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English Learning for Curious Minds, Episode 234: The Future of the British Royal Family [2]

Episode 234: The Future of the British Royal Family [2]

Now, this brings us nicely on to our next point, our next prediction,

which is about the Royal Family becoming more open to the public,

increasing access to it, and making it seem like more of a normal family.

The Queen, to her credit, actually set the wheels in motion for this as ...

... as early as the 1960s, when she decided to allow documentary makers ...

... into BuckinghamPalace for the first time to film the private lives of the queen and her family.

This documentary, released in 1969 and simply called “Royal Family”, was a roaring success.

It attracted 30 million viewers in the UK and has

now been seen by over 350 million people worldwide.

Of course, there are many more ways for people in 2022 to have a glimpse into the

private lives of others, and Prince William and his wife, Kate Middleton, have proved

to be very skillful with portraying themselves as normal parents, like any other.

And just like with the 1969 documentary, people love it.

It is this slight contradiction that the royal family only exists because it is a special family,

existing in that position for no reason other than birth, yet the public love to see how, behind

all of the royal palaces and expensive clothes, the members of the royal family are just like them.

They watch TV, they play with their kids, they are, after all, human beings.

So, what will this “opening up” mean in practical terms?

Prince Charles might well decide to make Buckingham Palace open to the public.

There is no need for him to spend time there.

Charles has been an advocate for sustainable living, and he already has five

royal residences, so there is no need to live in a palace with 775 rooms.

And if it were open to the public, it would certainly bring in even more tourists, and

reduce the burden on the taxpayer, so it would be an easy win for the Royal Family.

Let's move on to the relationship between monarch and parliament, and ask

ourselves the question of whether the UK will ever get rid of its monarchy.

Charles, as we heard earlier, has made no secret of his political

beliefs, and has actively tried to influence government policy.

For the sake of the longevity of the British monarchy, he will need to stop this.

He will rule only because he is allowed to rule, and the minute that the

British public feels that he is overstepping the mark, that he is doing more

than he should be, there will be questions about the role a monarch plays.

It just so happens that, at least about things like environmental protection, he has proved to

have been right, or at least his views are now the views of the majority of the British people.

But it will be different when he is king and has, in theory at least, real power.

Ultimately, the continued success, or at least the continued existence, of the British monarchy is

likely to come down to one thing and one thing only: the actual people in the British Royal Family.

In the past couple of centuries dozens of countries around the world have

got rid of their monarchies, some peacefully, some not so peacefully.

And in the United Kingdom, the main reason debate about whether or not the country should

actually have a monarch has been so quiet comes down to Queen Elizabeth, the current queen.

She has been consistent, silent, and present.

When she took the throne she was 25 years old.

The country was emerging from the aftermath of a world war, the British Empire was disbanding, the

world was changing rapidly, and the world has continued to do so for the entirety of her reign.

It was far from an easy situation.

Her role was to be constant, to be a beacon of stability in a sea of change.

And she performed this role very well.

Now, there are question marks about whether this is the sort of role that the

future monarch should play, to be in the background while the world changes.

Evidently, the fact that Charles will become king when he is already in his

70s, and might rule for 20 years if he is lucky, complicates the situation.

But looking even further ahead, past Charles, past William, and to whoever might come in the future,

the collapse of the British monarchy, whether it is in 10 years, 100 years or 500 years, seems

most likely to come when the British public decides that it doesn't like whoever is on the throne.

The debate about the role of the monarchy will come because of who

is on the throne, rather than the existence of the throne itself.

Now, there is little doubt that the next British monarch

will be Charles, Charles III of the United Kingdom.

And, given that he'll be Charles III, you'll know that there have been two King Charles before.

The first one was so terrible that he was the only British monarch to be publicly

executed, and after his death the monarchy was actually abolished for 11 years.

The second was a notorious party animal, nicknamed the Merry

Monarch, and left at least 12 illegitimate children behind him.

Time will only tell what sort of monarch King Charles III will be.

OK then, that is it for today's episode on The Future of the British Royal Family.

If you're listening to this episode on the day it comes out, then well done, you are

on top of things, and you have just two days to wait until an important day for the UK.

If you're listening to this on February 6th of 2022, then you should raise a

glass to the 70th anniversary, the Platinum Jubilee, of Queen Elizabeth II.

And if you're listening to it after that, perhaps even when there's

a King Charles or even King William on the throne, then you'll be

able to see for yourself how these predictions fared against reality.

As always, I would love to know what you thought of this episode.

What do you think lies ahead for the British royal family?

Who should become the next king, Charles or William, and why?

What does the royal family need to do to survive,

and is it even right for it to continue to survive?

I would love to know so let's get this discussion started.

You can head right into our community forum, which is at

community.leonardoenglish.com and get chatting away to other curious minds.

You've been listening to English Learning for Curious Minds, by Leonardo English.

I'm Alastair Budge, you stay safe, and I'll catch you in the next episode.

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Episode 234: The Future of the British Royal Family [2] Folge 234: Die Zukunft der britischen Königsfamilie [2] Episode 234: The Future of the British Royal Family [2] Episodio 234: El futuro de la familia real británica [2] Épisode 234 : L'avenir de la famille royale britannique [2] Episodio 234: Il futuro della famiglia reale britannica [2] 第234話イギリス王室の今後【2 Odcinek 234: Przyszłość brytyjskiej rodziny królewskiej [2] Episódio 234: O futuro da família real britânica [2] Эпизод 234: Будущее британской королевской семьи [2] 234. Bölüm İngiliz Kraliyet Ailesinin Geleceği [2] Епізод 234: Майбутнє британської королівської родини [2]. 第234集:英国王室的未来【2】 第234集:英國王室的未來[2]

Now, this brings us nicely on to our next point, our next prediction, To nás pěkně přivádí k dalšímu bodu, naší další předpovědi, さて、これは次のポイントである次の予測にうまくつながります。 Agora, isso nos leva ao nosso próximo ponto, nossa próxima previsão, Це підводить нас до нашого наступного пункту, нашого наступного прогнозу,

which is about the Royal Family becoming more open to the public, これは、王室がより一般に公開されるようになることについてです。

increasing access to it, and making it seem like more of a normal family. それへのアクセスを増やし、それをより普通の家族のように見せます。

The Queen, to her credit, actually set the wheels in motion for this as ... Die Königin, das muss man ihr zugutehalten, hat den Anstoß dazu gegeben, als ... 女王は、彼女の名誉のために、実際に早くからこのために車輪を動かしました A rainha, para seu crédito, realmente colocou as rodas em movimento para isso como ... Королева, к ее чести, фактически привела в движение колеса для этого еще раньше. Королева, до її честі, фактично привела колеса в рух для цього, як ... 值得赞扬的是,女王实际上为此启动了......

... as early as the 1960s, when she decided to allow documentary makers ... |||||||||permitir que|| ... bereits in den 1960er Jahren, als sie beschloss, Dokumentarfilmern die Möglichkeit zu geben ... 1960 年代に、彼女がドキュメンタリー制作者をバッキンガムに入れることを決めたときのように ...ще в 1960-х роках, коли вона вирішила дозволити документалістам ...

... into BuckinghamPalace for the first time to film the private lives of the queen and her family.

This documentary, released in 1969 and simply called “Royal Family”, was a roaring success. ||lançado|||||||||estrondoso| Tento dokument, vydaný v roce 1969 a nazvaný jednoduše „Královská rodina“, zaznamenal obrovský úspěch.

It attracted 30 million viewers in the UK and has Birleşik Krallık'ta 30 milyon izleyici çekti ve

now been seen by over 350 million people worldwide. şimdi dünya çapında 350 milyondan fazla kişi tarafından izlendi.

Of course, there are many more ways for people in 2022 to have a glimpse into the |||||||||||||vislumbre|| Samozřejmě existuje mnohem více způsobů, jak mohou lidé v roce 2022 nahlédnout Tabii ki, 2022'de yaşayan insanlar için daha birçok yol var.

private lives of others, and Prince William and his wife, Kate Middleton, have proved soukromé životy jiných a prince Williama a jeho manželky Kate Middleton prokázaly und Prinz William und seine Frau Kate Middleton haben bewiesen, dass sie das Privatleben anderer Prens William ve eşi Kate Middleton, başkalarının özel hayatlarının

to be very skillful with portraying themselves as normal parents, like any other. |||habilidoso||retratar-se||||||| být velmi zručný v zobrazování sebe jako normálních rodičů, jako každý jiný. sehr geschickt darin, sich als normale Eltern, wie alle anderen, darzustellen. очень умело изображать из себя нормальных родителей, как и любые другие. kendilerini diğerleri gibi normal ebeveynler olarak gösterme konusunda çok beceriklidirler.

And just like with the 1969 documentary, people love it. A stejně jako u dokumentu z roku 1969 ho lidé milují. И, как и в случае с документальным фильмом 1969 года, он нравится людям. Ve tıpkı 1969 belgeselinde olduğu gibi, insanlar buna bayıldı. І так само, як і у випадку з документальним фільмом 1969 року, люди його люблять.

It is this slight contradiction that the royal family only exists because it is a special family, |||ligeira||||||||||||| Je to tento nepatrný rozpor, že královská rodina existuje jen proto, že je to zvláštní rodina, 特別な家系だから王室が存在するというのは、このちょっとした矛盾であり、 Kraliyet ailesinin sadece özel bir aile olduğu için var olması bu küçük çelişkidir. 正是這種輕微的矛盾,皇室才存在,因為它是一個特殊的家族,

existing in that position for no reason other than birth, yet the public love to see how, behind |||||||||||||||||por trás existující v této pozici pro nic jiného než zrození, přesto veřejnost ráda vidí, jak, za in dieser Position zu sein, ohne einen anderen Grund als die Geburt, aber die Öffentlichkeit liebt es, zu sehen, wie hinter 出生以外の理由でその地位に存在していませんが、大衆はその背後にある方法を見るのが大好きです doğuştan başka bir sebep olmaksızın bu pozisyonda bulunmalarına rağmen, halkın nasıl 除了出生之外,没有其他任何原因存在于这个位置,但公众喜欢看到背后是如何 無緣無故地出現在那個位置上,但公眾喜歡看到背後的原因

all of the royal palaces and expensive clothes, the members of the royal family are just like them. všechny královské paláce a drahé oblečení, členové královské rodiny jsou jako oni. all die königlichen Paläste und teuren Kleider, die Mitglieder der königlichen Familie sind genau wie sie. すべての王宮と高価な服、王室のメンバーは彼らと同じです. tüm kraliyet sarayları ve pahalı kıyafetler, kraliyet ailesinin üyeleri de tıpkı onlar gibidir. всі королівські палаци і дорогий одяг, члени королівської сім'ї такі ж, як і вони самі. 所有的皇宮和昂貴的衣服,皇室成員都和他們一樣。

They watch TV, they play with their kids, they are, after all, human beings. ||||||||||||eles| Dívají se na televizi, hrají si se svými dětmi, jsou to koneckonců lidské bytosti. Sie sehen fern, sie spielen mit ihren Kindern, sie sind schließlich auch nur Menschen. 彼らはテレビを見たり、子供たちと遊んだり、結局のところ、人間なのです。 Televizyon izliyorlar, çocuklarıyla oynuyorlar, sonuçta onlar da insan.

So, what will this “opening up” mean in practical terms? Co tedy bude toto „otevření“ znamenat v praxi? Was bedeutet nun diese "Öffnung" in der Praxis? Итак, что будет означать это «открытие» на практике? Peki, bu "açılım" pratikte ne anlama gelecek? Отже, що це "відкриття" означатиме на практиці? 那麼,這種“開放”實際上意味著什麼?

Prince Charles might well decide to make Buckingham Palace open to the public. Princ Charles se možná rozhodne zpřístupnit Buckinghamský palác veřejnosti. Prens Charles, Buckingham Sarayı'nı halka açmaya karar verebilir. 查爾斯王子很可能決定讓白金漢宮向公眾開放。

There is no need for him to spend time there. Není potřeba, aby tam trávil čas. Йому не потрібно проводити там час. 他沒有必要花時間在那裡。

Charles has been an advocate for sustainable living, and he already has five Чарльз был сторонником устойчивого образа жизни, и у него уже есть пять Charles sürdürülebilir yaşamın savunucusu olmuştur ve halihazırda beş

royal residences, so there is no need to live in a palace with 775 rooms. královská sídla, takže není potřeba bydlet v paláci se 775 pokoji. Kraliyet konutları, yani 775 odalı bir sarayda yaşamaya gerek yok.

And if it were open to the public, it would certainly bring in even more tourists, and A pokud by byl přístupný veřejnosti, jistě by přivedl ještě více turistů a Ve eğer halka açık olsaydı, kesinlikle daha fazla turist getirecekti ve

reduce the burden on the taxpayer, so it would be an easy win for the Royal Family. ||fardo|||||||||||||| vergi mükellefleri üzerindeki yükü azaltacaktır, dolayısıyla Kraliyet Ailesi için kolay bir kazanç olacaktır. 減輕納稅人的負擔,所以這對皇室來說是輕而易舉的勝利。

Let's move on to the relationship between monarch and parliament, and ask Přejděme ke vztahu mezi panovníkem a parlamentem a zeptejme se

ourselves the question of whether the UK will ever get rid of its monarchy. si klademe otázku, zda se Spojené království někdy zbaví své monarchie. selbst die Frage, ob das Vereinigte Königreich jemals seine Monarchie abschaffen wird. Birleşik Krallık'ın monarşiden kurtulup kurtulamayacağı sorusu. себе питанням, чи позбудеться Велика Британія коли-небудь своєї монархії.

Charles, as we heard earlier, has made no secret of his political Charles, jak jsme slyšeli dříve, se netajil svou politikou Charles hat, wie wir bereits gehört haben, kein Geheimnis aus seiner politischen Charles, daha önce de duyduğumuz gibi, siyasi görüşünü gizlemiyor. Чарльз, як ми вже чули раніше, не приховує своїх політичних поглядів.

beliefs, and has actively tried to influence government policy. Überzeugungen und hat aktiv versucht, die Politik der Regierung zu beeinflussen. ve aktif olarak hükümet politikasını etkilemeye çalışmıştır. і активно намагався впливати на державну політику.

For the sake of the longevity of the British monarchy, he will need to stop this. ||pelo bem||||||||||||| V zájmu dlouhověkosti britské monarchie to bude muset zastavit. Um der Langlebigkeit der britischen Monarchie willen muss er damit aufhören. Ради долголетия британской монархии ему нужно будет это остановить. İngiliz monarşisinin uzun ömürlü olması için bunu durdurması gerekecektir. Заради довголіття британської монархії йому доведеться це зупинити. 为了英国君主制的长久存在,他需要阻止这种行为。

He will rule only because he is allowed to rule, and the minute that the Bude vládnout jen proto, že je mu dovoleno vládnout, a v tu chvíli Er wird nur regieren, weil er regieren darf, und in dem Moment, in dem die Sadece hükmetmesine izin verildiği için hükmedecektir.

British public feels that he is overstepping the mark, that he is doing more ||||||ultrapassando||||||| Britská veřejnost má pocit, že překračuje hranice, že dělá víc Die britische Öffentlichkeit hat das Gefühl, dass er über das Ziel hinausschießt, dass er mehr tut İngiliz halkı onun haddini aştığını, daha fazlasını yaptığını düşünüyor.

than he should be, there will be questions about the role a monarch plays. ||||||||||do que ele deveria ser||| als er sein sollte, wird es Fragen über die Rolle eines Monarchen geben. olması gerekenden daha fazla, bir hükümdarın oynadığı rol hakkında sorular olacaktır.

It just so happens that, at least about things like environmental protection, he has proved to Zufälligerweise hat er zumindest in Fragen des Umweltschutzes bewiesen, dass er Öyle ki, en azından çevrenin korunması gibi konularda Так сталося, що принаймні в таких питаннях, як захист довкілля, він довів, що

have been right, or at least his views are now the views of the majority of the British people. Recht gehabt, oder zumindest sind seine Ansichten jetzt die Ansichten der Mehrheit des britischen Volkes. haklıydı ya da en azından onun görüşleri artık İngiliz halkının çoğunluğunun görüşleri haline geldi. мав рацію, або, принаймні, його погляди зараз є поглядами більшості британців.

But it will be different when he is king and has, in theory at least, real power. Ale bude to jiné, až bude králem a bude mít, alespoň teoreticky, skutečnou moc.

Ultimately, the continued success, or at least the continued existence, of the British monarchy is В конечном счете дальнейший успех или, по крайней мере, дальнейшее существование британской монархии Nihayetinde, İngiliz monarşisinin devam eden başarısı ya da en azından varlığını sürdürmesi Зрештою, подальший успіх або, принаймні, подальше існування британської монархії - це

likely to come down to one thing and one thing only: the actual people in the British Royal Family. provavelmente|||||||||||||||||| вероятно, сводится к одному и только одному: реальным людям в британской королевской семье. sadece ve sadece tek bir şeye bağlı olacak: İngiliz Kraliyet Ailesi'ndeki gerçek insanlar. швидше за все, зводиться до одного і тільки одного: реальних людей з британської королівської сім'ї.

In the past couple of centuries dozens of countries around the world have V posledních několika stoletích desítky zemí po celém světě In den letzten paar Jahrhunderten haben Dutzende von Ländern auf der ganzen Welt Geçtiğimiz birkaç yüzyılda dünyanın dört bir yanındaki düzinelerce ülke

got rid of their monarchies, some peacefully, some not so peacefully. |se livrou||||||||| se zbavili svých monarchií, někteří pokojně, někteří ne tak mírumilovně. monarşilerinden kurtuldular, bazıları barışçıl bir şekilde, bazıları o kadar da barışçıl değil.

And in the United Kingdom, the main reason debate about whether or not the country should ||||||||debate||||||| A ve Spojeném království je hlavním důvodem debata o tom, zda by země měla nebo neměla Birleşik Krallık'ta ise ülkenin AB'ye girip girmemesi konusundaki tartışmaların ana nedeni

actually have a monarch has been so quiet comes down to Queen Elizabeth, the current queen. ve skutečnosti byl panovník tak tichý, až se snesla královna Alžběta, současná královna. na verdade, ter um monarca tem sido tão quieto se resume à rainha Elizabeth, a atual rainha. на самом деле у монарха было так тихо, что сводится к королеве Елизавете, нынешней королеве. Aslında bir hükümdarın bu kadar sessiz olması, şu anki kraliçe olan Kraliçe Elizabeth'e bağlıdır.

She has been consistent, silent, and present. Byla důsledná, tichá a přítomná. Она была последовательной, молчаливой и настоящей. Tutarlı, sessiz ve mevcuttu. Вона була послідовною, мовчазною і присутньою.

When she took the throne she was 25 years old. Když nastoupila na trůn, bylo jí 25 let.

The country was emerging from the aftermath of a world war, the British Empire was disbanding, the ||||||rescaldo|||||||||desmantelando| Země se vynořovala z následků světové války, Britské impérium se rozkládalo Das Land befand sich in den Nachwehen eines Weltkriegs, das britische Empire löste sich auf, die Країна виходила з наслідків світової війни, Британська імперія розпадалася, а

world was changing rapidly, and the world has continued to do so for the entirety of her reign. Die Welt veränderte sich rasant, und das hat sich auch während ihrer gesamten Regierungszeit nicht geändert. світ стрімко змінювався, і світ продовжував змінюватися протягом усього її правління.

It was far from an easy situation. Isso|||||| Це була далеко не проста ситуація.

Her role was to be constant, to be a beacon of stability in a sea of change. |papel||||||||guia||||||| Ihre Aufgabe war es, konstant zu sein, ein Leuchtfeuer der Stabilität in einem Meer von Veränderungen. Onun rolü sabit olmak, değişim denizinde bir istikrar feneri olmaktı. Її роль полягала в тому, щоб бути постійною, бути маяком стабільності в морі змін.

And she performed this role very well.

Now, there are question marks about whether this is the sort of role that the Nyní existují otazníky o tom, zda je to druh role, kterou Es ist jedoch fraglich, ob dies die Art von Rolle ist, die die Şimdi, bu tür bir rolün Türkiye'de olup olmadığı konusunda soru işaretleri var.

future monarch should play, to be in the background while the world changes. ||||||||segundo plano||||

Evidently, the fact that Charles will become king when he is already in his Очевидно, що той факт, що Карл стане королем, коли йому вже виповниться

70s, and might rule for 20 years if he is lucky, complicates the situation. 70 Jahre alt ist und mit etwas Glück 20 Jahre lang regieren könnte, verkompliziert die Situation. 70'li yaşlarında olması ve şanslıysa 20 yıl hüküm sürebilecek olması durumu karmaşıklaştırıyor. 70-х років, і, якщо пощастить, може правити ще 20 років, що ускладнює ситуацію.

But looking even further ahead, past Charles, past William, and to whoever might come in the future, |||||||||||quem quer que||||| Aber noch weiter in die Zukunft blickend, über Charles und William hinaus, und auf alle, die in Zukunft kommen werden, Ama daha da ileriye, geçmiş Charles'a, geçmiş William'a ve gelecekte gelebilecek olanlara bakıyorum, Але дивлячись ще далі вперед, повз Чарльза, повз Вільяма, і до тих, хто може прийти в майбутньому,

the collapse of the British monarchy, whether it is in 10 years, 100 years or 500 years, seems der Zusammenbruch der britischen Monarchie, sei es in 10, 100 oder 500 Jahren, scheint İngiliz monarşisinin çöküşü, ister 10 yıl, ister 100 yıl, ister 500 yıl sonra olsun, öyle görünüyor ki крах британської монархії, чи то через 10 років, чи то через 100, чи то через 500 років, здається

most likely to come when the British public decides that it doesn't like whoever is on the throne. |provavelmente|||||||||||||||| Büyük olasılıkla İngiliz halkı tahtta kim olursa olsun ondan hoşlanmadığına karar verdiğinde ortaya çıkacaktır. Швидше за все, це станеться тоді, коли британська громадськість вирішить, що їй не подобається той, хто перебуває на троні.

The debate about the role of the monarchy will come because of who Die Debatte über die Rolle der Monarchie wird sich daran entzünden, wer Споры о роли монархии придут из-за того, кто Дебати про роль монархії виникнуть через те, хто

is on the throne, rather than the existence of the throne itself. |||||do que|||||| находится на троне, а не существование самого трона. на троні, а не існування самого трону.

Now, there is little doubt that the next British monarch Теперь мало кто сомневается, что следующий британский монарх Зараз мало хто сумнівається, що наступним британським монархом

will be Charles, Charles III of the United Kingdom.

And, given that he'll be Charles III, you'll know that there have been two King Charles before. Und da er Charles III. sein wird, werden Sie wissen, dass es schon zwei King Charles gegeben hat.

The first one was so terrible that he was the only British monarch to be publicly Der erste war so schrecklich, dass er der einzige britische Monarch war, der öffentlich İlki o kadar korkunçtu ki, halka açık bir şekilde öldürülen tek İngiliz hükümdarı oldu.

executed, and after his death the monarchy was actually abolished for 11 years. hingerichtet, und nach seinem Tod wurde die Monarchie für 11 Jahre faktisch abgeschafft.

The second was a notorious party animal, nicknamed the Merry Der zweite war ein notorischer Partylöwe mit dem Spitznamen "Merry O segundo era um notório festeiro, apelidado de Merry Второй был отъявленным тусовщиком по кличке Весёлый. Другий був відомим тусовщиком на прізвисько Веселий. 第二個是臭名昭著的派對動物,綽號風流

Monarch, and left at least 12 illegitimate children behind him. 君主であり、少なくとも 12 人の非嫡出子を彼の後ろに残しました。

Time will only tell what sort of monarch King Charles III will be. Kral Charles III'ün nasıl bir hükümdar olacağını ancak zaman gösterecek.

OK then, that is it for today's episode on The Future of the British Royal Family.

If you're listening to this episode on the day it comes out, then well done, you are Eğer bu bölümü çıktığı gün dinliyorsanız, aferin size

on top of things, and you have just two days to wait until an important day for the UK. und Sie haben nur noch zwei Tage bis zu einem wichtigen Tag für das Vereinigte Königreich zu warten. ve Birleşik Krallık için önemli bir güne kadar sadece iki gününüz var.

If you're listening to this on February 6th of 2022, then you should raise a Eğer bunu 6 Şubat 2022'de dinliyorsanız, o zaman bir

glass to the 70th anniversary, the Platinum Jubilee, of Queen Elizabeth II.

And if you're listening to it after that, perhaps even when there's

a King Charles or even King William on the throne, then you'll be

able to see for yourself how these predictions fared against reality. ||||||||se saíram|| смогли сами увидеть, насколько эти предсказания противоречат действительности. Bu tahminlerin gerçeklik karşısında nasıl bir performans sergilediğini kendiniz görebilirsiniz. змогли на власні очі побачити, як ці прогнози співпали з реальністю. 能夠親眼看到這些預測如何與現實背道而馳。

As always, I would love to know what you thought of this episode.

What do you think lies ahead for the British royal family? Was glauben Sie, was auf die britische Königsfamilie zukommt?

Who should become the next king, Charles or William, and why? Wer sollte der nächste König werden, Karl oder Wilhelm, und warum?

What does the royal family need to do to survive,

and is it even right for it to continue to survive?

I would love to know so let's get this discussion started. Bilmek isterim, o yüzden bu tartışmayı başlatalım.

You can head right into our community forum, which is at você|||||||||| Doğrudan şu adresteki topluluk forumumuza gidebilirsiniz

community.leonardoenglish.com and get chatting away to other curious minds. community.leonardoenglish.com und tauschen Sie sich mit anderen Neugierigen aus.

You've been listening to English Learning for Curious Minds, by Leonardo English.

I'm Alastair Budge, you stay safe, and I'll catch you in the next episode.