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Discover Canada, 8. Modern Canada

8. Modern Canada

Trade and Economic Growth

Postwar Canada enjoyed record prosperity and material progress. The world's restrictive trading policies in the Depression era were opened up by such treaties as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), now the World Trade Organization (WTO). The discovery of oil in Alberta in 1947 began Canada's modern energy industry. In 1951, for the first time, a majority of Canadians were able to afford adequate food, shelter and clothing. Between 1945 and 1970, as Canada drew closer to the United States and other trading partners, the country enjoyed one of the strongest economies among industrialized nations. Today, Canadians enjoy one of the world's highest standards of living—maintained by the hard work of Canadians and by trade with other nations, in particular the United States. As prosperity grew, so did the ability to support social assistance programs. The Canada Health Act ensures common elements and a basic standard of coverage. Unemployment insurance (now called “employment insurance”) was introduced by the federal government in 1940. Old Age Security was devised as early as 1927, and the Canada and Quebec Pension Plans in 1965. Publicly funded education is provided by the provinces and territories.



Image of a medical researcher.

Image of Toronto with caption: Toronto's business district is also Canada's financial capital. ------------------------------------------------------------

International Engagement

Like Australia, New Zealand and other countries, Canada developed its autonomy gradually with a capacity to make significant contributions internationally.

The Cold War began when several liberated countries of eastern Europe became part of a Communist bloc controlled by the Soviet Union under the dictator Josef Stalin. Canada joined with other democratic countries of the West to form the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), a military alliance, and with the United States in the North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD).

Canada joined international organizations such as the United Nations (UN). It participated in the UN operation defending South Korea in the Korean War (1950–53), with 500 dead and 1,000 wounded. Canada has taken part in numerous UN peacekeeping missions in places as varied as Egypt, Cyprus and Haiti, as well as in other international security operations such as those in the former Yugoslavia and Afghanistan.

Canada and Quebec

French-Canadian society and culture flourished in the postwar years. Quebec experienced an era of rapid change in the 1960s known as the Quiet Revolution. Many Quebecers sought to separate from Canada. In 1963 Parliament established the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism. This led to the Official Languages Act (1969), which guarantees French and English services in the federal government across Canada. In 1970, Canada helped found La Francophonie, an international association of French-speaking countries.

The movement for Quebec sovereignty gained strength but was defeated in a referendum in the province in 1980. After much negotiation, in 1982 the Constitution was amended without the agreement of Quebec. Though sovereignty was again defeated in a second referendum in 1995, the autonomy of Quebec within Canada remains a lively topic—part of the dynamic that continues to shape our country.

A Changing Society

As social values changed over more than 50 years, Canada became a more flexible and open society. Many took advantage of expanding secondary and postsecondary educational opportunities and a growing number of women entered the professional work force.

Most Canadians of Asian descent had in the past been denied the vote in federal and provincial elections. In 1948 the last of these, the Japanese-Canadians, gained the right to vote. Aboriginal people were granted the vote in 1960. Today every citizen over the age of 18 may vote.

Canada welcomed thousands of refugees from Communist oppression, including about 37,000 who escaped Soviet tyranny in Hungary in 1956. With the Communist victory in the Vietnam War in 1975, many Vietnamese fled, including over 50,000 who sought refuge in Canada.

The idea of multiculturalism, as a result of 19th- and 20th-century immigration, gained a new impetus. By the 1960s, one-third of Canadians had origins that were neither British nor French, and took pride in preserving their distinct culture in the Canadian fabric. Today, diversity enriches Canadians' lives, particularly in our cities. ------------------------------------------------------------


Images of a Vietnamese Canadian parade and of an F-86 Sabre from Royal Canadian Air Force


Arts and Culture in Canada

Canadian artists have a long history of achievement in which Canadians take pride. Artists from all regions reflect and define our culture and forms of creative expression and have achieved greatness both at home and abroad.

Canadians have made significant contributions to literature in English and in French. Novelists, poets, historians, educators and musicians have had a significant cultural impact. Men and women of letters included Stephen Leacock, Louis Hémon, Sir Charles G.D. Roberts, Pauline Johnson, Émile Nelligan, Robertson Davies, Margaret Laurence and Mordecai Richler. Musicians such as Sir Ernest MacMillan and Healey Willan won renown in Canada and abroad. Writers such as Joy Kogawa, Michael Ondaatje and Rohinton Mistry have diversified Canada's literary experience. In the visual arts, Canada is historically perhaps best known for the Group of Seven, founded in 1920, who developed a style of painting to capture the rugged wilderness landscapes. Emily Carr painted the forests and Aboriginal artifacts of the West Coast. Les Automatistes of Quebec were pioneers of modern abstract art in the 1950s, most notably Jean-Paul Riopelle. Quebec's Louis-Philippe Hébert was a celebrated sculptor of historical figures. Kenojuak Ashevak pioneered modern Inuit art with etchings, prints and soapstone sculptures.

Canada has a long and respected performing arts history, with a network of regional theatres and world-renowned performing arts companies.

The films of Denys Arcand have been popular in Quebec and across the country, and have won international awards. Other noteworthy Canadian filmmakers include Norman Jewison and Atom Egoyan. Canadian television has had a popular following.



Images of Cirque du Soleil and of Tom Thomson painting "The Jack Pine". ------------------------------------------------------------

Sports have flourished as all provinces and territories have produced amateur and professional star athletes and Olympic medal winners. Basketball was invented by Canadian James Naismith in 1891. Many major league sports boast Canadian talent and in the national sport of ice hockey, Canadian teams have dominated the world. In 1996 at the Olympic Summer Games, Donovan Bailey became a world record sprinter and double Olympic gold medallist. Chantal Petitclerc became a world champion wheelchair racer and Paralympic gold medalist. One of the greatest hockey players of all time, Wayne Gretzky, played for the Edmonton Oilers from 1979 to 1988.

In 1980, Terry Fox, a British Columbian who lost his right leg to cancer at the age of 18, began a cross-country run, the “Marathon of Hope,” to raise money for cancer research. He became a hero to Canadians. While he did not finish the run and ultimately lost his battle with cancer, his legacy continues through yearly fundraising events in his name. In 1985, fellow British Columbian Rick Hansen circled the globe in a wheelchair to raise funds for spinal cord research.

Canadian advances in science and technology are world renowned and have changed the way the world communicates and does business. Marshall McLuhan and Harold Innis were pioneer thinkers. Science and research in Canada have won international recognition and attracted world-class students, academics and entrepreneurs engaged in medical research, telecommunications and other fields. Since 1989, the Canadian Space Agency and Canadian astronauts have participated in space exploration, often using the Canadian-designed and built Canadarm. Gerhard Herzberg, a refugee from Nazi Germany, John Polanyi, Sidney Altman, Richard E. Taylor, Michael Smith and Bertram Brockhouse were Nobel Prize-winning scientists.



Images of Donovan Bailey, Chantal Petitclerc, Terry Fox, and Wayne Gretzky.

Image of Mark Tewksbury with caption: Mark Tewksbury, Olympic gold medallist and prominent activist for gay and lesbian Canadians.

Image of Paul Henderson with caption: In 1972, Paul Henderson scored the winning goal for Canada in the Canada-Soviet Summit Series. This goal is often referred to as “the goal heard around the world” and is still remembered today as an important event in both sports and cultural history.

Image of Catriona Le May Doan with caption: Catriona Le May Doan carries the flag after winning a gold medal in speed skating at the 2002 Olympic Winter Games.

Image of a Canadian football game with caption: Canadian football is a popular game that differs in a number of ways from American football. Professional teams in the Canadian Football League (CFL) compete for the championship Grey Cup, donated by Lord Grey, the Governor General, in 1909.


Great Canadian Discoveries and Inventions

Canadians have made various discoveries and inventions. Some of the most famous are listed below.

Alexander Graham Bell — hit on the idea of the telephone at his summer house in Canada.

Joseph-Armand Bombardier — invented the snowmobile, a light-weight winter vehicle.

Sir Sandford Fleming — invented the worldwide system of standard time zones.

Mathew Evans and Henry Woodward — together invented the first electric light bulb and later sold the patent to Thomas Edison who, more famously, commercialized the light bulb.

Reginald Fessenden — contributed to the invention of radio, sending the first wireless voice message in the world.

Dr. Wilder Penfield —was a pioneering brain surgeon at McGill University in Montreal, and was known as “the greatest living Canadian.”

Dr. John A. Hopps — invented the first cardiac pacemaker, used today to save the lives of people with heart disorders.

SPAR Aerospace / National Research Council — invented the Canadarm, a robotic arm used in outer space.

Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie — of Research in Motion (RIM) — a wireless communications company known for its most famous invention, the BlackBerry.



Image of Canadian Scientific innovation at work: Canadarm2.

Image of Sir Frederick Banting with caption: Sir Frederick Banting of Toronto and Charles Best discovered Insulin, a hormone to treat diabetes that has saved 16 million lives worldwide


Want to learn more about Canada's history? Visit a museum or national historic site! Through artifacts, works of art, stories, images and documents, museums explore the diverse events and accomplishments that formed Canada's history. Museums can be found in almost every city and town across Canada. National historic sites are located in all provinces and territories and include such diverse places as battlefields, archaeological sites, buildings and sacred spaces. To find a museum or national historic site in your community or region, visit the websites of the Virtual Museum of Canada and Parks Canada listed at the end of this guide.

The prosperity and diversity of our country depend on all Canadians working together to face challenges of the future. In seeking to become a citizen, you are joining a country that, with your active participation, will continue to grow and thrive.

How will you make your contribution to Canada?

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8. Modern Canada 8. Das moderne Kanada 8. Canadá moderno 8. Le Canada moderne 8. Canada moderno 8.モダン・カナダ 8. 현대 캐나다 8. Šiuolaikinė Kanada 8. Współczesna Kanada 8. Canadá moderno 8. Современная Канада 8. Modern Kanada 8. Сучасна Канада 8. 现代加拿大 8. 現代加拿大

Trade and Economic Growth ||ekonomski| |||зростання Торгівля та економічне зростання

Postwar Canada enjoyed record prosperity and material progress. ||||prosperity||| pós-guerra||teve||||| poslijeratna||||prosperitet||| Hậu chiến||||||| |||||||Fortschritt ||||الازدهار||| Posguerra||||||| Postwar Canada enjoyed record prosperity and material progress. En la posguerra, Canadá disfrutó de una prosperidad y un progreso material sin precedentes. Повоєнна Канада насолоджувалася рекордним процвітанням і матеріальним прогресом. The world's restrictive trading policies in the Depression era were opened up by such treaties as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), now the World Trade Organization (WTO). ||limiting or controlling||||||||||||international agreements||||||Trade taxes|||General Agreement Tariffs||||||World Trade Organization |||comércio|políticas comerciais||||era da depressão||foram liberalizadas||||tratados|||Geral|Acordo Geral||tarifas|||Acordo Geral sobre|||||Organização Mundial do Comércio|Organização Mundial do Comércio ||restriktivne||politike||||||||||ugovori|||||||||GATT||||||WTO ||beschränkenden||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||المعاهدات||||||التعريفات الجم||||||||| ||обмежувальні||||||||||||договори||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||tratados|||||||||GATT||||||OMC (Organización Mundial del Comercio) Світова обмежувальна торговельна політика в епоху Депресії була відкрита такими договорами, як Генеральна угода з тарифів і торгівлі (ГАТТ), нині - Світова організація торгівлі (СОТ). The discovery of oil in Alberta in 1947 began Canada's modern energy industry. |||nafta||Alberta|||Kanade||| |||||a Canadian province|||||| In 1951, for the first time, a majority of Canadians were able to afford adequate food, shelter and clothing. |||||||||||||adekvatnu|||| |||||||||||||||المأوى|| |||||||||||||адекватну|||| ||||||||||||poder|adequada||abrigo|| Between 1945 and 1970, as Canada drew closer to the United States and other trading partners, the country enjoyed one of the strongest economies among industrialized nations. |||||||||||||||||||||gospodarstava||industrijaliziranih| ||||se rapprochait|||||||||||||||||||| ||||aproximou|mais próxima|||||||||||teve|||||||| ||||наближалася|||||||||||||||||||| ||||se acercó|||||||||||||||||||| Між 1945 і 1970 роками, коли Канада наближалася до Сполучених Штатів та інших торгових партнерів, країна мала одну з найсильніших економік серед промислово розвинених країн. Today, Canadians enjoy one of the world's highest standards of living—maintained by the hard work of Canadians and by trade with other nations, in particular the United States. |||||||||||održavanog||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||aufrechterhalten||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||підтримув||||||||||||||зокрема||| As prosperity grew, so did the ability to support social assistance programs. ||||||||||pomoć| |Wohlstand|||||||||| ||cresceu||||||||| The Canada Health Act ensures common elements and a basic standard of coverage. ||||||||||||pokriće ||||assure||||||||couverture des soins ||||garante||||||||cobertura Unemployment insurance (now called “employment insurance”) was introduced by the federal government in 1940. ||||zapošljavanje|||uvvedena|||savezni|| Desemprego|seguro|||emprego|||||||| Страхування на випадок безробіття (зараз воно називається "страхуванням на випадок зайнятості") було запроваджено федеральним урядом у 1940 році. Old Age Security was devised as early as 1927, and the Canada and Quebec Pension Plans in 1965. ||||conçu||||||||||| ||||created||||||||province in Canada||| Velha||||criado||cedo||||||||| ||||osmišljen|||||||||mirovina|| ||||وضعت||||||||كيبيك|التقاعد|| ||||розроблено||||||||||| Publicly funded education is provided by the provinces and territories. |||||||pokrajine||teritoriji công cộng||||||||| ||||oferecida||||| |фінансована держав|||забезпечується|||||


Captions: Chú thích Sous-titres

Image of a medical researcher. ||||pesquisador Зображення медичного дослідника.

Image of Toronto with caption: Toronto's business district is also Canada's financial capital. |||||Torontov||kvart||||| |||||of Toronto's||||||| ------------------------------------------------------------

International Engagement |angažman |Compromisso |залучення на міжнарод

Like Australia, New Zealand and other countries, Canada developed its autonomy gradually with a capacity to make significant contributions internationally. |||||||||||||||||||međunarodno ||||||||||الاستقلالية||||||||| ||||||||||autonomy||||||||| |||||||||||поступово||||||значні|внески| Подібно до Австралії, Нової Зеландії та інших країн, Канада поступово розвивала свою автономію, що дозволило їй зробити значний внесок на міжнародній арені.

The Cold War began when several liberated countries of eastern Europe became part of a Communist bloc controlled by the Soviet Union under the dictator Josef Stalin. ||||||||||||||||bloc|||||||||Joseph Stalin|Soviet leader ||||||libertados|||oriental||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||bloka||||Sovjetskog|Unije|||diktator||Staljin ||||||المحررة||||||||||كتلة||||||||الديكتاتور|| ||||||визволені|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||liberados||||||||||bloque comunista|||||||||Josef Stalin| Canada joined with other democratic countries of the West to form the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), a military alliance, and with the United States in the North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD). ||||||||||||||ugovor|||||||||||||||aeronautika||zapovijed|NORAD ||||||||||||||Formal agreement||||||||||States||||||||Aerospace Defense Command ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||NORAD |uniu|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Canada joined international organizations such as the United Nations (UN). |||organizacije||||||UN It participated in the UN operation defending South Korea in the Korean War (1950–53), with 500 dead and 1,000 wounded. ||||||||||||||dead|| ||||||||||||||||feridos |||||operacija|obrane||||||||||ranjenih ||||||||||||||||bị thương ||||||||||||||||поранених ||||||||||||||||heridos Canada has taken part in numerous UN peacekeeping missions in places as varied as Egypt, Cyprus and Haiti, as well as in other international security operations such as those in the former Yugoslavia and Afghanistan. |||||||||||||||Chypre||||||||||||||||||| |||||||peacekeeping||||||||Cyprus||the Caribbean|||||||||||||||the Balkans|| |||||||de manutenção da paz||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||brojnim|||misijama||||različitim|||Kipar||||||||||operacijama||||||bivšoj|Jugoslavija|| ||||||||nhiệm vụ|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||миротворчі||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||mantenimiento de la paz|||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Canada and Quebec

French-Canadian society and culture flourished in the postwar years. |||||floresceu|||| |||||процвітала|||| Quebec experienced an era of rapid change in the 1960s known as the Quiet Revolution. |||||brze||||||||| Many Quebecers sought to separate from Canada. |Quebecerci|||odvojiti|| |people of Quebec||||| ||سعى|||| ||procuraram|||| ||шукали|||| In 1963 Parliament established the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism. |parlament||||||bilingvizmu||bikulturalizam |||||||Bilingualism||Biculturalism |||||||||biculturalismo У 1963 році парламент створив Королівську комісію з питань двомовності та бікультурності. This led to the Official Languages Act (1969), which guarantees French and English services in the federal government across Canada. ||||||||jamči|||||||||| In 1970, Canada helped found La Francophonie, an international association of French-speaking countries. |||||Frankofonija|||udruženje|||| |||||French-speaking community||||||| ||ajudou|fundar||a Francofonia||||||| У 1970 році Канада допомогла заснувати міжнародну асоціацію франкомовних країн La Francophonie.

The movement for Quebec sovereignty gained strength but was defeated in a referendum in the province in 1980. |pokret|||||||||||referendum|||pokrajini| ||||السيادة|||||||||||| ||||sovereignty||||||||referendum|||| ||||soberania|||||derrotado||||||| ||||суверенітет|||||||||||| Рух за суверенітет Квебеку набирав сили, але зазнав поразки на референдумі в провінції в 1980 році. After much negotiation, in 1982 the Constitution was amended without the agreement of Quebec. ||pregovora|||||izmijenjena||||| |||||الدستور||تم تعديل||||| |||||||changed||||| |||||||alterada|sem||acordo|| Though sovereignty was again defeated in a second referendum in 1995, the autonomy of Quebec within Canada remains a lively topic—part of the dynamic that continues to shape our country. |||||||||||||||||||||||dynamici||nastavlja|||| ||||||||referendum||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||жвава||||||||||| Embora||||||||||||||dentro||permanece||viva||||||||||| Хоча суверенітет знову зазнав поразки на другому референдумі в 1995 році, автономія Квебеку в складі Канади залишається живою темою - частиною динаміки, яка продовжує формувати нашу країну.

A Changing Society

As social values changed over more than 50 years, Canada became a more flexible and open society. ||||||||||||fleksibilnija||| ||||ao longo de|mais|||||||||| Many took advantage of expanding secondary and postsecondary educational opportunities and a growing number of women entered the professional work force. |||||srednje|||||||||||ušla|||| |tiraram|||||||||||||||entraram||||

Most Canadians of Asian descent had in the past been denied the vote in federal and provincial elections. |||azijskog|||||||||||||pokrajinskim| ||||ancestry or origin||||||||||||| ||||الأصل الآسيو||||||||||||| ||||походження||||||||||||| Більшість канадців азійського походження в минулому були позбавлені права голосу на федеральних і провінційних виборах. In 1948 the last of these, the Japanese-Canadians, gained the right to vote. Aboriginal people were granted the vote in 1960. Aboridžinski|||||| |||accordé||| Indigenous Australian|||||| الأصليين|||مُنحَت||| Today every citizen over the age of 18 may vote. ||građanin||||||

Canada welcomed thousands of refugees from Communist oppression, including about 37,000 who escaped Soviet tyranny in Hungary in 1956. |je prihvatila||||||opresije||||||||| ||||اللاجئين|||الاضطهاد الش||||||||| |||||||oppression||||||tyranny||| |||||||гноблення||||||||| |recebeu||||||||||||||| With the Communist victory in the Vietnam War in 1975, many Vietnamese fled, including over 50,000 who sought refuge in Canada. |||pobjeda|||Vijetnam|||||pobjeglo||||||| |||||||||||||||cherché||| |||||||||||fugiram||||procuraram||| |||||||||||втекли||||||| |||||||||||fugaron|||||||

The idea of multiculturalism, as a result of 19th- and 20th-century immigration, gained a new impetus. ||||||||||||||||nouvel élan ||||||||||||||||new momentum ||||||||||||||||ímpeto ||||||||||||imigracija||||impuls ||||||||||||||||دافع جديد ||||||||||||||||імпульс |||multiculturalismo|||||||||||||impulso nuevo By the 1960s, one-third of Canadians had origins that were neither British nor French, and took pride in preserving their distinct culture in the Canadian fabric. |||||||||||||||||ponosili||očuvanju||odvojenu||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||têxtil ||||||||||||||||||||||||||tela canadiense |||||||||||||||||||збереженні||||||| До 1960-х років одна третина канадців мала ні британське, ні французьке походження, і вони пишалися збереженням своєї самобутньої культури в канадській тканині. Today, diversity enriches Canadians' lives, particularly in our cities. |raznolikost|obogaćuje|||||| ||تُثري|||||| ||збагачує|||||| ||enriquece|||||| Сьогодні різноманітність збагачує життя канадців, особливо в наших містах. ------------------------------------------------------------

Captions: Legendas

Images of a Vietnamese Canadian parade and of an F-86 Sabre from Royal Canadian Air Force slike(1)|||||parada|||||||||| |||||Procession or display|||||Fighter jet||||| |||||استعراض|||||||||| ||||||||||Sabre||||| ||||||||||Сабре|||||


Arts and Culture in Canada

Canadian artists have a long history of achievement in which Canadians take pride. |||||||postignuća||||| |||||||réussite||||| |os artistas||||||realização||||| Artists from all regions reflect and define our culture and forms of creative expression and have achieved greatness both at home and abroad. |||||||||||||||||grandeur||||| ||||||||||||||||alcançado|grandeza||||| ||||||||||||kreativnog|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||Größe||||| |||||||||||||||||величі||||| |||||||||||||||||grandeza||||| Митці з усіх регіонів відображають і визначають нашу культуру та форми творчого самовираження і досягли слави як вдома, так і за кордоном.

Canadians have made significant contributions to literature in English and in French. ||||Beiträge||||||| Novelists, poets, historians, educators and musicians have had a significant cultural impact. الروايات|الشعراء|||||||||| novelists||||||||||| Men and women of letters included Stephen Leacock, Louis Hémon, Sir Charles G.D. |||||||Stephen Leacock|||||| Roberts, Pauline Johnson, Émile Nelligan, Robertson Davies, Margaret Laurence and Mordecai Richler. |Pauline Johnson||Émile Nelligan|Émile Nelligan|Robertson Davies|Robertson Davies||Margaret Laurence||Mordecai Richler|Mordecai Richler Musicians such as Sir Ernest MacMillan and Healey Willan won renown in Canada and abroad. |||||Sir Ernest MacMillan||Healey Willan|a surname||renown|||| ||||||||||شهرة|||| ||||||||||визнання|||| ||||||||||renombre|||| Writers such as Joy Kogawa, Michael Ondaatje and Rohinton Mistry have diversified Canada's literary experience. ||||Joy Kogawa||Michael Ondaatje||Rohinton Mistry|Rohinton Mistry||||| |||||||||||розширили||літературний| |||||||||||diversificado||| In the visual arts, Canada is historically perhaps best known for the Group of Seven, founded in 1920, who developed a style of painting to capture the rugged wilderness landscapes. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||rough and wild|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||naturaleza salvaje| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||грубі|дикі пейз|пейзажі Emily Carr painted the forests and Aboriginal artifacts of the West Coast. |Emily Carr|||||Aboriginal||||| ||||الغابات||||||| Les Automatistes of Quebec were pioneers of modern abstract art in the 1950s, most notably Jean-Paul Riopelle. |Abstract art pioneers||||||||||||||||Jean-Paul Riopelle ||||||||||||||بشكل ملحوظ||| |||||попередники|||абстрактного мист||||||||| |los Automatistas|||||||||||||||| Quebec's Louis-Philippe Hébert was a celebrated sculptor of historical figures. of Quebec||Louis-Philippe|Louis-Philippe Hébert||||sculptor||| |||||||نحات||| |||||||escultor||| Kenojuak Ashevak pioneered modern Inuit art with etchings, prints and soapstone sculptures. |||||||gravures|||stéatite| Inuit artist|the artist|||Indigenous Arctic people|||engraved designs|||soft metamorphic rock| |||||||النقوش|||الحجر الصابوني| |||||||гравюри|||пемза| ||pionera||inuit|||grabados|||piedra de jabón| Кеноджуак Ашевак став піонером сучасного мистецтва інуїтів із гравюрами, гравюрами та скульптурами з мильного каменю.

Canada has a long and respected performing arts history, with a network of regional theatres and world-renowned performing arts companies. ||||||||||||||teatros|||||| ||||||виконавських||||||||||||||

The films of Denys Arcand have been popular in Quebec and across the country, and have won international awards. Les|||||||||||||||||| |||Denys Arcand|Denys Arcand|||||||||||||| Other noteworthy Canadian filmmakers include Norman Jewison and Atom Egoyan. |remarquables|||||||| |البارزين|||||||| |||||Norman Jewison|a filmmaker's surname|||a filmmaker's name |значні|||||||| Canadian television has had a popular following.


Captions: Untertitel

Images of Cirque du Soleil and of Tom Thomson painting "The Jack Pine". ||Circus performance|of the|Sun or sunlight||||Tom Thomson|||| ------------------------------------------------------------

Sports have flourished as all provinces and territories have produced amateur and professional star athletes and Olympic medal winners. ||ازدهرت|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||amateur|||||||| Basketball was invented by Canadian James Naismith in 1891. ||||||James Naismith| ||||||Нейсміт| Many major league sports boast Canadian talent and in the national sport of ice hockey, Canadian teams have dominated the world. ||||feature prominently|||||||||||||||| In 1996 at the Olympic Summer Games, Donovan Bailey became a world record sprinter and double Olympic gold medallist. |||||||||||||||||médaillé olympique ||||||Donovan Bailey|athlete's last name|||||sprinter||||| |||||||||||||||||حامل ميدال Chantal Petitclerc became a world champion wheelchair racer and Paralympic gold medalist. Chantal Petitclerc|No translation needed||||||||Paralympic|| ||||||на візку||||| One of the greatest hockey players of all time, Wayne Gretzky, played for the Edmonton Oilers from 1979 to 1988. ||||||||||||||Canadian city|Edmonton's team||

In 1980, Terry Fox, a British Columbian who lost his right leg to cancer at the age of 18, began a cross-country run, the “Marathon of Hope,” to raise money for cancer research. |||||from British Columbia|||||||||||||||||||||||||| У 1980 році Террі Фокс, житель Британської Колумбії, який втратив праву ногу через рак у віці 18 років, розпочав біг по пересіченій місцевості, "Марафон надії", щоб зібрати кошти на дослідження раку. He became a hero to Canadians. Він став героєм для канадців. While he did not finish the run and ultimately lost his battle with cancer, his legacy continues through yearly fundraising events in his name. |||||||||||||||||||collecte de fonds|||| |||||||||||معركته|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||fundraising|||| |||||||||||||||спадщина||||збір коштів|||| Хоча він не закінчив пробіг і в кінцевому підсумку програв свою битву з раком, його спадщина продовжується завдяки щорічним заходам зі збору коштів, які носять його ім'я. In 1985, fellow British Columbian Rick Hansen circled the globe in a wheelchair to raise funds for spinal cord research. ||||Rick Hansen|Rick Hansen|||||||||||spinal|cord| |колега|||||об'їхав||||||||||спинального мозку|| У 1985 році співвітчизник Британської Колумбії Рік Хансен об’їхав навколо земної кулі в інвалідному візку, щоб зібрати кошти на дослідження спинного мозку.

Canadian advances in science and technology are world renowned and have changed the way the world communicates and does business. ||||||||معروفة عالميًا||||||||||| Marshall McLuhan and Harold Innis were pioneer thinkers. a first name|media theorist||Harold Adams Innis|Harold Innis||| Science and research in Canada have won international recognition and attracted world-class students, academics and entrepreneurs engaged in medical research, telecommunications and other fields. ||||||||||||||||підприємці|||||||| Since 1989, the Canadian Space Agency and Canadian astronauts have participated in space exploration, often using the Canadian-designed and built Canadarm. |||||||رواد الفضاء|||||استكشاف الفضاء||||||||ذراع كندا ||||||||||||||||||||robotic space arm З 1989 року Канадське космічне агентство і канадські астронавти беруть участь у дослідженні космосу, часто використовуючи розроблений і побудований в Канаді Canadarm. Gerhard Herzberg, a refugee from Nazi Germany, John Polanyi, Sidney Altman, Richard E. Taylor, Michael Smith and Bertram Brockhouse were Nobel Prize-winning scientists. Gerhard Herzberg|Gerhard Herzberg|||||||John Polanyi||Sidney Altman|||||||Bertram Brockhouse|Nobel Prize winner|||||



Images of Donovan Bailey, Chantal Petitclerc, Terry Fox, and  Wayne Gretzky.

Image of Mark Tewksbury with caption: Mark Tewksbury, Olympic gold medallist and prominent activist for gay and lesbian Canadians. |||Mark Tewksbury|||||||||||||||

Image of Paul Henderson with caption: In 1972, Paul Henderson scored the winning goal for Canada in the Canada-Soviet Summit Series. |||||||||||||||||||hockey competition| Зображення Пола Гендерсона з підписом: У 1972 році Пол Хендерсон забив переможний гол для Канади в канадсько-радянській серії зустрічей на вищому рівні. This goal is often referred to as “the goal heard around the world” and is still remembered today as an important event in both sports and cultural history.

Image of Catriona Le May Doan with caption: Catriona Le May Doan carries the flag after winning a gold medal in speed skating at the 2002 Olympic Winter Games. ||Catriona Le May|The||Le May Doan||||||||||||||||||||||

Image of a Canadian football game with caption: Canadian football is a popular game that differs in a number of ways from American football. Professional teams in the Canadian Football League (CFL) compete for the championship Grey Cup, donated by Lord Grey, the Governor General, in 1909. |||||||Canadian Football League||||championship||||||||||


Great Canadian Discoveries and Inventions

Canadians have made various discoveries and inventions. Some of the most famous are listed below.

Alexander Graham Bell — hit on the idea of the telephone at his summer house in Canada.

Joseph-Armand Bombardier — invented the snowmobile, a light-weight winter vehicle. |||||motoneige||||| |Joseph-Armand Bombardier|Snowmobile inventor|||||||| |||||الدراجة الثل|||||

Sir Sandford Fleming — invented the worldwide system of standard time zones. |Sir Sandford Fleming|Sir Sandford Fleming|||||||| Сер Сендфорд Флемінг - винайшов всесвітню систему стандартних часових поясів.

Mathew Evans and Henry Woodward — together invented the first electric light bulb and later sold the patent to Thomas Edison who, more famously, commercialized the light bulb. Mathew Evans||||a co-inventor|||||||bulb||||||||||||commercialized|||

Reginald Fessenden — contributed to the invention of radio, sending the first wireless voice message in the world. Reginald Fessenden|Reginald Fessenden||||||||||||||| Реджинальд Фессенден - сприяв винаходу радіо, відправивши перше у світі бездротове голосове повідомлення.

Dr. Wilder Penfield —was a pioneering brain surgeon at McGill University in Montreal, and was known as “the greatest living Canadian.” |||||pionnier||||||||||||||| Доктор Уайлдер Пенфілд - новаторський нейрохірург в Університеті Макгілла в Монреалі, відомий як "найвидатніший з нині живих канадців".

Dr. John A. Hopps — invented the first cardiac pacemaker, used today to save the lives of people with heart disorders. |||||||cardiac|pacemaker||||||||||| ||||||||جهاز تنظيم ضربات|||||||||||

SPAR Aerospace / National Research Council — invented the Canadarm, a robotic arm used in outer space. SPAR Aerospace / Національна дослідницька рада - винайшла Canadarm, роботизовану руку, що використовується в космосі.

Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie — of Research in Motion (RIM) — a wireless communications company known for its most famous invention, the BlackBerry. Майк Лазарідіс та Джим Балсіллі - з Research in Motion (RIM) - компанії бездротового зв'язку, відомої своїм найвідомішим винаходом, BlackBerry.



Image of Canadian Scientific innovation at work: Canadarm2.

Image of Sir Frederick Banting with caption: Sir Frederick Banting of Toronto and Charles Best discovered Insulin, a hormone to treat diabetes that has saved 16 million lives worldwide |||Sir Banting|Frederick Banting||||||||||||insulin|||||||||||


Want to learn more about Canada's history? Visit a museum or national historic site! Through artifacts, works of art, stories, images and documents, museums explore the diverse events and accomplishments that formed Canada's history. Museums can be found in almost every city and town across Canada. National historic sites are located in all provinces and territories and include such diverse places as battlefields, archaeological sites, buildings and sacred spaces. |||||||||||||||||archaeological||||sacred| |||||||||||||||||||||أماكن مقدسة| To find a museum or national historic site in your community or region, visit the websites of the Virtual Museum of Canada and Parks Canada listed at the end of this guide.

The prosperity and diversity of our country depend on all Canadians working together to face challenges of the future. In seeking to become a citizen, you are joining a country that, with your active participation, will continue to grow and thrive. |||||||||||||||||||||prospérer |||||||||||||||||||||تزدهر Прагнучи стати громадянином, ви приєднуєтеся до країни, яка за вашої активної участі продовжуватиме розвиватися і процвітати.

How will you make your contribution to Canada?