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Anne of Green Gables, Chapter 8, Part 2

Chapter 8, Part 2

"Anne, whatever are you thinking of? " demanded Marilla sharply. Anne came back to earth with a start.

"That," she said, pointing to the picture--a rather vivid chromo entitled, "Christ Blessing Little Children"--"and I was just imagining I was one of them--that I was the little girl in the blue dress, standing off by herself in the corner as if she didn't belong to anybody, like me. She looks lonely and sad, don't you think? I guess she hadn't any father or mother of her own. But she wanted to be blessed, too, so she just crept shyly up on the outside of the crowd, hoping nobody would notice her--except Him. I'm sure I know just how she felt. Her heart must have beat and her hands must have got cold, like mine did when I asked you if I could stay. She was afraid He mightn't notice her.

But it's likely He did, don't you think? I've been trying to imagine it all out--her edging a little nearer all the time until she was quite close to Him; and then He would look at her and put His hand on her hair and oh, such a thrill of joy as would run over her! But I wish the artist hadn't painted Him so sorrowful looking. All His pictures are like that, if you've noticed. But I don't believe He could really have looked so sad or the children would have been afraid of Him. " "Anne," said Marilla, wondering why she had not broken into this speech long before, "you shouldn't talk that way. It's irreverent--positively irreverent. " Anne's eyes marveled.

"Why, I felt just as reverent as could be. I'm sure I didn't mean to be irreverent. " "Well I don't suppose you did--but it doesn't sound right to talk so familiarly about such things. And another thing, Anne, when I send you after something you're to bring it at once and not fall into mooning and imagining before pictures. Remember that. Take that card and come right to the kitchen. Now, sit down in the corner and learn that prayer off by heart. " Anne set the card up against the jugful of apple blossoms she had brought in to decorate the dinner-table--Marilla had eyed that decoration askance, but had said nothing-- propped her chin on her hands, and fell to studying it intently for several silent minutes.

"I like this," she announced at length. "It's beautiful. I've heard it before--I heard the superintendent of the asylum Sunday school say it over once. But I didn't like it then. He had such a cracked voice and he prayed it so mournfully. I really felt sure he thought praying was a disagreeable duty. This isn't poetry, but it makes me feel just the same way poetry does. `Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be Thy name.' That is just like a line of music.

Oh, I'm so glad you thought of making me learn this, Miss-- Marilla. " "Well, learn it and hold your tongue," said Marilla shortly. Anne tipped the vase of apple blossoms near enough to bestow a soft kiss on a pink-cupped bud, and then studied diligently for some moments longer.

"Marilla," she demanded presently, "do you think that I shall ever have a bosom friend in Avonlea? " "A--a what kind of friend? " "A bosom friend--an intimate friend, you know--a really kindred spirit to whom I can confide my inmost soul. I've dreamed of meeting her all my life. I never really supposed I would, but so many of my loveliest dreams have come true all at once that perhaps this one will, too. Do you think it's possible? " "Diana Barry lives over at Orchard Slope and she's about your age. She's a very nice little girl, and perhaps she will be a playmate for you when she comes home. She's visiting her aunt over at Carmody just now. You'll have to be careful how you behave yourself, though. Mrs. Barry is a very particular woman. She won't let Diana play with any little girl who isn't nice and good. " Anne looked at Marilla through the apple blossoms, her eyes aglow with interest.

"What is Diana like? Her hair isn't red, is it? Oh, I hope not. It's bad enough to have red hair myself, but I positively couldn't endure it in a bosom friend. " "Diana is a very pretty little girl. She has black eyes and hair and rosy cheeks. And she is good and smart, which is better than being pretty. " Marilla was as fond of morals as the Duchess in Wonderland, and was firmly convinced that one should be tacked on to every remark made to a child who was being brought up.

But Anne waved the moral inconsequently aside and seized only on the delightful possibilities before it.

"Oh, I'm so glad she's pretty. Next to being beautiful oneself--and that's impossible in my case--it would be best to have a beautiful bosom friend. When I lived with Mrs. Thomas she had a bookcase in her sitting room with glass doors. There weren't any books in it; Mrs. Thomas kept her best china and her preserves there--when she had any preserves to keep. One of the doors was broken.

Mr. Thomas smashed it one night when he was slightly intoxicated. But the other was whole and I used to pretend that my reflection in it was another little girl who lived in it. I called her Katie Maurice, and we were very intimate. I used to talk to her by the hour, especially on Sunday, and tell her everything. Katie was the comfort and consolation of my life. We used to pretend that the bookcase was enchanted and that if I only knew the spell I could open the door and step right into the room where Katie Maurice lived, instead of into Mrs. Thomas' shelves of preserves and china. And then Katie Maurice would have taken me by the hand and led me out into a wonderful place, all flowers and sunshine and fairies, and we would have lived there happy for ever after. When I went to live with Mrs. Hammond it just broke my heart to leave Katie Maurice.

She felt it dreadfully, too, I know she did, for she was crying when she kissed me good-bye through the bookcase door. There was no bookcase at Mrs. Hammond's. But just up the river a little way from the house there was a long green little valley, and the loveliest echo lived there.

It echoed back every word you said, even if you didn't talk a bit loud. So I imagined that it was a little girl called Violetta and we were great friends and I loved her almost as well as I loved Katie Maurice--not quite, but almost, you know. The night before I went to the asylum I said good-bye to Violetta, and oh, her good-bye came back to me in such sad, sad tones. I had become so attached to her that I hadn't the heart to imagine a bosom friend at the asylum, even if there had been any scope for imagination there. "

Chapter 8, Part 2 Kapitel 8, Teil 2 Capítulo 8, parte 2 第8章 後編 Capítulo 8, Parte 2 Глава 8, часть 2 第 8 章,第 2 部分

"Anne, whatever are you thinking of? 「アン、何を考えてるの? "Anne, em que estás a pensar? " demanded Marilla sharply. ||„forderte Marilla scharf“ 「マリラに鋭く要求した。 ", exigiu Marilla com firmeza. Anne came back to earth with a start. アンはスタートで地球に戻ってきました。 Anne voltou à terra com um sobressalto. Енн повернулася на землю зі старту.

"That," she said, pointing to the picture--a rather vivid chromo entitled, "Christ Blessing Little Children"--"and I was just imagining I was one of them--that I was the little girl in the blue dress, standing off by herself in the corner as if she didn’t belong to anybody, like me. |||||||||lebhaft|Farbdruck|betitelt als||Segnend|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| "Cela," dit-elle, en montrant l'image - un chromo assez vif intitulé "Le Christ bénissant les petits enfants" - "et j'imaginais juste que j'étais l'un d'entre eux - que j'étais la petite fille à la robe bleue , debout toute seule dans un coin comme si elle n'appartenait à personne, comme moi. 「あれ」と彼女は言った。「キリストの祝福の小さな子供たち」と題されたかなり鮮やかなクロモで、私は彼らの一人だと想像していた。私は青いドレスを着た小さな女の子だった。 、まるで私のような誰にも属していないかのように、隅に一人で立っている。 "Isso", disse ela, apontando para o quadro - um cromo bastante vívido intitulado "Cristo Abençoando as Criancinhas" - "e eu estava a imaginar que era uma delas - que eu era a menina de vestido azul, sozinha no canto, como se não pertencesse a ninguém, como eu. She looks lonely and sad, don’t you think? 彼女は寂しくて悲しそうに見えますね。 Ela parece solitária e triste, não achas? I guess she hadn’t any father or mother of her own. 彼女には自分の父親も母親もいなかったと思います。 Acho que ela não tinha pai nem mãe. But she wanted to be blessed, too, so she just crept shyly up on the outside of the crowd, hoping nobody would notice her--except Him. ||||||||||schlich sich hin||||||||||||||| Mais elle voulait aussi être bénie, alors elle s'est glissée timidement à l'extérieur de la foule, en espérant que personne ne la remarquerait - sauf Lui. しかし、彼女も祝福されたいと思っていたので、彼女は群衆の外で恥ずかしそうに忍び寄り、彼を除いて誰も彼女に気付かないことを望んでいました。 Mas ela também queria ser abençoada e, por isso, arrastou-se timidamente para o exterior da multidão, esperando que ninguém reparasse nela - exceto Ele. I’m sure I know just how she felt. 私は彼女がどのように感じたかを知っていると確信しています。 Tenho a certeza de que sei exatamente como ela se sentiu. Her heart must have beat and her hands must have got cold, like mine did when I asked you if I could stay. 私が滞在できるかどうか尋ねたときのように、彼女の心臓は鼓動し、彼女の手は冷たくなったに違いありません。 O seu coração deve ter batido e as suas mãos devem ter ficado frias, como as minhas ficaram quando te perguntei se podia ficar. She was afraid He mightn’t notice her. 彼女は彼が彼女に気付かないかもしれないと恐れていました。 Ela tinha medo que Ele não reparasse nela.

But it’s likely He did, don’t you think? Mais il est probable qu'Il l'a fait, vous ne pensez pas? しかし、おそらく彼はそうしましたね。 Mas é provável que o tenha feito, não acha? Ama muhtemelen O yaptı, sence de öyle değil mi? Але, швидше за все, Він це зробив, чи не так? I’ve been trying to imagine it all out--her edging a little nearer all the time until she was quite close to Him; and then He would look at her and put His hand on her hair and oh, such a thrill of joy as would run over her! |||||||||sich nähern||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| J'ai essayé d'imaginer tout cela - sa lisière un peu plus proche tout le temps jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit assez proche de Lui; et puis Il la regardait et posait Sa main sur ses cheveux et oh, un tel frisson de joie qui la submergerait! 私はそれをすべて想像しようとしてきました。彼女が彼にかなり近づくまで、彼女はずっと少し近づいていました。それから彼は彼女を見て、彼女の髪に手を置きました、そしてああ、彼女の上を走るような喜びのスリル! Tenho estado a tentar imaginar tudo isto - ela a aproximar-se um pouco mais até estar bem perto d'Ele; e então Ele olhava para ela e punha a mão no seu cabelo e oh, que emoção de alegria que a percorria! Her şeyi hayal etmeye çalışıyordum - O'na oldukça yakın olana kadar her zaman biraz daha yaklaşıyor; ve sonra ona bakar ve elini saçına koyardı ve oh, onun üzerinden geçecek kadar büyük bir sevinç heyecanı! But I wish the artist hadn’t painted Him so sorrowful looking. |||||||||traurig aussehend| Mais j'aurais aimé que l'artiste ne l'ait pas peint si triste. しかし、私は芸術家が彼をそれほど悲しそうに描いていなかったらよかったのにと思います。 Mas gostava que o artista não O tivesse pintado com um ar tão triste. All His pictures are like that, if you’ve noticed. あなたが気づいたなら、彼のすべての写真はそのようなものです。 Todas as Suas fotografias são assim, se é que já repararam. But I don’t believe He could really have looked so sad or the children would have been afraid of Him. " しかし、彼が本当に悲しそうに見えたかもしれないし、子供たちが彼を恐れていたかもしれないと私は信じていません。 「」 Mas não acredito que Ele pudesse realmente ter um ar tão triste, senão as crianças teriam medo d'Ele. " "Anne," said Marilla, wondering why she had not broken into this speech long before, "you shouldn’t talk that way. 「アン」とマリラは、なぜずっと前にこのスピーチに割り込まなかったのか疑問に思って言った、「あなたはそのように話すべきではありません。 "Anne", disse Marilla, perguntando-se porque é que ela não tinha começado a falar assim há muito tempo, "não devias falar assim. "Енн, - сказала Марілла, дивуючись, чому вона не почала цю промову раніше, - ти не повинна так говорити. It’s irreverent--positively irreverent. " |respektlos|| それは不遜です-積極的に不遜です。 「」 É irreverente - positivamente irreverente. " Anne’s eyes marveled. ||staunten アンの目は驚いた。 Os olhos de Anne ficaram maravilhados.

"Why, I felt just as reverent as could be. «Eh bien, je me sentais aussi respectueux que possible. 「なぜ、私はできる限り敬虔な気持ちになりました。 "Senti-me tão reverente quanto possível. I’m sure I didn’t mean to be irreverent. " 私は不遜になるつもりはなかったと確信しています。 「」 Tenho a certeza de que não quis ser irreverente. " "Well I don’t suppose you did--but it doesn’t sound right to talk so familiarly about such things. 「まあ、あなたがそうしたとは思いませんが、そのようなことについてそれほど親しみを込めて話すのは正しくないようです。 "Bem, suponho que não o fez - mas não me parece correto falar tão familiarmente sobre essas coisas. And another thing, Anne, when I send you after something you’re to bring it at once and not fall into mooning and imagining before pictures. ||||||||||||||||||||Träumerei|||| そしてもう一つ、アン、私が何かの後にあなたを送るとき、あなたはそれをすぐに持ってきて、写真の前にムーニングや想像に陥らないようにします。 E outra coisa, Anne, quando te mando vir atrás de alguma coisa, tens de a trazer de imediato e não cair na lamúria e na imaginação de imagens anteriores. І ще одне, Анно, коли я посилаю тебе за чимось, ти повинна приносити це одразу, а не впадати в мрійливість і фантазування перед картинками. Remember that. それを覚えておいてください。 Take that card and come right to the kitchen. そのカードを持って、すぐにキッチンに来てください。 Pegue nesse cartão e venha diretamente para a cozinha. Now, sit down in the corner and learn that prayer off by heart. " さあ、隅に座って、その祈りを心から学びましょう。 「」 Agora, senta-te num canto e aprende esta oração de cor. " А тепер сядь у куточку і вивчи цю молитву напам'ять. " Anne set the card up against the jugful of apple blossoms she had brought in to decorate the dinner-table--Marilla had eyed that decoration askance, but had said nothing-- propped her chin on her hands, and fell to studying it intently for several silent minutes. |||||||Krug voll||||||||||||||||||misstrauisch|||||stützte||Kinn|||||||||eingehend||mehrere|| アンは、夕食のテーブルを飾るために持ち込んだリンゴの花の水差しにカードをセットしました-マリラはその装飾の質問に目を向けていましたが、何も言わなかった-彼女の手であごを支え、それを熱心に研究することになりました数分間黙祷。 Anne encostou a carta ao jarro cheio de flores de macieira que tinha trazido para decorar a mesa de jantar - Marilla tinha olhado de soslaio para essa decoração, mas não tinha dito nada - apoiou o queixo nas mãos e pôs-se a estudá-la atentamente durante vários minutos silenciosos.

"I like this," she announced at length. 「私はこれが好きだ」と彼女は長々と発表した。 "Gosto disto", anunciou ela, demoradamente. "Bunu beğendim," diye sonunda açıkladı. "Мені це подобається", - оголосила вона натхненно. "It’s beautiful. "É lindo. I’ve heard it before--I heard the superintendent of the asylum Sunday school say it over once. |||||||Vorsteher||||||||| Je l'ai déjà entendu - j'ai entendu le directeur de l'école du dimanche de l'asile le répéter une fois. 私は以前にそれを聞いたことがあります-私は亡命日曜学校の監督が一度それを言うのを聞きました。 Já ouvi isso antes - ouvi o superintendente da escola dominical do asilo dizer isso uma vez. But I didn’t like it then. しかし、私はそれが好きではありませんでした。 Mas na altura não gostei. He had such a cracked voice and he prayed it so mournfully. 彼はそのようなひびの入った声を持っていて、彼はそれをとても悲しげに祈った。 Tinha uma voz tão rouca e rezava-a com tanta tristeza. I really felt sure he thought praying was a disagreeable duty. |||||||||unangenehme Pflicht| 私は彼が祈ることは嫌な義務だと思っていたと本当に確信しました。 Tinha mesmo a certeza de que ele achava que rezar era um dever desagradável. This isn’t poetry, but it makes me feel just the same way poetry does. これは詩ではありませんが、詩と同じように感じさせてくれます。 Isto não é poesia, mas faz-me sentir da mesma forma que a poesia. `Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be Thy name.' ||||||geheiligt||Dein| 「天国で芸術をする私たちの父はあなたの名であります。」 Pai nosso que estás nos céus, santificado seja o Teu nome. `` Göklerdeki Babamız, Adın kutsal kılınsın. '' "Отче наш, що єси на небесах, нехай святиться ім'я Твоє". That is just like a line of music. それはまるで音楽のラインのようです。 É como uma linha de música.

Oh, I’m so glad you thought of making me learn this, Miss-- Marilla. " ああ、あなたが私にこれを学ばせようと思ってくれてとてもうれしいです、ミス-マリラ。 「」 Oh, estou tão contente por ter pensado em fazer-me aprender isto, Miss Marilla. " "Well, learn it and hold your tongue," said Marilla shortly. 「まあ、それを学び、あなたの舌を保持しなさい」とマリラはまもなく言った。 "Bem, aprende e cala a boca", disse Marilla, rapidamente. Anne tipped the vase of apple blossoms near enough to bestow a soft kiss on a pink-cupped bud, and then studied diligently for some moments longer. ||||||||||verleihen|||||||schalenförmig|Knospe||||fleißig|||| Anne fit basculer le vase de fleurs de pommier assez près pour donner un doux baiser sur un bourgeon rose, puis étudia diligemment pendant quelques instants de plus. Anne inclinou o vaso de flores de macieira o suficiente para dar um beijo suave num botão cor-de-rosa, e depois estudou atentamente durante mais alguns momentos. Anne, elma çiçeklerinden oluşan vazoyu, pembe bir tomurcuğa yumuşak bir öpücük verecek kadar yaklaştırdı ve sonra birkaç dakika daha gayretle çalıştı. Енн нахилила вазу з яблуневим цвітом досить близько, щоб обдарувати ніжним поцілунком рожевий бутон, а потім ще кілька хвилин старанно вивчала його.

"Marilla," she demanded presently, "do you think that I shall ever have a bosom friend in Avonlea? " |||„nach einer Weile“||||||||||Busenfreundin||| 「マリラ」と彼女は現在、「私がエイボンリーに懐かしい友達を作ると思いますか?」と要求しました。 "Marilla", perguntou ela de repente, "achas que alguma vez terei uma amiga do peito em Avonlea? " "Marilla," diye sordu şu anda, "Sence Avonlea'da hiç göğüslü bir arkadaşım olacak mı?" "Марілло, - запитала вона, - як ти думаєш, чи знайду я коли-небудь в Ейвонлі подругу по серцю? " "A--a what kind of friend? " 「あー、どんな友達?」 "Que tipo de amigo? " "A bosom friend--an intimate friend, you know--a really kindred spirit to whom I can confide my inmost soul. ||||||||||||||||anvertrauen||| 「懐かしい友人、親密な友人、あなたが知っているように、私が私の最も深い魂を打ち明けることができる本当に親切な精神。 "Um amigo do peito, um amigo íntimo, sabe, uma verdadeira alma gémea a quem posso confiar o meu íntimo. I’ve dreamed of meeting her all my life. 私は一生彼女に会うことを夢見ていました。 Toda a minha vida sonhei em conhecê-la. I never really supposed I would, but so many of my loveliest dreams have come true all at once that perhaps this one will, too. Nunca pensei que o fizesse, mas tantos dos meus sonhos mais bonitos se realizaram de uma só vez que talvez este também se realize. Asla gerçekten yapmayacağımı düşünmemiştim, ama en güzel rüyalarımın çoğu bir anda gerçekleşti ve belki bu da gerçekleşecek. Do you think it’s possible? " あなたはそれが可能だと思いますか? 「」 Acha que é possível? " "Diana Barry lives over at Orchard Slope and she’s about your age. 「ダイアナ・バリーはオーチャード・スロープに住んでいて、彼女はあなたと同じくらいの年齢です。 "A Diana Barry vive em Orchard Slope e tem mais ou menos a tua idade. She’s a very nice little girl, and perhaps she will be a playmate for you when she comes home. 彼女はとても素敵な女の子です、そしておそらく彼女は家に帰ったときにあなたのための遊び相手になるでしょう。 É uma menina muito simpática e talvez possa ser uma companheira de brincadeiras para si quando voltar para casa. She’s visiting her aunt over at Carmody just now. 彼女はちょうど今カーモディで叔母を訪ねています。 Ela está a visitar a tia em Carmody neste momento. You’ll have to be careful how you behave yourself, though. ただし、自分の行動には注意する必要があります。 No entanto, tens de ter cuidado com a forma como te comportas. Однак вам доведеться бути обережними у своїй поведінці. Mrs. Barry is a very particular woman. バリー夫人は非常に特別な女性です。 A Sra. Barry é uma mulher muito particular. She won’t let Diana play with any little girl who isn’t nice and good. " 彼女はダイアナに素晴らしくて良くない小さな女の子と遊ばせません。 「」 Ela não deixa a Diana brincar com nenhuma menina que não seja simpática e boa. " Вона не дозволяє Діані гратися з жодною дівчинкою, яка не є гарною та доброю. " Anne looked at Marilla through the apple blossoms, her eyes aglow with interest. Anne regarda Marilla à travers les fleurs de pommier, les yeux brillants d'intérêt. Anne olhou para Marilla através das flores de macieira, os seus olhos brilhavam de interesse.

"What is Diana like? 「ダイアナはどんな人? "Como é que é a Diana? Her hair isn’t red, is it? 彼女の髪は赤くないですよね? O cabelo dela não é ruivo, pois não? Oh, I hope not. ああ、そうは思わない。 It’s bad enough to have red hair myself, but I positively couldn’t endure it in a bosom friend. " ||||||||||||ertragen||||| 自分で赤毛になるのは悪いことですが、懐かしい友達に我慢できませんでした。 「」 Já é mau ter cabelo ruivo, mas não o suportaria num amigo do peito. " Досить погано мати руде волосся самому, але я точно не зміг би терпіти його в близькій подрузі. " "Diana is a very pretty little girl. "A Diana é uma rapariga muito bonita. She has black eyes and hair and rosy cheeks. ||||||||Wangen 彼女は黒い目と髪とバラ色の頬を持っています。 Tem olhos e cabelos pretos e bochechas rosadas. And she is good and smart, which is better than being pretty. " そして彼女は上手で頭が良く、かわいらしいよりはましだ。 「」 E ela é boa e inteligente, o que é melhor do que ser bonita. " Marilla was as fond of morals as the Duchess in Wonderland, and was firmly convinced that one should be tacked on to every remark made to a child who was being brought up. ||||||||||||||fest davon überzeugt|||||angehängt||||Bemerkung||||||||| Marilla aimait autant la morale que la duchesse au pays des merveilles, et était fermement convaincue qu'il fallait tenir compte de chaque remarque faite à un enfant qui était élevé. マリラは不思議の国の公爵夫人と同じくらい道徳が好きで、育てられている子供に対してなされたすべての発言に力を注ぐべきであると強く確信していました。 Marilla gostava tanto de moral como a Duquesa no País das Maravilhas, e estava firmemente convencida de que se devia acrescentar uma moral a cada comentário feito a uma criança que estava a ser educada. Marilla, Harikalar Diyarı'ndaki Düşes kadar ahlaki değerlere düşkündü ve büyütülmekte olan bir çocuğa yapılan her söze dikkat edilmesi gerektiğine kesin olarak ikna olmuştu. Марілла любила мораль, як Герцогиня в Країні Чудес, і була твердо переконана, що до кожного зауваження, зробленого дитині, яку виховують, треба причепитися.

But Anne waved the moral inconsequently aside and seized only on the delightful possibilities before it. ||wischte weg||||beiseite||ergriff||||||| Mais Anne a agité la morale sans conséquence et n'a saisi que les délicieuses possibilités qui s'offraient à elle. しかし、アンは結果的に道徳を脇に振って、その前の楽しい可能性だけをつかみました。 Mas Anne deixou a moral de lado de forma inconsequente e aproveitou apenas as deliciosas possibilidades que se lhe deparavam. Ama Anne, ahlaki değerleri bir yana salladı ve sadece önündeki hoş olasılıkları değerlendirdi.

"Oh, I’m so glad she’s pretty. 「ああ、彼女がかわいくてとてもうれしい。 "Oh, estou tão contente por ela ser bonita. Next to being beautiful oneself--and that’s impossible in my case--it would be best to have a beautiful bosom friend. 自分が美しいことの次に-そして私の場合はそれは不可能です-美しい胸の友達がいるのが最善でしょう。 Para além de ser bonita - e isso é impossível no meu caso - o melhor seria ter uma amiga do peito bonita. When I lived with Mrs. Thomas she had a bookcase in her sitting room with glass doors. 私がトーマス夫人と一緒に住んでいたとき、彼女はガラスのドアのある居間に本棚を持っていました。 Quando vivi com a Sra. Thomas, ela tinha uma estante de livros na sala de estar com portas de vidro. There weren’t any books in it; Mrs. Thomas kept her best china and her preserves there--when she had any preserves to keep. ||||||||||||||Marmeladen|||||||| Il n'y avait aucun livre dedans; Mme Thomas a gardé sa meilleure porcelaine et ses conserves là-bas - quand elle avait des conserves à conserver. その中に本はありませんでした。トーマス夫人は彼女の最高の陶磁器と彼女のジャムをそこに保管しました-彼女が保管するジャムを持っていたとき。 Não havia lá livros; a Sra. Thomas guardava lá a sua melhor porcelana e as suas conservas - quando tinha conservas para guardar. One of the doors was broken. ドアの1つが壊れていました。 Uma das portas estava partida.

Mr. Thomas smashed it one night when he was slightly intoxicated. ||||||||||leicht betrunken トーマス氏は、ある夜、少し酔っ払っていたときにそれを壊しました。 O Sr. Thomas partiu-a numa noite em que estava ligeiramente embriagado. Пан Томас розбив його однієї ночі, коли був трохи напідпитку. But the other was whole and I used to pretend that my reflection in it was another little girl who lived in it. |||||||||so tun als ob||||||||||||| Mais l'autre était entière et j'avais l'habitude de prétendre que mon reflet était une autre petite fille qui y vivait. しかし、もう一方は全体であり、私はその中の私の反射がそこに住んでいた別の小さな女の子であると偽っていました。 Mas a outra era inteira e eu costumava fingir que o meu reflexo nela era outra menina que vivia nela. I called her Katie Maurice, and we were very intimate. 私は彼女をケイティ・モーリスと呼びました、そして私たちはとても親密でした。 Chamava-lhe Katie Maurice e éramos muito íntimos. I used to talk to her by the hour, especially on Sunday, and tell her everything. 私は、特に日曜日に、時間単位で彼女と話し、すべてを彼女に話していました。 Costumava falar com ela de hora a hora, especialmente ao domingo, e contava-lhe tudo. Katie was the comfort and consolation of my life. |||||Trost||| ケイティは私の人生の慰めと慰めでした。 A Katie foi o conforto e a consolação da minha vida. We used to pretend that the bookcase was enchanted and that if I only knew the spell I could open the door and step right into the room where Katie Maurice lived, instead of into Mrs. Thomas' shelves of preserves and china. ||||||||verzaubert||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Nous avions l'habitude de prétendre que la bibliothèque était enchantée et que si je connaissais seulement le sortilège, je pourrais ouvrir la porte et entrer directement dans la pièce où vivait Katie Maurice, plutôt que dans les étagères de conserves et de porcelaine de Mme Thomas. 私たちはかつて本棚が魅了されていて、呪文を知っていればドアを開けて、トーマス夫人のジャムや陶磁器の棚ではなく、ケイティ・モーリスが住んでいた部屋に足を踏み入れることができると思っていました。 Costumávamos fingir que a estante era encantada e que, se eu soubesse o feitiço, podia abrir a porta e entrar diretamente no quarto onde vivia Katie Maurice, em vez de entrar nas prateleiras de conservas e porcelana da Sra. Thomas. Ми уявляли, що книжкова шафа зачарована, і якби я тільки знала заклинання, то змогла б відчинити дверцята і зайти до кімнати, де жила Кеті Моріс, а не до полиць з консервацією та порцеляною пані Томас. And then Katie Maurice would have taken me by the hand and led me out into a wonderful place, all flowers and sunshine and fairies, and we would have lived there happy for ever after. そして、ケイティ・モーリスが私を手に取って、私を素晴らしい場所、すべての花と太陽の光と妖精に連れて行ってくれたでしょう、そして私たちはその後ずっと幸せにそこに住んでいたでしょう。 E depois a Katie Maurice ter-me-ia pegado na mão e ter-me-ia levado para um lugar maravilhoso, cheio de flores, sol e fadas, e teríamos vivido lá felizes para sempre. When I went to live with Mrs. Hammond it just broke my heart to leave Katie Maurice. ハモンド夫人と一緒に住んでいたとき、ケイティ・モーリスを離れることは私の心を壊しました。 Quando fui viver com a Sra. Hammond, partiu-me o coração deixar a Katie Maurice.

She felt it dreadfully, too, I know she did, for she was crying when she kissed me good-bye through the bookcase door. |||furchtbar||||||||||||||||||| Ela também o sentiu terrivelmente, eu sei que sentiu, porque estava a chorar quando me deu um beijo de despedida através da porta da estante. There was no bookcase at Mrs. Hammond’s. ハモンド夫人には本棚はありませんでした。 Não havia estante de livros na casa da Sra. Hammond. But just up the river a little way from the house there was a long green little valley, and the loveliest echo lived there. |||||||||||||||||||||Widerhall|| しかし、家から少し離れた川のすぐ上には、長い緑の小さな谷があり、最も美しいエコーがそこに住んでいました。 Mas um pouco mais acima do rio, a uma certa distância da casa, havia um longo e verdejante vale, onde vivia o mais belo eco. Але вище по річці, трохи далі від будинку, була довга зелена долина, і там жило найпрекрасніше відлуння.

It echoed back every word you said, even if you didn’t talk a bit loud. Fazia eco de cada palavra que se dizia, mesmo que não se falasse um pouco alto. Вона відгукувалася на кожне твоє слово, навіть якщо ти говорив не дуже голосно. So I imagined that it was a little girl called Violetta and we were great friends and I loved her almost as well as I loved Katie Maurice--not quite, but almost, you know. だから私はそれがヴィオレッタと呼ばれる小さな女の子だと想像しました、そして私たちは素晴らしい友達でした、そして私はケイティ・モーリスを愛したのとほぼ同じように彼女を愛しました-完全ではありませんが、ほとんどあなたは知っています。 Por isso, imaginei que era uma menina chamada Violetta e que éramos grandes amigas e que a amava quase tão bem como amava a Katie Maurice - não exatamente, mas quase, sabe. The night before I went to the asylum I said good-bye to Violetta, and oh, her good-bye came back to me in such sad, sad tones. Na noite anterior à minha ida para o asilo, despedi-me da Violetta e, oh, o seu adeus veio-me à memória em tons tão tristes, tão tristes. I had become so attached to her that I hadn’t the heart to imagine a bosom friend at the asylum, even if there had been any scope for imagination there. " ||||||||||||||||||||||||||Spielraum||| Je m'étais tellement attaché à elle que je n'avais pas le cœur d'imaginer une amie intime à l'asile, même s'il y avait là place pour l'imagination. " Tinha-me afeiçoado tanto a ela que não tinha coragem de imaginar uma amiga do peito no asilo, mesmo que houvesse espaço para a imaginação. " Я так прив'язався до неї, що мені не вистачило духу уявити собі близьку подругу в притулку, навіть якби там був хоч якийсь простір для уяви. "