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Steve's Language Learning Tips, Do we learn about the culture in the new language or our own?

Do we learn about the culture in the new language or our own?

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here

Today. I'm going to continue on this whole subject of exploring the cultures and the histories of, of the, you know, the people and the, and the language group that we're studying. Uh, remember if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe. Uh, you can tap or click on the bell to get notifications and, uh, I welcome you to come and join me at LingQ.

Where I learn languages. So I'm now of course doing my Persian. I'm doing a little bit of Mini Stories, not too much because I've listened to them so often I'm kind of tired of them, but I know they do me good. It's like having a workout in the gym. Working certain, uh, you know, core muscles because they're the core structures, but then the core structures will show up elsewhere as well.

So I'm kind of spending most of my time now on the history of Iran, 26 episodes by, uh, Sahra, who is our collaborator in Iran. And I like listening to her voice. And, uh, so th the, um, you know, one of the questions that comes up is. You know, uh, are you, do you get a better understanding of the country, the history, et cetera, if you do it in the language, as opposed to doing it, say in English or French or a language that I'm more comfortable in?

So I gave that some thought and I kind of break it down this way. Uh, it's always easier for me to read in English and than in most languages, possibly with the exception of French, which I can read quite comfortably. Um, and Spanish. I mean, those are easy to read anytime you're in a different writing system, like Japanese, Chinese, Russian, it's just a little more difficult.

Because you're, you haven't read as many millions and millions of words in those writing systems as you have in your, you know, most familiar writing system. Uh, so it's easy for me. I it's instant meaning I can leaf through the book. I get it. I it's instant meaning. So that's always easier than reading about the country,

say in Chinese, which I read fairly comfortably, or let's say in Persian, which I don't read very comfortably. It's easier to read in English. But what I found is if you can listen to an audio book about the history and I have done this, uh, even historical novels, like, uh, I promessi sposi in Italian, you know, I like these, uh, but listening to the history of Russia, the history of Ukraine, uh, the history of Poland, I've listened to in Polish.

Now hearing the history of. Of Per... of, of Iran, fortunately sort of simplified for me because Sahra has produced this wonderful series with audio and text and circling questions. So it's, it's digestible, but digestible, but still it's the fact that I'm connecting. There is a resonance there. I am connecting with the country, the history, the language.

And that it gives me a level of depth of, of sort of resonance that I don't get in the book. If I'm looking for information, I want to find out what happened, you know, Sahra talks about the, you know, because each one of her episodes deals with a different dynasty. So it's the 15th century, the Mongolian inva... invasions or the, uh, (Persian) or whatever period.

If I really wanted to delve into that and get more in-depth knowledge, I would probably end up reading in English. And in fact, someone on Twitter, and even a person here recommended a book on the history of Iran. And I have actually ordered those from Kindle. So I will be reading those in English, but...

listening to it is a degree of resonance. Now it has to be well narrated. It has to be by a person with a pleasant voice and good quality sound. Very often that means a professional narrator, an audio book, and I have. Behind me, tons of audio books, uh, Czech history, you know, the (Czech) had this (Czech) , which was a history of, of the Czech people within the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Holy Roman Empire or whatever.

Um, so that I love doing, but I cheat because to really catch up on what happened in those histories, I end up reading in English because it's just that much easier. Um, so, but the connection, it brings you closer, that... and especially, and this is another important point. I think a lot, I stress listening.

I always say I spend, most of my time listening. Someone asked me how much time do I spend reading every day? Well, you know, I probably listen an hour between working out and cleaning up and so forth. But the reading, say on my iPad in LingQ is maybe 30, 40, 50 minutes a day. But I also read another half hour or more in English a day.

Uh, but the, uh, when you're listening, you know, it's so very important that the voice that you like the voice that the voice has a resonance. I still remember some of the, uh, books I listened to say Ukrainian history. I can't even remember the professor's name, but he had a wonderful sort of, there was a certain whether it was the intonation or the voice it was pleasing.

And so it's very important. And that's where very often, uh, the audio that accompanies texts, teaching, whatever it might be, even Persian or Japanese, English, uh, French, if it isn't, if there is no resonance that if it's not pleasant to listen to. Then it's, um, you know, that kind of defeats the purpose. So in a way, reading is for information, reading is to find out more about the culture of the history and so forth.

And, uh, the listening is for the connection, the resonance, the emotion, uh, that ties you to the language and gives you that sense that you're sort of participating. So I hope that explains it. So I still think we rely on reading in our own language. Uh, in order to cover more ground and learn more about the country.

And, and when we're reading in our own language, you're not even conscious of reading. It's just meaning, uh, whenever you're reading in a foreign language, you were sort of, to some extent your sub-vocalizing, you're kind of parsing, you're looking up words. It just takes much, much longer. I know it say when I'm going through the, uh, history of Iran and sentence by sentence, in sentence-view at LingQ.

Uh, I turned on the Google Translate... bang, I got the meaning right away. Now I go word for word through the, you know, Farsi, the Persian, and it takes much, much longer. It's, it's a bit of a journey across going of course, right to left, across all those words, looking at the odd one I don't know. Even if I know them all, it takes me much longer to read it.

Whereas the meaning in English, it's just there. However, the listening, the listening is what I take away with me that I hear over and over again. I hear the same, uh, words over and over again. And they gradually become part of me because I hear them. And I hear them, uh, you know, in a voice that is pleasant to me.

So there you have it, you know, your own language, the target language to explore the culture, the history of the country, the pros and cons of each. Thank you. Bye.

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Do we learn about the culture in the new language or our own? ||||||||||||eigenen Lernen wir etwas über die Kultur in der neuen Sprache oder in unserer eigenen? Do we learn about the culture in the new language or our own? ¿Aprendemos sobre la cultura en la nueva lengua o en la nuestra? Apprenons-nous la culture dans la nouvelle langue ou dans la nôtre ? Impariamo a conoscere la cultura nella nuova lingua o nella nostra? 新しい言語で文化を学ぶのか、それとも自分たちの言語で学ぶのか。 새로운 언어로 문화에 대해 배우나요, 아니면 우리 언어로 배우나요? Leren we over de cultuur in de nieuwe taal of in onze eigen taal? Czy uczymy się o kulturze w nowym języku, czy w naszym własnym? Aprendemos sobre a cultura na nova língua ou na nossa própria língua? Мы изучаем культуру на новом языке или на своем родном? Kültürü yeni dilde mi yoksa kendi dilimizde mi öğreniyoruz? Ми дізнаємося про культуру новою мовою чи рідною? 我们是用新语言还是我们自己的语言来了解文化? 我們是用新語言還是我們自己的語言來了解文化?

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here

Today. I'm going to continue on this whole subject of exploring the cultures and the histories of, of the, you know, the people and the, and the language group that we're studying. |||||||Thema|||||||Geschichten|||||||||||||||| Uh, remember if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe. ||||aimez|||| ||||||||abonniere Uh, you can tap or click on the bell to get notifications and, uh, I welcome you to come and join me at LingQ. |||点击|||||||||||||||||||| |||tippen||||||||Benachrichtigungen|||||||||||| |||||クリック||||||||||||||||||LingQ |||tocar||||||||||||||||||||

Where I learn languages. So I'm now of course doing my Persian. ||||bien sûr||| I'm doing a little bit of Mini Stories, not too much because I've listened to them so often I'm kind of tired of them, but I know they do me good. |||||||||||||||||||||müde||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||benefit me It's like having a workout in the gym. ||avoir||||| ||||Trainingseinheit||| Working certain, uh, you know, core muscles because they're the core structures, but then the core structures will show up elsewhere as well. |||||||||||||||основные||||||| ||||||muscles du tronc|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||in other places|| ||||||||||||||||||||em outros lugares|| |bestimmten|||||Muskeln||||||||||||||woanders|| |特定の||||||||||||||||||||| 锻炼某些核心肌肉,因为它们是核心结构,但核心结构也会出现在其他地方。

So I'm kind of spending most of my time now on the history of Iran, 26 episodes by, uh, Sahra, who is our collaborator in Iran. ||||||||||||||||||||||сотрудник|| ||||||||||||||||||||||collaboratrice|| ||||||||||||||||||||||partner|| ||||||||||||||||||||||colaboradora no Irã|| ||||verbringe|||||||||||Folgen|||||||Mitarbeiterin|| ||||||||||||||||||||||共同研究者|| And I like listening to her voice. And, uh, so th the, um, you know, one of the questions that comes up is. |||||||||||||se pose|| You know, uh, are you, do you get a better understanding of the country, the history, et cetera, if you do it in the language, as opposed to doing it, say in English or French or a language that I'm more comfortable in? ||||||||||||||||etc|etc||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||im Gegensatz zu|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||その|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||etcétera|||||||||em oposição|||||||||||||||| 你知道吗,呃,你是否对这个国家、历史等等有了更好的了解,如果你用这种语言来做,而不是用英语或法语或我正在做的语言来做更舒服?

So I gave that some thought and I kind of break it down this way. 所以我想了想,然后我把它分解了。 Uh, it's always easier for me to read in English and than in most languages, possibly with the exception of French, which I can read quite comfortably. ||||||||||||||||||Ausnahme|||||||| ||||||||||||||||||例外|||||||| Um, and Spanish. I mean, those are easy to read anytime you're in a different writing system, like Japanese, Chinese, Russian, it's just a little more difficult. |||||||jederzeit|||||||||||||||| |||||||a qualquer momento||||||||||||||||

Because you're, you haven't read as many millions and millions of words in those writing systems as you have in your, you know, most familiar writing system. ||||||||||||||||||||||||vertrautesten|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||書き方| Uh, so it's easy for me. I it's instant meaning I can leaf through the book. ||мгновенный||||||| ||sofort||||blättern||| ||immediate, quick||||||| ||すぐに||||||| ||||||hojear||| 它是即时的,意味着我可以翻阅这本书。 I get it. I it's instant meaning. ||sofortige Bedeutung| 我是即时的意思。 So that's always easier than reading about the country,

say in Chinese, which I read fairly comfortably, or let's say in Persian, which I don't read very comfortably. ||||||ziemlich|||||||||||| ||||||||||||فارسی|||||| sagen wir auf Chinesisch, was ich ziemlich bequem lese, oder sagen wir auf Persisch, was ich nicht sehr bequem lese. It's easier to read in English. But what I found is if you can listen to an audio book about the history and I have done this, uh, even historical novels, like, uh, I promessi sposi  in Italian, you know, I like these, uh, but listening to the history of Russia, the history of Ukraine, uh, the history of Poland, I've listened to in Polish. ||||||||||||||||||||||||romans historiques||||les fiancés|||||tu sais||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||historische Romane||||Die Verlobten|Die Verlobten||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||the betrothed||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||約束された花嫁|約束された花嫁|||||||||||||||||歴史(3)||ウクライナの歴史||||||||||

Now hearing the history of. Of Per... of, of Iran, fortunately sort of simplified for me because Sahra has produced this wonderful series with audio and text and circling questions. |||||к счастью||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||un peu simplifié|||||||||||||||| |||||zum Glück|||einfacher|||||||||||||||Fragen mit Kreisen| ||||||||simplificado||||||produziu|||||||||| So it's, it's digestible, but digestible, but still it's the fact that I'm connecting. |||усвояемое||усвояемое||||||||соединяюсь |||digestible|||||||||| |||easy to understand|||||||||| |||digerível|||||||||| |||verdaulich||||trotzdem|||||| |||消化可能|||||||||| There is a resonance there. |||echo or vibration| |||共鳴| I am connecting with the country, the history, the language. |||||||||lingua, idioma

And that it gives me a level of depth of, of sort of resonance that I don't get in the book. ||||||||profondeur|||||||||||| ||||||||Tiefe|||||||||||| ||||||||深さ|||||||||||| |||||||||||||ressonância||||||| If I'm looking for information, I want to find out what happened, you know, Sahra talks about the, you know, because each one of her episodes deals with a different dynasty. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ruling family ||||||||||||||||||||||||||扱っている|||| So it's the 15th century, the Mongolian inva... invasions or the, uh, (Persian) or whatever period. |||||||вторжения|вторжения||||||| |||||||invasions|||||||| ||||||Mongolian|invasion|||||||| |||||||invasão|||||||| |||||||Invasion|Invasionen||||||| |||||||||||||||時代 |||||||invasiones||||||||

If I really wanted to delve into that and get more in-depth knowledge, I would probably end up reading in English. |||||углубиться|||||||||||||||| |||voulais||explorer|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||understanding|||||||| |||||aprofundar-me|||||||||||||||| |||||eintauchen|||||||tiefergehende|Wissen|||||||| |||||approfondire|||||||||||||||| |||||深入研究|||||||||||||||| |||||掘り下げ|||||||||||||||| |||||profundizar|||||||||||||||| 如果我真的想深入研究并获得更深入的知识,我可能会选择阅读英文书籍。 And in fact, someone on Twitter, and even a person here recommended a book on the history of Iran. |||||||||||empfahl||||||| And I have actually ordered those from Kindle. |||||||Kindle ||||pedido|||Kindle So I will be reading those in English, but...

listening to it is a degree of resonance. |||||Grad|| |||||||共鳴の度合い Now it has to be well narrated. ||||||narrée ||||||gut erzählt ||||||well told ||||||語られる ||||||bem narrado 现在必须好好叙述一下。 It has to be by a person with a pleasant voice and good quality sound. |||||||||angenehmer||||| Very often that means a professional narrator, an audio book, and I have. ||||||рассказчик|||||| ||||||Erzähler|||||| Behind me, tons of audio books, uh, Czech history, you know, the (Czech) had this (Czech) , which was a history of, of the Czech people within the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Holy Roman Empire or whatever. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Sainte|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Austro-Hungarian realm||||| ||toneladas||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Sagrada|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||im||||||||| ||Tantissimi|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||など

Um, so that I love doing, but I cheat because to really catch up on what happened in those histories, I end up reading in English because it's just that much easier. ||||||||triche||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||schummeln|||||||||||Geschichten|||||||||||| ||||||||imbroglio||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||enganar||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||英語で読む||||||||||||||||||||||| Eso me encanta hacerlo, pero hago trampas porque para ponerme al día de verdad sobre lo que pasó en esas historias, acabo leyendo en inglés porque es mucho más fácil. 嗯,我喜欢这样做,但我会作弊,因为要真正了解那些历史中发生的事情,我最终会用英语阅读,因为这样更容易。 Um, so, but the connection, it brings you closer, that... and especially, and this is another important point. ||||||vous rapproche||||||||||| |||||||||||insbesondere|||||| I think a lot, I stress listening. |||||ストレス| |||||me estreso| 我思考很多,我重视倾听。

I always say I spend, most of my time listening. Someone asked me how much time do I spend reading every day? Well, you know, I probably listen an hour between working out and cleaning up and so forth. |||||||||||||||etc| ||||||||||||||||und so weiter But the reading, say on my iPad in LingQ is maybe 30, 40, 50 minutes a day. But I also read another half hour or more in English a day. |||||une demi|||||en anglais|| ||||||||||||1日

Uh, but the, uh, when you're listening, you know, it's so very important that the voice that you like the voice that the voice has a resonance. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||résonance ||||||||||||||||||||||||||共鳴 I still remember some of the, uh, books I listened to say Ukrainian history. |immer noch|||||||||||| |ainda|||||||||||| I can't even remember the professor's name, but he had a wonderful sort of, there was a certain whether it was the intonation or the voice it was pleasing. |||||professeur|||||||||||||||||||||||agréable |||||des Professors|||||||||||||ob||||Intonation||||||angenehm |||||||||||||種類|||||||||||||||心地よい |||||do professor|||||||||||||se era||||||||||agradável 我甚至不记得那位教授的名字,但他的说话方式非常奇妙,无论是语调还是声音,都令人愉悦。

And so it's very important. And that's where very often, uh, the audio that accompanies texts, teaching, whatever it might be, even Persian or Japanese, English, uh, French, if it isn't, if there is no resonance that if it's not pleasant to listen to. |||||||||сопровождает||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||accompagne||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||goes with|||||||||||||||||||||appeal|||||||| |||||||||acompanha||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||begleitet||||||||||||||||||||||||||angenehm||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||risonanza sonora|||||||| そして|||||||||伴う|||||かもしれない||||||||||||||||共鳴|||||||| Then it's, um, you know, that kind of defeats the purpose. ||||||||contredit|| ||||||||verfehlt||Zweck ||||||||vanifica|| ||||||||anula|| ||||||||無駄にする||目的 So in a way, reading is for information, reading is to find out more about the culture of the history and so forth. |||一つの方法で|||||||||||||||||||

And, uh, the listening is for the connection, the resonance, the emotion, uh, that ties you to the language and gives you that sense that you're sort of participating. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||участвуете ||||||||||||||verbindet||||||||||||||teilnehmen |||||||||共鳴||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||liga|||||||||||||| So I hope that explains it. ||||erklärt| Así que espero que eso lo explique. So I still think we rely on reading in our own language. ||immer noch|||verlassen|||||| |||||fare affidamento|||||| Uh, in order to cover more ground and learn more about the country.

And, and when we're reading in our own language, you're not even conscious of reading. ||||||||||||bewusst|| It's just meaning, uh, whenever you're reading in a foreign language, you were sort of, to some extent your sub-vocalizing, you're kind of parsing, you're looking up words. ||||||||||||||||||||||||разбор|||| |||||||||||||||||||sous-vocalisation|sous-vocalisant||||analyser|||| ||understanding significance||||||||||||||||||sounding out||||analyzing|||| ||||sempre que|||||||||||||||sub-vocalização|vocalizando internamente||||analisando|||| ||||immer wenn|||||fremden||||||||zum Teil||unterbewusst|leise sprechen||||analysieren|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||analizzando il testo|||| ||||||||||||||||||||默读||||解析|||| ||||||||||外国語|||||||||内的|声に出して読む||||文の解析||調べて|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||analizando sintácticamente|||| つまり、外国語を読んでいるときはいつも、ある程度、サブボーカルのようなもので、解析したり、単語を調べたりしているんだ。 这只是意味着,呃,无论何时你用外语阅读,你都会在某种程度上进行默读,进行解析,查找单词。 It just takes much, much longer. I know it say when I'm going through the, uh, history of Iran and sentence by sentence, in sentence-view at LingQ. ||||||||||||||||||sentence view||| ||||||||||||||||Conoscere la storia||||| 当我在 LingQ 的句子视图中逐句了解伊朗历史时,我知道它会说些什么。

Uh, I turned on the Google Translate... bang, I got the meaning right away. |||||||et voilà|||||| |||||||pá|||||| Uh, encendí el Google Translate... bang, entendí el significado enseguida. Now I go word for word through the, you know, Farsi, the Persian, and it takes much, much longer. ||||||||||波斯语|||||||| It's, it's a bit of a journey across going of course, right to left, across all those words, looking at the odd one I don't know. |||||||||||||||||||||странное|||| ||||||Reise|über||||||von links|über|||||||seltsamen|||| |||||||||||||||||||||strano|||| |||||||||||||||||||||estranha||||sei Es, es un poco de un viaje a través de ir, por supuesto, de derecha a izquierda, a través de todas esas palabras, mirando a la extraña que no sé. Even if I know them all, it takes me much longer to read it. даже||||||||||||| |||||||||||||それ

Whereas the meaning in English, it's just there. Enquanto isso||||||| However, the listening, the listening is what I take away with me that I hear over and over again. I hear the same, uh, words over and over again. And they gradually become part of me because I hear them. ||постепенно|||||||| ||allmählich|||||||| And I hear them, uh, you know, in a voice that is pleasant to me. ||||||||||||angenehm||

So there you have it, you know, your own language, the target language to explore the culture, the history of the country, the pros and cons of each. |||||||||||||||||||||||||pros et cons|| |||||||||||||||||||||||os prós||os prós e contras|| |||||||||||||||||||||||Vorteile||Vor- und Nachteile|| |||||||||||||||||||||||vantaggi||contro|| |||||||||||||||||||||||优点|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||各々の利点|利点||利点と欠点||それぞれの Así que ahí lo tienes, ya sabes, tu propio idioma, el idioma de destino para explorar la cultura, la historia del país, los pros y los contras de cada uno. Thank you. Bye. さようなら