[[SFX: Silence & breathing]]
Would cheese age in a vacuum?
[[SFX: Silence & breathing]]
I wonder where Charlotte is.
[[SFX: Silence & breathing]]
Did I accidentally seal her up in the glasshouse?
[[SFX: Silence & breathing]]
...Hokay. This is kind of awkward. Nothing's happening. Every once in a while the metal door, like, budges slightly, but I must have done a better job welding it shut than I thought. I'll start recording again if anything significant happens -- otherwise, this is just going to be a whole lot of me breathing.
Which -- again, I want to stress that I am super happy about.
Scene 6
[[SFX: Inside vacuum suit, sounds grainy & enclosed]]
X: So… Here's something kind of weird. I've been staring through the viewport at the Enforcer One for the longest time, and I only just now noticed the viewport itself. The crystal has aged, or become covered with grime over the thousands of days since these pods have been active, and… well. There are words written there. A message.
It's in all caps and it looks like it was written in the grime with someone's fingertip. It says “FIND ME.” But backwards, as though written for someone outside of the Cavatica.
I don't know what --
Oh! [[Whispering]] They're through.
...Though I don't know why I'm whispering. You know. With the vacuum and all.
There are… three… four… five of them, all bipedal humanoids, all dressed or… encapsulated, I guess, in hard black suits with stiff joints and big insectoid helmets.
All of them… no, four of the five have square tanks built onto the backs of their suits with thick corrugated tubing feeding into the helmet. The fifth, which is bringing up the rear, has no such apparatus.
Two of the figures are carrying portable lighting devices, and two are carrying what I'm just going to assume are ridiculously large guns.
(Yes, I know what happens when you assume, but at this point I think a little caution will serve me well.)
The one without the helmet tubes has a small glowing datapad in its left hand. Age, gender, and even species at this point are indeterminable.
[[SFX: Heartbeat, gradual]]
Oh my gosh. There are other living being aboard the Cavatica. I… I think I might --
Okay, they're… they've split up into two groups, with one light and one gun carrier stationed at the entry point to secure an airlock seal, and the other three scouting up the hallway. Thankfully, they've gone toward the galley, in the opposite direction of my protein crates, and they haven't spotted me yet.
I keep wondering if I should, like, jump down and introduce myself or stab them with my paring knife or something, but then I remind myself that now is the time for waiting and observing.
At least it's interesting. And by interesting, I mean terrifying. What if these are the last few moments of my life?
[[Brief pause]]
Huh. Apparently, my brain wants to spend the last few moments of my life thinking about cheese.
[[SFX: Footsteps on clanking metal]]
Oh. They must be pumping in some kind of atmo through the remote connector, because now I can hear their footsteps.
Gosh. I really hope they breathe oxygen.
The two I can see appear to be communicating with each other -- every once in awhile they'll bob their heads or gesture with their hands. They must have internal communicators set to a local frequency.
I wish I knew where the other three had --
[[SFX: Loud clunk, abrupt static, vague echoes…]]
Scene 7
[[SFX: Slight echo, ominous hum]]
X: [[Harried, on the verge of panic]] Okay. That… did not go well. Earlier, when I said that I'm not good at talking to people? I may have been… generously optimistic.
At least they've given me back my recorder. [[Frowns]] Though I think someone took it apart and put it back together in a hurry, because the analog buttons are all loose and the data tracker was backed up to an entry from more than like 5,000 days ago.
Also, my little sunglasses-wearing penguin sticker that said “Chill Out” has been scraped off.
OH. AND ALSO, I'm in prison.
I probably should have led with that.