噉 就 攞 走 啲 兵器 啦 , 誒 , 啲 婢女 嘅 佩劍 , 都 解低 埋 佢 。 噉 樣 劉備 就 心安 喇 。 當晚 , 劉備 同 孫夫人 洞房花燭 , 感情 啊 非常 融洽 , 呢 啲 就 不在話下 喇 。 劉備 就 好 會 做 㗎 , 佢 攞 啲 金銀 財物 出 嚟 , 打 賞 嗰 啲 婢女 , 一 於 收賣 人心 。 又 吩咐 孫乾返 去 荊州 報喜 。 結婚 之後 一連 幾日 , 都 擺酒 慶賀 。 吳國太 對 劉備 啊 極之 敬愛 㗎 。 總之 劉備 新婚 嘅 階段 啊 , 同 上上下下 都 相處 得 極好 。 但 係 孫權 就 翳 氣咯 。 佢 派 人 去 柴桑郡 講 畀 周瑜 聽 , 話 我 母親 極力 主張 , 已經 將我個 妹 啊 嫁 咗 畀 劉玄德 嘞 。 想 唔 到 呢 次 搞 到 弄假成真 添 。 噉 問 周瑜 啊 呢 件 事 究竟 仲 要點 搞 至 好 噉 。 周瑜 得到 呢 個 消息 呀 大吃一驚 。 佢 真 係 行 又 唔 係 企 又 唔 係 周身 唔 安樂 。 佢 諗 啊 諗 啊 , 誒 , 又 有計 喇 。 佢 喇 喇 聲 寫 一封信 交 畀 來 人 啊 帶 返 去 畀 孫權 。 封信 嘅 內容 就 係 話 : 呢 次 嘅 事 既然 弄假成真 , 就 索性 將計就計 。 劉備 係 個 梟雄 , 既 有關 、 張 、 趙雲 呢 啲 勇將 輔助 佢 , 又 有 諸葛亮 幫 佢 出謀劃策 , 必定 唔 會 久居人下 。 我 嘅 意見 呢 , 最好 就 係 將 劉備 軟 困 喺 東吳 。 為 佢 起 啲 富麗堂皇 嘅 住宅 , 送 多 啲 美女 、 金銀珠寶 畀 佢 , 消磨 佢 個 雄心壯志 。 同時 , 又 疏遠 佢 同 關 、 張 、 諸葛 嘅 感情 。 然後 , 出兵 去 打 佢 就 大事 成功 嘞 。 如果 而家 畀 佢 走 咗 , 最怕 就 好似 蛟龍 得到 雲雨 啊 , 終久 都 會 飛 上天 㗎 。 請 主公 你 考慮 啦 噉 。 孫權 睇 咗 周瑜 封 密信 , 就 交 畀 張昭睇 。 張昭睇 過就話 喇 : 公 瑾 嘅 計謀 , 好合 我 嘅 意思 啊 。 劉備 此人 出身 寒微 低下 , 呢 半 世人 到處 奔波 , 都 未曾 享受 過 富貴 嘅 。 而家 , 如果 將 啲 華堂 大廈 、 美女 珍寶 送 畀 佢 享受 , 噉 佢 就 自 必然 會 疏遠 孔明 、 關 、 張等 人 㗎 喇 。 等到 佢 哋 之間 互相 埋怨 嘞 , 噉 荊州 就 容易 攞 到手 啦 。 請 主公 你 盡快 按照 公 瑾 嘅 計謀 做 啦 。 好 ! 一 於 噉 話 啦 。 孫權 同意 晒 , 立即 下令 將 東府 修理 佈置 好 。 種 咗 好多 奇花異草 , 擺滿 各種各樣 華麗 嘅 陳設 , 就 請 劉備 同 孫夫人 搬入 去 住 。 同時 啊 , 又 增添 咗 十幾個 歌舞 嘅 美女 , 又 送 咗 大量 嘅 金 珠 寶貝 種種 好玩 好 睇 嘅 禮物 。 吳國太 以為 係 孫權 嘅 好意 啦 , 就 歡喜 到 不得了 。 劉備 啊 確係 一 世人 都 未 享過 福 嘅 。 今日 居然 過住 呢 啲 噉 勝過 神仙 嘅 生活 , 嗨 呀 , 成 個人 都 入 晒 迷 , 一 啲 都 唔 想 返 荊州 喇 。 好 喇 , 而家 講下 趙雲 。 佢 又 同埋 嗰 五百名 兵士 喺 東府 前 便 住 吖 。 終日 都 無事 , 得閒 到極 。 所以 日日 呢 , 都 係 去 城外 跑馬 射箭 玩下唧 。 噉 啊過 咗 一日 又 一日 , 眼睇 住 就 到 年 尾 嘞 。 趙雲 諗 起 : 孔明 交 咗 三個 錦囊 畀 我 。 叫 我 一到 南 徐 就 開 第一個 ; 住 到 年 尾 就 開 第二個 ; 臨到 危急 冇 路 走 嘅 時候 , 就 開 第三個 。 話 裏 便 有 神出鬼沒 嘅 計謀 , 可以 保 主公 返 荊州 嘅 噉 。 啱 喇 , 而家 已經 係 年 晚 , 呢 一排 主公 啊 貪戀 女色 , 想見 佢 一面 都 好 難 。 我 何不 拆開 第二個 錦囊 , 睇 下 有 乜嘢 好計 等 我 照住 嚟 做 都 好 啊 。 於是 趙雲 拆開 第二個 錦囊 一睇 , 哦 , 原來 呢條 妙計 係 噉 嘅 , 得 ! 趙雲 即刻 就 去 到 東府 , 話 有 非常 緊急 嘅 事情 啊 要 見 劉備 噉 。 劉備 叫 佢 入 去 問 下 係 咩 嘢 事 啦 。 趙雲 整成 好 驚 噉 樣 報告 劉備 話 喇 : 主公 呀 , 你 成日 就 住 喺 間 大屋 嚟 , 唔 想 荊州 喇 ? 子龍 , 有 咩 嘢 事 搞 到 你 咁 驚青 啊 吓 ? 慢慢 講 慢慢 講 。 主公 啊 , 今朝 早 , 孔明 派 人 嚟 報告 , 話 曹操 要報 赤壁大戰 之恨 , 點起 咗 五十萬 精兵 殺 嚟 荊州 。 而家 情形 十分 危急 , 請 主公 你 即刻 返去 啊 ! 哎呀 , 噉 啊 ! 誒 噉 , 誒 , 噉 就 必須 要 同 夫人 商量 至 得 嘅 喎 。 主公 , 如果 同 夫人 商量 嘅 話 , 夫人 必定 唔 肯 畀 主公 你 返 去 嘅 , 不如 唔 好 講咯 。 今晚 就 起程 , 一遲 就 誤事 㗎 喇 , 主公 。 嗯 嗯 嗯 , 誒 , 你 返 去 先 , 我識 做 㗎 嘞 。 主公 , 你 快 啲 決定 喇 。 趙雲 故意 催促 咗 幾次 , 然 之後 先至 扯 。 噉 劉備 啊 入 去 見 孫夫人 , 佢 一時 都 唔 知點 開口 好 喎 , 個 心悒 啊 , 哈哈 , 流 起 眼淚 上 嚟 添 。 孫夫人 就 奇怪 啦 : 夫君 , 咩 嘢 事 咁 煩惱 啊 ? 唉 , 夫人 啊 , 想 我 劉備 , 孤孤單單 , 一個 人 飄蕩 異鄉 。 喺 生前 , 唔 能夠 侍奉 父母 雙親 , 又 唔 能夠 祭祀 祖宗 , 真 係 大 逆 不孝 咯 。 今日 , 已經 就 快 過年 喇 , 所以 我個 心 就 憂鬱 起 嚟 啫 。 你 唔 使 瞞 我 喇 , 我 知道 晒 喇 。 先頭 趙子龍 嚟 稟報 話 荊州 危急 , 夫君 你 想 返 去 就 真 , 係 唔 係 呢 ? 劉備 啪 聲 就 跪 低話 喇 : 夫人 既然 已經 知道 , 我 就 唔 敢 再 隱瞞 喇 。 確實 係 荊州 好 危險 , 我 想 話 唔 返去 , 聽下 萬一 荊州 失 咗 , 噉 我 就實 畀 天下 之 人 恥笑 。 想話 返去 啦 , 我 又 唔 捨得 離開 夫人 你 , 所以 個心 , 就 好 憂鬱 啊 。 夫君 你 快 啲 起身 , 你 起身 。 我 已經 嫁 咗 畀 夫君 你 喇 , 噉 夫君 你 去 邊度 都 好 , 我 都 應該 跟 埋 去 嘅 , 夫君 你 使 乜 憂鬱 唧 。 唉 , 夫人 你 個 心 雖然 係 噉 啫 , 不過 國太同 吳侯 又 點肯 放 夫人 你 去 呢 ? 唉 , 夫人 , 你 如果 係 可憐 我 劉備 , 就 等 我 返 去 睇 下 啦 , 吓 。 唉 , 講完 , 劉備 淚如雨下 。 夫君 , 你 唔 使 咁 傷心 嘅 , 等 我 去 苦苦 噉 𠼮 下 母親 , 佢 必定 肯 畀 我 跟 埋 你 一齊 去 嘅 。 不過 , 縱使 國太肯 咯 , 吳侯 都 會 攔阻 嘅 噃。 啊 , 噉 又 係 噃, 點好 呢 ? 啊 , 有 喇 有 喇 ! 嗱, 正月初一 , 我 哋 去 賀年 嘅 時候 , 詐家 意話 要 去 江邊 拜下 祖先 , 然後 , 我 哋 就 靜靜地 走 人 , 不告 而 去 , 噉 好 唔 好 吖 ? 歡喜 到 劉備 啊 又 試啪聲 跪 低 拜謝 孫夫人 啊 , 佢 話 : 得 夫人 肯 噉 樣 做 , 我 真 係 生死 難忘 啊 ! 呢 件 事 , 千祈 唔 好 洩 露出 去 啊 ! 噉 兩 公婆 就 商量 妥當 嘞 喎 。 劉備 跟 住 就 嗌 趙雲 嚟 講 佢 聽 : 正月初一 , 你 帶 咗 啲 兵士 出城先 , 喺 官道 等 我 哋 。 到 時 , 我 詐家 意話 要 去 江邊 拜 祖先 , 就 同 夫人 一齊 偷偷 走 , 吓 。 係 , 謹 遵 主公 之命 ! 趙雲 接受 咗 劉備 嘅 命令 , 就 出去 佈置 嘞 。

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話 說 吳國太 啊 , 聽講 孫權 已經 將個妹 , 許配 咗 劉備 , 劉備 已經 過江 招親 喇 噉 。 say|speak|Lady Wu|ah|heard that|Sun Quan|already||betrothed|past tense marker|Liu Bei|||cross the river|propose marriage|(particle indicating completed action)|like that It is said that Lady Wu heard that Sun Quan has already betrothed his sister to Liu Bei, and Liu Bei has already crossed the river to propose. 嘿 嬲 起 上 嚟 就 叫 孫權入 嚟 鬧 佢 : hey|angry|get|up|come|then|call||come|scold|him Hey, she got so angry that she called Sun Quan in to scold him: 你 , 你 , 你 氣死我 喇 你 。 you|you|you||particle indicating completed action|you You, you, you are driving me crazy. 母親 , 你 為 咩 嘢 咁 嬲 啊 ? mother|you|for|||so|angry|question particle Mother, why are you so angry? 哎 你 簡直 都當 我 唔 係 嘢 嘅 咯 。 ah|you|simply||me|not|is|thing|possessive particle|final particle Ah, you simply treat me like I'm nothing. 我家 姐 臨終 嘅 時候 , 點樣 吩咐 你 㗎 吓 ? my family|older sister|at the end of her life|possessive particle|time|how|instructed|you|question particle|surprised particle How did my sister instruct you at the time of her passing? 哎呀 母親 啊 , 有 咩 說話 請 你 直白 講 , 何苦 噉 樣 呢 ? oh no|mother|ah|have|what|words|please|you|straightforward|say|why|like that|appearance|question particle Oh mother, if you have something to say, please say it directly, why bother with this? 哎 , 男大當婚 , 女大當嫁 , 呢 個 乃 係 古今 嘅 常理 。 sigh|||this|measure word|is|is|past and present|possessive particle|common sense Ah, when a man grows up, he should marry; when a woman grows up, she should be married. This is a principle that has been true throughout history. 我 係 你 嘅 母親 , 呢 啲 事 , 就 應當 稟告 我知 至 係 㗎 嘛 。 I|am|you|possessive particle|mother|this|plural marker|matters|then|should|report||only|is|question particle|particle indicating obviousness I am your mother, and matters like these should be reported to me. 我 嚟 問你 嘞 , 你 要 招 劉玄德 做 妹婿 , 點解 要 瞞住 我 ? I|come||past tense marker||want|recruit|Liu Xuande|be|brother-in-law|why|want|keep in the dark|me I came to ask you, if you want to invite Liu Xuande to be your brother-in-law, why do you have to hide it from me? 吓 , 個 女 係 我 嘅 ! huh|classifier for people|girl|is|I|possessive particle Huh, that girl is mine! 吓 ? 母親 你 聽 邊個 講 㗎 ? huh|mother|you|heard|who|said|question particle Huh? Mother, who did you hear that from? 哼 ! 若要人不知 , 除非 己莫為 。 滿城 百姓 , 邊個 唔 知 吖 ? 你 仲 係 瞞住 我 ? humph|if you want others not to know|unless|you don't do it yourself|the whole city|common people|who|not|knows|particle|you|||deceiving|me Hmph! If you want to keep something a secret, you must not do it yourself. The whole city knows, who doesn't know? Are you still hiding it from me? 喬國老 話 喇 : 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 老夫 都 已經 知道 咗 幾日 喇 , 今日 專誠 嚟 賀喜 啊 , 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 Qiao Guolao|said|particle indicating completed action|hahaha|hahaha|||||||||||||hahaha| Old Qiao said: Hahaha, I already knew for a few days, I came here today specifically to congratulate you, hahaha. 孫權 冇 辦法 喇 , 就 唯有 講明 講白 係 啦 。 Sun Quan|has no|way|sentence-final particle|then|only|make clear|speak plainly|is|sentence-final particle Sun Quan has no choice, he can only speak plainly. 母親 , 你 既然 聽到 喇 , 孩兒 就 唔 敢 隱瞞 嘞 。 mother|you|since|heard|particle indicating completed action|child|then|not|dare|hide|particle indicating completed action Mother, since you have heard it, the child dares not hide it. 呢 件 事 係 噉 嘅 , 事關 劉備 借 咗 荊州 , 幾次 催 佢 交還 都 唔 肯 。 this|classifier for events|matter|is|like that|particle indicating possession or description|concerning|Liu Bei|borrowed|past tense marker|Jingzhou|several times|urge|he|return|all|not|willing This matter is like this: it concerns Liu Bei borrowing Jingzhou, and he has refused to return it despite several requests. 所以 , 周瑜 就定 咗 呢 條計 , 氹 劉備 過江 招親 , 乘機 將 佢 韞 起 嚟 , 要 佢 將 荊州 嚟 換 。 so|Zhou Yu||past tense marker|this||trick|Liu Bei|cross the river|propose marriage|take the opportunity|take|him|capture|up|come|want|him|bring|Jingzhou|come|exchange Therefore, Zhou Yu devised this plan to lure Liu Bei across the river to propose marriage, taking the opportunity to capture him and demand that he return Jingzhou in exchange. 如果 唔 肯 呢 , 就 斬 咗 劉備 先 。 if|not|willing|question particle|then|kill|past tense marker|Liu Bei|first If he refuses, then Liu Bei will be executed first. 呢 個 係 計謀 嚟 , 並非 真 係 要將 阿妹 嫁 畀 佢 㗎 。 this|measure word|is|scheme|come|not|really|is||younger sister|marry|to|him|sentence final particle This is a scheme, not really about marrying off my sister to him. 呸 ! 我 罵聲 你 個 周瑜 , 你 個 冇 用 嘅 蠢材 ! phew|I|curse at|you|possessive particle|Zhou Yu|you|possessive particle|||possessive particle|fool Pah! I curse you, Zhou Yu, you useless fool! 枉 你 做 個 六 郡 八十一 州 嘅 大 都督 , 啊 , 噉 都 諗 唔 到 一條 計策 去 攞 荊州 。 in vain|you|be|measure word|six|counties|eighty-one|states|possessive particle|great|governor|ah|then|all|think|not|arrive|one|strategy|to|take|Jingzhou You are supposed to be a great general of the six commanderies and eighty-one states, yet you can't even come up with a plan to take Jingzhou. 居然 要將 我個 女 去 氹 人 , 使 美人計 。 unexpectedly||my|daughter|to|deceive|people|to use|seduction tactic You actually want to use my daughter to seduce someone, using a beauty trap. 哎呀 , 講出 嚟 呀 , 都 嫌 講污糟 我 把 口 啊 。 oh no|say|come|particle|all|complain about|speaking dirty|I|particle|mouth|particle Oh dear, just saying it makes me feel dirty. 你 哋 殺 咗 劉備 , 噉 我 個 女 豈 唔 係 變成 望門寡 , 第日仲 點樣 嫁人 呢 ? ||||Liu Bei|then|I|possessive particle|daughter||||become|widow||how|marry|question particle You killed Liu Bei, so my daughter will become a widow waiting at the door; how will she ever get married in the future? 唉 , 噉 就 害 咗 我 個 女 一世 嘅 嘞 噃, 你 哋 做得好 事 啊 , 你 哋 做得好 事 啊 ! sigh|like this|then|harmed|past tense marker|my|measure word|daughter|whole life|possessive particle|past action particle||you|plural marker||things|particle indicating exclamation||||| Sigh, this has ruined my daughter's life, you all are doing a great job, you all are doing a great job! 喬國老 亦 都 話 : 又 係 嘅 , 乜嘢 計唔 用 得 , 偏偏 要 用 美人計 啊 ! Qiao Guolao|also|all|said|again|is|particle indicating possession or emphasis|what|plan not|usable|able|just|must|use|beauty trap|ah particle Qiao Guolao also said: Yes, what plans are useless, why must we use beauty tricks! 就算 係 得到 荊州 啊 , 都 會 畀 天下 之 人 恥笑 喇 , 呢 啲 事點 做 得 㗎 ? 唔 得 嘅 ! even if|is|obtain|Jingzhou|ah|still|will|be|the world|possessive particle|people|ridicule|particle indicating completed action|this|plural marker||do|able|question particle|not|able|particle indicating possession Even if we obtain Jingzhou, we will be laughed at by the world, how can we do such things? No way! 吳國太 不停 口 咁 鬧 周瑜 。 Lady Wu|constantly|mouth|so|scold|Zhou Yu The Empress of Wu keeps scolding Zhou Yu. 孫權 企 喺 處 , 耷 低頭 , 一句 說話 都 唔 敢講 。 Sun Quan|stand|at|place|droop|head|a single|word|at all|not| Sun Quan stands there, with his head down, not daring to say a word. 喬國老 就 勸 佢 哋 話 喇 : 國太 你 唔 好 嬲 喇 。 Qiao Guolao|then|advised|he|they|said|particle indicating completed action|Guotai|you|not|very|angry|particle indicating completed action Old Qiao advised them, saying: "Your Majesty, please don't be angry." 事情 已經 到 咗 噉 嘅 地步 咯 , 誒 劉皇叔 乃 係 漢室 宗親 , 噉 不如 真 係 招 咗 佢 做 女婿 , 就 免得 出醜 啦 。 thing|already|reached|past tense marker|like this|possessive particle|situation|final particle|interjection|Liu the Emperor's uncle|is|is|Han dynasty|clan relative|like this|might as well|really|is|recruit|past tense marker|him|be|son-in-law|then|to avoid|embarrassment|final particle The situation has already reached this point, so, hey, Liu the Emperor is a relative of the Han family, so why not really invite him to be a son-in-law to avoid embarrassment? 孫權 話 : 佢 哋 年紀 怕 唔 相當 喎 。 Sun Quan|said|they|plural marker|age|afraid|not|comparable|sentence-final particle Sun Quan said: "Their ages might not match." 誒 , 劉皇叔 乃 係 當代 豪傑 , 招到 呢 個 女婿 , 亦 唔 會配 唔 上 令妹 吖 。 hey|Liu the Emperor's uncle|||contemporary|hero|found|this|measure word|son-in-law|also|not||not|up|your younger sister|particle Hey, Liu the Emperor is a contemporary hero, inviting this son-in-law wouldn't be unworthy of your sister. 配 唔 上 嘅 。 match|not|up|particle It wouldn't be unworthy. 配得 上 。 Deserves it. 吳國太 話 嘞 : 你 哋 兩個 都 不必 爭論 嘞 。 Wu Guotai|said|past tense marker|you|plural marker|both|all|no need to|argue|past tense marker Lady Wu said: You two don't need to argue. 我 啊 唔 識 劉皇叔 嘅 , 聽日 , 就 約 佢 喺 甘露寺 見 下面 , 等 我 睇 下鐘 唔 鐘意 先 。 I|ah|not|know|Liu Huangshu|possessive particle|tomorrow|then|will arrange|he|at|Ganlu Temple|meet|below|wait|I|see||not|convenient|first I don't know Liu Huangshu, tomorrow, I'll arrange to meet him at Ganlu Temple, let me see if I like him first. 喬國老 話 喇 : 如果 鐘意 呢 ? Qiao Guolao|said|particle indicating completed action|if|likes|question particle Old Qiao said: What if you like him? 我 就 招 佢 做 女婿 , 將個 女 嫁 畀 佢 。 I|then|take in|he|be|son-in-law||daughter|marry|to|him Then I'll invite him to be my son-in-law and marry my daughter to him. 孫權 問喇 : 如果 母親 唔 鐘意 呢 ? Sun Quan||if|mother|not|likes|this Sun Quan asked: What if my mother doesn't like it? 噉 就 任由 你 哋 點做 都 好 係 啦 。 then|just|let|you|plural marker|do it|all|fine|is|sentence final particle Then just let you all do whatever you want. 謹 遵 母親 之命 , 孩兒 告辭 嘞 。 respectfully|obey|mother||child|take leave|past tense marker I will obey my mother's orders, the child takes his leave. 孫權 係 個 孝順 仔 , 見 母親 噉 樣講 呢 應承 落 嚟 。 Sun Quan|is|a|filial|son|sees|mother|like this|speaking|this|promised|to|come Sun Quan is a filial son, seeing his mother say this, he should comply. 佢 出 到 去 即刻 就 叫 呂范 嚟 。 He|go out|arrive|to|immediately|then|call|Lui Fan|come He went out and immediately called for Lü Fan. 吩咐 佢 聽 日 喺 甘露寺 嘅 方丈 , 方丈 即 係 , 寺院 裏 便 接待 貴客 嘅 地方 , 喺 甘露寺 嘅 方丈 啊 舉行宴會 。 instructed|him|tomorrow|day|at|Ganlu Temple|possessive particle|abbot|abbot|that is|is|temple|inside|then|receiving|distinguished guests|possessive particle|place|at|Ganlu Temple|possessive particle|abbot|ah| Instruct him to meet at the Abbot's place in Ganlu Temple tomorrow. The Abbot is the place in the temple where distinguished guests are received, and a banquet will be held at the Abbot's place in Ganlu Temple. 國太要 見 劉備 噉 , 同時 呢將 先頭 個 事講 畀 佢 聽 。 |to see|Liu Bei|like this|at the same time||first|the||to|him|hear The Empress Dowager wants to see Liu Bei, and at the same time, let’s inform him about the previous matter. 呂范 就 說 喇 : 啊 , 不如 噉 啦 , 主公 你 叫 賈華帶 住 三百名 刀斧手 , 埋伏 喺 兩 便 走廊 。 Lǚ Fàn|then|said|particle indicating a completed action|ah|might as well|like this|particle indicating suggestion|lord|you|to call||with|300|swordsmen|ambush|at|two|side|corridors Lü Fan then said: Ah, how about this, my lord, you ask Jia Hua to bring three hundred axe-wielding men and ambush them in the two corridors. 如果 國太見 咗 面 唔 鐘意 咯 , 一聲 號令 , 立 即將 佢 捉住 , 噉 好 唔 好 吖 ? if||past tense marker|face|not|like|sentence-final particle|with one command|order|immediately||him|capture|like this|good|not|good|question particle If the Empress Dowager is displeased upon meeting, with a single command, we will immediately capture her, how does that sound? 呢 個 辦法 好 ! this|measure word|method|good This plan is good! 於是 孫權 又 使 人 去 叫 賈華 嚟 , 吩咐 佢 做好 準備 。 then|Sun Quan|again|sent|someone|to go|to call|Jia Hua|to come|instructed|him|to make good|preparations So, Sun Quan sent someone to call for Jia Hua, instructing him to make good preparations. 聽日 , 就 係 睇 住國 太 嘅 面色 行事 嘞 。 tomorrow|then|is|watching||Tai|possessive particle|facial expression|act|past tense particle Tomorrow, we will act according to the mood of the state matriarch. 呢 , 孔明 第一個 錦囊妙計 , 就 係 叫 劉備 一到 南 徐 就 去 拜見 喬國老 , 真 係 冇 錯 嘅 喎 。 this|Zhuge Liang|first|brilliant strategy|then|is|to tell|Liu Bei|as soon as|||then|to go|pay respects to|Qiao Guolao|really|is|no|mistake|possessive particle|sentence-final particle This, Kong Ming's first brilliant strategy, is to have Liu Bei visit Qiao Guo Lao as soon as he arrives in Nan Xu, which is indeed correct. 喬國老 佢 告辭 咗 吳國太 返去 屋企 , 即刻 就 派 個 親信 去 通水 畀 劉備知 。 Qiao Guolao|he|took his leave|past tense marker|Lady Wu|returned|home|immediately|then|sent|classifier for people|trusted messenger|to|inform|to| Qiao Guo Lao bid farewell to Wu Guo Tai and returned home, immediately sending a trusted person to inform Liu Bei. 當然 , 說話 就 唔 能夠 講得 太白 嘞 。 of course|speaking|then|not|able to|speak|too straightforward|particle indicating completed action Of course, the message cannot be too explicit. 就 係 話 , 聽日 吳侯 、 國太 親自 要 見 皇叔 , 千祈千祈 要 在意 啊 噉 。 |||tomorrow|Lord Wu|Lady Guo|personally|will|meet|Prince Huang|absolutely|must|take seriously|| That is to say, tomorrow Wu Hou and Guo Tai personally want to meet with the Emperor's uncle, so please pay attention to it. 噉 啊 得 㗎 啦 , 劉備 醒水 嘞 。 like this|ah|okay|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completion|Liu Bei|wake up|past tense particle That's fine, Liu Bei is awake. 佢 就 同 孫 乾 、 趙雲 商量 。 he|then|with|Sun|Qian|Zhao Yun|discuss He then discussed with Sun Qian and Zhao Yun. 趙雲 話 : 宴無好 宴 , 會無好 會 。 Zhao Yun|said||banquet||meeting Zhao Yun said: A banquet without good food, a meeting without good discussions. 聽日 , 甘露寺 嘅 宴會 實 係 凶多吉少 。 tomorrow|Gam Lo Temple|possessive particle|banquet|really|is|more bad luck than good luck Tomorrow, the banquet at Ganlu Temple is indeed more likely to be ominous than auspicious. 等 我 帶齊 五百名 士兵 , 跟 住 主公 去 啦 。 wait|I|bring along|500|soldiers|follow|closely|lord|go|particle indicating action completion Wait for me to gather five hundred soldiers, then we will go with the lord. 第 日 , 吳國太 、 喬國老 呀 最先 嚟 到 甘露寺 嘅 方丈 。 the|day|Wu Guotai|Qiao Guolao|particle indicating exclamation|first|||Ganlu Temple|possessive particle|abbot The next day, Lady Wu and Qiao Guolao were the first to arrive at the Ganlu Temple. 坐落 之後 , 孫權 帶住 一班 謀士 亦 都 嚟 到 。 located|after|Sun Quan|bringing|a group of|strategists|||| After settling down, Sun Quan also arrived with a group of strategists. 佈置 好 喇 , 然後 就 叫 呂范去 賓館 請 劉備 嚟 。 arrangement|good|particle indicating completion|then|then|call||hotel|invite|Liu Bei|come Once everything was arranged, he asked Lu Fan to go to the inn to invite Liu Bei. 劉備 佢 啊 得到 喬國老 通水 吖 , 亦 作好 充分 嘅 準備 嘞 。 Liu Bei|he|particle indicating realization|received|Qiao Guolao|water supply|particle indicating emphasis|also|made good|sufficient|possessive particle|preparations|past action particle Liu Bei had already received the message from Qiao Guolao and was well prepared. 佢 呢 , 裏 便 着 住 一件 軟甲 , 外便 着 住件 錦袍 , 帶齊 五百名 士兵 啊 跟 尾 。 he|question particle|inside|then|wearing|continuous aspect particle|one piece of|soft armor||wearing||brocade robe|bringing along||soldiers|final particle|following|behind He was wearing a piece of soft armor inside and a brocade robe outside, accompanied by five hundred soldiers. 嚟 到 甘露寺 大門口 就 落 咗 馬 , 孫權 就 喺 門口 迎接 佢 。 come|arrive|Ganlu Temple|main entrance|then|get off|past tense marker|horse|Sun Quan|then|at|entrance|welcome|him When he arrived at the main gate of Ganlu Temple, Sun Quan came out to greet him. 孫權 同 劉備 呢 一次 啊 , 乃 係 第一次 會面 , 啊 。 Sun Quan|and|Liu Bei|this|time|particle|indeed|is|first|meeting| This meeting between Sun Quan and Liu Bei was their first encounter. 當時 劉備 係 四十八歲 , 孫權 呢 , 廿 七歲 唧 。 at that time|Liu Bei|was|48 years old|Sun Quan|particle indicating a question|twenty||was At that time, Liu Bei was forty-eight years old, while Sun Quan was twenty-seven. 噉 孫權 見到 劉備 儀表非凡 , 個心 啊 有 啲 畏懼 啊 。 then|Sun Quan|saw|Liu Bei|extraordinary appearance||ah|had|a little|fear|ah When Sun Quan saw Liu Bei's extraordinary demeanor, he felt a bit intimidated. 兩個 人見 咗 面 , 彼此 行過禮 , 互相 問候 , 然後 呢 就 入 去 方丈 見國 太 。 two||past tense marker|face|each other|exchanged greetings|mutually|inquired about each other's well-being|then|this|then|||abbot|Jian Guo|Tai The two people met, greeted each other, and then went to see the national matriarch. 國太一 見到 劉備 呀 , 哎呀 , 歡喜 到 佢 乜嘢 噉 。 Guo Taiyi|saw|Liu Bei|particle|oh no|happy|to|he|what|like this As soon as the national matriarch saw Liu Bei, she was overjoyed. 即刻 就 對 喬國老 話 喇 : 真 係 我 嘅 好 女婿 啊 , 好 女婿 啊 ! immediately|then|to|Mr Qiao|said|particle indicating completed action|really|is|my|possessive particle|good|son-in-law|particle indicating exclamation|good|son-in-law|particle indicating exclamation She immediately said to Qiao Guolao: "He is truly my good son-in-law, a good son-in-law!" 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 俗語 都 有 話 喇 : 外母 见 女婿 就 口水 滴滴 渧 啊 , 哈哈 , 睇 嚟 真 係 古今 一理 㗎 吓 。 hahaha|ha|proverb|all|has|saying|particle|mother-in-law|sees|son-in-law|then|saliva|dripping|wet|ah||looking|come|really|is|ancient and modern|one principle|particle|ah Hahaha, there is a saying: "When a mother-in-law sees her son-in-law, her mouth waters!" Hahaha, it seems this is indeed a truth throughout the ages. 喬國老 亦 讚不絕口 啊 : 國太 , 你 睇 下 , 玄德 呀 龍眉鳳目 , 兩 耳垂 肩 , 手長 過膝 , 乃 係 大富大貴 , 帝王之相 啊 ! Qiao Guolao|also|praises endlessly|ah|Guotai|you|look|down|Xuande|ah|dragon-like eyebrows and phoenix-like eyes|two|earlobes|shoulders||past the knees|indeed|is|very rich and noble|emperor's countenance|ah Qiao Guolao also praised him endlessly: "National matriarch, look at Xuan De, with dragon eyebrows and phoenix eyes, earlobes hanging to his shoulders, and hands longer than his knees; he has the appearance of great wealth and nobility, the look of an emperor!" 更 兼 佢 嘅 仁德 布 於 天下 , 國太 你 得到 呢 位 佳婿 , 可喜可賀 , 可喜可賀 啊 , 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 even more|also|he|possessive particle|benevolence|spread|in|the world|Guotai|you|obtained|this|measure word for people|good son-in-law|worthy of congratulations|worthy of congratulations|ah|hahaha|hahaha Moreover, his benevolence spreads throughout the world. National Mother, you have gained such a fine son-in-law, how delightful, how delightful, haha haha. 劉備 拜謝 過國 太 , 就 埋席 開始 宴會 。 Liu Bei|thanked|Guo Guo|Tai|then|set the seats|started|banquet Liu Bei thanked the National Mother and then began the banquet. 過 咗 一陣 , 趙雲帶 住劍入 到 嚟 , 就 企 喺 劉備 側跟 。 after|past tense marker|a while|||to|come|then|stand|at|Liu Bei|side After a while, Zhao Yun entered with his sword and stood beside Liu Bei. 國太 只 係 聽過 呢 個 名 就 未 見過 趙雲 嘅 , 佢 問 劉備 話 嘞 : Lady Kuo|only|is|heard of|this|measure word|name|just|not yet|seen|Zhao Yun|possessive particle|he|asked|Liu Bei|said|past tense particle The National Mother had only heard of this name but had never seen Zhao Yun, so she asked Liu Bei: 呢 位 將軍 係 邊個 啊 ? this|classifier for people|general|is|who|question particle Who is this general? 佢 就 係 常山 趙子龍 啊 。 He|just|is|Changshan|Zhao Zilong|ah He is indeed Zhao Zilong from Changshan. 啊 , 喺 當陽 長 坂抱 阿斗 嘅 就 係 佢 係 嘛 ? ah|at|Changban|Zhang||Adou|possessive particle|just|is|he|is|question particle Ah, the one who held A Dou at Changban Slope in Dangyang is him, right? 冇 錯 嘞 。 not|wrong|past tense marker That's right. 真真 係 英雄 啊 ! 老身 要敬 趙 將軍 一 杯酒 。 really|is|hero|ah|I (humble form)||Zhao|general|one|cup of wine He truly is a hero! I must toast General Zhao with a drink. 多謝 國太 ! thank you|Mrs Kwok Thank you, National Empress! 趙雲 接過 酒 , 一飲而盡 , 然後 , 佢 細細 聲 對 劉備 話 嘞 : Zhao Yun|took|wine|drank it all in one go|then|he|softly|voice|to|Liu Bei|said|past tense marker Zhao Yun took the wine, drank it all in one go, and then quietly said to Liu Bei: 主公 , 啱 先 我 喺 外邊 走廊 巡視 咗 一下 , 發現 房間 裏 便 有 刀斧手 埋伏 喺 處 , 必定 係 冇 好意 。 Your Majesty|just|now|I|at|outside|corridor|patrol|past tense marker|a moment|discovered|room|inside|then|there is|assassin|ambushed|at|place|definitely|is|no|good intentions "My lord, just now I patrolled the corridor outside and found that there were assassins lying in ambush in the room, they must have ill intentions." 主公 , 你講 畀 國太聽 。 Your Majesty||to| "My lord, you should tell Guo Tai." 哦 ? oh "Oh?" 劉備 立即 起身 離席 , 去 到 國太 面前 跪 低 喺 地 , 流住 眼淚 噉 話 。 Liu Bei|immediately|stood up|left his seat|||Lady Gan|in front of|||at|ground|flowing|tears|like that|said Liu Bei immediately stood up from the table, went to Guo Tai, knelt down on the ground, and said with tears in his eyes. 哈哈 , 劉備 啲 眼淚 真 係 嚟 得 快 㗎 吓 。 haha|Liu Bei|possessive particle|tears|really|is|come|able to|fast|sentence-final particle|huh Haha, Liu Bei's tears really come quickly. 國太 , 如果 想 殺 我 劉備 , 就 請 你 殺 係 啦 。 Lady Guo|if|wants|to kill|me|Liu Bei|then|please|you|kill|is| Guo Tai, if you want to kill me, Liu Bei, then please go ahead. 吳國太 奇怪 嘞 : 點解 你 噉 講 啊 ? Mr Ng|strange|particle indicating realization|why|you|like that|speak|particle indicating question Guo Tai from Wu is puzzled: Why are you saying that? 走廊 外便 , 已經 埋伏 咗 刀斧手 , 唔 係 要 殺 我 劉備 啊 殺 邊個 呢 ? corridor|go outside|already|ambushed|past tense marker|assassin|||want|kill|me|Liu Bei|ah|kill|who|question particle Outside the corridor, there are already ambushers waiting; if it's not to kill me, Liu Bei, then who are they going to kill? 吳國太 發火 咯 , 佢 鬧 孫權 啊 : Lady Wu|got angry|sentence-final particle|he|scolded|Sun Quan|exclamatory particle Guo Tai from Wu is angry, scolding Sun Quan: 玄德 今日 既然 做 咗 我 嘅 女婿 , 即 係 我 嘅 兒女 , 為 咩 嘢 事要 埋伏 啲 刀斧手 喺 外 便 啊 , 吓 ? 你講 啦 , 為 咩 嘢 事 ! Xuande|today|since|become|past tense marker|my|possessive particle|son-in-law|then|is|my|possessive particle|children|for|what|thing||ambush|plural marker|assassins|at|outside|convenient|particle|huh||particle|for|what|thing|matter Yuan De, since you have become my son-in-law today, which means you are part of my family, why do you need to ambush some assassins outside, huh? You tell me, what is it for! 孩兒 唔 知道 噃。 child|not|know|particle indicating uncertainty I don't know, my child. 你 唔 知 邊個 知 啊 ? you|not|know|who|knows|question particle You don't know who knows, huh? 誒 , 要 問下 呂范至 得 。 hey|want|ask||can Eh, we need to ask Lu Fan. 叫 呂范入 嚟 。 call||in Call Lu Fan in. 叫 咗 呂范 嚟 , 吳國太 就 問 佢 : call|past tense marker|Lui Fan|come|Lady Wu|then|asked|him Called Lü Fan over, Lady Wu asked him: 呂范 , 喺 外 便 埋伏 啲 刀斧手 , 係 唔 係 你 出 嘅 主意 啊 ? Lui Fan|at|outside|then|ambush|plural marker|assassins|is|not|is|you|come up with|possessive particle|idea|question particle Lü Fan, was it your idea to ambush the axe and sword men outside? 啟 稟 國 太 , 呢 啲 , 唔 關我 事 嘅 , 誒 要 問賈華 , 至 知道 。 |||||||||particle indicating possession|hey|need||only|knows I report to Lady Wu, these matters have nothing to do with me, you should ask Jia Hua to know. 吳國太 叫 咗 賈華 嚟 , 鬧 到 佢 呀 一 罰 出世 , 二罰 涅槃 。 Lady Wu|called|past tense marker|Jia Hua|to come|scolded|until|he|particle indicating exclamation|one|punishment|reincarnation|second punishment|nirvana Lady Wu called Jia Hua over and scolded him severely, punishing him with a punishment of birth and a punishment of rebirth. 賈華 當然 啊 唔 敢 爆煲 啦 就 唯有 一個 人吞晒 , 佢 死 唔 開口 。 Jiahua|of course|ah|not|dare|spill the beans|particle|then|only|one||he|die|not|speak Of course, Jia Hua didn't dare to spill the beans, so only one person took the blame, and he died without saying a word. 吳國太 火起 嘞 , 喝令 斬 咗 佢 。 Lady Wu|in anger|past tense marker|ordered|to behead|past tense marker|him Lady Wu got angry and ordered to behead him. 唔 得 了 嘅 咯 喎 要 斬 人 就 , 劉備 開聲 求情 嘞 : not|able|past tense marker|possessive particle|final particle|final particle|want|kill|person|then|Liu Bei|speak up|plead for mercy|past action marker It can't be done! If we have to behead someone, Liu Bei pleaded for mercy: 國太 , 如果 斬 咗 大將 於 親事 唔 吉利 啊 ; Empress|if|kill|past tense marker|general|at|marriage|not|auspicious|sentence-final particle Lady Wu, if we behead a general, it won't be auspicious for the family; 而且 , 噉 樣 我 亦 好 難 喺 你 老人家 嘅 身邊 企得 住 啊 。 moreover|like this|appearance|I|also|very|difficult|at|you|elderly person|possessive particle|beside|||ah particle Moreover, it will be very difficult for me to stand by your side. 噉 嘛 , 好 啦 , 睇 在 賢婿 面上 , 我 就 饒恕 佢 咗 啦 。 like this|particle indicating obviousness|good|particle indicating completion|looking at|at|virtuous son-in-law|in front of|I|then|forgive|he|past tense marker|particle indicating completion Well then, fine, for the sake of my worthy son-in-law, I will forgive him. 賈華 , 仲 唔 過 嚟 多謝 皇叔 ? Jia Wah|still|not|||thank|Uncle Wang Jiahua, aren't you going to come over and thank the Prince? 多謝 皇叔 ! thank you|uncle (imperial) Thank you, Prince! 出去 ! go out Get out! 係 。 yes Yes. 哎呀 , 賈華 走 都 走 唔 切 喇 。 oh no|Jiahua|leave|already||||particle indicating completed action Oh no, Jiahua is leaving and can't bear to go. 嗰 班 刀斧手 就 唔 在 講咯 , 抱頭鼠竄 , 有 咁 快 時 趯 咁 快 啊 。 that|group|thugs|then|not|around|talking|fleeing in panic|have|so|fast|time|reaction|so|fast|ah Those knife-wielders are not talking anymore, they are fleeing in panic, how can they run away so quickly? 飲 咗 一輪 酒 , 劉備 出去 更衣 之後 , 就 行到 大殿 前 便 , 見到 空地 嗰 處 呢 有 一塊 大石頭 。 drink|past tense marker|one round|wine|Liu Bei|go out|change clothes|after|then|walked to|main hall|in front of|just|saw|empty space|that|place|particle indicating a question|has|a piece|big rock After drinking for a while, Liu Bei went out to change his clothes, and when he walked to the front of the main hall, he saw a large stone in the empty space. 劉備 叫 隨從 畀 把 劍 佢 , 佢 昂起 頭 , 個 心 喺 度 禱告 上天 啊 : Liu Bei|called|attendant|to give|measure word for swords|sword|he||raised|head|measure word for nouns|heart|at|location particle|praying|heaven|ah particle Liu Bei called his attendant to give him a sword, he raised his head, and his heart prayed to the heavens: 如果 我 劉備 能夠 返回 荊州 , 完成 王霸之 業 , 一劍 , 將 塊石 斬為 兩段 ; if|I|Liu Bei|can|return|Jingzhou|complete|||with one sword|will|the stone|cut into|two pieces If I, Liu Bei, can return to Jingzhou and accomplish the great cause of kingship, I will use this sword to split the stone in two; 如果 死 喺 呢 處 , 劍 就 斬石 唔 開 。 if|die|at|this|place|sword|then||not|open If I die here, the sword will not be able to cut the stone. 禱告 完 , 手起 劍 落 , 撐 ! 火星 綻起 嚟 , 塊 石頭 分為 兩段 ! pray|finished||sword|drop|support|Mars|burst|come|piece|rock||two pieces The prayer is finished, the sword is raised and struck down, hold on! Sparks fly, and the stone splits into two! 孫權 喺 後 便 見到 嘞 , 就 行過 嚟 問 劉備 嘞 : Sun Quan|at|later|then|saw|past tense marker|then|walked over|here|asked|Liu Bei|past tense marker Sun Quan saw this from behind and walked over to ask Liu Bei: 玄德公 , 點解 咁 嬲 嚿 石頭 啊 ? Lord Xuande|why|so|angry|a piece of|stone|question particle Xuan De Gong, why are you so angry at the stone? 哦 , 我 已經 年 近 五十 , 都 未 能夠 為 國家 剿除 賊黨 , 個心 , 時時 都 自己 怨恨 自己 啊 。 oh|I|already|year|nearly|fifty|still|not yet|able to|for|country|eliminate|bandits|my heart|all the time|all|myself|resent|myself|ah Oh, I am nearly fifty years old and still unable to eliminate the bandits for the country, my heart often blames myself. 今日 承蒙 國太招 咗 做 女婿 , 乃 係 我 平生 嘅 際遇 。 today|thanks to||past tense marker|to be|son-in-law|is|is|I|lifetime|possessive particle|fortune Today, I have been honored by the national leader to become a son-in-law, which is the greatest opportunity in my life. 哈哈 , 啱 先 我 向 天問 卦 , 如果 能夠 破 曹興漢 , 就 斬斷 塊石 啦 噉 , 哈 , 果然 斬斷 咗 喇 。 haha|||I|towards||divination|if|can|defeat|Cao Xinghan|then|cut off|the stone|particle|like that|ha|indeed|cut off|past tense marker|particle Haha, just now I asked the heavens for an omen, if I can defeat Cao Xinhàn, then I will cut this stone, ha, and indeed I have cut it. 孫權 諗 嘞 : 莫非 劉備 佢 講 大話 呃 我 ? Sun Quan|thought|past tense marker|could it be|Liu Bei|he|said|lies|deceive|me Sun Quan thought: Could it be that Liu Bei is lying to trick me? 孫權 亦 掹 出 把 劍 嚟 對 劉備 話 : 等 我 亦 都 向 天問 卦 至 得 , 如果 破得 曹賊 , 亦 斬斷 呢 塊石 啦 。 Sun Quan|also|||a|sword|to|towards|Liu Bei|said|wait|I|also|||||||||||cut off|this||particle Sun Quan also drew his sword and said to Liu Bei: Let me also ask the heavens for an omen, if I can defeat the Cao bandit, I will also cut this stone. 孫權 把 口 係 噉 講呀 , 之個 心 呢 , 就 暗暗 禱告 話 嘞 : 如果 我 再 攞 到 荊州 , 興旺 東吳 , 就 斬 開 塊石 做 兩邊 ! Sun Quan|(particle indicating action)|mouth|is|like that|talking|that|heart|particle indicating question|then|secretly|pray|saying|past tense particle|if|I|again|take|to|Jingzhou|prosper|Eastern Wu|then|cut|open|stone|make|two sides Sun Quan spoke like this, but in his heart, he secretly prayed: If I can take Jingzhou again and prosper Eastern Wu, then I will split this stone into two! 孫權 手起 劍 落 , 塊 大石 亦 斬 開 咗 。 Sun Quan|hand raised|sword|fell|piece|large rock|also|cut|open|past tense marker Sun Quan swung his sword down, and the large stone was also cut open. 嗱 各位 , 到 而家 , 呢 嚿 有 十字 紋 嘅 恨 石 仲 喺 度 㗎 。 well|everyone|until|now|this|piece|has|cross|pattern|possessive particle|hard|stone|still|at|place| Well, everyone, as of now, this stone with a cross pattern is still here. 呢 仲有 詩為 證 噃: this|still has|poem as|evidence|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation There is also poetry to prove it: 寶劍 落時 山石 斷 , 金環響 處 火光 生 。 precious sword|at the moment of falling|mountain rock|breaks||where|firelight|arises The precious sword falls, the mountain stone breaks, the golden ring sounds, and the firelight arises. 兩朝 旺氣 皆 天數 , 從此 乾坤 鼎足 成 。 two dynasties|prosperous energy|all|fate|from then on|universe|balanced|established The prosperity of two dynasties is all fate, from now on, the universe stands firm. 係 喇 各位 , 呢 處 我 又 插 一句 , 甘露寺 呢 , 就 確係 有 呢 間 寺 嘅 , 就 喺 而 家 江蘇省 鎮江市 北固山 上 。 is|particle indicating completion|everyone|this|place|I|again|insert|one sentence|Ganlu Temple|this|then|definitely|has|this|measure word for buildings|temple|possessive particle|just|at|||Jiangsu Province|Zhenjiang City|Beigu Mountain|on Yes, everyone, let me add one more thing, the Ganlu Temple, indeed has this temple, it is located on the Beigu Mountain in Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province. 呢 間 寺 經歷 過 咁 多 朝代 啊 , 又 毀壞 過好 多次 , 又 重建 過好 多次 啲 古蹟 啊 噉 而家 仲 喺 唔 喺 處 呢 噉 ? this|measure word for buildings|temple|experienced|past tense marker|so|many|dynasties|sentence-final particle|again|destroyed||many times||rebuilt||many times|plural marker|historical sites|sentence-final particle|like that|now|still|at|not|at|place|this|like that This temple has experienced so many dynasties, has been destroyed many times, and has been rebuilt many times. Is it still here now? 我 啊 未 去過 就 唔 知 啦 , 噉 有 邊位 去過 嘅 , 誒 就 唔 該講 我 聽 喇 吓 。 I|particle indicating realization|not yet|have been|then|not|know|particle indicating finality|then|have|who|have been|particle indicating past action|eh|then|not||I|hear|particle indicating completion|surprise particle I haven't been there, so I don't know. Is there anyone who has been there? Please tell me. 噉 啊 劉備 同 孫權 掉 低 把 劍 , 大家 拖住 手 重新 入席 , 又 飲 咗 幾 巡酒 。 like this|ah|Liu Bei|and|Sun Quan|drop|down|(measure word for tools)|sword|everyone|holding|hands|again|take their seats|again|drink|past tense marker|several|rounds of drinks Then Liu Bei and Sun Quan put down their swords, everyone held hands and sat down again, and they drank a few rounds of wine. 孫乾同 劉備 打個 眼色 , 劉備 會意 , 就 向 孫權 告辭 話 : |Liu Bei||signal|Liu Bei|understood|then|to|Sun Quan|take his leave|said Sun Qian and Liu Bei exchanged glances, Liu Bei understood, and then said goodbye to Sun Quan, saying: 我 不勝酒力 , 再 唔 飲 得 喇 , 告辭 嘞 。 I|can't hold my liquor|again|not|||already|take my leave|past tense particle I can't handle my liquor, I can't drink anymore, goodbye. 於是 孫權 就 送 劉備 出到 寺 門外 便 , 兩個 人 一 拍 噉 企響 處 , 欣賞 下 江山 美景 。 then|Sun Quan|then|escorted|Liu Bei|out to|temple|outside the gate|then|the two|people|one|clap|like that|standing|place|appreciating|the|landscape|beautiful scenery So, Sun Quan sent Liu Bei out to the temple gate, and the two of them stood there, admiring the beautiful scenery of the river and mountains. 劉備 好 高興 噉 話 : 啊 ! 呢 度 真 係 天下第一 江山 啊 ! Liu Bei|very|happy|then|said|ah|this|place|really|is||kingdom|ah Liu Bei happily said: Ah! This place really is the best land under heaven! 呢 , 到 而家 甘露寺 有個 碑 , 上 便仲刻 住 天下第一 江山 噉 嘅 字句 嘅 。 this|arrive|now|Ganlu Temple||stele|on||with||country|like that|possessive particle|inscription|possessive particle Now, there is a stele at Ganlu Temple, which still has the inscription saying 'the best land under heaven'. 當 佢 哋 兩個 人 喺 度 欣賞 景致 嘅 時候 , 江風 浩蕩 , 白浪滔天 。 when|they|plural marker|two|people|at|location particle|appreciating|scenery|possessive particle|time|river wind|vast| While they were admiring the scenery, the river wind was strong, and the white waves were surging. 只見 喺 波濤 之上 有 隻 小船 , 喺 江面 上 行駛 , 就 好似 喺 平地 行路 一樣 噉 。 only saw|at|waves|above|there is|a (measure word for boats)|small boat|at|river surface|on|sailing|then|just like|at|flat ground|walking|the same|like that They saw a small boat on the waves, sailing on the river as if it were walking on flat ground. 劉備 就 感 歎 一聲 話 : 啊 , 南方人 駛船 , 北方 人 騎馬 真 係 冇 錯 㗎 。 Liu Bei|then|sighed|with a sigh|one sound|said|ah|southerners||northerners|people||really|is|not|wrong|particle Liu Bei sighed and said: Ah, southern people sail boats, northern people ride horses, that's really true. 孫權 聽 佢 噉 講 個 心 就 諗 嘞 : 劉備 噉 樣 講法 , 即 係 笑 我 唔 騎慣馬唧 。 Sun Quan|heard|he|like that|talk|the|heart|then|thought|past tense particle|Liu Bei|like|manner|way of speaking|immediately|is|laugh|I|not| Sun Quan, hearing him say that, thought to himself: Liu Bei saying this means he is mocking me for not being used to riding horses. 於是 佢 就 叫 隨從 牽 隻 馬過 嚟 , 啪 聲 , 飛身 上馬 ,𡃈𡃈 聲 跑 咗 落山 , 跟 住 又 加 兩 鞭 跑 返上 嶺 。 then|he|then|called|servant|led|measure word for animals||here|sound of a whip|sound|leaped|onto the horse|sound of galloping|sound|ran|past tense marker||followed|continuous aspect marker|again|added|two|whips|ran||ridge So he called his attendant to bring a horse over, with a snap, he jumped onto the horse, and with a galloping sound, he ran down the mountain, then added two more whips to run back up the ridge. 笑 住 對 劉備 話 : 哈哈哈 , 南方人 唔 識 騎馬 咩 吓 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 ||to|Liu Bei|said|hahaha|southerner|not|knows|riding a horse|question particle|surprised particle|hahaha|hahaha Laughing, he said to Liu Bei: Hahaha, southern people don't know how to ride horses, right? Hahahaha hahaha. 劉備 聽 咗 , 冇 出聲 , 佢 擸 起 件 袍 跳 上 馬背 飛跑 落山 , 跟 住 又 飛跑 返上 嚟 。 Liu Bei|heard|past tense marker|did not|make a sound|he||up|classifier for clothing|robe|jumped|onto|horse's back|ran fast|down the mountain|followed|continuous aspect marker|again|ran fast||here Liu Bei heard this, remained silent, lifted his robe, jumped onto the horse's back, and galloped down the mountain, then galloped back up again. 兩個 人 喺 山坡 之上 勒馬 企定 , 揸 住 支 馬鞭 , 拂下 拂下 放聲 大笑 喎 。 two|people|at|hillside|on|reins|stood still|holding|in|a|whip|flicking|flicking|laughing out loud|big laugh|particle Two people are standing on the hillside, holding a riding whip, laughing out loud. 到 而家 , 呢 個 山坡 就 叫做 駐馬坡 。 arrive|now|this|measure word|hillside|then|is called|Zhu Ma Po To this day, this hillside is called the 'Horse Station Hill'. 當日 , 兩個 人 就 一 拍 噉 騎馬 返城 。 that day|two|people|then|one|clap|like that|ride horses|return to the city On that day, the two of them rode back to the city. 南 徐城 啲 老百姓 見到 , 人人 都 高興 啊 。 South|Xu City|possessive particle|common people|saw|everyone|all|happy|sentence-final particle The common people of South Xu City saw this and everyone was very happy. 噉 高興 咩 呢 ? 無 他 嘅 , 孫權 同 劉備 如果 聯合 起 嚟 呀 , 噉 東南 呢 一 便 嘅 地方 就 總會 太平 啲 , 日子 就 好過 啦 嘛 。 then|happy|what|question particle|not have|he|possessive particle|Sun Quan|and|Liu Bei|if|unite|up|come|particle|then|Southeast|this|one|convenient|possessive particle|place|then|always|peaceful|more|days|then|better|particle|particle Why were they so happy? It's because if Sun Quan and Liu Bei united, then this southeastern region would definitely be more peaceful, and life would be better. 噉 啊 劉備 返到 賓館 , 就 同孫乾 商量 。 then|ah|Liu Bei|returned to|hotel|then||discussed So, Liu Bei returned to the hotel and discussed with Sun Qian. 孫乾話 : 主公 , 你 去 求 喬國老 啦 , 叫 佢 幫 你 講 下 早日 完婚 就 免生 變故 啊 。 Sun Qian said|Your Majesty|you|go|ask|the elder of Qiao|particle indicating suggestion|have|he|help|you|speak|a little|soon|marriage|then|avoid|unforeseen events|particle indicating exclamation Sun Qian said: "My lord, you should go and ask Qiao Guolao to help you talk about getting married soon to avoid any unforeseen circumstances." 劉備 聽 佢 話 , 第日 就 再次 去 求見 喬國老 。 Liu Bei|heard|he|said|the next day|then|again|go|request an audience with|Qiao Guolao Liu Bei listened to him and the next day went to seek an audience with Qiao Guolao again. 國老 請 佢 入 去 , 行過 禮飲過 茶 , 劉備 就 𠼮 佢 話 喇 : the old countryman|please|he|enter|there|after walking||tea|Liu Bei|then|asked|him|to say|particle indicating completed action Guolao invited him in, after exchanging greetings and having tea, Liu Bei then said to him: 東吳 有 好多 人 都 係 想害 我 嘅 , 我 恐怕 喺 呢 處 住 唔 耐 啊 。 Dongwu|has|many|people|all|are|want to harm|me|possessive particle|I|I'm afraid|at|this|place|live|not|long|ah particle "There are many people in Eastern Wu who want to harm me, I am afraid I won't be able to stay here for long." 玄德 , 你 寬心 啦 , 我同 你講 畀 國太聽 , 請 佢 嚟 維護 你 。 Xuande|you|worry|particle|||to||please|he|come|protect|you Xuande, you can rest assured, I will tell the national matriarch to come and protect you. 噉 啊 多謝 國老 嘞 。 then|ah|thank you|teacher|past tense marker Thank you very much, National Elder. 劉備 拜謝 過國 老 就 返 賓館 。 Liu Bei|thanked|Guo Guo|old|then|return|hotel Liu Bei thanked the National Elder and then returned to the hotel. 果然 喬國老 就 去 見 吳國太 , 話 劉備 怕 畀 人 謀害 , 急住 要 返 扯 喎 噉 。 as expected|Qiao Guolao|then|go|meet|Wu Guotai|said|Liu Bei|afraid|by|people|harm|urgently|want|return|pull|particle indicating suggestion|like this Sure enough, Elder Qiao went to see the Wu matriarch and said that Liu Bei was afraid of being harmed and was in a hurry to return. 國太好 嬲 啊 , 佢 話 : 我 嘅 女婿 , 邊個 敢 害 佢 啊 ? the country is good|angry|particle|he|said|I|possessive particle|son-in-law|who|dares|harm|him|particle The matriarch was very angry, she said: My son-in-law, who dares to harm him? 即時 就 請 劉備 搬入 去府 裏 便 嘅 書房 暫住 , 擇吉 成婚 。 immediately|then|invite|Liu Bei|move in|to the residence|inside|then|possessive particle|study|temporarily live|choose an auspicious day|get married Immediately, Liu Bei was asked to move into the study in the mansion to stay temporarily and choose an auspicious day to get married. 劉備 搬入 去 住 之後 呢 , 又 自己 去 見國 太 , 佢 話 : 小婿 雖然 入 咗 嚟 住唧 , 至怕 趙雲 佢 哋 喺 外 便 唔 方便 啊 , 啲 軍士 又 冇 人 約束 。 Liu Bei|move in|to|live|after|question particle|again|himself|to||Tai|he|said|son-in-law|although|entered|past tense marker|here|live|but afraid|Zhao Yun|they|plural marker|at|outside|then|not|convenient|ah|some|soldiers|again|no|one|restraint After Liu Bei moved in, he went to see Guo Tai. He said: Although the son-in-law has moved in, I am worried that Zhao Yun and the others might not be convenient outside, and the soldiers have no one to restrain them. 吳國太 話 搬 晒 入 嚟 啦 , 唔 好 住 喺 賓館 咯 免生 是非 啊 噉 , 嗨 係 噉 就 妥當 晒 喇 。 Mrs Ng|said|move|completely|in|here|sentence-final particle|||live|in|hotel|sentence-final particle|avoid|trouble|ah|like that|hi|is|like that|then|settled|completely|sentence-final particle Guo Tai said: Since you have moved in, don't stay in the hotel to avoid unnecessary trouble. Well, that's settled then. 過 咗 幾日 , 大排 筵席 , 孫夫人 同 劉備 結婚 嘞 喎 。 passed|completed action particle|several days|large|banquet|Lady Sun|and|Liu Bei|married|completed action particle|sentence-final particle A few days later, a grand banquet was held, and Lady Sun married Liu Bei. 飲 呢 餐 喜酒 呀 梗 係 高興 熱鬧 到 極定 啦 。 drink|this|meal|wedding banquet|particle|certainly|is|happy|lively|to|extremely|particle Of course, this wedding banquet was extremely joyful and lively. 到 晚頭 黑 , 啲 賓客 散晒 喇 , 兩行 紅燈 , 接引 劉備 呢 個 新郎 哥入 洞房 。 by|evening|dark|the|guests|all left|already|two rows|red lanterns|welcoming|Liu Bei|this|measure word|groom||bridal chamber By the end of the evening, all the guests had dispersed, and two rows of red lanterns welcomed Liu Bei, the groom, into the bridal chamber. 一入 到 去 新房 , 喺 燈光 之下 , 只見 擺滿 刀槍 。 upon entering|arrived|to|new house|at|light|under|only saw|filled with|weapons As soon as he entered the new room, under the light, he saw it filled with weapons. 所有 嘅 婢女 個個 都 配劍掛 刀 企 喺 兩 便 。 all|possessive particle|maid|every one|all||dagger|stand|at|two|sides All the maids were equipped with swords and knives, standing on both sides. 當堂 嚇 到 劉備 魂不附體 啊 , 哎呀 , 乜 噉 樣 洞房 法 嘅 咩 ? on the spot|scared|to|Liu Bei|soul leaving body|ah|oh no|what|like this|situation|wedding night|method|possessive particle|question particle Liu Bei was so frightened that he lost his composure, saying, 'What kind of bridal chamber is this?' 管家婆 見到 劉備 慌成 噉 樣 就 安慰 佢 話 喇 : the housekeeper|saw|Liu Bei|panicked|like that|appearance|then|comforted|him|said|particle The housekeeper, seeing Liu Bei in such a panic, comforted him by saying: 貴人 唔 使 驚 㗎 , 夫人 呀 自細 就 鐘意 練習 武功 。 noble person|not|need|afraid|sentence-final particle|lady|sentence-final particle|since childhood|already|likes|practice|martial arts Noble person, there's no need to be scared. Madam has liked practicing martial arts since she was young. 平常 , 時時 都 叫 啲 婢女 擊劍 嚟 玩 下 嘅 , 所以 先至 到處 係 刀槍 咋 嘛 , 唔 使 驚 㗎 吓 。 usually|all the time|all|call|plural marker|maid|fencing|come|play|a little|particle indicating past action|so|only then|everywhere|is|weapons|only|particle indicating obviousness|not|need|scared|particle indicating certainty|surprise particle Usually, she often asks the maids to play with swords, so that's why there are weapons everywhere. There's no need to be scared. 哎呀 呢 啲 , 都 唔 應該 係 夫 人學 嘅 嘢 咯 , 我 見到 都 覺得 心寒 啊 , 誒 叫 人 攞 開 佢 先 啦 。 oh no|this|plural marker|all|not|should|be|||possessive particle|things|final particle|I|saw|also|felt|heart cold|ah|hey|ask|someone|take|open|it|first|final particle Oh dear, these things shouldn't be what Madam learns. I feel cold just seeing them. Hey, let's get someone to take them away first. 哦 , 噉 好 啦 , 等 我 去 同 夫人 講啦 。 oh|then|good|particle|wait|I|go|with|wife| Oh, that's fine. Let me go talk to Madam. 管家婆 就 去 稟告 孫夫人 話 : the housekeeper|then|go|report|Lady Sun|said The housekeeper went to inform Madam Sun saying: 啟 稟 夫人 , 房間 裏 便 擺滿 咁 多 兵器 , 貴人 見到 呀 個 心好 唔 安樂 喎 , 好 唔 好 攞 走 啲 兵器 啊 ? ||madam|room|inside|then|filled with|||weapons|noble person|seeing|particle|that||not|at ease|particle||||||some|weapons| Madam, the room is filled with so many weapons, it makes one feel quite uneasy upon seeing them. Is it alright to take the weapons away? 孫夫人 笑 嘞 : 打仗 打 咗 成半 世人 咯 , 乜仲怕 兵器 嘅 咩 ? Mrs Sun|laugh|past tense marker|war|fight|past tense marker|half|world|past tense marker||weapons|possessive particle|question particle Lady Sun laughed and said: "We've been at war for half a lifetime, what is there to fear from weapons?" 噉 就 攞 走 啲 兵器 啦 , 誒 , 啲 婢女 嘅 佩劍 , 都 解低 埋 佢 。 then|just|take|away|the|weapons|sentence-final particle|eh|the|maid|possessive particle|sword|also|take off|together|her Then let's take the weapons away. Oh, and also take off the maidens' swords. 噉 樣 劉備 就 心安 喇 。 like this|way|Liu Bei|then|at ease|particle indicating completed action With that, Liu Bei felt at ease. 當晚 , 劉備 同 孫夫人 洞房花燭 , 感情 啊 非常 融洽 , 呢 啲 就 不在話下 喇 。 that night|Liu Bei|with|Lady Sun|wedding night|relationship|ah|very|harmonious|||just|not to mention|particle indicating completed action That night, Liu Bei and Lady Sun spent their wedding night together, and their feelings were very harmonious; this goes without saying. 劉備 就 好 會 做 㗎 , 佢 攞 啲 金銀 財物 出 嚟 , 打 賞 嗰 啲 婢女 , 一 於 收賣 人心 。 Liu Bei|just|very|capable|do|particle|he|take|some|gold and silver|wealth|out|come|beat|reward|those|some|maidservants|one|in|buying and selling|people's hearts Liu Bei is really good at this. He takes out gold and silver treasures to reward those maidservants, winning people's hearts. 又 吩咐 孫乾返 去 荊州 報喜 。 again|instructed||to|Jingzhou|report the good news He also instructed Sun Qian to return to Jingzhou to report the good news. 結婚 之後 一連 幾日 , 都 擺酒 慶賀 。 marriage|after|consecutive|several days|all|hold a banquet|celebrate After the wedding, there were several days of banquets to celebrate. 吳國太 對 劉備 啊 極之 敬愛 㗎 。 Lady Wu|towards|Liu Bei|ah|extremely|respect and love|particle indicating certainty The Empress of Wu has great respect and love for Liu Bei. 總之 劉備 新婚 嘅 階段 啊 , 同 上上下下 都 相處 得 極好 。 in short|Liu Bei|newlywed|possessive particle|stage|ah|and|everyone|all|get along|to|extremely well In short, during the early stage of Liu Bei's marriage, he got along extremely well with everyone. 但 係 孫權 就 翳 氣咯 。 ||Sun Quan|then|to obscure|breath But Sun Quan was furious. 佢 派 人 去 柴桑郡 講 畀 周瑜 聽 , 話 我 母親 極力 主張 , 已經 將我個 妹 啊 嫁 咗 畀 劉玄德 嘞 。 He|sent|people|to|Chaisang County|tell|to|Zhou Yu|hear|said|I|mother|strongly|advocated|already||younger sister|particle|married|past tense marker|to|Liu Xuande|particle He sent someone to Chaisang County to tell Zhou Yu that my mother strongly insisted that my sister has already been married to Liu Xuande. 想 唔 到 呢 次 搞 到 弄假成真 添 。 think|not|expected|this|time|make|succeed|turn falsehood into truth|additionally I didn't expect this time it turned out to be true. 噉 問 周瑜 啊 呢 件 事 究竟 仲 要點 搞 至 好 噉 。 then|ask|Zhou Yu|ah|this|measure word for events|matter|exactly|still||handle|until|good|then So I asked Zhou Yu how to handle this matter properly. 周瑜 得到 呢 個 消息 呀 大吃一驚 。 Zhou Yu|received|this|measure word|news|particle|was greatly shocked Zhou Yu was greatly shocked to receive this news. 佢 真 係 行 又 唔 係 企 又 唔 係 周身 唔 安樂 。 he|||walking|again|||standing|again|||whole body|| He really is restless, neither standing nor sitting. 佢 諗 啊 諗 啊 , 誒 , 又 有計 喇 。 he|think|particle|think|particle|hey|again||particle He thought and thought, and then, ah, he had a plan. 佢 喇 喇 聲 寫 一封信 交 畀 來 人 啊 帶 返 去 畀 孫權 。 He|particle indicating completed action|particle indicating completed action|sound|write||hand over|to|come|person|particle for emphasis|take|return|to|to|Sun Quan He wrote a letter in a hurry and gave it to the messenger to take back to Sun Quan. 封信 嘅 內容 就 係 話 : 呢 次 嘅 事 既然 弄假成真 , 就 索性 將計就計 。 the letter|possessive particle|content|just|is|saying|this|time|possessive particle|matter|since|turning falsehood into truth|then|might as well| The content of the letter said: Since this matter has turned false into true, let's just go along with the plan. 劉備 係 個 梟雄 , 既 有關 、 張 、 趙雲 呢 啲 勇將 輔助 佢 , 又 有 諸葛亮 幫 佢 出謀劃策 , 必定 唔 會 久居人下 。 Liu Bei|is|a|hero|already||Zhang|Zhao Yun|these|plural marker|brave generals|assist|him|also|has|Zhuge Liang|help|him|devise strategies|definitely|not|will| Liu Bei is a formidable hero, with brave generals like Guan, Zhang, and Zhao Yun assisting him, and Zhuge Liang helping him strategize, he definitely won't remain under someone else's rule for long. 我 嘅 意見 呢 , 最好 就 係 將 劉備 軟 困 喺 東吳 。 I|possessive particle|opinion|question particle|best|then|is|to trap|Liu Bei|soft|trapped|in|Eastern Wu My opinion is that it would be best to keep Liu Bei soft and trapped in Eastern Wu. 為 佢 起 啲 富麗堂皇 嘅 住宅 , 送 多 啲 美女 、 金銀珠寶 畀 佢 , 消磨 佢 個 雄心壯志 。 for|him|build|some|luxurious|possessive particle|residence|send|more|some|beautiful women|gold silver and jewels|to|his|||measure word|ambition Build him some magnificent residences, send him more beautiful women, gold, silver, and jewels to wear down his ambitions. 同時 , 又 疏遠 佢 同 關 、 張 、 諸葛 嘅 感情 。 at the same time|also|distance|he|with|Guan|Zhang|Zhuge|possessive particle|feelings At the same time, distance him from Guan, Zhang, and Zhuge. 然後 , 出兵 去 打 佢 就 大事 成功 嘞 。 then|send troops|to|fight|him|then|major event|successful|past tense marker Then, we can send troops to attack him and it will be a great success. 如果 而家 畀 佢 走 咗 , 最怕 就 好似 蛟龍 得到 雲雨 啊 , 終久 都 會 飛 上天 㗎 。 if|now|let|him|go||most afraid|then|like|dragon|receiving|rain and clouds|ah|eventually|all|will|fly|to the sky|particle If we let him go now, the worst fear is that it will be like a dragon getting the clouds and rain, and eventually, he will soar to the sky. 請 主公 你 考慮 啦 噉 。 please|lord|you|consider|particle|like this Please, my lord, consider this. 孫權 睇 咗 周瑜 封 密信 , 就 交 畀 張昭睇 。 Sun Quan|read|past tense marker|Zhou Yu|sealed|confidential letter|then|handed|to| Sun Quan looked at Zhou Yu's sealed letter and then handed it to Zhang Zhao. 張昭睇 過就話 喇 : 公 瑾 嘅 計謀 , 好合 我 嘅 意思 啊 。 Zhang Zhao||particle|Lord|Jin|possessive particle|strategy||my|possessive particle|intention|particle After reading it, Zhang Zhao said: "Gong Jin's plan aligns well with my thoughts." 劉備 此人 出身 寒微 低下 , 呢 半 世人 到處 奔波 , 都 未曾 享受 過 富貴 嘅 。 Liu Bei|this person|was born|poor|lowly|this|half|world|everywhere|struggling|all|never|enjoyed|past tense marker|wealth and honor|possessive particle Liu Bei is a person of humble and lowly origins; throughout his life, he has been struggling everywhere and has never enjoyed wealth and nobility. 而家 , 如果 將 啲 華堂 大廈 、 美女 珍寶 送 畀 佢 享受 , 噉 佢 就 自 必然 會 疏遠 孔明 、 關 、 張等 人 㗎 喇 。 now|if|to give|plural marker|Huatang|building|beautiful woman|treasure|to send|to|he|enjoy|then|he|will|naturally|inevitably|will|distance|Kongming|Guan||people|sentence final particle|sentence final particle Now, if we were to give him luxurious mansions, beautiful women, and treasures to enjoy, he would inevitably distance himself from Kong Ming, Guan, Zhang, and others. 等到 佢 哋 之間 互相 埋怨 嘞 , 噉 荊州 就 容易 攞 到手 啦 。 until|they|plural marker|between|each other|blame|past tense marker|then|Jingzhou|then|easily|take|in hand|sentence-final particle Wait until they start blaming each other, then Jingzhou will be easy to take. 請 主公 你 盡快 按照 公 瑾 嘅 計謀 做 啦 。 please|lord|you|as soon as possible|according to|||possessive particle|strategy|do|sentence-final particle Please, my lord, act quickly according to Gong Jin's plan. 好 ! 一 於 噉 話 啦 。 good||||to say|particle Alright! Let's just say that. 孫權 同意 晒 , 立即 下令 將 東府 修理 佈置 好 。 Sun Quan|agreed|completely|immediately|ordered|to|eastern residence|repair|arrange|well Sun Quan agrees completely and immediately orders the Eastern Residence to be repaired and arranged. 種 咗 好多 奇花異草 , 擺滿 各種各樣 華麗 嘅 陳設 , 就 請 劉備 同 孫夫人 搬入 去 住 。 plant|past tense marker|many|exotic flowers and rare plants|filled with|all kinds of|magnificent|possessive particle|furnishings|then|invite|Liu Bei|and|Lady Sun|move in|to|live Plant many exotic flowers and fill it with all kinds of magnificent decorations, then invite Liu Bei and Lady Sun to move in. 同時 啊 , 又 增添 咗 十幾個 歌舞 嘅 美女 , 又 送 咗 大量 嘅 金 珠 寶貝 種種 好玩 好 睇 嘅 禮物 。 at the same time|ah|also|added|past tense marker|more than ten|song and dance|possessive particle|beautiful women|also|gave|past tense marker|large amount|possessive particle|||treasures|all kinds of|fun|||possessive particle|gifts At the same time, they added more than a dozen beautiful dancers and sent a large number of gold beads and various fun and beautiful gifts. 吳國太 以為 係 孫權 嘅 好意 啦 , 就 歡喜 到 不得了 。 Lady Wu|thought|was|Sun Quan|possessive particle|good intentions|sentence-final particle|then|happy|to the extent of|extremely Lady Wu thought it was Sun Quan's good intentions, so she was extremely happy. 劉備 啊 確係 一 世人 都 未 享過 福 嘅 。 Liu Bei|ah|really|one|all people|all|not yet|enjoyed|happiness|particle indicating possession or modification Liu Bei really has never enjoyed such blessings in his life. 今日 居然 過住 呢 啲 噉 勝過 神仙 嘅 生活 , 嗨 呀 , 成 個人 都 入 晒 迷 , 一 啲 都 唔 想 返 荊州 喇 。 today|unexpectedly|living|this|plural marker|like this|better than|immortal|possessive particle|life|sigh|particle|whole|person|all|fall into|completely|obsession|one|plural marker|all|not|want|return|Jingzhou|particle Today, he is actually living a life that surpasses that of immortals. Oh, he is completely enchanted and doesn't want to return to Jingzhou at all. 好 喇 , 而家 講下 趙雲 。 good|particle indicating completion|now|let's talk about|Zhao Yun Alright, now let's talk about Zhao Yun. 佢 又 同埋 嗰 五百名 兵士 喺 東府 前 便 住 吖 。 He|again|and|that|five hundred|soldiers|at|East Mansion|in front of|easily|live|particle He is also stationed with those five hundred soldiers in front of the Eastern Mansion. 終日 都 無事 , 得閒 到極 。 all day|always|nothing to do|free time| There has been no incident all day, just leisure to the extreme. 所以 日日 呢 , 都 係 去 城外 跑馬 射箭 玩下唧 。 so|every day|question particle|all|is|go|outside the city|horse racing|archery| So every day, they go outside the city to ride horses, shoot arrows, and have some fun. 噉 啊過 咗 一日 又 一日 , 眼睇 住 就 到 年 尾 嘞 。 like this|after|past|one day|again|one day|in the blink of an eye|continuously|then|arrive|year|end|particle indicating completed action As days passed like this, the end of the year was approaching. 趙雲 諗 起 : 孔明 交 咗 三個 錦囊 畀 我 。 Zhao Yun|think|of|Kongming|gave|past tense marker|three|stratagems|to|me Zhao Yun thought: Kongming gave me three brocade pouches. 叫 我 一到 南 徐 就 開 第一個 ; call|I|as soon as|||then|open|the first one As soon as I arrive in Nan Xu, I will open the first one; 住 到 年 尾 就 開 第二個 ; live|until|year|end|then|open|second one By the end of the year, I will open the second one; 臨到 危急 冇 路 走 嘅 時候 , 就 開 第三個 。 when arriving at|critical|no|road|walk|possessive particle|time|then|open|third one When it comes to a critical moment with no way out, I will open the third one. 話 裏 便 有 神出鬼沒 嘅 計謀 , 可以 保 主公 返 荊州 嘅 噉 。 say|inside|then|has|elusive|possessive particle|strategy|can|protect|lord|return|Jingzhou|possessive particle|like this There are schemes that appear and disappear, which can help the lord return to Jingzhou. 啱 喇 , 而家 已經 係 年 晚 , 呢 一排 主公 啊 貪戀 女色 , 想見 佢 一面 都 好 難 。 right|particle indicating completed action|now|already|is|year|eve|this|recent time|lord|particle for exclamation|infatuated with|women||her|one time|also|very|difficult That's right, it is already the end of the year, and recently the lord has been infatuated with women, making it very difficult to see him. 我 何不 拆開 第二個 錦囊 , 睇 下 有 乜嘢 好計 等 我 照住 嚟 做 都 好 啊 。 I|why not|open|second|bag|see|what|has|anything|good plan|for me|I|according to|come|do|all|good|ah Why don't I open the second pouch and see what good plans are inside for me to follow? 於是 趙雲 拆開 第二個 錦囊 一睇 , 哦 , 原來 呢條 妙計 係 噉 嘅 , 得 ! so|Zhao Yun|opened|second|scroll|at a glance|oh|originally|this|clever plan|is|like this|particle|got it So Zhao Yun opened the second pouch and took a look, oh, it turns out this clever plan is like this, great! 趙雲 即刻 就 去 到 東府 , 話 有 非常 緊急 嘅 事情 啊 要 見 劉備 噉 。 Zhao Yun|immediately|then|go|arrive|Eastern residence|said|has|very|urgent|possessive particle|matter|ah|needs|see|Liu Bei|like this Zhao Yun immediately went to the Eastern Mansion, saying there was something very urgent that he needed to see Liu Bei about. 劉備 叫 佢 入 去 問 下 係 咩 嘢 事 啦 。 Liu Bei|told|him|go in|to|ask|a bit|is|what|thing|matter|sentence final particle Liu Bei asked him to come in and find out what the matter was. 趙雲 整成 好 驚 噉 樣 報告 劉備 話 喇 : Zhao Yun|become|very|surprised|like that|appearance|report|Liu Bei|said|particle indicating completed action Zhao Yun reported to Liu Bei with a very frightened expression: 主公 呀 , 你 成日 就 住 喺 間 大屋 嚟 , 唔 想 荊州 喇 ? Your lord|particle|you|all the time|just|live|in|measure word for buildings|big house|come|not|want|Jingzhou|particle My lord, you always stay in that big house, don't you want to go to Jingzhou? 子龍 , 有 咩 嘢 事 搞 到 你 咁 驚青 啊 吓 ? 慢慢 講 慢慢 講 。 Zilong|has|what|thing|matter|||you|so|scared|ah|huh|slowly|talk|| Zilong, what happened that made you so scared? Take your time, take your time. 主公 啊 , 今朝 早 , 孔明 派 人 嚟 報告 , 話 曹操 要報 赤壁大戰 之恨 , 點起 咗 五十萬 精兵 殺 嚟 荊州 。 Your lord|ah|this morning|early|Kongming|sent|person|here|report|said|Cao Cao||||raised|past tense marker|five hundred thousand|elite soldiers|kill|here|Jingzhou My lord, this morning, Kongming sent someone to report that Cao Cao wants to take revenge for the Battle of Red Cliffs and has mobilized 500,000 elite troops to attack Jingzhou. 而家 情形 十分 危急 , 請 主公 你 即刻 返去 啊 ! right now|situation|very|urgent|please|my lord|you|immediately|return|ah The situation is very urgent now, please return immediately! 哎呀 , 噉 啊 ! oh no|like that|ah Oh dear, really! 誒 噉 , 誒 , 噉 就 必須 要 同 夫人 商量 至 得 嘅 喎 。 eh|like this|||then|must|to|with|wife|discuss|until|okay|particle indicating possession or modification|particle indicating suggestion or realization Eh, then, eh, it must be discussed with the lady first. 主公 , 如果 同 夫人 商量 嘅 話 , 夫人 必定 唔 肯 畀 主公 你 返 去 嘅 , 不如 唔 好 講咯 。 Your Excellency|if|with|Madam|discuss|possessive particle|words|Madam|definitely|not|willing|let|Your Excellency|you|return|home|possessive particle|might as well|not|good|say My lord, if you discuss it with the lady, she definitely won't let you go back, so it's better not to mention it. 今晚 就 起程 , 一遲 就 誤事 㗎 喇 , 主公 。 tonight|immediately|depart|a delay|then|miss the appointment|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action|master We will set off tonight; any delay will cause trouble, my lord. 嗯 嗯 嗯 , 誒 , 你 返 去 先 , 我識 做 㗎 嘞 。 hmm|||hey|you|return|home|first||do|particle|particle Hmm, hmm, hmm, eh, you go back first, I know what to do. 主公 , 你 快 啲 決定 喇 。 lord|you|||decide|particle indicating action completion My lord, you need to decide quickly. 趙雲 故意 催促 咗 幾次 , 然 之後 先至 扯 。 Zhao Yun|intentionally|urged|past tense marker|several times|then|afterwards|only then|pulled Zhao Yun deliberately urged several times, and only then did he pull. 噉 劉備 啊 入 去 見 孫夫人 , 佢 一時 都 唔 知點 開口 好 喎 , 個 心悒 啊 , 哈哈 , 流 起 眼淚 上 嚟 添 。 then|Liu Bei|particle|enter|to|see|Lady Sun|he|for a moment|at all|not||speak|well|particle|the|heart troubled|particle|haha|flow|up|tears|on|come|additional So Liu Bei went in to see Lady Sun, and for a moment he didn't know how to start, feeling troubled in his heart, haha, tears started to flow. 孫夫人 就 奇怪 啦 : 夫君 , 咩 嘢 事 咁 煩惱 啊 ? Mrs Sun|then|curious|sentence-final particle|husband|what|thing|matter|so|worried|sentence-final particle Lady Sun was puzzled: "Husband, what is bothering you so much?" 唉 , 夫人 啊 , 想 我 劉備 , 孤孤單單 , 一個 人 飄蕩 異鄉 。 sigh|madam|ah|think|I|Liu Bei|all alone|one|person|drifting|foreign land Sigh, my lady, I, Liu Bei, am all alone, drifting in a foreign land. 喺 生前 , 唔 能夠 侍奉 父母 雙親 , 又 唔 能夠 祭祀 祖宗 , 真 係 大 逆 不孝 咯 。 in|life|not|able to|serve|parents|both parents|also|not|able to|worship|ancestors|really|is|great|disrespect|unfilial|particle indicating finality or realization In my lifetime, I couldn't serve my parents, nor could I offer sacrifices to my ancestors, it really is a great act of disloyalty and unfilial piety. 今日 , 已經 就 快 過年 喇 , 所以 我個 心 就 憂鬱 起 嚟 啫 。 today|already|just|soon|Lunar New Year|particle indicating something has happened|so||heart|just|depressed|rise|come|particle indicating limitation Today, it's almost New Year, so my heart is feeling a bit gloomy. 你 唔 使 瞞 我 喇 , 我 知道 晒 喇 。 you|not|need|deceive|I|sentence-final particle||know|completely|sentence-final particle You don't have to hide it from me anymore, I already know. 先頭 趙子龍 嚟 稟報 話 荊州 危急 , 夫君 你 想 返 去 就 真 , 係 唔 係 呢 ? first|Zhao Zilong|come|report|saying|Jingzhou|in danger|husband|you|want|return|to|then|really|is|not|is|question particle Earlier, Zhao Zilong came to report that Jingzhou is in a critical situation. Husband, do you really want to go back? 劉備 啪 聲 就 跪 低話 喇 : 夫人 既然 已經 知道 , 我 就 唔 敢 再 隱瞞 喇 。 Liu Bei|sound|sound|then|kneel||particle|wife|since|already|knows|I|then|not|dare|again|hide|particle Liu Bei immediately knelt down and said: "Since you already know, I dare not hide it any longer." 確實 係 荊州 好 危險 , 我 想 話 唔 返去 , 聽下 萬一 荊州 失 咗 , 噉 我 就實 畀 天下 之 人 恥笑 。 indeed|is|Jingzhou|very|dangerous|I|want|to say|not|return|listen|in case|Jingzhou|lost|past tense marker|then|I||by|the world|possessive particle|people|ridicule Indeed, Jingzhou is very dangerous. I want to say that if I don't go back, and if Jingzhou falls, then I will be ridiculed by everyone in the world. 想話 返去 啦 , 我 又 唔 捨得 離開 夫人 你 , 所以 個心 , 就 好 憂鬱 啊 。 thinking of|going back|particle indicating suggestion|I|again|not|willing to|leave|wife|you|so|heart|then|very|depressed|particle indicating exclamation I want to go back, but I can't bear to leave you, my lady, so my heart feels very heavy. 夫君 你 快 啲 起身 , 你 起身 。 husband|you|||get up|you|get up My lord, please get up quickly, get up. 我 已經 嫁 咗 畀 夫君 你 喇 , 噉 夫君 你 去 邊度 都 好 , 我 都 應該 跟 埋 去 嘅 , 夫君 你 使 乜 憂鬱 唧 。 I|already|married|past tense marker|to|husband|you|sentence final particle|then|husband|you|go|wherever|all|fine|I|also|should|||go|particle indicating action|husband|you|need|what|worry|for I have already married you, my lord, so wherever you go, I should go with you. Why should you feel heavy-hearted? 唉 , 夫人 你 個 心 雖然 係 噉 啫 , 不過 國太同 吳侯 又 點肯 放 夫人 你 去 呢 ? sigh|madam|you|possessive particle|heart|although|is|like that|only|but||the Wu marquis|again|how could|let|madam|you|go|question particle Sigh, my lady, even though your heart is like this, how can the Empress and Lord Wu let you go? 唉 , 夫人 , 你 如果 係 可憐 我 劉備 , 就 等 我 返 去 睇 下 啦 , 吓 。 sigh|madam|you|if|are|pity|I|Liu Bei|then|wait|I|||||particle|huh Sigh, my lady, if you pity me, Liu Bei, then let me go back and take a look. 唉 , 講完 , 劉備 淚如雨下 。 sigh|finished speaking|Liu Bei|tears streamed down like rain Sigh, after speaking, Liu Bei wept like rain. 夫君 , 你 唔 使 咁 傷心 嘅 , 等 我 去 苦苦 噉 𠼮 下 母親 , 佢 必定 肯 畀 我 跟 埋 你 一齊 去 嘅 。 husband|you|not|need|so|sad|particle|wait|I|go|desperately|like this|persuade|(verb complement)|mother|she|definitely|willing|let|I|||you|together|go|particle Husband, you don't have to be so sad, let me go and plead with my mother, she will definitely agree to let me go with you. 不過 , 縱使 國太肯 咯 , 吳侯 都 會 攔阻 嘅 噃。 however|even if||particle indicating certainty|Lord Wu|all|will|obstruct|particle indicating possession or modification| However, even if the Empress Dowager agrees, the Wu Lord will still obstruct it. 啊 , 噉 又 係 噃, 點好 呢 ? ah|like that|again|is|right|how to do|question particle Ah, that's true, what should we do? 啊 , 有 喇 有 喇 ! ah|have|particle indicating completed action|| Ah, there is a way, there is a way! 嗱, 正月初一 , 我 哋 去 賀年 嘅 時候 , 詐家 意話 要 去 江邊 拜下 祖先 , 然後 , 我 哋 就 靜靜地 走 人 , 不告 而 去 , 噉 好 唔 好 吖 ? well|the first day of the lunar new year|||go|New Year greetings|possessive particle|time|my family|means|want|go|riverside|pay respects to|ancestors|then|||then|quietly|leave|people||||like this||||question particle Well, on the first day of the lunar new year, when we went to celebrate, the family said they wanted to go to the riverside to pay respects to the ancestors, and then we quietly left without telling anyone. Is that okay? 歡喜 到 劉備 啊 又 試啪聲 跪 低 拜謝 孫夫人 啊 , 佢 話 : happy|to|Liu Bei|ah|again|sound of slapping|kneel|down|thank|Lady Sun|ah|he|said Happy as Liu Bei, he also tried to kneel down and thank Lady Sun, saying: 得 夫人 肯 噉 樣 做 , 我 真 係 生死 難忘 啊 ! must|lady|willing|like this|way|do|I|really|am|life and death|unforgettable|ah As long as the lady is willing to do this, I will truly never forget it! 呢 件 事 , 千祈 唔 好 洩 露出 去 啊 ! this|measure word for events|matter|absolutely|not|well|||go|particle This matter, please do not let it leak out! 噉 兩 公婆 就 商量 妥當 嘞 喎 。 then|two|grandparents|then|discuss|properly|past tense marker|sentence-final particle So the couple discussed it and agreed. 劉備 跟 住 就 嗌 趙雲 嚟 講 佢 聽 : Liu Bei|with|continuous particle|then|called|Zhao Yun|come|talk|he|heard Liu Bei then called Zhao Yun to talk to him and said: 正月初一 , 你 帶 咗 啲 兵士 出城先 , 喺 官道 等 我 哋 。 the first day of the lunar month|you|bring|past tense marker|some|soldiers||at|official road|wait|we|plural marker On the first day of the lunar new year, you take the soldiers out of the city first and wait for us on the official road. 到 時 , 我 詐家 意話 要 去 江邊 拜 祖先 , 就 同 夫人 一齊 偷偷 走 , 吓 。 when|time|I|cheat family|meaning|want|go|riverside|worship|ancestors|then|with|wife|together|secretly|leave|scare At that time, I will pretend to say that I want to go to the riverside to pay respects to my ancestors, and then sneak away with my wife. 係 , 謹 遵 主公 之命 ! yes|||lord| Yes, I will faithfully follow the lord's orders! 趙雲 接受 咗 劉備 嘅 命令 , 就 出去 佈置 嘞 。 Zhao Yun|accepted|past tense marker|Liu Bei|possessive particle|order|then|went out|to arrange|past tense marker Zhao Yun accepted Liu Bei's command and went out to make arrangements.

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