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Steve's Cafe, Are Things as Bad as Trump Says?

Are Things as Bad as Trump Says?

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here.

Again, this is my political rant channel, Steve's Café. If you're more interested in language learning, then tune in to my Lingo Steve channel. People have asked me there to make more videos in different languages, so I'm going to do so. I'll probably follow this one with a Japanese language video over there. And, if you are a learner of English, you can find the audio and text of this at LingQ, where you can study it to improve your English. Today, I want to talk about Donald Trump because it's topical to talk about him.

I haven't got all my thoughts organized, but I'll just sort of give you my perspective on this whole phenomenon. I think Donald Trump is a thoroughly disagreeable person.

Someone said you should read his book The Art of the Deal. I didn't read it, but I looked up some surveys, reviews and summaries of the book. Apparently, it talks most about him, but there is some advice there on how to do a deal and one of the bits of advice is ‘under promise and over deliver.' Well, Trump has been promising all kinds of stuff that he hasn't got a chance of delivering on, so he's certainly not living up to his bit of advice. That's only one of the things that I find disagreeable, for example, when he implies or says that he's going to create all those jobs in the U.S., he's going to bring jobs back and he's going to do so by sticking it to China and by sticking it to Mexico.

I think we need to be a little bit more realistic. First of all, things in the U.S. are not that bad. The level of unemployment might be a little higher than it was 10 years ago, but that's the case everywhere. So let's just look at an example of a country and an industrial sector that has lost a lot of employment in Canada and it has nothing to do with China or Mexico. Let's look at the forest industry.

I remember when I worked in the forest industry. For example, the Town of Port Alberni on Vancouver Island, a simple little town which had a pulp mill, a paper mill, a saw mill and loggers, was the richest town in Canada because everyone had people working. Maybe a husband and wife worked in the mill and the son worked logging, everybody had a good income. Well, employment in the forest industry in Canada has gone from 300,000 to 100,000, a third of the previous level.

Why? Because we don't need as much paper anymore, because we have the internet and because of a market that I'm very much involved with, Japan. We're facing more and more competition from second-growth forests in Scandinavia, Germany, Romania and New Zealand. There's competition out there. The saw mills and, I presume, the pulp mills, while I'm not as close to that as I am to saw mills, are so much more automated. There's far less employment, therefore, it's gone from 300,000 jobs to 100,000 jobs. That is very difficult on certain communities and those people who were employed in that sector, but it's not about scapegoating China or Mexico. Yes, to some extent, we have cheap product coming in from China that might be manufactured in the U.S., but I suspect a lot of that was already manufactured overseas 20 or 30 years ago; maybe not in China, but in some other low-wage country.

I'm talking about textiles, shoes and things of that nature. Perhaps there would be a little more employment, but sticking it to China is not going to bring back manufacturing jobs in the United States to any significant extent. So he's promising that he's going to bring the U.S. more employment, it ain't gonna happen. On the other side, he is thoroughly unpleasant.

How can you be involved in a political competition with say Hillary Clinton or any of his opposition and spend so much time calling them disgusting. Kasich is disgusting in the way he eats and Hillary Clinton would only get five percent of the vote if she were a male, which is absolute nonsense and it's based on nothing. He talks so much garbage and yet people support him, so I ask people why. Well, you know, people are so mad. They're mad at the system. What are they mad about? For example, the United States spends something like $8 or $9,000 per capita on public health care, let alone private health care.

That's about the highest in the world, only Norway and Denmark are close to that. So the government spends a lot of money on public health care. They may do it inefficiently, but money goes to health care. The United States spends more money than most countries on education. Again, it may not be very efficient, but it is spending the money. Yet, I saw a statistic and 45% of the population pay no taxes federally whatsoever. So they're getting health care, they're getting schooling, the quality of which is a problem, and other benefits that they don't even pay for. Yes, we're going through a period of adjustment, a period of automation and, yes, there's international competition.

To me, that's a good thing. I like international competition in many different ways. I like listening to music that I buy, but I don't only buy music played by Canadian artists. I want to hear Spanish guitar music; it might be by a Uruguayan for all I care. We live in a connected world. I want to buy fruit from Mexico, the Philippines. That's the benefit of living in this connected world. I'm not going to cut it all off in the hope that somehow it's going to raise standards of living, it won't. And so Trump…I just don't understand.

Things aren't that bad, they are worse in most other countries in the world. They might have been somewhat better for the majority of Americans in terms of their access to education, access to health care, the ability to buy things, but if people would only get out of their car they'd be healthier. Everywhere you go it's drive-in pharmacy, drive-in this, drive-in that, when people get out of their car they don't look like they could walk very far. That's an exaggeration, of course, but that's in the style of Trump. There are so many things that people could do in the United States, educate themselves, read more, take advantage of this wonderful world like the iPad or the iPhone.

I learn all my languages on my iPad and iPhone and none of that existed 10 years ago, 20 years ago at any rate. We have so many good things now that it's just for us to take advantage of. So all this business from people about, well, they know what Trump is saying is stupid, but they are just really annoyed at the system and stuff like that. I don't buy that at all.

I think they support that exists for Trump is a reflection, unfortunately, and I'm going to get a lot of negative comments on this, of the education system in the United States. Either people are poorly educated or they're taught to believe that they're entitled to a bunch of stuff when, in fact, nobody owes Americans a living. People aren't entitled to anything. I'm reading a history book about 1848 and there was a movement ‘the right to work'. We don't have a right to work. There are entrepreneurs who create jobs, the government doesn't create jobs. Whatever we want we're going to have to create it ourselves and the system isn't rigged. That's my view on it.

I think there is so much hype about how things are rigged, unfair, all this and all that and so people are going to vote for a guy whose wife buys $100,000 dress for one dinner and that's good, that's what we want to follow? I don't get it. Bye for now.

Are Things as Bad as Trump Says? Sind die Dinge so schlimm, wie Trump sagt? ¿Están las cosas tan mal como dice Trump? La situation est-elle aussi grave que le prétend Trump ? Le cose vanno così male come dice Trump? トランプが言うほど状況は悪いのか? As coisas são tão más como diz Trump? 事情真如特朗普所说的那么糟糕吗?

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here.

Again, this is my political rant channel, Steve’s Café. |||benim||||| Nochmals, dies ist mein politischer Rantkanal, Steve's Café. Encore une fois, il s'agit de ma chaîne de délires politiques, Steve's Café. 다시 한 번 말씀드리지만, 제가 운영하는 정치적 발언 채널인 스티브의 카페입니다. If you’re more interested in language learning, then tune in to my Lingo Steve channel. ||||||||katıl|||||| 언어 학습에 더 관심이 있으시다면 제 Lingo Steve 채널을 시청하세요. People have asked me there to make more videos in different languages, so I’m going to do so. 다른 언어로 더 많은 동영상을 만들어 달라는 요청이 많아서 그렇게 하려고 합니다. I’ll probably follow this one with a Japanese language video over there. 이 동영상에 이어서 일본어 동영상으로 이어갈게요. And, if you are a learner of English, you can find the audio and text of this at LingQ, where you can study it to improve your English. Today, I want to talk about Donald Trump because it’s topical to talk about him. ||||||||||시의적절한|||| 오늘은 도널드 트럼프에 대해 이야기하는 것이 화제이기 때문에 그에 대해 이야기하고자 합니다.

I haven’t got all my thoughts organized, but I’ll just sort of give you my perspective on this whole phenomenon. I think Donald Trump is a thoroughly disagreeable person. ||||||tamamen|hoş olmayan| ||||||철저히|불쾌한| 저는 도널드 트럼프가 철저하게 불쾌한 사람이라고 생각합니다.

Someone said you should read his book The Art of the Deal. I didn’t read it, but I looked up some surveys, reviews and summaries of the book. |||||||||anketler|incelemeler||||| |||||||||설문조사|리뷰||요약들||| 책을 읽지는 않았지만 설문조사, 리뷰, 요약본을 찾아보았습니다. Apparently, it talks most about him, but there is some advice there on how to do a deal and one of the bits of advice is ‘under promise and over deliver.' Apparemment, il y est surtout question de lui, mais on y trouve aussi des conseils sur la manière de conclure un marché, dont l'un d'entre eux consiste à "promettre moins et tenir plus". 분명히 그에 대한 이야기가 대부분이지만, 거래를 하는 방법에 대한 조언이 있으며 그 중 하나는 '약속을 지키고 과도하게 제공하라'는 것입니다. Aparentemente, fala mais sobre ele, mas há alguns conselhos sobre como fazer um negócio e um dos conselhos é "prometer menos e cumprir mais". Well, Trump has been promising all kinds of stuff that he hasn’t got a chance of delivering on, so he’s certainly not living up to his bit of advice. ||||||||||||||||실현하는 것|||||||||||| Eh bien, Trump a promis toutes sortes de choses qu'il n'a aucune chance de réaliser, et il n'est donc certainement pas à la hauteur de son conseil. 트럼프는 이행할 가능성이 없는 온갖 종류의 공약을 남발해 왔기 때문에 자신의 충고를 지키지 않고 있는 것은 분명합니다. That’s only one of the things that I find disagreeable, for example, when he implies or says that he’s going to create all those jobs in the U.S., he’s going to bring jobs back and he’s going to do so by sticking it to China and by sticking it to Mexico. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||찌르기|||||||||멕시코 Ce n'est qu'une des choses que je trouve désagréables, par exemple lorsqu'il laisse entendre ou dit qu'il va créer tous ces emplois aux États-Unis, qu'il va ramener des emplois et qu'il va le faire en s'en prenant à la Chine et au Mexique.

I think we need to be a little bit more realistic. ||||||||||현실적이어야 한다 좀 더 현실적인 접근이 필요하다고 생각합니다. First of all, things in the U.S. are not that bad. The level of unemployment might be a little higher than it was 10 years ago, but that’s the case everywhere. |||실업||||||||||||||| So let’s just look at an example of a country and an industrial sector that has lost a lot of employment in Canada and it has nothing to do with China or Mexico. ||||||||||||||||||||고용|||||||||||| 중국이나 멕시코와는 전혀 관련이 없는 캐나다에서 많은 일자리를 잃은 한 국가와 산업 부문의 예를 살펴봅시다. Let’s look at the forest industry.

I remember when I worked in the forest industry. 산림 업계에서 일할 때가 기억납니다. For example, the Town of Port Alberni on Vancouver Island, a simple little town which had a pulp mill, a paper mill, a saw mill and loggers, was the richest town in Canada because everyone had people working. |||||||||||||||||hamur|değirmen||||||||ağaç kesic||||||||||| |||||항구|알버니|||||||||||펄프|공장||||||||벌목꾼|||가장 부유한|||||||| Par exemple, la ville de Port Alberni, sur l'île de Vancouver, une simple petite ville qui comptait une usine de pâte à papier, une papeterie, une scierie et des bûcherons, était la ville la plus riche du Canada parce que tout le monde y travaillait. 예를 들어, 펄프 공장, 제지 공장, 제재소, 벌목장이 있는 소박한 작은 마을이었던 밴쿠버 아일랜드의 포트 알버니 마을은 모두가 일하는 사람들이 있었기 때문에 캐나다에서 가장 부유한 마을이었습니다. Maybe a husband and wife worked in the mill and the son worked logging, everybody had a good income. |||||||||||||ağaç kesimi||||| |||||||||||||벌목||||| 부부는 방앗간에서 일하고 아들은 벌목 일을 하면서 모두 좋은 수입을 얻었을 수도 있습니다. Well, employment in the forest industry in Canada has gone from 300,000 to 100,000, a third of the previous level. ||||||||||||||||önceki| 캐나다의 산림 산업 고용은 30만 명에서 10만 명으로 이전의 3분의 1 수준으로 감소했습니다.

Why? Because we don’t need as much paper anymore, because we have the internet and because of a market that I’m very much involved with, Japan. ||||||||||||||||||||||ilişkili olduğum|| Parce que nous n'avons plus besoin d'autant de papier, parce que nous avons l'internet et parce qu'il y a un marché qui m'intéresse beaucoup, le Japon. 더 이상 종이가 많이 필요하지 않고, 인터넷이 있고, 제가 매우 관여하고 있는 시장인 일본이 있기 때문입니다. We’re facing more and more competition from second-growth forests in Scandinavia, Germany, Romania and New Zealand. |||||||||||İskandinavya||||| ||||||||재생림|산림||스칸디나비아||루마니아||| Nous sommes de plus en plus confrontés à la concurrence des forêts de seconde génération en Scandinavie, en Allemagne, en Roumanie et en Nouvelle-Zélande. 우리는 스칸디나비아, 독일, 루마니아, 뉴질랜드의 제2성장림과 점점 더 많은 경쟁에 직면해 있습니다. There’s competition out there. |rekabet|| Il y a de la concurrence. The saw mills and, I presume, the pulp mills, while I’m not as close to that as I am to saw mills, are so much more automated. |||||varsayıyorum||||||||||||||||||||| ||제재소들|||추정하다|||||||||||||||||||||자동화된 Les scieries et, je suppose, les usines de pâte à papier, bien que je ne sois pas aussi proche de celles-ci que des scieries, sont beaucoup plus automatisées. 제재소와 펄프 공장은 제가 제재소만큼 가까이 있지는 않지만, 훨씬 더 자동화되어 있습니다. There’s far less employment, therefore, it’s gone from 300,000 jobs to 100,000 jobs. Il y a beaucoup moins d'emplois, c'est pourquoi on est passé de 300 000 à 100 000 emplois. 따라서 고용이 훨씬 줄어들어 30만 개의 일자리에서 10만 개의 일자리로 감소했습니다. That is very difficult on certain communities and those people who were employed in that sector, but it’s not about scapegoating China or Mexico. ||||||||||||||||||||günah keçisi||| ||||||공동체||||||고용된||||||||희생양 만들기||| 이는 특정 커뮤니티와 해당 분야에 종사하는 사람들에게는 매우 어려운 일이지만, 중국이나 멕시코를 희생양으로 삼으려는 것은 아닙니다. Yes, to some extent, we have cheap product coming in from China that might be manufactured in the U.S., but I suspect a lot of that was already manufactured overseas 20 or 30 years ago; maybe not in China, but in some other low-wage country. |||||||||||||||제조된||||||||||||||||||||||||||||저임금| |||||||ürün||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 예, 어느 정도는 미국에서 제조된 값싼 제품이 중국에서 들어오고 있지만, 그 중 상당수는 이미 20년 또는 30년 전에 해외에서 제조된 것으로, 중국이 아니라 다른 저임금 국가에서 제조된 것으로 추정됩니다.

I’m talking about textiles, shoes and things of that nature. |||직물|||||| 저는 직물, 신발 등 그런 종류의 물건에 대해 이야기하고 있습니다. Perhaps there would be a little more employment, but sticking it to China is not going to bring back manufacturing jobs in the United States to any significant extent. |||||||||||||||||||제조업||||||||| Il y aurait peut-être un peu plus d'emplois, mais ce n'est pas en s'en prenant à la Chine que l'on fera revenir les emplois manufacturiers aux États-Unis dans une mesure significative. 고용이 조금 더 늘어날 수는 있겠지만, 중국에만 매달린다고 해서 미국 내 제조업 일자리가 크게 회복되지는 않을 것입니다. Talvez houvesse um pouco mais de emprego, mas o facto de se impor à China não vai trazer de volta os empregos na indústria transformadora nos Estados Unidos de forma significativa. So he’s promising that he’s going to bring the U.S. Il promet donc qu'il va amener les États-Unis à se conformer à la loi sur les droits de l'homme et à la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme. 그래서 그는 미국을 위한 more employment, it ain’t gonna happen. 더 많은 고용을 창출할 수는 없습니다. On the other side, he is thoroughly unpleasant. Auf der anderen Seite ist er durch und durch unangenehm. 다른 한편으로 그는 철저히 불쾌합니다.

How can you be involved in a political competition with say Hillary Clinton or any of his opposition and spend so much time calling them disgusting. 어떻게 힐러리 클린턴이나 그의 야당 후보와 정치적 경쟁을 벌이면서 그들을 역겹다고 말하는 데 그렇게 많은 시간을 할애할 수 있을까요? Kasich is disgusting in the way he eats and Hillary Clinton would only get five percent of the vote if she were a male, which is absolute nonsense and it’s based on nothing. |||||||먹는 방식||||||||||||||||남성||||||||| Kasich est dégoûtant dans sa façon de manger et Hillary Clinton n'obtiendrait que 5 % des voix si elle était un homme, ce qui est absolument absurde et ne repose sur rien. 카시치는 먹는 방식이 역겹고 힐러리 클린턴은 남성이었다면 5%의 득표율밖에 얻지 못했을 것이라는 주장은 전혀 근거가 없는 말도 안 되는 주장입니다. He talks so much garbage and yet people support him, so I ask people why. ||||saçmalık|||||||||| 그는 쓰레기를 너무 많이 말하지만 사람들은 그를 지지하기 때문에 저는 사람들에게 그 이유를 묻습니다. Well, you know, people are so mad. Eh bien, vous savez, les gens sont tellement en colère. 사람들이 너무 화가 났어요. They’re mad at the system. 그들은 시스템에 화가 났습니다. What are they mad about? 그들은 무엇에 화가 났을까요? For example, the United States spends something like $8 or $9,000 per capita on public health care, let alone private health care. ||||||||||kişi başına||||||||| ||||||||||1인당||||||||| Par exemple, les États-Unis dépensent environ 8 ou 9 000 dollars par habitant pour les soins de santé publics, sans parler des soins de santé privés. 예를 들어, 미국은 민간 의료 서비스는 말할 것도 없고 공공 의료 서비스에도 1인당 8~9천 달러를 지출하고 있습니다.

That’s about the highest in the world, only Norway and Denmark are close to that. ||||||||노르웨이||덴마크|||| 이는 세계에서 가장 높은 수치이며, 노르웨이와 덴마크만이 이에 근접한 수준입니다. So the government spends a lot of money on public health care. They may do it inefficiently, but money goes to health care. ||||verimsiz bir şekilde|||||| ||||비효율적으로|||||| Ils le font peut-être de manière inefficace, mais l'argent va aux soins de santé. 비효율적일 수 있지만 의료 서비스에 돈이 들어갑니다. The United States spends more money than most countries on education. 미국은 대부분의 국가보다 교육에 더 많은 돈을 지출하고 있습니다. Again, it may not be very efficient, but it is spending the money. 다시 말하지만, 그다지 효율적이지는 않지만 돈을 쓰고 있습니다. Yet, I saw a statistic and 45% of the population pay no taxes federally whatsoever. ||||통계||||||||연방 차원에서|전혀 아무것도 Pourtant, j'ai vu une statistique selon laquelle 45 % de la population ne paie aucun impôt fédéral. 그런데 한 통계를 보니 인구의 45%가 연방정부에 세금을 전혀 내지 않는 것으로 나타났습니다. So they’re getting health care, they’re getting schooling, the quality of which is a problem, and other benefits that they don’t even pay for. |||||||||||||||||혜택|||||| Ils bénéficient donc de soins de santé, d'une éducation, dont la qualité pose problème, et d'autres avantages pour lesquels ils ne paient même pas. 그래서 그들은 의료 서비스를 받고, 질이 문제가 되는 학교 교육을 받고, 돈도 내지 않는 기타 혜택을 받고 있습니다. Yes, we’re going through a period of adjustment, a period of automation and, yes, there’s international competition. |||||||uyum sağlama||||||||| |||||||조정||||자동화||||| 예, 우리는 조정 기간과 자동화 기간을 거치고 있으며 국제적인 경쟁이 벌어지고 있습니다.

To me, that’s a good thing. I like international competition in many different ways. I like listening to music that I buy, but I don’t only buy music played by Canadian artists. |||||||||||||||||예술가 I want to hear Spanish guitar music; it might be by a Uruguayan for all I care. |||||gitar|||||||Uruguaylı|||| |||||기타|||||||우루과이 사람|||| We live in a connected world. I want to buy fruit from Mexico, the Philippines. ||||||||Filipinler ||||||||필리핀 멕시코, 필리핀에서 과일을 구매하고 싶습니다. That’s the benefit of living in this connected world. 이것이 바로 연결된 세상에서 살아가는 이점이기도 합니다. I’m not going to cut it all off in the hope that somehow it’s going to raise standards of living, it won’t. Je ne vais pas tout supprimer dans l'espoir que cela améliorera le niveau de vie, ce n'est pas le cas. 어떻게든 생활 수준을 높일 수 있을 거라는 희망으로 모든 것을 끊지는 않을 것이며, 그렇지 않을 것입니다. And so Trump…I just don’t understand.

Things aren’t that bad, they are worse in most other countries in the world. La situation n'est pas si mauvaise, elle est pire dans la plupart des autres pays du monde. They might have been somewhat better for the majority of Americans in terms of their access to education, access to health care, the ability to buy things, but if people would only get out of their car they’d be healthier. La situation de la majorité des Américains s'est peut-être quelque peu améliorée en termes d'accès à l'éducation, d'accès aux soins de santé et de capacité d'achat, mais si les gens sortaient de leur voiture, ils seraient en meilleure santé. 대다수 미국인의 교육 접근성, 의료 서비스 접근성, 물건 구매 능력 측면에서 다소 나아졌을지 모르지만 사람들이 차에서 내리기만 한다면 더 건강해질 수 있을 것입니다. Everywhere you go it’s drive-in pharmacy, drive-in this, drive-in that, when people get out of their car they don’t look like they could walk very far. ||||||약국|||||||||||||||||||||| 가는 곳마다 드라이브 인 약국, 드라이브 인 이쪽, 드라이브 인 저쪽, 사람들이 차에서 내릴 때 멀리 걸어갈 수 없을 것 같은 모습입니다. That’s an exaggeration, of course, but that’s in the style of Trump. ||과장||||||||| 물론 과장된 표현이긴 하지만 트럼프의 스타일이 그렇습니다. There are so many things that people could do in the United States, educate themselves, read more, take advantage of this wonderful world like the iPad or the iPhone. |||||||||||||kendilerini eğitmek||||||||||||iPad||| |||||||||||||교육하다|||||||||||||||아이폰 사람들이 미국에서 할 수 있는 일, 스스로 교육하고, 더 많은 것을 읽고, iPad나 iPhone과 같은 멋진 세상을 활용할 수 있는 일이 너무나 많습니다.

I learn all my languages on my iPad and iPhone and none of that existed 10 years ago, 20 years ago at any rate. We have so many good things now that it’s just for us to take advantage of. So all this business from people about, well, they know what Trump is saying is stupid, but they are just really annoyed at the system and stuff like that. |||||||||||||||||||||짜증난||||||| Ainsi, les gens disent qu'ils savent que ce que dit Trump est stupide, mais qu'ils sont juste très ennuyés par le système, etc. 그래서 사람들은 트럼프의 말이 어리석다는 것을 알지만 시스템과 그런 것들에 대해 정말 짜증을 내고 있습니다. I don’t buy that at all.

I think they support that exists for Trump is a reflection, unfortunately, and I’m going to get a lot of negative comments on this, of the education system in the United States. ||||||||||반영||||||||||||||||||||| |||||var|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Je pense que le soutien dont bénéficie Trump est le reflet, malheureusement, et je vais recevoir beaucoup de commentaires négatifs à ce sujet, du système éducatif aux États-Unis. 안타깝게도 트럼프에 대한 지지는 미국 교육 시스템에 대한 반증이라고 생각하며, 이에 대해 많은 부정적인 댓글을 받게 될 것입니다. Either people are poorly educated or they’re taught to believe that they’re entitled to a bunch of stuff when, in fact, nobody owes Americans a living. ||||||||||||||||||||||borçlu||| ||||||||||||||||||||||빚지고 있다||| Soit les gens sont mal éduqués, soit on leur apprend à croire qu'ils ont droit à tout un tas de choses alors qu'en fait, personne ne doit sa vie aux Américains. 사람들은 교육을 제대로 받지 못했거나, 실제로는 아무도 미국인에게 빚진 것이 없는데도 많은 것을 받을 자격이 있다고 믿도록 배웠습니다. Ou as pessoas são mal educadas ou são ensinadas a acreditar que têm direito a um monte de coisas quando, na verdade, ninguém deve a vida aos americanos. People aren’t entitled to anything. 사람들은 아무것도 받을 자격이 없습니다. I’m reading a history book about 1848 and there was a movement ‘the right to work'. 1848년에 관한 역사책을 읽다가 '일할 권리' 운동이 일어났어요. We don’t have a right to work. 우리는 일할 권리가 없습니다. There are entrepreneurs who create jobs, the government doesn’t create jobs. ||girişimciler|||||||| Whatever we want we’re going to have to create it ourselves and the system isn’t rigged. |||||||||||||||ayarlanmış Quoi que nous voulions, nous devrons le créer nous-mêmes et le système n'est pas truqué. 우리가 원하는 것은 무엇이든 우리가 직접 만들어야 하며 시스템은 조작되지 않습니다. That’s my view on it.

I think there is so much hype about how things are rigged, unfair, all this and all that and so people are going to vote for a guy whose wife buys $100,000 dress for one dinner and that’s good, that’s what we want to follow? ||||||과대선전||||||불공정한||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Je pense qu'il y a tellement de bruit autour de la façon dont les choses sont truquées, injustes, tout ceci et tout cela et que les gens vont voter pour un homme dont la femme achète une robe à 100 000 dollars pour un dîner et que c'est bien, que c'est ce que nous voulons suivre ? 저는 상황이 조작되고 불공정하고 이런저런 모든 것에 대해 너무 과대 광고가 많아서 사람들이 아내가 한 번의 저녁 식사를 위해 10 만 달러짜리 드레스를 사는 남자에게 투표 할 것이라고 생각하는데, 그게 우리가 따르고 싶은 것입니까? I don’t get it. Je ne comprends pas. 이해가 안 됩니다. Bye for now. Au revoir pour l'instant.