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E-Books (english-e-reader), The Glass Box (1)

The Glass Box (1)

The Glass Box

Once there was a poor man. His name was Hans. He had no money, no house and no food, but he was happy. 'I'll find something,' he said. 'I'll walk down this road to the next town.' After a short time, a very old woman called to him from across the road.

'What do you want?' asked Hans.

'What do you want?' said the old woman.

'What do I want? I want money.'

'You can have money,' said the old woman. 'Take this magic blue coat and climb to the top of that tall tree. Then climb down inside it. You will come into a large room with three hundred lights. There are three doors. Go through the first door and you will see a big box. On the box sits a dog with eyes as large as eggs. Don't be afraid - it won't hurt you. Put my blue coat on the floor. Take the dog and put it down on the coat in front of the box. Open the box and you will see money. Take some.

'Go through the second door and you will see a bigger box. On the box sits a dog with eyes as large as oranges. Don't be afraid - it won't hurt you. Put the dog down on the coat in front of the box. Open the box and you will see gold. Take some.

'Go through the third door. There you will see the biggest box. On the box sits a dog with eyes as large as plates. Don't be afraid - it is friendly. There are jewels in its box. Take some.'

'This is wonderful,' said Hans. 'But what can I do for you?'

'I don't want any money or gold or jewels,' said the old woman. 'I only want one little thing. In the third room, there is a small glass box. My grandmother lost it there. Bring me that box.' Hans climbed up the tree and then down inside the tree. He went down and down and down. Then he saw the three hundred lights and the three doors. He opened the first door and went into a little room. There, on a box, was a dog with eyes as large as eggs.

'Good dog!' said Hans. He remembered the old woman's words. He put her blue coat on the floor. He took the dog and put it down on the coat in front of the box. He opened the box and he got very excited. He took some money and put it in his hat. He put the dog back on the box and went into the second room.

There, on a box, was a dog with eyes as large as oranges.

'You're a fine dog!' said Hans. He put the dog down in front of the box, and opened the box. His eyes were suddenly as yellow as the gold in the box. Hans took some gold and put it in his hat.

Then he went into the last room. This dog's eyes were as large as plates. 'You are a very fine dog!' he said. Hans looked at the jewels in the box. His eyes were suddenly red, blue, yellow, green and gold. He took some jewels and put them in his shoes. Then he remembered the old woman's glass box. He found it on the floor next to the dog.

He climbed up inside the tree again. It was harder this time with the heavy gold and jewels, but he got out of the tree.

'Throw down the box,' called the old woman when she saw him. But he did not throw it. Suddenly a stone hit him on the head.

'Help! I'm going to fall and die,' he thought. But he put out a hand and he did not fall.

'Did you throw that stone?' he called.

'Yes. Now give me the box.' She was not very friendly now.

'I'm not going to give it to you,' he answered.

The old woman got very angry and her face was very ugly. He climbed to the ground and walked away down the road. She called him names but he did not answer. She could do nothing.

It was night when he came to the town. He found a very nice room and asked for the best food. The next day he went out and bought beautiful clothes. He was a very important and rich man, people thought. He suddenly had many friends.

One day somebody asked him, 'Do you know about the princess?'

'What princess?' asked Hans. 'Who is she? Where does she live?'

'You cannot see her,' answered the man.

'Why not?'

'Because she is in a big house and she can't leave it. There is only one door. The windows are high up. She never goes out. The king says nobody can see her.'

'Why does she live in that way?' asked Hans.

'Because a clever old man said to the king, "Your daughter will marry a poor man." The king was very angry. He built the big house with high windows and shut the princess in it.'

'I want to see the princess,' said Hans. He found the house and went to the door. But the king's servants quickly sent him away. Then he put on his most expensive clothes and went to the king's home. The king was very angry. 'Don't come near my house again,' he shouted. 'I will cut off your head and put it on a stick.'

Hans lived well at this time and quickly used his money. One day he only had two jewels. He left his nice room. He found a poor house and lived in it. Hans was poor now. Nobody cooked his food. Nobody cleaned his shoes. His rich 'friends' did not invite him to their homes. He tried to find the tree with the three dogs again, but he couldn't find it.

After a short time Hans had no money. No money for food. He looked round his room. What could he sell? There, on the table, he saw the little glass box.

'Perhaps I can buy some bread with this,' he thought. 'Why did the old woman want it? It is glass but I can't see into it. Perhaps there are jewels or gold inside.' He tried to open the box but he couldn't. He hit it once with his hand. Suddenly the dog with eyes as large as eggs appeared in front of him.

'What do you want?' asked the dog.

'What do I want!' cried Hans. 'I want money!'

The dog went away. It quickly came back with a bag of money in its mouth.

Hans thought. Then he said, 'I know! The first dog comes when I hit the box once. The second dog will come when I hit the box again. The third dog will come when I hit the box three times.'

He hit the box - one, two - and the dog with eyes as large as oranges brought gold. He hit the box three times - one, two, three - and the dog with eyes as large as plates brought jewels.

Hans was rich again. He bought beautiful clothes and moved to a big house. All his 'friends' came back.

'Why didn't you visit us?' they said. 'Where were you?'

Hans did not like these friends. He thought only of the sad princess.

'She can never go out,' he thought. 'She can never walk in the garden. Her mother is dead. She can only speak to the servants and the old king. She has an unhappy life.'

One night Hans could not sleep. Suddenly he had an idea and he got up from his bed. He took the glass box and hit it once. The dog came.

'It is night - a beautiful night,' said Hans, 'and nobody will see. I know that the princess would like a walk in my garden. Bring her here.'

Very quickly the dog came back. The princess was asleep on its back. Her beautiful face was sad.

Hans woke her and took her into the garden.

'Where am I?' she cried. 'What is happening?' She was afraid.

'You are walking with me in my garden,' said Hans. 'Look - the flowers are asleep.'

'A garden!' cried the princess. 'Am I outside? With the ground under my feet and the sky over my head? No walls? No windows? I can hear the sounds of the night round me!'

They walked for a long time. Then the sun started to appear. 'I have to go,' she said. 'But how did I get here?' Hans told her about the glass box and the dogs. She hit the box and called the dog.

'Good dog!' she said, when it appeared. 'You have beautiful eyes. Take me home. I don't want anybody to see us. Thank you for this night, Hans.' The princess climbed on the dog's back and fell asleep.

The next day the princess did not remember anything but she felt different. Her servant, Anna, a jealous and unkind woman, woke her. She said, 'Wake up, princess, it is the middle of the day. The king is waiting for you.'

'Is he?' said the princess and she jumped happily out of bed. 'Look, Anna, it's a beautiful day.'

Anna started to think. A number of things were strange. First, the princess always got up at seven o'clock, but today it was twelve o'clock. Second, the princess was always sad, but today, she was happy. Third, the bottom of the princess's nightdress was dirty. Fourth, there was a beautiful white flower on the princess's bedroom floor, but there were no white flowers in the king's garden.

Anna went to the king.

'Let's wait and watch,' said the king. 'When she goes out again, well follow her.'

Hans was in love with the princess. He thought about her all day and all night. After three days, he couldn't wait. He hit the glass box - one, two - and the dog with eyes as large as oranges appeared.

'Please bring the princess to my garden,' he said.

The dog went to the princess. But Anna was there, too. The dog carried the princess away on its back and Anna followed. The dog stopped at the door of a big house and went in. Anna wrote the letter 'X' on the door and went home.

Hans and the princess walked in the garden. Hans told the story of the old woman and the tree and the three dogs and the glass box. He told the princess about his poor mother and about his three brothers and three sisters. The princess loved his stories. She talked about her parents.

'My father was a great man and a good king,' she said. 'But when my mother died, he changed. Suddenly he was old and tired and sad. He shut me in that house. Now he gets angry about little things. He doesn't want to be king. He wants white flowers in his garden. My mother loved white flowers. But now his flowers always die.'

The red of the morning sun started to light up the sky. The princess said goodnight to Hans. He hit the box - one, two - and the second dog appeared. With its eyes as big as oranges, this dog could see everything. It saw the 'X' on the door and it told Hans.

'Ho ho!' laughed Hans. 'Come with me quickly and we will write "X"s on every door in this street, and the next ten streets!'

The next day, Anna told the king the story of the night. The king took Anna and some men to Hans's street.

'Here is the house,' cried Anna.

'No, here it is,' cried the king.

One of the men ran to them. 'The house is in the next street,' he said. 'There is an "X" on the door.' Every house had an 'X' on its door. The king was very angry and went home.

The Glass Box (1) Der Glaskasten (1) La caja de cristal (1) La boîte en verre (1) ガラスの箱 (1) 유리 상자 (1) The Glass Box (1) A caixa de vidro (1) 玻璃盒 (1)

The Glass Box

Once there was a poor man. His name was Hans. He had no money, no house and no food, but he was happy. |持っていなかった||||||||||| 'I'll find something,' he said. 'I'll walk down this road to the next town.' After a short time, a very old woman called to him from across the road. |||しばらくして|||年老いた||||||||

'What do you want?' asked Hans.

'What do you want?' said the old woman.

'What do I want? I want money.'

'You can have money,' said the old woman. 'Take this magic blue coat and climb to the top of that tall tree. „Vezmi si tento magický modrý kabát a vylez na vrchol toho vysokého stromu. Then climb down inside it. You will come into a large room with three hundred lights. There are three doors. Go through the first door and you will see a big box. On the box sits a dog with eyes as large as eggs. 箱の上には、卵と同じくらいの大きさの目を持つ犬が座っています。 Don't be afraid - it won't hurt you. Put my blue coat on the floor. Take the dog and put it down on the coat in front of the box. 犬を連れて、箱の前のコートの上に置きます。 Open the box and you will see money. Take some.

'Go through the second door and you will see a bigger box. On the box sits a dog with eyes as large as oranges. Don't be afraid - it won't hurt you. Put the dog down on the coat in front of the box. Open the box and you will see gold. Take some.

'Go through the third door. There you will see the biggest box. On the box sits a dog with eyes as large as plates. Don't be afraid - it is friendly. There are jewels in its box. Take some.'

'This is wonderful,' said Hans. 'But what can I do for you?' 「しかし、私はあなたのために何ができますか?」

'I don't want any money or gold or jewels,' said the old woman. 'I only want one little thing. In the third room, there is a small glass box. My grandmother lost it there. Bring me that box.' Hans climbed up the tree and then down inside the tree. He went down and down and down. Then he saw the three hundred lights and the three doors. He opened the first door and went into a little room. There, on a box, was a dog with eyes as large as eggs.

'Good dog!' said Hans. He remembered the old woman's words. He put her blue coat on the floor. He took the dog and put it down on the coat in front of the box. He opened the box and he got very excited. He took some money and put it in his hat. He put the dog back on the box and went into the second room.

There, on a box, was a dog with eyes as large as oranges.

'You're a fine dog!' said Hans. He put the dog down in front of the box, and opened the box. His eyes were suddenly as yellow as the gold in the box. 彼の目は突然箱の中の金のように黄色くなった。 Hans took some gold and put it in his hat.

Then he went into the last room. This dog's eyes were as large as plates. 'You are a very fine dog!' he said. Hans looked at the jewels in the box. His eyes were suddenly red, blue, yellow, green and gold. He took some jewels and put them in his shoes. Then he remembered the old woman's glass box. He found it on the floor next to the dog.

He climbed up inside the tree again. It was harder this time with the heavy gold and jewels, but he got out of the tree. 今回は重い金と宝石で大変でしたが、彼は木から降りました。

'Throw down the box,' called the old woman when she saw him. 「箱を捨てなさい」と彼女が彼を見たとき、老婆は呼ばれました。 But he did not throw it. Suddenly a stone hit him on the head.

'Help! I'm going to fall and die,' he thought. But he put out a hand and he did not fall. しかし、彼は手を出し、倒れませんでした。

'Did you throw that stone?' 「あの石を投げましたか?」 he called.

'Yes. Now give me the box.' She was not very friendly now.

'I'm not going to give it to you,' he answered.

The old woman got very angry and her face was very ugly. He climbed to the ground and walked away down the road. 彼は地面に登り、道を歩いて行った。 She called him names but he did not answer. Wyzywała go, ale on nie odpowiadał. She could do nothing.

It was night when he came to the town. 彼が町に来たのは夜だった。 He found a very nice room and asked for the best food. 彼はとても素敵な部屋を見つけて、最高の食べ物を求めました。 The next day he went out and bought beautiful clothes. He was a very important and rich man, people thought. He suddenly had many friends.

One day somebody asked him, 'Do you know about the princess?'

'What princess?' asked Hans. 'Who is she? Where does she live?'

'You cannot see her,' answered the man.

'Why not?'

'Because she is in a big house and she can't leave it. There is only one door. The windows are high up. She never goes out. The king says nobody can see her.'

'Why does she live in that way?' 「なぜ彼女はそのように生きているのですか?」 asked Hans.

'Because a clever old man said to the king, "Your daughter will marry a poor man." 「賢い老人が王に言ったので、「あなたの娘は貧しい人と結婚するでしょう」。 The king was very angry. He built the big house with high windows and shut the princess in it.'

'I want to see the princess,' said Hans. He found the house and went to the door. But the king's servants quickly sent him away. しかし、王の僕たちはすぐに彼を追い出しました。 Then he put on his most expensive clothes and went to the king's home. The king was very angry. 'Don't come near my house again,' he shouted. 'I will cut off your head and put it on a stick.' 「私はあなたの頭を切り落とし、それを棒に置きます。」

Hans lived well at this time and quickly used his money. ハンスはこの時よく暮らしていて、すぐに彼のお金を使いました。 One day he only had two jewels. ある日、彼は宝石を2つしか持っていませんでした。 He left his nice room. 彼は素敵な部屋を出た。 He found a poor house and lived in it. Hans was poor now. Nobody cooked his food. 誰も彼の食べ物を料理しませんでした。 Nobody cleaned his shoes. His rich 'friends' did not invite him to their homes. He tried to find the tree with the three dogs again, but he couldn't find it.

After a short time Hans had no money. しばらくして、ハンスにはお金がありませんでした。 No money for food. He looked round his room. 彼は自分の部屋を見回した。 What could he sell? 彼は何を売ることができますか? There, on the table, he saw the little glass box. そこで、テーブルの上に、彼は小さなガラスの箱を見ました。

'Perhaps I can buy some bread with this,' he thought. 'Why did the old woman want it? It is glass but I can't see into it. ガラスですが見えません。 Perhaps there are jewels or gold inside.' He tried to open the box but he couldn't. He hit it once with his hand. Suddenly the dog with eyes as large as eggs appeared in front of him.

'What do you want?' asked the dog.

'What do I want!' cried Hans. 'I want money!'

The dog went away. It quickly came back with a bag of money in its mouth. それはすぐにお金の袋を口に入れて戻ってきました。

Hans thought. Then he said, 'I know! The first dog comes when I hit the box once. 私が一度箱を打ったとき、最初の犬が来ます。 The second dog will come when I hit the box again. もう一度箱を叩くと2匹目の犬が来ます。 The third dog will come when I hit the box three times.'

He hit the box - one, two - and the dog with eyes as large as oranges brought gold. He hit the box three times - one, two, three - and the dog with eyes as large as plates brought jewels.

Hans was rich again. He bought beautiful clothes and moved to a big house. All his 'friends' came back.

'Why didn't you visit us?' 「どうして私たちを訪ねなかったの?」 they said. 'Where were you?'

Hans did not like these friends. He thought only of the sad princess.

'She can never go out,' he thought. 'She can never walk in the garden. Her mother is dead. She can only speak to the servants and the old king. She has an unhappy life.'

One night Hans could not sleep. Suddenly he had an idea and he got up from his bed. He took the glass box and hit it once. The dog came.

'It is night - a beautiful night,' said Hans, 'and nobody will see. 「それは夜です-美しい夜です」とハンスは言いました、そして誰も見ることはありません。 I know that the princess would like a walk in my garden. 私は王女が私の庭を散歩したいと思っていることを知っています。 Bring her here.'

Very quickly the dog came back. The princess was asleep on its back. 王女は仰向けに寝ていました。 Her beautiful face was sad.

Hans woke her and took her into the garden.

'Where am I?' she cried. 'What is happening?' She was afraid.

'You are walking with me in my garden,' said Hans. 'Look - the flowers are asleep.'

'A garden!' cried the princess. 'Am I outside? With the ground under my feet and the sky over my head? 地面が足元にあり、空が頭上にあるのですか? No walls? No windows? I can hear the sounds of the night round me!' 夜の音が聞こえてきます!」

They walked for a long time. Then the sun started to appear. 'I have to go,' she said. 'But how did I get here?' Hans told her about the glass box and the dogs. She hit the box and called the dog.

'Good dog!' she said, when it appeared. 'You have beautiful eyes. Take me home. I don't want anybody to see us. Thank you for this night, Hans.' The princess climbed on the dog's back and fell asleep.

The next day the princess did not remember anything but she felt different. 翌日、王女は何も覚えていませんでしたが、彼女は違った気持ちになりました。 Her servant, Anna, a jealous and unkind woman, woke her. She said, 'Wake up, princess, it is the middle of the day. 彼女は言った、「起きて、王女、それは一日の真ん中です。 The king is waiting for you.'

'Is he?' said the princess and she jumped happily out of bed. 'Look, Anna, it's a beautiful day.'

Anna started to think. A number of things were strange. 多くのことが奇妙でした。 First, the princess always got up at seven o'clock, but today it was twelve o'clock. Second, the princess was always sad, but today, she was happy. Third, the bottom of the princess's nightdress was dirty. Fourth, there was a beautiful white flower on the princess's bedroom floor, but there were no white flowers in the king's garden.

Anna went to the king.

'Let's wait and watch,' said the king. 「待って見てみましょう」と王様は言いました。 'When she goes out again, well follow her.' 「彼女が再び出かけるときは、よく彼女に従ってください。」

Hans was in love with the princess. He thought about her all day and all night. After three days, he couldn't wait. He hit the glass box - one, two - and the dog with eyes as large as oranges appeared.

'Please bring the princess to my garden,' he said.

The dog went to the princess. But Anna was there, too. The dog carried the princess away on its back and Anna followed. The dog stopped at the door of a big house and went in. 犬は大きな家のドアに立ち寄って入った。 Anna wrote the letter 'X' on the door and went home. アンナはドアに「X」の文字を書いて家に帰りました。

Hans and the princess walked in the garden. Hans told the story of the old woman and the tree and the three dogs and the glass box. He told the princess about his poor mother and about his three brothers and three sisters. The princess loved his stories. She talked about her parents.

'My father was a great man and a good king,' she said. 'But when my mother died, he changed. Suddenly he was old and tired and sad. He shut me in that house. Now he gets angry about little things. He doesn't want to be king. He wants white flowers in his garden. My mother loved white flowers. But now his flowers always die.'

The red of the morning sun started to light up the sky. The princess said goodnight to Hans. He hit the box - one, two - and the second dog appeared. With its eyes as big as oranges, this dog could see everything. オレンジと同じくらい大きな目で、この犬はすべてを見ることができました。 It saw the 'X' on the door and it told Hans.

'Ho ho!' laughed Hans. 'Come with me quickly and we will write "X"s on every door in this street, and the next ten streets!'

The next day, Anna told the king the story of the night. The king took Anna and some men to Hans's street.

'Here is the house,' cried Anna.

'No, here it is,' cried the king.

One of the men ran to them. 男性の一人が彼らに駆け寄った。 'The house is in the next street,' he said. 「家は隣の通りにあります」と彼は言いました。 'There is an "X" on the door.' Every house had an 'X' on its door. The king was very angry and went home.