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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 112

曹丕 坐住 龍舟 , 直出 長江 就 親自 去 觀察 下 吳兵 虛實 。 當晚 , 曹丕 就 同 佢 一班 將領 軍兵 , 就 喺 龍舟 戰船 上 便 過夜 。 晚上 冇 月色 , 個 天好 黑 , 軍士 點起 燈籠 火把 , 照到 光棖 棖 好似 白天 噉 。 但 係 望過 江南 岸 呢 , 半粒 火星 都 冇 見 喎 。 曹丕 就問 啲 人 : 點解 呢 嚱? 侍臣 就 回答 話 喇 : 梗 係 啦 , 佢 哋 聽聞 陛下 天兵 嚟 到 , 仲 唔 望風而逃 咩 ? 哼哼 , 曹丕 諗 落 呀 個 心 都 暗暗 偷笑 喎 。 到 咗 天光 , 大霧 瀰漫 , 水天 不分 , 對面 唔 見 人 。 到 咗 晏 啲 嘅 時候 翻 起風 嚟 嘞 , 好 快趣 , 霧 散雲收 喇 。 哎呀 ! 不得了 啊 , 只見 大江 南岸 , 連綿不斷 都 係 城 墻 。 城樓 上 啲 刀槍 銀光閃閃 , 插滿 晒 旌旗 號帶 。 啲 偵察 人員 就 紛紛 嚟 報告 話 喇 , 由南 徐到 石頭城 , 沿江 一帶 , 一連 幾百里 , 都 築起 咗 城牆 又 有 車馬 來往 , 連綿不絕 , 都 係 一夜之間 造起 嚟 㗎 噉 。 曹丕 就 嚇驚 嚟 喇 。 原來 啊 , 城牆 、 人馬 等等 , 都 係 假 嘅 。 徐 盛 佢 早就 下令 , 用 啲 蘆葦 草 就 扎成 無數 咁 多 草人 , 着 起件 青色 嘅 軍衣 , 揸 住 支旗 , 綁 實 喺 啲 假 城牆 上 便 。 噉 嗰 陣 時 又 冇 望遠鏡 㗎 嘛 , 啲 魏兵 遠遠 噉 望見 城上 咁 多 人馬 就點 知 佢 係 假 㗎 , 梗 係 心寒 嘅 啦 。 曹丕 就 歎 口氣 話 喇 : 唉 , 魏國 雖然 有 成千 隊 武士 啊 , 都 用 唔 着 啊 。 江南 有 噉 樣 嘅 人物 , 打 佢 唔 到 㗎 。 曹丕 正在 又 驚訝 又 感 歎 , 忽然間 江上 翻起 狂風 。 眨 下眼 , 起晒 白頭 浪 , 嗰 啲 浪 冚 到 上船 呀 , 連 曹丕 件 龍袍 都 打 濕 咗 。 咦 , 弊 傢伙 喇 , 打濕 龍袍 仲 冇 咁 緊要 喎 , 眼睇 住 龍舟 就 嚟 畀 啲 浪 打沉 添 啊 。 曹真 慌忙 叫 文聘 棹 隻 小船 快 啲 嚟 救駕 , 嘩 危險 咯 ! 龍舟 上面 嗰 啲 人 呀 , 企都 企 唔 穩喇 。 文聘 跳 上 龍舟 , 孭 起 曹丕 落 咗 小船 , 棹 入 去 河港 。 啱 啱 走 甩 呢場 風浪 , 點知 流星 馬 嚟 報告 話 : 趙雲 帶兵 出 陽平關 , 直取 長安 呀 ! 哦 ! 不得了 呀 , 嚇 到 曹丕 面青 呀 立即 下令 全軍 撤退 。 噉 啊 各 路軍 兵喇喇聲 趯 人 嘞 喎 , 後 便 吳兵 啊 追住 嚟 打 。 曹丕 下令 嘞 , 將 佢 御用 物品 全部 掉 低 走 啦 。 曹丕 嘅 龍舟 , 噉 啊 就 快 轉入 淮河 嘅 時候 , 突然 間 , 嗚嗚 , 嘣 蹦 嘣 蹦 嘣 蹦 嘣 蹦蹦 , 鼓角齊鳴 吶喊 連天 , 打橫 一彪 軍馬 殺到 。 為 首 嘅 大將 乃 係 孫韶 啊 ! 魏兵 根本 冇 得 頂 , 浸 死 嘅 就 唔 知 幾多 損失 成 大半 。 噉 啊 大家 搏命 保護 住 曹丕 就衝 咗 出去 。 當 曹丕 佢 哋 入 咗 淮河 , 行 咗 唔 夠卅里 , 喺 河面上 有 一寨 蘆葦 嘅 , 嗍 淰 魚油 個 喎 燒到 含 含聲 , 對住 船隊 順風 流落 嚟 。 風 又 猛時 火 又 大 , 哎呀 啲 大火 呀 一下 就 包住 龍舟 , 嚇死 曹丕 嚟 啊 , 急急 落 咗 小船 棹 埋 岸邊 , 呢 陣時 呀 , 龍舟 已經 燒着 晒 。 曹丕 慌 失失 上馬 就 走 , 弊 ! 岸上 一彪 軍馬 就 殺過 嚟 , 為首 大將 乃 係 丁奉 。 張 遼 急急 拍馬 衝上去 迎戰 , 點知 畀 丁奉 一箭射 中條 腰 , 哎呀 ! 好彩 畀 徐晃 救返 條命 。 徐 晃 佢 哋 保住 曹丕 就 狼狽 逃跑 , 人馬 損失 就 不計其數 喇 。 喺 背後 , 孫韶 、 丁 奉 佢 哋 所 奪取 到 嘅 馬匹 、 車輛 、 船隻 、 物資 , 數都數 唔 掂 咁 多 。 呢 一場 仗 , 徐盛 指揮 吳軍就 大獲全勝 , 孫權 當然 重重 噉 賞賜 佢 啦 。 魏兵 就 輸 到 燶 咯 。 張遼返 到 許昌 , 就 因為 箭傷 嚴重 啊 , 救 唔 返 就 死 咗 咯 。 曹丕 就 吩咐 隆重 噉 安葬 咗 佢 , 呢 啲 就 不在話下 喇 。 噉 啊 花開兩朵 各表 一枝 , 而家 講下 諸葛丞相 啊 , 佢 喺 成都 就 事無大小 , 都 係 親力 親為 , 秉公辦理 。 東川 西川 嘅 民 眾 , 安享 太平 , 真 係 夜不閉戶 , 就 路不拾遺 。 噉 又 咁 好彩 喎 , 天公 做美 , 年 年 嚟 都 係 風調雨順 , 糧食 啊 造造 都 好收成 。 老人 嫩 仔 呀 個個 都 食飽肚 , 唱歌 嚟 讚頌 諸葛丞相 。 呢 你 話 有 咩 要 出公差 啊 , 欸 征兵 征糧 啊 , 老百姓 都 係 爭住 做 妥 佢 嘅 。 因此 呢 , 軍需 器械 等等 嘅 應用 物資 就 樣樣 齊全 嘞 。 至於 糧食 富足 , 國家 嘅 財政 有 盈餘 , 呢 啲 就 不在話下 啦 。 噉 啊 到 咗 建興 三年 啊 , 即 係 劉禪 登基 做 皇帝 三年 之後 , 亦 即 係 公元 二二 五年 啊 。 益州郡 送 嚟 十萬火急 嘅 報告 , 話 : 蠻 王孟獲 啊 , 出動 十萬 蠻兵 侵犯 邊境 。 建寧 太守 雍 闓 , 勾結 孟獲 一齊 造反 。 牂 牁 郡 太守 朱褒 、 越 巂 郡 太守 高定 , 兩個 都 獻 咗 城 投降 。 唯有 永昌 太守 王伉 就 唔 肯反 。 而家 雍 闓 、 朱褒 、 高定 三個 人 嘅 部下 人馬 , 都 做 咗 孟 獲 嘅 嚮導 官 , 去 攻打 永昌 郡 。 王伉 同 佢 嘅 下屬 呂凱 呢 , 就 率領 全城 百姓 死守 城池 , 形勢 極之 緊急 噉 。 孔明 接到 報告 之後 , 就入 朝 稟奏 後主 劉禪 嘞 。 孔明 話 : 臣 認為 南蠻 唔 服 , 實在 係 國家 嘅 大 患 , 臣 要 親自 統率 大軍 , 前去 征討 啊 。 劉禪 就 話 喇 : 哎呀 , 東有 孫權 北有 曹丕 , 而家 相父 離開 朕 去 咗 出征 , 倘若 吳 、 魏 嚟 打 我 哋 , 如之奈何 呢 ? 陛下 , 東吳 正話 同 我 哋 講和 , 估計 佢 一時 唔 會 反悔 。 若果 佢 一旦 違反 盟約 , 噉 李 嚴 喺 白帝城 嚟 , 此人 完全 可以 抵擋 得 住陸 遜 嘅 。 至於 曹丕 新近 打 咗 場 敗仗 , 已經 喪失 咗 銳氣 , 唔 能夠 喺 咁 遠 嚟 進攻 我 哋 㗎 喇 。 而且 有 馬超 把守 住 漢中 各處 關口 , 所以 陛下 不必 憂慮 嘅 。 同時 , 臣 準備 留低 關興 、 張苞 , 分做 兩軍作 為 救應 , 保住 陛下 萬無一失 。 而家 , 臣 先 去 掃蕩 南蠻 , 然後 進行 北伐 , 奪取 中原 , 以報 先帝 三顧草廬 之恩 , 託孤 之重 啊 ! 誒 , 朕 年幼無知 , 請 相父 斟酌 , 該點 做 就 做 啦 。 劉禪 說話 未 完 , 班部 之內 有 個人 行出 嚟 話 : 唔 得 啊 , 唔 得 啊 ! 大家 一睇 , 原來 係 諫議 大夫 王連 。 佢 話 : 南方 係 啲 不毛之地 , 異常 荒涼 , 而且 , 好多 山嵐 瘴氣 , 瘟疫 流行 。 丞相 擔負 國家 政務 嘅 重任 , 要 親自 去 遠征 係 唔 適宜 嘅 。 況且 , 雍 闓 呢 啲 人作 反 , 不過 係 疥癬之疾 , 小意思 啫 。 丞相 隨便 派 一員大將 去 討伐 佢 , 就 必定 馬到功成 嘅 喇 。 孔明 話 喇 : 南蠻 之地 , 離 我 哋 國土 好遠 , 蠻 人 多數 都 係 未開化 嘅 , 極難 收復 , 所以 我 一定 要 親自 帶兵 去 至 得 。 或剛 或 柔 , 要 睇 情形 而定 , 唔 能夠 隨便 委託 別人 㗎 。 王連 就 再三再四 噉 苦苦 勸諫 , 孔明 呢 , 終歸 冇 接受 佢 嘅 意見 , 仲 係 決定 親自 南征 。 而家 講下 趙雲 啊 , 佢 啊 帶兵 殺出 陽平關 就嚇 窒 咗 曹丕 。 嗰 日 , 佢 突然 接到 孔明 嘅 命令 , 話 孟 獲作 反 , 要 調 佢 返 成都 , 跟 埋 一齊 去 南征 , 就 留 馬超 堅守 陽平關 噉 , 於是 趙雲 就 急急 收兵 返去 嘞 。 呢 一日 , 孔明 辭別 咗 劉禪 , 任命 蔣琬 做 參軍 , 費禕 做 長史 , 董厥 、 樊建 兩個 做 掾 史 。 誒 長史 、 掾 史 啊 , 都 係 丞相 嘅 主要 助理 官員 咯 。 又 任命 趙雲 、 魏延 做 大將 , 總督 軍馬 ; 王平 、 張翼 做 副將 ; 與 及 兩川 將官 數十員 : 點起 五十萬 大軍 就 向 益州 進發 。 有 一日 , 關公 嘅 第三 仔 關索 啊 , 就 嚟 到 軍隊 見 孔明 。 原來 喺 荊州 失陷 嘅 時候 呢 , 關索 啊 受 咗 傷 , 逃難 去 到 鮑 家莊 養病 。 關索 啊 好 想 去 西川 搵 劉備 , 同 佢 父親 報仇 , 但 係 傷仲未 好 啊 , 所以 就 去 唔 成 。 直到 最近 啊 先 至 好 返 晒 嘞 , 又 打聽 到 消息 話 東吳 嘅 仇人 都 殺 晒 喇 噉 , 故此 就 嚟 西川 。 而家 咁 啱 喺 中途 啊 遇見 南征 嘅 大軍 , 就 嚟 拜見 孔明 。 孔明聽 關索 講完 呢 幾年 嘅 經過 就 非常 之 感慨 , 立即 派 人 去 報告 朝廷 。 又將 關索 留 喺 軍隊 , 任命 佢 做 前部 先鋒 就 一齊 去 南征 。 噉 啊 孔明 嘅 大軍 啊 , 一隊 跟 一隊 , 正 所謂 飢餐渴飲 啊 夜宿 曉行 , 所 經過 嘅 地方 啊 秋毫無犯 , 呢 啲 就 不在話下 。 而家講 返 嗰 個 作 反 嘅 建寧 太守 雍 闓 。 佢 聽 聞孔明 親自 統率 大軍 嚟 緊 , 就 即刻 搵 埋 高定 、 朱褒 嚟 商量 , 決定 分 兵 三路 : 高 定居 中 , 雍 闓 在 左 , 朱褒 在 右 , 每一 路軍 都 帶 五六萬 兵去 迎敵 。 而家 先 講下 中 路軍 高定 , 佢 任命 大將 鄂煥 做 前部 先鋒 。 嘿 呢 個 鄂煥 呀 , 生 得 身高 九尺 , 面貌 醜惡 , 使 一枝 方天畫 戟 , 有 萬夫不當之勇 嘅 。 佢 啊 帶 住 本部 兵馬 去 迎戰 蜀兵 嘞 。 孔明 統率 大軍 就 已經 嚟 到 益州郡 嘅 境界 。 前部 先鋒 魏延 , 副將 張翼 、 王平 就 啱 啱 進入 界口 , 就 遇正 鄂 煥 嘅 軍隊 。 噉 啊 兩邊 都 各自 擺開陣勢 啦 。 魏延 出馬 就 喝 佢 哋 嘞 : 反賊 仲 唔 快快 投降 ! 鄂煥 就 拍馬 迎上去 同魏延 交鋒 。 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 魏延 詐敗 逃走 , 鄂煥 跟 住 後 便 猛 咁 追 。 追 咗 幾里路 , 殺 啊 噉 一陣 吶喊聲 驚天動地 , 張翼 、 王平 兩 路軍 殺過 嚟 就 截斷 咗 鄂 煥 嘅 後路 。 魏延 𠻘 聲 帶兵 返 轉頭 , 三員 猛將 合力 圍攻 , 就 生擒 咗 鄂煥 , 噉 啊 解 佢 返 去 營寨 見 孔明 。 孔明 吩咐 同 鄂煥 鬆綁 , 畀 啲 酒菜 嚟 款待 佢 。 孔明問 嘞 : 你 係 邊個 嘅 部將 啊 ? 我 係 高 定 嘅 部將 啊 。 我 知道 高定 係 個 忠義 之 人 , 不過 係 受 咗 雍 闓 嘅 欺騙 以致 噉 樣 嘅 啫 。 我而家 放 你 返去 , 你 勸 下 高 太守 早日 投降 , 免至 大禍臨頭 啊 。 鄂煥 拜謝 咗 孔明 就 走 嘞 。 佢 返 到 去 見到 高定 , 就 大講 孔明 嘅 好話 , 話 孔明 呀 極之 仁德 嘅 噉 , 高定 呢 亦 都 十分 感激 。 到 咗 第日 , 雍 闓 啊 嚟 到 高 定 嘅 營寨 , 彼此 行過禮 , 雍 闓 就問 嘞 : 鄂煥點 返得 嚟 㗎 ? 哦 , 諸葛亮 講 仁義 放 咗 佢 啫 。 哼 ! 呢 啲 係 諸葛亮 嘅 反間計 嚟 啊 , 佢 想 使 到 我 哋 兩個 人 不 和 , 所以 就 出 呢 啲 詭計 咋 嘛 。 高定 仲 半信不信 , 個心 好 猶豫 。 呢 一日 , 蜀 軍 魏延 嚟 挑戰 , 雍 闓 啊 親自 帶 三萬 兵去 迎敵 。 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 雍 闓 就 唔 係 手腳 , 撥馬 就 走 。 魏延 指揮 人馬 衝鋒 一直 追殺 二十幾 里 。 第日 雍 闓 又 唔 忿氣 喎 , 佢 又 帶兵 嚟 打過 喎 。 哈點 知 孔明 又 唔 同 佢 打 喇 , 連氣 三日 孔明 都 唔 出兵 。 到 咗 第四日 , 雍 闓 、 高定 分兵 兩路 嚟 攻打 蜀 軍營 寨 。 誰知 孔明 啊 早就 設 好 圈套 喇 , 佢 命令 魏延 啊 喺 兩路 埋伏 兵馬 等 住 。 果然 雍 闓 、 高定 兩路 兵 嚟 就 及 到 正 晒 , 殺傷 佢 成 大半 人馬 , 仲 俘虜 咗 無數 咁 多 人 添 就 解到 返 嚟 營寨 。 孔明 就 佈置 好 , 將雍 闓 嘅 人 呢 , 韞 喺 一 便 , 高 定 嘅 人 又 韞 喺 另 一 便 。 同時 啊 吩咐 啲 軍士 散佈 話 : 凡 係 高 定 嘅 人 就 免 死 , 雍 闓 嘅 人 呢 就 殺 清光 噉 。 嗰 班 俘虜 個個 都 聽講 㗎 。 過 咗 一陣 , 孔明 就 命令 帶雍 闓 啲 人 嚟 審問 , 就 問 佢 哋 話 : 你 哋 都 係 邊個 嘅 兵 啊 ? 嗰 班 人 就 一齊 講 大話 嘞 喎 : 誒 我 哋 係 高定 部下 啲 兵 嚟 啊 , 係 高定 部下 㗎 , 係 誒 高定 㗎 高定 㗎 。 孔明 就 吩咐 一律 免 佢 哋 死 , 仲 賞賜 酒菜 嚟 慰勞 佢 哋 添 。 然後 呢 , 就 派 人 送 佢 哋 出 到 邊界 放走 佢 哋 。 跟 住 , 孔明 又 叫 高定 啲 人 嚟 問 嘞 。 呢 班 人 就 話 啦 : 我 哋 確實 係 高定 部下 嘅 軍士 嚟 啊 。 好 啦 , 孔明亦 都 全部 免 佢 哋 死 , 一樣 賞賜 飲食 。 孔明 就 對 佢 哋 話 喇 : 雍 闓 今日 使人 嚟 投降 , 準備 殺 咗 你 哋 主公 同朱 褒 ,攞 佢 哋 嘅 首級 作為 覲見 禮啊 , 我 啊 十分 唔 忍心 。 你 哋 既然 係 高定 部下 嘅 軍士 咯 , 噉 我 就 放 你 哋 返去 , 以後 唔 準再 作反 喇 。 如果 再 畀 我 捉住 , 就 唔 饒恕 你 哋 㗎 喇 , 好 啦 , 你 哋 返 去 啦 。 噉 高定 部下 嗰 班 軍士 又 紛紛 叩頭 拜謝 , 然後 就 返 扯 嘞 。 佢 哋 一 返 到 本 寨 就 將 呢 件 事 呀 報告 畀 高定 聽 。 咦 ? 乜 噉 都 得 嘅 ? 高定 就 靜靜 派 人 去 雍 闓 嘅 營寨 探聽 情況 。 哈 嗰 啲 畀 蜀 軍 俘虜 過放返 嚟 啲 兵 呢 就 猛 喺 度 講 孔明 待 高定 啲 兵 呀 點好點 好 噉 。 因此 呢 , 雍 闓 軍隊 裏頭 啲 人 啊 , 好多 都 想 歸順 高定 。 噉 探聽到 呢 個 情況 呢 , 高定 個 心仲 係 十五 十六 。 佢 又 派 咗 個 間諜 去 孔明 嘅 營寨 裏頭 探聽虛實 。 個 間諜 行到 半路 就 畀 蜀 軍 嘅 伏路 兵 捉住 , 拉 咗 去 見 孔明 。 孔明 就 故意 認錯 人 喎 , 將呢 個 間諜 啊 當做 係 雍 闓 派 嚟 嘅 。 佢 問 喇 : 你 元帥 既然 約定 咗 要 斬 高定 、 朱褒 兩個 嘅 首級 嚟 獻 畀 我 , 點解 過 咗 日期 都 仲 唔 送 嚟 呢 ? 你 呢 個 傢伙 行動 粗心大意 , 點做 得 間諜 㗎 ? 高定 個 間諜 聽 咗 就 嗯 嗯 啊 啊 噉 應住 先 。 孔明 話 咗 幾句 , 就 吩咐 啲 人 攞 酒菜 嚟 招呼 佢 , 又 寫 咗 封信 交 畀 佢 。 孔明 話 喇 : 你將 封信 交 畀 雍 闓 叫 佢 快 啲 逳 手 , 唔 好 誤事 啊 。 個 間諜 叩頭 拜謝 就袋 好 封信 就 走 嘞 。 返到 去 , 即刻 將 孔明 寫 嘅 信 交 咗 畀 高 定 。 又 將 喺 孔明 嗰 處 聽 返 嚟 有關 雍 闓 嘅 事 啊 , 一五一十 噉 講 畀 高定 聽 。 高定 睇 完 封信 就 嬲 到極 啦 : 豈有此理 ! 雍 闓 呢 個 傢伙 , 我 真心 待 佢 佢 反而 想害 我 ? 真 係 情理難容 啊 ! 即刻 就 嗌 鄂煥 嚟 商量 。 鄂煥話 : 孔明 係 個 好人 呀 , 反 佢 係 冇 好 結果 嘅 。 其實 我 哋 作反 , 一日 都 係 雍 闓 嘅 主意 咋 嘛 , 不如 殺 咗 佢 去 投降 孔明 好過 喇 。 噉 點樣 落手 好 呢 ? 嗱, 大人 你 擺個 酒席 , 派 人 去 請 雍 闓 嚟 赴宴 。 佢 個 心 如果 係 無 他 嘅 呢 , 必定 好 坦然 噉 就 會 嚟 嘅 。 如果 佢 唔 肯 嚟 呢 , 個 心實 係 有鬼 ! 既然 係 噉 , 大人 你 喺 前面 攻 佢 , 小將 喺 寨 後 嘅 小路 伏 佢 , 噉 啊 實捉 到 雍 闓 嘅 。 高定 就 用 鄂煥 呢條 計策 啊 , 擺酒 請 雍 闓 喇 。 雍 闓 啊 已經 聽 佢 啲 兵 講 過 , 話 孔明 唔 殺 高定 啲 人 㗎 。 噉 啊 梗 係 好 懷疑 㗎 , 果然 就 唔 敢 去 赴宴 。 於是 高定 就 喺 當晚 , 帶兵 去 突襲 雍 闓 。 噉 雍 闓 個 部隊 裏頭 嗰 啲 畀 孔明 捉 咗 去 , 又 放返 嚟 免 死 嘅 兵卒 啊 , 都 諗 住 全靠 高定 先至 得 返條 命 嘅 。 噉 而家 高定 打 嚟 喇 , 就 乘機 助戰 添 。 於是乎 雍 闓 嘅 軍隊 啊 未 打 自己 就 亂 起身 嚟 。 雍 闓 匆忙 上馬 , 就 混 山路 逃跑 。 行 咗 唔 到 兩里 路唧 , 突然 咚咚 聲響 起戰 鼓聲 , 一彪 軍馬 撞出 嚟 , 嘩 , 原來 係 鄂煥 啊 ! 佢 挺起 方天戟 , 一馬當先 。 雍 闓 措手不及 , 就 畀 鄂煥 一戟 刺 咗 落馬 , 跟 住 鄂煥 就 割 咗 佢 嘅 首級 。 噉 雍 闓 部下 嘅 軍 兵 啊 全部 投降 高定 。 噉 高定 呢 , 就 率領 兩支 部隊 去 投降 孔明 喇 , 同時 就 獻上 雍 闓 嘅 首級 。 點知 孔明 一 見到 佢 , 立即 就 喝 刀斧手 推 佢 出去 殺頭 喎 。 高定 啊 大聲 噉 話 喇 : 我 為 咗 感激 丞相 嘅 大恩 , 故此 帶住 雍 闓 嘅 首級 嚟 投降 , 點解 要 殺 我 呢 , 丞相 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 你 係 詐降 啊 , 咁 大膽 想 嚟 呃 我 ? 丞相 你 點解 話 我 係 詐降 呢 ? 你 嚟 睇 下 。 孔明 喺 個 盒裏 便 攞 咗 封信 出 嚟 交 畀 高定 睇 。 孔明 話 喇 : 朱褒 已經 秘密 噉 派 人 嚟 獻 降書 。 佢 話 你 同 雍 闓 係 生死之交 , 極好 嘅 朋友 , 點會 一下 就 殺 咗 雍 闓 嘅 呢 ? 所以 我 知道 你 係 詐降 。 冤枉 啊 冤枉 啊 , 朱褒 呢 個 係 反間計 嚟 , 丞相 你千祈 唔 好 信 佢 啊 ! 我 亦 好 難 憑 住 一面之詞 就 信 你 噃。 你 如果 去 捉 到 朱 褒 嚟 , 噉 就 表示 到 你 嘅 真心 嘞 。 丞相 唔 使 懷疑 喇 , 我 馬上 就 去 捉 朱 褒 嚟 見 丞相 噉 好 唔 好 ? 如果 係 噉 呢 , 我 就 冇 疑心 喇 。 於是 高定 就 帶 埋 鄂煥 , 率領 本部 軍馬 殺 去 朱 褒 嘅 大營 。 去 到 離 營寨 仲有 十里 咁 上下 嘅 地方 , 就 遇 着 朱 褒 嘅 軍隊 。 高定 一 見面 就 鬧 朱 褒 喇 : 你 點解 寫信 畀 諸葛丞相 , 用 反間計 嚟 害 我 啊 吓 ? 朱褒 擘 大個 口得 個窿 , 乜 都 唔 識講 。 說時遲那時快 , 只見 鄂煥 拍馬 衝出 嚟 一戟 就 刺死 朱褒 。 高定 大喝一聲 話 : 唔 肯 歸順 嘅 殺 ! 嘿 呀 嗰 班 兵卒 呀 林林聲 跪 低 投降 啊 。 高定 又 帶領 兩支 部隊 嚟 見 孔明 , 同時 呢 就 獻上 朱 褒個 首級 。 孔明 呢 趟 呀 哈哈大笑 喇 佢 話 : 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 我 特意 使 你 殺 咗 呢 兩個 奸賊 , 顯示 你 嘅 忠心 啊 。 於是 孔明 就 任命 高 定做 益州 太守 , 總管 三個 郡 , 又 任命 鄂煥 做牙將 。 噉 呢 , 三路 造反 嘅 兵馬 就 平定 晒 喇 。 噉 永昌 太守 王伉 呀 解除 晒 危險 啦 , 咪 出城 嚟 迎接 孔明 嘞 喎 。 入 咗 城 , 孔明 就 問王 伉話 喇 : 係 邊個 同 王大人 你 一齊 守衛 呢 個 城池 , 保住 冇 事 嘅 呢 ? 今日 , 下官 之所以 能夠 保住 呢 個 郡 冇 危險 嘅 呢 , 係 全靠 呂凱 啊 。 孔明 好 想見 下 佢 , 王伉 啊 請 咗 呂凱 嚟 。 見 咗 面行 過禮 , 孔明 話 喇 : 素仰 先生 係 永昌 才 德 高超 嘅 人士 , 好多 得 先生 出力 保衛 呢 個 城池 啊 。 而家 , 我 想 去 平定 南蠻 , 先生 有 咩 嘢 高見 呢 ? 呂凱 就 攞 咗 一張 地圖 出 嚟 送 畀 孔明 話 喇 : 下官 自從 出 嚟 為 朝廷 做事 以來 , 就 知道 南蠻 嘅 人 想 作 反 好 耐 㗎 喇 。 故此 暗中 派 人 深入 南蠻 嘅 地方 , 偵察 咗 所有 可以 駐兵 交戰 嘅 地方 , 畫成 呢 幅 地圖 , 叫做 平蠻 指掌 圖 。 今日 , 就 獻 畀 丞相 , 希望 能夠 為 討伐 南蠻 提供 一 啲 幫助 。 孔明 非常 之 歡喜 , 就 任用 呂凱 做 行軍 教授 , 兼 嚮導 官 。 於是 孔明 就 率領 大軍 , 加速 前進 , 深入 南蠻 嘅 境地 喇 。 有 一日 , 在 行軍 嘅 路途 上 啊 , 話 天子 派 咗 使者 到 喇 噉 。 孔明 就 吩咐 請 佢 嚟 中軍 見面 , 原來 呢 個 使者 唔 係 邊個 , 係 馬 謖 。 佢 因 為 大佬 馬良 呢 啱 啱 逝世 , 故此 今日 就 着 住 白袍 白鞋 , 為 佢 大佬 掛孝 。 馬 謖 呢 次 嚟 係 奉 咗 劉禪 嘅 命令 , 送 慰問品 嚟 慰勞 士兵 嘅 。 噉 佢 宣讀 完 劉禪 嘅 詔書 , 即 係 皇帝 嘅 慰問信 喇吓 , 又將 慰問品 分 發落 去 之後 , 孔明 就 同馬 謖 喺 中軍帳 傾 偈 。 孔明 話 : 我 奉天 子 嘅 命令 嚟 削平 南蠻 , 好 想 聽 下 幼常 你 嘅 高見 啊 。 幼常 就 係 馬 謖 嘅 別字 嘞 。 馬 謖 話 : 末將 有 多少 意見 , 請 丞相 考慮 。 南蠻 恃 住 佢 哋 地遠山險 , 一直 以 嚟 都 係 唔 服 嘅 。 就算 今日 打贏 佢 啊 , 聽 日 佢 又 試作 反 嘅 喇 。 丞相 率領 大軍 去 討伐 佢 哋 一定 成功 。 但 係 班師 之後 呢 , 丞相 必定 要 北伐 曹丕 㗎 。 噉 南蠻 如果 知道 我 哋 國內 防守 空虛 , 實 係 好 快 又 作反 㗎 喇 。 用兵 打仗 , 攻心 為 上 , 攻城 為 下 ; 心戰 為 上 , 兵戰 為 下 。 希望 丞相 呢 次 討伐 南蠻 , 能夠 征服 佢 哋 嘅 心 就 好 。 啊 幼常 你 真 係 了解 我 嘅 。 於是 孔明 就 任命 馬 謖 做 參軍 , 跟 住 就 命令 大軍 繼續前進 。 而家 講 嗰 個 蠻 王孟獲 嘞 , 佢 聽 聞孔明 消滅 咗 雍 闓 佢 哋 , 就 請 咗 三洞 元帥 嚟 商量 。 邊 三洞 元帥 呢 ? 第一 洞 , 係 金環三結 元帥 ; 第二 洞 , 係 董荼 那 元帥 ; 第三 洞 , 係 阿會喃 元帥 。 孟獲 就 對 佢 哋 話 喇 : 而家 , 諸葛丞相 , 率領 大軍 , 嚟 到 侵犯 我 哋 嘅 境界 , 我 哋 , 一定 要 同心合力 嚟 抵抗 佢 至 得 。 你 哋 三個 人 , 就 分兵 三路 , 去 迎敵 。 邊個 打贏 , 邊個 就 做 洞主 ! 於是 就 派 金環三結 打 中路 , 董荼 那 打 左路 , 阿會喃 打 右路 。 噉 各人 呢 , 都 帶 五萬 蠻兵 , 按照 孟 獲 嘅 命令 就 出發 喇 。 呢 一日 , 孔明 正 喺 中軍帳 同 啲 人 商量 緊 事情 , 又 接到 消息 話 三洞 元帥 就 分兵 三路 嚟 緊 喇 噉 。 孔明 一聽 咗 , 就 叫 趙雲 同魏延 嚟 。 哈 ! 當魏 延同 趙雲 嚟 到 之後 啊 , 孔明 乜 都 冇 交 帶 佢 哋 做 噃。 跟 住 孔明 又 叫 咗 王平 同馬忠 嚟 就 吩咐 佢 哋 話 喇 : 而家 , 蠻兵分 三路 嚟 緊 , 我 啊 本來 想 命令 子龍 同文長 去 迎敵 嘅 , 但 係 佢 兩位 唔 熟悉 地理 , 所以 就 唔 敢 用 佢 哋 去 。 王平 , 你 去 左路 迎敵 , 馬 忠 啊 去 右路 迎敵 , 我 會派 子龍 、 文 長隨 後 接應 你 哋 嘅 。 誒 你 哋 今日 作好 準備 , 聽日 一早 出發 啦 。 王平 、 馬 忠 接受 咗 命令 就 去 喇 。 趙雲 、 魏延 係 大將 嚟 㗎 嘛 , 竟然 要 佢 哋 做 接應 就 唔 畀 佢 哋 打 主力 喎 , 噉 佢 哋 個 心梗 係 唔 服 㗎 啦 。

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曹丕 坐住 龍舟 , 直出 長江 就 親自 去 觀察 下 吳兵 虛實 。 Cao Pi|sat|dragon boat|directly out|Yangtze River|then|personally|go|observe|next|Wu army|strengths and weaknesses Cao Pi sat on the dragon boat, heading straight out to the Yangtze River to personally observe the strengths and weaknesses of the Wu army. 當晚 , 曹丕 就 同 佢 一班 將領 軍兵 , 就 喺 龍舟 戰船 上 便 過夜 。 that night|Cao Pi|then|with|him|a group of|generals|soldiers|then|at|dragon boat|warship|on|just|spent the night That night, Cao Pi and his group of generals and soldiers spent the night on the dragon boat warship. 晚上 冇 月色 , 個 天好 黑 , 軍士 點起 燈籠 火把 , 照到 光棖 棖 好似 白天 噉 。 evening|no|moonlight|the||dark|soldier|lit|lantern|torch|shine|light stick|stick|like|daytime|like It was a moonless night, and the sky was very dark. The soldiers lit lanterns and torches, illuminating the surroundings as if it were daytime. 但 係 望過 江南 岸 呢 , 半粒 火星 都 冇 見 喎 。 ||looked across|Jiangnan|shore|particle|half a grain|Mars|at all|not|seen|particle However, looking across to the southern bank, not even a spark of fire could be seen. 曹丕 就問 啲 人 : 點解 呢 嚱? Cao Pi||the|people|why|this|question mark Cao Pi then asked the people: Why is that? 侍臣 就 回答 話 喇 : 梗 係 啦 , 佢 哋 聽聞 陛下 天兵 嚟 到 , 仲 唔 望風而逃 咩 ? the minister|then|replied|saying|particle indicating completed action|||particle indicating affirmation|||heard|Your Majesty|heavenly soldiers|||still|not|fleeing at the sight of danger|question particle The minister replied, saying: Of course! They heard that Your Majesty's heavenly soldiers have arrived, and they didn't run away? 哼哼 , 曹丕 諗 落 呀 個 心 都 暗暗 偷笑 喎 。 hum|Cao Pi|thought|down|particle|measure word|heart|all|secretly|smirked|particle Hmph, Cao Pi thought to himself and secretly chuckled. 到 咗 天光 , 大霧 瀰漫 , 水天 不分 , 對面 唔 見 人 。 ||dawn|heavy fog|pervasive|water and sky|indistinguishable|opposite side|||people When dawn arrived, a thick fog enveloped everything, making it hard to distinguish between water and sky, and no one could be seen on the opposite side. 到 咗 晏 啲 嘅 時候 翻 起風 嚟 嘞 , 好 快趣 , 霧 散雲收 喇 。 arrive|past tense marker|late|a little|possessive particle|time|turn||come|completed action particle|very|enjoyable|fog||completed action particle By the time it got a bit later, the wind picked up, and it was quite interesting as the fog dispersed and the clouds cleared. 哎呀 ! 不得了 啊 , 只見 大江 南岸 , 連綿不斷 都 係 城 墻 。 oh no|terrible|ah|only saw|big river|south bank|continuous|all|are|| Oh no! This is terrible, as I can see that the southern bank of the river is continuously lined with city walls. 城樓 上 啲 刀槍 銀光閃閃 , 插滿 晒 旌旗 號帶 。 city tower|on|plural marker|weapons|shining with silver light|filled with|completely|flags|banners The weapons on the city tower gleamed with silver light, filled with flags and banners. 啲 偵察 人員 就 紛紛 嚟 報告 話 喇 , 由南 徐到 石頭城 , 沿江 一帶 , 一連 幾百里 , 都 築起 咗 城牆 又 有 車馬 來往 , 連綿不絕 , 都 係 一夜之間 造起 嚟 㗎 噉 。 the|reconnaissance|personnel|then|one after another|come|report|saying|particle indicating completed action|||Stone City|along the river|area|continuously|several hundred miles|all|built|past tense marker|city walls|also|have|vehicles|coming and going|endless|all|are|overnight|constructed|come|particle indicating certainty|like this The scouts came to report that from the south to the Stone City, along the river, for several hundred miles, they had built city walls and there were continuous traffic of carriages and horses, all constructed overnight. 曹丕 就 嚇驚 嚟 喇 。 Cao Pi|then|frightened|come|particle indicating completed action Cao Pi was startled. 原來 啊 , 城牆 、 人馬 等等 , 都 係 假 嘅 。 it turns out|ah|city wall|cavalry|etc|all|are|fake|particle indicating possession or description It turned out that the city walls, the troops, and so on, were all fake. 徐 盛 佢 早就 下令 , 用 啲 蘆葦 草 就 扎成 無數 咁 多 草人 , 着 起件 青色 嘅 軍衣 , 揸 住 支旗 , 綁 實 喺 啲 假 城牆 上 便 。 ||he|long ago|ordered|use|some|reed|grass|then|made into|countless|||scarecrows|wearing|a piece of|green|possessive particle|military uniform||||tied|securely|at|some|fake|city walls|on|convenient Xu Sheng had long ordered to use reeds to make countless scarecrows, dressed in green military uniforms, holding flags, and tied them firmly to the fake city walls. 噉 嗰 陣 時 又 冇 望遠鏡 㗎 嘛 , 啲 魏兵 遠遠 噉 望見 城上 咁 多 人馬 就點 知 佢 係 假 㗎 , 梗 係 心寒 嘅 啦 。 like that|that|moment|time|again|not have|telescope|sentence-final particle|particle indicating obviousness|plural marker|Wei soldiers|from afar|like that|saw|on the city|so|many|soldiers and horses||know|they|is|fake|sentence-final particle|certainly|is|cold-hearted|possessive particle|particle indicating suggestion At that time, there were no telescopes, so the Wei soldiers could only see so many people and horses on the city from afar, how could they know it was a fake? Of course, it was chilling. 曹丕 就 歎 口氣 話 喇 : 唉 , 魏國 雖然 有 成千 隊 武士 啊 , 都 用 唔 着 啊 。 Cao Pi|then|sighed|tone|said|particle|sigh|Wei state|although|has|thousands|teams|warriors|particle|all|use|not|able to|particle Cao Pi sighed and said: "Sigh, although the Wei state has thousands of warriors, they are of no use." 江南 有 噉 樣 嘅 人物 , 打 佢 唔 到 㗎 。 Jiangnan|has|such|appearance|possessive particle|person|fight|he|not|able to|sentence-final particle There are such characters in Jiangnan, and we can't defeat them. 曹丕 正在 又 驚訝 又 感 歎 , 忽然間 江上 翻起 狂風 。 Cao Pi|is|both|surprised|and|feeling|sighing|suddenly|on the river|stirred up|strong wind While Cao Pi was both surprised and lamenting, suddenly a fierce wind rose on the river. 眨 下眼 , 起晒 白頭 浪 , 嗰 啲 浪 冚 到 上船 呀 , 連 曹丕 件 龍袍 都 打 濕 咗 。 blink||raised|white-headed|waves|that|plural marker|waves|cover|to|on the boat|particle|even|Cao Pi|measure word|dragon robe|all|hit|wet|past tense marker In the blink of an eye, white-capped waves surged up, those waves crashed onto the boat, even Cao Pi's dragon robe got soaked. 咦 , 弊 傢伙 喇 , 打濕 龍袍 仲 冇 咁 緊要 喎 , 眼睇 住 龍舟 就 嚟 畀 啲 浪 打沉 添 啊 。 eh|useless|guy|particle|wet|dragon robe|still|not|that|important|particle|just watching|continuous aspect particle|dragon boat|then|coming|by|some|waves|sink|also|particle Eh, this guy, getting the dragon robe wet isn't that serious, but look, the dragon boat is about to be sunk by the waves! 曹真 慌忙 叫 文聘 棹 隻 小船 快 啲 嚟 救駕 , Cao Zhen|hurriedly|called|Wen Ping|row|measure word for boats|small boat|quickly|a little|come|rescue Cao Zhen hurriedly called Wen Ping to row the small boat over quickly to rescue them, 嘩 危險 咯 ! 龍舟 上面 嗰 啲 人 呀 , 企都 企 唔 穩喇 。 wow|dangerous|particle indicating realization|dragon boat|on top|that|plural marker|people|particle indicating exclamation||stand|| Wow, it's dangerous! The people on the dragon boat can't even stand steady. 文聘 跳 上 龍舟 , 孭 起 曹丕 落 咗 小船 , 棹 入 去 河港 。 Wen Ping|jump|onto|dragon boat|carry|lift|Cao Pi|get off|past tense marker|small boat|row|enter|to|river port Wen Ping jumped onto the dragon boat, carried Cao Pi down to the small boat, and rowed into the river harbor. 啱 啱 走 甩 呢場 風浪 , 點知 流星 馬 嚟 報告 話 : 趙雲 帶兵 出 陽平關 , 直取 長安 呀 ! ||||this|storm|unexpectedly|shooting star|horse|came|report|said|Zhao Yun|led troops|out|Yangping Pass|directly captured|Chang'an|particle Just as they escaped this storm, who would have thought that a meteor horse came to report: Zhao Yun has led troops out of Yangping Pass, heading straight for Chang'an! 哦 ! 不得了 呀 , 嚇 到 曹丕 面青 呀 立即 下令 全軍 撤退 。 oh|incredible|particle|||Cao Pi|pale|particle|immediately|ordered|entire army|retreat Oh! This is terrible, it scared Cao Pi so much that his face turned pale, and he immediately ordered the entire army to retreat. 噉 啊 各 路軍 兵喇喇聲 趯 人 嘞 喎 , 後 便 吳兵 啊 追住 嚟 打 。 like this|particle|every|||kick|people|past tense marker|particle|after|then||particle|chasing|come|fight Then, all the troops were in a chaotic uproar, and afterwards, the Wu army came chasing and attacking. 曹丕 下令 嘞 , 將 佢 御用 物品 全部 掉 低 走 啦 。 Cao Pi|ordered|past tense marker|to take|he|imperial|belongings|all|drop|down|leave|sentence-final particle Cao Pi ordered that all his personal belongings be dropped and left behind. 曹丕 嘅 龍舟 , 噉 啊 就 快 轉入 淮河 嘅 時候 , 突然 間 , 嗚嗚 , 嘣 蹦 嘣 蹦 嘣 蹦 嘣 蹦蹦 , 鼓角齊鳴 吶喊 連天 , 打橫 一彪 軍馬 殺到 。 Cao Pi|possessive particle|dragon boat|then|ah|just|quickly|turned into|Huai River|possessive particle|time|suddenly|moment|sound of horns|bang|bounce||bounce||bounce||continuous bouncing||shouting|throughout the sky|horizontally|a group of|war horses|charged in As Cao Pi's dragon boat was quickly turning into the Huai River, suddenly, there was a loud noise, boom boom boom boom boom, with drums and horns sounding and shouting filling the air, a cavalry unit charged in. 為 首 嘅 大將 乃 係 孫韶 啊 ! as|leader|possessive particle|general|indeed|is|Sun Shao|sentence-final particle The leading general was Sun Shao! 魏兵 根本 冇 得 頂 , 浸 死 嘅 就 唔 知 幾多 損失 成 大半 。 Wei Bing|fundamentally|not|able|withstand|submerged|dead|possessive particle|then|not|know|how much|loss|whole|majority The Wei army simply couldn't hold on, and they didn't know how many losses they suffered, losing more than half. 噉 啊 大家 搏命 保護 住 曹丕 就衝 咗 出去 。 like this|ah|everyone|fight for their lives|protect|to|Cao Pi||past tense marker|outside So everyone fought desperately to protect Cao Pi and rushed out. 當 曹丕 佢 哋 入 咗 淮河 , 行 咗 唔 夠卅里 , 喺 河面上 有 一寨 蘆葦 嘅 , 嗍 淰 魚油 個 喎 燒到 含 含聲 , 對住 船隊 順風 流落 嚟 。 when|Cao Pi|they|plural marker|entered|past tense marker|Huai River|traveled|past tense marker|not|enough thirty li|at|on the river surface|there is|a camp|reeds|possessive particle|sucking|muddy|fish oil|classifier|exclamatory particle|burned until|||facing|fleet|with the wind|flowing down|coming When Cao Pi and his group entered the Huai River, they had not traveled thirty miles when they saw a camp of reeds on the river, where fish oil was being burned, creating a loud crackling sound, flowing down towards the fleet with the wind. 風 又 猛時 火 又 大 , 哎呀 啲 大火 呀 一下 就 包住 龍舟 , 嚇死 曹丕 嚟 啊 , 急急 落 咗 小船 棹 埋 岸邊 , 呢 陣時 呀 , 龍舟 已經 燒着 晒 。 wind|again|strong|fire|again|big|oh no|particle indicating plural|big fire|particle indicating exclamation|suddenly|then|engulfed|dragon boat|scared to death|Cao Pi|came|particle indicating exclamation|hurriedly|got off|past tense marker|small boat|rowed|towards|the shore|this||particle indicating exclamation|dragon boat|already|burning|completely The wind was strong and the fire was big, oh no, the big fire suddenly engulfed the dragon boat, scaring Cao Pi, who hurriedly got into a small boat and paddled to the shore. At that moment, the dragon boat was already completely on fire. 曹丕 慌 失失 上馬 就 走 , 弊 ! 岸上 一彪 軍馬 就 殺過 嚟 , 為首 大將 乃 係 丁奉 。 Cao Pi|panicked|clumsily|mounted|immediately|fled|oh no|on the shore|a group of|war horses|then|charged over|here|leading|general|indeed|was|Ding Feng Cao Pi, in a panic, got on his horse and ran away, but on the shore, a group of cavalry charged over, led by the general Ding Feng. 張 遼 急急 拍馬 衝上去 迎戰 , 點知 畀 丁奉 一箭射 中條 腰 , 哎呀 ! 好彩 畀 徐晃 救返 條命 。 Zhang|Liao|urgently|spur his horse|charge forward|to meet the enemy|unexpectedly|by|Ding Feng|||waist|oh no|fortunately|by|Xu Huang|saved| Zhang Liao hurriedly rode forward to confront the enemy, but unexpectedly, he was shot in the waist by Ding Feng's arrow. Oh no! Fortunately, Xu Huang saved his life. 徐 晃 佢 哋 保住 曹丕 就 狼狽 逃跑 , 人馬 損失 就 不計其數 喇 。 Xu|Huang|they|plural marker|protect|Cao Pi|then|in a sorry state|fled|troops|losses|then|countless|particle indicating completed action Xu Huang and his men managed to protect Cao Pi and fled in a disarray, with countless losses in men and horses. 喺 背後 , 孫韶 、 丁 奉 佢 哋 所 奪取 到 嘅 馬匹 、 車輛 、 船隻 、 物資 , 數都數 唔 掂 咁 多 。 at|behind|Sun Shao|Ding|Feng|they|plural marker|that|seized|arrived|possessive particle|horses|vehicles|boats|supplies|||fit|so|many Behind them, Sun Shao and Ding Feng seized a tremendous amount of horses, vehicles, ships, and supplies, so much that it was impossible to count. 呢 一場 仗 , 徐盛 指揮 吳軍就 大獲全勝 , 孫權 當然 重重 噉 賞賜 佢 啦 。 this|one|battle|Xu Sheng|commanded||achieved a great victory|Sun Quan|of course|heavily|in that way|rewarded|him|sentence-final particle In this battle, Xu Sheng commanded the Wu army to a great victory, and Sun Quan certainly rewarded him heavily. 魏兵 就 輸 到 燶 咯 。 Wei Bing|then|lose|to|Long|particle indicating completed action The Wei troops suffered a crushing defeat. 張遼返 到 許昌 , 就 因為 箭傷 嚴重 啊 , 救 唔 返 就 死 咗 咯 。 |to|Xuchang|then|because|arrow wound|serious|ah||||then|||particle indicating completed action Zhang Liao returned to Xuchang, but due to the severe arrow wound, he couldn't be saved and died. 曹丕 就 吩咐 隆重 噉 安葬 咗 佢 , 呢 啲 就 不在話下 喇 。 Cao Pi|then|ordered|solemnly|like this|burial|past tense marker|him|this|plural marker|then|no need to mention further|sentence-final particle Cao Pi ordered a grand burial for him, and that goes without saying. 噉 啊 花開兩朵 各表 一枝 , 而家 講下 諸葛丞相 啊 , 佢 喺 成都 就 事無大小 , 都 係 親力 親為 , 秉公辦理 。 like this|particle||each represents|one branch|now|talk about|Prime Minister Zhuge|particle|he|at|Chengdu|then|regardless of size|all|is|||handles matters fairly Now, let's talk about Prime Minister Zhuge, who personally handled all matters in Chengdu, big or small, and dealt with them fairly. 東川 西川 嘅 民 眾 , 安享 太平 , 真 係 夜不閉戶 , 就 路不拾遺 。 Dongchuan|Xichuan|possessive particle|people|masses|enjoy peacefully|peace|truly|is|doors are not locked at night|then|no one picks up what is lost on the road The people of Dongchuan and Xichuan enjoyed peace, truly able to leave their doors unlocked at night and not lose anything on the road. 噉 又 咁 好彩 喎 , 天公 做美 , 年 年 嚟 都 係 風調雨順 , 糧食 啊 造造 都 好收成 。 like this|again|so|lucky|sentence-final particle|God of Heaven|is kind|year|year|come|all|are|favorable weather|crops|particle|planting|all| What good fortune it is, the heavens are favorable, every year is filled with good weather, and the harvests are plentiful. 老人 嫩 仔 呀 個個 都 食飽肚 , 唱歌 嚟 讚頌 諸葛丞相 。 old man|tender|child|particle|everyone|all|eat until full|singing|coming|praising|Prime Minister Zhuge The old people and young children are all full, singing songs to praise Prime Minister Zhuge. 呢 你 話 有 咩 要 出公差 啊 , 欸 征兵 征糧 啊 , 老百姓 都 係 爭住 做 妥 佢 嘅 。 this|you|said|have|what|need|go on a business trip|particle|hey|conscription|grain tax|particle|common people|all|are|competing to|do|properly|it|possessive particle Now, what do you say needs to be done for public service? Well, conscription and grain collection, the common people are all eager to do their part. 因此 呢 , 軍需 器械 等等 嘅 應用 物資 就 樣樣 齊全 嘞 。 therefore|particle indicating a question|military supply|equipment|etc|possessive particle|application|materials|then|everything|complete|particle indicating a completed action Therefore, the military supplies and other necessary materials are all fully prepared. 至於 糧食 富足 , 國家 嘅 財政 有 盈餘 , 呢 啲 就 不在話下 啦 。 as for|food|abundance|country|possessive particle|finance|has|surplus|this|plural marker|then|no need to mention|final particle As for the abundance of food and the surplus in the national finances, these are not even worth mentioning. 噉 啊 到 咗 建興 三年 啊 , 即 係 劉禪 登基 做 皇帝 三年 之後 , 亦 即 係 公元 二二 五年 啊 。 then|particle|arrive|past tense marker|Jianxing||particle|that is|is|Liu Shan|ascended the throne|became|emperor||after|also|that is|is|AD|22||particle So, by the third year of Jianxing, which is three years after Liu Shan ascended the throne as emperor, that is, the year 225 AD. 益州郡 送 嚟 十萬火急 嘅 報告 , 話 : 蠻 王孟獲 啊 , 出動 十萬 蠻兵 侵犯 邊境 。 Yizhou Commandery|send|here||possessive particle|report|said|barbarian||ah|mobilize|one hundred thousand|barbarian soldiers|invade|border The report from Yizhou County arrived urgently, stating: The barbarian king Meng Huo has mobilized 100,000 barbarian soldiers to invade the border. 建寧 太守 雍 闓 , 勾結 孟獲 一齊 造反 。 Jianning|governor|Yong|Kai|colluded|Meng Huo|together|rebelled The governor of Jian Ning, Yong Kai, has colluded with Meng Huo to rebel. 牂 牁 郡 太守 朱褒 、 越 巂 郡 太守 高定 , 兩個 都 獻 咗 城 投降 。 Zang|Ke|county|governor|Zhu Bao|Yue|Xi|county|governor|Gao Ding|both|all|offered|past tense marker|city|surrender The governors of Zangke County, Zhu Bao, and Yuexi County, Gao Ding, both surrendered their cities. 唯有 永昌 太守 王伉 就 唔 肯反 。 only|Yongchang|governor|Wang Pang|then|not| Only the governor of Yongchang, Wang Kang, refused to rebel. 而家 雍 闓 、 朱褒 、 高定 三個 人 嘅 部下 人馬 , 都 做 咗 孟 獲 嘅 嚮導 官 , 去 攻打 永昌 郡 。 now|Yong|Kai|Zhu Bao|Gao Ding|three|people|possessive particle|subordinates|troops|all|became|past tense marker|||possessive particle|guide|official|to|attack|Yongchang|county Now, the subordinates of Yong Kai, Zhu Bao, and Gao Ding have all become guides for Meng Huo, attacking Yongchang County. 王伉 同 佢 嘅 下屬 呂凱 呢 , 就 率領 全城 百姓 死守 城池 , 形勢 極之 緊急 噉 。 Wong Hong|with|his|possessive particle|subordinate|Lui Hoi|this|then|led|the whole city|citizens|defend to the death|city|situation|extremely|urgent|like that Wang Kang and his subordinate, Lu Kai, led the entire city's populace to defend the city, and the situation was extremely urgent. 孔明 接到 報告 之後 , 就入 朝 稟奏 後主 劉禪 嘞 。 Zhuge Liang|received|report|after||court|reported|the later ruler|Liu Shan|past tense marker After receiving the report, Kongming entered the court to report to the Emperor Liu Shan. 孔明 話 : 臣 認為 南蠻 唔 服 , 實在 係 國家 嘅 大 患 , 臣 要 親自 統率 大軍 , 前去 征討 啊 。 Kongming|said|I (the minister)|believe|southern barbarians|not|submissive|truly|is|country|possessive particle|great|calamity|I (the minister)|want|personally|lead|large army|go forward|conquer|ah Kongming said: "I believe that the southern barbarians are disobedient, which is indeed a great calamity for the country. I must personally lead the army to go and conquer them." 劉禪 就 話 喇 : 哎呀 , 東有 孫權 北有 曹丕 , 而家 相父 離開 朕 去 咗 出征 , 倘若 吳 、 魏 嚟 打 我 哋 , 如之奈何 呢 ? Liu Shan|then|said|particle indicating completed action|oh no||Sun Quan||Cao Pi|now|father-in-law|left|I (imperial pronoun)|go|past tense marker|campaign|if|Wu|Wei|come|attack|us|plural marker|what to do|question particle Liu Shan then said: "Oh dear, to the east there is Sun Quan and to the north there is Cao Pi. Now that my father-in-law has left me to go on an expedition, if Wu and Wei come to attack us, what should we do?" 陛下 , 東吳 正話 同 我 哋 講和 , 估計 佢 一時 唔 會 反悔 。 Your Majesty|Eastern Wu|just said|with|I|plural marker|peace talks|estimated|he|for a moment|not|will|regret Your Majesty, Eastern Wu is currently discussing peace with us, so it is estimated that they will not go back on their word for the time being. 若果 佢 一旦 違反 盟約 , 噉 李 嚴 喺 白帝城 嚟 , 此人 完全 可以 抵擋 得 住陸 遜 嘅 。 if|he|once|violates|agreement|then|Li|Yan|at|Baidi City|comes|this person|completely|can|withstand|able||Xun|'s If he once violates the covenant, then Li Yan in Baidi City can completely withstand Lu Xun. 至於 曹丕 新近 打 咗 場 敗仗 , 已經 喪失 咗 銳氣 , 唔 能夠 喺 咁 遠 嚟 進攻 我 哋 㗎 喇 。 as for|Cao Pi|recently|fought|past tense marker|classifier for games or battles|defeat|already|lost|past tense marker|fighting spirit|not|able to|at|so|far|come|attack|us|plural marker|sentence final particle|sentence final particle As for Cao Pi, who has recently suffered a defeat, he has already lost his momentum and cannot attack us from so far away. 而且 有 馬超 把守 住 漢中 各處 關口 , 所以 陛下 不必 憂慮 嘅 。 moreover|has|Ma Chao|guarding|firmly|Hanzhong|all|passes|so|Your Majesty|need not|worry|particle indicating possession or emphasis Moreover, with Ma Chao guarding various passes in Hanzhong, Your Majesty need not worry. 同時 , 臣 準備 留低 關興 、 張苞 , 分做 兩軍作 為 救應 , 保住 陛下 萬無一失 。 at the same time|I (a humble form of self-reference for a subject)|prepare|leave behind|Guan Xing|Zhang Bao|divide into|||reinforcements|ensure|Your Majesty|absolutely safe At the same time, I plan to leave Guan Xing and Zhang Bao behind, dividing them into two armies as support to ensure Your Majesty's safety. 而家 , 臣 先 去 掃蕩 南蠻 , 然後 進行 北伐 , 奪取 中原 , 以報 先帝 三顧草廬 之恩 , 託孤 之重 啊 ! now|I (the minister)|first|go|eliminate|southern barbarians|then|carry out|northern expedition|seize|central plains||previous emperor|three visits to the thatched cottage||entrusting the orphan||exclamatory particle Now, I will first go to sweep away the southern barbarians, and then proceed with the northern expedition to seize the Central Plains, in order to repay the late emperor's kindness of visiting the thatched cottage three times and the heavy trust of entrusting the orphan! 誒 , 朕 年幼無知 , 請 相父 斟酌 , 該點 做 就 做 啦 。 hey|I (imperial pronoun)||please|father|consider||do|then|do|particle indicating suggestion or finality Ah, I am young and ignorant, please consider it, my father, and just do what needs to be done. 劉禪 說話 未 完 , 班部 之內 有 個人 行出 嚟 話 : 唔 得 啊 , 唔 得 啊 ! Liu Shan|speaking|not|finished|the group|inside|there is|a person|walked out|here|said|||particle|||particle Liu Shan had not finished speaking when someone from the group stepped out and said: No, no! 大家 一睇 , 原來 係 諫議 大夫 王連 。 everyone|at a glance|it turns out|is|advisory|minister|Wang Lian Everyone looked and realized it was the advisor Wang Lian. 佢 話 : 南方 係 啲 不毛之地 , 異常 荒涼 , 而且 , 好多 山嵐 瘴氣 , 瘟疫 流行 。 He|said|the south|is|particle indicating plural|barren land|extremely|desolate|moreover|many|mountain mists|poisonous air|plague|prevalent He said: The south is a barren land, extremely desolate, and there are many mountain mists and miasmas, with epidemics spreading. 丞相 擔負 國家 政務 嘅 重任 , 要 親自 去 遠征 係 唔 適宜 嘅 。 Prime Minister|bear|country|government affairs|possessive particle|heavy responsibility|must|personally|go|expedition|is|not|appropriate|possessive particle It is inappropriate for the Prime Minister, who bears the heavy responsibility of national affairs, to personally go on an expedition. 況且 , 雍 闓 呢 啲 人作 反 , 不過 係 疥癬之疾 , 小意思 啫 。 moreover|a name|a name|these|plural particle||rebellion|but|is|disease of scabies|small matter|only Moreover, these people from Yongkai rebelling are just a minor issue, like a skin disease. 丞相 隨便 派 一員大將 去 討伐 佢 , 就 必定 馬到功成 嘅 喇 。 Prime Minister|casually|send|a general|to|attack|him|then|definitely|achieve success immediately|possessive particle|final particle The Prime Minister can casually send a general to suppress them, and it will definitely be a quick success. 孔明 話 喇 : 南蠻 之地 , 離 我 哋 國土 好遠 , 蠻 人 多數 都 係 未開化 嘅 , 極難 收復 , 所以 我 一定 要 親自 帶兵 去 至 得 。 Kongming|said|particle indicating past action|southern barbarians||away from|I|plural marker|territory||barbarian|people|mostly|all|are|uncivilized|particle indicating possession||recover|so|I|definitely|must|personally|lead troops|go|until|successful Kongming said: The land of the southern barbarians is far from our territory, and most of the barbarians are uncivilized, making it extremely difficult to recover, so I must personally lead the troops. 或剛 或 柔 , 要 睇 情形 而定 , 唔 能夠 隨便 委託 別人 㗎 。 or strong|||must|see|situation|depending on|not|able to|casually|entrust|others|sentence-final particle Whether to be harsh or gentle depends on the situation; I cannot casually delegate to others. 王連 就 再三再四 噉 苦苦 勸諫 , 孔明 呢 , 終歸 冇 接受 佢 嘅 意見 , 仲 係 決定 親自 南征 。 Wang Lian|then|repeatedly|like this|earnestly|advised|Kongming|particle indicating a question|ultimately|did not|accept|his|possessive particle|opinion|still|was|decided|personally|southern expedition Wang Lian repeatedly and earnestly advised Kongming, but in the end, he did not accept his advice and decided to personally lead the southern expedition. 而家 講下 趙雲 啊 , 佢 啊 帶兵 殺出 陽平關 就嚇 窒 咗 曹丕 。 now|let's talk about|Zhao Yun|particle|he|particle|led troops|broke out|Yangping Pass||choked|past tense marker|Cao Pi Now let's talk about Zhao Yun. He led his troops out of Yangping Pass and scared Cao Pi to death. 嗰 日 , 佢 突然 接到 孔明 嘅 命令 , 話 孟 獲作 反 , 要 調 佢 返 成都 , 跟 埋 一齊 去 南征 , 就 留 馬超 堅守 陽平關 噉 , 於是 趙雲 就 急急 收兵 返去 嘞 。 that|day|he|suddenly|received|Kongming|possessive particle|order|said|||rebellion|must|transfer|him|back|Chengdu|follow|together|all|go|southern expedition|then|leave|Ma Chao|defend|Yangping Pass|like that|so|Zhao Yun|then|hurriedly|recall troops|return|past tense particle That day, he suddenly received an order from Kongming, saying that Meng Huo was rebelling and he needed to return to Chengdu to join the southern expedition, leaving Ma Chao to defend Yangping Pass. So Zhao Yun hurriedly recalled his troops. 呢 一日 , 孔明 辭別 咗 劉禪 , 任命 蔣琬 做 參軍 , 費禕 做 長史 , 董厥 、 樊建 兩個 做 掾 史 。 this|day|Kongming|bid farewell|past tense marker|Liu Shan|appointed|Jiang Wan|as|military advisor|Fei Yi|as|chief historian|Dong Jue|Fan Jian|the two|as|| On this day, Kongming bid farewell to Liu Shan, appointing Jiang Wan as the military advisor, Fei Yi as the chief historian, and Dong Jue and Fan Jian as the clerks. 誒 長史 、 掾 史 啊 , 都 係 丞相 嘅 主要 助理 官員 咯 。 hey|Chief Historian|Assistant|Historian|particle|all|are|Prime Minister|possessive particle|main|assistant|officials|particle Ah, the chief historian and clerks are the main assistant officials of the Prime Minister. 又 任命 趙雲 、 魏延 做 大將 , 總督 軍馬 ; again|appointed|Zhao Yun|Wei Yan|as|general|supervisor|military horses He also appointed Zhao Yun and Wei Yan as generals to oversee the military horses. 王平 、 張翼 做 副將 ; 與 及 兩川 將官 數十員 : 點起 五十萬 大軍 就 向 益州 進發 。 Wang Ping|Zhang Yi|serve as|deputy general|and|including|Liangchuan|military officers||mobilize|500000|army|then|towards|Yizhou|advance Wang Ping and Zhang Yi served as deputy generals; along with several dozen generals from the two Chuan regions, they mobilized a large army of five hundred thousand and advanced towards Yizhou. 有 一日 , 關公 嘅 第三 仔 關索 啊 , 就 嚟 到 軍隊 見 孔明 。 there is|one day|Guan Gong|possessive particle|third|son|Guan Suo|ah|then|come|to|army|see|Kong Ming One day, Guan Gong's third son, Guan Suo, came to the army to see Kongming. 原來 喺 荊州 失陷 嘅 時候 呢 , 關索 啊 受 咗 傷 , 逃難 去 到 鮑 家莊 養病 。 it turns out|at|Jingzhou|fell|possessive particle|time|particle indicating a question|Guan Suo|ah|received|past tense marker|injury|escape|went|to|Bao|family village|recuperate It turned out that when Jingzhou fell, Guan Suo was injured and fled to Bao's family village to recuperate. 關索 啊 好 想 去 西川 搵 劉備 , 同 佢 父親 報仇 , 但 係 傷仲未 好 啊 , 所以 就 去 唔 成 。 Guan Suo|ah|very|want|to go|Xichuan|to find|Liu Bei|with|his|father|take revenge|but|is||healed|ah|so|then|to go|not|succeed Guan Suo really wanted to go to Xichuan to find Liu Bei and take revenge for his father, but his injury was not yet healed, so he couldn't go. 直到 最近 啊 先 至 好 返 晒 嘞 , 又 打聽 到 消息 話 東吳 嘅 仇人 都 殺 晒 喇 噉 , 故此 就 嚟 西川 。 until|recently|ah|||well|return|completely|past tense particle|again|inquire|to|news|saying|Dongwu|possessive particle|enemy|all|kill|completely|completed action particle|like that|therefore|then|come|Xichuan Only recently did he fully recover and heard news that all the enemies from Eastern Wu had been killed, so he came to Xichuan. 而家 咁 啱 喺 中途 啊 遇見 南征 嘅 大軍 , 就 嚟 拜見 孔明 。 now|so|just|at|midway|particle|encountered|South Expedition|possessive particle|army|then|come|pay respects to|Kongming Right now, it just so happens that I encountered the Southern Expedition's army in the middle of the journey, and I am here to pay my respects to Kongming. 孔明聽 關索 講完 呢 幾年 嘅 經過 就 非常 之 感慨 , 立即 派 人 去 報告 朝廷 。 |Guansuo|finished speaking|this|several years|possessive particle|experiences|then|very|particle indicating possession|emotional|immediately|send|person|to|report|imperial court After listening to Guan Suo recount the events of these past few years, Kongming was very moved and immediately sent someone to report to the court. 又將 關索 留 喺 軍隊 , 任命 佢 做 前部 先鋒 就 一齊 去 南征 。 again|Guan Suo|stay|in|army|appoint|he|as|front|vanguard|then|together|go|south expedition He also kept Guan Suo in the army, appointing him as the vanguard to go along with the Southern Expedition. 噉 啊 孔明 嘅 大軍 啊 , 一隊 跟 一隊 , 正 所謂 飢餐渴飲 啊 夜宿 曉行 , 所 經過 嘅 地方 啊 秋毫無犯 , 呢 啲 就 不在話下 。 like this|particle|Kongming|possessive particle|great army|particle|one unit|following|another unit|just|so-called|eating when hungry and drinking when thirsty|particle|sleeping at night|traveling at dawn|what|passing through|possessive particle|places|particle|not infringing on even the smallest thing|this|plural particle|then|needless to say Thus, Kongming's great army, one unit after another, as the saying goes, feasting when hungry and drinking when thirsty, resting at night and traveling at dawn, passed through places without causing any harm, and these are just the basics. 而家講 返 嗰 個 作 反 嘅 建寧 太守 雍 闓 。 |back|that|classifier for people|do|rebellion|possessive particle|Jianing|governor|Yong|Kai Now let's talk about that rebel, the Governor of Jian Ning, Yong Kai. 佢 聽 聞孔明 親自 統率 大軍 嚟 緊 , 就 即刻 搵 埋 高定 、 朱褒 嚟 商量 , 決定 分 兵 三路 : He|heard||personally|commanded|large army|coming|continuous tense marker|then|immediately|found|together|Gao Ding|Zhu Bao|to come|discuss|decided|to divide|troops|into three routes He heard that Kongming was personally leading a large army, so he immediately called Gao Ding and Zhu Bao to discuss and decided to split the troops into three routes: 高 定居 中 , 雍 闓 在 左 , 朱褒 在 右 , 每一 路軍 都 帶 五六萬 兵去 迎敵 。 Gao|settled|in|Yong|Kai|at|left|Zhu Bao|at|right|every||all|led|50000 to 60000||confront the enemy Gao Ding in the center, Yong Kai on the left, and Zhu Bao on the right, with each route bringing fifty to sixty thousand soldiers to confront the enemy. 而家 先 講下 中 路軍 高定 , 佢 任命 大將 鄂煥 做 前部 先鋒 。 now|first|talk about|Central|army|Gao Ding|he|appointed|general|E Huan|as|front部|vanguard Now let's talk about the central route led by Gao Ding; he appointed the general E Huan as the vanguard. 嘿 呢 個 鄂煥 呀 , 生 得 身高 九尺 , 面貌 醜惡 , 使 一枝 方天畫 戟 , 有 萬夫不當之勇 嘅 。 hey|this|measure word|E Huan|particle|born|to have|height|nine feet|appearance|ugly|wield|one|||has|courage of ten thousand men|possessive particle Hey, this E Huan, he is nine feet tall, has an ugly appearance, wields a Fangtian painting halberd, and possesses the courage of ten thousand men. 佢 啊 帶 住 本部 兵馬 去 迎戰 蜀兵 嘞 。 he|particle indicating surprise|bring|indicating possession|headquarters|troops|go|confront|Shu soldiers|particle indicating completed action He is leading his troops to confront the Shu soldiers. 孔明 統率 大軍 就 已經 嚟 到 益州郡 嘅 境界 。 Kongming|commanded|large army|then|already|||Yizhou|possessive particle|border Kongming led the large army and had already arrived at the borders of Yizhou. 前部 先鋒 魏延 , 副將 張翼 、 王平 就 啱 啱 進入 界口 , 就 遇正 鄂 煥 嘅 軍隊 。 front unit|vanguard|Wei Yan|deputy general|Zhang Yi|Wang Ping|then|||entered|border|then|encountered|||possessive particle|army The vanguard Wei Yan, along with deputy generals Zhang Yi and Wang Ping, had just entered the border when they encountered the army of E Huan. 噉 啊 兩邊 都 各自 擺開陣勢 啦 。 then|particle|both sides|all|each||particle So both sides set up their formations. 魏延 出馬 就 喝 佢 哋 嘞 : 反賊 仲 唔 快快 投降 ! Wei Yan|charge out|then|shout|he|they|past tense marker|rebels|still|not|quickly|surrender Wei Yan rode out and shouted at them: "Rebels, why don't you quickly surrender!" 鄂煥 就 拍馬 迎上去 同魏延 交鋒 。 E Huan|then|spur his horse|charge forward||clash E Huan spurred his horse forward to engage in battle with Wei Yan. 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 魏延 詐敗 逃走 , 鄂煥 跟 住 後 便 猛 咁 追 。 fight|past tense marker|several|rounds|Wei Yan|feigned defeat|escaped|E Huan|||behind|then|fiercely|so|chased After a few rounds of fighting, Wei Yan pretended to be defeated and fled, while E Huan chased closely behind. 追 咗 幾里路 , 殺 啊 噉 一陣 吶喊聲 驚天動地 , 張翼 、 王平 兩 路軍 殺過 嚟 就 截斷 咗 鄂 煥 嘅 後路 。 chase|past tense marker||kill|ah|like this|a moment|shouting|earth-shattering|Zhang Yi|Wang Ping|two||came over|here|then|cut off|past tense marker|E|Huan|possessive particle|escape route After chasing for several miles, a sudden shout shook the heavens and the earth, as Zhang Yi and Wang Ping's two armies came over and cut off E Huan's escape route. 魏延 𠻘 聲 帶兵 返 轉頭 , 三員 猛將 合力 圍攻 , 就 生擒 咗 鄂煥 , 噉 啊 解 佢 返 去 營寨 見 孔明 。 Wei Yan|suddenly|loudly|led the troops|back|turned around|three|fierce generals|together|surrounded and attacked|then|captured alive|past tense marker|E Huan|then|ah|released|him|back|to|camp|see|Kongming Wei Yan led his troops back, and the three fierce generals worked together to surround and capture E Huan, bringing him back to the camp to see Kong Ming. 孔明 吩咐 同 鄂煥 鬆綁 , 畀 啲 酒菜 嚟 款待 佢 。 Kongming|instructed|with|E Huan|to be untied|give|some|food and drink|to|entertain|him Kong Ming instructed to untie E Huan and to treat him with food and drink. 孔明問 嘞 : 你 係 邊個 嘅 部將 啊 ? |question particle|you|are|who|possessive particle|general|exclamation particle Kong Ming asked: Who is your lord's general? 我 係 高 定 嘅 部將 啊 。 I|am|Gao|Ding|possessive particle|general|sentence-final particle I am the general of Gao Ding. 我 知道 高定 係 個 忠義 之 人 , 不過 係 受 咗 雍 闓 嘅 欺騙 以致 噉 樣 嘅 啫 。 I|know|Gao Ding|is|the|loyalty|of|person|but|is||past tense marker|Yong|Kai|possessive particle|deception|resulting in|like this|appearance|possessive particle|only I know that Gao Ding is a loyal person, but he has been deceived by Yong Kai, which led to this situation. 我而家 放 你 返去 , 你 勸 下 高 太守 早日 投降 , 免至 大禍臨頭 啊 。 I now|let|you|go back|you|persuade|a little|||soon|surrender|to avoid|great disaster befalling|ah I will let you go back now; persuade Governor Gao to surrender soon to avoid great disaster. 鄂煥 拜謝 咗 孔明 就 走 嘞 。 Oh Wun|thanked|past tense marker|Kong Ming|then|left|past tense marker E Huan thanked Kong Ming and then left. 佢 返 到 去 見到 高定 , 就 大講 孔明 嘅 好話 , 話 孔明 呀 極之 仁德 嘅 噉 , 高定 呢 亦 都 十分 感激 。 he||||saw|Gao Ding|then|spoke highly of|Kong Ming|possessive particle|good words|said|Kong Ming|ah|extremely|benevolence|possessive particle|like that|Gao Ding|this|||very|grateful When he returned to see Gao Ding, he spoke highly of Kong Ming, saying that Kong Ming is extremely benevolent, and Gao Ding was also very grateful. 到 咗 第日 , 雍 闓 啊 嚟 到 高 定 嘅 營寨 , 彼此 行過禮 , 雍 闓 就問 嘞 : arrive|past tense marker|next day|a person's name|a person's name|sentence final particle|come|to|Gao|Ding|possessive particle|camp|each other|exchanged greetings||||past tense marker On that day, Yong Kai arrived at the high camp, and they exchanged greetings. Yong Kai then asked: 鄂煥點 返得 嚟 㗎 ? how is Ngok Wun|can return|here|question particle "How did E Huan manage to return?" 哦 , 諸葛亮 講 仁義 放 咗 佢 啫 。 oh|Zhuge Liang|talks|righteousness|let go|past tense marker|he|only "Oh, Zhuge Liang said he was released because of his benevolence." 哼 ! 呢 啲 係 諸葛亮 嘅 反間計 嚟 啊 , 佢 想 使 到 我 哋 兩個 人 不 和 , 所以 就 出 呢 啲 詭計 咋 嘛 。 hum|||are|Zhuge Liang|possessive particle|counter-espionage strategy|come|ah|he|wants|use|to|||two|people|||so|then|come up with|||tricks|particle indicating surprise|particle indicating obviousness "Hmph! This is Zhuge Liang's scheme of deception. He wants to create discord between us, so he came up with this trick." 高定 仲 半信不信 , 個心 好 猶豫 。 high definition|still|half believing half doubting|heart|very|hesitant Gao Ding was still half-convinced, feeling very hesitant. 呢 一日 , 蜀 軍 魏延 嚟 挑戰 , 雍 闓 啊 親自 帶 三萬 兵去 迎敵 。 this|day|Shu|army|Wei Yan|came|challenge|Yong|Kai|ah|personally|led|thirty thousand||confront the enemy On that day, the Shu army led by Wei Yan came to challenge, and Yong Kai personally took thirty thousand soldiers to meet the enemy. 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 雍 闓 就 唔 係 手腳 , 撥馬 就 走 。 hit|past tense marker|several|rounds|name of a person|name of a person|then|not|is|hands and feet|push the horse|then|run away After fighting for a few rounds, Yong Kai was not able to keep up and turned his horse to flee. 魏延 指揮 人馬 衝鋒 一直 追殺 二十幾 里 。 Wei Yan|commanded|cavalry|charge|continuously|pursued|over twenty|li (a unit of distance) Wei Yan commanded his troops to charge and chased for over twenty miles. 第日 雍 闓 又 唔 忿氣 喎 , 佢 又 帶兵 嚟 打過 喎 。 the other day|name of a person|name of a person|again|not|angry|sentence-final particle|he|again|lead troops|come|fight again|sentence-final particle The next day, Yong Kai was still angry, so he brought his troops to fight again. 哈點 知 孔明 又 唔 同 佢 打 喇 , 連氣 三日 孔明 都 唔 出兵 。 how come|knows|Kongming|again|not|with|him|fight|particle indicating completed action|continuous|three days|Kongming|all|not|deploy troops Little did he know that Kong Ming would not fight him, and for three consecutive days, Kong Ming did not send out troops. 到 咗 第四日 , 雍 闓 、 高定 分兵 兩路 嚟 攻打 蜀 軍營 寨 。 arrive|past tense marker|fourth day|Yong|Kai|Gao Ding|divide troops|from two directions|come|attack|Shu|military camp|fort On the fourth day, Yong Kai and Gao Ding split their troops into two routes to attack the Shu army camp. 誰知 孔明 啊 早就 設 好 圈套 喇 , 佢 命令 魏延 啊 喺 兩路 埋伏 兵馬 等 住 。 who would have thought|Kongming|particle|already|||trap|particle|he|ordered|Wei Yan|particle|at|two roads|ambush|troops|| Little did they know, Kongming had already set a trap; he ordered Wei Yan to ambush the troops from both routes. 果然 雍 闓 、 高定 兩路 兵 嚟 就 及 到 正 晒 , 殺傷 佢 成 大半 人馬 , 仲 俘虜 咗 無數 咁 多 人 添 就 解到 返 嚟 營寨 。 as expected|a person's name|a person's name|a person's name|two routes|troops|come|then|reach|arrive|just|finished|kill and injure|him|all|more than half|troops|still|capture|past tense marker|countless|so|many|people|also|then|return|return|to|camp Indeed, when Yong Kai and Gao Ding's troops arrived, they were caught off guard, suffering heavy casualties and capturing countless soldiers to bring back to their camp. 孔明 就 佈置 好 , 將雍 闓 嘅 人 呢 , 韞 喺 一 便 , 高 定 嘅 人 又 韞 喺 另 一 便 。 Kongming|then|arrangement|well||Kai|possessive particle|people|question particle|to hide|at|one|side|Gao|Ding|possessive particle|people|again|to hide|at|another|one|side Kongming had arranged everything well, grouping Yong Kai's men together and Gao Ding's men separately. 同時 啊 吩咐 啲 軍士 散佈 話 : 凡 係 高 定 嘅 人 就 免 死 , 雍 闓 嘅 人 呢 就 殺 清光 噉 。 at the same time|ah|instructed|particle indicating plural|soldiers|spread|word|all|are|Gao|Ding|possessive particle|people|then|exempt|death|Yong|Kai|possessive particle|people|question particle|then|kill|completely|like that At the same time, he instructed the soldiers to spread the word: anyone from Gao Ding's side would be spared, while all of Yong Kai's men would be killed. 嗰 班 俘虜 個個 都 聽講 㗎 。 that|group|prisoners|everyone|all|heard|sentence-final particle Those captives all heard about it. 過 咗 一陣 , 孔明 就 命令 帶雍 闓 啲 人 嚟 審問 , 就 問 佢 哋 話 : 你 哋 都 係 邊個 嘅 兵 啊 ? after|past tense marker|a while|Kongming|then|ordered|Daiyung|Kai|plural marker|people|to come|interrogation|then|asked|they|plural pronoun|said|you|plural pronoun|all|are|whose|possessive particle|soldiers|question particle After a while, Kongming ordered to bring the people from Yang Kai for questioning, and asked them: "Which army do you belong to?" 嗰 班 人 就 一齊 講 大話 嘞 喎 : 誒 我 哋 係 高定 部下 啲 兵 嚟 啊 , 係 高定 部下 㗎 , 係 誒 高定 㗎 高定 㗎 。 that|group|people|then|together|talk|big lies|past action particle|sentence-final particle|hey|I|plural marker|am|a name|subordinate|plural marker|soldiers|come|sentence-final particle|am|a name|subordinate|sentence-final particle|am|hey|a name|sentence-final particle|a name|sentence-final particle Those people all started to lie together: "Hey, we are soldiers under Gao Ding, we are under Gao Ding, yes, Gao Ding, Gao Ding." 孔明 就 吩咐 一律 免 佢 哋 死 , 仲 賞賜 酒菜 嚟 慰勞 佢 哋 添 。 Zhuge Liang|then|ordered|all|exempt|they|plural marker|death|also|rewarded|food and drink|to|comfort|they|plural marker|additionally Kongming then ordered that they should all be spared from death, and even rewarded them with food and drink to comfort them. 然後 呢 , 就 派 人 送 佢 哋 出 到 邊界 放走 佢 哋 。 then|question particle|then|send|people|escort|they|plural marker|out|to|border|release|them|plural marker Then, he sent people to escort them to the border and release them. 跟 住 , 孔明 又 叫 高定 啲 人 嚟 問 嘞 。 ||Kong Ming|again|called|Gao Ding|some|people|to come|ask|past tense particle Then, Kongming called Gao Ding's men to ask. 呢 班 人 就 話 啦 : 我 哋 確實 係 高定 部下 嘅 軍士 嚟 啊 。 this|class|people|then|said|sentence-final particle|I|plural marker|indeed|are|Gao Ding|subordinates|possessive particle|soldiers|come|ah particle These people said: We are indeed soldiers under Gao Ding. 好 啦 , 孔明亦 都 全部 免 佢 哋 死 , 一樣 賞賜 飲食 。 |||all|completely|spare|||die|equally|reward|food and drink Alright, Kongming also spared their lives and rewarded them with food. 孔明 就 對 佢 哋 話 喇 : 雍 闓 今日 使人 嚟 投降 , 準備 殺 咗 你 哋 主公 同朱 褒 ,攞 佢 哋 嘅 首級 作為 覲見 禮啊 , 我 啊 十分 唔 忍心 。 Kongming|then|to|he|plural marker|said|sentence-final particle|Yong|Kai|today|send someone|to come|surrender|prepare|kill|past tense marker|you|plural marker|lord||Bao|take|he|plural marker|possessive particle|head|as|audience|gift|I|ah|very|not|heartless Kongming said to them: Yong Kai sent people to surrender today, planning to kill your lord and Zhu Bao, and take their heads as a greeting gift. I really can't bear to do it. 你 哋 既然 係 高定 部下 嘅 軍士 咯 , 噉 我 就 放 你 哋 返去 , 以後 唔 準再 作反 喇 。 ||since|are|Gao Ding|subordinate|possessive particle|soldier|sentence-final particle|then|I|then|let|||go back|in the future|not||rebel|sentence-final particle Since you are soldiers under Gao Ding, I will let you go, but you must not rebel again in the future. 如果 再 畀 我 捉住 , 就 唔 饒恕 你 哋 㗎 喇 , 好 啦 , 你 哋 返 去 啦 。 if|again|let|me|catch|then|not|forgive|you|plural marker|sentence final particle|sentence final particle|good|sentence final particle|you|plural marker|return|go|sentence final particle If I catch you again, I won't forgive you, alright, you all can go back. 噉 高定 部下 嗰 班 軍士 又 紛紛 叩頭 拜謝 , 然後 就 返 扯 嘞 。 then|decided|subordinates|that|group|soldiers|again|one after another|kowtowed|thanked|then|just|returned|to pull|past tense particle Then, the soldiers under Gao Ding all bowed and thanked him, and then they went back. 佢 哋 一 返 到 本 寨 就 將 呢 件 事 呀 報告 畀 高定 聽 。 they|plural marker|one|return|to|original|village|then|will|this|classifier for events|matter|particle|report|to give|a person's name|hear When they returned to the camp, they reported this matter to Gao Ding. 咦 ? 乜 噉 都 得 嘅 ? eh|what|like this|all|okay|question particle Huh? How can this be allowed? 高定 就 靜靜 派 人 去 雍 闓 嘅 營寨 探聽 情況 。 Gao Ding|then|quietly|send|person|to|Yong|Kai|possessive particle|camp|inquire|situation Gao Ding quietly sent someone to the camp of Yong Kai to investigate the situation. 哈 嗰 啲 畀 蜀 軍 俘虜 過放返 嚟 啲 兵 呢 就 猛 喺 度 講 孔明 待 高定 啲 兵 呀 點好點 好 噉 。 ha|that|plural marker|by|Shu|army|captured|released|come|plural marker|soldiers|this|then|fiercely|at|place|talk|Kongming|treat|high|plural marker|soldiers|question particle|how good|good|like this Ha, those soldiers who were captured by the Shu army and released are now talking a lot about how Kongming treats Gao Ding's soldiers well. 因此 呢 , 雍 闓 軍隊 裏頭 啲 人 啊 , 好多 都 想 歸順 高定 。 therefore|question particle|Yong|Kai|army|inside|plural marker|people|particle|many|all|want|surrender|Gao Ding As a result, many people in Yong Kai's army want to surrender to Gao Ding. 噉 探聽到 呢 個 情況 呢 , 高定 個 心仲 係 十五 十六 。 then|found out|this|measure word|situation|particle|feeling|measure word||is|fifteen|sixteen Upon hearing this situation, Gao Ding's heart is still at fifteen or sixteen. 佢 又 派 咗 個 間諜 去 孔明 嘅 營寨 裏頭 探聽虛實 。 He|again|sent|past tense marker|a|spy|to|Kongming|possessive particle|camp|inside| He also sent a spy to Kongming's camp to gather information. 個 間諜 行到 半路 就 畀 蜀 軍 嘅 伏路 兵 捉住 , 拉 咗 去 見 孔明 。 the|spy|walked to|halfway|then|by|Shu|army|possessive particle|ambush|soldiers|captured|dragged|past tense marker|to|see|Kongming The spy was caught by the ambush soldiers of the Shu army halfway and was taken to see Kongming. 孔明 就 故意 認錯 人 喎 , 將呢 個 間諜 啊 當做 係 雍 闓 派 嚟 嘅 。 Kongming|then|intentionally|misidentify|person|particle||classifier|spy|particle|treat as|is|Yong|Kai|send|come|particle Kong Ming deliberately recognized the wrong person, treating this spy as if he was sent by Yong Kai. 佢 問 喇 : 你 元帥 既然 約定 咗 要 斬 高定 、 朱褒 兩個 嘅 首級 嚟 獻 畀 我 , 點解 過 咗 日期 都 仲 唔 送 嚟 呢 ? he|asked|particle indicating completed action|you|Marshal|since|agreed|completed action particle|to|behead|Gao Ding|Zhu Bao|both|possessive particle|heads|to|present|to|me|why|past|completed action particle|date|still|again|not|deliver|to|question particle He asked: Since you, the Marshal, agreed to present the heads of Gao Ding and Zhu Bao to me, why haven't they been delivered even after the deadline? 你 呢 個 傢伙 行動 粗心大意 , 點做 得 間諜 㗎 ? you|question particle|measure word|guy|actions|careless||become|spy|question particle You, this guy, are so careless in your actions, how can you be a spy? 高定 個 間諜 聽 咗 就 嗯 嗯 啊 啊 噉 應住 先 。 high-end|measure word for people|spy|heard|past tense marker|then|hmm|hmm|ah|ah|like that|should|first The spy from Gao Ding just responded with 'uh-huh' and 'yeah'. 孔明 話 咗 幾句 , 就 吩咐 啲 人 攞 酒菜 嚟 招呼 佢 , 又 寫 咗 封信 交 畀 佢 。 Kongming|said|past tense marker|a few sentences|then|instructed|plural marker|people|bring|food and drink|to|entertain|him|also|wrote||a letter|handed|to|him Kong Ming said a few words, then instructed his people to bring food and drinks to entertain him, and also wrote a letter to give to him. 孔明 話 喇 : 你將 封信 交 畀 雍 闓 叫 佢 快 啲 逳 手 , 唔 好 誤事 啊 。 Kongming|said|particle indicating completed action||letter|hand over|to|Yong|Kai|tell|him|quickly|particle indicating degree|deliver|hand|not|well|delay the matter|particle indicating exclamation Kong Ming said: You pass this letter to Yong Kai and tell him to hurry up and not to delay things. 個 間諜 叩頭 拜謝 就袋 好 封信 就 走 嘞 。 the|spy|kowtow|thank||good|sealed letter|then|leave|past tense particle The spy bowed and thanked him, then took the letter and left. 返到 去 , 即刻 將 孔明 寫 嘅 信 交 咗 畀 高 定 。 return|home|immediately|to hand over|Kong Ming|written|possessive particle|letter|to deliver|past tense marker|to|Gao|Ding When he returned, he immediately handed the letter written by Kong Ming to Gao Ding. 又 將 喺 孔明 嗰 處 聽 返 嚟 有關 雍 闓 嘅 事 啊 , 一五一十 噉 講 畀 高定 聽 。 again|will|at|Kongming|that|place|hear|back|come|regarding|Yong|Kai|possessive particle|matter|ah|in detail|like this|tell|to|Gao Ding|hear He also reported everything he heard from Kong Ming regarding Yong Kai, telling Gao Ding everything in detail. 高定 睇 完 封信 就 嬲 到極 啦 : 豈有此理 ! Gao Ding|read|finished|the letter|then|angry|extremely|particle|how can this be reasonable After reading the letter, Gao Ding was extremely angry: How can this be! 雍 闓 呢 個 傢伙 , 我 真心 待 佢 佢 反而 想害 我 ? Yong|Kai|this|measure word|guy|I|sincerely|treat|he||instead|wants to harm|me Yong Kai, this guy, I treated him sincerely, but he actually wants to harm me? 真 係 情理難容 啊 ! ||unreasonable|ah It's really unreasonable! 即刻 就 嗌 鄂煥 嚟 商量 。 immediately|then|call|E-Huan|come|discuss I immediately called E Huan to discuss. 鄂煥話 : 孔明 係 個 好人 呀 , 反 佢 係 冇 好 結果 嘅 。 Ngok Wun said|Kong Ming|is|a|good person|particle|against|he|is|no|good|result|particle E Huan said: Kong Ming is a good person, but going against him will not end well. 其實 我 哋 作反 , 一日 都 係 雍 闓 嘅 主意 咋 嘛 , 不如 殺 咗 佢 去 投降 孔明 好過 喇 。 actually|we|plural marker|rebelled|one day|all|is|||possessive particle|idea|only|particle indicating obviousness|might as well|||him|to|surrender|Kongming|better than|particle indicating completion In fact, if we rebel, it's all Yong Kai's idea anyway, so it would be better to kill him and surrender to Kong Ming. 噉 點樣 落手 好 呢 ? then|how|get started|good|question particle So how should we proceed? 嗱, 大人 你 擺個 酒席 , 派 人 去 請 雍 闓 嚟 赴宴 。 well|sir|you||banquet|send|person|to|invite|||come|attend the feast Well, sir, you set up a banquet and send someone to invite Yong Kai to attend. 佢 個 心 如果 係 無 他 嘅 呢 , 必定 好 坦然 噉 就 會 嚟 嘅 。 he|possessive particle|heart|if|is|without|other|possessive particle|this|definitely|very|calmly|like that|then|will|come|particle indicating completed action If his heart is clear, he will definitely come without hesitation. 如果 佢 唔 肯 嚟 呢 , 個 心實 係 有鬼 ! if|he|not|willing|come|this|the|heart|is| If he refuses to come, then there must be something wrong! 既然 係 噉 , 大人 你 喺 前面 攻 佢 , 小將 喺 寨 後 嘅 小路 伏 佢 , 噉 啊 實捉 到 雍 闓 嘅 。 since|is|like this|adult|you|at|in front|attack|him|young general|at|stockade|behind|possessive particle|small path|ambush|him|like this|ah|actually catch|to|Yong|Kai|possessive particle Since that's the case, sir, you attack him from the front, and I will ambush him on the small path behind the camp. This way, we can definitely capture Yong Kai. 高定 就 用 鄂煥 呢條 計策 啊 , 擺酒 請 雍 闓 喇 。 high-end tailoring|then|use|a person's name|this|strategy|particle|hold a banquet|invite|a person's name|a person's name|particle Gao Ding used this strategy from E Huan, and invited Yong Kai to the banquet. 雍 闓 啊 已經 聽 佢 啲 兵 講 過 , 話 孔明 唔 殺 高定 啲 人 㗎 。 Yong|Kai|ah|already|heard|he|plural marker|soldiers|said|past tense marker|that|Kongming|not|kill|Gao Ding|plural marker|people|sentence-final particle Yong Kai has already heard his soldiers talk about it, saying that Kong Ming won't kill Gao Ding's people. 噉 啊 梗 係 好 懷疑 㗎 , 果然 就 唔 敢 去 赴宴 。 like that|ah|||very|suspicious|particle|sure enough|then|not|dare|go|attend the banquet So of course he was very suspicious, and indeed didn't dare to attend the banquet. 於是 高定 就 喺 當晚 , 帶兵 去 突襲 雍 闓 。 then|Gao Ding|then|at|that night|led the troops|to|ambush|Yong|Kai Thus, that night, Gao Ding led his troops to ambush Yong Kai. 噉 雍 闓 個 部隊 裏頭 嗰 啲 畀 孔明 捉 咗 去 , 又 放返 嚟 免 死 嘅 兵卒 啊 , 都 諗 住 全靠 高定 先至 得 返條 命 嘅 。 then|Yong|Kai|the|army|inside|that|plural marker|by|Kongming|captured|past tense marker|away|again|released|back|exempt from|death|possessive particle|soldier|particle|all|think|continuous aspect marker|entirely rely on|Gao Ding|only then|get|back a|life|possessive particle The soldiers in Yong Kai's army who were captured by Kong Ming and released to avoid death thought that they could only rely on Gao Ding to survive. 噉 而家 高定 打 嚟 喇 , 就 乘機 助戰 添 。 then|now|ready|fight|come|particle indicating completed action|then|take the opportunity|assist in battle|also So now Gao Ding is calling, taking the opportunity to assist in the battle. 於是乎 雍 闓 嘅 軍隊 啊 未 打 自己 就 亂 起身 嚟 。 then|Yong|Kai|possessive particle|army|ah|not yet|defeat|themselves|then|chaos|rise|come As a result, the army of Yong Kai, before even fighting, started to panic. 雍 闓 匆忙 上馬 , 就 混 山路 逃跑 。 Yong|Kai|hurriedly|mounted|then|mixed|mountain road|ran away Yong Kai hurriedly mounted his horse and fled through the mountain path. 行 咗 唔 到 兩里 路唧 , 突然 咚咚 聲響 起戰 鼓聲 , 一彪 軍馬 撞出 嚟 , 嘩 , 原來 係 鄂煥 啊 ! walk|past tense marker|not|reach|two miles|road|suddenly|thundering|sound||drum sound|a group of|war horses|charge out|here|wow|originally|is|a person's name|particle After not even walking two miles, suddenly the sound of war drums echoed, and a troop of cavalry charged out. Wow, it turned out to be E Huan! 佢 挺起 方天戟 , 一馬當先 。 he|raised|Fangtian halberd|leading the charge He raised his Fang Tianji and led the charge. 雍 闓 措手不及 , 就 畀 鄂煥 一戟 刺 咗 落馬 , 跟 住 鄂煥 就 割 咗 佢 嘅 首級 。 Yong|Kai|caught off guard|then|by|E Huan|one spear|stab|past tense marker|off the horse|||E Huan|then|cut|past tense marker|him|possessive particle|head Yong Kai was caught off guard and was stabbed off his horse by E Huan, who then cut off his head. 噉 雍 闓 部下 嘅 軍 兵 啊 全部 投降 高定 。 then|Yong|Kai|subordinates|possessive particle|army|soldiers|ah|all|surrender|Gao Ding As a result, all the soldiers under Yong Kai surrendered to Gao Ding. 噉 高定 呢 , 就 率領 兩支 部隊 去 投降 孔明 喇 , 同時 就 獻上 雍 闓 嘅 首級 。 then|Gao Ding|particle|then|led|two|troops|to|surrender|Kong Ming|particle|at the same time|then|offered|Yong|Kai|possessive particle|head Then Gao Ding led two troops to surrender to Kong Ming, while also presenting Yong Kai's head. 點知 孔明 一 見到 佢 , 立即 就 喝 刀斧手 推 佢 出去 殺頭 喎 。 unexpectedly|Kongming|one|saw|him|immediately|then|shouted|executioner|pushed|him|outside|beheaded|sentence particle However, as soon as Kong Ming saw him, he immediately ordered the executioners to take him out and behead him. 高定 啊 大聲 噉 話 喇 : 我 為 咗 感激 丞相 嘅 大恩 , 故此 帶住 雍 闓 嘅 首級 嚟 投降 , 點解 要 殺 我 呢 , 丞相 ? Gao Ding|ah|loudly|like this|say|particle indicating completed action|I|for|past tense marker|grateful|Prime Minister|possessive particle|great grace|therefore|bringing|||possessive particle|head|come|surrender|why|want|kill|me|question particle|Prime Minister Gao Ding shouted loudly: I brought Yong Kai's head to surrender out of gratitude for the Prime Minister's great kindness, so why do you want to kill me, Prime Minister? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 你 係 詐降 啊 , 咁 大膽 想 嚟 呃 我 ? hahaha||you|are|scammer|ah|so|bold|want|to come|trick|me Hahaha, you are a traitor, so bold to try to deceive me? 丞相 你 點解 話 我 係 詐降 呢 ? Prime Minister|you|why|say|I|am|false surrender|question particle Prime Minister, why do you say I am a traitor? 你 嚟 睇 下 。 孔明 喺 個 盒裏 便 攞 咗 封信 出 嚟 交 畀 高定 睇 。 you|come|see|down|Kong Ming|at|the|inside the box|then|took|past tense marker|letter|out|come|give|to|Gao Ding|see Come and see. Kongming took a letter out of the box and handed it to Gao Ding. 孔明 話 喇 : 朱褒 已經 秘密 噉 派 人 嚟 獻 降書 。 Kongming|said|particle indicating completed action|Zhu Bao|already||like that|send|person|come|present|surrender letter Kongming said: Zhu Bao has secretly sent someone to present a surrender letter. 佢 話 你 同 雍 闓 係 生死之交 , 極好 嘅 朋友 , 點會 一下 就 殺 咗 雍 闓 嘅 呢 ? he|said|you|with|Yong|Kai|are|close friends|very good|possessive particle|friend|how could|in an instant|then|kill|past tense marker|Yong|Kai|possessive particle|question particle He said you and Yong Kai are close friends, how could you suddenly kill Yong Kai? 所以 我 知道 你 係 詐降 。 so|I|know|you|are|fraud So I know you are deceiving. 冤枉 啊 冤枉 啊 , 朱褒 呢 個 係 反間計 嚟 , 丞相 你千祈 唔 好 信 佢 啊 ! wronged|ah||ah||||||||||||| It's a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding! This Zhu Bao is using a scheme of deception, Prime Minister, you must not believe him! 我 亦 好 難 憑 住 一面之詞 就 信 你 噃。 I|also|very|hard|rely on|living|one-sided word|just|believe|you|particle indicating doubt It's also hard for me to trust you based on just one side of the story. 你 如果 去 捉 到 朱 褒 嚟 , 噉 就 表示 到 你 嘅 真心 嘞 。 you|if|go||that||||||||your|possessive particle|sincerity|sentence-final particle If you can catch Zhu Bao, then that would show your sincerity. 丞相 唔 使 懷疑 喇 , 我 馬上 就 去 捉 朱 褒 嚟 見 丞相 噉 好 唔 好 ? Prime Minister|not|need|doubt|sentence-final particle|I|immediately|then|go|catch|Zhu|Bao|come|see|Prime Minister|like this|good|not|good Prime Minister, don't doubt it, I will go catch Zhu Bao right away to meet you, is that okay? 如果 係 噉 呢 , 我 就 冇 疑心 喇 。 if|is|like this|question particle|I|then|have no|suspicion|completed action particle If that's the case, then I have no doubts. 於是 高定 就 帶 埋 鄂煥 , 率領 本部 軍馬 殺 去 朱 褒 嘅 大營 。 then|Gao Ding|then|took|along|E Huan|led|headquarters|cavalry|attacked|to|Zhu|Bao|possessive particle|main camp So, Gao Ding took E Huan with him and led the troops to attack Zhu Bao's main camp. 去 到 離 營寨 仲有 十里 咁 上下 嘅 地方 , 就 遇 着 朱 褒 嘅 軍隊 。 go|arrive|leave|camp|still have|ten miles|about|up and down|possessive particle|place|then|||Zhu|Bao|possessive particle|army When they reached about ten miles away from the camp, they encountered Zhu Bao's army. 高定 一 見面 就 鬧 朱 褒 喇 : 你 點解 寫信 畀 諸葛丞相 , 用 反間計 嚟 害 我 啊 吓 ? Gao Ding|one|meet|immediately|scold|Zhu|Bao|La|you|why|write a letter|to|Prime Minister Zhuge|use|counter-scheme|to|harm|me|ah|huh As soon as Gao Ding saw him, he scolded Zhu Bao: Why did you write a letter to Prime Minister Zhuge, using a scheme to harm me? 朱褒 擘 大個 口得 個窿 , 乜 都 唔 識講 。 Zhu Bao|to open|big|mouth|hole|what|all|not| Zhu Bao opened his mouth wide but couldn't say anything. 說時遲那時快 , 只見 鄂煥 拍馬 衝出 嚟 一戟 就 刺死 朱褒 。 as soon as he finished speaking|suddenly|a character's name|urged his horse|charged out|particle indicating action|one spear|then|stabbed to death|another character's name Just as he was speaking, Er Huan charged out on horseback and stabbed Zhu Bao to death with a spear. 高定 大喝一聲 話 : 唔 肯 歸順 嘅 殺 ! Gao Ding|shouted loudly|said|not|willing|submit|possessive particle|kill Gao Ding shouted loudly, saying: "Kill those who refuse to surrender!" 嘿 呀 嗰 班 兵卒 呀 林林聲 跪 低 投降 啊 。 hey|particle|that|classifier for groups|soldiers|particle|noisy|kneel|down|surrender|particle Hey, those soldiers, they all knelt down and surrendered. 高定 又 帶領 兩支 部隊 嚟 見 孔明 , 同時 呢 就 獻上 朱 褒個 首級 。 Gao Ding|again|led|two|troops|to|meet|Kong Ming|at the same time|this|then|offered|Zhu||head Gao Ding then led two troops to see Kong Ming, and at the same time presented Zhu Bao's head. 孔明 呢 趟 呀 哈哈大笑 喇 佢 話 : 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 我 特意 使 你 殺 咗 呢 兩個 奸賊 , 顯示 你 嘅 忠心 啊 。 Kongming|this|trip|particle|laugh out loud|particle|he|said|hahaha||I|intentionally|made|you|kill|past tense marker|this|two|scoundrels|to show|your|possessive particle|loyalty|particle Kong Ming laughed heartily and said: "Hahaha, I specifically had you kill these two traitors to show your loyalty!" 於是 孔明 就 任命 高 定做 益州 太守 , 總管 三個 郡 , 又 任命 鄂煥 做牙將 。 then|Kongming|then|appointed|Gao|Dingzuo|Yizhou|governor|in charge of|three|counties|also|appointed|E Huan| So, Kongming appointed Gao to be the governor of Yizhou, overseeing three counties, and also appointed E Huan as a general. 噉 呢 , 三路 造反 嘅 兵馬 就 平定 晒 喇 。 then|question particle|three routes|rebellion|possessive particle|troops|then|pacified|completely|completed action particle Thus, the troops from the three routes that rebelled have been completely pacified. 噉 永昌 太守 王伉 呀 解除 晒 危險 啦 , 咪 出城 嚟 迎接 孔明 嘞 喎 。 then|Yongchang|governor|Wang Pang|particle|relieve|completely|danger|particle|don't|leave the city|come|welcome|Kongming|particle|particle Now, the governor of Yongchang, Wang Kang, has eliminated all dangers, and is coming out of the city to welcome Kongming. 入 咗 城 , 孔明 就 問王 伉話 喇 : 係 邊個 同 王大人 你 一齊 守衛 呢 個 城池 , 保住 冇 事 嘅 呢 ? enter|past tense marker|city|Kongming|then|||sentence-final particle|is|who|with|Lord Wang|you|together|guard|this|measure word|city|ensure|not|trouble|possessive particle|question particle Upon entering the city, Kongming asked Wang Kang: Who is guarding this city with you, ensuring that everything is safe? 今日 , 下官 之所以 能夠 保住 呢 個 郡 冇 危險 嘅 呢 , 係 全靠 呂凱 啊 。 today|I (humble form)|the reason why|can|protect|this|||||||is|entirely depends on|a person's name|particle indicating affirmation Today, the reason I was able to keep this county safe from danger is all thanks to Lu Kai. 孔明 好 想見 下 佢 , 王伉 啊 請 咗 呂凱 嚟 。 Kongming|very|wants to see|next|him|Wang Hong|ah|invited|past tense marker|Lue Kai|to come Kong Ming really wants to meet him, Wang Hong has invited Lu Kai. 見 咗 面行 過禮 , 孔明 話 喇 : 素仰 先生 係 永昌 才 德 高超 嘅 人士 , 好多 得 先生 出力 保衛 呢 個 城池 啊 。 see|past tense marker|face|greeting|Kong Ming|said|sentence-final particle|Mr Su|gentleman|is|Yongchang|talent|virtue|exceptional|possessive particle|person|many|able|gentleman|contribute|defend|this|measure word|city|exclamatory particle After meeting and exchanging greetings, Kong Ming said: "Mr. Su Yang is a highly talented person from Yongchang, and it is largely thanks to him that we can defend this city." 而家 , 我 想 去 平定 南蠻 , 先生 有 咩 嘢 高見 呢 ? now|I|want|to go|pacify|southern barbarians|sir|have|what|thing|advice|question particle Now, I want to pacify the southern barbarians. Do you have any insights, sir? 呂凱 就 攞 咗 一張 地圖 出 嚟 送 畀 孔明 話 喇 : Lui Hoi|then|took|past tense marker|a|map|out|come|to deliver|to|Kong Ming|said|sentence-final particle Lu Kai then took out a map and handed it to Kong Ming, saying: 下官 自從 出 嚟 為 朝廷 做事 以來 , 就 知道 南蠻 嘅 人 想 作 反 好 耐 㗎 喇 。 I (the humble official)|since|come|here|for|the court|to work|since|then|knew|Southern barbarians|possessive particle|people|want|to revolt|rebellion|very|long|sentence-final particle|past action particle "Since I started working for the court, I have known that the southern barbarians have wanted to rebel for a long time." 故此 暗中 派 人 深入 南蠻 嘅 地方 , 偵察 咗 所有 可以 駐兵 交戰 嘅 地方 , 畫成 呢 幅 地圖 , 叫做 平蠻 指掌 圖 。 therefore|secretly|send|people|deep into|southern barbarians|possessive particle|areas|reconnaissance|past tense marker|all|possible|stationing troops|engaging in battle|||drawn into|this|measure word for pictures|map|called|pacifying the barbarians|controlling|map Therefore, secretly sending people deep into the southern barbarian territories, they surveyed all the places where troops could be stationed for battle, and created this map, called the 'Map of Southern Barbarians'. 今日 , 就 獻 畀 丞相 , 希望 能夠 為 討伐 南蠻 提供 一 啲 幫助 。 today|then|offer|to|Prime Minister|hope|can|for|campaign against|Southern Barbarians|provide|a|little|help Today, it is presented to the Prime Minister, hoping it can provide some assistance for the campaign against the southern barbarians. 孔明 非常 之 歡喜 , 就 任用 呂凱 做 行軍 教授 , 兼 嚮導 官 。 Kongming|very|possessive particle|happy|then|appointed|Lue Kai|as|marching|instructor|concurrently|guide|officer Kongming was very pleased and appointed Lu Kai as the military instructor and guide. 於是 孔明 就 率領 大軍 , 加速 前進 , 深入 南蠻 嘅 境地 喇 。 then|Kongming|then|led|large army|accelerated|advance|deep into|southern barbarians|possessive particle|territory|final particle Thus, Kongming led the army, advancing rapidly into the territory of the southern barbarians. 有 一日 , 在 行軍 嘅 路途 上 啊 , 話 天子 派 咗 使者 到 喇 噉 。 there is|one day|on|marching|possessive particle|journey|on|ah|said|emperor|sent|past tense marker|messenger|arrived|particle indicating completion|like that One day, on the march, it was said that the Emperor had sent a messenger. 孔明 就 吩咐 請 佢 嚟 中軍 見面 , 原來 呢 個 使者 唔 係 邊個 , 係 馬 謖 。 Kongming|then|ordered|to invite|him|to come|the central army|to meet|it turns out|this|classifier for people|messenger|not|is|anyone|is|Ma|Xu Kongming instructed to invite him to meet in the central army, and it turned out that this messenger was none other than Ma Xu. 佢 因 為 大佬 馬良 呢 啱 啱 逝世 , 故此 今日 就 着 住 白袍 白鞋 , 為 佢 大佬 掛孝 。 he|because|for|older brother|Ma Leung|particle indicating past action|||passed away|therefore|today|then|||white robe|white shoes|for|his|older brother|mourning He was wearing a white robe and white shoes today because his elder brother Ma Liang had just passed away, so he was in mourning for his brother. 馬 謖 呢 次 嚟 係 奉 咗 劉禪 嘅 命令 , 送 慰問品 嚟 慰勞 士兵 嘅 。 Ma|Xu|this|time|come|is|carry out|past tense marker|Liu Shan|possessive particle|order|send|condolence items|come|reward|soldiers|possessive particle Ma Xu came this time under the orders of Liu Shan, to deliver condolence gifts to comfort the soldiers. 噉 佢 宣讀 完 劉禪 嘅 詔書 , 即 係 皇帝 嘅 慰問信 喇吓 , 又將 慰問品 分 發落 去 之後 , 孔明 就 同馬 謖 喺 中軍帳 傾 偈 。 then|he|read|finished|Liu Shan|possessive particle|edict|just|is|emperor|possessive particle|condolence letter|already||condolence gifts|distribute|to|go|after|Kongming|then||Shu|at||talk|conversation After he finished reading Liu Shan's edict, which was the emperor's letter of condolence, and distributed the condolence gifts, Kongming then chatted with Ma Xu in the central army tent. 孔明 話 : 我 奉天 子 嘅 命令 嚟 削平 南蠻 , 好 想 聽 下 幼常 你 嘅 高見 啊 。 Kongming|said|I|by heaven|emperor|possessive particle|order|come|subdue|southern barbarians|very|want|to hear|your|Youchang|you|possessive particle|wise opinion|ah Kongming said: I have come under the orders of the Son of Heaven to pacify the southern barbarians, and I would like to hear your valuable opinions, Young Chang. 幼常 就 係 馬 謖 嘅 別字 嘞 。 usually|then|is|horse|to run|possessive particle|different character|sentence-final particle You often refer to it as a variant of Ma Xun. 馬 謖 話 : 末將 有 多少 意見 , 請 丞相 考慮 。 Ma|Xu|said|I the humble general|have|how many|suggestions|please|Prime Minister|consider Ma Xun said: 'I have some opinions, please consider them, Prime Minister.' 南蠻 恃 住 佢 哋 地遠山險 , 一直 以 嚟 都 係 唔 服 嘅 。 southern barbarians|rely on|living|they|plural marker||always|||all|are|not|submissive|possessive particle The southern barbarians rely on their remote mountains and dangerous terrain, and have always been defiant. 就算 今日 打贏 佢 啊 , 聽 日 佢 又 試作 反 嘅 喇 。 even if|today|win|he|sentence-final particle|||he|again|try to|fight back|possessive particle|sentence-final particle Even if we defeat them today, they will try to rebel again tomorrow. 丞相 率領 大軍 去 討伐 佢 哋 一定 成功 。 Prime Minister|leads|army|to|attack|them|plural marker|definitely|succeed The Prime Minister leading the army to attack them will definitely succeed. 但 係 班師 之後 呢 , 丞相 必定 要 北伐 曹丕 㗎 。 ||retreat|after|particle indicating a question|Prime Minister|definitely|must|northern expedition|Cao Pi|particle indicating certainty But after the battle, the Prime Minister must definitely launch a northern expedition against Cao Pi. 噉 南蠻 如果 知道 我 哋 國內 防守 空虛 , 實 係 好 快 又 作反 㗎 喇 。 then|southern barbarians|if|know|we|plural marker|domestic|defense|weak|really|is|very|fast|again|counterattack|sentence-final particle|past action particle If the southern barbarians know that our domestic defenses are weak, they will definitely rebel very quickly. 用兵 打仗 , 攻心 為 上 , 攻城 為 下 ; 心戰 為 上 , 兵戰 為 下 。 using troops|fighting|psychological warfare|is|superior|siege warfare|is|inferior|psychological warfare|is|superior|conventional warfare|is|inferior In warfare, winning hearts is the priority, while attacking cities is secondary; psychological warfare is paramount, while military confrontation is secondary. 希望 丞相 呢 次 討伐 南蠻 , 能夠 征服 佢 哋 嘅 心 就 好 。 hope|prime minister|this|time|campaign against|southern barbarians|can|conquer|they|plural marker|possessive particle|hearts|then|good I hope the Prime Minister can conquer their hearts in this campaign against the southern barbarians. 啊 幼常 你 真 係 了解 我 嘅 。 ah|often|you|really|are|understand|I|possessive particle Ah, you really understand me. 於是 孔明 就 任命 馬 謖 做 參軍 , 跟 住 就 命令 大軍 繼續前進 。 then|Kongming|then|appointed|Ma|Su|as|military advisor|following|immediately|then|ordered|the main army| So, Kongming appointed Ma Su as a military advisor, and then ordered the army to continue advancing. 而家 講 嗰 個 蠻 王孟獲 嘞 , 佢 聽 聞孔明 消滅 咗 雍 闓 佢 哋 , 就 請 咗 三洞 元帥 嚟 商量 。 now|talk|that|classifier for people|barbarian|King Meng Huo|past tense marker|he|hear||eliminate|past tense marker|Yong|Kai|they|plural marker|then|invite|past tense marker|Three Caves|commander|come|discuss Now, let's talk about the barbarian king Meng Huo. He heard that Kongming had eliminated Yong Kai and his men, so he summoned the three generals to discuss. 邊 三洞 元帥 呢 ? 第一 洞 , 係 金環三結 元帥 ; 第二 洞 , 係 董荼 那 元帥 ; 第三 洞 , 係 阿會喃 元帥 。 which|three caves|general|question particle|first|cave|is|General Jin Huan San Jie||second||||||third|||General A Hui Nam| Who are the three generals? The first general is General Jin Huan San Jie; the second general is General Dong Tu Na; the third general is General A Hui Nam. 孟獲 就 對 佢 哋 話 喇 : 而家 , 諸葛丞相 , 率領 大軍 , 嚟 到 侵犯 我 哋 嘅 境界 , 我 哋 , 一定 要 同心合力 嚟 抵抗 佢 至 得 。 Meng Huo|then|to|they|plural marker|said|sentence-final particle|now|Prime Minister Zhuge|leading|large army|come|to|invade|I|we|possessive particle|territory|I|we|definitely|must|work together|to|resist|them|only|succeed Meng Huo said to them: Now, Prime Minister Zhuge, leading the army, is coming to invade our territory. We must unite and resist him. 你 哋 三個 人 , 就 分兵 三路 , 去 迎敵 。 ||three|people|then|divide troops|three ways|go|confront the enemy You three, split your troops into three routes to meet the enemy. 邊個 打贏 , 邊個 就 做 洞主 ! who|wins|who|then|becomes|hole owner Whoever wins, whoever will be the leader! 於是 就 派 金環三結 打 中路 , 董荼 那 打 左路 , 阿會喃 打 右路 。 then|just|send|Kam Wan Sam Kit|play|middle lane|Dong Tu|he|play|left lane|Ah Wui Nam|play|right lane So they sent Jin Huan Sanjie to the middle route, Dongtu Na to the left route, and Ah Wui Nam to the right route. 噉 各人 呢 , 都 帶 五萬 蠻兵 , 按照 孟 獲 嘅 命令 就 出發 喇 。 then|everyone|question particle|all|bring|fifty thousand|barbarian soldiers|according to|||possessive particle|order|then|depart|completed action particle Thus, everyone brought fifty thousand barbarian soldiers and set off according to Meng Huo's orders. 呢 一日 , 孔明 正 喺 中軍帳 同 啲 人 商量 緊 事情 , 又 接到 消息 話 三洞 元帥 就 分兵 三路 嚟 緊 喇 噉 。 this|day|Kongming|just|at|the central army tent|with|plural marker|people|discuss|ongoing|matters|again|received|news|saying|San Dong|general|then|divide troops|three ways|coming|ongoing|particle indicating action completion|like this On this day, Kongming was discussing matters with the people in the central army tent when he received news that the three cave generals were splitting their troops into three routes and coming. 孔明 一聽 咗 , 就 叫 趙雲 同魏延 嚟 。 Kongming|upon hearing|past tense marker|then|called|Zhao Yun||to come Upon hearing this, Kongming called Zhao Yun and Wei Yan. 哈 ! 當魏 延同 趙雲 嚟 到 之後 啊 , 孔明 乜 都 冇 交 帶 佢 哋 做 噃。 ha||||arrive|at|after|ah|Kongming|anything|all|not|instruct|lead|them|plural marker|do|particle Ha! When Wei Yan and Zhao Yun arrived, Kongming didn't give them any instructions. 跟 住 孔明 又 叫 咗 王平 同馬忠 嚟 就 吩咐 佢 哋 話 喇 : 而家 , 蠻兵分 三路 嚟 緊 , 我 啊 本來 想 命令 子龍 同文長 去 迎敵 嘅 , 但 係 佢 兩位 唔 熟悉 地理 , 所以 就 唔 敢 用 佢 哋 去 。 ||Kongming|again|called|past tense marker|Wang Ping||to come|then|instructed|they|plural marker|to say|sentence-final particle|now||into three routes|coming|continuous aspect marker|I|ah|originally|wanted|to order|Zi Long||to go|confront the enemy|past tense marker|||they|two of them|not|familiar with|geography|so|then|not|dare|to use|they|plural marker|to go Then Kongming called Wang Ping and Ma Zhong and instructed them: Right now, the barbarian troops are coming in three directions. I originally wanted to order Zilong and Wenchang to confront the enemy, but since they are not familiar with the geography, I didn't dare to use them. 王平 , 你 去 左路 迎敵 , 馬 忠 啊 去 右路 迎敵 , 我 會派 子龍 、 文 長隨 後 接應 你 哋 嘅 。 Wang Ping|you|go|left road|confront the enemy|Ma|Zhong|ah|go|right road|confront the enemy|I||Zi Long|Wen|Chang Sui|later|support|you|plural marker|possessive particle Wang Ping, you go to the left to confront the enemy, and Ma Zhong, you go to the right to confront the enemy. I will send Zilong and Wenchang to support you. 誒 你 哋 今日 作好 準備 , 聽日 一早 出發 啦 。 hey|you|plural marker|today|do good|preparation|tomorrow|early|depart|sentence-final particle Hey, you all prepare well today and set off early tomorrow. 王平 、 馬 忠 接受 咗 命令 就 去 喇 。 Wang Ping|Ma|Zhong|accepted|past tense marker|order|then|went|sentence-final particle Wang Ping and Ma Zhong accepted the orders and left. 趙雲 、 魏延 係 大將 嚟 㗎 嘛 , 竟然 要 佢 哋 做 接應 就 唔 畀 佢 哋 打 主力 喎 , 噉 佢 哋 個 心梗 係 唔 服 㗎 啦 。 Zhao Yun|Wei Yan|is|general|come|particle|particle|unexpectedly|want|they|plural marker|do|support|then|not|allow|they|plural marker|fight|main force|particle|then|they|plural marker|particle|mindset|is|not|convinced|particle|particle Zhao Yun and Wei Yan are both great generals, yet they are only assigned to support roles and not allowed to fight as main forces. This must be frustrating for them.

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