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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 081

而家 講下 劉備 , 佢 帶領 本部 軍兵 就 去 為 劉璋 防守 葭 萌關 啦 。 佢 一 走 咗 , 劉璋 部下 嘅 軍官 呀 , 個個 都 勸 劉璋 快 啲 委派 大將 , 去 嚴密 守衛 各處 關隘 , 提防 劉備 兵變 。 劉璋 初時 仲認 為 冇 必要 啊 , 唔 聽 大家 講 。 收尾 嗰 班 軍官 就 苦苦 噉 勸諫 , 劉璋 呢 卒 之 派 咗 楊懷同 高沛 兩員 大將 , 去 把守 涪 水關 。 涪 水關 喺 而 家 四川省 綿陽 縣東 便 。 噉 劉璋 自己 呢 就 返去 成都 嘞 。 劉備 到 咗 葭 萌關 之後 , 一方面 , 佢 對 自己 嘅 士兵 呢 確係 嚴格 約束 。 對待 原來 嘅 守城 將士 啊 十分 之好 , 廣 施恩惠 收買人心 。 呢 啲 呢 , 就 暫時 放落 唔 講 佢 住 。 而家 講下 東吳 嗰 便 先 。 劉備 帶兵 入 咗 西川 呢 件 事 啊 就 已經 由 偵探 啊 報告 畀 孫權知 嘞 。 孫權 就 召集 文武 官員 嚟 商量研究 對策 。 顧雍 建議 話 : 劉備 帶 咗 部份 軍隊 長途跋涉 , 山區 又 極其 艱險 , 一來一去 都 好 艱難 , 主公 不如 派 一支 軍隊 , 首先 截住 西川 嘅 入口 , 斷 咗 佢 嘅 歸路 。 然後 出 齊 東吳 嘅 軍馬 , 一舉 而 攻下 荊襄 , 噉 豈 唔 係 好 ? 孫權 話 : 係 喎 , 呢條 計策 妙極 喇 ! 大家 正在 商量 緊 , 突然 間 有 個人 喺 屏風 後 便 行出 嚟 話 : 出 呢條 計 嘅 人 呀 斬 咗 佢 就 啱 喇 , 你 想 害死 我個 女 咩 ! 嘿 呀 , 大家 都 吃 咗 一驚 , 一睇 , 原來 係 吳國太 啊 。 國太發 嬲 嘞 , 佢 話 : 我 一 世人 就 得 一粒 女 , 嫁 咗 過 劉備 。 而家 如果 一打 起仗 嚟 , 噉 我個 女條 命仲要 唔 要 㗎 ? 跟 住 又 鬧 孫權 嘞 : 你 呀 , 掌管 住 父兄 留落 嚟 嘅 基業 , 安安 樂樂 , 坐 喺 度 就 得到 八十一 州 , 你 噉 都 仲 唔 知足 ? 吓 ? 竟然 貪圖 小利 , 連骨肉 都 唔 顧 喇 你 ! 孫權 就 猛 咁 認錯 喇 佢 話 : 母親 嘅 教訓 , 孩兒 點敢 違抗 , 請 母親 唔 好 嬲 。 孫權 即刻 喝 嗰 班 官員 走 , 噉 樣國 太 啊 先 至 嬲 嬲 噉 行 返入 去 後堂 。 孫權 畀 老母 鬧 咗 一場 , 佢 又 諗 嘞 : 唉 , 點好 呢 ? 呢 個 機會 一失 呀 , 荊襄 幾時 先 至 攞 得到 手 啊 ? 正 喺 度 沉吟 緊 , 張昭行入 嚟 問 佢 嘞 : 主公 , 有 咩 嘢 事 咁 諗 唔 掂 啊 ? 唉 , 唔 係 諗 緊 先頭 啲 事 咯 。 呢 件 事極 之 容易 啦 。 主公 你 派 一個 心腹 人 , 只 係 帶 五百 兵就夠 嘞 。 靜靜 去 到 荊州 , 送封 密信 畀 郡主 , 就 話 國太 病危 , 好 想見 下個 女 , 噉 就 即刻 接 咗 郡主 返 嚟 東吳 嘞 。 仲有 , 劉備 平生 只 係 生得 一個 仔 , 就 叫 郡主 帶 埋 佢 返 嚟 。 到 其時 啊 , 劉備 必定 要將 荊州 嚟 換 阿斗 㗎 嘛 。 如果 劉備 唔 肯換 咯 , 噉 就任 我 哋 點 打法 都 得 啦 , 嗰 陣 我 哋 仲 有 乜嘢 顧忌 呢 ? 孫權 高興 喇 : 好 啊 , 呢 條計 妙極 喇 妙極 喇 ! 我 有 一個 人 , 姓周 , 名善 , 好 有 膽量 嘅 , 佢 自 細 就 跟 住 我 阿哥 穿堂入室 㗎 喇 , 而家 , 派 佢 去 就 最 啱 喇 。 張昭話 : 呢 件 事 , 千祈 唔 能夠 洩 露出 去 , 叫 周善 立即 起行 啦 主公 。 孫權 於是 秘密 噉 叫 咗 周善 嚟 , 吩咐 佢 帶 五百名 士兵 , 都 扮成 商人 噉 樣分 做 五船 , 船上 便 都 暗藏 兵器 。 另外 呢 , 又 寫定 一張 假 嘅 證明 畀 佢 , 以防 路上 盤查 。 噉 周善 接受 咗 命令 , 就 坐船去 荊州 。 去 到 喇 , 將 啲 船灣 住 喺 江邊 。 周善 自己 入城 去 見 孫夫人 , 噉 啊 交 咗 封 密信 。 夫人 見話國 太 病危 唄 即刻 喊起 上 嚟 就 問周善 啦 。 周善 話 喇 : 國 太 嘅 病情 好 危險 啊 , 無時無刻 都 思念 夫人 你 。 佢 話 , 如果 返去 得 遲 呢 , 恐怕 就 見 唔 到 面 喇 噉 。 誒 , 仲話 請 夫人 帶 埋 阿斗 返去 見 一面 喎 。 哦 , 皇叔 帶兵 去 咗 西川 , 我要 返去 東吳 , 一定 要 叫 人 去 話 聲 畀 軍師 聽 , 先至 可以 起程 㗎 噃。 夫人 呀 , 如果 軍師 話 , 呢 件 事要 報告 畀 皇叔 知 得到 回覆 , 先至 好 落船 , 噉 又 點算 呢 ? 不過 , 若果 不辭 而 去 , 怕 會 畀 人 哋 攔阻 㗎 。 夫人 , 船隻 已經 準備 好 㗎 喇 , 就 灣 喺 江邊 嚟 唧 , 請 夫人 即刻 上車 出城 啦 。 好 , 噉 就 走 啦 。 孫夫人 聽見 話 母親 病危 喎 , 個心 又 點會 唔 慌 㗎 。 阿斗 當時 已經 七歲 嘞 , 孫夫人 就 帶 埋 阿斗 上車 , 仲帶 咗 三十幾個 隨從 , 各人 都 帶 住 刀劍 。 噉 啊 上馬 離開 荊州 城 就 一直 嚟 到 江邊 落船 。 等到 府 裏 便 啲 衛士 要 去 報告 個 時候 呢 , 孫夫人 已經 落 咗 船 喇 。 周善 就 好 歡喜 啦 , 以為 呢 次 神不知鬼不覺 , 掂 晒 喇 噉 。 正話 吩咐 開船 , 突然 間 聽見 岸上 有人 大聲 噉 嗌: 唔 好 開船 , 等 我 同 夫人 餞行 啊 ! 一睇 , 嘩 ! 係 趙子龍 嚟 到 嘞 。 原來 趙子龍 去 咗 巡哨 啊 , 佢 啱 啱 返 嚟 。 聽到 呢 個 消息 , 得 了 , 大吃一驚 , 只 係 帶 咗 四五個 人唧 騎住 馬 , 旋風 噉 啊 追到 嚟 江邊 。 周善 揸 住 支 長矛 , 大喝一聲 話 : 嘿 ! 你 係 邊個 啊 , 連 主母 都 敢 攔阻 ? 眾 軍士 ! 有 ! 開船 ! 係 , 開船 ! 周善 喝 啲 士兵 開船 , 而且 人人 都 將兵 器 攞 晒 出 嚟 , 排 好 喺 船上 , 準備 一 逳 手 呢 就 有 架 生 用 。 當時 呀 順風 順水 , 嗰 五隻 船 呀 , 去 得 飛 咁 快 。 趙子龍 就 沿住 江邊 追住 嚟 大叫 : 夫人 啊 , 你 去 就 去 啦 ! 小將 只有 一句 說話 要 稟告 夫人 啊 ! 周善 根本 唔 睬 佢 , 一味 催促 啲 船 棹 快 啲 。 趙子龍 沿住 江邊 一路 追 , 追 咗 足足 成 十幾裏 路 , 好 嘢 啦 。 見到 喺 河灘 上 有 隻 漁船 拍 喺 處 , 啱 晒 啦 , 趙子龍 即刻 落馬 , 唔 要 匹 馬 喇 , 淨 係 揸 住 支銀槍 跳 咗 上 隻 漁船 。 就 嗌 咗 兩個 兵士 跟 埋 去 , 棹 衡 隻 船 猛追 。 越 追 就 越近 嘞 , 周善 叫 啲 軍士 用箭 嚟 射 。 趙子龍 企 喺 船頭 舞起 支槍 , 嗰 啲 箭 呀 叮叮噹噹 畀 佢 撥 晒 落水 。 好 喇 , 追到 貼 喇 , 離開 孫夫人 隻 大船 呀 只有 丈幾遠 唔 。 噉 啊 東吳 的 軍士 用 啲 槍 嚟 亂 咁 㨃 咯 喎 。 趙子龍 將支 銀槍 放 喺 漁船 上 便 ,𠻘 噉 拔出 青 釭 寶劍 。 一格 兩 格格 開吳 兵 嗰 啲 槍 , 啪 聲 一下 就 好似 飛將軍 噉 啊 跳 上 隻 大船 , 嚇 到 嗰 班 吳 兵 呀 腳 都 軟 晒 。 趙子龍 兩 步行 入 船艙 , 見到 孫夫人 啊 , 正在 抱住 阿斗 。 孫夫人 就 喝 趙子龍 話 喇 : 趙雲 , 你 為 咩 嘢 事 咁 無禮 ? 趙子龍 撐 噉 一聲 , 插返 好 把 寶劍 , 對 孫夫人 行 咗 個 禮話 : 主母 要 去 邊度 啊 ? 點解 唔 話 畀 軍師 聽 呢 ? 我 母親 病情 危險 , 冇 時間 去 通知 軍師 嘞 。 主母 既然 係 去 探病 , 點解 要 帶 埋 小 主人 去 啊 ? 阿斗 係 我 嘅 仔 , 留 喺 荊州 冇 人 照料 佢 啊 。 主母 你 噉 就 唔 啱 嘞 , 主公 呢 一生 , 只有 呢 一點 骨肉 。 小將 喺 當陽 長 坂坡 , 喺 曹操 嘅 百萬 大軍 當中 , 救 返 佢 出 嚟 。 今日 , 夫人 你 竟然 要 帶 佢 走 ? 你 你 你 你 你 乜嘢 意思 啊 ? 哼 ! 諒 你 只 係 帳下 一名 武夫 , 竟然 管起 我 嘅 家事 咁 大膽 ? 夫人 你 要 去 就 去 , 但 係 一定 要 留低 小 主人 ! 趙雲 , 你 半路 中途 擅自 上 嚟 我 隻 船上 , 實 係 想 作反 啊 你 ! 夫人 啊 ! 若果 你 唔 留低 小 主人 , 縱然 殺 咗 我 趙雲 , 亦 唔 敢 放 夫人 你 去 ! 孫夫人 覺得 豈有此理 啦 , 就 喝 啲 婢女 去 拉 趙子龍 走 。 哈哈 , 就算 呢 班 婢女 啊 學過 幾路 拳棒 食過 幾晚 夜粥 , 又點 係 趙子龍 手腳 嘅 呢 ? 趙子龍 一下 兩下 , 就 將 嗰 班 婢女 推倒 晒 , 跟 住 趙子龍 一手 , 就 喺 孫夫人 懷抱 之中 啊 , 搶 咗 阿斗 過 嚟 。 趙子龍 抱住 阿斗 行 出去 船頭 。 佢 想 隻 船 埋 岸 嗨 , 噉 又 點得 吖 冇 人 幫手 啊 。 想 發惡 咩 , 又 怕 太過 無禮 啊 , 總之 而 家 佢 進 又 唔 得 啊 退 亦 唔 係 。 孫夫人 喝 嗰 班 婢女 上去 要 搶 返 阿斗 返 嚟 。 你 哋 咪 埋 嚟 啊 ! 趙子龍 左手 抱穩 阿斗 , 右手 揸 住 把 寶劍 就 冇 個人 敢行 近 佢 。 喺 呢 個 時候 , 周 善 喺 船尾 把 實個 肽 , 一味 督住 快 啲 棹 快 啲 棹 ! 嘿 兼 夾風 順水 急 , 嗰 只 船 呀 行 到 支箭 噉 。 趙子龍 呢 趟 啊 確係 激 奀 嚟 喇 , 孤掌難鳴 啊 。 冇 錯 阿斗 係 保護 住 喇 , 之 點得 隻 船 埋岸 呢 ? 正在 危急 嘅 時候 , 忽然間 , 喺 前 便 一條 河口 , 瀡 瀡 聲 一下 棹 出 十幾隻 船 嚟 。 船上 就 沊沊 聲 擂響 戰鼓 , 舞住 大旗 。 趙子龍 個心 諗 : 弊 ! 呢 趟 中 咗 東吳 嘅 奸計 。 咦 吖 ? 只見 行頭 個 船上 有 一員大將 , 手執 長矛 高聲 大叫 話 : 嫂嫂 ! 你 留低 我個 侄先 至 好 去 啊 ! 哦 , 原來 張飛 去 咗 巡哨 , 聽講 呢 個 消息 就 急急 趕到 油 江口 , 撞 正 東吳 嘅 船隻 啊 即刻 截住 。 當時 張飛 揸 住 把 劍 , 啪 聲 跳 上 東吳 嘅 船 。 周善 見 張飛 上船 唄 , 舞起 把 刀 就 迎 上 嚟 嘞 喎 。 張飛 把 劍 啊 從來 唔 係 食齋 㗎 嘛 , 手起 一劍 就 劈 低 周善 。 順手 再 一劍 , 就 割 咗 周善 個頭 , 執起 噹 噉 啊 掟 喺 孫夫人 嘅 面前 。 嚇 到 孫夫人 啊 當堂 面青 : 叔叔 , 你 點解 咁 無禮 啊 ? 嫂嫂 你 不 以 我 大哥 為重 , 私自 返 娘家 , 噉 先 至 係 無禮 啊 ! 我 母親 病得 好 緊要 , 非常 危急 嘞 , 若果 要 等 你 大哥 回覆 , 就誤 咗 我 嘅 事 㗎 喇 。 如果 叔叔 你 唔 放 我 返去 , 我 情願 跳水 死 咗 佢 咯 。 張飛 即刻 拉開 趙雲 商量 : 如果 逼死 夫人 , 就 唔 係 我 哋 做 臣子 之 道 噃, 不如 , 抱返 阿斗 返去 就 了 喇 。 好 啦 。 嫂嫂 , 我 大哥 乃 係 大漢 皇叔 , 唔 會 唔 配得 上 嫂嫂 你 。 今日 , 我 哋 分別 喇 , 如果 你仲 思念 大哥 嘅 情意 , 就 早日 返 嚟 啦 。 張飛 講完 , 抱住 阿斗 同 趙雲 返過 自己 隻 船 , 放 咗 孫夫人 嗰 五隻 船 走 。 呢 , 有首 詩 讚 趙子龍 喇 : 昔年 救主 在 當陽 , 今日 飛身 向 大江 。 船上 吳兵皆 膽裂 , 子龍 英勇 世 無雙 ! 又 有 一首 詩 讚 張飛 : 長 坂 橋邊 怒氣 騰 , 一聲 虎嘯 退 曹兵 。 今朝 江 上 扶危 主 , 青史 應傳 萬載 名 。 噉 趙雲 、 張飛 兩個 歡歡喜喜 坐船 返去 。 行 咗 冇 幾遠 , 孔明 率領 住 大隊 船隻 嚟 接應 , 見到 已經 搶返 阿斗 喇 就 好 高興 啦 。 關於 呢 件 事 , 孔明 呀 寫 咗 封信 , 派 人 送 去 葭 萌關 報告 劉備 , 呢 啲 就 放落 唔 講 佢 喇 。 而家 講下 孫夫人 佢 返 到 東吳 , 就 同 孫權 講話 張飛 、 趙雲 點樣 點樣 殺 咗 周善 , 又 點樣 點樣 攔江 搶 返 阿斗 返去 噉 。 孫權 就 可惱 啦 , 佢 話 : 而家 阿妹 已經 返 咗 嚟 東吳 , 同 佢 冇 親 㗎 嘞 , 殺周 善 嘅 仇 , 唔 報 唔 得 ! 就 立即 召集 文武 官員 , 商量 起兵 去 攻打 荊州 。 正 喺 度 計劃 緊 點樣 調兵遣將 , 忽然 得到 報告 話 曹操 啊 出動 四十萬 大軍 嚟 報 赤壁 之仇 。 啊 嚇到 孫權 驚晒 , 就 唯有 放開 荊州 先 , 轉過 嚟 商量 迎敵 曹操 嘞 。 喺 呢 個 時候 , 東吳 一個 已經 因為 病 辭官 回家 嘅 老 臣子 叫做 張 紘 啊 , 佢 久病 醫治無效 就 死 咗 。 逝世 之前 呢 有 封 遺書 呈 畀 孫權 。 孫權 睇 咗 封 遺書 , 裡頭 呢 係 建議 孫權 啊 , 將 東吳 嘅 首府 就 搬 去 秣 陵 。 話 秣 陵 嘅 山水 有 帝王 之氣 , 應該 快 啲 搬 去 嗰 處 , 就 作為 子孫 萬世 嘅 基業 。 孫權 睇 咗 信 , 感動 到 忍 唔 住 喊 起 上 嚟 。 佢 就 聽從 張 紘 臨死前 嘅 建議 , 就 下令 搬 去 秣 陵 , 改名 做 建業 , 就 建築 石頭城 。 秣 陵 就 係 古時 一個 縣 , 即 係 今日 嘅 南京市 嘞 。 呂蒙 呢 , 又 提 咗 個 建議 喎 , 佢 話 : 曹操 人馬 打 嚟 嘅 時候 , 我 哋 可以 喺 濡 須 水口 築塢 嚟 抵抗 佢 。 塢 係 咩 呢 ? 塢 就 係 堡壘 啊 。 噉 其他 啲 將官 又 話 嘞 : 上岸 打 就 打喇落 船 就 落船 喇 , 喺 濡 須 口 嚟 築 個 塢 嚟 有 咩 嘢 用 啊 ? 呂蒙 話 : 刀劍 有利 有鈍 , 打仗 亦 有輸有贏 。 如果 敵人 突然襲擊 事起 倉促 , 我 哋 有 堡壘 作為 屏障 就 穩陣 得 多 。 孫權 亦 都 話 : 係 , 人無遠慮 必有近憂 。 子 明 嘅 意見 考慮 得 好 長遠 啊 。 孫權 同意 咗 呂蒙 嘅 建議 , 就 派遣 咗 幾 萬軍 兵去 築濡須 塢 , 要求 日夜 施工 限期完成 。 噉 啊 濡須 呢 , 係 古時 一條 河道 嚟 , 佢 呀 發源 於 而家 安徽省 巢縣 以西 嘅 巢湖 , 啊 即 係 今日 運 漕河 嘅 前身 。 而家 就 講返 下 曹操 , 佢 喺 許都 佢 嘅 權勢 就 越 嚟 越 大 。 有 一日 , 長史 董昭 啊 對 曹操 建議 話 : 自古以來 , 做 大臣 嘅 未曾 有過 一個 好似 丞相 咁 大 功勞 嘅 , 即使 係 周公 、 呂望 都 比 唔 上 啊 。 三十多年 嚟 , 丞相 晝夜 勤勞 , 掃蕩 群凶 , 為 百姓 除害 , 使 漢室 復 存 。 咁 大 嘅 功勞 , 同 其他 嘅 文武 官員 冇 啲 分別 又點 啱 嘅 呢 ? 我 認為 丞相 應該 受魏 公之位 , 加九錫 , 嚟 表彰 丞相 嘅 功德 啊 。 所謂 九錫 啊 , 就 係 古代 嘅 帝王 賜 畀 有 大功 或者 有 權勢 嘅 諸侯 大臣 嘅 九種 物品 , 就 好似 車馬 、 衣服 啊 等等 噉 。 噉 啊 董昭 呢 個 建議 呢 , 侍中 荀彧 就 反對 喎 。 佢 話 : 唔 好 啊 , 丞相 本來 係 率領 仁義之師 匡扶漢 室 , 理應 係 忠心耿耿 , 謙虛謹慎 , 唔 應該 噉 樣 做 嘅 。 曹操 先頭 聽 董昭 講 嘅 時候 呢 , 個心 就 好 高興 。 哈點 知 畀 荀彧 當頭 潑 咗 殼 冷水 , 當堂 面色 都 變 咗 。 董昭 就 話 喇 : 眾望 所 歸 , 人人 都 贊成 嘅 , 就 係 佢 一個 人 唔 同意 啫 。 於是 就 決定 上 一份 表章 , 稟奏 皇帝 , 請求 封 曹操 做 魏公 , 加九錫 。 荀彧 對 呢 件 事 啊 極之 不滿 。 有 一次 佢 曾經 好 感慨 噉 講過 : 唉 ! 我 真 係 想 唔 到 今日 會 見到 啲 噉 嘅 事 啊 。 嗨 , 點 知 佢 呢 句 說話 , 傳返 去 畀 曹操 知道 咗 , 嬲 到 佢 入骨 喇 , 佢 認 為 荀彧 啊 都 唔 擁護 自己 嘅 。 噉 啊 到 咗 建安 十七年 , 即 係 公元 二 一二年 嘅 冬天 十月 , 曹操 興兵 下 江南 嘞 , 佢 叫 荀彧 跟 埋 一齊 去 。 荀彧 啊 已經 諗 到 曹操 有心 要 殺 佢 㗎 喇 , 就 話 有 病 , 留 喺 壽 春 冇 去 。 有 一日 , 曹操 派 人 送 咗 一盒 食物 嚟 , 盒 上 便 呢 , 有 曹操 親筆寫 嘅 封條 。 打開 個 盒 一 睇 , 哦 ? 空空如也 乜嘢 都 冇 嘅 。 啊 , 荀彧 會意 嘞 , 佢 乜嘢 都 冇 講 , 就 服毒自殺 。 當時 呀 , 荀彧 係 五十歲 。 噉 佢 個 仔 就 發 個 訃告 畀 曹操 , 話個 老 竇死 咗 嘞 。 曹操 後悔 喇 呢 趟 , 就 吩咐 隆重 啲 同 荀彧 辦 喪事 , 仲 追封 佢 做 敬 侯 。 嚱嚱, 所以 曹操 啲 權術 啊 亦 係 極 厲害 㗎 吓 , 逼死 咗 你 嘞 , 仲要 你 啲 親人 多謝 返 佢 㗎 。 啊 呢 啲 就 唔 講 佢 喇 , 只 係 講下 曹操 嘅 大軍 呢 嚟 到濡須 。 佢 先 不 先 呢 就 派 曹 洪 率領 三萬名 鐵甲 馬 軍 , 作為 先頭部隊 , 喺 前 便 開路 , 一路 偵察 搜索 去 到 江邊 。 曹洪派 人 返去 報告 曹操 話 : 遠遠 望見 沿住 江邊 一帶 , 旗幟 無數 咁 多 , 但 係 唔 知道 東吳 嘅 人馬 集結 喺 邊 處 嚟 。 曹操 放心 唔 落 , 就 親自 帶兵 前進 , 就 喺 濡 須 口 擺開陣勢 。 然後 呢 , 曹操 就 帶 住 百幾 人行 上 山坡 , 遼望 下 東吳 嘅 情形 。 只見 東吳 啲 戰船 呀 各分 隊伍 , 依住 次序 排列 , 五色 旗幟 迎風招展 , 各種 兵器 係 閃閃發光 。 當中 一隻 大船 , 船頭 上 , 撐住 一頂 青羅 傘 。 孫權 就 坐 喺 青羅 傘 之下 , 文武百官 侍立 喺 左右 兩旁 , 嘩 係 夠威 㗎 。 曹操 用條 馬鞭 指 住 嗰 隻 大船 話 : 生仔 啊 就 應當 好似 孫權 噉 。 劉表 嗰 啲 仔 , 豬狗 一樣 㗎 。 曹操 正在 滿懷 感慨 發緊 議論 。 忽然間 , 戰鼓 一響 , 東吳 啲 戰船 一齊 飛 駛過 嚟 。 喺 濡 須 塢 裏 便 又 有 一支 軍隊 殺出 嚟 , 就 向 住 曹 軍 發起 衝鋒 。 曹操 啲 軍隊 退後 就 走 噃, 喝 都 喝 唔 住 , 弊 喇 ! 霎時間 , 又 有 千幾馬 軍衝 到 嚟 山邊 , 喺 最 前頭 嗰 個 , 生 得 碧眼 紫 鬚 , 嗰 啲 人 認得 喇 , 係 孫權 啊 ! 原來 孫權 佢 親自 帶領 一隊 馬 軍 嚟 打 曹操 喎 , 嚇 到 曹操 大驚 啦 , 急急 回馬 走 人 。 東吳 嘅 大將 韓當同 周泰 騎住 馬直衝 上 嚟 。 許褚縱 馬舞刀 , 一個 人頂 兩個 , 曹操 噉 先 至 走 甩身 。 許褚同 周 、 韓 兩個 大戰 咗 三十幾個 回合 先至 退走 , 噉 東吳 方便 呢 亦 都 冇 追 。 曹操 返到 大本營 之後 , 一方面 就 重重 噉 賞賜 許褚 ; 一方面 就 鬧 嗰 班 將官 話 : 臨陣 退縮 , 挫傷 我軍 嘅 銳氣 , 以後 如果 再 係 噉 呀 一律 斬首 ! 鬧 到 嗰 班 將官 呀 個個 都頭 耷耷 啊 。 到 咗 當晚 二 更 時分 , 突然 間 喎 嗬 殺 啊 , 寨外 喊 殺 連天 。 嘿 呀 曹操 急忙 上馬 , 出到 去 , 見到 四面 都 起火 嘞 。 原來 係 東吳 兵 偷襲 啊 殺 到 入 嚟 大本營 , 噉 啊 一直 打 到 天光 , 逼到 曹軍要 後退 五十幾 里 , 扎寨 安營 。 吃 咗 一虧 , 曹操 個心 就 好 煩悶 , 佢 順手 攞 起 部 兵書 嚟 睇 。 程昱 就 勸 佢 話 喇 : 丞相 好 熟悉 兵法 , 唔 會 唔 知 兵貴神速 㗎 。 呢 次 丞相 出兵 時間 拖延 得 好長 , 故此 孫權 就 可以 從從容容 噉 準備 , 喺 濡 須 水口 兩岸 構築 堡壘 , 好難 攻擊 嘅 。 丞相 , 不如 收兵 返去 許都 先 另作 打算 罷啦 。 曹操 唔 出聲 , 程昱 見到 噉 樣 就 行返 出去 。 曹操 睇 咗 幾篇 兵書 , 睇 到 眼倦 , 就 伏 喺 張 書 枱 處 瞌 眼瞓 嘞 噃。 忽然間 , 聽見 啲 潮水 聲 , 洶湧 澎湃 好似 萬馬奔騰 噉 。 曹操 急忙 睇 下 , 啊 , 見到 喺 大江 之上 啊 湧出 一輪 紅日 , 光華 耀眼 。 佢 擔 高 個頭 望 下個 天 , 咦 , 奇怪 到 極 噃, 竟然 睇 見 兩個 太陽 放出 萬 道 霞光 。 忽然間 , 江面 上 嗰 輪 紅日 呼 噉 飛起 嚟 , 然後 呢 跌 咗 落 寨 前 嗰 座 山上 , 轟 噉 , 好似 行 咗 個 大雷 噉 聲 。 嚇 到 曹操 一驚 , 哦 ! 原來 啱 先 伏 喺 張 枱 處 發 咗 個 夢 。 佢 扎 醒 嘅 時候 呢 , 帳 外 嘅 軍士 剛剛 報過 午時 。 曹操 吩咐 備馬 , 佢 帶 住 五十多個 馬 軍 , 出 咗 營寨 一直 跑 到 去 發 夢見 到 落日 嗰 個 山邊 。 睇 睇 下 , 忽然 有 一隊 人馬 跑 緊過 嚟 , 當先 嗰 個 穿戴 住 金盔 金甲 。 曹操 定眼 一望 , 原來 係 孫權 啊 。 孫權 見到 曹操 啊 一 啲 都 唔 慌張 , 佢 喺 山上 勒住 馬 , 滋悠 淡定 用條 馬鞭 指住 曹操 話 : 丞相 你 坐鎮 中原 , 富貴 已經 到 咗 極點 , 為 咩 仲 貪心不足 , 又 要 嚟 侵犯 我 江南 吖 ? 曹操 話 : 你 身為 臣 下 , 唔 尊崇 皇室 , 我 奉 咗 天子 之命 , 特意 嚟 討伐 你 啊 。 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 你講 啲 噉 嘅 說話 真 係 唔 知醜 㗎 喇 , 天下 間 , 邊個 唔 知道 你 係 挾天子以令諸侯 啊 ? 我 並非 唔 尊崇 漢朝 , 正 係 要 打倒 你 嚟 挽救 國家 ! 豈有此理 ! 眾 將官 , 同 我 上山 捉 孫權 呢 個 逆賊 ! 曹操 正話 指揮 啲 軍官 上山 , 突然 一聲 鼓響 , 山 背後 衝出 兩彪 軍馬 。 左便 係 陳 武 、 潘璋 , 右 便 係 韓當 、 周泰 。 噉 啊 四員 大將 帶住 三千 弓弩手 , 猛 咁 射箭 , 嗰 啲 箭 呀 好似 落雨 咁 密 。 曹操 急忙 帶住 大家 跑 返 轉頭 。 韓 當 嗰 四員 大將 呀 指揮 吳兵 緊緊 噉 追殺 。 追 到 半路 , 許褚帶 咗 一隊 虎衛 軍 嚟 到 頂住 , 混戰 一場 就 救返 曹操 。 噉 啊 吳兵 又勝 一場 嘞 , 嘀嘀 噠 噠 就 齊 奏凱歌 , 返去 濡 須塢 嘞 喎 。 曹操 返到 去 營寨 佢 諗 嘞 : 孫權 唔 係 個 等閒 人物 啊 。 紅日 呢 個 兆頭 , 睇 嚟 應 喺 佢 嘅 身上 , 日後 , 佢 必定會 成為 個 帝王 嘅 。 於是 曹操 個心 就 想 退兵 , 但 係 呢 , 又 怕 畀 東吳 恥笑 佢 啊 , 故此 就 進退 不定 猶 猶疑 疑 。 噉 兩 便 又 相持 咗 個 幾月 , 打 過 幾場 仗 就 互有勝負 啦 。 不經 不覺 啊 , 又 到 咗 第二年 , 即 係 建安 十八年 正月 。 春雨 連年 , 河湧 水滿 , 兵士 都 日日夜夜 泡 喺 啲 泥水 之中 , 唉 嗰 種 鹹 苦 法 呀 , 真 係 黄肿 脚 不消 蹄 難捱 咯 。 曹操 都 唔 知幾心 憂 啊 。 噉 究竟 呢 場仗 點樣 打落 去 呢 ? 噉 欸 等 下次 先至 講喇 。

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而家 講下 劉備 , 佢 帶領 本部 軍兵 就 去 為 劉璋 防守 葭 萌關 啦 。 now|let's talk about|Liu Bei|he|led|his main|troops|then|go|for|Liu Zhang|defending|Yashan|Mengguan|particle indicating completion or change of state Now let's talk about Liu Bei. He led his troops to defend the Yamen Pass for Liu Zhang. 佢 一 走 咗 , 劉璋 部下 嘅 軍官 呀 , 個個 都 勸 劉璋 快 啲 委派 大將 , 去 嚴密 守衛 各處 關隘 , 提防 劉備 兵變 。 he|one|leave|past tense marker|Liu Zhang|subordinates|possessive particle|military officer|sentence-final particle|everyone|all|advised||||appoint|general|to|strictly|guard|all places|passes|guard against|Liu Bei|mutiny Once he left, the military officers under Liu Zhang all urged him to quickly appoint a general to tightly guard the various passes and be on guard against Liu Bei's military changes. 劉璋 初時 仲認 為 冇 必要 啊 , 唔 聽 大家 講 。 Liu Zhang|at first|||no|necessity|ah|not|listen|everyone|talk At first, Liu Zhang thought it was unnecessary and did not listen to everyone. 收尾 嗰 班 軍官 就 苦苦 噉 勸諫 , 劉璋 呢 卒 之 派 咗 楊懷同 高沛 兩員 大將 , 去 把守 涪 水關 。 finishing|that|group|military officers|then|desperately|like this|advised|Liu Zhang|this|soldiers|possessive particle|sent|past tense marker||Gao Pei|two|generals|to go|guard|Fu|Shui Pass The group of officers at the end earnestly advised him, and Liu Zhang then dispatched two generals, Yang Huai and Gao Pei, to guard the Fushui Pass. 涪 水關 喺 而 家 四川省 綿陽 縣東 便 。 Fu|Shuiguan|at|||Sichuan Province|Mianyang||convenient The Fushui Pass is now located in the eastern part of Mianyang County, Sichuan Province. 噉 劉璋 自己 呢 就 返去 成都 嘞 。 then|Liu Zhang|himself|particle indicating a question|then|return to|Chengdu|particle indicating completed action So Liu Zhang himself returned to Chengdu. 劉備 到 咗 葭 萌關 之後 , 一方面 , 佢 對 自己 嘅 士兵 呢 確係 嚴格 約束 。 Liu Bei|arrived|past tense marker|straw|Mengguan|after|on one hand|he|towards|his own|possessive particle|soldiers|this|indeed|strict|discipline After Liu Bei arrived at the Xiemeng Pass, on one hand, he was indeed strict with his own soldiers. 對待 原來 嘅 守城 將士 啊 十分 之好 , 廣 施恩惠 收買人心 。 treat|originally|possessive particle|defending the city|soldiers|particle|very||widely|bestow kindness| He treated the original city defenders very well, generously bestowing favors to win their hearts. 呢 啲 呢 , 就 暫時 放落 唔 講 佢 住 。 question particle|||then|temporarily|put aside|not|talk|he|for now These matters, let's temporarily set aside for now. 而家 講下 東吳 嗰 便 先 。 now|let's talk about|Dongwu|that|convenient|first Now let's talk about Eastern Wu first. 劉備 帶兵 入 咗 西川 呢 件 事 啊 就 已經 由 偵探 啊 報告 畀 孫權知 嘞 。 Liu Bei|led troops|entered|past tense marker|Western Shu|this|classifier for events|matter|sentence-final particle|then|already|by|detective||report|to||past action marker Liu Bei led his troops into the West River, and this matter was already reported to Sun Quan by the scouts. 孫權 就 召集 文武 官員 嚟 商量研究 對策 。 Sun Quan|then|summoned|civil and military|officials|to||countermeasures Sun Quan then summoned civil and military officials to discuss and study countermeasures. 顧雍 建議 話 : 劉備 帶 咗 部份 軍隊 長途跋涉 , 山區 又 極其 艱險 , 一來一去 都 好 艱難 , 主公 不如 派 一支 軍隊 , 首先 截住 西川 嘅 入口 , 斷 咗 佢 嘅 歸路 。 Gu Yong|suggested|said|Liu Bei|brought|past tense marker|part|army|long journey|mountainous area|also|extremely|dangerous|both ways|all|very|difficult|lord|might as well|send|a unit of|army|first|intercept|Western Shu|possessive particle|entrance|cut off|past tense marker|his||return route Gu Yong suggested: Liu Bei has brought part of his army on a long and arduous journey, and the mountainous area is extremely dangerous. It is very difficult for him to go back and forth. Why not send a troop to first block the entrance to the West River and cut off his return route? 然後 出 齊 東吳 嘅 軍馬 , 一舉 而 攻下 荊襄 , 噉 豈 唔 係 好 ? then|deploy|together|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|cavalry|in one swift action|and|captured|Jingxiang|then|how|not|is|good Then, gather the cavalry of Eastern Wu and launch a surprise attack on Jingxiang. Wouldn't that be great? 孫權 話 : 係 喎 , 呢條 計策 妙極 喇 ! Sun Quan|said|yes|particle indicating realization|this|strategy|extremely clever|particle indicating completion Sun Quan said: Yes, this strategy is excellent! 大家 正在 商量 緊 , 突然 間 有 個人 喺 屏風 後 便 行出 嚟 話 : 出 呢條 計 嘅 人 呀 斬 咗 佢 就 啱 喇 , 你 想 害死 我個 女 咩 ! everyone|currently|discussing|(progressive aspect particle)|suddenly|just|there is|a person|at|screen|behind|then|walked out|here|said|to produce|this|plan|(possessive particle)|person|(exclamatory particle)|kill|(past tense marker)|he|just|right|(completed action particle)|you|want|to harm||daughter|question particle Everyone was discussing when suddenly someone walked out from behind the screen and said: "The person who came up with this plan should be killed, right? Do you want to kill my daughter!" 嘿 呀 , 大家 都 吃 咗 一驚 , 一睇 , 原來 係 吳國太 啊 。 ||everyone|all|||a shock|a look|it turns out|is|Lady Wu|ah Hey, everyone was startled, and when they looked, it turned out to be Lady Wu. 國太發 嬲 嘞 , 佢 話 : 我 一 世人 就 得 一粒 女 , 嫁 咗 過 劉備 。 Lady Sun|angry|past tense marker|he|said|I|||only|have|one|daughter|married|past tense marker|to|Liu Bei Lady Wu was angry, she said: "I only have one daughter in my life, and she married Liu Bei." 而家 如果 一打 起仗 嚟 , 噉 我個 女條 命仲要 唔 要 㗎 ? now|if|one starts|war|come|then||||not|needed|question particle Now, if a war breaks out, does my daughter's life still matter? 跟 住 又 鬧 孫權 嘞 : 你 呀 , 掌管 住 父兄 留落 嚟 嘅 基業 , 安安 樂樂 , 坐 喺 度 就 得到 八十一 州 , 你 噉 都 仲 唔 知足 ? |firmly|||||you|||||||||||||||||||like this|all|still|not|contented Then she scolded Sun Quan: "You, who are in charge of the legacy left by your father and brothers, living comfortably, sitting there and getting 81 states, are you still not satisfied?" 吓 ? 竟然 貪圖 小利 , 連骨肉 都 唔 顧 喇 你 ! huh|unexpectedly|seeking|small gain||all|not|care about|particle|you Huh? You actually covet small gains, not even caring about your own flesh and blood! 孫權 就 猛 咁 認錯 喇 佢 話 : 母親 嘅 教訓 , 孩兒 點敢 違抗 , 請 母親 唔 好 嬲 。 Sun Quan|then|fiercely|so|admitted his mistake|particle indicating completed action|he|said|mother|possessive particle|lesson|child||disobey|please|mother|not|very|angry Sun Quan immediately admitted his mistake, saying: "Mother's teachings, how dare the child disobey? Please don't be angry, Mother." 孫權 即刻 喝 嗰 班 官員 走 , 噉 樣國 太 啊 先 至 嬲 嬲 噉 行 返入 去 後堂 。 Sun Quan|immediately|scolded|that|group|officials|leave|like this||too|particle|first|only|angry|angry|like this|walk|return|to|back hall Sun Quan immediately sent those officials away, and that's how a country should be, only getting angry and then going back to the inner hall. 孫權 畀 老母 鬧 咗 一場 , 佢 又 諗 嘞 : 唉 , 點好 呢 ? Sun Quan|to his|mother|scolded|past tense marker|a scene|he|again|thought|past tense marker|sigh|how to do|question particle Sun Quan got scolded by his mother, and he thought: "Sigh, what should I do now?" 呢 個 機會 一失 呀 , 荊襄 幾時 先 至 攞 得到 手 啊 ? this|measure word|opportunity|once lost|particle|Jingxiang|when|first|until|get|obtain|hand|particle If this opportunity is missed, when will Jingxiang ever be obtained? 正 喺 度 沉吟 緊 , 張昭行入 嚟 問 佢 嘞 : just|at|in|pondering|continuous aspect particle||here|asked|he|past tense particle He was deep in thought when Zhang Zhao walked in and asked him: 主公 , 有 咩 嘢 事 咁 諗 唔 掂 啊 ? lord|have|what|thing|matter|so|think|not|good|question particle My lord, what are you thinking so hard about? 唉 , 唔 係 諗 緊 先頭 啲 事 咯 。 sigh|||||earlier|some|things|particle indicating realization or conclusion Sigh, I'm not thinking about the previous matters. 呢 件 事極 之 容易 啦 。 this|measure word for events||particle indicating possession|easy|particle indicating a suggestion or softening tone This matter is extremely easy. 主公 你 派 一個 心腹 人 , 只 係 帶 五百 兵就夠 嘞 。 Your Lordship|you|send|one|trusted subordinate|person|only|is|bring|five hundred||particle indicating completed action My lord, just send a trusted person with only five hundred soldiers. 靜靜 去 到 荊州 , 送封 密信 畀 郡主 , 就 話 國太 病危 , 好 想見 下個 女 , 噉 就 即刻 接 咗 郡主 返 嚟 東吳 嘞 。 quietly|go|arrive|Jingzhou|send a|secret letter|to|princess|then|say|empress|critically ill|very|want to see|next|daughter|then|just|immediately|pick up|past tense marker|princess|return|to|Eastern Wu|past tense marker Quietly go to Jingzhou, deliver a secret letter to the princess, saying that the empress dowager is critically ill and really wants to see the next girl, so immediately bring the princess back to Eastern Wu. 仲有 , 劉備 平生 只 係 生得 一個 仔 , 就 叫 郡主 帶 埋 佢 返 嚟 。 moreover|Liu Bei|in his lifetime|only|was|born|one|son|then|called|the princess|to bring|along|him|return|here Also, Liu Bei only has one son in his life, so he asked the princess to bring him back as well. 到 其時 啊 , 劉備 必定 要將 荊州 嚟 換 阿斗 㗎 嘛 。 at|that time|particle|Liu Bei|definitely||Jingzhou|for|to swap|A Dou|particle|particle At that time, Liu Bei will definitely have to exchange Jingzhou for A Dou. 如果 劉備 唔 肯換 咯 , 噉 就任 我 哋 點 打法 都 得 啦 , 嗰 陣 我 哋 仲 有 乜嘢 顧忌 呢 ? if|Liu Bei|not||particle indicating completed action|then||we|plural marker|how|fighting method|all|fine|particle indicating suggestion|that|time|we|plural marker|still|have|anything|concerns|question particle If Liu Bei is unwilling to exchange, then we can fight however we want, what do we have to worry about then? 孫權 高興 喇 : 好 啊 , 呢 條計 妙極 喇 妙極 喇 ! Sun Quan|happy|particle indicating completed action|good|particle indicating exclamation|this||extremely clever|particle indicating completed action|extremely clever|particle indicating completed action Sun Quan is happy: Great, this plan is brilliant, absolutely brilliant! 我 有 一個 人 , 姓周 , 名善 , 好 有 膽量 嘅 , 佢 自 細 就 跟 住 我 阿哥 穿堂入室 㗎 喇 , 而家 , 派 佢 去 就 最 啱 喇 。 I|have|a|person|||very|has|courage|possessive particle|he|since|young|then|follow|living|my|older brother|enter and exit freely|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action|now|send|him|to|just|most|suitable|particle indicating completed action I have a person, surname Zhou, given name Shan, who is very courageous. He has been following my brother since he was young, and now it's just right to send him. 張昭話 : 呢 件 事 , 千祈 唔 能夠 洩 露出 去 , 叫 周善 立即 起行 啦 主公 。 Zhang Zhao said|this|classifier for events|matter|absolutely|not|able to|||go|tell|Zhou Shan|immediately|set off|particle indicating suggestion|lord Zhang Zhao said: This matter must not be leaked, tell Zhou Shan to set off immediately, my lord. 孫權 於是 秘密 噉 叫 咗 周善 嚟 , 吩咐 佢 帶 五百名 士兵 , 都 扮成 商人 噉 樣分 做 五船 , 船上 便 都 暗藏 兵器 。 Sun Quan|then|secretly|like that|called|past tense marker|Zhou Shan|here|instructed|he|to bring|500|soldiers|all|disguised as|merchants|like that|divided|into|five boats|on the boats|then|all|secretly hidden|weapons Sun Quan then secretly called Zhou Shan, instructing him to take five hundred soldiers, all disguised as merchants, divided into five boats, with weapons hidden on the boats. 另外 呢 , 又 寫定 一張 假 嘅 證明 畀 佢 , 以防 路上 盤查 。 in addition|question particle|also|write out|a|fake|possessive particle|proof|to give|him|in case of|on the road|inspection Additionally, a fake certificate was prepared for him, in case of inspections on the road. 噉 周善 接受 咗 命令 , 就 坐船去 荊州 。 then|Zhou Shan|accepted|past tense marker|order|then||Jingzhou So Zhou Shan accepted the order and set off by boat to Jingzhou. 去 到 喇 , 將 啲 船灣 住 喺 江邊 。 go|arrive|particle indicating completed action|will|plural marker|boat bay|live|at|riverside Arriving, we will dock the boats by the river. 周善 自己 入城 去 見 孫夫人 , 噉 啊 交 咗 封 密信 。 Chow Sin|himself|enter the city|to|see|Mrs Sun|then|ah|hand over|past tense marker|a|secret letter Zhou Shan went into the city to see Lady Sun, and handed over a sealed letter. 夫人 見話國 太 病危 唄 即刻 喊起 上 嚟 就 問周善 啦 。 madam||too|critically ill|particle indicating suggestion|immediately|called up|up|here|then||particle indicating completion The lady heard that the Empress Dowager was critically ill and immediately called for Zhou Shan. 周善 話 喇 : 國 太 嘅 病情 好 危險 啊 , 無時無刻 都 思念 夫人 你 。 Chiu Sin|said|particle indicating completed action|Kwok|Mr|possessive particle|condition|very|dangerous|ah|all the time|all|miss|wife|you Zhou Shan said: The Empress Dowager's condition is very dangerous, and she is constantly thinking of you, my lady. 佢 話 , 如果 返去 得 遲 呢 , 恐怕 就 見 唔 到 面 喇 噉 。 he|said|if|go back|can|late|question particle|afraid|then|see|not|arrive|face|past action particle|like this He said that if he returns late, he might not be able to see her. 誒 , 仲話 請 夫人 帶 埋 阿斗 返去 見 一面 喎 。 hey|still saying|please|wife|bring|along|A Dou|go back|see|one time|particle indicating suggestion or realization Hey, they are still saying to ask the lady to bring Ah Dou back to meet. 哦 , 皇叔 帶兵 去 咗 西川 , 我要 返去 東吳 , 一定 要 叫 人 去 話 聲 畀 軍師 聽 , 先至 可以 起程 㗎 噃。 oh|uncle|lead troops|go|past tense marker|Western Sichuan|I want|return to|Eastern Wu|definitely|must|call|someone|to|tell|message|to|military advisor|hear|only then|can|depart|sentence-final particle| Oh, the royal uncle has taken troops to Xichuan, I need to return to Eastern Wu, I must send someone to inform the strategist first before we can set off. 夫人 呀 , 如果 軍師 話 , 呢 件 事要 報告 畀 皇叔 知 得到 回覆 , 先至 好 落船 , 噉 又 點算 呢 ? madam|particle|if|military advisor|says|this|measure word for events||report|to|uncle by marriage|know|receive|reply|only then|good|board the ship|then|again|how to deal with|this Lady, if the strategist says this matter needs to be reported to the royal uncle and wait for a reply, only then can we board the ship, what should we do then? 不過 , 若果 不辭 而 去 , 怕 會 畀 人 哋 攔阻 㗎 。 however|if|without saying goodbye|and|leave|afraid|will|be|people|plural marker|stopped|sentence-final particle However, if we leave without saying goodbye, we might be stopped by others. 夫人 , 船隻 已經 準備 好 㗎 喇 , 就 灣 喺 江邊 嚟 唧 , 請 夫人 即刻 上車 出城 啦 。 madam|boat|already|prepared|well|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completion|then|bay|at|riverside|come|to hurry|please|madam|immediately|get in the car|out of the city|particle indicating suggestion Lady, the boat is already prepared, it's just by the riverbank, please get on the carriage and leave the city immediately. 好 , 噉 就 走 啦 。 good|then|just|go|particle indicating action completion Alright, let's go then. 孫夫人 聽見 話 母親 病危 喎 , 個心 又 點會 唔 慌 㗎 。 Mrs Sun|heard|news|mother|critically ill|particle indicating realization|her heart|again|how could|not|panic|particle indicating certainty Madam Sun heard that her mother was critically ill, so how could she not be anxious? 阿斗 當時 已經 七歲 嘞 , 孫夫人 就 帶 埋 阿斗 上車 , 仲帶 咗 三十幾個 隨從 , 各人 都 帶 住 刀劍 。 A Dou|at that time|already|seven years old|past tense marker|Lady Sun|then|took|along|A Dou|onto the carriage||past tense marker|over thirty|attendants|everyone|all|||swords At that time, Ah Dou was already seven years old, and Madam Sun took Ah Dou with her on the carriage, along with more than thirty attendants, each carrying swords. 噉 啊 上馬 離開 荊州 城 就 一直 嚟 到 江邊 落船 。 then|ah|get on the horse|leave|Jingzhou|city|then|straight|come|arrive|riverside|board the boat So, they mounted their horses and left Jingzhou City, heading straight to the riverside to board the ship. 等到 府 裏 便 啲 衛士 要 去 報告 個 時候 呢 , 孫夫人 已經 落 咗 船 喇 。 when|government|inside|then|plural marker|guards|have to|go|report|the|time|question particle|Lady Sun|already|disembarked|past tense marker|ship|completed action particle By the time the guards in the residence were about to report, Madam Sun had already disembarked. 周善 就 好 歡喜 啦 , 以為 呢 次 神不知鬼不覺 , 掂 晒 喇 噉 。 Chiu Sin|then|very|happy|particle|thought|this|time|without anyone knowing|good|completely|particle|like this Zhou Shan was very happy, thinking that this time no one would know, everything was perfect. 正話 吩咐 開船 , 突然 間 聽見 岸上 有人 大聲 噉 嗌: 唔 好 開船 , 等 我 同 夫人 餞行 啊 ! just saying|instructed|to set sail|suddenly|moment|heard|on the shore|someone|loudly|like that|shouted|not|good|set sail|wait|I|with|wife|farewell|particle Just as he was about to give the order to set sail, suddenly he heard someone on the shore shouting loudly: "Don't set sail, let me and my wife say goodbye!" 一睇 , 嘩 ! 係 趙子龍 嚟 到 嘞 。 at a glance|wow|is|Zhao Zilong|||past tense particle Upon looking, wow! It was Zhao Zilong who had arrived. 原來 趙子龍 去 咗 巡哨 啊 , 佢 啱 啱 返 嚟 。 it turns out|Zhao Zilong|went|past tense marker|patrol|sentence-final particle|he|||returned|come It turns out Zhao Zilong had gone on patrol, and he had just returned. 聽到 呢 個 消息 , 得 了 , 大吃一驚 , 只 係 帶 咗 四五個 人唧 騎住 馬 , 旋風 噉 啊 追到 嚟 江邊 。 heard|this|measure word|news|got|past tense marker|was greatly shocked|||brought|past tense marker|four or five||riding|horse|like a whirlwind|like that|particle indicating exclamation|caught up|to|riverside Hearing this news, oh no, he was greatly shocked, having only brought four or five people riding horses, he rushed to the riverbank like a whirlwind. 周善 揸 住 支 長矛 , 大喝一聲 話 : 嘿 ! 你 係 邊個 啊 , 連 主母 都 敢 攔阻 ? Zhou Shan|holding|firmly|measure word for long objects|spear|shouted loudly|said|hey|you|are|who|question particle|even|mistress|also|dare|obstruct Zhou Shan held a spear and shouted loudly: "Hey! Who are you, daring to block the mistress?" 眾 軍士 ! all|soldiers All soldiers! 有 ! have Yes! 開船 ! Set sail Set sail! 係 , 開船 ! yes|set sail Yes, set sail! 周善 喝 啲 士兵 開船 , 而且 人人 都 將兵 器 攞 晒 出 嚟 , 排 好 喺 船上 , 準備 一 逳 手 呢 就 有 架 生 用 。 Zhou Shan|drink|particle indicating plural|soldiers|drive the boat|and|everyone|all|||take|all|out|come|arrange|well|on|the boat|prepare|one|quick|hand|particle indicating question|then|have|classifier for vehicles|| Zhou Shan ordered the soldiers to board the ship, and everyone took out their weapons and lined them up on the ship, ready for action. 當時 呀 順風 順水 , 嗰 五隻 船 呀 , 去 得 飛 咁 快 。 at that time|particle|with the wind|with the current|that|five|boats|particle|go|able to|fly|so|fast At that time, the wind and water were favorable, and those five ships were moving incredibly fast. 趙子龍 就 沿住 江邊 追住 嚟 大叫 : 夫人 啊 , 你 去 就 去 啦 ! 小將 只有 一句 說話 要 稟告 夫人 啊 ! Zhao Zilong|then|along|the riverbank|chased|here|shouted|lady|ah|you|go|then|go|particle|young general|only|one sentence|word|must|report|lady|ah Zhao Zilong chased along the riverbank, shouting loudly: "Madam, you go ahead! The young general has only one thing to report to you!" 周善 根本 唔 睬 佢 , 一味 催促 啲 船 棹 快 啲 。 Chow Sin|at all|not|pay attention to|him|only|urging|plural marker|boat|oars|fast|comparative marker Zhou Shan completely ignored him, urging the rowers to paddle faster. 趙子龍 沿住 江邊 一路 追 , 追 咗 足足 成 十幾裏 路 , 好 嘢 啦 。 Zhao Zilong|along|the riverbank|all the way|chased|||a full|more than|ten miles|distance|||particle indicating completion or affirmation Zhao Zilong chased along the riverbank for a full ten miles, what a feat! 見到 喺 河灘 上 有 隻 漁船 拍 喺 處 , 啱 晒 啦 , 趙子龍 即刻 落馬 , 唔 要 匹 馬 喇 , 淨 係 揸 住 支銀槍 跳 咗 上 隻 漁船 。 saw|at|riverbank|on|there is|a (classifier for boats)|fishing boat|docked|at|place|just right|completely|particle|Zhao Zilong|immediately|dismounted|not|need|a (classifier for horses)|horse|particle|only|is|holding|holding||jumped|past tense marker|onto|a (classifier for boats)|fishing boat Seeing a fishing boat docked on the riverbank, Zhao Zilong immediately dismounted, leaving the horse behind, and jumped onto the fishing boat with just his silver spear. 就 嗌 咗 兩個 兵士 跟 埋 去 , 棹 衡 隻 船 猛追 。 then|shouted|past tense marker|two|soldiers|followed|together|to|rowed|Heng|measure word for boats|boat|chased fiercely He called two soldiers to follow him, and they rowed the boat to chase after it. 越 追 就 越近 嘞 , 周善 叫 啲 軍士 用箭 嚟 射 。 the more|chase|then|the closer|past tense particle|Zhou Shan|ordered|plural marker|soldiers||to|shoot The closer they got, the more Zhou Shan ordered the soldiers to shoot arrows. 趙子龍 企 喺 船頭 舞起 支槍 , 嗰 啲 箭 呀 叮叮噹噹 畀 佢 撥 晒 落水 。 Zhao Zilong|stood|at|bow of the ship|waved|his spear|those|plural marker|arrows|particle|clattering|were|he|deflected|all|into the water Zhao Zilong stood at the bow of the boat, waving his spear, while the arrows clanged and fell into the water. 好 喇 , 追到 貼 喇 , 離開 孫夫人 隻 大船 呀 只有 丈幾遠 唔 。 good|particle indicating completed action|caught up|close|particle indicating completed action|leave|Mrs Sun|measure word for boats|big boat|particle for emphasis|only||no Alright, they were close now, only about ten feet away from Lady Sun's large ship. 噉 啊 東吳 的 軍士 用 啲 槍 嚟 亂 咁 㨃 咯 喎 。 like this|ah|Dongwu|possessive particle|soldier|use|plural marker|gun|come|randomly|so|kill|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle So, the soldiers of Eastern Wu are using their guns to create chaos. 趙子龍 將支 銀槍 放 喺 漁船 上 便 ,𠻘 噉 拔出 青 釭 寶劍 。 Zhao Zilong||silver spear|put|on|fishing boat|on|then|immediately|like this|drew out|green|scabbard|precious sword Zhao Zilong placed his silver spear on the fishing boat, then swiftly drew out his blue-tasseled sword. 一格 兩 格格 開吳 兵 嗰 啲 槍 , 啪 聲 一下 就 好似 飛將軍 噉 啊 跳 上 隻 大船 , 嚇 到 嗰 班 吳 兵 呀 腳 都 軟 晒 。 one unit|two|soldiers||soldiers|those|plural marker|guns|bang|sound|in an instant|then|like|Flying General|like that|ah|jumped|onto|measure word for boats|big ship|scared|to|those|group|Wu|soldiers|ah|legs|all|weak|completely With a single strike, he opened fire on the Wu soldiers, and it was as if the Flying General jumped onto the big ship, scaring the Wu soldiers so much that their legs went weak. 趙子龍 兩 步行 入 船艙 , 見到 孫夫人 啊 , 正在 抱住 阿斗 。 Zhao Zilong|two|walked|into|cabin|saw|Lady Sun|ah|currently|holding|A Dou Zhao Zilong walked two steps into the cabin and saw Lady Sun, who was holding Ah Dou. 孫夫人 就 喝 趙子龍 話 喇 : 趙雲 , 你 為 咩 嘢 事 咁 無禮 ? Lady Sun|then|scolded|Zhao Zilong|said|particle indicating completed action|Zhao Yun|you|for|what|thing|matter|so|rude Lady Sun scolded Zhao Zilong, saying: Zhao Yun, why are you being so rude? 趙子龍 撐 噉 一聲 , 插返 好 把 寶劍 , 對 孫夫人 行 咗 個 禮話 : 主母 要 去 邊度 啊 ? 點解 唔 話 畀 軍師 聽 呢 ? Zhao Zilong|shouted|like that|one time|inserted|good|measure word for swords|sword|towards|Lady Sun|performed|past tense marker|measure word for actions|greeting|mistress|wants|to go|where|question particle|why|not|tell|to|strategist|hear|question particle Zhao Zilong let out a shout, drew his good sword, and bowed to Lady Sun, saying: "Where are you going, my lady? Why didn't you tell the strategist?" 我 母親 病情 危險 , 冇 時間 去 通知 軍師 嘞 。 I|mother|condition|dangerous|no|time|to|inform|strategist|past tense marker My mother is in critical condition, and there is no time to inform the strategist. 主母 既然 係 去 探病 , 點解 要 帶 埋 小 主人 去 啊 ? mistress|since|is|to go|visit the sick|why|need to|||little|master|to go|question particle Since my lady is going to visit the sick, why bring the young master along? 阿斗 係 我 嘅 仔 , 留 喺 荊州 冇 人 照料 佢 啊 。 A Dou|is|I|possessive particle|son|stay|at|Jingzhou|no|people|take care of|him|sentence-final particle A Dou is my son, and there is no one to take care of him in Jingzhou. 主母 你 噉 就 唔 啱 嘞 , 主公 呢 一生 , 只有 呢 一點 骨肉 。 mistress|you|like that|then|not|right|particle|master|this|lifetime|only|this|one point|flesh and blood My lady, this is not right. The lord only has this one piece of flesh and blood in his life. 小將 喺 當陽 長 坂坡 , 喺 曹操 嘅 百萬 大軍 當中 , 救 返 佢 出 嚟 。 young general|at|Dongyang|long|slope|in|Cao Cao|possessive particle|million|army|among|rescue|back|him|out|come The young general rescued him from the million-strong army of Cao Cao at Changban Slope. 今日 , 夫人 你 竟然 要 帶 佢 走 ? 你 你 你 你 你 乜嘢 意思 啊 ? today|madam|you|actually|want|take|him|away|you|you|you|you||what|meaning|ah Today, madam, you actually want to take him away? What do you mean? 哼 ! 諒 你 只 係 帳下 一名 武夫 , 竟然 管起 我 嘅 家事 咁 大膽 ? hum|suppose|you|only|are|under your command|one|warrior|unexpectedly|manage|my|possessive particle|family matters|so|bold Hmph! You, just a mere warrior under my command, dare to meddle in my family affairs so boldly? 夫人 你 要 去 就 去 , 但 係 一定 要 留低 小 主人 ! madam|you|want|go|then|go|||definitely|must|leave behind|| Madam, if you want to go, then go, but you must leave the young master behind! 趙雲 , 你 半路 中途 擅自 上 嚟 我 隻 船上 , 實 係 想 作反 啊 你 ! Zhao Yun|you|halfway|on the way|without permission|board|come|my|measure word for boat|on the boat|||want|rebel|ah|you Zhao Yun, you came up onto my ship halfway without permission, are you trying to rebel? 夫人 啊 ! 若果 你 唔 留低 小 主人 , 縱然 殺 咗 我 趙雲 , 亦 唔 敢 放 夫人 你 去 ! madam|ah|if|you|not|leave behind|small|master|even if|kill|past tense marker|I|Zhao Yun|also|not|dare|let go|madam|you|leave Madam! If you do not leave the young master behind, even if I, Zhao Yun, am killed, I would not dare to let you go! 孫夫人 覺得 豈有此理 啦 , 就 喝 啲 婢女 去 拉 趙子龍 走 。 Lady Sun|thought|how could this be reasonable|particle|then|ordered|some|maidservants|to|pull|Zhao Zilong|leave Madam Sun found this unreasonable and ordered the maidservants to pull Zhao Zilong away. 哈哈 , 就算 呢 班 婢女 啊 學過 幾路 拳棒 食過 幾晚 夜粥 , 又點 係 趙子龍 手腳 嘅 呢 ? haha|even if|this|classifier for group|maid|ah|has learned|several styles|martial arts|has eaten|several nights|late-night porridge||is|Zhao Zilong|skills|possessive particle|this Haha, even if these maidservants have learned a few styles of boxing and have had a few nights of late porridge, how could they possibly match Zhao Zilong's skills? 趙子龍 一下 兩下 , 就 將 嗰 班 婢女 推倒 晒 , 跟 住 趙子龍 一手 , 就 喺 孫夫人 懷抱 之中 啊 , 搶 咗 阿斗 過 嚟 。 Zhao Zilong|in one move|in two moves|then|to push|that|group|maidens|knocked down|completely||||with one hand|then|in|Lady Sun|embrace|within|ah|snatched|past tense marker|A Dou|over|here In just a moment, Zhao Zilong pushed all those maidservants down, and then with one hand, he took the child from Madam Sun's embrace. 趙子龍 抱住 阿斗 行 出去 船頭 。 Zhao Zilong|holding|A Dou|walked|out|bow of the boat Zhao Zilong held the child and walked out to the bow of the ship. 佢 想 隻 船 埋 岸 嗨 , 噉 又 點得 吖 冇 人 幫手 啊 。 he|wants|measure word for boats|boat|to be at|shore|hi|then|again|how to do|particle|no|person|help|particle He wants the boat to dock, but how can that be done without anyone to help? 想 發惡 咩 , 又 怕 太過 無禮 啊 , 總之 而 家 佢 進 又 唔 得 啊 退 亦 唔 係 。 want|to be mean|what|also|afraid|too|rude|particle|in short|||he|advance|also|not|able|particle|retreat|also|not|able He wants to act out, but is afraid of being too rude. In short, he can't move forward or backward right now. 孫夫人 喝 嗰 班 婢女 上去 要 搶 返 阿斗 返 嚟 。 Lady Sun|scolded|that|group|maidservants|went up|to|snatch|back|A Dou|return|here Madam Sun ordered those maids to go up and try to bring back A Dou. 你 哋 咪 埋 嚟 啊 ! |||||particle for emphasis You all come here! 趙子龍 左手 抱穩 阿斗 , 右手 揸 住 把 寶劍 就 冇 個人 敢行 近 佢 。 Zhao Zilong|left hand|securely held|A Dou|right hand|||measure word for tools|sword|then|no|one|dared to approach|close to|him Zhao Zilong held A Dou securely in his left arm, and with his right hand holding the sword, no one dared to approach him. 喺 呢 個 時候 , 周 善 喺 船尾 把 實個 肽 , 一味 督住 快 啲 棹 快 啲 棹 ! at|this|measure word|time|Zhou|Shan|at|stern|particle indicating action|real|tie|continuously|urging|faster|particle indicating degree|rowing|faster|particle indicating degree|rowing At this moment, Zhou Shan was at the stern of the ship, urging, "Row faster, row faster!" 嘿 兼 夾風 順水 急 , 嗰 只 船 呀 行 到 支箭 噉 。 hey|and|with wind|with current|fast|that|measure word for boat|boat|particle|travel|to||like Hey, with the wind at our back and the current strong, that ship was moving like an arrow. 趙子龍 呢 趟 啊 確係 激 奀 嚟 喇 , 孤掌難鳴 啊 。 Zhao Zilong|this|trip|particle|really|exciting|weak|come|particle|a single hand cannot clap| Zhao Zilong is indeed in a tough spot this time, it's hard to do it alone. 冇 錯 阿斗 係 保護 住 喇 , 之 點得 隻 船 埋岸 呢 ? not|wrong|A Dou|is|protect|living|particle indicating completed action|possessive particle|how can|measure word for animals|boat|dock|question particle That's right, A Dou is being protected, but how can that ship reach the shore? 正在 危急 嘅 時候 , 忽然間 , 喺 前 便 一條 河口 , 瀡 瀡 聲 一下 棹 出 十幾隻 船 嚟 。 at that moment|critical|possessive particle|time|suddenly|at|front|then|one|river mouth|||sound|suddenly|rowed|out|more than ten|boats|came Just at that critical moment, suddenly, a river mouth appeared ahead, and with a splash, more than ten boats rowed out. 船上 就 沊沊 聲 擂響 戰鼓 , 舞住 大旗 。 on the ship|then|the sound of drums|sound|resounding|war drums|waving|large flag On the ship, the sound of drums was beating, waving the big flag. 趙子龍 個心 諗 : 弊 ! 呢 趟 中 咗 東吳 嘅 奸計 。 Zhao Zilong|in his heart|thought|oh no|this|trip|fell for|past tense marker|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|scheme Zhao Zilong thought: Oh no! This time, we've fallen for the Eastern Wu's scheme. 咦 吖 ? 只見 行頭 個 船上 有 一員大將 , 手執 長矛 高聲 大叫 話 : 嫂嫂 ! 你 留低 我個 侄先 至 好 去 啊 ! eh|particle|only saw|on the ship|measure word for people|on the ship|has||holding|spear|loudly|shouted|said|sister-in-law|you|leave behind|my||only|well|go|particle Oh? I see a general on the ship, holding a spear and shouting loudly: Sister-in-law! You leave my nephew behind first before you go! 哦 , 原來 張飛 去 咗 巡哨 , 聽講 呢 個 消息 就 急急 趕到 油 江口 , 撞 正 東吳 嘅 船隻 啊 即刻 截住 。 oh|originally|Zhang Fei|went|past tense marker|patrol|heard|this|measure word|news|then|hurriedly|rushed to|oil|river mouth|||Eastern Wu|possessive particle|ships|ah|immediately|intercepted Oh, it turns out Zhang Fei went on patrol, and upon hearing this news, he hurried to the mouth of the oil river and immediately intercepted the Eastern Wu's ship. 當時 張飛 揸 住 把 劍 , 啪 聲 跳 上 東吳 嘅 船 。 at that time|Zhang Fei|held|firmly|measure word for weapons|sword|sound of jumping|sound|jumped|onto|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|boat At that time, Zhang Fei wielded his sword and jumped onto the Eastern Wu's ship with a bang. 周善 見 張飛 上船 唄 , 舞起 把 刀 就 迎 上 嚟 嘞 喎 。 Zhou Shan|saw|Zhang Fei|get on the boat|particle indicating suggestion|brandished|measure word for knives|knife|then||up|come|past action particle|particle indicating confirmation Zhou Shan saw Zhang Fei get on the boat, and he danced with his knife and rushed over. 張飛 把 劍 啊 從來 唔 係 食齋 㗎 嘛 , 手起 一劍 就 劈 低 周善 。 Zhang Fei|(particle indicating action)|sword|(particle for emphasis)|never|not|is|vegetarian|(particle indicating certainty)|(particle indicating obviousness)|with a swift hand|one sword strike|then|||Zhou Shan Zhang Fei's sword has never been for show; with a swift motion, he slashed down Zhou Shan. 順手 再 一劍 , 就 割 咗 周善 個頭 , 執起 噹 噉 啊 掟 喺 孫夫人 嘅 面前 。 casually|again|one sword|then|cut|past tense marker|Zhou Shan||picked up|||ah|threw|at|Lady Sun|possessive particle|in front of With another swift stroke, he severed Zhou Shan's head and picked it up to throw in front of Lady Sun. 嚇 到 孫夫人 啊 當堂 面青 : 叔叔 , 你 點解 咁 無禮 啊 ? scare|to|Mrs Sun|exclamation particle|on the spot|pale-faced|uncle|you|why|so|rude|exclamation particle Lady Sun was so frightened that her face turned pale: "Uncle, why are you being so rude?" 嫂嫂 你 不 以 我 大哥 為重 , 私自 返 娘家 , 噉 先 至 係 無禮 啊 ! sister-in-law|you|not|regard|my|elder brother|important|without permission|return|parental home|then|||is|rude|ah Sister-in-law, you do not respect my elder brother and returned to your family without permission; that is what is truly rude! 我 母親 病得 好 緊要 , 非常 危急 嘞 , 若果 要 等 你 大哥 回覆 , 就誤 咗 我 嘅 事 㗎 喇 。 I|mother|got sick|very|serious|extremely|urgent|particle indicating completed action|if|have to|wait|your|elder brother|reply||past tense marker|my|possessive particle|matter|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating change of state My mother is very seriously ill, it's extremely urgent. If I have to wait for your elder brother's reply, it will ruin my matters. 如果 叔叔 你 唔 放 我 返去 , 我 情願 跳水 死 咗 佢 咯 。 if|uncle|you|not|let|me|go back|I|would rather|jump into water|die|past tense marker|he|final particle If you don't let me go back, I would rather jump into the water and die. 張飛 即刻 拉開 趙雲 商量 : Zhang Fei|immediately|pulled apart|Zhao Yun|discuss Zhang Fei immediately pulled Zhao Yun aside to discuss: 如果 逼死 夫人 , 就 唔 係 我 哋 做 臣子 之 道 噃, 不如 , 抱返 阿斗 返去 就 了 喇 。 if|drive to death|wife|then|not|is|we|plural marker|be|subject|possessive particle|way|particle indicating suggestion|might as well|carry back|A Dou (name)|return|then|completed action particle|particle indicating change of state If we force the lady to death, that wouldn't be the way of being our subjects. How about we just take A Dou back instead. 好 啦 。 good|particle indicating suggestion or agreement Alright. 嫂嫂 , 我 大哥 乃 係 大漢 皇叔 , 唔 會 唔 配得 上 嫂嫂 你 。 sister-in-law|I|older brother|is|is|Han Dynasty|imperial uncle|not|will|not|||sister-in-law|you Sister-in-law, my elder brother is the uncle of the Han Emperor, he is certainly worthy of you. 今日 , 我 哋 分別 喇 , 如果 你仲 思念 大哥 嘅 情意 , 就 早日 返 嚟 啦 。 today|||part|past tense marker|if||miss|elder brother|possessive particle|feelings|then|soon|||sentence-final particle Today, we part ways, if you still miss my brother's feelings, then come back soon. 張飛 講完 , 抱住 阿斗 同 趙雲 返過 自己 隻 船 , 放 咗 孫夫人 嗰 五隻 船 走 。 Zhang Fei|finished speaking|hugged|A Dou|and|Zhao Yun|returned|his own|measure word for boat|boat|let|past tense marker|Lady Sun|that|five|boats|leave After Zhang Fei finished speaking, he took A Dou and Zhao Yun back to his own ship, letting Sun's five ships leave. 呢 , 有首 詩 讚 趙子龍 喇 : this||poem|praising|Zhao Zilong|particle indicating completion or affirmation Here, there is a poem praising Zhao Zilong: 昔年 救主 在 當陽 , 今日 飛身 向 大江 。 船上 吳兵皆 膽裂 , 子龍 英勇 世 無雙 ! last year|Savior|at|Dongyang|today|flying|towards|the great river|on the boat|all Wu soldiers|terrified|Zilong|brave|world|unmatched In the past, he saved the lord at Changyang, today he flies towards the great river. On the ship, all the Wu soldiers are terrified, Zilong's bravery is unmatched in the world! 又 有 一首 詩 讚 張飛 : again|has|a|poem|praising|Zhang Fei There is also a poem praising Zhang Fei: 長 坂 橋邊 怒氣 騰 , 一聲 虎嘯 退 曹兵 。 今朝 江 上 扶危 主 , 青史 應傳 萬載 名 。 long|slope|by the bridge|anger|rising|with one sound|tiger's roar|repelled|Cao's soldiers|this morning|river|on|supporting the endangered|lord|history||ten thousand years|name On the long slope by the bridge, anger rises, with a tiger's roar driving back Cao's soldiers. This morning on the river, supporting the endangered lord, his name should be passed down through the ages. 噉 趙雲 、 張飛 兩個 歡歡喜喜 坐船 返去 。 then|Zhao Yun|Zhang Fei|both|happily|by boat|return So Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei happily took a boat back. 行 咗 冇 幾遠 , 孔明 率領 住 大隊 船隻 嚟 接應 , 見到 已經 搶返 阿斗 喇 就 好 高興 啦 。 walk|past tense marker|not|very far|Kongming|led|continuous aspect marker|large group|ships|come|support|saw|already|retrieved|Adou|sentence-final particle|then|very|happy|sentence-final particle After traveling a short distance, Kongming led a large fleet of boats to meet them, and upon seeing that they had already rescued A Dou, he was very pleased. 關於 呢 件 事 , 孔明 呀 寫 咗 封信 , 派 人 送 去 葭 萌關 報告 劉備 , 呢 啲 就 放落 唔 講 佢 喇 。 regarding|this|classifier for events|matter|Kongming|sentence-final particle|wrote|past tense marker|a letter|sent|person|deliver|to|a place|Mengguan|report|Liu Bei|||just|put in|not|mention|him|sentence-final particle Regarding this matter, Kongming wrote a letter and sent someone to deliver it to Ji Meng Pass to report to Liu Bei, and these details will not be mentioned. 而家 講下 孫夫人 佢 返 到 東吳 , 就 同 孫權 講話 張飛 、 趙雲 點樣 點樣 殺 咗 周善 , 又 點樣 點樣 攔江 搶 返 阿斗 返去 噉 。 now|talk about|Lady Sun|he|return|||||||||||||||||||||back|like that Now let's talk about Lady Sun. When she returned to Eastern Wu, she told Sun Quan how Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun killed Zhou Shan, and how they intercepted the river to rescue A Dou. 孫權 就 可惱 啦 , 佢 話 : 而家 阿妹 已經 返 咗 嚟 東吳 , 同 佢 冇 親 㗎 嘞 , 殺周 善 嘅 仇 , 唔 報 唔 得 ! Sun Quan|then|annoyed|particle indicating change of state|he|said|now|Ah Mei|already|returned|past tense marker|to|Eastern Wu|with|her|not|related|particle indicating emphasis|particle indicating completed action|killing Zhou|Shan|possessive particle|grudge|not|avenge|not|possible Sun Quan was furious. He said: "Now that my sister has returned to Eastern Wu, she has no kinship with him. We must take revenge for Zhou Shan's death!" 就 立即 召集 文武 官員 , 商量 起兵 去 攻打 荊州 。 then|immediately|gather|civil and military|officials|discuss|raise troops|to|attack|Jingzhou He immediately summoned civil and military officials to discuss raising troops to attack Jingzhou. 正 喺 度 計劃 緊 點樣 調兵遣將 , 忽然 得到 報告 話 曹操 啊 出動 四十萬 大軍 嚟 報 赤壁 之仇 。 currently|at|place|planning|continuous aspect marker|how|deploy troops|suddenly|received|report|saying|Cao Cao|ah|mobilize|400000|army|to|avenge|Red Cliffs| Just as they were planning how to deploy troops, they suddenly received a report that Cao Cao had mobilized an army of 400,000 to avenge the defeat at Chibi. 啊 嚇到 孫權 驚晒 , 就 唯有 放開 荊州 先 , 轉過 嚟 商量 迎敵 曹操 嘞 。 ah|scared|Sun Quan|completely shocked|then|only|give up|Jingzhou|first|turned around|to|discuss|confronting|Cao Cao|past tense particle Sun Quan was terrified and had no choice but to abandon Jingzhou and turn to discuss how to confront Cao Cao. 喺 呢 個 時候 , 東吳 一個 已經 因為 病 辭官 回家 嘅 老 臣子 叫做 張 紘 啊 , 佢 久病 醫治無效 就 死 咗 。 at|this|measure word|time|Eastern Wu|a|already|because of|illness|resign from office|return home|possessive particle|old|minister|named|Zhang|Hong|ah|he|long illness||then|die|past tense marker At this time, an old official of Eastern Wu named Zhang Hang, who had already resigned due to illness and returned home, passed away. 逝世 之前 呢 有 封 遺書 呈 畀 孫權 。 passed away|before|question particle|there was|a|will|presented|to|Sun Quan Before his death, he submitted a will to Sun Quan. 孫權 睇 咗 封 遺書 , 裡頭 呢 係 建議 孫權 啊 , 將 東吳 嘅 首府 就 搬 去 秣 陵 。 Sun Quan|read|past tense marker|sealed|will|inside|this|is|suggestion||particle|to|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|capital|then|move|to|| Sun Quan read the will, which contained suggestions for him. 話 秣 陵 嘅 山水 有 帝王 之氣 , 應該 快 啲 搬 去 嗰 處 , 就 作為 子孫 萬世 嘅 基業 。 saying|Moli|Ling|possessive particle|landscape|has|imperial||should|quickly|comparative particle|move|to|that|place|then|serve as|descendants|forever|possessive particle|foundation It suggested that Sun Quan should move the capital of Eastern Wu to Moling. 孫權 睇 咗 信 , 感動 到 忍 唔 住 喊 起 上 嚟 。 Sun Quan|read|past tense marker|letter|moved|to the point of||||cry||| It stated that the mountains and rivers of Moling have the aura of emperors, and that they should move there quickly to establish a foundation for future generations. 佢 就 聽從 張 紘 臨死前 嘅 建議 , 就 下令 搬 去 秣 陵 , 改名 做 建業 , 就 建築 石頭城 。 He|then|followed|Zhang|Hong|before he died|possessive particle|suggestion|then|ordered|to move|to|Mo|Ling|renamed|to|Jianye|then|built|stone city He followed Zhang Hong's advice before his death, and ordered to move to Moling, renaming it Jianye, and built a stone city. 秣 陵 就 係 古時 一個 縣 , 即 係 今日 嘅 南京市 嘞 。 Mòu|Líng|just|is|ancient times|a|county|that is|is|today|possessive particle|Nanjing city|past action particle Moling was an ancient county, which is today's Nanjing. 呂蒙 呢 , 又 提 咗 個 建議 喎 , 佢 話 : 曹操 人馬 打 嚟 嘅 時候 , 我 哋 可以 喺 濡 須 水口 築塢 嚟 抵抗 佢 。 Lu Meng|question particle|again|raise|past tense marker|measure word|suggestion|sentence-final particle|he|said|Cao Cao|troops|attack|come|possessive particle|time|||can|at|||waterway|build a fort|come|resist|him Lü Meng also made a suggestion, saying: When Cao Cao's troops come, we can build a fort at the mouth of the Ruxu River to resist them. 塢 係 咩 呢 ? 塢 就 係 堡壘 啊 。 fort|is|what|question particle||just|is|fortress|exclamation particle What is a fort? A fort is a stronghold. 噉 其他 啲 將官 又 話 嘞 : 上岸 打 就 打喇落 船 就 落船 喇 , 喺 濡 須 口 嚟 築 個 塢 嚟 有 咩 嘢 用 啊 ? then|other|plural marker|officer|again|said|past tense marker|go ashore|hit|then|hit down|boat|then|go aboard|past tense marker|at|wet|must|mouth|come|build|measure word|dock|come|have|what|thing|use|question particle Then other generals said: If we are going to fight, let's fight on land; if we are going to retreat, let's retreat by boat. What use is it to build a fort at the mouth of the Ruxu River? 呂蒙 話 : 刀劍 有利 有鈍 , 打仗 亦 有輸有贏 。 Lu Meng|said|swords and knives|have advantages|have disadvantages|fighting|also| Lü Meng said: Swords and blades can be sharp or dull, and in battle, there are wins and losses. 如果 敵人 突然襲擊 事起 倉促 , 我 哋 有 堡壘 作為 屏障 就 穩陣 得 多 。 if|enemy||situation arises|hastily|we|plural marker|have|fortress|as|barrier|then|secure|more|much If the enemy suddenly attacks and things happen in a hurry, having a fortress as a barrier makes us much more secure. 孫權 亦 都 話 : 係 , 人無遠慮 必有近憂 。 子 明 嘅 意見 考慮 得 好 長遠 啊 。 Sun Quan|also|all|said|yes|||you|Ming|possessive particle|opinion|consideration|is|very|long-term|particle Sun Quan also said: Yes, if one does not plan for the long term, there will surely be worries in the short term. Zi Ming's opinion is very forward-thinking. 孫權 同意 咗 呂蒙 嘅 建議 , 就 派遣 咗 幾 萬軍 兵去 築濡須 塢 , 要求 日夜 施工 限期完成 。 Sun Quan|agreed|past tense marker|Lu Meng|possessive particle|suggestion|then|dispatched|past tense marker|several|||build the Nu Su fort|fort|required|day and night|construction| Sun Quan agreed with Lü Meng's suggestion and sent several tens of thousands of troops to build the Ru Su Fort, requiring them to work day and night to complete it on time. 噉 啊 濡須 呢 , 係 古時 一條 河道 嚟 , 佢 呀 發源 於 而家 安徽省 巢縣 以西 嘅 巢湖 , 啊 即 係 今日 運 漕河 嘅 前身 。 like this|ah|Ru River|question particle|is|ancient times|a|river channel|come|it|ah|originates|in|now|Anhui Province|Chao County|west of|possessive particle|Chaohu Lake|ah|that is|is|today|||possessive particle|predecessor Now, Ru Su refers to an ancient river channel, which originated from Chaohu, west of Chaoxian in present-day Anhui Province, and is the predecessor of today's Yun Cao River. 而家 就 講返 下 曹操 , 佢 喺 許都 佢 嘅 權勢 就 越 嚟 越 大 。 now|then|talk about|next|Cao Cao|he|at|Xu Du|his||power|then|more|come|more|great Now let's talk about Cao Cao, his power in Xudu is getting greater and greater. 有 一日 , 長史 董昭 啊 對 曹操 建議 話 : there is|one day|Chief Historian|Dong Zhao|ah|to|Cao Cao|suggested|words One day, the Chancellor Dong Zhao suggested to Cao Cao: 自古以來 , 做 大臣 嘅 未曾 有過 一個 好似 丞相 咁 大 功勞 嘅 , 即使 係 周公 、 呂望 都 比 唔 上 啊 。 since ancient times|to be|minister|possessive particle|never|had|one|like|prime minister|so|great|contribution|possessive particle|even if|is|Duke of Zhou|Lu Wang|all|compared to|||ah Since ancient times, there has never been a minister with such great merit as the Prime Minister, not even Zhou Gong or Lü Wang can compare. 三十多年 嚟 , 丞相 晝夜 勤勞 , 掃蕩 群凶 , 為 百姓 除害 , 使 漢室 復 存 。 over thirty years|ago|Prime Minister|day and night|diligent|eliminate|bandits|for|common people|remove harm|make|Han dynasty|again|exist For over thirty years, the Prime Minister has worked diligently day and night, eliminating bandits and removing harm for the people, allowing the Han dynasty to survive. 咁 大 嘅 功勞 , 同 其他 嘅 文武 官員 冇 啲 分別 又點 啱 嘅 呢 ? so|big|possessive particle|contribution|and|other|possessive particle|civil and military|officials|have not|plural marker|difference||right|possessive particle|question particle With such great merit, how can it be right that he is not distinguished from other civil and military officials? 我 認為 丞相 應該 受魏 公之位 , 加九錫 , 嚟 表彰 丞相 嘅 功德 啊 。 I|believe|Prime Minister|should||||in order to|reward|Prime Minister|possessive particle|merits|sentence-final particle I believe the Prime Minister should receive the title of Duke Wei, along with the Nine Honors, to recognize the Prime Minister's contributions. 所謂 九錫 啊 , 就 係 古代 嘅 帝王 賜 畀 有 大功 或者 有 權勢 嘅 諸侯 大臣 嘅 九種 物品 , 就 好似 車馬 、 衣服 啊 等等 噉 。 so-called|nine gifts|particle|just|||||||||||||||||||like|carriages and horses|clothing|particle|etc|like this The so-called Nine Honors are nine types of items that ancient emperors bestowed upon vassal lords and ministers who had made great contributions or held power, such as carriages, horses, clothing, and so on. 噉 啊 董昭 呢 個 建議 呢 , 侍中 荀彧 就 反對 喎 。 then|ah|Dong Zhao|this|measure word|suggestion|this|Palace Attendant|Xun Yu|then|opposed|particle indicating assertion However, this suggestion from Dong Zhao was opposed by the Chamberlain Xun Yu. 佢 話 : 唔 好 啊 , 丞相 本來 係 率領 仁義之師 匡扶漢 室 , 理應 係 忠心耿耿 , 謙虛謹慎 , 唔 應該 噉 樣 做 嘅 。 he|said||||Prime Minister|originally|was|leading|righteous army|||should|be|loyal|humble and cautious|||||act|particle indicating action He said: No, the Prime Minister is originally supposed to lead the righteous army to support the Han dynasty, and should be loyal, humble, and cautious; this should not be done. 曹操 先頭 聽 董昭 講 嘅 時候 呢 , 個心 就 好 高興 。 Cao Cao|at first|heard|Dong Zhao|speaking|past tense marker|time|particle indicating a question or emphasis|his heart|then|very|happy At first, when Cao Cao heard Dong Zhao speak, he was very pleased. 哈點 知 畀 荀彧 當頭 潑 咗 殼 冷水 , 當堂 面色 都 變 咗 。 how|to know|by|Xun Yu|directly|splashed|past tense marker|shell|cold water|on the spot|complexion|all|changed|past tense marker Ha, knowing that Xun Yu was splashed with cold water at the head, his face changed right there. 董昭 就 話 喇 : 眾望 所 歸 , 人人 都 贊成 嘅 , 就 係 佢 一個 人 唔 同意 啫 。 Dong Zhao|then|said|particle indicating completed action|public expectation|||everyone|all|agree|particle indicating possession|just|is|he|one|person|not|agree|only Dong Zhao then said: The will of the people, everyone agrees, it's just him who disagrees. 於是 就 決定 上 一份 表章 , 稟奏 皇帝 , 請求 封 曹操 做 魏公 , 加九錫 。 then|immediately|decided|submit|a|memorial|report|Emperor|request|confer|Cao Cao|to be|Duke of Wei| So it was decided to submit a memorial to the emperor, requesting to confer Cao Cao the title of Wei Gong and grant him nine rewards. 荀彧 對 呢 件 事 啊 極之 不滿 。 Xun Yu|towards|this|classifier for events|matter|ah|extremely|dissatisfied Xun Yu was extremely dissatisfied with this matter. 有 一次 佢 曾經 好 感慨 噉 講過 : 唉 ! 我 真 係 想 唔 到 今日 會 見到 啲 噉 嘅 事 啊 。 there is|one time|he|once|very|emotional|like that|said|sigh|I||||||today|would|see|those|||things|ah Once, he expressed his feelings and said: Alas! I really didn't expect to see such things today. 嗨 , 點 知 佢 呢 句 說話 , 傳返 去 畀 曹操 知道 咗 , 嬲 到 佢 入骨 喇 , 佢 認 為 荀彧 啊 都 唔 擁護 自己 嘅 。 Hi|||he|||speech|send back|to|to|Cao Cao|know|past tense marker|angry|to|he|to the bone|particle indicating completed action|he|||Xun Yu|ah|also|not|support|himself|possessive particle Hi, how did he know that this sentence was passed back to Cao Cao, making him furious to the bone? He thought that Xun Yu didn't support him. 噉 啊 到 咗 建安 十七年 , 即 係 公元 二 一二年 嘅 冬天 十月 , 曹操 興兵 下 江南 嘞 , 佢 叫 荀彧 跟 埋 一齊 去 。 then|particle|arrive|past tense marker|Jian'an|year 17|||AD|2|year 212|possessive particle|winter|October|Cao Cao|raise troops|go down|Jiangnan|past action marker|he|called|Xun Yu|follow|together|together|go So, it was the winter of October in the 17th year of Jian'an, which is the year 212 AD, when Cao Cao raised troops to go south to Jiangnan, and he called Xun Yu to go with him. 荀彧 啊 已經 諗 到 曹操 有心 要 殺 佢 㗎 喇 , 就 話 有 病 , 留 喺 壽 春 冇 去 。 Xun Yu|ah|already|thought|to|Cao Cao|intent|to|kill|him|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action|then|said|has|illness|stay|at|||not|go Xun Yu had already thought that Cao Cao intended to kill him, so he said he was ill and stayed in Shouchun. 有 一日 , 曹操 派 人 送 咗 一盒 食物 嚟 , 盒 上 便 呢 , 有 曹操 親筆寫 嘅 封條 。 there is|one day|Cao Cao|sent|a person|deliver|past tense marker|a box|food|here|box|on|then|this|there is|Cao Cao||possessive particle|seal One day, Cao Cao sent someone to deliver a box of food, and on the box, there was a seal written in Cao Cao's own handwriting. 打開 個 盒 一 睇 , 哦 ? 空空如也 乜嘢 都 冇 嘅 。 open|the|box|one|look|oh|completely empty|anything|at all|have not|particle indicating possession When he opened the box, oh? It was empty, nothing at all. 啊 , 荀彧 會意 嘞 , 佢 乜嘢 都 冇 講 , 就 服毒自殺 。 ah|Xun Yu|understood|past tense particle|he|anything|at all|didn't|say|then|committed suicide by poison Ah, Xun Yu understood, he didn't say anything and just committed suicide by poison. 當時 呀 , 荀彧 係 五十歲 。 at that time|particle|Xun Yu|was|fifty years old At that time, Xun Yu was fifty years old. 噉 佢 個 仔 就 發 個 訃告 畀 曹操 , 話個 老 竇死 咗 嘞 。 then|he|possessive particle|son|then|sent|the|obituary|to|Cao Cao||old||past tense marker|final particle So his son sent a notice to Cao Cao, saying that the old man had died. 曹操 後悔 喇 呢 趟 , 就 吩咐 隆重 啲 同 荀彧 辦 喪事 , 仲 追封 佢 做 敬 侯 。 Cao Cao|regretted|particle indicating completed action|this|trip|then|instructed|solemnly|more|with|Xun Yu|handle|funeral|still|posthumously enfeoffed|him|made|respectful|marquis Cao Cao regretted this incident, so he ordered a more elaborate funeral for Xun Yu and posthumously conferred the title of Jing Hou on him. 嚱嚱, 所以 曹操 啲 權術 啊 亦 係 極 厲害 㗎 吓 , 逼死 咗 你 嘞 , 仲要 你 啲 親人 多謝 返 佢 㗎 。 haha|so|Cao Cao|possessive particle|cunning|sentence-final particle|also|is|extremely|powerful|sentence-final particle|huh|forced to death|past tense marker|you|past tense marker|still|you|possessive particle|family|thank|back|him|sentence-final particle Haha, that's why Cao Cao's political tactics are also extremely powerful, he forced you to death, and your relatives still have to thank him. 啊 呢 啲 就 唔 講 佢 喇 , 只 係 講下 曹操 嘅 大軍 呢 嚟 到濡須 。 ah|this|plural marker|then|not|talk|he|particle indicating completed action|only|is|talking about|Cao Cao|possessive particle|army|this|come| Ah, let's not talk about these things, just talk about Cao Cao's large army arriving at Ruxu. 佢 先 不 先 呢 就 派 曹 洪 率領 三萬名 鐵甲 馬 軍 , 作為 先頭部隊 , 喺 前 便 開路 , 一路 偵察 搜索 去 到 江邊 。 He|first|not|first|question particle|then|send|Cao|Hong|lead|30000|armored|horse|troops|as|vanguard|at|front|then|clear the way|all the way|reconnaissance|search|go|arrive|riverside He first sent Cao Hong to lead thirty thousand armored cavalry as the vanguard, to clear the way in front and scout towards the riverbank. 曹洪派 人 返去 報告 曹操 話 : 遠遠 望見 沿住 江邊 一帶 , 旗幟 無數 咁 多 , 但 係 唔 知道 東吳 嘅 人馬 集結 喺 邊 處 嚟 。 Cao Hong sent|person|return|report|Cao Cao|said|far away|saw|along|riverside|area|flags|countless|||||||Eastern Wu|possessive particle|troops|gathered|at|||came Cao Hong sent someone back to report to Cao Cao that: from a distance, he saw countless flags along the riverbank, but he didn't know where the troops of Eastern Wu were gathering. 曹操 放心 唔 落 , 就 親自 帶兵 前進 , 就 喺 濡 須 口 擺開陣勢 。 Cao Cao|don't worry|not|fall|then|personally|lead the troops|advance|then|at|||mouth| Cao Cao was not at ease, so he personally led the troops forward and set up formations at the mouth of Ruxu. 然後 呢 , 曹操 就 帶 住 百幾 人行 上 山坡 , 遼望 下 東吳 嘅 情形 。 then|question particle|Cao Cao|then|||over a hundred||up|hillside|gazed far|down|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|situation Then, Cao Cao took a hundred or so men up the hillside to survey the situation of Eastern Wu. 只見 東吳 啲 戰船 呀 各分 隊伍 , 依住 次序 排列 , 五色 旗幟 迎風招展 , 各種 兵器 係 閃閃發光 。 only saw|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|warships|exclamatory particle||units|according to|order|arranged|five colors|flags||all kinds of|weapons|are|shining Only the warships of Eastern Wu can be seen, each divided into teams, arranged in order, with colorful flags fluttering in the wind, and various weapons shining brightly. 當中 一隻 大船 , 船頭 上 , 撐住 一頂 青羅 傘 。 among|a|large ship|bow|on|holding|a|green silk|umbrella Among them, there is a large ship, and on the bow, there is a green silk umbrella. 孫權 就 坐 喺 青羅 傘 之下 , 文武百官 侍立 喺 左右 兩旁 , 嘩 係 夠威 㗎 。 Sun Quan|then|sat|at|green silk|umbrella|under|civil and military officials|stood by|at|left and right|both sides|wow|is|quite impressive|particle indicating affirmation Sun Quan is sitting under the green silk umbrella, with civil and military officials standing on both sides, which is quite impressive. 曹操 用條 馬鞭 指 住 嗰 隻 大船 話 : 生仔 啊 就 應當 好似 孫權 噉 。 Cao Cao||riding whip|pointed|at|that|measure word for animals or boats|large ship|said|have a son|ah|then|should|be like|Sun Quan|like Cao Cao pointed at that large ship with a riding whip and said: "If you have a son, he should be like Sun Quan." 劉表 嗰 啲 仔 , 豬狗 一樣 㗎 。 Liu Biao|those|plural marker|children|pigs and dogs|the same| Liu Biao's children are just like pigs and dogs. 曹操 正在 滿懷 感慨 發緊 議論 。 Cao Cao|is|full of|emotion|in the process of|discussing Cao Cao was deeply moved and was discussing. 忽然間 , 戰鼓 一響 , 東吳 啲 戰船 一齊 飛 駛過 嚟 。 suddenly|war drum|sounded|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|warships|together|swiftly|sailed over|here Suddenly, the war drums sounded, and the warships of Eastern Wu rushed over. 喺 濡 須 塢 裏 便 又 有 一支 軍隊 殺出 嚟 , 就 向 住 曹 軍 發起 衝鋒 。 in|the|must|fort|inside|then|again|have|a|army|rush out|come|then|towards|the|Cao|army|launch|charge From the rear of the Ru Xu Wharf, another army charged out, launching an attack on Cao's army. 曹操 啲 軍隊 退後 就 走 噃, 喝 都 喝 唔 住 , 弊 喇 ! Cao Cao|possessive particle|army|retreat|then|leave||drink|all||||bad|particle indicating completed action Cao Cao's troops retreated, unable to hold their ground, it was disastrous! 霎時間 , 又 有 千幾馬 軍衝 到 嚟 山邊 , 喺 最 前頭 嗰 個 , 生 得 碧眼 紫 鬚 , 嗰 啲 人 認得 喇 , 係 孫權 啊 ! in an instant|again|there are|over a thousand horses||arrived|at|the mountain side|at|most|front|that|classifier for people|born|with|blue eyes|purple|beard|||people|recognized|particle indicating completed action|is|Sun Quan|ah In an instant, over a thousand cavalry rushed to the mountainside, and the one at the front, with green eyes and a purple beard, was recognized by the others as Sun Quan! 原來 孫權 佢 親自 帶領 一隊 馬 軍 嚟 打 曹操 喎 , 嚇 到 曹操 大驚 啦 , 急急 回馬 走 人 。 it turns out|Sun Quan|he|personally|led|a unit|cavalry|army|to|fight|Cao Cao|particle indicating realization|||Cao Cao|very surprised|particle indicating completed action|hurriedly|turn back|run away|people It turns out that Sun Quan personally led a cavalry unit to attack Cao Cao, which startled Cao Cao greatly, causing him to hurriedly retreat. 東吳 嘅 大將 韓當同 周泰 騎住 馬直衝 上 嚟 。 Eastern Wu|possessive particle|general||Zhou Tai|riding||up|here The great generals of Eastern Wu, Han Dang and Zhou Tai, charged forward on horseback. 許褚縱 馬舞刀 , 一個 人頂 兩個 , 曹操 噉 先 至 走 甩身 。 Xu Chu rushed|with his sword|one|person|two|Cao Cao|like that|first|then|run|escape Xu Chu wielded his sword on horseback, single-handedly holding off two opponents, allowing Cao Cao to escape. 許褚同 周 、 韓 兩個 大戰 咗 三十幾個 回合 先至 退走 , 噉 東吳 方便 呢 亦 都 冇 追 。 |Zhou|Han|two|fought|past tense marker|over thirty|rounds|only then|retreated|then|Eastern Wu|convenient|this|||did not|pursue Xu Chu fought fiercely with Zhou and Han for over thirty rounds before retreating, and Eastern Wu did not pursue. 曹操 返到 大本營 之後 , 一方面 就 重重 噉 賞賜 許褚 ; Cao Cao|returned to|base camp|after|on one hand|then|heavily|like this|rewarded|Xu Chu After Cao Cao returned to his main camp, he heavily rewarded Xu Chu. 一方面 就 鬧 嗰 班 將官 話 : 臨陣 退縮 , 挫傷 我軍 嘅 銳氣 , 以後 如果 再 係 噉 呀 一律 斬首 ! on one hand|then|scold|that|group|officers|said|at the critical moment|retreat|undermine|our army|possessive particle|morale|in the future|if|again|is|like this|particle|uniformly|beheaded On one hand, I scolded those generals, saying: retreating at the last moment hurts our army's morale, and if it happens again, they will be executed! 鬧 到 嗰 班 將官 呀 個個 都頭 耷耷 啊 。 scolded|to|that|group|officers|particle|everyone||down|particle After being scolded, those generals all had their heads hanging low. 到 咗 當晚 二 更 時分 , 突然 間 喎 嗬 殺 啊 , 寨外 喊 殺 連天 。 arrive|past tense marker|that night|two|watch (time period)|time|suddenly|interval|particle indicating realization|exclamation|kill|particle indicating exclamation|outside the village|shout|kill|continuously That night, around the second watch, suddenly there was a shout of 'kill!', and outside the camp, cries of 'kill' filled the air. 嘿 呀 曹操 急忙 上馬 , 出到 去 , 見到 四面 都 起火 嘞 。 hey|particle|Cao Cao|hurriedly|mounted|when he went out|to go|saw|all around|all|on fire|particle Hey, Cao Cao hurriedly mounted his horse, and when he went out, he saw fires rising all around. 原來 係 東吳 兵 偷襲 啊 殺 到 入 嚟 大本營 , 噉 啊 一直 打 到 天光 , 逼到 曹軍要 後退 五十幾 里 , 扎寨 安營 。 originally|is|Eastern Wu|soldiers|surprise attack|ah|kill|to|enter|come|main camp|then|ah|continuously|fight|until|daylight|forced||retreat|over fifty|li (a unit of distance)|set up camp|settle in It turned out that the Eastern Wu troops had launched a surprise attack, breaking into the main camp, and they fought until dawn, forcing Cao's army to retreat over fifty miles to set up camp. 吃 咗 一虧 , 曹操 個心 就 好 煩悶 , 佢 順手 攞 起 部 兵書 嚟 睇 。 eat|past tense marker|a loss|Cao Cao||then|very|troubled|he|casually|take|up|measure word for books|military book|particle indicating action|read After suffering a loss, Cao Cao felt very troubled, so he casually picked up a military book to read. 程昱 就 勸 佢 話 喇 : 丞相 好 熟悉 兵法 , 唔 會 唔 知 兵貴神速 㗎 。 Cheng Yu|then|advised|him|said|particle indicating completed action|Prime Minister|very|familiar with|military strategy|not|would|||speed is the essence of war|particle indicating certainty Cheng Yu advised him, saying: "The Prime Minister is very familiar with military strategy and knows that speed is of the essence in warfare." 呢 次 丞相 出兵 時間 拖延 得 好長 , 故此 孫權 就 可以 從從容容 噉 準備 , 喺 濡 須 水口 兩岸 構築 堡壘 , 好難 攻擊 嘅 。 this|time|prime minister|deploy troops|time|delayed|to a degree|very long|therefore|Sun Quan|then|can|leisurely|like that|prepare|at|Ru|Xu|waterway|both banks|build|fortifications|very difficult|attack|(possessive particle) This time, the Prime Minister delayed the deployment of troops for a long time, which allowed Sun Quan to prepare leisurely and build fortifications on both sides of the Ru Xu waterway, making it very difficult to attack. 丞相 , 不如 收兵 返去 許都 先 另作 打算 罷啦 。 Prime Minister|might as well|withdraw troops|return to|Xu City|first|make another|plan|give up Prime Minister, why not withdraw the troops back to Xudu and make other plans instead? 曹操 唔 出聲 , 程昱 見到 噉 樣 就 行返 出去 。 Cao Cao|not|make a sound|Cheng Yu|saw|like that|appearance|then|walked back|outside Cao Cao remained silent, and seeing this, Cheng Yu left. 曹操 睇 咗 幾篇 兵書 , 睇 到 眼倦 , 就 伏 喺 張 書 枱 處 瞌 眼瞓 嘞 噃。 Cao Cao|read|past tense marker|several|military books|||eye fatigue|then|lay down|at|Zhang|book|table|location|dozing off|sleepiness|past action marker| Cao Cao read several military books, and when he became tired, he lay down on the table and took a nap. 忽然間 , 聽見 啲 潮水 聲 , 洶湧 澎湃 好似 萬馬奔騰 噉 。 suddenly|heard|particle indicating plural|tide|sound|surging|roaring|like|thousands of horses galloping|like Suddenly, he heard the sound of the tide, surging and roaring like thousands of horses galloping. 曹操 急忙 睇 下 , 啊 , 見到 喺 大江 之上 啊 湧出 一輪 紅日 , 光華 耀眼 。 Cao Cao|hurriedly|look|down|ah|saw|at|Yangtze River|above|ah|emerging||red sun|brilliance|dazzling Cao Cao hurriedly looked out, and ah, he saw a round red sun rising above the great river, shining brilliantly. 佢 擔 高 個頭 望 下個 天 , 咦 , 奇怪 到 極 噃, 竟然 睇 見 兩個 太陽 放出 萬 道 霞光 。 He|carried|high||looked|next|day|eh|strange|to|extreme|particle|unexpectedly|||two|suns|emitting|ten thousand|rays|sunlight He raised his head to look at the sky, and wow, it was extremely strange, as he actually saw two suns emitting thousands of rays of light. 忽然間 , 江面 上 嗰 輪 紅日 呼 噉 飛起 嚟 , 然後 呢 跌 咗 落 寨 前 嗰 座 山上 , 轟 噉 , 好似 行 咗 個 大雷 噉 聲 。 suddenly|river surface|on|that|round|red sun|with a whoosh|like this|flew up|here|then|this|fell|past tense marker|down|village|in front of|that|measure word for mountains|on the mountain|rumble|like this|seemed|walking|past tense marker|measure word for actions|big thunder|like this|sound Suddenly, the round red sun on the river surface flew up, and then it fell onto the mountain in front of the village, booming like a great thunder. 嚇 到 曹操 一驚 , 哦 ! 原來 啱 先 伏 喺 張 枱 處 發 咗 個 夢 。 scare|to|Cao Cao|startled|oh|originally|just|earlier|lying|at|Zhang|table|location|had|past tense marker|a|dream Startled, Cao Cao exclaimed, "Oh! It turns out I just had a dream while lying on the table." 佢 扎 醒 嘅 時候 呢 , 帳 外 嘅 軍士 剛剛 報過 午時 。 he|poke|wake|possessive particle|time|question particle|||possessive particle|soldier|just|reported|noon When he woke up, the soldiers outside the tent had just reported noon. 曹操 吩咐 備馬 , 佢 帶 住 五十多個 馬 軍 , 出 咗 營寨 一直 跑 到 去 發 夢見 到 落日 嗰 個 山邊 。 Cao Cao|instructed|prepare horses|he|||more than fifty|||||camp|straight|ran|to|go|dream||to|sunset|that|classifier|mountain side Cao Cao ordered the horses to be prepared, and he took over fifty cavalrymen, leaving the camp and running straight to the mountain where he dreamed of the sunset. 睇 睇 下 , 忽然 有 一隊 人馬 跑 緊過 嚟 , 當先 嗰 個 穿戴 住 金盔 金甲 。 look|||suddenly|there is|a group of|cavalry||||leading|that|classifier for people|||golden helmet|golden armor Looking around, suddenly a group of horsemen came running over, with the first one wearing a golden helmet and golden armor. 曹操 定眼 一望 , 原來 係 孫權 啊 。 Cao Cao|focused his eyes|at a glance|originally|is|Sun Quan|ah Cao Cao took a closer look and realized it was Sun Quan. 孫權 見到 曹操 啊 一 啲 都 唔 慌張 , 佢 喺 山上 勒住 馬 , 滋悠 淡定 用條 馬鞭 指住 曹操 話 : Sun Quan|saw|Cao Cao|ah|a|little|all|not|panicked|he|at|on the mountain|reined in|horse|leisurely|calmly||whip|pointed at|Cao Cao|said Sun Quan saw Cao Cao and was not at all flustered. He reined in his horse on the mountain, calmly pointing his whip at Cao Cao and said: 丞相 你 坐鎮 中原 , 富貴 已經 到 咗 極點 , 為 咩 仲 貪心不足 , 又 要 嚟 侵犯 我 江南 吖 ? Prime Minister|you|stationed|Central Plains|wealth and honor|already|reached|past tense marker|extreme point|why|question particle|still|insatiable|again|want|come|invade|my|Jiangnan|sentence final particle "Prime Minister, you are stationed in the Central Plains, and your wealth and power have already reached their peak. Why are you still so greedy and want to invade my Jiangnan?" 曹操 話 : 你 身為 臣 下 , 唔 尊崇 皇室 , 我 奉 咗 天子 之命 , 特意 嚟 討伐 你 啊 。 Cao Cao|said|you|as|||not|revere|royal family|I|serve|past tense marker|emperor||specifically|come|punish|you|sentence-final particle Cao Cao replied: "As your superior, you do not respect the royal family. I am acting on the Emperor's orders, specifically to punish you." 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 你講 啲 噉 嘅 說話 真 係 唔 知醜 㗎 喇 , 天下 間 , 邊個 唔 知道 你 係 挾天子以令諸侯 啊 ? hahaha||||particle indicating plural|like this|possessive particle|words|really|are|not|know shame|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action|world|among|who|not|knows|you|are|using the emperor to control the lords|ah "Hahaha, you really don't know shame with such words! In the world, who doesn't know that you are using the Emperor to command the lords?" 我 並非 唔 尊崇 漢朝 , 正 係 要 打倒 你 嚟 挽救 國家 ! I|not|not|revere|Han Dynasty|just|am|want|to overthrow|you|in order to|save|country "I do not disrespect the Han Dynasty; I am precisely here to defeat you in order to save the country!" 豈有此理 ! 眾 將官 , 同 我 上山 捉 孫權 呢 個 逆賊 ! how can this be reasonable|everyone|military officer|together|I|go up the mountain|capture|Sun Quan|this|classifier for people|rebel How unreasonable! All the generals, come with me to the mountain to catch this rebel Sun Quan! 曹操 正話 指揮 啲 軍官 上山 , 突然 一聲 鼓響 , 山 背後 衝出 兩彪 軍馬 。 Cao Cao|was speaking|commanding|particle|officers|up the mountain|suddenly|a sound|drum|mountain|behind|charged out|two groups|cavalry Cao Cao was just instructing the officers to go up the mountain when suddenly a drum sounded, and two groups of cavalry charged out from behind the mountain. 左便 係 陳 武 、 潘璋 , 右 便 係 韓當 、 周泰 。 left side|is|Chan|Mo||right|side|is|| On the left were Chen Wu and Pan Zhang, and on the right were Han Dang and Zhou Tai. 噉 啊 四員 大將 帶住 三千 弓弩手 , 猛 咁 射箭 , 嗰 啲 箭 呀 好似 落雨 咁 密 。 like this|ah|four officers|general|leading|three thousand|crossbowmen|fiercely|so|shooting arrows|that|plural marker|arrows|ah|like|rain|so|dense These four great generals led three thousand archers, shooting arrows fiercely, and the arrows fell like rain. 曹操 急忙 帶住 大家 跑 返 轉頭 。 Cao Cao|hurriedly|leading|everyone|run|back|turn around Cao Cao hurriedly led everyone to run back. 韓 當 嗰 四員 大將 呀 指揮 吳兵 緊緊 噉 追殺 。 Han|when|that|four|generals|particle|commanded|Wu's troops|closely|like this|pursued Han, when those four generals were commanding the Wu troops, were tightly pursuing. 追 到 半路 , 許褚帶 咗 一隊 虎衛 軍 嚟 到 頂住 , 混戰 一場 就 救返 曹操 。 |||||a team|Tiger Guards|army|||hold off|chaotic battle|one|then|rescued|Cao Cao When they chased to halfway, Xu Chu brought a team of Tiger Guards to hold them off, and after a chaotic battle, rescued Cao Cao. 噉 啊 吳兵 又勝 一場 嘞 , 嘀嘀 噠 噠 就 齊 奏凱歌 , 返去 濡 須塢 嘞 喎 。 then|ah|Wu Bing||a match|past tense particle|sound of a horn|sound of a horn|sound of a horn|then|together|celebrate victory|return|to|Xu Wu|past tense particle|final particle So, the Wu troops won another battle, and they celebrated with a victory song, returning to Ru Xu Fort. 曹操 返到 去 營寨 佢 諗 嘞 : 孫權 唔 係 個 等閒 人物 啊 。 Cao Cao|returned|to|camp|he|thought|past tense marker|Sun Quan|not|is|a|ordinary|person|sentence-final particle When Cao Cao returned to the camp, he thought: Sun Quan is not an ordinary person. 紅日 呢 個 兆頭 , 睇 嚟 應 喺 佢 嘅 身上 , 日後 , 佢 必定會 成為 個 帝王 嘅 。 red sun|this|measure word|omen|||should|at|he|possessive particle|on him|in the future|he||become|measure word|emperor|possessive particle This red sun is a sign, it seems to be on him; in the future, he will definitely become an emperor. 於是 曹操 個心 就 想 退兵 , 但 係 呢 , 又 怕 畀 東吳 恥笑 佢 啊 , 故此 就 進退 不定 猶 猶疑 疑 。 then|Cao Cao||then|wanted|to retreat|||this|again|afraid|to be|Eastern Wu|ridiculed|him|ah|therefore|then|advance and retreat|indecisive||| So, Cao Cao's heart wanted to retreat, but he was also afraid of being ridiculed by Eastern Wu, so he was indecisive and hesitant. 噉 兩 便 又 相持 咗 個 幾月 , 打 過 幾場 仗 就 互有勝負 啦 。 like this|two|then|again|stalemate|past tense marker|measure word|several months|fight|past tense marker|several|battles|then|each side has victories and defeats|sentence final particle Thus, both sides held their ground for several months, fighting a few battles with each side having victories. 不經 不覺 啊 , 又 到 咗 第二年 , 即 係 建安 十八年 正月 。 without realizing|unaware|ah|again|arrive|past tense marker||that is|is|Jian'an||first month of the lunar calendar Before they knew it, it was already the second year, which was the first month of the 18th year of Jian'an. 春雨 連年 , 河湧 水滿 , 兵士 都 日日夜夜 泡 喺 啲 泥水 之中 , 唉 嗰 種 鹹 苦 法 呀 , 真 係 黄肿 脚 不消 蹄 難捱 咯 。 spring rain|year after year|river surge|water full|soldiers|all|day and night|soaked|in|the|mud|in|sigh|that|kind|salty|bitter|situation|particle|really|is|swollen|feet|not able to|walk|hard to endure|particle The spring rains continued year after year, the river was full, and the soldiers were soaked in muddy water day and night. Oh, that kind of salty bitterness, really, the swollen feet were unbearable. 曹操 都 唔 知幾心 憂 啊 。 Cao Cao|all|not|how worried|worry|ah Cao Cao was also very worried. 噉 究竟 呢 場仗 點樣 打落 去 呢 ? then|exactly|this|battle|how|||this So how exactly did this battle unfold? 噉 欸 等 下次 先至 講喇 。 like this|eh|wait|next time|only then|will talk Well, let's talk about it next time.

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