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Steve's Language Learning Tips, Learning Arabic & Persian: Language Challenge Week 2

Learning Arabic & Persian: Language Challenge Week 2

I realize I'm stumbling as I'm speaking. So as a result of speaking with Sahra every day, I decided that I should go back and review the verbs.

Hi there, Steve Kaufman here again. And, uh, I, first of all, I want to review my week. Uh, my... I'm in this, uh, you know, a Streak with Steve challenge and I'm trying to maintain my LingQ streak and Arabic and Persian.

So I want to update you on my activities for the past week. Remember if you, uh, enjoy these videos, please subscribe, uh, click on the bell for... for notifications. Um, you know, I'm, I'm hoping, and I think the reaction I get from any of my viewers is that, uh, my videos doing encourage them in language learning.

I think it's very important for people to be encouraged. I think the most important role that anyone involved in language teaching or language instruction, the most important role one can have is to, is to trigger curiosity, enthusiasm, hunger, the desire to learn. That's the absolute key, more important than any explanations or techniques of learning or anything of those, uh, of that kind it's to get people motivated to trigger their enthusiasm, their hunger for learning.

So I had my week, uh, in Persian in Farsi in Persian, and every day I spoke with my tutor Sahra in Iran who is in the town of Rasht in Gilan province, in Northern Iran. And she showed me some pictures from there and it looks, semi-tropical quite unlike the image that we normally have of Iran is sort of a very dry climate.

And, um, I certainly feel that I spoke a lot better at the end of the week than I did at the beginning of the week. I try to start my day with 13, my obligatory, obligatory sort of minimal goal of 13 LingQs created in each of Arabic and Persian. So I do that. Get that out of the way. That's my sort of duty.

Uh, and I did, uh, again, a lot of listening and reading, but in particular as a result of, of, uh, talking to Sahra every day for an hour, of course, I realized where my gaps are. And the biggest problem I have is with verbs. Of course, I'm missing a lot of vocabulary, but I like I'll, you know, acquire those over time.

Uh, I'm often missing some of the most basic items of vocabulary, which I've forgotten, which I once knew. And, uh, as I said, in one of my tweets, I'm always impressed with how easy it is to forget even the most basic, you know, words in the language. And yet here we are, I'm speaking with Sahra, we have a conversation.

So some words do stick, but some words when I need them, I can't find them. That's absolutely normal. And, but what I find is that verbs give me trouble. And I think that's true in a lot of languages. That's why our mini stories at LingQ focus on the most, you know, common verbs in the language, the highest frequency verbs for comprehension.

Of course, we're always going to miss some key nouns, but when we go to speak, I find that if I can't do well on the verbs, I have a lot of trouble expressing myself. And when I was speaking with her, I realized that I was. For example, in, in Persian, there's a subjunctive. And when do you actually use the subjunctive?

And, and, uh, there are different tenses, uh, and, and in the spoken form of the language, there's no future. So it seems strange that we're using the present tense for the future tense. And there are many things like that that I realize I'm stumbling as I'm speaking. So as a result of speaking with Sahra every day, I decided that I should go back and review the verbs.

Which, and I've read this book many times and you know, it just has a hundred, the most, you probably can't see these too well but the highest frequency verbs in all their different forms. And I just kind of leaf through it. I go jump around, look up different verbs. The other thing I did was I did a lot of listening to the mini stories where I know, you know, I wouldn't say all, but a lot of the vocabulary, but the mini stories are based on the most frequently used verbs.

And there, you know, the story, you might have one story in one tense and another story in another tense or another person. So this is a great way to review the verbs. And I think this is again, an important point, you know, I've often said in some of my other videos that you can't master the basics. We're constantly looping back to do the basics.

Again, I've listened to the mini stories, 30, 40, 50 times. And I discover something new every time I listen. So to me, language learning as a matter of constantly looping back, we push forward into new content, uh, in order to quiet, acquire more vocabulary, but at the same and improve our comprehension.

But at the same time, in order to be able to talk, we have to be able to use the words, the verbs rather. And so I go back to the mini stories and there's this constant looping back and then charging forward. And of course it helps to have a great tutor that, you know, triggers that enthusiasm, that hunger,

uh, gets you going, uh, which is the case with Sahara. And I never have to think of what I'm going to say because she constantly asks me questions, keeps me going. I don't have to worry. What are we going to talk about? That's her problem, not my problem. And I know that she will get me talking and she's a wonderful tutor because she not only has created content for us at LingQ,

uh, on the history of Iran, on the cuisine of Iran on so many different things. Right now, she's done one on the famous Iranian movie directors, and she's even found, she sent me a 30-minute sound file from one of the famous Mahmud Farhadi is a famous director and he has this movie called The Salesman. Um, Forushande.

I don't remember. Uh, I don't worry about what I can remember and Forushande I think it is, but, but so then the sound file is so full of car noises and doors slamming and other miscellaneous noises that it's not great listening all by itself because it's not sufficiently word rich. And I think this is often the case with movies. Movies again, stimulate you. They create that hunger. You want to learn the language. Uh, I'm enjoying watching Danish, you know, Badehotellet, but in terms of really working on either verbs or increasing your vocabulary, uh, I find that, uh, audio content that's richer, denser in terms of words is more effective.

Anyway, that's what I've been doing. So I wanted to update you on my week two of my challenge. I think I'm keeping up with my streak. It's a low bar, 13 LingQs created every day. Uh, typically I'm creating, if it's the language that I'm on for that week, I'm creating, you know, 50, 60 at least, uh, next week I'm into Arabic.

Uh, and I'm hoping to be talking every day with Mohammed. I sometimes get very kind offers from people who say they'll help me in my Persian or my Arabic. Uh, right now I'm kind of committed to those tutors and don't have a lot of time to get involved with other people in those languages cause I'd also have other things to do.

The last two days I played golf with, with my wife and we did a lot of cleaning up after our renovations in the kitchen. So there's always lots of stuff to do, but I have my routine in Persian and Arabic and that's what I'm kind of sticking to.

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Learning Arabic & Persian: Language Challenge Week 2 Arabic & Persian||||Challenge 1|Week One 学習||||| Arabisch & Persisch lernen: Sprachliche Herausforderung Woche 2 Aprender árabe y persa: Desafío lingüístico Semana 2 Apprendre l'arabe et le persan : Défi linguistique Semaine 2 Imparare l'arabo e il persiano: Sfida linguistica Settimana 2 アラビア語&ペルシャ語を学ぶ:ランゲージチャレンジ2週目 아랍어와 페르시아어 배우기: 언어 챌린지 2주차 Arabisch en Perzisch leren: Taaluitdaging week 2 Nauka arabskiego i perskiego: Wyzwanie językowe tydzień 2 Aprender árabe e persa: Desafio linguístico Semana 2 Изучение арабского и персидского языков: Языковой вызов Неделя 2 Arapça ve Farsça Öğrenmek: Dil Yarışması 2. Hafta Вивчаємо арабську та перську: Мовний челендж, тиждень 2 学习阿拉伯语和波斯语:语言挑战第 2 周 學習阿拉伯語和波斯語:語言挑戰第 2 週

I realize I'm stumbling as I'm speaking. я|||спотыкаюсь||| |||tripping over words||| |||tateando||| |||ins Stocken geraten||| |||inciampando||| |||结结巴巴||| |||tartamudeando||| Ich merke, dass ich stolpere, während ich spreche. Me doy cuenta de que tropiezo mientras hablo. 私が話しているときにつまずいていることに気づきます。 So as a result of speaking with Sahra every day, I decided that I should go back and review the verbs. Nachdem ich also jeden Tag mit Sahra gesprochen hatte, beschloss ich, die Verben noch einmal zu wiederholen.

Hi there, Steve Kaufman here again. And, uh, I, first of all, I want to review my week. ||||||||чтобы||| Und, äh, zunächst möchte ich meine Woche Revue passieren lassen. Uh, my... I'm in this, uh, you know, a Streak with Steve challenge and I'm trying to maintain my LingQ streak and Arabic and Persian. |||||||||серия||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||aufrechterhalten||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||连续记录|||| Äh, mein... Ich nehme an dieser, äh, du weißt schon, Streak with Steve Challenge teil und versuche, meinen LingQ-Streak und Arabisch und Persisch beizubehalten.

So I want to update you on my activities for the past week. ||||aggiornare|||||||| Remember if you, uh, enjoy these videos, please subscribe, uh, click on the bell for... for notifications. Um, you know, I'm, I'm hoping, and I think the reaction I get from any of my viewers is that, uh, my videos doing encourage them in language learning. ||||||||||||||||||||||||поощряют||||

I think it's very important for people to be encouraged. I think the most important role that anyone involved in language teaching or language instruction, the most important role one can have is to, is to trigger curiosity, enthusiasm, hunger, the desire to learn. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||любопытство|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||fome de aprender|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Verlangen zu lernen|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||desiderio di apprendere|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||激发|好奇心||渴望学习|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||学びたい欲|||| That's the absolute key, more important than any explanations or techniques of learning or anything of those, uh, of that kind it's to get people motivated to trigger their enthusiasm, their hunger for learning. Das ist der absolute Schlüssel, wichtiger als alle Erklärungen oder Lerntechniken oder irgendetwas in dieser Art, ist es, die Menschen zu motivieren, ihren Enthusiasmus, ihren Hunger nach Lernen zu wecken.

So I had my week, uh, in Persian in Farsi in Persian, and every day I spoke with my tutor Sahra in Iran who is in the town of Rasht in Gilan province, in Northern Iran. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Рашт||Гилане|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Rasht G||Gilan province||||Iran |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Rasht||Gilan|||| Ich hatte also meine Woche, äh, auf Persisch in Farsi in Persisch, und jeden Tag habe ich mit meiner Tutorin Sahra im Iran gesprochen, die in der Stadt Rasht in der Provinz Gilan im Nordiran lebt. それで、私はペルシャ語でペルシア語のペルシア語で1週間過ごし、毎日、イラン北部のギラン州のラシュトの町にいるイランの家庭教師Sahraと話をしました。 And she showed me some pictures from there and it looks, semi-tropical quite unlike the image that we normally have of Iran is sort of a very dry climate. ||||||||||||热带的||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||partially tropical||||||||||||||||||weather conditions ||||||||||||||diversamente da||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||diferente de|||||||||||||||

And, um, I certainly feel that I spoke a lot better at the end of the week than I did at the beginning of the week. I try to start my day with 13, my obligatory, obligatory sort of minimal goal of 13 LingQs created in each of Arabic and Persian. ||||||||обязательный|обязательный||||||||||||| ||||||||required|||||||||||||| |||||||||verpflichtend||||||||||||| ||||||||必需的|||||||||||||| ||||||||義務的な|||||||||||||| |||||||||obligatorio||||||||||||| Ich versuche, meinen Tag mit 13 zu beginnen, meinem obligatorischen, obligatorischen Minimalziel von jeweils 13 LingQs auf Arabisch und Persisch. So I do that. Also mache ich das. Get that out of the way. Schaffen Sie das aus dem Weg. 邪魔にならないようにしてください。 That's my sort of duty. Das ist meine Art von Pflicht.

Uh, and I did, uh, again, a lot of listening and reading, but in particular as a result of, of, uh, talking to Sahra every day for an hour, of course, I realized where my gaps are. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Lücken| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||lacune| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||lacunas| And the biggest problem I have is with verbs. Of course, I'm missing a lot of vocabulary, but I like I'll, you know, acquire those over time.

Uh, I'm often missing some of the most basic items of vocabulary, which I've forgotten, which I once knew. ||||||||||||||not remembered|||| 呃,我經常會漏掉一些最基本的詞彙,我已經忘記了,但我曾經知道過。 And, uh, as I said, in one of my tweets, I'm always impressed with how easy it is to forget even the most basic, you know, words in the language. |||||||||твитах||||||||||||the|||||||| |||||||||tweets|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||ツイート|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||tuits|||impresionado||||||||||||||||| 而且,呃,正如我在我的一篇推文中所說的,我總是對忘記該語言中最基本的、你知道的單詞是多麼容易感到印象深刻。 And yet here we are, I'm speaking with Sahra, we have a conversation.

So some words do stick, but some words when I need them, I can't find them. ||||覚える||||||||||| That's absolutely normal. ||нормально And, but what I find is that verbs give me trouble. А|||||||||| And I think that's true in a lot of languages. |||||||||languages That's why our mini stories at LingQ focus on the most, you know, common verbs in the language, the highest frequency verbs for comprehension. |||||||||||||||||||||||понимания |||||||||||||||||||||||Verständnis

Of course, we're always going to miss some key nouns, but when we go to speak, I find that if I can't do well on the verbs, I have a lot of trouble expressing myself. |||||||||существительные||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||cannot||||||||||||| ||||||extrañaremos||palabras clave|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Por supuesto, siempre nos faltarán algunos sustantivos clave, pero cuando vamos a hablar, me doy cuenta de que si no me salen bien los verbos, tengo muchos problemas para expresarme. And when I was speaking with her, I realized that I was. For example, in, in Persian, there's a subjunctive. |||||||接続法 Například v perštině existuje konjunktiv. And when do you actually use the subjunctive? |||||||сослагательное нак A kdy vlastně ten konjunktiv používáte?

And, and, uh, there are different tenses, uh, and, and in the spoken form of the language, there's no future. そして、そして、ええと、異なる時制があります、ええと、そして、そして、言語の話し言葉の形では、未来はありません。 So it seems strange that we're using the present tense for the future tense. したがって、現在形を未来形に使用しているのは奇妙に思えます。 And there are many things like that that I realize I'm stumbling as I'm speaking. |||||||||||спотыкаюсь||| |||||||||||inciampando||| Y hay muchas cosas así en las que me doy cuenta de que tropiezo mientras hablo. 有很多類似的事情,我意識到自己在說話時結結巴巴。 So as a result of speaking with Sahra every day, I decided that I should go back and review the verbs.

Which, and I've read this book many times and you know, it just has a hundred, the most, you probably can't see these too well but the highest frequency verbs in all their different forms. |||||||||||||||сто||||||||||||||||||| Což, a tuhle knihu jsem četl mnohokrát a víte, má prostě sto, nejvíce pravděpodobně nevidíte příliš dobře, ale nejfrekventovanější slovesa ve všech jejich různých tvarech. Которые, и я читал эту книгу много раз, и знаете, в ней всего лишь сто, наверное, вы не можете хорошо увидеть их, но это наиболее часто употребляемые глаголы во всех их различных формах. Я прочитав цю книгу багато разів, і знаєте, вона має сотню, найбільше, ви, напевно, не дуже добре бачите це, але це найвищі частотні дієслова у всіх їхніх різних формах. 我已經讀過這本書很多次了,你知道,它只有一百個,最多,你可能看不太清楚,但是所有不同形式中出現頻率最高的動詞。 And I just kind of leaf through it. ||||||просматриваю| A já v tom jen tak nějak listuji. И я просто пролистываю её. І я просто переглядаю її. 我只是簡單地瀏覽了一下。 I go jump around, look up different verbs. Chodím skákat, hledám různá slovesa. Я прыгаю, ищу разные глаголы. Я стрибаю туди-сюди, шукаю різні дієслова. The other thing I did was I did a lot of listening to the mini stories where I know, you know, I wouldn't say all, but a lot of the vocabulary, but the mini stories are based on the most frequently used verbs. Další věc, kterou jsem udělal, bylo, že jsem hodně poslouchal minipříběhy, kde znám, víš, neřekl bych všechny, ale hodně slovní zásoby, ale minipříběhy jsou založeny na nejčastěji používaných slovesech.

And there, you know, the story, you might have one story in one tense and another story in another tense or another person. A tam, víte, ten příběh, můžete mít jeden příběh v jednom čase a další příběh v jiném čase nebo jinou osobu. 你知道,在故事中,你可能會用一種時態寫一個故事,而用另一種時態或另一個人寫另一個故事。 So this is a great way to review the verbs. And I think this is again, an important point, you know, I've often said in some of my other videos that you can't master the basics. A myslím, že toto je opět důležitý bod, víte, v některých svých dalších videích jsem často říkal, že nezvládnete základy. 我認為這又是一個重要的觀點,你知道,我經常在我的其他一些視頻中說過,你無法掌握基礎知識。 We're constantly looping back to do the basics. ||возвращаемся||||| |repeatedly|revisiting|return|||| ||zurückkehren||||| ||tornando indietro||||| ||循环回到||||| ||戻っている||||| ||regresando||||| Neustále se vracíme, abychom udělali základy. Volvemos constantemente a lo básico. 私たちは常に基本を行うためにループバックしています。

Again, I've listened to the mini stories, 30, 40, 50 times. And I discover something new every time I listen. So to me, language learning as a matter of constantly looping back, we push forward into new content, uh, in order to quiet, acquire more vocabulary, but at the same and improve our comprehension. ||||||||||||мы||||||||для того чтобы||успокоить||||||||||| ||||||||||revisiting||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||ciclare||||||||||||||||||||||| Takže pro mě učení jazyků jako záležitost neustálého opakování, tlačíme kupředu do nového obsahu, uh, abychom se ztišili, získali více slovní zásoby, ale zároveň a zlepšili naše porozumění. ですから、私にとって、言語学習は常にループバックすることで、新しいコンテンツを推進します。静かにし、より多くの語彙を習得すると同時に、理解力を向上させます。 所以對我來說,語言學習是一個不斷循環的問題,我們推進新的內容,呃,為了安靜,獲得更多詞彙,但同時提高我們的理解力。

But at the same time, in order to be able to talk, we have to be able to use the words, the verbs rather. |||||для|||||||||||||||||| Ale zároveň, abychom mohli mluvit, musíme umět používat slova, spíše slovesa. しかし同時に、話すことができるためには、動詞ではなく単語を使用できる必要があります。 但與此同時,為了能夠說話,我們必須能夠使用單詞,而不是動詞。 And so I go back to the mini stories and there's this constant looping back and then charging forward. |||||||||||||||||движение вперед| ||||||||||||repeated|||||| |||||||||||||||||avançando| A tak se vracím k minipříběhům a je tu neustálé opakování a následné nabíjení vpřed. 所以我回到迷你故事,不斷循環往復,然後向前衝鋒。 And of course it helps to have a great tutor that, you know, triggers that enthusiasm, that hunger, A samozřejmě pomáhá mít skvělého učitele, který, víte, spouští to nadšení, ten hlad,

uh, gets you going, uh, which is the case with Sahara. ||||||||||Сахара ||||||||||Sahara uh, dostane vás, uh, což je případ Sahary. And I never have to think of what I'm going to say because she constantly asks me questions, keeps me going. A nikdy nemusím myslet na to, co řeknu, protože mi neustále klade otázky a žene mě dál. Y nunca tengo que pensar en lo que voy a decir porque ella me hace preguntas constantemente, me hace seguir adelante. 我從來不用考慮我要說什麼,因為她不斷地問我問題,讓我繼續前進。 I don't have to worry. Nemusím se bát. What are we going to talk about? That's her problem, not my problem. And I know that she will get me talking and she's a wonderful tutor because she not only has created content for us at LingQ, A vím, že mě přiměje mluvit a je to skvělá lektorka, protože nejen pro nás vytvořila obsah v LingQ, 我知道她會讓我說話,她是一位出色的導師,因為她不僅為我們在 LingQ 創造了內容,

uh, on the history of Iran, on the cuisine of Iran on so many different things. ||||||||美食||||||| ух, о истории Ирана, о кухне Ирана и о многих других вещах. Right now, she's done one on the famous Iranian movie directors, and she's even found, she sent me a 30-minute sound file from one of the famous Mahmud Farhadi is a famous director and he has this movie called The Salesman. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||Махмуд Ф|Фархаді||||режиссёр|||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||Farhadi|Mahmud Farhadi||||||||||||The Salesman ||||||||||監督|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||directores|||||||||||||||||Mahmud Farhadi|Mahmud Farhadi||||||||||||El vendedor Právě teď udělala jednu o slavných íránských filmových režisérech a dokonce zjistila, že mi poslala 30minutový zvukový soubor od jednoho ze slavného Mahmuda Farhadiho, slavného režiséra a ten má tento film s názvem The Salesman. 現在、彼女は有名なイランの映画監督の1つを行っています。彼女は、有名な監督の1人である有名なMahmud Farhadiから30分のサウンドファイルを送ってくれました。彼は、この映画「セールスマン」を持っています。 Прямо сейчас она сделала один о знаменитых иранских режиссерах, и она даже нашла, она прислала мне 30-минутный звуковой файл от одного из известных Махмуда Фархаді, он известный режиссер и у него есть фильм под названием "Продавец". Um, Forushande. |продавец |seller |フォルシャンデ |vendedor Um, Forushande. Эм, Forushande.

I don't remember. nevzpomínám si. Я не помню. Uh, I don't worry about what I can remember and Forushande I think it is, but, but so then the sound file is so full of car noises and doors slamming and other miscellaneous noises that it's not great listening all by itself because it's not sufficiently word rich. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||шумов|||с дверями хлоп|||разные звуки|||||||||||||достаточно|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||doors closing forcefully|||varied background sounds|||||||||||||rich enough|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||batendo com força|||diversos sons||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||zuschlagen der Türen|||verschiedenen Geräuschen||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||sbattendo le porte|||varie||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||关门声|||杂项||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ドアの音|||雑音||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||ruidos variados|||portazos|||diversos ruidos||||||||||||||| Uh, nedělám si starosti s tím, co si pamatuji, a Forushande si myslím, že ano, ale, ale pak je zvukový soubor tak plný zvuků auta, bouchání dveří a dalších různých zvuků, že není skvělé poslouchat sám o sobě, protože je není dostatečně slovně bohatý. Эм, я не переживаю о том, что я могу запомнить и по поводу Форушанде, я думаю, что это так, но, но звукозапись заполнена автомобильными шумами и звуками закрывающихся дверей и другими случайными шумами, поэтому это не так увлекательно слушать самостоятельно, потому что она недостаточно насыщена словами. 呃,我不擔心我能記住什麼,我想是的,但是,但是聲音文件充滿了汽車噪音、關門聲和其他雜音,單獨聽並不好,因為它的單詞不夠豐富。 And I think this is often the case with movies. и||||||||| A myslím, že to tak u filmů často bývá. И я думаю, что это часто бывает с фильмами. Movies again, stimulate you. Filmy znovu, povzbudí vás. Фильмы снова стимулируют вас. 又是電影,刺激你。 They create that hunger. 彼らはその空腹を生み出します。 他們製造了那種飢餓感。 You want to learn the language. Uh, I'm enjoying watching Danish, you know, Badehotellet, but in terms of really working on either verbs or increasing your vocabulary, uh, I find that, uh, audio content that's richer, denser in terms of words is more effective. |||||||Отель на побереж||в плане|||||||||||||||||||||более насыщенным||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||more concentrated||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||mais denso||||||| |||||||||||||||entweder|||||||||||||||dichter an Wörtern||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||più denso||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||更密集||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||言葉が密な||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||más denso||||||| Baví mě sledovat dánštinu, víte, Badehotellet, ale pokud jde o opravdovou práci na slovesech nebo rozšiřování slovní zásoby, uh, zjišťuji, že zvukový obsah, který je bohatší a hustší na slova, je efektivnější. Uh, me gusta ver danés, ya sabes, Badehotellet, pero en términos de trabajar realmente en cualquiera de los verbos o aumentar su vocabulario, uh, me parece que, uh, el contenido de audio que es más rica, más densa en términos de palabras es más eficaz.

Anyway, that's what I've been doing. Každopádně to je to, co jsem dělal. So I wanted to update you on my week two of my challenge. Tak jsem vás chtěl informovat o mém druhém týdnu mé výzvy. だから私は私の挑戦の私の第2週にあなたを更新したいと思いました。 I think I'm keeping up with my streak. |||удерживаю|||| |||||||winning sequence |||||||连胜记录 Myslím, že držím krok se svou sérií. Creo que sigo con mi racha. It's a low bar, 13 LingQs created every day. |||планка|||| Je to nízká laťka, 13 LingQ vytvořených každý den. Uh, typically I'm creating, if it's the language that I'm on for that week, I'm creating, you know, 50, 60 at least, uh, next week I'm into Arabic. Uh, typicky tvořím, pokud je to jazyk, který mám ten týden, tvořím, víte, 50, 60 minimálně, uh, příští týden budu v arabštině. ええと、通常私は作成しています。その週に使用している言語であれば、少なくとも50、60を作成しています。ええと、来週はアラビア語になります。 呃,通常我會創造,如果這是我那週要使用的語言,我會創造,你知道,至少 50、60 個,呃,下週我會學習阿拉伯語。

Uh, and I'm hoping to be talking every day with Mohammed. Uh, a doufám, že budu každý den mluvit s Mohamedem. I sometimes get very kind offers from people who say they'll help me in my Persian or my Arabic. Někdy dostávám velmi laskavé nabídky od lidí, kteří říkají, že mi pomohou v mé perštině nebo arabštině. 有時我會收到一些非常友善的建議,他們說他們會幫助我學習波斯語或阿拉伯語。 Uh, right now I'm kind of committed to those tutors and don't have a lot of time to get involved with other people in those languages cause I'd also have other things to do. ||||||||||||habe||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||dedicated to||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Uh, právě teď jsem tak trochu oddaný těm lektorům a nemám moc času na to, abych se zapletl s jinými lidmi v těchto jazycích, protože bych měl také jiné věci na práci. 呃,現在我對那些導師很忠誠,沒有太多時間與使用這些語言的其他人打交道,因為我還有其他事情要做。

The last two days I played golf with, with my wife and we did a lot of cleaning up after our renovations in the kitchen. |||||||||||||||||уборка||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||Renovierungen||| |||||||||||||||||||||renovações||| |||||||||||||||||||||renovaciones||| |||||||||||||||||||||装修工程||| Poslední dva dny jsem hrál golf, se svou ženou a hodně jsme uklízeli po naší rekonstrukci v kuchyni. So there's always lots of stuff to do, but I have my routine in Persian and Arabic and that's what I'm kind of sticking to. |||||やること||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||aferrándome| |||||||||||||||||||||||attaccando| Takže je vždy spousta věcí, které je třeba udělat, ale já mám svou rutinu v perštině a arabštině a toho se tak trochu držím. Así que siempre hay muchas cosas que hacer, pero tengo mi rutina en persa y árabe y a eso me atengo. ですから、やるべきことは常にたくさんありますが、私はペルシア語とアラビア語で日常生活を送っています。それが私が固執していることです。