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English Learning for Curious Minds, Episode 276: Oxbridge [1]

Episode 276: Oxbridge [1]

Hello, hello hello, and welcome to English Learning for Curious Minds, by Leonardo English.

The show where you can listen to fascinating stories, and learn weird and

wonderful things about the world at the same time as improving your English.

I'm Alastair Budge, and today we are going to be talking

about Oxbridge, why two universities dominate life in the UK.

Oxbridge, if you hadn't guessed, is the name for Oxford and Cambridge

University, the two most famous and prestigious universities that

dominate everything from British politics to journalism to business.

And in this episode we are going to look at why that is, and what is being done about it.

We'll start with a brief look at the universities themself, the history of

Oxford and Cambridge and how they are different from other universities in the

UK, then we'll look at why graduates from these universities dominate so much of

British public life, and ask ourselves whether this will change any time soon.

OK then, Oxbridge.

Before we get right into this episode I should start with a little personal disclaimer.

I didn't study at either Oxford or Cambridge.

I did apply for Oxford, and was given an interview but, like the

almost 85% of other people who applied, I was not offered a place,

and I went to another university called University College London.

Now, with that out of the way, let me start by saying that I

imagine you will have heard of Oxford and Cambridge University.

They are two of the most famous universities in the world, and often

come first in the global rankings of the best universities in the world.

Together with places like Harvard, Stanford and MIT, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

you will find Oxford and Cambridge on pretty much every list of top five universities worldwide.

No doubt you knew that already, but what you might not have known is quite how much

Oxford and Cambridge, or simply, Oxbridge, dominates the ruling class in Britain.

Graduates from Oxbridge make up less than 1% of the UK population, but make up

75% of senior judges, 51% of diplomats, 47% of columnists for major newspapers,

a quarter of MPs, of members of parliament, and one in five civil servants.

And neither university is particularly large, in terms of how many students it takes.

Oxford only takes 12 and a half thousand undergraduates, and Cambridge takes a similar number.

Both universities have about the same number of postgraduate students, Masters and PhD

students, which takes the total number of students studying at each university to around 25,000.

At Oxbridge in total, undergraduates and postgraduates in the two

universities put together, there are fewer than 50,000 students, but these

students have an outsized impact on Britain, and indeed, the wider world.

As a point of comparison, Harvard has about 23,000, so it's about the same, while

universities like UC Berkeley have about 45,000 and the Sorbonne in Paris has over 55,000.

Both Oxford and Cambridge, on a structural level, are very different

from most universities in the UK, and most universities in the world.

The universities are divided into self-governing

colleges: Oxford has 39 colleges while Cambridge has 31.

On a linguistic level it might sound confusing, because what British people

call “university”, Americans call both “college” and “school”, and in Oxford and

Cambridge you have the “university”, but within it you have separate “colleges”.

The university is a sort of umbrella around the colleges, and the degree certificate

is from the university, but most of student life is dominated by the college.

Students live in the college, and university professors,

otherwise known as “dons” are attached to a particular college.

The reason for this is historical, Oxford and Cambridge originally

began as monastic-like institutions with the teaching staff – the dons,

who were priests originally – enclosed within the college's walls.

As you may know if you've been there, and you may know anyway if you've seen pictures, many of these

colleges are incredibly beautiful buildings, with the most beautiful for many being the chapel.

They did, after all, begin life as religious places, hence why

no expense would be spared for the centre of religious worship.

The emphasis placed on the self-contained college community also means that

they have elegant, enclosed " quads” or squares and wonderful dining halls,

such as the one you might be familiar with from the Harry Potter films.

Unlike in many other universities, where there are large lectures attended by

hundreds of students, and then there might be exams or assignments set at the end

of each term, undergraduate students at Oxbridge are typically taught in small

tutorial groups, often just two or three undergraduates to a single professor.

This tutorial style makes the teaching particularly intimate and, as you can imagine,

means that students are often pushed and challenged more than at typical universities.

Another particularly unique aspect of Oxbridge is the sheer amount of

work that most undergraduates are required to do on a weekly basis.

At many universities, throughout the UK but throughout much of the world, the workload,

the amount of work that you actually have to do, is not particularly strenuous.

In an average term, you might have to do a few assignments per

class, and you will normally be given several weeks to do them.

At Oxbridge, students are required to be almost constantly doing assignments, every week there

is a new assignment that needs to be completed within 7 days, and there is no option to extend.

The pace, the speed, is furious, and–as we'll come to discuss shortly–one of

the main skills that Oxford graduates often say that the university has given

is the ability to produce a large amount of work in a very short period of time.

If we contrast this to the university system in, let's say Italy–and

apologies if you are Italian, but I say this both having studied at an Italian

university and my wife being Italian–there is little time pressure for most

subjects, and it isn't uncommon for people to take several years to graduate.

At Oxbridge this simply isn't an option.

Every week there is a tremendous amount of work that needs to be

completed, there is no hiding from it because you will have these

small tuition groups, and it simply isn't possible to not do the work.

The result of this is that you have this curious situation where students within each

college will often know each other very well, as they live and study together intensely,

but may not even have met other students doing the same course at another college.

Even within the university, some colleges are more prestigious than others.

At Oxford, one of the most prestigious colleges is called Christ

Church, which was in fact founded by King Henry VIII in 1546.

It only teaches 730 undergraduate students per year,

but has a formidable list of alumni, or former students.

Of the 28 British prime ministers educated at Oxford, 13 have come from this one college.

But it's not just prime ministers.

Among its famous alumni you will find the philosopher John

Locke, and Robert Hooke, the 18th century scientist and inventor.

Writers include the 1930s poet WH Auden and Lewis

Carroll, the author of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

Meanwhile at Cambridge, let us take a look at the other college

founded by Henry VIII, the prestigious Trinity College, which has

even fewer undergraduates than Christ Church Oxford at only 600.

Here, the record is not so much in prime ministers, although it can name six British

ones and five other ones, including the first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru.

Trinity College is most famous for its Nobel prize winners.

Now, you might find this difficult to believe, but Trinity College Cambridge

has produced 34 Nobel laureates since Nobels started being awarded in 1901.

This is out of 118 that have been generated by Cambridge

University, and the 975 that have been awarded worldwide.

Indeed, were Cambridge University a country, it would be the country

with the third highest number of Nobel prizes awarded in the world.

And although Christ Church in Oxford and Trinity in Cambridge might be two of

the most prestigious colleges of the university, and typically perform best

academically, every college is prestigious, and pretty much every single college

will have famous and notable alumni that have gone on to have a global influence.

Alumni of Oxbridge are too many to name, but let me just give you a few examples.

The current UK prime minister, Boris Johnson, the previous

one, Theresa May, the one before that, David Cameron.

Indeed, more British Prime Ministers have gone to Oxbridge than every other university put together.

And of course it's not just prime ministers and politicians.


Tolkein, Emma Watson, Benazir Bhutto, Bill Clinton, Stephen Hawking, Rupert

Murdorch, Hugh Grant, Rowan Atkinson, who you might know better as Mr Bean, and

Aung San Suu Kyi, they all spent time studying at either Oxford or Cambridge.

Now, to get back to the question of how and why Oxbridge has such an oversized

influence on British life, this is one that is often a subject of debate in the UK.

Is it because the brightest and most ambitious students are attracted to Oxbridge, and therefore

it's only natural that these young men and women will go on to have successful professional careers?

Is it because the tuition system at Oxbridge is so intense and

personal, that of course it will produce more knowledgeable, productive

and capable graduates than students of another university system?

Is it because the brand names of Oxford and Cambridge University are now so

recognised that if someone has this name on their CV, on their resume, that they

will be given opportunities and job interviews where another candidate might not?

Is it because of the alumni network that exists, of students living and

working in such close proximity, as each graduate forges their own career

path they will work with and help their former university colleagues?

Is it the confidence and charisma that going to Oxbridge

instils in a young person, which often stays with them for life?

Or is it a combination of everything?

As you'd imagine, there are countless articles in newspapers and journals

about why exactly this is, but the result is, as we've seen, the sheer

domination of British public life by graduates from these universities.

You might argue that this is an unhealthy situation, one where such a tiny

proportion of the population has such a large impact on life in the country.

You might argue that it's a good thing, if the brightest and most capable 18 year olds are

given the opportunity to live and study with other similarly bright and capable 18 year

olds, so they can all learn from each other, be pushed forward by each other's ambition,

and generally do better than if they studied with a random collection of students.

Either opinion may be valid, but it does hinge upon whether you

believe that access to these universities is fair and unbiased.

And unfortunately, on this count, both universities have come under increasing pressure

and scrutiny, with critics saying that Oxford and Cambridge have historically preferred

candidates from private schools, fee-paying schools, rather than state schools.

Six and a half percent of children in Britain go to private schools, but up until

recently around 50% of Oxford and Cambridge graduates went to private schools.

In the past 20 years or so, both Oxford and Cambridge have pledged to increase the number of

places offered to candidates from state schools, and have a goal of 75% of places going to

state school pupils, but there is still a way to go, with Oxford at 68% and Cambridge at 71%.

This being said, there are still critics who say that these statistics hide

another ugly truth, and that is that not all state schools are created equal.

Some are very high quality academically, while others are not.

And for exceptionally talented students who have not been lucky enough to go to a good school

Episode 276: Oxbridge [1] |Oxbridge Folge 276: Oxbridge [1] Episodio 276: Oxbridge [1] Épisode 276 : Oxbridge [1] Episodio 276: Oxbridge [1] 第276話 オックスブリッジオックスブリッジ [1] 에피소드 276: 옥스브리지 [1] Episódio 276: Oxbridge [1] Эпизод 276: Оксбридж [1] Bölüm 276: Oxbridge [1] Епізод 276: Оксбрідж [1]. 第276集:牛津剑桥[1]

Hello, hello hello, and welcome to English Learning for Curious Minds, by Leonardo English. ||||||||||Mentes||| Olá, olá, olá, e bem-vindo ao English Learning for Curious Minds, de Leonardo English.

The show where you can listen to fascinating stories, and learn weird and |||||||captivating||||| L'émission où vous pouvez écouter des histoires fascinantes et apprendre des choses étranges et O show onde você pode ouvir histórias fascinantes e aprender coisas estranhas e

wonderful things about the world at the same time as improving your English. coisas maravilhosas sobre o mundo ao mesmo tempo em que melhora seu inglês.

I'm Alastair Budge, and today we are going to be talking

about Oxbridge, why two universities dominate life in the UK. |||||تسلط دارند بر|||| |Oxford and Cambridge|||||||| про Оксбридж, чому два університети домінують у житті Великої Британії.

Oxbridge, if you hadn't guessed, is the name for Oxford and Cambridge |in case|||||||||| Oxbridge, falls Sie es nicht erraten haben, ist der Name für Oxford und Cambridge Oxbridge, se você não adivinhou, é o nome de Oxford e Cambridge Оксбридж, якщо ви не здогадалися, - це назва Оксфорда та Кембриджа.

University, the two most famous and prestigious universities that ||||||معتبر|| University, die beiden berühmtesten und renommiertesten Universitäten, die

dominate everything from British politics to journalism to business. ||||||روزنامه‌نگاری|| домінують в усьому - від британської політики до журналістики та бізнесу.

And in this episode we are going to look at why that is, and what is being done about it. Und in dieser Folge werden wir uns ansehen, warum das so ist und was dagegen getan wird. Et dans cet épisode, nous allons voir pourquoi et ce qui est fait à ce sujet. E neste episódio veremos por que isso acontece e o que está sendo feito a respeito. І в цьому епізоді ми розглянемо, чому це так, і що з цим робиться.

We'll start with a brief look at the universities themself, the history of |||یک||||||||| |||||||||themselves||| ||||breve visão|||||||| Começaremos com um breve olhar sobre as próprias universidades, a história da Ми почнемо з короткого огляду самих університетів, історії їх створення

Oxford and Cambridge and how they are different from other universities in the Оксфорд і Кембридж та чим вони відрізняються від інших університетів у Великій Британії

UK, then we'll look at why graduates from these universities dominate so much of Reino Unido, veremos por que os graduados dessas universidades dominam tanto Великобританії, а потім ми розглянемо, чому випускники цих університетів так часто домінують у

British public life, and ask ourselves whether this will change any time soon. ||||||آیا|||||| britisches öffentliches Leben und fragen uns, ob sich das in absehbarer Zeit ändern wird. la vie publique britannique, et demandons-nous si cela va bientôt changer. vida pública britânica e nos perguntamos se isso mudará em breve. британського суспільного життя, і запитати себе, чи зміниться це найближчим часом.

OK then, Oxbridge. Гаразд, Оксбрідж.

Before we get right into this episode I should start with a little personal disclaimer. ||||||||||||||سلب مسئولیت شخصی ||||||segment|I should mention||||||| |nós|||||||||||||aviso legal Перш ніж ми перейдемо безпосередньо до цього епізоду, я повинен почати з невеликого особистого застереження.

I didn't study at either Oxford or Cambridge. I myself||||||| Ich habe weder in Oxford noch in Cambridge studiert. Je n'ai étudié ni à Oxford ni à Cambridge. Não estudei nem em Oxford nem em Cambridge. Я не навчався ні в Оксфорді, ні в Кембриджі.

I did apply for Oxford, and was given an interview but, like the I applied|||||||||||| Ich habe mich für Oxford beworben und bekam ein Vorstellungsgespräch, aber wie das J'ai postulé pour Oxford et j'ai eu un entretien mais, comme le Eu me inscrevi para Oxford e consegui uma entrevista, mas, como o Я подав документи до Оксфорду, пройшов співбесіду, але, як і в

almost 85% of other people who applied, I was not offered a place, |||||||بودم|||| ||||||eu||não||| Bei fast 85 % der anderen Bewerber wurde mir kein Platz angeboten, près de 85% des autres personnes qui ont postulé, on ne m'a pas proposé de place, quase 85% das outras pessoas que se inscreveram, não me ofereceram uma vaga, майже 85% інших людей, які подавали заявки, мені не запропонували місця,

and I went to another university called University College London. und ich ging zu einer anderen Universität namens University College London. і я вступив до іншого університету, який називається Університетський коледж Лондона.

Now, with that out of the way, let me start by saying that I |با|||||||||||| Nun, nachdem das aus dem Weg geräumt ist, lassen Sie mich zunächst sagen, dass ich Maintenant que cela est réglé, permettez-moi de commencer par dire que je Тепер, коли це вже позаду, дозвольте мені почати з того, що я

imagine you will have heard of Oxford and Cambridge University. Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie haben von Oxford und der Cambridge University gehört. imagine que você já ouviu falar da Universidade de Oxford e Cambridge. Уявіть, що ви чули про Оксфордський та Кембриджський університети.

They are two of the most famous universities in the world, and often São duas das universidades mais famosas do mundo, e frequentemente Це два найвідоміші університети світу, і часто

come first in the global rankings of the best universities in the world. den ersten Platz in der globalen Rangliste der besten Universitäten der Welt einnehmen. vêm em primeiro lugar no ranking global das melhores universidades do mundo. посідають перші місця в глобальних рейтингах найкращих університетів світу.

Together with places like Harvard, Stanford and MIT, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

you will find Oxford and Cambridge on pretty much every list of top five universities worldwide. vous trouverez Oxford et Cambridge sur pratiquement toutes les listes des cinq meilleures universités du monde. você encontrará Oxford e Cambridge em praticamente todas as listas das cinco principais universidades do mundo. ви знайдете Оксфорд і Кембридж практично в кожному списку п'яти найкращих університетів світу.

No doubt you knew that already, but what you might not have known is quite how much Zweifellos wussten Sie das bereits, aber was Sie vielleicht nicht wussten, ist, wie viel Vous le saviez sans doute déjà, mais ce que vous ne saviez peut-être pas, c'est à quel point Sem dúvida você já sabia disso, mas o que talvez não soubesse é o quanto Nepochybne ste to už vedeli, ale možno ste nevedeli, ako veľmi Без сумніву, ви вже знали про це, але чого ви могли не знати, так це того, наскільки

Oxford and Cambridge, or simply, Oxbridge, dominates the ruling class in Britain. ||||||||classe dominante||| Оксфорд і Кембридж, або просто Оксбридж, домінують у правлячому класі Британії.

Graduates from Oxbridge make up less than 1% of the UK population, but make up Les diplômés d'Oxbridge représentent moins de 1 % de la population britannique, mais constituent Absolventi Oxbridge tvoria menej ako 1 % populácie Spojeného kráľovstva, ale tvoria Випускники Оксбриджу складають менше 1% населення Великобританії, але вони

75% of senior judges, 51% of diplomats, 47% of columnists for major newspapers, 75 % der hochrangigen Richter, 51 % der Diplomaten, 47 % der Kolumnisten großer Zeitungen, 75 % vyšších sudcov, 51 % diplomatov, 47 % publicistov vo veľkých novinách, 75% старших суддів, 51% дипломатів, 47% колумністів великих газет,

a quarter of MPs, of members of parliament, and one in five civil servants. |||||||||||||government employees ein Viertel der Abgeordneten, der Abgeordneten und jeder fünfte Beamte. un quart des députés, des parlementaires et un fonctionnaire sur cinq. štvrtina poslancov, členov parlamentu a každý piaty štátny zamestnanec. чверть народних депутатів, членів парламенту та кожен п'ятий державний службовець.

And neither university is particularly large, in terms of how many students it takes. |||||||number of|||||| Und keine der beiden Universitäten ist besonders groß, was die Anzahl der Studierenden betrifft. Et aucune université n'est particulièrement grande, en termes de nombre d'étudiants qu'il faut. E nenhuma das universidades é particularmente grande em termos de número de alunos. Ani jedna z univerzít nie je obzvlášť veľká, pokiaľ ide o počet študentov. І жоден з університетів не є особливо великим, з точки зору кількості студентів.

Oxford only takes 12 and a half thousand undergraduates, and Cambridge takes a similar number. Oxford aceita apenas 12 mil e quinhentos alunos de graduação, e Cambridge recebe um número semelhante. Oxford prijíma len 12 a pol tisíca študentov a Cambridge podobný počet. Оксфорд приймає лише 12 з половиною тисяч студентів, а Кембридж - стільки ж.

Both universities have about the same number of postgraduate students, Masters and PhD Obe univerzity majú približne rovnaký počet postgraduálnych študentov, magistrov a doktorandov. Обидва університети мають приблизно однакову кількість аспірантів, магістрів та докторів філософії

students, which takes the total number of students studying at each university to around 25,000. alunos, o que leva o número total de alunos que estudam em cada universidade para cerca de 25.000. студентів, що доводить загальну кількість студентів, які навчаються в кожному університеті, приблизно до 25 000.

At Oxbridge in total, undergraduates and postgraduates in the two ||||||graduate students||| Загалом в Оксбриджі студенти та аспіранти двох факультетів

universities put together, there are fewer than 50,000 students, but these |||||menos de|||| universités réunies, il y a moins de 50 000 étudiants, mais ces universidades juntas, há menos de 50.000 alunos, mas esses В університетах, разом узятих, навчається менше 50 000 студентів, але ці

students have an outsized impact on Britain, and indeed, the wider world. |||significant|||||||| |||desproporcional|||||||| os alunos têm um impacto enorme na Grã-Bretanha e, de fato, no mundo em geral. študenti majú veľký vplyv na Veľkú Britániu a vlastne aj na celý svet. студенти мають величезний вплив на Британію, та й на весь світ.

As a point of comparison, Harvard has about 23,000, so it's about the same, while For example||||||||||||| Для порівняння, у Гарварді близько 23 000 студентів, тобто приблизно стільки ж, тоді як

universities like UC Berkeley have about 45,000 and the Sorbonne in Paris has over 55,000. universidades como a UC Berkeley têm cerca de 45.000 e a Sorbonne em Paris tem mais de 55.000. У таких університетах, як Берклі, навчається близько 45 000 студентів, а в Сорбонні в Парижі - понад 55 000.

Both Oxford and Cambridge, on a structural level, are very different Oxford e Cambridge, a nível estrutural, são muito diferentes Оксфорд і Кембридж на структурному рівні дуже відрізняються

from most universities in the UK, and most universities in the world. da maioria das universidades do Reino Unido e da maioria das universidades do mundo. з більшості університетів Великої Британії та більшості університетів світу.

The universities are divided into self-governing As universidades são divididas em autogovernadas Univerzity sú rozdelené na samosprávne Університети поділяються на самоврядні

colleges: Oxford has 39 colleges while Cambridge has 31. коледжів: Оксфорд має 39 коледжів, а Кембридж - 31.

On a linguistic level it might sound confusing, because what British people Sur le plan linguistique, cela peut sembler déroutant, car ce que les Britanniques Em um nível linguístico, pode parecer confuso, porque o que os britânicos Na jazykovej úrovni to môže znieť mätúco, pretože to, čo Briti На лінгвістичному рівні це може здатися незрозумілим, адже те, що британці

call “university”, Americans call both “college” and “school”, and in Oxford and appellent « université », les Américains appellent à la fois « collège » et « école », et à Oxford et chamam de “universidade”, os americanos chamam de “faculdade” e “escola”, e em Oxford e називають "університетом", американці - і "коледжем", і "школою", а в Оксфорді та

Cambridge you have the “university”, but within it you have separate “colleges”. ||||||dentro de||||| Cambridge, vous avez l'"université", mais en son sein, vous avez des "collèges" séparés. Cambridge você tem a “universidade”, mas dentro dela você tem “faculdades” separadas. V Cambridge máte "univerzitu", ale v rámci nej máte samostatné "vysoké školy". У Кембриджі є "університет", але всередині нього є окремі "коледжі".

The university is a sort of umbrella around the colleges, and the degree certificate A universidade é uma espécie de guarda-chuva em torno das faculdades, e o certificado de graduação Univerzita je akýmsi zastrešením vysokých škôl a certifikát o získaní titulu Університет є своєрідною парасолькою над коледжами, а диплом про вищу освіту

is from the university, but most of student life is dominated by the college. é da universidade, mas a maior parte da vida estudantil é dominada pela faculdade. je z univerzity, ale väčšine študentského života dominuje vysoká škola. походить з університету, але більшу частину студентського життя домінує коледж.

Students live in the college, and university professors, Os alunos moram na faculdade, e os professores universitários, У коледжі живуть студенти та викладачі університету,

otherwise known as “dons” are attached to a particular college. |||professors or fellows|||||| autrement appelés «dons» sont attachés à un collège particulier. também conhecidos como “dons” são vinculados a uma faculdade específica. inak známi ako "dons", sú viazaní na konkrétnu vysokú školu. інакше відомі як "дони", прикріплені до певного коледжу.

The reason for this is historical, Oxford and Cambridge originally Dôvod je historický, Oxford a Cambridge pôvodne

began as monastic-like institutions with the teaching staff – the dons, começaram como instituições de tipo monástico com o corpo docente - os dons, začínali ako kláštorné inštitúcie s učiteľským zborom - dónmi, починалися як монастирські заклади з викладацьким складом - донами,

who were priests originally – enclosed within the college's walls. |||||||college's premises| que eram padres originalmente – fechados dentro das paredes do colégio. ktorí boli pôvodne kňazmi - uzavretí v múroch kolégia. які спочатку були священиками - ув'язнені в стінах коледжу.

As you may know if you've been there, and you may know anyway if you've seen pictures, many of these Since||||||||||||||||||| Comme vous le savez peut-être si vous y êtes allé, et vous le savez peut-être de toute façon si vous avez vu des photos, bon nombre de ces Como você deve saber se já esteve lá, e pode saber de qualquer maneira se viu fotos, muitas dessas Як ви можете знати, якщо ви там були, і ви можете знати, якщо ви бачили фотографії, багато з них

colleges are incredibly beautiful buildings, with the most beautiful for many being the chapel. as faculdades são edifícios incrivelmente bonitos, sendo o mais bonito para muitos a capela. Vysoké školy sú neuveriteľne krásne budovy, pričom pre mnohých je najkrajšia kaplnka. Коледжі - це неймовірно красиві будівлі, найгарнішою з яких для багатьох є каплиця.

They did, after all, begin life as religious places, hence why |||||||||therefore| |||||||||daí o| Afinal, eles começaram a vida como lugares religiosos, por isso Koniec koncov, začali svoj život ako náboženské miesta, preto Зрештою, вони починали своє життя як релігійні місця, тому

no expense would be spared for the centre of religious worship. ||||||||||culto religioso aucune dépense ne serait épargnée pour le centre du culte religieux. nenhuma despesa seria poupada para o centro de culto religioso. na centre náboženských obradov sa nešetrilo. для центру релігійного поклоніння не шкодували б жодних коштів. 为了建立宗教礼拜中心,他们将不惜一切代价。

The emphasis placed on the self-contained college community also means that L'accent mis sur la communauté collégiale autonome signifie également que A ênfase colocada na comunidade universitária independente também significa que Dôraz kladený na samostatnú vysokoškolskú komunitu tiež znamená, že Наголос, який робиться на самодостатній спільноті коледжу, також означає, що 对自给自足的大学社区的重视也意味着

they have elegant, enclosed " quads” or squares and wonderful dining halls, ||||courtyards|||||| ils ont des "quads" ou des carrés élégants et fermés et de magnifiques salles à manger, eles têm "quads" ou quadrados elegantes e fechados e maravilhosos refeitórios, majú elegantné, uzavreté "štvorce" alebo námestia a nádherné jedálne,

such as the one you might be familiar with from the Harry Potter films. comme celui que vous connaissez peut-être dans les films Harry Potter. ako je ten, ktorý možno poznáte z filmov o Harrym Potterovi. Наприклад, той, що вам може бути знайомий з фільмів про Гаррі Поттера.

Unlike in many other universities, where there are large lectures attended by Contrairement à de nombreuses autres universités, où il y a de grandes conférences auxquelles assistent Ao contrário de muitas outras universidades, onde há grandes palestras assistidas por Na rozdiel od mnohých iných univerzít, kde sú veľké prednášky navštevujú

hundreds of students, and then there might be exams or assignments set at the end ||||||||||trabalhos|||| des centaines d'étudiants, puis il pourrait y avoir des examens ou des devoirs à la fin centenas de alunos, e então pode haver exames ou tarefas definidas no final stovky študentov, a potom tam môžu byť skúšky alebo úlohy stanovené na konci

of each term, undergraduate students at Oxbridge are typically taught in small de chaque trimestre, les étudiants de premier cycle à Oxbridge sont généralement enseignés dans de petites de cada período, os alunos de graduação em Oxbridge são normalmente ensinados em pequenas každého semestra sa študenti bakalárskeho štúdia na Oxbridge zvyčajne učia v malých

tutorial groups, often just two or three undergraduates to a single professor. výučbové skupiny, často len dvaja alebo traja vysokoškoláci na jedného profesora. навчальні групи, часто лише двоє чи троє студентів на одного професора.

This tutorial style makes the teaching particularly intimate and, as you can imagine, Este estilo tutorial torna o ensino particularmente íntimo e, como você pode imaginar, Такий стиль викладання робить навчання особливо інтимним і, як ви можете собі уявити, інтимним,

means that students are often pushed and challenged more than at typical universities. significa que os alunos são frequentemente pressionados e desafiados mais do que em universidades típicas. znamená, že študenti sú často vystavení väčším tlakom a výzvam ako na bežných univerzitách. означає, що студентів часто підштовхують і кидають їм більше викликів, ніж у звичайних університетах.

Another particularly unique aspect of Oxbridge is the sheer amount of Outra||única||||||a imensa|| Outro aspecto particularmente único da Oxbridge é a grande quantidade de Ďalším mimoriadne jedinečným aspektom Oxbridge je obrovské množstvo Ще одним особливо унікальним аспектом Оксбриджа є величезна кількість

work that most undergraduates are required to do on a weekly basis. travail que la plupart des étudiants de premier cycle sont tenus de faire sur une base hebdomadaire. trabalho que a maioria dos alunos de graduação deve fazer semanalmente. práca, ktorú musí väčšina vysokoškolákov vykonávať každý týždeň. робота, яку більшість студентів старших курсів повинні виконувати щотижня.

At many universities, throughout the UK but throughout much of the world, the workload, |||all over||||||||||amount of work |||||||||||||carga de trabalho Em muitas universidades, em todo o Reino Unido, mas em grande parte do mundo, a carga de trabalho, Na mnohých univerzitách vo Veľkej Británii, ale aj vo veľkej časti sveta, je pracovná záťaž,

the amount of work that you actually have to do, is not particularly strenuous. |||||||||||||exigente množstvo práce, ktoré musíte skutočne vykonať, nie je obzvlášť náročné.

In an average term, you might have to do a few assignments per ||||a student|||||||| Em um prazo médio, você pode ter que fazer algumas atribuições por V priemernom semestri budete musieť vypracovať niekoľko úloh za У середньому за семестр вам, можливо, доведеться виконати кілька завдань за

class, and you will normally be given several weeks to do them. classe, et vous aurez normalement plusieurs semaines pour les faire. classe, e você normalmente terá várias semanas para fazê-los. a na ich vypracovanie budete mať zvyčajne niekoľko týždňov. і на їх виконання вам зазвичай дається кілька тижнів.

At Oxbridge, students are required to be almost constantly doing assignments, every week there Na Oxbridge sa od študentov vyžaduje, aby takmer neustále plnili úlohy, každý týždeň

is a new assignment that needs to be completed within 7 days, and there is no option to extend. is a new assignment that needs to be completed within 7 days, and there is no option to extend. est une nouvelle mission qui doit être terminée dans les 7 jours, et il n'y a pas d'option de prolongation. é uma nova atribuição que precisa ser concluída em 7 dias e não há opção de prorrogação. je nová úloha, ktorú je potrebné dokončiť do 7 dní a nie je možné ju predĺžiť. це нове завдання, яке потрібно виконати протягом 7 днів, без можливості продовження.

The pace, the speed, is furious, and–as we'll come to discuss shortly–one of |o ritmo||||||||||||| Le rythme, la vitesse, est furieux, et - comme nous en parlerons bientôt - l'un des O ritmo, a velocidade, é furioso e - como discutiremos em breve - um dos Tempo, rýchlosť, je zúrivé a - ako o tom budeme hovoriť o chvíľu - jedným z Темп, швидкість, шалені, і - як ми незабаром обговоримо - одна з

the main skills that Oxford graduates often say that the university has given les principales compétences que les diplômés d'Oxford disent souvent que l'université a donné as principais habilidades que os graduados em Oxford costumam dizer que a universidade deu hlavné zručnosti, ktoré absolventi Oxfordu často uvádzajú, že im univerzita dala

is the ability to produce a large amount of work in a very short period of time. je schopnosť vytvoriť veľké množstvo práce za veľmi krátky čas.

If we contrast this to the university system in, let's say Italy–and In contrast|||||||||||| Ak to porovnáme s univerzitným systémom povedzme v Taliansku - a Якщо порівняти це з університетською системою, скажімо, в Італії - і

apologies if you are Italian, but I say this both having studied at an Italian excuses si vous êtes italien, mais je dis cela tous les deux ayant étudié dans un italien peço desculpas se você é italiano, mas digo isso por ter estudado em um italiano ospravedlňujem sa, ak ste Talian, ale hovorím, že to ako študoval na talianskej вибачте, якщо ви італієць, але я кажу це, навчаючись в італійській школі

university and my wife being Italian–there is little time pressure for most l'université et ma femme étant italienne - il y a peu de contraintes de temps pour la plupart universidade e minha esposa é italiana - há pouca pressão de tempo para a maioria univerzita a moja manželka je taliansky-je malý časový tlak pre väčšinu

subjects, and it isn't uncommon for people to take several years to graduate. matières, et il n'est pas rare que les gens prennent plusieurs années pour obtenir leur diplôme. assuntos, e não é incomum que as pessoas levem vários anos para se formar. a nezriedka trvá niekoľko rokov, kým ľudia ukončia štúdium. і нерідко людям потрібно кілька років, щоб закінчити навчання. 科目,人们需要几年时间才能毕业的情况并不少见。

At Oxbridge this simply isn't an option. В Оксбриджі це просто неможливо.

Every week there is a tremendous amount of work that needs to be Щотижня є величезна кількість роботи, яку потрібно виконати

completed, there is no hiding from it because you will have these terminé, il n'y a pas à s'en cacher car vous aurez ces concluído, não há como se esconder porque você terá esses завершено, від цього нікуди не сховатися, тому що у вас будуть ці

small tuition groups, and it simply isn't possible to not do the work. petits groupes de scolarité, et il n'est tout simplement pas possible de ne pas faire le travail.

The result of this is that you have this curious situation where students within each O resultado disso é que você tem essa situação curiosa em que os alunos de cada В результаті цього виникає цікава ситуація, коли студенти в кожній групі

college will often know each other very well, as they live and study together intensely, |are likely to||||||||||||| collège se connaissent souvent très bien, car ils vivent et étudient ensemble intensément, faculdade muitas vezes se conhecem muito bem, pois vivem e estudam juntos intensamente, часто дуже добре знають один одного, оскільки живуть і навчаються разом, інтенсивно співпрацюють,

but may not even have met other students doing the same course at another college. mais n'ont peut-être même pas rencontré d'autres étudiants suivant le même cours dans un autre collège. mas pode até não ter conhecido outros alunos fazendo o mesmo curso em outra faculdade. але, можливо, навіть не знайомі з іншими студентами, які навчаються на тому ж курсі в іншому коледжі.

Even within the university, some colleges are more prestigious than others. Même au sein de l'université, certains collèges sont plus prestigieux que d'autres. Mesmo dentro da universidade, algumas faculdades são mais prestigiadas do que outras. Навіть у межах університету деякі коледжі є більш престижними, ніж інші.

At Oxford, one of the most prestigious colleges is called Christ

Church, which was in fact founded by King Henry VIII in 1546.

It only teaches 730 undergraduate students per year, |apenas||||| Тут навчається лише 730 студентів бакалаврату на рік,

but has a formidable list of alumni, or former students. ||||||alunos formados||| mais a une liste formidable d'anciens élèves ou d'anciens étudiants. mas tem uma lista formidável de ex-alunos ou ex-alunos. але має значний список випускників або колишніх студентів.

Of the 28 British prime ministers educated at Oxford, 13 have come from this one college. Dos 28 primeiros-ministros britânicos formados em Oxford, 13 vieram dessa faculdade. З 28 британських прем'єр-міністрів, які здобули освіту в Оксфорді, 13 вийшли з цього коледжу.

But it's not just prime ministers.

Among its famous alumni you will find the philosopher John Entre seus famosos ex-alunos, você encontrará o filósofo John

Locke, and Robert Hooke, the 18th century scientist and inventor. Локка та Роберта Гука, вченого та винахідника 18-го століття.

Writers include the 1930s poet WH Auden and Lewis

Carroll, the author of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

Meanwhile at Cambridge, let us take a look at the other college Enquanto isso, em Cambridge, vamos dar uma olhada na outra faculdade А поки ми в Кембриджі, давайте подивимося на інший коледж

founded by Henry VIII, the prestigious Trinity College, which has

even fewer undergraduates than Christ Church Oxford at only 600. ainda menos graduandos do que Christ Church Oxford em apenas 600. навіть менше студентів, ніж в Оксфорді Крайст-Черч - лише 600.

Here, the record is not so much in prime ministers, although it can name six British Ici, le record n'est pas tant dans les premiers ministres, bien qu'il puisse nommer six britanniques Aqui, o recorde não é tanto de primeiros-ministros, embora possa citar seis britânicos

ones and five other ones, including the first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru. et cinq autres, dont le premier Premier ministre de l'Inde, Jawaharlal Nehru. 一位和其他五位,其中包括印度第一任总理贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁。

Trinity College is most famous for its Nobel prize winners.

Now, you might find this difficult to believe, but Trinity College Cambridge

has produced 34 Nobel laureates since Nobels started being awarded in 1901. produziu 34 laureados com o Nobel desde que os Nobels começaram a ser concedidos em 1901.

This is out of 118 that have been generated by Cambridge Isso é de 118 que foram gerados por Cambridge Це один з 118, які були створені Кембриджем.

University, and the 975 that have been awarded worldwide. University e os 975 premiados em todo o mundo.

Indeed, were Cambridge University a country, it would be the country En effet, si l'Université de Cambridge était un pays, ce serait le pays Дійсно, якби Кембриджський університет був країною, він був би країною

with the third highest number of Nobel prizes awarded in the world. avec le troisième plus grand nombre de prix Nobel décernés dans le monde.

And although Christ Church in Oxford and Trinity in Cambridge might be two of

the most prestigious colleges of the university, and typically perform best найпрестижніші коледжі університету і, як правило, показують найкращі результати

academically, every college is prestigious, and pretty much every single college

will have famous and notable alumni that have gone on to have a global influence. terá ex-alunos famosos e notáveis que passaram a ter uma influência global. матиме відомих та визначних випускників, які мають глобальний вплив.

Alumni of Oxbridge are too many to name, but let me just give you a few examples. Ex-alunos de Oxbridge são muitos para citar, mas deixe-me dar alguns exemplos. Випускників Оксбриджу занадто багато, щоб перелічити всіх, але дозвольте мені навести лише кілька прикладів.

The current UK prime minister, Boris Johnson, the previous Нинішній прем'єр-міністр Великої Британії Борис Джонсон, попередній

one, Theresa May, the one before that, David Cameron. один - Тереза Мей, попередній - Девід Кемерон.

Indeed, more British Prime Ministers have gone to Oxbridge than every other university put together. Дійсно, більше британських прем'єр-міністрів навчалися в Оксбриджі, ніж у всіх інших університетах разом узятих.

And of course it's not just prime ministers and politicians.


Tolkein, Emma Watson, Benazir Bhutto, Bill Clinton, Stephen Hawking, Rupert

Murdorch, Hugh Grant, Rowan Atkinson, who you might know better as Mr Bean, and Murdorch, Hugh Grant, Rowan Atkinson, que vous connaissez peut-être mieux sous le nom de Mr Bean, et Мердорч, Г'ю Грант, Роуен Аткінсон, якого ви, можливо, більше знаєте як містера Біна, та

Aung San Suu Kyi, they all spent time studying at either Oxford or Cambridge. Аун Сан Су Чжи, всі вони навчалися в Оксфорді або Кембриджі.

Now, to get back to the question of how and why Oxbridge has such an oversized |||||||||||||||exagerada Тепер, щоб повернутися до питання, як і чому Оксбридж має такий великий розмір

influence on British life, this is one that is often a subject of debate in the UK. ||||this topic|||||||||||| вплив на британське життя, це питання часто є предметом дискусій у Великій Британії.

Is it because the brightest and most ambitious students are attracted to Oxbridge, and therefore Чи тому, що в Оксбридж приїжджають найяскравіші та найамбітніші студенти, і тому

it's only natural that these young men and women will go on to have successful professional careers? Цілком природно, що ці юнаки та дівчата зроблять успішну професійну кар'єру?

Is it because the tuition system at Oxbridge is so intense and Чи це тому, що система навчання в Оксбриджі настільки інтенсивна і

personal, that of course it will produce more knowledgeable, productive особистим, що, звичайно, призведе до більш обізнаних, продуктивних

and capable graduates than students of another university system? і здібних випускників, ніж студенти іншої університетської системи?

Is it because the brand names of Oxford and Cambridge University are now so ||||marca|||||||||

recognised that if someone has this name on their CV, on their resume, that they |||||||||curriculum vitae|||||

will be given opportunities and job interviews where another candidate might not? aura-t-il des opportunités et des entretiens d'embauche là où un autre candidat pourrait ne pas le faire ?

Is it because of the alumni network that exists, of students living and Чи це через мережу випускників, яка існує, через те, що студенти живуть і

working in such close proximity, as each graduate forges their own career ||||||||forja||| працювати в такій близькості, адже кожен випускник будує власну кар'єру

path they will work with and help their former university colleagues?

Is it the confidence and charisma that going to Oxbridge Est-ce la confiance et le charisme qui vont à Oxbridge

instils in a young person, which often stays with them for life? Imprints on||||||||||| insuffle à un jeune, qui reste souvent avec lui toute sa vie ?

Or is it a combination of everything? Ou est-ce un mélange de tout ? Чи це поєднання всього?

As you'd imagine, there are countless articles in newspapers and journals |||||incontáveis|||os jornais|| Як ви можете собі уявити, існує незліченна кількість статей в газетах і журналах

about why exactly this is, but the result is, as we've seen, the sheer |||||||||||||pura про те, чому саме так, але результат, як ми вже бачили, очевидний

domination of British public life by graduates from these universities.

You might argue that this is an unhealthy situation, one where such a tiny One might argue|||||||||a situation where|||| Ви можете заперечити, що це нездорова ситуація, коли такий крихітний

proportion of the population has such a large impact on life in the country.

You might argue that it's a good thing, if the brightest and most capable 18 year olds are

given the opportunity to live and study with other similarly bright and capable 18 year

olds, so they can all learn from each other, be pushed forward by each other's ambition,

and generally do better than if they studied with a random collection of students.

Either opinion may be valid, but it does hinge upon whether you ||||||||depende de||| L'une ou l'autre opinion peut être valable, mais cela dépend si vous

believe that access to these universities is fair and unbiased. |||||||justa e imparcial||imparcial

And unfortunately, on this count, both universities have come under increasing pressure Et malheureusement, à ce titre, les deux universités subissent une pression croissante І, на жаль, з цього приводу обидва університети зазнають дедалі більшого тиску

and scrutiny, with critics saying that Oxford and Cambridge have historically preferred |close examination|||||||||| і ретельність, причому критики стверджують, що Оксфорд і Кембридж історично віддають перевагу

candidates from private schools, fee-paying schools, rather than state schools.

Six and a half percent of children in Britain go to private schools, but up until ||||||as crianças|||||||||

recently around 50% of Oxford and Cambridge graduates went to private schools. récemment, environ 50% des diplômés d'Oxford et de Cambridge sont allés dans des écoles privées. недавно около 50% выпускников Оксфорда и Кембриджа пошли в частные школы. Нещодавно близько 50% випускників Оксфорда та Кембриджа пішли до приватних шкіл.

In the past 20 years or so, both Oxford and Cambridge have pledged to increase the number of

places offered to candidates from state schools, and have a goal of 75% of places going to місць, що пропонуються кандидатам з державних шкіл, і мають на меті, щоб 75% місць дісталися

state school pupils, but there is still a way to go, with Oxford at 68% and Cambridge at 71%. учнів державних шкіл, але до цього ще далеко: в Оксфорді цей показник становить 68%, а в Кембриджі - 71%.

This being said, there are still critics who say that these statistics hide Ceci dit, il y a encore des critiques qui disent que ces statistiques cachent

another ugly truth, and that is that not all state schools are created equal. Ще одна неприємна правда полягає в тому, що не всі державні школи створені рівними.

Some are very high quality academically, while others are not. Деякі з них дуже якісні з академічної точки зору, а інші - ні.

And for exceptionally talented students who have not been lucky enough to go to a good school Et pour les étudiants exceptionnellement talentueux qui n'ont pas eu la chance d'aller dans une bonne école А для особливо талановитих учнів, яким не пощастило потрапити до хорошої школи