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When I was younger I wanted to be a journalist. I used to watch the news and think how amazing it would be to report from places around the world. I think journalism is a pretty tough profession. You really need a special character to survive. I think journalism is one of the most important professions in the world. Without it, we wouldn't know anything about what's going on in the world. It can also be a dangerous profession. Of course, reporting in war zones is dangerous, but even reporting in the street carries risk. I'm sure many journalists have many experiences of angry people they try to interview, or even of other journalists who get angry. When I watch journalism award shows, I still feel a desire to become a journalist.


When I was younger I wanted to be a journalist. I used to watch the news and think how amazing it would be to report from places around the world. 私はニュースを見て、世界中の場所から報告するのがどれほど素晴らしいかを考えていました。 I think journalism is a pretty tough profession. You really need a special character to survive. 生き残るためには特別なキャラクターが本当に必要です。 I think journalism is one of the most important professions in the world. ジャーナリズムは世界で最も重要な職業の一つだと思います。 Without it, we wouldn't know anything about what's going on in the world. It can also be a dangerous profession. Of course, reporting in war zones is dangerous, but even reporting in the street carries risk. I'm sure many journalists have many experiences of angry people they try to interview, or even of other journalists who get angry. 多くのジャーナリストが、インタビューしようとしている怒っている人や、怒っている他のジャーナリストの経験を持っていると確信しています。 When I watch journalism award shows, I still feel a desire to become a journalist.